Amp Energy Drink: Advertising 335 April 16, 2010

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amp Energy Drink

Advertising 335

April 16, 2010

The Hyped Typers are an ideal agency for those who are looking for a fresh, energetic and articulate creative team to suit their needs. The Hyped Typers comprises four Iowa State graduates. Combined, the agency has 16 years of experience with multiple advertising media including broadcast, print and with an emphasis in social media. We the Hyped Typers take pride in our ability to pair pioneering strategic plans with ingenious ideas in order to satisfy our clientele.

Alex Rich Allard Jobson Michaela Sabin Rebecca VanDeCasteele

Plan Summary
Brand: PepsiCo amp Energy Drink Product: Energy Drink Demographic Target: males, ages 18-24, college students Geographic Target: National, Pacific area colleges Timing: August, November-December, March-May Reach: Target=70 Actual=70.5 Frequency: Target=5 Actual=4.8 Media: National TV, Spot Newspapers, Internet, Product Placement, Sponsorships CPM: $284.34 CPP: $6,827 Budget: $20,000,000

Industry Trends
From the start of energy drinks in 1995, annual retail sales have been on the rise. Over the past few years, sales have decreased to a 15-20 percent annual growth rate, with estimated sales over $4.8 billion in 2011. With the push for a healthier lifestyle, the development of diet energy drinks has shown great interest from the energy drink consumers. It wasnt until the year 2007 that amp decided to spend money advertising its line of drinks. In 2008 amp spent a little over $18 million in advertisements, almost a 100 percent increase from the year before. Over the past couple of years, amps advertising spending have been blown away by Red Bulls $51.3 million. Monster holds up the rear with a little over $1 million in spending in 2008. It is easy to see that the focus on energy drinks have risen drastically over the past 15 years. With the invention of diet energy drinks and 5-hour energy drinks, it is easy to see that this industry is not going anywhere anytime soon.

PepsiCo launched the amp Energy Drink lines to take advantage of the new market. A 16 oz container of amp includes 143 mg of caffeine.

As of 2009, amp products include sugar free, overdrive (red cherry flavored), relaunch (orange flavored), elevate (mixed berry flavored), lightening (lemonade flavored) and amp green tea.

In the first quarter of 2010, amp launched energy gum and amp juice.

Situation Analysis
Product attributes: Product is produced and distributed by PepsiCo. It tastes like a cousin of Mountain Dew and comes in different sizes and types. Competition: Red Bull & Monster energy drinks Current pricing: $1.49 for 8 ounces. Competition pricing: Red Bull: $2.00, Monster: $1.99.

One of the cheapest energy drinks in market compared to Red Bull & Monster PepsiCo is a very well known company with a very good brand image There is much variety in the product line Good social media contacts (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) Interesting, interactive website

Less known compared to Red Bull & Monster Not marketing towards everyone (more towards males rather than females) Limited advertising efforts Relatively new to the market

Create street teams and campaigns around target markets Create more products like a shot instead of a big can Create more juice products for more health-conscious demographic

PepsiCo getting rid of amp Red Bull/Monster becoming more powerhouses Stricter regulations from the FDA Aging market with more people becoming more health-conscious

Current Distribution
This product is distributed all over in the United States. There are street teams with amp cars that distribute free limited-edition cans of the product at lifestyle venues and events.

Each local amp Energy team can be followed on Twitter to see which events they are hosting or attending next in each region.

Twitter and Facebook pages give fans access to events, videos and updates.

Current Advertising
With a current ad campaign with a theme of amp UP, amp has produced many viral videos that portray some sort of extreme activity. These are 30-second to 1-minute spots that dramatically show activities such as getting a tattoo and snowboarding down a mountain.

Right before the end of the spot, the words on the screen say right before your big moment.... AMP UP.

Along with the viral videos (that have begun airing on national television), amp also sponsors NASCAR Sprint Cup Series driver Dale Earnhardt Jr., extreme sports athletes Mason Aguirre, Hannah Teter, Keir Dillon, Kevin Pearce, Chad Kagy and Anthony Napolitan. And World Extreme Cage Fighting (WEC) announced amp will be the official energy drink of WEC.

