The Focus and Leverage Improvement Book Locating and Eliminating The Constraining Factor of Your Lean Six Sigma Initiative 1 Edition Edition Sproull

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The focus and leverage improvement

book locating and eliminating the

constraining factor of your lean six
sigma initiative 1 edition Edition Sproull
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The Focus and Leverage
Improvement Book
Locating and Eliminating the
Constraining Factor of Your
Lean Six Sigma Initiative
The Focus and Leverage
Improvement Book
Locating and Eliminating the
Constraining Factor of Your
Lean Six Sigma Initiative

Bob Sproull


First edition published in 2019
by Routledge/Productivity Press
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Sproull, Robert, author.
Title: The focus and leverage improvement book : locating and eliminating the
constraining factor of your lean six sigma initiative / Bob Sproull.
Description: 1 Edition. | New York, NY : Taylor & Francis, [2019] | Includes
bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2018026362 (print) | LCCN 2018021253 (ebook) | ISBN
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As we go through life, humans continue learning new things. Sometimes
we learn through reading books, sometimes it’s through personal
experiences and sometimes it’s through someone we’ve met along the
way. I can honestly say that I have experienced all three of these learning
modes. But having said this, I can say without reservation that much of my
learning came about when I met Bruce Nelson. For those of you who’ve
never met Bruce, he’s a one–of-a-kind guy.
I met Bruce when I worked at the US Army Base, Fort Rucker, Alabama.
We were working on improving the maintenance processes on Army
helicopters. Bruce worked for another division of the same company, but
came to our facility to help us with our improvement efforts. From the very
first day I met Bruce, my learnings on the system’s approach accelerated
upward and have continued since then. Bruce is just a cut above everyone
else I have ever met. His method for explaining new concepts is unlike
anyone else I have ever met. He has a gift for making complex subjects
simple to understand. Bruce introduced me to systems thinking and
Theory of Constraints (TOC) Logical Thinking Processes.
I feel honored to have met Bruce Nelson, to have him co-author two
books with me and, most importantly, to have him be my friend. I am
dedicating this book to Bruce in recognition of everything he has taught
me over the years. I can only say, “Thank you Bruce, for all you have done
for me and for being my friend.”
Preface.................................................................................................. xiii

Chapter 1 Improvement Efforts........................................................... 1

A New Type of Accounting........................................................12
Throughput (T).......................................................................13
Investment or Inventory (I)...................................................13
Operating Expense (OE)........................................................13

Chapter 2 The Ultimate Improvement Cycle.................................... 19

Step-by-Step Explanation...........................................................27
Step 1a.......................................................................................27
Steps 1b and 1c........................................................................29
Step 2a.......................................................................................31
Non-Constraints......................................................................... 34
Drum Buffer Rope (DBR)...........................................................35
Steps 3a, 3b and 3c................................................................. 40
Steps 4a, 4b and 4c................................................................. 40
References.................................................................................... 43

Chapter 3 How to Implement the UIC.............................................. 45

Ten Prerequisite Beliefs...............................................................47
Types of Constraints.................................................................. 56
Resource/Capacity Constraints........................................... 56
Market Constraints............................................................... 56
Material Constraints..............................................................57
Supplier/Vendor Constraints................................................58
Financial Constraints.............................................................58
Knowledge/Competence Constraints..................................58

viii • Contents

Policy Constraints..................................................................58

Chapter 4 The Goal Tree.................................................................... 61

The Goal Tree Structure.............................................................63
The Goal....................................................................................... 64
Critical Success Factors and Necessary Conditions...............65
Constructing a Goal Tree/Intermediate Objectives Map..... 66
The Goal Tree Case Study Example..........................................67
The First Meeting........................................................................ 68
Using the Goal Tree as an Assessment Tool............................77
Performance Metrics...................................................................82
Reference...................................................................................... 86

Chapter 5 The Logical Thinking Process......................................... 87

The Logical Thinking Tools...................................................... 88
The Current Reality Tree............................................................94
Communicating Productively.................................................. 96
Steps to Construct a CRT.......................................................... 99
Collecting UDEs........................................................................101
Constructing the CRT..............................................................102
Conflict Diagrams—Basic Principles.....................................104
Conflict Diagrams—Steps to Construct and Categories.....107
The Steps................................................................................107
Categories of CD........................................................................108
Future Reality Trees—Basic Principles..................................110
Future Reality Tree Uses...........................................................112
Future Reality Trees—Steps to Construct..............................113
Step 1—Define the Function of the Future Reality Tree....113
Step 2—Capture the Idea.....................................................113
Step 3—Make a List of Potential Desirable and
Negative Effects.....................................................................113
Step 4—Build the Causal Connections between the
Injection and Desirable Effects...........................................114
Step 5—Strengthen Your Analysis.....................................114
Step 6—Actively Seek Negative Branches.........................115
Contents • ix

Prerequisite Trees—Basic Principles.......................................115

The Prerequisite Tree (PRT).....................................................116
Prerequisite Trees—Steps to Construct..................................118
Step 1—Verbalize Your Objective.......................................118
Step 2—List the Obstacles That Prevent the
Attainment or Existence of the Objective.........................119
Step 3—Determine Intermediate Objectives That
Eliminate the Obstacles You Have Listed..........................119
Step 4—Find the Time Dependencies between the
Intermediate Objectives.......................................................121
Step 5—Check the Prerequisite Tree for Feasibility....... 122
Transition Trees—Basic Principles........................................ 122
Principles................................................................................... 123
Transition Trees—Steps to Construct....................................125
Step 1—Define the Situation for Which You Are
Preparing the Transition Tree.............................................125
Step 2—Determine Your Objective(s)................................125
Step 3—Determine the Actions Are Necessary to
Achieve Your Objective(s)....................................................127
Step 4—Look for Any Undesirable Side Effects................130
Step 5—Take Action.............................................................131

Chapter 6 A Simplified Improvement Strategy.............................. 133

The Evolution of the Thinking Processes.............................. 134
The Apparent Problem..............................................................135
The Interference Diagram........................................................136
Interference Diagram Types....................................................137
Step 1—Define the Goal/Objective.....................................138
Step 2—Define the Interferences........................................138
Step 3—Quantify the Time Component for ALL
Step 4—Alternatives to the Interferences..........................139
Interference Diagram for Strategy..........................................143
Step 1—ID Strategy—Define the Goal/Objective............144
Step 2—Define the Obstacles/Interferences......................144
Step 3—Define the Intermediate Objectives/Injections.... 145
x • Contents

Intermediate Objectives Map...................................................147

The ID/IO Simplified Strategy.................................................149

Chapter 7 Project Management....................................................... 153

A Different Method...................................................................158
Critical Chain Project Management.......................................160
Summary of Key Points............................................................167

Chapter 8 Theory of Constraints Replenishment Solution........... 169

Theory of Constraints Replenishment Model.......................172
Summary of Benefits from TOC’s Replenishment System.....176

Chapter 9 Understanding Variation................................................ 177

More on Variability...................................................................185
Reference.................................................................................... 190

Chapter 10 Performance Metrics....................................................... 191

Efficiency, Productivity and Utilization (EPU)©...................195
Utilization.................................................................................. 200
Summary................................................................................... 202
References.................................................................................. 206

Chapter 11 Mafia Offers and The Viable Vision.............................. 207

Introduction to Mafia Offers................................................... 207
Viable Vision..............................................................................212

Chapter 12 On-the-Line Charting..................................................... 215

Contents • xi

Chapter 13 Active Listening.............................................................. 219

Introduction to Active Listening.............................................219

Chapter 14 Is Change Really Necessary?.......................................... 225

Introduction.............................................................................. 225
Getting Buy-In for a Change................................................... 226

Chapter 15 TOC in MRO................................................................... 231

Drum Buffer Rope.................................................................... 240

Chapter 16 TOC in Healthcare.......................................................... 247

Chapter 17 Healthcare Case Study.................................................... 261

Chapter 18 The Cabinet Maker......................................................... 267

The Consequences and Chaos of Uncontrolled Efficiency....... 267
The Preliminary Analysis and Information Gathering...... 269
The Production Process and Tour...........................................270
Step 1—The Planners............................................................270
Step 2—The Lay-up...............................................................271
Step 3—The Saw....................................................................271
Step 4—Edge Banding..........................................................272
Step 5—The Morbidelli........................................................272
Step 6—The Box Press..........................................................272
Step 7—Final Assembly........................................................273
Step 8—Shipping...................................................................274
The Visual Cabinet Process Flow.......................................274
The System Analysis—More information and Details.........275
Step 1—The Planning...........................................................275
Step 2—The Lay-up...............................................................276
Step 3—The Saw....................................................................276
Step 4—Edge Banding......................................................... 277
Step 5—The Morbidelli....................................................... 277
Step 6—The Box Press..........................................................278
xii • Contents

