Construction Waste Management Practices..

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I declare that this research project is my original work and it has not been submitted for the award

of any degree or diploma in any other institution. No part of the project should be reproduced

without the authority of the author and/or Kenyatta University.

Signature______________________________ Date _________________________

David Gitau


This research project is submitted for examination with my approval as the appointed university


Signature_________________________ Date _________________________

Dr. Caleb Kirui

Department of Management Science

School of Business

Kenyatta University


This research project is dedicated to my wife and my children. Thank you for your love and support

throughout this study.


I do wish to acknowledge my supervisor Dr. Caleb Kirui and appreciate his efforts in guiding me

through each step by sharing his powerful knowledge with me. I also wish to thank Kenyatta

University fraternity for giving me the opportunity to be part of such a great institution.


DECLARATION........................................................................................................................... ii
DEDICATION.............................................................................................................................. iii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................................................... iv
TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................. v
LIST OF TABLES ..................................................................................................................... viii
LIST OF FIGURES ..................................................................................................................... ix
ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ..................................................................................... x
OPERATIONAL DEFINITION OF TERMS ........................................................................... xi
ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................ xiii
CHAPTER ONE ........................................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background to the Study...................................................................................................... 1
1.1.1 Project Performance in Construction Industry ................................................................. 2
1.1.2 Construction Waste Management Practices ..................................................................... 2
1.1.3 Construction Industry in Kenya ....................................................................................... 4
1.2 Statement of the Problem ..................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Objectives of the Study ........................................................................................................ 6
1.3.1 General Objectives ........................................................................................................... 6
1.3.2 Specific Objectives ........................................................................................................... 6
1.4 Research Questions .............................................................................................................. 7
1.5 Significance of the Study ..................................................................................................... 7
1.6 Scope of the Study ............................................................................................................... 8
1.7 Limitations of Study ............................................................................................................ 8
1.8 Organization of the Study .................................................................................................... 8
CHAPTER TWO ........................................................................................................................ 10
LITERATURE REVIEW .......................................................................................................... 10
2.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 10
2.2 Theoretical Literature Review ........................................................................................... 10
2.2.1 Theory of Constraints ..................................................................................................... 10
2.2.2 Transaction Cost Analysis (TCA) Theory ..................................................................... 11

2.2.3 Balance Theory of Recycling ......................................................................................... 12
2.2.4 Resource Based View Theory ........................................................................................ 13
2.3 Empirical Literature Review .............................................................................................. 14
2.3.1 Project Design and Project Performance ........................................................................ 14
2.3.2 Procurement Practice and Project Performance ............................................................. 16
2.3.3 Material Handling and Project Performance .................................................................. 17
2.3.4 Reuse, Reduce, Recycle Practices and Project Performance ......................................... 19
2.4 Summary of Literature Reviewed and Research Gaps ...................................................... 21
2.5 Conceptual Framework ...................................................................................................... 23
CHAPTER THREE .................................................................................................................... 24
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY .............................................................................................. 24
3.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 24
3.2 Research Design................................................................................................................. 24
3.3 Target Population ............................................................................................................... 24
3.4 Sampling Design and Sampling Size ................................................................................. 25
3.5 Data Collection Instruments .............................................................................................. 25
3.6 Pilot Study.......................................................................................................................... 25
3.6.1 Validity of the Instruments............................................................................................. 25
3.6.2 Reliability of the Instruments ......................................................................................... 26
3.7 Data Collection Procedure ................................................................................................. 26
3.8 Data Analysis and Presentation ......................................................................................... 27
3.9 Ethical Consideration ......................................................................................................... 28
CHAPTER FOUR ....................................................................................................................... 29
RESEARCH FINDINGS AN DISCUSSIONS ......................................................................... 29
4.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 29
4.2 Response Rate .................................................................................................................... 29
4.3 Background Information .................................................................................................... 29
4.3.1 Distribution of Respondents by Gender ......................................................................... 30
4.3.2 Distribution of Respondents by Age .............................................................................. 30
4.3.3 Respondents’ Level of Education .................................................................................. 31
4.3.4 Respondents’ Work Experience ..................................................................................... 32

4.4 Descriptive Statistics .......................................................................................................... 32
4.4.1 Project Design ................................................................................................................ 32
4.4.2 Procurement and Project Performance ........................................................................... 34
4.4.3 Material Handling .......................................................................................................... 36
4.4.4 Reuse, Recycle and Reduce Practices ............................................................................ 37
4.4.5 Project Performance ....................................................................................................... 39
4.5 Inferential Statistics ........................................................................................................... 40
4.5.1 Correlation Analysis ....................................................................................................... 40
4.5.2 Regression Analysis ....................................................................................................... 42
4.6 Qualitative Analysis ........................................................................................................... 45
CHAPTER FIVE ........................................................................................................................ 47
SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS .............................................. 47
5.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 47
5.2 Summary of Findings ......................................................................................................... 47
5.3 Conclusions ........................................................................................................................ 48
5.4 Recommendations for Policy and Practice ........................................................................ 49
5.5 Recommendations for Further Studies............................................................................... 51
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................ 52
APPENDICES ............................................................................................................................. 56
Appendix I: Letter of Introduction ................................................................................................ 56
Appendix II: Questionnaire........................................................................................................... 57
Appendix III: Research Authorization .......................................................................................... 61
Appendix IV: Research Permit ..................................................................................................... 62


Table 2.1: Summary of Literature Reviewed and Research Gaps ................................................ 21

Table 3.1: Target population ......................................................................................................... 24

Table 3.2: Reliability Statistics ..................................................................................................... 26

Table 4.1: Response Rate .............................................................................................................. 29

Table 4.2: Respondents’ Age ........................................................................................................ 30

Table 4.3: Respondents’ Work Experience .................................................................................. 32

Table 4.4: Project Design and Project Performance ..................................................................... 33

Table 4.5: Procurement and Project Performance ........................................................................ 35

Table 4.6: Material Handling and Project Performance ............................................................... 36

Table 4.7: Reuse, Recycle and Reduce Practices on Project Performance ................................... 38

Table 4.8: Project Performance..................................................................................................... 39

Table 4.9: Correlation Analysis .................................................................................................... 40

Table 4.10: Regression Analysis................................................................................................... 42

Table 4.11: Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) ............................................................................... 43

Table 4.12: Determination of Coefficients ................................................................................... 44


Figure 2.1: Conceptual Framework .............................................................................................. 23

Figure 4.1: Respondents’ Gender ................................................................................................. 30

Figure 4.2: Respondents’ Level of Education............................................................................... 31


ANOVA Analysis of Variance

CD Construction and Demolition

GDP Gross Domestic Product

KNBS Kenya National Bureau of Statistics

NCC National Construction Corporation

PPDA Public Procurement and Asset Disposal

SPSS Statistical Package for Social Sciences

TCA Transaction Cost Analysis

UAE United Arab Emirates

UK United Kingdom


Construction Waste Construction materials that are lost in transit on or off site,

discarded without adding value to the project for which it was

procured including overproduction or left over from newly

constructed facility.

Construction Waste Management Practices

Refer to the method of eliminating waste where possible;

minimizing waste where feasible; and reusing materials which

might otherwise become waste.

Construction Industry Sector of national economy engaged in preparation of land and

construction, alteration, and repair of buildings, structures, and

other real property.

Project Planned set of interrelated tasks to be executed over a fixed period

and within certain cost and other limitations.

Performance The accomplishment of a given task measured against preset

known standards of accuracy, completeness, cost, and speed.

Material Cost The amount of money invested in the production of a product.

Reduce To draw together or cause to converge

Re-use Reintroduction of a by-product or waste material as an input into a

manufacturing process, usually without any physical or chemical


Recycle Process of converting waste materials into reusable materials and


Procurement deals with the sourcing activities, negotiation and strategic

selection of goods and services that are usually of

importance to an organization.

