EDGE - Dark Matter or Astrophysics? Breaking Dark Matter Heating Degeneracies With H I Rotation in Faint Dwarf Galaxies
EDGE - Dark Matter or Astrophysics? Breaking Dark Matter Heating Degeneracies With H I Rotation in Faint Dwarf Galaxies
EDGE - Dark Matter or Astrophysics? Breaking Dark Matter Heating Degeneracies With H I Rotation in Faint Dwarf Galaxies
Submitted to MNRAS
Low-mass dwarf galaxies are expected to reside within dark matter haloes that have a pristine, ‘cuspy’ density profile within their
stellar half-light radii. This is because they form too few stars to significantly drive dark matter heating through supernova-driven
outflows. Here, we study such simulated faint systems (104 ≤ 𝑀★ ≤ 2×106 M⊙ ) drawn from high-resolution (3 pc) cosmological
simulations from the ‘Engineering Dwarf Galaxies at the Edge of galaxy formation’ (EDGE) project. We confirm that these
objects have steep and rising inner dark matter density profiles at 𝑧 = 0, little affected by galaxy formation effects. But five dwarf
galaxies from the suite also showcase a detectable H i reservoir (𝑀H i ≈ 105 − 106 M⊙ ), analogous to the observed population
of faint, H i-bearing dwarf galaxies. These reservoirs exhibit episodes of ordered rotation, opening windows for rotation curve
analysis. Within actively star-forming dwarfs, stellar feedback easily disrupts the tenuous H i discs (𝑣 𝜙,𝑔 ≈ 10 km s−1 ), making
rotation short-lived (≪ 150 Myr) and more challenging to interpret for dark matter inferences. In contrast, we highlight a
long-lived (≥ 500 Myr) and easy-to-interpret H i rotation curve extending to ≈ 2 𝑟 1/2,3D in a quiescent dwarf, that has not formed
new stars since 𝑧 = 4. This stable gas disc is supported by an oblate dark matter halo shape that drives high-angular momentum
gas flows. Our results strongly motivate further searches for H i in rotation curves in the observed population of H i-bearing
low-mass dwarfs, that provide a key regime to disentangle the respective roles of dark matter microphysics and galaxy formation
effects in driving dark matter heating.
Key words: methods: numerical – galaxies: structure – galaxies: evolution – dark matter
1 INTRODUCTION Armengaud et al. 2017; Rogers & Peiris 2021) or their combina-
tion (e.g. Nadler et al. 2021b; Enzi et al. 2021) all point to dark
The existence of a significant amount of dark matter in our Universe
matter being a cold (i.e. non-relativistic at the time of decoupling)
is firmly established, with its gravitational influence leaving distinct
collisionless, particle. However, this stills leaves plenty of possible
signatures on the cosmic microwave background (e.g. Planck Col-
options for the physical nature of the constituent sourcing the dark
laboration et al. 2020), the large-scale distribution of galaxies (e.g.
matter gravitational field (e.g. supersymmetric weakly interacting
Alam et al. 2021), and the dynamics of baryonic tracers in galaxies
massive particles, sterile neutrinos, axions, etc; see Bertone et al.
and galaxy clusters (e.g. Zwicky 1933; Rubin et al. 1980; Clowe
2005; Bertone & Tait 2018 for reviews).
et al. 2006). But the microphysical nature of dark matter and its di-
rect detection remains elusive, despite extensive efforts in the last Galactic rotation curves are one of the first historical probes of
decade (see e.g. Schumann 2019 for a review). This calls for a wide dark matter and continue to play a key role in the effort to narrow
and thorough scan of parameter space to robustly remove alterna- down the available parameter space of models (e.g. Rubin & Ford
tives, motivating complementary efforts across disciplines (Bertone 1970; Rubin et al. 1980; van Albada et al. 1985; de Blok & Bosma
& Tait 2018). 2002; Oh et al. 2011, 2015; Lelli et al. 2016; Posti et al. 2019;
The latest data from galaxy counts (e.g. Nadler et al. 2021a), stel- Mancera Piña et al. 2020). In particular, rotation curves and H i
lar stream gaps (e.g. Banik et al. 2021), strong lensing (e.g. Gilman kinematics of small dwarf galaxies are particularly powerful. They
et al. 2020; Hsueh et al. 2020), the Ly 𝛼 forest (e.g. Iršič et al. 2017; can be used to determine the dark matter halo masses hosting small
dwarf galaxies, directly constraining the low-mass end of the galaxy-
halo connection and dark matter models that suppress small-scale
★ E-mail: [email protected] power in the cosmological power spectrum (e.g. a warm or wave dark
r1/2, 3D (e.g. in Figure 2, the top panels are difficult to relate to one another as
multiple star formation bursts and H i re-accretion has occurred be-
108 tween them). Similarly to Rey et al. 2022, we thus adopt a statistical
approach, treating each snapshot as an independent realization of the
star forming cycle, flagging times of potential organized gas rotation
across each dwarf’s history in subsection 4.1, and then study the H i
kinematics at those times in more details in subsections 4.2 and 4.3.
Halo 600 In future work, we will alleviate this issue leveraging algorithms that
7 Halo 600 GM: Delayed mergers
10 Halo 605
allow high-cadence tracking of gas dynamics (Cadiou et al. 2019) to
connect star formation activity and H i properties more causally (S.
Halo 624 Hutton et al. in preparation).
