Textbook Learning React Functional Web Development With React and Redux Early Release Raw Unedited 1St Edition Alex Banks Ebook All Chapter PDF

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Learning React Functional Web

Development with React and Redux

Early Release Raw Unedited 1st Edition
Alex Banks
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Learning React
Functional Web Development with React and

Alex Banks and Eve Porcello

Learning React
by Alex Banks and Eve Porcello
Copyright © 2016-08-04 Alex Banks and Eve Porcello. All rights reserved.
Printed in the United States of America.
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Table of Contents

Preface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii

1. Welcome to React. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
History 12
React is not a Framework 14
React and MVC 15
React Ecosystem 16
Keeping up with the Changes 18
Working with the Files 18
File Repository 18
React Developer Tools 19
Installing Node.js 20

2. Emerging JavaScript. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Declaring Variables in ES6 22
Const 22
Let 22
Template Strings 24
Default Parameters 26
Arrow Functions 26
Transpiling ES6 30
ES6 Objects and Arrays 31
Destructuring Assignment 31
Object Literal Enhancement 33
Spread Operator 34
Module Imports and Exports 36
Promises 36
Classes 39

3. Functional Programming with JavaScript. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
What it means to be Functional 44
Imperative vs Declarative 46
Functional Concepts 49
Immutability 49
Pure Functions 51
Data Transformations 53
Higher Order Functions 61
Recursion 62
Composition 65
Putting it all together 67

4. Pure React. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Page Setup 73
The Virtual DOM 74
React Elements 75
ReactDOM 77
Children 78
Constructing Elements with Data 80
React Components 82
React.createClass() 83
React.Component 86
Stateless Functional Components 87
DOM Rendering 88
Factories 91

5. React with JSX. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95

React Elements as JSX 95
JSX Tips 96
Babel 98
Recipes as JSX 99
Babel Presets 106
Intro to webpack 107
Webpack Loaders 108
Recipes App with Webpack Build 108

6. Props, State, and the Component Tree. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121

Property Validation 121
Validating Props with createClass 122
Default Props 126
Custom Property Validation 127
ES6 Classes and Stateless Functional Components 128

iv | Table of Contents
Refs 131
Two-way Data Binding 133
Refs in Stateless Functional Components 134
React State Management 135
Introducing Component State 136
Initializing State from Properties 140
State within the component tree 142
Color Organizer App Overview 142
Passing properties down the component tree 144
Passing data back up the component tree 146

Table of Contents | v

Conventions Used in This Book

The following typographical conventions are used in this book:
Indicates new terms, URLs, email addresses, filenames, and file extensions.
Constant width
Used for program listings, as well as within paragraphs to refer to program ele‐
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viii | Preface
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Preface | ix
Welcome to React

React is a popular library for creating user interfaces. It was created at Facebook to
address some of the challenges associated with large-scale, data-driven web‐
sites. When React was released in 2013, the project was initially viewed with some
skepticism because the conventions of React are quite unique.
In an attempt to not scare people off, the core React team wrote an article called Why
React that recommended that you “Give It [React] Five Minutes”. Their point was that
they wanted to encourage people to work with React first before thinking that their
approach was too crazy.
Yes, React is a small library that doesn’t come with everything you might need out of
the box to build your application. Give it five minutes.
Yes, in React, you write code that looks like HTML right in your JavaScript code. And
yes, those tags require pre-processing to run in a browser. And, you’ll probably need
a build tool like webpack or browserify for that. Give it five minutes.
Reading this book won’t take you five minutes, but we do invite you to dive into React
with an open mind.
A few companies that have given React more than five minutes, and use the library
for large parts of their web interfaces, include Airbnb, Khan Academy, and the New
York Times1. Many of Facebook’s features and all of Instagram2 are built on React and

1 These companies were early adopters of React and used it in production as early as 2014. https://face‐
2 “Why Did We Build React” by Pete Hunt, Facebook Blog: https://facebook.github.io/react/blog/2013/06/05/

associated tools to manage the messages and pictures of lunch that over a billion
users3post every day.
The widespread use of React on large websites shows that it is stable enough to use at
scale. React is ready, but nothing is set in stone. The unique opportunity we all have is
that since it’s so new, we can be part of building it. As the library and its tools evolve,
we can suggest enhancements. When ideas come to mind about how to work with
React more efficiently, we can build them. React is already great, but we can play an
active role in building its even better future.

React was built at Facebook and Instagram, released initially in March 2013, then
open-sourced on May 29, 2013. React is for your user interfaces or the view layer of
your application. It was designed as a view-only library where you create user inter‐
face components that display data.
When it was released, React built steam quickly, and the community quickly con‐
tributed code and got involved in community events.
With all of the growth, Facebook decided to build and release a framework for build‐
ing native applications in 20154 : React Native. You can build apps for iOS, Android,
and Windows platforms using React Native. Unlike other platforms, React uses the
native phone and tablet UI elements. The aim of React Native is to use the same pro‐
gramming language to build many types of apps - not necessarily the same codebase.
A design architecture that emerged around the same time as React from the Facebook
team is Flux. Flux was built to deal with a problem in the Facebook messaging app.
Users complained that when they read a message, they would still see a notification
that they had an unread message5. To deal with these data inconsistencies, Flux intro‐
duced a new design where data flowed one way. This data flow works particularly well
with React.
Building upon Flux’s ideas, Redux was developed to simplify the process of managing
data in React apps. It was released in 2015 and has picked up a lot of momentum as a
less complex but similarly solid implementation of Flux. In addition, Falcor and Relay
have also emerged to tackle data handling challenges.

3 There are over 1.65 billion monthly active Facebook users as of 04/27/16. https://zephoria.com/top-15-
4 Tom Occhino introduces React Native in 2015 at the React Conference. https://code.facebook.com/videos/
5 Facebook engineer Jing Chen discusses this in her 2014 talk, “Rethinking Web App Development at Face‐
book”. https://facebook.github.io/flux/docs/overview.html#content

12 | Chapter 1: Welcome to React

At the time we’re writing this book, React isn’t the most popular JavaScript library, but
it’s growing fast. Web searches for JavaScript frameworks and libraries indicate a huge
rise in popularity.

