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Embedded System Design: Embedded

Systems Foundations of
Cyber-Physical Systems, and the
Internet of Things. 4th Edition Peter
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Embedded System Design : Embedded Systems, Foundations

of Cyber-Physical Systems, and the Internet of Things


Introduction to embedded systems a cyber physical

systems approach Edward Ashford Lee


Designing Embedded Systems and the Internet of Things

IoT with the ARM Mbed 1st Edition Perry Xiao


System Level Design from HW SW to Memory for Embedded

Systems Marcelo Götz

A Handbook of Internet of Things in Biomedical and
Cyber Physical System Valentina E. Balas


Embedded, Cyber-Physical, and IoT Systems: Essays

Dedicated to Marilyn Wolf on the Occasion of Her 60th
Birthday Shuvra S. Bhattacharyya


Dependable Embedded Systems Jörg Henkel


Embedded Systems Architecture - Second Edition Daniele



Making Embedded Systems: Design Patterns for Great

Software, 2nd Edition Elecia White

Embedded Systems

Peter Marwedel

Embedded Systems Foundations
of Cyber-Physical Systems, and
the Internet of Things
Fourth Edition
Embedded Systems

Series editors
Nikil D. Dutt, Irvine, CA, USA
Grant Martin, Santa Clara, CA, USA
Peter Marwedel, Dortmund, Germany
This Series addresses current and future challenges pertaining to embedded hard-
ware, software, specifications and techniques. Titles in the Series cover a focused
set of embedded topics relating to traditional computing devices as well as high-
tech appliances used in newer, personal devices, and related topics. The material
will vary by topic but in general most volumes will include fundamental material
(when appropriate), methods, designs, and techniques.

More information about this series at http://www.springer.com/series/8563

Peter Marwedel

Embedded System Design

Embedded Systems Foundations
of Cyber-Physical Systems,
and the Internet of Things

Fourth Edition

Peter Marwedel
TU Dortmund
Dortmund, Germany

ISSN 2193-0155 ISSN 2193-0163 (electronic)

Embedded Systems
ISBN 978-3-030-60909-2 ISBN 978-3-030-60910-8 (eBook)

1st edition: Springer US 2006

2nd edition: Springer Netherlands 2011
3rd edition: Springer International Publishing 2018
© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s) 2021. This book is an open access publication.
Open Access This book is licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits use, sharing,
adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate
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This Springer imprint is published by the registered company Springer Nature Switzerland AG
The registered company address is: Gewerbestrasse 11, 6330 Cham, Switzerland
This book is dedicated to my family members
Veronika, Malte, Gesine, and Ronja.

Why Should You Read This Book?

While this book was written, i.e., in the year 2020, the so-called smart and intelligent
systems were becoming available in increasing numbers. Such systems use comput-
ers and other forms of information and communication technology (ICT) to provide
services to humans, partially employing various kinds of artificial intelligence
(AI). For example, recently introduced cars are increasingly capable of driving
autonomously. In avionics and rail-based transportation, driver-less transportation
is already available or on the horizon. The power grid is becoming smarter and the
same applies to buildings. All these systems are based on a combination of ICT
and physical systems called cyber-physical systems (CPS). Such systems can be
defined as “engineered systems that are built from and depend upon the synergy of
computational and physical components” [412]. Due to the direct interface between
the physical and the cyber-world, cyber-physical systems have to be dependable.
The physical world also plays a key role in the definition of the related
term “Internet of Things” (IoT), referring to the physical world as “things.” IoT
“describes . . . a variety of devices . . . able to interact and cooperate with each
other to reach common goals” [185]. Examples of IoT applications include sensor
networks or E-bikes that can be recollected due to available GPS information.
Both terms, CPS and IoT, are generalizing and extending the earlier term
“embedded systems” (ES). Embedded systems are information processing systems
that are embedded into an enclosing product [371]. Compared to the term “embed-
ded systems,” the terms CPS and IoT place more emphasis on physical objects, e.g.,
cars, airplanes, or smart devices.
The steep rise in the availability of embedded and, correspondingly, also cyber-
physical systems was already predicted in 2001: “Information technology (IT) is
on the verge of another revolution. . . . networked systems of embedded computers
. . . have the potential to change radically the way people interact with their
environment by linking together a range of devices and sensors that will allow
information to be collected, shared, and processed in unprecedented ways. . . . The