Halo 624 GM: Higher final mass
10 100
Radius (kpc) 4.1 Existence and prevalence of gas rotation
We start by computing, for each simulated snapshot, profiles of the
Figure 1. Dark matter density profiles across our suite of simulated, H i- tangential gas velocity 𝑣 𝜙,𝑔 , the circular velocity 𝑣 circ , the 3D isother-
bearing faint dwarf galaxies. At this galactic mass scale, dynamical effects and mal sound speed 𝑐 𝑠 and the 3D gas turbulent velocity 𝜎turb, g to
supernova-driven outflows naturally arising in ΛCDM cosmologies can re- quantify rotational, gravitational, thermal, and turbulent support re-
duce central dark matter densities but are inefficient at forming large (𝑟1/2,3D - spectively (see Appendix A for formal definitions). We then compute
sized; grey box) and flat dark matter cores (indicative profile slopes marked
the projected radial profiles of 𝑣 𝜙,𝑔 , 𝑐 𝑠 and 𝜎turb, g viewed face-on
in grey). Inferring the structures of dark matter haloes hosting these faint
dwarfs, for example through H i rotation (Figure 2), thus holds great promises
(i.e. in the plane of the disc) in 100 bins linearly spaced between
to distinguishing whether galaxy formation effects or new dark matter in- 0 and 2 kpc√︃and construct the effective velocity dispersion of the
teractions drive dark matter heating in dwarfs. Interpreting the flattening of gas 𝜎eff = 𝑐2𝑠 + 𝜎turb,2
. The 3D 𝑣 circ profile is derived from the
profiles at small radii (within marked grey box) is compromised by the limited full gravitational potential in the same radial range, sourced by the
resolution of the simulation.
combination of dark matter, gas and stars (but strongly dominated by
the dark matter at all radii for these faint objects).
In contrast, the quiescent system (bottom row) shows much more Figure 3 shows the evolution of 𝑣 𝜙,𝑔 /𝑣 circ and 𝑣 𝜙,𝑔 /𝜎eff evaluated
stable gas content, slowly accumulating H i gas over the last billion at 150 pc, where the highest column density H i is most often found
years (growing 𝑀H i at constant 𝑀★; see also Rey et al. 2020, 2022). (Rey et al. 2022). We only show the late-time evolution of these
Furthermore, this H i reservoir shows a distinctly flattened morphol- dwarfs (𝑧 ≤ 2), that is when they host detectable H i (see Rey et al.
ogy, with a positive-to-negative line-of-sight velocity gradient across 2022, fig. 1 for the time evolution of 𝑀H i over time of each of these
𝑟 1/2,3D at all time stamps. galaxies) and omit their earlier phase where saved simulation outputs
These two examples summarize well the more complete and quan- are sparser and miscentring due to mergers make 𝑣 𝜙,𝑔 and 𝑣 circ even
titative investigation presented in the next section. Star-forming low- noisier. Trends in Figure 3 are qualitatively unchanged if measuring
mass dwarfs host short-lived instances of H i rotation across their velocities at 100, 200 pc or at each galaxy’s 𝑟 1/2,3D instead.
evolution, but the small and tenuous discs are rapidly disrupted by Focusing first on 𝑣 𝜙,𝑔 /𝑣 circ (left-hand panels), we recover that gas
the energy input from newborn massive stars. Quiescent systems have kinematics are strongly variable in time, without clear evolutionary
more stable H i reservoirs and kinematics, increasing (but not guar- trends for star-forming low-mass dwarfs (blue) after the re-ignition
anteeing) their chances to host organized and long-lived H i rotation of their star formation (marked by stars in Figure 3). This is expected
ideal for inferences of the structure of their host dark matter halo. as stellar feedback efficiently disrupts the ISM in these shallow po-
tential wells (𝑣 circ ≈ 10 km s −1 at 𝑟 1/2,3D ). Nonetheless, some peaks
approach 𝑣 𝜙,𝑔 /𝑣 circ ≈ 1 (grey line in Figure 3) indicating potential
short-lived episodes where the rotational velocity 𝑣 𝜙,𝑔 is close to
equilibrium with 𝑣 circ sourced by the underlying gravitational po-
tential. Furthermore, during these episodes, rotational motions can
We now aim to gain more quantitative insights into the gas rotational dominate over turbulent support, with 𝑣 𝜙,𝑔 /𝜎eff ≥ 1 (right-hand
support of our galaxies. In particular, we wish to (i) establish whether panels).
organized gas rotation can dominate thermal and turbulent motions, To quantify this further, we extract all time instances when 0.75 ≤
and thus be clearly identified observationally; (ii) test whether this 𝑣 𝜙,𝑔 /𝑣 circ ≤ 1.25 (i.e. loosely bracketing gas in circular rotation,
rotation is close to circular and in equilibrium, and thus easy to re- acknowledging that 𝑣 𝜙,𝑔 is not yet corrected for pressure support;
late to the host gravitational potential; and (iii) gain insights into the see Section 4.2 and Appendix A) and 𝑣 𝜙,𝑔 /𝜎eff ≥ 0.75 (i.e. rotation
prospects of characterizing such rotating gas with radio interferom- loosely dominating over thermal and kinetic turbulence). These cuts
eters. should not be interpreted quantitatively, but rather as helpful to flag
Gas contents and kinematics in our galaxies can be strongly vary- the likely presence of a galactic gas disc in the noisy kinematics of our
ing on time-scales comparable to the local dynamical times and to sensitive objects. We mark these times with diamonds in Figure 3,
vlos (km s 1 )
1 kpc 1 kpc 1 kpc
M = 5.6 × 105 M M = 5.6 × 105 M M = 5.6 × 105 M
MHI = 2.2 × 105 M MHI = 3.3 × 105 M MHI = 4.7 × 105 M
Gas-rich relic
finding at least two examples satisfying these conditions per star- 4.2 Short-lived H i discs in star-forming low-mass dwarfs
forming dwarf. As we will see in Section 4.2, these snapshots can
showcase interpretable but short-lived H i rotation curves. To quantify H i kinematics in the noisy, star-forming dwarfs, we
visually inspect individual rotation curves and H i column density
maps at the times flagged to have higher probabilities of galactic gas
Contrasting again with our star-forming examples, quiescent discs (Figure 3, diamonds). Appendix B presents the full results of
dwarfs (brown lines in Figure 3) show more stable evolution over this systematic inspection, showcasing very diverse H i distributions
time and clearer evolutionary trends. One galaxy (second row) lacks with complex spatial, kinematic and thermodynamical structures due
evidence for gas rotation (𝑣 𝜙,𝑔 /𝑣 circ ≈ 0) at all times, but the other to stellar feedback.