Figure 1-1.
Web Searches for JavaScript Frameworks & Libraries (Google Trends)

You’ve probably heard React described as the hot new library that everyone in the
organization should learn to replace whatever everyone learned last month. Being
popular isn’t the reason to use React. Popularity is a side effect of being useful and
time saving.
The influence of React is even felt in other MVC frameworks. Angular and Ember
have been inspired by React’s approach in newer versions of those frameworks. It’s
interesting to observe where there are overlaps and how the individual communities
approach this work.
So, what does React do next? Perhaps we’ll use React to build desktop apps. We might
build console apps. We might use React to build robots or to make up the screens of
our self-driving cars.
What will happen? None of us know, but you can join us. And, we need you to join

History | 13
React is not a Framework
React is a library not a framework. A lot of people call it a framework or compare it
to frameworks. We even compared it to frameworks in the previous section.
The reason is React is commonly mistaken as a framework is because it feels like
frameworks are React’s competitors. Most blog articles set up a classic bout between
React vs. Angular or React vs. Ember. You can use React with Angular. You can use
React with Ember. Although, for the most part, we typically do not combine Angular
with React, you could.
Frameworks are bigger than libraries. They include everything that you may need to
build applications. Think about the .NET framework. Not only Not only does it have
everything you need to build any type of Microsoft application, but there are specific
design patterns in .NET that you would follow to construct applications. The .NET
framework even comes with its own IDE6, Visual Studio.
Angular is a JavaScript framework that you can use to build large scale single page
web applications. Angular comes with most everything you need to get some web
development done. There are even design patterns to follow, primarily patterns based
in MVC7 . The Angular 2 JavaScript file that loads in the browser is 764k, but it is rich
with functionality.
By comparison, the JavaScript file that is used to load React in the browser is 151k.
React is small because it is simply a view library. It has some robust tools for manag‐
ing views. It even has some tools to build full applications, but React relies a lot on
pure JavaScript and other JavaScript libraries.
React does not come with any REST tools for making HTTP requests. React does not
come with any tools to handle client-side routing. It is simply a library that helps you
build efficient user interfaces.
React does not impose any restrictions on your data architecture. You can use React
with MVC. You can use React with jQuery. You can use React with Flux or Redux.
You can even build your own client data management library or design pattern and
use React with that.
The reason that it is important to understand that React is only a library is because
calling it a framework generates confusion about how to learn React. If you set out to
learn Angular, the framework has everything you need to learn already included. It

6 IDE is an acronym for Integrated Development Environment and is a tool that you use to write code.
7 MVC is an object-oriented design pattern that can be used in any object-oriented language. MVC stands for
Model View Controller. The model is the data, the view is the presentation layer, and the controller is the busi‐
ness logic.

14 | Chapter 1: Welcome to React

also includes common design patterns that address how to build a web application.
You can say, “I’m learning Angular 2”, and get started learning a single framework.
React is a little bit different. You could say, “I’m learning React”, learn how to build a
React component, and then not know what to do next. The reason for this is because
with React, you have some decisions that you need to make about your overall archi‐
tecture. Is your app small enough to build with React and React alone? Is your appli‐
cation going to be a single page application, SPA? If so, what are you going to use for
routing? If you’re using Flux, which flavor of Flux: Facebook Flux, Reflux, Redux, or
your own implementation? How are you going to build or transpile your source
code? Are you using emerging JavaScript like ES6 or ES7? You are going to need
some answers to these questions before you get started learning, and that alone may
feel daunting.
The good news is, if you answer these questions, working with React can be quite
rewarding. To make learning React more approachable we are simply going to answer
these questions for you and create a learning plan based on our answers. We are
going to learn to use React alone and React with other libraries. We are not using
MVC with React. We will build SPA’s, and we’ll even build universal applications8 . We
will introduce functional programming and follow functional principles throughout
the book. We will introduce the Flux pattern, and we’ll build applications using
Redux, an implementation of the Flux pattern. We will use webpack and Babel to
transpile our code. We are heavily using emerging JavaScript like ES6 and ES7.

React and MVC

In the previous section, we mentioned that React can be used with MVC. Originally,
when React was first introduced, some developers even referred to it as the “V” in
MVC. When we were first introduced to React, the first several applications that we
developed used Backbone models, collections, and routes. If you are very familiar
with MVC, you can probably hit the ground running and build some robust applica‐
tions that use React with your favorite MVC framework.
One approach to learning React is to build some small components and swap them
out with existing views in your project. React does not demand that you change your
entire infrastructure. You can try React components out in your present MVC appli‐
cation without too much work.
React was developed to handle problems that can arise out of building MVC applica‐
tions. If you use React with MVC, sooner or later you may encounter these problems.
They start to show up when we have models that interact with multiple views, and

8 Universal apps are applications that use the same code on both the client and the server. See Chapter 12 for

React is not a Framework | 15

views that listen to models to update UI when models change. In short MVC causes
side effects. A certain view that you didn’t expect to change could have changed when
a certain model was updated. Sooner or later you may find complications within your
React app that will push you to learn Flux. That is what happened to us
Learning Flux is a journey into functional JavaScript is going to deepen your knowl‐
edge of the JavaScript language. React is going to provide a user interface as data
abstraction. Most of your work will be with the core datasets. These datasets will con‐
sist of JavaScript arrays and object literals. Functional programming demands that we
keep this data immutable or unchanging.
To keep our arrays immutable, or unchanging, we are going to have to learn to use
functions like map and filter. To keep objects immutable, we will need to learn how to
duplicate and assign objects. You will need to be able to abstract objects from arrays
with Object.keys and arrays from objects with array.reduce. All of this is pure Java‐
Script. All of this JavaScript is covered in this book. These practices can apply to any
JavaScript application not just React.
It is our hope that you can use this book to skip confusion in the learning process by
jumping straight into functional JavaScript development with React. We hope to get
you up to speed with the React ecosystem faster by approaching it this way.

React Ecosystem
As we mentioned, React is a library. It’s not a part of any overarching framework.
There is an ecosystem of popular libraries and design patterns that we can use when
building web applications with React. We get to choose our user interface stack out of
this ecosystem of libraries to create our own stack.
A good rule of thumb when working with React is to use only what you need. For a
lot of apps, you can use just React. React can manage views and even the data that is
used in the views. That is powerful enough alone to build many types of applications.
To that end, you don’t have to use a ton of complicated tools.
You can build small apps with just React. As apps grow in scale, you may find the
need to incorporate other solutions. If you start with a full stack app, it might be over‐
Overly complex tooling has become a common complaint about React and JavaScript
in general. Much of this is borrowed trouble. If you don’t need the tool or you hate
working with it, there’s a way to not use it or use a tool you do like.
If you need extra tools, here is what you need them for. The purpose of a build tool is
to take tasks that you commonly perform (SASS to CSS, code linting, testing, Babel
transpiling, etc.) and automate them. Each of these links will give you additional
information on how to set up a project with that tool.

16 | Chapter 1: Welcome to React

• Browserify - Allows you to use require modules like you might do in Node.js.
Browserify is often used with Grunt and Gulp.
• Webpack - The build system we’ll use in this book. It has a steeper learning curve
than Browserify, but it is adopted widely in the community. Also, once you get
the hang of it, you will likely enjoy working with it more.

