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Answer any 10 question 10*2=20

1. What is grooming?
It is the set of practices that aim to help professionals to make a positive impression on their
colleagues and those around them.
Corporate grooming etiquette includes aspects such as business etiquette, appearance,
communication skills, behavior and presentation
2. What is Business Ethics?
Business ethics is the moral principles, policies, and values that govern the way companies
and individuals engage in business activity.
3. What is Inter cultural Communication?
Inter cultural communication refers to communication between people from two different
It is also symbolic, interpretive, transactional, contextual process.
4. What is telephone Etiquettes?
Phone etiquette is the way to represent yourself and business to clientss and coworkers
through Telephone communication. This includes the way you greet a clients, your body
language, tone of voice, word choice and how you close a call
5. Describe internet usage in Work Place?
The main business uses of the internet are:
 Searching for information and data
 Sending and receiving information, notes, memos, documents and messages
 As a marketing tool, to promote an organisation or to facilitate e-commerce
 As a recruitment tool
 For web-based training.
6. What is Personal Spacing?
personal space is also called as interpersonal space. The distance maintain between
yourself and others.
7. How to prevent Seductive Harassment?
Seductive Harassment is a form of discrimination. It includes a range of behaviours.
o Trust your own instincts about possible danger
o Discuss it with a close friend or confidant
o Immediately inform the alleged harasser that the behaviour is unwelcome
o Reinforce your statements with a firm tone and professional body language
8. What is workplace Courtesy?
Treat all with courtesy and respect (co-workers, supervisor, office guests, etc.) Respect the
privacy. Develop a reputation for honesty and integrity.
9. What is conflict resolution strategy?
Kenneth Thomas and Ralph Kilmann developed five conflict resolution strategies that people
use to handle conflict, including avoiding, defeating, compromising, accommodating, and
collaborating. This is based on the assumption that people choose how cooperative and how
assertive to be in a conflict.

10. Define business attire?

To making a lasting impression in interview or at work, Dressing professionally speaks to
commitment, attention to detail, and shows respect for the role, colleagues, managers, clients and
the business.
11. Give the tips for professional image?
Attire and clothing: How you look.
Body Language: How you hold and present yourself.
Attitude and behaviour: How you think and act.
Conversation and language: How you communicate and engage others
12. What is Email Etiquettes?
 Use a direct subject line
 Use a professional email address
 Add a professional email signature
 Use professional greetings
 Reply to all your emails
 Keep your fonts simple and classic

Answer any 5 question 5*5=25
1. Discuss the importance of Business Etiquettes?

Making a Positive First Impression:

Business etiquette plays a crucial role in shaping the initial perception others have of us. From
the way we greet our colleagues, clients, and superiors to our level of professionalism in
communication, adhering to proper etiquette showcases us as polished, courteous, and reliable
Building Strong Professional Relationships:
The foundation of a successful career lies in building strong and lasting professional
relationships. Simple acts like active listening, giving credit where due, and showing
appreciation can go a long way in strengthening professional bonds. People are more inclined
to collaborate and work with individuals who display good manners and treat others with
Enhancing Communication Skills:
Effective communication is a cornerstone of professional growth. Business etiquette guides us
in using appropriate language, tone, and body language when interacting with others. Polite
and considerate communication leads to clear and concise exchanges, minimizing
misunderstandings and conflicts.
Navigating Networking Opportunities:
Networking plays a vital role in advancing one's career. Whether at formal events or casual
gatherings, business etiquette is the key to making meaningful connections. Understanding
the nuances of networking, such as introducing oneself confidently, maintaining eye contact,
and exchanging business cards professionally, can set us apart from others.
Representing the Company with Grace:
As employees, ambassadors of respective organizations. Behaviour and conduct directly
reflect the values and reputation of company.
Handling Challenging Situations with Poise:
Business etiquette equips us with the skills to handle these situations with poise and
diplomacy. Whether dealing with a difficult co-worker, managing a tense negotiation, or
addressing a mistake, knowing the appropriate etiquette helps us navigate these challenges
professionally and with grace.
2. Write Detailed note on ABC of Etiquette?
o The ABCs of Etiquette: Appearance, Behavior, Communication
o It is important to remember that manners are required to instill confidence in patients
and foster a pleasant mindset among co-workers.
o Both etiquette and manners play a significant role in the office space.
The two concepts revolve around human behaviour and are often used
o Office etiquette is a code of conduct and a set of rules that acts as a catalyst for
positive workplace interactions.
o Manners are behaviours that reflect a person’s attitude.
o A key difference between etiquette and manners is that the former changes with a
change in the organization.

