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PDF Ocular Pathology 8Th Edition M D Yanoff Ebook Full Chapter
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Diagnostic Pathology: Transplant Pathology 2nd Edition
Anthony C. Chang
Chair Emeritus, Ophthalmology
Professor of Ophthalmology & Pathology
Departments of Ophthalmology & Pathology
College of Medicine
Drexel University
Philadelphia, PA, USA
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ISBN: 978-0-323-54755-0
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Myron Yanoff did his residency at the Scheie Eye Institute of the This enabled correlation of findings in the eye as seen with the
University of Pennsylvania in Ophthalmology followed by a ophthalmoscope with cellular pathology viewed under the micro-
residency in the Department of Pathology. He then did a fel- scope. This led to important clinicopathologic correlations in
lowship at the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP) in ocular pathology, including tumors such as retinoblastoma and
Washington, DC, under the directorship of Lorenz Zimmerman. melanoma. As time progressed, more and more disease entities
Yanoff ’s colleague, Ben Fine, was also Zimmerman’s student. were defined by clinicopathologic correlations. Zimmerman and
Ben Fine was an excellent electron microscopist, and he and his students, Yanoff being one of them, described the pathology
Yanoff authored the book, Ocular Histology: A Text and Atlas. of most ocular diseases during the so-called “golden age of eye
Dr. Yanoff developed a series of lectures presented at the Annual pathology” from the late 1950s through the 1980s. Subsequently,
Postgraduate Course in Ophthalmology at the Scheie Eye Institute many of Zimmerman’s students, and in turn, their students,
and the Lancaster Course in Colby College, Maine, as well as Sassani being one of them, applied newer technologies to the
the Biannual Course in Ophthalmic Pathology at the AFIP. These descriptions of these ocular diseases. This enabled updates of
lectures led to the first edition of Ocular Pathology: A Text and their book, Ocular Pathology. Ocular pathology has advanced
Atlas by Drs. Yanoff and Fine, which was published in 1975. The with the confluence of technologies now being molecular biology
text was presented in outline form, similar to the lecture series, and digital technology, including imaging technology such as
with ample illustrations in black and white and a few color confocal microscopy. The most important element in advancing
plates. This book became the standard ocular pathology text for knowledge and teaching of ocular pathology are individuals, in
residents in ophthalmology and, indeed, I used this textbook this case Drs. Yanoff and Sassani. Remarkably, they have updated
when I was an ophthalmology resident. Dr. Yanoff went on to their textbook, now in its eighth edition, keeping up with new
be Chair of the Department of Ophthalmology at the University discoveries in ocular pathology and clinicopathologic correla-
of Pennsylvania, then Chair at Hahnemann University and, sub- tions, including using modern methods of investigation, such
sequently, Drexel University, where he maintained a compre- as ocular coherence tomography. Some examples of the updates
hensive ophthalmology practice. He and Dr. Fine updated their in the eighth edition include the ocular manifestations of Zika
textbook every several years, with the second edition in 1982, virus infection, descriptions of the pathology of intravitreal
third edition in 1989, fourth edition in 1996, and fifth edition injections, ocular injuries associated with terrorism, stem cells
in 2002. in the conjunctiva, the latest genetic information regarding corneal
By that time, Yanoff’s resident, Joe Sassani, was ready to replace dystrophies, the genetics of retinal dystrophies, the TNM clas-
Ben Fine as the coauthor of this textbook. Dr. Sassani completed sification in the latest edition of the AJCC Cancer Staging Manual,
his ophthalmology residency and fellowship in Ophthalmic and others.
Pathology at the University of Pennsylvania, and developed a Indeed, Drs. Yanoff and Sassani have kept up with the times
practice focused on glaucoma. Dr. Sassani is currently on the in a remarkable fashion. The definition of a classic textbook is
faculty at Penn State University in Hershey, Pennsylvania. Drs. that it endures the test of time and builds upon itself to a point
Yanoff and Sassani completed the sixth edition of Ocular Pathol- where it becomes a standard text that remains current. In this
ogy in 2009 and the seventh edition in 2015. The textbook retained case, the text began as an outgrowth from the long-standing and
its outline format; however, virtually all of the illustrations are storied history of the venerable AFIP, including Yanoff, a disciple
now in color, and the book is replete with references. The text- of Zimmerman, and Sassani, a student of Yanoff. Ocular Pathol-
book has kept up with the times, as it has added new information ogy has stood the test of time, remains current, and remains a
including immunohistochemistry, molecular biology, and confocal standard textbook for the study of ocular pathology, the basis
microscopy over the years. of ocular disease. I congratulate Drs. Yanoff and Sassani for their
The story of ocular pathology is one of successive waves of continued efforts in the production of this beautiful textbook,
confluences of technology, clinicopathologic correlations and, which is now the classic textbook for ophthalmology residents
most importantly, people. An important confluence of technolo- and fellows and pathology residents and fellows.
gies occurred in the mid-1800s when Hermann von Helmholtz Hans E. Grossniklaus MD
in Heidelberg developed the ophthalmoscope and Rudolf Virchow Professor of Ophthalmology and Pathology
in Berlin established cellular pathology as the basis of disease. Emory University School of Medicine
During the year of the observance of the 100th anniversary In the years that followed under succeeding chairmen of the
(1874–1974) of the University of Pennsylvania’s Department of Department, other aspects of ophthalmology were stressed. Then,
Ophthalmology, it is exciting to have the publication of a volume in 1947, during the chairmanship of Dr. Francis Heed Adler, Dr.
whose coauthors have contributed significantly to the strides in Larry L. Calkins was appointed to a residency. Dr. Calkins, like
ocular pathology taken by the Department in the past several Dr. Yanoff, displayed a keen interest in ocular pathology. Accord-
years. ingly, he was instrumental in its study being revitalized during
Myron Yanoff, a highly regarded member of our staff, began the three years of his residency. Another resident, Dr. William
a residency in ophthalmology in 1962, upon graduating from C. Frayer, who came to the Department in 1949, joined Dr.
the University’s School of Medicine. The residency continued Calkins in his interest in ocular pathology. Dr. Frayer received
for the next five years, during the first two of which he also held additional training in the Department of Pathology and then
a residency in the Department of Pathology. His keen interest became the ophthalmic pathologist of the Department.
and ability in ocular pathology were readily apparent, and I The importance of ocular pathology was increasingly evident,
encouraged him to apply for a fellowship at the Armed Forces but facilities for carrying out the work in the Department of Oph-
Institute of Pathology (AFIP), Washington, DC. From July 1964 thalmology were unfortunately limited. Until 1964, the pathology
through June 1965, he carried out exceptional research at the laboratory had been confined to a small room in the outpatient
AFIP in both ophthalmology and pathology. He returned to our area of the Department. Then we were able to acquire larger
Department in July 1965, where the caliber both of his clini- quarters in the Pathology Building of the Philadelphia General
cal and research work was of the highest. When he completed Hospital located next door to the Hospital of the University of
his residency in June 1967, I invited him to join the staff, and Pennsylvania. Although the building was earmarked for eventual
he has recently attained the rank of full professor. During the demolition, the space was fairly adequate for research and also for
ensuing years, he has contributed substantially to the litera- conducting weekly ophthalmic pathology teaching conferences.
ture, particularly in the fields of ophthalmic and experimen- Despite the physical aspects, we saw to it that Dr. Yanoff and his
tal pathology. He is Board certified in ophthalmology and in team of workers had a well-equipped laboratory.
pathology. During the next several years as I saw that my dream for an
Ben Fine, noted for his work in electron microscopy at AFIP eye institute with facilities for patient care, teaching, and research
and at George Washington University, has shared his expertise under one roof was to become a reality, I was delighted to be
in the field through lectures presented as part of the curriculum able to include prime space on the research floor for the ever
of the annual 16-week Basic Science Course in the Department’s enlarging scope of ocular pathology. In addition to all that Dr.
graduate program. Yanoff has had to build upon from the past tradition of our
It can be said that 100 years ago ophthalmology was a specialty Department of Ophthalmology, I would like to think that the
that had been gradually evolving during the preceding 100 years, new facilities at the Institute have in some measure contributed
dating from the time of the invention of bifocals by Benjamin to the contents of this excellent volume. With grateful apprecia-
Franklin in 1785. Few American physicians of that era, however, tion, therefore, I look upon this book as the authors’ birthday
knew how to treat diseases of the eye, but as medical education present to the Department. From these same facilities, as Dr.
became more specialized it was inevitable that ophthalmology Yanoff and Dr. Fine continue to collaborate, I can hope will
would also become a specialty. come insights and answers for which all of us are ever searching
With the invention of the ophthalmoscope in 1851, great in the battle against eye disease.
