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,ft ifr,(t,tumber) : AMZ24-0001

GA231 21 30001

ltsa+ 2h*
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Processing contract " " /'":

n+.$* (4-"a;\; : *-defikia'A f7.* 4 (r-x T fAiAY t) !h- ?.hiF": 82857426
Establish the contract : (Entrust person): Amazing Choice CO .,[TD (Paty A) ID Tax No : 82857426
G',tx) € *?]i<.6t F,1ffiLn) th,-!.hiF"i 0302269783
(Trustee) CAO HOA CO., LTD (party e1 ID Tax No : 0302269783

ho r-n Be-9lkE
trtr-Cll !tu1u AgiIffi J'I T^. ],1
d I :+1t:{ E Et,&tHE trnrElH F- [].rEtrF
Description AMZ. Number Style No. Ordered Qty Delivery Date (usS/DZ) Ambunt

G24-ARK-022 L5738 1300567. A ))9 4-Ja n

.t {'
G24-ARK-023 23009 1300579 L,704 I

1-, G24-ARK-023 23010 . 1300580 r 2,760 4-Jan I

'v! G24-ARK-024' BsTg' 1280596' 1,,206 11-Jan

G24-ARK-025 11750 1300684 L,248 18-..lan

1'V-tC G24-ARK-025
/' 1,1,750 ',' 130068s', 1_,392 18-Jan
L- > G24-ARK-026. 15600' Lg00s86' 2,448 / t8.Jan

G24-ARK-027 2L74 L30072s 1,272 L8-Jan

G24-ARK-028 11585 L300725" 1,248 18-Jan

-l G24,ARK-028
11585 L300727 1 18-Jan
-l 'OA
G24-ARK-028 - 11585 L300728 / 1,224. 18-Jan
G24-ARK-029 L6738 L300718 1,548 ' 18-Jan

hV ,lv lf I
GC24-ARK-O3O' G5C957 - H307622-' 1,200 18-Jan

G24-ARK-031 15863 1300785 1,656 25-.ian

\. G24-ARK-032 L4L78. 1300810 1,404 25-Jan

- t- G24-ARK-033 -' 23009. 1300809 1.,5L2 25-Jan


G24-A.RK-034 L4391' L300877 1))d,.r 25-lan

.L i G24-ARK-035 -- ),buZlJ 1300878' t,z+al 25-Jan t.

l'. i G24-ARK-040 1 1585 1300929 2,232. 1-Feb

G24-ARK-041 .- 1,L750' 1300930 2,640 1-Feb


G24-ARK-041 1_1750, 1300931' 1,368 1-Feb

G24-ARK-042 16600 1300932 1.0,752 22-Feb

G24-ARK-044 1 1585 1301061 1_,344 29-Feb

G24-ARK-045 1,1,750 1301062 L,224 29-Feb

G24-ARK-045 11750 1301063 1.,296 29-Feb

Total quantity 52,674 Total amount

.?,ft 5ffi,(tttumber) : lNZ24-0001
GA231 21 30001

Hffi #M *)a .k1 Hi E:G''Iib
#,qt ffit€, ETI+E EilIfr .EX trt< 6nffi bffi
Thread Cutting Embroiciered Printing Sewing Quality control lron Packing Carton Tape


-'FnH(aualitY) '
1ttf+tH,srr.qfi+n#+#ffi{J*htH+ffiEzw+8, zfir .+8qfiffil+{wV#t; *nHffif ifiHlia'ffi)n, LnffiffiFfi
ffi ,H EE[]f+ Fk#.kEHfi Aqfi F E "
Standard of material calculation and consumption is in accordance with Control and Consumption sheet provided by party
A. Party B need carefully check all materials before proceed bulk. Depending on actual situation, all costs on excess of
materials, as well as freight, will be on Party B. -2022

F fi -III &EAry*ffifr\?ZIi4Kfr,F"H Ffr +FE, Zfr #AH "
Party B need well store and handle all materials and take full responsibility for damage to materials due to negligence rrf
Party B.

3.2fiI\:rffitrH#4 - *Eru -n *. ffitftE@#^F1ft,p\(@,4)f;it+EIE) "

Subcontract scope- from cutting, sewing, trimming, quality inspection, until to pack into cartons. Contains rollbar self-

4.2fr WAFts:ffi ,f&r F"HT.+ AtrTgX, ff EE F E ZF"HTfrW "

All workmanship need reach to standard and requirement of Party A.