Step 7—Final Assembly........................................................278

Step 8—Shipping...................................................................279
The System Analysis.............................................................279
The Improvement Implementation Strategy......................... 280
Step 1—Planners...................................................................281
Step 2—The Lay-up...............................................................281
Step 3—The Saw................................................................... 282
Step 4—Edge Banding......................................................... 282
Step 5—The Morbidelli....................................................... 282
Step 6—Kitting..................................................................... 283
Step 7—The Box Press......................................................... 283
Step 8—Final Assembly...................................................... 283
Step 9—Shipping.................................................................. 284
Step 10—Installation........................................................... 284
The Results............................................................................ 284
Index..................................................................................................... 287
In 2010, Bruce Nelson and I began writing a blog under the name of Focus
and Leverage, and since then we have posted well over four hundred blog
posts on a variety of different subjects. The response to our posts has been
overwhelming. The metric we used to track the receptivity of our posts
was the number of page views by week. The number of views started at
around one hundred per week, but then it started increasing exponentially
until it reached well over three hundred thousand per week. We were both
amazed and flabbergasted at the level of response we were getting to our
posts. Several of our more avid readers recommended that we take what
we had written in our blog posts and create a book, summarizing our
posts. We thought long and hard about this suggestion and have decided
to press forward and have this idea come to fruition.
You will notice that I use the term “we” to explain the concepts presented
throughout this book, even though I am the only author listed. It’s because
Bruce has elected not to be a co-author this time, due to time constraints.
But even though he’s not listed as a co-author, his writings cover much
of this book and make it much more interesting and informative. Much
of what we have written in our posts has to do with creating a forum of
sorts. That forum is one on continuous improvement methodologies,
principles and best practices. After all, continuous improvement has been
the hallmark of both our entire careers, and those who know us well know
that we love helping others with their efforts.
The layout of this book will be a series of our most popular blog posts,
which will be combined to form the chapters in this book. As you can
see in the table of contents, unlike many books, one chapter does not
necessarily build on the previous one. For example, one of the most
popular posts has been our method for teaching people the basics of the
Theory of Constraints. We will be discussing our first experiences with
TOC, and in so doing, we think you will see why we have embraced it so
much. Another topic of discussion will be on our integrated Theory of
Constraints, Lean and Six Sigma. We have christened this approach the
Ultimate Improvement Cycle, which is also known by the abbreviation
TLS. Because these two subjects are similar in nature, they will be linked
into the same chapter.

xiv • Preface

We will also be writing about problems and what we believe is the best
approach for solving them. We’ll introduce various problem-solving tools
and techniques we have used throughout our careers, including tools like
Pareto Charts, Causal Chains, Cause and Effect Diagrams, Why-Why
Diagrams and a host of other tools we have used in our careers to solve
both simple and complex problems. This chapter will also include a session
on paths of variation, which you might find to be an interesting read.
In addition to these time-tested problem-solving tools and techniques,
we will also be presenting the TOC problem-solving toolset, known as the
Logical Thinking Processes (LTPs). These tools were introduced by Dr.
Eliyahu Goldratt and have been somewhat modified over the years. We
will illustrate the LTPs by use of a case study on how to use TOC Thinking
Processes. Bruce has earned the title of a certified Jonah’s Jonah, which
means he can teach and certify others. And as you will see, he knows and
understands the LTPs as well as anyone I know.
Closely related to the LTPs is a technique known as the Goal Tree,
which, if followed to its logical conclusion, will teach you how to assess
your company and in a single day will help your company create a
strategic improvement plan. Often, we have seen students come away from
a training session on the LTPs not knowing how to use them. For these
people, the Goal Tree has proven its worth many times over.
We will also be writing about two distinctly different methods to manage
projects, namely the Critical Path Method (CPM) and Critical Chain
Project Management (CCPM). In this chapter, we will discuss project
management failure modes, project management negative behaviors that
must be overcome, and how best to track projects. We will demonstrate
why CCPM is the project management method of choice and how, by
using CCPM, your projects can be finished on time, on scope and on
budget over 95 percent of the time.
We will also introduce you to the TOC Parts Replenishment Model and
will compare it to the traditional Min/Max system. We will demonstrate
how, by using the TOC Parts Replenishment Model, you will be able to
reduce your facility’s parts inventory levels by 40 percent to 50 percent or
more, while reducing your stock-outs to nearly zero.
Throughout this book, we will be presenting case studies which were
based mainly on work that both Bruce and I have been a part of in our
careers. For example, in one of our chapters, we will be presenting case
studies on Aviation Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) as well as
a Hospital Emergency Department setting. You’re probably thinking that
Preface  • xv

we may have lost our minds thinking that Healthcare and MRO should be
discussed in the same chapter, as though they were related in some way.
But as you’ll see, they are not so dissimilar after all.
We will also be discussing our technique on how to achieve a motivated
work force to actively participate in improvement initiatives. We will be
discussing something we refer to as active listening. In presenting this
technique, we will describe how it has never failed us and how usually
it left the leadership team scratching their heads, wondering why such a
simple technique has eluded them for all these years.
Another subject that is very important for any organization is which
performance metrics they should be using to measure and track their
performance. Performance metrics stimulate organizational behaviors,
so it’s important that an organization selects metrics that result in
behaviors that benefit the organization. Closely related to selecting the
right performance metrics is the type of accounting system being used.
Traditionally, Cost Accounting (CA) has been the system of choice for
most organizations. We will discuss in detail another brand of accounting
known as Throughput Accounting (TA), which will dramatically
influence your organization’s profitability. We will demonstrate that the
key to organizational profitability is not through how much money you
can save, but rather through how much money you can make. And the two
approaches are dramatically different!
There will be other discussion topics added as needed, but the ultimate
objective will be to share the information that has guided us throughout
our careers. We value knowledge and experience sharing above all else,
and it is our hope that as you read this book and see all that it has to
offer, you will share your learning experience with others. But equally
important, it is our hope that you will learn and apply these subjects to
improve your company’s products and services. Good luck, but as we have
written in our other books, luck is Laboring Under Correct Knowledge.
You make your own LUCK!
Improvement Efforts

How’s your improvement effort working for you? If you’re like many
companies, you’ve invested lots of money on improvement training, but
you’re not seeing enough of your investment hitting the bottom line.
Like any other investment, you expected a fast and acceptable return on
investment (ROI), but it just isn’t happening, or at least not fast enough
to suit you or your board of directors. Maybe your investment was in Six
Sigma, and you’ve trained hundreds of people to become Yellow, Green
and Black Belts, and maybe even a few Master Black Belts? Maybe you’ve
invested a large sum of money training people on Lean Manufacturing
and have several Lean Senseis? Or maybe you’ve gone the Lean Six Sigma
route? So why aren’t you seeing an acceptable return on investment?
You know improvements are happening, because you’ve seen all of the
improvement reports. But you’re just not seeing the return on investment
that you expected, or at least hoped for.
I too have experienced this dilemma early in and throughout my
career. So, early in my career, I performed an analysis of both failed and
successful improvement initiatives. What I found changed my approach
to improvement forever. What I discovered was that it was all about
focus and leverage. By knowing where to focus my improvement efforts,
I was transformed. In doing so, I discovered something called the Theory
of Constraints (TOC). TOC teaches us that within a company there are
leverage points that truly control the rate of money generated by a company.
Sometimes these leverage points are physical bottlenecks, but often they
are company policies that prevent companies from realizing their true
profit potential. In this chapter (and others), we’re going to demonstrate
what TOC is and exactly how TOC can work for you. We’re going to show

2 • The Focus and Leverage Improvement Book

you how to use the power of TOC, to truly jump-start your improvement
efforts. Better yet, we’re going to help you turn all of those training dollars
(or whatever currency you use) into immediate profits, and then show you
how to sustain your efforts over the long haul.
Before we get into the solution, let’s take a look at the problem of why
your bottom line isn’t improving fast enough to suit you or your leadership.
If you’re like many companies, there seems to be a rush to run out and start
improvement projects without really considering the bottom-line impact of
the projects selected. Some companies even develop a performance metric
that measures the number of on-going projects and attempt to drive the
number higher and higher. Instead of developing a strategically focused
and manageable plan, many companies, in effect, try to “solve world
hunger.” They do this instead of focusing on the areas of greatest payback.
Many Lean initiatives attempt to drive waste out of the entire value chain,
while Six Sigma initiatives attempt to do the same thing with variation.
There’s nothing wrong with either of these improvement methodologies,
but the real benefits occur only if they are focused on the right area.
The real problem with failed Lean and Six Sigma initiatives is really
two-fold, namely too many projects and focusing on cost reduction. Many
companies simply have too many on-going projects that drain valuable
resources needed for the day-to-day issues facing them. Knowing what to do
next can really be confusing to managers who have reached their saturation
point and are not able to distinguish which projects are vital or important
and which ones are not. The economic reality that supersedes and overrides
everything else is that companies have always wanted the most improvement
for the smallest amount of investment. Attacking all processes and problems
simultaneously, as part of an enterprise-wide Lean Six Sigma (LSS) initiative,
quite simply overloads the organization and does not deliver an acceptable
ROI. In fact, according to the Lean Enterprise Institute annual surveys, the
failure rates of LSS initiatives are hovering around 50 percent. With failure
rates this high, is it any wonder why companies scale their efforts back, or
even abandon the initiatives altogether and back-slide to their old ways?
Earlier we said that focusing improvement initiatives on cost reduction
was one of the reasons that many Lean Six Sigma initiatives are failing.
Across-the-board cost cutting initiatives are pretty much standard for
many businesses. Companies spend inordinate amounts of money on
external consultants and in-house training programs, and then focus
on ways to reduce costs. Focusing solely on cost reduction is an absolute
mistake! So, if this misguided focus isn’t right, then what is the right
Improvement Efforts • 3

