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Learning Aims IELTS

(International English Language Testing System)

[CEFR B2 – C2]
This is an exam preparation course that focuses on the skills that are needed to get the best possible result
for your level in the IELTS exam. You will learn techniques for each part of the exam, including essay
writing, listening and reading strategies, and strategies for success in the speaking test. Although there is a
language focus throughout the course, it is not intended to substantially improve your level of general

Although you will not receive a predicted band score, you will be given feedback throughout the course on
your speaking and writing skills, as well as your performance in reading and listening tasks. There are
writing assignments throughout the course, and speaking, reading and listening mock tests towards the
end of the course.

Each lesson is devoted to one of the four papers in the examination and trains participants in application of
the appropriate sub-skills and exam techniques:
• Speaking
• Listening
• Reading
• Writing

For more information about the exam, please visit:

The tables below detail the content and learning aims of each lesson.

Module Topic areas Language aims I can…

Speaking A range of familiar topics, Using the past, present and • Give full answers to personal
including: future to talk about yourself questions

• Travel Linking words and phrases • Brainstorm ideas for my Part 2

• Films to develop your answers talk
• Flowers
• Driving Phrases to express your • Speak for up to 2 minutes
• Your home town opinion, agree, disagree, without lengthy pauses or
• Education express doubts, make repetition
• The environment suggestions etc.
• Nature • Explore the Part 2 topic in a
more abstract way
• Food
• Music
• Give both sides of an issue
• Numbers
• Bags • Speculate as to why something
• Shopping may be true
• Technology
• Buildings
• City/town planning
• History

© The British Council, 2023 [email protected] (+40 213 079 600)

The United Kingdom’s international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.
Learning Aims IELTS
(International English Language Testing System)
[CEFR B2 – C2]
Listening Typical for parts 1 & 2: Question words, e.g. Who?, • Predict the situation and context
• Bookings and When?, Where?, How?, etc. of a recording
Numbers and figures • Predict the information needed
to answer a question
Typical for part 2: Places in a town, e.g. café,
• Maps college, hotel etc. • Follow directions on a map
• diagrams and charts
to identify places in Vocabulary related to topics • Identify the main ideas in a talk
a town or parts of a such as healthcare, or discussion
building education, crime and the
arts. • Follow the stages in a talk by
Typical for part 3: listening for signpost words.
Vocabulary connected with
• Academic
education, e.g. composition,
discussions between
thesis, grade, referencing
a tutor / lecturer
and two students
Signpost words, e.g. Firstly,
Typical for part 4:
Then, In addition, Now I’d
• Education
like to talk about…
• the arts
• places of interest
• language acquisition
• wildlife

Reading A range of topics, Titles and sub-headings • Form an overview of the text
Academic including:
Words with similar meanings • Summarise the writer’s main
• Air travel purpose
• Pearls
• Underwater sounds • Identify the topic of a paragraph
• Online shopping
• Wind farming • Complete a sentence or
• Insects statement correctly
• Magazine
advertising • Answer YES, NO and NOT GIVEN,
• Biodiversity
to a series of statements

© The British Council, 2023 [email protected] (+40 213 079 600)

The United Kingdom’s international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.
Learning Aims IELTS
(International English Language Testing System)
[CEFR B2 – C2]
Reading Topics including but not Titles and sub-headings • Skim for gist
General limited to:
Training Words with similar meanings • Scan for specific details
• Museums
• Tourism • Answer questions that require
• Entertainment short answers
• Education
• Answer questions with YES, NO

• Choose the correct answer from

a list of options

• Match titles and sub-headings to


Writing Anything that might be Using appropriate • Identify and interpret the key
Academic shown on a bar chart, for vocabulary to describe information from a range of
training example: trends and figures: visual stimuli
• sales figures • decline
• surveys • rocket • Write an overview based on the
• visitor numbers • plummet visual information or data
• soar
Common Task 2 topics • remain steady • State my position on a topic
are: clearly and coherently
• employment
• travel • Provide both sides of an
• the environment argument
• the elderly
• Provide solutions to a problem
• crime
outlined in a task.
• health
• education

A letter – which may be Using appropriate opening • ensure the aim is clear
Writing formal, neutral, or and closing greetings • cover all task points
General informal
training Selecting a suitable
Common Task 2 topics register • state position clearly and
are: coherently on a topic
• family
• society • provide both sides of an argument
• television
• the environment
• communication • provide solutions to a problem
• travel outlined in the task
• education

© The British Council, 2023 [email protected] (+40 213 079 600)

The United Kingdom’s international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.

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