advances were made in the teaching and practice of ophthalmol- Harold G. Scheie, MD
ogy. This contributed greatly, of course, to setting the scene for Chairman, Department of Ophthalmology
the establishment of the University’s Department of Ophthal- University of Pennsylvania
mology. It was on February 3, 1874, that Dr. William F. Norris Director, Scheie Eye Institute
was elected First Clinical Professor of Diseases of the Eye. Similar
chairs had been established earlier in only three other institu- From their earliest days in ophthalmology, Myron Yanoff and
tions. The chair at the University of Pennsylvania later became Ben Fine impressed me as exceptional students. As they have
known as the William F. Norris and George E. de Schweinitz matured and progressed up the academic ladder, they have become
Chair of Ophthalmology. equally dedicated and effective teachers. Their anatomical studies
Both Dr. Norris and Dr. de Schweinitz actively engaged in of normal and diseased tissues have always been oriented toward
the study of ocular pathology. Dr. Norris stressed the importance providing meaningful answers to practical as well as esoteric
of the examination of the eye by microscopy and of the correla- clinical questions. Their ability to draw upon their large personal
tion of findings from pathology specimens with the clinical signs. experience in clinical ophthalmology, ocular pathology, and
Dr. de Schweinitz was instrumental in having a member of his laboratory investigation for their lectures at the Armed Forces
staff accepted as ophthalmic pathologist with the Department Institute of Pathology and at the University of Pennsylvania has
of Pathology. contributed immeasurably to the success of those courses. Now
viii Forewords to the First Edition
they have used the same time-tested approach in assembling of this latest book. I am proud that both authors launched their
their material for this book. Beginning with their basic lecture respective careers with periods of intensive study at the Armed
outlines, then expanding these with just enough text to substitute Forces Institute of Pathology and that ever since, they have
for what would have been said verbally in lecture, adding a remained loyal, dedicated, and highly ethical colleagues. I admire
remarkable amount of illustrative material for the amount of their youthful energy, their patient, careful attitude, their friendly
space consumed, and then providing pertinent references to get cooperative nature, and their ability to get important things
the more ambitious student started in the pursuit of a subject, accomplished. I’m appreciative of this opportunity to express
Drs. Yanoff and Fine have provided us with a sorely needed my gratitude for the work they have been doing. If it is true that
teaching aid for both the student and the teacher of ocular pathol- “by his pupils, a teacher will be judged,” I could only wish to
ogy. It should prove to be especially popular among medical have had several dozen more like Drs. Yanoff and Fine.
students and residents in both ophthalmology and ocular pathol- Lorenz E. Zimmerman, MD
ogy. With it one gets good orientation from the well-conceived Chief, Ophthalmic Pathology Division
outlines and fine clinicopathologic correlations from the selection Armed Forces Institute of Pathology
of appropriate illustrations. Washington, DC
It is with considerable pride and admiration that I’ve watched
the evolution of the authors’ work and its fruition in the form
This edition of Ocular Pathology has been revised extensively to epidermolysis bullosa, and erythema multiforme. There is an
reflect the many developments in the field since the publication extensive revision of the sections on degenerative diseases, col-
of the 7th edition. While maintaining a focus on histopathologic lagen diseases, and other inflammatory skin conditions, such as
and immunohistopathologic features upon which most diagnoses the vasculitides. Particular attention has been given to the section
are made, we have expanded coverage of supplemental and cor- on adnexal tumors.
relative techniques such as clinical confocal microscopy and Chapter 7, Conjunctiva, contains an enhanced discussion of
optical coherence tomography. Moreover, we have placed addi- stem cells. The congenital anomalies section is expanded sig-
tional emphasis on the pathobiology underlying established and nificantly, with new entities added. The degenerations section
new diagnoses. This emphasis is reflected particularly in expanded has been revised to include the new classification of amyloidosis.
coverage of genetics as it relates to disease entities. For a more The information regarding multiple types of cystic and neoplastic
in-depth analysis of the latest developments in genetics please lesions has been expanded significantly, with a particular emphasis
see: Wiggs JL: Part 1 Genetics, in Yanoff M, Duker JS: Ophthal- on cancerous epithelial lesions.
mology (5th Ed). London: Elsevier 2018. There are many online Chapter 8, Cornea and Sclera, contains an extensive revision
resources to catalog these conditions, including Online Mendelian of the section on congenital lesions. The ever-changing classifi-
Inheritance in Man (OMIM, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/omim), cation of corneal dystrophies is reflected in further revisions to
RetNet (https://sph.uth.edu/Retnet/), and Retina International that section that also include the latest genetic information
(http://www.retina-international.org/). impacting our understanding of these disorders. The section on
Virtually every chapter has seen extensive revision including nonheredofamilial disorders also has been revised extensively.
the addition of salient new material. Chapter 1, on the Basic Significant new information is found in the section on sclera.
Principles of Pathology, incorporates an expanded discussion Chapter 9, Uvea, includes updates on aniridia, coloboma, and
of the role of the complement system in ocular homeostasis and choroidal dystrophies such as those involving choriocapillaris
disease. The section on immunobiology includes the concept of atrophy.
the inflammasome as a component of innate immunity. A section Chapter 10, Lens, reflects particular attention on congenital
on autoimmunity and autoinflammation has been added. The cataracts and those associated with syndromes. The section on
discussion of HIV infection has been expanded including newer pseudoexfoliation has been revised, as have other sections includ-
developments relative to its complications. There are entirely ing lens-related complications and ectopic lens.
new sections on epigenetics and on modern molecular pathology Chapter 11, Neural (Sensory) Retina, reflects updates in
diagnostic techniques. All of these changes are found in only congenital and hereditary retinal disorders, vascular diseases,
the first chapter! and inflammatory disorders. Particular attention has been directed
Chapter 2, Congenital Anomalies, revises multiple topics to retinal degenerations. Multiple modifications have been made
including the phakomatoses, chromosomal anomalies, and syn- to the section on retinal dystrophies with a particular emphasis
dromes such as Noonan syndrome and Walker–Warburg syn- on the genetics of these disorders.
drome. Relevant genetic alterations are cited throughout the Chapter 12, Vitreous, has seen a revision on the amyloid section
chapter. and on familial exudative vitreoretinopathy and other familial
Chapter 3, Nongranulomatous Inflammation: Uveitis, End- disorders.
ophthalmitis, Panophthalmitis, and Sequelae, includes new atten- Chapter 13, Optic Nerve, reflects updates in the section on
tion on the ocular manifestations of Zika virus infection. congenital and familial disorders including relevant syndromes.
Chapter 4, Granulomatous Inflammation, updates the discus- The section on ischemic optic neuropathies has been revised, as
sion of sympathetic uveitis (ophthalmia, ophthalmitis) and has been the section on optic nerve tumors.
nontraumatic infectious causes, such as tuberculosis. Chapter 14, Orbit, has an extensively revised discussion of
Chapter 5, Surgical and Nonsurgical Trauma, includes an thyroid orbitopathy and muscular disorders. The section on the
expanded discussion of ophthalmic operative and postoperative reticuloendothelial system and related disorders, including rela-
surgical complications. A section on intravitreal injections has tive genetic anomalies, has been revised extensively, and the
been added. A discussion of ocular injuries associated with section on Lymphomas and related disorders has been signifi-
modern warfare and terrorism has been added to the section cantly expanded.
on nonsurgical trauma. Numerous sections have been expanded Chapter 15, Diabetes Mellitus, includes a new section on ocular
in scope including the information on radiation injuries. surface disease secondary to diabetes. Additional new informa-
Chapter 6, Skin and Lacrimal Drainage System, has an tion and pertinent diagnostic techniques are discussed relative
expanded discussion of congenital lesions and anomalies. The to diabetic complications for each anatomic region of the eye.
new classification system for ichthyosis has been added, as has The information on the pathobiology of ocular diabetic com-
information regarding its genetic correlates. The section on aging plications is expanded greatly.
has been expanded significantly, as has the discussion of numer- Chapter 16, Glaucoma, contains a comprehensively revised
ous individual entities, such as pseudoxanthoma elasticum, discussion of the anatomic basis for aqueous outflow and the
x Preface
histopathologic correlates in glaucoma. The information on the retinoblastoma and the latest information on overall survival
genetics of glaucoma is revised extensively as is the discussion are included. The section on simulating lesions includes new
of pathobiology for each of the glaucomas where appropriate. entities and the latest terminology. Particular attention has been
Particular attention has been paid to the discussion of pseudo- paid to the latest developments in retinopathy of prematurity.
exfoliation. Much information has been added regarding the Adjunctive diagnostic techniques are discussed.
pathobiology of optic nerve damage in glaucoma. The 8th edition of Ocular Pathology is replete with new infor-
Chapter 17, Ocular Melanocytic Lesions, reflects the TMN mation reflecting the rapidly evolving world of ophthalmic
classification as found in the 8th edition of the AJCC Cancer pathology. Nevertheless, as we state in the very first line of our
Staging Manual. Additionally, particular emphasis has been placed textbook, “The most important tool that the pathologist has at
on genetic and chromosomal correlates to prognosis in ocular his/her disposal is meaningful communication with the patient’s
melanoma. The pathobiology underlying the correlations also clinician regarding the suspected diagnosis so that the patholo-
is discussed. gist can choose the appropriate strategy for processing whatever
Chapter 18, Retinoblastoma and Simulating Lesions, is revised tissue or other samples are received.” No matter how sophisticated
extensively, including the chapter title itself, which drops refer- our techniques become, accurate communication remains the
ence to “pseudoglioma.” The latest classifications for retinoblas- bedrock for accurate pathologic diagnoses in support of the best
toma are presented including the principles on which they are care for our patients.
based. Genetic mutations and chromosomal abnormalities relative MY, JS
to retinoblastoma have been revised. Prognostic factors for
This book could not have been completed without the understanding and patience of our wives
Karin L. Yanoff, PhD, and Gloria Sassani, MA. We also wish to acknowledge the help of our
assistants, Kelly McAnally and Sherri Maslasics. Finally, the members of the Elsevier production
and editorial team lead by Russell Gabbedy, Kayla Wolfe and Sharon Nash, and including project
manager Joanna Souch, designer Brian Salisbury and illustration managers Paula Catalano and
Teresa McBryan all have provided invaluable help and guidance in the production of this 8th
edition of Ocular Pathology.