approach? We’ll demonstrate why this focus is misguided, but more

importantly, where the right focus should be.
Based upon my experiences in a variety of different organizations and
industries, the disappointing results coming from Lean and Six Sigma
are directly linked to failing to adequately answer three basic questions:
What to change? What to change to? and How to cause the change to
happen? Take a look at your own company. Are your projects focused on
cost reduction? Do you have an army of Yellow, Green and Black Belts? Do
you have so many projects that they are bogging down your company? Are
your Six Sigma projects typically taking three to six months to complete?
Are they providing you with real bottom-line impact, or are they a mirage?
We’ll begin to address how we can take advantage of the LSS training
that’s already been provided, to accelerate your company’s profits and then
demonstrate where to focus your improvement efforts.
The best way we have found to help people understand just what a
constraint (i.e. your leverage point) is, and how it impacts the flow or
throughput through a process, is by using a simple piping system. These
are the actual slides I use to teach the basic concepts of the Theory of
Figures 1.1 and 1.2 are drawings of a cross section of pipes, used to
transport water. That is, water enters into Section A, then flows into
Section B and continues downward until it reaches the receptacle at the
bottom of this piping system. I then explain to the audience that it has
been determined that more water is needed (i.e. a faster flow rate) and that

Piping System Introduction.
4 • The Focus and Leverage Improvement Book

Actions to Increase Water Flow Rate.

they have been chosen to fix this system. I emphasize that this system is
fed via gravity, so they can’t simply increase the water pressure. I then pose
the question, if enough water isn’t flowing through this system, what must
be done to make more water flow at a faster rate? Someone in the group
will invariably state that to have more water flowing faster through the
system, the diameter of Section E must be increased.
I then ask everyone if they understand why they must increase Section
E’s diameter, and most will answer that they do. For anyone who doesn’t,
we simply ask the person who first answered our question to explain
why this must be done. They usually tell the audience that because of the
constricted nature of Section E, water flow is limited at this point. So, the
only way to have more water is to expand the size of the pipe in Section E.
Since they all now have an understanding of this basic concept, we then
move to the next slide.
This next slide, Figure 1.3, reinforces what we just explained, but then I
ask another important question about how large the new diameter should
be. In other words, what would the new diameter of Section E depend
upon? The key point here is that this is supposed to demonstrate that
demand requirements play a role in determining the level of improvement
needed to satisfy the new demand requirements. In other words, “How
much more water is needed?”
In Figure 1.4, we demonstrate the new diameter of Section E and how
water is now flowing at a much faster rate than before the diameter change.
Improvement Efforts • 5

Identifying the System Constraint.

Exploiting the System Constraint.

The important point I emphasize is that the system constraint controls the
throughput of water through every section of pipe, and if we don’t subordinate
the rest of the system to the same throughput rate as the constraint, there will
automatically be a work-in-process (WIP) build-up in front of the constraint.
6 • The Focus and Leverage Improvement Book

I then ask the class to identify any other physical changes that have
occurred as a result of our exploitation of the constraint (i.e. increasing
the diameter of Section E). I give them time to answer this question, and
most of the time the group will answer correctly, stating that water is now
backing up in front of Section B. I then post the next slide (Figure 1.5) to
reinforce what changes to the system have occurred.
Here I point out that, first and foremost, the system constraint has
moved from Section E to Section B. I then explain that the new throughput
of water is now governed by the rate that Section B will permit. I point
to the queue of water, stacked up in front of Section B. I now make the
point that if the amount of water is still not enough, then you must decide
how to exploit the new system constraint and that the process of on-going
improvement is continuous.
In our next slide (Figure 1.6) I ask the question, “Would increasing the
diameter of any of the other sections (i.e. non-constraints) have resulted
in any more throughput of water through this system?” This question is
intended to demonstrate that, since the system constraint controls the
throughput of a system, focusing improvement anywhere else in the
system is usually wasted effort.
I finish with a Before and After slide (Figure 1.7), just to reinforce how
things have changed by focusing on the constraint.

System Constraint Has Moved.
Improvement Efforts • 7

System Constraint Controls the System Throughput.

Before and After.

The important lesson to have learned thus far is that in this simple
piping diagram with different diameter pipes, the smallest diameter
controlled the throughput of water through the system. I now turn our
attention to a simple four-step process used to make some kind of product.
8 • The Focus and Leverage Improvement Book

But for anyone new to the Theory of Constraints, I first discuss what the
originator of TOC, Eli Goldratt [1], describes as his 5 Focusing Steps:

1. Identify the system constraint.

2. Decide how to exploit the system constraint.
3. Subordinate everything else to the system constraint.
4. If necessary, elevate the system constraint.
5. Return to Step 1, but don’t let inertia create a new system constraint.

I do this because I want the class to get the connection from the piping
system to the real world. The next slide (Figure 1.8) is the aforementioned
simple four-step process, with cycle times for each step listed. I then ask
our students to tell me which step is constraining Throughput of this
manufactured part. It’s been my experience that only about 60 percent
of the class makes the connection between the flow of water through the
pipes and the flow of product through this process. What I have found to
be very effective is to select someone who does understand the connection
and have them explain their reasoning. It’s important that we don’t move
on until everyone understands this connection.
The next slide (Figure 1.9) is used to reinforce what their fellow classmates
or team members have just explained. I also relate Step 3 of this process to
Section E of the piping diagram. That is, I want the class to understand that
Step 3 is identical to Section E of the piping diagram, in that both of them are
the physical constraints within each of the two systems. I can’t emphasize
enough just how important understanding this connection really is.
In our next slide (Figure 1.10), I have the class become consultants. They
are told that the company who owns this process needs more Throughput.

Where is the System Constraint.
Improvement Efforts • 9

Identifying the System Constraint.

How do You Increase Throughput.

We ask them what they would do and ask them to explain their answers.
I usually break the class up into teams and let them discuss this question
as a group, and that seems to work well.
After the team(s) have explained their plan to improve Throughput,
I then show them this next slide (Figure 1.11), to reinforce each team’s
answer on what they would do to increase Throughput.
Because I want the class to understand the negative implications of
running each step of this process at maximum capacity, I then ask the
class what would happen to the WIP levels if they did run each step to
maximum capacity (Figure 1.12).
In the next slide (Figure 1.13), I demonstrate the impact of trying to
maximize the performance metrics, efficiency or utilization, in each
step in the process. The key point here is that the only place where
maximizing efficiency makes any sense is in the system constraint. The
10 • The Focus and Leverage Improvement Book

The Only Way.

Balanced Flow and Effect on WIP.

excessive WIP build-up encumbers the process and extends the cycle
time of the process, which typically results in a deterioration of on-time
I then ask the class, “How fast should each step in this process be running
to prevent this excessive build-up of WIP?” This is intended to demonstrate
Goldratt’s third step, Subordination. That is, why it’s so important to
subordinate every other part of the process to the constraint. This next
slide (Figure 1.14) explains in more detail the concept of subordination.
Steps 1 and 2 must not be permitted to outpace the constraint, but must
also assure that the constraint is never starved. This slide usually creates
an epiphany of sorts for the team or class.
I then explain that if the output of the constraint is still below
requirements, then we must Elevate the constraint, which simply means
that we may have to spend some money to increase the capacity of the
Improvement Efforts • 11

Impact on WIP.

Avoiding WIP Build-up.

constraint. This can be done by purchasing another machine, using

overtime, hiring additional manpower, etc.
My final slide (Figure 1.15) is one that lists Goldratt’s 5 Focusing Steps.
We talk through each step and relate both the piping diagram and the
four-step process to each of Goldratt’s five steps.
I have been using this simple method of teaching the concept of the
constraint for quite a few years now, and it has worked quite well for me.
We strongly suggest that you try it yourself.
12 • The Focus and Leverage Improvement Book

Goldratt’s 5 Focusing Steps.

So, why are we so worried about improving Throughput? Shortly,

we will explain why focusing your improvement efforts on increasing
Throughput, rather than the typical cost reduction, is the best way
to make more money. If cost reduction isn’t the best way to make
more money, then what is? To demonstrate this to you, I need to
introduce you to a different brand of accounting called Throughput
Accounting (TA).
TA was developed by Dr. Eli Goldratt, the creator of the Theory of
Constraints, to simplify financial decisions in real time. I know this will
seem like a lot of new terms, but as you will see, they really are simple or at
least much simpler than a traditional Cost Accounting (CA) report. If you
can learn these simple terms now, and apply them in your company, you
will be well on your way to making more money for your company than
you ever dreamed possible.


To judge whether an organization is moving toward its goal of making
more money, three basic questions must be answered:

1. How much money is generated by your company?

2. How much money is invested by your company?
3. How much money do you have to spend to operate your company?
Another random document with
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"For mercy's sake, no!" ejaculated Foster, looking at the children with no loving eye. "Dogs an'
childer be the garden's curse!"