viii Preface

use . . . throughout society could well dwarf previous milestones in the information
revolution.” This citation from a report of the National Research Council in the
USA [410] describes very nicely the dramatic impact of information technology
in embedded systems. This revolution has already had a major impact and is still
Terms like pervasive and ubiquitous computing, ambient intelligence, and
“Industry 4.0” are also referring to the dramatic impact of changes caused by
information technology.
This importance of embedded/cyber-physical systems and IoT is so far not
well reflected in many of the current curricula. However, designing the mentioned
systems requires interdisciplinary knowledge and skills beyond the traditional
boundaries of disciplines. Obtaining an overview of such broad knowledge is very
difficult, due to the wide range of relevant areas. This book aims at facilitating the
acquisition of knowledge from a kernel of relevant areas. It is already a challenge
to identify the kernel of this knowledge. The book aims at being a remedy in this
situation. It provides material for a first course on such systems and includes an
overview of key concepts for the integration of ICT with physical objects. It covers
hardware as well as software aspects. This is in-line with the ARTIST1 guidelines
for curricula of embedded systems: “The development of embedded systems cannot
ignore the underlying hardware characteristics. Timing, memory usage, power
consumption, and physical failures are important” [85].
This book has been designed as a textbook. However, the book provides more
references than typical textbooks do and also helps to structure the area. Hence,
this book should also be useful for faculty members and engineers. For students,
the inclusion of a rich set of references facilitates access to relevant sources of
The book focuses on the fundamental bases of software and hardware. Specific
products and tools are mentioned only if they have outstanding characteristics.
Again, this is in-line with the ARTIST guidelines: “It seems that fundamental bases
are really difficult to acquire during continuous training if they haven’t been initially
learned, and we must focus on them” [85]. As a consequence, this book goes beyond
teaching embedded system design by programming micro-controllers. The book
presents the fundamentals of embedded systems design, which are needed for
the design of CPS and IoT systems. With this approach, we would like to make
sure that the material taught would not be outdated too soon. The concepts covered
in this book should be relevant for a number of years to come.
The proposed positioning of the current textbook in engineering curricula related
to ICT is explained in a paper [372]. We want to relate the most important topics
in this area to each other. This way, we avoid a problem mentioned in the ARTIST
guidelines: “The lack of maturity of the domain results in a large variety of industrial
practices, often due to cultural habits. . . . curricula . . . concentrate on one technique

1 ARTIST is the acronym of an European network of excellence for embedded systems (see http://
www.artist-embedded.org and http://www.emsig.net).
Preface ix

and do not present a sufficiently wide perspective... As a result, industry has difficulty
finding adequately trained engineers, fully aware of design choices” [85].
The book should also help to bridge the gap between practical experiences with
programming micro-controllers and more theoretical issues. Furthermore, it should
help to motivate students and teachers to look at more details. While the book covers
a number of topics in detail, others are covered only briefly. These brief sections
have been included in order to put a number of related issues into perspective.
Furthermore, this approach allows lecturers to have appropriate links in the book for
adding complementary material of their choice. Due to the rich set of references, the
book can also be used as a comprehensive tutorial, providing pointers for additional
reading. Such references can also stimulate taking benefit of the book during labs,
projects, and independent studies as well as a starting point for research.
The scope of this book includes specification techniques, system software,
application mapping, evaluation and validation, hardware components, and the
interface between the cyber- and the physical world (the cyphy-interface) as well
as exemplary optimizations and test methods. The book covers embedded systems
and their interface to the physical environment from a wide perspective but cannot
cover every related area. Legal and socio-economic aspects, human interfaces, data
analysis, application-specific aspects, and a detailed presentation of physics and
communication are beyond the scope of this book. The coverage of the Internet
of Things is limited to areas linked to embedded systems.

Who Should Read the Book?

This book is intended for the following audience:

• Computer science (CS), computer engineering (CE), and electrical engineering
(EE) students as well as students in other information and communication
technology (ICT)-related areas who would like to specialize in embedded/cyber-
physical systems or IoT. The book should be appropriate for third-year students
who do have a basic knowledge of computer hardware and software. This means
that the book primarily targets senior undergraduate students.2 However, it can
also be used at the graduate level if embedded system design is not part of the
undergraduate program or if the discussion of some topics is postponed. This
book is intended to pave the way for more advanced topics that should be
covered in follow-up courses. The book assumes a basic knowledge of computer
science. EE students may have to read some additional material in order to fully
understand the topics of this book. This should be compensated by the fact that
some material covered in this book may already be known to EE students.

2 This is consistent with the curriculum described by T. Abdelzaher in a report on CPS education
x Preface

• Engineers who have so far worked on system’s hardware and who have to move
more toward software of embedded systems. This book should provide enough
background to understand the relevant technical publications.
• PhD students who would like to get a quick, broad overview of key concepts in
embedded system technology before focusing on a specific research area.
• Professors designing a new curriculum for the mentioned areas.

