BR 45 (5) (Supp)

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BR 45(5)(Supplement)

Issued December 1998

BR 45(5)



By Command of the Defence Council


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This publication is sponsored by the Commander in Chief Fleet. All correspondence

concerning this publication is to be forwarded to the Operational Publications Authority:

Fleet Staff Authors Group
Pepys Building
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Office of the Commander in Chief Fleet
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Copied to the Subject Matter Specialist:

Navigation Section
Endeavour Building
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© MOD 1998

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BR 45(5)(Supplement)


The Admiralty Manual of Navigation (BR 45) currently consists of seven volumes:

Volume 1 is a hard bound book (also supplied in A4 loose leaf from 2003), covering General
Navigation and Pilotage (Position and Direction, Geodesy, Projections, Charts and
Publications, Chartwork, Fixing, Tides and Tidal Streams, Coastal Navigation, Visual and
Blind Pilotage, Navigational Errors, Relative Velocity, Elementary Surveys and Bridge
Organisation). This book is available to the public from The Stationary Office, in soft-bound
form only.

Volume 2 is a loose-leaf A4 book covering Astro Navigation (including Time). Chapters 1 to

3 cover the syllabus for officers studying for the Royal Navy ‘Navigational Watch Certificate’
(NWC) and for the Royal Navy ‘n’ Course. (The NWC is equivalent to the certificate awared
by the Maritime & Coastgard Agency (MCA) to OOWs in the Merchant Service under the
international Standardisation of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping (STWC)
agreements). The remainder covers the detailed theory of astro-navigation for officers studying
for the Royal Navy Specialist ‘N’ Course, but may also be of interest to ‘n’ level officers who
wish to research the subject in greater detail. Volume 2 is not currently available to the general

Volume 3 is a protectively marked A4 loose-leaf book, covering navigation equipment and

systems (Radio Aids, Satellite Navigation, Direction Finding, Navigational Instruments, Logs
and Echo Sounders, Gyros and Magnetic Compasses, Inertial Navigation Systems, Magnetic
Compasses and De-Gausing, Automated Navigation and Radar Plotting Systems, Electronic
Chart equipment). Volume 3 is not available to the general public.

Volume 4 is a protectively marked loose-leaf A4 book covering conduct and operational

methods at sea (Navigational Command and Conduct of RN Ships, passage planning and
routeing, and operational navigation techniques that are of particular concern to the RN).
Assistance (Lifesaving) and Salvage are also included. Volume 4 is not available to the general

Volume 5 is a loose-leaf A4 book containing exercises in navigational calculations (Tides and

Tidal Streams, Astro-Navigation, Great Circles and Rhumb Lines, Time Zones, and Relative
Velocity). It also provides extracts from most of the tables necessary to undertake the exercise
calculations. Volume 5 (Supplement) provides worked answeres. Volumes 5 and 5
(Supplment are not currently available to the general public.


Volume 6 is supplied in three, loose-leaf A4 binders: the non-protectively marked Binder 1

covering generic principles of shiphandling (Propulsion of RN ships, Handling Ships in Narrow
Waters Manoeuvring and Handling Ships in Company, Replenishment, Towing, Shipbuilding
in Heavy Weather and Ice), and the protectively marked Binders 2 and 3 covering all aspects
of class-specific Shiphandling Characteristics of RN Ships/Submarines and RFAs). Volume 6
is not currently available to the general public
Volume 7 is a protectively marked loose-leaf A4 book covering the management of a chart
outfit (Upkeep, Navigational Warnings, Chronometers and Watches, Portable and Fixed
Navigational Equipment, and Guidance for the Commanding Officer / Navigating Officer).
Volume 7 is not currently available to the general public.
Volume 8 will be a protect9ively marked loose-leaf A4 book to be issued in 2003, primarely
concerned with the operation of ECDIS in RN warships/submarines and RFAs. Volume 8 will
not be available to the general public.
Note. Terms appearing in italics in newer books are defined in the ‘Glossary’ of each book

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Note. The incorporation of Signals and AILs etc should be recorded below.

Corrigendum 1 Incorporated in Change 1

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Chapter 1 Explanation of Answers

Section 1: Tide and Tidal Streams
Section 2: Astro-navigation
Section 3: Great Circles And Rhumb Lines
Section 4: Time Zones
Section 5: Relative Velocity
Annex A: Tide and Tidal Stream Worked Answers (1998)
Annex B: Astro-Navigational Worked Answers (1997)
Annex C: Great Circle and Rhumb Line Worked Answers
Annex D: Time Zone Worked Answers (1998)
Annex E: Relative Velocity Worked Answers

LEP List of Effective Pages

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UK Hydrographic Office

Thanks are due to the UK Hydrographic Office (UKHO) for their permission and assistance to
reproduce data contained in Chapter 2 (Annexes A-D), Chapter 3 (Annexes A-E), Chapter 5
(Annexes A-B) and Chapter 6 (Annexes A-F) of this volume. This data has been extensively
derived from material published by the UKHO and further reproduction is not permitted
without the prior written permission of CINCFLEET/PFSA and UKHO. Applications for
permission should be addressed to CINCFLEET/PFSA at the address shown on Page ii and also
to the Copyright Manager at UK Hydrographic Office, Admiralty Way, Taunton, Somerset
TA1 2DN.

HM Nautical Almanac Office of the Royal Greenwich Observatory and to the Particle
Physics and Astronomy Research Council

Thanks are due to the HM Nautical Almanac Office of the Royal Greenwich Observatory and
to the Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council (PPARC) for their permission and
assistance to reproduce data contained in Chapter 4 (Annex A) of this volume. The PPARC
copyright is reproduced with the permission of The Stationary Office. Further reproduction is
not permitted without the prior written permission of CINCFLEET/PFSA and The Stationary
Office. Applications for permission should be addressed to CINCFLEET/PFSA at the address
shown on Page ii and also to the Copyright Unit, The Stationary Office, St Crispins, Duke
Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD.

Imray Laurie Norie & Wilson Ltd

Thanks are due to Imray Laurie Norie & Wilson Ltd for their permission to reproduce data
contained in Chapter 4 (Annex B) of this volume. This data has been extensively derived from
Nories Nautical Tables published by Imray Laurie Norie & Wilson Ltd and further
reproduction is not permitted without the prior written permission of CINCFLEET/PFSA and
Imray Laurie Norie & Wilson Ltd. Applications for permission should be addressed to
CINCFLEET/PFSA at the address shown on Page ii and also to Imray Laurie Norie & Wilson
Ltd, Wych House, The Broadway, St Ives, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, PE17 4BT.


Other parts of BR 45 Volume 5 not covered by the copyright notes above are MOD copyright
and further reproduction is not permitted without the prior written permission of CINCFLEET/
PFSA at the address shown on Page ii.

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Admiralty Tide Tables (ATT) NPs 201-204: Revised Layout and Use of Extracts ...0101.
Authority of Tidal Information ....................................................................................0102.
Use of Tidal Harmonic Constants - CAUTION ..........................................................0103.
Layout and Identification of Tidal Answers Provided .................................................0104.
Accuracy of Tidal Answers Provided ..........................................................................0105.
Standard and Secondary Ports - Non European Tidal Areas (ATT Vols 2 - 4) ...........0106.
Tidal Stream Atlas’ - UK Area (ATT Vol 1 (1998), NPs 250, 337, 249, 167) ..........0107.
Tidal Streams in Gibraltar Straits (ATT Vol 2 and NP 629) ......................................0108.
Tidal Streams - Non UK Areas (ATT Vol 3 & 4) ......................................................0109.
Co-Tidal Charts - UK Area (ATT Vol 1 and NP 249) ..............................................0110.


Additional Resources Needed for Astro-Navigation Calculations. .............................0120.

Accuracy of Answers Provided ...................................................................................0121.
NAVPAC Bearing (Azimuth) Solutions ......................................................................0122.
Practical Limitations of Exercises ...............................................................................0123.
Use of Year 1997 Nautical Almanac (NP314-97) Data for Calculations ....................0124.
Use of Nories Nautical Tables (1977 and 1983 editions) for Port Information ...........0125.
Use of Year 1998 Legal/Standard Time Data for Rising and Setting Calculations .....0126.
DR Positions, Celestial Bodies and Calculated Intercepts ..........................................0127.


Methods of Calculation and Variation in Solutions. ....................................................0130.

Extracts from Nories Nautical Tables. .........................................................................0131.


Use of Year 1998 Legal/Standard Time Data for Time Zone Calculations ................0140.


Methods of Calculation and Variation in Solutions .....................................................0150.

Use of Turning Data ....................................................................................................0151.
Taking Station on Ship that Alters Course During a Manoeuvre ................................0152.
Joining from Ahead Scenarios .....................................................................................0153.

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Annex A: Tide and Tidal Stream Worked Answers (1998)

Annex B: Astro-Navigational Worked Answers (1997)
Annex C: Great Circle and Rhumb Line Worked Answers
Annex D: Time Zone Worked Answers (1998)
Annex E: Relative Velocity Worked Answers

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0101. Admiralty Tide Tables (ATT) NPs 201-204: Revised Layout and Use of Extracts
In 1998, the layout and content of the ATTs were revised, with a change from 3 to 4
volumes and some duplication of ports in the English Channel in Volumes 1 and 2. The
exercises at BR45 (5) Annex 1A and extract of tables at BR45 (5) Chapter 2 Annexes 2A to 2D
are based on the new (1998) arrangements. BR45 (5) Annexes 2A to 2D are intended for use
with BR45 (5) Annex 1A exercises.

0102. Authority of Tidal Information

a. Admiralty Tide Tables and ‘TotalTide’. It should be noted that the Admiralty
Tide Tables (ATT) NP 201-204 are the ultimate authority for tidal information.
‘TotalTide’ (DP 555 for RN use or DP 550 for commercial use use the same prediction
algorithms as the ATTs, and provided they have been updated for the latest Area Data
Sets (issued annually in January), they may be used with the same degree of authority
as the ATTs.

b. Simple Harmonic Method’. Solutions using the ‘Simple Harmonic Method’

(SHM) DP 560A (no longer issued to RN), should be regarded as a supplement rather
than a replacement for ATT or TotalTide solutions. SHM answers in BR 45 Vol 5 and
Vol 5 Supplement were calculated using the older (non-Windows) version (NP159A)
and have not been re-calculated using the new (Windows) version DP 560. If DP 560
is used, some minor variations may occur from the answers quoted in Annex 1A

c. Variations in ‘TotalTide’ BR 45 Vol 5 Answers. The TotalTide answers to tidal

questions in BR 45 Vol 5 / Vol 5 Supplement were calculated using the 2001 version of
TotalTide. As TotalTide harmonic constants are updated annually and included in the
re-issued version for each year, when using the current version of TotalTide, some
minor variations may occur from the answers quoted in Annex 1A. These variations
will tend to increase with time as the latest constants are used for progressively more
retrospective calculations back to1998 (the year set for the examples).

0103. Use of Tidal Harmonic Constants - CAUTION

Harmonic constant data can vary from year to year and revised data is re-published in
the relevant annual edition of the ATTs. The harmonic constants provided at BR45 (5)
Chapter 2 Annexes 2A to 2D are for use with the training examples at BR45 (5) Annex 1A
only, and under no circumstances are these harmonic constants to be used for navigation.




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0104. Layout and Identification of Tidal Answers Provided

Answers are provided in italics to exercises at BR45 (5) Annex 1A. Answers from
Admiralty Tide Table calculations (prefixed “ATT”) are followed if relevant by those from
TotalTide NP 555 (prefixed “TT”) and from Simplified Harmonic Method NP 159A
(prefixed “SHM”). In certain cases an additional answer is provided based on a combination of
the ATT and SHM methods and this is prefixed “ATT / SHM”

Note. SHM answers were calculated using the older (non-Windows) version (NP159A) and
have not been re-calculated using the new (Windows) version DP 560. Minor variations may
be encountered if DP 560 is used for tidal exercises in Annex 1A.

0105. Accuracy of Tidal Answers Provided

In most exercises at BR45 (5) Annex 1A, answers for the height of tide or rate of tidal
streams are given to two places of decimals to allow precise checking of calculations.
However, rounding to one decimal place is normally sufficient for practical purposes.

0106. Standard and Secondary Ports - Non European Tidal Areas (ATT Vols 2 - 4)
Attention is drawn to the extract of “Instructions for Use of Tables”at BR45 (5)
Annexes 2A-2D for the use of ATT Vols 2 - 4, which state the limitations of the ATT graphical
method for non-European ports and alternative procedures necessary when harmonic shallow
water corrections (f4, F4, f6, F6) exist or the tidal duration exceeds the range of 5-7 hours. In
certain cases a combination of NP159A (SHM) results amended by ATT published HW/LW
information will provide the most accurate answer for intermediate times and heights. Where
this answer is relevant it is shown in italics as “ATT / SHM”. In these cases, the pure ATT and
SHM answers are also provided for comparison purposes.

0107. Tidal Stream Atlas’ - UK Area (ATT Vol 1 (1998), NPs 250, 337, 249, 167)
Where the “percentage of the Mean Spring Range” is required, assume Mean Neap
Range (MNR) = 0%, and Mean Spring Range (MSR) = 100%.

0108. Tidal Streams in Gibraltar Straits (ATT Vol 2 and NP 629)

Relevant extracts from Strait of Gibraltar Surface and Sub-Surface Water
Movements NP 629 are at BR45 (5) Annex 3E, but the diagrams have been photo-reduced
from the (original) A3 size to A4 in order to fit easily into this book. A further blank working
sheet (C.6382 substitute) has been added to allow users to prepare flow diagrams for specific
times and depths which show combined tidal stream and current vectors.

0109. Tidal Streams - Non UK Areas (ATT Vol 3 & 4)

ATT Vol 3 (NP 203) and Vol 4 (NP 204) give very accurate times for slack water and
maximum rates but no information on intermediate times and rates.

0110. Co-Tidal Charts - UK Area (ATT Vol 1 and NP 249)

It should be noted that no means of using SHM DP 560 or TotalTide DP 550 / 555 for
general offshore positions exists, except for specific ports or tidal stations for which harmonic
data is published in the ATT Vol 1 (NP 201).

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0120. Additional Resources Needed for Astro-Navigation Calculations.

