2019 2021北京重点区高三(上)期中英语汇编:阅读题材章节综合

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2019-2021 北京重点区高三(上)期中英语汇编

一.阅读理解(共 24 小题)
1.(2021 北京•朝阳高三期中)Making predictions gets in the way of the brain's ability to remember the present moment,
new research suggests.The hippocampus , a brain structure usually associated with remembering events , also uses
experiences to make forecasts(neuroscientists call this "statistical learning").But scientists writing in the Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences USA have now demonstrated that the latter function can influence the former.
Researchers showed participants a series of photographs on a screen without telling them that some image categories always
followed others:mountains always came immediately after beaches,for example.They were intended to subconsciously
learn these associations and begin to expect these pairings.Later,the participants were shown the same photos again,mixed
in with new examples,and were asked if they had spotted any of them before.They accurately recalled seeing random images
at a much better rate than the predictive ones(like the beach pictures).
The scientists repeated this process while scanning participants' brains with fMRI ( 功 能 性 核 磁 共 振 ) .Each image
category caused a distinct neural(神经的)activity pattern,and the patterns for predictable categories were seen in the
hippocampus when the corresponding predictive category was displayed.Moreover , this effect's strength in fMRI
corresponded inversely with participants' memory task scores. "The more evidence for prediction we saw,the worse their
memory was for those predictive items , " such as a particular beach scene , says study lead author and Yale University
cognitive(认知)neuroscientist Brynn Sherman.This suggests that predictive images caused the hippocampus to shift toward
prediction﹣and away from encoding(编码) a new memory.
The study is among the first to demonstrate how making predictions affects human memory.Scientists previously suspected
that the hippocampus had a role in statistical learning but did not know how it interacts with memory formation. "This paper
is a really nice demonstration of the balance where the hippocampus is doing both these things," says University of Virginia
cognitive neuroscientist Nicole Long.
The team says this compromise occurs because remembering and predicting both use some of the same biological
pathways.In the paper,the authors compare it with using one's right foot to operate both the brake(刹车) and gas pedals
(油门)in a car…but not both at the same time. "This system could prevent memory redundancies(冗余)and thus conserve
brainpower," Sherman says.
"We still need further research," Long says. "For instance,how much repetition is needed before the hippocampus shifts
from recording to predicting and whether it is possible to train the structure to improve both modes at the same time."

(1)We can learn from the passage that .

A.predictive images stimulated memory formation
B.the hippocampus has nothing to do with predicting
C.researchers revealed how to balance predicting and remembering
D.the participants remembered random images more quickly and accurately
(2)What does the underlined word "inversely" in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
A.In an opposite way.
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C.In the same direction.
(3)Why does the author mention the brake and gas pedals?
A.To present an accurate picture of how to drive a car.
B.To illustrate that predicting interacts with remembering.
C.To stress the difficulties of operating them at the same time.
D.To show the importance of using the same biological pathways.
(4)Which would be the best title for this passage?
A.The Role of the Hippocampus within Memory
B.Predicting a Situation Benefits Memory Formation
C.Forecast or Remember:The Brain Must Choose One
D.Forecast and Remember:The Brain Can Do Both at the Same Time
2.(2021 北京•海淀高三期中)From snapping photos in video mode to broadcasting your location in the event of an
emergency,there are endless functions your smartphone can perform.
Backup Your Zapper
If you spend as many hours looking down the hack of the sofa as I do,you'll be relieved to learn that most smart TV systems
ran use your phone as a back﹣up remote control.Download the Android TV Remote Control or Apple TV Remote apps for
the devices if you have a streaming stick.
Subtitle Your Life
Live Transcribe is a simple and effective Android app,preinstalled on Google's Pixel 3 phones,which transcribes speech
in almost real time.If you're hard of hearing,it can help you follow a conversation without need for a hearing aid,or enjoy
unsubtitled live broadcasts , such as radio dramas.Theoretically , it could also produce a reliable written record of a
meeting.However,due to privacy concerns,it has not yet been permitted to save or share transcripts.
Singalong Your Contacts
Connectivity is not always convenient.If you frequently find yourself rushing from the garden or bathroom to pick up your
mobile,only to discover it's just another cyborg bothering you about selling insurance ﹣ may I suggest you set specific rings
for your closest contacts.On both iOS and Android,you can add personalized rings to your close friends or most beloved ones,
right from the contacts directory on your phone.
Measure Your Shopping
When you're out shopping for furniture,it's a good idea to bring a tape measure with you ﹣ but,seriously,whoever
remembers to do that?!Apple's Measure app has saved you a lot of times.It's super simple to use ﹣ just point the camera at
the object you want to measure and it superimposes(叠映)a yellow dot that you tap at each end of the item concerned,and
it provides you with an instant calculation in centimeters.

(1)Which one call help people with hearing problems to enjoy radio dramas?
A.Android TV Remote Control.
B.Live Transcribe.
C.Personalized rings.

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D.Apple's Measure.
(2)After reading this passage,mobile phone users may realize they can .
A.choose to ignore unwanted calls
B.save n written record of a meeting
C.locate their remote control easily
D.get the size of an object by taking a photo
(3)Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
A.What Apps We Have to Buy!
B.It's Time to Get a New Mobile!
C.Don't Overuse Your Mobile Phone!
D.Who Knew My Phone Could Do That!
3.(2021 北京•海淀高三期中)Do you listen to quiet music to help you wind down before sleep?However,this practice
could be counter﹣productive,according to a new study by Michael K.Scullin and colleagues at Baylor University.The work,
published in Psychological Medicine , found that bedtime music was associated with more sleep disruptions and that
instrumental music is even worse than music with lyrics.
In the first study,199 online participants living in the US reported on their sleep quality and music listening frequency nod
liming,as well as their beliefs about how this affected their sleep.Almost all ﹣ 87% ﹣ believed that music improves sleep,
or at least does not disrupt it.However,the team found that more overall time spent listening to music was associated with
poorer sleep and daytime sleepiness.Just over three quarters of the participants also reported experiencing frequent "earworms"
﹣ having a song or tune "stuck" and replaying in their minds.A quarter reported experiencing these during the night at least
once per week , and these people were six limes as likely to report poor sleep quality.The team's analysis suggested that
listening specifically to instrumental music near bedtime was linked to more sleep﹣related earworms and poorer sleep quality.
The team then ran an experimental study on 48 young adults.After arriving at the sleep lab at 8:45 p.m.,participants went
to a quid bedroom , where they completed questionnaires that included measures of stress , sleep quality and daytime
sleepiness.They also had electrodes applied,ready for the night﹣time polysomnography to record their brain wave activity,
as well as heart rate and breathing,and reported on how relaxed,nervous,energetic,sleepy and stressed they felt.At 10:
00 p.m.,they were given some "downtime",with quiet music playing.Half were randomised to hear three songs while the
other half heard instrumental﹣only versions of these same songs.
Participants reported decreases in stress mid nervousness and increased relaxation after listening to either set of songs,and
also showed decreases in blood pressure.So﹣as earlier studies have also suggested﹣quiet music at bedtime was indeed relaxing
at the lime.However,a quarter of the participants woke from sleep with an earworm,and the polysomnography data showed
that instrumental versions of the songs were more likely to induce these awakenings as well as other sleep disruptions,such
as shifts from deeper sleep to lighter sleep.Taken together,the findings represent "causal evidence for bedtime instrumental
music affecting sleep quality via triggering earworms." the team writes.
Why instrumental﹣only songs should have a bigger impact than music with lyrics isn't clear.The three songs used in this
study were chosen because they were likely to be familiar.Hearing them without the lyrics might have prompted the
participant's brains to try to add the words,which might have made earworms more likely.If this is the case,all instrumental
music may not have the same effect.However,the data from the first study is consistent with the idea that instrumental music
generally is more of a problem.
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(1)According to the passage,the participants in both studies .
A.were required to listen to light music
B.felt their sleeping problems resolved
C.had their sleeping quality monitored
D.provided feedback oil bedtime music
(2)What does the underlined word "induce" in Paragraph 4 probably mean?
A.Lead to.
B.Impact on.
C.Break in.
D.Focus on.
(3)What can we learn from the passage?
A.Earworms are mainly caused by music with lyrics.
B.Bedtime music leads to high blood pressure and anxiety.
C.Quiet music improves sleeping quality while loud music harms sleep.
D.Both familiar and unfamiliar instrumental music can cause sleeping problems.
(4)The passage is mainly about .
A.how instrumental music disturbs sleep
B.the possible negative effect of bedtime music
C.how people can improve their sleep quality
D.differences between music with and without lyrics
4.(2021 北京•海淀高三期中)A 96﹣year﹣old woman,believed to be the oldest working nurse in the country,has
retired from Tacoma.Washington,hospital.
Last week,Florence Rigney,better known to her friends as "SeeSee",retired as a nurse MultiCare Tacoma General
Hospital after over 70 years.Throughout her career ﹣ which began as student nurse,Rigney worked consistently,only taking
a "break" from nursing to raise her two children.
Working as a nurse has kept Rigney very active.She's traveled across the country as an operatic nurse and even logged up
to three miles on her treadmill from walking during her shifts. "I don't like to around ﹣ I've always got to have something to
do.That's my nature," Rigney said in a statement,adding that she always wanted to become a nurse. "I love to interact with
patients and give them the help that I can."
Rigney planned on retiring once at age 65,but after six months,she decided that she needed the job to stay active and
keep her mind sharp.Now as she officially retired , the hospital noted that Rigney planned on spending most of her time
enjoying family and friends. "Even working into her nineties she has never been one to slow down.Some of her colleagues
joked that they had to sprint to keep up with her," said Laureen Driscoll,president of the hospitals. "SeeSee's continued to
be a dedicated nurse and an incredible resource to her colleagues and community.It's humbling to stop and think about the
thousands and thousands of lives she's cured for.Everyone at MultiCare thanks Rigney for her unmatched dedication and
service,and we're proud to honor her by supporting tomorrow's future nurses," she continued.
As she said goodbye to her beloved job,Rigney offered some advice for other nurses. "Don't ever think that you know it
all." she noted in the release. "I kind of did that when I was in the operating room and you have to always be open.You never
slop learning."
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In her honor,the hospital announced the creation of its SeeSee Rigney Nursing Endowed Scholarship Fund,which will
provide scholarships for MultiCare employees for continued learning and development in nursing.

(1)Rigney continued working at age 65 because she .