How Is This Book Different from Earlier Editions?

The first edition of this book was published in 2003. The field of embedded systems
is moving fast, and many new results became available. Also, there are areas for
which the emphasis shifted. In some cases, a more detailed treatment of the topic
became desirable. These changes were considered when the first German edition of
the book was published in 2007. Corresponding updates were also incorporated into
the second English edition published in the late 2010/early 2011.
In the last decade, more technological changes occurred. There was a clear shift
from single core systems toward multi-core systems. Cyber-physical systems (CPS)
and the Internet of Things (IoT) gained more attention. Power consumption, thermal
issues, safety, and security became more important. Overall, it became necessary to
publish a third edition of this textbook. The changes just described had a major
impact on several chapters of the third edition. This edition included and linked
those aspects of embedded systems that provide foundations for the design of
CPS and IoT systems. The preface and the introduction were rewritten to reflect
these changes. Partial differential equations and transaction-level modeling (TLM)
were added to the chapter on specifications and modeling. The use of this book
in flipped classroom-based teaching led to the consideration of more details, in
particular of specification techniques. For the third edition, the chapter on embedded
system hardware includes multi-cores, a rewritten section on memories, and more
information on the cyphy-interface (including pulse-width modulation [PWM]).
Descriptions of field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) were updated and a brief
section on security issues in embedded systems included. The chapter on system
software was extended by a section on Linux in embedded systems and more
information on resource access protocols. In the context of system evaluation, new
subsections on quality metrics, safety/security, energy models, and thermal issues
were included. For this edition, the chapter on mapping to execution platforms
was restructured: a standard classification of scheduling problems was introduced,
and multi-core scheduling algorithms were added. The description of hardware–
software codesign was dropped. The chapter on optimizations was updated and
graphics were improved. Assignments (problems) and a clearer distinction between
definitions, theorems, proofs, code, and examples were added.
The current fourth edition is the first edition, which is available under an
Open Access license. This change reflects the increasing importance of access to
knowledge via the Internet. A key benefit is that this textbook becomes available to
Preface xi

students free of charge. During the preparation of this fourth edition, all chapters
of the third edition have been carefully reviewed and updated if required. Errors
found in the third edition have been corrected. The description of the bouncing ball
experiment has been extended. The presentation of safety and security aspects has
been restructured. More links to data analysis and artificial intelligence have been
added. References have been updated. The distinction between jobs, tasks, threads,
and processes has been clarified as much as possible. For this edition, it is typically
not feasible to cover the complete book in a single course for undergraduates and
lecturers can select a subset that fits the local needs and preferences.

Dortmund, Germany Peter Marwedel

January 2021

Publication of this book under an Open Access license has been supported by
• Informatik Centrum Dortmund (ICD) e.V.
Michael Engel and Heiko Falk proofread the current edition. Michael Engel
provided invaluable help during various iterations of our course, including the
generation of videos, which are now available on YouTube.
This book includes the results from many funded research projects. In particular,
the author acknowledges the support of the Collaborative Research Center 876 by
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), of research grant Ma 943/10 (FEHLER),
and earlier grants by the same organization, as well as the funding of projects
MORE, Artist2, ArtistDesign, Hipeac(2), PREDATOR, MNEMEE, and MADNESS
by the European Commission. These projects provided an excellent context for
writing the third and fourth editions of this book. Synopsys® Inc. provided access
to their Virtualizer™ virtual platform.
The author is thankful for hints and material provided by the following col-
leagues: R. Dömer, D. Gajski, N. Dutt (UC Irvine), A. B. Kahng, R. Gupta (UC
San Diego), W. Kluge, R. von Hanxleden (U. Kiel), P. Buchholz, M. Engel, H.
Krumm, O. Spinczyk (TU Dortmund), W. Müller, F. Rammig (U. Paderborn), W.
Rosenstiel (U. Tübingen), L. Thiele (ETH Zürich), R. Wilhelm (U. des Saarlandes),
G. C. Buttazzo (U. Pisa), H. Kopetz (TU Vienna), J. P. Hayes (U. Michigan), and H.
Takada (U. Nagoya). Corrections and contributions were also provided by my PhD
students and by David Hec, Thomas Wiederkehr, Thorsten Wilmer, and Henning
Garu. Of course, the author is responsible for all errors and mistakes contained in
the final manuscript.
The book has been produced using the LATEX type setting system from the
TeXnicCenter user interface. Graphics were generated with GNU Octave, with a
variant of the xfig graphical editor, and with PowerPoint® . Program code is using
font package Inconsolata zi4(varl,varqu) designed by Raph Levien, Kirill Tkachev,
Michael Sharpe, and mirabilos. The author would like to thank the authors of this
software for their contribution to this work.