The astro-navigation exercises at BR45 (5) Annex 1B are supported by appropriate
extracts from the Nautical Almanac 1997 (NP314-97) at BR45 (5) Annex 4A, Norries Nautical
Tables at BR45 (5) Annex 4B, and ALRS Vol 2 1998 (NP282) at BR45 (5) Annex 6E. Some
exercises will normally require access to additional books, plotting sheets or computer
equipment and software. The specific requirements are listed in each exercise and a summary
for each group of exercises is shown on the first page of BR45 (5) Annex 1B in the contents list
of exercises. Use of NP 303(1) [Epoch 2005] will produce slightly different results to those
from NP 303(1) [Epoch 1995]. Approximate reductions (2' of arc for computed altitudes) may
be achieved using the Sight Reduction Procedures and Tables in the Nautical Almanac,
reproduced at BR45 (5) Annex 4A pages 4A-52 to 4A-93, in lieu of the items marked with an *
below. Additional resources normally required may include any of the following:

a. * Sight Reduction Tables Vols 1 and 3 (NP401(1) and NP401(3))

b. * Air Navigation Sight Reduction Tables (NP303(1))

c. Plotting Sheets D6322 and D6335 (or D6018 for all except the Days’ Run)

d. * HMSO / HMNAO software “NAVPAC and Compact Data 2001-2005”

(NAVPAC) version 2.0 and appropriate computer equipment on which to run the
program (Windows 95 or above and a CD ROM dive for installation).

e. Star Finder and Identifier (NP 323) (If NAVPAC not held)

* Items - See comments at Para 0120 above

0121. Accuracy of Answers Provided

Where answers are provided from calculations based on the Nautical Almanac, due to
the necessity of interpolating from tables which are only displayed at accuracies of whole
minutes, time answers can only be provided at an accuracy of about +/- one minute at best.
Where answers involve interpolation from tables concerned with bearing (azimuth) from
Nories Nautical Tables, every effort has been made to work to 2 or 3 places of decimals in the
calculation, rounding to one place of decimals for the final answer.

0122. NAVPAC Bearing (Azimuth) Solutions

The “Find Locations of Navigational Bodies” (FindIt) program in NAVPAC calculates
the altitude and bearing of the centre of a celestial body, thus causing a difficulty for sunrise /
sunset gyro check calculations. If the Deck Watch Time (DWT) of an observation is is recorded
it is possible to obtain a valid NAVPAC solution without difficulty. However, a valid NAVPAC
solution for sunrise / sunset checks can also be found using an approximate time, if this is
adjusted on an trial and error basis until the “FindIt” altitude is shown as 34' (roughly equivalent
to twice the semi-diameter of the sun). If the centre of the sun was used for this observation the
“FindIt” altitude required is zero. Exercises of this type in Annex 1B do not contain the precise
time of observation and use of the Nautical Almanac and “True Amplitudes” in Nories Nautical
Tables are intended. Answers for these exercises are provided from this method only.

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0123. Practical Limitations of Exercises

These problems have been set in order to exercise the student in working out all sights
commonly encountered. It should be noted that as an exercise artificiality, some combinations
of observations of heavenly bodies used in these problems would not be used in practice.

0124. Use of Year 1997 Nautical Almanac (NP314-97) Data for Calculations
Year 1997 data from the Nautical Almanac (NP314-97), contained at BR45 (5) Annex
4A, should be used for all astro-navigation calculations from exercises at BR45 (5) Annex 1B.
See Para 0125 below.

0125. Use of Nories Nautical Tables (1977 and 1983 editions) for Port Information
The 1977 edition of Nories Nautical Tables contained a two-part table for Port
Information, with an alphabetical table giving an “Index Number” which was used with the
second part of the table to identify the position of the port. The 1983 edition of Nories Nautical
Tables used a simplified one-part alphabetical table giving the port position directly. As many
copies of the earlier edition are still in circulation, extracts at BR45 (5) Annex 4B are taken
from the more complex 1977 edition; users with copies of the newer edition will find the
procedure simpler.

0126. Use of Year 1998 Legal/Standard Time Data for Rising and Setting Calculations
As an exercise artificiality, Legal Time data from the 1998 version of ALRS Vol 2
(NP 282), contained at Annex 6A, should be used for rising and setting calculations from
exercises at BR45 (5) Annex 1B, even though these problems are set in 1997.

0127. DR Positions, Celestial Bodies and Calculated Intercepts

In the NAVPAC solutions to examples at BR45 (5) Annex 1B, the intercepts are based
on the initial DR position and the +/- signs follow the conventions of the Almanac Office
NAVPAC programme ( +ve intercepts are towards the body, and -ve intercepts away). The DR
positions, celestial bodies and calculated intercepts obtained are provided with the answers to
each exercise where appropriate. Users are strongly recommended to maintain a manual plot
on Plotting Sheets D.6322 and D.6335 for the “Day’s Run” exercises B95-B97, in addition to
the use of NAVPAC. See caution below.






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0130. Methods of Calculation and Variation in Solutions.

Solutions to the exercises at BR45 (5) Annex 1C have been calculated using the
NAVPAC computer based program where possible as well as by formulae to found in the
Admiralty Manual of Navigation Volume 1 (BR45(1)). It should be noted that NAVPAC has
no capability to calculate “Composite Tracks” and that imaginative use of the “Great Circle”
waypoint facility using trial and error in the “Distance” field is necessary to achieve answers to
some other questions. Some formulae require data from the Traverse Tables and Meridional
Parts published in Nories Nautical Tables (see Para 0131 below). Answers derived from
formulae and various computer programs may vary slightly due to alternative methods of
calculation and the spheroid in use, particularly for rhumb line courses and distances. Full
explanation of the formulae required may be found in Admiralty Manual of Navigation
Volume 1 (BR45(1)) Chapters 2, 4 and 5.

0131. Extracts from Nories Nautical Tables.

Although some extracts from Nories Nautical Tables are included in BR45(5)
Annex 4B, largely in support of the Astro-Navigation exercises at BR45 (5) Annex 1B, extracts
of the Traverse Tables and Meridional Parts are NOT included. Users requiring these tables
will need to obtain a copy of Nories Nautical Tables.

0132-0139. Spare


0140. Use of Year 1998 Legal/Standard Time Data for Time Zone Calculations
Legal Time data from BR45 (5) Annex 6A (extracted from the 1998 version of ALRS
Vol 2 (NP 282), should be used for calculations of time zone exercises at BR45 (5) Annex 1D.

0141-0149. Spare


0150. Methods of Calculation and Variation in Solutions

The relative velocity solutions to exercises at BR45 (5) Annex 1E have been derived
from manual plotting. Small variations, typically up to 2° in bearing and 3 minutes in time,
may be experienced depending on the scale and linearity of the plotting sheet used.

0151. Use of Turning Data

When calculating solutions to exercises at BR45 (5) Annex 1E, turning characteristics
of ships should be ignored and “instantaneous” turns assumed, except in the “Joining from
Ahead” section (Questions E80-E85) where the turning data supplied should be used.

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0152. Taking Station on Ship that Alters Course During a Manoeuvre

Exercises on this subject (BR45 (5) Annex 1E, questions E70 and E71), although not
specifically covered in BR45(1) Chapter 17, are merely variations on the standard changing
station problem. The guide’s position, initial course and speed should be plotted up until the
time of alteration; from this position the reciprocal of the new course and speed (allowing for
any speed changes) should be plotted back to the initial time. This will give a “virtual” start
position for the guide which is used to calculate the course needed to take station on the guide’s
new course.

0153. Joining from Ahead Scenarios

a. Three similar joining from ahead scenarios, each with a reciprocal and oblique
variant, are provided at BR45 (5) Annex 1E Questions E80 to E85. Questions E80,
E82, E84 (reciprocal) and Questions E81, E83, E85 (oblique) have been deliberately
constructed to be as similar as possible to allow easy comparison between manoeuvres.
They are intended to demonstrate the calculations for both “reciprocal” and “oblique”
manoeuvres in each of the three scenarios where, due to the choice of Guide and Joiner
speeds, the “Loss of Speed in the Turn” correction should be applied as follows:

(1) There is no need for this correction as speed loss is included in the turning
data (Questions E80 and E81).

(2) The correction must be applied to start the turn earlier (Questions E82 and

(3) The correction must be applied to start the turn later (Questions E84 and

b. The usual method for joining from ahead is to choose a reciprocal course and
speed at wheel-over which allows the “Loss of Speed in the Turn” to cancel out and
therefore not be applied (Eg. Question E80). However the other methods are valid and
the calculations are straightforward, provided that the “Loss of Speed in the Turn”
correction is applied in the correct direction. Loosely based on a Type 42 Batch 3, the
turning and acceleration/deceleration data provided in questions E80 to E85 has been
adjusted slightly to comply with that used in the Bridge Simulator at MWS
HMS COLLINGWOOD. This allows these scenarios to be run with absolute precision
in the Bridge Simulator at MWS HMS COLLINGWOOD in order to demonstrate the
techniques to students.




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Question SubjectReferences

A1-A24 Levels and Datums (Worldwide)ATT Vols 1-4 (1998)

A30-A40 Standard Ports (UK & Channel Areas)ATT Vols 1-2 (1998), ALRS Vol 2 (1998)
A50-A56 Secondary Ports(UK & Channel Areas)ATT Vols 1-2 (1998), ALRS Vol 2 (1998)
A60-A66 Swanage to Nab Tower/SelseyATT Vol 1 (1998), ALRS Vol 2 (1998)
A70-A80 Standard Ports (Non European Area)ATT Vols 2-4 (1998), NP159
A90-A101 Secondary Ports (Non European Area)ATT Vols 2-4 (1998), NP159
A110-A119 Tidal Stream Atlas’ (UK Area)ATT Vol 1 (1998), NPs 250,337,249,167
A130-A132 Tidal Streams in Gibraltar StraitsATT Vol 2 (1998), NP629
A140-A143 Tidal Streams (Non European Area)ATT Vols 3, 4 (1998), NP159
A150-A151 Co-Tidal Charts (UK Area)ATT Vol 1 (1998), NP 249


Important Note. Attention is drawn to Chapter 1, Paras 0101-0110.

A1. A landing craft is to beach at GIBRALTAR (1770). Its draught is 3.0m. At what charted
depth will it touch the bottom at MHWS? (ATT Vol 2) (ATT 2.00m)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2B-25, 2B-62.

Draught 3.0m - MHWS 1.0m = Charted Depth Req 2.0m

A2. What will be the minimum charted depth in which you can safely navigate during your
approach to PLYMOUTH (DEVONPORT) (14) (if the height of tide is at MHWS and the
maximum draft of the vessel is 6.5m. Safety rules require a minimum of 2.0m under keel
clearance. (ATT Vol 1) (ATT 3.00m)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2A-38, 2A-89.

HOT = MHWS = 5.5m
Draught 6.5m + Safety 2.0m - HOT 5.5m = Charted Depth 3.0m

BR 45(5)(Supplement)
A3. What will be the depth of water at ANTWERP (PROSPERPOLDER) (1539) if the
charted depth is 7.2m and the height of tide is at Lowest Astronomical Tide (LAT)? (ATT Vols
1 or 2) (6.80m)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2A-38.

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2B-25
HOT = LAT = -0.4m
Charted Depth 7.2m + HOT (-0.4m) = Depth of Water 6.8m

A4. What will be your under keel clearance when entering DARTMOUTH (23) if the height
of tide is MHWN, the minimum charted depth is 5.4m and your draught is 6.2m? (ATT Vol 1)
(ATT 3.00m)

Data from BR45(5) Page: 2A-38

HOT = MHWN = 3.8m
HOT 3.8m + Charted Depth 5.4m - Draught 6.2m = Clearance 3.0m

A5. A submarine entering REYKJAVIK (819), at MLWN, passes under an ice floe which
extends 20m below the surface. The submarine clears the floe by 3.0m. The submarine's
overall height is 23.0m and the charted depth is 49m. By how much does the submarine clear
the bottom? (ATT Vol 2) (ATT 4.30m)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2B-25, 2B-59.

HOT = MLWN = 1.3m
Ice 20.0m + Clearance 3.0m + SM Height 23.0m = Total Height 46.0m
Charted Depth 49.0m + HOT 1.3m - Total Height 46.0m = Under Keel Clearance 4.3m

A6. A vessel with a waterline to masthead height of 20.6m enters GALWAY (709) when the
height of tide is at Mean Sea Level. If she passes under a bridge with a charted height of 23.4m
by how much will she clear the bridge. (ATT Vol 1) (ATT 5.00m)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2A-38, 2A-105.

GALWAY (709)
HOT = MSL = 2.9
(MHWS 5.1 -HOT 2.9) + Bridge Height 23.4m - Ship Height 20.6m = Clearance 5.0m

BR 45(5)(Supplement)

A7. What will be the charted height of a bridge in LOWESTOFT (141) if it is shown on an
Ordnance Survey map as having a height of 7.0m? (ATT Vol 1) (ATT 6.10m)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2A-33, 2A-38, 2A-93.

CD-OD Shift = -1.5m (“-” indicates OS above CD)
OS Height 7.0m + Shift 1.5m - MHWS 2.4 = Bridge Height 6.1m

A8. During the period that your ship will be open to visitors in PORTSMOUTH (65), the
maximum and minimum heights of tide will be at Mean High Water Neaps and Mean Low
Water Neaps. If the quarter deck is 3.0m above the waterline and the charted elevation of the
jetty is 4.0m, what will be the difference in level between the quarter deck and the jetty at these
maximum and minimum heights? (ATT Vol 1) (ATT HW 1.90m and LW 3.80m)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2A-38, 2A-90.

HOT (LW) = MLWN = 1.9m
HOT (HW) = MHWN = 3.8m
MHWS 4.7m + Charted Elevation 4.0m = Jetty Height from CD 8.7m
(Jetty Height 8.7m - HOT(LW) 1.9m) - QD Height 3.0m = 3.8m
(Jetty Height 8.7m - HOT(HW) 3.8m) - QD Height 3.0m = 1.9m

A9. A ship with a masthead to keel height of 30m sinks at ABERDEEN (244) and lies upright
on the bottom. When the height of tide is 2.8m the mast is 8.6m out of the water: (ATT Vol 1)

a. What should be the charted elevation? (ATT 7.10m)

b. In what depth is she lying? (ATT 18.60m)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2A-38, 2A-95.

