1 Posterior Partially Edentulous Jaws, Planning A
1 Posterior Partially Edentulous Jaws, Planning A
1 Posterior Partially Edentulous Jaws, Planning A
Clinical Cases
Submit a Manuscript: http://www.wjgnet.com/esps/ World J Clin Cases 2015 January 16; 3(1): 65-76
Help Desk: http://www.wjgnet.com/esps/helpdesk.aspx ISSN 2307-8960 (online)
DOI: 10.12998/wjcc.v3.i1.65 © 2015 Baishideng Publishing Group Inc. All rights reserved.
Retrospective Study
Douglas R Monteiro, Emily V F Silva, Eduardo P Pellizzer, Osvaldo Magro Filho, Marcelo C Goiato
Douglas R Monteiro, Emily V F Silva, Eduardo P Pellizzer, of dental implants in posterior quadrants and the
Osvaldo Magro Filho, Marcelo C Goiato, Department of Dental rehabilitation planning.
Materials and Prosthodontics, Araçatuba Dental School, Univ
Estadual Paulista (UNESP), São Paulo 16015-050, Brazil METHODS: An electronic search of English articles
Author contributions: Monteiro DR and Silva EVF performed
was conducted on MEDLINE (PubMed) from 1990 up to
the computer search and wrote the paper; Pellizzer EP, Magro
Filho O and Goiato MC designed the research, revised the paper the period of March 2014. The key terms were dental
and gave the final approval of the paper; all authors contributed implants and posterior jaws, dental implants/treatment
equally to the work. planning and posterior maxilla, and dental implants/
Ethics approval: None to declare. treatment planning and posterior mandible. No exclusion
Informed consent: None to declare. criteria were used for the initial search. Clinical trials,
Conflict-of-interest: The authors declare that they have no randomized and non randomized studies, classical and
conflict of interest. comparative studies, multicenter studies, in vitro and
Data sharing: Technical appendix, statistical code, and dataset in vivo studies, case reports, longitudinal studies and
available from the corresponding author at [email protected]. reviews of the literature were included in this review.
br. Participants gave informed consent for data sharing. No
additional data are available.
Open-Access: This article is an open-access article which was
RESULTS: One hundred and fifty-two articles met the
selected by an in-house editor and fully peer-reviewed by external inclusion criteria of treatment planning of dental implants
reviewers. It is distributed in accordance with the Creative in posterior jaw and were read in their entirety. The
Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) license, selected articles were categorized with respect to their
which permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this context on space for restoration, anatomic considerations
work non-commercially, and license their derivative works on (bone quantity and density), radiographic techniques,
different terms, provided the original work is properly cited and implant selection (number, position, diameter and
the use is non-commercial. See: http://creativecommons.org/ surface), tilted and pterygoid implants, short implants,
licenses/by-nc/4.0/ occlusal considerations, and success rates of implants
Correspondence to: Marcelo C Goiato, MD, PhD, Department
placed in the posterior region. The results derived from
of Dental Materials and Prosthodontics, Araçatuba Dental School,
UNESP, José Bonifácio, 1193, Araçatuba, São Paulo 16015-050, the review process were described under several different
Brazil. [email protected] topic headings to give readers a clear overview of the
Telephone: +55-18-36363287 literature. In general, it was observed that the use of
Fax: +55-18-36363245 dental implants in posterior region requires a careful
Received: June 19, 2014 treatment plan. It is important that the practitioner has
Peer-review started: June 21, 2014 knowledge about the theme to evaluate the treatment
First decision: July 10, 2014 parameters.
Revised: November 26, 2014
Accepted: December 3, 2014 CONCLUSION: The use of implants to restore the posterior
Article in press: December 23, 2014
arch presents many challenges and requires a detailed
Published online: January 16, 2015
treatment planning.
