Transportation IV

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Forecasting Airport Traffic- Drainage on the airport surface is a prime requisite for Types of Roadway survey- Pavement Management

es of Roadway survey- Pavement Management System-

#Planning for an airport and building a credible airport operational safety and pavement durability. The drainage All pavement management systems must be based upon In a pavement management system consideration is given
investment program require that future traffic be forecast design is handled like most drainage for streets and surveys of existing pavements. Three types of surveys are to all of the factors that might influence decisions relating
in a thorough, sensible manner. highways. Avoidance of ponding and erosion of slopes common: Reconnaisance surveys, condition surveys, and to design and maintenance with the end-point of
#Some important factors that need to consider in the that would weaken pavement foundations is critical for evaluation surveys. optimizing these decisions, generally in light of economic
planning for a specific airport include the following: design. Because of the need for quick and total water Reconnaisance surveys are carried out on a routine basis constraints. In the decision-making process, the engineer
• Unusual demographic factors existing in the community removal over the vast, relatively flat airport surface, an by most engineers. They are primarily visual inspection has a variety of alternates that he might consider for a
• Geographic factors that will affect the amount of integrated drainage system is a must. Runoff is removed and qualitative judgments can be made about condition; given situation. Time of maintenance is generally a major
airplane use • Changes in disposable income permitting from the airport by means of surface gradients, ditches, quantitative values rarely come from the survey. factor to consider inasmuch as, in some cases preventive
some travelers to travel more • Nearby airports whose inlets, an underground system of pipes, and retention Condition surveys are made to determine condition of a maintenance is the most economical approach, whereas in
operation may draw from the airport being planned pavement at a given time. Detailed data on causes for others deferred maintenance is the most economical. W
• Changes in how airlines use the airport (more hubbing, ponds. Because of their large contiguous area, aprons are distress are not determined. This survey is aimed hen considering a network of pavements, for example a
route changes, etc.) • New local industry, meaning more primarily at network analysis and yields information the statewide system, the policy-maker must decide on the
jobs and more business travel • New resort and critical and must have an adequate sewer system. Runoff engineer can use in setting priorities of maintenance over priority of maintenance. This includes considering various
convention industries or capacity that will bring vacation water treatment is required when there are fuel spills or a period of years. Budgetary requirements can be alternatives of maintenance (thickness of overlay or just
travelers. during the winter, when a deicing chemical is used. determined from the condition surveys although some routine patching for example) to make most efficient use
reliance must be placed on structural evaluation of the of the money available.
Following are the objectives of the airport master plan- Airport Planning Process: Master Plan Airport, Airport pavement for this.
• Developing the physical facilities of an airport and Planning Issues and Existing Conditions, Forecasting Evaluation surveys are made on specific pavements to Use of Condition Surveys-
future land used in the vicinity of the airport. Airport Traffic, Requirements Analysis: Capacity and determine the structural capacity of the pavement. During A pavement management system permits the engineer to
• Establishing schedule of priorities for the Delay, Airport Site Determination and Considerations, this survey particular attention is paid to reasons for select alternates from an array of values to arrive at the
implementation of the phase development and Airside Layout and Design, Runway Length, Runway and pavement distress. best alternate to be followed. Generally, the optimization
improvement proposed in the plan. Taxiway Width and Clearance Design Standards, is based on economics although it can also be based on
Method of making condition surveys-
• Establishing the techno-economic and financial Runway Gradients, Drainage, Airport Lighting and Much has been written in past years on methods of making sociological or environmental factors. Doubtless, m ore
feasibility of the proposed development. This should Signing, Airfield, Approach to the Runway, Runway condition surveys. By and large these rely on roughness consideration should be given to total energy consumed in
include environmental concerns of the airport operations Pavement Design, Airport Plans, Airport Layout Plan, measurements using roadmeters, profilometers, or other the rehabilitation process. This includes energy of
as well. Approach and Runway Clear Zone Plan, Other Plans. instruments that measure longitudinal distortion of the producing the material itself as well as energy consumed
• Documenting policies and future aeronautical demand pavement surface. Roughness data are correlated with the during construction. T he backbone of the PMS is a
with reference to spending, depth incurrence and land use Present Serviceability Rating which is determined by a panel of computerized storage and retrieval system w herein a