A.needed to support her family
B.wanted to stay energetic and sharp
C.hoped to show her personal value
D.intended to promote nurse training
(2)What was Rigney's suggestion for younger nurses?
A.Remain confident.
B.Care for each other.
C.Keep active and patient.
D.Stay hungry for knowledge.
(3)According to the passage,Rigney is respected mainly due to her .
A.old age and good health
B.quick mind and great creativity
C.positive attitude and hard work
D.high position and good resource
5.(2021 北京•朝阳高三期中)Let's be honest:it can be hard to get motivated to do your schoolwork even in the best of
times.So finding the motivation , while you're learning from home , is extra challenging.Here are a few tips that could
maximize your motivation.
1.Guard Your Time
You do not need large amounts of time to be productive.Instead,be focused in short blocks when you can work without
interruption.Protect these open times by setting up your workspace to minimize distractions﹣including silencing notifications
(通知) on your cellphone or laptop.
2.Determine How Much Work Is Needed
Write down the work you need to achieve,because there is a limit to how much information you can recall and process at
one time.Examine the remaining projects,and estimate the amount and type of effort each requires.
3.Break Large Projects into Smaller Ones
Breaking big projects into smaller and more manageable tasks allows you to achieve maximum efficiency and
effectiveness.Your assigned tasks should follow a logical order.Also,making a list and crossing things off that list is really
4.Set Goals
Set goals related to effort.For example,plan to spend 60 minutes at a specific time of the day studying a pre﹣determined
concept.Also,set goals related to the completion of specific tasks or projects.For instance,give yourself a deadline to read
and take notes on a specific article for a certain paper you must write.
5.Identify the Rewards
It pays to clarify the rewards this term﹣whether those rewards are internal,such as the feeling of accomplishment that
comes from understanding a difficult concept well,or external,such as getting a good grade.
Work to build good habits and strategies now.It will pay off in the future.
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(1)What skills do the first two tips relate to?
A.Writing skills.
B.Social skills.
C.Teamwork skills.
D.Time management skills.
(2)According to the passage,which can help you most when you are faced with a big task?
A.Tip 2.
B.Tip 3.
C.Tip 4.
D.Tip 5.
(3)What is the main purpose of the passage?
A.To show students how to stay focused on schoolwork.
B.To analyze students' difficulties of learning from home.
C.To offer students advice on how to improve productivity.
D.To summarize some tips for parents to share with their children.
6.(2021 北京•朝阳高三期中)
Depression Discussions
Alison Malmon was a freshman at the University of Pennsylvania when she got a call from her mother that would change
her life:Her fun,outgoing older brother,Brian,had killed himself.
When Malmon returned to school after Brian's funeral (葬礼) that spring of 2000,she was still extremely sad.But when
she looked for help on campus,there was no place to turn. "Back then,students weren't encouraged to talk about their mental
health.I started reflecting on the fact that there was an enormous need to get that conversation going," says Malmon.
She was only 19 and had no experience with mental health issues,but that didn't stop her from launching Open Minds at
Penn.Now , 20 years later and with a new name Active Minds , it is the largest young adult mental health advocacy
organization in America,with more than 550 chapters at high schools and colleges. "What I'm most inspired by is that my
generation and the generations coming behind me are taking on mental health as a social justice issue," says Malmon. "Our
tools are changing not only their campuses,but also their families.
The mental health statistics on college campuses are alarming.The American College Health Association's 2019 National
College Health Assessment found that 45% of students reported feeling so depressed in the previous 12 months that it was
difficult to function ; 66% felt great anxiety ; and 13% seriously considered taking their own life.So Active Minds'
peer﹣to﹣peer education techniques are more important than ever.
"I wanted to educate students about the issues,about the signs and symptoms(症状),and about where﹣on campus and
off campus and online﹣they can get help for free.Active Minds chapters empower young adults to speak openly about mental
health so that everybody who needs help gets it as early as possible.We can't make it uncomfortable for students to come
forward with their stories," she says. "Because that's how we're going to have more students graduate and go on to become
productive members of society,and not feel so ashamed like my brother did."

(1)In the spring of 2000,Alison Malmon's older brother Brian .

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A.attended a funeral
B.took his own life
C.returned to school
D.sought help from Open Minds
(2)Why did Alison Malmon set up Active Minds?
A.To make big profits.
B.To help depressed young adults.
C.To get a good reputation.
D.To help graduates build skills for jobs.
(3)What can we learn from Alison Malmon's story?
A.Great minds think alike.
B.Think twice before acting.
C.Positive actions make huge differences.
D.Hope for the best,prepare for the worst.

7.(2020 北京•朝阳高三期中)
Success and Risk in Extreme Sports
What is it that drives some to take extreme risks,while the rest of us hurry for the safety of the sidelines?
Lester Keller,sports﹣psychology expert,says that not everyone has the mental makeup to do well in extreme sports.He
notes that most of us hit a natural ceiling that limits our appetite for extreme risk in tricky conditions.But others have a much
higher tolerance for risk.Keller points to a top ski racer.He told Keller that "the high element of risk makes you feel alive,
tests what you are made of and how far you can take yourself".He said he would get nervous on some of the courses,but that
this would just make him fight more.
Psychologists note that some people seem to have a strong desire for adrenaline(肾上腺素)rushes as a behavior seeking
excited feelings.Like many extreme athletes,Emily Cook's appetite for risk appeared at a young age. "I was a gymnast,"
she said. "I was one of those kids who enjoyed and did well at anything where you were upside down." As she started doing
harder tricks,she was drawn to the challenge. "There are moments when you're up there doing a new trick and it seems like
an impossible thing.But overcoming that is just the coolest feeling in the world."
Shane Murphy,sports professor,has worked with groups climbing Everest. "To me,that just seems like the height of
risk," he said. "But to them it was the next step in an activity that they've prepared for years." Murphy said the view of
extreme athletes is different from our own. "We look at a risky situation and know that if we were in that situation we would
be out of control.But from the athletes' view,they have a lot of control,and there are many things that they do to minimize
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Another aspect of risk perception (认知) may be something referred to as "the flow",a state in which many athletes
become absorbed in the acts that focus the mind completely on the present. "Something that makes you try doing a tougher
climb than usual,perhaps,is that your adrenaline flows and you become very concentrated on what you're doing," Murphy
says. "After it's over,there's great excitement."
People of different skill levels experience the flow at different times.Some may always be driven to adventures that others
consider extreme. "I can enjoy hitting a tennis ball around,because that's my skill level," Murphy says. "But others might
need the challenge of Olympic competition."

(1)By using the term "natural ceiling" in Paragraph 2,Lester Keller points out that .
A.extreme athletes must learn special skills
B.extreme athletes have chances to take risks
C.many people don't want to do extreme sports
D.many people can't limit desire for extreme sports
(2)What does Shane Murphy think about the mountain climbers he mentions?
A.They put in lots of preparation for challenges.
B.They are more fortunate than other sportspeople.
C.They carry little risk when facing big challenges.
D.They have special reasons that others can't easily understand.
(3)What main point is made in Paragraph 5?
A.Extreme athletes use techniques other people don't use.
B.Non﹣athletes are probably wise not to try extreme sports.
C.Most people lack the focus required to take bigger risks.
D.A certain state of mind makes attempting an activity more likely.
(4)We can learn from the passage that .
A.risk﹣taking is something you either naturally do or avoid
B.those who take risks are more likely to be successful in life
C.extreme athletes are driven by a need to be better than others
D.taking part in extreme sports is not as difficult as people think
8.(2020 北京•朝阳高三期中)
Round and Round They Go
Space is becoming more crowded.Quite a few low﹣Earth﹣orbit(LEO)satellites have been launched into the sky,which
are designed to move around the Earth only a few hundred kilometres above its surface.SpaceX and OneWeb plan to launch
LEO satellites in their thousands,not hundreds,to double the total number of satellites in orbit(轨道) by 2027.
That promises to change things on Earth.LEO satellites can bring Internet connectivity to places where it is still
unavailable.This will also be a source of new demand for the space economy.Morgan Stanley,a bank,projects that the space
industry will grow from $350 billion in 2016 to more than $1.1 trillion by 2040.New Internet satellites will account for half
this increase.
For that to happen,however,three worries must be overcome.Debris(碎片)is the most familiar concern.When enough
satellites were packed into low﹣Earth orbits,any collision(碰撞) could cause a chain reaction which would eventually
destroy all spaceships.One solution is to grab the satellites with problems and pull them down into the Earth's
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atmosphere.Another is to monitor space more closely for debris.But technology is only part of the answer.Rules are needed to
deal with old satellites safely from low﹣Earth orbits.
Cyber(网络的)﹣security is a second,long﹣standing worry.Hackers(黑客) could take control of a satellite and steal
intellectual property , redirect data flows or cause a collision.The satellite industry has been slow to respond to such
concerns.But as more of the world's population comes to rely on the space for access to the Internet,the need for action will
intensify.Measures will surely be taken to protect network security.
The third issue follows from the first two.If there is a simple mistake or a cyber﹣attack,it may cause a chain reaction which
wipes out hundreds of billions of dollars of investment.Who is responsible for that?Now the plans of firms wishing to operate
large numbers of satellites are being studied.But there is a long way to go before the risks are well understood,let alone
As space becomes more commercialized,mind﹣bending prospects open up:packages moved across the planet in minutes
by rocket rather than by plane,equipment sent to other small planets,passengers launched into orbit and beyond.All that
and more may come,one day.But such activities would raise the same questions as LEO satellites do.They must be answered
before the space economy can truly develop.

(1)What can we learn about LEO satellites from the passage?

A.They are supposed to limit the space economy.
B.They are expected to increase in large numbers.
C.They are designed to move beyond the Earth as far as possible.
D.They are mainly intended to bring Internet connectivity to remote areas.
(2)To deal with debris in space,the author suggests .
A.depending entirely on the modern technology
B.monitoring the movement of spaceships carefully
C.strengthening rules to remove old satellites safely
D.destroying all the satellites with problems instantly
(3)What does the underlined word "intensify" in Paragraph 4 probably mean?
(4)What is the author's attitude toward the launch of LEO satellites?
A.It should be further confirmed for its ownership.
B.It should be continued because of its advantages.
C.It should be done carefully to avoid potential risks.
D.It should be stopped in face of the space economy.
9.(2020 北京•朝阳高三期中)
Arbeia Roman Fort (城堡) and Museum
Location and History

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Arbeia Roman Fort is situated on Hadrian's Wall. It was the most important structure built by the Romans in Britain,and
now it has been a World Heritage(遗产) Site. Built around AD 160, Arbeia Roman Fort was the military supply base for
the soldiers who were stationed along Hadrian's Wall. The fort has been gradually uncovered and some original parts have
been revealed. There are reconstructions that show how Arbeia Roman Fort would have looked.
The Reconstructions
The reconstructions of the Commanding Officer's house and soldiers' quarters are strikingly different. The accommodation
for soldiers is dark and uncomfortable, while the Commanding Officer's house is spacious and luxurious, with courtyards
with fountains for him and his family to enjoy.
The Museum
Visit the museum and see many objects that were found at Arbeia. They are historically important and show what daily life
was really like at that time. You will see weapons, tools, jewellery, and so on. You can also discover how the Romans
buried their dead and see tombstones(墓碑) which survive to this day. There is a "hands﹣on" area allowing visitors to dig
on a certain site and study their findings with the help of museum staff. You can piece together pottery(陶器), or try
writing just as the Romans would have done. For children, they can build this ancient Roman fort with building blocks by
Opening Times and Getting There
April 1﹣October 31:
Monday to Saturday 10:00am﹣5:00pm, Sunday 2:00pm﹣5:00pm.
November 1﹣March 31:
Monday to Saturday 11:00am﹣4:00pm, closed Sunday. (Closed December 25﹣26 and January 1)
Entry is free.
Arbeia is only a ten﹣minute walk from the bus station at South Shields. Free car park nearby.

(1)According to the passage, Arbeia Roman Fort .

