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Pagan Ethics Paganism as a World

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spectators and the lantern. The images are made to appear
approaching and receding, by removing the lantern further from the
screen, or bringing it nearer to it. This is a great advantage over the
arrangements of the magic lantern, and by it the most astonishing
effects are often produced.

Dissolving Views.
The dissolving views, by which one landscape or scene appears to
pass into the other while the scene is changing, are produced by
using two magic lanterns, placed side by side, and that can be
inclined towards each other when necessary, so as to mix the rays of
light, proceeding from the lenses of each, together, which produces
that confusion of images, in which one view melts, as it were, into
the other, which gradually becomes clear and distinct.

How to Raise a Ghost.

The magic lantern or phantasmagoria may be used in a number of
marvelous ways, but in none more striking than in raising an
apparent specter. Let an open box, about three feet long, a foot and
a half broad, and two feet high, be prepared. At one end of this place
a small swing dressing-glass, and at the other let a magic lantern be
fixed, with the lenses in a direction towards the glass. A glass should
now be made to slide up and down in the groove to which a cord and
pulley should be attached, the end of the cord coming to the lower
part of the left hand side. On this glass the most hideous specter that
can be imagined may be painted, but in a squat or contracted
position, and when all is done, the lid of the box must be prepared by
raising a kind of gable at the end of the box, and in its lower part an
oval hole should be cut sufficiently large to suffer the rays reflected
from the glass to pass through them. On the top or the box place a
chafing-dish, upon which put some burning charcoal. Now light the
lamp in the lantern, sprinkle some powdered camphor or white
incense on the charcoal, adjust the slide on which the specter is
painted, and the image will be thrown upon the smoke. In performing
the feat the room must be darkened, and the box should be placed
on a high table, that the hole through which the light comes may not
be noticed.

To Imitate a Mirage.
Provide a glass tumbler two-thirds full of water, and pour spirits of
wine upon it; or pour into a tumbler some syrup, and fill it up with
water; when mixed, the object seen through it will be inverted.

Two-fold Reflections.
Provide a circular piece of glass, and with a common awl, moistened
with spirits of turpentine, pierce the center of the glass; hold it
encircled with the fingers and thumb in the sunshine, or the strong
light of a lamp, when these striking effects will be produced: If the
glass be red, the hole pierced in the middle will be reflected green; if
the glass be green, the spot will be red; if blue, orange; and if yellow,

The Thaumatrope.
Cut out a piece of card-board of circular form, and affix to it six
pieces of string, three on each side. Paint on one side of the card a
bird, and on the other a cage, taking care to paint the bird upside
down, or the desired effect will not be produced. When showing the
toy, take hold of the center strings, between the forefinger and
thumb, and twirl the card rapidly around, and the bird will appear
snugly ensconced in its cage. The principle on which this effect is
produced is, that the image of any object received on the retina or
optic nerve is retained on the mind about eight seconds after the
object causing the impression is withdrawn, being the memory of the
object; consequently, the impression of the painting on one side of
the card is not obliterated ere the painting on the other side is
brought before the eye. It is easy to understand from this fact how
both are seen at once. Many objects will suit the thaumatrope, such
as a juggler throwing up two balls on one side, and two balls on the
other; and according to the pairs of strings employed, he will appear
to throw up two, three, or four balls; the body and legs of a man on
one side, and the arms and head on another; a horse and his rider; a
mouse and trap. But we leave it to the ingenuity of our readers to
devise for themselves.
The branch of the physical sciences which relates to the air and its
various phenomena is called Pneumatics. By it we learn many
curious particulars. By it we find that the air has weight and pressure,
color, density, elasticity, compressibility, and some other properties
with which we shall endeavor to make the young reader acquainted,
by many pleasing experiments, earnestly impressing upon him to
lose no opportunity of making physical science his study.
To show that the air has weight and pressure, the common leather
sucker by which boys raise stones will show the pressure of the
atmosphere. It consists of a piece of soft but firm leather, having a
piece of string drawn through its center. The leather is made quite
wet and pliable, and then its under part is placed upon the stone and
stamped down by the foot. This pressing of the leather excludes the
air from between the leather and the stone, and by pulling the string
a vacuum is left underneath its center; consequently the weight of
the air about the edges of the leather not being counterbalanced by
any air between it and the stone, enables the boy to lift it.