(fourth row; also bottom panels of Figure 2) is regularly approaching But Figure 4 (and other examples in Appendix B) show that, even
𝑣 𝜙,𝑔 /𝑣 circ ≈ 1, and 𝑣 𝜙,𝑔 /𝜎eff ≥ 1, and notably over its entire last if short-lived, organized H i rotation can occur in these systems.
billion years of evolution. As we will see in Section 4.3, this galaxy Figure 4 shows the total gas velocity profiles (left panel), surface
hosts a stable, long-lived H i disc with an easy-to-interpret rotation density and temperature profiles (middle panels) and H i column
curve. density maps viewed face-on and edge-on (right panels) of ‘Halo 600’
at 𝑡 = 11.9 Gyr. At this time, the H i distribution is spatially extended
Our analysis thus shows that intrinsic ordered gas rotation should (right panels), reaching 𝑁H i ≥ 3×1019 cm −2 outside 𝑟 1/2,3D (dotted
be expected in low-mass, H i-bearing dwarfs. However, stellar feed- and dashed lines in left panel). Such surface brightnesses are at
back in star-forming objects can efficiently disrupt small gas discs the limit of what can be achieved by deep follow-ups with current-
(𝑣 circ ≈ 10 km s −1 ), making them short-lived and rare. This pro- generation interferometers in faint dwarfs (e.g. Adams & Oosterloo
vides a natural explanation for the lack of observed rotation in the 2018). Furthermore, despite showcasing holes and being lopsided at
faintest dwarfs (e.g. Bernstein-Cooper et al. 2014; Adams & Ooster- large radii, the H i distribution is smooth and regular in the inner
loo 2018; McQuinn et al. 2021). Quiescent, H i-bearing dwarfs, that galaxy.
are yet to re-ignite star formation after cosmic reionization, offer a In fact, the 𝑣 𝜙,𝑔 profile (left, red) follows the rise of 𝑣 circ (blue)
contrastingly calmer and more stable environment. This promotes within 200 pc, as expected from equilibrium circular orbits. The
well-ordered and long-lived gas rotation, with greater prospects for H i gas also exhibits a close-to-exponential radial surface brightness
dark matter science using rotation curves which we quantify next. profile (middle, bottom), reminiscent of classical rotation curves of
(150 pc)
1 1
0 0
v , g/
1 Halo 600 1
2 2
v , g /vcirc (150 pc)
(150 pc)
Keplerian gas velocity
1 equilibrium with potential 1 dominates velocity dispersion
0 0
v , g/
1 Halo 600 GM: Delayed mergers 1
2 2
v , g /vcirc (150 pc)
(150 pc)
1 1
0 0
v , g/
1 Halo 605 1
2 2
v , g /vcirc (150 pc)
(150 pc)
1 1
0 0
v , g/
1 Halo 624 1
2 2
v , g /vcirc (150 pc)
(150 pc)
1 1
0 0
v , g/
galactic discs. However, rotation only marginally dominates com- drift; see Appendix A for further details), we obtain the H i rotational
pared to the primary source of gas velocity dispersion (thermal pres- velocity (𝑣 rot, H i ; red, dashed) which accurately recovers 𝑣 circ deep
sure, 𝑐 𝑠 in gold) and only at specific radii. Extracting and claiming into the diffuse H i regime (𝑁H i ≥ 3 × 1019 cm −2 ; ≈ 2𝑟 1/2,3D ).
a rotational signal from moment maps will thus be challenging once These results are highly promising and show that, although rare and
observational challenges associated with such faint and small objects potentially difficult to identify, H i rotation curves can be harnessed
are folded-in (discussed further in Section 5). Nonetheless, comput- for dark matter science in star-forming low-mass dwarfs.
ing the standard pressure correction to 𝑣 𝜙,𝑔 (also called asymmetric Extending this analysis further is complicated by the unusual ther-
Vcirc, tot cs
v ,g
NHI 3 × 1019 cm
turb, g
Vrot, HI UVB heating
balances cooling
r1/2, 3D
Tg (K)
Velocity (km s 1 )
15 1 kpc
107 Gas
10 HI
(M kpc 2 )
1 kpc
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 10 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Radius (kpc) Radius (kpc) 1018 1019 1020 1021
NHI (cm 2 )
Figure 4. H i kinematics in an example star-forming H i-rich low-mass dwarf galaxy (‘Halo 600’) singling a time of ordered H i rotation (𝑡 = 11.9 Gyr). The
face-on 2D tangential velocity profile of the gas (left, red) follows the rise of the 3D rotation curve (left, blue) sourced by the gravitational potential, with the H i
distribution extending to ≈ 2𝑟1/2,3D and showcasing a cold and close-to-exponential disc structure (middle panels; indicative exponential scale lengths in grey).
