Art 011
Art 011
Art 011
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1 author:
Nilanjan De
Tehatta Sadananda Mahavidyalaya
All content following this page was uploaded by Nilanjan De on 26 August 2018.
Abstract: The F-index of a graph G is the sum of the cubes of the degrees of the vertices of G. In this paper, explicit
expressions for the F-index of different transformation graphs of type Gxyz with x, y, z ∈ {−, +} are obtained. F-index for
semitotal point graph and semitotal line graph are also obtained here.
Copyright: The Authors. This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY
4.0) License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
propositionerly cited.
1 Introduction
Chemical graph theory is a branch of mathematical chemistry where molecular structures are modeled as molecular
graphs. A molecular graph is a simple unweighted, undirected graph where the vertices correspond to atoms and edges
correspond to the bonds between them. A topological index is a numeric quantity which depends on the topology of
a molecular graph. More precisely, it is a real number Top(G) derived from the graph G such that for every graph
H isomorphic to G, Top(G) = Top(H). Topological indices correlates the physico-chemical properties of molecular
graphs and are used for studying quantitative structure-activity (QSAR) and structure-property (QSPR) relationships
for predicting different properties of chemical compounds and biological activities. In chemistry, biochemistry and
nanotechnology, different topological indices are found to be useful in isomer discrimination, QSAR, QSPR and
pharmaceutical drug design.
Suppose G be a simple connected graph and V (G) and E(G) respectively denote the vertex set and edge set of G.
Let, n and m respectively denote the number of vertices and edges of G. Let, for any vertex v ∈ V (G), dG (v) denotes
its degree, that is the number of neighbors of v and N(v) denotes the set of vertices which are the neighbors of the
vertex v, so that |N(v)| = dG (v).
Among various types of topological indices, degree based topological indices are most widely used indices and
those have great applications in chemical graph theory. Two of the oldest and well known topological indices are the
first and second Zagreb indices, which were first introduced by Gutman et al. in 1972 [2], where they have examined
the dependence of the total π-electron energy on molecular structure.
The first and second Zagreb indices of a graph G are denoted by M1 (G) and M2 (G) and are respectively defined
M2 (G) = ∑ dG (u)dG (v).
These indices are extensively studied in chemical and mathematical literature. Interested readers are referred to [1,
7,8, 9, 10, 11] for some recent results on the topic. In the same paper, where Zagreb indices were introduced, another
topological index, was also shown to influence total π-electron energy. This index was defined as sum of cubes of
degrees of the vertices of the graph. However, this index never got attention except recently Furtula et al. [3] studied
this index and establish some basic properties of this index and showed that the predictive ability of this index is
almost similar to that of first Zagreb index and for the entropy and acetic factor, both of them yield correlation
coefficients greater than 0.95. They named this index as “forgotten topological index” or “F-index”. Throughout this
paper, we call this index as F-index and denote it by F(G). So,
Recently, the present author have studied this index for different graph operations [4]. They have also introduced its
coindex version in [27]. In [5], Abdo et al. have investigated the extremal trees with respect to the F-index.
Transformation graphs converts the information from the original graph into new transformed structure. Thus if is
it possible to find out the given graph from the transformed graph, then such operation may be used to figure out
structural properties of the original graph considering the transformation graphs (for details see [22]). In different
mathematical literature, several graph transformation have been considered where the vertex set of the transformed
graph is equal to V (G) ∪ E(G). The best known type of such graphs is the total graph. The total graph T (G) of
a graph G is the graph whose vertex set is V (G) ∪ E(G) and any two vertices of T (G) are adjacent if and only if
they are either incident or adjacent in G [6, 28, 30, 29]. Two other kinds of transformation graphs were introduced by
Sampathkumar in [17, 18, 19] and were named as semitotal-point graph and semitotal-line graph. The semitotal-point
graph of a graph G is denoted by T1 (G) and any two vertices u, v ∈ V (T1 (G)) are adjacent in T1 (G) if and only if
either both u and v are adjacent vertices in G or one is a vertex of G and the other is an edge of G incident to
the former. So T1 (G) has total (m + n) vertices and 3m number of edges. The semitotal-line graph of a graph G is
denoted by T2 (G) and any two vertices u, v ∈ V (T2 (G)) are adjacent in T2 (G) if and only if either both u and v are
adjacent edges in G or one is a vertex of G and other is an edge of G which is incident to it. So T1 (G) has total
(m + n) vertices and ( 21 M1 (G) + m) number of edges.
Let x, y, z be three variables taking values either + or −. Wu and Meng [22] generalized the concept of total graphs
to a total transformation graph Gxyz with x, y, z ∈ {−, +}. In this paper we consider this type of total transformation
graphs and hence we consider 3-permutation of the set +, −. The transformation graphs of G has the vertex set
V (G) ∪ E(G) so that |V (Gxyz )| = (n + m) and for any two vertices u, v of the transformation graph, the associatively
is + if they are adjacent or incident in G and the associatively is − if they are neither adjacent nor incident in G.
Hence, for any two vertices u, v ∈ V (Gxyz ), u and v are adjacent in Gxyz , if and only if
For different recent study of these index see [12, 25, 26, 24]. In this paper we use this index to express the transformation
graphs of a graph G. The following proposition was derived in [27] and will be needed in the present study.
Different composite and transformation graphs play a very important role in mathematical chemistry, since some
chemically interesting graphs can be obtained from some simpler graphs by different graph operations. In this paper
we derive explicit expressions for the F-index of different total transformation graphs including semitotal point graph
and semitotal line graph.
3 Main Results
We first determine the F-index of the semitotal-point graph T1 (G) and semitotal-line graph T2 (G).