The Magic Tumbler.

The air which for about forty miles surrounds our earth has a definite
weight; and although we can neither see nor feel it, we are
conscious of its presence by the momentary operation of breathing.
The weight of a column of air one inch square, and forty miles high,
is about fifteen pounds.
The reason why we are not crushed down by this enormous weight
is because we are surrounded on all sides by it, and as the pressure
of weight is equal all around, it becomes, as far as we are personally
concerned, insensible.
That the air does exert a definite pressure, in consequence of its
weight, may be easily proved by any one with the above simple
apparatus—only a tumbler and a sheet of paper. Fill a tumbler quite
full of water, and carefully draw over its top a sheet of clean letter
paper, and be careful to see that there are no bubbles of air in the
water; place your hand over the paper while inverting it, and when
the glass is mouth downward the water will be kept in, until the paper
becomes wet through. The air pressing against the mouth of the
tumbler is of greater weight than the contained water, and so, until
some air can get in to supply the place of the water, it cannot fall out.

The Weight of the Air Proved by a Pair of

Shut the nozzle and valve-hole of a pair of bellows, and after having
squeezed the air out of them, if they are perfectly air-tight, we shall
find that a very great force, even some hundreds of pounds, is
necessary for separating the boards. They are kept together by the
weight of the heavy air which surrounds them, in the same manner
as if they were surrounded by water.

The Revolving Serpent.

This illustration represents an amusing and instructive experiment,
which proves the ascension of heated air by rendering its effects
visible, and it may also be used to test the direction of the currents in
our rooms and dwellings. To construct one, a piece of card-board is
taken and cut in the form of a spiral, and to give effect it may be
painted to represent a serpent. Then prepare a stand, having a
needle in its upper end, and suspend the serpent from its center on
the needle. If this be now placed over a stove, or the tail of the
serpent suspended by a bit of thread over a lamp, the heated air
ascending through it will cause it to revolve in a very amusing
manner. Two serpents may be made to turn in opposite directions,
by pulling out one from the one side, and the other in the reverse
direction, so that their heads may point toward each other when

To Put a Lighted Candle Under Water.

Procure a good-sized cork, or bung; upon this place a small, lighted
taper; then set it afloat in a pail of water. Now, with a steady hand,
invert a large drinking glass over the light, and push it carefully down
into the water. The glass being full of air, prevents the water from
entering it. You may thus see the candle burn under water, and bring
it up again to the surface, still alight. This experiment, simple as it is,
serves to elucidate that useful contrivance called the diving-bell,
being performed on the same principle.
The largest drinking-glass holds but half a pint, so that your diving
light soon goes out for the want of air. As an average, a burning
candle consumes as much air as a man, and he requires nearly a
gallon of air every minute, so that, according to the size of the glass
over the flame, you can calculate how many seconds it will remain
alight; of course, a large flame requires more air than a small one.
For this, and several other experiments, a quart bell-glass is very
useful, but being expensive it is not found in every parlor laboratory:
one is, however, easily made from a green glass pickle-bottle; get a
glazier to cut off the bottom, and you have a bell-glass that Chilton
would not reject.

To Place Water in a Drinking-Glass Upside Down.