Stellar feedback drives asymmetric H i features in the outskirts (right panels, face-on and side-on projections in the top and bottom panels, respectively), and
photo-heating from the UV background leads to a rising thermal support (left, 𝑐𝑠 in gold and top, middle). Despite these features, traditional pressure-support
corrections to the gas velocity (dashed red; also called asymmetric drift, see Appendix A) can accurately recover 𝑣circ out to 𝑁H i ≥ 3 × 1019 cm −2 .
mal structure and density profile of the gas compared to higher- compared to more massive disc galaxies. Once viewed inclined, the
mass galaxies. The temperature is steadily rising when moving to H i linewidth from thicker discs receives contribution along the line
the outskirts (top, middle), with 𝑐 𝑠 following accordingly. Already at of sight, leading to a potential mismatch between the rotation veloc-
≈ 2 𝑟 1/2,3D , thermal pressure fully dominates rotational signals and ity measured from the H i and the intrinsic value. And even if clear
H i has transitioned from colder (𝑇 ≈ 103 K) to warmer temperatures rotation can be established, the sensitivity of these galaxies to stellar
(≈ 104 K). This transition also materializes in a change of slope of feedback makes a detailed assessment of rotation curve systematics
the gas surface density profile (middle, bottom). essential for robust dark matter inferences (see Appendix B for ex-
amples of out-of-equilibrium flows, non-circular motions, feedback-
This structure is naturally explained by the rising importance of
driven holes and Read et al. 2016b; Oman et al. 2019; Downing &
the cosmic ultraviolet background (UVB) at low-galactic masses.
Oman 2023 for further discussion).
Following cosmic reionization, the UVB provides a source of ion-
Performing these quantifications would be best undertaken by gen-
ization and heating that maintains diffuse gas in photo-ionization
erating mock H i datacubes from our simulated snapshots to as-
equilibrium around 𝑇 ≈ 104 K. Galaxies considered here have po-
sess the robustness of standards rotation curve fitting methods (e.g.
tential wells just deep enough to accrete fresh gas from their diffuse
3dbarolo; Di Teodoro & Fraternali 2015) and understand whether
surroundings (e.g. 𝑐 𝑠 is only slightly below 𝑣 circ at large radii). Gas
new approaches would be better suited to recover dark matter infor-
can self-shield and cool below 104 K in the centre of the dwarf (Rey
mation. We are currently developing a package that can easily incor-
et al. 2020) but gas in the outskirts rapidly transitions to ≈ 104 K in a
porate different pressure terms, and treat the impact of disc thickness
balance between gravity, cooling from metal lines and photo-heating
on the line-of-sight velocity distribution, and leave the quantifica-
from the UVB (e.g. Ricotti 2009; Rey et al. 2020; Benitez-Llambay
tions of these uncertainties to future work. In the next Section, we
& Frenk 2020). The detection of warm H i (104 K) in projection thus
instead focus on easier-to-interpret and long-lived H i rotation curves
cannot be unequivocally attributed to photo-heating from stars in
that can be found in quiescent dwarfs.
these faint objects, particularly when undertaking deep observations
probing the diffuse gas (e.g. Adams & Oosterloo 2018).
Establishing and interpreting H i rotation is likely to be challenging 4.3 Long-lived H i discs in quiescent dwarfs
in star-forming faint dwarfs. Although one can recover the gravita-
4.3.1 Circular, equilibrium H i rotation in a low-mass dwarf
tional potential with access to all simulated information to compute
thermal support, how to achieve this feat from H i datacubes is less Figure 5 shows the rotation curve at 𝑧 = 0 (left panel), the gas
clear. The dominance of pressure terms over rotation might point to temperature, and surface density radial and vertical profiles (right
the need to introduce new approaches to infer dark matter profiles panels) for the quiescent dwarf hosting a clear, long-lived rotation
(e.g. starting from hydrostatic equilibrium rather than axisymmetric signal (Figure 3, fourth row).
rotation; Patra 2018). Furthermore, this also yields thicker H i discs In this example, 𝑣 𝜙,𝑔 accurately tracks 𝑣 circ without corrections
Vcirc, tot cs
NHI 3 × 1019 cm
v ,g turb, g
UVB heating
Vrot, HI
r1/2, 3D
20 balances cooling
Tg (K)
Velocity (km s 1 )
15 103
107 Gas
10 HI
(M kpc 2 )
50 pc
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 105 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Radius (kpc) Radius (kpc) Height (kpc)
Figure 5. Classical H i disc at 𝑧 = 0 in a quiescent low-mass dwarf (‘Halo 624’). The tangential velocity profile (left, red) accurately tracks the rise of the
rotation curve (blue) within 𝑟1/2,3D (dotted). Correcting the tangential velocity for pressure support (dashed) helps modelling the rising thermal support (gold)
and recover 𝑣circ further into the outskirts of the H i distribution (dashed shows 𝑁H i ≥ 3 × 1019 cm −2 ) where the disc gets thicker (right panels). This long-lived
and easy-to-interpret H i rotation curve is unique to this object, driven by the defining shape of the host dark matter halo (Figure 6 and 7). Characterizing such a
rotation curve would prove invaluable to obtain robust inferences of inner dark matter density profiles.
to ≈ 10 km s −1 , indicating near-perfect circular rotation in equilib- in our suite does not exhibit rotation (second row in Figure 3) and
rium with the gravitational potential. Compared to our star-forming star-forming examples lack clear signals during their quiescent peri-
example (Figure 4), the inner gas is cold (right, top panels), and ods (notably before the re-ignition of their star-formation marked by
rotation strongly dominates thermal support and turbulence (𝑐 𝑠 and a star in Figure 3 ending several billion years of quiescent evolution).
𝜎turb, g in gold and brown) in the inner galaxy. Pressure corrections We thus turn next to understanding what leads to long-lived H i discs
(red, dashed) are subdominant at all radii, only becoming significant in this specific object.
when reaching more diffuse H i (≥ 𝑟 1/2,3D ; dotted line) brought to
warmer temperatures by the UVB.