We dedicate this book to our wives, Karin and Gloria, and to our children.
Basic Principles of Pathology
The most important tool that the pathologist has at his/her dis- II. Infectious causes include viral, rickettsial, bacterial, fungal,
posal is meaningful communication with the patient’s clinician and parasitic agents.
regarding the suspected diagnosis so that the pathologist can
choose the appropriate strategy for processing whatever tissue Phases of Inflammation
or other samples are received. As will be seen in the discussion (Table 1.1 lists the actions of the principal mediators of
under Modern Molecular Pathology Diagnostic Techniques, there inflammation.)
is a dizzying array of techniques at the pathologist’s disposal; I. Acute (immediate or shock) phase (Fig. 1.1)
however, it is only through communication with the clinician A. Five cardinal signs: (1) redness (rubor) and (2) heat
that the pathologist can determine which of these techniques to (calor)—both caused by increased rate and volume of
utilize to best serve the patient. blood flow; (3) mass (tumor)—caused by exudation of
fluid (edema) and cells; (4) pain (dolor) and (5) loss
INFLAMMATION of function (functio laesa)—both caused by outpour-
ing of fluid and irritating chemicals. Table 1.2 lists the
Definition roles of various mediators in the different inflammatory
I. Inflammation is the response of a tissue or tissues to a reactions.
noxious stimulus. B. The acute phase is related to histamine release from
A. The tissue may be predominantly cellular (e.g., retina), mast cells and factors released from plasma (kinin,
composed mainly of extracellular materials (e.g., cornea), complement, and clotting systems).
or a mixture of both (e.g., uvea). 1. Histamine is found in the granules of mast cells, where
B. The response may be localized or generalized, and the it is bound to a heparin–protein complex. Serotonin
noxious stimulus may be infectious or noninfectious. (5-hydroxytryptamine), found in platelets and some
II. In a general way, inflammation is a response to a foreign neuroendocrine cells, has a similar effect to histamine.
stimulus that may involve specific (immunologic) or non- 2. The kinins are peptides formed by the enzymatic
specific reactions. Immune reactions arise in response to action of kallikrein on the α2-globulin kininogen.
specific antigens, but they may involve other components Kallikrein is activated by factor XIIa, which is the
(e.g., antibodies, T cells) or nonspecific components (e.g., active form of the coagulation factor XII (Hageman
natural killer [NK] cells, lymphokines). factor). Factor XIIa converts plasma prekallikrein
III. There is an interplay between components of the inflam- into kallikrein. Plasmin also can activate Hageman
matory process and blood clotting factors that shapes the factor.
inflammatory process. 3. Plasmin, the proteolytic enzyme responsible for fibri-
nolysis, has the capacity to liberate kinins from their
Causes precursors and to activate kallikrein, which brings
I. Noninfectious causes about the formation of plasmin from plasminogen.
A. Exogenous causes: originate outside the eye and body, Plasmin cleaves C3 complement protein, resulting
and include local ocular physical injury (e.g., perforating in the formation of C3 fragments. It also breaks down
trauma), chemical injuries (e.g., alkali), or allergic reac- fibrin to form fibrin split products.
tions to external antigens (e.g., conjunctivitis secondary 4. The complement system (see Table 1.3, which lists the
to pollen). complement molecules found in the normal eye, and
B. Endogenous causes: sources originating in the eye and Table 1.4, which lists the complement molecules found
body, such as inflammation secondary to cellular immu- in diseased eyes) consists of almost 60 proteins present
nity (phacoanaphylactic endophthalmitis [phacoantigenic in blood plasma, on the cell surfaces, or within the
uveitis]); spread from continuous structures (e.g., the cell. Its vital nature is evidenced by the fact that it
sinuses); hematogenous spread (e.g., foreign particles); has been preserved by evolution for more than a
and conditions of unknown cause (e.g., sarcoidosis). billion years.
2 CHAPTER 1 Basic Principles of Pathology
Plasma Protein-Derived
Complement products (C5a, C3a, C4a) Plasma (produced in liver) Leukocyte chemotaxis and activation, vasodilation (mast cell
Kinins Plasma (produced in liver) Increased vascular permeability, smooth muscle contraction,
vasodilation, pain
Proteases activated during coagulation Plasma (produced in liver) Endothelial activation, leukocyte recruitment
IL-1, interleukin-1; MAC, membrane attack complex; TNF, tumor necrosis factor.
(Reproduced from Table 2.4, Kumar R, Abbas A, DeLancey A et al.: Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease, 8th edn. Philadelphia,
Saunders. © 2010 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.)
Fig. 1.1 Acute inflammation. A, Corneal ulcer with hypopyon (purulent exudate). Conjunctiva hyperemic.
B, Polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) adhere to corneal endothelium and are present in the anterior
chamber as a hypopyon (purulent exudate). C, Leukocytes adhere to limbal, dilated, blood-vessel wall (mar-
gination) and have emigrated through endothelial cell junctions into edematous surrounding tissue. D, PMNs
in corneal stroma do not show characteristic morphology but are recognized by “bits and pieces” of nuclei
lining up in a row. (C and D are thin sections from rabbit corneas six hours post-corneal abrasion.)
Inflammation 3
TABLE 1.2 Role of Mediators in Different TABLE 1.3 Complement Molecules Found
Reactions of Inflammation in the Normal Eye
Role in Inflammation Mediators Complement Molecules
Vasodilation Prostaglandins Expressed in the
Nitric oxide Healthy Eye Eye-Associated Remarks
Histamine Complement System Activators
Increased vascular permeability Histamine and serotonin Amyloid precursor proteins (APP) Retina
C3a and C5a (by liberating vasoactive C-reactive protein (CRP) Retina
amines from mast cells, other cells)
Bradykinin Complement Proteins
Leukotrienes C4, D4, E4 C1q, C2, C3 Cornea, choroid, inner retina, sclera,
PAF optic nerve, retinal pigmented
Substance P epithelium (RPE) cell
Chemotaxis, leukocyte TNF, IL-1 C4 Sclera
recruitment and activation Chemokines C5–8 Cornea, scleral tissue
C3a, C5a C9 Soft drusen from non-AMD eyes,
Leukotriene B4 retina, optic nerve
(Bacterial products; e.g., N-formyl C5b–9 Bruch’s membrane, increase with age
methyl peptides) in non-AMD eyes
Fever IL-1, TNF Factor B Cornea, sclera
Pain Prostaglandins Complement Regulators
Bradykinin Factor H Cornea, sclera, iris, ciliary body, retina,
Tissue damage Lysosomal enzymes of leukocytes choroidal tissue outside Bruch’s
Reactive oxygen species membrane, optic nerve
Nitric oxide Factor H-like protein 1 (FHL-1) Bruch’s membrane
C1 inhibitor (C1-INH) Cornea
IL-1, interleukin-1; PAF, platelet-activating factor; TNF, tumor necrosis CD46 (MCP) Cornea and corneal limbus, vitreous
factor. humor, RPE basolateral surface,
(Reproduced from Table 2.7, Kumar R, Abbas A, DeLancey A et al.: photoreceptors
Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease, 8th edn. CD55 (DAF) Cornea and corneal limbus, conjunctiva,
Philadelphia, Saunders. © 2010 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier
iris, ciliary body, vitreous humor,
retinal nerve fiber layer (NFL) and
a. Initially named because it was seen to “comple- CD59 (protectin) Cornea and corneal limbus, conjunctiva,
ment” antibody and cell-mediated immune iris, ciliary body, choroid, vitreous
defenses against microbes. humor, vessels in the inner retina
b. Classic functions: Fig. 1.2 highlights some of the Vitronectin Soft drusen from non-AMD eyes
myriad functions performed by complement. Clusterin Soft drusen from non-AMD eyes
1) Removal of immune (antigen–antibody) Complement Receptors
complexes. Complement receptor-1 (CR1) RPE apical surface
2) Labeling (opsonization) of foreign antigens C3aR Retinal ganglion cells, NFL
for enhanced removal by phagocytes. C5aR Inner plexiform layer (IPL), Müller cells,
3) Recruitment and activation of nearby NFL
AMD, age-related macular degeneration; RPE, retinal pigment
4) Direct cytolysis of invading microorganisms. epithelium.
c. Performs multiple functions in addition to those (From Mohlin et al.: The link between morphology and complement
“classically” ascribed to it. in ocular disease. Mol Immunol 89:84–99, 2017. Table 1. Elsevier.)
d. Complement achieves its effect through a cascade
of the separate components working in coordina-
tion and in specific sequences leading through 2) Cleavage of C3 produces the active fragments
activation of C3. (Fig. 1.3 is a schematic repre- C3a and C3b.
sentation of the three primary routes or pathways a) C3a is anaphylatoxin leading to chemotactic
of complement cascade activation through C3.) and proinflammatory responses.
1) The three pathways leading to activation of b) C5a also is an anaphylatoxin.
C3 are: c) C3b results in opsonization of foreign
a) Classical pathway. surfaces.
b) Lectin pathway. 3) Thus, C3 has a major role in complement acti-
c) Alternative pathway. vation and generation of immune responses.