Procure a plate, a tumbler, and a small piece of tissue or silver
paper. Set the plate on a table, and pour water in it up to the first rim.
Now slightly crumple up the paper, and place it in the glass; then set
it on fire. When it is burnt out, or rather just as the last flame
disappears, turn the glass quickly upside down into the water.
Astonishing! the water rushes with great violence into the glass! Now
you are satisfied that water can be placed in a drinking-glass upside
down. Hold the glass firm, and the plate also. You can now reverse
the position of the plate and glass, and thus convince the most
skeptical of the truth of your pneumatic experiment. Instead of
burning paper, a little brandy or spirits of wine can be ignited in the
glass; the result of its combustion being invisible, the experiment is
There is no subject so important as mechanics, as its principles are
founded upon the properties of matter and the laws of motion; and,
knowing something of these, the tyro will lay the foundation of all
substantial knowledge.
The properties of matter are the following: Solidity (or
impenetrability), divisibility, mobility, elasticity, brittleness, malleability,
ductility and tenacity.
The laws of motion are as follows:
1. Every body continues in a state of rest, or uniform rectilineal
motion, unless affected by some extraneous force.
2. The change of motion is always proportionate to the impelling
3. Action and reaction are always equal and contrary.

Experiment of the Law of Motion.

In shooting at “taw,” if the marble be struck “plump,” as it is called, it
moves forward exactly in the same line of direction; but if struck
sideways, it will move in an oblique direction, and its course will be in
a line situated between the direction of its former motion and that of
the force impressed. It is called the resolution of forces.

The center of gravity in a body is that part about which all the other
parts equally balance each other. In balancing a stick upon the
finger, or upon the chin, it is necessary only to keep the chin or finger
exactly under the point which is called the center of gravity.

The Balanced Coin.

It seems to be an astounding statement that a quarter, or other piece
of money, can be made to spin on the point of a needle. To perform
this experiment, procure a bottle, cork it, and in the cork place a
needle. Now take another cork and cut a slit in it, so that the edge of
the coin will fit into the slit; next place two forks in the cork, and
placing the edge of the coin on the needle, it will spin around without
falling off. The reason is this: that the weight of the forks projecting
as they do so much below the coin, brings the center of gravity of the
arrangement much below the point of suspension, or the point of the
needle, and therefore the coin remains perfectly safe and upright.

The Spanish Dancer.

The laws which govern the motion of bodies are capable of many
pleasing illustrations, and the example which we now give of causing
rotary motion is very interesting and easily performed.
Take a piece of card, and cut out a little figure, and paste or gum it in
an erect position on the inside of a watch-glass. Then procure a
black japanned waiter, or a clean plate will do, and, holding it in an
inclined position, place the figure and watch-glass on it, and they will,
of course, slide down. Next let fall a drop of water on the waiter,
place the watch-glass on it, and again incline the waiter, and instead
of the watch-glass sliding down, it will begin to revolve. It will
continue to revolve with increasing velocity, obeying the inclination
and position of the plane, as directed by the hand of the
experimentalist. The reason of this is, in the first place, in
consequence of the cohesion of the water to the two surfaces, a new
force is introduced, by which an unequal degree of resistance is
imparted to different parts of the watch-glass in contact with the
waiter, and, consequently, in its effort to slide down, it revolves.
Again, if the drop of water be observed, it will be seen that it
undergoes a change of figure; a film of water, by capillary action, is
drawn to the foremost portion of the glass, while, by the centrifugal
force, a body of water is thrown under the under part of it. The effect
of both these actions is to accelerate the motion, or, in other words,
to gradually increase the speed.
The Mechanical Bucephalus.
The illustration of the horse furnishes a very good solution of a
popular paradox in mechanics: Given, a body having a tendency to
fall by its own weight; required, how to prevent it from falling by
adding to it a weight on the same side on which it tends to fall. Take
a horse in an erect position, the center of gravity of which is
somewhere about the middle of its body. It is evident, therefore, that
were it placed on its hinder legs, on a table, the line of its direction,
or center, would fall considerably beyond its base, and the horse
would fall on the ground; but to prevent this, there is a stiff wire
attached to a weight or bullet, connected with the body of the horse,
and by this means a horse prances on a table without falling off; so
that the figure that was incapable of supporting itself, is actually
prevented from falling by adding a weight to its unsupported end.
This seems almost impossible, but when we consider that in order to
have the desired effect, the wire must be bent, and the weight be
further under the table than the horse’s feet are on it, the mystery is
solved, as it brings the total weight of bullet and horse in such a
position that the tendency is rather to make it stand up than to let it
fall down.