Group Inc. All rights reserved. articles associated to the theme. Articles that were not
related to the purpose of this study were excluded from
Core tip: The treatment plan for rehabilitation with further evaluation. Finally, one textbook was included for
dental implants in posterior quadrants of edentulous the review.
jaws must be meticulous. The professional must
cautiously evaluate the treatment parameters to
guarantee predictable and long-term restorations. The RESULTS
treatment plan includes detailed analysis of space for One hundred and fifty-two articles met the inclusion
restoration, bone quantity and density, radiographic criteria of treatment planning of dental implants in
techniques, selection of number, diameter, and length
posterior jaw and were read in their entirety. The selected
of the implants, and occlusion.
articles were categorized with respect to their context on
space for restoration, anatomic considerations, radiographic
Monteiro DR, Silva EVF, Pellizzer EP, Magro Filho O, Goiato techniques, implant selection, tilted and pterygoid implants,
MC. Posterior partially edentulous jaws, planning a rehabilitation short implants, occlusal considerations, and success rates.
with dental implants. World J Clin Cases 2015; 3(1): 65-76 The results derived from the review process were described
Available from: URL: http://www.wjgnet.com/2307-8960/full/ under several different topic headings to give readers a clear
v3/i1/65.htm DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12998/wjcc.v3.i1.65 overview of the literature.
INTRODUCTION Space for restoration
The discussion about the space requirements for placing
Implant-borne rehabilitation is a good option of an implant is very important. The mesiodistal space
treatment for patients with partial edentulism[1-3]. The required is related to the type and number of teeth that
validity of osseointegrated dental implants for the will be replaced[8]. According to Misch[13], the selection
rehabilitation of posterior partially edentulous jaw had of implant size is influenced by the mesiodistal distance
been related in the literature by several studies[4-7]. These available for implant placement. These authors indicated
rehabilitations offers substantial benefits when compared a guideline for this selection: (1) a distance of at least
with removable partial dentures: improved occlusion 1.5 mm must be respected between the implant and the
and support, simplification of the prosthesis, less adjacent teeth; (2) a distance of at least 3.0 mm between
invasive restorative procedures, bone maintenance and, the implant and an adjacent implant; and (3) for the
improvement in oral health[8,9]. replacement of a molar teeth, a implant with a wider
However, to obtain excellent results in rehabilitations diameter is indicated.
with dental implants meticulous attention must be paid If the implant-supported proshtesis is positioned with
to details[10]. In addition, the posterior quadrants of the a large distance from the adjacent tooth, critical contours
mouth are challenging for rehabilitation with dental and cantilever forces are generated on the implant. Since
implants [6,11,12] due to their anatomical and occlusal the mesiodistal dimension of molar teeth is greater when
features[6,9]. Thus, this article aimed to discuss important compared to other teeth, a distance of at least 2.5 mm
characteristics of the use of dental implants in posterior between the implant and the adjacent implant has to be
quadrants and the rehabilitation planning. respected to assure a restoration proper contours[8].
According to Gastaldo et al[14], a distance of 3 mm
between the bone crest adjacent implants and the proximal
contact point is essential, and the implant should be placed
An electronic search of English articles was conducted 3-5 mm away from the tooth in order to guarantee a healthy
on MEDLINE (PubMed) from 1990 up to the period interproximal papilla.
of March 2014. The Key terms were dental implants Simşek et al [15] evaluated, through finite element
and posterior jaws, dental implants/treatment planning analysis (FEA), different distances between implants that
and posterior maxilla, and dental implants/treatment retained three unit partial prosthesis and their effects on
planning and posterior mandible. No exclusion criteria bone stress distribution in the posterior lower jaw. Axial,
were used for the initial search. Titles and abstracts of horizontal and oblique forces were applied and tensile
the screened articles were reviewed and the full text was and compressive bone stresses were evaluated. The
assessed for an appropriate analysis. Then, the articles authors observed that a space of 1.0 cm was the greatest
were analyzed through inclusion and exclusion criteria. distance between the inserted two implants.