xiv Acknowledgments

Acknowledgments also go to all those who have patiently accepted the author’s
additional workload during the writing of this book and his resulting reduced

1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2 Specifications and Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3 Embedded System Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
4 System Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
5 Evaluation and Validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
6 Application Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
7 Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349
8 Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381

A Integer Linear Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393

B Kirchhoff’s Laws and Operational Amplifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395
C Paging and Memory Management Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431

About the Author

Peter Marwedel was born in Hamburg, Germany. He

received a Dr. rer. nat. degree in Physics in 1974 and a
Dr. habil. degree in Computer Science in 1987, both
from the University of Kiel (Germany). From 1974
to 1989, he was a faculty member of the Institute for
Computer Science and Applied Mathematics at the
same university. He has been a professor at the TU
Dortmund, Germany, since 1989. He held a chair for
embedded systems at the Computer Science Depart-
ment from 1989 until 2014. He is chairing Informatik
Centrum Dortmund, a local company specializing in
technology transfer. He was a visiting professor of
the University of Paderborn in 1985/1986 and of the
University of California at Irvine in 1995. He served
as Dean of the Computer Science Department from
1992 to 1995 and as a cluster leader for ArtistDesign,
a European Network of Excellence on Embedded and
Real-Time Systems. He was the vice-chair of the
collaborative research center SFB 876 on resource-
constrained machine learning3 until 2015. He started
to work on high-level synthesis in 1975 (in the
context of the MIMOLA project) and focused on
the synthesis of very long instruction word (VLIW)
machines. Later, he added efficient compilation for
embedded processors to his scope, with an emphasis
on retargetability, memory architecture, and opti-
mization for the worst case execution time. His
scope also includes synthesis of self-test programs for

3 See http://www.sfb876.tu-dortmund.de.

xviii About the Author

processors, automatic parallelization, reliable com-

puting, multimedia-based teaching, cyber-physical
systems, and statistical optimization on multi-core
systems. He placed emphasis on teaching, resulting in
the current textbook, corresponding YouTube videos,
talks at summer schools, and other teaching-related
activities. He won the teaching award of his univer-
sity in 2003.
He is an IEEE and a DATE Fellow. In addition, he
won the ACM SIGDA Distinguished Service Award,
the EDAA Lifetime Achievement Award, and the
ESWEEK Lifetime Achievement Award.
He is married and has two daughters and a son.
His hobbies include hiking, photography, bike riding,
and model railways.

E-mail: [email protected]
Web sites: http://ls12-www.cs.tu-dortmund.de/
Frequently Used Mathematical Symbols

Due to covering many areas in this book, there is a high risk of using the same
symbol for different purposes. Therefore, symbols have been selected such that the
risk of confusion is low. This table is supposed to help maintaining a consistent

a Weight
a Allocation
A Availability (→ reliability)
A Area
A Ampere
b.. Communication bandwidth
B Communication bandwidth
cR Characteristic vector for Petri net
cp Specific thermal capacitance
cv Volumetric heat capacity
Ci Execution time
C Capacitance
C Set of Petri net conditions
Cth Thermal capacity
◦C Degree Celsius
di Absolute deadline
Di Relative deadline
e(t) Input signal
e Euler’s number (≈2.71828)
E Energy
E Graph edge
f Frequency
f () General function
f Probability density
fi Finishing time of task/job i
F Probability distribution

xx Frequently Used Mathematical Symbols

F Flow relation of Petri net

g Gravity
g Gain of operational amplifier
g(t) Signal
G Graph
h Height
h(t) Signal
i Index, task/job number
I Current
j Index, dependent task/job
J Set of jobs
J Joule
Jj Job j
J Jitter
k Index, processor number
k Boltzmann constant (≈1.3807 * 10−23 J/K)
K Kelvin
l Processor number
li Laxity of task/job i
L Processor type
L Length of conductor
Li Lateness of task τi
Lmax Maximum lateness
m Number of processors
m Mass
m Meter
m Milli-prefix
M Marking of Petri net
MSmax Makespan
n Index
n Number of tasks/jobs
N Net
N Natural numbers
O() Landauer’s notation
pi Priority of task τi
pi Place i of Petri net
P Power
P (S) Semaphore operation
Q Resolution
Q Charge
ri Release time of task/job i
R Reliability
Rth Thermal resistance
R Real numbers
s Time index
Frequently Used Mathematical Symbols xxi