3. What are the role of good manners in Business?

Offer a polite greeting
Say hello, good morning, good afternoon smile and make eye contact when see co-workers or
clients. Offer a handshake greeting in workplace can help a friendly manner that makes colleagues
and clients feel more comfortable
Make Conversation
Start conversation with the employees gathering thoughts and opinions on recent happenings
of company. Making connections with new people can be valuable.
Be mindful of others
Stay mindful of those around the office. Use please and thank you when applicable in
corresponding with others.
Give undivided attention
Apologize for the error. Offering your full attention and interested in the discussion and hear
the speakers opinion.
Arrive on time
Timeliness is an essential part of workplace etiquette. Respect and value timed and priories by
arriving promptly for meeting, completing task before deadlines and arriving to work before the
scheduled time
Consider body language
Practice good non-verbal communication when speaking with others, make eye contact and
nod when applicable to show your attention.

4. Define Multi Cultural Etiquettes? How cultural difference effect business etiquettes?
Multicultural etiquette require that make an effort to understand the cultural vocabulary of
gestures and body language to show respect and make good impression
Keep an Open Mind
With the right attitude, anyone can build successful intercultural relationships in new markets.
International business etiquette varies from one place to another, but when meeting with international
clients, you must showcase cultural awareness and respect local customs.
Respect Value Systems
Normal behaviors and reactions might seem confusion to an outsider. But must understand
that these reactions and behaviors are deeply rooted in a set of values, world views, and beliefs.
Learn Basic Greetings
Practicing common courtesy and business etiquette by being clued up on appropriate business
greetings in different parts of the world goes a long way. A handshake might be the most standard
greeting gesture in America, but it’s not a universal practice. For instance, in France, they use a much
briefer version of the firm handshake used in the United States. Thai people don’t shake hands. They
use a “wai” here. And in Japan, they greet each other with a bow.
Honor the Rule of Personal Space when Doing International Business
Acceptable business etiquette norms surrounding physical distance differ from one culture to
another. In England, for example, it’s expected to keep a distance that allows two people to extend
their hands slightly and shake hands. This distance increases considerably if you conduct business in
Japan since it takes into account the distance required to bow. Professionals in Japan bow deeper
depending on the level of respect that should be shown, and it’s critical to understand this subtle
element of international business etiquette.
Get Clear on Gender Etiquette
There are varying acceptable interactions between men and women, and this also applies to
business etiquette in multicultural settings. A simple smile and nod will suffice here. In India, for
example, it’s taboo for men and women to go beyond a simple handshake.
Watch Your Body Language in Business Meetings
Our bodies speak just as much (if not more) than our mouths, so it’s critical to watch your
body language when doing international business. Even the slightest hand movements in business
meetings can have detrimental outcomes in certain cultures. Making a circle with your thumb and
index finger might signal “okay” in the United States. But when conducting business in countries like
Brazil, this gesture is considered rude.

5. Write in detail about characteristics of Ethical Issues?

There are four main characteristics of ethics as Descriptive Ethics, Normative ethics, Meta-ethics
and Applied ethics.

Descriptive Ethics : It deals with what people actually believes to be right or wrong. It evaluates
human actions on the basis of law and customs. Descriptive Ethics may also be called as
comparative ethics, because it compares the ethics of past and present. It also has some inputs
from other disciplines such as Anthropology, Psychology, Sociology and History to explain the
moral rightness and wrongness.
Normative Ethics : It deals with norms that how one should act and behave in society. It also
called as prescriptive Ethics. Normative Ethics also anticipates rational justification and teaches a
lesson to a person who really disturbs the social and moral order.
Meta-Ethics : It doesn’t propound any moral principles or goal for action. It has been primarily
interested in classification and philosophical understanding rather than in normative ethics. The
key theory in meta- ethics is naturalism, non-naturalism and prescriptivism.
Applied Ethics: It is concerned with the analysis of particular moral issues in private and public
life. It deals with the more concrete subjects like, the family, profession, state and politics etc. in
real life situations and ethical principles which be applied in it for securing a good life.
6. What are the principles of Exceptional Behavior?

