Operating Manual BST Ekr DIGICON 118

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Translation of the
Original Installation
Ver : 118

BST eltromat India Pvt. Ltd.

801, Sri Krishna,
New Link Road,
Mumbai - 400 053. India.

Tel: +91-22-6686 0900

Fax: +91-22-6686 0999

This document may not be copied or accessed by a third party without our specific consent and even then the
third party or person to whom the copy is given must not use it improperly in any way whatsoever. BST eltromat
India Pvt. Ltd.
Installation Instruction Issued: 9.04.2016
1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................. 4
1.1. SAFETY ASPECTS................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2. SAFETY WARNINGS ............................................................................................................................................... 4
2. WEB GUIDE INSTALLATION ................................................................................................................................ 6
2.1. SUPPLIED MATERIAL ............................................................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
3. THE WEB GUIDE ................................................................................................................................................. 7

4. CONTROL UNIT .................................................................................................................................................. 8

4.1. COMMANDS ........................................................................................................................................................ 8
4.2. MENU PAGES ...................................................................................................................................................... 9
5. OPERATING MODES ..........................................................................................................................................11
5.1. MANUAL .......................................................................................................................................................... 11
5.1.1. System calibration..................................................................................................................................... 11
5.2. AUTOMATIC ...................................................................................................................................................... 13
5.3. SENSOR SETUP ................................................................................................................................................... 14
5.4. SERVO CENTER SETUP .......................................................................................................................................... 16
5.5. PARAMETER SETUP ............................................................................................................................................. 17
5.6. LIST OF PARAMETERS .......................................................................................................................................... 19
5.6.1. GKP – Proportional gain ............................................................................................................................ 19
5.6.2. GKD – Derivative gain ............................................................................................................................... 19
5.6.3. GKI – Integrative gain ............................................................................................................................... 19
5.6.4. GIL – Integrative limit................................................................................................................................ 19
5.6.5. VMI – Minimum correction speed ............................................................................................................. 19
5.6.6. VMA - Maximum correction speed ........................................................................................................... 20
5.6.7. VMN – Manual speed ............................................................................................................................... 20
5.6.8. VSC – Servo center speed .......................................................................................................................... 20
5.6.9. TSC – Servo center timer ........................................................................................................................... 20
5.6.10. ACC – Acceleration ............................................................................................................................... 20
5.6.11. CUR –Current limit ................................................................................................................................ 21
5.6.12. DIR – Actuator direction ....................................................................................................................... 21
5.6.13. TOL – Dead zone ................................................................................................................................... 21
5.6.14. EOK – Tolerance ................................................................................................................................... 21
5.6.15. ZON – Working zone ............................................................................................................................ 22
5.6.16. DLY – Correction delay ......................................................................................................................... 22
5.6.17. BKG – Background ................................................................................................................................ 22
5.6.18. EDG – Edge ........................................................................................................................................... 22
5.6.19. VIS – Visualization average .................................................................................................................. 22
5.6.20. ZIG – Variable offset ............................................................................................................................. 23
5.6.21. MOT – Sensor operation mode ............................................................................................................ 23
5.6.22. CAL – Calibration .................................................................................................................................. 24
5.6.23. APE – Aperture ..................................................................................................................................... 24
5.6.24. INP – Selection of input signal IN1 ....................................................................................................... 24
5.6.25. INP – Selection of input signal IN2 ....................................................................................................... 24
5.6.26. INP – Selection of input signal IN3 ....................................................................................................... 24
5.6.27. OU1 - Selection of output signal OUT 1 ................................................................................................ 25
5.6.28. OU2 - Selection of output signal OUT 2 ................................................................................................ 25
5.6.29. OU3 - Selection of output signal OUT 3 ................................................................................................ 25
5.6.30. ADR – Address ...................................................................................................................................... 25
5.6.31. PWD – Password .................................................................................................................................. 26
5.6.32. VER – Firmware Version ....................................................................................................................... 26
6. CONNECTIONS ..................................................................................................................................................27

Installation Instruction
7. TECHNICAL SPECS .............................................................................................................................................30

8. PARAMETERS AND DEFAULTS ...........................................................................................................................31

Installation Instruction
1. Introduction
BST eltromat India Pvt Ltd. products have been designed in compliance to the highest quality and
functional standards. We hope that your new web guide system ekr DIGICON fully meets your
This User’s Manual describes the necessary steps to use the web guide system ekr DIGICON. Before
starting to use the system read carefully this User’s Manual.