s Restitution
sj Starting time of task/job j
s Second
S State
S Semaphore
S Schedule
Sj Size of memory j
t Time
ti Transition i of Petri net
T Period
Ti Period of task τi
ui Utilization of task τi
U.. Utilization
Umax Maximum utilization
v Velocity
V Graph nodes
V Voltage
V Volt
Vt Threshold voltage
V (S) Semaphore operation
V Volume
w(t) Signal
W (p, t) Weight in Petri net
W Watt
x Input variable
x(t) Signal
X.. Decision variable
y(t) Signal
Y.. Decision variable
z(t) Signal
Z Timer
Z High impedance
Z Integer numbers
α .. Arrival curve in real-time calculus
α Switching activity
α First component in Pinedo’s triplet
β .. Service function in real-time calculus
β Second component in Pinedo’s triplet
β Reciprocal of max. utilization
γ .. Work load in real-time calculus
γ Third component in Pinedo’s triplet
 Time interval
θ Temperature
κ Thermal conductivity
λ Failure rate
xxii Frequently Used Mathematical Symbols

π Number pi (≈3.1415926)
π Set of processors
πi Processor i
ρ Mass density
τi Task τi
τ Set of tasks
ξ Threshold for RM-US scheduling
Chapter 1

This chapter presents terms used in the context of embedded systems together with
their history as well as opportunities, challenges, and common characteristics of
embedded and cyber-physical systems. Furthermore, educational aspects, design
flows, and the structure of this book are introduced.

1.1 History of Terms

Until the late 1980s, information processing was associated with large mainframe
computers and huge tape drives. Later, miniaturization allowed information process-
ing with personal computers (PCs). Office applications were dominating, but some
computers were also controlling the physical environment, typically in the form of
some feedback loop.
Later, Mark Weiser created the term “ubiquitous computing” [573]. This term
reflects Weiser’s prediction to have computing (and information) anytime, any-
where. Weiser also predicted that computers are going to be integrated into
products such that they will become invisible. Hence, he created the term “invisible
computer.” With a similar vision, the predicted penetration of our day-to-day life
with computing devices led to the terms “pervasive computing” and “ambient
intelligence.” These three terms focus on only slightly different aspects of future
information technology. Ubiquitous computing focuses more on the long-term goal
of providing information anytime, anywhere, whereas pervasive computing focuses
more on practical aspects and the exploitation of already available technology.
For ambient intelligence, there is some emphasis on communication technology
in future homes and smart buildings. Due to the widespread use of small devices
in combination with the mobile Internet, some of the visions about the future have
already become a common practice. This widespread use is pervasive in the sense

© The Author(s) 2021 1

P. Marwedel, Embedded System Design, Embedded Systems,
2 1 Introduction

Fig. 1.1 Relationship

between embedded systems Cyber-physical system (CPS)
and CPS
Embedded system Physical environment

that it already had an impact on many areas of our life. Furthermore, artificial
intelligence is influencing our life as well.
Miniaturization also enabled the integration of information processing and the
environment using computers. This type of information processing has been called
an “embedded system”:
Definition 1.1 (Marwedel [371]) “Embedded systems are information processing
systems embedded into enclosing products.”
Examples include embedded systems in cars, trains, planes, and telecommuni-
cation or fabrication equipment. Embedded system products such as self-driving
cars and trains are already available or have been announced. Consequently, we
can expect miniaturization to have an impact on embedded systems comparable
to the one it had on the availability of mobile devices. Embedded systems come
with a large number of common characteristics, including real-time constraints,
and dependability as well as efficiency requirements. For such systems, the link
to physical systems is rather important. This link is emphasized in the following
citation [331]:
“Embedded software is software integrated with physical processes. The techni-
cal problem is managing time and concurrency in computational systems.”
This citation could be used as a definition of the term “embedded software” and
could be extended into a definition of “embedded systems” by just replacing
“software” by “system.”
However, the strong link to physical systems has recently been stressed even
more by the introduction of the term “cyber-physical systems” (CPS for short). CPS
can be defined as follows:
Definition 1.2 (Lee [332]) “Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) are integrations of
computation and physical processes.”
The new term emphasizes the link to physical processes and the corresponding
physical environment. Emphasizing this link makes sense, since it is frequently
ignored in a world of applications running on servers, PCs, and mobile phones.
For CPS, models should include models of the physical environment as well. The
term CPS comprises an embedded system (the information processing part) and a
(dynamic) physical environment or CPS = ES + (dynamic) physical environment.
This is also reflected in Fig. 1.1.
In their call for proposals, the National Science Foundation in the USA mentions
also communication [412]: “Emerging CPS will be coordinated, distributed, and
connected and must be robust and responsive.”
1.1 History of Terms 3