Material Handling Movement, protection, storage and control of materials and

products throughout manufacturing, warehousing, distribution,

consumption and disposal


The increase of construction activities due to development in developing countries increases the
generation of construction waste. Effective waste management services can save business money
and benefit the environment at the same time. However, the Nairobi City County faces many
challenges to manage construction waste disposal such as insufficiently stringent legislation, poor
enforcement, inadequate facilities and collection network, low public awareness and lack of
capacity and negligent behaviour of local contractors due to lack of proper construction waste
control and monitoring by the Nairobi City County. This study sought to investigate the influence
of construction waste management practices on the performance of housing and water projects in
Nairobi City County, Kenya. The study sought to establish how project design, procurement,
material handling and reuse, reduce, recycle practices influences housing and water projects. A
descriptive survey research design was used. 95 housing and water construction projects formed
the target population. A census of 285 respondents was carried out. Questionnaire was used to
collect primary data. Data was analysed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics such
as correlation analysis and regression analysis. The study established that project design, material
handling, procurement and reuse, recycle and reduce practices had a positive and significant effects
on the performance of housing and water projects. The study concludes that project design
strengthens the owner’s control of the entire design process and minimizes the risks in finance by
contracting with a single firm that is unconditionally committed to the success of the project.
Procurement helps the organization maintain quality and consistency, effectively, drive
compliance and manage risk. Materials handling ensures that the right quality and quantity of
materials are appropriately selected, purchased, delivered and handled on site in a timely manner
and at a reasonable cost. Reuse, recycle and reduce practices are vital part in any waste
management strategy because they help reduce waste handling and disposal costs, by avoiding the
cost of recycling, land filling and combustion. The study recommends that Waste prevention and
reduction in the design phases, project design should focus on reuse and recycling, waste-efficient
procurement, materials optimization, off-site construction; and deconstruction and flexibility.
Prospective contractors should be required in their tenders to indicate the likely waste recovery
targets and key performance indicators that can be achieved on the project given the stage of the
design. Government should introduce specific legislation governing the handling and disposal of
construction wastes and follow up with strict monitoring to ensure compliance. The most effective
environmental solution may often be to reduce the generation of waste and the amount of waste
created using waste prevention measures. Re-use materials to avoid waste being created and where
further reduction is not practicable, products and materials can sometimes be re-used, either for
the same or a different purpose. Recycle materials from site where materials cannot be re-used and
value should be recovered from waste, through recycling, composting or energy recovery from



1.1 Background to the Study

The construction industry is mostly concerned with unique projects which creates difficulties for

effective management control (Aretoulis, Kalfakakou and Striagka, 2010). According to Collins

and Baccarini (2011) the construction process may be considered the most complex undertaking

in any industry. Indeed, construction is a product-oriented activity that has many dimensions. The

business aspects of construction require the establishment of contractual relationships with a wide

range of parties. Adeyinka, Jagboro, Ojo and Odediran (2013) highlight to the complexity of

construction projects because they bring together professionals within the industry to form an

organizational team. Therefore, professionals should continue to uphold good ethical conducts, for

better project performance and delivery in the construction industry.

The construction industry is one in which significant amounts of waste are generated which have

deleterious effects on the health and safety of persons as well as the environment. Lu and Yuan

(2011) report waste levels of 15-25 percent common in the literature pertaining to construction

industry’s contribution to industrial waste. Medineckiene, Turskis and Zavadskas (2010) observe

that common waste generated by the construction sector include; solid waste such as concrete,

brickwork, stone, metals (particularly steel), timber and glass. These wastes are generated in

workshops where work is being prepared for construction sites, at construction sites and by the

activities of the consumers of construction products.

The construction industry permeates most of the economic sectors as it transforms various

resources into the constructed infrastructure necessary for socio-economic development. However,

despite its relevance for society, it is acknowledged that construction activities impact the natural

environment (Fuertes et al. 2013). According to Li and Zhang (2013) construction waste has

become an important issue, due to its increasing generation and to its potential adverse effects on

the environment. In addition, although construction waste is mostly inert, lack of management

practices focused on reuse, recycling and other recovery alternatives reduces landfill space and

results in loss of natural resources.

1.1.1 Project Performance in Construction Industry

Crawford and Bryce (2013) observe that a project is only successful if it comes on schedule, on

budget, it achieves the deliverables originally set for it and it is accepted and used by the clients

for whom the project was intended. Evaluating project performance means is based on projects

completed on time and within the allocated budget, making sure the project contributes to the

global strategy of a company or achieving customer satisfaction. Large infrastructure projects

suffer from significant under management of risk in practically all stages of the value chain and

throughout the life cycle of a project as indicated by Chua et al. (2014).

According to Doloi (2011), estimating is the primary function of the construction industry; the

accuracy of cost estimates starting from early phase of a project through the tender estimate can

affect the success or failure of a construction project. Many failures of construction projects are as

a result of cost escalations. The increasing complexity of infrastructure and the environment within

which projects are constructed places greater demand on construction managers to deliver projects

on time, within the planned budget and with high quality (Enshasi et al., 2009).

1.1.2 Construction Waste Management Practices

Cheung (2013) stated that construction waste can be defined as the by-product generated and

removed from construction, renovation and demolition workplaces or sites of building and civil

engineering structures. Formoso et al. (2014) argue that any inefficiency that results in the use of
equipment, materials, labour, or capital in larger quantities than those considered necessary in the

production of a building. Waste can be generated by mistakes, working out of sequence, redundant

activity and movement, delayed or premature inputs and products or services that do not meet

customer needs.

Johnston and Mincks (2011) proposed an integrated construction waste management plan that

includes: reduction, recycling, reuse, incinerating, composting and landfill. Recycling is

transforming waste into new products and reincorporating them into the construction process.

Reuse means salvaging construction waste for other uses. Source reduction would be the best and

most efficient way in minimizing construction waste. Hill and Bowen (2012) acknowledge reduced

materials use, maximized reuse and recycling of resources, and use of renewable resources in their

list of sustainable construction principles.

According to Berry and McCarthy (2011) procurement systems deal with risk allocation between

the contractor and the employer. In a lump-sum contract, the risk allocation is regarded as fairer

and more balanced in the perspective of employers because the employer has a better control in

terms of the performance of the contractor and change management along the project. The roles

and responsibilities are well defined and differentiated for the professionals who work in the

project under this procurement system, particularly for the design–and-construction processes.

The construction industry is ranked first in European Union statistics for waste production and

second in Sweden after mining and quarrying (Eurostat, 2016). Waste is produced by demolition,

which is frequent in refurbishment projects; it is produced also from poor materials handling

practices, design changes and inaccurate documents (Fadiya et al., 2014). Hao et al (2013) pointed

out that waste management in construction activities should start from the design and the

procurement phases and, then, extend to onsite technologies and plans. Project designers should

spend some time on considering how to reduce waste generation through reasonable design

schemes, use of secondary materials, as well as, standardization of construction materials,

dimensional coordination and application of modern methods of construction.

1.1.3 Construction Industry in Kenya

The construction sector in Kenya is very important for the Kenyan economy because it contributes

close to 5 per cent of the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and employing more than one

million people. According to report by Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS), the economy

of Kenya grew by 4.9 per cent in the first quarter of 2011 due to the improved productivity in the

construction industry. This can be attributed to higher public investment in infrastructure by the

Government of Kenya (African Economic Outlook, 2012).

Kenya has engaged in deliberate effort to improve the construction sector since attaining her

independence in 1963. In 1967, through an Act of Parliament, the Kenyan government set up a

National Construction Corporation (NCC) to train African contractors in construction business

management. The main function of NCC was to “promote, assist, and develop the construction

industry” (Republic of Kenya, NCC Act 1972). Unfortunately, despite the best of efforts, NCC

collapsed in 1988. The issues the industry was facing had only gotten bigger and more dynamic

with changing times. Intense lobbying on the part of stakeholders in the industry finally led to the

enactment of the National Construction Authority Act in 2011. The Act was assented to on 2nd

December 2011 and operationalized on 8th June 2012. The National Construction Authority

Regulations, which operationalize the Act, were passed on June 6th, 2014.

Currently, the government’s policy guidelines for various sectors in the economy are contained in

the development plans published by the Ministry of Economic Planning every five years. The

construction industry in Kenya is expected to see tremendous growth as a result of government

spending on major infrastructure projects around the country.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Construction industry in Kenya is one of major industry contributing significantly to the socio-

economic development growth. Olawale and Sun (2010) indicate that most construction projects

especially in Kenya are exposed to extreme cost escalation menace to the extent that it calls not

only for extra funding but also specialized expertise hence leading to technical and project

managerial conflicts between project’s parties. Although the government of Kenya sets aside huge

sums of money to be spent in construction sector, the industry is facing a lot of challenges such as

the expenditure exceeding the budget, delay to complete the project in time, the building defects

and over-reliance on foreign workers.

Construction Waste Management is an aspect of sustainable development which is fuelled by the

growing concern for the effect of man’s activities on the environment. The increase of construction

activities due to development in developing countries increases the generation of construction

waste. Effective waste management services can save your business money and benefit the

environment at the same time. However, the Nairobi City County faces many challenges to manage

construction waste disposal. These include insufficiently stringent legislation, poor enforcement,

inadequate facilities and collection network, low public awareness and lack of capacity and

negligent behaviour of local contractors due to lack of proper construction waste control and

monitoring by the Nairobi City County.

A study carried out by Ya’cob, Zawawi, Isa and Othman (2013) examined factors that affect

sustainable construction waste management efforts at site and found that lack of law enforcement

from the Government led to the contractor not following the standard. However, the study used

purposive sampling method. Osman, Nawi and Osman (2016) carried out a study on the

effectiveness of construction waste management and its relationship with project performance and

established that some of industry stakeholders do not realize that proper waste management will

increase the project performance. However, the study used qualitative data. Trigunarsyah, Sofyan

and Hendi (2016) study examined the housekeeping management as a strategy to minimize

construction waste in high rise building projects and found that on-site activities on construction

waste minimization can be integrated into the house-keeping management of the project site.

