Chapter 2 Ecological and Economical Concept of Pest Management in Relation To Management Decisions
Chapter 2 Ecological and Economical Concept of Pest Management in Relation To Management Decisions
Chapter 2 Ecological and Economical Concept of Pest Management in Relation To Management Decisions
management decisions
Pest-management systems must be safe for growers and workers who use them,
and for consumers of the food produced. Minimizing health risks must be a
primary criterion of acceptability of novel management systems.
Pest control strategies must be cost-effective as well as effective, easy to
implement, and readily integrated with other crop-production practices. Economic
factors involving cost-effectiveness include crop prices, costs and availability of
labor, land, equipment, and other production inputs.
Pest-management programs must ensure that pests in the agroecosystem can
be managed over the long-term without adverse environmental, economic, or
safety consequences. Current pest-management strategies that rely on repeated
applications of conventional broad-spectrum pesticides encourage the
development of resistant species. In new ecologically based approaches,
addressing potential development of pest resistance will be important.
Stability (i.e., low variance in density of pests over time) is an essential feature of
successful pest management. When effective predators, parasites, pathogens, or
competitors of potentially destructive pests are present in the managed ecosystem, pest
populations are suppressed and held in check. In natural systems, biological-control
organisms are often quite diverse, leading to stable, low pest populations.
A major premise of EBPM is that most potential pest species are held in check by
naturally occurring beneficial organisms. Supplemental inputs, either natural or synthetic,
must not suppress either the populations or activities of these indigenous beneficial
organisms. It is therefore essential that the use of supplemental inputs be based on an
understanding of target organisms so that the potential for development of resistance,
disruption of natural and biological processes of control, and unintended effects on
nontarget organisms or ecosystems are minimized. Supplemental inputs that meet the
criteria of safety, profitability, and durability are valuable and, quite possibly, finite
resources. Their use should be accompanied by sophisticated diagnostic and monitoring
tools and methods of deployment that prolong their effect. Lasting solutions require
anticipation of potential disruptions and evolutionary responses that could result from
pest-management practices (Gould, 1991).
Cover crops can provide habitat and a food source for biological-control organisms.
California vineyard managers plant clover and other legume ground covers to attract
beneficial wasps and spiders; their abundance is associated with decreases in
leafhopper pests (Hanna et al., 1995; National Research Council, 1989a). Some cover
crops produce allelopathic compounds that can suppress plant parasitic nematodes.
Ground covers also can delay weed emergence, giving a competitive edge to the
primary crop.
However, interactions of a cover crop with other ecosystem components can lead to
undesirable effects; a cover crop species that is optimal for biological control of
arthropod pests may not be competitive with a troublesome weed (Ingels, 1995). Thus,
considerable knowledge of ecosystem processes is necessary to successfully manage
pests in cover-cropping systems.
Cover crops can increase soil fertility and plant nutrition; legumes such as vetch and
clovers exhibit powerful nitrogen-supplying capabilities. Symbiotic bacteria initiate
nodules on the roots of legumes, which transform atmospheric nitrogen into a useful
nitrogen source for plant growth (nitrogen fixation). This complex nitrogen-transformation
process is influenced by numerous factors including soil microorganisms, cover crop
species, tillage, and water (National Research Council, 1989b).
Biological-Control Organisms
Viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and other microbes that cause disease in
arthropods, plant pathogens, or weeds are also used as biological-control organisms.
Under favorable conditions, they infect their hosts and can cause epidemics that can
lead to a marked decline in the pest population. Certain of these persist on the plant, in
the pest, or in the environment, causing recurring infections in their hosts.
Biological-Control Products
Genes or gene products derived from living organisms that kill, disable, or
otherwise regulate the behavior of plant pests are biological-control products. Examples
It must be noted that genes or gene products are derived from living organisms, but they
are not inherently more suitable supplements than synthetic products. Indeed, certain
synthetic products can be less detrimental to environmental balances than some
products derived from organisms; some natural plant products used to formulate
botanical insecticides such as rotenone and pyrethrum have broad-spectrum activity and
can be highly toxic to beneficial organisms. It is the spectrum and activity of products
used in ecologically based pest management that are of primary importance rather than
the source of the products. The most useful biological-control products are those that
have minimal impact on all components of the agroecosystem—except for the target
Synthetic Chemicals
Narrow-spectrum synthetic pesticides that meet the criteria of safety, profitability,
and durability are suitable supplements for EBPM. For example, the synthetic insecticide
pirimicarb is highly selective for one group of pest arthropods, aphids, and does not
adversely affect most biological-control organisms.