(Mast 8.6m + HOT 2.8m) - MHWS 4.3m = Elevation 7.1m
Either: Ship 30.0m - (HOT 2.8m + Mast 8.6m) = Charted Depth 18.6m
Or: Ship 30.0m - (Elevation 7.1m + MHWS 4.3m) = Charted Depth 18.6m

BR 45(5)(Supplement)
A10. A ship operating from CALAIS (1570) expects a minimum charted depth of 7.0m. The
draught of the ship is 5.2m and the water-line to masthead height is 20.0m. (ATT Vols 1 or 2)

a. On entering at MLWS what will be the minimum depth under the keel?
(ATT 2.70m)

b. On leaving at MHWN the ship passes under a bridge with a charted clearance of
20.0m. By how much will the ship clear the bridge? (ATT 1.30m)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2A-28.

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2B-25.
CALAIS (1570)
HOT(MLWS) = 0.9m
HOT(MHWS) = 5.9m
Charted Depth 7.0 + HOT (MLWS) 0.9m - Draught 5.2m = Clearance 2.7m
(MHWS 7.2m + Bridge 20.0m) - (HOT (MHWS) 5.9m + Ship Ht 20.0m) = Clearance 1.3m

A11. A yacht is to pass under a bridge at PORTLAND (33). The charted depth is 2.8m and the
charted height of the bridge is 10.3m. The draught of the yacht is 2.6m and keel to masthead
height is 12.3m. Regulations require a clearance above the mast and beneath the keel of 1m.
What are the tidal heights that will allow safe passage? (ATT Vol 1) (ATT 1.70m, 0.80m)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2A-38, 2A-90.

Draught 2.6m + Safety 1.0m - Charted Depth 2.8m = HOT (min) 0.8m
Keel to Masthead 12.3m - Draught 2.6m = Yacht Height 9.7m
Bridge 10.3m +MHWS 2.1m - (Yacht Height 9.7m + Safety 1.0m) = HOT(max) 1.7m

A12. A 10.5m high beacon is to be built on a rock off DOVER (89). The rock is charted as
drying at 5.2m. (ATT Vol 1)

a. What will be the charted elevation of the beacon? (ATT 8.90m)

b. What will be the height of the beacon above OD Newlyn? (ATT 12.03m)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2A-32, 2A-38, 2A-91.

DOVER (89)
Drying Height 5.2m + Structure 10.5m - MHWS 6.8m = Elevation 8.9m
CD-OD Shift = -3.67m (“-” indicates OS above CD)
Drying Height 5.2m + Structure 10.5m - CD/OD Shift 3.67m = Height (OD) 12.03m

BR 45(5)(Supplement)

A13. A vessel with a waterline to masthead height of 23.0m, is to enter CARDIFF (514) at
MLWS and must pass under a bridge with a charted height of 21.0m. By how much will the
vessel clear the bridge? (ATT Vol 1) (ATT 9.20m)

Data from BR45(5) Page: 2A-102.

HOT = MLWS = 1.0m
(MHWS 12.2m -HOT 1.0m )+ Bridge Height 21.0m - Ship Height 23.0m = Clearance 9.2m

A14. Overhead cables are erected across the entrance to WATCHET (531). The engineers state
that the cables have a minimum height of 25.0m above OD Newlyn. What will be the charted
elevation of the cable. (ATT Vol 1) (ATT 19.50m)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2A-35, 2A-102.

CD-OD Shift = -5.80m (“-” indicates OS above CD)
MWHS BRISTOL 13.2m - WATCHET Difference 1.9m = MHWS WATCHET 11.3m
CD/OD Shift 5.80m + Cable Height 25.0m - MHWS 11.3m = Elevation 19.5m

A15. A new wharf is to be build at SINGAPORE (Tanjong Pagar) (4718) the height of which
will be 12.8m above Chart Datum. What will be the charted height of the jetty? (ATT Vol 3)
(ATT 10.00m)
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2C-19, 2C-62.
SINGAPORE (Tanjong Pagar) (4718)
Jetty Height 12.8m - MHWS 2.8m = Charted Height 10.0m

A16. A 15.6m high beacon is erected at COLON (Panama) (2398). The base is established
level with HAT. (ATT Vol 2)

a. What is the charted elevation of the beacon? (ATT 15.80m)

b. If Land Levelling Datum (LLD) coincides with MSL, what is the elevation of the
beacon above the LLD? (ATT 15.90m)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2B-26, 2B-64.

COLON (Panama) (2398)
HAT 0.5m + Beacon Height 15.6m - MHHW 0.3m = Charted Elevation 15.8m (CD)
LLD = MSL = 0.2m
HAT 0.5m + Beacon Height 15.6m - MSL 0.2m = Charted Elevation 15.9m (LLD)

BR 45(5)(Supplement)
A17. A point in MINA AL AHMADI (Kuwait) (4262) has a charted depth of 3.1m. What is
the depth of water at LAT? (ATT Vol 3) (ATT 3.00m)

Data from BR45(5) Page: 2C-20.

MINA AL AHMADI (Kuwait) (4262)
Charted Depth 3.1m + LAT (-0.1m) =3.0m

A18. How far above chart datum is mean sea level at TAKORADI (Ghana) (3621)?
(ATT Vol 2) (ATT 0.80m)

Data from BR45(5) Page: 2B-25.

TAKORADI (Ghana) (3621)
MSL = 0.8m

A19. The echo sounder of a ship with a draught 2.4m entering PORT SULTAN QABOOS
(Oman) (4186a) at MHHW shows a depth of 17.0m under the keel. What should be the charted
depth? (ATT Vol 3) (ATT 16.90m)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2C-20, 2C-57.

Echo Sounder 17.0m + Draught 2.4m - MHHW 2.5m = 16.9m

A20. A supply ship grounds on a sandbank while entering KILINDINI (Kenya) (4017). The
charted depth of the bank is 3.3m. If the ship draws 6.6m, by how much will she be afloat at
MHWS? (ATT Vol 3) (ATT 0.20m)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2C-19, 2C-55.

KILINDINI (Kenya) (4017)
Charted Depth 3.3 + MHWS 3.5m - Draught 6.6m = Clearance 0.2m

A21. A vessel entering MANILA (Philippine Islands) (4987) has one metre clearance at chart
datum. (ATT Vol 3)

a. What would be its clearance at MLHW? (ATT 1.50m)

b. By how much should its draught be altered to obtain 1.0m clearance at LAT?
(ATT. Reduce by 0.50m)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2C-20, 2C-65.

MANILA (Philippine Islands) (4987)
CD Clearance 1.0m + HOT (MLHW) 0.5m = MLHW Clearance 1.5m
CD Clearance 1.0m +HOT (LAT) (-0.5m) = LAT Clearance 0.5m.
Thus reduce draught by 0.5m to increase LAT Clearance to 1.0m

BR 45(5)(Supplement)

A22. A vessel with a keel to masthead height of 28.0m sinks upright off the BANGKOK BAR
(Thailand) (6882) in a charted depth of 17.0m. What should be the charted elevation of the
masthead? (ATT Vol 3) (ATT 7.50m above MHHW)

Data from BR45(5) Page: 2C-20, 2C-66.

BANGKOK BAR (Thailand) (6882)
Ship height 28.0m - Charted Depth 17.0m - MHHW 3.5m = 7.5m

A23. A sounding at BALBOA (Panama) (9487) is found to be 7.3m below the waterline at
Mean Sea Level. What should be the charted depth? (ATT Vol 4) (ATT 4.70m)

Data from BR45(5) Page: 2D-7

BALBOA (Panama) (9487)
Echo Sounder 7.3m - MSL 2.6m = 4.7m

A24. A vessel drawing 9.0m and with a waterline to masthead height of 11.5m enters HONG
KONG (7110) at MHLW. The charted depth is 12m and the charted height of a suspended cable
is 15.0m. What are:

a. The under keel clearance? (ATT Vol 4) (ATT 4.10m)

b. The masthead clearance? (ATT Vol 4) (ATT 4.50m)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2D-8, 2D-35.

HONG KONG (7110) at MHLW
HOT = MHLW = 1.1m
Charted Depth 12.0m + HOT 1.1m - Draught 9.0m = Under-keel Clearance 4.1m
(MHHW 2.1m - HOT 1.1m) + Cable height 15.0m - Ship Height 11.5m = Clearance 4.5m

A25-A29. Spare

Change 1
BR 45(5)(Supplement)

Important Note. Attention is drawn to Chapter 1, Paras 0101-0110.

A30. What are the local times and heights of the morning HW and LW for the following ports?

a. PORTSMOUTH (65) on 23 Feb and 24 Sep 98? (ATT Vol 1)

(ATT 23 Feb - 0133Z, 1.80m; 0819Z, 4.10m; ATT 24 Sep - 0155A, 4.50m; 0726A 0.90m)
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2A-49 to 2A-52.

b. VLISSINGEN (FLUSHING) (1534) on 31 Mar and 29 Sep 98?

(ATT Vols 1 or 2)
(ATT 31 Mar - 0456B, 5.00m; 1136B, -0.10m; ATT 29 Sep - 0146B, 0.90m; 0756B, 4.00m
SHM 31 Mar - 0525B, 4.5m; 1120B, -0.48m. SHM 29 Sep - 0215B, 1.05m; 0825B 3.65m)
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2A-73 to 76, 2A-120 to 121.
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2B-30 to 33, 2B-71.

A31. What will be the height of tide at 1245Z on 8 Feb 98 at DEVONPORT (14)?
(ATT Vol 1) (ATT 3.65 m, TT 3.50m, SHM 3.36m)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2A-45 to 48, 2A-116 to 117.

HW 1546Z 4.7m LW 0946Z 1.6m Range 3.1m 50% Springs
From Graph HOT = 3.65m. TotalTide HOT = 3.50m. SHM HOT = 3.36m.

A32. What will be the height of tide at 1420Z on 1 Jan 98 at PORTSMOUTH (65)?
(ATT Vol 1) (ATT 4.40m, TT 4.40m, SHM 4.57)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2A-49 to 52, 2A-116 to117.

HW 1252Z 4.7m LW 1829Z 0.7m Range 4.0m 100% Springs
From Graph HOT = 4.37m. TotalTide HOT = 4.40m. SHM HOT = 3.23m

A33. What will be height of tide at 1130A on 28 May 98 at DEVONPORT (14)?

(ATT Vol 1) (ATT 3.50m, TT 3.40m, SHM 3.23m)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2A-45 to 48, 2A-116 to 117.

HW 0830A 5.4m LW 1440A 0.6m Range 4.8m 100% Springs
From Graph HOT = 3.5m. TotalTide HOT = 3.40m. SHM HOT = 3.23m

Change 1
BR 45(5)(Supplement)

A34. What will be the height of tide at 1015Z on 22 Nov 98 at SHEERNESS (108)?
(ATT Vol 1) (ATT 2.30m, TT 2.30m, SHM 2.01m)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2A-60 to 64, 2A-117.

HW 1416Z 5.6m LW 0800Z 0.8m Range 4.8m 80% Springs
From Graph HOT = 2.3m. TotalTide HOT = 2.30m. SHM HOT = 2.01

A35. What will be the height of tide at VLISSINGEN (FLUSHING) (1534) at 1700B on 23
Jul 98? (ATT Vols 1 or 2) (ATT 3.45m, TT 3.50m SHM 3.47m)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2A-73 to 76, 2A-120 to 121.

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2B-30 to 33, 2B-71.
HW 1456B 4.6m LW 2118B 0.2m Range 4.4m 100% Springs
From Graph HOT = 3.45m. TotalTide HOT = 3.50m SHM HOT = 3.47

A36. A barge runs aground off the PORT OF BRISTOL (AVONMOUTH) (523) on a sandbank
of charted depth 1.0m at 0740Z on 16 Feb 98. What is the draft of the barge? (ATT Vol 1)
(ATT 9.70m, TT 9.70m, SHM 9.58m)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2A-39, 2A-69 to 72, 2A-118 to 119.

HW 0955Z 12.2m LW 0412Z 1.8m Range 10.4m 70% Springs (+5 days)
From Graph HOT = 8.7m. TotalTide HOT = 8.7m. SHM HOT = 8.58m
ATT / TT HOT 8.7m + Charted Depth 1.0m = Draught 9.7m
SHM HOT 8.58m + Charted Depth 1.0m = Draught 9.58m

A37. At what time during the afternoon of 26 Oct 98 will the height of tide be 3.0m and rising
at SHEERNESS (108)? (ATT Vol 1) (ATT 1220Z, TT 1220Z, SHM 1243Z)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2A-60 to 64, 2A-117.

HW 1544Z 5.3m LW 0917Z 1.1m Range 4.2m 50% Springs
From Graph TIME= 1220Z TotalTide TIME = 1220Z SHM TIME = 1243Z

A38. At what time on 27 Jun 98 will the tide at ST HELIER (1605) first rise to 7.0m?
(ATT Vol 1) (ATT 0715A, TT 0715A, SHM 0712A)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2A-77 to 80, 2A-120 to 121.

ST HELIER (1605)
HW 0936A 10.6m LW 0402A 1.3m Range 9.3m 100% Springs
From Graph TIME= 0715A TotalTide TIME = 0715A SHM TIME = 0712A

Change 1
BR 45(5)(Supplement)
A39. At 0600A on 28 Oct 98 a barge berths at VLISSINGEN (FLUSHING) (1534) where
charted depth is 3.0m. It sails at 2000A.

a. If the barge draws 5m, when will it rest on the bottom? (ATT Vol 1 or 2)
(ATT 1010A, TT 1030A, SHM 1039A)

b. When will it float clear? (ATT Vol 1 or 2)

(ATT 1535A, TT 1620A, SHM 1607A)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2A-73 to 76, 2A-120 to 121.

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2B-30 to 33, 2B-71.
HW 0625A 4.1m LW 1245A 0.8m Range 3.3m 20% Springs
HW 1856A 4.1m LW 1245A 0.8m Range 3.3m 20% Springs
TT HW 0636A 3.8m LW 1254A 1.1m HW 1914A 3.9m
SHM HW 0700A 3.9m LW 1310A 0.98m HW 1930A 3.93m

From Graph TIME= 1010A TotalTide TIME=1030A SHM TIME =1039A

From Graph TIME= 1535A TotalTide TIME=1620A SHM TIME =1607A

A40. You are to enter the PORT OF BRISTOL (AVONMOUTH) (523) on 15 Feb 98. A cable
has been hung across the entrance at a minimum charted elevation of 10.5m. The water line to
masthead of the ship is 14.5m and 2.0m clearance is required. In what period, after midday, can
you enter harbour? (ATT Vol 1) (ATT 1235Z-1855Z, TT 1230Z-1858Z, SHM 1225Z-1858Z)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2A-38, 2A-39, 2A-69 to 72, 2A-102, 2A 118 to 119.
HW 0928Z 12.6m LW 1608Z 1.9m Range 10.7m 80% Springs
HW 2144Z 12.3m LW 1608Z 1.9m Range 10.4m 75% Springs
MHWS 13.2m + Elevation 10.5m - Ship height 14.5m - Safety 2.0m = HOT 7.2m
From Graph TIME= 1238Z TotalTide TIME = 1230Z SHM TIME = 1225Z
From Graph TIME= 1852Z TotalTide TIME = 1858Z SHM TIME = 1858Z

A41-A49. Spare

Change 1
BR 45(5)(Supplement)

VOL 2)

Important Note. Attention is drawn to Chapter 1, Paras 0101-0110.