However, the study used cross-sectional research design. Therefore, this study sought to

investigate on the influence of construction waste management practices on the performance of

housing and water projects.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

1.3.1 General Objectives

The general objective of this study was to investigate the influence of construction waste

management practices on the performance of housing and water projects in Nairobi City County,


1.3.2 Specific Objectives

i. To establish the influence of project design on the performance of housing and water

projects in Nairobi City County, Kenya

ii. To identify the influence of procurement on the performance of housing and water

projects in Nairobi City County, Kenya

iii. To examine the influence of material handling on the performance of housing and water

projects in Nairobi City County, Kenya

iv. To investigate the influence of re-use, recycle and reduce practices on the performance

of housing and water projects in Nairobi City County, Kenya

1.4 Research Questions

i. What is the influence of project design on the performance of housing and water

projects in Nairobi City County, Kenya?

ii. What is the influence of procurement on the performance of housing and water projects

in Nairobi City County, Kenya?

iii. What is the influence of material handling on the performance of housing and water

projects in Nairobi City County, Kenya?

iv. How do re-use, recycle and reduce practices influence the performance of housing and

water projects in Nairobi City County, Kenya?

1.5 Significance of the Study

The study would bring insight to the project managers and project team members in the

construction industry in Kenya as they would be able to know the challenges and strategies that

can be applied to achieve efficiency and effectiveness waste management in construction projects

and ways of overcoming the risks involved. The study would enable policy makers in Nairobi City

County, other counties and the national government in obtaining knowledge in proper ways in

managing waste in the construction industry and therefore obtain guidance from the findings of

this study in designing appropriate policies that favours the industry. The study would also add to

the body of knowledge on proper management practices of construction material waste in the

construction industry and provoke research in this area by creating a gap.

1.6 Scope of the Study

This study focused on housing and water projects in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The study

focused how project design, procurement, material handling and re-use, recycle and reduce

practices on performance of completed housing and water projects for the last 5 years (2013 –

2017). Project managers and project team members working in the county construction projects

were involved in the study.

1.7 Limitations of Study

The study was limited by fear of respondents to disclose relevant information for the study.

However, the researcher overcame this by assuring the respondents of strict confidentiality of any

information disclosed and explaining the purpose of the study. Also, the study was conducted using

predetermined questionnaires which could limit the respondents from expressing their views freely

and widely. To overcome this, the researcher designed questionnaire with both open and closed

ended questions.

1.8 Organization of the Study

This study was organized in five chapters. Chapter one constitutes the background of the study,

statement of the problem, objectives, significance, scope, limitations and organization of the study.

Chapter two comprises of the theoretical literature review, empirical literature review, summary

of literature review and research gaps and conceptual framework. Chapter three encompasses the

methodology which presents the research design, target population, sampling design, research

instrument, data collection procedure, data analysis and ethical considerations. Chapter four

constitutes the research findings and discussion which presents the response rate, background

information, descriptive statistics, inferential statistics and analysis of qualitative data. Chapter

five presents the summary, conclusion, recommendations for policy and practice, and

recommendations for further study.



2.1 Introduction

This chapter deals with theoretical literature review, empirical literature review, summary of

reviewed literature and research gaps and conceptual framework.

2.2 Theoretical Literature Review

2.2.1 Theory of Constraints

Eliyahu developed the theory of constraints in the early 1980s to help organizations decide what

to change, identify a desirable new condition and how to trigger the change. He recommended first

identifying the main factors affecting budget estimates in an organisation. He then suggested that

the managers figure out how to handle the constraints or barrier to success within prescribed

budget. By focusing on fixing the main problem, overall performance could be improved (Eliyahu,

2004). Additionally, Baloi and Price (2003) observed that most organizations fail to examine their

operations as a whole when developing cost estimates. By focusing only on short-term goals, long-

term success becomes jeopardized so he suggested establishing a long-term view.

Theory of Constraints which opines that an organization facing challenges in cost management,

poor performance and chronic conflicts is as a result of poor management practices and lack of

necessary intervention. According to this theory, all systems operate in an environment of cause

and effect. One event causes another to happen thus prompting for factors analysis as a measure.

Adherence to cost estimates is either a constraint or has the potential to become a constraint. This

cause-and- effect relationship can be very complex, especially in complex systems such as those

of construction projects. Capturing the essence of cause and effect within the system and

identifying factors that emulate these relationships are the keys to system performance and

excellent adherence to cost estimates.

This theory is relevant to the study as it shows it is a systematic and iterative approach to

management that emphasizes adapting business practices in order to best cope with limitations, or

constraints, that stand in the way of key objectives. The goal of TOC is to maximize the efficiency

of a process selectively at the most critical points and thereby maximize profitability, quality, or

other corporate objectives. Therefore, construction companies in Kenya should consider key areas

within the organization for competitive improvement, key technologies and techniques,

improvement and investment opportunities related to the management of construction waste


2.2.2 Transaction Cost Analysis (TCA) Theory

This study was guided by Transaction Cost Analysis (TCA) advocated by Williamson (1981) who

argues that Transaction Cost Analysis (TCA) theory ensures that costs across the supply chain are

kept at a minimal. Transaction cost approach has been widely used in different areas, especially in

economics and organizational studies. In the early 1970s, the mathematical economist,

Williamson, incorporated TCA into the general equilibrium model and set up his transaction cost

economics in the new theory of the firm.

Halldorsson (2007) suggests that organizations can reduce their transaction costs by vertical

integration and increasing the level of trust at the same time. This kind of integration can reduces

the costs of inventory management while increasing the service level of both internal and external

customers while releasing capital to be used in other areas of the organization. Organizational

supply chain can however reduce transaction not only through vertical integration and increasing

the level of trust among supply chain participants, but also though horizontal integration and

economy of scale gained from the aggregation of supply and/or demand.

This theory is relevant to the study as it shows that organizations should minimize their cost of

transaction so as to increase their revenue generation. These costs should be obtained from the

market rather than having it provided from within the firm. Therefore, organizational managers

must weigh the internal transaction costs and against external transaction costs during material

handling practice before the company decides whether or not to keep some activities in-house.

2.2.3 Balance Theory of Recycling

This study was guided by balance theory of recycling advocated by Wong and Yip (2002). The

Balance Theory rouses construction workers to adopt the idea of reduction of wastes. They are

educated to clean their working places constantly and collect all construction wastes they generated

into separate collection spots within the construction site. According to Alexander (2008), the site

management personnel is required to establish site facilities and set up conditions in employment

contracts and subcontracts for workers and subcontractors to follow. The culture of separating

wastes at sources must be established and widely adopted so that Balance Theory could be realised

Balance Theory of recycling advocates the amount of wastes generated from a construction project

and sent for recycling process must be equivalent (or proportional) to the amount of the recycled

Construction and Demolition (C&D) products imported and used as construction materials for that

project (Poon et al, 2011). Zero C&D wastes sent to landfill may be too idealistic, however,

minimisation of C&D wastes could be realised if Balance Theory is enforced.

The theory advocates that the amount of wastes generated from a construction project and sent for

recycling process must be equivalent (or proportional) to the amount of the recycled Construction

and Demolition (C&D) products imported and used as construction materials for that project.

Though the construction industry produces quite significant amount of C&D wastes, they can be

recycled, reduced and re-used into construction projects and benefit the community as a whole.

2.2.4 Resource Based View Theory

This study was guided by Resource Based View theory as proposed by Barney (1991). Barney

(1991) states that a firm is a collection of physical capital resources, human capital resources and

organizational resources. The core premise of the resource-based view is that organizational

resources and capabilities can vary significantly across firms, and that these differences can be

stable. The theory focuses on the idea of costly-to-copy attributes of the firm as sources of business

returns and the means to achieve superior performance and competitive advantage.

Chandler (1990) indicates that organizational capabilities emanates from lower management,

middle and top management and that a firm can gain competitive advantage when its resources

and capabilities are used properly. He further states that if these organization capabilities were

carefully synchronized and assimilated it could achieve the economies of scale and scope needed

to compete in national and international markets.

Barney (1991) states that, “sustainable competitive advantage is derived from resources that are

valuable, rare, imperfectly imitable (due to path-dependence, causal ambiguity, and social

complexity), and no substitutable”. A resource-based view of the firm accepts that attributes

related to past experiences, organizational culture and competences are critical for the success of

the firm.

This theory is relevant to the study because it shows that construction companies manage their

waste on the basis of their resources and capabilities. A firm resource must, in addition, be

valuable, rare, and imperfectly imitable and substitutable in order to be source of effective

management of construction wastes. Resources may increase the company’s capacity for proper

management of wastes and, thus, contribute to project performance by helping the firm to

appropriate the value. Furthermore, resources may be used to erect entry barriers and so increase

performance at the industry level.

2.3 Empirical Literature Review

2.3.1 Project Design and Project Performance

Love (2010) in their study noted that a mistake made in design could result in errors in procurement

and construction, thereby leading to rework and subsequent waste generation. It is,

therefore, important that construction project lifecycle is evaluated from system perspective in

order to develop causal loops and feedback system of such interdependent processes. This

could help in understanding impacts of one activity on the others, as well as on the overall project


Yu et al. (2010) through their study on design build projects in Hong Kong reveal that existing

systems for project development have limitations. Lack of impartial agents and improper timing

for raising requirements by key stakeholders are problems with existing systems. Aftab, Rahman,

Abdullah and Azis (2010) stated that fluctuation in price of material, cash flow and financial

difficulties faced by contractors, shortage of site workers, lack of communication between parties,

incorrect planning and scheduling by contractors are most severe factors while frequent design

changes and owner interference are least affecting factors on construction cost performance.