Clinical trials, randomized and non randomized studies, Both the mesiodistal and the buccolingual dimensions
classical and comparative studies, multicenter studies, in from the crestal level to the apical part of the implant
vitro and in vivo studies, case reports, longitudinal studies site should be evaluated[16]. At least, a 6 mm of bone
and reviews of the literature were included in this review. buccolingual extension is necessary to insert a 4 mm-wide
Additionally, current and previous issues of the most dental implant. For diameters higher than 5 mm, a 7 mm
relevant papers were inspected, intending to obtain other extension is required[8]. Additionally, the intermaxillary
space is an important source. A distance of 10 mm between each region, being lower in the posterior area -
between the residual ridge and the antagonistic arch must maxilla (332 + 136 HU) and mandible (359 + 150 HU) -
be respected when substituting posterior teeth[8,17]. and higher in the anterior area -maxilla (516 + 132 HU)
A multidisciplinary approach is considered when and mandible (530 + 161 HU). These results were similar
planning a dental implant treatment and involves to those of Sogo et al[42], who found that the bone in
orthodontics, surgery, and restorative, so that the function the posterior maxilla was classified as type Ⅲ (350-850
and aesthetics of those patients are improved[10,16,18-20]. HU) and type Ⅳ bone (150-350 HU). These findings
Generally, over-eruption of opposite teeth occurs after illustrated the necessity of choosing a specific implant
a long period of tooth absence, which affects the design and surface treatment for the different bone
restorative space. Therefore several treatment options to density types owing to improvement of the bone-implant
creat a sufficient space for restoration are available such contact area[21]. Furthermore, cutting torque[40,43] and the
as enameloplasty, minimal restorative therapy, orthodontic resonance frequency[40,44] can be used to determine the
intrusion, tooth realignment, endodontic treatment bone quality and implant stability, respectively, and have a
and full crown preparation, segmental osteotomy for major effect on the osseointegration success.
dentoalveolar extrusion and extraction[8,10,16,18,19]. Sakka et al[40], in a literature review, affirmed that to
classify the bone quality it is important to evaluate bone
Anatomic considerations: Bone quantity and density morphology and characteristics of the constitutive cells.
The low-density and quantity of bone and the presence The cortical and trabecular bone ratio, and bone quantity
of sinus pneumatization in maxilla are relevant anatomic and density have a great effect on the implant treatment
characteristics in the posterior region, since they can longevity. Cells associated to bone quality, as macrophages,
limit the implant height [21-31] . On the other hand, monocytes, fibroblasts, mesenchymal progenitors,
the mandibular canal is an important structure that osteoclasts, and cells related with angiogenesis, could
could limit the installation of dental implants in lower influence the osseointegration of dental implants.
jaws[21,32,33]. According to Jivraj et al[8] and Vazquez et al[34], The implant placement is influenced by the form and
a distance of at least 2 mm between the most apical part contour of the edentulous alveolar ridge[21]. Infections,
of the implant and vascular and neurologic structures trauma during dental extraction, remodeling of alveolar
must be respect. bone after tooth extraction create localized defects on
Additionally, the mental foramen is an important the bone[21,25,36,37,45], affecting its height and width, and
mandibular structure when placing implants in the consequently, influence the dental implant placement[21,28].
foraminal region. The mental foramen is either oval Some methods have been used to overcome these
or round and is usually placed in the apical area of the complications as guided bone regeneration with resorbable
second mandibular premolar or between apices of the and nonresorbable barriers to enhance localized ridge
premolars[35,36]. Nevertheless, its location may vary from deformities, the utilization of short-length implants,
the mandibular canine to the first molar[35,37]. inclined implants, zygomatic or pterygoid implants, bone
Guidelines to evaluate the mental foramen position grafting surgeries and sinus lifting operations[21,46-52].
and the presence of mental nerve deviations have been Del Fabbro et al[46] performed a systematic review of
proposed aiming to preserve the nerve, during surgeries 39 selected studies in which 2046 patients underwent
in the foraminal area. Previously to implant insertion, sinus grafting and received 6913 implants. After an
a careful observation of mental nerve and foramen, accompaniment of 12 up to 75 mo, the reported survival
through panoramic and periapical X-rays, is essential. rate was 92.5% (range, 61.2% to 100%). Results were also
In case of deficiency of this technique to observe the divided according to type of grafting materials. Overall,
position of the nerve, the computadorized tomography the survival rate of implants was 87.7% with autogenous
scans are necessary. After the confirmation of the secure bone, 94.9% when autogenous bone was mixed with
bone height, the professional can install the implants other grafting materials, and 95.9% with nonautogenous
mesially or distally placed from the mental foramen or grafting materials. Results were also reported according
above it[34,35,37]. to type of implant surface. Overall, the survival rate was
The lingual mandibular bone concavity is also 85.6% for implants with smooth/machined surfaces, and
another important factor since it increases the risks of 95.9% for implants with rough surfaces.