Resistant Plants
Plants that have developed resistance against pests will be important
components of EBPM. Plant breeders have successfully identified and deployed genes
for disease and arthropod resistance in numerous crops; in the future, molecular genetic
methods will become more important as a means to producing pest-resistant plants. At
present, resistance is the predominant defense against many plant diseases, such as
rust diseases, that would otherwise severely limit cereal
The insecticide pirimicarb is a selective aphicide; it controls many of the most damaging
aphid pests but has little if any effect on most other arthropods. Because it does not
directly interfere with beneficial predatory and parasitic arthropods, it fits well in
alternative pest-management programs that rely on biological control. However,
pirimicarb had a relatively short early history in the United States; it was first registered
in 1974 but was voluntarily withdrawn from the market in 1981 because of regulatory and
marketing problems.
Pirimicarb was registered only on specialty crops, specifically potato and greenhouse
crops, where aphids are serious pests. After initial registration, the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) requested additional metabolism and residue information that
would have been very expensive to gather. Also during this time, the synthetic pyrethroid
insecticides were coming on the market, and many pest managers preferred products
such as these that had broad-spectrum activity. Faced with the economics of clearing
regulatory hurdles as well as facing competition from the new pyrethroids, it was decided
to withdraw registration of pirimicarb in the United States, even though the product
continued to be used in Canada and Europe.
Over the past 20 years, the climate in the United States has improved to favor the use of
selective products that provide effective and economic alternatives to more broad-
spectrum pesticides. Pirimicarb is currently undergoing reregistration review in Europe.
Data required for this review will satisfy some of the EPA requirements; therefore the
parent company intends to once again submit pirimicarb for registration in the United
To date, resistant plants have been developed almost entirely through plant breeding.
Future breeding programs will continue to rely on diverse wild germplasm as a source of
resistance genes but will also incorporate resistance genes identified in research
programs. These investigations will enhance the plant's inherent strength to survive in its
environment. There is good reason to believe, based on the tremendous recent progress
in identifying pest-resistance genes, that numerous genes identified by these
approaches will be incorporated into crop plants in the future. The promise of durable
resistance can only be reached, however, if breeding programs also strive to enhance,
rather than diminish, the genetic diversity of plants grown in forest or agricultural
ecosystems. Stable and long-lasting pest management will depend on the availability of
crop plants with broad bases of genetic variability.
Economic feasibility does not consider social costs and benefits, but it is the starting
point for broader analysis of the desirability of a pest-management system (Headly,
1985; Reichelderfer, 1985). Reichelderfer (1981) and Carlson (1988) identified several
factors which determine economic feasibility. These factors can be grouped either as
pest control factors or economic factors. The interrelationships between these two
factors indicate how difficult it is to achieve economic feasibility, and the need for
biological and social scientists to cooperate in research, development, and distribution of
ecologically based management systems (Headly, 1985; Reichelderfer, 1981).
Pest-Control Factors
Three pest-control factors that have important effects on the economic feasibility of a
pest-management system are (1) the severity of pest-induced losses, (2) the variability
The variability of the pest population over time and space can also affect economic
feasibility of a management system. If the pest is only a problem every few years, then
an economically rational decision would be to wait until the pest surpassed an economic
threshold before treating it. Waiting to employ a biological-control organism until the pest
problem becomes severe, however, may not be feasible for all biological-control
organisms and depends on their method of deployment. Inoculating the crop to prevent
a pest problem that occurs only infrequently will result in unnecessary expenses in some
or perhaps most years. In cases where the pest problem occurs frequently and
predictably, routine inoculation with biological-control organisms may be economically
feasible (Carlson, 1988; Reichelderfer, 1981). In contrast, some augmentative or
classical biological control can provide permanent population reduction below economic
levels, i.e., prevent the pest from becoming a pest. This is an advantage in many
cases—classical biological control using organisms is preventative rather than
Economic Factors
Economic factors such as crop price and yield, costs of alternate management methods,
and implementation costs determine the economic return a grower realizes from use of
an alternative pest control system.
Crop price and yield determine the gross return a grower receives per hectare. As the
gross return goes up, so does the value per unit of pest damage, which in turn increases
the value of management systems that decrease the damage (Carlson, 1988;
Reichelderfer, 1981). Crops that produce large gross returns per hectare create strong
incentives to invest in pest-management systems. Growers will, in general, be more
willing to invest in alternative pest control systems when the value per hectare of the
crop they are producing is large. Ecologically based management systems that solve
pest problems that cannot be solved with current systems will be immediately attractive
to growers, particularly if the cost of current pest damage is high.