A study carried by Osmani (2012) noted that about 33per cent of construction waste occurs because

of design-related factors. This implies that attempts to tackle waste at design stage would result in

substantial reduction in waste. On the other hand, a study carried out by Osmani (2012) found that
waste management legislation has been practically non-existing with respect to design stage,

despite the understanding that some causes of waste are design related. As the legislation

continuously drives waste management strategy, it is expected that minimum benchmark is set for

projects, while the waste preventive standard is also set for design stage.

Kibuchi and Muchungu (2012) discovered that despite the high quality of training of consultants

in the building industry in Kenya and regulation of the industry in major urban areas, construction

projects do not always meet their goals. This is manifested by myriad projects that have cost

overrun, delayed completion period and poor quality resulting to collapsed buildings in various

parts of the country, high maintenance costs, dissatisfied clients and even buildings which are not


In a survey of 139 projects, Lopez and Love (2012) estimated direct and indirect design error costs

at 6.85 percent and 7.36 percent of project cost respectively. Errors and omissions in designs lead

to claims and conflict in projects. Design quality control and assurance, effective communication,

and post-design inspection are management techniques that lead project to engineering success.

Osmani (2013) in their study found that the best approach for tackling waste is through dedicated

efforts at the design stage of building delivery process. The study concluded that there is still low

acceptance and use of recycled products within the construction industry due to a low commitment

from designers who drive materials selection and sustainability practices within the industry.

Based on these findings, and in order to understand the procedural approach to designing out waste

through dedicated design effort, this study focuses ways to seek to aggregate the design factors

capable of influencing waste in construction projects.

2.3.2 Procurement Practice and Project Performance

Love et al (2008), through their research into public sector procurement method selection in

Queensland and Western Australia, espoused the notion that “the continual use of traditional lump

sum may stifle technological innovation, particularly the design and constructability of public

sector buildings.” Indeed, since 2000 the relationship between build-ability and procurement

method has been widely discussed, with most authors in agreement that fully integrated

procurement methods such as design and build and project management are most appropriate for

clients placing a high priority on the build-ability of their project.

Sabiti, Basheka and Muhumuza (2011) in their study conducted in Uganda on developing public

procurement performance measurement systems in developing countries: the Uganda experience,

the authors note how proper planning may influence procurement performance. The key to

accountability is the capacity to select the best contractors within the public sector. The internal

contractor selection process of government, procurement and personnel have long received

sustained attention as the centerpiece of reforms to promote accountability. The study found that

problems of accountability arise when government ignore or transgress social ethics and

constitutional and legal provisions in conducting public affairs, administrative systems are

fragmented, tasks to be performed are so many.

A study carried out by Oluka (2013) on the challenges of procurement, posits that restricted

tendering is a procurement method that limits the request for tenders to a select number of

contractors. According to the PPDA Regulation 2014, the restricted procurement method is a two-

stage process. The first stage the employer advertises his project and invites contractors to express

interest to be placed on a selected list of contractors who will be invited to bid for the project. In

creating a nexus between the earlier study and the proposed study, it is imperative that when

contractors applying should be given a list of information, and information got about them in order

to pre-qualify. Stage two the shortlisted contractors who meet the selection criteria should be

invited to submit a more detailed tender submission.

A study carried out by Mbalangu (2013) on compliance monitoring and procurement performance

carried out in Uganda notes that supplier contractor monitoring has slowly become an important

component for effective supplier relationship management that is directly linked to securing the

supply of key commodities needed for sustaining business. On the other hand, Kansiime (2014) in

his study on the impact of public procurement reforms on service delivery in Uganda notes that

monitoring of this formalized relationship allows an organisation a degree of control over the

deliverables and performance requirements.

Schmitz and Platts (2014) in their study conducted in Ghana did investigate the procurement

reforms in Ghana. They assert that the main aim of contracting is to ensure that goods or services

are delivered on time, at the agreed cost and at the specified requirements. It means developing

effective working relationships with your suppliers, ensuring effective service delivery,

maximising value for money and providing consistent quality for stakeholders and end users. The

study also established that the primary goal for contractor monitoring within any company is to

ensure that commitments and obligations to customers and suppliers are clearly visible to the

relevant people in the organization and that they are executed upon.

2.3.3 Material Handling and Project Performance

Previous studies have identified that building materials often require a large storage capacity which

is rarely available on site (Agapiou et al. 2009; Bell & Stukhart, 2011). However, Stukhart (1995)

suggested that there are a few considerations to take in the planning of the storage space such as

timing of the initial buy, and historical information and experience. Materials management on site

should seek to reduce loss of profit due to theft, damage and wastage, as well as running out of

stock. It is also important to ensure that the right quality and quantity of materials and installed

equipment are appropriately specified in a timely manner, are obtained at a reasonable cost, and

are available when needed.

According to Chan (2012) material handling equipment selection is an important function as it can

enhance the production process, provide effective utilization of manpower, increase production

and improve system flexibility. Material storage on site requires close attention in order to avoid

waste, loss and any damage of materials which would affect the operation of the construction

project. Problems always arise during materials supply because of improper storage and protection

facilities. The importance of appropriate handling of materials is highlighted by the fact that they

are expensive and engage critical decisions. Due to the frequency of handling materials there are

quality considerations when designing a materials handling system.

A study carried out by Ogunlana (2014) found that the main reasons for project delays on housing

projects in Thailand were incomplete drawings, material management problems, deficiencies in

organisation, shortages of construction materials, and inefficiencies in site workers. Dey (2014)

also found that delays in materials supply was a major cause of time overrun of construction

projects in India. Thus, it would seem that materials delays are a major cause of delays in projects.

Lwanga (2014) in his study focused on the investigation on re-using construction waste for

sustainable development with particular attention to concrete waste. Much of the research has in

the past concentrated on household waste with little attention to other sectors such as construction.

A study by Edema et al. (2011) revealed that a study on the Copperbelt province of Zambia showed

that lack of environmentally friendly, sustainable and affordable waste management had led to the

wide spread open dumping and open burning of solid waste. In another study that included Zambia

and reported in the Africa Review Report on waste management (2013), it was concluded that poor

waste management practices in particular the widespread dumping of wastes in water bodies and

uncontrolled dump sites aggravates the problems of generally low sanitation levels across the

African continent.

A study carried out by Solanke (2015) found that scheduling delays occurred in 70 percent, 40

percent and 50 percent of government contracted construction projects in the United Kingdom,

India, and United Arab Emirates (UAE) respectively due to improper material management.

Currently all over the globe the main reason in cost variance and problematic management of

material are due to overstocked construction materials because of improper planning, damaged

construction materials due to logistics, handling or in application, loss of construction materials

because of improper supervision, waiting of the construction materials to arrive in location due to

improper tracking systems.

2.3.4 Reuse, Reduce, Recycle Practices and Project Performance

According to Hore, Kehoe, McMillan and Penton (2010), for every 100 houses built there is

enough waste material to build another 10 houses. Similarly Akinpelu (2013) study found that on

most capital projects resources from which wastes are generated account for more than 60per cent

of their production costs. As concerns grow over the amount of waste generated in the construction

industry, recycling has been identified as one of the most feasible way to overcome construction

waste. In most cases, up to 90 percent of the waste generated is recyclable.

In a study conducted on Turkish construction sites, Polat and Ballard (2010) established that

minimisation is the best and most effective method of reducing the generation of waste and

eliminating many of the waste generation problems. Greenwood et al. (2012) study found that the

top priority in minimising waste is to avoid waste through designing out or reducing waste at the

source and proposed three key project stages where waste minimisation initiative should be

introduced; contractual, design and site execution stages. The study recommended that

construction firms must develop or adopt effective waste minimisation strategies in order to solve

the problem of material wastage on construction projects.

A study carried out by Mason (2010) found that it is estimated that in the UK, a recycling rate of

around 45per cent has been achieved for construction and demolition waste; by contrast the

Netherlands, Belgium and Denmark, have achieved ninety percent, eighty seven percent and eighty

one percent, respectively. The study recommended that the success of any recycling initiative

depends upon a market for Construction and Demolition (CD) Waste being available. In turn, this

depends upon the next user’s confidence in the material with respect to its quality, sufficiency,

price, location and timely availability

Akinkurolere and Franklin (2015) carried out an Investigation into Waste Management on

Construction Sites in South Western Nigeria. The study focused on the dangers posed by material

waste in the construction industry, ways of minimizing construction waste, ways of keeping proper

site records for accountability sake and recommend effective waste management measures. The

study adopted questionnaires to collect data from construction professionals, and employed tables

and statistical indices for the data analysis. The study revealed that material wastage increase the

cost of construction project and reduce contractor’s profit and attributed construction was to poor

management and lack of effective waste management awareness. The study recommended that

construction waste management should be recycled and reused.