S .
Eaffif*+, F E gTr(tr ftr fft E ffi E++*,Efi F,H, fiT< 1*i,Rfr*H&E E' TX ffi * 8 Zfr tr, ZEE1E, "

Party A will randomly inspect garment quality at any time during production and
provide written defective list for Party B.

6 Zfiffi.ytTfrFfi#fr8'!ffiHftitrfrE-E',*fr8;Xzffi ' EpE+Ed/aEe\E.eljF-, HFiileTfifr't** . hEZhF"H

T R9'E#$H-#(E'I.fEF&Effi) , E?Rryfrfr\{TF]+F* , +WfrZf,AHflg{HryrEElJ)l'+ . @#T,tEtrFHg,fH#+gIlH!
iF.1< "

Party B should alter and correct all as per request by party A to meet party As requirement. lf any loss result from
disqualified, defective or packing mistakes (including carton label) and so on, all costs including materials and
:ompensations will be charged on party B.

: . ffil|ft (Acceptance)
I . ry\firJpkf"' fi ry h lr'tfrA ,$fi t.lk E+ f+TRH T e ffi ZF1F", Zfi ffi(&Ffr,ry f, +A ftZE+fA fi 8e97,W., fi.
U +E E E

sE ry ,E " fi Ffr+AfrElE+F=1ltEE' ffi€3{Fftr;F,fl u, Fr-tn+FkHffifrZfit7d9 .

:inished garments
will be delivered by Party A. Any defective or disqualified found, Party B is responsible to correct timely
ts per requirement by Party A. Party B should take all loss for delay in shipments if incurred by Party B.

.?,ft 5E,(Number) : AMZ24-0001

zzfrFfrryif EITAt6W.F"Z@EWE , >FFU)'.finIIiE+ ' ffrt,fit&B+,ffi8+B[TeffiZfr.F"&IiEljf+ "

All unacceptable garments made by Party B will not include in the contracted quantity. ln addition to materials, Party B

need return unacceptable garments as well after finish production.

= . ^HfftSfr(others)
L.6,KFfifrW):nl#&t.HEe*[Fttr(AtHffi)Its:fiFlufrEltrf,+(f,t&./HF+/EHE/EE[F+ /tu+/ftU"#+) , z
fiH trts:+fi(AE 1 E -E /E)ffiEryEIEE tEfiE A s ErtE'r]F.f*E[E;E+f;Yffid.EE ' *HtrW|4if ' rax invoice+ Guarantee
retter(,HtrtHqifrfutrf," o%l\Iffi)f#fi ' {s+frt^Yfffi=e&fr/:X H 10 E {TF,t .
Afterfulfillingthe contract, party B should return reference sample, pattern paper, trim card, neck pack and etc.
Addition, party B is requested to submit the following document to party A: invoice, signed receipt, tax invoice,
guarantee letter(OEM factory with exemption) before 5th of monthly settle payment. Party A will check the
correct monthly settle payment pay the number in the 10th of next two months,

zzf, AH EaHEFfr'# Z i E=U )l'+ k@,#tt, FI f" H ry fr HH :,€,lz "

Materials including packing stuff are delivered by Party B and finished garments are by Party A

Any finished garments are not allowed to leave at Party B's after fulfill the contract.

4 . *<&ry fr 4 fii*ffi i+ E, zfr 4 1+fl4 lj1e &E! ;T H 1A tr Z fr +Ertri rX' t E',J it r H,fU .
Party B is not allowed to release this order to subcontracts without getting approval by Party A.

s.4€'(!-*-(; ' -fn'Ff,frH ' -liZffWG "

The contract was drawn up in duplicate, one copy for Party A and the other one for Party B

6 E=Wtz ,W2fitr*mHffiry*{+fik*H B-c Forg&fr\,ffitrt ' frj**-frr*k , Zf,'THAHFEIHryfi rcB Fk&

Too many substandard garments or short shipments that are incurred by Party B, Party A reserve the right to claim on the

basis of FOB garment price to Party B.

FE : Amazinq Choice CO .. LTD Lh CAO HOA CO., LTD

(Party A) (Party B)

,-rz -/-
'62/HEfi+(signature) trz/#EpH$

t-fiEffi (Effective Date) : 2oB+ (Year) H (Month) B (Date)


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