Summative Assessment 7th Grade

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Summative assessment

English language, Class 7, L1

Numele şi prenumele elevului:

Data susţinerii testului:

Pentru rezolvarea corectă a tuturor cerinţelor din Partea I şi din Partea a II- a se acordă 70 de
puncte. Din oficiu se acordă 30 puncte. Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 50 de minute.

PART I 50p

I. Listen and tick (√) A, B or C. (0.25Px4=10p)

When did Sophie start at the school?

Wednesday 
Friday 
Thursday 
What is Sophie's favourite subject?
Science 
Art 
Spanish 
Who's Sophie's favourite teacher?
Mr Clark 
Mrs Clark 
Miss Clark 
Where does Alan offer to take Sophie?
The library 
The school café 
The school gym 

II. Complete the conversation. Use the words in the list: (0.30Px5=15p)
what's the matter ‫ ׀‬of course you can ‫ ׀‬guess ‫׀‬youth club ‫ ׀‬why don't you ‫ ׀‬that's a good idea
GRANDMA: Kate............ what's the matter......................? You've been here for two
days and you look so sad.
KATE: Well, Granny, last Sunday I argued with Jane and now we aren't talking.
GRANDMA : Who's Jane? Tell me.
KATE: She's my best friend. I've know her since she moved near me. You know
she lives in a house at the end of the road. We don't go at the same school, but we meet at the
local.......................................................... every afternoon. We both like animals and music and we
play volleyball together.
GRANDMA: I...........................your friendship is very important. ................................
phone her?
KATE: I think............................I'll phone her right now, Grandma will you let me use your
GRANDMA ................................. Go ahead!
III. Complete the conversation. Use the present perfect form of the verbs in brackets.(0.30Px5=15p)
A. Are Steve and Julie here?
B. No they..................................(GO) to the cinema
a. Is there any food in the kitchen?
b. No, my brother..............................(EAT) it all!
A. ......................................(YOU/WRITE) to your aunt?
B. No I haven't. I'll do it tonight.
A. Are you enjoying Los Angeles?
B. Yes, I .........................(MEET) lots of nice people.
A. Is this a good book?
B. I don't know. I.....................(NOT READ) it.

IV. Read the text about children and schools in Niger. Answer the questions. (0.25PX4=10p)


Niger, in central Africa, is a country that has very

little rain. And 80% of people have no running water
at home. So water is very important in people's lives,
but sometimes it means that kids don't do well at
school. Children are often the ones who have to find
water for the family. They go out on donkeys and
travel up to ten kilometres to get water. And then they are late for school, or they don't go at all. Sani,
11, gets water for his family in the morning and usually gets to school at 10 o'clock - two hours late.
'Some of the other children are lucky,' he says. 'They don't have to get water. And so they learn more
quickly than me.' It's hard for the children to study. One girl, Badjeba, says, 'I get up at 4.30 to get
water, five kilometres away. Then I take it home. Then I walk to school. I'm exhausted. I'm so tired
that I fall asleep in the lessons. And after school, I have to go and find water again. In one classroom,
the teacher asks: 'How many of you were late today because you had to get water?' And about 90% of
the kids put their hand up. Their families send them to get water - school is important, but water is

a. Who often goes to get water for a family?

b. Why is Sani often two hours late for school?
c. Why does Badjeba sometimes fall asleep in lessons?
d. Why do families send children to get water when it makes them late for school?

PART II 20 p

V. Write an email to an English-speaking friend (80-100 words). Your friend wants to know about
your routines and your school system.

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