fenestrations or perforations during implant insertion, in
case of deficient buccal-lingual angulation[20,21,38]. Radiographic techniques
Nevertheless, the bone density on the implant Prior to implant insertion, intraoral and panoramic
placement region affects the primary stability and in radiographies should be considered. But, since those
turns determines the implant treatment success[11,39,40]. techniques just provide information in a 2-dimensional
Fuh et al[41] determined the density of trabecular bone at view, the bucco-lingual bone width is missed[25,34,38,45,53-57].
potential areas for implant placement. Chinese jawbones The localization of the mandibular canal, the
were evaluated through computed tomography (CT) submandibular fossa, and the maxillary sinuses, in
in four different regions: anterior and posterior areas addition to the angulation of the alveolar crest and the
of maxilla and mandible. The bone densities differed bone volume are of primary importance during implant
treatment planning in the posterior jaw area[22,31,32,34,36,57-60]. Finally, the wide-diameter implants mimic the emergence
Therefore, the use of CT in all sliced images is suggested profile of the molar tooth[8,81].
to indicate the most convenient dimensions of the implant Nonetheless, due to the presence of a soft bone tissue
and its optimal position and inclination [25,38,42,45,54-57,61]. at posterior jaw, two implants can be indicated in the first
Spiral/helical CT scanners provide images with higher molar area[82,83]. Two implants placed very close simulate
quality, with tridimensional view, associated with lower an anatomical condition of the roots, which increase
radiation exposure, than conventional computerized in two folds the anchorage surface area. Additionally,
tomography[54,62]. Nevertheless, the CT scan is kind of it eliminates antero-posterior cantilevers, decreases
expensive and requires large equipment. The radiation rotational forces and screw loosening. Nevertheless,
dose is relatively high[63]. the routine oral hygiene may be more difficult and
In general, the conventional CT liberates a higher insufficient mesiodistal space limits the placement of two
dose of radiation than another option of image scan, implants[8,21].
the cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT), which According to Carvalho et al[21], different factors can
offers realistically tridimensional sliced images[31,54,57,58]. influence when making a decision between one implant
Therefore, this method is useful during implant treatment with a large diameter (5 mm) or two implants with a
planning for partial edentulous patient[57,58,64,65]. small or regular diameter. These factors are: bone volume
and density, bone height between the residual rigde and
Implant selection: Number, position, diameter, and important structures such as sinus and neurovascular
surface canals and, the availableness of bone in a mesiodistal
The selection of the ideal number of implants is related direction.
to the bone volume and density. Since the posterior In relation to the surface of the implant, the use
region of upper jaw presents a soft bone tissue, it is of rough surface implants has outnumbered machined
recommended to insert 3 implants to replace 3 missing implants[84-88], and it is supported by evidence of earlier
teeth[8,65]. In case of one implant failure, the previous and greater implant stability[84-87,89]. It is also argued that
prosthesis may still be used. And when the anterior or this fact prevents the necessity of a second surgical stage,
posterior implant fails, a cantilevered prosthesis could be and even encourages earlier or immediate loading in
fabricated[8]. specific cases[80,90]. But, longitudinal studies comparing
The use of either two or three implants relies on the two different surfaces using identical protocols in
the prosthesis biomechanical function and is influenced matched population groups and surgical sites have not
by load application during chewing[8]. In cases when been accessed. Therefore, the remaining question rises
it is possible to install three implants, a different if the assumed improved longitudinal clinical findings
configuration with a tripod effect of their distribution are really the result of better science or the product
can be realized[8,66], which provides greater bone support promotion[89].