"Oh, hush!"

Mrs. Inglefield looked really shocked.

"Of course they will have their own bit of ground and keep to it. But you were a boy once, Foster, and
I'm sure you were always fond of flowers."

"He's a nassy old man!" said Noel in a loud voice; and his mother, taking him by the hand, left the
kitchen garden and returned to the house.

In the afternoon it was a very happy little party that set out down the village. Diana and Chris were
losing their shyness, and were able to chatter as freely as Noel to this new mother of theirs. It was of
no use to point out to them the pretty thatched cottages, the geese and ducks upon the green, the
lambs at play in the fields, the cows going home to be milked, the pale primroses appearing in the
hedges, and the budding fresh green on every tree and bush. All these were delightful no doubt
when there was nothing else on hand. With three shillings almost burning a hole in their pockets,
was it likely that anything could keep them from their goal?

Along a green lane, up a hill, and then a very pretty whitewashed cottage appeared inside a big gate.
Glass greenhouses stretched away on a sunny slope behind it. Mrs. Inglefield made her way to one
of these, for she recognized Mr. Henry Sharpe, an old man with a white beard, standing at the door
speaking to a workman.

And when he saw her, he came hurrying towards her with outstretched hands.

"Why, if it isn't Miss Bessie! Beg pardon, ma'am, but I do forget your married name. You are always
Miss Bessie to me."

"I love to be called by the old name," said Mrs. Inglefield with her happy laugh, "and here is my little
flock waiting to be made acquainted with you. They are going to start gardens, Henry, but they can
make their own choice. Do you remember how I used to tear up to you when my pocket-money was
due? What a lot of money I spent on seeds and flowers!"

"You were a born gardener, that you were!"

"Well, I haven't had a nice garden in India; we have moved about so much."

"Mums," said Chris, "may we see the flowers and choose?"

"Aye, come along then, and tell me what you want. Fruit to eat, flowers to smell, or shrubs to grow?"

"Is your daughter still with you?" asked Mrs. Inglefield.

"She is. She married, was left a widow in the war, and came back to me. My grandson is a big boy
and goes to school. If I may say so, ma'am, you've a garden round you worth cultivating. Young fruit
trees want a lot of training to make them fruit-bearing!"

Mrs. Inglefield looked at her children and then at the old man.

"You are right," she said, "and I'm going to try to do it, and if I get into difficulties I shall come to you. I
think I will leave my children with you, and go into the cottage and have a talk with Bessie."
Mr. Sharpe took the children down between the houses to see the rows and rows of spring flowers
and seedlings which were all coming on. He was very different to Foster. He loved children, and they
all chattered away to him as if they had known him all their life.

By and by, he brought three very happy children back to their mother. Chris and Diana held fat
packets in their hands. Noel had his in his pocket, but his blue eyes were shining mysteriously. They
had each made their choice, and certainly Noel's choice seemed the strangest of all.

The Christmas Tree

Old Mr. Sharpe insisted upon the children coming into the cottage and having some refreshment. It
was too early for tea, but he produced some home-made ginger beer, and some currant cake. His
daughter, a sad-faced young woman, had traces of tears on her cheeks. She had been talking about
the young husband killed in the war. But she smiled at the children's eagerness and enthusiasm for
the garden.

"Oh, Mums, such rows and rows of daffodils and narcissus! Isn't it a pity it's too late to plant them

"And, Mums, you should have seen the flowers in the hot-houses, but none of them will grow out of
doors now!"

"And the little trees, all coming out in pink and white flowers!"

It was not until they were on the way home that Mrs. Inglefield was told of the purchases.

Diana had chosen nothing but flowers. She had a tiny rose tree coming up the next day to be placed
in the middle of her bed.

"It will be the queen," she said with the dreamy look in her grey eyes that her mother loved to see;
"and I shall have her ladies-in-waiting all round her: Lady Pansy, and Lady Blue Cornflower, and
Lady Pink Verbena, and Lady Snapdragon, and Lady Yellow Eschscholtzia; and then her little pages
will be Tom Thumb Nasturtiums. Don't you think my bed will be lovely, Mums?"

"Lovely, darling. You have done very well, I think. What is Chris's choice?"

"I've got mustard and cress, and radishes," he said sturdily, "and one strawberry plant. And two red
geraniums are coming to me when it's time to put them in the ground. And I've a lot of mixed sweet-
peas, and one little gooseberry bush."

"You have a lot for your money. First rate," said his mother. "What has Noel got?"

Diana looked at Chris, and they both giggled.

Noel looked at them angrily, and turned to his mother:

"I'm going to have one fing only, but it's quite big, it's what we never had in India, and what I've
always been wanting ever since you read me about it in my fairy book."

"I believe I can guess," his mother said: "it's a Christmas tree."

"Yes, that's just what it is. And Mr. Sharpe and me choosed for ever so long before we found a big
one, and it's coming to-morrow."

"But, my darling, won't it be rather a dull garden with only that tree in it?"

"It won't be dull to me," said Noel. "I love it. And it will be ready for next Christmas. It's been
wondering when its turn was coming to be taken away, it didn't know it was coming into this lovely
garden with me to love it. Don't you r'ember the fir tree that was always finking and being
disappointed? I mean to tell mine exac'ly what's going to happen to him."

"You're a funny darling," said his mother, but she kissed him and said no more.

"Mr. Sharpe gave him some flower seeds as a present," said Chris, "but he says he isn't going to put
them in his garden."

"No, my Christmas tree won't like them. He likes plenty of room all to himself, and I shall put those
seeds where I want to."

Mrs. Inglefield looked at him a little perplexedly.

"You're a funny boy," she said again; "but if your Christmas tree will make you happy, I shall say
nothing against it. You've made your choice, so it's all right."

Noel seemed quite content. But he refused to tell Diana and Chris his plan about his seeds. All three
of them wanted to go into the garden after tea, but Nurse refused to let them do it.

"It is too cold, and rain is beginning to fall. You must just stay in the nursery."

"We can go to Mums," said Diana.

"No, you can't. The mistress is going to rest. She's been at it all day long."

So they tried to make themselves happy in this new nursery of theirs. Chris got out his paint-box and
began to colour the picture in a story-book of his. Diana got out her beloved sheets of paper and
commenced a fresh story under the inspiration of this fresh home. Noel got a chair and knelt up at
the window, looking out upon the English scene with keen, observant eyes.

Suddenly he looked round:

"What are those green lumps all over the church garden?" he asked.

"Those are graves, of course," said Chris, "where people are buried when they die."

"Why do they crowd into the church garden? Haven't they gardens of 'er own?"

"Oh, that wouldn't be proper," said Chris.

"I s'pose," Noel went on thoughtfully, "they try and get as near to God as they can, poor fings! But
they aren't really vere at all, it's only their bodies. It isn't a very pretty garden: God ought to have a
better one."

Chris made no reply.

Noel was always dressed first, and then Nurse went to Diana. It was a lovely sunny morning. Directly
Nurse's back was turned, Noel slipped downstairs very quietly: then he ran out into the garden,
opened the little gate that led to the churchyard and began his operations. Going from one green
mound to another, he made a hole with his finger in the middle of each, opened his precious packet
of seeds and dropped one or two seeds in it. Then he carefully covered it up with earth, and went on
to another. Mr. Sharpe had put several varieties of seed into his packet. There was mignonette,
aster, lobelia, and a few other summer flowers. Noel knew nothing about the names or the flowers,
but he went on steadily planting seed by seed, and by and by a clergyman came out of the church.
He looked at the small boy in surprise. He was a young, cheerful-looking man with a very quick,
decided manner.

"Now, what on earth are you doing here?" he asked. "And who are you? We've never seen each
other before, have we?"

"I'm Noel. Who are you?"

"I'm John Wargrave, the parson. And this place belongs to me."

Noel looked at him stolidly.

"This is God's garden," he said, "and that place you've come out of is God's house. It all belongs to

"So it does, sonny. You've corrected me. But it isn't nice to make a playground of the churchyard.
What are you doing?"

"I'm not playing. I'm working very hard."

Noel spoke in an injured tone. Mr. Wargrave looked at the packets of seeds in his hands, and
wondered. Then Noel explained himself.

"I've made myself into God's gardener, and I'm going to make flowers come all over His garden. God
loves flowers. Mums told me He did. It's an ugly garden now: not half as nice as ours."

"Do you love God?" Mr. Wargrave asked gently.

Noel nodded.

"It's a very nice thought, my boy, but a lot of people own a bit of ground here. The graves belong to
them, and they wouldn't like you to meddle with them. Have you many seeds left?"

Noel spread out three small packets.

"Well, look here. There is a rose tree over the church porch. It is in a bed of its own, and you can
plant the rest of your seeds there. I'll come and help you do it now."

Noel was quite willing. Mr. Wargrave produced a trowel from a little room at the back of the church,
and they made quite a good job of it. He soon found out who Noel was and where he lived, and he
said he was coming to call on Mrs. Inglefield very soon. They were good friends when they parted,
and Noel trotted upstairs to his nursery breakfast. Nurse scolded him for his dirty hands, but
supposed he had been playing in the garden. He did not tell anyone what he had been doing.
But later in the day when his Christmas tree arrived, and Diana and Chris were busy with their
gardens, he was asked where his seeds were.