1.1. Safety Aspects

The system has been designed in conformance to CE regulations. In addition, the web guide has
been designed to operate in harsh industrial environments.

Make sure that people using the equipment are totally in safe. The system has been
manufactured according to high quality standards and should not pose risk in normal operating

In this manual attention to safety aspects have been marked as follows:

Danger: when the system is not handled correctly, it can create a dangerous
! situation with a serious possibility for injury or casualties.

Attention: when the system is not handled correctly, it can create a dangerous
! situation with serious possibility for light injury.

The attention to these safety aspects is however important, and it can avoid possible injuries or
breakdowns of the system.

1.2. Safety Warnings

Before installing and during the utilization of the system check the following situations:

! Danger: Disconnect all the external power connections before installing

the system and remember to provide a solid ground connection.

! Danger: Never open the cover of the web guide’s electronic parts when
the power is on or when the system is working. Never change or
disassembly the system.

! Danger: Never touch the electrical connections with wet hands.

Installation Instruction
! Danger: Never use the control system in a potentially explosive
environment, because of the danger of fire or explosion.

! Danger: Use only the power and connection cables supplied together with
the system. A damaged cable must be replaced immediately.

! Danger: Use power cables that can deliver the amount of required current.

! Attention: In case of incorrect operations due to EMC interferences,

separate the power cables from the signal cables.

Attention: Do not install the system in a position subjected to conductive

! powder or to corrosive gases. Do not expose the system to high
temperature, wind, vibration and exposure to weather.

Attention: BST eltromat India Pvt. Ltd. is not responsible for any damage
! caused by repair, modification or tampering of the system, done by a third
party and not authorized by BST eltromat India Pvt. Ltd.

! Attention: The above-mentioned directives are subject to change without

prior notice.

Installation Instruction
2. Web Guide Installation

2.1 Supplied Material

The web guide system ekr DIGICON includes:

• one LCD user interface with keyboard (Dim. 124x104x65mm – cutout 90x90mm)
• one or two optical or ultra-sonic or infrared sensors with connection cables
• one DC motor actuator with connection cables
• one power supply box with connection cables (optional)
• one mechanical unit with pivoting or shifting rolls (optional)
• one motorized bar for sensors positioning (optional).

Installation Instruction
3. The Web Guide

The ekr DIGICON is an automatic web guide control system. The system is fit for various
application fields where measurements and control of alignments of reels are required. Typical
application areas include control of the edge of moving material in printing and converting

The system can be adapted to various applications by programming the relevant parameters.
Various optional functions and operations can be performed through the advanced programming
features. The system is designed for uninterrupted operation in harsh factory environments, with
features for quick job set-up.

The ekr DIGICON system is composed of a display unit connected to one or two remote sensor
heads. Pairs of ultrasonic or infrared sensors can also be mounted on a motorized support driven
by the display unit. The display unit controls an electrical actuator having two limit switches and
one servo centre sensor. The display unit can also communicate with a remote computer using an
optional serial link.

The display unit is fitted with a touch LCD display. The display unit connects to the other parts of
the system using cable connections. The display unit is fitted with a touch LCD display. The display
unit connects to the other parts of the system using cable connections.

Installation Instruction
4. Control Unit

The control unit has small dimensions; it is light and easy to use. The LCD display visualizes the
program values, the current operating conditions, the error messages and the measured web
guide values.
Sensor setup Display Offset

I/O indications
center of the web (two
sensors together)

Sensor 1 Sensor 2

Decrease, scroll, Increase, scroll,

move move

Automatic mode Manual mode Servo center Settings

4.1. Commands

Activate the Automatic mode.

Activate the Manual mode.

Start the Servo Center.

Enter in the sensor setting.

Move slowly the actuator manually.

Move quickly the actuator manually.

Move slowly the actuator manually in Automatic and Manual mode.

Installation Instruction
4.2. Menu Pages



To select the various menus use the icons at the bottom of the display.

Installation Instruction
The web guide control system can operate in three different modes:

• Manual Mode: this mode allows the manual control of the web guide. The display
shows the measured web position error and the actual position of the web can be
modified manually from the icons. On certain conditions an alarm indicator is activated.