4 CHAPTER 1 Basic Principles of Pathology
TABLE 1.4 Complement Molecules Found in the Human Diseased Eye, i.e., in Age-Related
Macular Degeneration (AMD), Glaucoma, Neuromyolitis Optica (NMO) and in Uveitis
Complement Molecules Complement Molecules
Expressed in the Eye Disease–Associated Expressed in the Eye Disease–Associated
Diseased Eye Remarks Diseased Eye Remarks
Complement System Age-Related Macular Complement System Activators
Activators Degeneration (AMD) Immunoglobulin Retina, optic nerve
Amyloid precursor proteins (APP) Drusen
C-reactive protein (CRP) Drusen, choroid Complement Proteins/Activation Products
Immunoglobulin Drusen C1q Retina, ganglion cells (GCL) and
Lipoprotein Drusen nerve fiber layer (NFL)
C3, C3b Retina, GCL and NFL
Complement Proteins/Activation Products C5b-9 (MAC) Retina, GCL
C1q Drusen
Mannose binding protein (MBL) Drusen Complement Regulators
C2a Factor H GCL
C3a, C3c, C3d, C3dg, C3b, iC3b, Bb Choroid, drusen, retinal pigmented Uveitis
epithelial (RPE) cell
C5b–9 (MAC) and sC5b−9a Drusen, RPE, choroid, macula Complement System Activators
Factor Ba Drusen, choroid Immunoglobulin Ocular proteins
Factor Da Drusen, retina
Complement Proteins/Activation Products
Complement Regulators C3c, C3d Aqueous humor
Factor Ia Drusen, inner retina C4a Aqueous humor
Factor Ha Drusen, retinal pigmented epithelial Factor B and Bb Aqueous humor
(RPE) cell, choroid, macula
Complement Anaphylatoxins
FHL-1 Drusen, choroid
C3a, C5a Aqueous humor
Complement receptor 1 (CR1, CD35) Drusen, RPE
Neuromyelitis optica (NMO)
CD46 (MCP) Drusen, choroidal vessels,
basolateral RPE Complement System Activators
Vitronectin Drusen, RPE Immunoglobulin Optic nerve
Clusterin Drusen
Complement Anaphylatoxins
C3a Aqueous humor, drusen
C5a Drusen
Complement-associated genes connected with AMD: (Adamus et al., 2017; Edwards et al., 2005; Hageman et al., 2005; Haines et al., 2005;
Heckner et al., 2010; Klein et al., 2005; Gold et al., 2006; Maller et al., 2007; Park et al., 2009) and uveitis: (Thompson et al., 2013; Yang et al.,
2011, 2013; Xu et al., 2015).
(From Mohlin et al., The link between morphology and complement in ocular disease. Mol Immunol 89:84–99, 2017. Table 2. Elsevier.)
e. C1 has been called the “defining component” of (PRRs) and/or internally produced danger-
the classical complement pathway. associated molecular patterns (DAMPs).
1) Functions as a molecular scaffold for binding g. Activation of complement pathways results in a
of other complement components. proinflammatory response that includes the gen-
2) Activates and cleaves complement components eration of membrane attack complexes (MACs),
to continue the complement cascade. which mediate cell lysis, the release of chemokines
3) Helps to trigger Wnt receptor signaling. to attract inflammatory cells to the site of damage,
4) Participates in the process of apoptosis. and the enhancement of capillary permeability.
5) Cleaves MHC class I molecule and other (See Fig. 1.3 for the steps leading to activation of
proteins. MAC.)
6) Can adapt to multiple molecular and cellular 1) Composed of five terminal complement pro-
processes besides the complement system. teins: C5b, C6, C7, C8, and C9. Multiple C9
f. Complement plays major roles in immune defense molecules may be involved.
against microorganisms and in clearing damaged 2) There are numerous levels regulating the
host components. activity of MAC and protecting heathy cells
1) It responds to recognition of pathogen- from attack. In fact, control of the system
associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) when is the responsibility of almost half of its
they bind to host pattern-recognition receptors components.
Inflammation 5
Fig. 1.3 Schematic of the complement cascade. The three primary routes for activation of complement are:
(1) the lectin pathway (LP), (2) the classical pathway (CP), and (3) the alternative pathway (AP). The LP and
CP are activated when specific triggers are recognized by host pattern-recognition receptors (PRRs). The AP
is constitutively active. Initial activation through the LP or CP generates a shared C3 convertase (C4b•C2a).
In the AP, C3b pairs with factor B (FB) to form the AP proconvertase (C3b•B), which is processed by factor
D (FD) to form the AP C3 convertase (C3b•Bb). Both types of C3 convertases cleave C3 to generate C3a
and C3b. C3a is an anaphylatoxin, a substance that promotes an inflammatory response. C3b that lands on
the surface of a healthy host cell is quickly inactivated; C3b that attaches to the surface of a pathogen or
altered host cell triggers a rapid amplification loop to generate more C3b, resulting in opsonization. C3b also
complexes with the C3 convertases to form the C5 convertases (C4b•C2a•C3b and C3b•Bb•C3b). In the
terminal complement cascade, C5 convertases cleave C5 into C5a (an anaphylatoxin) and C5b. C5b combines
with C6–9 to form the membrane attack complex (MAC), also referred to as the terminal complement
complex (TCC). Regulatory factors act at various stages of the cascade to control complement activation via
their decay accelerating activity and/or cofactor activity. Additional abbreviations: MASPs, mannose-binding
lectin-associated serine proteases; MBL, mannose-binding lectin; PAMPs, pathogen-associated molecular
patterns. (From Baines AC, Brodsky RA: Complementopathies. Blood Rev 31:213–223, 2017. Figure 1.
b. The three genetic loci belonging to HLA class I d. The HLA system is the main human leukocyte
are designated by the letters HLA-A, HLA-B, and isoantigen system and the major human histo-
HLA-C. Class II MHC molecules are encoded at compatibility system.
the locus HLA-D with three subregions HLA-DP, 1) HLA-B 27 is positive in a high percentage of
HLA-DQ, and HLA-DR. young women who have acute anterior uveitis
1) Class I MHC molecules display proteins and in young men who have ankylosing spon-
derived from foreign antigens, which are rec- dylitis or Reiter’s disease.
ognized by CD8+ T lymphocytes. 2) HLA-B 51 is strongly associated with Behçet’s
2) Class II MHC molecules present antigens that disease.
are contained in intracellular vesicles and 7. Nonspecific soluble mediators of the immune system
derived from foreign organisms and soluble include cytokines, such as interleukins, which
proteins. are mediators that act between leukocytes, inter-
c. A tentatively identified specificity carries the ferons (IFNs), colony-stimulating factors (CSFs),
additional letter “W” (workshop) and is inserted tumor necrosis factor (TNF), transforming
between the locus letter and the allele number— growth factor-β, and lymphokines (produced by
for example, HLA-BW 15. lymphocytes).
Inflammation 7
^ƚŽŵĂƚŝƚŝƐ ƵƌŬŚŽůĚĞƌŝĂ
ǀŝƌƵƐ ŬůĞďƐŝĞůůĂ
Fig. 1.4 Suggestions on the potential impact of complosome-derived and/or pathogen-shunted intracellular
complement on key cell processes during the host/pathogen interaction. Pathogens trigger an array of
responses when interacting with complement during cell infection processes – some of which are beneficial
for the microbe and some of which support host protection. For example, infection of human papillomavirus
(HPV) triggers globular C1q receptor signaling (gC1qR), which leads to mitochondrial dysfunction and apoptosis
(1). Opsonized bacteria trigger mitochondrial antiviral signaling, which increases the expression of AP-1- and
NF-κB-controlled genes and proinflammatory cytokine responses. C3-opsonized viruses, on the other hand,
are targeted for degradation via the proteosome (2). Opsonized Listeria is also targeted in an intracellular
complement-dependent fashion for degradation after cell entry through v-set immunoglobulin domain con-
taining 4 (VSIG4)-driven autophagosome formation (3). Supporting viral and bacterial propagation, gC1R
signaling on mitochondria was also shown to block retinoic acid-inducible gene I (RIG-I) activation in a process
that promoted the replication of vesicular stomatitis virus (4), while opsonized Klebsiella and other species
use vitronectin to gain entry in nonphagocytic cells (5). Although in most of these processes, complement
fragments were “dragged” into the cell by microbes, we propose that there will also be (subsequent) inter-
actions of invading intracellular pathogens with components of the complosome, for example C3 and C5
activation fragments (6). In line with the “scheme” observed for the role of serum-derived complement, we
further predict that in some cases the complosome will mediate clearance of the pathogen while in other
cases, it will be utilized by the pathogen to promote its survival. (From Arbore G et al.: Intracellular comple-
ment – the complosome – in immune regulation. Mol Immunol 89:2–9, 2017. Figure 2. Elsevier.)
a. The TNF ligand family encompasses a large group After the transient arteriolar constriction terminates,
of secreted and cell surface proteins (e.g., TNF and blood flow increases above the normal rate for a
lymphotoxin-α and -β) that may affect the regula- variable time (up to a few hours) but then diminishes
tion of inflammatory and immune responses. to below normal (or ceases) even though the vessels
b. The actions of the TNF ligand family are some- are still dilated. Part of the decrease in flow is caused
what of a mixed blessing in that they can protect by increased viscosity from fluid loss through the
against infection, but they can also induce shock capillary and venular wall. The release of heparin by
and inflammatory disease. mast cells during this period probably helps to prevent
C. Immediately after an injury, the arterioles briefly widespread coagulation in the hyperviscous intra-
vascular blood.
contract (for approximately five minutes) and then
gradually relax and dilate because of the chemical medi-
ators discussed previously and from antidromic axon D. During the early period after injury, the leukocytes (pre-
reflexes. dominantly the PMNs) stick to the vessel walls, at first
8 CHAPTER 1 Basic Principles of Pathology
momentarily, but then for a more prolonged time; this PMNs, macrophages, and eosinophils mainly, but
is an active process called margination (see Fig. 1.1C). also of megakaryocytes and dendritic cells.