"God has got them," he said solemnly; "I've given them to Him."

He would say nothing more.

Diana remarked to Chris:

"I can't think why Noel is so religious. He isn't a good boy at all, and yet he is always talking about

"He's too little to know he oughtn't to do it," said Chris decidedly.

"Why oughtn't we to do it, I wonder?" said Diana musingly. "The people in the Bible talked about

"It isn't respectful," said Chris: "rev'rent, I mean. Granny always hushed us about religious things."

"Yes, but Mums talks about them quite easily: she doesn't whisper."

Chris gave it up.

"I only know Noel wouldn't do it if he was amongst a lot of other boys. They'd laugh at him."

"We laugh at him, but he doesn't care."

"He's a most cocky little beggar!"

The Christmas tree almost overshadowed Noel's small garden. It looked strangely out of place there,
and would do so even more when surrounded by spring and summer flowers. Chris and Diana, up in
the medlar tree the next day, watched Noel standing, hands in pockets, in front of it. A pert saucy
robin came and perched on the topmost branch. Noel stood so still that he did not frighten it away,
but he commenced to talk to it.

"You're sitting on my tree. I don't know if you know it. I'm a Chris'mas child and the tree is a
Chris'mas tree, and we bofe belong to the best day in the whole year, and that's Jesus Christ's
birfday and mine. It will take a long time to come this year, for we haven't got to the summer yet, but
I'm going to be patient, and as for my tree, he is finking all the time of the wonderful day that's
coming to him: the glorious, beautiful day when he'll be dressed from his head to his feet all over with
lovely shining fings of glory, and crowds of chil'en and people will be dancing round him and looking
up at him as if—as if he was a king. So, Mr. Robin, if you sit on his branches, you must re'mber
you're almost sitting on a king!"

"Isn't he a funny boy?" whispered Diana to Chris.

Then Noel went on talking to his tree:

"I'm going to call you Firry; you must have a name. I hope you're happy in this garden; you haven't
got any bruvvers to talk to, but I'd rather talk alone than to Chris. He never understands, and so you
must be like me and like best to be alone. And if the trees wiv flowers on laugh at you, tell them that
when winter comes—the English winter—they'll be dead and gone, and you'll be alive and glorious, it
will be Chris'mas, and the very happiest day in the whole year. I don't want you to be unhappy, Firry. I
cried for the poor little Chris'mas tree in Germany that was forgotten when Chris'mas Day was over. I
shall never forget you. That's why I brought you here. I'll talk to you all the summer and tell you
what's coming to you, and after Chris'mas you shall come back here and live and be happy and get
ready for the nex' Chris'mas."

"He's talking drivel!" said Diana, and then she sprang down from the tree with a shout, and Noel,
after giving a violent start, walked away and didn't go near his Christmas tree again that day.

The first Sunday came.

To Chris and Diana church was no treat; yet they looked forward to the novelty of going to a strange
church and seeing strange people. To Noel this was a momentous day. He had never been to church
in England yet. In London, for several reasons, he had not been taken there.

It was a bright sunny morning. Noel was dressed in his white sailor suit. It was a new one, and he felt
rather self-conscious in it. As Mrs. Inglefield walked down the garden and through the little gate into
the churchyard, she felt proud of her children. Diana had slipped her hand into her mother's, but
Chris and Noel were having a tussle the other side of her. Each felt he ought to be nearest to his
mother. When they reached the church door, Mrs. Inglefield looked down upon two hot, rather angry
faces, and she said immediately:

"Now, boys, I can't have this. I am going to have Diana on one side of me in church, and Noel the
other. Chris must be content to be the outside one. He shall sit near the aisle, for he is my eldest
son, and that is where his father would sit if he were with us."

Chris brightened up immediately. They took their seats in the middle aisle, not very far from the
pulpit. There was a good congregation, and the service was a hearty one. Mr. Wargrave, the young
vicar, preached so earnestly and simply that even Noel could understand him. His big blue eyes
seemed to be taking in everybody and everything. He was very still; he did not fidget as much as
Chris did, and when they came out of church, he looked up at his mother with shining eyes:

"When I grow up, I shall have a white dress on, and stand up in church and preach like that man. I
shall be a padre when I grow up."

Mrs. Inglefield looked down upon him tenderly.

"You couldn't be anything better, Noel," she said.

And then an old lady came up to them and shook hands with Mrs. Inglefield in a delighted way.

"I heard you were coming back to these parts. How's your mother? Still wedded to her town life? And
are these your children? Bring them to tea with me to-morrow. Four o'clock. Good-bye. So glad to
welcome you."

And then she bustled off and got into a car and was whirled away from them before Mrs. Inglefield
had time to say a word. She turned to her children.

"That is Lady Alice Herbert. She's an old friend of Granny's. She lives at the Hall, and her husband,
General Herbert, is a great invalid."

"And we're all going to tea with her. What fun!" said Chris.

In the afternoon the three children went into the garden whilst their mother rested; but by and by Mrs.
Inglefield heard a little tap at the door, and Noel walked in. He did not look very happy.

"Am I asturbing you, Mummy?" he asked in his most angelic tone.

"No, darling, I am not sleeping; come and sit down by the couch here. What have you been doing?"
"I don't like those uvver two," said Noel, shaking his head with a heavy frown. "They're always
playing and talking outside me."

"You mean without you; but you see they've not been accustomed to have a third in their games. I
hope you're nice to them?"

"I don't want to have nuffin' to do with them. They laugh at me about the Chris'mas tree. You and me,
Mummy, can be two as we've always been, and they can be just a two away from us."

"Oh, my darling," said Mrs. Inglefield, half laughing, yet with a perplexed face, "you mustn't talk so!
This comes of bringing you up away from them. You all belong to me and to each other, and we must
be a very happy little family. I can't talk to you any more now, so if you want to stay with me, get a
picture-book from my table over there. There's that one you love about the boys in the Bible."

Noel got the book, and drawing a stool up by his mother's side, was quite happy till tea-time.

Chris and Diana appeared in very good spirits, and if Noel was rather silent, they did not seem to be
impressed by it.

They were full of anticipation of going to Lady Alice Herbert's to tea the following day, and talked
about it till bedtime.

Very great was their disappointment the next morning when their mother told them that she had
received a letter from Lady Alice saying that, as the General was not very well, she would not ask the
children, but only herself.

Diana pouted, Chris cried "What a shame!" and Noel stumped up and down the room in real anger.

"Never mind, chicks, she will ask you another day, I am sure, and perhaps it is just as well, for it
looks like rain."

And rain it did in an hour's time. The children played contentedly in the nursery all the morning. They
had their early dinner downstairs with their mother, and afterwards she took them up to her boudoir,
and read a story to them till it was time for her to go off to the Hall. The car came for her a little
before four o'clock, and the children watched her depart with envious eyes. They waved their hands
to her, standing on the doorstep till they could see her no more, and then very reluctantly they went
back to their nursery.

"What is there to do?" said Chris discontentedly as he put his hands deep in his jacket pockets and
stood gazing out of the window at the driving rain and sodden garden.

"I'm going to finish my story, and then I'll read it to you," said Diana happily, as she drew her chair up
to the table and produced some crumpled sheets of paper out of her pocket. Diana always carried
her story about with her, in case of sudden inspiration seizing her.

"Read it to us first, and finish it afterwards," said Chris with a grin.

Noel looked at him contemptuously, and Chris caught the look and resented it.

"What are you going to do, Baby?" he asked.

Noel's eyes flashed.

"I aren't going to play with you," he said, and then, he marched out of the room.
A few minutes later a little figure in sailor cap and overcoat was plodding down the path to the gate,
in the rain.

It was Noel. He felt that he could not be shut up in the nursery with his brother and sister all the
afternoon, and suddenly thought that he would go and see Mr. Wargrave. Then he changed his mind.
He would go into the church if the door was unlocked. There were a lot of things he wanted to see
and understand there.

Half an hour later the house was being searched by Nurse for the truant. When she missed his cap
and coat she was very angry with Chris and Diana.

"I was only ironing in the kitchen; you might have kept him quiet and out of mischief, the two of you,"
she said. "He's a child, I'll say that, but if he's wandering about in this rain, he'll be laid up with cold,
with his Indian constitootion."

"He's most likely in the garden talking to his fir tree, or in the churchyard," said Chris. "Shall I go and
look for him and bring him in?"

"Put on your mackintosh then, and be quick about it," said Nurse. "'Tis your fault he's wandered out, I
consider. You're none too kind to him, either of you!"

A Nursery Entertainment

Chris was delighted to have an excuse to go out in the rain. He sped away, down the garden, but
there were no signs of Noel, then into the churchyard. When he got there, he found the young vicar,
Mr. Wargrave, in the church porch. He had the door ajar, and to Chris's mystification seemed to be
peeping through the opening.

"Have you seen my little brother?" he asked him.

"Hush!" said Mr. Wargrave, turning round, then he smiled at Chris.

"Don't make a noise," he said, "but have a look at him."