• Automatic Mode : this mode measures the web position error and regulates the
web guide using a PID automatic control algorithm. The display shows the measured web
position error and, on certain conditions, an alarm indicator is activated.

• Servo Centre Mode : by choosing this mode the system initializes a new job by
moving the actuator in its central position.

• Setting Mode : this setup allows the user to select the type of control (automatic or
manual, left edge control, right edge control, line control, contrast control), the number of
sensors used and, in case of an optical sensor, if the light has to be direct or diffused. In
this mode, you can select:

− Parameters setup : this setup allows to set the parameters of the system (like
the ones used by the PID algorithm to control the web guide).

− Calibration : calibrate the sensor. The calibration screen will appear and you
will need to press OK to start it.

− Scanning sensors control this mode allows the control of the scanning sensors
with motorized bar (it must be activated by the parameter MOT)


When you restart the system (by removing the power supply), the device will start in
the last mode it was before switching off.

Installation Instruction
5. Operating Modes

5.1. Manual

In Manual mode the user can manually move the pivoting or shifting rolls. In Manual mode, the
system visualizes the following (the figure is an example):

Error value
Type of control Offset

Error visualization

By pressing the and icons it is possible to move the actuator in forward and
backward direction. The movement is activated when the button is pressed and is stopped when
the button is released. By pressing the or the icon it is possible to move the
actuator with a lower speed.

5.1.1. System calibration

Ultrasonic or infrared sensor calibration for Edge Control

Ultrasonic or infrared sensors are calibrated at the factory (during production). The calibration
mentioned here below is only meant for materials that, when completely interposed between the
transmitting and the receiving parts of the sensor, shield partially the ultrasonic or the infrared

• choose Edge Control mode

• Put in manual mode (press ).

Installation Instruction
• Cover completely the ultrasonic or infrared receiver (or transmitter) with the web.

• Press the icon

• The following screen will appear:

• Press OK

Installation Instruction
5.2. Automatic

By selecting the automatic mode the system automatically corrects the measured error. The
display looks like the following figure:

Type of control Error value Offset

Error visualization

By pressing the and or and icons in automatic mode it is

possible to change the offset (respectively tens or unit) and, then, the reference position (the
position for which the error is assumed equal to zero). The red Alarm LED on the front panel and
the alarm output are turned ON if the system doesn’t get a proper scanning signal or the web
position is outside the scanned range.

By pressing the icon it is possible to move the actuator in forward and backward directions.
The movement is activated when the button is pressed and is stopped when the button is

Installation Instruction
5.3. Sensor setup
In sensor setup mode the user can program the following:
a) Type of control research

The research for the type of control can be automatic or manual.


• automatic search of the type of control (only for optical sensor).

In this mode, the search of the line and the contrast is automatically
selected with the best combination. With this setting the type of
lighting is searched automatically as well.


• Right edge control (for ultrasonic or infrared sensors)

Right scanning of the contrast dark/light (for optical sensor)
Right scanning of the light line on dark background (for optical sensor)
• Left edge control (for ultrasonic or infrared sensors)
Left scanning of the contrast dark/light (for optical sensor)
Left scanning of the light line on dark background (for optical sensor)

• Right edge control(for ultrasonic or infrared sensors)

Right scanning of the contrast light/dark (for optical sensor)
Right scanning of the dark line on light background (for optical sensor)

• Left edge control (for ultrasonic or infrared sensors)

Left scanning of the contrast light/dark (for optical sensor)
Left scanning of the dark line on light background (for optical sensor)

b) Lighting type

It specifies the illumination type used by the sensor:

• Led = direct signal

• Dif = diffused signal (when there are reflecting materials)

Installation Instruction
c) Sensor used:

According to the selected scanning head in the settings menu, on the main screen will be
displayed the corresponding sensor, while the other will not be visible.

Left edge Right edge

control control

Center control

Installation Instruction
5.4. Servo Centre setup

By selecting this mode and confirming it with OK, the system initializes a new job by
moving the actuator to its centre position.

By pressing the OK button, the actuator will move to the centre position.

During its positioning it’s possible to interrupt this procedure by pressing the Cancel button.

When the Servo center position is reached press OK. The system will return to the previous mode.