2.4 Summary of Literature Reviewed and Research Gaps

Table 2.1: Summary of Literature Reviewed and Research Gaps

Author Focus of the Findings Knowledge Focus of

Study gap the current
Lu & Exploring The The study Procurement
Yuan critical success enormous did not practice on
(2010) factors for amount of focus on project
waste construction how performance
management activity in procuremen
in construction China t practices
projects of associated influence
China with its rapid constructio
economic n projects
has produced
a large
amount of
(C&D) waste
over the past
three decades

Shen and Implementatio Implementatio The study Project

Tam n of n of did not look design on
(2012) environmental environmental at the project
management in management influence performance
the Hong Kong involves project
allocating a design stage
variety of on the
industry. resources for performance
practicing of
various construction
environmental projects
methods waste
recycling and

Cherutic E-waste mobile phone The study Re-use,
h (2013). management in GPN in did not recycle and
Kenya: A case Kenya reuse, reduce on
study of mobile includes post reduce and project
phone waste in consumption recycling performanc
activities practices on e
where mobile E-waste
phone E- managemen
waste are t of mobile
recycled and phones

Ng’ang’ Contributions The The study Material

a (2015). of Green construction did not handling
Construction of a green address ways practice on
Practices on building can of achieving project
be part of an energy and performance
the Growth of
overall plan resource
for sustainable efficiency on
Construction construction
Industry in projects.

2.5 Conceptual Framework

Figure 2.1 shows a conceptual framework which depicts the relationship between the independent

variable and the dependent variable; it was based on four independent variables and one dependent

variable. The independent variables are project design, procurement, material handling, reuse,

reduce, recycle practices and the dependent variable is the performance of construction projects

Independent Variables

Project Design
• Specification
• Problem identification
• Objective setting
Dependent Variable
Procurement Project Performance
• Item specification • Quality
• Ordering process • Timeliness
• Quantity survey • Cost effective
• Efficiency
Material Handling
• Storage
• Transportation
• Theft

Reuse, Reduce, Recycle practices

• Reinvention
• Treatment
• Dispose

Source: Researcher (2017)

Figure 2.1: Conceptual Framework



3.1 Introduction

This chapter comprises of the Research Design, Target Population, Sampling Procedures and

Sample Size, Research Instrument, Pilot Study, Data Collection Techniques, Data Analysis and

Ethical Consideration.

3.2 Research Design

This study was carried out through a descriptive survey research design and explanatory research

design. Descriptive survey research design is a method of collecting information by interviewing

or administering a questionnaire to a sample of individuals (Saunders et al, 2009). Descriptive

survey research design was chosen because it enabled the researcher to generalise the findings to

a larger population and it was more precise and accurate since it involves description of events in

a carefully planned way.

3.3 Target Population

The target population under study comprised of 95 housing and waster construction projects in

Nairobi County (Nairobi County report, 2017). The study involved 3 permanent staff from each

construction project as they were able to provide informative details concerning the research.

Therefore, the total respondents were 285. This is shown in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1: Target population

Construction Projects Number of Projects Population

Water Projects 39 117

Housing Projects 56 168

Total 95 285

Source: Nairobi County Government Report (2017)

3.4 Sampling Design and Sampling Size

As observed by Gay (2002), a sample is selected which can be representative of the total population

because of various constraints that may face the researcher in accessing the whole population. On

the other hand, Mugenda and Mugenda, (2003), observe that in a situation where the study

population there is no need to sample otherwise the total population should be studied. Therefore,

census of 285 respondents was carried out.

3.5 Data Collection Instruments

This study used questionnaire as a data collection tool to all the respondents. Orodho (2005)

defines a questionnaire as an instrument used to gather data, which allows a measurement for or

against a particular viewpoint. The author emphasizes that a questionnaire has the ability to collect

a large amount of information in a reasonably quick space of time. The instrument was

chosen because the targeted population was literate which minimized the interpretation of the

questions for their understanding to capture reliable information. The questionnaires were divided

into different sections covering the objectives of the study. Likert scale was used in questions

which tested on the degree of the respondents’ agreement with particular variables of the study.

3.6 Pilot Study

According to Kothari (2004), a pilot test is necessary for testing the reliability of data collection

instruments. The aim of the pilot study was to test the reliability of the questionnaires. Pilot study

was conducted to detect weakness in design and instrumentation and to provide proxy data for

selection of a sample. The pilot study was conducted to 10 respondents who did not participate in

the actual study.

3.6.1 Validity of the Instruments

Validity is the degree to which the research instruments was appropriately and accurately measure

what they are supposed to measure (Orodho, 2005). Content validity was done to ascertain clarity

and simplicity. The researcher used clear wording of the questions by using terms that are likely

to be familiar to, and understood by the respondents. The researcher engaged his supervisor as the

research expert to ascertain whether the content of the research instrument were up to standard.

3.6.2 Reliability of the Instruments

Cronbach’s alpha test was used to measure the internal consistency of the research instrument by

obtaining a correlation coefficient. It also allowed measurement of reliability of every statement

used to measure an objective under different categories and estimates the extent to which scores

vary in different variables attributed chance or random errors (Reid, 2006). The author further

shows that for the instruments to be reliable the correlation coefficient must be greater than 0.7.

This study obtained a correlation coefficient of 0.744 which showed that the instruments are

reliable for data collection as recommended by Mugenda and Mugenda (2003). This is shown in

Table 3.2.

Table 3.2: Reliability Statistics

Variable No. of Items Cronbach’s Alpha Remarks
Project Design 6 0.834 Reliable
Procurement 6 0.608 Reliable
Material Handling 6 0.741 Reliable
Reuse, Reduce and 6 0.774 Reliable
Recycle Practices
Overall 32 0.744 Reliable
Source: Survey Data (2018)
3.7 Data Collection Procedure

Top level management were contacted to affirm the intention for carrying out the study on the

organization and to clarify the significant of the study and the commitment required from the

management. Research assistants were employed to administer the questionnaires which were

dropped to each respondent and picked later after two weeks. The researcher made a follow up

through phone calls and in addition, visited the respondents before the stated period to remind

them on the importance of responding to the questionnaire.

3.8 Data Analysis and Presentation

This study obtained both quantitative data and qualitative data. Quantitative data was analyzed

using descriptive statistics such as mean and standard deviation and presented in tables, charts and

graphs. These were generated using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 17.0.

Content analysis technique was used to analyze qualitative data collected using interview


The study used Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) to test the level of significant of the variables on

the dependent variable at 95per cent confidence level. In addition, the study conducted a multiple

regression analysis to test the relationship between independent variables and dependent variable.

The regression equation was:

Y = β0 + β1X1 + β2X2 + β3X3 + β4X4 + ε

Whereby Y = Performance of Construction Projects

X1= Project Design

X2= Procurement

X3= Material Handling

X2= Reuse, Reduce and Recycle Practices

β1, β2, β3 are coefficients of determination

ε is the error term.

3.9 Ethical Consideration

In this study the researcher acquired a permit from the National Commission for Science,

Technology and Innovation (NACOSTI) and an introduction letter from the University before

proceeding to the study area. Participants were given adequate information on the aims of the

research, the procedure that would be followed, the credibility of the researcher and the way in

which the results were used. This enabled participants to make an informed decision on whether

they want to participate in the study or not. Participant confidentialities were not compromised as

their names were not indicated in the questionnaire.



4.1 Introduction

The chapter discusses major findings as per the research objectives. Quantitative approach was

used to analyze data. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were presented in terms of

tables, figures, graphs and charts.

4.2 Response Rate

Out of 285 questionnaires that were distributed to the respondents, 212 were successfully filled

and taken back. This represented a response rate of 74.4 per cent as shown in Table 4.1. Nachmias

(2009) observed that a response rate exceeding 50 per cent is sufficient for analysis and thus, 74.4

per cent return rate, was considered to be very good. This commendable response rate was

attributed to the data collection procedure, where the researcher engaged researcher assistants to

administer questionnaires.

Table 4.1: Response Rate

Category Frequency Percentage

Respondent 212 74.4

Not Respondnt 73 25.6

Total 285 100.0

Source: Survey Data (2018)

4.3 Background Information

The study sought to establish the background information of the respondents in terms of their

gender, age, education level and work experience.

4.3.1 Distribution of Respondents by Gender

The study sought to determine the gender of the respondents; the findings are presented in Figure


Figure 4.1: Respondents’ Gender

Source: Survey Data (2018)

Majority of those who participated in the study were male respondents who accounted for 54.25

per cent while female constituted 45.75 per cent. This means that there could be gender disparity

in some projects.

4.3.2 Distribution of Respondents by Age

The study sought to determine the gender of the respondents; the findings are presented in Figure


Table 4.2: Respondents’ Age

Frequency Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid Less than 25 years 11 5.2 5.2
25 - 34 years 76 35.8 41.0
35 - 44 years 74 34.9 75.9
45 years and above 51 24.1 100.0
Total 212 100.0
Source: Survey Data (2018)

According to the findings, majority of the respondents were between the ages of 25 to 34 years as

represented by 35.8 per cent. 34.9 per cent of the respondents were between 35 to 44 years, 24.1

per cent aged 45 years and above and 5.2 per cent aged less than 25 years old. The cumulative

frequency of 75.9 per cent show that majority of the respondents were aged 35 years and above.

This shows that the study participants were obtained from different age gaps.

4.3.3 Respondents’ Level of Education

The study sought to determine the respondents’ level of education; the findings are presented in

Figure 4.2.

