3 - Sociability and Usability in Online Communities Determining and Measuring Success

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Behaviour & Information Technology

ISSN: 0144-929X (Print) 1362-3001 (Online) Journal homepage: https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/tbit20

Sociability and usability in online communities:

Determining and measuring success

Jenny Preece

To cite this article: Jenny Preece (2001) Sociability and usability in online communities:
Determining and measuring success, Behaviour & Information Technology, 20:5, 347-356, DOI:

To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/01449290110084683

Published online: 08 Nov 2010.

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Sociability and usability in online communities:

determining and measuring success
Information Systems Department, University of Maryland Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD 21250, USA;
e-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. Little attention has focused so far on evaluating the The population using computers has changed drama-
success of online communities. This paper begins to identify tically during the last 20 years. This phenomenon has
some key determinants of sociability and usability that help to been most striking during the last ®ve years, as millions
determine their success. Determinants of sociability include
obvious measures such as the number of participants in a
of people with little or no experience of computers
community, the number of messages per unit of time, members’ ventured online. While some of these users have fast
satisfaction, and some less obvious measures such as amount of Internet connections and state-of-the-ar t systems, mil-
reciprocity, the number of on-topic messages, trustworthiness lions throughout the world make do with old machines
and several others. Measures of usability include numbers of and slow connections. It is therefore essential for the
errors, productivity, user satisfaction and others. The list is not
exhaustive but it is intended to provide a starting point for
human±computer interaction (HCI) community to
research on this important topic that will lead to develop of continue to ®nd ways to improve basic textual commu-
metrics. To avoid creating false impressions it is advisable to nication via e-mail, listservers, chat and message boards,
use several measures and to triangulate with qualitative data, as well as researching communication via state-of-the-
particularly from ethnographic studies. art high bandwidth technology. One way to assess the
value of all these technologies for supporting online
communities is to identify the criteria that seem to
1. Introduction determine success, i.e. `determinants of success’ and to
start to measure them.
The Internet enables us to chat with friends thousands In this paper, I begin by de®ning the term `online
of miles and several time zones away; to rally people community’. I then discuss why online communities are
with similar views to action; to oVer support to fellow important and provide evidence to justify why HCI
suVerers; or to ®nd people with similar interests. We can specialists must ensure that online communities sup-
also just `hang-out’ chit-chatting in one of the thousands ported by low bandwidth technology should have good
of social cyberspaces. Low-cost Internet access has sociability and usability as well as those using high
brought the Internet into many people’s homes and bandwidth. I then introduce a framework for sociability
made it a valuable medium for social discourse. For and usability that I use in the following section to
instance, communicating via the Internet is as normal identify determinants and measures of success. I use the
for today’s teens as chatting on the phone was for their term `determinant’ to refer to criteria that indicate
parents’ generation. Many teenagers chat to diVerent success. A `measure’ is a quantitative measurement of
groups of friends using four, ®ve or even more instant the determinant that could lead to development of a
messaging channels while, at the same time participating metric.
in a virtual chat and checking e-mail. Of course, a cell
phone is also switched on at the ready just in case a
friend calls and short messaging, or `texting’ as it is also 2. De®ning online community
known, is also becoming common in some countries.
Millions of people of all ages are also learning to use There is no accepted de®nition of `online community’.
e-mail, to browse and to surf the web. The term means diVerent things to diVerent people

Behaviou r & Information Technolog y

ISSN 0144-929 X print/ISSN 1362-300 1 online # 2001 Taylor & Francis Ltd
DOI: 10.1080/0144929011008468 3
348 J. Preece