These build systems are often used in React projects, but they are widely used on all
sorts of projects that have nothing to do with React. There are also a variety of tools
that are intended to support React-specific projects.
React Router
The React Router provides a framework for handling routing in React applications.
The router helps handle routing in single page applications. The website loads one
page, and the router manages navigation from page to page.
React Motion
A framework for creating animations in React. It does so by interpolating the values
used in CSS transforms for things like x and y values changing over time, opacity
changes, etc.
React Addons
A package of opt-in features that can be used to enhance React applications. These
utilities help improve performance like PureRenderMixin and Perf, manage anima‐
tions with CSSTransitionGroup, and write test cases with TestUtils.
An increasingly popular unit testing framework for React created by Airbnb. Enzyme
allows you to use whichever assertion library or test runner you’d like including
Karma, Mocha, Jest, and more.
Redux is an implementation of Flux. Though commonly associated with React,
Redux is library agnostic. You can use Redux with any UI: Angular, Ember, jQuery, or
regular JavaScript. It includes React Redux which contains the official React bindings
for Redux. It also includes Redux Thunk, middleware that provides a way of handling
more complex architectures in Redux applications.
React Fire (Firebase for React)
Firebase is a pre-built back-end for features like user authentication, data storage, and
hosting. React Fire is the React-specific implementation of Firebase that can be inte‐
grated into React applications.

React Ecosystem | 17
As mentioned at the beginning of this section, it can be helpful to have some aware‐
ness of the large ecosystem of React-related tools, but it’s important not to get too
bogged down in whatever the trendy new thing is. New tools are popping up and
changing all the time. Use only what you need, and keep it simple.

Keeping up with the Changes

As we’ve mentioned, React is still new. It has reached a place where core functionality
is fairly stable but even that can change. The tools, libraries, and ecosystem are still
being discovered, and the development of these tools is also changing.
As changes are made to React and related tools, sometimes these are breaking
changes. In fact, some of the future versions of these tools may break some of the
example code in this book. You can still follow along with the code samples. We’ll
provide exact version information in the package.json file, so that you can install
these packages at the correct version.

Beyond this book, you can stay on top of changes by following along with the official
React blog. When new versions of React are released, the core team will write a
detailed blog and changelog about what is new.
There are also a variety of popular React conferences that you can attend for the latest
React information. If you can’t attend these in-person, React conferences often release
the talks on YouTube following the events.

• React Conf - Facebook sponsored conference in the Bay Area

• React Rally - Community conference in Salt Lake City
• ReactiveConf - Community conference in Bratislava, Slovakia
• React.Amsterdam - Community conference in Amsterdam

Working with the Files

In this section, we will discuss how to work with the files for this book and how to
install some useful React tools.

File Repository
The GitHub repository associated with this book (https://github.com/moonhighway/
learning-react) provides all of the code files organized by chapter. The repository is a
mix of code files and JSBin samples. If you’ve never used JSBin before, it’s an online
code editor similar to CodePen and JSFiddle.

18 | Chapter 1: Welcome to React

One of the main benefits of JSBin is that you can click the link and immediately start
tinkering with the file. When you create or start editing a JSBin, it will generate a
unique URL for your code sample.

Figure 1-2. JSBin URL

The letters that follow jsbin.com represent the unique URL key. After the next slash is
the version number. In the last part of the URL, there will be one of two words: edit
for editing mode and quiet for preview mode.

React Developer Tools

There are several developer tools that can be installed as browser extensions or add-
ons that you may find useful as well.
The react-detector is a Chrome extension that lets you know which websites are using
React and which are not. You can find the react-detector here: https://
This is another tool that detects React as you browse the internet. It is available for
both Firefox (https://github.com/insin/show-me-the-react) and Chrome (https://
React Developer Tools
The React Developer Tools are a plugin that can extend the functionality of the
browser’s developer tools. The React Developer Tools is installed as a new tab to let
you view React elements.
If you prefer Chrome, you’ll install as an extension:https://chrome.google.com/
You can also install as an add-on for Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/fire‐

Working with the Files | 19

Figure 1-3. Viewing the React Developer Tools

Any time you see react-detector or show-me-the-react as active, you can open the
developer tools and get an understanding of how React is being used on the site.

Installing Node.js
Node.js is JavaScript without the browser. It is a runtime environment used to
build full-stack JavaScript applications. Node is open-source and can be installed
on Windows, Mac, Linux, and other platforms.
You do not need to use Node to use React. We will be using Node in Chapter 12
when we build an Express server. However, when working with React, you need to
use the Node package manager, nom, to install dependencies. This is automatically
installed with the Node installation.
If you’re not sure if Node.js is installed on your machine, you can open a Terminal or
Command prompt window and type:
node -v

Output: v6.1.0

Ideally, you will have a Node version number of 4 or higher. If you type the com‐
mand and see an error message that says “Command not found”, Node.js is not
installed. This can be done directly from the website at nodejs.org. Just go through
the automated steps of the installer, and when you type in the ‘node -v’ command
again, you’ll see the version number.
Not only is React new and changing, but JavaScript is currently undergoing huge
changes. We’ll start by getting up to speed with the latest changes in JavaScript before
diving into React.

20 | Chapter 1: Welcome to React

Emerging JavaScript

Since its release in 1995, JavaScript has gone through many changes. At first, it made
adding interactive elements to web pages much simpler. Then it got more robust with
DHTML and AJAX. Now with Node.js, JavaScript has become a language that is used
to build full-stack applications. The committee that is and has been in charge of shep‐
herding the changes to JavaScript is the ECMA, the European Computer Manufac‐
ture Association.
Changes to the language are community driven. They originate from proposals that
community members write. Anyone can submit a proposal to the ECMA commit‐
tee. The responsibility of the ECMA committee is to manage and prioritize these pro‐
posals to decide what is included each spec. Proposals are taken through clearly
defined stages. Stage-0 represents the newest proposals up through Stage-4 which
represents the finished proposals.
The most recent version of the specification was approved in June 2015 1 and is
called by many names: ECMAScript 6, ES6, ES2015, Harmony, or ESNext. Based on
current plans, new specs will be released on a yearly cycle. For 2016, the release will
be relatively small 2, but it already looks like ES2017 will include quite a few useful
features. We’ll be using many of these new features in the book and will opt to use
emerging JavaScript whenever possible.
Many of these features are already supported by the newest browsers. We will also be
covering how to convert your code from emerging JavaScript syntax to ES5 syntax
that will work today in most all of the browsers. The kangax compatibility table is a

1 “ECMAScript 2015 Has Been Released”, InfoQ, June 17, 2015 https://www.infoq.com/news/2015/06/
2 ES2016 Spec Info: https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/2016/

great place to stay informed about the latest JavaScript features and their varying
degrees of support by browsers.
In this chapter, we will show you all of the emerging JavaScript that we’ll be using
throughout the book. If you haven’t made the switch to the latest syntax yet, then now
will be a good time to get started. If you are already comfortable with ESNext lan‐
guage features, you can go ahead and skip to the next chapter.