A50. What are the times and heights of the first HW and LW at each of the following ports?

a. CARDIFF (514) on 16 Feb 98. (ATT Vol 1)

(ATT 0319Z, 1.80m; 0940Z, 11.30m
TT 0335Z, 1.90m; 0938Z, 11.30m
SHM 0340Z, 1.70m; 0945Z 11.50m)
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2A-69 to 72, 2A-102, 2A-118 to 119.
BRISTOL HW 0955Z 12.2m LW 0412Z 1.8m Range 10.4m 75% Springs
CARDIFF(Diffs) HW -0015 -0.9m LW -0053 0.0m
CARDIFF HW 0940Z 11.3m LW 0319Z 1.8m
TotalTide HW 0938Z 11.30m LW 0335Z 1.90m
SHM HW 0945Z 11.50m LW 0340Z 1.7m

b. CARTERET (1611) on 25 Oct 98. (ATT Vols 1 or 2)

(ATT 0413½A, 2.4m; 0941½A, 9.50m
TT 0416A, 2.30m; 0948A, 9.60m
SHM 0420A, 2.36m; 0950A, 9.60m)
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2A-81 to 84, 2A-109 to 110, 2A-121.
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2B-36 to 39, 2B-61, 2B-72 to 73.
ST MALO HW 0914A 10.9m LW 0351A 2.9m Range 8.0m 54% Springs
CARTERET (Diffs) HW +0027½ -1.4m LW +0022½ -0.5m
CARTERET HW 0941½A 9.5m LW 0413½A 2.4m
TotalTide HW 0948A 9.60m LW 0416A 2.30m
SHM HW 0950A 9.60m LW 0420A 2.36m

c. BATH (1538) on 1 May 98. (ATT Vols 1 or 2)

(ATT 0150B, 0.20m; 0731B, 5.70m
TT 0142B, -0.10m; 0729B, 6.00m
SHM 0145B,-0.05m; 0800B, 5.71m)
Data from BR45(5) Pages:2A-73 to 76, 2A-107 to 108, 2A-120 to 121.
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2B-30 to 33, 2B-60, 2B-71
BATH (1538)
VLISSINGEN HW 0609B 4.7m LW 0015B 0.2m Range 4.5m 100% Springs
Seasonal Var -(-0.1m) -(-0.1m)
BATH (Diffs) HW +0122+1.0m LW +0135 0.0m
Seasonal Var +(-0.1m) +(-0.1m)
BATH HW 0731B 5.7m LW 0150B 0.2m
BATH (1538)
TotalTide HW 0729B 6.0m LW 0148B -0.01m
SHM HW 0800B 5.71m LW 0145B -0.05m

Change 1
BR 45(5)(Supplement)
A51. What is the height of tide at FOLKESTONE (88) at 0600Z on 17 Feb 98? (ATT Vol 1)
(ATT 3.10m, TT 3.60m, SHM 3.63m)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2A-53 to 56, 2A-91 to 92, 2A-117.

DOVER HW 0158Z 6.3m LW 0922Z 1.2m Range 5.1m 70% Springs
FOLKESTONE (Diffs)HW -0015 +0.4m LW -0010 -0.1m
FOLKESTONE HW 0143Z 6.7m LW 0912Z 1.1m
TotalTide HW 0209Z 6.80m LW 0918Z 1.30m
SHM HW 0210Z 6.83m LW 0930Z 1.27m
From Graph HOT = 3.1m. TotalTide HOT = 3.60m SHM HOT = 3.63m

A52. What is the height of tide at BARRY (513) at 1100Z on 23 Jan 98? (ATT Vol 1)
(ATT 6.10m, TT 6.00m, SHM 6.00m)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2A-69 to 72, 2A-102, 2A-118 to 119.

BARRY (513)
BRISTOL HW 1443Z 10.0m LW 0835Z 3.7m Range 6.3m 0% Springs
BARRY (Diffs) HW -0021 -1.3m LW -0034 +0.2m
BARRY HW 1422Z 8.7m LW 0801Z 3.9m
BARRY (513)
TotalTide HW 1413Z 8.70m LW 0738Z 3.20m
SHM HW 1410Z 8.70m LW 0750Z 3.72m
From Graph HOT = 6.1m. TotalTide HOT = 6.0m. SHM HOT =6.0

A53. What is the height of tide at 0800A on 28 Feb 98 at IJMUIDEN (1501)? (ATT Vols 1 or
2) (ATT 0.98m, TT 0.90m, SHM 0.90m)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2A-73 to 76, 2A-107 to 108, 2A-120 to 121.
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2B-30 to 33, 2B-60, 2B-71.
VLISSINGEN HW 0253A 4.9m LW 0927A -0.1 Range 5.0m 135% Springs
IJMUIDEN (Diffs) HW+0145 -2.7m LW+0325 +0.2m
IJMUIDEN HW 0438A 2.2m LW 1252A +0.1

TotalTide HW 1701A 2.40m LW 1236A 0.0m
SHM HW 1730A 2.6m LW 1320A -0.2m
From Graph HOT = 0.98m. TotalTide HOT = 0.90m SHM HOT =0.9m

Note: Extrapolation of secondary height differences is unusual in this case. As it is 135%

Mean Springs, extrapolation from MHWN difference (-0.6m), through MHWS difference (-
0.1m) gives +0.2m at 135% Mean Springs.

Change 1
BR 45(5)(Supplement)

A54. A ship grounds on a sandbank at FLAMANVILLE (1610) on the morning of 23 Nov 98.
What was the height of tide when she grounded at 1300A, and at what time will she refloat?
(ATT Vols 1 or 2) (ATT 5.30m, 1925A; TT See Note; SHM 5.44m, 1930A)

Note. In 2000 FLAMANVILLE (1610) was replaced by the nearby tidal station of DIELETE
(1610). When using TotalTide, DIELETE gives slightly different results (5.5m 2000A).

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2A-81 to 84, 2A-109 to110, 2A-121.

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2B-36 to 39, 2B-61, 2B-72 to 73.
ST MALO HW 0857A 11.1m LW 1556A 2.8 HW 2116A 10.7m
1st Range 8.3m 60% Springs 2nd Range 7.9m 52% Springs
FLAMANVILLE (Diffs)HW+0050 -2.4m LW+0025 -0.9m HW +0050 -2.2m
FLAMANVILLE HW 0947A 8.7m LW 1621A 1.9m HW 2206A 8.5m
SHM HW 1002A 8.78m LW 1620A 1.93m HW 2222A 8.47m
DIELETE (1610)
TotalTide HW 0954A 9.0m LW 1621A 2.30m HW 2212A 8.80m
From Graph 1300A HOT =5.3m. TotalTide HOT = 5.50m SHM HOT =5.44m
From Graph HOT =5.3m at 1924A TotalTideTIME = 2000A SHM TIME=1930A

A55. A vessel drawing 4.6m grounds near BRAYE (Alderney) (1603) at 0200A on 16 Apr 98.
What time will she refloat and what is the charted depth? (ATT Vol 1)
(ATT 0710A, 1.80m; TT 0650A 2.00m; SHM 0655A 1.98m)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2A-77 to 80, 2A-109 to 110, 2A-120 to 121.
BRAYE (1603)
1st Range 8.3m 75% Springs 2nd Range 8.0m 70% Springs
ST HELIER HW 15/ 2030Z 10.2m LW 0312Z 1.9m HW 0844Z 9.9m
Seasonal -(-0.1) -(-0.1) -(-0.1)
BRAYE(Diffs) HW+0041 -4.4m LW+0029 -0.8m HW +0040 -4.4m
Seasonal +(-0.1) +(-0.1) +(-0.1)
ZONE (DST) +0100 +0100 +0100
BRAYE HW 15/ 2211A 5.8m LW 0441A 1.1m HW 1024A 5.5m
BRAYE (1603)
TotalTide HW 15/ 2209A 5.60m LW 0441A 1.40m HW 1025A 5.50m
SHM HW 15/ 2205A 5.72mLW 0435A 1.21m HW 1025A 5.56m
From Graph 0200A HOT =2.8m. TotalTide HOT = 2.60m SHM HOT =2.62m
From Graph (2.8m) TIME = 0710A TotalTideTIME = 0650A SHM TIME=0655A
Draught 4.6m - HOT (ATT) 2.8m = Charted Depth 1.80m, TIME 0710A
Draught 4.6m - HOT (TT) 2.60m = Charted Depth 2.00m, TIME 0655A
Draught 4.6m - HOT (SHM) 2.62m = Charted Depth 1.98m, TIME 0655A

Change 1
BR 45(5)(Supplement)
A56. With what corrected height should the table of distance by vertical angle be entered for a
VSA taken on a lighthouse (charted elevation 20m) off BEE NESS (108a) at 0800A on 1
Apr 98? (ATT Vol 1) (ATT 24.25m, TT 24.40m, SHM, 24.14m)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2A-60 to 64, 2A-91, 2A-117.

BEE NESS (108a)
SHEERNES HW 0311Z 6.1m LW 0933Z 0.2m Range 5.9m 125% Springs
BEE NESS(Diffs) HW+0002 +0.2m LW+0004 0.0m
ZONE (DST) +0100 +0100
BEE NESS HW 0413A 6.3m LW 1037A 0.2m
BEE NESS (108a)
TotalTide HW 0409A 6.1m LW 1006A 0.20m
SHM HW 0425A 6.3m LW 1020A 0.16m
From Graph 0800A HOT =1.75m TotalTide HOT = 1.60m SHM HOT =1.86m
MHWS (SH) 5.8 + Diff (BN) 0.2 - HOT (ATT)1.75 + Elev 20.0 = Corrected Height 24.25m
MHWS (SH) 5.8 + Diff (BN) 0.2 - HOT (TT) 1.60 + Elev 20.0 = Corrected Height 24.40m
MHWS (SH) 5.8 + Diff (BN) 0.2 - HOT (SHM)1.86 + Elev 20.0 = Corrected Height 24.14m

A57-A59. Spare

Change 1
BR 45(5)(Supplement)


Important Note. Attention is drawn to Chapter 1, Paras 0101-0110.

A60. What is the height of tide at 1600(-1) on 14 Sep 98 at TOTLAND BAY (46)?
(ATT 2.07m, TT 1.90m, SHM 2.07m)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2A-20 to 24, 2A-49 to 52, 2A-90, 2A-116 to 117.
PORTSMOUTH HW 1737Z 4.0m LW 1047Z 1.7m Range 2.3m 20% Springs
TOTLAND (Diffs) HW -0047 -1.6m LW -0040 -0.4m
ZONE +0100 +0100
TOTLAND BAY HW 1750A 2.4m LW 1107A 1.3m
From LW Graph HOT = 2.07m TotalTide HOT = 1.90m SHM HOT =2.07m

A61. What is the height of tide at 1730Z on 9 Mar 98 at SWANAGE (35)?

(ATT 1.72m, TT 1.60m, SHM 1.70m)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2A-20 to 24, 2A-49 to 52, 2A-90, 2A-116 to 117.
PORTSMOUTH HW 2129Z 4.2m LW 1427Z 1.4m Range 2.8m 45% Springs
SWANAGE (Diffs) HW-0112 -2.4m LW -0105 -0.5m
SWANAGE HW 2017Z 1.8m LW 1322Z 0.9m
From LW Graph HOT = 1.72m TotalTide HOT = 1.60m SHM HOT =1.70m

A62. What is the height of tide at 1000Z on 6 Feb 98 at SANDOWN (53)?

(ATT 2.70m, TT 2.40m, SHM 2.26m)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2A-20 to 24, 2A-49 to 52, 2A-90, 2A-116 to 117.
PORTSMOUTH HW 0639Z 4.1m LW 1230Z 1.6m Range 2.5m 30% Springs
SANDOWN(Diffs) HW +0005 -0.5m LW +0022 -0.1m
SANDOWN HW 0644Z 3.6m LW 1252Z 1.5m

SANDOWN(TotalTide)HW 0652Z 3.5m LW 1301Z 1.5m

From LW Graph HOT = 2.7m TotalTide HOT = 2.40m SHM HOT = 2.26m

Change 1
BR 45(5)(Supplement)
A63. What is the height of tide at 1015(-1) on 26 Jul 98 at YARMOUTH (45)?
(ATT 2.00m, TT 2.30m, SHM 1.89m)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2A-20 to 24, 2A-49 to 52, 2A-90, 2A-116 to 117.
PORTSMOUTH HW 1314Z 4.6m LW 0618Z 0.7m Range 3.9m 100% Springs
YARMOUTH (Diffs) HW -0053 -1.6m LW -0026 0.0m
ZONE +0100 +0100
YARMOUTH HW 1321A 3.0m LW 0652A 0.7m
From LW Graph HOT = 2.0m TotalTide HOT = 2.3m SHM HOT = 1.89m

A64. At what time after midday on 10 Jul 98, does the height of tide at STANSORE POINT
(43) fall below 2.0m. (ATT 1620A, TT 1620, SHM 1632A)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2A-20 to 24, 2A-49 to 52, 2A-90, 2A-116 to 117.
PORTSMOUTH HW 1143Z 4.6m LW 1708Z 1.0m Range 3.6m 85% Springs
STANSORE (Diffs) HW -0050 -0.9m LW -0005 0.0m
ZONE +0100 +0100
STANSORE HW 1153A 3.7m LW 1803A 1.0m
From LW Graph TIME = 1620A TotalTide TIME = 1620A SHM TIME=1632A

A65. Allowing 0.5m clearance, what is the first time after 0001(-1) on 16 Aug 98 that a yacht
drawing 1.2m can pass over a bank off LEE ON SOLENT (64) charted as drying 0.9m?
(ATT 0315(-1), TT 0300(-1), SHM Not Available)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2A-20 to 24, 2A-49 to 52, 2A-90, 2A-116 to 117.
Draught 1.2m + Safety 0.5m + Drying Height 0.9m = HOT Required 2.6m
PORTSMOUTH HW 0522Z 4.1m LW 15/2231Z 1.4m Range 2.7m 40% Springs
LEE(Diffs) HW -0005 -0.1m LW -0014 +0.1m
ZONE +0100 +0100
LEE HW 0617A 4.0m LW 15/2317A 1.5m
From LW Graph TIME = 0315A TotalTide TIME = 0300A SHMTIME=Not Av

Change 1
BR 45(5)(Supplement)

A66. A vessel drawing 6.6m grounds on a bank off RYDE (58) in a charted depth of 3.0m at
lunchtime on 7 Apr 98. By 1700(-1), all passengers are off and the draught is subsequently
reduced by 0.3m. At what time will she re-float?
(ATT 1955(-1), TT 2000(-1), SHM 2008(-1))

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2A-20 to 24, 2A-49 to 52, 2A-90, 2A-116 to 117.
Draught 6.6m - Draught reduction 0.3m - Charted Depth 3.0m = HOT Required 3.3m
RYDE (58)
PORTSMOUTH HW 2103Z 4.2m LW 1359Z 1.5m Range 2.7m 40% Springs
RYDE (Diffs) HW 0000 -0.1m LW -0008 0.0m
ZONE +0100 +0100
RYDE HW 2203A 4.1m LW 1451A 1.5m
From LW GraphTIME = 1955A TotalTide TIME = 2000A SHMTIME=2008A

A67-A69. Spare

Change 1
BR 45(5)(Supplement)

Important Note. Attention is drawn to Chapter 1, Paras 0101-0110.