Fig. 1.2 Importance of

(© European Commission) Communication Embedded
Technology Systems
- networking - robots
- distributed - control systems
applications - real-time
- quality of service - dependability

Ubiquitous Computing
- information
anytime, anywhere

This is also done in the acatech report on CPS [6]: CPS . . . “represent networked,
software-intensive embedded systems in a control loop, provide networked and
distributed services.”
Interconnection and collaboration are also explicitly mentioned in a call for
proposals by the European Commission [155]: “Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) refer
to next generation embedded ICT systems that are interconnected and collaborating
including through the Internet of Things, and providing citizens and businesses with
a wide range of innovative applications and services.”
The importance of communication was visualized by the European Commission
earlier, as shown in Fig. 1.2.
From these citations, it is clear that the authors do not only associate the
integration of the cyber- and the physical world with the term CPS. Rather, there
is also a strong communication aspect. Actually, the term CPS is not always used
consistently. Some authors emphasize the integration with the physical environment,
others emphasize communication.
Communication is more explicit in the term “Internet of Things” (IoT), which
can be defined as follows:
Definition 1.3 ([185]) The term Internet of Things “describes the pervasive pres-
ence of a variety of devices — such as sensors, actuators, and mobile phones —
which, through unique addressing schemes, are able to interact and cooperate with
each other to reach common goals.”
This term is linking sensors (such that sensed information is available on the
Internet) and actuators (such that things can be controlled from the Internet). The
Internet of Things is expected to allow the communication between trillions of
devices in the world. This vision affects a large amount of businesses.
The exploitation of IoT-technology for production has been called “Industry 4.0”
[68]. Industry 4.0 targets a more flexible production for which the entire life cycle
from the design phase onward is supported by the IoT.
4 1 Introduction

To some extent, it is a matter of preferences whether the linking of physical

objects to the cyber-world is called CPS or IoT. Taken together, CPS and IoT include
most of the future applications of IT.
The design of these future applications requires knowing fundamental
design techniques for embedded systems. This book focuses on such fundamen-
tal techniques and on foundations of embedded system design. Please remember
that these are used in IoT and CPS designs though this is not repeatedly stated in
each context. However, application-specific aspects of CPS and IoT are usually not

1.2 Opportunities

There is a huge potential for applications of information processing in the context of

CPS and IoT. The following list demonstrates this potential and the large variation
of corresponding areas:
• Transportation and mobility:
– Automotive electronics: Modern cars can be sold in technologically
advanced countries only if they contain a significant amount of electronics
[415]. These include airbag control systems, engine control systems,
navigation systems, anti-braking systems (ABS), electronic stability programs
(ESP), air-conditioning, anti-theft protection, driver assistance systems, and
many more. There is a trend toward autonomous driving. Embedded systems
can improve comfort levels, avoid accidents, and reduce the impact on the
environment. E-mobility would not be feasible without a significant amount
of electronic components.
– Avionics: A significant amount of the total value of airplanes is due to
the information processing equipment, including flight control systems, anti-
collision systems, pilot information systems, autopilots, and others. Depend-
ability is of utmost importance.1 Embedded systems can decrease emissions
(such as carbon dioxide) from airplanes. Autonomous flying is also becoming
a reality, at least for certain application areas.
– Railways: For railways, the situation is similar to the one discussed for cars
and airplanes. Again, safety features contribute significantly to the total value
of trains, and dependability is extremely important. Advanced signaling aims
at safe operation of trains at high speed and short intervals between trains. The
European Train Control System (ETCS) [444] is one step in this direction.
Autonomous rail-based transportation is already used in restricted contexts
like shuttle trains at airports.