Declaring Variables in ES6

ES6 introduced constants, and they are already supported in most browsers. A con‐
stant is a variable that cannot be changed. It is the same concept as constants in other
Before constants, all we had were variables, and variables could be overwritten.
var pizza = true
pizza = false
console.log(pizza) // false
We cannot reset the value of a constant variable, and it will generate a console error if
we try to overwrite the value.
const pizza = true
pizza = false

Figure 2-1. An attempt at overwriting a constant

JavaScript now has lexical variable scoping. In JavaScript, we create code blocks with
curly brackets. With functions, these curly brackets block off the scope of variables.
On the other hand, think about if/else statements. If you come from other languages,
you might assume that these blocks would also block variable scope. This is not the
If a variable is created inside of an if/else block, that variable is not scoped to the
var topic = "JavaScript"

if (topic) {

22 | Chapter 2: Emerging JavaScript

var topic = "React"
console.log('block', topic) // block React

console.log('global', topic) // global React

The topic variable inside the if block resets the value of topic.
With the let keyword, we can scope a variable to any code block. Using let protects
the value of the global variable.
var topic = "JavaScript"

if (topic) {
let topic = "React"
console.log('block', topic) // React

console.log('global', topic) // JavaScript

The value of topic is not reset outside of the block.
Another area where curly brackets don’t block off a variable’s scope is in for-loops.
var div,
container = document.getElementById('container')

for (var i=0; i<5; i++) {

div = document.createElement('div')
div.onclick = function() {
alert('This is box #' + i)
In this for-loop, we create 5 divs to appear within a container. Each div is assigned an
onclick handler that alerts a message to displays the index. Declaring i in the for
loop creates a global variable named i, and then iterates it until it reaches 5. When
you click on any of these boxes, the alert says that i is equal to 5 for all divs, because
the current value for global i is 5.

Declaring Variables in ES6 | 23


Declaring the loop counter i with let instead of var does block of the scope of i. Now
clicking on any box will display the value for i that was scoped to the loop iteration.
var div, container = document.getElementById('container')
for (let i=0; i<5; i++) {
div = document.createElement('div')
div.onclick = function() {
alert('This is box #: ' + i)


Template Strings
Template strings provide us with an alternative to string concatenation. They also
allow us to insert variables into a string.

24 | Chapter 2: Emerging JavaScript

Traditional string concatenation uses plus signs or commas to compose a string using
variable values and strings.
console.log(lastName + ", " + firstName + “ “ + middleName)
With a template, we can create one string and insert the variable values by surround‐
ing them with ${variable}.
console.log(`${lastName}, ${firstName} ${middleName}`)
Any JavaScript that returns a value can be added to a template string between the ${ }
in a template string.
Template strings honor whitespace. They will make it easier to draft up email tem‐
plates, code examples, or anything that contains whitespace. Now you can have a
string that spans multiple lines without breaking your code.

Example 2-1. Template Strings Honor Whitespace


Hello ${firstName},

Thanks for ordering ${qty} tickets to ${event}.

Order Details
${firstName} ${middleName} ${lastName}
${qty} x $${price} = $${qty*price} to ${event}

You can pick your tickets up at will call 30 minutes before

the show.



These tabs, line breaks, spaces, and variable names can be used in an email template.
Previously, using an HTML string directly in our JavaScript code was not so easy to
reason about because we’d need to run it together on one line. Now the whitespace is
recognized as text, and you can insert formatted HTML that is easy to understand.
document.body.innerHTML = `
<h1>The HTML5 Blog</h1>

Declaring Variables in ES6 | 25

<p>copyright ${new Date().getYear()} | The HTML5 Blog</p>
Notice that we can include variables for the page title and article text as well.

Default Parameters
Languages including C++ and Python allow developers to declare default values for
function arguments. Default parameters are included in the ES6 spec, so in the event
that a value is not provided for the argument, the default value will be used.
For example, we can set up default strings.
function logActivity(name="Shane McConkey", activity="skiing") {
console.log( `${name} loves ${activity}` )
If no arguments are provided to the favoriteActivity function, it will run correctly
using the default values. Default arguments can be any type, not just strings.
var defaultPerson = {
name: {
first: "Shane",
last: "McConkey"
favActivity: "skiing"

function logActivity(p=defaultPerson) {
console.log(`${p.name.first} loves ${p.favActivity}`)

Arrow Functions
Arrow functions are a useful new feature of ES6. With arrow functions, you can cre‐
ate functions without using the function keyword. You also often do not have to use
the return keyword.

Example 2-2. As a Traditional Function

var lordify = function(firstname) {
return `${firstname} of Canterbury`

console.log( lordify("Dale") ) // Dale of Canterbury

console.log( lordify("Daryle") ) // Daryle of Canterbury

26 | Chapter 2: Emerging JavaScript

With an arrow function, we can simplify the syntax tremendously.

Example 2-3. As an Arrow Function

var lordify = firstname => `${firstname} of Canterbury`

Semi-colons throughout this Book

Semi-colons are optional in JavaScript. Our philosophy on Java‐
Script is why put semi-colons in that aren’t required. This book
takes a minimal approach that excludes unnecessary syntax.

With an arrow, we now have an entire function declaration on one line. The function
keyword is removed. We also remove return because the arrow points to what should
be returned. Another benefit is that if the function only takes one argument, we can
remove the parentheses around the arguments.
More than one argument should be surrounded in parentheses.
// Old
var lordify = function(firstName, land) {
return `${firstName} of ${land}`

// New
var lordify = (firstName, land) => `${firstName} of ${land}`

console.log( lordify("Dale", "Maryland") ) // Dale of Maryland

console.log( lordify("Daryle", "Culpeper") ) // Daryle of Culpeper
We can keep this as a one line function because there is only one statement that needs
to be returned.
More than one line needs to be surrounded with brackets.
// Old
var lordify = function(firstName, land) {

if (!firstName) {
throw new Error('A firstName is required to lordify')

if (!land) {
throw new Error('A lord must have a land')