versus linear placement[66]. Additionally, when possible,
multiple implants in posterior quadrants should be Tilted and pterygoid implants
splinted. Guichet et al[67] observed that splinted implant The insertion of tilted implants may be an important
restorations exhibited optimal stress distribution than alternative to bone grafting, guided bone regeneration,
non-splinted prosthesis. However, Clelland et al[68] and nerve lateralization, short implants, or height deficient
Vigolo et al[69] observed that splinted prosthesis did not atrophic posterior jaw[23,33,50,56,59,75,91-93]. Additionally, it
differ significantly from individual restorations, regarding allows for bicortical stabilization of the implants which
strain distribution data and peri-implant marginal bone reduces implant micromotion during osseointegration
loss, respectively. and enhances the implant success rate[93].
Regarding the implant diameter, implants with small Krekmanov et al[94] and Aparicio et al[95] evaluated
(from 3.0 up to 3.5 mm) or regular (from 3.75 up to alternatives for implant insertion in severely atrophic
4.5 mm) diameters should be used for pre-molar teeth maxillas. The authors suggested that a mesiodistal
and are not indicated in molar region due to the high inclination of the implant, associated or not with a
occlusion force transmission[21,70]. Prosthesis that does bucco-palatal direction, respects the maxillary sinus and
not respect the long axis of the implant tends to develop are a treatment option for reabsorbed posterior upper
inappropriate biomechanical forces on the restoration/ jaws. More recently, in a report[93] comprising 196 tilted
implant assembly[71,72]. In this case, screw loosening and implants in 64 atrophic posterior mandible edentulous,
implant or abutment fatigue may occur[71,73]. Moreover, an absence of osseointegration resulted in failure of
the cantilever force may induce peri-implant stress and only two implants, and the neurovascular structures were
bone resorption[74,75]. intact.
Increased mechanical stability and bone-implant The pterygoid implant was first introduced to be
contact are achieved using implants with a large diameter placed in the bone pillar, that is formed by the three
(from 5.0 up to 6.0 mm)[21,76-78]. In addition, their use structures: pyramidal process of the palatine bone,
provide an effective counter acting occlusal force of the pterygoid process of the sphenoid bone and maxillary
magnitude that may be observed in molar areas[21,79-81]. tuberosity[96]. While the first two are formed by dense
cortical bone, the maxillary tuberosity is based on crestal bone receives the stress from the first few threads
poorer bone quality[22,24,51,96-98]. The surgeon should be of the implant; therefore, once a minimum implant height
aware that the maxillary artery and its branches passess is osseointegrated, implant diameter is more relevant
through the posterior and medial regions of the maxillary when compared to an increase in length[23,28,86,108,113-116].
tuberosity[99]. In case of full-arch implant supported To Grant et al[117], short implants are convenient due
restorations, the use of pterygomaxillary implants gives to: (1) usually, this technique does not require a bone
support and retention for the restorations and eliminate grafting procedure, which results in a faster and less
the cantilever’s length that may be necessary when just expensive treatment and improves the patient's confort; (2)
anterior implants are placed[47,51,98,100]. risks during the surgery, such as nerve damage, osteotomy
Bahat[101] reported that 7% of the 72 implants inserted heat and lesions on the adjacent tooth, are reduced;
with a modified technique in the tuberosity area failed and (3) there is a surgical ease, in cases of insufficient
after a follow-up period of 21.4 mo, while Ridell et al[99] interarch spaces. However, several controversies still
did not observe failures of any of the 22 implants placed exist to their indication owing to: (1) reduced implant
in the same area after an accompaniment of 8 years. surface; thus leading to less bone-to-implant contact
Peñarrocha et al[47] evaluated 68 pterygoid implants over 1 after osseointegration; (2) reduced surface of force
year of loading and found a success rate of 97.05% and a distribution after loading; more pressure at the crestal
peri-implant bone loss of 0.71 mm. After that period, the bone; more resorption leading to more threads exposed,
patients were satisfied with the functional and esthetical decreasing the surface of osseointegrated implant; and (3)
aspects of the oral rehabilitation. compromised crown-to-implant ratio[118].