1. Ameboid activity then moves the PMNs through 3. PMNs are the most numerous of the circulating leu-
the vessel wall (intercellular passage) and through kocytes, making up 50–70% of the total.
the endothelial cell junctions (usually taking 2–12 4. PMNs function at an alkaline pH and are drawn to
minutes); this is an active process called emigration. a particular area by chemotaxis (e.g., by neutrophilic
2. PMNs, small lymphocytes, macrophages, and imma- chemotactic factor produced by human endothelial
ture erythrocytes may also pass actively across endo- cells).
thelium through an intracellular passage in a process 5. The PMNs remove noxious material and bacteria by
called emperipolesis. phagocytosis and lysosomal digestion.
3. Mature erythrocytes escape into the surrounding
tissue, pushed out of the blood vessels through open-
PMNs produce highly reactive metabolites, includ-
ings between the endothelial cells in a passive process ing hydrogen peroxide, which is metabolized to
called diapedesis. hypochlorous acid and then to chlorine, chlora-
E. Chemotaxis, a positive unidirectional response to a chemi- mines, and hydroxyl radicals—all important in
cal gradient by inflammatory cells, may be initiated by killing microbes. Lysosomes are saclike cytoplas-
lysosomal enzymes released by the complement system, mic structures containing digestive enzymes and
thrombin, or the kinins. other polypeptides. Lysosomal dysfunction or lack
F. PMNs (neutrophils; Fig. 1.5) are the main inflammatory of function has been associated with numerous
cells in the acute phase of inflammation. heritable storage diseases: Pompe’s disease (gly-
cogen storage disease type 2) has been traced
to a lack of the enzymes α-1,4-glucosidase in liver
All blood cells originate from a small, common pool lysosomes (see Chapter 11); Gaucher’s disease
of multipotential hematopoietic stem cells. Regulation is caused by a deficiency of the lysosomal enzyme
of the hematopoiesis requires locally specialized bone β-glucosidase (see Chapter 11). Metachromatic
marrow stromal cells and a coordinated activity of a leukodystrophy is caused by a deficiency of the
group of regulatory molecules—growth factors con- lysosomal enzyme arylsulfatase-A (see Chapter
sisting of four distinct regulators known collectively 11). Most of the common acid mucopolysaccha-
as CSFs. ride, lipid, or polysaccharide storage diseases are
caused by a deficiency of a lysosomal enzyme
specific for the disease (see under appropriate
1. PMNs are born in the bone marrow and are consid- diseases in Chapters 8 and 11). Chédiak–Higashi
ered “the first line of cellular defense.” syndrome may be considered a general disorder
2. CSFs (glycoproteins that have a variable content of of organelle formation (see section on congenital
anomalies in Chapter 11) with abnormally large
carbohydrate and a molecular mass of 18–90 kDa)
and fragile leukocyte lysosomes.
control the production, maturation, and function of
6. PMNs are end cells; they die after a few days and H. The acute phase is an exudative phase (i.e., an outpour-
liberate proteolytic enzymes, which produce tissue ing of cells and fluid from the circulation) in which the
necrosis. nature of the exudate often determines and characterizes
G. Eosinophils and mast cells (basophils) may be involved an acute inflammatory reaction.
in the acute phase of inflammation. 1. Serous exudate is primarily composed of protein (e.g.,
1. Eosinophils (Fig. 1.6) originate in bone marrow, seen clinically in the aqueous “flare” in the anterior
constitute 1% or 2% of circulating leukocytes, increase chamber or under the neural retina in a rhegmatog-
in number in parasitic infestations and allergic reac- enous neural retinal detachment).
tions, and decrease in number after steroid admin- 2. Fibrinous exudate (Fig. 1.8) has high fibrin content
istration or stress. They elaborate toxic lysosomal (e.g., as seen clinically in a “plastic” aqueous).
components (e.g., eosinophil peroxidase) and generate 3. Purulent exudate (see Figs. 1.1 and 1.5) is composed
reactive oxygen metabolites. primarily of PMNs and necrotic products (e.g., as
2. Mast cells (basophils; Fig. 1.7) elaborate heparin, seen in a hypopyon).
serotonin, and histamine, and they are imperative
for the initiation of the acute inflammatory reaction.
The term “pus” as commonly used is synonymous
with a purulent exudate.
Fig. 1.7 A, Mast cell seen in center as round cell that contains slightly basophilic cytoplasm and round to
oval nucleus. B, Mast cells show metachromasia (purple) with toluidine blue (upper right and left and lower
right) and C, positive (blue) staining for acid mucopolysaccharides with Alcian blue. D, Electron microscopy
of granules in cytoplasm of mast cell often shows typical scroll appearance.
(formation of granulation tissue and healing) or with 3. CSFs (glycoproteins that have a variable content of
the exhaustion of local defenses, resulting in necrosis, carbohydrate and a molecular mass of 18–90 kDa)
recurrence, or chronicity. control the production, maturation, and function of
B. PMNs at the site of injury release lysosomal enzymes MN cells.
into the area. 4. These cells are the “second line of cellular defense,”
1. The enzymes directly increase capillary permeability arrive after the PMN, and depend on release of che-
and cause tissue destruction. motactic factors by the PMN for their arrival.
2. Indirectly, they increase inflammation by stimulating a. Once present, MN cells can live for weeks, and
mast cells to release histamine, by activating the kinin- in some cases even months.
generating system, and by inducing the chemotaxis b. MN cells cause much less tissue damage than do
of mononuclear (MN) phagocytes. PMNs, and they are more efficient phagocytes.
C. Mononuclear (MN) cells (Fig. 1.9) include lymphocytes 5. Monocytes have an enormous phagocytic capacity
and circulating monocytes. and are usually named for the phagocytosed material
1. Monocytes constitute 3%–7% of circulating leuko- (e.g., blood-filled macrophages [erythrophagocytosis]
cytes, are bone marrow-derived, and are the progenitor and lipid-laden macrophages; Fig. 1.10).
of a family of cells (monocyte–histiocyte–macrophage 6. Monocytes replace neutrophils as the predominate
family) that have the same fundamental character- cell 24–48 hours after the onset of inflammation.
istics, including cell surface receptors for complement D. Lysosomal enzymes, including collagenase, are released
and the Fc portion of immunoglobulin, intracellular by PMNs, MN cells, and other cells (e.g., epithelial cells
lysosomes, and specific enzymes; production of mono- and keratocytes in corneal ulcers) and result in consider-
kines; and phagocytic capacity. able tissue destruction.
2. Circulating monocytes may subsequently become
tissue residents and change into tissue histiocytes, In chronic inflammation, the major degradation of
collagen may be caused by collagenase produced
macrophages, epithelioid histiocytes, and inflamma-
by lymphokine-activated macrophages.
tory giant cells.
Inflammation 11
? ?
giant cell
Epithelioid cells
Fig. 1.9 A, Monocytes have lobulated, large, vesicular nuclei and moderate amounts of cytoplasm, and they
are larger than the segmented polymorphonuclear leukocytes and the lymphocytes, which have round nuclei
and scant cytoplasm. B, Possible origins of multinucleated inflammatory giant cells and of epithelioid cells.
12 CHAPTER 1 Basic Principles of Pathology
Fig. 1.10 A, Foamy and clear lipid-laden macrophages in subneural retinal space. B, Cytoplasm of macro-
phages stains positively for fat with oil red-O technique.
Fig. 1.11 Granulation tissue. A, Pyogenic granuloma, here in region of healing chalazion, is composed of
granulation tissue. B, Three components of granulation tissue are capillaries, fibroblasts, and leukocytes.
II [α1(II)]3
III [α1(III)]3
IV [α1(IV)]2α2(IV)
V [α1(V)]2α2(V)
VI [α1(VI)]2α2(VI)α3(VI)
VII [α1(VII)]3?
VIII [α1(VIII)]2α2(VIII)?
IX [α1(IX)]2α2(IX)α3(IX)
XII [α1(XII)]3
*At least 10 genetically distinct collagens have been described in the corneas of different animal species, ages, and pathologies. Types I, II, III,
and V collagens are present as fibrils in tissues. Types IV, VI, VII, and VIII form filamentous structures. Types IX and XII are fibril-associated
collagens. The sizes of the structures are not completely known. Type II collagen is found only in embryonic chick collagen associated with the
primary stroma. Type III collagen is found in Descemet’s membrane and in scar tissue. Types I and V form the heterotypic fibrils of lamellar
stroma. Type VII has been identified with the anchoring fibrils, and type VIII is present only in Descemet’s membrane. Type IX collagen,
associated with type II fibrils in the primary stroma, and type XII collagen, associated with type I/V fibrils, are part of a family of fibril-associated
collagens with interrupted triple helices. Both type IX and type XII are covalently associated with a chondroitin sulfate chain.