return `${firstName} of ${land}`


// New
var _lordify = (firstName, land) => {

Arrow Functions | 27
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
countless number of pieces, and thus lay open the inside of it, and the
cave, if there were any there.
Some went away satisfied that all had been done that could be,
and there was no treasure there; others, that the original cave and its
contents remained undisturbed but all agreed that they had ventured
their share upon the sea of speculation, and should not try again right
Soon after this, mesmeric clairvoyance became one of the reigning
topics of the day, and almost immediately the interest of Dungeon
Rock was again agitated. This time, one of the world-renowned singing
brothers, Jesse Hutchinson, was the chief actor, directed by a
mesmerized lady, who steadily affirmed the truth of the disconnected
history that had been handed down to them, and added her
declarations to those who had the firmest faith in the old saying of
wealth in Dungeon Cave.
The operations flagged not for days and weeks; and, when at last
Jesse gave it up, not as a delusion, but as a task too hard for him,
others kept on, and made the hole still deeper and broader. But they
too failed, and, for a long time, the hill was undisturbed save by
occasional picnic parties, or Sunday groups of young people, who
went there to enjoy themselves.
Now our scene changes from the quiet, unfrequented, hilly
woodland, to the limitless plains of the great West, where the waters of
America’s broadest and deepest lake ceaselessly lave its shores. It is
the hour of a boat landing, and any number of men, women, and
children, could be seen hurrying to the wharf, with the first whole dish
they could reach, be it wash-bowl, ewer, or skillet, teapot, pan, or pail;
and one general cry of “whiskey, whiskey,” was heard throughout the
In a small building, that served for kitchen, parlor, and bedroom, to
quadruped and biped, two men, apparently near the same age, and
both past the years of youth, sat, or rather reclined, talking busily with
each other.
“Rum is a great curse, Marble.”
“And, if a great deal ruins a man, a little, be it ever so little, injures
“Granted also, Long; but now look here. In our crew there are only
men; but I warrant that up yonder, when the boat landed, you might
have seen people of all kinds and colors flocking to the wharf. You well
know what they are after. Now answer me this one question. Would it
not be better for us to set the example by keeping whiskey for our own
gang, and thus prevent their going to the boat, than it is to apparently
countenance beastly drunkenness, by their drinking all they can obtain
at irregular intervals?”
Long hesitated, and Marble went on.
“I know your principles. I know you consider rum-drinking as the
one unpardonable sin; but, if you stop to think about it, you may bring
your orthodoxy to agree with my infidelity.”
“It may be so,” Long added, after a pause. “I have thought a great
deal on this subject, and am not yet decided. You have sold rum, have
you not?”
Marble nodded.
“Well, do you think what you have sold has done most—which?—
good, or bad?”
“Bad,” was the prompt reply.
“I thought as much,” answered Long; “but that is not what I was
going to speak of just now. I want to know how you would like the idea
of keeping a boarding-house.”
“First rate,” answered Marble. “We could drive four stakes into the
ground, stretch a bit of cloth over them, and name it the Marquet
Eating Saloon, where shall be kept all manner of provisions, viz.,
whiskey, to be had at the shortest notice.” And a droll smile rested in
the corners of Marbles mouth, and twinkled in his small eyes, as he
ceased speaking; while Long, as the picture came vividly before his
active imagination, threw back his head and laughed loud and long.
“That is not what I wanted, Hiram,” he said, soon stopping his mirth
and growing sober again. “There are a great plenty of such
establishments going up in all parts of the country. We need a real
framed house; and, if you would plan such a one as you think you
could keep properly, why, all is, we would find means to build it, and
have it done right away. You shall bring your wife on to manage, and
your children to inhabit it. You shall keep on being overseer. I will be a
wealthy land-holder. Jointly and severally we shall be honored for
inventing, or rather, for starting the great Marquet Iron Works, and, by
my faith, we shall live fat.”
Then the two men separated, each to his own place; and here it
may not be inapropos to describe them.
Long, who appeared to be chief director there, was tall, but rather
slightly built, with a long face, intelligent-looking, dark eyes, a high, but
not full brow, and thin lips, that partially disclosed a regular set of teeth.
Marble, who seemed like Long’s very right hand, was also tall, but
strong and robust, with sharp, bright blue eyes, light waving brown
hair, and a full white brow.
On the night after their conversation, which we have recorded,
Marble, who always, as Long said, if he put his hands to the plough,
not only did not look back, but did not look forward either, and only
attended to holding the plough, started from the settlement to reach a
small hill at a little distance, partly to select trees from the lot for their
house, and partly to think over the practicability of the scheme they
had been discussing. He was walking slowly along, with his eyes fixed
upon the ground, when, suddenly looking up, he found himself back to
the place whence he started.
“Can’t you go as far as you can see?” he muttered to himself,
starting again for the wood: but again he became lost in thought, and
again he found himself at the same place.
“Well if you can’t go as far as you can see you may go home,” he
said, casting a regretful look at the woodland, and turning away. It was
a habit he always had of talking to himself, and it saved him many
hours of trouble.
Soon after this, he started for his home away in old
Massachusetts, which, upon reaching, he found was not entirely
exempt from the joint hands of time and sorrow. He had been at home
from the West but a short time, when his youngest child, a boy of
thirteen, was taken sick; and thus his plans were frustrated. His
sickness was short and painful; and his burning cheeks and glassy
bright eyes told but too plainly to the father’s heart that George’s days
were numbered.
About this time he, too, became interested in clairvoyance. Before
going West, he had, at the request of a friend, consulted a
phrenological subject who predicted his departure, and also his
misfortune—for such she termed the death in the family. After finishing
her talk, she informed him that she sometimes told fortunes; and asked
if she might tell his.
He did not care about it; had little faith in such things, etc.; but, if
she would like to, he had no objections.
She run the cards over, and told him essentially what she had said
before; adding that, in the course of a specified time, she thought he
would be in steady business.
He was, at that time, all ready to go West with a party of men to
establish the Marquet Iron Works.
He went and returned. George died; but, as yet, no steady
employment presented itself.
While staying in Marquet, a young man, an entire stranger in
Massachusetts, had described Dungeon Rock to him as his place to
work, but told no names, even of the town or state where it lay. He
was, at that time, careless, or even skeptical about the matter; but,
after George’s death, he aroused himself, and concluded to
investigate, and, if he could, to understand the subject.
He came to Lynn, and, subsequently, to a distant relative in a
neighboring town. Here he staid some time; and upon one occasion,
feeling unwell, he determined to consult a clairvoyant in the place, who
was entirely unacquainted with him or his business. Accordingly, he
expressed a desire to have him consulted, and Mr. Wheeler, who was
going to a neighboring town, offered to stop and see him, and,
perhaps, invite him to his house, as Mr. Marble was there staying.
He went, and, as he entered the room and made known his errand,
the clairvoyant, whose name was Emerson, commenced talking, and
finally seated himself at the table and began to write with great rapidity,
speaking now and then to ask or answer questions, and taking very
little notice of his work.
He was young, apparently less than twenty years of age; but his
dark complexion and keen black eyes gave a look of maturity, which
his slight, almost petite figure, and long curling hair, instantly
contradicted. When he stopped writing, he folded and directed the
letter, and gave it to Mr. W. without a word of comment, having first
signed his own name to it as a medium.
“But the gentleman thought he might want to see you on some
other business,” Wheeler said, doubtfully, holding the document
between his thumb and finger.
“I presume it is there, sir,” was the reply; and the medium turned
Mr. Wheeler left the house, and, instead of keeping on his way,
concluded to return with the letter. He did so; and, entering the room
where Mr. Marble was, gave him the letter, and told him to read it
Marble did so; and, before he reached the end, Wheeler threw his
hat on the floor, and asked what he would take for half the rock, as he,
Wheeler, would like to go into company with him.
Marble did not answer until he had devoured the whole contents of
the letter, which really contained a great many mysterious and some
unaccountable statements concerning the business in which he then
was engaged. Among others, it stated that he would call there the next
day and go with them to the rock; which he did, accompanied by a
friend who generally mesmerised or put him to sleep. He threw himself
upon the ground beside the rock, when he reached it, and, after
becoming entranced, told how and where they must work, etc.
And, now that we have got them fairly started, we will go back a
single year, and try if we can tell a reasonable story. Soon after
George’s death, as we have said before, Mr. M. aroused himself, and
determined to investigate the subject of mesmerism. Opportunities
soon presented themselves. When staying at a public house, one
night, the porter came to him and said, “Madame Y. is here, and
wishes to see you.”
“Who is Madame Y.?” he asked, thoughtfully.
“I don’t know,” was the reply; “but she sent her name, and bade me
say she had told your fortune.”
An indistinct recollection seemed to cross his mind, but he only
said, “I will go,” and was accordingly conducted into her presence.
She recalled their former meeting, inquired as to the veracity of
what she had then said, and ended by telling him there was a very
good clairvoyant, Madame Maine, with her at that time, and, if he liked,
she would put her to sleep and have him examined.
He was at the time suffering from a recent attack of the Asiatic
cholera, which was accurately described by Madame M., even to the
time and place of his sickness, for which she wrote a prescription,
which he took in all faith.
She then went on to tell what he was to do for the future. “You will
dig for a pirate’s money,” she said, “and you will find”—here she
“A bugbear,” he said, laughing.
“The pirate, himself, sir,” she added, “or, rather what there is left of
what was once a pirate, and a treasure with him.”
“That is encouraging,” he said, concealing his unbelief “Can you
tell me where this money lies that I am to dig for?”
“It is somewhere by the sea-side, I think,” she answered; “less than
twenty miles from Boston.”
Well, he left with his confidence in mesmerism so much lessened
that he never used his prescription. A short time after that he met two
or three young men conversing upon that subject. They had heard
something of Mr. M.’s experience, and wanted to hear more.
“What is the most likely thing they ever told you?” one asked.
“That I should go digging for money,” he replied.