The lack of disturbances from star formation in this object also en- 4.3.2 The link between H i rotation and the shape of the host dark
sures a regular, symmetric and well-ordered H i distribution (recall matter halo
Figure 2), showcasing close-to-exponential H i radial and vertical A defining feature of our quiescent galaxy with long-lived H i disc
profiles (bottom panels). The vertical profile (right panels) shows a lies in the properties of its host dark matter halo. The specific merger
thickened H i disc (aspect ratios approaching 1:2; indicative expo- history of this object, particularly a major interaction at 𝑧 ≈ 4 leads to
nential scale lengths in grey), as expected from the rising importance a strongly oblate dark matter halo shape compared to the more triax-
of pressure support towards larger radii. ial or prolate shapes across the rest of the simulated suite (𝑏/𝑎 ≈ 0.9,
To summarize, this quiescent galaxy hosts a classical H i rotation 𝑐/𝑎 ≈ 0.5 between 𝑟 ≈ 200 pc and 𝑟 ≈ 20 kpc for this halo; see
curve, at column densities achievable by current-generation radio Orkney et al. 2023, fig. 1). We link these two aspects in Figure 6,
interferometers (𝑁H i ≥ 3 × 1019 cm −2 , dashed-grey vertical line). visualizing the alignment between the H i angular momentum com-
This rotation curve is comparatively easy to interpret, holding great pared to the halo shape. We plot the H i column density map at 𝑧 = 0,
promise for extracting unbiased estimates of the inner dark matter oriented side-on compared to the angular momentum of gas with
density profiles. Even further, we show in Appendix C that a similar 𝑥H i ≥ 0.5 and overlay the 3D halo shape computed exclusively from
rotation structure is present over the last two billion years of evolution the dark matter particles as in Orkney et al. (2023) (grey mesh; whiter
of this galaxy (see also diamonds in Figure 3), with the cold and towards the foreground, blacker towards the background). Note that
circular H i rotation curve being in place for the last 500 Myr. The Orkney et al. (2023) derive halo shapes using higher-resolution re-
excellent agreement between the H i rotation and the gravitational simulations (𝑚 DM = 120 M⊙ ) of the galaxies studied in this work –
potential is thus long-lived and little disrupted. we have checked that (i) the radial profile of axis ratios at 𝑟 ≥ 100 pc
Our results strongly motivate targeting low-mass dwarfs with qui- and (ii) the presence and orientation of the gas disc at 𝑧 = 0 are
eter evolutions when searching for high-quality H i rotation curves. both consistent between the two resolutions. This also validates that
Such quiescent candidates have already been reported (e.g. Janesh the presence and formation of the H i disc is physical, rather than
et al. 2019) and their follow-up with deep and high-resolution H i stochastic or resolution-limited.
interferometers should be given high priority. However, our analysis The H i disc and the flattened axis of the oblate dark matter halo
also shows that a lack of star formation activity is insufficient to are exceptionally well aligned in Figure 6. This is best understood by
guarantee well-behaved rotation curves – the other quiescent galaxy the naturally axisymmetric geometry of a significantly oblate halo.
1021 90
NHI 3 × 1019 cm
r1/2, 3D
10 60
AM(r) AM(100pc)
NHI (cm 2 )
1 kpc
0 1
Figure 6. H i column density map oriented edge-on with respect to the gas 10 100 101
for the galaxy hosting stable rotation (same as Figure 5). The host dark matter
halo is strongly oblate (white-grey-black mesh showcasing the 3D shape),
Radius (kpc)
defining an axisymmetric geometry well aligned with the revolution axis of
Figure 7. Orientation of the angular momentum of the gas in a radial shell
the H i disc. This configuration induces torques that align infalling gas into
compared to that in the inner 100 pc, for the same galaxy as in Figure 5. Gas
the plane of the H i disc (Figure 7) and favour its growth.
outside the virial radius (grey line) is accreted tilted compared to the inner
angular momentum (𝜃 ≤ 50◦ ), but is gradually and coherently torqued with
decreasing radius to align with the inner H i disc (𝜃 ≈ 0 for 𝑟 ≤ 300 pc). The
Such geometry induces torques that align accreting gas along its revolution axis of the H i disc also coincides with that of the dark matter halo
revolution axis, a process best studied in the case of axisymmetric shape (Figure 6).
torques induced by galactic stellar discs (see e.g. Danovich et al.
2015 for a discussion). Here, these torques are sourced by the dark
matter halo itself, as the gas and stars contribute only marginally to At this galactic mass-scale, galaxy formation effects within ΛCDM
the gravitational potential. are inefficient at dynamically heating dark matter into flat and large
To visualize this torque in action, Figure 7 shows the orientation (≈ 𝑟 1/2,3D ) dark matter cores, leading to steep dark matter den-
of the gas angular momentum in a given radial shell compared to sity profiles at 𝑟 1/2,3D in all of our dwarfs (Figure 1). Inferring the
the angular momentum of the gas in the inner 100 pc (which is al- structure of dark matter haloes in this regime, for example through
most purely H i; Figure 5). Starting from outside the virial radius H i rotation curves, thus holds great promise to pinpoint the relative
(≥ 30 kpc), gas is accreted with significant angular momentum but contributions of dark matter microphysics and galaxy formation in
orthogonal to the inner disc (𝜃 ≥ 50◦ ) before stabilizing around this driving dark matter heating.
angle across between 8 and 20 kpc. Towards smaller radii, however, We find that simulated low-mass dwarfs that are actively forming
the gas gradually gets torqued to align with the inner angular mo- stars undergo strong variability in their H i distributions, driven by
mentum of the galaxy (𝜃 ≤ 10◦ within ≈ 3𝑟 1/2,3D ), at which point the cycle of gas accretion and efficient stellar feedback (Rey et al.
