needs of the environment and makes it hospitable for the growth of his business
enterprise. This
ECO (Entrepreneurship, creativity ad organization) analysis frame work developed
conceptualized by John J. Kao contributes a great deal to the emergence as wellas sustenanceand
entreprencurship and entrepreneurial talent in the prevailing business environment.
ldea Generation:
ldea gencration is the first step for any product development or business
planning process. It
involves generation of new concepts, ideas, products or services to existing
demands and futuredemands of the market. The various sources of new ldeas are:demands, latent
Existing Companies
Rescarch and Development
The various methods of generation of new Ideas:
a. Brainstorming, Reverse Brainstorming, Brain Writing
b. Group Discussion
C. Data collection through
dealers, retailers.
questionnaires/schedules etc. from consumers, existing companies,
d. Invitation of ideas through advertisements, mails, the
e. Market Research.
f. Commercializing inventions.
g. Answering the 5 W's & lH (Who, what, where, when
and why) help us to generate new
How who
What When
h. Problem plan Solution Process
Rearrange A
Put to other uses
Many people use phrases "Team building" and "Team work" interchangeably. However,
Team building places emphasis on the creation of groups and
Team work emphasizes the functions of these groups.
Leadership is the ability to build up confidence and zeal among people and to create an urge in
them to be led.
1. Personal skill
3. Process of influence
4. Attaining Entrepreneurial objectives
5. Dynamic nature.
Easy formation.
Large financial resources.
Varied expertise can be pooled in and the business is
Burden of losses can be shared.
Taxation advantages of partnership firm can be available.
Division of Labor.
Difference in opinions,
Approaches to solve the problem,
Decision making style,
Power-authority relationship leads to clashes and is one of the major reason
Enterprise dissolves upon the death of a partner.
Partners have unlimited liability.
J. imited Partnership: Under this type of partnership some of the partners have unlimited
liability while others have limited libility up to their individual share in the capital of the
Tm. The Partners having limited liability in the firm is known as special partner and others
having unlimited liability is called general partner.
4. Corporation Form of Ownership: Ajoint Stock Company means a"company having a
permanent paid up or nominal shares capital of fixed amount divided into shares, also o
IXed amount, held and transferable as stock and formed on the principle of having for its
members the holders of those shares or that stock and no other persons
Permanent Existence.
Limited Liability.
Transferability of Shares.
Financial Advantage.
Better Management.
Economies of Scale.
Diffusion of Risk.
Lack of personal interest.
Difficulty of Formation.
Lack of Prompt decisions.
Lack of Secrecy.
Conflict of interest
the right
Franchising is an agreement where on party (franchiser) grants another party (franchisee)
touse its trademark or trade-name as well as certain business systems and processes, to produce
and market a good or serviced according to certain specifications.
Management Training Support.
Brand Name Appeal.
Standardized Quality of Products and Services.
National Advertising Programs.
Financial Assistance.
Franchise Fees and Ongoing Royalties.
Restrict to Standardized Operations.
Restrictionson Buying.
Limited Product Line.
Profit Sharing.
Types of Franchising:
the rignt O
l. Trade Name Franchising: Under this tyne of franchising. the franchisee buys exclusively
specific items
unlize the trade name of the franchisor without distributing
under the name of franchiso.
L. Product Distribution Franchising: In this type of arrangement, a franchisor proviaes
the brand name and trademark of
lcensing to a franchisee to sell particular articles under
franchisor through a selective limited distribution network.
provides a complete business Tormal
S. Pure Franchising: In pure franchising, franchisor services
Including a license for a trade name, the products or to be sold, the physical plant,
control process, a two-Way
the method of operation, a marketing plan, a quality the franchisee.
COmmunication system and the necessary business support services to
Franchise Contracts:
independent parties: Franchisor and
The Franchise Contract is an agreement between two legallythe Franchisee the exclusive right to
Franchisee. By means of this contract. the Franchisor grants
distribute its products (or services) in establishments which are uniformly equipped and furnished,
(brands,commercial signs, trade marks), while
as wellas the right to use industrial property rights
and commercial support for distribution
it also provides the whole Know-How and the technical
to be carried out correctly.
Franchisor as regards the presentation,
The Franchisee must follow the instructions given by the premises. In recognition of the services
commercialization and corporate image on the authorized
fees (Front-end fee, sales fee,
provided, the Franchisee pays the Franchisor a series of different
and advertising fee).
Franchise Contract should be used.
For international transactions the International
franchise, Federal Trade
Franchise Evaluation Checklist: Consumer guide to buying a
Commission/ prepared a checklist to evaluate the franchise:
commitment. Hence
Findthe franchise that fits you: Owning a franchise is a long-term
ask yourself
a What interests you, what you are good at, your goals, and your prior experience?
How much time can you commit?
b. Are you comfortable managing employees?
C. Isowning and operating the franchise going to give you the lifestyle you want?
Examine the uniform franchise offering circular (UFOC): Many franchisors are
has applied for the franchise,
reluctant to share this document until the interested investor
and interviewed with the franchisor.
had his or her background and finances investigated,allows potential franchisees and their
The UFOCcontains a wealth of information that
attorneys to evaluate the franchise.
financial statenments, franchise fees and start
a. lt includes information about audited
regarding any litigation involving the
up payments required, information and any other contracts the franchisee has
ITranchisor, required franchise agreement,
to sign.
regarding the earnings of its
b. It also includes the franchisor's claims to evaluate earnings. Ask
franchises. Make sure you receive enough informationgeographical area.
for information on the results of franchises in the same for a good
provide the information needed
C. If the franchisor is reluctant to franchisors allow at least 10
evaluation, it's a red flag. Federal law requires that
days for the potential franchisee to review the UFOC.
Financing entrepreneurial Ventures:
parts: Equity
Sources of Financing for smallbusiness or startup can be divided into two
business is
Financing and Debt Financing. Some common source of financing
Personal investment, business angels, and assistant of government,
bank loans, financial bootstrapping, and buyouts.
Managing Growth
Growth is always essential for the existence of a business enterprise whether big or small. A
business organisation is bound to die in absence of expansion of its activities. Business growth is
a natural and on-going process. Many business enterprises started initially small and have become
big through continuous growth.
Stages of Growth:
small profits). stage: also known as start-up stage (limited production, no competition,
2. Growth Stage: In stage,
production and salesthisincreases,
profits startis toknown
increase and market
to the competitors start toaccepted,
and widely enter the
Expansion Stage: business enterprise starts expanding by opening its branches,
introduction of new product, and diversification of
business starts.
Maturity stage: sales increases but at a decreasing rate due to strong competition, profits
Deeline Stage: business fnds difficult to survive sales drop
Incurring losses, enterprise usually prefers to close down the abruptly, business Stalt
Introduction shuttes.
Growth Expansion Maturity Decline
Stage Stage stage Stage