Installation Instruction
5.5. Parameter Setup

The device parameters determine the system behaviour. They are numeric values used to
program and configure the ekr DIGICON system. The parameters values should be checked for
each specific application. It is advised to write down the programmed parameter values after
installing the system. Programming of these parameters requires a good knowledge of the system
functionality and of the meaning of every single parameter.

The parameters have default values but they can be changed by an enabled operator.

By default the system is not password protected. If the password feature is enabled, the operator
needs to enter the correct password to change the parameters.

To enter the menu parameters, press the icon and then enter the menu by pressing the


Installation Instruction
Once the parameter programming mode has been entered, the display appears like the following

Parameter value

Parameter name

The displayed parameter is selected by pressing tasti the and . keys. Each
digit of the value field can be changed pressing the desired number icon. The modified number
will appear between square brackets. When all digits have been changed, the icon will
confirm the value written, removing the brackets [ ] .

To delete the last value entered, press the delete icon

To cancel the modifications press .

To restore the default values:
1. go on parameter VER
2. enter the following code: 13524
3. press OK
4. reboot the control logic

Installation Instruction
5.6. List of Parameters

5.6.1. GKP – Proportional gain

Usage: Proportional gain factor in automatic mode.
Description: This gain factor is used to calculate the proportional part of the correction
needed to compensate the measured error.
Range: 0 … 32767
Default: 100

5.6.2. GKD – Derivative gain

Usage: Derivative gain factor in automatic mode.
Description: This gain factor is used to calculate the derivative part of the correction needed
to compensate the measured error.
Range: 0 … 32767
Default: 0

5.6.3. GKI – Integrative gain

Usage: Integrative gain factor in automatic mode.
Description: This gain factor is used to calculate the integral part of the correction needed to
compensate the measured error.
Range: 0 … 32767
Default: 0

5.6.4. GIL – Integrative limit

Usage: Maximum limit of the integral part of the correction.
Description: This field is used to limit the integral part of the correction needed to
compensate the measured error.
Range: 0 … 32767
Default: 0

5.6.5. VMI – Minimum correction speed

Usage: Minimum correction speed.
Description: This field specifies the minimum speed to apply to the correction motor. It
permits to eliminate the inertia of the correction motor.
Range: 0 … 127
Default: 10

Installation Instruction
5.6.6. VMA - Maximum correction speed
Usage: Maximum correction speed.
Description: This field specifies the maximum speed to apply to the correction motor. It
permits to eliminate the over correction of the error.
Range: 0 … 127
Default: 100

5.6.7. VMN – Manual speed

Usage: Speed of movement in manual mode.
Description: This field defines the speed of the actuator in manual mode.
Range: 0 … 127
Default: 100

5.6.8. VSC – Servo centre speed

Usage: Speed of movement in servo centre mode.
Description: This field defines the speed of the actuator in servo centre mode.
Range: 0 … 127
Default: 100

5.6.9. TSC – Servo centre timer

Usage: Servo centre managed by an electric output instead of a mechanical command
Description: The system will move the actuator on one side for TSC time, then it will lead the
actuator on the other side for TSC/2 time (so the result is influenced by the
speed with which the motor moves).
Range: 0 … 199

5.6.10. ACC – Acceleration

Default: 0ACC – Acceleration

Usage: Acceleration to apply to the correction motor.
Description: This field defines the acceleration of the actuator in automatic mode.
Range: 0 … 127
Default: 5

Installation Instruction
5.6.11. CUR –Current limit
Usage: Max available current for the motor output .
Description: This field indicates the maximum available current for the correction motor. It
permits to eliminate the overcurrent to the motor. The feedback is given in 1 sec
with alarm indication on the logic part. To reactivate the operation, push
Manual or Automatic.
Range: 0 … 15 (Ampere)
0 = disable the current limit
1 … 15 In Automatic Mode (if the fixed limits are respected), the current
interruption happens after 30 seconds if the motor direction remains always the
Default: 1

5.6.12. DIR – Actuator direction

Usage: Direction of the actuator in manual and automatic mode.
Description: This field defines the directions of the actuator in automatic and manual modes.
Range: 0…3
0 = direct direction in both manual and automatic modes
1 = direct direction in manual mode, reverse direction in automatic mode
2 = reverse direction in manual mode, direct direction in automatic mode
3 = reverse direction in both manual automatic modes
Default: 0

5.6.13. TOL – Dead zone

Usage: Non-intervention zone.
Description: The dead zone defines an area around the reference position where the system
doesn’t carry out any correction.
Range: 0 … 99
Default: 1