(Preece 2000). For some, the concept creates fuzzy, E-commerce entrepreneurs take a very broad view of
warm, reassuring feelings; for others it conjures up community. Any communications software that can be
concern about people operating at the margins of added to a website is regarded as an online community.
society to create networks of hatred or support for The hope is that customers will be attracted to the site
deviant behaviour. Some people view online commu- though social interactions with each other but this naive
nities as a social phenomenon, others focus on the view often produces cyber ghost towns because inade-
structure of the supporting software. In 1994, Howard quate attention is paid to the social interactions needed
Rheingold wrote: to build a community.
A variety of other terms are also used including
virtual communities are cultural aggregations that `community of practice’ to connote a group of like-
emerge when enough people bump into each other minded people (often professionals) whose purpose is to
often enough in cyberspace. A virtual community support each other, to learn and to promote their
is a group of people who may or may not meet one understanding via electronic collaboration in a group
another face-to-face , and who exchange words and (Wenger 1998). Such groups bene®t their members by
ideas through the mediation of computer bulletin providing physical, economic, cognitive and emotional
boards and networks. (Rheingold 1994: 57±58) resources (Sproull and Faraj 1997).
Not surprisingly, this array of terms creates some
This broad de®nition was based on Rheingold’s confusion and makes it di cult to make comparative
experience of his seven-year involvement in the WELL measures or create comparative metrics. Consequently
(Whole Earth `Lectronic Link), an early online commu- many researchers try to avoid the term `online commu-
nity developed in the San Francisco Bay area. nity’ and instead prefer the term `social cyberspace’,
It seems obvious to look to sociology for a de®nition which is more general and can include any of the
of community but sociologists have de®ned and de®nitions mentioned above (Farnham et al. 2001).
rede®ned the concept for over 50 years (Wellman In this paper I use the term `online community’ to
1982). Initially, communities were characterized mainly mean any virtual social space where people come
by their physical features, such as size, location and their together to get and give information or support, to
boundaries. During and after the industrial revolution, learn or to ®nd company. The community can be local,
cheaper transportatio n made it easier for people to national, international , small or large. I continue to use
move from place to place and physical characteristics `online community’ because it is the most widely used
provided a less reliable basis for de®ning community. term.
Instead, de®nitions based on people’s relationships were
more promising (Wellman 1997, Haythornthwaite and
Wellman 1998). Two types of relationships were 3. Why online communities are important
identi®ed. `Strong-tie’ relationships satisfy important
needs and produce closely-knit groups as in family Veteran Internet users are often surprised by the buzz
relationships. In contrast, `weak-tie’ relationships occur generated by chats, bulletin boards and listservers
when people do not depend on each other for life- because this software has existed for over 20 years and
supporting resources. The focus of these weak-tie although it is now web-based it has changed relatively
relationships is often information exchange, as in many little. However, the following brief review of user
special interest groups. (Sociograms , a form of graph numbers indicates the success of this software in the
theory used to represent relationships between people, market place. The Internet providers America Online
can be used as a basis for measurement.) (AOL), for example, built a successful customer base of
Another way of de®ning online communities adopted over 29 million people by understanding people’s need
by technically oriented people is to describe them in to connect. Many AOL customers have registered to get
terms of their supporting software. For example, people their e-mail service. Microsoft Network supports 230
refer to chat, bulletin board, listserver, UseNet News or million unique users each month and hundreds of
web-based communities. Such descriptions are concise thousands of MSN communities. There are over 104
and instantly meaningful to those who understand the million ICQ users and 91 500 UseNet groups. Recently,
structure of the supporting software. Some people also IBM hosted an online forum in which 50 000 employees
believe that a sense of the spatial relations between worldwide came online to propose and discuss new
people and the objects in their environment is essential initiatives.
for the success of MUDs (multi-user dungeons) MOOs The buzz is not about technology, it is about the huge
(object-oriented MUDs) and CVEs (computer virtual numbers of people who now have access to it and what
environments). they are doing with it. People of all ages are coming
Sociability and usability in online communities 349

