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A Detailed Lesson Plan

in Science IV - EDITED

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I. Objectives

At the endthis document
of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:

1. Explain the processes involved in the water cycle.

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2. Describe the role of the sun in the water cycle.
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: The Role of the Sun in the Water Cycle
B. Reference: Science Teacher’s Guide, Department of Education, 348-351, S4ES-IVi-10
C. Facebook Twitter
Concept: The sun plays the major role in the water cycle. It is the main source of heat on Earth. The
processes involved in the water cycle are Evaporation, Condensation, Precipitation, Transpiration and
Respiration. Evaporation is the process of changing liquid water into gas. Transpiration is the process by
which plants release water from their leaves. Respiration is the process by which animals and humans

give off water particles when they perspire. Condensation is the process of changing the gas into liquid
water. Precipitation is the process by which the condensed gas falls back on the Earth’s surface in the
form of rain, hail, snow and sleet.
D. Materials: LCD Projector, pictures, charts, diorama of water cycle
E. Email
Science Processes: identifying, observing, describing
F. Vocabulary: ground water, water vapor, perspire, sleet, hail
G. Values Integration: cooperation and honesty
III. Engagement Activities
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Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity
A. Routinary Activities
a. Prayer
Class, let’s all stand for our prayer.
Joyce, please lead the prayer.
(The pupils are praying.)
Good morning, class!
Good morning, Ma’am!
b. Checking of Attendance
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Okay, let’s see our attendance chart if we have
Attendance Chart
Grade IV - Honesty

Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

Group 4

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Group 5

So, I guess you are all present.

Very good, Honesty!
c. Checking of Assignment
Class, do we have an assignment?
Yes, Ma’am!

Bring out your assignments and exchange

your notebooks with your seatmates.
Directions: Draw a sun ( ) if the statement tells
the truth and draw a moon ( ) if not.
_______ 1. The sun provides light, which is used
by plants for photosynthesis.
_______ 2. The energy of the sun is necessary for
life on Earth.
_______ 3. Plants and animals can survive even
without the sun.
_______ 4. The sun is the main source of heat and
light on Earth.
_______ 5. The sun plays the most essential role
for all living species on Earth.
B. Preliminary Activities
a. Health Inspection
Did you take a bath this morning?

Yes, Ma’am!
Very good! Did you brush your teeth?

Yes, Ma’am!
Very good, Honesty!
Remember, always take a bath and don’t
forget to brush your teeth every day.
b. Science Trivia
Children, I prepared a trivia.
Are you excited to know it?
Yes, Ma’am!

Do you know how long can a person live

without water?
No, Ma’am!

A person can only live for one week without

So, in order to live a long and healthy life, we
must drink plenty of water every day.
c. Weather Report
Class, let’s look outside.
What is our weather for today?
Our weather today is sunny day.

Exactly! Our weather today is sunny day.

d. Anticipation Guide
Class, we will have an activity.

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Get your Science notebook.

You will write True if the statement tells a
correct idea and False if not.
I’ll give you two minutes to answer.
________ 1. Evaporation is the process of
changing gas into liquid water.
________ 2. Condensation is the process of
changing liquid water into gas (water vapor).
________ 3. Precipitation is the process by
which the condensed water vapor (gas) falls
back on the Earth’s surface.
________ 4. Transpiration is the process by
which animals and humans give off water
________ 5. The sun plays a major role in
the water cycle.
Children, hold onto your answers. We will
check it later.
e. Review
Class, do you still remember our last lesson?
Yes, Ma’am!
What was our last lesson?
Our last lesson is about the water cycle and the sun.
Very good. Our last lesson is about water
cycle and sun.
Now, I have here an activity to test if you
really understand our previous lesson.
Directions: Put a (/) if the statement is correct
and (X) if not.
______ 1. The sun is the main source of heat
and light.
______ 2. The sun’s surface is about 1,000 ˚C.
______ 3. The sun’s light darkens the Earth.
______ 4. The sun’s heat cools the Earth.
______ 5. Water cycle is a continuous process
of changing liquid water into gas when heated
and back to liquid water when cooled.
1. /
2. X
3. X
4. /
5. /
C. Developmental Activities
1. Motivation/ Engagement
Class, I have here a song video about water
cycle. We will sing it altogether.
Is that clear, class?
Yes, Ma’am!
The Water Cycle Song
The water cycle
takes the water and moves it
up and down and all around the Earth (4x)