it shares the same revolution axis as that of the oblate dark matter 2022). This variability is reflected in their H i kinematics, showcasing
halo shape (Figure 6). This gradual realignment of gas throughout disturbed and rapidly changing gas flows (Figure 2) as supernovae
the halo, starting at radii well outside the galaxy, firmly establishes easily disrupt gas dynamics in these shallow potential wells (𝑣 circ
the causal link between the halo shape and the presence of the H i and 𝑣 𝜙,𝑔 ≈ 10 km s −1 at 𝑟 1/2,3D ). We find occasional, short-lived
disc. (≪ 150 Myr) episodes of organized H i rotation in these star-forming
objects (Figure 3), for which rotation curves can recover the under-
lying gravitational potential (Figure 4). But the prevalence of out-of-
equilibrium feedback-driven gas flows and the (comparatively) high
velocity dispersions due to thermal support (𝜎eff ≈ 10 km s −1 ) lead
We have analysed the gas and H i kinematics of simulated low-mass to difficult-to-interpret rotation curves (see also Appendix B). Clear
(104 ≤ 𝑀★ ≤ 2 × 106 M⊙ ) dwarf galaxies, first introduced in Rey and robust H i rotation that can be harnessed for dark matter science
et al. (2019, 2020) and evolved to 𝑧 = 0 using high-resolution (≈ 3 pc) is thus expected to be rare in these active systems, aligning with the
zoomed cosmological simulations using the edge galaxy formation lack of observed rotation in the handful of low-mass star-forming
model (Agertz et al. 2020). We studied five dwarf galaxies that are dwarfs with detailed H i observations (e.g. Bernstein-Cooper et al.
close analogues to the observed population of faint, but gas-rich and 2014; Adams & Oosterloo 2018; McQuinn et al. 2021).
H i-bearing dwarfs (105 ≤ 𝑀H i ≤ 106 M⊙ ; see Rey et al. 2022 for a Contrastingly, two of our low-mass dwarfs undergo significantly
more detailed comparison the observed population; Irwin et al. 2007; quieter evolution, with several billion years without forming new
Cole et al. 2014; McQuinn et al. 2015, 2020, 2021; Sand et al. 2015; stars (see also Rey et al. 2020). The lack of star-formation activity
Adams & Oosterloo 2018; Brunker et al. 2019; Janesh et al. 2019; since 𝑧 ≈ 4 leads to more stable H i reservoirs in these systems with
Hargis et al. 2020; Bennet et al. 2022; Rhode et al. 2023). better organized kinematics (Figure 2 and 3). In particular, one of
109 VLA-like data
NHI 3 × 1019 cm
NHI 3 × 1019 cm
r1/2, 3D
r1/2, 3D
(M kpc 3 )
Affected by numerics
10 100 10 1
Radius (kpc) Radius (kpc)
Figure 8. Inferred dark matter density profiles (black line showing the median, grey contours the 1 and 2𝜎 intervals) from the rotation curves in Figure 4 and
Figure 5 (left and right, respectively). Both dark matter profiles are recovered within the 95% confidence intervals, although the inferred dark matter density
profile of the star-forming dwarf (left) is slightly flatter than its true profile (blue), with all other parameters (e.g. mass, concentration) poorly constrained
(Figure D1). In contrast, the dark matter density profile is well recovered all the way to the centre in the quiescent galaxy (right), ruling out a dark matter core
of size < 100 pc at 95% confidence (Figure D1). This highlights the clear prospects offered by quiescent systems, as they are more favourable to host long-lived
and organized rotation, that is easier to interpret for dark matter science.
our quiescent H i-bearing dwarf showcases a long-lived, close-to- 2012; Bonamigo et al. 2015). But their fraction is steadily rising
circular H i rotation curve (Figure 5 and Appendix C) that could be towards lower halo masses (e.g. ≈ 20 per cent of haloes with 𝑀200 =
readily and robustly interpreted for dark matter inferences. We tie the 1012 M⊙ compared to ≈ 10 for 𝑀200 = 1013 M⊙ ; Vega-Ferrero et al.
existence of this long-lived rotation curve to the specifically oblate 2017). Statistical quantifications of halo shapes across the low-mass
shape of its host dark matter halo, which plays a key role in building dwarf galaxy population remain limited in term of sample sizes (e.g.
the final H i disc by torquing circumgalactic gas to align with its Downing & Oman 2023; Orkney et al. 2023), but these estimates are
axisymmetric revolution axis (Figure 6 and 7). in line with the (very) small number statistics of one-out-five oblate
halo in our suite. Our established link between halo shapes and gas
Our results point to H i rotation being generally rare, sensitive and
rotation in small dark matter haloes makes quantitatively refining
potentially challenging to interpret in faint H i-bearing dwarfs. But
these numbers particularly pressing.
we stress that the mere existence of several examples of ordered and
easy-to-interpret H i rotation curves across a suite of only five sim-
When detected, observationally characterizing and interpreting
ulated galaxies is highly promising and strongly motivates further
H i rotation curves in such small and faint systems is likely to pose
observational and theoretical investigations. In particular, our find-
a difficult, but achievable, challenge. We highlight this point in Fig-
ings highlight clear avenues to find ‘golden eggs’ enabling robust
ure 8. To this end, we take the pressure-corrected rotation curves
dark matter inferences, that is targeting low-mass dwarfs that (i) have
presented in Figure 4 and 5 and resample them with 100 pc spa-
been quiescent for an extended period of time and have avoided rapid
tial resolution (≈ 10′′ at 2 Mpc, a spatial resolution accessible to
disruption of their gas flows by stellar feedback from newborn stars;
interferometric studies in nearby low-mass dwarfs with current in-
and (ii) are hosted in an oblate dark matter halo whose axisymmetric
struments; Bernstein-Cooper et al. 2014; Adams & Oosterloo 2018;
geometry promotes disc formation.