1 Problems with Boeing’s 737 MAX [419] underline this statement.

1.2 Opportunities 5

– Maritime engineering (ships, ocean technology, and other maritime sys-

tems): Maritime systems, such as modern ships, use large amounts of
ICT equipment, e.g., for navigation, for safety, for optimizing the opera-
tion in general, and for bookkeeping (see, e.g., http://www.smtcsingapore.
com/ and https://dupress.deloitte.com/dup-us-en/focus/internet-of-things/iot-
– New concepts for mobility: The use of ICT technology and its components
is enabling new concepts for mobility. Even untrained people can travel
larger distances with e-bikes. The subtle interaction between human muscles
and electric engines turns e-scooters into a prime example of cyber-physical
systems. The collection of e-scooters at the end of each day, based on a list
of locations in the Internet, lets e-scooters become a perfect example of the
Internet of Things. Also, CPS/IoT-technology is very important for collective
taxis and other taxi-calling services.
• Mechanical engineering (incl. manufacturing): Machinery and fabrication
equipment have been combined with embedded systems for decades. In order to
optimize production technologies further, CPS/IoT-technology can be used.
CPS/IoT-technology is the key toward more flexible manufacturing, being
the target of “Industry 4.0” [68]. Factory automation is enabled by logistics.
There are several ways in which CPS/IoT-systems can be applied to logistics
[297]. For example, radio frequency identification (RFID) technology, if used
in combination with computer networks, provides easy identification of each
and every object, worldwide. Mobile communication allows unprecedented
• Robotics: This is also a traditional area in which embedded/cyber-physical
systems have been used. Mechanical aspects are very important for robots.
Hence, they may be linked to mechanical engineering. Robots, modeled after
animals or human beings, have been designed. Figure 1.3 shows such a robot.
• Power engineering and the smart grid: In the future, the production of
energy is supposed to be much more decentralized than in the past. Providing
stability in such a scenario is difficult. ICT technology is required in order to
achieve a sufficiently stable system. Information on the smart grid can be found,
for example, at https://www.smartgrid.gov/the_smart_grid and at http://www.
• Civil engineering: CPS devices can be beneficial in many applications of civil
engineering. This includes structural health monitoring. Natural and artificial
structures like mountains, volcanoes, bridges, and dams (see, e.g., Fig. 1.4) are
potentially threatening lives. We can use embedded system technology to enable
advance warnings in case of increased dangers like avalanches or collapsing

2 The case of the dam in Brumadinho (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/

Brumadinho_dam_disaster) is a counterexample of how modern sensors should be exploited.
6 1 Introduction

Fig. 1.3 Humanoid Robot

“Lola”, © Chair of Applied
Mechanics, Technical
University of Munich (TUM)

Fig. 1.4 Example of a dam to be monitored (Möhnesee dam), ©P. Marwedel

• Disaster recovery: In the case of major disasters such as earthquakes or flooding,

it is essential to save lives and provide relief to survivors. Flexible communication
infrastructures are essential for this.
• Smart buildings: Smart buildings are one of the areas of civil engineering.
Information processing can be used to increase the comfort level in buildings,
can reduce the energy consumption within buildings, and can improve safety and
security. Subsystems which traditionally were unrelated must be connected for
this purpose. There is a trend toward integrating air-conditioning, lighting, access
control, accounting, safety features, and distribution of information into a single
system. Tolerance levels of air-conditioning subsystems can be increased for
1.2 Opportunities 7

empty rooms, and the lighting can be automatically reduced. Air-condition noise
can be reduced to a level required for the actual operating conditions. Intelligent
usage of blinds can also optimize lighting and air-conditioning. Available rooms
can be displayed at appropriate places, simplifying ad hoc meetings and cleaning.
Lists of non-empty rooms can be displayed at the entrance of the building
in emergency situations (provided the required power is still available). This
way, energy can be saved on cooling, heating, and lighting. Also safety can
be improved. Initially, such systems might mostly be present in high-tech office
buildings, but the trend toward energy-efficient buildings also affects the design
of private homes. One of the goals is to design so-called zero-energy-buildings
(buildings which produce as much energy as they consume) [426]. Such a design
would be one contribution toward a reduction of the global carbon-dioxide
footprint and global warming.
• Agricultural engineering: There are many agricultural applications. For exam-
ple, the “regulations for traceability3 of agricultural animals and their move-
ments require the use of technologies like IoT, making possible the real time
detection of animals, for example, during outbreaks of (a) contagious disease”
• Health sector and medical engineering: The importance of healthcare products
is increasing, in particular in aging societies. Opportunities start with new sen-
sors, detecting diseases faster and more reliably. New data analysis techniques
(e.g., based on machine learning) can be used to detect increased risks and
improve chances for healing. Therapies can be supported with personalized
medication based on artificial intelligence methods. New devices can be designed
to help patients, e.g., handicapped patients. Also, surgery can be supported
with new devices. Embedded system technologies also allow for a significantly
improved result monitoring, giving doctors much better means for checking
whether or not a certain treatment has a positive impact. This monitoring also
applies to remotely located patients. Available information can be stored in
patient information systems. Lists of projects in this area can be found, for
example, at http://cps-vo.org/group/medical-cps and at http://www.nano-tera.ch/
• Scientific experiments: Many contemporary experiments in sciences, in partic-
ular in physics, require the observation of experiment outcomes with IT devices.
The combination of physical experiments and IT devices can be seen as a special
case of CPS.
• Public safety: The interest in various kinds of safety is also increasing. Embed-
ded and cyber-physical systems and the Internet of Things can be used to improve
safety in many ways. This includes public health in times of pandemics and the
identification/authentication of people, for example, with fingerprint sensors or
face recognition systems.