A burst of laughter followed this grave assertion, and they asked to
have it explained.
“Well the truth is this. Madame Maine told me that I was soon to be
engaged in searching, or rather digging, for a pirate and his money.”
“Do you know where it is?” asked one, whose name was Olds.
Marble laughed at the thoughtful look which had settled on their
faces, and answered, “No; she gave out when she had got about so
far, and could not tell the rest.”
“I’ll warrant it was down in Lynn!” exclaimed Olds.
“What do you know about Lynn?” Marble asked.
“I have been there, myself,” he answered, earnestly; “and I have
no doubt that there is money there. At any rate I advise you to try it.”
Soon after this Marble consulted a physician, who told him that he
needed a change; the salt air would be good for him; he had better pay
the sea-shore a visit. This decided him, for, as he afterward expressed
it, everybody and everything he met seemed to be pointing him away,
“I will go and work a fortnight,” he said; and nobly well has his word
been kept.
Upon this he went and took a survey of the rock. It contained a
huge chasm, which he thought would lead to a cave, if there was one,
with a very little trouble. He commenced work in company with two
other men, and made slow work of it, too, as the rock was very hard,
and they had nothing to direct their motions, and nothing but hope to
live upon as far as the work in the rock was concerned.
It was about a year that they worked thus; then first one man, and
soon the other, became weary and discouraged, and left. The cave
was still as far distant as ever; faith had grown weak, and hope, which
formed so tempting a breakfast, seemed about to prepare a very poor
It is about this time that we find how great is the power of
perseverance. Mr. Marble, after the other men had left, continued the
work for some time with his only son, a young man about twenty years
of age. And thus, it was after working a year by the guidance of
mesmerism, that we find him consulting the first clairvoyant medium,
and this led him into the mystic labyrinths of spiritualism, or spiritual
The grounds which the medium took were substantially these: that
when, by the action of his friend’s mind, he was rendered unconscious,
some disembodied spirit took possession of him, and told what living
people did or did not know. He told Mr. Marble how to work in the hole
he had excavated, and, at one time, foretold a circumstance which was
of considerable importance. It was that within a certain number of
hours he would find a something to encourage him. It did not tell what,
and the number of hours included a week’s time. Four days after that,
an ancient-looking, rusty sword, with a leather-wound haft and a brass-
bound scabbard, was found in a large seam inside the rock. Soon after
being exposed to the air, the leather upon the handle crumbled away,
and the thick, blue mould on the brass began to wear off. The chasm
in the rock is still shown to visitors, and the prints where the sword lay
in the clayey soil were once to be seen, but have since been removed,
in the hopes of finding more relics.
This was a great event to build a hope upon, and it had its full
effect on the spirits of those interested. Dungeon Rock soon became a
place of particular interest to mediums. The well-known Mrs. Pike paid
it a visit; also Mrs. Freeman, who had, on a former occasion, directed
Mr. Marble to go to a certain street and number, in the city of Boston,
where he would find an aged, bed-ridden woman, who would be of use
to him.
He went, and discovered Madame Lamphier, to whom he made
known his errand as one who had come to have his fortune told.
“Fortin’! who says I tell fortins’?” was the spiteful ejaculation that
greeted him.
“Well, what do you tell?” he asked, convinced that she was the one
he sought.
“Why, I have a stone that I look in, and if any one has any
business, it generally comes up here,” she replied, doggedly.
“Well, I should like to have you look into it for me,” he said, in a
conciliatory manner.
Accordingly she drew out her stone, adjusted her glasses, and
commenced by seeing him in a deep dark hole, with something hung
up between himself and a pile of gold which he was trying to reach.
She then kept on, and described a young girl, as she saw her, about
twelve years of age, who was to be of future service to him or his work.
“And you will not get through with the partner you have now, either!”
she said, decidedly.
“Well I was told that same thing about my last partner,” he
muttered, half to himself and half aloud.
“What was his name?” she asked.
“What do you think?” he answered, Yankee fashion.
“I see a large W.,” she said musingly.
“Well that is right; his name was Wheeler,” he replied. “What do
you think of him?”
“I don’t know nothing about him,” said the old woman, cautiously;
“but I see one very mean thing that he did.”
“You mean to say he is a dishonest man, then?” Mr. Marble said,
for the sake of getting along faster.
“No I don’t,” she said fearfully; “he is not dishonest, but he took the
“Well, never mind that, tell me about my present partner; do you
know his name?” Marble said again, to turn the theme.
“I see the same large W.,” she said, “but it looks finer and
“Really, quite a compliment; anything more?”
“Yes; I see a great deal of wood.”
“Well, that it is the land that I work on,—is it not?”
“No; it is something in connection with your partner. I see him now.
He is young—light-complected for a black-eyed person. There is
something strange about his eyes; they glare at me like coals of fire.
He is not very handsome, but there is a taking way with him that
makes the gentlefolks like him at first sight. Splendid young fellow, ah!”
“Yes,” said Marble, “fine man; is he not?”
An Indian-like grunt escaped her, and she said, “You have not told
me what that wood means.”
“Wood—why, it is his name—is it not?”
“Yes,—I think so. It is gone now,” she said, and prepared to lay
aside her stone.
“You spoke about his being young; is he not old enough for that
work?” Marble asked.
“In years he is,” she answered, moodily.
“Not old enough in business, then, you meant,” he continued.
“In iniquity, did you say?” she asked.
Mr. M. saw he could get nothing more from her that day, and soon
took his leave.
Time passed. Mr. Marble’s confidence was betrayed, and his plans
frustrated. Mr. Wood took the whole responsibility upon himself, and
tried to buy the rock. Finding he was foiled in this, he hired a man to go
to work against Mr. Marble. In this he failed also, and, instead of
getting the other half of the business, he lost the half he already had.
After this, Mr. Marble had no more partners. The man Mr. Wood had
hired kept on working there in his own employ. Marble had built a small
house for his own accommodation some time before, and one or
another of his or Mr. Wheeler’s family had done the work there, and
kept them comfortable. Now the hired man offered to bring his wife
there to reside, which he did a short time before Mr. Wood left. Mr.
Marble’s family had been staying in the vicinity a while, but long before
the cold weather they returned to their home in the interior, and nothing
now remained to cheer the unbroken monotony of his way. The long,
and chilling winter of the year eighteen hundred and fifty-five will be
remembered a great while by the man whose work was to find a way
to Dungeon Rock.
With the summer came plenty and warmth again; the little garden
was planted, the carriage road laid out and built, where before there
was scarcely a path; a friend gave him two hundred dollars, to be
refunded when he found himself able. With this he laid the foundation
for a large stone building, to be erected in the octagon form, somewhat
after the fashion of the gray and sombre Oriad. Then another person
seemingly still more of a friend, was directed (also by the spirits) to
forward two or three thousand dollars to have the work go on. This was
a brilliant proposal; but owing to some mismanagement or mistake it
was never carried into effect. A short time before this a spring was
discovered upon the low land near the rock, which proved to be a great
curiosity. Then a small wooden house was erected, in addition to the
one already there, into which the remainder of Mr. Marble’s family,
consisting of a wife and daughter, removed.
Soon after this, a party of people from Charlestown and Boston,
who had lately become interested in the place, were there on a visit,
when a medium being entranced, purported to speak from the spirit of
Sir Walter Scott, and requested a lady who was present to make Mr.
Marble a present, such as he (the spirit) would dictate. It afterwards
came in the shape of a flag-staff, eighty feet in length, which was firmly
planted in the place formerly excavated by the Hutchinsons. Then a
flag with the appropriate inscription, “Thy faith is founded on a rock,”
was raised upon it by the lady’s own hands. There was no fear of
starvation that winter, but the snow was wondrously deep, and the
hollows were piled softly up, almost even with the hill-tops.
When the spring opened, company came thronging again to the
rock, to see and hear all that was wonderful and strange; for the
popularity of the place had been steadily increasing, and the world is
ever on the lookout for something new. All that spring and summer
company and visitors, picnic parties and relatives, were coming in
rapid succession, and no material change was made, either in the
work or their way of life.
Fresh, dreamy September, like a maiden just passing from
childhood to her teens, came softly on. There is but one more incident
of interest to note; that is, when the great philanthropist, and
remarkable medium, John M. Spear, paid it a passing visit, in company
with two or three other mediums.
And now our history is finished.
There is a small room, away in the very top of a block of buildings,
where the sun beats scorchingly down, and the dust whirls in clouds
through the narrow street. And there, where affluence is unknown, and
elegance unconsulted,—where no rich tapestry shields the artist’s
easel from the light,—is a work of magic art and mystic mystery, which
has been seen by hundreds, and will be by thousands. It is a rare
bright picture—a childish, dimpled face, with deep, wondrous blue
eyes, and thick clustering curls; one round arm is flung over the
shaggy neck of a large black dog, as if to show how perfectly the
spiritual part of nature can overcome the animal; and the whole picture
represents some half-embodied ideal, which is in future years to
become a reality. There are, undoubtedly, the touches of the old artists,
Ben West, Raphael, and Angelo, about the work, and their power may
not be yet extinct; but the world is not ready for such ideas as yet; it
must receive the truth gradually.
But, the picture of “Natty, a spirit,” has nothing to do with our
present work. It is its executor of whom we would speak. He is an artist
of some celebrity, and his painting of the spirit child has made him
famous. He professes to have distinct visions of spirits in human form;
snatches of landscapes, birds, flowers, and, indeed, almost every thing
that can be seen in the natural world. He is a reflective, and rather a
peculiar man; there are silvery threads in his hair, and furrows on his
brow, as though he thought a great deal. And he it is that has been
chosen to do the work of planning and directing the laying out of
Dungeon Pasture, which is to be called “Iowah;” a name which the red
man gave it long ago, and which signifies “I have found it.”
The legend of that name is as follows: “Several hundred years ago
the united forces of pestilence, famine, and war, had so reduced a
large tribe of Indians, that only a very few remained, and, after calling a
council of their wisest men, these few determined to leave the home of
their fathers and found a new settlement; accordingly, they started
through the trackless wild on their vague expedition; they passed