online in large numbers to talk with friends, family, Sociability is concerned with developing software,
colleagues, people living near and far, some of whom policies and practices to support social interaction
they will never see, know or even have contact with online. Three key components contribute to good
again. People are joining discussion groups to pour out sociability (Preece 2000).
their hearts, debate issues, discuss a book or the latest
events in a sitcom, catch-up with a missed episode of . Purpose. A community’s shared focus on an
Survivor or Weakest Link. Emotions are stirred, interest, need, information, service, or support,
tempers are raised, passions develop, romances start that provides a reason for individual members to
and end. Books and editorials abound with juicy tid-bits belong to the community.
of Internet romance, the thrill of making new friends, . People. The people who interact with each other in
and sometimes deception or sinister marginal activities. the community and who have individual, social
The thirst for making connections, for communication, and organization needs. Some of these people may
is insatiable and that is why hundreds of new commu- take diVerent roles in the community, such as
nities form every day. leaders, protagonists, comedians, moderators, etc.
Of course there is a dark side too. The Internet may . Policies. The language and protocols that guide
contribute to homogenizing cultural diVerencesÐsome- people’s interactions and contribute to the devel-
times referred to as the Coca-Cola or McDonald’s opment of folklore and rituals that bring a sense of
phenomenon. It may also encourage extreme narrow- history and accepted social norms. More formal
mindedness due to people customizing their software so policies may also be needed, such as registration
that they read only what they want to read and visit only policies, and codes of behaviour for moderators.
sites that support their existing views (Sunstein 2001). Informal and formal policies provide community
Furthermore, by making it so easy to speak with like- governance.
minded people, the Internet encourages proliferation of
hate groups, child pornography and other socially Decisions about purpose, people and policies by com-
undesirable activities. These dark scenarios make it all munity developers help determine the initial sociability
the more essential for the HCI community to focus on of an online community. Later, as the community
the positive aspects of online community. evolves an understanding of which social norms and
Research into computer virtual environments (CVEs) policies are acceptable and which are not gradually
and the 150 or so immersive CAVE room environments becomes established.
is helping to inform software design for the fast Internet Usability is concerned with how intuitive and easy it is
connections of the future, but research is also needed to for individuals to learn to use and interact with a
improve online communities supported by low-band product. Various de®nitions have been proposed. For
width communications. Why? Because for the foresee- example, `usability means that people who use the
able future these are the technologies that billions of product can do so quickly and easily to accomplish their
people around the world will be lucky to have access to. own tasks’ (Dumas and Redish 1999: 4).
Billions more will not experience even these technologies While sociability is closely related to usabilityÐand
for many years. could be thought of as a new genre of usabilityÐit also
has signi®cant diVerences. Whereas usability is primarily
concerned with how users interact with technology,
4. A framework for sociability and usability sociability is concerned with how members of a
community interact with each other via the supporting
For over 25 years, HCI researchers and developers technology. The focus of usability is therefore interac-
have been challenged with improving usability of tion across the human±computer interface. The focus of
products. More recently the Computer-Supporte d sociability is human±human interaction supported by
Cooperative Work (CSCW) community has focused technology.
on developing collaborative systems but even though The main usability issues for online communities are
social interaction was recognized the emphasis was on similar to those for most other web-based software but
work (Olson and Olson 1997). The widespread use of the following four components are particularly impor-
the Internet by millions of diverse users for socializing tant because they are concerned with the software’s role
is a new phenomenon that raises new issues for as a medium and a place for social interaction.
researchers and developers. Just designing for usability
is not enough; we need to understand how technology . Dialogue and social interaction support. The
can support social interaction and design for socia- prompts and feedback that support interaction,
bility. the ease with which commands can be executed,
350 J. Preece

