Odd Renaissance 1.2

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court and wars of succession.

Lowlands are a trader’s republic, ever
threatened by its powerful neighbors.
Central Europe is a patchwork of local
fiefdoms embroiled in unending religious
wars. The British Isles are under a
monarchy suffering its own internal trials
and tribulations.

The church is hunting witches, warlocks

and demons, or at least using this as a
pretext to exercise ruthless power.

War, plague, and other diseases have

ravaged wide swaths of the countryside.
Sightings of mythical, fearsome
creatures, belief in black magic and
strange rituals abound.

An Odd Renaissance Amidst chaos and anarchy, you are

trying to get by, your only fealty sworn to
© Aventiure, 2023 yourself.
Text licensed under creative commons
CC-BY-SA 4.0. 4. Character Creation
Art: H.S. Beham, 1540, J. Callot, 1620, Character generation is handled
Public domain. according to the rules of your favorite
Inspired by: Cairn by Yochai Gal RPG. Use human characters only. Roll or
choose a Background (Section 7) for your
1. What is it? An Odd Renaissance is a character to determine equipment. Each
plug-in for renaissance adventures and character may choose one further piece
campaigns for OSR RPGs. of equipment and starts with d6 GP.

2. How does it work? An Odd 5. Additional New Equipment

Renaissance provides a system neutral New Armor
rules-lite framework for renaissance Leather Jerkin, 15GP
adventures with new equipment, rules for Cuirass, bulky, 40 GP
firearms and PC backgrounds. Listed Helmet, 10GP
stats can be used in most OSR games,
such as retro-clones, Knave, Cairn, or Into The leather jerkin can be worn
the Odd. underneath other armor or alone and
adds +1 armor. The armor class of the
3. The Renaissance Setting cuirass (breast plate) + jerkin is
An Odd Renaissance is set in Europe in comparable to chain mail in your favored
renaissance times. The big monarchies of RPG. The armor class of cuirass + jerkin
Western Europe are beset by intrigues of + helmet is comparable to plate mail.
Weapons means the gun exploded, causing the
Small weapon (d4 damage), 2-10GP wielder d4 damage.
(folding knife, knife, glass dagger).
Short weapon (d6 damage), 5-25 GP However, guns were also deadly. When
(dagger, short sword, parrying rolling the highest damage result (8 for
sword, dueling sword, stiletto). pistol ball, 10 for long gun ball), roll again
Long weapon (d8 damage), 20-70 GP and add the damage. Repeat for every
(longsword, rapier, saber, falcata/ consecutive highest number rolled (i.e.,
curved sword, scimitar). “exploding dice”).
Bayonet (d6 damage) 5GP
May be fastened to long gun, 7. Backgrounds
causes d8 damage if fastened. Background determines starting
Pole arms (d10 damage), 10-25 GP equipment and skills. Roll or choose one.
(pike, halberd), bulky.
Pistol, 25-50 GP d20 Background
(takes 1 round to reload).
Long gun 40-60 GP 1 The Alchemist
(musket, arquebus, takes 2 The Assassin
1d3 rounds to reload), bulky.
3 The Courtier
Double barrel: +50% on price.
4 The Cunning Courtesan
Ammunition 5 The Diabolical Scholar
Pistol balls (d8 damage), 10p. / 1GP.
Long Gun Balls (d10 damage), 10p. / 6 The Dubious Duelist
2GP. 7 The Exiled Noble
Buckshot (d4 blast damage), 10p. / 1GP,
8 The Field Surgeon
only for long guns, blast damage will
affect a cone area of 60’ length and 10’ 9 The Fortune Hunter
width, anyone in affected area is also 10 The Hapless Thespian
stunned for 1 round.
Silvered Ammunition: price x5 11 The Horseless Cavalrist
Grenade (2d6 blast damage), 10GP, 12 The Inquisitor
blast damage will affect a 10’x10’ area.
13 The Lansquenet
Other New Items 14 The Marketender
Compass, 10GP 15 The Plague Doctor
Pocket watch, 60GP
Spyglass, 40 GP 16 The Priest
17 The Silent Servant
6. Combat with Guns
18 The Spy
Guns in the renaissance age were not
very reliable. When rolling a 1 for 19 The Vermin Hunter
damage, roll again. A second 1 means 20 The Witch/ The Warlock
the gun misfired (no damage). In case
you rolled a second 1, roll again: a third 1
The Game Master should decide if and The Exiled Noble.
which ability check is required to Skill: commanding voice (commoners
practice a skill. Players should think will obey you), fencing, horsemanship.
which other skills the PC’s background Items: signet ring, rapier, leather jerkin
may confer. Characters may hide their (+1 Armor), black velvet cape.