“Through tangled Juniper, beds of reeds,

Through many a fen where the serpent feeds,
And man never trod before;”
and at last came to the foot of a large hill, with an enormous ledge
upon the top. Upon climbing this, they saw spread out before them a
panoramic view of what they knew would prove a good hunting-
ground, for it had forests for game and water for fish. Then a loud cry
of “Iowah! Iowah!” made the welkin ring, and the whole party
encamped that night in the large, open cave, before commencing their
work. They called the river Saugus, which means broad or extended,
and when the tribe grew large and strong, and reached away down to
the great “Father of Waters,” they called the two beaches Nahaunte,
which means, the brothers, or the twins.
All this is to be revived again; the woodland to be laid out in
groves, and parks and forests; the spring in the cave to be cleared
again, and its brink bordered by marble slabs; the ancient, scattered
treasures will be gathered up, bright flashing diamonds, clear white
seed pearls, with heavy gold settings, and antique jewelry and
ornaments, that have been a long time lying useless. The heavy iron-
bound box, that was left there, has been disturbed and broken by the
action of the earth, and its contents are now duly mixed up with equal
quantities of dirt, loose stones, and rubbish, which the water from the
spring, all choked up as it is, has for the space of two hundred
consecutive years been laying. There was once a case of silks left
there, but, as the cave is not perfectly air and water tight, the
probability is that, although they look the same as ever, there is not
much durability to them. The grave of Arabel, Veale levelled down, but
the spot is still pointed out by mediums, and, although the tree under
which Harris laid her has long since decayed, another has grown up
very near where that was supposed to stand, which is now in the
centre of a thriving garden.
Cathrin’s sepulchre is the “rock of ages,” and traces of her remains
will be found upon one of the shelving places in the cave. The child
was buried, but

“The string of pearls and the lock of hair,

And the ring of gold that it used to wear,”
will be found by Cathrin’s side, where Veale, with his superstitious
reverence, placed them.
The cave will be found in two separate apartments, beside the
entrance, which clairvoyant mediums see as another room. Veale
himself, or rather his bones, will be found in the outer, or largest room,
together with the remains of his shoemaking tools. The other contents
of the rock we leave for time to discover, and the sagacity of the
“Excavator” to make known.
The medium that Madame Lamphier saw four years ago, at the
age of twelve, has been employed more or less, for five or six weeks
past, in writing this little work, which we now send on its way, without a
fear that its mission will ever be unaccomplished. The time for all
things to be done is ordered; and when we have said all that can be
known about such a place as Dungeon Rock, there still remains one
question unanswered—one doubt unremoved. Time alone can verify
what hundreds have told, either by impression, clairvoyance, or
entrancement, that there still remains a cave there, and that the
present laborer, Mr. Hiram Marble, otherwise known as the Excavator,
shall be the one to discover it.
FEBRUARY 22d, 1856.