M. Jones et al. in preparation). Motivated by the spectral and imaging
An extended gap in star formation and a quiescent period can be sensitivity of these same studies, we then assume Gaussian velocity
inferred from a color-magnitude diagram and a lack of young, blue errors of 0.8 km s −1 and that the rotation curve is imaged down to a
stars when deep photometric imaging is available. Candidates for column density of 𝑁H i ≥ 5 × 1019 cm −2 . We then fit these mock ro-
such quiescent low-mass dwarf galaxies have in fact already been tation curves with ‘coreNFW’ dark matter density profiles using the
reported (Janesh et al. 2019, although see also Rhode et al. 2023) Bayesian approach described in Read et al. (2016b) (see also Read
but, unfortunately, the shape of their host dark matter halo cannot et al. 2017, 2019). Appendix D describes this procedure in more de-
be known a priori (or at all). Oblate dark matter halo shapes are tail and shows the posterior dark matter halo masses, concentrations
statistically rarer amongst the population of high-mass dark matter and core sizes for each dwarf galaxy. Figure 8 presents the inferred
haloes (e.g. Jing & Suto 2002; Macciò et al. 2007; Schneider et al. dark matter density profiles, with their median and 1-2𝜎 intervals
Vcirc, tot cs
v ,g turb, g
Vrot, HI
Tg (K)
Velocity (km s 1 )
15 NHI 3 × 1019 cm 2
r1/2, 3D 1 kpc
107 Gas
10 HI
(M kpc 2 )
1 kpc
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 10 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Radius (kpc) Radius (kpc) 1018 1019 1020 1021
NHI (cm 2 )
Figure B1. Same object as in Figure 4 at 𝑡 = 11.1 Gyr. The H i distribution is strongly asymmetric, showing a potential small, cold, and rotating H i disc within
𝑟1/2,3D , but lacking ordered rotation on larger scales.
Vcirc, tot cs
v ,g turb, g
Vrot, HI
Tg (K)
Velocity (km s 1 )
15 NHI 3 × 1019 cm 2
r1/2, 3D 1 kpc
107 Gas
10 HI
(M kpc 2 )
1 kpc
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 10 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Radius (kpc) Radius (kpc) 1018 1019 1020 1021
NHI (cm 2 )
Figure B2. Same object as in Figure 4 at 𝑡 = 13.1 Gyr. The H i distribution is extended and visually flattened on scales larger than 𝑟1/2,3D , with a tangential
velocity curve close to the gravitational potential. But the offset between the H i distribution and the bottom of the potential well (top, right) would likely
complicate a dark matter inference.
APPENDIX D: DARK MATTER DENSITY PROFILE 5 corrected for pressure support (𝑣 rot, H i , dashed red). We resample
INFERENCE these rotation curves with a spatial sampling of 100 pc (i.e. 10”
at 2 Mpc), assign Gaussian errors of 0.8 km s −1 to each velocity
In this Appendix, we describe the setup used to infer the dark matter point and truncate the rotation curve at 𝑁H i ≥ 5 × 1019 cm −2 . All
density profiles presented in Figure 8. these numbers are motivated by the sensitivity, velocity and spatial
We construct mock data from the rotation curves of Figure 4 and resolution currently achievable by deep studies with for example the
Vcirc, tot cs
v ,g turb, g
Vrot, HI
Tg (K)
Velocity (km s 1 )
15 NHI 3 × 1019 cm 2
r1/2, 3D 1 kpc
107 Gas
10 HI
(M kpc 2 )
1 kpc
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 10 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Radius (kpc) Radius (kpc) 1018 1019 1020 1021
NHI (cm 2 )
Figure B3. Same object as in Figure 4 but at 13.2 Gyr. The H i distribution is extended (out to 3 𝑟1/2,3D ) but strongly affected by stellar feedback events that
drive complex spatial structure and irregular rotation and temperature profiles.
Vcirc, tot cs
v ,g turb, g
Vrot, HI
Tg (K)
Velocity (km s 1 )
15 NHI 3 × 1019 cm 2
r1/2, 3D 1 kpc
107 Gas
10 HI
(M kpc 2 )
1 kpc
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 10 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Radius (kpc) Radius (kpc) 1018 1019 1020 1021
NHI (cm 2 )
Figure B4. Same as Figure 4 but showing ‘Halo 605’ at 11.5 Gyr. The H i distribution shows signs of rotation (left) that has just been disrupted by a feedback
event, driving a large H i hole in the centre (top, right).
VLA or MeerKAT (e.g. Bernstein-Cooper et al. 2014; Adams & matter flattening in units of 𝑟 1/2,3D , and 𝜅 encoding the slope of this
Oosterloo 2018). flattening. All analytics and details about the ‘coreNFW’ profile are
We fit these mock rotation curve with ‘coreNFW’ profiles using described in Read et al. (2016a).
the inference framework of Read et al. (2016b) (see also Read et al. The Bayesian inference is performed using Markov-Chain Monte
2017, 2019 for similar inferences). The ‘coreNFW’ profile has four Carlo from the emcee package (Foreman-Mackey et al. 2013). We run
parameters: the NFW virial mass 𝑀200 and halo concentration 𝑐 200𝑐 , the chain until convergence (50 autocorrelation times) and discard
the core parameter 𝜂 that encodes a characteristic size of the dark the first 10% samples as burn in. We assume wide and flat priors on
Vcirc, tot cs
v ,g turb, g
Vrot, HI
Tg (K)
Velocity (km s 1 )
15 NHI 3 × 1019 cm 2
r1/2, 3D 1 kpc
107 Gas
10 HI
(M kpc 2 )
1 kpc
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 10 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Radius (kpc) Radius (kpc) 1018 1019 1020 1021
NHI (cm 2 )
Figure B5. Same object as in Figure B4 but at 12.3 Gyr. The H i distribution is visually extended and irregular (right panels) with a clearly peaking 𝑣 𝜙,𝑔 profile
(left). But this signal is dominated by the thermal support of a warm H i (top, middle), making the interpretation of 𝑣rot, H i challenging.