Chris peeped into the church. He caught sight of Noel's fair curly head at once. It was just above the
edge of the pulpit, and two small arms were waving in the air. This was what he heard:

"And so you see, my frens, God wants you to be good. And my tex' is 'Fight the good fight,' and
that's Satan, and I'll say good afternoon to you now, and mind you come next Sunday and I'll preach
about the wind and rain trying to drown the boat. Amen."

Chris giggled loudly. Mr. Wargrave shut the door.

"We won't disturb him," he said.

"But he's no business there," Chris said; "Mums would be horrified. Noel thinks he can do anything
he likes. He's going to be a clergyman, he says, so he's practising. He oughtn't to play in the church."

"It isn't play," said Mr. Wargrave. "Would you two boys like to come over to the Vicarage with me? My
brother Ted would like to see you on a wet afternoon like this."

"I'd love it," said Chris; "but Nurse sent me to fetch Noel in. He's run away."

"I'll step across with you and ask Nurse to spare you for an hour. I live close here, you know."

Then he opened the church door with a little clatter. Noel darted down out of the pulpit. He looked
very uncomfortable when he saw his brother's head peeping from behind Mr. Wargrave.

But he adopted a very careless air as he came down the aisle towards them.

"Are you come to have a—a service?" he asked the young vicar.

"No, I was coming to fetch a book in the vestry," Mr. Wargrave said; "and I want you and your brother
to come back to the Vicarage to tea with me. We are going to your house to ask if you may. Perhaps
you can get the permission while I get my book, Chris."

Chris sped away as fast as his legs could carry him. Noel stood still in the porch, looking out into the
rain with grave thoughtful eyes. Mr. Wargrave was only a moment getting his book, and he joined
him before Chris came back.

Putting his hand on his shoulder, he said, smiling:

"You'll be a preacher by and by, but don't hurry. We have to learn a lot before we can teach others."

Noel's cheeks became hot and red.

"Did you see anyone in the pulpit?" he asked in a whisper.

Mr. Wargrave nodded.

"I foughted I was quite alone. I only pretended the peoples. I just wanted to see if I could do it."

"Yes, yes, I understand. We'll forget it."

Mr. Wargrave pitied the small boy's distress and confusion. Chris reappeared, very breathless and

"Nurse says we can come," he said. And then the three of them walked down the road a very little
way, and turned in at a big iron gate with a thick shrubbery and a drive, and arrived at an old grey
stone Vicarage, with small casement windows and walls covered with creepers.

The vicar took them straight through a long narrow hall to a room at the back of the house
overlooking a very pretty garden. It was a cosy room. A bright red carpet was on the floor, and a
blazing fire in the grate. There were bookshelves and many pictures lining the walls. On a big red-
and-white chintz-covered couch by the fire, reclined a boy with a white face and a cheerful smile. He
was a big boy, about fifteen or sixteen. Chris and Noel looked at him in awe.

"Two small neighbours, Ted," said Mr. Wargrave; "the other side of the church. They've come to tea.
I'll go and tell Mrs. Hurcombe. You amuse them till I come back. I have my churchwarden waiting to
see me."
He left the room. Chris and Noel stood by the side of the couch feeling a little shy of this strange boy,
but when he looked at them and laughed, they laughed too.

"Don't think me an awful frump tucked up on a couch like this. It's only for a year. I was at school and
hurt my back in the gym. Like to see how I spend my time?"

He drew a table by the side of his couch nearer, and showed them on a wooden tray a complete set
of dolls' furniture. There was a most beautiful little cabinet of polished wood, which opened and shut
its doors, six chairs with red leather seats, a four-post bedstead, a polished square table, and two
chests of drawers.

"Oh!" cried Chris. "Did you make these all yourself?"

"Yes, and a lot more. They go to an Arts and Crafts Depot and sell like old boots. And I made them
myself with the help of a book only, so I feel rather swanky over them."

"I wish Dinah could see these," said Chris.

"Here's something you may like better."

He produced a little canoe, and then a tiny tram and a wheelbarrow and a cart.

"It passes the time," he said.

"Don't you never go out of doors?" asked Noel, looking at him gravely.

"Not often. I have to be wheeled out in a flat pram, and I hate it. But when summer comes, I can lie
on a rug on the lawn and then I shall feel first rate."

Chris was fingering the toys lovingly.

"I wish I was clever," he said with a little sigh.

"Can you make houses?" asked Noel eagerly. "Could you make a church?"

"He's mad on church," said Chris; "we've only just dragged him out of it. He's been in India, and
doesn't know England."

"Tell us about India," said Ted, smiling at Noel.

Noel launched forth at once, waving his hands and getting quite excited as he described his home in
India and the native servants, and all the pets he had kept out there. Chris openly yawned, but Ted
was interested, and when Mr. Wargrave returned all three boys were talking fast and freely. Tea was
brought in by a very smiling housekeeper, and they had a merry time.

But Chris watched Ted gravely, and at last he said to him:

"I couldn't laugh like you do if I had to lie on my back all day long. I'd have to die straight off if I
couldn't jump up and run about."

"That's how I felt first of all," said Ted simply. "But of course it doesn't say much for your pluck if you
can't face pain. And I came to see that I must make the best of it, and that I could be thankful that I
wasn't blind or deaf and dumb, or covered over with loathsome sores. And—I—well, I've been helped
along by remembering that there's a suffering corps in God's army, as well as a fighting corps."

Chris looked at him with big eyes.

Here was a big boy talking about God. He could not understand it.

But after tea, he was made very happy by having a lesson in wood-carving from Ted.

Noel went off with Mr. Wargrave to his study.

He sat on the deep window-ledge there, and swinging his legs, told the vicar all about his Christmas

Mr. Wargrave was a good listener.

"I think it's splendid," he told him. "And then at Christmas perhaps you'd be able to make numbers
happy. If I had a tree like that, I would ask a lot of children out of the village, and there are some in
the Union, about a mile off on the high road. I'm the chaplain there, and I always feel sorry for the
children. They don't have many pleasures. If you love Ted, he'll make you a lot of toys for your tree."

"Oh, will he?" Noel was radiant. "And I'll have a very big party. Mums will let me. I'll have all the
children who live here. I do wish it was Christmas time."

"Oh, don't wish that. We have the lovely summer coming first. All of us are happy in summer-time.
The flowers and the bees and butterflies, and the birds and squirrels and rabbits—they all love the
warm sunshine. And you will, too."

"I don't like it when the sun is very hot," said Noel thoughtfully; then his thoughts took another turn.
"What's a hypercrit?"

"Someone who pretends to be what he is not."

Noel frowned.

"And a 'cocky beggar'? I thoughted beggars were poor ragged men who asked for money: they were
in India."

Mr. Wargrave smiled.

"Oh, that's a boy's expression for anyone who thinks a lot of himself. I suppose your brother has
been calling you that?"

"If you speak about God at all, you're a hypercrit," said Noel. "I 'spect Chris doesn't know what it
means: it's too long a word for him. I'll tell him so. I don't pretend half as much as they do; they're
always pretending in their games. Why is it wrong to talk about God?"

"It isn't wrong; it ought to be the natural thing with every one of us. If we love anyone very much, we
can't help talking about them. But—"

Mr. Wargrave hesitated; then he went on:

"Boys and girls, and grown-up people too, are shy sometimes of telling people what they feel deeply
in their hearts; and when children play about with each other, they keep their thoughts about God
and heaven to themselves, and don't quite understand anybody talking freely about it. I'm not saying
they are right. But it makes us more reverent if we speak about God very gravely, almost in a

Noel listened and nodded his head.

"I'll try."
And then he caught sight of a case of butterflies, and for the next half-hour hung over it entranced,
whilst Mr. Wargrave talked about butterflies and their ways.

When Chris and Noel's visit was over, they went home and described all the glories of the Vicarage
to Diana, who was quite curious about them.

She was wild to see the dolls' furniture.

"I don't see why I shouldn't go straight in to-morrow. I'll ask Mums if I may. That ill boy would be very
glad to see me. Mums was only saying the other day that visiting sick people was a very nice thing to

When Mrs. Inglefield returned home, three eager children met her in the hall.

She was quite pleased that the boys had gone to tea at the Vicarage.

"Lady Alice was telling me about that poor boy. It is a dreadful trial for him to be laid up like that for a
year, or perhaps longer."

"But he's quite happy," said Chris. "He laughs like anything!"

"Yes, he has a brave cheerful spirit. I shall be very glad for you to know him. He must be a nice boy."

Two or three days afterwards, Diana got her chance. Mr. Wargrave came to call, and spoke to her in
the hall as he was leaving. Diana was always outspoken.

"I don't want to be rude," she said, "but I'm just dying to see the dolls' furniture at your house. Could
you ask me to, do you think? I wouldn't expect tea. I wouldn't be as mean as that, but just to see

"You shall come in now," he said, smiling, "if your mother will let you. Ted will be only too delighted to
show you all his toys."

Mrs. Inglefield, who was standing by, gave her permission, and Diana danced off, and was a good
hour away. She came back to the nursery with glowing eyes.