the ease with which avatars can be moved, spatial 1986, Shackel 1990) so that particular criteria could be
relationships in the environment, etc. evaluated and measured objectively. Typical criteria and
. Information design. How easy to read, how under- measures included the length of time it takes typical
standable and how aesthetically pleasing informa- users to learn to use the software to do a typical task,
tion associated with the community is, etc. and the number of errors they make.
. Navigation. The ease with which users can move This testing approach was the predominant evalua-
around and ®nd what they want in the community tion paradigm in HCI until the early 1990s when
and associated websites. Many online community heuristic evaluation and other inspection techniques
users have suVered from the inconsistencies of data started to become popular (Nielsen and Mack 1994).
transfer and diVerences in interaction style between At around the same time, computer-supporte d co-
imported software modules and the website hous- operative work systems became widespread and
ing the community. although usability testing and heuristic evaluation
. Access. Requirements to download and run online were useful for evaluating the interface design of
community software must be clear. In addition, if these systems, they said little about how products
high bandwidth and state of the art technology is integrated into real-world environments where multi-
needed to run the community there should be a low tasking was common practice. Understanding usability
bandwidth text only versions and clear instructions within workplace ecology requires ethnographic skills
about how to obtain it. (Nardi and O’Day 1999).
The proliferation of the web in the mid-1990s further
In practice, sociability and usability are closely emphasizes the need for new evaluation techniques.
related. Consider, for example, a decision about Interaction in online communities, particularly those
whether community members should register to join created for social interaction, pushes this need even
a community. This is a social decision that aVects further. De®ning and operationalizing the concept of
social interaction in the community. The policy will sociability is a step towards achieving this goal but
in¯uence who joins the community, how easy it is to measures of collective community satisfaction and
get into the community, what information is requested success are also needed (Preece 2001). Until now
from registrants and how providing that information ethnography has been the most widely used technique
impacts their concerns about privacy and security. The for studying online communities and the rich descrip-
ambiance of the community may also be aVected. For tions generated help us understand both individuals and
example, hit and run ¯aming may be deterred or even collective behaviour within online communities. Tech-
eliminated by the burden of completing a registration niques for visualizing activity in online communities are
form but this same procedure may also stop some also being developed (Erickson et al. 1999, Viegas and
other people from joining the community. Once the Donath 1999, Sack 2000, Smith and Fiore 2001) that are
procedure for registering is determined, a form is starting to be used to generate measures of community
usually created and the software design involves activity.
usability decisions. For example, it needs to have a
clear, consistent design and whenever possible the
opportunity for users to make errors should be 5.1. Sociability determinants of success
engineered out.
The framework for sociability (i.e. purposes, people,
policies) and usability (i.e. dialogue and social interac-
5. Determinants and measures of success tion support, information design, navigation , access)
provides a basis for identifying characteristics and
The goal for software developers of the 1960s and measures that help to describe success of online
1970s was to provide increasingly sophisticated software communities. The examples discussed below are in-
with more and more functionality. At that time, they tended as a starting point for work on this new topic.
catered to the needs of a relatively small number of Eventually more complex measures and metrics could
trained users. However, as computers became more also be devised.
widespread and user populations diversi®ed, usability
became important. It began as an ill-de®ned concept 5.1.1. Determinants and measures related to `purpose’.
that was di cult to apply practically. Typically, The number of messages per member or per active
usability was discussed in vague terms of `user friendli- member relates activity to membership and indicates
ness’ or `easy to use’. But gradually the de®nition was how engaged people are with the community, which is in
re®ned and operationalized (Bennett 1984, Shneiderman turn indicative of how well the community serves its
Sociability and usability in online communities 351