Vcirc, tot cs
v ,g turb, g
Vrot, HI
Tg (K)
Velocity (km s 1 )
15 NHI 3 × 1019 cm 2
r1/2, 3D 1 kpc
107 Gas
10 HI
(M kpc 2 )
1 kpc
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 10 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Radius (kpc) Radius (kpc) 1018 1019 1020 1021
NHI (cm 2 )
Figure B6. Same object as in Figure B4 but at 12.9 Gyr. Again, the H i distribution is visually extended and flattened (right panels) but the thermal support of
the warm H i dominates over the rotational signal (left).
𝑀200 and 𝑐 200𝑐 (108 ≤ 𝑀200 ≤ 1010 M⊙ , 5 ≤ 𝑐 200𝑐 ≤ 30), and a fixed during the inference, i.e. assuming that if there is flattening,
flat prior of 0 ≤ 𝜂 ≤ 1. These priors reflect the large uncertainties in it is a constant density, flat core. We obtain good fits to the density
the potential halo masses hosting such dwarfs (e.g. Read et al. 2017; profiles with this assumption, but we remark that dwarf galaxies in
Jethwa et al. 2018; Nadler et al. 2020), and that in ΛCDM, such low- our regime are likely to have profiles shallower than NFW, but not
𝑀★ are not expected to form large cores (e.g. Di Cintio et al. 2014; actually flat (i.e. incomplete cusp-core transformation; Orkney et al.
Tollet et al. 2016; Lazar et al. 2020; Orkney et al. 2021). To remain 2021, Figure 1). We leave to future work an explorative inference with
consistent with Read et al. (2016b, 2017, 2019), we keep 𝜅 = 0.04
Vcirc, tot cs
v ,g turb, g
Vrot, HI
Tg (K)
Velocity (km s 1 )
15 NHI 3 × 1019 cm 2
r1/2, 3D 1 kpc
107 Gas
10 HI
(M kpc 2 )
1 kpc
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 10 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Radius (kpc) Radius (kpc) 1018 1019 1020 1021
NHI (cm 2 )
Figure B7. Same as Figure 4 but showing ‘Halo 624 GM: Higher final mass’ at 𝑡 = 5.9 Gyr. Again, the H i distribution is visually flattened (right panels)
and with a clearly peaking 𝑣 𝜙,𝑔 profile (left). Although the H i in the centre is cold (top, middle) the interpretation of the rotation curve and 𝑣rot, H i remains
challenging (left).
This paper has been typeset from a TEX/LATEX file prepared by the author.
Vcirc, tot cs
v ,g turb, g
Vrot, HI
Tg (K)
Velocity (km s 1 )
15 NHI 3 × 1019 cm 2
r1/2, 3D 1 kpc
107 Gas
10 HI
(M kpc 2 )
1 kpc
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 10 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Radius (kpc) Radius (kpc) 1018 1019 1020 1021
NHI (cm 2 )
Figure B8. Same as Figure B7 but at 𝑡 = 13.5 Gyr. The H i distribution is fairly regular and comparable in size to the stellar distribution, showcasing an
exponential H i profile. The H i is warm, with thermal support dominating 𝑣 𝜙,𝑔 , but the pressure-corrected 𝑣rot, H i is an accurate predictor of 𝑣circ in the very
inner part. A feedback event likely just occurred and started dispersing the H i disc, with its bubble visible in H i (top, right).
Vcirc, tot cs
v ,g turb, g
Vrot, HI
Tg (K)
Velocity (km s 1 )
15 NHI 3 × 1019 cm 2
r1/2, 3D 1 kpc
107 Gas
10 HI
(M kpc 2 )
1 kpc
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 10 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Radius (kpc) Radius (kpc) 1018 1019 1020 1021
NHI (cm 2 )
Figure C1. Same as Figure 5 but at 𝑡 = 11.9 Gyr. The similarities between the two figures showcase the long-term stability of the clear and easy to interpret rotation
curve in ‘Halo 624’. Feedback from old stellar populations (SNIa, AGB stars; see Rey et al. 2020) still inject energy into this small system (𝑣circ ≈ 10 km s −1 )
and can temporarily disrupt the gas flows (e.g. top, right; see also Figure 3).
Vcirc, tot cs
v ,g turb, g
Vrot, HI
Tg (K)
Velocity (km s 1 )
15 NHI 3 × 1019 cm 2
r1/2, 3D 1 kpc
107 Gas
10 HI
(M kpc 2 )
1 kpc
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 10 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Radius (kpc) Radius (kpc) 1018 1019 1020 1021
NHI (cm 2 )
Figure C2. Same as Figure 5 but at 𝑡 = 13.4 Gyr, showcasing that the rotation curve observed at 𝑧 = 0 has been in place for the last 500 Myr (≈ 5 full orbits at
300 pc).
Figure D1. Marginal distributions for the halo mass, halo concentration and
core size compared to 𝑟1/2,3D inferred from the star-forming and quiescent
dwarfs (blue and brown contours, respectively). Halo masses and concen-
trations are poorly constrained as our mock rotation curves only include the
inner rise. But this is enough to confidently infer a steep cusp in our quiescent
dwarf (𝜂 ≈ 0).