5.6.14. EOK – Tolerance

Usage: Error zone acceptable by the operator.
Description: Defines the value within which the error visualization bar is green and not red
If the operator set a value of 100 + N, the display will show the error = 0 if the
error remains between ± N
Range: 0 … 99 or 100 … 199
Default: 5

Installation Instruction
5.6.15. ZON – Working zone
Usage: To avoid corrections of sudden and short in time errors.
Description: If the measured error suddenly becomes greater than the value defined by this
parameter, the system switches On the alarm output (CN102, pin 7) and the
alarm LED, and waits a certain time (defined by the DLY parameter) before
starting to correct again.
Range: 0 … 99
Default: 10

5.6.16. DLY – Correction delay

Usage: Waiting time before starting the correction of sudden errors.
Description: This parameter allows to avoid the correction of sudden and short in time errors
(see also the ZON parameter). If the measured error becomes lower than the
value defined by the ZON parameter before the correction delay time is elapsed,
the system starts correcting as usual. The value is in 0,1 sec. Setting the value to
255 the delay becomes infinite.
Range: 0 … 255
Default: 0

5.6.17. BKG – Background

Usage: Restrict the visual field of the optical sensors.
Description: This parameter tells the system how many pixels on both sides of the optical
sensor have not to be considered when processing the signal from the sensor.
Range: 0 … 63
Default: 0

5.6.18. EDG – Edge

Usage: Disable the correction in case of interrupted line or contrast
Description: This field disables the correction mode that blocks the movement of the
actuator in case of interrupted line or contrast.
Range: 0 …1
Default: 0

5.6.19. VIS – Visualization average

Usage: Number of measurements considered in the error visualization.
Description: The error shown on the display is an average. This parameter defines the
number of measurements that the system uses to calculate that average.
Range: 0 … 99
Default: 4

Installation Instruction
5.6.20. ZIG – Variable offset
Usage: Amplitude of the variable offset.
Description: This field set the amplitude of the oscillation in case the edge of the reel must
oscillate. The value 0 means the feature is disabled.
Range: 0 … 63
Default: 0

5.6.21. MOT – Sensor operation mode

Without motorized bar:

Usage: Define the communication between the sensors and the control logic.
Description: The value of this parameter defines
Value Signal
0 use of the new optical sensor TLS touch
1 use of ultrasonic (TUS) sensor/infrared (TIR) or TSB optical sensor

With motorized bar:

Usage: Define the way the sensors on the motorized bar work.
Description: The value of this parameter defines the behavior of the sensor and the
information required to be shown on the display. The operator must set a value
equal to the sum of functions selected in the following chart
Value Signal
0 use of the new optical sensor TLS touch
1 use of ultrasonic (TUS) sensor/infrared (TIR) or TSB optical sensor
2 activation of motorized bar function
4 Auto Chase of the web
8/0 width visualization / error visualization

Range: 0 …99
Default: 0
Value 7: system set to use ultrasonic (or infrared) sensor, with Auto Chase on the motorized bar and
error visualization on the display ( = 1+4+2+0 )
Value 15: system set to use ultrasonic (or infrared) sensor, with Auto Chase on the motorized bar
and width visualization on the display ( = 1+4+2+8 )

Installation Instruction
5.6.22. CAL – Calibration
Usage: It defines the maximum distance between the sensors on the motorized bar.
Description: At the power up the system moves the sensors on the motorized bar to take
them at their maximum distance. This parameter defines that maximum
distance (in mm). If this parameter is set to 0 the user will not be asked if he
wants the system to automatically search the web when the user change from a
Setting mode ((Sensor Setup, Servo Centre Setup or Parameter Setup) to the
Manual or Automatic mode.
Range: 0…9999
Default: 0

5.6.23. APE – Aperture

Usage: Avoid that the sensors on the motorized bar come in contact (one against the
Description: When the web, for any reason (for example, breakage), is not in between the
two sensors, the system automatically searches the web by moving
(approaching) the sensors on the motorized bar. To avoid the sensors to come in
contact (one against the other) this parameter specifies the minimum admissible
distance between the sensors.
Range: 0…9999
Default: 0