(Reproduced from Cintron C: The molecular structure of the corneal stroma in health and disease. In Podos SM, Yanoff M, eds: Textbook of
Ophthalmology, vol. 8. London, Mosby. © Elsevier 1994.)
Fig. 1.12 Lymphocyte. A, Low magnification shows cluster of many lymphocytes appearing as a deep blue
infiltrate. Cluster appears blue because cytoplasm is scant and mostly nuclei are seen. B, Electron micrograph
shows lymphocyte nucleus surrounded by small cytoplasmic ring containing several mitochondria, diffusely
arrayed ribonucleoprotein particles, and many surface protrusions or microvilli (rbc, red blood cell). C, Lym-
phocytes seen as small, dark nuclei with relatively little cytoplasm. Compare with polymorphonuclear leuko-
cytes (segmented nuclei) and with larger plasma cells (eccentric nucleus surrounded by halo and basophilic
a. Plasmacytoid cell (Fig. 1.16A and B): This has a
single eccentric nucleus and slightly eosinophilic
VH granular cytoplasm (instead of the normal baso-
philic cytoplasm of the plasma cell).
Antigen- CH1 C b. Russell body (Fig. 1.16C and D): This is an inclu-
binding CH2 CH3
sion in a plasma cell whose cytoplasm is filled
and enlarged with eosinophilic grapelike clusters
C Heavy chain
(morular form), with single eosinophilic globular
structures, or with eosinophilic crystalline struc-
tures; usually the nucleus appears as an eccentric
Light chain
rim or has disappeared.
Fig. 1.13 The basic immunoglobulin structure. The unit consists of two
identical light polypeptide chains linked together by disulfide bonds (gray). The eosinophilic material in plasmacytoid cells
The amino-terminal end (N) of each chain is characterized by sequence and in Russell bodies appears to be immuno-
variability (VL, VH), whereas the remainder of the molecule has a relatively globulin that has become inspissated, as if
constant structure (CL, CH1–CH3). The antigen-binding sites are located the plasmacytoid cells can no longer release
at the N-terminal end. (Adapted with permission from Roitt IM, Brostoff the material because of defective transport
J, Male DK: Immunology, 2nd edn. London, Gower Medical. © Elsevier by the cells (“constipated” plasmacytoid cells).
Inflammation 15
C. Chronic granulomatous inflammation is a proliferative b. They are often found oriented around necrosis as
inflammation characterized by a cellular infiltrate of large polygonal cells that contain pale nuclei and
lymphocytes and plasma cells (and sometimes PMNs abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm whose borders
or eosinophils). blend imperceptibly with those of their neighbors
1. Epithelioid cells (Fig. 1.17) are bone marrow–derived in a pseudosyncytium (“palisading” histiocytes in
cells in the monocyte–histiocyte–macrophage family a granuloma).
(Fig. 1.18). c. All cells of this family interact with T lymphocytes,
a. In particular, epithelioid cells are tissue monocytes are capable of phagocytosis, and are identified by
that have abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm, some- the presence of surface receptors for complement
what resembling epithelial cells. and the Fc portion of immunoglobulin.
2. Inflammatory giant cells, probably formed by fusion
of macrophages rather than by amitotic division,
Tfh predominate in three forms:
a. Langhans’ giant cell (Fig. 1.19; see Fig. 1.17): This
Plasticity Bcl6 is typically found in tuberculosis, but it is also seen
in many other granulomatous processes. When
Th1 Th2 sectioned through its center, it shows a perfectly
Bcl6 FoxP3 Bcl6
homogeneous, eosinophilic, central cytoplasm
T-bet T-bet Gata3 Gata3 with a peripheral rim of nuclei.
T-bet Gata3 If the central portion is not homogeneous,
RORyt FoxP3
foreign material such as fungi may be present:
RORyt T-bet the cell is then not a Langhans’ giant cell but
FoxP3 FoxP3
a foreign-body giant cell. When a Langhans’
giant cell is sectioned through its periphery,
RORyt FoxP3
it simulates a foreign-body giant cell.
Th17 Tregs
Fig. 1.15 Plasma cell. A, Plasma cells are identified by eccentrically located nucleus containing clumped
chromatin and perinuclear halo in basophilic cytoplasm that attenuates opposite to nucleus. Plasma cells are
larger than small lymphocytes, which contain deep blue nuclei and scant cytoplasm. B, Electron microscopy
shows exceedingly prominent granular endoplasmic reticulum that accounts for cytoplasmic basophilia and
surrounds nucleus. Mitochondria are also present in cytoplasm.
16 CHAPTER 1 Basic Principles of Pathology
Fig. 1.16 Altered plasma cells. A, Electron micrograph shows that left plasmacytoid cell contains many small
pockets of inspissated material (γ-globulin) in segments of rough endoplasmic reticulum; right cell contains
large globules (γ-globulin), which would appear eosinophilic in light microscopy. B, Plasmacytoid cell in center
has eosinophilic (instead of basophilic) cytoplasm that contains tiny pink globules (γ-globulin). C, Russell body
appears as large anuclear sphere or D, multiple anuclear spheres.
Activated ?
macrophage Langerhans’
Monocyte/ Giant cell Foreign
macrophage body
? ?
Epithelioid Touton
Fig. 1.17 Epithelioid cells in conjunctival, sarcoidal granuloma, here
Fig. 1.18 Proposed scheme for the terminal differentiation of cells of
forming three nodules, which are identified by eosinophilic color resem-
the monocyte/macrophage system. The pathologic changes result from
bling epithelium. Giant cells, simulating Langhans’ giant cells, are seen
the inability of the macrophage to deal effectively with the pathogen.
in nodules.
Lymphokines from active T cells induce monocytes and macrophages
to become activated macrophages. Where prolonged antigenic stimula-
tion exists, activated macrophages may differentiate into epithelioid
cells and then into giant cells in vivo, in granulomatous tissue. The
multinucleated giant cell may be derived from the fusion of several
epithelioid cells. (Adapted with permission from Roitt IM, Brostoff J,
Male DK: Immunology, 2nd edn. London, Gower Medical. © Elsevier
Inflammation 17
and other fungal infections, lepromatous leprosy, are distributed randomly against a background
juvenile xanthogranuloma, Vogt–Koyanagi–Harada of lymphocytes and plasma cells.
syndrome, cytomegalic inclusion disease, and toxo- b. Discrete type (sarcoidal or tuberculocidal; see Fig.
plasmosis. The epithelioid cells (sometimes with 1.22B): This typically occurs in sarcoidosis, tuber-
macrophages or inflammatory giant cells or both) culoid leprosy, and miliary tuberculosis. An accu-
mulation of epithelioid cells (sometimes with
inflammatory giant cells) forms nodules (tuber-
cles) surrounded by a narrow rim of lymphocytes
(and perhaps plasma cells).
c. Zonal type (see Fig. 1.22C): This occurs in caseation
tuberculosis, some fungal infections, rheumatoid
scleritis, chalazion, phacoanaphylactic (phacoanti-
genic) endophthalmitis, toxocara endophthalmitis,
and cysticercosis.
1) A central nidus (e.g., necrosis, lens, and foreign
body) is surrounded by palisaded epithelioid
cells (sometimes with PMNs, inflammatory
giant cells, and macrophages) that in turn are
surrounded by lymphocytes and plasma cells.
Fig. 1.19 Langhans’ giant cells have homogeneous central cytoplasm 2) Granulation tissue often envelops the entire
surrounded by rim of nuclei. inflammatory reaction.
Fig. 1.20 A, Foreign-body giant cell (FBGC) simulating Langhans’ giant cells, except that homogeneous
cytoplasm is interrupted by large, circular foreign material. B, Anterior-chamber FBGCs, here surrounding
clear clefts where cholesterol had been, have nuclei randomly distributed in cytoplasm.
Fig. 1.21 A, Touton giant cells in juvenile xanthogranuloma closely resemble Langhans’ giant cells except
for the addition of peripheral rim of foamy (fat-positive) cytoplasm in the former. B, Increased magnification
showing fat positivity of peripheral cytoplasm with oil red-O technique. (Case presented by Dr. M Yanoff to
the Eastern Ophthalmic Pathology Society, 1993, and reported in Arch Ophthalmol 113:915, 1995.)
18 CHAPTER 1 Basic Principles of Pathology
A ND Cooksey took me to tea, that same day, with his little old friend Mr.
Fitch. I was greatly charmed by Mr. Fitch, who was small and frail and
wore a dust-coloured beard; and his first suspicion of me (he was afraid
of the young) was allayed when he found that I knew and adored a particular
Roman church or two, remote and neglected, which he didn’t suppose that a
casual intruder like myself would have discovered. I remember how
Cooksey threw an arm of patronage around me and explained that he had
been my guide to the holy places of the city; but Mr. Fitch caught my eye
with a twinkle of intelligence, quickly withdrawn, which set up a happy
understanding between us on the spot. He did the honours of his apartment
with pleasant chirps and fidgets, hospitably bustling about the tea-tray,
beaming and fussing and apologizing, with bird-like cries to the stout maid-
servant who was energetically seconding his welcome.