To build on the above, here are 5 starter principles for building viable behavior change
1. Measure how much new behavior to take on, “blow them away”
2. Focus novelty on the highest value-add components only, don’t add superfluous
3. Use precedents advantage, rather than evidence of sameness using comparisons helps set
familiar context which reduces friction in both creating awareness and activating clientss
4. Avoid both false negatives and false positives
5. Don’t ignore behavior change required of the provider of the service
Answer any 3 question 10*3=30
1. Explain the guidelines for the Online Etiquettes?
Online etiquettes are also called as Netiquettes

 Respect: As a rule, one should show others basic respect and kindness by not say anything
online that they would not also say offline. Show respect by being aware of others' time when
communicating online; tailor messaging accordingly.
 Accuracy: Rumours spread very quickly in the online world. Endeavouring to be part of the
solution and not part of the problem is a step in the right direction. Verify anything before
posting or reposting. If one has mistakenly spread misinformation, own up to it and then
move on.
 Appropriate language use: Language that is appropriate in one setting might be
inappropriate in another. One of the trickier things to get right online is tone. Hence, emojis
are a handy tool for getting across what words may not. Using emojis, though, may mark the
communication as more informal than intended.
 Email netiquette: Emails are more formal than texts. Emails should have complete, well-
written sentences, with emojis making an appearance only when necessary. However, emails
can sign off informally with thanks
 Write concisely: Omit unneeded language. People do not appreciate you wasting their time
with rants or roundabout explanations

2. Explain Taboos and Practice?

Taboos stem from the societal norms and customs where practices are associated with certain

Religious Taboo

Religious taboos originate from the teachings of a particular religion. Religious taboos stem from
the doctrine which means belief systems taught and passed down to followers of a church, group, or
political party. The following is a list of some religious taboos around the world.

 Eating food restricted by the religion

 Touching bodies of the dead people
 Adultery
 Marrying outside the religion
 Killing sacred animals or plants
 Incest
 Bestiality

Social Taboo

A social taboo refers to a prohibition related to social norms and expectations.. Social taboos originate
from the values and belief systems of a society. What they consider important in life dictates what
they prohibit.

1. Failure to Tip at a Restaurant (USA) – While tipping is not considered customary in

nations like New Zealand and Australia, it is considered highly rude in the United States of
2. Pointing at Someone’s Chest (Global) – Many nations around the world accept general
pointing. However, pointing directly at someone (particularly their chest) is considered rude
and provocative.
3. Showing Someone the Bottom of your Feet (Asia & Middle-East) – Many nations in Asia
and the Middle East find the bottom of feet (or even pointing with the foot) to be highly
Food Taboos
A food taboo is something forbidden or considered inappropriate in relation to food, drink and
eating. They are often dictated by religious or cultural beliefs about what is okay and what is not
Placing your Elbows on the Table
Drinking Alcohol
Using a Fork instead of Chopsticks (Several Asian Nations)

3. How to handle Rude or Impatient Clients?

When dealing with rude clients, it's crucial to control own emotions and to inflammatory
behviour with calm considered response. Listen actively to clients, and apologize if it's
appropriate to do so
Be empathetic
understand and relate to the clients feelings, it may help you diffuse the situation. "I
understand how frustrating that could be." This strategy helps the clients realize that they're speaking
to a person who understands them and can solve their issue
2. Listen actively to the clients is saying
Determine whats making them so upset and resolve the problem
Listen closely
3. Separate the issue into smaller issues
If a clients approaches you with a major issue, it might help to divide it into several smaller
portions. These small portions are easier to manage, which may lessen the clients stress and help you
resolve the situation more quickly.
4. Repeat what the clients says back to them
A fundamental part of active listening is making sure you and the clients are in sync about the
situation. Once you feel you understand the root cause of their concern, repeat it back to them to make
sure you understand each other.
5. Stay calm
When clients express their emotions, aim to stay calm and manage your own emotions. It helps to take
a practical approach to problem-solving rather than a personal one.
6. Offer solutions
Once you understand the clients feels the way they do can offer a solution
Counter it with a positive message. client focus on the positive aspects of a solution
7. Act quickly
Resolving the clients concern as soon as possible also prevent an issue form escalating.
8. Offer a sincere apology
It's typically helpful to apologize for the clients inconvenience. This shows them you
understand their experience and care about meeting their needs. "I'm sorry about the
inconvenience you experienced."

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