A. was related to the military
B. got reconstructions around AD 160
C. was built in a small area in Rome
D. provided a comfortable life for soldiers
(2)What can visitors do in the museum?
A. See historical objects.
B. Build tombstones for the dead.
C. Write to ancient Romans.
D. Try using old tools and weapons.
(3)What time does Arbeia Roman Fort close?
A. On April 1.
B. On October 31.
C. On November 1.
D. On December 26.
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10.(2020 北京•海淀高三期中)
Alzheimer's AI
An estimated 5.7 million people in the U.S.have Alzheimer's disease﹣the most common type of dementia(痴呆)﹣and
that number is expected to more than double by 2050.Early diagnosis is crucial for patients to benefit from the few therapies
available.But no scans can deliver a conclusive diagnosis while a person is alive;instead doctors have to conduct numerous
and complicated clinical and neuropsychological tests.So there is growing interest in developing artificial intelligence to
identify Alzheimer's based on brain imaging.
Researchers at the University of California,San Francisco,have now successfully trained an AI algorithm(算法)to
recognize one of the early signs of Alzheimer's﹣a reduction in the brain's glucose ( 葡 萄 糖 ) consumption﹣in positron
emission tomography(PET)imaging.
The algorithm accurately predicted an eventual Alzheimer's diagnosis in nearly all the test cases,according to the study.In
PET imaging,a very small amount of a radioactive compound are injected into the body,producing three﹣dimensional
images of metabolism ( 新 陈 代 谢 ) circulation and other cellular activities.PET is well suited for an AI diagnostic tool
because Alzheimer's leads to subtle changes in the brain's metabolism that begin years before neural(神经的)tissue starts
to go downhill,says study co﹣author Jae Ho Sohn,a radiologist at UCSF.These changes are "very hard for radiologists to
pick up," he notes.
The algorithm was trained and tested on 2,100 PET brain images from about 1,000 people 55 years and older.The images
came from a 12﹣year study that tracked people who would ultimately be diagnosed with Alzheimer's,as well as those with
mild memory declines and healthy control participants.The algorithm was trained on 90 percent of the data and tested on the
remaining 10 percent.It was then retested on a second,independent data set from 40 patients monitored for 10 years.The
algorithm was highly sensitive and was able to recognize 81 percent of the patients in the first test group and 100 percent in
the second who would be diagnosed with Alzheimer's six years later,on average.The findings were published in February in
The algorithm is based on deep learning,a machine﹣learning technique that uses artificial neural networks programmed
to learn from examples. "This is one of the first promising,preliminary(初步的)applications of deep learning to the
diagnosis of Alzheimer's," says Christian Salvatore,a physicist at Italy's National Research Council,who was not involved
in the study. "The model performs very well when identifying patients with mild or late diagnoses",he says, "but catching
it in the earliest stages remains one of the most critical open issues in this field."

(1)People are increasingly interested in using AI to identify Alzheimer's because .

A.the number of people suffering from dementia is more than doubling
B.diagnostic methods that are both reliable and convenient are in need
C.there are only a limited number of effective therapies for the patients
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D.diagnosing Alzheimer's disease through AI is still an unexplored area
(2)What can we learn about PET imaging?
A.It recognizes the worsening of the neural tissue.
B.It reduces the glucose consumption in the brain.
C.It changes the pattern of the brain's metabolism.
D.It photographs various kinds of cellular activities.
(3)According to Paragraph 4, .
A.90% of the people in the study were trained on the algorithm
B.the participants in the study consist of people both young and old
C.81% of the people in the first test group were diagnosed with Alzheimer's
D.the algorithm managed to recognize all the patients in the second test group
(4)What can be inferred from Paragraph 5?
A.The algorithm serves as a promising treatment of Alzheimer's.
B.Deep learning has been widely applied in diagnosing Alzheimer's.
C.To detect Alzheimer's in its earliest stages calls for more exploration.
D.Whether to use the model to detect Alzheimer's remains a critical issue.
11.(2020 北京•朝阳高三期中)
Learning to say "yes,and"
When I first heard about the improvisation ( 即 兴 交 流 ) class , I was hesitating.As a quiet and shy girl , I feared
improvising in front of strangers.However,I knew I wanted to work as a science communicator after finishing my Ph.D.,so
it seemed like a perfect opportunity to learn how to speak and communicate with others effectively.I signed up,knowing the
experience would give me help.
During our first class,we learned an important concept of improvisation:"yes,and." It means that,as improvisers,
we'd better accept what fellow performers say.If someone says that rhinos(犀牛)are librarians,for example,then rhinos
are librarians.We do not question the logic;we say "yes" and then continue with the scene as if nothing is wrong.
The first few scenes were hard,but as weeks turned into months,I became more comfortable and even started to enjoy
our classes.I became better at listening,relating to my conversation partners,and communicating clearly in the moment.Once
when I was giving a presentation about my science,an audience member surprised me with a question that didn't grow out of
the information I'd presented.Instead of getting confused and nervous,I took the "yes,and" approach﹣accepting the question
and letting my mind focus on why it was asked.That helped me find an appropriate answer.I got pretty excited about it.
The benefits of improvisation go beyond communication.Before attending the class , I would get stuck when my
experiments produced unexpected data,thinking that I had made a mistake.But now,instead of getting discouraged,I will
stay open to the possibility that the results are real,keep exploring the data and end up identifying a new type of cell﹣one
that isn't behaving as expected.
I think all scientists can benefit from this lesson.If the data say rhinos are librarians,then it's worth finding out whether
rhinos are,in fact,librarians.As scientists,our job isn't to challenge data that support a preconceived (先入为主的)story,
but to say "yes,and."

(1)Why did the author attend the improvisation class?

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A.To get a different experience.
B.To finish her Ph.D.at university.
C.To give up her job as a science communicator.
D.To improve her speaking and communicating ability.
(2)What was the author's change after attending the improvisation class?
A.She formed her own idea quickly.
B.She came up with lots of creative responses.
C.She paid more attention to the logic of answers.
D.She became a good listener before giving an opinion.
(3)The author mentions applying the "yes,and" approach to her scientific experiments to .
A.explain the process of using the method
B.prove the benefits of the improvisation class
C.share her own research experiences with readers
D.attract fellow scientists to attend the improvisation class
(4)What can be inferred about scientists from the last paragraph?
A.They should attend the improvisation class.
B.They should question all preconceived ideas.
C.They should carry on research by admitting earlier data.
D.They should try to improve their professional knowledge.
12.(2020 北京•海淀高三期中)You're never too young to make an impact on your community.
Members of Gen Z are exceptionally creative,cause﹣oriented,and hyper﹣aware of the world around them,making
them perfectly ready to help handle the world's problems through volunteering.
If you want to make a difference in your community, be a part of something bigger than yourself, or just need to earn
some required volunteer hours , then this is the place to start. Here are a few organizations of Gen Z with volunteer
opportunities for teens!
Habitat for Humanity
Everyone deserves to have a place they call home. By volunteering with Habitat for Humanity, you can play a role in
building up your community. Their Habitat Youth Programs accept volunteers between the ages of 5 and 40 for everything
from home construction to affordable housing advocacy.
Meals on Wheels
For those teens who just got their licenses and love any reason to get behind the wheel,here's a volunteer opportunity that'll
make driving worthwhile. Meals on Wheels is on a mission to meet the nutritional and social needs of seniors. 225 million
meals have been delivered so far﹣connect with your local provider to find out how you can get involved.
Key Club
As the oldest service program for high schoolers , the Key Club has quite a history of helping teens get involved in
volunteering. Because clubs are student﹣led,you get a direct say in the kinds of service projects you want to do.Chances
are, there's already a chapter in your school, but if not, you can try taking the lead in one.
Best Buddies

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Volunteer with Best Buddies to help end the social , physical , and economic isolation of 200 million people with
intellectual and developmental disabilities﹣and you'll make some new pals in the process! Join a school chapter(or start your
own) to use friendship as a tool for inclusivity in your community.
And don't worry. Even if you can't volunteer physically, there are also tons of online volunteer Opportunities available!
Find out more about joining a worthwhile volunteer organizations at www.Gen Z.org.

(1)If you want to help people with disabilities, yon can join .
A. Habitat for Humanity
B. Meals on Wheels
C. Key Club
D. Best Buddies
(2)Teens with a driving license can volunteer to .
A. send meals to the elderly
B. make nutritional meals
C. drive the seniors around
D. teach the seniors to drive
(3)What does the underlined word "chapter" mean in the passage?
A. A part of a book.
B. A branch of a club.
C. A period of life.
D. An office on campus.
(4)The author writes this passage to .
A. get more people to volunteer
B. teach teens to he more creative
C. promote awareness of world affairs
D. instruct teens to earn volunteer hours
13 . ( 2020 北 京 • 海 淀 高 三 期 中 ) We are fortunate to live in a city that encourages bicycling as a means of
transportation.Our local government has promoted bicycling by improving bike lanes and increasing the number of them.The
growing number of cyclists , however , brings this question to mind : should bicyclists be required to share the
responsibilities of the road?Automobile drivers have to take competency tests,follow established regulations,and accept
punishment for breaking rules.The city requests drivers to register and license their vehicles to ensure accountability ( 责
任).Bicyclists who use public roadways should be held accountable,too.
Let's look at what sharing the road means.For one thing,it should involve cost sharing.Auto registration and license fees
are used , in part , for building and maintaining roadways.It seems only reasonable to ask bicyclists to contribute to
transportation funding as well.
More importantly,sharing the road includes accountability.When drivers ignore the rules of the road,the police and other
motorists have the opportunity to identify them by their license plate number and report their offenses(违法行为).This isn't
true for bicyclists.I've seen bicyclists moving quickly between lanes.Because they show no identification,they feel protected

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by anonymity(匿名).What good would it do to report to the police "I saw a guy on a red bike blow through the stoplight"?
The simple act of making bicyclists identifiable would encourage safer,more responsible riding.
Of course,I've heard arguments against asking cyclists to register and license their bikes.Some people might say,"Little
kids ride bikes.Would you require a six﹣year﹣old rider to take a test and pay a fee?" Obviously,the city could determine
an age when cycling would be considered a "means of transportation on public roads." Other people argue that bicycle fees are
unfair because bikes don't damage the roadways as cars do.Bicycle registration fees could be comparatively modest,and the
method for displaying a license number could be simple.
Many U.S.cities and towns now implement bike registration and licensing.A statute(法规)from one.California town
states that the laws regulating bicycles have a dual purpose,antitheft and safety.I'm eager to see more bicyclists on the road,
and I'm hoping for riders who take their responsibilities seriously.

(1)To advocate responsible cycling,the author suggests .

A.increasing the number of bike lanes
B.giving competency tests to all cyclists
C.identifying cyclists through registration
D.reporting cycling offenses more frequently
(2)What is the author's purpose in writing Paragraph 4?
A.To explain how bicycle registration and licensing work.
B.To provide solutions to reduce irresponsible cycling of kids.
C.To respond to people's doubts about holding cyclists accountable.
D.To argue against requiring cyclists to register and license their bicycles.
(3)What argumentative methods are used in this article?
①Using examples
②Quoting professionals
③Comparing and contrasting
④Appealing to readers' emotions
(4)Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
A.Should we encourage more cycling in the city?
B.Should cyclists register and license their bikes?
C.What does "sharing the road" mean to cyclists?
D.How can road safety be guaranteed for cyclists?
14.(2020 北京•海淀高三期中) At age 12,Keegan Sobilo of New Baltimore carefully tucks his legs and arms into a
fire suit,pulls on a helmet and climbs into a race car that exceeds 80 mph.He has been doing this since age 8.

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"At first,I was scared to death.I was like,'Let's do bowling or swimming. ' It's still very scary.But he knows what he's
doing.Your heart goes out on that track every time he goes out there," said his mother Hillary Sobilo.
"The sixth﹣grader always wears pajamas to the track every night and takes them off when he puts his race clothes on.He's
been doing that for the last four years.That's his trademark," said Tim Phillips,his crew chief.The first time he wore his
train pajamas to the track,Keegan went from last place to ninth place.He decided they brought luck.Since then,he has won
a series of championships.
Passion for cars runs in the family.Keegan's father is a design mechanic at Fiat Chrysler Automobiles.He knows what it
means to have seats and roll cages built to fit his son's body."What I see in Keegan is passion,like how I feel about car
restoration.But for him,everything has to align itself.I tell my son you have to be the perfect package.Winning races every
weekend is not the only key.More importantly,you have to have the right name,you have to look the correct way,speak
the correct way,and act the correct way.Then the rest of it is really luck,like the stock market.If you don't put yourself out
there,you'll never hit it big."
While Keegan's classmates play basketball and volleyball,Keegan is at the Birch Run track﹣practicing,qualifying and
racing until 10 p.m.or 2 a.m..While many children spend time playing video games,Keegan runs race simulation training
with his joystick after school.
"The kid is cool.It was like having a grandson.We showed respect to each other.And he takes it very seriously," said
competitor Mike Todd,69,of Galesburg,Michigan."He's an older soul in a young man's body.I'd like to see him make it
big.He's got the willpower."