purpose. The idea can be extended to examine the Perhaps an author’s writing style, wit or the length of
number of messages over a certain period of time. For the message in¯uences participants’ opinions? Adapting
example, a day might be appropriate for a chat face-to-face techniques such as poling members for their
community or a week for a bulletin board community. opinions using questionnaires could be used to deter-
However, these measures say nothing about the quality mine such things as the amount of empathy or social
of the social interactions, which can be at least partly satisfaction online.
addressed by a measure of the amount of on-topic
discussion, which also indicates how well a community 5.1.2. Determinants and measures related to `people’.
maintains its focus. The number of participants in a straightforward indi-
Another perspective is brought by considering cator of a community’s success as already mentioned in
interactivity. Thread depth has been used as a measure section 3. Re®nements of this idea could include the
of interactivity (Rafaeli and Sudweeks 1997). It is number of diVerent types of members; for example,
interesting to note that thread depth appears to vary people who are active over a certain period of time,
according to the type of comment (Seabrook and lurkers, question askers, those from diVerent profes-
Preece 1999). For example, broad shallow threads are sions, etc. Average percentages of lurkers are frequently
characteristic of empathic discussions whereas narrow said to be in the high 90s but in patient support
deep threads are typically generated in discussions of communities, the average number of lurkers during a
factual information. This suggests that interactivity three-month period was around 55% compared with
will look diVerent for diVerent types of communities. around 82% in software support communities (Non-
For example, many patient support communities are necke and Preece 2000). Having this kind of information
strongly empathic compared with scholarly discussion is helpful because the eVects of lurkers on a community
groups where debating issues is important. Conse- vary according to the critical mass members. In a small
quently, we can hypothesize that patient support community, the eVect of say 50% of the population
communities will have a large number of shallow lurking is likely to be devastating and may kill the
threads compared with scholarly discussion commu- community because insu cient new content is generated
nities, which will have deeper threads. Therefore, both to draw people to the community. However, in a large
thread breadth and depth could be used to assess how community of many thousands or millions, the eVect of
well the communities support empathy and discussion as much as 90% of the population being lurkers may not
of factual issues. Crossing over between threads has be noticed because the volume of messages will still be
also been used as an indicator that new content has large. Other measures could be based on people’s
been brought into a conversation (Whittaker et al. experience online, or expertise in a topic, or the age
1998). Might this also form the basis of a useful pro®le of members, etc.
Reciprocity is concerned with giving to a community 5.1.3. Determinants and measures related to `policy’.
as well as taking from it. Some researchers are Determinants could be linked with policies to show their
concerned that online communities are particularly e cacy. Flaming and uncivil behaviour, such as abusive
vulnerable to social dilemmas in which members take language or harassment, are not acceptable in most
from the community but do not give back (Kollock communities and many have speci®c policies to control
1998). A measure of reciprocity should therefore take such behaviour. Classifying and counting incidents of
account of the ratio of giving to and taking from a uncivil behaviour would indicate adherence to a policy,
community; for example, the number of questions an the eVectiveness of moderators and would also con-
individual asks compared with the number of responses tribute to information about the success of a commu-
she makes to others. Another measure could be nity.
produced by asking individuals to rate their own Trustworthiness is another important issue, which is
reciprocity by assessing what they get from the commu- currently receiving considerable research interest. At
nity compared with what they contribute to it. least three diVerent kinds of trust can be identi®ed. The
The notion of rating quality of contribution can be ®rst is concerned with the security of credit card details,
taken a step further to develop systems like Amazon’s medical or other personal information. Various forms of
readers’ rating scheme or e-bay’s reputation manage- encryption are used for securing the data but the
ment. However, there are good reasons to be concerned reliability of promises that this data is secure could be
about employing such schemes in online communities. measured.
What happens if people feel their contributions are not The other two trust issues involve being able to trust
valued? Do they become disheartened and leave? Can people’s actions or what they say; e-bay leads the way in
the community be trusted to rate contributions fairly? implementing a procedure to make vendor’s trust-
352 J. Preece