Proof. (i) Since, dT1 (G) (u) = 2dG (u), if u ∈ V (T1 (G)) ∩ V (G)and dT1 (G) (u) = 2, if u ∈ V (T1 (G)) ∩ E(G), we have
from (1)
(ii) From definition, since dT2 (G) (u) = 2dG (u), if u ∈ V (T2 (G)) ∩V (G) and dT2 (G) (u) = 2, if u ∈ V (T2 (G)) ∩ E(G),
we get from (1)
Proof. From the construction of G+++ we have, for u ∈ V (G+++ ) ∩ V (G), dG+++ (u) = 2dG (u) and for
u ∈ V (G+++ ) ∩ E(G), dG+++ (u) = dG (u) + dG (v).
F(G−−− ) = (3m + 3n − 11)F(G) − 3(m + n − 1)(m + n − 5)M1 (G) + 6(m + n − 1)M2 (G)
−ξ4 (G) − 3ReZG3 (G) + (m + n)(m + n − 1)3 − 12m(m + n − 1)2 .
|E(G+++ )| = [4m + M1 (G)]
This result can also derived from direct calculation as for u ∈ V (G−−− ) ∩V (G), dG−−− (u) = m + n − 1 − 2dG (u) and
for u ∈ V (G−−− ) ∩ E(G), dG−−− (u) = m + n − 1 − (dG (u) + dG (v)). tu
In the following, we consider F-index of the total transformation graphs of type Gxyz , where x = y = + and z = −.
Theorem 4. Let G be a graph of order n and size m. Then
F(G++− ) = 3(n − 4)F(G) + 3(n − 4)2 M1 (G) + 6(n − 4)M2 (G) + ξ4 (G)
+3ReZG3 (G) + nm3 + m(n − 4)3 .
Proof. We have, for u ∈ V (G++− )∩V (G), dG++− (u) = m and for u ∈ V (G++− )∩E(G), dG++− (u) = dG (u)+dG (v)+
n − 4. Thus from (1) we have
= nm + 3
∑ [dG (u) + dG (v)]3 + 3(n − 4)3 ∑ [dG (u) + dG (v)]
uv∈E(G) uv∈E(G)
= nm3 + m(n − 4)3 + ξ4 (G) + 3ReZG3 (G) + 3(n − 4)2 M1 (G) + 3(n − 4)[F(G) + 2M2 (G)].
F(G−−+ ) = 3(m + 3)F(G) − 3(m + 3)2 M1 (G) + 6(m + 3)M2 (G) − ξ4 (G) − 3ReZG3 (G)
+n(n − 1)3 + m(m + 3)3 .
Proof. Again since, G−−+ = G++− , the desired result follows from the Proposition 1 by applying Theorem 5 and
the following results.
|E(G++− )| = [2m(n − 2) + M1 (G)]
M1 (G++− ) = mn(m + n − 8) + 16m + 2(n − 4)M1 (G) + 2M2 (G) + F(G)
It can be easily seen that, this result can also derived from directly as for u ∈ V (G−−+ ) ∩V (G), dG−−+ (u) = n − 1 and
for u ∈ V (G−−+ ) ∩ E(G), dG−−+ (u) = (m + 3) − (dG (u) + dG (v)). t u
Next, we consider F-index of the total transformation graphs of type Gxyz , where x = − and y = z = +.
Proof. From definition we have, for u ∈ V (G−++ ) ∩ V (G), dG−++ (u) = (n − 1) and for u ∈ V (G−++ ) ∩ E(G),
dG−++ (u) = dG (u) + dG (v).
Similarly, in the following we calculate F-index of the complement of total transformation graphs of previous type,
that is of Gxyz , where x = + and y = z = −.
Proof. Again since, G+−− = G−++ , the desired result follows from the Proposition 1 by applying Theorem 7 and
the following results.
|E(G−++ )| = [n(n − 1) + M1 (G)]
M1 (G−++ ) = n(n − 1)2 + 2M2 (G) + F(G)
This result can also derived from direct calculation as for u ∈ V (G+−− ) ∩V (G), dG+−− (u) = m and for u ∈ V (G+−− ) ∩
E(G), dG+−− (u) = (m + n − 1) − (dG (u) + dG (v)). t u
Next, we consider F-index of the total transformation graphs of type Gxyz , where x = z = + and y = −.
F(G+−+ ) = (3m + 17)F(G) − 3(m + 3)2 M1 (G) + 6(m + 3)M2 (G) − ξ4 (G)
−3eReZG3 (G) + m(m + 3)3 .
Proof. From definition we have, for u ∈ V (G+−+ ) ∩ V (G), dG+−+ (u) = 2dG (v) and for u ∈ V (G+−+ ) ∩ E(G)
dG+−+ (u) = m + 3 − (dG (u) + dG (v)).
F(G−+− ) = (3n − 20)F(G) + (3n2 − 12n + 12m + 36)M1 (G) + 6(n − 4)M2 (G) + ξ4 (G)
+3ReZG3 (G) + (m + n − 1)2 {n(m + n − 1) − 12m} + m(n − 4)3 .
Proof. Again since, G−+− = G+−+ , the desired result follows from the Proposition 1 by applying Theorem 9 and
the following results.
|E(G+−+ )| = [m(m + 7) − M1 (G)]
This result can also derived from direct calculation as for u ∈ V (G−+− ) ∩ V (G), dG−+− (u) = m + n − 1 − 2dG (u)
and for u ∈ V (G−+− ) ∩ E(G), dG−+− (u) = (n − 4) + (dG (u) + dG (v)). t
4 Conclusion
In this paper, we determine the F-index of transformation graphs in terms of different graph invariants and showed
that how it changes under different transformations. The results obtained in this study illustrate the prospects of
application of F-index for chemical, biological, pharmaceutical sciences.For further studies different other topological
indices of some new derived graphs can be obtained to understand the underlying topology.
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