A70. What is the height of tide at 1820(-3) on 7 May 98 at KILINDINI (Kenya) (4017)?
(ATT Vol 3) ((ATT /SHM 1.59, ATT 1.60m, TT 1.60m, SHM 1.49m)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2C-17, 2C-24 to 26, 2C-70 to 71.

KILINDINI (Kenya) (4017)
ATT HW 1417(-3) 3.0m LW 2024(-3) 1.1m Duration 0607
TT HW 1417(-3) 3.0m LW 2025(-3) 1.1m
SHM HW 1420(-3) 2.81m LW 2030(-3) 1.0m
From Graph HOT = 1.60m TotalTide HOT = 1.60m. SHM HOT = 1.49m
SHM HOT 1.49m + ATT/SHM Correction +0.1m = ATT/SHM 1.59m

A71. What is the height of tide at 1615(+4) at SAINT JOHN, N B (Canada) (2864) on 30 Oct
98? (ATT Vol 2). Assume seasonal changes in mean level are negligible.
(ATT/SHM 4.55m, ATT 4.60m, TT 4.70m, SHM 4.55m)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2B-21, 2B-55 to 57, 2B-77.

SAINT JOHN, N B (Canada) (2864)
ATT HW 1915(+4) 7.3m LW 1305(+4) 1.7m Duration 0610
TT HW 1913(+4) 7.50m LW 1303(+4) 1.6m
SHM HW 1920(+4) 7.30m LW 1310(+4) 1.7m
From Graph HOT = 4.6m. TotalTide HOT = 4.70m. SHM HOT = 4.55m
SHM HOT 1.49m + ATT/SHM Correction +0.0m = ATT/SHM 4.55m

A72. At what time after midday on 6 Jun 98 (Zone +4) will the water level first rise above 2.2m
at GEORGETOWN (Guyana) (2290)? (ATT Vol 2). Assume seasonal changes in mean level
are negligible. (ATT/SHM 1247(+4), ATT 1235(+4), TT 1220(+4), SHM 1225(+4))

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2B-21, 2B-49 to 51, 2B-75.

GEORGETOWN (Guyana) (2290)
ATT HW 1410(+4) 2.4m LW 0751(+4) 0.8m Duration 0619
TT HW 1409(+4) 2.40m LW 0752(+4) 0.80m
SHM HW 1415(+4)2.51m LW 0800(+4) 0.92m
From Graph TIME = 1235(+4) TotalTide TIME = 1220(+4) SHM TIME= 1225(+4)
Required HOT 2.2m - ATT/SHM Correction (-0.1m)= Corrected SHM HOT 2.3m
Corrected SHM HOT 2.3m è ATT/SHM TIME 1247(+4)

Change 1
BR 45(5)(Supplement)

A73. What will be the height of tide at PORT MORESBY (Papua New Guinea) (5558) at
1000(-10) on 4 May 98?(ATT Vol 4)(ATT/SHM 1.21m, ATT 1.21m, TT 1.20m, SHM 1.21m)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2C-17.

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2D-12 to 14, 2D-43 to 44.
PORT MORESBY (Papua New Guinea) (5558)
ATT HW 0527(-10) 2.2m LW 1219(-10) 0.9m Duration 0652
TT HW 0529(-10) 2.20m LW 1220(-10) 0.90
SHM HW 0527(-10) 2.23m LW 1220(-10) 0.87
From Graph HOT = 1.21m. TotalTide HOT = 1.20m. SHM HOT = 1.21m
SHM HOT 1.21m + ATT/SHM Correction +0.0m = ATT/SHM 1.21m

A74. What will be the height of tide at TOFINO (Canada - Vancouver Island) (9050) at
0400(+8) on 13 Jan 98? (ATT Vol 4)(ATT/SHM 2.32 m, ATT 2.40m, TT 2.30m, SHM 2.24m)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2C-17.

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2D-18 to 20, 2D-48.
TOFINO (Canada - Vancouver Island) (9050)
ATT HW 0110(+8) 3.4m LW 0645(+8) 1.6m Duration 0535
TT HW 0112(+8) 3.30m LW 0648(+8) 1.50m
SHM HW 0109(+8) 3.35m LW 0645(+8) 1.49m
From Graph HOT = 2.4m. TotalTide HOT = 2.30m. SHM HOT = 2.24m
SHM HOT 2.24m + ATT/SHM Correction +0.08m = ATT/SHM 2.32m

A75. At what time in the afternoon of 20 Dec 98 (Zone -8) will the height of tide rise to 3.0m
(ATT 1420(-8), TT 1420(-8), SHM 1423(-8))

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2C-17, 2C-36 to 38, 2C-76.

HW 1743(-8) 5.0m LW 1056(-8) 0.9m Duration 0647
From Graph TIME = 1420(-8) TotalTide TIME = 1420(-8) SHM TIME= 1423(-8)
No requirement for SHM correction (no shallow water harmonics)

A76. At what time on 27 Dec 98 (Zone -7) does the height of tide fall below 2.0m at MUI
VUNG TAU (Vietnam) (6938)? (ATT Vol 3)
(ATT 1135(-7), TT 1155(-7), SHM 1055(-7))

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2C-17, 2C-39 to 41, 2C-77.

MUI VUNG TAU (Vietnam) (6938)
HW 0711(-7) 3.0m LW 1330(78) 1.7m Duration 0619
From Graph TIME = 1135(-7) TotalTide TIME = 1155(-7) SHM TIME= 1055(-7)
No requirement for SHM correction (no shallow water harmonics)

Change 1
BR 45(5)(Supplement)
A77. Between what times after 1000 (Zone +8) will the height of tide be more than 2m at
TOFINO (Canada - Vancouver Island) (9050)on 3 Jan 98? (ATT Vol 4)
(ATT/SHM 1201-1908(+8), ATT 1153-1905(+8), TT 1220-1855(+8), SHM 1220-1856(+8))

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2C-17.

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2D-18 to 20, 2D-48.
TOFINO (Canada - Vancouver Island) (9050)
ATT HW 1545(+8) 3.4m LW 0955(+8) 1.5m Duration 0550
TT HW 1552(+8) 3.30m LW 0959(+8) 1.30m
SHM HW 1550(+8) 3.27m LW 1000(+8) 1.35m
From Graph TIME = 1153(+8) TotalTide TIME = 1220(+8) SHM TIME= 1220(+8)
Required HOT 2.0m - ATT/SHM Correction +0.14m = Corrected SHM HOT 1.86m
Corrected SHM HOT 1.86 è ATT/SHM TIME 1201(+4)

ATT HW 1545(+8) 3.4m LW 2215(+8) 0.8mDuration 0630

TT HW 1552(+8) 3.30m LW 2219(+8) 0.70m
SHM HW 1550(+8) 3.27m LW 2218(+4) 0.69m
From Graph TIME = 1905(+8) TotalTide TIME = 1855(+8) SHM TIME= 1856(+8)
Required HOT 2.0m - ATT/SHM Correction +0.12m = Corrected SHM HOT 1.88m
Corrected SHM HOT 1.88 è ATT/SHM TIME 1908(+4)

A78. During what period in the daytime of 12 Jun 98 (Zone-8) will a ship of 5m draft be able
to pass over a sandbank of 4m depth with 1m clearance under the keel at SINGAPORE
(Tanjong Pagar) (4718)? (ATT Vol 3)
(ATT/SHM 1112-1528(-8), ATT 1113-1533(-8), TT 1105-1535(-8), SHM 1045-1558(-8))

Draught 5.0m + Safety 1.0m - Charted Depth 4.0m = HOT Required 2.0m

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2C-17, 2C-33 to 35, 2C-75.

SINGAPORE (Tanjong Pagar) (4718)
ATT HW 1318(-8) 2.5m LW 0626(-8) 0.1m Duration 0652
TT HW 1329(-8) 2.50m LW 0632(-8) 0.10m
SHM HW 1315(-8) 2.57m LW 0635(-8) 0.11m
From Graph TIME = 1113(-8) TotalTide TIME = 1105(-8) SHM TIME= 1045(-8)
Required HOT 2.0m - ATT/SHM Correction (-0.06m) = Corrected SHM HOT 2.06m
Corrected SHM HOT 2.06 è ATT/SHM TIME 1112(+4)

ATT HW 1318(-8) 2.5m LW 1839(-8) 1.1m Duration 0521

TT HW 1329(-8) 2.50m LW 1848(-8) 1.10m
SHM HW 1315(-8) 2.57m LW 1825(-8) 1.20m
From Graph TIME = 1533(-8) TotalTide TIME = 1535(-8) SHM TIME= 1558(-8)
Required HOT 2.0m - ATT/SHM Correction (-0.08)m = Corrected SHM HOT 2.08m
Corrected SHM HOT 2.08 è ATT/SHM TIME 1528(-8)

Change 1
BR 45(5)(Supplement)

A79. A rock on the outer bar of SHATT AL ARAB - OUTER BAR (Iraq) (4268) as a drying
height of 2.0m. A ship crosses the bar at 0800(-3) on 22 Feb 98. (ATT Vol 3)

a. How much rock will be visible? (ATT 0.20m, TT 0.20M)

b. When will the rising tide cover the rock?

(ATT 1445(-3), TT 1430(-3), SHM 1505(-3))

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2C-17, 2C-27 to 29, 2C-72.

Drying Height 2.0m - HW 0801(-3) 1.8m = Visible portion 0.2m

HOT Required 2.0m

HW 1807(-3) 2.6m LW 1148(-3) 1.5m Duration 0619
From Graph TIME = 1445(-3) TotalTide TIME = 1430(-3) SHM TIME= 1505(-3)
No requirement for SHM correction (no shallow water harmonics)

A80. A vessel drawing 4.3m grounds in KARACHI (Pakistan) (4322) at 1015(-5) on 17 Feb
98. What should be the charted depth? (ATT Vol 3)
(ATT 3.30m, TT 3.30m, SHM 3.29m)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2C-17, 2C-30 to 32, 2C-73 to 74.

KARACHI (Pakistan) (4322)
HW 1407(-5) 2.2m LW 0819(-5) 0.6m Duration 0548
From Graph HOT = 1.0m. TotalTide HOT = 1.01m. SHM HOT = 1.01m
No requirement for SHM correction (no shallow water harmonics)
Draught 4.3m - ATT HOT 1.00m = Charted Depth 3.30m
Draught 4.3m - TT HOT 1.00m = Charted Depth 3.30m
Draught 4.3m - SHM HOT 1.01m = Charted Depth 3.29m

A81-A89. Spare

Change 1
BR 45(5)(Supplement)

Important Note. Attention is drawn to Chapter 1, Paras 0101-0110.

A90. What are the times and heights of high and low water (Zone -3½) at RAS TANG (Iran)
(4313) on 1 Feb 98? (ATT Vol 3)
(ATT 0551(-3½), 0.90m; 1145(-3½), 2.8m, 1746(-3½), 0.90m
TT 0552(-3½), 1.00m; 1143(-3½), 2.70m, 1743(-3½), 0.90m
SHM 0557(-3½), 1.03m; 1150(-3½), 2.60m, 1750(-3½), 0.97m)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2C-17, 2C-30 to 32, 2C-60, 2C-72.