3 Theimportance of traceability in general, beyond animals, became particularly obvious during

the Corona-19 crisis.
8 1 Introduction

• Military applications: Information processing has been used in military equip-

ment for many years. Some of the first computers analyzed military radar signals.
• Telecommunication: Mobile phones have been one of the fastest-growing mar-
kets in the recent years. For mobile phones, radio frequency (RF) design, digital
signal processing, and low-power design are key aspects. Telecommunication is
a salient feature of IoT. Other forms of telecommunication are also important.
• Consumer electronics: Video and audio equipment is a major sector of the
electronics industry. The information processing integrated into such equipment
is steadily growing. New services and better quality are implemented using
advanced digital signal processing techniques. Many TV sets (in particular high-
definition TV sets), multimedia phones, and game consoles comprise powerful
high-performance processors and memory systems. They represent special cases
of embedded systems. Compared to other types of embedded systems, safety and
real-time behavior are less important. Nevertheless, certain real-time constraints
must be met in order to achieve a certain frame rate or to meet time constraints
for communication protocols. Also, there is a limited availability of resources
like electrical energy and communication bandwidth. In this sense, limited
availability of resources is a feature which consumer electronics shares with the
other application areas mentioned so far.
The large set of examples demonstrates the huge variety of applications of
embedded systems in CPS and IoT systems. Even more applications are listed in a
report on opportunities and challenges of the IoT [516]. In a way, many of the future
applications of ICT technology can be linked to such systems. From the above list,
we conclude that almost all engineering disciplines will be affected.
The long list of application areas of embedded systems is resulting in a
corresponding economic importance of such systems. The acatech report [6]
mentions that, at the time of writing the report, 98% of all microprocessors were
used in these systems. In a way, embedded system design is an enabler for many
products and has an impact on the combined market volume size of all the areas
mentioned. However, it is difficult to quantify the size of the CPS/IoT market since
the total market volume of all these areas is significantly larger than the market
volume of their ICT components. Referring to the value of semiconductors in the
CPS/IoT market would also be misleading, since that value is only a fraction of the
overall value.
The economic importance of CPS and the IoT is reflected in calls for proposals
by funding organizations, like the NSF [116] and the European Commission [156].

1.3 Challenges

Unfortunately, the design of embedded systems and their integration in CPS and
IoT systems comes with a large number of difficult design issues. Commonly found
issues include the following:
1.3 Challenges 9

• Cyber-physical and IoT systems must be dependable.

Definition 1.4 A system is dependable if it provides its intended service with a
high probability and does not cause any harm.
A key reason for the need of being dependable is that these systems are directly
connected to the physical environment and have an immediate impact on that
environment. The issue needs to be considered during the entire design process.
Dependability encompasses the following aspects of a system:
1. Security:
Definition 1.5 ([75, 255]) Information security can be defined as the “preser-
vation of confidentiality, integrity and availability of information.”
This preservation can be compromised by thefts or damages, resulting from
attacks from the outside. Connecting components in IoT systems enables such
attacks, with cyber-crime and cyber-warfare as special, potentially harmful
cases. Connecting more components enables more attacks and more damages.
This is a serious issue in the design and proliferation of IoT systems.
The only really secure solution is to disconnect components, which
contradicts the idea of using connected systems. Related research is therefore
expected to be one of the fastest-growing areas in ICT-related research.
According to Ravi et al. [300], the following typical elements of security
requirements exist:
– A user identification process validates identities before allowing users to
access the system.
– Secure network access provides a network connection or service access
only if the device is authorized.
– Secure communications include a number of communication features.
– Secure storage requires confidentiality and integrity of data.
– Content security enforces usage restrictions.
2. Confidentiality is one of the aspects of security .
Definition 1.6 ([255]) Confidentiality is “property that information is not
made available or disclosed to unauthorized individuals, entities, or pro-
Confidentiality is typically implemented using techniques which are found in
secure systems, e.g., encryption.
3. Safety:
Definition 1.7 ([250]) Safety can be defined as the absence of “unacceptable
risk of physical injury or of damage to the health of people, either directly or
indirectly as a result of damage to property or to the environment.”
“Functional safety is the part of the overall safety that depends on a system
or equipment operating correctly in response to its inputs.”
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