(1)Keegan enjoys .
B.racing cars
D.playing games
(2)According to the passage,what does Keegan's father value most?
C.Good qualities.
D.Real luck.
(3)It can be learned from the passage that .
A.Keegan spends a lot of time practicing
B.the train pajamas bring Keegan success
C.Keegan's mother worries about his studies
D.Keegan picked up the hobby at the age of 4

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15.(2019 北京•朝阳高三期中) A century ago, millions of Quino checkerspot butterflies flew above Southern
California. Each about the size of a paperclip(回形针), the Quinos hatched in great numbers each spring.
Toward the end of the twentieth century , however , the development of farms and cities dramatically reduced the
butterfly's habitat. By 1997, the population of the Quinos had declined to a tiny amount of its historical numbers.
The Quino's situation continued to worsen. Wildfires burned much of its habitat, and temperatures were getting warmer
and drier, making the environment more difficult to the butterfly's host plant called the dwarf plantain.
Scientists knew that Quino caterpillars(毛虫) relied on the dwarf plantain as a food source. Each spring, the adult
female butterflies laid eggs on dwarf plantains. When the caterpillars hatched, they fed on the plantain leaves. However,
in the hot, dry summer, the plantains died off. The caterpillars responded by entering a state called diapause. Then,
when normal winter rains came and the plantains' flowers came out again, the caterpillars came back to life and started eating.
Once they'd grown large enough, the caterpillars formed pupae(蛹) and emerged as adult butterflies. This strategy
worked well in most years, but as average temperatures rose and rainfall decreased, the caterpillars weren't getting sufficient
food, and fewer developed into butterflies.
Because the area where they lived was surrounded by developed cities and desert landscapes, the Quinos had limited
options. They took off anyway, flying eastward into the hills. They landed in mountainous open spaces east of Los
Angeles and San Diego. They found no dwarf plantains there. The females began laying their eggs on the leaves of other
plants, primarily the Collinsia concolor.
These plants remained green longer into the summer months. When the caterpillars Quinos survived, and their numbers
grew in their new home.
Scientists were surprised when they began encountering numerous Qunios in the eastern hills. They were cheered to learn
that these small insects had adapted to changing conditions. The Quinos demonstrated the toughness needed to survive by
finding not only a new habitat, but a new food source, too.
Meanwhile, scientists had been raising Quino caterpillars in a lab and released hundreds of caterpillars into protected areas
around San Diego. Between the efforts of scientists and the butterflies' own actions, more of those colorfully checkered
wings may soon be seen fluttering above the Southern California skies.

(1)From the passage, we know Quino checkerspot butterflies in Southern California .

A. were an endangered species
B. couldn't survive the winter cold
C. were very adaptable to environmental changes
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D. couldn't respond to the food shortage on their own
(2)How did Quino checkerspot butterflies adapt to changed conditions?
A. They travelled to a new habitat.
B. They found new dwarf plantains.
C. They laid more eggs on host plants.
D. They learned to fly high up in the mountains
(3)What does the underlined word "diapause" in Paragraph 4 probably mean?
A. Dying from hunger.
B. Stopping bodily functions.
C. Becoming more active.
D. Surviving the hot summer.
(4)Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
A. Quino Checkerspot Butterflies Get Help
B. Quino Checkerspot Butterflies: Endangered
C. Quino Checkerspot Butterflies: Small, but Strong
D. Quino Checkerspot Butterflies Find a New Habitat

16.(2019 北京•朝阳高三期中)
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to complain about your amusement park.Last weekend ,my friends and I were very excited to visit your
amusement park.However ,when we got there ,we saw a lot of things that disappointed us and shocked us.
My fist complaint is about the rubbish all over the ground like Styrofoam cups,cigarette butts ,used tissues and so on.I
could never believe that you could have such a dirty amusement park.
My next complaint is about your rides.How could you have opened your amusement park if you were going to open one
or two rides?This is ridiculous.And also,the line for the rides was so long !It was too crowded and a lot of people were
really tired waiting and it took us almost an hour just to get on the rides.
Another complaint is about your food stall(摊位).The food was too expensive !How could we buy a set of meal for
lunch for about 125$?
My last complaint is about the safety features for the rides.How could you not put up warning notice for children to fasten
their seat belts ?They could have been in danger and you could be responsible for all of this !
As the manager of the park ,you will improve the situation.For example ,you should put more rubbish bins so that no
one will throw any more rubbish on the ground.Also ,ask a technician to repair the rides that have problems so that more
people will go to your amusement park and enjoy themselves.In order not keep people waiting so long ,you can add more
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fun rides.In terms of the food ,you have to decrease the price and sell more food and build up more food stalls.Last but
no least ,put up warning signs to warn people about their safety before riding rides.Yours faithfully,
Benjamin Potts
Mob :07947 433445

(1)What do we know about the amusement park from the passage ?

A.Its food price is reasonable
B.Its cleanness impresses visitors
C.It lacks warning signs for people
D.It offers visitors a variety of rides
(2)In the last paragraph,the author wants to .
A.complain to the manager
B.ask the manager for advice
C.give the manager a warning
D.offer the manager suggestions
(3)Why does the author write this letter?
A.To give some advice
B.To get his money back
C.To complain about the park
D.To know about the park
17.(2019 北京•朝阳高三期中)
Arjun's Apps
One stormy day,twelve﹣year﹣old Arjun Kumar was late getting home from school.It had been raining heavily near his
school in Chennai,India.This delayed his school bus,and when he finally arrived,Arjun's parents were worried.
His parents ‘concern gave Arjun an idea﹣he'd create an app,which can tell parents the location of their children's school
bus . While researching different ways to write APPs , Arjun located an online programming tool on the website of the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology.MIT was making the tool,called App Inventor,available to anyone who wanted to
use it.As the motto on MIT's website states, "Anyone Can Build Apps That Impact the World."
Arjun got to work doing just that.Using App Inventor,he created an app called "Ez School Bus Locator." If a school
introduced this app into its bus system,parents could log on to see the locations and estimated arrival times of their children's
school bus,Like other mapping APPs,Ez School Bus Locator relied on GPS.GPS helps users determine their location,
based on signals from a set of twenty﹣four satellites that orbit Earth.GPS﹣based APPs calculate the location of a device by
measuring the distances from three different GPS satellites.That's how Arjun's app determined where the buses were located.
The app could also confirm whether individual children were on the bus,Ez School Bus Locator used a specific bar code
( 编 码 ) to identify each student . Students checked in when they got on and off the bus by using bar codes on their
phones.As the bus driver drove,the app sent automatic messages to parents.

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Does Ez School Bus Locator sound like a good idea?MIT thought so.In2012,MIT held a contest to honor the best APPs
that had been created using App Inventor .Arjun's app won first place in the K﹣8 division ,and in 2013 ,the app was
available for purchase online.
Arjun didn't stop there . He continued developing new APPs and he even started his own software development
company.When asked for pointers for other young inventors,Arjun advised," Look for problems around you,and get
inspired from them.You'll see a lot of opportunities to use your skills to make this world a better place to live!"

(1)What is the passage mainly about?

A.The life of inventor Arjun Kumar.
B.A student's invention of a bus locator app.
C.How App Inventor helped Arjun write an app.
D.How the rainy weather in India affected traffic.
(2)What do we know about Arjun's app from the passage?
A.It could be downloaded online for free.
B.It helped the children know where they were.
C.It was introduced by Arjun into the school bus system.
D.It used bar codes to track which children were on board.
(3)Why did Arjun continue to work on software development?
A.To inspire more young inventors.
B.To win many awards for his inventions.
C.To solve problems that he saw in the world.
D.To earn money to continue his education at MIT.
(4)What can we learn from Arjun Kumar's story?
A.Youth means limitless possibilities.
B.A man owes his success to his family support.
C.If you don't aim high,you will never hit high.
D.Good problem solvers are problem finders first.
18.(2019 北京•朝阳高三期中)
A Fluent Advantage
When schools go through budget cuts , foreign language classes are often placed on the cutting block . School
administrators often do not understand how important foreign language study is for their students' success in the real
world.Far from cutting language classes,schools should be demanding them for all students.Studying a foreign language
should be required in middle schools.
Language study strengthens students' minds.Many studies have indicated that multilingual people﹣people who speak
more than one language﹣are better at certain tasks.Specifically,multilingual people have better executive(执行的)
function than people who speak only one language.Executive function is the way the brain manages all the information it's
given,such as performing different tasks and deciding what to focus on.In brain scans,multilingual people show increased

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activity in the areas of the brain that control executive function.Researchers have guessed that this advantage exists because
multilingual people must constantly decide which words from which language to use.As a result,multilingual people get
lots of practice with executive function .Their brains can then apply those skills to other tasks ,like paying attention or
multitasking.This effect is especially strong for people who grow up speaking more than one language.The earlier students
start language classes,the more benefits they may get from language study.
Moreover,language study helps prepare students for their future careers.Today,language skills are in high demand on
the job market and more and more businesses work in many countries across the world.As businesses become global,they
need people who can communicate easily across national borders.To prepare for their careers,more students should be
learning foreign languages.From 2010 to 2015,the demand in the United States for workers who speak a second language
doubled.This trend included workers of all skill levels and backgrounds.
Of course,in order to make better use of the advantages of foreign language study,middle school foreign language classes
should not just make students memorize new words and sounds.
They must also teach students about new cultures.Foreign language classes should be required to include lessons about
history , literature , customs , and government along with the languages themselves . These subjects will help students
become better global citizens and support their studies in other subjects.
Requiring middle schoolers to study a foreign language offers them opportunities to sharpen their brains.It also gives them
tools that will help them become productive members of today's global society.

(1)How does the author feel about foreign Language study in middle schools?
A.More foreign language classes should be offered in middle schools.
B.Studying a foreign language should be a middle school requirement.
C.Foreign language classes should be cut because of the limited funds.
D.Taking a foreign language class in middle schools should be a choice.
(2)The author believes .
A.people's executive function improves after foreign language classes
B.people learn languages better as young people than when they are older
C.being able to work in another country doubles people's job opportunities
D.people who speak more than one language have better executive function
(3)What's the authors purpose of writing Paragraph 4?
A.To sum up his argument.
B.To put forward a solution.
C.To emphasize his point of view.
D.To introduce an additional suggestion.
(4)Which of the following shows the development of ideas in the passage?

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A. B.

C. D.

l:Introduction P:Point Sp:Sub﹣point(次要点) C:Conclusion

19.(2019 北京•海淀高三期中)From linguists' point of view,grammar is a set of patterns for how words are put together
to form phrases or clauses,whether in spoken or written.Different languages have different patterns.Some scholars have
tried to identify patterns common to all languages.But apart from some basic features,few of these so﹣called linguistic
universals have been found.
The study of these patterns open up "an ongoing debate" between two positions , known as prescriptivism and
descriptivism.Prescriptivism thinks a given language should follow consistent rules,while descriptivism sees variation and
adaptation as a natural and necessary part of language.From much of history,the vast majority of language was spoken.But
as people became more interconnected,writing gained importance.Written language was standardized to allow broader
communication and ensure that people in different parts around could understand each other.
Language purists worked to establish and promote this standard by detailing a set of rules that reflected the established
grammar of their times . And rules for written grammar were applied to spoken language as well . Speech patterns that
deviated from the written rules were considered signs of low social status.And many people who are grown﹣ups speaking
in these ways were forced to adopt the standardized form.
More recently , however , linguists have understood that speech is a separate phenomenon from writing with its own
regularities and patterns.Most of us learn to speak at such an early age that we don't even remember it.We form our spoken
skills through unconscious habits,not memorized rules.And because speech also uses mood and intonation for meaning,
its structure is often more flexible,adapting to the needs of speakers and listeners.This could mean avoiding complex clauses
that are hard to understand in real time,making changes to avoid awkward pronunciation or removing sounds to make speech
faster.This linguistic approach that tries to understand and map such differences without dictating correct ones is known as
descriptivism.Rather than deciding how language should be used,it describes how people actually use it and tracks the
innovation they come up with in the process.
But while the debate between prescriptivism and descriptivism continues,the two are not mutually exclusive.At its best,
prescriptivism is useful for informing people about the most common established patterns at a given point in time.Ultimately,
grammar is best considered as a set of linguistic habits that are constantly being negotiated and reinvented by the entire group

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of language users.Like language itself,it's a wonderful and complex fabric woven through the contributions of speakers and
listeners,writers and readers,prescriptivists and descriptivists from both near and far.