RAS TANG (Iran) (4313)
KARACHI HW 0120(-5) 3.0m LW 0734(-5) 0.3m
Seasonal -(-0.1) -(-0.1)
RAS TANG (Diffs) HW -0138 +0.2m LW -0143 +0.5m
Seasonal 0.0 0.0
RAS TANG HW 2342(-3½) 3.3m LW 0551(-3½) 0.9m

TT RAS TANG LW 0552(-3½) 1.00m

SHM RAS TANG LW 0557(-3½) 1.03m

KARACHI HW 1323(-5) 2.5m LW 1929(-5) 0.3m

Seasonal -(-0.1) -(-0.1)
RAS TANG (Diffs) HW -0138 +0.2m LW -0143 +0.5m
Seasonal 0.0 0.0
RAS TANG HW 1145(-3½) 2.8m LW 1746(-3½) 0.9m

TT RAS TANG HW 1143(-3½) 2.70m LW 1743(-3½) 0.90m

SHM RAS TANG HW 1150(-3½) 2.60m LW 1750(-3½) 0.97m
No requirement for SHM correction (no shallow water harmonics)

Change 1
BR 45(5)(Supplement)

A91. What are the times and heights of high and low water (Zone +5 ) at YORKTOWN (USA)
(2688) on 17 Nov 98? (ATT Vol 2)
(ATT 0140(+5), 0.20m; 806(+5), 0.90m, 1410(+5), 0.20m; 2013(+5), 0.80m
TT 0145(+5), 0.10m; 0805(+5), 0.80m, 1424(+5), 0.10m; 2020(+5), 0.70m
SHM 0135(+5), 0.14m; 0755(+5), 0.93m, 1415(+5), 0.13m; 1957(+5), 0.80m)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2B-21, 2B-52 to 54, 2B-65 to 66, 2B-76.
CHARLSTON HW 0639(+5) 1.8m LW 0014(+5) 0.1m Range 1.7m 83%
Seasonal 0.0 0.0
YORKTOWN (Diffs) HW+0127 -1.0m LW+0126 +0.0m
Seasonal +0.1 +0.1
YORKTOWN HW 0806(+5) 0.9m LW 0140(+5) 0.2m
TT YORKTOWN LW 0145(+5) 0.10m HW 0805(+5) 0.80m
SHM YORKTOWN LW 0135(+5) 0.14m HW 0755(+5) 0.93m


CHARLSTON HW 1846(+5) 1.6m LW 1244(+5) 0.2m Range 1.4m 33%
Seasonal 0.0 0.0
YORKTOWN (Diffs) HW+0127 -0.9m LW+0126 -0.1m
Seasonal +0.1 +0.1
YORKTOWN HW 2013(+5) 0.8m LW 1410(+5) 0.2m
TT YORKTOWN LW 1424(+5) 0.10m HW 2020(+5) 0.70m
SHM YORKTOWN LW 1415(+5) 0.13m HW 1957(+5) 0.80m
No requirement for SHM correction (no shallow water harmonics)

A92. What are the times and heights of high and low water (Zone-8) at the PUTRI NARROWS
(Singapore) (4712) on 31 Aug 98? (ATT Vol 3)
ATT 0519(-8), 2.50m; 1037(-8), 1.70m, 1650(-8), 2.90m, 01/0043(-8) 1.20m.
TT 0532(-8), 2.40m; 1050(-8), 1.70m, 1709(-8), 2.80m, 01/0057(-8) 1.20m.)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2C-17, 2C-33 to 35, 2C-61, 2C-75.

PUTRI NARROWS (Singapore) (4712)
TANJONG PAGAR HW 0500(-8) 1.8m LW 1007(-8) 1.3m
Seasonal -(-0.1) -(-0.1)
PUTRI (Diffs) HW+0019 +0.6m LW+0030 +0.3m
Seasonal 0.0 0.0
PUTRI NARROWS HW 0519(-8) 2.5m LW 1037(-8) 1.7m
TT HW 0532(-8) 2.4m LW 1050(-8) 1.7m

TANJONG PAGAR HW 1641(-8) 2.2m LW 01/0013(-8) 0.8m

Seasonal -(-0.1) -(-0.1)
PUTRI (Diffs) HW+0019 +0.6m LW +0030 +0.3m
Seasonal 0.0 0.0
PUTRI NARROWS HW 1650(-8) 2.9m LW 01/0043(-8) 1.2m
TT HW 1709(-8) 2.8m LW 01/0057(-8) 1.2m

Change 1
BR 45(5)(Supplement)
A93. What are the times and heights of high and low waters (Zone-3 ) at KILIFI (Kenya)
(4022) on 13 May 98? (ATT Vol 3)
(ATT 0509(-3), 3.00m; 1100(-3), 0.60m, 1717(-3), 3.4m; 2336(-3), 0.50m
TT 0514(-3), 3.10m; 1111(-3), 0.30m, 1727(-3), 3.60m; 2347(-3), 0.20m
SHM 0505(-3), 2.97m; 1052(-3), 0.49m, 1708(-3), 3.44m; 2330(-3), 0.32m)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2C-17, 2C-24 to 26, 2C-55, 2C-70 to 71.
KILIFI (Kenya) (4022)
KILINDI HW 0514(-3) 3.2m LW 1105(-3) 0.6m
Seasonal 0.0 0.0
KILIFI (Diffs) HW -0005 -0.2m LW -0005 +0.0m
Seasonal 0.0 0.0
KILIFI HW 0509(-3) 3.0m LW 1100(-3) 0.6m

TT KILIFI HW 0514(-3) 3.10m LW 1111(-3) 0.30m

SHM KILIFI HW 0505(-3) 2.97m LW 1052(-3) 0.49m

KILINDI HW 1722(-3) 3.6m LW 2341(-3) 0.5m

Seasonal 0.0 0.0
KILIFI (Diffs) HW -0005 -0.2m LW -0005 +0.0m
Seasonal 0.0 0.0
KILIFI HW 1717(-3) 3.4m LW 2336(-3) 0.5m

TT KILIFI HW 1727(-3) 3.60m LW 2347(-3) 0.20m

SHM KILIFI HW 1708(-3) 3.44m LW 2330(-3) 0.32m
No requirement for SHM correction (no shallow water harmonics)

A94. What is the height of tide at 0600(-8) at PULAU BUKOM (Singapore) (4716) on 1 Jun
98? (ATT Vol 3) (ATT 1.65m, TT 1.80m, SHM 1.79m)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2C-17, 2C-33 to 35, 2C-61, 2C-75.

PULAU BUKOM (Singapore) (4716)
TANJONG PAGAR HW 0248(-8) 2.6m LW 0948(-8) 0.5m
Seasonal 0.0 0.0
PULAU (Diffs) HW+0008 -0.1m LW+0009 -0.1m
Seasonal 0.0 0.0
PULAU BUKOM HW 0256(-8) 2.5m LW 0957(-8) 0.4m Duration 0701

TT PULAU BUKOM HW 0306(-8) 2.70m LW 1030(-8) 0.50m

SHM PULAU BUKOM HW 0310(-8) 2.54mLW 1010(-8) 0.57m

From Graph HOT = 1.65m TotalTide HOT = 1.80m. SHM HOT = 1.71m
No requirement for SHM correction (no shallow water harmonics)

Change 1
BR 45(5)(Supplement)

A95. What is the height of tide at PORT HARVEY (CANADA) (8984) at 0730(+8) on 3 Mar
98? (ATT Vol 4) (ATT 3.25m, TT 3.00m, SHM 3.23m)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2C-17.

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2D-18 to 20, 2D-38, 2D-47 to 48.
TOFINO HW 0345(+8) 3.7m LW 1015(+8) 0.8m
Seasonal -(+0.1) -(+0.1)
P. HARVEY (Diffs) HW+0057 +0.7m LW+0055 +0.6m
Seasonal +(+0.1) +(+0.1)
PORT HARVEY HW 0442(+8) 4.4m LW 1110(+8) 1.4m Duration 0628

TT PORT HARVEY HW 0428(+8) 4.50m LW 1059(+8) 1.20m

SHM PORT HARVEYHW 0430(+8) 4.64mLW 1105(+8) 1.29m

From Graph HOT = 3.25m TotalTide HOT = 3.00m. SHM HOT = 3.23m
No requirement for SHM correction (no shallow water harmonics)

A96. A vessel requires a minimum HOT of 0.7m to enter SOMA (Japan) (7982). Between
what times (Zone -9) on 21 Nov 98 can it enter SOMA? (ATT Vol 4)
(ATT/SHM 0216(-9) to 1940(9), ATT 0205(-9) to 1940(-9),
TT 0210(-9) to 1950(-9), SHM 0205(-9) to 1950(-9))
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2C-17.
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2D-15 to17, 2D-36, 2D-45.
SOMA (Japan) (7982)
KAMAISHAI HW 0515(-9) 1.3m LW 20/2222(-9) 0.1m
Seasonal 0.0 0.0
SOMA (Diffs) HW+0020 +0.0m LW +0001 +0.0m
Seasonal 0.0 0.0
SOMA HW 0535(-9) 1.3m LW 20/2223(-9) 0.1m Duration 0710

TT SOMA HW 0536(-9) 1.30m LW 20/2250(-9) 0.10m

SHM SOMA HW 0530(-9) 1.29m LW 20/2240(-9) 0.08m
Required HOT 0.7m
From Graph TIME = 0205(-9) approx. TotalTide TIME = 0210(-9) SHM TIME=0205(-9)
SHM TIME=0205(-9)+ ATT/SHM Correction +0011 = ATT/SHM TIME 0216(-9)

KAMAISHAI HW 1550(-9) 1.4m LW 2253(-9) 0.1m

Seasonal 0.0 0.0
SOMA (Diffs) HW+0020 +0.0m LW +0001 +0.0m
Seasonal 0.0 0.0
SOMA HW 1610(-9) 1.4m LW 2254(-9) 0.1m Duration 0644
TT SOMA HW 1609(-9) 1.50m LW 2320(-9) 0.10m
SHM SOMA HW 1605(-9) 1.44m LW 2315(-9) 0.06m
Required HOT 0.7m
From Graph TIME = 1940(-9) TotalTide TIME = 1950(-9) SHM TIME=1950(-9)
Duration is under 0700 therefore no ATT/SHM Correction required.

Change 1
BR 45(5)(Supplement)
A97. At what time in the afternoon (Zone-3½) on 8 Jan 98 will the HOT rise to 1.5m at
KOKSAR (Iran) (4311)? (ATT Vol 3) (ATT 1528(-3½), TT 1525(-3½), 1528(-3½))

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2C-17, 2C-30 to 32, 2C-60, 2C-72.

KOKSAR (Iran) (4311)
KARACHI HW 1958(-5) 2.2m LW 1300(-5) 0.2m
Seasonal 0.0 0.0
KOKSAR (Diffs) HW -0142 -0.1m LW -0138 +0.2m
Seasonal 0.0 0.0
KOKSAR HW 1816(-3½) 2.1m LW 1122(-3½) 0.4m Duration 0654
Required HOT 1.5m
From Graph TIME = 1528(-3½) TotalTide TIME = 1525(-3½) SHM TIME= 1528(-3½)
No requirement for SHM correction (no shallow water harmonics)

A98. During what period in the afternoon / evening (Zone +4) on 9 Mar 98 will the height of
tide be above 1.6m at SWAN ISLAND (Falkland Islands) (2074C)? (ATT Vol 2)
(ATT/SHM TIME 1635(+4) to 2045(+4)
ATT 1625(+4) to 2100(+4), TT 1545(+4) to 1925(+4), SHM 1615(+4) to 2025(+4))

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2B-21, 2B-46 to 48, 2B-63, 2B-74.

SWAN ISLAND (Falkland Islands) (2074C)
STANLEY HW 1605(+4) 1.4m LW 0940(+4) 0.5m
Seasonal 0.0 0.0
SWAN (Diffs) HW+0230 +0.4m LW +0240 +0.5m
Seasonal 0.0 0.0
SWAN HW 1835(+4) 1.8m LW 1220(+4) 1.0m Duration 0615

TT SWAN HW 1730(+4) 1.80m LW 1244(+4) 0.90m

SHM SWAN HW 1815(+4) 1.76mLW 1145(+4) 1.02m
Required HOT 1.6m
From Graph TIME = 1625(+4) TotalTide TIME = 1545(+4) SHM TIME =1615(+4)
SHM TIME=1615(+4)+ ATT/SHM Correction +0020 = ATT/SHM TIME 1635(+4)

STANLEY HW 1605(+4) 1.4m LW 2129(+4) 0.8m

Seasonal 0.0 0.0
SWAN (Diffs) HW +0230 +0.4m LW +0240 +0.5m
Seasonal 0.0 0.0
SWAN HW 1835(+4) 1.8m LW 2409(+4) 1.3m Duration 0534

TT SWAN HW 1730(+4) 1.80mLW 10/0103(+4) 1.40m

SHM SWAN HW 1815(+4) 1.76mLW 2345(+4) 1.30m
Required HOT 1.6m
From Graph TIME = 2100(+4) TotalTide TIME = 1925(+4) SHM TIME=1945(+4)
SHM TIME=2025(+4)+ ATT/SHM Correction +0020 = ATT/SHM TIME 2045(+4)
Although there is no formal requirement for SHM correction (no shallow water harmonic data),
adding a correction gives more consistent results.

BR 45(5)(Supplement)

A99. At what time (Zone -3½) will a rock with a drying height of 1.4m first be awash at
BANDAR-E LENGEH (Iran) (4297) during the afternoon of 5 Mar 98? (ATT Vol 3)
(ATT 1520(-3½), TT 1430(-3½), 1515(-3½))

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2C-17, 2C-27 to 29, 2C-59, 2C-72.

BANDAR-E LENGEH (Iran) (4297)
SHATT AL ARAB HW 06/0431(-3) 2.0mLW 05/2239(-3) 0.5m
Seasonal -(-0.1) -(-0.1)
BANDAR-E (Diffs) HW -1115 -0.4mLW -1128 +0.2m
Seasonal +(-0.1) +(-0.1)
BANDAR-E HW 05/1716(-3½) 1.6mLW 05/1111(-3½) 0.7mDur’n 0605
TT BANDAR-E HW 1728(-3½) 1.90mLW 1126(-3½) 0.80m
SHM BANDAR-E HW 1730(-3½) 1.71mLW 1115(-3½) 0.67m
Required HOT 1.4m
From Graph TIME = 1520(-3½) TotalTide TIME = 1430(-3½) SHM TIME= 1515(-3½)
No requirement for SHM correction (no shallow water harmonics)

A100. Between what times during the day (Zone +8) can a vessel that draws 5m enter
MASSET (Graham Island, Canada) (8858) on 6 Apr 98, when the minimum charted depth is
3.5m and the vessel requires 1m of water under the keel? (ATT Vol 4)
(ATT/SHM 0810(+8) to 1148(+8), ATT 0814(+8) to 1144(+8),
TT 0745(+8) to 1220(+8), SHM 0755(+8) to 1202(+8))

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2C-17.