Mr. Fitch was a scholar, a student, who worked daily in the library of the
Vatican. I believe he was a hundred years old, and indeed he looked it; but
he didn’t appear to have grown old, only to have suffered a slow deposit of
time to accumulate upon his person. Time was deep upon his hair and face
and clothes; but a few score years more or less could have made no
difference to the cheerful little bird-spirit in his breast, and it was because he
was shy and defenceless, not because he was old, that he feared the
onslaught of the young. A young person, however, who was found to have
made his way unaided to the church of San Cesareo, far away among the
vineyards on the verge of the city, was one towards whom Mr. Fitch could
hop and twitter in kindly confidence, and he did so. Before we parted he
invited me to lunch with him a day or two later, and I fully understood that
this was for him a remarkable demonstration. “Gina!” he called, and Gina,
the voluble maid-servant, came from the kitchen with a run, to receive his
command concerning the festival. She was delighted, she swept me into the
happy plan, she seemed to be immediately arranging a treat for two merry
little children, for me and Mr. Fitch. We were like children between her
broad palms, all but hugged to her bosom; and with dancing eyes she told us
to leave it all to her—she would do something splendid. “Gina will see to it,”
said Mr. Fitch; and he asked her whether he shouldn’t invite some other
young thing to join the party—what about the giovanotto who had called the
other day? “Quel poverino?” said Gina—yes, the very thing. So we should
be a party of three; and Gina clapped her hands and ran back to the kitchen,
as though to set about her preparations there and then.
Mr. Fitch lived in the Via Giulia, deep in the depth of Rome, not far from
the great mass of the Farnese palace. He had the craziest little apartment, a
tangle of rooms with bare tiled floors, in which his funny frumpy English
furniture, which might have come straight (and no doubt it had) from his
mother’s parlour at Cheltenham, looked strangely shocked and ill at ease.
Forty years of the Via Giulia (it can hardly have been less) had not
reconciled the mahogany overmantel and the plush-topped tea-table to the
ramshackle ways of foreign life; mutely they protested, keeping themselves
to themselves, wrapped in their respectability. Mr. Fitch, I think, had never
so much as noticed their plight; he sat on a chair, he made tea on a table, and
one chair or table was as good as another for the purpose. He himself looked
homely and frumpy enough, to be sure, lodged there under the wing, so to
speak, of Julius the Pope; but he didn’t feel at a loss, and he tripped along
the proud-memoried street of his abode, with his decent English beard and
his little mud-gaiters on his boots, as brisk as a sparrow. He accompanied us
down the street and left us to go and invite the “poverino” to meet me at
lunch; I see him waving us good-bye at some grand dark street-corner, where
he turned and pattered off on his errand. Cooksey treated him with large
protective kindness and contempt, out of which the old man seemed to slip
with a duck of his head and a gleam of fright and amusement in his two
bright eyes.
The luncheon-party, a day or two later, was a great success. I climbed to
the apartment on the stroke of the hour, but the other young man was already
there before me, and Mr. Fitch ceremoniously performed an introduction.
The name of the youth was Maundy, and he proved to be one of those
aspiring priests, novices, seminarists—I don’t know what their rightful name
may be, but you know them well, you remember how they converge in long
lines upon the Pincian Hill towards evening, how they pick up their skirts
and romp with the gaiety of the laity upon the greensward of the Villa
Borghese. Maundy was his name, and he didn’t look, for his part, as though
he had had much romping; he was pale and meagre, he reclined in a
contorted cat’s-cradle of thin arms and legs on one of Mr. Fitch’s fringed and
brass-nailed arm-chairs. If Gina’s word for him meant a poor young
specimen of chilly lankness she was right; his limp black soutane (is it a
soutane?) couldn’t disguise his sharp-set knees or the lean little sticks of his
arms. He jumped up, however, quite alert and spritely for our introduction,
and he greeted me with a friendly high-piping composure that made it
unnecessary to pity him. I had begun to pity him, as I always do feel
compassionate, so gratuitously, at the sight of his kind—at the sight of the
young novices, caught and caged and black-skirted in their innocence,
renouncing the world before they have had the chance to taste it; but
Maundy turned the tables upon me in a moment, and he revealed himself as
a perfectly assured young son of the world, with whom I had no call to be
sympathetically considerate. He shook hands with me, using a gesture which
at that time, so long ago, was reputed a mark of distinction—I forget how it
went exactly, but I think the pair of clasped hands was held high and waved
negligently from side to side. Maundy achieved it with an air, not failing to
observe that I had stepped forward to meet him with the ordinary pump-
handle of the vulgar.
And so we sat down to Gina’s admirable meal, and Mr. Fitch was in a
flutter of pleasure and excitement, and Maundy talked and talked—he led
the conversation, he led it almost beyond our reach, he led it so masterfully
that it hardly escaped him at all. Mr. Fitch lost his hold on it at once; he sat
with his head on one side, making small clucking noises of assent and
question now and then, while Maundy piped and swept away from us in his
monologue. But no, I oughtn’t to say that he left us both behind, for he kept
turning and waiting for me to catch him up, he flatteringly showed me that
he wished for my company. “Such a blessing,” he said, “to get away from
piety”—and he intimated with a smile that it was I who represented the
impious. He desired my company, not my talk; and he might have been
breaking out with the relief of unwonted freedom, soaring forth into topics
that were discouraged in the congregation of the poor caged lambs; and I
dare say he enjoyed the spread of his wings among the tinted and perfumed
vapours of his fancy. It was all beyond Mr. Fitch, who clearly couldn’t
explain him with my ready mixture of metaphor; Mr. Fitch was bewildered.
But to me the fancies of Maundy were sufficiently familiar; I knew the like
of them from of old, and I fear we both took a certain pleasure in noting the
bedazzlement of our host. The good soul, he sat and plied us with food and
wine, while Maundy rattled away in his emancipation and I assumed the
most impious look (I had small opportunity for more than looks) that I could
Maundy threw off a light word or two about his place of residence and
instruction in Rome—the seminary, the college, I forget how he referred to
it. He seemed disdainful of all its other inmates; he couldn’t regard them as
companions for a person of intelligence and fine feeling. How he came to
have placed himself among them, submitting to their rule, he didn’t explain
at the time, but I afterwards made out a little of his history. He had written a
great deal of poetry at Oxford, and he had kept an old silver oil-lamp
burning night and day before a Greek statuette, and he had had his favourite
books bound in apricot linen, and he had collected thirty-five different kinds
of scented soap—and I know it sounds odd, but he appeared to consider
these achievements as natural stages on the path to Rome. He didn’t go quite
so far as to say that he repented of having made the journey and embraced
the Roman discipline; but after a year in the college or the seminary his
mind, I think, was in a state of more painful confusion than he allowed me to
see. Somehow the argument at one end, the Oxford end, where he had
draped his dressing-table with an embroidered rochet (he told me so),
seemed to have so little in common with the argument at the other, the
Roman end, where he walked out with his young associates for exercise in
the Villa Borghese and not one of them had heard of the poetry of Lionel
Johnson; and somehow he had perceived the discrepancy without
discovering where the chain of his reasoning had failed, and in the privacy of
his discontent he was still floundering backwards and forwards, trying to
persuade himself of the soundness of all the links—and perhaps seeking with
a part of his mind (a growing part) to be convinced that he had reasoned
wrong. Something of this kind, I believe, was fretting his life in Rome, and
how it may have ended I never knew; he didn’t confide his troubles to me—
he simply hailed me as one who would possibly understand what it meant to
him to have once, in an eating-house of Soho, been introduced to Aubrey
“The passion of his line,” he said, referring to that artist; and again, “The
passion of his line!”—and he described the scene in Soho, mentioning that
the impression had wrought upon him so potently that afterwards he had sat
up all night, with some golden Tokay beside him in a blue Venetian glass
(not drinking it, only refreshed by the sight of it), and had written a poem, a
sonnet of strange perfumes and fantastic gems, which he had dedicated in
Latin to the hero of the evening. And then he had gone out into the dawn,
and had wandered through Leicester Square to Covent Garden, and had
bought a bunch of mauve carnations; and he had thought of sending them,
with the sonnet, to the master who had inspired him—but then he had
returned to his lodging and had burnt the sonnet, heaping the carnations for a
pyre, having resolved to guard the experience, whole and rounded and
complete, in the secrecy of a faithful memory. He pointed out that to share
these things is to lose them; as soon as you turn them into words for
another’s eye they cease to be perfectly yours, they are dissipated into the
common air; which was why a friend of his, at Oxford, had insisted that one
should write no words, paint or carve no colour or line, but only make one’s
images and pictures and poems out of the rainbow-tinted substance of
memory, that exquisite material always awaiting and inviting the hand of an
artist. So one avoids, you see, the sick disillusion of the writer who flings
forth his maiden fancy to the ribaldry of the crowd; and Maundy himself had
tried to rise to this height of disinterested passion, and in the dying perfume
of the mauve carnations he had sacrificed what he saw to be a vulgar
ambition. Oh yes, depend upon it, the greatest works of art have never been
seen of any but their maker; and to Maundy it was a beautiful thought, the
thought of the white secret statues locked away by the thousand in their
secluded shrines, safe from the world, visited now and again by the one and
only adorer who possessed the key. “But stay,” said Mr. Fitch, “have you
considered—” oh yes, Maundy had felt the weight of that objection, and
Dickson after all (Dickson was the friend at Oxford) had written and printed
his volume, but that was because he had found no other way to rid himself of
an obsession; the white statue in his case had become more real than life,
and he had cast it forth to retain—to retain, you might say, his sanity.