(1)The underlined word "deviated" in Paragraph 3 probably means .

(2)According to the passage,precriptivism .
A.focuses on established language patterns
B.accepts the differences between languages
C.follows the innovations in language patterns
D.attaches more importance to written language
(3)What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?
A.A new understanding of language.
B.The beliefs held by prescriptivists.
C.The impact of grammar on language.
D.The ongoing debate between linguists.
(4)Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
A.The importance of Grammar
B.The History of Grammar
C.Grammar:Rules or Habits
D.Grammar:Writing Rules
20.(2019 北京•海淀高三期中) I got married just after I graduated from college and found a job to support our family
at the nearby Massachusettes Institute of Technology (MIT).It was in the laboratory of Prof.Edward Lorenz that I
learned what a computer was and how to develop software.
One day my husband saw a newspaper advertisement.The MIT Instrumentation Laboratory was looking for people to
develop software to "send man to the moon".Deeply attracted both by the idea and the fact that it had never been done before,
I became the first programmer to join and the first woman the lab hired.
At the beginning,nobody thought software was such a big deal.But then they began to realize how much they were
relying on it.Our software needed to be very reliable and able to detect an error and recover from it at any time during the
My daughter,Lauren,liked to intimate me﹣playing astronaut.One day,she was with me when I was doing a simulation
(模拟) of a mission to the moon.She started hitting keys and all of a sudden,she selected a program which was supposed
to be run before launch.The computer had so little space that it wiped the navigation data taking her to the moon.I thought:
my God﹣this could happen by accident in a real mission.I suggested a program change to prevent a prelaunch program being
selected during flight.But the higher﹣ups at MIT and NASA said the astronauts were too well trained to make such a mistake.
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On the very next mission ,Apollo 8,one of the astronauts on board accidentally did exactly what Lauren had done. The
Lauren bug!It created destruction and required the mission to be rearranged.After that,they let me put the program change
in.It was the program change that had a crucial influence on the success of the mission of Apollo 11.
During the early days of Apollo,software was not taken as seriously as other engineering disciplines (学科).It was
out of desperation I came up with the term "software engineering".Then one day in a meeting,one of the most respected
hardware experts explained to everyone that he agreed with me that the process of building software should also be considered
an engineering discipline,just like with hardware.It was a memorable moment.

(1)What do we know about the author?

A.She taught Lauren to write software.
B.She got her master's degree from MIT.
C.She is the first woman ever hired by MIT.
D.She created the term "software engineering".
(2)"The Lauren bug" in Para.5 refers to .
A.a pet to accompany Lauren
B.a mission to land on the moon
C.a mistake causing data loss
D.a software ending prelaunch
(3)What greatly contributed to Apollo 11's success according to the passage?
A.The in﹣time upload of data.
B.The program change.
C.Astronauts' rich experience.
D.Experts' new attitude.
(4)What can we learn from Margaret's story?
A.Honesty is the best policy.
B.A good beginning is half done.
C.Two heads are better than one.
D.Chances favor the prepared mind.

21.(2019 北京•海淀高三期中)
This Tiny Box Will Help You Relax In Terrible Summer Heat!
Traditional Air Conditioners (AC) are outdated.They cost a lot to install and even more to run. They are huge, noisy,
and dangerous to clean.You can't move them around the house with you or take them outside! Thousands of people are now

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using a much cheaper alternative to cool themselves in the heat and clean their personal air . With over million units sold
worldwide, this device is becoming one of the most successful gadgets of 2019. EVERYONE wants this awesome looking
box for summer!
What Are We Talking About?
Meet the new AirFreez, an innovative alternative to AC that cools you just the same! lt's a perfect solution for those very
hot days and nights! The AirFreez was designed by two Swiss engineers who were fed up suffering the hot summers.They
realized that AC units are super inefficient and cost a lot of money to use.The engineers also discovered that none of the
traditional AC units were made to travel with.
So, they designed this light﹣weight, portable Air Cooling box. It uses a very small amount of electricity and all without
sacrificing any of the main benefits of a top AC model! It's tiny, easy to use and it can cool you in seconds!
What Is So Special About This Little Box?
The main benefits of AirFreez are its portability and price.
It is no larger than a lunchbox. Besides, it can be powered by a pocket solar panel or battery pack and you probably have
the world's most portable AC unit.
And There Is One More Thing. The price is just amazing. Most AC units cost at least $300+ AND you have to pay for
installation PLUS cover the expensive electricity bills each month.
AirFreez costs lens than $100 (Actually $53 for each if you buy more than one here). No messy installation, no
expensive electricity bills. Far a Cooling unit of this quality, this must be the single best price﹣quality AC unit there is!
How Can You Get An AirFreez?
Now that you are aware of this amazing new invention, here is how to get one ﹣ order it from the Official Website for

(1)Which of the following words can best describe AirFreez?

A.Smart but fragile.
B.Costly but multi﹣functional.
C.Foldable and durable.
D.Handy and energy﹣saving.
(2)What can we learn about AirFreez?
A.It costs less than $53.
B.It requires no complex installation.
C.It doesn't consume electricity.
D.It is a little larger than a lunch box.
(3)What is the purpose of this passage?
A.To advertise Airfreez.
B.To explain the functions of AirFreez.
C.To introduce the inventors of AirFreez.
D.To compare AirFreez with traditional AC.

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22.(2019 北京•海淀高三期中)If you look across the entire lifespan,what you see is an average increase in desirable
personality traits(特点).Psychologists call this the "maturity principle" and it's comforting to know that,assuming your
personality follows a typical course,then the older you get,the maturer you will become.However,it's not such good
news for young adolescents,because at this point,something known as the "disruption hypothesis" kicks in.
Consider a study of Dutch teenagers who completed personality tests each year for six or seven years from 2005.The boys
showed a temporary dip in conscientiousness﹣orderliness and self﹣discilpline in early adolescence,and the girls showed a
temporary increase in neuroticism﹣emotional instability.This seems to back up some of the stereotypes we have of messy
teen bedrooms and mood swings.Thankfully,this decline in personality is short﹣lived,with the Dutch data showing that
the teenagers' previous positive traits rebound(反弹)in later adolescence.
Both parents and their teenage children agree that changes occur,but surprisingly,the perceived change can depend on
who is measuring,according to a 2017 study of over 2,700 German teenagers.They rated their own personalities twice,
at age 11 and age 14,and their parents also rated their personalities at these times.Some differences emerged:for instance,
while the teenagers rated themselves as declining in agreeability,their parents saw this decline as much shaper.Also,the
teens saw themselves as increasingly extroverted(外向的),but their parents saw them as increasingly introverted.
This mismatch can perhaps be explained by the big changes underway in the parent﹣child relationship brought on by
teenagers' growing desire for autonomy and privacy.The researchers point out that parents and teens might also be using
different reference points﹣parents are measuring their teenagers' traits against a typical adult , while the teenagers are
comparing their own traits against those displayed by their peers.
This is in line with several further studies,which also reveal a pattern of a temporary reduction in advantageous traits in
early adolescence . The general picture of the teenage years as a temporary personality "disruption" therefore seems
accurate . In fact , we're only just beginning to understand the complex mix of genetic and environmental factors that
contribute to individual patterns of personality change.
Studies also offer some clues for how we might create more nurturing environments for teenagers to aid their personality
development.This is an approach worth purshing further given that teenage personality traits are predictive of experiences in
later life.For instance,one British study of over 4,000 teenagers showed that those who scores lower in conscientiousness
were twice as likely to be unemployed later in life,in comparison with those who scored higher.
People focus so much on teaching teenagers facts and getting them to pass exams,but perhaps they ought to pay at least as
much attention to helping nurture their personalities.

(1)Which of the following can be an example of "disruption hypothesis"?

A.A kindergarten kid cries over a toy.
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B.A boy in high school cleans his own room.
C.A teenage girl feels sad for unknown reason.
D.A college graduate feels stressed out by work.
(2)According to the study of German teenagers .
A.parent give their teens too much automony and privacy
B.teens are more optimistic about their personality changes
C.teens and parents have the same personality rating standard
D.parents and teens can later agree on teens' personality decline
(3)We can infer from the last three paragraphs that .
A.teens should pay less attention to their scores in exams
B.developing teens' personality has a long﹣term effect in their life
C.people's success in later life depends on teenage personality traits
D.environmental factors outweigh genetic ones for personality change
(4)What is the author's attitude towards present teenager personality education?
23.(2021 北京•海淀高三期中)I was at the Gathering for Science in Boston,on 22 April 2017,as were 70,000 other
scientists.We were there to stand up for facts and truth.
Where are the crowds of scientists now?Since then,harms from science denial have only increased:global suffering has
grown owing to inaction on climate change,and some epidemics have risen along with vaccine skepticism.
I've been out there talking to the science deniers,and I've asked my scientist friends to come with me. "Those people just
aren't worth talking to." they'll say. "I wouldn't make a difference anyway." What's wrong.Those people can and do change
their minds,although it requires someone to put in the time to overcome distrust.
To he sure,many experts have launched themselves against misinformation,enduring abuse on social media and even
threats to their safety.But when scientists turn flown my invitations,it's not because of fear.Most often,their excuses are
grounded in the "backfire effect",a questionable 2010 finding that people sometimes embrace misconceptions more strongly
when fared with corrective information , implying that pushing back against falsehoods is counter﹣productive.Even the
researchers whose results were exaggerated to popularize this idea do not embrace it anymore , and argue that the true
challenge is learning how best to target corrective information.
In fact,evidence is growing that rebuttals can he effective.Science deniers all draw on the same flawed reasoning techniques:
cherry﹣picking evidence,relying on fake experts,and engaging in illogical reasoning.A landmark 2019 study showed that
critiquing the flawed techniques can contain the spread of misinformation.
So how does "technique rebuttal" work in practice?
Arnaud Gagneur and his colleagues at the University of Sherbrooke conducted more than 1,000 20﹣minute interviews in
which they listened to new parents' concerns about vaccinations and answered their questions.Those parents' children were 9%

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more likely to receive all the vaccines on the schedule than were those of uninterviewed parents whose babies were delivered
in the same maternity ward.One mother told him:"It's the first time that I've had a discussion like this,and I feel respected,
and I trust you." It is self﹣evident in science communication that you cannot convince a science denier with facts alone;most
science deniers don't have a lack of information,but a lack of trust.
So what should scientists do ? Even non﹣experts ran use technique rebuttal.A geologist can engage a neighbor who is
vaccine hesitant.A protein biologist ran coach an aunt or uncle who wants "more evidence" that climate change is real.Instead
of shilling to more comfortable conversations,engage in respectful exchange.If you spend more time asking questions than
offering explanations,people will be more likely to pay attention to the explanations that you do offer.

(1)What can we learn from the passage?

