08le 03 Gs Verbs Adverbs ST Pa

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Name: __________________________________________ Date: __________________________

Grade 8 Module Summative Test: Parts of Speech: Verbs and


A. Identifying Parts of Speech

Each of the following sentences contains an italicized word. Choose the answer option that
correctly identifies the italicized word or words as a preposition, a conjunction, an
interjection, or an adverb.


We walked briskly through the public garden.

A. preposition

B. conjunction

C. interjection

D. adverb

Correct answer: D

1. Hey, wasn’t that woman on television last night?

A. preposition

B. conjunction

Grade 8 1 Module Summative Test: Parts of Speech: Verbs and Adverbs

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

Name: __________________________________________ Date: __________________________

C. interjection

D. adverb

Grade 8 2 Module Summative Test: Parts of Speech: Verbs and Adverbs

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

Name: __________________________________________ Date: __________________________

2. We climbed aboard the green canoe.

A. preposition

B. conjunction

C. interjection

D. adverb

3. Elia wants two puppies, for they are adorable and energetic.

A. preposition

B. conjunction

C. interjection

D. adverb

4. Tanya not only plays the trumpet but also sings in a choir.

A. preposition

B. conjunction

C. interjection

D. adverb

5. We performed for the people in the retirement center.

A. preposition

B. conjunction

C. interjection
Grade 8 3 Module Summative Test: Parts of Speech: Verbs and Adverbs

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

Name: __________________________________________ Date: __________________________

D. adverb

Grade 8 4 Module Summative Test: Parts of Speech: Verbs and Adverbs

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

Name: __________________________________________ Date: __________________________

6. Please wash the chalkboard and sweep the floor.

A. preposition

B. conjunction

C. interjection

D. adverb

7. Julio swims at the YMCA quite often.

A. preposition

B. conjunction

C. interjection

D. adverb

8. I would like to take a nap, but I don’t think I have time.

A. preposition

B. conjunction

C. interjection

D. adverb

9. Surprise! You won a blue ribbon in every category.

A. preposition

B. conjunction

C. interjection
Grade 8 5 Module Summative Test: Parts of Speech: Verbs and Adverbs

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

Name: __________________________________________ Date: __________________________

D. adverb

Grade 8 6 Module Summative Test: Parts of Speech: Verbs and Adverbs

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

Name: __________________________________________ Date: __________________________

10. When we saw the first bolt of lightning, we ran inside.

A. preposition

B. conjunction

C. interjection

D. adverb

11. We wanted to plant hedges in addition to planting flowers.

A. preposition

B. conjunction

C. interjection

D. adverb

12. Remember to sweep under the carpet.

A. preposition

B. conjunction

C. interjection

D. adverb

13. Great! I knew you would work hard to finish on time.

A. preposition

B. conjunction

C. interjection

D. adverb

Grade 8 7 Module Summative Test: Parts of Speech: Verbs and Adverbs

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

Name: __________________________________________ Date: __________________________

14. My cat stared curiously at the toy truck.

A. preposition

B. conjunction

C. interjection

D. adverb

15. Please don’t talk during the movie.

A. preposition

B. conjunction

C. interjection

D. adverb

B. Classifying Verbs

Each of the following sentences contains an italicized verb or verb phrase. Choose the
answer option that correctly identifies the verb or verb phrase as a transitive verb,
intransitive verb, or linking verb.


My classmates and I are creating a mural about life in our city.

A. transitive

B. intransitive

C. linking

Correct answer: A

Grade 8 8 Module Summative Test: Parts of Speech: Verbs and Adverbs

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

Name: __________________________________________ Date: __________________________

16. We have already painted on a wall of damp plaster.

A. transitive

B. intransitive

C. linking

Grade 8 9 Module Summative Test: Parts of Speech: Verbs and Adverbs

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

Name: __________________________________________ Date: __________________________

17. The mixture of paint and plaster will now dry.

A. transitive

B. intransitive

C. linking

18. The mural looks similar to an ancient Mexican fresco.

A. transitive

B. intransitive

C. linking

19. Like our mural, the ancient frescoes told stories of daily life.

A. transitive

B. intransitive

C. linking

20. Our mural is beautiful and unique.

A. transitive

B. intransitive

C. linking

Grade 8 10 Module Summative Test: Parts of Speech: Verbs and Adverbs

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

Name: __________________________________________ Date: __________________________

Grade 8 Module Summative Test: Parts of

Speech: Verbs and Adverbs Answer Key
Item Correct CCSS
Number Answer
1 C L.8.1

2 A L.8.1

3 B L.8.1

4 B L.8.1

5 A L.8.1

6 B L.8.1

7 D L.8.1

8 B L.8.1

9 C L.8.1

10 D L.8.1

11 A L.8.1

12 A L.8.1

13 C L.8.1

14 D L.8.1

15 A L.8.1

16 B L.8.1

17 B L.8.1

18 C L.8.1

19 A L.8.1

20 C L.8.1

If students need extra help with this skill, assign Editable Grammar Practice: Parts of Speech II Module Review, Editable
Grammar Practice: Verbs, Editable Grammar Practice: Linking Verbs, Editable Grammar Practice: Helping Verbs,

Grade 8 11 Module Summative Test: Parts of Speech: Verbs and Adverbs

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Name: __________________________________________ Date: __________________________

Editable Grammar Practice: Adverbs, Editable Grammar Practice: Prepositions, Editable Grammar Practice:
Conjunctions and Interjections, Level Up Tutorial: Adverbs, or Level Up Tutorial: Verbs.

Grade 8 12 Module Summative Test: Parts of Speech: Verbs and Adverbs

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

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