5.6.24. INP – Selection of input signal IN1

5.6.25. INP – Selection of input signal IN2

5.6.26. INP – Selection of input signal IN3

Usage: Allow to select input signals.
Description: This parameter selects the input signal applied to inputs IN3-IN2-IN1. This value
is made of 2 figures, each figure specifies the input signal of the respective pin in
the connector CN102.
Value Signal
0 Inactive
1 Auto Enable
2 Motor Limit Switch Low
3 Motor Limit Switch High
4 External Move Button “<”
5 External Move Button “>”
6 Selection Auto/Man
7 Selection Head1/Head2
8 External Move Button “-” for motorized bar
9 External Move Button “+” for motorized bar

Installation Instruction
With regard to value 7, the external contact allows to define the sensor used
and, simultaneously, to reverse the polarity of the correction motor. By setting
the sensor with S1 (in the sensor menu), the external contact open implies the
reading is done by the sensor 1 (CN101). On the contrary, by activating (contact
closed) the external contact, it will start to read with sensor 2 (CN 104). The
motor will correct exactly in the opposite direction to the previous one.
By setting the sensor with S2 (in the sensor menu), the external contact open
implies the reading is done by the sensor 2 (CN104). On the contrary, by
activating (contact closed) the external contact, it will start to read with the
sensor 1 (CN101), without changing the direction of the correction motor.
Range: 00 … 99
Default: 00

5.6.27. OU1 - Selection of output signal OUT 1

5.6.28. OU2 - Selection of output signal OUT 2

5.6.29. OU3 - Selection of output signal OUT 3

Usage: Allow to select output signals.

Description: This parameter selects the output signal applied to outputs OU3-OU2-OU1. This
value is made of 2 figures, each figure specifies the output signal of the
respective pin in connector CN102.
Value Signal
0 Open
1 Close
2 Alarm Out
3 Moviment activation
4 Motor moviment direction

Range: 00 … 99
Default: 02

5.6.30. ADR – Address

Usage: this parameter has not been implemented yet
RS-485 serial line address.
Description: This parameter set the address of the web guide system to communicate with a
serial device. Different addresses permit to install many devices on the same
Note: Protective parameter, press Esc during the start-up screen to enable the
Range: 0...31
Default: 0

Installation Instruction
5.6.31. PWD – Password
Usage: To protect the setting of the parameters.
Description: When this parameter is set to 1 the operator is asked to enter a (fixed) password
to change the parameters. Value 0 means no password required.
Range 0 … 32767
Default: 0

5.6.32. VER – Firmware Version

Usage: Displays the firmware version.
Description: This parameter displays the firmware version.
Through this parameter, you can restore default parameters by entering 13524
and press the OK.

Installation Instruction
6. Connections

Pin Name Description WIRE Colours

1 Mot-B Motor Phase B (output) BLACK
2 Mot-A Motor Phase A (output) RED
3 +24 Vdc +24 Vdc proxy (output) BROWN
4 Proxy-In Sensor proxy servo-center (input) BLACK
5 0 Vdc 0 Vdc BLUE
Connector CN100 (Motor and servo centre sensor)
Note: A motor shield should be connected with terminals 5.

Pin Name Description Wire colours

1 +24 Vdc +24 Vdc (output) BROWN
2 Head-Ain Analog input from the sensor (input) WHITE
3 0 Vdc 0 Vdc BLUE
4 Head-Din Digital input from the sensor (input) BLACK
5 Head-Lin Serial communication with the sensor GRAY
6 0 Vdc 0 Vdc (shield) SHIELD
Connector CN101 (Sensor 1: US2013/ IR2013)

Installation Instruction
Pin Name Description Wire colours
1 +24 Vdc +24 Vdc (output) BROWN
2 Head-Ain Analogue input from the sensor (input) WHITE
3 0 Vdc 0 Vdc BLUE +BLACK
4 Head-Din Digital input from the sensor (input) Link
5 Head-Lin Serial communication with the sensor Link
6 0 Vdc 0 Vdc (shield) SHIELD
Connector CN101 (Sensor 1: BST US2010)
Note: A link must be fitted across terminals 4 and 5 if you are using a BST US2010.