true background. However, they will be
recognized by one of their own. The Field Surgeon
Skills: bandage wounds (heal d6
The Alchemist damage), cause additional d4 bleeding
Skills: produce potions and powders, damage/round with sharp weapons
chemical trickery, herbal knowledge. Items: amputation knife (d6 damage),
Items: leather bag with vials of bandages (d4 uses), opium tincture.
chemicals, dagger, fool’s gold.
The Fortune Hunter
The Assassin Skills: detect treasure and opportunities,
Skills: Backstab, hide, disguise, mimic pick pockets, pick locks, run and hide.
persons (looks, voice, movements). Items: scimitar, lockpicks, pocket watch,
Items: dagger, garrote (strangling wire), large sack.
dual color reversible cape.
The Hapless Thespian
The Cunning Courtesan Skills: charm person, acrobatics, disguise,
Skills: charm, seduce, extract their mimic persons.
targets deepest secrets. Items: wig, cup of face paint, mirror,
Items: small vial of sleeping pills, dagger, musical instrument, folding knife.
bottle of perfume.
The Inquisitor.
The Courtier Skills: detect truth or lies, cause fear,
Skills: interrogation and persuasion, hide dispel evil creatures.
and disappear. Items: Malleus Maleficarum (the book of
Items: fancy clothing, dagger, vial with torture and persecution of witches), glass
serum of truth (after ingestion, subject dagger, ornate mace.
will speak only truth).
The Horseless Cavalrist
The Diabolical Scholar Skills: animal control, horsemanship
Skills: reading magic and secret (always gains initiative on horseback).
inscriptions, performing illusions. Items: saber, saddle bag, cuirass.
Items: spell book with one spell, quill and
ink, map, curved dagger. The Lansquenet
Skill: marksman (take higher of two rolls
The Dubious Duelist. on ranged attacks), obtain rumors /
Skills: quick draw (pistol), fencing (always information from other soldiers.
gain initiative with rapier), run and hide. Items: arquebus, rusty saber, leather
Items: double barreled pistol, dueling frock (+1 Armor), loaded dice.
sword (treat as short sword), hand
mirror, leather cape (+1 Armor).
The Marketender 8. Magic and Monsters
Skills: negotiation, persuasion, source An Odd Renaissance is intended for a low
and sell equipment at best price. fantasy setting where the line between
Items: hidden coin pouch, dagger, ledger. magic and illusion is blurry. Focus on
spells that play with the mind of the
The Plague Doctor affected person (trickery, illusion,
Skills: herbalist knowledge, concoct hypnosis).
poisons or healing tinctures, resistant to
most diseases. Use of monsters is focused on a low
Items: plague mask and leather coat (+1 fantasy setting where natural beasts
Armor), healing herbs, reinforced staff. (bears, wolves, hounds) and monsters
common to lore and tales from the
The Pious Priest renaissance period (spirits, nymphs,
Skills: bless the faithful, dispel evil ghosts, undead, demons) are used.
creatures (undead, evil spirits, demons).
Items: prayer book, holy water sprinkler 9. Generate a quest
(spiked mace, d8 damage), symbol, To generate Ideas for a Renaissance
leather jerkin, ceremonial tunic. Quest, roll on the spark table.

The Silent Servant Action Object Location NPC

Skills: appear and disappear seemingly 1 protect secret battleground lord/lady
2 expose lord palace child
out of/ into thin air, blending in (not
3 investigate heir cemetery bishop
being noticed, even when in plain view). 4 rescue treasure ruin spirit
Items: black livery, dagger, vial of poison. 5 eliminate honor forest prisoner
6 find threat town hostage
The Spy
Skills: disguise, mimic persons, observe, 10. Abbreviations
track, hide. dX: roll of an X-sided die (e.g. “d6”)
Items: collapsible spy glass, quill, ink, GP: Gold Piece (currency unit)
parchment, fake seal, stiletto dagger. HP: Hit Point
OSR: Old School Renaissance (old school
The Vermin Hunter roleplaying games
Skills: animal control, track creatures. RPG: Role Playing Game
Items: Whip (d4 damage), reed flute __________________________________
(small item, many animals will follow its
sound), wolfbane (small item), hunting
knife (d6).

The Witch / The Warlock

Skills: mental trickery, cause fear,
command lesser undead and spirits,
perform illusions.
Items: falcata, skull symbol, trained raven
(familiar animal, 1 HP).

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