A.The Gathering for Science addressed online abuse.
B.The silence of scientists worsens harm from science denial.
C.Ineffective vaccines speed up the spread of some epidemics.
D.The author's friends find it valuable to talk with science deniers.
(2)According to the passage,the "backfire effect" .
A.suggests caution before correcting others
B.emphasizes the effectiveness of rebuttals
C.results from flawed reasoning techniques
D.enjoys wide support in the academic field
(3)The last two paragraphs suggest that .
A.the interviewed parents agreed to vaccination due to the sufficiency of the information
B.geologists and protein biologists need to make sure the conversations are comfortable
C.scientists fire encouraged to listen carefully find ask questions during interaction
D.scientists should teach non﹣experts how to conduct respectful exchanges
(4)In writing this passage,the author aims to .
A.express concerns for misinformation
B.analyze the mot cause of science denial
C.advocate employing technique rebuttal
D.present the problems scientists encounter
24.(2021 北京•朝阳高三期中)In the USA,youth curfews(宵禁)are traditionally issued by a parent in the interest of
safety.This type of curfew is personal,and rightfully so.However,to stop teenagers committing crimes,some officials have
turned youth curfews from family decisions into public laws.
The idea may have been thought to have good intentions.In practice,however,these policies have been shown to be unfair
and unconstitutional,according to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).In the town of Sumner,Washington,a
father allowed his fourteen﹣year﹣old son to go to a convenience store after 11:00 p.m.Sumner had adopted a curfew law
that prohibited people under the age of eighteen from being in public places past that hour.The father was fined,and then he
pursued a legal challenge against the town.The ACLU,which filed the case on behalf of the father,claimed the curfew laws
had violated(侵犯)parents' rights.In the end,Sumner's curfew laws were struck down.

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But isn't it irresponsible not to enforce a curfew on teenagers?Curfew laws supporters argue that officials should provide a
curfew to ensure teens are home by a reasonable hour.The risk of a serious accident is three times as high for drivers aged
sixteen to nineteen as for drivers over twenty.And dangers only increase at night.This indicates to some that a law keeping
teens off the road late at night is a positive safety measure.Still , the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
(NHTSA)says that the best ways for drivers to increase safety are by obeying the speed limit,wearing a seat belt,and
paying attention.The NHTSA makes no mention of youth curfews making driving safer.
In cities,curfew enforcement has been ineffective or even had a negative impact on communities.Most crimes committed
by teens actually happen around 3:00 p.m.,right after school.On non﹣school days,that time shifts to between 7:00
p.m.and 9:00 p.m.The curfew hours,usually between 10:00 p.m.and 6:00 a.m.,occur at a time of day when teenage
crime is at its lowest.Meanwhile,violent crime rates peak around 10:00 p.m.for adults.When law enforcement performs the
teen curfew sweep,policemen are distracted from the more serious violent crimes being committed by adults at that time.Also
troubling is the racial discrimination in cities with curfews.For example , recent data have found that in Minneapolis ,
Minnesota,56% of youths charged with breaking curfews were African American.Other law enforcement department reports
show similar problems.Curfew laws are criticized because they are enforced in a racially discriminatory way.
The ACLU has succeeded in striking down at least one curfew law because of concerns over parental rights.Along with
other community and civil rights groups,it continues to pursue other cases,arguing that curfew law enforcement can only
increase tension and crime.To arrest teens for driving home from the movies , playing basketball in the park , or simply
walking their dog is to punish them for being outside their homes ﹣ a policy inconsistent with the individual rights established
in the U.S.Constitution.

(1)What is the authors attitude towards legal curfews for teenagers?

(2)What does Paragraph 4 mainly talk about?
A.Reasonable curfew hours for teenagers.
B.The necessity of enforcing youth curfews.
C.Unwanted consequences of youth curfews.
D.The impact of youth curfews on adult crimes.
(3)What can be inferred about the ACLU from the passage?
A.It helps people defend their individual rights.
B.It is in favour of enforcing a curfew on teenagers.
C.It stresses the responsibilities of parents to their children.
D.It believes youth curfews are highly related to road safety.
(4)From the passage we can learn that .
A.teenagers in the United States love their independence
B.enforcing youth curfews will lead to distrust of the policemen
C.legal curfews should exist only when parents are irresponsible

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D.legal curfews violate individual liberties and may be cancelled

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一.阅读理解(共 24 小题)
(1)D.细节理解题。根据原文第二段"They accurately recalled seeing random images at a much better rate than the
predictive ones(like the beach pictures).他们准确地回忆起看到随机图像的速度要比预测图像(如海滩照片)快得
多。"可知我们可以从这篇文章中得知参与者更快更准确地记住随机图像。故选 D。
(2)A.词义猜测题。根据原文第二段"Moreover,this effect's strength in fMRI corresponded inversely with participants'
memory task scores.此外,这种效应在功能磁共振成像中的强度与参与者的记忆任务分数成反比。"可知第 3 段中带
下划线的"inversely"一词可能的意思是"以相反的方式"。A.In an opposite way 以相反的方式;B.Exactly 没错;C.In the
same direction 在同一方向;D.Closely 密切注意。故选 A。
(3)B.写作目的题。根据原文倒数第二段"The study is among the first to demonstrate how making predictions affects
human memory.Scientists previously suspected that the hippocampus had a role in statistical learning but did not know how it
interacts with memory formation.科学家先前怀疑海马体在统计学习中起作用,但不知道它如何与记忆形成相互作用。"
可知作者提到刹车和油门踏板是要说明预测与记忆是相互作用的。故选 B。
方面的平衡。可知这篇文章的最佳标题是:预测或记住:大脑必须选择一个。故选 C。
(1)B.细节理解题。根据原文 Subtitle Your Life 段"If you're hard of hearing,it can help you follow a conversation
without need for a hearing aid 如果你有听力障碍,它可以帮助你在不需要助听器的情况下跟踪对话,"可知 Live
Transcribe 可以帮助有听力问题的人欣赏广播剧。故选 B。
(2)A.推理判断题。根据原文 Singalong Your Contacts 段"If you frequently find yourself rushing from the garden or
bathroom to pick up your mobile,only to discover it's just another cyborg bothering you about selling insurance ﹣ may I
suggest you set specific rings for your closest contacts.如果你经常发现自己从花园或浴室里冲出来拿手机,却发现是另
用户可能会意识到他们可以选择忽略不需要的电话。故选 A。
测量你的购物量。可知这篇文章的最佳标题:谁知道我的手机会这么做!故选 D。

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(1)D.细节理解题。根据原文第二段"A quarter reported experiencing these during the night at least once per week,and
these people were six limes as likely to report poor sleep quality.四分之一的人报告说,他们每周至少在夜间经历一次这
种情况,而这些人的睡眠质量差的可能性是六倍。"第四段" Participants reported decreases in stress mid nervousness and
increased relaxation after listening to either set of songs,and also showed decreases in blood pressure.参与者报告说,在听
与者都提供睡前音乐反馈。故选 D。
(2)A.词义猜测题。根据原文第四段"However,a quarter of the participants woke from sleep with an earworm,and the
polysomnography data showed that instrumental versions of the songs were more likely to induce these awakenings as well as
other sleep disruptions,such as shifts from deeper sleep to lighter sleep.然而,四分之一的受试者从睡眠中醒来时有耳虫,
"可知第 4 段中带下划线的单词"induce"可能的意思是"导致"。A.Lead to 导致;B.Impact on 对环境的影响;C.Break
in 闯入;D.Focus on 集中精力。故选 A。
(3)D.推理判断题。根据原文最后一段"If this is the case,all instrumental music may not have the same effect.However,
the data from the first study is consistent with the idea that instrumental music generally is more of a problem.如果是这样的
我们能从这篇文章得知熟悉和不熟悉的器乐都会导致睡眠问题。故选 D。
音乐更糟糕。可知这篇文章主要是关于睡前音乐可能带来的负面影响。故选 B。
【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了一名 96 岁的妇女,据信是美国最年长的在职护士,已经从华盛顿塔科马
(1)B.细节理解题。根据第四段"Rigney planned on retiring once at age 65,but after six months,she decided that she
needed the job to stay active and keep her mind sharp.里格尼计划在 65 岁时退休一次,但六个月后,她决定需要这份工
作来保持活力和头脑清醒。"可知里格尼在 65 岁时继续工作,因为她想保持活力和敏捷。故选 B。

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(2 )D. 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段"As she said goodbye to her beloved job ,Rigney offered some advice for other
nurses. "Don't ever think that you know it all." she noted in the release. "I kind of did that when I was in the operating room
and you have to always be open.You never slop learning."当她告别心爱的工作时,里格尼给了其他护士一些建议。她在
荒废学习。"可知里格尼对年轻护士的建议是保持对知识的渴望。故选 D。
(3)C.推理判断题。根据倒数第三段""SeeSee's continued to be a dedicated nurse and an incredible resource to her
colleagues and community.It's humbling to stop and think about the thousands and thousands of lives she's cured for.Everyone
at MultiCare thanks Rigney for her unmatched dedication and service,and we're proud to honor her by supporting tomorrow's
future nurses," she continued."SeeSee 仍然是一名敬业的护士,是她的同事和社区不可思议的资源。停下来想一想,
她治愈了成千上万的生命,这让我感到谦卑。care 的每个人都感谢里格尼无与伦比的奉献和服务,我们以支持未来
(1)D.细节理解题。根据 1.Guard Your Time(守护你的时间)部分的"Protect these open times by setting up your
workspace to minimize distractions﹣including silencing notifications (通知) on your cellphone or laptop.(通过设置你
2.Determine How Much Work Is Needed ( 确 定 需 要 多 少 工 作 量 ) 部 分 的 "Write down the work you need to
achieve...Examine the remaining projects,and estimate the amount and type of effort each requires.(写下你需要完成的工
可知,前两个技巧都是讲的如何管理好时间,即时间管理技能。故选 D。
(2)B.细节理解题。根据 3.Break Large Projects into Smaller Ones(将大项目分解成小项目)部分的"Breaking big
projects into smaller and more manageable tasks allows you to achieve maximum efficiency and effectiveness.(将大项目分
解成更小、更易管理的任务,可以让你获得最大的效率和效果。)"可知,当你面临一个大任务时,技巧 3 最能帮
助你。故选 B。
(3)C.写作意图题。根据文章开头"Let's be honest:it can be hard to get motivated to do your schoolwork even in the best
of times.So finding the motivation,while you're learning from home,is extra challenging.Here are a few tips that could
maximize your motivation.(老实说:即使在最好的情况下,也很难有动力去做作业。所以当你在家学习的时候,找
到动力是额外的挑战。这里有一些可以最大化你的动力的建议。)"以及最后一段"Work to build good habits and
strategies now.It will pay off in the future.(现在就努力建立良好的习惯和策略。将来会有回报的。)可以看出,作者
写这篇文章的目的在于为学生提供如何提高工作效率的建议。故选 C。