The Revolving Image.

This little figure may be made to balance itself amusingly. Get a
piece of wood, about two inches long; cut one end of it into the form
of a man’s head and shoulders, and let the other end taper off to a
fine point. Next furnish the little gentleman with a pair of wafters,
shaped like oars, instead of arms, but they must be more than
double the length of his body; stick them in his shoulders, and he is
complete. When you place him on the tip of your finger, if you have
taken care to make the point exactly in the center, he will stand
upright. By blowing on the waiters he may be made to turn around
very quickly. It is explained by the reasons that were given in the
experiment of the “balanced coin.”

The Bridge of Knives.

Place three glasses in the form of a triangle, and arrange the
handles of three knives upon them. Nos. 1, 2, and 3, the blade of No.
1 over that of No. 2, and that over No. 3, which rests on No. 1. The
bridge so made will be self-supported.

The Parlor Boomerang.

The boomerang is a weapon used by the savages of Australia. By
them it is made of a flat piece of hard wood. The peculiarity of this
instrument is, that in whatever direction it is thrown, it will return to
the place from whence it started, in a curve. The Australian
aborigines use it with great dexterity, making it travel around a house
and return to their feet, or they can throw it on the ground so that it
will fly into the air, form a perfect arc over their heads, and strike
them on the back. This curious instrument can be made in miniature,
and is a very amusing toy for the parlor.
Get a piece of tolerably stiff cardboard, and cut from it a figure
resembling a boomerang.
The next thing is to propel it through the air so that it will return to
your feet; to do this, lay the boomerang on a flat book, allowing one
end to project about an inch; then, holding the book to a slight angle,
strike the projecting end of the boomerang with a piece of stick, or
heavy pen-holder, when it will fly across the room and return to your

The Balanced Turk.

A decanter or bottle is first obtained, and in its cork is placed a
needle; on this is balanced a ball of wood, having a cork or wooden
figure cut out, standing on the top. From the ball project two wires,
bent semicircularly, having at their extremities two bullets. Push the
bullets, and the whole will turn around on the needle, the figure
standing upright all the while; and, twist it about from side to side as
much as you like, it will always regain its erect position. The two
bullets in this case cause the center of gravity to fall below the ball
on which the figure is placed, and, in consequence, as the center of
gravity always assumes the lowest position, it cannot do so without
making the figure stand erect, or, in other words, until the bullets
themselves are equally balanced. Any boy may whittle one of these
toys out with a jack-knife.

The Complacent Vizier.

Among the novelties which scientific investigation has added to our
toys, are several figures which will raise themselves upright when
thrown down, and regain the erect position, notwithstanding their
equilibrium is disturbed. The figures themselves are made of the pith
of elder trees, or any other very light substance. Each is placed on
half a bullet, or may be made to stand on its head, by making its cap
of lead. Their appearance is very droll when they are moved about,
as they seem every moment to be falling over, and yet continually
right themselves. The philosophy of this is, that the center of gravity
being in the base, and always trying to assume the lowest position, it
keeps the figures upright. However much the equilibrium is
disturbed, it will always try to regain its original position.
As the principal object of these articles is to enable the young reader
to learn something in his sports, and to understand what he is doing,
we shall, before proceeding to the curious tricks and feats connected
with the science of numbers, present him with some arithmetical
aphorisms, upon which most of the following examples are founded:

Aphorisms of Number.
1. If two even numbers be added together, or subtracted from each
other, their sum or difference will be an even number.
2. If two uneven numbers be added or subtracted, their sum or
difference will be an even number.
3. The sum or difference of an even and an uneven number added
or subtracted will be an uneven number.
4. The product of two even numbers will be an even number, and the
product of two uneven numbers will be an uneven number.
5. The product of an even and uneven number will be an even
6. If two different numbers be divisible by any one number, their sum
and their difference will also be divisible by that number.
7. If several different numbers, divisible by 3, be added or multiplied
together, their sum and their product will also be divisible by 3.
8. If two numbers divisible by 9, be added together, their sum of the
figures in the amount will be either 9 or a number divisible by 9.
9. If any number be multiplied by 9, or by any other number divisible
by 9, the amount of the figures of the product will be either 9 or a
number divisible by 9.
10. In every arithmetical progression, if the first and last term be
each multiplied by the number of terms, and the sum of the two
products be divided by 2, the quotient will be the sum of the series.
11. In every geometric progression, if any two terms be multiplied
together, their product will be equal to that term which answers to the
sum of these two indices. Thus, in the series:
1 2 3 4 5
2 4 8 16 32
If the third and fourth terms, 8 and 16, be multiplied together, the
product, 128, will be the seventh term of the series. In like manner, if
the fifth term be multiplied into itself, the product will be the tenth
term; and if that sum be multiplied into itself, the product will be the
twentieth term. Therefore, to find the last, or twentieth term of a
geometric series, it is not necessary to continue the series beyond a
few of the first terms.
Previous to the numerical recreations, we shall here describe certain
mechanical methods of performing arithmetical calculations, such as
are not only in themselves entertaining, but will be found more or
less useful to the young reader.

To Find a Number Thought of.

Let a person think of a number, say 6
1. Let him multiply by 3 18
2. Add 1 19
3. Multiply by 3 57
4. Add to this the number thought of 63
Let him inform you what is the number produced; it will always end
with 3. Strike off the 3, and inform him that he thought of 6.
Suppose the number thought of to be 6
1. Let him double it 12
2. Add 4 16
3. Multiply by 5 80
4. Add 12 92
5. Multiply by 10 920
Let him inform you what is the number produced. You must then, in
every case, subtract 320; the remainder is, in this example, 600;
strike off the 2 ciphers, and announce 6 as the number thought of.
Desire a person to think of a number—say 6. He must then proceed:
1. To multiply this number by itself 36
2. To take 1 from the number thought of 5
3. To multiply this by itself 25
4. To tell you the difference between this 11
product and the former
You must then add 1 to it 12
And halve this number 6
Which will be the number thought of.
Desire a person to think of a number—say 6. He must then proceed
as follows:
1. Add 1 to it 7
2. Multiply by 3 21
3. Add 1 again 22
4. Add the number thought of 28
Let him tell you the figures produced 28
5. You then subtract 4 from it 24
6. And divide by 4 6
Which you can say is the number he thought of.
Suppose the number thought of be 6
1. Let him double it 12
2. Desire him to add to this a number you tell 16
him—say 4
3. To halve it 8
You can then tell him that if he will subtract from this the number he
thought of, the remainder will be, in the case supposed, 2.
Note.—The remainder is always half the number you tell him to add.