Far away from the voice of the rolling sea

A noble banner is waving free,
With its motto of blue on a pure white ground,
And a single stripe of scarlet around.
America’s tri-color, red, white, and blue,
Flutters softly there all the long day through.
On the high, firm rock, ’bove the grassy strand,
With its heavy brace, does the flag-staff stand;
While not far down on the rough hill’s side
Is the small, rude cot, where the workers abide.
We know, ere the cold winter flitted o’er,
That want peered in through the open door;
But hearts were willing to boldly strive,
And hope and faith kept the soul alive;
So, spite of famine’s half-looked-for shock,
The work still prospered in Dungeon Rock.
Strong hands kept picking the stone chips out,
And forcing the long, circuitous route;
Strong hearts were waiting, for well they knew
That the summer would bring them enough to do.
With curious eyes, and a curious name,
Or open purses and open fame.
But the stranger’s scorn and the stranger’s love
Were never valued true friends above.
Years pass like the hours of a summer day,
And leave no memento to mark their stay.
We have told of the faith in the Rock alive
In the year eighteen hundred and fifty-five.
Let us turn time’s current, and backward go,
And see what new wonders her book will show,
By skipping two centuries, just to derive
The knowledge of sixteen fifty-five.
There’s still a dark wood, and a winding stream,
Where the cold, bright stars, and the moon’s pale beam,
Light up a low path, by the underbrush hid,
And gild the smooth plate on the coffer’s dull lid.
There are hurrying footsteps and stifled tones
In that lonely ravine of earth and stones;
’Tis the hiding-place of a pirate band,
Who came from a distant, brilliant land,
And their burden of spoils from the broad, high seas
They have borne to that forest of woodland trees,
Where the wild wolf howls in his dismal den
Or makes his home in that pirate’s glen.
They are startled now, those men so brave,
And are taking their treasure to Dungeon Cave.
Away through the woods that once skirted the vale
They had made for themselves an invisible trail;
And, now that the night was so dark and still,
They were moving their spoils from the glen to the hill.
An iron bound box, with its shining gold,
And a limestone fossil, pure and cold,
On its soft, white cotton, was resting there,
Treasured with superstitious care.
There are noble hearts in that lonely home,
And Harris, the leader, is soon to come.
They hear him now, as they firmly tread
O’er the fallen leaves and the flowers dead:
“Halt”—the low, deep summons is soon obeyed,
And Harris moves out from the tall tree’s shade.
There’s a light in his eye, and a stern command
In the haughty wave of his ungloved hand,
As he lifts the cap from his high, white brow,
And says, “My men, be ready now.
Have you ta’en the strong box from the vessel’s hold,
And well secured it, with all its gold?
Have you counted the diamonds we stole from the berth
Of the fair Cristelle, on that night of mirth?
Have you closed my coffers? In short, my men,
Have you cleared all the trash from our silent glen?
For I have an inkling, from what I have heard,
By the foundery, to-night, that the settlers have stirred,
And will soon be for finding the men of ease,
That dare to murder on God’s high seas.”
“We have moved them all,” was the men’s reply,
As Harris gazed at the moonlit sky;
“We have moved them all; but what, your honor,
Shall we do, to-night, with our fair Madonna?
Shall we leave her alone in the glen to abide?
Will she make for Sir Wolf a fitting bride?
Or, will she tell tales when they come to look?
For I’ll risk a woman to find our nook.”
“Peace!” thundered Harris, “and no more fun;
Ye are seven in number, in purpose one.”
He added, more kindly, “But now, move on,
For to-night our labor must all be done.”
Then he quickly turned toward the lonely glen,
And left in the darkness that band of men.
We can tell no more. But the lady fair,
Ere the next day’s sunshine reached her there,
Had followed the winding, woody road,
And found on the hill-side a new abode.
At noon she saw from the high cave door,
A party of men and torches four
Creep slowly in through the tangled green,
Where the pirate robbers had last been seen.
Three times did the lady fair look down;
Three sunsets she saw on that little town;
Then she rested her fair, pale face alone,
By the cool, bright spring in the hollowed stone;
And that night, when the pirates came home from the dell,
They buried the form of proud Arabel.
Then years passed on and another bride
Blessed the cavern home on the high hill-side;
But the pirates were traced to their home by the sea,
And, of all the seven, there escaped but three.
One of these fled to his rocky home,
And dared not away from the cave to roam.
But the merry Cathrin, the pirates bride,
Mourned out her young life, that year, and died.
And the sturdy Veale, who could ever bear
The darkest storm of both sea and air,
Became a coward, and dared not brave
The suspicious look of a lowly grave.
So he carefully laid that form of clay
On a shelving rock in the cave away;
And he flung the pure folds of her own white dress
O’er her marble brow, in that dark recess.
Then he wandered on, and lived and grew,
Like the rest of Lynn people, tied to a shoe;
For he dared not betray the gold, so bright,
Lest he should be murdered, some silent night,
But, at last, the great earth felt the earthquake’s shock,
And Veale was immured in the prison rock.
Then time fled on, and the silent life
Of nature alone by the rock was rife;
Till the baby city had a regular blow,
Which shattered the stones to their base so low,
And rattled them down till they closed the mouth
Which the earthquake had left toward the sunny south
The good effects which this blowing made
Were to use the powder, and help the trade.
Then again was the solitude deep and still,
By the pirate glen, on Dungeon Hill.
But curious minds spied the legends out,
And a new scene of labor was brought about.
A mesmeric lady, of wondrous fame,
And a band of brothers, with as wide a name,
Became interested, and tried for a while
The rocks of the Dungeons high roof to unpile.
But, though they grew faint, we believing ones say
That Jesse the talented, Jesse the gay,
The brother that shone, ere he passed from sight,
Like a trammeled star of unbounded might,
This scene of his labor has not forgot,
But is lingering still round the lonely spot,
Where the brothers shall some time again unite,
And sing for the dungeon with all their might
The good they did is, that the heavy bole
Of the flag-staff rests low in the Hutchinson hole.
Then, again, the excitement of Dungeon Rock
Forgot to be the general every-day talk;
And the forest was valued, like other land,
For the visible worth on its rocky strand.
For long, long years was the silence unbroke,
Save the owlet’s dull hoot, or the woodpecker’s stroke
But, lo! the hill-side must once and again
Be made to resound to the works of men
And a long, dark cavern tells half the fears
And all the hopes of long, weary years.

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