RND Format For Submission of Proposal

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Ministry of New and Renewable Energy

Proforma for Submission of Proposals for RD&D Projects

Sl.No. Item Details

1. Project Title:
2. Project type Basic Research/ Applied Research/ Technology
Validation/ Resource Assessment/ Scale up

3. Objectives
4. Summary
(About a paragraph)
5. Total cost with MNRE
share requested
6. Duration
7. Principal Implementing
8. Category of the (A) Autonomous Bodies
Implementing (B) Non-Governmental Organization
Institution(s) (C) Co-operative Societies and Co-
operative Institutions
(D) Others (Please define)
9. Collaborating/
10. Principal Investigator
(Name and Contact
details including
telephones, fax and
email) (CV to be
11. Co-Principal
Investigator(s) (Name,
address and
contact details including
telephone, fax and email id)
(CV to be enclosed)
12. Share of implementing
/participating Institutions
in the total cost
13. Need of the Project with
proper assessment for
viability of the product/
14. Status of Work being done in
other National/International
Institutions/ Industries (To
be properly referenced
with citations in peer
reviewed scientific Journals
wherever possible):
15. Details of Research Detailed methodology including schematics,
Methodology diagrams, all relevant technical details and
rationale etc. to be provided.
16. Proposed cost: Sl. Item Amount (Rs)
(Details of equipment No
along with justification Total First Second Third
Cost Year Year Year
to be provided
separately in the 1. Equipment
Format as per 2. Manpower
Annexure I) 3. Consumables
4. Contingencies/
Other Costs
5. Travel
6. Consultancy
7. Institutional
17. Project Deliverables
18. Timelines (in terms of
Work Plan)
19. Potential Users and
suggested Plan of action for
utilization of expected
Project Output with proper
analysis for scalability and
20. Other information The following information is to be
provided as per Annexure II:
• Certificate from the Principal Investigator
and Grantee organization
• Infrastructural facilities available at the
host institution (e.g., telecommunication,
Internet, Electrical/ Mechanical
Workshop, Laboratory space, power
supply including back up arrangement,
• Availability of equipment relevant for
the project
• CVs of PI and all co PIs, which would
include details of other R&D projects
implemented, their cost, status
(completed/ under implementation) and
Annexure I

Details of Costs of Various Components and


a) Cost of Equipment:
Sl. Name of the Imported/ Estimated Costs (in Justification
No. Equipment along Indigenous Foreign
with Currency also
make & model for imported



*Including transport, insurance and installation charges.

b) Manpower Cost
Sl. Designation/ Justificatio Monthly Amount (Rs.)
No. Numbers n Emolument
s 1st Yr 2nd Yr 3rd Yr. Total
(m.m) (m.m. (m.m.) (m. m.)

*Man months to be given within brackets before the budget amount.

c) Cost of Consumables:
Sl. Item Quantity & Cost Amount (Rs.)
First Secon Third Total
year year year

1. Quantity/ Number

Total cost (Rs.)

Foreign Exchange Component (US




Total Total Cost: Rs.

Foreign Exchange Component (US
d) Travel Cost:
Sl. Travel Justification Amount (Rs.)
No. (Domestic/
International) First Second Third Total
year year year



Annexure II
Certificate from the Principal Investigator and Grantee organization

(On the letter head of the Organization)

Project Title:

1. I am submitting the above titled project proposal to MNRE for financial support.
2. I/ We agree to abide by the terms and conditions of the MNRE research grant.
3. I/ We have not submitted the project proposal elsewhere for financial support.
4. I/ We have requested for funds for the items, which are not available with the
institution for the proposed work and are absolutely essential.
5. I/ we will not proceed on long term/ study leave/ deputation during the period of
project implementation, without prior permission from MNRE
6. I have enclosed the following documents/ materials:

i) Similar certificate from Investigator(s) from other participating institutions (if





Signature of Principal Investigator

Endorsement by the Head of the Institution

Certified that Project Proposal entitled “-------------------------------------------:” is prepared

by Dr/Shri ------------------------ and has not been submitted to any other institution for

funding. The institute will provide necessary regular staff and infrastructure facilities

for the project work and such facilities have not been requested in the proposal. The

institute will ensure compliance of the terms and conditions of the financial grant by

MNRE and other conditions of the project.

Place & Date


Signature and Seal Head of the

Grantee Organization

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