To Discover Two or More Numbers that a Person

has Thought of.
Where each of the numbers is less than 10. Suppose the numbers
thought of were 2, 3, 5.
1. Desire him to double the first number, 4
2. To add one to it 5
3. To multiply by 5 25
4. To add the second number 28
There being a third number, repeat the
5. To double it 56
6. To add 1 to it 57
7. To multiply by 5 285
8. To add the third number 290
And to proceed in the same manner for as many numbers as were
thought of. Let him tell you the last sum produced (in this case, 290).
Then, if there were two numbers thought of, you must subtract 5; if
three, 55; if four, 555. You must here subtract 55; leaving a
remainder of 235, which are the numbers thought of, 2, 3, and 5.
Where one or more of the numbers are 10, or more than 10, and
where there is an odd number of numbers thought of.
Suppose he fixes upon five numbers, viz., 4, 6, 9, 15, 16.
He must add together the numbers as follows, and tell you the
various sums:
1. The sum of the 1st and 2d 10
2. The sum of the 2d and 3d 15
3. The sum of the 3d and 4th 24
4. The sum of the 4th and 5th 31
5. The sum of the 1st and last 20
You must then add together the 1st, 3d, and 5th sums, viz., 10 + 24
+ 20 = 54, and the 2d and 4th, 15 + 31 = 46; take one from the other,
leaving 8. The half of this is the first number, 4; if you take this from
the sum of the 1st and 2d you will have the 2d number, 6; this taken
from the sum of the 2d and 3d will give you the 3d, 9; and so on for
the other numbers.
Where one or more of the numbers are 10, or more than 10, and
where an even number of numbers has been thought of.
Suppose he fixes on six numbers, viz: 2, 6, 7, 15, 16, 18. He must
add together the numbers as follows, and tell you the sum in each
1. The sum of the 1st and 2d 8
2. The sum of the 2d and 3d 13
3. The sum of the 3d and 4th 22
4. The sum of the 4th and 5th 31
5. The sum of the 5th and 6th 34
6. The sum of the 2d and last 24
You must then add together the 2d, 4th, and 6th sums, 13 + 31 + 24
= 68, and the 3d and 5th sums, 22 + 34 = 56. Subtract one from the
other, leaving 12; the 2d number will be 6, the half of this; take the 2d
from the sum of the 1st and 2d, and you will get the 1st; take the 2d
from the sum of the 2d and 3d, and you will have the 3d, and so on.

How Many Counters Have I in My Hands?

A person having an equal number of counters in each hand, it is
required to find how many he has altogether.
Suppose he has 16 counters, or 8 in each hand. Desire him to
transfer from one hand to the other a certain number of them, and to
tell you the number so transferred. Suppose it be 4, the hands now
contain 4 and 12. Ask him how many times the smaller number is
contained in the larger; in this case it is three times. You must then
multiply the number transferred, 4, by the 3, making 12, and add the
4, making 16; then divide 16 by the 3 minus 1; this will bring 8, the
number in each hand.
In most cases fractions will occur in the process; when 10 counters
are in each hand and if four be transferred, the hands will contain 6
and 14.
He will divide 14 by 6 and inform you that the quotient is 2 1/3.
You multiply 4 by 2 1/3, which is 9 1/3.
Add four to this, making 13 1/3 equal to 40/3.
Subtract 1 from 2 1/3, leaving 1 1/3 or 4/3.
Divide 40/3 by 4/3, giving 10, the number in each hand.

The Three Travelers.

Three men met at a caravansary or inn, in Persia; and two of them
brought their provisions along with them, according to the custom of
the country; but the third, not having provided any, proposed to the
others that they should eat together, and he would pay the value of
his proportion. This being agreed to, A produced 5 loaves, and B 3
loaves, all of which the travelers ate together, and C paid 8 pieces of
money as the value of his share, with which the others were
satisfied, but quarreled about the division of it. Upon this the matter
was referred to the judge, who decided impartially. What was his
At first sight it would seem that the money should be divided
according to the bread furnished; but we must consider that as the 3
ate 8 loaves, each one ate 2 2/3 loaves of the bread he furnished.
This from 5 would leave 2 1/3 loaves furnished the stranger by A; and
3 - 2 2/3 = 1/3 furnished by B, hence 2 1/3 to 1/3 = 7 to 1, is the ratio in
which the money is to be divided. If you imagine A and B to furnish,
and C to consume all, then the division will be according to amounts

The Money Game.