"He not only makes toys," she said to the boys emphatically, "but he makes poetry! He said some to

The boys were impressed. Ted and his doings were much discussed amongst them for the following

The weather kept them indoors a good deal. It was rain and wind every day, and the nursery was a
small room for three active children. One morning Nurse, sitting at her work there, was visited by
Mrs. Budd.

Chris and Noel were busy in a corner with their bricks, Diana was finishing her story, but as she
scribbled off the last sentence she caught a fragment of conversation between Nurse and her visitor.

"I always felt she would be dull here. She misses the master, of course, and she's been accustomed
to a life in India. I feel fair worried when I sees her so quiet knitting for the boys, and tears in her eyes
all the time."

"'Twill be better in the fine weather when there's plenty of gentry round her to keep her from
Diana shut up her papers and went over to the window. She had what Nurse called her "thinking cap"

After their early dinner she called the boys to her and said:

"Look here, I promised to keep Mums from feeling dull. It's come upon her, and we've got to do

"What?" asked Chris.

"We'll give her an entertainment," said Diana grandly. "And I'll tell her it's coming, so that will take
away the dullness, to feel it's coming. We'll do it after tea."

"What can we do?" asked Chris helplessly.

"I've thought it all out. I'll read her my story. It's finished, and she's never heard any of my stories. It's
awfully exciting. And you and Noel can learn something to recite, like we did with Miss Carr to
Granny once."

"We can dance," said Chris, romping round the room, "and dress up! Oh, that will be the thing,

Mrs. Inglefield was feeling rather lonely that afternoon. She had been writing to her husband, and
now she was knitting socks for Chris, and thinking about his schooling. She was in her boudoir.
Presently she heard a sharp rattat at her door, a little giggle, and then a note was pushed through
the bottom of the door.

She picked it up and opened it.


"We're sorry you are dull, but we are not going to let you be
any more. At half-past five we invite you to our Grand Entertainment.
Tickets free. The performance will be thrilling."


"P.S.—It will be done in the Nursery—punctule."

So Mrs. Inglefield had enough to keep her expectant and smiling. She heard a good deal of noise
overhead for the next hour or so. But punctually at half-past five she presented herself at the nursery

It was opened by Noel, who had a pink paper cap on his head, and his body and legs all wound
round and round with coloured handkerchiefs and ribbons.

He gave her a very low bow and led her to Nurse's armchair, which was draped in an old red shawl.

It was the seat of honour. Then she was presented with a programme.


An acrobatic exhibishon.
Two gentlemen's duel.
An Authoresses story.
Beautiful Poem resited by motor-car and horse.
General Dance and Wind up.
All can join.

A row of chairs divided the audience from the performers.

The entertainment opened by Chris standing on his head in the corner, and Diana balancing a doll's
tray of tea-things on his feet. Catastrophe was saved by her snatching the tray away, as his feet
began to shake.

Then Noel and Chris had a fencing bout with two hoop sticks. Mrs. Inglefield drew a long breath
when it was over and neither combatant was hurt. The next item on the programme was:

"An Authoresses story."

Diana made her appearance in one of Nurse's best gowns. A wreath of ivy was round her head. She
had sheets of paper in her hand and commenced to read in a high sing-song voice.

The story was about a miserable ragged little girl in London who was given sixpence and a kiss by a
beautiful lady one afternoon when she was selling matches in the streets. The lady's face and dress
was described with much detail. Mrs. Inglefield had no difficulty in recognizing herself as the lady.
The little girl's name was Sally, and she fell in love with this lady and used to follow her round in
London every day, only at a distance. At night she dreamt of her. And then one day the lady was
nearly run over by a motor. Sally dashed into the middle of the road and saved her, but got knocked
down herself and had her leg broken. Then the lady burst into tears at her bravery, and told her
coachman, who had arrived on the scene, to take her home in her carriage. She was carried to the
"most beautiful house in London." Her bedroom was "covered with pink satin curtains and cushions
all over the place." Sally was placed in bed, and a doctor sent for who mended her broken leg.

"But suddenly Mrs. Field fell on her knees by the bed and seized the broken leg:"

"'It is her, my long-lost daughter,' she cried. 'I know the scar which she had as a baby. My nurse lost
her one day when she was wheeling her pram in Kensington gardens!'"

"And all was true, and Sally's leg mended very soon, and she never had to go back to the old woman
who made her sell matches, but she lived with her darling mother ever after. And she grew up and
married a relation of the Royal Family. But she always remembered her ragged time and gave
money to match-girls. This is the moral and the end."

There was much applause when the young authoress sat down.

Then the children retired into the night nursery. After a time, with a rush and a fierce snorting noise,
Chris tore backwards and forwards several times.

"A motor-car!" said Mrs. Inglefield, clapping her hands.

Then Noel entered, galloping up and down and whinnying so loud that Mrs. Inglefield called out very

"A horse!"
And then he and Chris stood together and recited the following poem:

CHRIS. "I shriek and everybody flies!

I tear along beneath the skies,
I stop as quickly, for I feel
My master's hand upon the wheel."

NOEL. "I trot along the hard high road,

To journey slowly is my mode.
We want to see, to feel, to smile,
To scent the beauty of each mile."

CHRIS. "Past meadows, villages I fly,

No time to see as I go by!
The wind, the air is all I feel,
Beside the hand upon the wheel."

NOEL. "My master's hand is on my rein,

His eyes are in the country lane.
I canter on up hill, down dale,
Through grassy fields and lovely vale."

CHRIS. "I scorch up hills, I fly along,

My warning 'honk' is all my song.
Towns, rivers, sea, all pass away.
A hundred miles we do each day."

NOEL. "But cars can't hunt, or ride at will

Through woods, or up untrodden hill,
Nor soak their souls in beauty fair,
That's only done through my brown mare."

Lesson Days

"Splendid!" cried Mrs. Inglefield enthusiastically, applauding with her feet and hands. "May I ask who
is the author of that poem?"

"Ted wrote it," said Diana. "He said it to me when I went over to see him, so I made him write it down,
and Chris and Noel have been learning it as fast as they could all the afternoon."

"I think you are all extremely clever," said Mrs. Inglefield. "I am quite proud of you."

"And which do you like best, Mums, a horse or motor?" asked Noel.
"It's easy to see which the poet liked best," said Mrs. Inglefield, laughing. "I think I like them both; if I
were rich, I would keep a car to take me long distances, and a horse to ride when I wanted to enjoy
the country."

"And now we'll have our dance," said Diana.

There was a great bustle then, clearing the chairs away. Chris had the honour of dancing with his
mother, and Diana danced with Noel. They turned their small gramophone on, and all enjoyed
themselves. When they at last had to stop from sheer fatigue, Mrs. Inglefield made a little speech in
which she thanked them all most gratefully for their successful entertainment.

"It has kept your dullness away," said Diana with a satisfied smile. "I'm so glad. I promised you I
would keep you from being dull."

Her mother did not remember the promise, but she was touched by her little daughter's thought for

"Did you like Dinah's story?" Chris asked.

"Very much. It was a sweet little story. I did not know I had a daughter who was an authoress. What a
proud mother I shall be when her first book is published!"

Diana got rosy red. That was the dream and desire of her heart. She lay in bed at night imagining the
time when a real book of hers should be in her hand fresh from the publishers, with her name in big
letters across its title page.

A little later that evening they all went down to the boudoir. They always spent an hour before their
mother's dinner with her there.

Diana and Noel were looking at a beautiful book of engravings together which belonged to their
grandmother and had been left in the cottage. Diana was weaving stories out of every picture, and
Noel listened to her with the greatest interest. Chris crept up close to his mother's chair, and sat
down on a stool at her feet.

"I wish I was clever like Dinah," he sighed. "I can't write stories, Mums: I've tried and tried and tried.
You'll never see a book of mine in print. There'll be nothing for you to be proud about in me."

His mother caressed his smooth brown head with her loving hand.

"Now, Chris, we'll have a little talk together. God gives us all different gifts. It isn't everyone who can
write books. I am glad it isn't. We have quite enough books in the world as it is. And, do you know, I
am very glad that my eldest son does not write stories. Somehow or other, I don't think it is very
noble or uplifting work for strong men to do. A man who spends his life in making up stories of what
silly men and women do and say isn't much of a man, to my thinking. Mind, Chris, there are great
writers amongst men, and writers who do a lot of good by their pen, but there are men who do the
reverse. I would far rather my son went out into the world, and endured hardness and worked hard
for his country and fellow-men. I want you to be an Empire-builder, my boy, or an Empire-keeper. You
can be a sailor, or a soldier, or a judge, or a policeman, or even a colonist, but if you're putting God
first, service for country next, and self last, I shall be proud of my son."

Chris squared his shoulders. His heart caught fire at his mother's words.

"I will make you proud of me, Mums," he said earnestly. "I will work hard all my life till I die."

And then his mother stooped and kissed the top of his head, and a bright tear fell as she said:
"God bless and keep you, my boy, and help you to keep your promise."

Chris was a happy boy that night. He had often bewailed his inferiority to his sister, who was so quick
and agile with her words and pen, but now he felt that he had a goal in front of him: a vision in which
he saw himself as a doer if not a talker or a writer; and he fell asleep murmuring to himself:

"I'll do, do, do, and Mums will be proud of me!"