Evaporation comes

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when the heat from the sun

Warms up all the ground water
then it turns to water vapor

Condensation takes over

It goes up to the clouds
Water vapor cools down
And it changes to a liquid, now

Precipitation happens
when the drops get big
It falls like rain, snow, sleet and hail upon my
I know it’s the water cycle happening again
Evaporation, Condensation, Precipitation
(The pupils will sing the song.)
Wow! Good job, class!
Again, what is the title of the song video?
The title of the song video is the water cycle song.
What are the processes of the water cycle
mentioned in the song?
The processes mentioned are evaporation, condensation
and precipitation.
According to the song, when will evaporation
Evaporation comes when the heat from the sun warms
up all the ground water then it turns to water vapor.
When will condensation takes place?
Condensation takes over when it goes up to the clouds.
Water vapor cools down and it changes to liquid.
When will precipitation happens?
Precipitation happens when the drops get big. It falls
like rain, snow, sleet and hail.
2. Unlocking of Difficulties
Class, before we proceed to our lesson, let us
clarify first some words which you may encounter as
we go through.
I have here an activity.
You are going to identify the word that
describes the following pictures and meanings. You
will choose in the following words.

ground water
water vapor

Clue: the water found underground in the

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cracks and spaces in soil, sand and rock

Clue: the gaseous phase of water

Clue: the give out of sweat through pores of

the skin

Clue: ice pellets; particularly melted snow or a

mixture of rain and snow

Clue: consists of balls or irregular lumps of ice

ground water
water vapor

IV. Presentation/ Exploration

Children, we will watch a short video
presentation of our experiment last Friday.

Again, what did we do first?

We put a small amount of water inside the zip lock
plastic bag.

Then, what did we do next?

We hanged it to the ply wood using thumbtacks.

Very good. After hanging it on the ply wood,

what’s next?
We leave it under the sun and waited for 20 minutes.

Exactly! We left it under the sun and waited.

Then, we observed what happened.
Now, class, bring out your reports and post it
on the board.

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Let’s begin the presentation.

Group I reporter, please come here in front.
Group I
Question: What happened when you placed
the plastic bag with water under the sun?
Answer: When we placed the plastic bag
under the sun, there are droplets of water came
Very good! Next is Group II.
Group II
Question: What do you call the process
undergone by water when it changes to gas?
Answer: The process of changing liquid into
gas is known as evaporation.
Next is Group III.
Group III
Question: What did you see on the sides of the
plastic bag? Where do you think the water
droplets of water came from?
Answer: We saw water droplets on the plastic
bag. It came from the water that goes up
before and also goes down after.
Exactly! Next is Group IV.
Group IV
Question: What do you call the process
undergone when water vapor (gas) is changed
into liquid water?
Answer: The process of changing gas into
liquid water is called as condensation.
And the last presenter is the Group V.
Group V
Question: What did you notice with the
droplets of water when you shook it? What do
you call that process?
Answer: The droplets of water fell down
when we shook the plastic bag. This process
is known as precipitation.

Good job, class!

V. Discussion/ Explanation
Now, let’s find out if your observations are
Class, are you familiar with a diorama?
Yes, Ma’am.

This is an example of a diorama. This is a

diorama of water cycle.
It represents a scene from nature in front of a
painted background.
Today, we will discuss about the processes
involved in the water cycle.
The first process takes place when the sun
heated the Earth’s surface.
What do we call this process?
Exactly! We call it evaporation.

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Let’s look at our diorama. The sun heated the

bodies of water. This heated water will go up to the
atmosphere and will eventually change into gas.
Therefore, who can define what evaporation
Evaporation is the process of changing liquid water into
Let’s all read.
(The pupils will read.)
Now, there are water particles that are
released from the leaves of the plants.
What do we call this process?
Very good! How would you define
transpiration? Transpiration is the process by which plants release
water from their leaves.

Let’s all read. (The pupils will read.)

Aside from plants, animals and humans also

give off water particles when they perspire.
What do we call this process? Respiration.