Figure 4.2: Respondents’ Level of Education

Source: Survey Data (2018)

According to the results as shown in Figure 4.2, majority of the respondents had attained a

Bachelors degree level of education as represented by 44.81 per cent, 27.36 per cent had Master’s

degree, 17.92 per cent Post graduate diploma and 9.91 per cent diploma certificate. According to

the findings it can be deduced that waste management requires educated individuals with specific

skill and regular training.

4.3.4 Respondents’ Work Experience

The study sought to determine the respondents’ years of experience; the findings are presented in

Table 4.3.

Table 4.3: Respondents’ Work Experience

Frequency Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid Less 5 years 31 14.6 14.6
5 - 9 years 58 27.4 42.0
10 - 15 years 73 34.4 76.4
Above 15 years 50 23.6 100.0
Total 212 100.0
Source: Survey Data (2018)
According to the results as shown in Table 4.3, majority of the respondents had worked for a period

of 10 to 15 years as represented by 34.4 per cent, 27.4 per cent between 5 to 9 years, 23.6 per cent

for over 15 years and 14.6 per cent for less than 5 years. The cumulative frequency of 76.4 per

cent indicated that majority of the respondents had worked for more than 10 years.

4.4 Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive statistics such as means and standard deviations were used to present that quantitative

data with the use of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 17.0. It was based on

study variables which were project design, procurement, material handling, reuse, reduce and

recycle practices and performance of construction projects.

4.4.1 Project Design

The study sought to establish the extent to which project design influence the performance of

housing and water projects in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The findings are presented in Table


Table 4.4: Project Design and Project Performance

The Tea Aggregate

Companies Score
use mobile
application Mobile Mobile Mobile
The to increase application applicatio applicatio
companies the level of enables tea n enables n enables Mobile
use mobile accessibility companies tea tea application
applications their to provide companies companies boosts the
to improve customers value to to build a to connect profits of
their have to their stronger better with tea
processes them customers brand clients companies
N Valid 212 212 212 212 212 212
Missi 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mean 3.02 4.11 3.78 3.22 3.11 3.47 3.45
Std. 1.539 .994 1.217 1.525 1.385 1.436 1.349
Source: Survey Data (2018)
From the findings, the respondents agreed that project design influences performance of housing

and water projects in Nairobi City County, Kenya to a great extent as shown by aggregate score

of 3.45 with significance variance of 1.349. Majority of the respondents strongly agreed on the

statements that specifications are detailed and devoid of under/over ordering and waste

management plan is prepared along with the design as expressed by a mean score of 4.11 and 3.78

respectively which varied significantly as indicated by the standard deviation of 0.994 and 1.217

respectively. These findings concur with the findings of Osmani (2012) who noted that about 33

per cent of construction waste occurs because of design-related factors. This implies that attempts

to tackle waste at design stage would result in substantial reduction in waste.

The respondents also agreed on the statements that awareness of material quantity, quality and

durability and knowledge and ability to design for standard materials supply influences

performance of housing and water projects to great extent as shown by mean of 3.47 and 3.22

respectively with a respective significance variance of 1.436 and 1.525. These findings are in line

with the findings of Aftab et al (2010) who stated that fluctuation in price of material, cash flow

and financial difficulties faced by contractors, shortage of site workers, lack of communication

between parties, incorrect planning and scheduling by contractors are most severe factors while

frequent design changes and owner interference are least affecting factors on construction cost


The respondents also indicated that ability to coordinate dimensions of building elements and

components and specify durable materials to avoid need for early replacement influences

performance of housing and water projects to a moderate extent as represented by a mean of 3.11

and 3.02 respectively and a significance variance of 1.385 and 1.539. These findings contradicts

with the findings of Osmani (2013) who established that the best approach for tackling waste is

through dedicated efforts at the design stage of building delivery process. Love (2010) also noted

that a mistake made in design could result in errors in procurement and construction, thereby

leading to rework and subsequent waste generation.

4.4.2 Procurement and Project Performance

The study sought to establish the extent to which procurement influence the performance of

housing and water projects in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The findings are presented in Table


Table 4.5: Procurement and Project Performance

Supplier Ordering Aggregate

flexibility in material Vendors Planning for Reduced Score
providing Procurement with high that supply good excess
small route that content quality and delivery order to
quantities of minimizes recycled recycled schedule avoid
materials packaging material materials onsite breakage
N Valid 212 212 212 212 172 212
Missi 0 0 0 0 40 0
Mean 3.23 3.20 3.38 2.42 3.17 2.93 3.06
Std. 1.547 1.632 1.647 1.390 1.243 1.241 1.450
Source: Survey Data (2018)
From the findings, the aggregate score of 3.06 shows that the respondents were neutral that

procurement influences performance of housing and water projects in Nairobi City County, Kenya.

This varied significantly as shown by a standard deviation of 1.450. Majority of the respondents

agreed on the statements that ordering material with high content recycled material, supplier

flexibility in providing small quantities of materials, procurement route that minimizes packaging

and planning for good delivery schedule onsite influences performance of housing and water

construction projects to a great extent as shown by mean score of 3.38, 3.23, 3.20 and 3.17

respectively. These varied significantly as indicated a standard deviation of 1.647, 1.547, 1.632

and 1.243 respectively. These findings agree with the findings of Schmitz and Platts (2014) who

observe that the main aim of contracting is to ensure that goods or services are delivered on time,

at the agreed cost and at the specified requirements. It means developing effective working

relationships with your suppliers, ensuring effective service delivery, maximising value for money

and providing consistent quality for stakeholders and end users.

The study also established that reduced excess order to avoid breakage and vendors that supply

quality and recycled materials influences performance of housing and water construction projects

to a moderate extent as shown by a mean of 2.93 and 2.42 respectively with a variance of 1.241

and 1.390 respectively. These findings contradicts with the findings of Sabiti, Basheka and

Muhumuza (2011) who observe that the key to accountability is the capacity to select the best

contractors within the public sector. The internal contractor selection process of government,

procurement and personnel have long received sustained attention as the centerpiece of reforms to

promote accountability.

4.4.3 Material Handling

The study sought to establish the extent to which material handling influence the performance of

housing and water projects in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The findings are presented in Table


Table 4.6: Material Handling and Project Performance

Waste Aggregate
Providing Adequate auditing to Score
bins for site access monitor
Use of collecting for and record
safe Prevention wastes for material environme Dedicated
materials of double each of the delivery ntal space for
storage handling of sub- and performan sorting of
facilities materials contractor movement ce onsite waste
N Valid 212 212 212 212 212 212
Missin 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mean 3.57 2.52 2.26 2.21 3.44 2.88 2.81
Std. .820 1.468 .679 1.105 1.381 1.382 1.139
Source: Survey Data (2018)

From the findings, the aggregate score of 2.81 indicates that the respondents were neutral that

material handling affects performance of housing and water projects in Nairobi City County,

Kenya with a significance variance of 1.139. Majority of the respondents agreed on the statements

that use of safe materials storage facilities and waste auditing to monitor and record environmental

performance onsite as shown by mean score of 3.57 and 3.44 respectively with a respective

variance of 0.820 and 1.381. These findings are in line with the findings of Ogunlana (2014) who

found that the main reasons for project delays on housing projects in Thailand were incomplete

drawings, material management problems, deficiencies in organisation, shortages of construction

materials, and inefficiencies in site workers.

The study established that dedicated space for sorting of waste, prevention of double handling of

materials, providing bins for collecting wastes for each of the sub-contractor and adequate site

access for material delivery and movement moderately influences the performance of housing and

water construction projects as shown by mean score of 2.88, 2.52, 2.26 and 2.21 respectively with

respective mean score of 1.382, 1.468, 0.679 and 1.105. The findings contradicts with the findings

of Edema et al. (2011) who revealed that a study on the Copperbelt province of Zambia showed

that lack of environmentally friendly, sustainable and affordable waste management had led to the

wide spread open dumping and open burning of solid waste.

4.4.4 Reuse, Recycle and Reduce Practices

The study sought to establish the extent to which re-use, recycle and reduce practices influence the

performance of housing and water projects in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The findings are

presented in Table 4.7.

Table 4.7: Reuse, Recycle and Reduce Practices on Project Performance

Database Database Database Database Database Database Aggregate

management management manageme manageme manageme manageme Score
system system nt system nt system nt system nt system
improves improves data improves improves improves improves
data sharing sharing in Tea data data data data
in Tea companies sharing in sharing in sharing in sharing in
companies Tea Tea Tea Tea
companies companies companies companies
N Valid 212 212 212 210 210 211
Missi 0 0 0 2 2 1
Mean 3.65 3.60 3.83 3.84 3.69 3.79 3.733
Std. 1.236 1.507 1.420 1.468 1.410 1.473 1.419
Source: Survey Data (2018)
From the findings, the aggregate score of 3.733 indicated that the respondents agreed that reuse,

recycle and reduce practices highly influences performance of housing and water projects in

Nairobi City County, Kenya which varied significantly as shown by standard deviation of 1.419.