On the other hand, Balshi et al[98] found a cumulative In case of increased crown-to-implant (C/I) ratio,
survival rate of 90.8% of 1.608 implants placed into the crown works as a lever arm, transferring the stress
the pterygomaxillary region. These authors compared to the crestal bone around the implant[115,119], which can
two-stage freehand, single-stage freehand and single- result in peri-implant bone loss[119,120] and problems with
stage guided protocols. They observed that single- components of the prosthesis[66,121].
stage protocol exhibited higher cumulative survival rate Blanes [121] found that, when the C/I ratio was
(96.45%) than two-stage protocol (85.94%) and guided higher than 2, the survival rate of the implant-retained
surgery (93.38%). Therefore, immediate loading of those prosthesis was 94.1%. Apparently, according to these
implants is beneficial to treatment. authors, the C/I ratio did not influence the marginal bone
When implants are inserted into the tuber area, loss. Also, Rokni et al[122] observed that the C/I ratio did
normally it is necessary to tilt the implant, which is not interfere on crestal bone loss around dental implants.
unfavorable to the biomechanical point of view, increasing Similarly, Urdaneta et al[73] identified the same results on
the peri-implant bone resorption and reducing implant single-tooth implants. However, these authors noted an
success rates. On the other hand, previous studies showed increase in prosthetic complications, such as implant
appropriated results with tilted implants vs straight abutment and fracture.
ones[33,59,92,95]. Maybe it occurs because the tilted implants Crown/Implant ratios ranging from 0.5 to 1 are
can be longer than axial ones[99]. important to avoid stress and bone loss at a crestal
The use of splinted implants has been indicated to bone level, which could result in implant loss[116,123,124].
reduce the stress on tilted implants[93]. This recommendation Nevertheless, Tawil et al[125] stated that high C/I ratios are
has been originated from studies that demonstrated that not the most relevant agent that affect load distribution
splinted implants showed better stress distribution when and Schneider et al[126] added that this increase may be
compared to non-splinted prosthesis[67]. On the other used successfully in implants for single-tooth replacement
hand, Lan et al[12] observed, through finite element study, in posterior jaws, except for smoking patients.
that tilted implants with splinted crowns exhibited greater Short implants are feasible solutions in case of
stress concentration, specially in implants with distal insufficient bone height and provide favorable force
tilting. Nevertheless, additional follow-up and long-term orientation and distribution[111,125]. In case of full-arch fixed
evaluations are warranted. dental prosthesis, short implants can be an alternative in
posterior jaws to give support for the cantilever, reducing
Short implants lever arms and stress loading on implants[72].
Some authors[91,102-105] have defined short implants as Although short implants exhibited greater failure rates
implants no longer than 7 mm. Others [29,106-109] have that longer ones[127], some studies[3,113,128] demonstrated
considered short implants to be implants up to 10 mm similar outcomes for both types of implants. Probably,
long. these divergences resulted from other variables, such as
The length of implants is limited to the presence implant surface, professional ability, bone characteristics,
of some anatomical structures as the intra-alveolar implant primary stability and prosthodontic protocol,
canal and the maxillary sinus, and bone resorption. which also affects the implant survival[86].