Pin Name Description

1 +24 Vdc +24 Vdc (output)
2 In-1 Input type PNP (24V @ 1mA)
3 In-2 Input type PNP (24V @ 1mA
4 In-3 Input type PNP (24V @ 1mA)
5 Out-1 Output type PNP (24V @ 20mA)
6 Out-2 Output type PNP (24V @ 20mA)
7 Out-3 Output type PNP (24V @ 20mA)
8 0 Vdc 0 Vdc
Connector CN102 (I/O external signals)

Pin Name Description

1 +24 Vdc +24 Vdc input
3 +24 Vdc +24 Vdc input RED
4 0 Vdc 0 Vdc BLACK
Connector CN103 (Power Supply 24 Vdc)

Pin Name Description Wire colour

1 +24 Vdc +24 Vdc (output) BROWN
2 Head-Ain Analog input from the sensor (input) WHITE
3 0 Vdc 0 Vdc BLUE
4 Head-Din Digital input from the sensor (input) BLACK
5 Head-Lin Serial communication with the sensor GRAY
6 0 Vdc 0 Vdc (shield) SHIELD
Connector CN104 (Sensor2: US2013/ IR2013)

Installation Instruction
Pin Name Description Wire colours
1 +24 Vdc +24 Vdc (output) BROWN
2 Head-Ain Analogue input from the sensor (input) WHITE
3 0 Vdc 0 Vdc BLUE +BLACK
4 Head-Din Digital input from the sensor (input) Link
5 Head-Lin Serial communication with the sensor Link
6 0 Vdc 0 Vdc (shield) SHIELD
Connector CN104 (Sensor 2: BST US2010)
Note: A link must be fitted across terminals 4 and 5 if you are using a BST US2010.

CLS Pro600 Sensor:

Pin Name Description Wire colours

1 +24 Vdc +24 Vdc (output) BROWN
2 Head-Ain Analogue input from the sensor (input) GRAY
3 0 Vdc 0 Vdc BLUE
4 Head-Din Digital input from the sensor (input) Link
5 Head-Lin Serial communication with the sensor Link
6 0 Vdc 0 Vdc (shield) SHIELD
Connector CN101 (Sensor 1: BST CLS Pro 600)
Note: A link must be fitted across terminals 4 and 5 if you are using a BST CLS pro 600.

Pin Name Description Wire colours

1 +24 Vdc +24 Vdc (output) BROWN
2 Head-Ain Analogue input from the sensor (input) GRAY
3 0 Vdc 0 Vdc BLUE
4 Head-Din Digital input from the sensor (input) Link
5 Head-Lin Serial communication with the sensor Link
6 0 Vdc 0 Vdc (shield) SHIELD
Connector CN104 (Sensor 2: BST CLS Pro 600)
Note: A link must be fitted across terminals 4 and 5 if you are using a BST CLS pro 600.

Pin Name Description

1 TXA Transmit –receive A
2 TXB Transmit–receive B
3 0 Vdc 0 Vdc
Connector CN105 (Serial RS-485)

Installation Instruction
7. Technical Specs

Control Unit
Size: 124 x 104 x 65 mm (WxHxL)
Weight: 0,4 Kg
Power: 24Vdc / 10A
Cable length: 5 m standard (10 m optional).
Operating conditions: temperature 10 … 70°C, max. humidity 80%

Installation Instruction
8. Parameters and defaults
Number Name Usage Default User

1 GKP Proportional gain 100

2 GKD Derivative gain 0

3 GKI Integrative gain 0

4 GIL Integrative limit 0

5 VMI Minimum correction speed 10

6 VMA Maximum correction speed 100

7 VMN Manual speed 100

8 VSC Servo center speed 100

9 TSC Servo center timer 0

10 ACC Acceleration 5

11 CUR Current limit 1

12 DIR Actuator direction 0

13 TOL Dead zone 1

14 EOK Tolerance 5

15 ZON Working zone 10

16 DLY Correction delay 0

17 BKG Background 0

18 EDG Disable interrupted edge 0

19 VIS Visualization average 4

20 ZIG Variable offset 0

21 MOT Sensor operation mode 1

22 CAL Calibration 0

23 APE Aperture 0

24 IN1 Input selection IN-1 00

25 IN2 Input selection IN-2 00

26 IN3 Input selection IN-3 00

27 OU1 Output selection OUT-1 02

28 OU2 Output selection OUT-2 00

29 OU3 Output selection OUT-3 00

30 ADR Address 0

31 PWD Password 0

Installation Instruction
32 VER Firmware version 1.XX

Installation Instruction

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