A person having in one hand a piece of gold, and in the other a piece
of silver, you may tell in which hand he has the gold, and in which
the silver, by the following method: Some value, represented by an
even number, such as 8, must be assigned to the gold; and a value
represented by an odd number, such as 3, must be assigned to the
silver; after which, desire the person to multiply the number in the
right hand by any even number whatever, such as 2, and that in the
left by an odd number, as 3; then bid him add together the two
products, and if the whole sum be odd, the gold will be in the right
hand, and the silver in the left; if the sum be even, the contrary will
be the case.
To conceal the artifice better, it will be sufficient to ask whether the
sum of the two products can be halved without a remainder, for in
that case the total will be even, and in the contrary case odd.
It may be readily seen that the pieces, instead of being in the two
hands of the same person, may be supposed to be in the hands of
two persons, one of whom has the even number, or piece of gold,
and the other the odd number, or piece of silver. The same
operations may then be performed in regard to these two persons,
as are performed in regard to the two hands of the same person,
calling the one privately the right, and the other the left.
The Philosopher’s Pupils.
To find a number of which the half, fourth, and seventh, added to
three, shall be equal to itself.
This was a favorite problem among the ancient Grecian
arithmeticians, who stated the question in the following manner: “Tell
us, illustrious Pythagoras, how many pupils frequent thy school?”
“One-half,” replied the philosopher, “study mathematics, one-fourth
natural philosophy, one-seventh preserve silence, and there are
three females besides.”
The answer is 28: 14 + 7 + 4 + 3 = 28.

The Certain Game.

Two persons agree to take, alternately, numbers less than a given
figure, for example, 11, and to add them together till one of them has
reached a certain sum, such as 100. By what means can one of
them infallibly attain to that number before the other?
The whole artifice in this consists in immediately making choice of
the numbers, 1, 12, 23, 34, and so on, or of a series which
continually increases by 11, up to 100. Let us suppose that the first
person, who knows the game, makes choice of 1, it is evident that
his adversary, as he must count less than 11, can at most reach 11,
by adding 10 to it. The first will then take 1, which will make 12; and
whatever number the second may add, the first will certainly win,
provided he continually add the number which forms the complement
of that of his adversary to 11; that is to say, if the latter take 8, he
must take 3; if 9, he must take 2; and so on. By following this
method, he will infallibly attain to 89, and it will then be impossible for
the second to prevent him from getting first to 100; for whatever
number the second takes he can attain only to 99; after which the
first may say—“and 1 makes 100.” If the second take 1 after 89, it
would make 90, and his adversary would finish by saying—“and 10
make 100.” Between two persons who are equally acquainted with
the game, he who begins must necessarily win.
The Dice Guessed Unseen.
A pair of dice being thrown, to find the number of points on each die
without seeing them. Tell the person who cast the dice to double the
number of points upon one of them, and add 5 to it; then to multiply
the sum produced by 5, and to add to the product the number of
points upon the other die. This being done, desire him to tell you the
amount, and having thrown out 25, the remainder will be a number
consisting of two figures, the first of which, to the left, is the number
of points on the first die, and the second figure, to the right, the
number of the other. Thus:
Suppose the number of points of the first die which comes up to be
2, and that of the other 3; then, if to 4, the double of the points of the
first, there be added 5, and the sum produced, 9, be multiplied by 5,
the product will be 45; to which, if 3, the number of points on the
other die, be added, 48 will be produced, from which, if 25 be
subtracted, 23 will remain; the first figure of which is 2, the number of
points on the first die, and the second figure 3, the number on the

The Famous Forty-five.

How can number 45 be divided into four such parts that, if to the first
part you add 2, from the second part you subtract 2, the third part
you multiply by 2, and the fourth part you divide by 2, the sum of the
addition, the remainder of the subtraction, the product of the
multiplication, and the quotient of the division, be all equal?
The first is 8; to which 2, the sum is 10
The second 12; subtract 2, the remainder 10
is is
The third is 5; multiplied 2, the product is 10
The fourth is 20; divided by 2, the quotient is 10
Required to subtract 45 from 45, and leave 45 as a remainder.

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