worthiness explicit. The system works by purchasers The following discussion also does not distinguish
rating vendor service on a number of dimensions such as between diVerent types of communications software,
value for money, timely delivery, packaging etc. Using or even between communications software and the
this information, a reputation system awards a rating to website in which it is usually embedded. There are, of
the vendor. DiVerent coloured stars are used to report course, strong diVerences that aVect which determi-
vendors’ ratings to future purchasers. However, there nants of success are most signi®cant and how they
are problems for ®rst-time vendors because they do not are measured. There is insu cient space for this
have a trust rating. Furthermore, there is a danger that discussion here but it is discussed in my book on
vendors can ®nd ways to manipulate the system to sociability and usability in online communities (Preece
ensure that their ratings are good. 2000).
The role of trust in a community in which emotional
support is important is more complex to assess. Reports 5.2.1. Determinants and measures related to dialogue and
of people feeling duped by false hard-luck stories are social interaction support: The prompts and feedback
quite common. Consider, for example, the potential that support interaction, the ease with which com-
impact of a mother telling lies about her experience of a mands can be executed, the ease with which avatars
stillbirth to gain sympathy. When a community popu- can be moved, how spatial relationships in the
lated with people who have similar but genuine sad environment are handled by the software, etc. can
stories discovers that the person has lied, they are likely be evaluated using each of the measures mentioned, as
to feel hurt, angry and distrustful. Their ability to trust follows:
will be shaken. How could trustworthiness be measured?
A rating system such as the one used in e-bay is much . Speed of learning. How long does it take to learn to
too simplistic and potentially dangerous. read and send messages, to use emotes, to gesture
Perhaps rating trustworthiness could be linked with a with avatars, to access help messages, etc.? This
registration policy. The number of people who get into can be measured by recording the time it takes
the community via the registration policy and then typical users to achieve error-free or almost error-
turned out to trustworthy would indicate how eVective free performance on typical tasks, i.e. to become
the policy is for keeping out untrustworthy people. experts.
However, this `after the fact’ measure does not protect . Productivity. How long does it take to send or read
the community from a potentially devastating experi- a message, perform or achieve a particular action
ence. or goal, etc.? This is measured by timing how long
it takes users to perform one or several tasks.
. User satisfaction. How satis®ed are community
5.2. Usability determinants of success participants with the dialogue and interaction
support? Typically, this is evaluated with a user
Determinants of usability have been thoroughly satisfaction questionnaire, which addresses the
documented for a range of applications, though not whole interaction experience.
for online communities. Some well-established measures . Retention. How much do users remember about
that can be applied to the usability framework (dialogue how to operate the software after using it? This can
and social interaction support, information design, be measured by asking users to perform speci®ed
navigation, access) for online communities are speed tasks, measuring and observing their performance,
of learning, productivity, user satisfaction, how much and then asking them to perform the same tasks
people remember after using the software and how several days or weeks later. The two sets of data
many errors they make. Because these are much better can then be compared. Components that support
known than for sociability they are listed and described dialogue and interaction can be identi®ed along
brie¯y. Furthermore, although these measures are with navigation and other important design
discussed in relation to each part of the usability features.
framework, in practice there is a strong relationship . Errors. How many errors do users make related to
between the components of the framework when it dialogue and interaction support? These can be
comes to actually doing usability testing. For example, assessed by counting the number of errors users
testing the navigation support of a community is likely make when doing tasks that involve using parti-
also to reveal problems with the dialogue and social cular parts of the dialogue and interaction support,
interaction support. Therefore, the descriptions for the for example, ®nding information, or moderating,
later parts of the framework are briefer to avoid etc. Ideally, however, interfaces are engineered to
redundancy. prevent users from making errors.
Sociability and usability in online communities 353

5.2.2. Determinant s and measures related to information of the art technology users should be warned. Better
design. still, low bandwidth text-only versions could be pro-
vided for the huge number of users who can only use this
. Speed of learning. How long does it take to read kind of software.
and understandabl e information in a window, a
message or any other information associated with . Speed of learning. How long does it take to learn to
the community, etc.? download a software module or applet?
. Productivity. How long does it take to ®nd, read . Productivity. How long are response times and
and understan d information? what is the impact on productivity? What is the
. User satisfaction. How satis®ed are users with the response time when sending messages or moving
information design, e.g., the help system, registra- around the community, etc.?
tion procedure, etc? How aesthetically pleasing is . User satisfaction. How satis®ed are participant s
the design? How easy it is to ®nd relevant with the responsiveness of the software they use?
information? How satis®ed are they with their experience of
. Retention. How much do users remember about downloading community software?
the information design next time they visit the . Retention is not speci®cally relevant to access
community? issues.
. Errors. How many errors do users make when . Errors. How many errors do users make when
doing a task that involves ®nding or using downloading software? How long does it take to
information related to the community? recover from those errors? How good is the error-
5.2.3. Determinant s and measures related to navigation.
The ease with which the user can move around and ®nd Although the discussion tends to assume usability
what they want in the community and associated web testing with user satisfaction questionnaires, other
site is an important determinant of its success. Many evaluation techniques such as heuristic evaluation,
online community users have suVered from the incon- walkthroughs and ethnography are also valuable
sistencies of data transfer and diVerences in interaction approaches for understanding usability and its relation-
style between imported software modules and the web ship with sociability.
site housing the community. These changes (i.e., breaks)
in the look and feel of the interaction design are
confusing and disorienting to users. Furthermore, they 5.3. DiVerent types of communities
can have a big impact on users’ ability to navigate
through the software and on their enjoyment. So far, determinants and their associated measures
have been discussed in a general way but diVerent types
. Speed of learning. How long does it take to learn to of communities have diVerent needs. For example,
navigate around the community, including the educational communities may be strongly goal-directed
associated web pages, to achieve what users want? and controlled by an instructor. For these communities
. Productivity. How long does it take to get to a measures of information exchange and collaborative
particular part of the community or ®nd informa- working are likely to be more important than measures
tion? of social chitchat.
. User satisfaction. How satis®ed are community Communities in which social support is important,
participants with navigation support? such as mother and baby communities, patient support
. Retention. How much do users remember about community, bereavement communities, etc., will have a
how to navigate though the community software? very low tolerance for aggressive, critical or harsh
. Errors. How many times do users go down the comments. In contrast, academic discussion groups, and
wrong path, fail to get where they want to be or fail political, religious and debating communities tend to
to ®nd what they want? have high tolerance for argumentation and home truths
that would be construed as harsh and unacceptable in
5.2.4. Determinant s and measures related to access. It the support communities. Measures that provide in-
is helpful if the technical requirements and instructions formation about these diVerent needs are therefore
to download and run online community software are needed.
clear but often they are not. This causes users to waste It is obvious that there are many diVerences between
time and get very frustrated. Furthermore, if an applet communities with diVerent purposes. What is less
or module will only run with high bandwidth and state obvious is that there are diVerences between commu-
354 J. Preece