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2D-18 to 20, 2D-37, 2D-46.
Draught 5.0m + Safety 1.0m - Charted Depth 3.5m = HOT Required 2.5m
MASSET (Graham Island, Canada) (8858)
TOFINO HW 0850(+8) 3.0m LW 0250(+8) 1.6m
Seasonal -(+0.1) -(+0.1)
MASSET (Diffs) HW+0114 -0.1m LW +0111 -0.1m
Seasonal 0.0m 0.0m
MASSET HW 1004(+8) 2.8m LW 0401(+8) 1.4m Duration 0603
TT MASSET HW 1012(+8) 3.10m LW 0409(+8) 1.40m
SHM MASSET HW 1005(+8) 2.88m LW 0412(+8) 1.54m
Required HOT 2.5m
From Graph TIME = 0814(+8) TotalTide 0745(+8) SHM TIME=0755(+8)
ATT/SHM Correction 2.50m +0.08m = 2.58m = ATT/SHM TIME 0810(+8)

TOFINO HW 0850(+8) 3.0m LW 1520(+8) 1.0m

Seasonal -(+0.1) -(+0.1)
MASSET (Diffs) HW+0114 -0.1m LW +0111 -0.1m
Seasonal 0.0m 0.0m
MASSET HW 1004(+8) 2.8m LW 1631(+8) 0.8m Duration 0627
TT MASSET HW 1012(+8) 3.10mLW 1648(+8) 0.80m
SHM MASSET HW 1005(+8) 2.88mLW 1642(+8) 0.97m
Required HOT 2.5m
From Graph TIME = 1144(+8) TotalTide TIME = 1220(+8) SHM TIME=1202(+8)
ATT/SHM Correction 2.50m +0.08m = 2.58m = ATT/SHM TIME 1148(+8)

Change 1
BR 45(5)(Supplement)
A101. A vessel runs aground at UMM QASR ( Kuwait) (4267) at 1600(-3) on 27 Mar 98.
When will she refloat? (ATT Vol 3)
(ATT 2013(-3), TT 2050(-3), SHM 2035(-3))

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2C-17, 2C-27 to 29, 2C-59 to 60, 2C-72.
UMM QASR ( Kuwait) (4267)
SHATT AL ARAB HW 1024(-3) 2.8m LW 1625(-3) 0.8m
Seasonal -(-0.1) -(-0.1)
UMM QASR(Diffs) HW +0155 +1.6m LW +0140 +0.6m
Seasonal +(-0.1) +(-0.1)
UMM QASR HW 1219(-3) 4.4m LW 1805(-3) 1.4m Duration 0546

TT UMM QASR HW 1222(-3) 4.70m LW 1839(-3) 1.00m

SHM UMM QASR HW 1215(-3) 4.65m LW 1828(-3) 1.13m

From Graph HOT = 2.25m TotalTide HOT = 2.60m. SHM HOT =2.22m

SHATT AL ARAB HW 2223(-3) 3.0m LW 1625(-3) 0.8m

Seasonal -(-0.1) -(-0.1)
UMM QASR(Diffs) HW +0155 +1.6m LW +0140 +0.6m
Seasonal +(-0.1) +(-0.1)
UMM QASR HW 2418(-3) 4.6m LW 1805(-3) 1.4m Duration 0613

TT UMM QASR HW 2428(-3) 4.90m LW 1839(-3) 1.00m

SHM UMM QASR HW 2422(-3) 4.81m LW 1828(-3) 1.13m

HOT Required ATT = 2.25m TotalTide HOT = 2.60m. SHM HOT = 2.22m
From Graph TIME = 2013(-3) TotalTide TIME = 2050(-3) SHM TIME=2035(-3)
No requirement for SHM correction (no shallow water harmonics)

A102-A109. Spare

Change 1
BR 45(5)(Supplement)

TIDAL STREAM ATLAS’ - UK AREA (ATT VOL 1 (1998), NPS 250, 337, 249, 167)

Important Note. Attention is drawn to Chapter 1, Paras 0101-0110.

A110. What is the percentage of the Mean Spring Range (See Para 0107) and the tidal stream
at 50°28'N 000° 30'W at 1100(-1) on 6 Apr 98? (NP250) (-4%, WSW, 1.26kn)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2A-53 to 56

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 3A-2, 3A-7 to 8.
Dover HW 0702Z 0802A 5.2m MSR 6.0m MNR3.2m
LW 1405Z 1505A 2.1m
Range 3.1 m -4% MSR
At HW +3 hrs TS= WSW 1.3, 2.3kn -4% MSR TS = 1.3-0.04 = WSW 1.26kn

A111. What is the percentage of the Mean Spring Range (See Para 0107) and the tidal stream
between LAND’S END and WOLF ROCK at 1535Z on 2 Feb 98? (NP250)
(86%, WNW, 0.83kn)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2A-53 to 56

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 3A-2, 3A-3 to 4.
Dover HW 1437Z 6.5m MSR 6.0m MNR3.2m
LW 2203Z 0.9m
Range 5.6 m 86% MSR
At HW +1 hr TS = WNW 0.4, 0.9kn86% MSR TS = 0.4+0.43 = WNW 0.83kn

A112. What is the percentage of the Mean Spring Range (See Para 0107) and the tidal stream
at 49°58'N 000°20'W at 1525Z on 23 Dec 98? (NP250) (64%, W, 1.65kn)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2A-53 to 56

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 3A-2, 3A-5 to 6.
Dover HW 1325Z 6.3m MSR 6.0m MNR3.2m
LW 2053Z 1.3m
Range 5.0 m 64% MSR
At HW +2 hrs TS = W 1.2, 1.9kn 64% MSR TS = 1.2+0.45 =W 1.65kn

A113. What is the percentage of the Mean Spring Range (See Para 0107) and the tidal stream
1nm SE from ST CATHERINE’S POINT (IOW) at 0855Z on 15 Nov 98? (NP377)
(50%, W or WNW, 1.80kn)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2A-49 to 52

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 3B-2, 3B-3 to 4.
Portsmouth HW 0854Z 4.4m MSR 3.9m MNR1.9m
LW 1419Z 1.5m
Range 2.9 m 50% MSR
At HW TS = W or WNW 1.2, 2.4kn 50% MSR TS = 1.2+0.6 = W or WNW 1.8kn

Change 1
BR 45(5)(Supplement)
A114. What is the percentage of the Mean Spring Range (See Para 0107) and the tidal stream
2nm SSW from SELSEY BILL at 1015Z on 16 Feb 98? (NP377) (65%, ESE, 1.98kn)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2A-49 to 52

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 3B-2, 3B-5.
Portsmouth HW 1411Z 4.3m MSR 3.9m MNR1.9m
LW 0716Z 1.1m
Range 3.2 m 65% MSR
At HW -4 hr TS = ESE 1.2, 2.4kn 65% MSR TS = 1.2+0.78 = ESE 1.98kn

A115. What is the percentage of the Mean Spring Range (See Para 0107) and the tidal stream
1nm from FORELAND at 1820Z on 30 Nov 98? (NP 337) (55%, NNE, 1.09kn)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2A-49 to 52

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 3B-2, 3B-7.
Portsmouth HW 2019Z 4.4m MSR 3.9m MNR1.9m
LW 1338Z 1.4m
Range 3.0 m 55% MSR
At HW -2 hr TS = NNE 0.7, 1.4kn 55% MSR TS = 0.7+0.39 = NNE 1.09kn

A116. What is the percentage of the Mean Spring Range (See Para 0107) and the tidal stream
in the channel north of GUNFLEET SAND at 1240Z on 22 Dec 98? (NP 249)
(86%, SW, 1.33kn)
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2A-60 to 64
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 3C-2, 3C-5.
Sheerness HW 1438Z 5.6m MSR 5.2m MNR3.2m
LW 0824Z 0.7m
Range 4.9 m 86% MSR
At HW -2 hr TS = SW 0.9, 1.4kn 86% MSR TS = 0.9+0.43 = SW 1.33kn

A117. What is the percentage of the Mean Spring Range (See Para 0107) and the tidal stream
in position 51° 20'N 001° 35'E at 1445(-1) on 29 Sep 98? (NP 249) (0%, SSW, 1.30kn)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2A-60 to 64

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 3C-2, 3C-3.
Sheerness HW 1745Z 1845A 4.7m MSR 5.2m MNR3.2m
LW 1101Z 1201A 1.5m
Range 3.2 m 0% MSR
At HW -4 hr TS = SSW 1.3, 2.2kn 0% MSR TS = 1.3+0.00 = SSW 1.30kn

Change 1
BR 45(5)(Supplement)

A118. What is the percentage of the Mean Spring Range (See Para 0107) and the tidal stream
off RUBBLE JETTY at 1645(-1) on 11 Apr 98? (NP 167) (88%, WNW, 1.49kn)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2A-45 to 48

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 3D-9, 3D-11.
Devonport HW 1744Z 1844A5.2m MSR 4.7m MNR2.2m
LW 1154Z 1254A 0.8m
Range 4.4 m 88% MSR
At HW -2 hr TS = WNW 0.7, 1.6kn 88% MSR TS = 0.7+ 0.79 = WNW 1.49kn

A119. What is the percentage of the Mean Spring Range (See Para 0107) and the tidal stream
at Position “A” (0.6 of a cable north of Fort Blockhouse, Portsmouth) at 1400Z on 2 Feb 98?
(NP 167) (95%, NW, 1.76kn)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2A-49 to 52

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 3D-19, 3D-21.
Portsmouth HW 1501Z 4.6m MSR 3.9m MNR1.9m
LW 0809Z 0.8m
Range 3.8 m 95% MSR
At HW -1 hr TS = NW 0.9, 1.8kn 95% MSR TS = 0.9+0.86 = NW 1.76kn

A120-A129. Spare

Change 1
BR 45(5)(Supplement)

A130. It is intended to pass 1.5nm south-east of TARIFA (Spain) at 1100(-2) on 17 Sep 98.
What surface flow (tidal stream and currents) should be expected? The weather has been fair
for the past few days. (Position (38): E, 0.14kn)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2B-42 to 45

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 3E-1, 3E-6, 3E-8, 3E-11.
Gibraltar HW 1318(-1) 1418(-2) 0.9m
Moon Factor -4 days f = 0.7
1100(-2) = HW - 0315
Position (38)
TS W 1.8 x f (0.7) = W 1.26kn
Constant Current = E 1.40kn
Drift Current = 0.0
Total Flow = E 0.14kn

A131. It is intended to pass 3.5 miles south east of PUNTA CARNERO (Spain) at 1920 (-1)
on 23 Nov 98. The wind has been calm for the past few days.

a. What surface flow (tidal stream and currents) should be expected?

(Position (49): ENE, 2.92kn)
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2B-42 to 45
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 3E-1, 3E-7, 3E-8, 3E-11.
Gibraltar HW 1726(-1) 0.9m
Moon Factor +3 daysf = 0.8
1920(-1) = HW +0154
Position (49)
TS ENE 1.9 x f (0.8) = ENE 1.52kn
Constant Current (Surface) = ENE 1.40kn
Drift Current = 0.0kn
Total Flow (Surface) = ENE 2.92kn

b. What flow (tidal stream and currents) should be expected at 100 feet?
(Position (49): ENE, 2.52kn)
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2B-42 to 45
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 3E-1, 3E-7, 3E-9, 3E-11.
Gibraltar HW 1726(-1) 0.9m
Moon Factor +3 daysf = 0.8
1920(-1) = HW +0155
Position (49)
TS ENE 1.9 x f (0.8) = ENE 1.52kn
Constant Current (100ft) = ENE 1.00kn
Drift Current = 0.0kn
Total Flow (100ft) = ENE 2.52kn

Change 1
BR 45(5)(Supplement)

c. What flow (tidal stream and currents) should be expected at 750 feet?
(Position (49): ENE, 0.82kn)
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2B-42 to 45
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 3E-1, 3E-7, 3E-10, 3E-11.

Gibraltar HW 1726(-1) 0.9m

Moon Factor +3 daysf = 0.8
1920(-1) = HW +0155
Position (49)
TS ENE 1.9 x f (0.8) = ENE 1.52kn
Constant Current (750ft) = WSW 0.70kn
Drift Current = 0.0kn
Total Flow (750ft) = ENE 0.82kn

A132. It is intended to pass through the GIBRALTAR STRAITS on 12 Oct 98 at a depth of

100 feet. Your position is expected to be 36° 02’N, 005° 55’W at 1000Z. A “Levanter”
(easterly wind) force 6 has been blowing for a few days. What total flow (tidal stream and
currents) is expected? (Position (14): SE, 1.35kn)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2B-42 to 45

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 3E-1, 3E-7, 3E-9, 3E-11.

Gibraltar HW 0806(-1) 0.9m

Moon Factor +6 daysf = 0.5
1000(-1) = HW +0154
Position (14)
TS SE 1.5 x f (0.5) = SE 0.75kn
Constant Current (100ft) = SE 0.90kn
Drift Current = NW 0.30kn
Total Flow (100ft) = SE 1.35kn

A133-A139. Spare

Change 1
BR 45(5)(Supplement)

Important Note. Attention is drawn to Chapter 1, Paras 0101-0110.

A140. Plot the tidal stream curve for SINGAPORE STRAIT - NORTHERN APPROACHES
TO SELAT DURIAN (S471b) for 19 Aug 98. What will be the flow (Zone -7) at 0300, 0700,
1200 and 1800? (ATT Vol 3 Parts 1a and IIIa)
(ATT 338°, 1.30kn; 158°, 0.65kn; 158°, 0.80kn; 338°, 0.60kn
SHM 338°, 1.19kn; 158°, 0.68kn; 158°, 0.90kn; 338°, 0.47kn
ATT/SHM 338°, 1.30kn; 158°, 0.68kn; 158°, 0.90kn; 338°, 0.60kn)
TT 338°, 1.20kn; 158°, 0.90kn; 158°, 0.90kn; 338°, 0.50kn)
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2C-46 to 49, 2C-79.
+ve = 158° -ve = 338° Zone (-7)

ATT Slack ATT Max ATT Max SHM Slack SHM Max SHM Max
0228 -1.3 0240 -1.21
0533 0933 +1.6 0552 0940 +1.50
1321 1600 -1.0 1344 1632 -0.76
1926 2140 +0.4 1933 2125 +0.34
2344 2322

Graph: 0300 = 338°,1.30kn; 0700 = 158°,0.65kn; 1200 = 158°,0.80kn; 1800 =338°,0.60kn

SHM: 0300 = 338°,1.19kn; 0700 = 158°,0.68kn; 1200 = 158°,0.90kn; 1800 =338°,0.47kn
ATT/SHM 0300 = 338°,1.30kn; 0700 = 158°,0.68kn; 1200 = 158°,0.90kn; 1800 =338°,0.60kn
TT 0300 = 338°,1.20kn; 0700=158°, 0.90kn; 1200 =158°,0.90kn; 1800 =338, 0.50kn

A141. Plot the tidal stream curve for LINGGA ARCHIPELAGO - BERHALA STRAIT
(S475a), for 23 May 98. What will be the flow (Zone -7) at 0400, 1000, and 2000? (Vol 3 Parts
1a and IIIa) (ATT 113°, 0.65kn; 293°, 0.60kn; 293°, 1.05kn
SHM 113°, 0.75kn; 293°, 0.70kn; 293°, 1.11kn
ATT/SHM 113°, 0.75kn; 293°, 0.70kn; 293°, 1.11kn)
TT 113°, 0.70kn; 293°, 0.70kn; 293°, 1.10kn)
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2C-50 to 53, 2C-79.
+ve = 293° -ve = 113° Zone (-7)

