Data Gathering Instrument For Trainee SMAW NC III Jerilyn e Bantilan

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Data Gathering Instrument for Trainee’s Characteristics

Please answer the following instrument according to the characteristics described below.
Encircle the letter of your choice that best describes you as a learner. Blank spaces are provided
for some data that need you response.

Characteristics of Learners

Average grade in English Average grade in Math

Language, literacy and
numeracy (LL&N) a. 95 and above a. 95 and above

b. 90 to 94 b. 90 to 94

c. 85 to 89 c. 85 to 89

d. 80 to 84 d. 80 to 84

e. 75 to 79 e. 75 to 79

Ethnicity / culture:
Cultural and language
background a. Tagalog


c. Cebuano

d. Maranao

e. Ifugao

f. Others (please specify)_______________________

Highest Educational Attainment:

Education and general
knowledge a. Elementary Graduate

b. High School Level

c. High School Graduate

d. College Level

e. College Graduate

f. with units in Master’s degree

g. Masteral Graduate

h. with units in Doctoral Level

i. Doctoral Graduate
Characteristics of Learners

Sex a. Male

b. Female
Age Your Age:______

Physical Ability 1. Disabilities (if any)_________________________

2. Existing Health Conditions (Existing illness if any)

a. None

b. Asthma

c. Heart Disease

d. Anemia

e. Hypertension

f. Diabetes

g. Others (please specify) _____________________

Previous experience with the TM Certificates

topic a. TQ certified

b. TM graduate

c. TM trainer

d. TM lead trainer

Number of years as a competency trainer _________

Previous learning Lost down trainings related to TM

experience ______________________________

Training Level completed National Certificates acquired and NC level


Special courses Other courses related to TM

a. Units in education

b. Master’s degree units in education

c. others (please specify) __________________

Characteristics of Learners

a. Visual – the visual learner takes mental pictures of

Learning Styles information given. So in order for this kind of learner to
retain information, oral or written, presentations of new
information must contain diagrams and drawings,
preferably in color. The visual learner can’t concentrate
with a lot of activity around him and will focus better and
learn faster in a quiet study environment.

b. Kinesthetic – Described as the students in the

classroom, who have problems sitting still and who often
bounce their legs while tapping their finger on the desks.
They are often referred to as hyperactive students with
concentration issues.

c. Auditory – A learner who has the ability to remember

speeches and lectures in details but has a hard time with
written text. Having to read long texts is pointless and will
not be retained by the auditory learner unless it is read

d. Activist – learns by having a go.

e. Reflector – Learns most from activities where they can

watch, listen and then review what has happened.

f. Theorist – Learns most when ideas are linked to existing

theories and concepts.

g. Pragmatist – Learns most from learning activities that

are directly relevant to their situation.

a. Financially challenged
Other needs
b. Working student

c. Solo parent

d. Others (please specify) _____________________


Name: _______________________________________________ Date: ___________________

Instructions Check the appropriate box of your answer to the questions

below. If you think you are capable of performing the
competencies listed below check the YES but if you think
that you’re not yet capable, check the NO.
UC 1. Participate In Workplace Communication
LO 1. Obtain and convey workplace information.
LO 2. Complete relevant work related documents.
LO 3. Participate in workplace meeting and discussion
UC 2. Work In A Team Environment
LO 1. Describe and identify team role and responsibility in a team.
LO 2. Describe work as a team member.
UC 3. Practice Career Professionalism
LO 1. Integrate personal objectives with organizational goals.
LO 2. Set and meet work priorities.
LO 3. Maintain professional growth and development.
UC 4. Practice Occupational Health And Safety
LO 1. Evaluate hazard and risks
LO 2. Control hazards and risks
LO 3. Maintain occupational health and safety awareness
CAN I...?
UC 1. Perform Work Safety
LO 1. Identify hazardous areas and conditions
LO 2. Use protective clothing and devices
LO 3. Perform safe handling of tools, equipment and materials
LO 4. Explain/perform first aid procedure
LO.5. Use fire extinguisher
UC 2. Contribute To Quality System
LO 1. Inspect work done
LO 2. Apply quality standards to work
LO 3. Protect company/ institution properties
LO 4. Protect customer interest
UC 3. Used Hand Tools
LO 1. Used different hand tools
LO 2. Maintain hand tools
UC 4. Interpret Blueprints
LO 1. Interpret technical drawing
LO 2. Interpret welding symbols
UC 5. Perform Industry Calculations
LO 1. Solve mathematical problem
LO 2. Convert system of measurement
LO 3. Measure workpiece
UC 6. Prepare Weld Materials
LO 1. Identify the different cutting equipment and accessories
LO 2. Identify types of mild steel electrodes
LO 3. Identify types of joints and edge preparation
LO 4. Identify protective Equipment
LO 5. Prepare welding consumables tools and accessories
LO 6. Layout on materials
LO 7. Set-up cutting equipment
LO 8. Cut and prepare edge of materials
UC 7. Set-up Welding Equipment
LO 1. Explain welding principles and concepts.
LO 2. Identify the parts of welding machine
LO 3. Set-up welding machine and accessories
LO 4. Set up welding positioners, jigs and fixtures
LO 5. Set up pre-heating equipment (as required)
UC 8. Fit up Weld Materials
LO 1. Explain the importance of backing plate and stiffener
LO 2. Explain the methods of striking an arc
LO 3. Perform striking arc
LO 4. Tack weld specimen, backing plate and stiffener
UC 9. Repair Welds
LO 1. Identify causes and prevention of the different weld defects
LO 2. Mark/locate weld defects
LO 3. Prepare tools and equipment
LO 5. Perform re-welding
CAN I …?
UC 1. Weld Carbon Steel Plates Using SMAW
LO 1. Explain the essentials of welding
LO 2. Deposit weld beads on plate
LO 3. Weld plates in single pass fillet joints in all positions
LO 4. Weld plates in multiple pass fillet joints in all positions
LO 5. Weld plates in single pass groove joints in flat, horizontal and
vertical positions
LO 6. Weld plates in multiple pass groove joints in flat, horizontal and
vertical positions
UC 2. Weld Carbon Steel Plates Using SMAW
LO 1. Weld plates in single pass groove joints in overhead positions
LO 2. Weld plates in multiple pass groove joints in overhead positions
LO 3. Weld pipe in 1G, 2G, 5G and 6G positions

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