Majority of the respondents strongly agreed on the statements that ability to identify and integrate

reusable elements into design waste minimization through measures taken in materials

procurement Consideration, and prevention of waste through design activities (designing out

wastes) as shown by mean score of 3.84, 3.83 and 3.79 respectively with respective variance of

1.468, 1.420 and 1.473. These findings are in line with the findings of Polat and Ballard (2010)

established that minimisation is the best and most effective method of reducing the generation of

waste and eliminating many of the waste generation problems.

The respondents also agreed that ability to effectively design for preassembled components,

recycling target is set for every project and reuse material scraps from cutting stock length material

into shorter pieces as shown by mean score of 3.69, 3.65 and 3.60 and a significance variance of

1.410, 1.236 and 1.506 respectively. These findings are in line with the findings of Greenwood et

al. (2012) who found that the top priority in minimizing waste is to avoid waste through designing

out or reducing waste at the source and proposed three key project stages where waste

minimization initiative should be introduced; contractual, design and site execution stages.

4.4.5 Project Performance

The study sought to establish the influence of construction waste management practices on the

performance of housing and water projects in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The findings are

presented in Table 4.8.

Table 4.8: Project Performance

Enhances Aggregate
There is Projects are There is no efficiency in Score
accuracy in delivered on cost overruns projects
projects time in projects activities
N Valid 212 212 212 206
Missing 0 0 0 6
Mean 3.68 3.65 3.43 3.14 3.48
Std. Deviation 1.417 1.675 1.591 1.535 1.554
Source: Survey Data (2018)
From the findings, the aggregate score of 3.48 indicates that construction waste management

practices influences the performance of housing and water projects in Nairobi City County, Kenya

to a great extent which varied significantly as shown by standard deviation of 1.554. Majority of

the respondents strongly agreed that construction waste management practices leads to accuracy

in projects with a mean of 3.68 which varied significantly as indicated by standard deviation of

1.417. This was followed by statements that Projects are delivered on time, there is no cost

overruns in projects and Enhances efficiency in projects activities as shown by mean of 3.65, 3.43

and 3.14 respectively and their respective variance of 1.675, 1.591 and 1.535.

These findings agree with the findings of Johnston and Mincks (2011) who proposed an integrated

construction waste management plan that includes: reduction, recycling, reuse, incinerating,

composting and landfill. Formoso et al. (2014) argue that any inefficiency that results in the use

of equipment, materials, labour, or capital in larger quantities than those considered necessary in

the production of a building. Waste can be generated by mistakes, working out of sequence,

redundant activity and movement, delayed or premature inputs and products or services that do

not meet customer needs.

4.5 Inferential Statistics

4.5.1 Correlation Analysis

Correlation analysis was done to show how strongly two variables are related to each other or the

degree of association between the two. The findings are presented in Table 4.9.

Table 4.9: Correlation Analysis

Recycle and
Project Procuremen Material Reduce
Design t Handling Practices
Project Design Pearson 1 .852** .102 .073
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .137 .288
N 212 212 212 212
Procurement Pearson .852** 1 .788** -.161*
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .006 .019
N 212 212 212 212
Material Handling Pearson .102 .788** 1 .823
Sig. (2-tailed) .137 .006 .001
N 212 212 212 212
Reuse, Recycle and Pearson .073 -.161* .823 1
Reduce Practices Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed) .288 .019 .001
N 212 212 212 212
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
Source: Survey Data (2018)

The Pearson’s r for the correlation between project design and procurement variables is 0.852

which is close to 1 with a significant value of 0.00 which is less than 0.05. This shows a strong

relationship meaning that changes in one variable are strongly correlated with changes in the

second variable. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is a strong relationship between project

design and procurement. Procurement is strongly related to material handling (r=0.788, p<0.05)

which means that increase in procurement leads to increase in material handling and vice versa.

The study established that material handling is strongly related to reuse, recycle and reduce

practices (r=0.823, p<0.05) in which it can be concluded that there is a statistically significant

correlations between the two variables. That means, increases or decreases in one variable do

significantly relate to increases or decreases in the second variable.

The study also revealed a negative correlation between procurement and reuse, recycle and reduce

practices (r=-0.161, p<0.05). This means that changes in one variable are not correlated with

changes in the second variable. It can be concluded that increase in procurement leads to decrease

in procurement and reuse, recycle and reduce practices and vice versa.

4.5.2 Regression Analysis

Regression analysis was carried out to show which among the independent variables were related

to dependent variable. The findings are presented in Table 4.10.

Table 4.10: Regression Analysis

Std. Error Change Statistics

Mod R Adjusted R of the R Square F Sig. F
el R Square Square Estimate Change Change df1 df2 Change
1 .781a .609 .589 1.423 .011 .588 4 207 .002a
a. Predictors: (Constant), Reuse, Recycle and Reduce Practices, Procurement, Project Design, Material Handling
Source: Survey Data (2018)

Table 4.10 shows a model summary that provides information about the regression line’s ability

to account for the total variation in the dependent variable. R2 also called the coefficient of

determination, is the measure of how close the data are to the fitted regression line which is 0.609

(60.9 per cent). The adjusted R2, also called the coefficient of multiple determinations, is the

percent of the variance in the dependent explained uniquely or jointly by the independent variables.

0.589 (58.9 per cent) of the changes in the performance of housing and water projects variables

could be attributed to the construction waste management practices. This means that other

variables not studied contribute 41.1 per cent of the performance of housing and water projects in

Nairobi City County, Kenya.

Table 4.11: Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

Sum of
Model Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 4.762 4 0.191 5.588 .002a
Residual 419.063 207 2.024
Total 423.825 211
a. Predictors: (Constant), Reuse, Recycle and Reduce Practices, Procurement, Project Design, Material Handling

Source: Survey Data (2018)

The probability value of 0.02a indicates that the regression model was highly significant in

predicting how Reuse, Recycle and Reduce Practices, Procurement, Project Design and Material

Handling influenced performance housing and construction projects. The F calculated at 5 per cent

level of significance was 5.588 since F calculated is greater than the F critical (value = 0.191), this

shows that the overall model was significant.

Table 4.12: Determination of Coefficients

ed 95.0per cent
Unstandardized Coefficien Confidence Interval
Coefficients ts for B
Lower Upper
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig. Bound Bound
1 (Constant) 0.781 .494 7.058 .002 2.511 4.457
Project Design .720 .069 3.078 1.042 .001 .064 .207
Material Handling .613 .131 2.140 1.247 .004 .420 .095
Procurement .594 .138 4.066 .683 .003 .178 .366
Reuse, Recycle .860 .085 1.071 .778 .001 .101 .233
and Reduce
a. Dependent Variable: Project Performance

Source: Survey Data (2018)

As shown in Table 4.12, the established regression equation by the study was:

Y = 0.781+ 0.720X1 + 0.613X2 + 0.594X3 + 0.660X4.

Where Y = Project Performance

X1= Project Design

X2= Material Handling

X3= Procurement

X2= Reuse, Reduce and Recycle Practices

From the results in Table 4.12, holding Project Design, Procurement, Reuse, Reduce and Recycle

Practices and Material Handling, performance of housing and water projects would be 0.781. In

addition, the findings show that a unit increase in project design, material handling, procurement

and reuse, reduce and recycle practices would lead to 0.720, 0.613, 0.594 and 0.860 increase in

performance of housing and water projects respectively. Reuse, recycle and reduce practices had

the greatest (86.0per cent) influence on the performance of housing and water projects followed

by project design (72.0per cent), material handling (61.3per cent) and lastly procurement (59.4per


Hao et al (2013) pointed out that waste management in construction activities should start from

the design and the procurement phases and, then, extend to onsite technologies and plans. Formoso

et al. (2014) argue that any inefficiency that results in the use of equipment, materials, labour, or

capital in larger quantities than those considered necessary in the production of a building.

According to Berry and McCarthy (2011) procurement systems deal with risk allocation between

the contractor and the employer. Johnston and Mincks (2011) proposed an integrated construction

waste management plan that includes: reduction, recycling, reuse, incinerating, composting and


4.6 Qualitative Analysis

The study established that during project design there are communication benefits of working with

a design professional and a construction expert at the same time ensures that potential problems

are discovered before the project starts. Communicating the cost implications of design decisions

ensures that the owner plays a key role in arriving at the final project price. The design build

method helps to remove ambiguity that may arise in material and construction specifications. The

relationship built during the design phase helps to ensure that the stage is set for a successful

construction project.

The study established that procurement facilitate increased collaboration which in turn enhances

project performance. Improvement of procurement procedures is critical increasing the efficiency

of the housing and water project development. Procurement allow an organization to realize

immediate upfront cost savings by procuring items, services, and contracts at the best price


Material management is an important element in project management as materials contribute a

major portion to total project cost. It also plays a key role because of the successes of every

construction project rely on having proper resources. Material handling benefit construction

players in improving the efficiency of material management in order to minimize the impacts on

construction projects performance. The availability and sufficient materials and equipment have

effect on time, quality, productivity and performance.

Reduce and reuse materials enables the organization gain immediate cost savings by not needing

to purchase as much, or at all. Avoid the production of waste materials where recycling facilities

are not easily accessible or available. Central recycle bins are placed where they are easy to access

and where the waste or recycling materials are likely to be generated. This helps save valuable

resources and prevents environmental damage.