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【分析】本文是故事类阅读,主要叙述了 Malmon 的弟弟的死促使她创建了一个心理健康组织(Open Minds),唤
(1)B.细节理解题。根据第一段"Alison Malmon was a freshman at the University of Pennsylvania when she got a call
from her mother that would change her life:Her fun,outgoing older brother,Brian,had killed himself.(Alison Malmon
了。)"可知,2000 年春天,Alison Malmon 的哥哥布莱恩自杀了。故选 B。
( 2 ) B. 细 节 理 解 题 。 根 据 第 二 段 中 的 "I started reflecting on the fact that there was an enormous need to get that
conversation going," says Malmon.(我开始思考这样一个事实,即非常需要让这种对话继续下去。)"以及第三段中
的" "What I'm most inspired by is that my generation and the generations coming behind me are taking on mental health as a
social justice issue," says Malmon. "Our tools are changing not only their campuses,but also their families.("我最受鼓
变他们的校园,也在改变他们的家庭。)"可知,Alison Malmon 建立 Active Minds 的原因是要帮助抑郁的年轻人。
故选 B。
(3)C.推理判断题。根据第四段"So Active Minds' peer﹣to﹣peer education techniques are more important than ever.(因
此,主动思维的点对点教育技术比以往任何时候都更加重要。)"和最后一段 she says. "Because that's how we're going
to have more students graduate and go on to become productive members of society,and not feel so ashamed like my brother
到羞愧。")可以推知,C.Positive actions make huge differences.(积极的行动会带来巨大的不同。)与文意相符。故
选 C。
(1)C.推理判断题。分析文章第二段第二句"He notes that most of us hit a natural ceiling that limits our appetite for
extreme risk in tricky conditions."(他指出,我们中的大多数人达到了一个自然的上限,这个(自然上限)限制了我
们在复杂条件下对极端风险的欲望。)可知,这里含有一个定语从句,先行词为 a natural ceiling,定语从句对 a
natural ceiling 进行修饰,"限制了我们在复杂条件下对极端风险的欲望"说明许多人不想做极限运动。故选 C 项。
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(2)A.细节理解题。根据第四段开头提到的"groups climbing Everest"(攀登珠穆朗玛峰的团体)和第二句"To me,
that just seems like the height of risk," he said. "But to them it was the next step in an activity that they've prepared for years."
登山者为挑战做了大量的准备。故选 A 项。
(3)D.段落大意题。根据第五段第一句"Another aspect of risk perception (认知) may be something referred to as "the
flow",a state in which many athletes become absorbed in the acts that focus the mind completely on the present."( 风险认
知的另一个方面可能是被称之为"心流"的东西 ,在这种状态下,许多运动员全神贯注于将精力完全集中在当下的行
为。)以及后面的进一步解释可知,本段要点就是"the flow"这种特定的精神状态会使你更有可能去尝试一项活动。
故选 D 项。
(4)A.推理判断题。根据最后一段"People of different skill levels experience the flow at different times.Some may always
be driven to adventures that others consider extreme."(不同技能水平的人在不同的时间体验这种流动。一些人可能总是
所以冒险是你可以选择做或选择避免的事情。故选 A 项。
【分析】这是一篇说明文。太空越来越拥挤,文章主要内容为一家名为 SpaceX and OneWeb 的公司计划在 2027 前
(1)B.细节理解题。由第一段最后一句"SpaceX and OneWeb plan to launch LEO satellites in their thousands,not
hundreds,to double the total number of satellites in orbit (轨道) by 2027(SpaceX and OneWeb 计划发射数千上万颗
近地轨道卫星将使轨道上卫星总数量增加一倍。)"可知,LEO 卫星预计将大量增加。故选 B 项。
(2)C.细节理解题。由第二段最后一句"Rules are needed to deal with old satellites safely from low﹣Earth orbits"可知,
为了安全处理老旧的近地轨道卫星,需要制定一些规则。故选 C 项。
(3)B.词义猜测题。由第四段中句子"But as more of the world's population comes to rely on the space for access to the
Internet,the need for action will intensify"可知,因为世界上越来越多的人依赖太空卫星提供上因特网的通路,人们对
于网络安全的需求将 intensify。可推断,依赖太空卫星的人数增多,因此对网络安全的需求就增强了。故划线词与
increase 意思相近。A.Measure.测量;B.Increase.增加;C.Spread.扩展;D.Repeat.重复。故选 B 项。
(4)C.推理判断题。由第三段最后一句"Rules are needed to deal with old satellites safely from low﹣Earth orbits.(需
要有规则来安全地处理来自低地球轨道的旧卫星 )"、第四段最后一句"Measures will surely be taken to protect network
security(一定要采取措施保护网络安全)"及文末最后一句"They must be answered before the space economy can truly
心慎行,避免潜在的危险发生。故选 C 项。
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【分析】这是一篇说明文。介绍了旅游景点 Arbeia Roman Fort and Museum 的位置、历史、重建及开放时间等信息。
(1)A. 细节理解题。由第一段第三句"…Arbeia Roman Fort was the military supply base for the soldiers…Arbeia Roman
堡垒是士兵们的军事补给基地。"可知,Arbeia Roman Fort 城堡以前是一个为士兵们提供物资的军事供应基地,说明
它以前与军事有关联。故选 A 项。
(2)A. 细节理解题。由第三段前两句"Visit the museum and see many objects that were found at Arbeia. They are
historically important and show what daily life was really like at that time(参观博物馆,看看许多在阿贝亚发现的物体。
选 A 项。
(3)D. 细节理解题。关于参观时间介绍的最后一句"Closed December 25﹣26 and January 112 月 25 日至 26 日和 1 月
1 日关闭。"可得出 12 月 26 日是关门的。故选 D 项。
(1)B.推理判断题。根据第一段的"Early diagnosis is crucial for patients to benefit from the few therapies available.But
no scans can deliver a conclusive diagnosis while a person is alive;instead doctors have to conduct numerous and complicated
clinical and neuropsychological tests.So there is growing interest in developing artificial intelligence to identify Alzheimer's
based on brain imaging.( 早期诊断对于患者是至关重要的,为了从可用的少数疗法中受益。但是,在一个人还活着
识别阿尔茨海默病是因为需要即可靠又方便的诊断方法,故选 B.
(2)D.细节理解题。根据第三段的"In PET imaging,a very small amount of a radioactive compound are injected into the
body,producing three﹣dimensional images of metabolism(新陈代谢),circulation and other cellular activities.( 在
PET 成像中,很少的放射性化合物被注入体内,产生新陈代谢的、循环的和其他细胞活动的三维图象)"可知,PET
影像拍摄各种细胞活动。故选 D.
(3)D.细节理解题。根据第四段的"The algorithm was highly sensitive and was able to recognize 81 percent of the patients
in the first test group and 100 percent in the second who would be diagnosed with Alzheimer's six years later,on average.
( 该算法高度敏感,平均来说,成功识别了第一试验组 81%的患者,六年后,识别了第二实验组 100%的患者)"可
知,该算法成功地识别了第二试验组的所有患者。故选 D.
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(4)C.推理判断题。根据第五段的"but catching it in the earliest stages remains one of the most critical open issues in this
field.( 在早期阶段识别它仍然是这一领域最关键的未决定的问题之一)"可知,要在最早的阶段发现阿尔茨海默病,
需要更多的探索。故选 C.
(1)D.细节理解题。根据第一段中"As a quiet and shy girl,I feared improvising in front of strangers.However,I knew I
wanted to work as a science communicator after finishing my Ph.D.,so it seemed like a perfect opportunity to learn how to
speak and communicate with others effectively.I signed up,knowing the experience would give me help.作为一个安静害羞
作者参加即兴交流课是为了提高她的开口说话的沟通能力。故选 D.
(2)D.细节理解题。根据第三段中"The first few scenes were hard,but as weeks turned into months,I became more
comfortable and even started to enjoy our classes.I became better at listening,relating to my conversation partners,and
communicating clearly in the moment.开始的几场戏很难,但是几周变成了几个月,我变得更加舒服,甚至开始享受我
了即兴交流课之后所发生的变化是她在发表意见之前,先成为了一个好的倾听者。故选 D.
(3)B.推理判断题。根据倒数第二段"The benefits of improvisation go beyond communication.Before attending the class,
I would get stuck when my experiments produced unexpected data,thinking that I had made a mistake.But now,instead of
getting discouraged,I will stay open to the possibility that the results are real,keep exploring the data and end up identifying
a new type of cell﹣one that isn't behaving as expected.即兴表演的好处不仅仅是沟通。在上课之前,当我的实验产生了
实验中运用"yes,and"的方法,是为了证明即兴交流课的好处。故选 B.
(4)C.推理判断题。根据最后一段"I think all scientists can benefit from this lesson.If the data say rhinos are librarians,
then it's worth finding out whether rhinos are,in fact,librarians.As scientists,our job isn't to challenge data that support a
preconceived (先入为主的)story,but to say "yes,and."我想所有的科学家都能从中受益。如果数据显示犀牛是图
数据,而是说"是的,而且。"由此可推知,科学家应该通过承认早期数据来进行研究。故选 C.
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( 1 ) D. 细 节 理 解 题 。 根 据 Best Buddies 部 分 "Volunteer with Best Buddies to help end the social , physical , and
economic isolation of 200 million people with intellectual and developmental disabilities﹣and you'll make some new pals in
the process!与 Best Buddies 一起做志愿者,帮助 2 亿智障和发育障碍人士结束社会、身体和经济上的孤立,在这个
过程中,你将结交一些新朋友!"可知如果你想帮助残疾人,你可以加入 Best Buddies. 故选 D.
(2)A. 细节理解题。根据 Meals on Wheels 部分" For those teens who just got their licenses and love any reason to get
behind the wheel,here's a volunteer opportunity that'll make driving worthwhile. Meals on Wheels is on a mission to meet
the nutritional and social needs of seniors. 对于那些刚刚拿到驾照并且喜欢开车的年轻人来说,这里有一个志愿者机会,
送饭。故选 A.
(3)B. 词义猜测题。根据划线词所在的句子"Chances are, there's already a chapter in your school, but if not, you
can try taking the lead in one.很有可能,你们学校已经有一个分支了,但如果没有,你可以试着在一个分支里做领导。"
可知划线词的意思是"俱乐部的分支"。A. A part of a book 书的一部分;B. A branch of a club 俱乐部的分支;C. A
period of life 一段生命;D. An office on campus 校园里的办公室。故选 B.
(4)A. 目的意图题。阅读全文可知作者主要介绍了一些可以加入作贡献的俱乐部,所以目的是让更多的人做志愿
者。故选 A.
(1)C.细节理解题。根据第一段最后两句话"The city requests drivers to register and license their vehicles to ensure
accountability(责任).Bicyclists who use public roadways should be held accountable,too.市政府要求司机登记并发放
故选 C.
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(2)C.推理判断题。根据第四段"Some people might say,"Little kids ride bikes.Would you require a six﹣year﹣old rider
to take a test and pay a fee?" Obviously,the city could determine an age when cycling would be considered a "means of
transportation on public roads." Other people argue that bicycle fees are unfair because bikes don't damage the roadways as
cars do.Bicycle registration fees could be comparatively modest,and the method for displaying a license number could be
simple.有些人可能会说"小孩子骑自行车。你会要求一个 6 岁的骑手去做测试,然后付费吗? "显然,城市可以决定
的是回应人们对骑自行车者问责的质疑。故选 C.
(3)D.推理判断题。阅读第一段"The city requests drivers to register and license their vehicles to ensure accountability
(责任).Bicyclists who use public roadways should be held accountable,too.市政府要求司机登记并发放车辆执照,以
确保问责制。使用公共道路的骑自行车的人也应该负责。"以及最后一段" Many U.S.cities and towns now implement
bike registration and licensing.许多美国城镇现在实行自行车注册和许可。" 可知,作者也通过具体的例子来支持自己
的观点。由此可知,作者在本文通过举例子和作比较的方式来支持自己的论点。故选 D.
(4)B.主旨大意题。阅读文章内容,并根据第一段"The growing number of cyclists,however,brings this question to
mind:should bicyclists be required to share the responsibilities of the road?Automobile drivers have to take competency
tests,follow established regulations,and accept punishment for breaking rules.然而,骑自行车的人越来越多,使人想起
最佳标题为"骑自行车的人应该注册并给他们的自行车颁发牌照吗"。故选 B.
14.【分析】这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了 12 岁男孩对赛车的热爱和追求并为之努力训练的故事。
【解答】(1)B.细节理解题。结合全文内容,如第一段末尾"…climbs into a race car that exceeds 80 mph.He has been
doing this since age 8."(……爬进了一辆速度超 80 英里每小时的赛车,他从八岁起就一直做这个)可知,他喜欢的
是赛车,故选 B.
(2)C.细节理解题。根据第四段 Keegan 父亲的话"Winning races every weekend is not the only key.More importantly,
you have to have the right name,you have to look the correct way,speak the correct way,and act the correct way."可知,
每个周末赢得比赛并不是唯一的追求。更重要的是,你要有正确的言行举止,为人处世要得当,C 项"美好品质"是
对这的准确概括,他父亲看重的是这个,故选 C.
(3)A.推理判断题。根据原文第五段结尾处"Keegan is at the Birch Run track﹣practicing,qualifying and racing until 10
p.m.or 2 a.m.While many children spend time playing video games,Keegan runs race simulation training with his joystick
after school."可知 Keegan 可能会练习赛车直到晚上十点甚至是凌晨两点,当其他孩子都在玩游戏时,他在放学后把
时间都花在赛车模拟训练上了。从原文这一内容可知 Keegan 花了很多的时间练习(赛车),故选 A.
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【分析】本文是一篇说明文阅读主要讲述了 Quino 棋盘蝴蝶蝴蝶:小,但强大.
1.A.细节理解题.根据第三段 The Quino's situation continued to worsen. Wildfires burned much of its habitat, and
temperatures were getting warmer and drier, making the environment more difficult to the butterfly's host plant called the
dwarf plantain.奎诺的状况继续恶化.野火烧毁了它的大部分栖息地,温度越来越高,越来越干燥,这使得蝴蝶的
寄主植物矮矮蕉变得更加困难.可知,南加州的奎诺跳蚤蝴蝶是一种濒临灭绝的物种.故选 A.
2.A.细节理解题.根据第五段 They landed in mountainous open spaces east of Los Angeles and San Diego. They found
no dwarf plantains there.他们降落在洛杉矶和圣地亚哥以东的山区空地.他们在那儿没有矮人大蕉.可知,Quino 棋
盘蝴蝶去了一个新的栖息地适应变化的环境.故选 A.
3.B.词义猜测题.根据上下文内容可知,The caterpillars responded by entering a state called diapause. 句意为毛毛
虫进入了滞育状态,故意为停止身体功能.故选 B.
4.C.主旨大意题.阅读全文,根据文章内容可知,本文主要讲述了 Quino 棋盘蝴蝶蝴蝶:小,但强大.故选 C.
【解答】1﹣3 CDC
1.C.细节理解题.根据第五段"My last complaint is about the safety features for the rides.How could you not put up
warning notice for children to fasten their seat belts ?我最后抱怨的是游乐设施的安全性能.你怎么能不张贴警告告示,
让孩子们系好安全带呢?".可知游乐园缺乏对人们的警告信号.故选 C.
2.D.细节理解题.根据最后一段"As the manager of the park ,you will improve the situation.For example ,you
should put more rubbish bins so that no one will throw any more rubbish on the ground 作为公园的管理者,你将改善这种
提一些建议.故选 D.
3.C.推理判断题.根据第一段" I am writing to complain about your amusement park 我写信是要投诉你们的游乐园
".可知作者写这封信是为了投诉游乐园.故选 C.