Exactly! Respiration is the process by which

animals and humans give off water particles when
they perspire that evaporates in the atmosphere into
lesser amounts.
Let’s all read. (The pupils will read.)

When the water vapor in the atmosphere had

cooled, what process took place? Condensation.

Great! When the water vapor in the

atmosphere had cooled, condensation process takes
How would you define condensation?
Condensation is the process of changing gas into liquid.
Let’s all read.
(The pupils will read.)
The condensed gas is transported from one
cloud to another in the atmosphere.
When the clouds got heavy, the water falls
back to the ground in the forms of rain, hail, snow,
and sleet.
What do we call this process?
Bravo! We call it precipitation.
Can anyone define what a precipitation is?
Precipitation is the process by which the condensed
water vapor falls back on the Earth’s surface in the
forms of rain, hail, snow, and sleet.
Let’s all read.
(The pupils will read.)
When water falls back to the Earth, it goes
back to the bodies of water, and it may end up on
When it ends up on land, it will become a part
of ground water that animals, plants and humans can
use or it may run over the soil and collect it in the
oceans, lakes, rivers, where the cycle starts all over
Now, based on our experiment and on our

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diorama, can anyone describe the role of the sun in

the water cycle?
The sun plays the major role in the water cycle.
Very good. Another?
The sun heats the water and land surface of the Earth
causing the changes in temperature.
Exactly! Another?
The sun is the main source of heat on Earth. Without the
sun, the water cycle wouldn’t work.
Great answer! Do you still have idea on your
Without the sun, evaporation cannot take place.
The roles of the sun in the water cycle are the

Roles of the Sun in the Water Cycle

main causes the

heats evaporation
source of
Earth’s process of
heat and
surface the water

VI. Elaboration
Class, are you familiar with the show “Dora
the Explorer”?
Yes, Ma’am!

So, you know Dora and Boots?

Yes, Ma’am!

For this activity, Dora and Boots are asking for

your help.
Are you willing to help them?
Yes, Ma’am!
Dora and Boots are asking if you could help
them pass the six stations. You need to answer the
questions on each station.
The answer for each is written below.
Unscramble the letters to know the correct answer.
Do you understand, class?
Yes, Ma’am!
Again, in order to finish the six stations, you’ll
need to answer the questions given by arranging the
scrambled letters to form the correct word.
Do you have questions regarding our activity?
None, Ma’am!
Okay. I need six volunteers who will help Dora
and Boots.

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Who wants to volunteer?

(Aedrian, Angel, Krystelle, Samuel, Margarette,
Kindy make a straight vertical line at the back
and hold this flag.
After you succeeded each station, you will raise
this flag.
Yes, Ma’am!
Read first the question before you answer.
Let’s begin.
Please read the question in Station 1.
Question 1: It is the process of changing liquid water
into gas (water vapor).
What’s your answer?
Very good. Raise your flag! You succeeded the
first station.
Next. Read the question.
Question 2: It is the process by which plants release
water from their leaves.
What’s your answer?
Excellent! Raise your flag!
Next station. Read the question.
Question 3: It is the process by which animals and
humans give off water particles when they perspire and
What’s your answer?
Bravo! Raise your flag!
Next station. Read the question.
Question 4: It is the process of changing the gas into
liquid water.
What’s your answer?
Next, station 5.
Question 5: It is the process by which the condensed
water vapor falls back on the Earth’s surface in the form
of rain, hail, snow and sleet.
What’s your answer?
Great! Raise your flag!
Last station.
Question 6: It plays the major role in the water cycle.
What’s your answer?

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Great job, class!

Thanks for helping Dora and Boots.

VII. Generalization
Class, we will have an activity again. I will
group you into four groups.
This will be the group of SpongeBob
This will be the group of Tom and Jerry.
This will be the group of Naruto.
This will be the group of Mickey Mouse.
Listen to my instructions.
You are going to complete the given charts. The
first group who will finish first will clap their hands.
Be ready with a reporter and a member who
will hold your chart here in front.
Is that clear, class?
Yes, Ma’am!
Here are your charts.
Group of Spongebob Squarepants.

of Water

Group of Tom and Jerry.

Roles of the
Sun in the
Water Cycle

Group of Naruto.

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