Well, we must publish or go mad; that is the melancholy conclusion. Mr.
Fitch stared doubtfully, and I shook my head like one whose hold upon his
senses is precarious indeed. Maundy was quick to interpret my movement,
and it encouraged him to yet giddier flights. He was hovering upon the
climax of one of these when Gina happened to come clattering in with a
dish; and she paused, sinking back upon her heels, the dish held high before
her, and she threw up her head and she flashed out such an amusing
challenging bantering look at Maundy, where he flourished his thin fingers
in the zest of his eloquence, that I have never forgotten the picture of her
mirth and her plumpness as it was framed at that moment in the doorway.
“Ah, the poor little fellow,” she said to herself, “he loves to talk!” And she
too began to talk, breaking into his monologue with unabashed and ringing
frankness; she set down her dish on the table with a dancing gesture,
whipping her hands away from it like an actress in a play, and she stood by
his side, patting him on the shoulder, approving him, scolding him, bidding
him eat, eat!—and Maundy turned round to her with a peal of sudden light
laughter, a burst of naturalness that changed his whole appearance; so that
Gina had transformed the temper of the party and had raised it at once to a
breezier level of gaiety than it would ever have touched without her. It was
delightful; I couldn’t understand a word she said, for her words flew shining
and streeling over our heads as quick as thought, and I dare say Maundy
answered their spirit rather than their meaning; but he responded well, he
had some good neat conversational turns of idiom that he shot back at her
with a knowing accent, and she chuckled, she threatened him, she bustled
out of the room with a smile for me and Mr. Fitch and a last fling of
playfulness over her shoulder for Maundy. Mr. Fitch had said that Gina
would “see to it,” and he was quite right; we started afresh in a much better
vein, all three of us, after her incursion.
Mr. Fitch produced a bottle of “vino santo” at the end of the meal and
charged our glasses. The sacred liquor was exceedingly good, and he took
heart from it to talk more freely. Gina had relaxed the strain of Maundy’s
preciosity, and he had begun to cross-question our host about his occupation,
his early life, his establishment in Rome, with an inquisitive and youthful
familiarity under which the old man shyly and prettily expanded. He told us
how in the dim ages he had received a commission to do a little historical
research among the manuscripts of the Vatican, and how he had taken his
seat in the library, with a pile of volumes around him, and had never left it
again from that moment to this. His first commission was long ago fulfilled,
but it had revealed a point of singular interest, some debatable matter in
connexion with a certain correspondence about a question raised in a
contemporary version of an unofficial report of a papal election in the
seventeenth century—yes, a matter which had chanced to be overlooked by
previous investigators; and Mr. Fitch, sitting fast in his chair at the library,
day after day, year after year, had been enabled to throw a little light upon
the obscurity, and had even published a small pamphlet—“not, I must admit,
for the very cogent reason that prompted your friend at Oxford, but from a
motive that I justify as a desire for historical accuracy, and that I condemn as
vanity”; and Mr. Fitch, so saying, beamed upon us with a diminutive
roguishness, more sparrow-like than ever, which he immediately covered by
plying us anew with the sacred bottle.
And then he told us of the long evenings he had spent, year after year, in
wandering among the ancient byways of the city—every day, when he was
turned out of the library at the closing hour, he had set forth to explore the
grand shabby old city that had now perished, he said, bequeathing little but
its memory to the smart new capital of to-day. Rome had changed around
him, he only had remained the same; but he could truthfully claim that he
knew nothing, save by report, of Rome’s rejuvenation—say rather of its
horrible pretentious bedizenment in the latest fashion; for he had long
abandoned his old pious pilgrimages, he now went no farther than his
lodging here and the library over there, and he was proud to declare that he
had never set eyes on a quarter of the monstrosities of which he heard tell.
There was a break of indignation in his voice as he spoke of them; he had
loved that Rome of the far-away golden evenings, it was all he ever had
loved except his work, and he had been robbed of it, bit by bit, till nothing
was left him but his well-worn seat among the state-papers and the pontifical
dust that nobody had taken the trouble to clear away. I don’t mean that he
said all this, but it was all in his gentle regretful tone; he seemed to stand
solitary and disregarded among the riot of modernity, and to utter a little tiny
dismal reproach, barely audible in the din—the plaintive “how can you, how
can you?” of a small bird whose nest has been trampled down by a pack of
stupid louts on a holiday. It was hard on him; the louts might just as well
have stamped and scuffled somewhere else; but so it was, they had violated
his wonderful Rome, and nobody noticed the sad small squeak of protest that
arose here and there from a scholar, a student, a lover.
What did Maundy think of it all? Mr. Fitch brightened in hospitable care
for our amusement; he didn’t often have two young things to lunch with him,
and he mustn’t blight the occasion with his griefs; and so he recovered his
spirit and tried to set Maundy off again in one of his droll tirades. What did
Maundy think of it? Oddly enough the question of Rome, in the light in
which it appeared to Mr. Fitch, hadn’t seemingly occurred to him; Maundy’s
Rome had been predominantly a matter of Spanish altar-lace and rose-tinted
chasubles, and a year by the Tiber had brought him to think that Oxford is
now more purely, more daintily Roman than the city of the Popes; and that
was really his only conclusion on the subject, and I don’t believe he had
given a thought to the Roman romance, vanished or vanishing, that had
inspired the tenderness of Mr. Fitch. Maundy knew nothing of San Cesareo,
nothing of the enchanted evenings among the ruins and the cypresses that
were still to be recaptured, I could give Mr. Fitch my word for it, even in the
desolation of to-day. “Ah yes, no doubt of it,” said Mr. Fitch, “if one
happens to be twenty years old to-day!”—but this he threw out in passing,
and he returned to the strange case of Maundy, which perplexed and troubled
him. It seemed that Maundy, whenever he went wandering through Rome,
had only one interest in view; I forget what it was, but it had something to do
with a point of ritual that Maundy excessively cherished; and he used to go
hunting round the city to discover the churches in which it was properly
observed, keeping a black-list of those which failed to make good. It was the
only aspect in which San Cesareo could engage him, and Mr. Fitch and I had
both neglected it.
With Rome ancient or modern Maundy was otherwise little concerned.
He listened blankly to Mr. Fitch’s melancholy regrets; for him they were the
mild ravings that you naturally expect from the very old. He was ignorant of
the past, so ignorant that it couldn’t raise the least stir in his imagination; he
had lived upon flimsiness, upon a little sentiment and a little second-hand
art, and he hadn’t the stomach, I suppose, for Rome. It was curious to see
how his insensibility puzzled Mr. Fitch. Maundy’s glibness about unknown
artists, about poems that hadn’t been written and statues that drove you mad,
had certainly surprised and impressed him; but the gulf of vacuity that
yawned beneath Maundy’s culture was a shock. Of course it only showed
what a featherweight of a tatter it was, that culture; if you are thus artistic in
the void, with the empty inane below you, it proves that your art hasn’t
substance enough to make it drop. But Mr. Fitch was too humble and kindly
for that harsh judgment, and he seemed to be beating about in his courtesy to
find an explanation more honourable to Maundy. Surely the young man was
very able, very original and brilliant; if he spurned the treasures of the past
he must have some clever new reason for doing so. I think I could have told
Mr. Fitch that Maundy’s reason was no newer than simple ignorance; and
perhaps I began to parade my own slender stock of learning to mark the
contrast. But Mr. Fitch was unconvinced, and I still see him eyeing young
Maundy with a sort of hesitating admiration, hovering on the edge of a
question that he couldn’t formulate. As for Maundy, he was thoroughly at
ease; Mr. Fitch had confessed that the name of Aubrey Beardsley was
unknown to him.
Anyhow the party had been most successful, and Mr. Fitch might go
trotting back to his afternoon’s work with the pleased sense that two very
young people had made friends under his and Gina’s auspices. He liked to
observe that Maundy and I were making a plan to meet next day, and he
blessed our alliance, taking credit for the good thought of acquainting
Maundy’s brilliance with my—my what?—my honest and old-fashioned
enthusiasm. Gina too was satisfied; she stood at her kitchen-door as we went
out, and she cordially invited us to come again. She pointed out that Maundy
set me an example with his soutane and his aspiration to the priesthood, and
she assured me that I couldn’t do better than to place myself under his
guidance; but at the same time she allowed that it wasn’t for all of us to aim
so loftily, and perhaps I was wise to be content with a lower standard. She
cheerily dismissed us; she had developed these reflections in twenty seconds
of farewell. We descended to the street, the three of us, and Mr. Fitch waved
his hat as he sped off to his happy labours, and Maundy and I turned away in
the direction of his seminary, where it was now time for him to rejoin his
black-skirted brethren. I was rather proud to be seen walking beside his
sweeping robe and clerical hat; it seemed so intimately Roman. But I found
to my surprise that Maundy was quite uneasy and apologetic about it; he
hated his uniform, he well understood that a man should feel shy of its
company. “If I were you,” he said, twitching his skirt disdainfully, “I should
hate to appear in public along with this.” He was an odd jumble of cross-
purposes, poor Maundy, and here was another glimpse of his natural mind.
He was more of a self-conscious school-boy than ever he was of a musk-
scented sonnetteer; but in either character I am afraid, or I hope, that he
didn’t fit comfortably into his Roman retreat. I can’t think that the cage was
to hold him much longer.