In these cases, the use of short implants has been Atieh et al[112] performed a systematic review of 33
recommended[3,23,29,72,97,104,105,109-112]. From a biomechanical selected studies concerning 2573 short implants inserted
point of view, when an implant is loaded, the peri-implant in posterior upper and /or lower jaws to retain fixed partial
Ref. Implant surface Implant length N implants Period of evaluation Success rate (%)
Bahat[127] Machined-surface 7 mm - 5 to 70 mo 90.50
Winkler et al[130] Machined-surface < 10 mm 181 3 yr 93.40
Friberg et al[103] Machined-surface < 10 mm 247 8 yr 93.70
Deporter et al[84] Porous-surface 7 or 9 mm 48 8.2 to 50.3 mo 100.00
Tawil et al[107] Machined-surface ≤ 10 mm 269 12 to 92 mo 95.50
Griffin et al[113] Hydroxyapatite-coated 8 mm 168 Up to 68 mo 100.00
Renouard et al[151] Machined or oxidized surface 6 to 8.5 mm 96 2 yr 94.60
Goené et al[110] Acid-etched surface 7 or 8.5 mm 311 3 yr 95.80
Misch et al[85] Roughened surface 7 or 9 mm 745 6 yr 98.90
Anitua et al[86] Micro-rough acid-etched surface; bioactive surface 7 to 8.5 mm 532 5 yr 99.20
Grant et al[117] - 8 mm 335 up to 2 yr 99.00
Anitua et al[114] - < 8.5 mm 1.287 1 to 8 yr 99.30
De Santis et al[97] Oxidized surface < 8.5 mm 107 1 to 3 yr 98.10
Maló et al[104] Oxidized surface 7 mm 217 12 mo 95.00
Pieri et al[111] - 6 mm 61 2 yr 96.80
Perelli et al[27] Porous-surface 5 or 7 mm 110 5 yr 90.00
Jiansheng et al[109] Hydroxyapatite-coated and ankylos 5.7 to 8 mm 162 2 yr 99.40
Slotte et al[29] Acid-etched surface 4 mm 100 2 yr 92.30
Deporter et al[88] Porous-surface 7 or 9 mm 48 10 yr 95.50
prosthesis. A survival rate of 98% was reported, after Various factors can overload an implant. Rangert
an accompaniment period of 5 years. When comparing et al[134] identified two principal factors that justify this
short and long implants, no important differences were excess of loading: geometric and occlusal load reasons.
observed. The authors affirmed that short implants The first one is related with the implant number and
represents a viable treatment option than longer ones position, and with the prosthesis configuration. The
and that the survival rate is not related to implant surface, second factor includes lateral occlusal force components
design or width. and parafunctional habits, which increase the loading
Morand et al[118] reported that the one improvement onto implant surfaces. If forces are higher than normal,
that had the most dramatic effect in improving implant the implant can be overloaded.
treatments was the evolution of implant surfaces from Ogawa et al[135] affirmed that a decrease in number of
machined/polished to rough-textured surfaces. Table supporting implants is to promote an increase in implant
1 confirms this information, evidencing higher success loading. The bending moments were higher when
rates for rough surfaced implants. The percentage of prosthesis were supported by three implants than four
bone-implant contact can be modified by the surface or five implants. Additionally, concerning the implant
condition of the implant. This is important because the position, the smallest implant distribution increased the
greater the percentage of bone contact, the lesser stress bending moments.
is applied to the bone-implant interface[86]. Therefore, it is The prevention of occlusal overload should be the
possible to assure that with careful case selection criteria, focus of any treatment planning [66,136]. In case of no
the longevity of short implants is greater than 90%. alternative, the prosthesis should be protected from
Nevertheless, besides the high success rates, the most injuries with an inter-occlusal device[67,93]. Some guidelines
important aspect of treatment with short implants is the were reported aiming to respect physiologic limits for
case selection[23,118]. Facing severe bone resorption associated occlusal loading: optimized passive fit, reduction of
with poor bone quality and overload, bone grafting cantilevers, adequate selection of the dimensions and
techniques could prevent failure in such associations. The number of implants, presence of a correct preload in the
success rate of short implants in patients with more abutment screw and a proper buccal-lingual dimension
favorable conditions is greater which makes it the best and cusp inclination of the crown[66,132,133,137-139].
treatment option[129]. Furthermore, the principles of implant occlusion are
mostly based on the traditional principles of conventional
Occlusal considerations restoration. Anterior guidance should be presented
The excess of loading in posterior jaws associated with and during lateral excursion, a posterior disclusion is
the functional activity of the mandible in a buccal- indicated for working and non working sides. Group
lingual direction and with cusp inclination can create function disocclusion is indicated when the canine is
lateral forces onto implants[9,130-132]. Thus, during implant compromised[8].