The weather cleared in a few days and spring came along in a rush.

Very soon Mrs. Inglefield had made her plans. She had found a good boys' school about six miles
away, and though the schoolmaster did not care to take day boys as a rule, he made an exception in
Chris's case, and took him as a weekly boarder. Chris was to come home every Saturday and stay
till Monday. There was a train which would take him and bring him back. His mother meant to give
him a bicycle very soon, but meanwhile, he used the train.

Then a young governess was found in the neighbouring town. Her name was Miss Morgan, and she
came every morning at ten o'clock to give Diana and Noel some lessons. She stayed to lunch, took
them for a walk afterwards, and then went home. Diana was a very tractable pupil, though she was
apt to get dreamy and careless in her work. Noel was difficult. He did not like sitting still, and hated
his lessons. He was always ready to talk, but never ready to learn, and Miss Morgan found her
patience sorely tried by his inattention and restlessness.

One morning he had been very troublesome: he would not give his attention to an addition sum set
down for him on his slate. He kicked his chair, he drummed with his elbows on the table, and he
made grimaces at Diana, who sat on the opposite side of the table.

"Noel, if you don't start that sum at once I shall punish you," Miss Morgan said sternly.

"How?" asked Noel, not a bit abashed. "And why are figures so horrid, Miss Morgan? I like letters
best: you don't have to add them up. But yesterday I did count up. I counted the bwanches of my fir
tree, and I got up to twenty."

"No more talking. Begin your sum."

Noel balanced his slate pencil across his fingers, dropped it under the table, then scrambled down to
get it. He was a long time under the table, and then announced that the pencil was broken into a
"fowsand bits."

Miss Morgan produced another pencil promptly, and started him at his sum again.

She was giving Diana a French dictation lesson: when she looked at Noel again, she found him
leaning back in his chair, his eyes upon the ceiling.

"I'm counting the flies," he said; "they're more interesting than sixes and sevens."

"Very well," said Miss Morgan, "as you are determined not to do that sum, you will stand in the corner
till you are sorry for your idleness."

Noel did not like this at all, but he pretended he did. He marched off to the corner and stood with
hands behind him and his face to the wall.

Then he began to mutter to himself. Miss Morgan told him to be quiet.

Presently he spoke out loud:

"I'm telling God about you, how unkind you are to me."

"You're displeasing God very much. Ask Him to take away the naughty spirit who is making you idle
and disobedient."

"What's his name?" asked Noel, turning round with interest on his face. "Is it Satan?"

Miss Morgan made no reply. Diana giggled.

And then, with a sudden rush, Noel dashed at the door, opened it, and tore downstairs as fast as his
two feet could carry him. Down the garden he went, through the little gate into the churchyard, and
from there into the quiet silent church.

Miss Morgan went after him, but could not find him. She did not think of going into the church.

As she came back from a fruitless search in the garden, she met Mrs. Inglefield. In a few words she
told her about Noel.

"He really is extremely naughty this morning," she said. "He won't do his lessons, and now he has
run away."

Mrs. Inglefield looked distressed.

"He has been spoiled by his ayah in India," she said. "He has never been made to do things he
doesn't like. Don't spend your time looking for him, Miss Morgan. Leave him alone. He must be
punished when he comes back."

She sighed a little, for punishment of any sort was a painful necessity to her.

It was some time before Noel came back to the house. His mother caught sight of him stealing
across the garden on tiptoe.

She met him at the garden door.

"Why are you not at lessons?" she asked gravely.

Noel stood still, his gaze irresolute, then he smiled, and when Noel smiled he was adorable.

"Oh, Mums dear, I've been doing a dweffully difficult fing. Casting out Satan like Jesus did in the
Bible." Then he dropped his voice to an impressive whisper. "I fink I've left him in the church. I don't
know whether he's there still, or where he's going nex'."

"I'm quite sure you haven't been able to cast him out," said Mrs. Inglefield.

She always took Noel seriously.

"Well, no, not 'zackly, but Miss Morgan said he was in me, and I fought I'd better get as near God as I
could and then He'd help me. And I walked into the top seat and knelt on the stool."

"Are you good now?"

Noel nodded.

"It wasn't me that was wicked," he said, looking up at his mother with solemn eyes. "It was Satan.
God said to him in church, 'Get behind me, Satan,' and he did it."
"I am afraid, Noel, you have vexed Miss Morgan very much. If you have told God that you are sorry,
you must now go and tell her. And remember this. No one can make you naughty against your will.
You have liked being naughty, and you went on being naughty. And to make you remember that you
must not give way to such naughtiness, you must stay up in the nursery this evening and not come
down with the others after tea."

Noel began to cry, then he spread out his hands pathetically:

"But I'm good now. You can't puni' me when I'm good."

"I'm very glad you're good now; but you must be punished all the same. If a man gets sent to prison
for stealing, however good he feels and is, after stealing, it won't save him from the prison."

Noel stared at his mother. Then he sobbed out:

"But I want to be forgiven."

"Miss Morgan will forgive you if you tell her you are sorry, but you must still be punished."

And then she left him climbing slowly up the stairs to the schoolroom. She longed to take him in her
arms and pet him, but she knew it would not be good for him if she did.

Noel went into the nursery a chastened boy.

"I've come to say I'm sorry," he said.

Miss Morgan looked at his red eyes, and wisely did not ask him where he had been.

"I am very glad to hear you say so," she said. "Now, to show me you are sorry, sit down and do your

In silence Noel took up his slate and pencil. Miss Morgan had no cause for complaint of him again.

But when lessons were over Noel said to her:

"And though I'm as good as any angel, I'm going to be punished this evening. It isn't fair."

Miss Morgan asked him to explain. When she heard about it she said to him:

"Whatever your mother does is absolutely fair. It would not be fair to let you go unpunished. It is to
remind you next time you are going to be naughty that punishment will surely follow."

Noel said no more. His mother could not have punished him more severely than by preventing him
from joining her and Diana for what they called their happy hour.

But after this, he was better behaved in lesson time.

The flowers and bulbs in the garden were now making a good show.

Chris worked away in his garden when he came home on Saturday. His mustard and cress and
radishes were quite a success, and he was a proud boy when he presented his mother with the first
dish of them.

Diana was as busy as he, attending to her rose tree and seedlings. Noel weeded his plot, and talked
to his fir tree whilst he was doing it. He was very delighted one Sunday to see some of his seeds
coming up by the church porch.
But when Chris got his bicycle, there was not so much gardening done. Noel insisted upon learning
to ride it, and Chris for some time was good-natured about it. The two boys helped each other, and
strange to say Noel mastered the machine before Chris.

One Saturday afternoon their mother allowed them to go out with it. She was always anxious that the
boys should play and do things together. Noel seemed to have more respect for Chris now he was at
school, and was always asking him questions about it and longing to join him there.

Diana, strangely enough, did not take any interest in the bicycle. She tried to ride it one day and had
a bad fall and hurt herself. Since then she never touched it.

Mrs. Inglefield, seeing her walking about the garden rather aimlessly, suggested to her that she
should come for a walk with her.

Of course Diana was only too delighted to do so. She adored her mother and loved having her to

"We will go and see a farmer's wife, a Mrs. Cobb. I knew her as a little girl. She is getting old, and is
not able to leave home as she is stiff with rheumatism. It is such a pretty walk across the fields and
through a bit of wood."

"I hope Chris and Noel won't be quarrelling," Diana said in her grown-up tone as she started from the
house with her mother. She thought that her brothers would be envious of her when they heard how
she had spent the afternoon.

"I hope not," said her mother, smiling. "The more they are together, the better I am pleased. That was
why I let them go out by themselves to-day."

Diana gave a little sigh.

"I don't know why it is, but since Chris has gone to school, he turns up his nose at girls. He never
used to, and he'd do anything I told him to, and now he won't do a thing, and laughs at me."

"Poor little girl!" said Mrs. Inglefield sympathetically. "I went through that with my brothers, when I
was small. It is only when they first go to a boys' school. They get swelled heads, and think that boys
are the most superior beings in creation. Chris is very fond of you, Diana; he'll soon come back to
you if you take an interest in his cricket and games, and talk to him about his school."

Diana was silent; she knew she had not done this. They crossed some green fields, keeping to the
little path which was the right-of-way, and then they came to a wood with a beaten path under
overhanging trees. The fresh green foliage, the primroses and anemones and blue hyacinths
enchanted Diana.

"In the country," she said as she went down on her knees to pick the flowers, "you have everything
without paying for it. We couldn't do this in London. And the flowers in the parks are only to look at,
not to pick."

It was a bright sunny afternoon. Mrs. Inglefield, who was in no hurry, sat down to rest herself on a
fallen tree-trunk. Then suddenly a rather angry child's voice broke the silence:

"I won't go home—I won't! I won't ever again! I shall stay away till they find my dead body starved to
death, a skillington! I hate them all! I'll live up in the trees with the birds. They can hunt and hunt and
hunt for me, and will never find me. They'll be only hunting for me to punish me!"

Diana started up. She stood still and listened, and so did her mother. In a moment, pushing herself
passionately through a lot of bushes and undergrowth, appeared a little girl about Diana's age. She

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