nities with similar purposes. No two communities are by the help and empathy they receive from others and
the same, just as no two people are the same. Therefore, the information they get that enables them to deal with
it is essential to recognize the uniqueness of each their predicament.
community when identifying determinants of success There is also an issue of which measures are most
and devising measures. convincing. A business manager will prefer objective
measures that compare, for example, sales before and
after the online community was added to the site.
5.4. Success for who? Customers, however, may ®nd the subjective ratings of
other customers and anecdotes more convincing.
Another question to ask is `from who’s perspective is
success being judged?’ A manager of an e-commerce site
will judge success of an online community in terms of 6. Summary and conclusions
how many people are drawn to the site, how long they
stay, how often they come back and, ultimately, how Usability describes the nature of human-compute r
much they spend on goods or services. A teacher will interaction, whereas sociability describes the nature of
judge success of a learning community by how well social interaction in an online community. A commu-
students perform their work, the quality of their projects nity’s focus, the people who belong to it, and the policies
and what students say about their learning community. that guide social interaction are key components of
Sick or unhappy people will judge a support community sociability. Dialogue and social interaction support,

Table 1. Examples of determinants and measures of success.

Framework criteria Examples of determinants of success
Sociability Purpose How many and what kinds of messages or comments (or comments per
member) are being sent? How on-topic is the discussion? How much
interactivity is occuring? How much and what kind of reciprocity occurs?
What is the quality of the peoples’ contributions and interactions?

People How many and what kinds of people are participating in the community? What
do they do and what roles are they taking? How experienced are they? What are
their ages, gender and special needs, etc.?

Policy What policies are in place? For example, registration and moderation policies
to deter uncivil behaviour. How eVective are the policies? How is relationship
development being encouraged? For example, what kinds of policies encourage
trustworthiness and how eVective are these policies?

Usability Dialogue and How long does it take to learn about dialogue and social support? How long
social support does it actually take to send or read a message, or perform some other action,
etc.? Are users satis®ed? How much do users remember about the dialogue and
social support, and how many errors do they make?

Information design How long does it take to learn to ®nd information (e.g. help)? How long does it
take to achieve a particular information-oriented goal? How satis®ed are users?
How much do users remember after using the system? Can users access the
information they need without errors?

Navigation How long does it take to learn to navigate through the communication
software and web site or to ®nd something? Can users get where they want to
go in a reasonable time? How much do users remember about navigation? How
satis®ed are they? How many and what kind of errors do they make?

Access Can users get access to all the software components that they need? Can they
download them and run them in reasonable time? Are response times
reasonable? What problems do they encounter when trying to download and
run software?
Sociability and usability in online communities 355

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