treatment planning, a broad evaluation of the loading Payer et al[140] evaluated the outcome of edentulous
is essential, since a bending moment at the peri-implant posterior mandible treated with implant-retained immediate
bone can result in prosthesis components damages and/ provisional prosthesis. According to these authors,
or crestal bone loss[20,66,115,132,133]. immediately loaded implants exhibited similar results when
Ref. N implants Posterior zone Period of evaluation Implant systems Success rate (%)
Jemt et al[4] 259 Maxilla and mandible 5 yr Nobelpharma 97.20
Zarb et al[144] 105 Maxilla and mandible 2.6-7.4 yr Nobelpharma 94.30
Block et al[142] 443 Mandible 10 yr 79.30
Becker et al[143] 282 Maxilla and mandible 6 yr Branemark 89.40
Bahat[145] 660 Maxilla 10 yr Branemark 93.40
Attard et al[5] 106 Maxilla and Mandible 10 yr Nobel biocare 94.00
Attard et al[152] 432 Maxilla and Mandible 15 yr Nobel biocare 91.60
Jebreen et al[7] 141 Maxilla and Mandible 12-69 mo ITI 96.45
Blanes et al[6] 192 Maxilla and Mandible 10 yr ITI 97.90
Huynh-Ba et al[153] 273 Maxilla 8 yr - 94.90
Maló et al[70] 247 Maxilla and Mandible 11 yr Nobel biocare 95.10
Schneider et al[126] 100 Maxilla and Mandible 5 yr Nobel biocare and straumann standard 95.80
compared to conventionally loaded implants. During a fixation may improve osseointegration and reduce bone
follow-up period of 5 years, the survival rate was 95%. resorption[116,145,150].
Similarly, Degidi et al[136] performed a randomized
clinical trial that aimed to evaluate the effect of
immediately loaded and immediately restored implants COMMENTS
for edentulous posterior lower jaws. The authors found Background
that both procedures are predictable. No differences in The osseointegrated implants allow a functional rehabilitation for patients
marginal bone loss or survival rate were observed. with partial edentulism, since they improve the occlusion and retention of the
prosthesis and the bone maintenance. However, the posterior region of the
Nonetheless, concerning the conditions of early-
maxilla and mandible requires special attention due to their anatomical and
loaded implants in the posterior upper and lower jaws, occlusal characteristics.
Kim et al[141] observed that, although early loading is a Research frontiers
predictable procedure, it is important to be careful with Implant-retained prosthesis is a common procedure for posterior partially
maxillary implants. edentulous jaw rehabilitations. The knowledge regarding this topic involves
maxillofacial anatomy, physiology and radiology, oral implantology, occlusion
and prosthodontics, and is directly related with patient’s psychological aspects.
Success rates
Table 2 illustrates the success rates of implants inserted Innovations and breakthroughs
This review of the literature presents an accurate description of the main
in the posterior jaws of patients with partial edentulism. articles that evaluated a rehabilitation with dental implants in the posterior
Favorable success rates were observed when edentulous maxilla or mandible. Different topics, such as space for restoration, anatomic
areas were replaced with implants, except for the study considerations, radiographic techniques, selection of number, diameter, position
of Block et al[142], which related lower success rates for and length of implants, occlusal considerations and success rates, were
implants inserted in posterior inferior jaws (78.5% for carefully discussed in this article.
first molars and 71.8% for second molars). Some studies Applications
showed distinct success rates for those implants placed in The study findings suggest that professionals need to minutely evaluate the
treatment parameters to guarantee the longevity and success of the rehabilitation.
the posterior regions of maxilla and mandible, with lower
success rates for the posterior maxilla[4,6,7,143]. However, Crown-to-implant (C/I) ratio is a guideline related with the longevity and survival
Zarb et al[144] obtained a success rate of 97.6% for the 41 of the prosthesis, since a higher C/I ratio represents a lever arm of the crown over
implants placed in the upper jaw and, of 92.2% for the the peri-implant bone area, which can result in bone loss.
64 implants placed in the lower jaw, after a loading period Peer review
of 2.6 to 7.4 years. The work is interesting,and useful to the clinicians.
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