Pillow Method For Manifesting

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so, what’s the pillow method?

this method is a super easy way to manifest and depending on your belife’s and practices it
can be added to for an extra oomph.
it’s been shown that there is a mostly untapped window of time that’s powerful for our
it occurs in the time from when we go to bed to the point where we fall asleep. during this time
we have the very last thoughts we’ll have before sleep takes over. the tone and mood of these
before-sleep thoughts set us up for the next few hours when our body is resting but our brain is
very much awake.
focusing on the negatives, the traumas, and the pain during the time before we drift off to
sleep can often mean a night of restlessnes, discomfor, and even nightmares.
thinking of the good stuff, the positives, what we have to be grateful for, can mean a peaceful
nights sleep.
this just shows how powerful and important our bedtime thoughts are.

the pillow method works on the idea of having positive, future orientated thoughts,
visualisation of those things we want, and believing we’ve already reached our goal can
actively shift and modify our subconscious. we’re not only putting our intentions out into the
universe, but we’re also planting those intentions like seeds deep into our mind where
they can grow.
also, giving attention to the good things before we sleep is proven to boost our mood, give a
better nights sleep, and make our nightly dreams happier.

how it’s done:

cut those little bits of lined paper around the edges. this is what you’ll write on and then place
underneath your pillow. one intention (and one slip of paper) per night is best as it allows the
subconscious to concentrate on that intention alone. don’t overload it.

the one big, important rule for writing down intentions is to write them in the present tense.

for example, if you are wanting a new job you would write ‘I have a new job’. the reasoning behind
this is that it’s believed that our subconscious is a running stream of ‘now’ - it only ever lives in the
present. offering an intention that’s worded in the present means the subconscious can quickly and
easily absorb it.

keep your intention short and sweet, but do include some extras. if we go back to the new job
example: if you’re wanting a new job because you dislike the one you have now and want a higher
pay rate, you would word your intention something like this, ‘I have a new job that I love and is
paying me well’. it gets to the point but it also put out into the universe the ‘why’ of it all.


how it’s done:

while you’re writing down your intention in the present tense it’s important to be visualising it.
see yourself happy and content at that new job. visualise your environment, your mood, the
people around you, the tasks you’re completing, even the clothing you’re wearing. visualise
that air of happiness that surrounds you, the confidence you feel. make that movie in
your mind as multi layered as possible. bring it to life in your minds eye.

wrtie the intention down and fold over the slip of paper. place it underneath your pillow and then
snuggle down to get to sleep. try your best to hold onto that visualisation of what it is you want.
keep those positive, happy, joyful thoughts flowing, continue to see yourself living out your
intention as thought it’s happened. visualise yourself having accomplished the goal.

when you want to go extra:

you can create a pouch which holds the slip of paper and some favourite crystals, flowers, herbs,
trinkets, etc. there is a heap of resources on making these pouches on Pinterest, on witchy blogs
and websites, plus social media pages.
only do what feels right for you.

some notes:

what to do with the slips of paper the next day:

-can be kept and put in your journal.

-pin them to your mood board/vision board.
-put them into the recycling bin.
-safely burn them.
just do whatever feels right to you. the paper holds no power, it’s just part of the vehicle to get
your intention out into the universe.

there are two sizes of paper slips included. use the larger one if you need some more writing
room. use the reverse side if needed.

manifestion is an amazing and beautiful way to work with both the universe and our

but manifesting without taking action is simply daydreaming. while day dreaming is
wonderful, that’s not what we are doing here.

manifesting without meaningful action is just as strong of a message to the universe

as choosing to manifesting and working hard is.


so, what’s the pillow method?

this method is a super easy way to manifest and depending on your belife’s and practices it
can be added to for an extra oomph.
it’s been shown that there is a mostly untapped window of time that’s powerful for our
it occurs in the time from when we go to bed to the point where we fall asleep. during this time
we have the very last thoughts we’ll have before sleep takes over. the tone and mood of these
before-sleep thoughts set us up for the next few hours when our body is resting but our brain is
very much awake.
focusing on the negatives, the traumas, and the pain during the time before we drift off to
sleep can often mean a night of restlessnes, discomfor, and even nightmares.
thinking of the good stuff, the positives, what we have to be grateful for, can mean a peaceful
nights sleep.
this just shows how powerful and important our bedtime thoughts are.

the pillow method works on the idea of having positive, future orientated thoughts,
visualisation of those things we want, and believing we’ve already reached our goal can
actively shift and modify our subconscious. we’re not only putting our intentions out into the
universe, but we’re also planting those intentions like seeds deep into our mind where
they can grow.
also, giving attention to the good things before we sleep is proven to boost our mood, give a
better nights sleep, and make our nightly dreams happier.

how it’s done:

cut those little bits of lined paper around the edges. this is what you’ll write on and then place
underneath your pillow. one intention (and one slip of paper) per night is best as it allows the
subconscious to concentrate on that intention alone. don’t overload it.

the one big, important rule for writing down intentions is to write them in the present tense.

for example, if you are wanting a new job you would write ‘I have a new job’. the reasoning behind
this is that it’s believed that our subconscious is a running stream of ‘now’ - it only ever lives in the
present. offering an intention that’s worded in the present means the subconscious can quickly and
easily absorb it.

keep your intention short and sweet, but do include some extras. if we go back to the new job
example: if you’re wanting a new job because you dislike the one you have now and want a higher
pay rate, you would word your intention something like this, ‘I have a new job that I love and is
paying me well’. it gets to the point but it also put out into the universe the ‘why’ of it all.

moon 1

how it’s done:

while you’re writing down your intention in the present tense it’s important to be visualising it.
see yourself happy and content at that new job. visualise your environment, your mood, the
people around you, the tasks you’re completing, even the clothing you’re wearing. visualise
that air of happiness that surrounds you, the confidence you feel. make that movie in
your mind as multi layered as possible. bring it to life in your minds eye.

wrtie the intention down and fold over the slip of paper. place it underneath your pillow and then
snuggle down to get to sleep. try your best to hold onto that visualisation of what it is you want.
keep those positive, happy, joyful thoughts flowing, continue to see yourself living out your
intention as thought it’s happened. visualise yourself having accomplished the goal.

when you want to go extra:

you can create a pouch which holds the slip of paper and some favourite crystals, flowers, herbs,
trinkets, etc. there is a heap of resources on making these pouches on Pinterest, on witchy blogs
and websites, plus social media pages.
only do what feels right for you.

some notes:

what to do with the slips of paper the next day:

-can be kept and put in your journal.

-pin them to your mood board/vision board.
-put them into the recycling bin.
-safely burn them.
just do whatever feels right to you. the paper holds no power, it’s just part of the vehicle to get
your intention out into the universe.

there are two sizes of paper slips included. use the larger one if you need some more writing
room. use the reverse side if needed.

manifestion is an amazing and beautiful way to work with both the universe and our

but manifesting without taking action is simply daydreaming. while day dreaming is
wonderful, that’s not what we are doing here.

manifesting without meaningful action is just as strong of a message to the universe

as choosing to manifesting and working hard is.


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