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1.B.细节理解题.根据文章第二段 His parents ‘concern gave Arjun an idea﹣he'd create an app,which can tell parents
the location of their children's school bus.他的父母对 Arjun 提出了一个想法﹣他可以创建一个应用程序,可以告诉父
母他们的孩子的校车的位置.可知文章主要讲了一位学生的总线定位器应用的发明;故选 B.
2.D.细节理解题.根据文章第四段 The app could also confirm whether individual children were on the bus,Ez School
Bus Locator used a specific bar code(编码)to identify each student.可知 Arjun 的应用它使用条形码来追踪那些在校
车上孩子的位置;故选 D.
3.C.细节理解题.根据文章最后一段 Arjun didn't stop there.He continued developing new APPs and he even started
his own software development company.可知 Arjun 继续致力于软件开发为解决他在世界上所看到的问题;故选 C.
4.D.推理判断题.根据文章最后一段 Look for problems around you,and get inspired from them.You'll see a lot of
opportunities to use your skills to make this world a better place to live!寻找你周围的问题,从他们身上得到启发.你会
看到很多机会利用你的技能让这个世界成为一个更好的生活之地!可知我们能从 Arjun Kumar 的故事中学习良好的
问题解答者首先是良好的问题发现者;故选 D
1 . B . 细 节 理 解 题 . 根 据 第 一 段 Far from cutting language classes , schools should be demanding them for all
students.Studying a foreign language should be required in middle schools.学校不应削减语言课,而应要求所有学生参
加.中学应要求学习外语.可知,作者认为学习外语应该是中学的要求.故选 B.
2.D.细节理解题.根据第二段 Many studies have indicated that multilingual people﹣people who speak more than one
language﹣are better at certain tasks.许多研究表明,会说多种语言的人(说一种以上的语言的人)在某些任务上会更
好.可知,作者认为说多种语言的人具有更好的执行功能.故选 D.
3.D.细节理解题.根据第四段 Of course,in order to make better use of the advantages of foreign language study,
middle school foreign language classes should not just make students memorize new words and sounds.然,为了更好地利
们成为当今全球社会生产力成员的工具.故选 A.

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1.C,词义猜测题.根据第三段的"Speech patterns that deviated from the written rules were considered signs of low social
status. "偏离成文规则的言语模式被认为是社会地位低下的标志.偏离成文规则的言语模式被认为是社会地位低下
的标志.意为不同,有异;故选 C.
2 . A . 细 节 理 解 题 . 根 据 文 章 第 二 段 Prescriptivism thinks a given language should follow consistent rules , while
descriptivism sees variation and adaptation as a natural and necessary part of language.规定主义认为一种特定的语言应该
模式;故选 A.
3.A.细节理解题.根据文章第四段 More recently,however,linguists have understood that speech is a separate
phenomenon from writing with its own regularities and patterns.然而,最近,语言学家已经认识到,言语是一种独立于
写作的现象,有着自己的规律和模式.可知第 4 段主要是对语言的新理解;故选 A.
4.C.推理判断题.根据文章第一段 Different languages have different patterns.Some scholars have tried to identify
patterns common to all languages.But apart from some basic features,few of these so﹣called linguistic universals have
been found.不同的语言有不同的模式,有些学者试图找出所有语言共同的模式,但除了一些基本的特征外,很少
发现这些所谓的语言共性.可知语法:规则或习惯将是该段落的最佳标题;故选 C
【解答】1﹣4 DCBD
1.D.细节理解题.根据最后一段"It was out of desperation I came up with the term "software engineering".我是在绝
望中想到"软件工程"这个词的.可知作者创造了"软件工程"这个术语.故选 D.
2.C.细节理解题.根据第五段"The Lauren bug!It created destruction and required the mission to be rearranged 劳伦错
误!它造成了破坏,并要求重新安排特派团".可知"The Lauren bug"指的是"造成数据丢失的错误".故选 C.
3.B.推理判断题.根据倒数第二段"After that,they let me put the program change in.It was the program change that
had a crucial influence on the success of the mission of Apollo 11.在那之后,他们让我把程序改变放进去.正是计划的
改变对阿波罗 11 号任务的成功产生了至关重要的影响".可知对阿波罗 11 号的成功有很大贡献的是程序改变.故
选 B.
4.D.推理判断题.根据最后一段" Then one day in a meeting,one of the most respected hardware experts explained to
everyone that he agreed with me that the process of building software should also be considered an engineering discipline,
just like with hardware 然后有一天,在一次会议上,一位最受尊敬的硬件专家向大家解释说,他同意我的观点,即构
有准备的人".故选 D.

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【解答】1﹣3 DBA
1.D.细节理解题.根据第三四"they designed this light﹣weight, portable Air Cooling box. It uses a very small amount
of electricity and all without sacrificing any of the main benefits of a top AC model.他们设计了这种轻便的便携式空气冷
却箱.它使用非常少的电力和所有的不牺牲任何一个顶级 AC 模式的主要好处,可知 AirFreez 是方便和节能的.故
选 D.
2.B.细节理解题.根据倒数第三段" No messy installation, no expensive electricity bills 没有杂乱的安装,没有昂贵
的电费".可知 AirFreez 不需要复杂的安装.故选 B.
3.A.推理判断题.根据最后一段"Now that you are aware of this amazing new invention, here is how to get one ﹣ order
it from the Official Website for BEST PRICE.
Airfreez 做广告.故选 A.
1.C.细节理解题.根据第一段 However,it's not such good news for young adolescents,because at this point,
something known as the "disruption hypothesis" kicks in.但是,对于青少年来说,这并不是一个好消息,因为在这一
过.故选 C.
2.B.细节理解题.根据第三段 Also,the teens saw themselves as increasingly extroverted(外向的),but their
parents saw them as increasingly introverted.另外,青少年认为自己越来越外向(外向),但父母却认为他们越来越
内向.可知,根据德国青少年的研究,青少年对自己的性格改变更为乐观.故选 B.
3.B.细节理解题.根据倒数第二段 For instance,one British study of over 4,000 teenagers showed that those who
scores lower in conscientiousness were twice as likely to be unemployed later in life,in comparison with those who scored
higher.可知,例如,一项英国对 4,000 多名青少年的研究表明,尽职调查得分较低的人与以后得分较高的人相比,
在以后的生活中失业的可能性是原来的两倍.发展青少年的性格会对他们的生活产生长期影响.故选 B.
4.A.细节理解题.根据最后一段 People focus so much on teaching teenagers facts and getting them to pass exams,but
perhaps they ought to pay at least as much attention to helping nurture their personalities.人们非常注重教导青少年的事实
格教育的态度是不满意的.故选 A.
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(1)B.细节理解题。根据第一段"Since then,harms from science denial have only increased.(从那时起,否认科学的
危害只增不减。)"可知,因为科学家沉默加剧科学否认者对科学的误解。故选 B。
( 2 ) A. 推 理 判 断 题 。 根 据 第 四 段 "a questionable 2010 finding that people sometimes embrace misconceptions more
strongly when fared with corrective information(2010 年的一项有争议的研究发现,当人们接受纠正性信息时,有时会
选 A。
(3)C.推理判断题。根据最后一段"If you spend more time asking questions than offering explanations,people will be
more likely to pay attention to the explanations that you do offer.(如果你花更多的时间问问题而不是提供解释,人们将
选 C。
(4)C.主旨大意题。根据最后一段"So what should scientists do?Even non﹣experts ran use technique rebuttal.(那么科
作者主张科学家采用技术反驳。故选 C。
(1)A.观点态度题。根据文章最后一段 To arrest teens for driving home from the movies,playing basketball in the park,
or simply walking their dog is to punish them for being outside their homes ﹣ a policy inconsistent with the individual rights
established in the U.S.Constitution.(以看完电影开车回家、在公园打篮球或只是遛狗为由逮捕青少年,就是惩罚他们
不在家﹣﹣﹣这一政策不符合美国宪法规定的个人权利)说明作者对青少年法定宵禁持不赞成的态度。故答案为 A。
(2)C.段落大意题。根据文章第四段 In cities,curfew enforcement has been ineffective or even had a negative impact on
communities.(在城市里,宵禁的实施没有效果,甚至对社区产生了负面影响。)说明第 4 段主要谈及青年宵禁不
必要的后果。故答案为 C。
(3)A.推理判断题。根据文章最后一段 The ACLU has succeeded in striking down at least one curfew law because of
concerns over parental rights.(由于对父母权利的担忧,美国公民自由联盟已经成功推翻了至少一项宵禁法。)说明
美国公民自由联盟帮助人们捍卫他们的个人权利。故答案为 A。
(4)D.推理判断题。根据文章最后一段 Along with other community and civil rights groups,it continues to pursue other
cases,arguing that curfew law enforcement can only increase tension and crime.(它与其他社区和民权团体一起,继续
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为 D。

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