control. individuals. In d ia n a uses the Roadmeter for condition large amount of data can be analyzed in a relatively short
surveys. Figure 2 shows typical correlations of pavement rating period of time.
with Roadmeter output as determined for the state of Indiana
The airfield is marked with a variety of signs delineating Sequence of surveys ICAO guidelines for a master plan of airport- Airport Site Determination and Considerations-
the taxiways, stoplines, holding areas, and the like. Blue For optimum use the surveys should be carried out Preplanning considerations- Coordination, planning, It is often situations within 10 miles of the airport site that
lights indicate taxiway edges. Stop bars before crossing or sequentially. The sequential process can be stopped at any procedure, planning organization, goals and policy will have significant bearing on the success of an airport
entering an active runway are yellow. There have been a time. M any times the reconnaisance survey itself is objectives. project. The airspace and associated ground tracks along
number of accidents and near accidents on the ground, sufficient for making the necessary decisions. In others it Forecasting for planning purposes- Requirements, the takeoff and landing corridors are critical not only to
especially when the visibility is low. The FAA is might be necessary to proceed through the condition forecasts required accuracy, methods and principles of site location, but also for runway orientation, since they
experimenting with a new lighted stop bar. The controller survey or through the evaluation steps. forecasting, factors, presentation of forecasts. define: -- Where safe landing of aircraft for over 95% of
controls the lights. When the bar is lit there are now -- The reconnaisance survey is self-explanatory. T he Financial arrangements and controls- Capital costs: the wind conditions must occur. -- Where obstacles
center lights ahead, creating a black hole effect. Once the condition survey consists of three principal steps. First it currency requirements, source of funds, domestic and projecting into the flight path must be eliminated.
aircraft is permitted on the runway, the light bar is is necessary to stratify the data on the basis of the foreign financing. Operational costs: source of income, -- Where houses, buildings, and recreation sites could be
extinguished and the taxiway/runway lights are conditions at the site. Second, the data are statistically financial control and accounting. subjected to unacceptable levels of aircraft noise.
illuminated to guide the pilot onto the runway for takeoff sampled although in some cases the entire road may be Site evaluation and selection- Land required, location of Sitting of runways must seek to provide solutions to all
Typical airfield markings give the pilot directions to the surveyed. T he third step is the survey itself. potential sites, factors affecting airport location, three of these constraints. In addition, runways must
ramp, parking areas, fuel, gates, areas for itinerant -- The condition analysis m ay be the stopping point for m preliminary study of possible sites, site inspection. avoid landing and takeoff paths that are over landfills and
aircraft, ramps for military aircraft, cargo terminals, any surveys depending upon the severity of distress and Runway and Taxiways- Dimensions, strength, aircraft other areas that are prime bird habitats. In recognition of
international terminals, and other airside functions. the needs of the governmental agency. T h e primary characteristics, performance and runways length, the severity of aircraft crashes when they occur in the
Visual cues also aid the pilot in docking the aircraft at the factors that can be determined from the condition analysis configuration airfields capacity. vicinity of public assembly buildings, particularly schools,
gate. Generally there is also an airline ground employee is how much of the road needs to be fixed, where the Aprons- Layout of Aprons, size of stands, parking, service communities are encouraged to control the land use
with handheld signal lights to direct the pilot as the major distress is located, and hanger aprons, holding bays, security, apron within 3 miles from the airport reference point (ARP),
aircraft pulls into the gate. -- The third survey, evaluation, is a detailed survey made accommodation. restricting the building of any such buildings.
Runway Pavement design methods are based on the gross on selected pavements designated by the condition survey. Passenger bulding- Planning principles, airport traffic
weight of the aircraft. Since it is impracticable to develop T he evaluation is based upon structural analysis of the and service characteristics, factors effecting scale of
design curves for each type of aircraft, composite aircraft pavements to determine type of maintenance required. services to be supplies, capacity and demand.
are determined and loads are converted from the actual Cargo facilities- Sitting, building function and type,
aircraft to the design aircraft, the design aircraft being apron, facility requirement, access parking, inspection
the one that requires the greatest thickness of pavement. and control.
The traffic forecast, which includes the mix of aircraft Security- Air side security: roads fencing isolated parking
anticipated, is converted to a traffic forecast of equivalent positions, security parking area. Land side security:
annual departures. Passenger buildings, public storage lockers.

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