Divine Visitation

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Divine Visitation

Divine Visitation
Divine Visitation essentially in plain words is when heaven pays you a visit. In the beginning,
Adam and Eve were recipients oI this great privilege, because in the Genesis 3v8, God visited
them in the cool oI the day. It is important we understand the nature oI Divine Visitation,
because it's occurred multiple times in the olden days or during biblical times. For someone who
is in tune with the Holy Spirit and with the things oI God, such a person will understand the
importance oI Divine Visitation. It is my prayer that as we walk through the study oI this topic,
every child oI God will begin or continue to enjoy the beneIits oI Divine Visitation.
God loves to visit His children. He takes pride in the things which He has created. The bible says
in Genesis 1 v 31, that God saw all he had done, and it was very good. Take note that "all God
did was very good." It is the desire oI God Ior things to remain the way He intended in the
beginning aIter creation. Also Psalm 24v1-10 talks about the earth being the Lord's and the other
possessions God has. ThereIore being the owner oI earth, God is interested in the aIIairs oI the
earth and its inhabitants. This should help us see that Divine Visitation is still in great

As children oI God, we should ask ourselves questions like
1) What do I do when my Father visits?
2) In what state do I Iind myselI when God visits?
3) Can I live my liIe in such a way that God will Iind pleasure in visiting me?
4) Are there things I can do to provoke God's visitation?
All these questions and more will be answered as we progress in this special study. I'm excited to
see what God will bring out oI this exceptional topic.

Now let's go a little deeper into the topic oI Divine Visitation. In doing this we will examine the
nature oI divine visitation and some oI its outcomes. From the deIinition given in the
introduction, divine visitation is a visit Irom heaven and a visit Irom heaven can be Ior diIIerent
reasons. How do these visitations occur and what's the nature in general?

Nature of Divine Visitation:
- Can be provoked by God
- Can be provoked by man
- Can be unexpected
- Sometimes is not restricted to the one being visited. II you're in an area where divine visitation
is occurring, and you're wise you can beneIit Irom it.

Outcomes of Divine Visitation:
Divine Visitation
- Brings Blessings
- Brings Judgement
- Change oI destiny
- Change oI name
- Instructions

Nature 1: Divine Visitation Provoked by God
Passage: 1 Kings 11v29-32. Divine visitation provoked by God could bring Iavor your way and
judgement someone else's way. The best place to be, is on the side oI God and in the camp oI the
most High . A Iellow who toils with sin, is living under the jurisdiction oI the devil (John 8v34)
and such a Iellow may not receive a positive outcome Irom divine visitation. Those who are in
and out with God, today serving God, tomorrow serving themselves and Iollowing the own
desires, will not enjoy the Iull beneIits oI being children oI God. Those who have not come to
know God (unbelievers), don't even have a Ieel oI the goodness oI God. You have to give your
liIe to Jesus Christ. It is my prayer that we as Christians, we will dwell in the camp oI God
continually, and those who don't know Him yet will come to know Him.
Now Irom the passage above, we learned that a man named Jeroboam got a divine visitation
Irom God through the prophet Ahijah. II we study the chapter well enough, we'll discover that
because oI the sin that king Solomon committed (1kings 11v10-11) God punished him and
Iavoured a subordinate Jeroboam. The kingdom oI Israel was torn apart and Jeroboam received
ten tribes as a result. Sin can provoke divine visitation that will have a negative outcome Ior the
sinner. This leads us to answer one oI the questions asked in the introduction; as Christians we
must work towards always being in a state oI holiness, because we never know when God may
decide to pay a visit. In Iact living a continuous liIe oI Holiness can provoke God's visitation.
Also living a sinIul liIe can provoke a negative divine visitation. Let's stay Holy.

1Kings 17v12-16: Divine visitation provoked by God will sometimes require a measure oI Iaith
Irom you in order Ior you to enjoy the beneIits thereoI.

Nature 2: Divine Visitation Provoked by Man
John 4v21-24 "... True worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth, Ior they are the
kind oI worshipers the Iather seeks. II you want to provoke divine visitation, one way to do so is
by being a true worshiper oI God. A true worshiper is someone who worships God Almighty in
spirit and in truth. The passage helps us understand that the Father has put himselI to work to
seek out true worshipers. When you seek Ior something, you earnestly search Ior it. When you
Iind such a thing, you would keep it close to you in order not to lose it. This is the case with our
heavenly Iather. Now what do you think happens when God Iinds such people? He dwells with
them, and His blessings will remain on such a Iellow. The bible also helps us understand that
God inhabits the praises oI His people. This brings us to another outcome oI divine visitation;
blessings. Divine visitation can result in a blessed liIe Ior the Iellow who has been visited.

What does it mean to worship God in Spirit and in Truth? Sometimes when we say the word
worship, our minds automatically turn to the picture oI singing praises, and hymns to God.
However worship according to a dictionary the Ieeling oI reverence and adoration Ior a deity.
Worship also includes every act that can rightly express these Ieelings towards the deity in
question. ThereIore you Iind that worship is everything we do in the notion oI loving God. Now
having given this explanation, how then can we do this successIully in spirit and in truth?

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