5.1 Introduction

The chapter presents a summary of the findings, conclusions and recommendations as per the

research objective.

5.2 Summary of Findings

The general objective was to investigate the influence of construction waste management practices

and performance of housing and water projects in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The study’s

specific objectives were to establish the influence of project design, material handling,

procurement and reuse, recycle and reduce practices. The respondents comprised of 3 permanent

staff from each project which formed a population of 285 respondents. The summary of the

findings are presented as follows:

The first research objective sought to establish the influence of project design on the performance

of housing and water projects in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The study established that project

design had a positive and significant effect on performance of housing and water projects in

Nairobi City County, Kenya. Project design influence performance of housing and water projects

to a great extent. The study established that specifications are detailed and devoid of under/over

ordering and waste management plan is prepared along with the design which greatly affects the

performance of housing and water projects in Nairobi City County, Kenya.

The second research objective sought to identify the influence of procurement on the performance

of housing and water projects in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The study established that

procurement had a positive and significant effect and influences performance of projects to

moderate extent. Most of the respondents agreed on the statements that ordering material with high

content recycled material, supplier flexibility in providing small quantities of materials,

procurement route that minimizes packaging and planning for good delivery schedule onsite

influences performance of housing and water construction projects to a great extent.

The third research objective sought to examine the influence of material handling on the

performance of housing and water projects in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The study established

that material handling had a positive and significant effect on project performance but influences

project performance to a moderate extent. Most of the respondents agreed that use of safe materials

storage facilities and waste auditing to monitor and record environmental performance onsite. The

study also established that there was inadequate site access for material

The fourth research objective sought to investigate the influence of re-use, recycle and reduce

practices on the performance of housing and water projects in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The

study established that reuse, recycle and reduce practices had a positive and significant effect on

performance and that re-use, recycle and reduce practices highly influenced project performance.

Majority of the respondents strongly agreed on the statements that ability to identify and integrate

reusable elements into design waste minimization through measures taken in materials

procurement Consideration, and prevention of waste through design activities (designing out


5.3 Conclusions

Project design strengthens the owner’s control of the entire design process and minimizes the risks

in finance by contracting with a single firm that is unconditionally committed to the success of the

project. Project team can work closely together and accurately conceptualize the completed project

at an early stage and evaluate alternative systems, materials and methods efficiently and accurately.

Project design allows resources and attention to be productively focused on cost effective solutions

that reflect best value and quality.

Procurement helps the organization maintain quality and consistency, effectively, drive

compliance and manage risk. Through procurement, managers can negotiate the best deal by

identifying the projects needs and establishing the most advantageous position for contracts. These

managers evaluate and monitor products and services on an ongoing basis to ensure the outcomes

comply with terms and conditions.

Materials handling ensures that the right quality and quantity of materials are appropriately

selected, purchased, delivered and handled on site in a timely manner and at a reasonable cost.

Materials represent a major expense in construction, so minimizing procurement costs improves

opportunities for reducing the overall project costs. On the other hand, materials management can

result in increased costs during construction.

Reuse, recycle and reduce practices are vital part in any waste management strategy because they

help reduce waste handling and disposal costs, by avoiding the cost of recycling, land filling and

combustion. This involves the reprocessing of waste into a usable raw material or product thus

enabling materials to have an extended life in addition to reducing resource consumption and

avoiding disposal costs.

5.4 Recommendations for Policy and Practice

Project design is an important influencing factor as to why waste is produced in construction

projects. Ensuring design decisions prevents waste from being produced in the first place and also

positively improves the recycled content and future recyclability of a project. Waste prevention

and reduction in the design phases, project design should focus on reuse and recycling, waste-

efficient procurement, materials optimization, off-site construction; and deconstruction and


In procurement, contractual agreements should be set up between the client, designers, main

contractors and sub-contractors working on the project for effective production of waste.

Prospective contractors should be required in their tenders to indicate the likely waste recovery

targets and key performance indicators that can be achieved on the project given the stage of the

design. The reasons behind this is that the design incorporates good practice levels of waste

minimisation, there will be less potential for waste generation on-site and therefore a lower target

rate should be adopted accordingly and the contractor is better suited than the client to propose

recovery rates based on their working practices.

In material handling, the government should introduce specific legislation governing the handling

and disposal of construction wastes and follow up with strict monitoring to ensure compliance.

There should be a centralised material management team co-ordination between the site and the

organization. Proper control, tracking and monitoring of the system is required. Awareness and

accountability should be created within the organization.

For better reuse, recycle and reduce practices, the most effective environmental solution may often

be to reduce the generation of waste and the amount of waste created using waste prevention

measures. Re-use materials to avoid waste being created and where further reduction is not

practicable, products and materials can sometimes be re-used, either for the same or a different

purpose. Recycle materials from site where materials cannot be re-used and value should be

recovered from waste, through recycling, composting or energy recovery from waste.

5.5 Recommendations for Further Studies

The study focused on how project design, material handling, procurement and reuse, recycle and

reduce practices influence performance of housing and water projects. Therefore, the study

recommends that further studies should be carried out focusing on other variables not studied

influence the performance of other projects in the construction industry.


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Appendix I: Letter of Introduction

David Gitau

P.O Box 1457


Dear Sir /Madam

Re: Request for Participation in Research Study

I am a postgraduate student at Kenyatta University undertaking a study entitled: Construction

Waste Management Practices and Performance of Construction Projects in Nairobi City County,

Kenya as a requirement for the Degree of Master’s in Business Administration (Project


Since you are better placed to provide information required for this study, I have selected you as

my study respondent. You are kindly supposed to rate yourself as per the question items given.

Please take a few minutes to respond to the questionnaire items. I assure you that your answers

will be kept completely confidential and will be used for academic purposes only. Your

participation in facilitating this study will be highly appreciated.

Any assistance will be highly appreciated. Thank you.

Yours faithfully


David Gitau

MBA Student- KU (City Campus)

Appendix II: Questionnaire

This questionnaire is to gather information on Construction Waste Management Practices and

Performance of Construction Projects in Nairobi City County, Kenya. Please tick on the box

corresponding to your response.

Section A: Background Information

1. Indicate your Gender: [ ] Male [ ] Female

2. Age:

Less than 25 years [ ] 25 – 34 Years []

35 – 44 Years [] 45 years and above []

3. Indicate your highest level of education

[ ] Diploma [ ] Post Graduate Diploma

[ ] Bachelors Degree [ ] Master’s Degree

4. Indicate your work experience:

[ ] Less than 5 years [ ] 5-9 years

[ ] 10- 15 years [ ] Above 15 Years

Section B: Project Design

To what extent do you agree with the following statements concerning the influence of project

design on the performance of construction projects in Nairobi County, Kenya?

Key: Strongly agree(SA)=5, Agree(A)=4, Undecided(U)=3, Disagree(D)=2, and Strongly


Statement 1 2 3 4 5
Specify durable materials to avoid need for early replacement
Specification are detailed and devoid of under/over ordering

Waste management plan is prepared along with the design
Knowledge and ability to design for standard materials supply
Ability to coordinate dimensions of building elements and
Awareness of material quantity, quality and durability
5. Based on your opinion, how does project design the performance of construction projects

in Nairobi County, Kenya?





Section B: Procurement

To what extent do you agree with the following statements concerning the influence of

procurement on the performance of construction projects in Nairobi County, Kenya?

Statement 1 2 3 4 5
Supplier flexibility in providing small quantities of materials
Procurement route that minimizes packaging
Order material with high content recycled material
Vendors that supply quality and recycled materials
Planning for good delivery schedule onsite
Reduced excess order to avoid breakage
6. Based on your opinion, how does procurement the performance of construction projects in

Nairobi County, Kenya?




Section D: Material Handling

To what extent do you agree with the following statements concerning the influence of material

handling on the performance of construction projects in Nairobi County, Kenya?

Statement 1 2 3 4 5
Use of safe materials storage facilities
Prevention of double handling of materials
Providing bins for collecting wastes for each of the sub-
Adequate site access for material delivery and movement
Waste auditing to monitor and record environmental
performance onsite
Dedicated space for sorting of waste
7. Based on your opinion, how does material handling the performance of construction

projects in Nairobi County, Kenya?




Section E: Reuse, Reduce and Recycle Practices

To what extent do you agree with the following statements concerning the influence of reuse,

reduce and recycling practices on the performance of construction projects in Nairobi County,


Statement 1 2 3 4 5
Recycling target is set for every project
Reuse material scraps from cutting stock length material into
shorter pieces
Waste minimization through measures taken in materials
Ability to identify and integrate reusable elements into design

Ability to effectively design for preassembled components
Consideration and prevention of waste through design
activities (designing out wastes)
8. Based on your opinion, how do reuse, recycle and reduce practices influence the

performance of construction projects in Nairobi County, Kenya?




Section F: Performance of Construction Projects

To what extent do you agree with the following indicators concerning the influence of construction

waste management practices on the performance of construction projects in Nairobi County,


Statement 1 2 3 4 5
ICT adoption has enabled Tea companies to expand its
market network
ICT adoption has enabled Tea companies to gain more
ICT adoption has led to effective operations in Tea

Appendix III: Research Authorization

Appendix IV: Research Permit


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