IGedex2122 2.41-2.50 Gas Ex

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The diagram shows a single-celled organism called Chlorella that lives in fresh water.
Chlorella has a chloroplast and can photosynthesise.

(a) (i) Which of these groups of organisms contains Chlorella?

A animals
B bacteria
C plants
D protoctists

(ii) Which of these labelled structures would also be present in an animal cell?
A cell membrane and chloroplast
B cell membrane and mitochondrion
C cell wall and chloroplast
D cell wall and mitochondrion

(b) Complete the balanced chemical symbol equation for photosynthesis.

.............................................................. + ..............................................................
.............................................................. + 6O2

(c) The graph shows the effect of light intensity on gas exchange by Chlorella.

(i) Explain why Chlorella takes in oxygen at light intensities below 10 arbitrary units.
(ii) Explain the changes in the volume of oxygen released as the light intensity increases from 10 arbitrary units.
(iii) The volume of oxygen released by Chlorella is the difference between the oxygen produced by
photosynthesis and the oxygen taken in.
Use the graph to calculate the volume of oxygen produced in five minutes by photosynthesis at a light intensity of
50 arbitrary units.

volume of oxygen = .................................................................. mm3

(d) Describe how hydrogen-carbonate indicator could be used to investigate the effect of light intensity on carbon
dioxide exchange by Chlorella.

(Total for question = 14 marks)


The diagram shows a cross-section through a leaf.

(a) (i) Which layer contains palisade mesophyll cells?


(ii) Which set of environmental conditions would produce the fastest rate of transpiration from this leaf?

(b) Scientists investigate the effect of changing carbon dioxide concentration on the density of stomata of wheat
They grow wheat plants from seed in different concentrations of carbon dioxide.
After three weeks, they take a leaf from each plant and calculate the mean density of stomata.
(i) State the independent variable in this investigation.
(ii) Give two abiotic variables that the scientists could control.
1 ..........................................................................................................................................
2 ..........................................................................................................................................
(iii) To calculate the mean density of stomata, leaf sections are viewed with a microscope.
The number of stomata within six circular areas of the leaf are counted.
The results for one leaf are shown in the table.

The radius of each circular area is 0.40 mm.

area of circle = πr2
[π = 3.14]
Calculate the mean density of stomata on the leaf surface.

mean density = ........................................................... stomata per mm2

(iv) The investigation shows that in increased carbon dioxide concentrations there is a lower mean density of
The scientist concludes that in hot dry areas, with increased carbon dioxide concentrations, it would be an
advantage for wheat to have a lower mean density of stomata.
Discuss the scientist's conclusion.

(Total for question = 12 marks)


(a) The diagram shows part of a human thorax with structures labelled R and S.

(i) What is the name of structure R?

A bronchiole
B bronchus
C oesophagus
D trachea

(ii) Explain how changes in structure S enable a person to breathe in.

(b) A scientist uses this method to investigate the effect of exercise on the ventilation rate of a person.
Step 1: rest for 10 minutes
Step 2: measure the volume of air in each breath
Step 3: measure the breathing rate
Step 4: ride a bicycle at 15 kilometres per hour for 10 minutes
Step 5: measure the volume of air in each breath
Step 6: measure the breathing rate

The scientist repeats Step 4, Step 5 and Step 6 at increasing cycling speeds.
The table shows some of the results.

(i) State the independent variable in the investigation.(1)

(ii) At a cycling speed of 35 km per hour the person has a breathing rate of 25 breaths per minute.
They also have a ventilation rate of 65 dm3 per minute.
Calculate the volume of air, in cm3, in each breath.
[1 dm3 = 1000 cm3]

volume = ........................................................... cm3

(iii) Comment on the effect of increasing cycling speed on ventilation rate.
Refer to the data in the table in your answer.

(iv) State how the scientist could make the investigation more reliable.

(Total for question = 12 marks)


(a) The diagram shows apparatus a student uses to compare inhaled and exhaled air.

The student breathes into and out of the mouthpiece for one minute.
(i) Explain which flask exhaled air passes through.
(ii) Explain the changes that will happen in the limewater in flask A and in flask B.

(iii) The student uses limewater to compare the composition of exhaled and inhaled air.
Suggest an alternative substance that they could use.
(b) Describe the role of the diaphragm and the intercostal muscles in inhalation.

(Total for question = 9 marks)


The data in the table was collected in Japan during a seven-year study.
Scientists collected data on the age of mothers and whether they smoked during pregnancy.
They also recorded the percentage of the babies that had a low birth mass.

(a) (i) Calculate the percentage of mothers aged 19 years and under who smoked during pregnancy.

percentage (%) = ...........................................................

(ii) Determine the ratio of non-smokers to smokers used in the study.
Give the ratio as the nearest whole number (n) in the form n:1

ratio = ........................................................... : 1

(b) A student examines this data and concludes that smoking is the main factor that causes low birth mass.
Use the data and your own biological knowledge to comment on this conclusion.

(Total for question = 10 marks)


The diagram shows the human thorax.

(a) (i) Which of these are structures Q and R?


(ii) Explain how structure S helps a person to exhale.


(b) The graph shows how the volume of air exhaled varies with time during one breath.
This is shown for a person with a lung disease and a person with healthy lungs.

Explain why the person with lung disease is often breathless and unable to exercise.

(Total for question = 7 marks)


(a) The diagram shows the human heart with four chambers and four blood vessels labelled.

(i) Which blood vessel brings deoxygenated blood to the heart?(1)


(ii) Which chamber pumps oxygenated blood away from the heart?(1)

(iii) Explain the difference in the wall of chamber S and the wall of chamber Z.(3)

(b) Humans need a balanced diet for healthy growth and development.
Give the function of three different components of a balanced diet.
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(c) Scientists investigated the link between body mass and coronary heart disease in a population in Australia.
The scientists recorded the number of heart attacks in a population of 850 people for a period of 20 years.
They classified the people as normal mass, overweight or obese.
They calculated rates of heart attacks that allowed a valid comparison to be made between the groups.

Evaluate what the data shows about the relationship between classification of body mass, age and heart attacks.

(Total for question = 13 marks)


Answer the question with a cross in the box you think is correct . If you change your mind about an

answer, put a line through the box and then mark your new answer with a cross .
(a) The diagram shows part of the human thorax with structures P, Q, R, S and T labelled.

(i) Which structure is a bronchus?


(ii) Give three ways that structures labelled T are adapted for efficient gas exchange.
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(b) Vital capacity is a measure of how much air can be forced out of the lungs in one breath.
The graph shows how mean vital capacity changes with age for males and for females.

(i) Describe the relationship between mean vital capacity and age for males and for females.
(ii) Suggest a reason for the difference between the mean vital capacity of males and of females.

(Total for question = 8 marks)


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