New, ecologically based management strategies will compete for adoption and
implementation with the systems currently used by growers. In most cases, the current
system is based on the use of broad-spectrum, conventional pesticides to kill pests. The
costs of an alternative management system include the costs of (1) pesticide, biological-
Some ecologically based methods are much cheaper than current systems.
Reichelderfer (1981) and Cate and Hinkle (1993) for example, noted the cost
advantages of classical biological-control methods over pesticides. The benefits of
permanent, successful pest management achieved with a one-time introduction of a
biological-control organism will, over time, be more cost-effective than annual pesticide
applications. Costs of seasonal releases of a biological-control organism may be
competitive with pesticidal alternatives (Reichelderfer, 1985).
Implementation costs are the costs imposed by switching to and learning a new
management system. These costs also include the time and money the grower must
invest in physical and human capital to be able to use the new management system.
Switching to a new system may require training or the purchase of equipment and
retirement of current equipment. Initially, more labor and presumably more management
for an indefinite time period would be required to learn and integrate the management
system into the farming system. Any effects of a new pest-management system on farm
program eligibility, off-farm employment, or other factors affecting income are also
included in implementation costs.
The potential of ecologically based management systems may depend as much on how
well they meet the economic criteria of those who use them, as on their direct effect on
pest populations.
Risk plays a large role in a grower's decision to adopt a new pest-management system.
In the case of growers, the value of controlling a pest, whose incidence varies in an
uncertain way, is greater than the average loss caused to them by the pest. Risk-averse
growers are willing to pay a premium or insurance charge to reduce the risk of
uncertainty they face (Tisdell et al., 1984: p. 172).
In other words, growers are interested in minimizing the variability surrounding returns
and yields as well as the absolute return or yield achieved (Headly, 1985).
There are tradeoffs between expected net returns and year-to-year variability of returns
(Kramer et al., 1983; Reichelderfer, 1981). Kramer et al. (1983) found that profit
maximization and risk aversion were the most important criteria determining the choice
of soil conservation technologies. Even when required to meet reduction standards, risk-
Growers have been quick to adopt pesticides because of the certainty pesticides bring to
production and profitability, and increased uncertainty about pest damage results in
increased use of pesticides. Too much variability in net returns from year to year may
induce a risk-averse grower to select a pest-management system that produces more
certain results even if average returns are lower (Headly, 1985; Tisdell et al., 1984).
Risk-averse growers with tight cash flows may decide to use a production system that
brings a lower average return but has less income variability than a production system
that is more variable but has a higher average return. This also could speak to
technology systems where the returns over the life of the investment are high but initial
returns are low.
Risk also depends on the stability and supply of the biological-control organisms,
biological-control products, or other supplemental inputs to ecologically based systems.
A steady supply of biological-control organisms or other inputs to the system or
knowledge is essential to insure that growers can find what they need, when they need
it. Though supply shortages can also occur in conventional pest-management systems,
uncertainty about the availability or use of an essential component of an ecologically
based system increases the risk to the grower of using that system.
The interaction of economic feasibility and risk largely determines the likelihood that an
ecologically based management system will be adopted or implemented by growers.
Economic feasibility and risk can create both barriers to or opportunities for the
implementation of ecologically based management systems. A national initiative to
develop and implement ecologically based systems should focus on those strategic
opportunities where the economic feasibility and risk characteristics increase the
likelihood of eventual adoption and implementation by growers.
Safety, profitability, and durability are not mutually exclusive, but the public interest in
reducing risk to human and environmental health may outweigh private considerations of
economic feasibility. Directing investments toward ecologically based systems that are
economically feasible and less risky for growers will help ensure that the systems are
profitable and at least economically durable. Growers, however, cannot consider all the
social and environmental costs of alternative management systems when they make
their decisions. For instance, society needs to consider costs to monitor for potential
development of resistance of EBPM solutions implemented in managed agricultural and
forest ecosystems. The public at large also benefits from effective, long-term solutions to
pest problems that minimize environmental and health risks. Strategic opportunities to
encourage grower adoption and minimize the ecological and human health risks should
also be explicitly identified as part of the planning for a national initiative to implement
ecologically based management systems.
Ecologically based systems that meet one of these criteria are targets for investment of
public resources; systems that meet several of these investment criteria are the most
promising targets.
Growers are likely to adopt EBPM systems that generate lower risks and higher profits.
There is always perceived risk in embracing new technologies; the greater the
divergence from previous practices, the greater the perceived risk. The value of
information is that it reduces the pest manager's uncertainty about pest control decision
making (Lawson, 1982), thereby increasing the likelihood of acceptance of a new
practice. The public at large has an opportunity to invest in new knowledge and tools
that will help the grower successfully implement ecologically based pest-management