Goals and Strategy

The main goals of this campaign are to raise awareness and steal share market share from Monster. We also hope to make amp the in drink for the target.

Our strategy is to pair high frequency (5) with high reach (70) to target new consumers as well as current consumers as many times as possible. We will use national television, spot collegiate newspaper advertising as well as product placement, sponsorships and sampling to reach our goal.

Demographic Target
Through our research we have found that most amp energy drink consumers are single, white, males, ages 18-24 and having some college experience. This leads us to believe that the consumer is likely in college. We have chosen to target male college students with our advertising efforts.

Geographic Target
The MRI data shows that there is a higher emphasis of energy drink consumers in the Pacific, South East and South West regions of the United States.


7137 3626 5309 3630 2783 3654 958

26.3 13.4 19.6 13.4 10.3 13.5 3.5

16.4 134 13.9 114 11.9 97 10.9 89 9.9 81 10.5 85 8.8 72

We chose to use spot advertising in the pacific area colleges paired with a national television campaign. The Seattle, Los Angeles and Las Vegas spot markets were chosen based on their location in the Pacific area and the size of their markets.

Creative Strategy
Amps current tag line for their main advertising campaign is before your big moment...amp UP. We agreed that this was a very creative and effective idea, so we decided to play with that idea for the new campaign.

The idea behind this campaign will be amp UP your life. This will be translated into many different situations that the demographic target will identify with. For example, while advertising to students taking finals and working on projects, the tag line will be amp UP your finals or amp UP your project.

Using this idea will provide a seamless transition from the last campaign and will be consistent with the overall image of the brand.

Media Mix
National Television
14 Spots/Month (4 Prime Time/10 Late Night) We chose television programs that have higher viewers that are males ages 18-24.

10 MM/Month Targeted websites have the ability to see other websites a consumer has visited and display ads accordingly.

Jersey Shore Real World

Targeted Websites:
Facebook Twitter STA Travel Textsfromlastnight ESPN

SportsCenter PTI

The Office Conan OBrien

Spot Print
10 Spots/Month (Full Page, B/W) Advertising in collegiate newspapers is a great way to reach college students, our target. University Times California State University Los Angeles, California The Spectator Seattle University Seattle, Washington The Rebel Yell UNLV Las Vegas, Nevada

Modern Family

Product Placement
Product placement is a great way to gain exposure without the target feeling angry at the brand or product. We hope to get a product placement deal with Real World, potentially as the job the cast members do while on the show.

We decided to run our campaign for a fiscal year, starting in August. We chose the month of August to begin with because this is the time at which most schools are in session. We focused our campaign to last through the school year, running heavier advertisements during the finals week in mid December, late April and early May. Because our target market consists of college students with ages 18-24, we have found that in order for them to stay awake longer, most students consume energy drinks while studying for finals and working on big projects. We came to the conclusion to run heavier ads around the spring break period as well, when most students have midterms and group projects due. When school is out of session, we are going to run event sponsorship advertisements during the months of May, June and July.

Reach and Frequency

We chose a reach of 70, which is on the higher side, but still within the average. We hoped to expose a larger audience to the campaign in order to ultimately gain a larger consumer base.

Our frequency goal was 5, which is also slightly high. We hope to reach the target as many times as possible, in order to get them more familiar with the brand and product. We hope that this will steal market share from the competition (Monster), and ultimately increase our market share and consumer base.

We propose a budget of $20 million. In the MFP campaign, we spent a little over $14 million in spot newspaper advertising, prime time and late night television spots and targeted Internet advertising.

The additional $6 million will go to product placement, free product to give away, event sponsorships and implementing more stable college street teams.

$14 of the proposed $20 million was used in a spot and national campaign in MFP. We obtained a reach of 70.5 and frequency of 4.8, which are very close to the targets of 70 and 5 respectively. The remaining $6 million will be poured into free product sampling events, sponsorship opportunities, implementing street teams and a product placement deal. The $20 million was spent wisely and our objectives were met with this campaign.

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