ATT Slack ATT Max ATT Max SHM Slack SHM Max SHM Max
22/2357 0250 -0.9 22/2357 0252 -0.91
0548 0847 +0.9 0551 0847 +0.88
1139 1454 -1.1 1138 1452 -1.12
1757 2116 +1.3 1755 2115 +1.36

Graph: 0400 = 113°, 0.65kn; 1000 = 293°, 0.60kn; 2000 = 293°, 1.05kn;
SHM: 0400 = 113°, 0.75kn; 1000 = 293°, 0.70kn; 2000 = 293°, 1.11kn;
ATT/SHM 0400 = 113°, 0.75kn; 1000 = 293°, 0.70kn; 2000 = 293°, 1.11kn;
TT 0400 = 113°, 0.70kn; 1000 =293°, 0.70kn; 2000 = 293°, 1.10kn

Change 1
BR 45(5)(Supplement)

A142. Plot the tidal stream curve for USA - SAN FRANCISCO BAY ENTRANCE (S930) for
22 Sep 98. What will be the flow (Zone +8) at 0700, 1300, and 1900? (Vol 4 Parts 1a and
IIIa) (ATT 245°, 2.30kn; 065°, 1.85kn; 245°, 2.60kn
SHM 245°, 1.85kn; 065°, 1.87kn;245°, 2.38kn
ATT/SHM 245°, 2.00kn; 065°, 1.87kn; 245°, 2.50kn)
TT 245°, 1.90kn; 065°, 1.80kn; 245°, 2.30kn)
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2D-29 to 31, 2D-50.
+ve = 065° -ve = 245° Zone (+8)

ATT Slack ATT Max ATT Max SHM Slack SHM Max SHM Max
0203 0444 -3.6 0155 0445 -3.56
0824 1112 +3.1 0816 1112 +3.16
1414 1701 -3.8 1407 1703 -3.73
2044 2335 +3.2 2039 2335 +3.14

Graph: 0700 = 245°, 2.30kn; 1300 = 065°, 1.85kn; 1900 = 245°, 2.60kn
SHM: 0700 = 245°, 1.85kn; 1300 = 065°, 1.87kn; 1900 = 245°, 2.38kn
ATT/SHM 0700 = 245°, 2.00kn; 1300 = 065°, 1.87kn; 1900 = 245°, 2.50kn
TT 0700 = 245°, 1.90kn; 1300 = 065°, 1.80kn; 1900 = 245°, 2.30kn

A143. Plot the tidal stream curve for BRITISH COLUMBIA - SEYMOUR NARROWS (909)
for 5 Jun 98 (ignoring daylight saving time). Between what times (Zone +8) will the predicted
tidal stream:

a. Exceed 4 kn south-going? (ATT Vol 4 Parts 1a and IIIa)

(ATT 0912(+8) to 1330(+8)
SHM 0912(+8) to 1342(+8)
ATT/SHM 0912(+8) to 1342(+8))
TT 0912(+8) to 1340 (+8))
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2D-25 to 28, 2D-50.
+ve = 180° -ve = 000° Zone (+8)

ATT Slack ATT Max ATT Max SHM Slack SHM Max SHM Max
04/2230 +6.4
0125 0500 -9.3 0121 0445 -8.97
0810 1115 +8.9 0805 1112 +8.59
1445 1745 -7.2 1438 1737 -6.99
2035 2320 +6.3 2031 2315 +6.31

By Graph: S>4kn0912(+8) to 1330(+8)

By SHM: S>4kn 0912(+8) to 1342(+8)
By ATT/SHM: S>4kn 0912(+8) to 1342(+8))
By TT: S>4kn 0912(+8) to 1340(+8))

BR 45(5)(Supplement)
b. Exceed 2 kn north-going? (ATT Vol 4 Parts 1a and IIIa)
(ATT 0200(+8) to 0742(+8);1520(+8) to 2000(+8)
SHM 0154(+8) to 0742(+8); 1520(+8) to 2000(+8)
ATT/SHM 0200(+8) to 0742(+8); 1520(+8) to 2000(+8))
TT 0200(+8) to 0742(+8); 1518(+8) to 2008(+8))
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2D-25 to 28, 2D-50.
+ve = 065° -ve = 245° Zone (+8)

By Graph: N>2kn0200(+8) to 0742(+8);1520(+8) to 2000(+8)

By SHM: N>2kn0154(+8) to 0742(+8); 1520(+8) to 2000(+8)
By ATT/SHM: N>2kn 0200(+8) to 0742(+8); 1520(+8) to 2000(+8)
By TT N>2kn 0200(+8) to 0742(+8); 1518(+8) to 2008(+8)

A144-A149. Spare

Change 1
BR 45(5)(Supplement)


Important Note. Attention is drawn to Chapter 1, Paras 0101-0110.

A150. Find the times and heights of HW and LW (Zone -1) on 22 Sep 98 off WEST BARROW
at 51° 35’N, 001° 03’E.
(HW 0153A, 5.08m; LW 0755A, 0.70m; HW 1404A 5.08m; LW 2016A, 0.53m)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2A-60 to 64

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 3C-6 to 12.
Sheerness HW 0122Z 0222A 5.8m
LW 0723Z 0823A 0.8m 90 % MSR
HW 1333Z 1433Z 5.8m 90 % MSR
LW 1946Z 2046A 0.6m 100 % MSR

(A) MSRF 0.88 )

(B) MNRF 0.84 )90% MSR, f = 0.84 +(0.04 x 90%) = 0.876
(C) MSHWTD -30 mins )
(D) MNHWTD -23 mins )100% MSR. HWTD = -30 mins, LWTD = -30 mins
(E) MSLWTD -30 mins ) 90% MSR HWTD = -23 -(7 x 90%) = -29.3 mins
(F) MNLWTD -12 mins ) 90% MSR LWTD = -12 -(18 x 90%) = -28.2 mins

Sheerness HW 0122Z 0222A 5.8m 90 % MSR

HW Diffs / f -29 5.8 x 0.876 = 5.08
Off W Barrow 0153A 5.08m

Sheerness LW 0723Z 0823A 0.8m 90 % MSR

LW Diffs / f -28 0.8 x 0.876 = 0.70
Off W Barrow 0755A 0.70m

Sheerness HW 1333Z 1433Z 5.8m 90 % MSR

HW Diffs / f -29 5.8 x 0.876 = 5.08
Off W Barrow 1404A 5.08m

Sheerness LW 1946Z 2046A 0.6 100 % MSR

LW Diffs / f -30 0.6 x 0.88 = 0.53
Off W Barrow 2016A 0.53m

Change 1
BR 45(5)(Supplement)
A151. Find the times and heights of HW and LW (Zone UT-GMT) on 18 Nov 98 off KENTISH
KNOCK at 51° 37’N, 001° 35’E.
(LW 0512A, 0.83m; HW 1122A, 4.14m; LW 1731A 0.74m; HW 2339A, 4.14m)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 2A-60 to 64

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 3C-6 to 12.
Margate LW 0527Z 0.9m
HW 1134Z 4.5m 50 % MSR
LW 1746Z 0.8m 47 % MSR
HW 2351Z 4.5m 47 % MSR

(A) MSRF 0.92 )

(B) MNRF 0.92 )50% MSR, f = 0.92
(C) MSHWTD -12 mins )
(D) MNHWTD -13 mins ) 47% & 50% MSR HWTD = -12½mins =12 mins
(E) MSLWTD -15 mins )
(F) MNLWTD -15 mins ) 47% & 50% MSR LWTD = -15 mins

Margate LW0527Z0.9m 50 % MSR

HW Diffs / f -15 0.9 x 0.92 = 0.828
Off W Barrow 0512Z 0.83m

Margate HW1134Z4.5m 50 % MSR

HW Diffs / f -12 4.5 x 0.92 = 4.14
Off W Barrow 1122Z 4.14m

Margate LW1746Z0.8m 47 % MSR

HW Diffs / f -15 0.8 x 0.92 = 0.736
Off W Barrow 1731Z 0.74m

Margate HW2351Z4.5m 47 % MSR

HW Diffs / f -12 4.5 x 0.92 = 4.14
Off W Barrow 2339Z 4.14m

Change 1
BR 45(5)(Supplement)



Important Note. Attention is drawn to Chapter 1, Paras 0120-0127.

Question Subject References

B1-9 Rising and Setting ALRS Vol 2(1998), Nories Tables and either the
Nautical Almanac(1997) or NAVPAC.

B20-29 Compass Checks Nautical Almanac(1997) and Nories Tables,

or NAVPAC (some questions only).

B40-44 Sun-Run-Sun Nautical Almanac(1997) & Sight Reduction Tables

(NP 401 series) Vols 1 & 3 , or NAVPAC.
Plotting Sheets D6322 and D6335.

B50-54 Sun-Run-Mer PassNautical Almanac(1997) & Sight Reduction Tables

(NP 401 series) Vols 1 & 3 , or NAVPAC.
Plotting Sheets D6322 and D6335.

B60-62 Four Stars Nautical Almanac(1997) & Sight Reduction Tables

(NP 401 series) Vols 1 & 3, Star Finder (NP323) or
NAVPAC. Plotting Sheets D6322 and D6335.
B70 Polaris Nautical Almanac(1997) or NAVPAC.

B75 Three Stars and PolarisNautical Almanac(1997) & Sight Reduction Tables
(NP 401 series) Vol 3, Star Finder (NP323) or
NAVPAC. Plotting Sheet D6335.

B80-83 Mixed Stars and PlanetsNautical Almanac(1997) & Sight Reduction Tables
(NP 401 series) Vols 1 & 3, Star Finder (NP323) or
NAVPAC. Plotting Sheets D6322 and D6335.
B90-93 Four Stars Using NP 303(1)Nautical Almanac(1997) & Sight Reduction Tables
(NP 303 series, 1995 Epoch) Vol 1, Star Finder
(NP323) or NAVPAC.
Plotting Sheets D6322 and D6335.

B95-97 Day's Run Nautical Almanac(1997) & Sight Reduction Tables

(NP 401 series) Vols 1 & 3 , Star Finder (NP323) or
NAVPAC. Plotting Sheets D6322 and D6335.
Nories Tables.

BR 45(5)(Supplement)
(Nautical Almanac 1997 (NP314-97) at Annex 4A or NAVPAC, Nories Nautical Tables at
Annex 4B and ALRS Vol 2 1998 (NP 282) at Annex 6A)

Important Note. Attention is drawn to Chapter 1, Paras 0120-0127.

B1. What are the standard times of Morning Civil Twilight (MCT), Sunrise (SR), Sunset (SS),
and Evening Civil Twilight (ECT) in DR position 42° 30'N, 030° 15'W, on 20 Jan 97? (ALRS
Vol 2 and either the Nautical Almanac (97), or NAVPAC)
(NA & NAVPAC MCT 0654(+2), SR 0725(+2), SS 1659(+2), ECT 1730(+2)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 4A-7, 4A-125, 6A-31 to 32.

MCT 0653 SR 0724 SS 1658 ECT 1729

Long W+ 0201 Long W+ 0201 Long W+ 0201 Long W+ 0201
UT 0854 UT 0925 UT 1859 UT 1930
Zone(+2) - 0200 Zone(+2) - 0200 Zone(+2) - 0200 Zone(+2) - 0200
Local 0654 Local 0725 Local 1659 Local 1730

B2. What are:

a. The “Ports of the World Index Number” and /or the position for GRACIOSA (Azores
/Acores) from Nories Nautical Tables?(No. 1128, 39° 05'N 028° 00W)

b. The legal times of MCT, SR, SS and ECT at GRACIOSA (Azores /Acores) on 17 Jun
97? (Nories Nautical Tables, ALRS Vol 2, and either the Nautical Almanac (97) or
(NA & NAVPAC: MCT 0553Z, SR 0626Z, SS 2120Z, ECT 2152Z)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 4B-21, 4B-26.

Graciosa 39° 05'N 028° 00W

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 4A-19, 4A-21, 4A-126, 6A-34.

MCT 0401 SR 0434 SS 1928 ECT 2000

Long W+ 0152 Long W+ 0152 Long W+ 0152 Long W+ 0152
UT 0553 UT 0626 UT 2120 UT 2152
Zone(0) 0000 Zone(0) 0000 Zone(0) 0000 Zone(0) 0000
Local 0553 Local 0626 Local 2120 Local 2152

BR 45(5)(Supplement)

B3. What are the times of Moonrise (MR), and Moonset (MS) in DR position 14° 20'N 110°
12'W, on 29 Jul 97, in Standard Time? (ALRS Vol 2 and either the Nautical Almanac (97), or
NAVPAC) (NA & NAVPAC: MR 0207(+7), MS 1509(+7))

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 4A-27, 4A-126, 6A-31 to 32.

MCT MR 0131 MS 1432 ECT

Long Cor.+ 0015 Long Cor. + 0016
LMT 0145 LMT 1448
Long W+E- Long W+ 0721 Long W+ 0721 Long W+E-
UT UT 0907 UT 2209 UT
Zone() Zone(+7) - 0700 Zone(+7) - 0700 Zone()
Local Local 0207 Local 1509 Local

B4. What are:

a. The “Ports of the World Index Number” and /or the position for HALIFAX (Nova
Scotia) from Nories Nautical Tables? (No. 2700, 44° 40'N 063° 34'W)

b. The legal times of MR, MS, SR and SS at HALIFAX (Nova Scotia) on 17 Jun 97?
(Nories Nautical Tables, ALRS Vol 2, and either the Nautical Almanac (97) or
(NA: MR 1739(+3), MS 0325(+3), SR 0528(+3), SS 2102(+3)
NAVPAC: MR 1739(+3), MS 0326(+3), SR 0528(+3), SS 2102(+3))

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 4B-22, 4B-29.

Halifax 44° 40'N 063° 34'W

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 4A-19, 4A-21, 4A-125, 6A-35,

SR 0414 MR 1614 MS 0205 SS 1948

Long Cor. + 0011 Long Cor. + 0006
LMT 1625 LMT 0211
Long W+ 0414 Long W+ 0414 Long W+ 0414 Long W+ 0414
UT 0828 UT 2039 UT 0625 UT 2402
Zone(+3) - 0300 Zone(+3) - 0300 Zone(+3) - 0300 Zone(+3) - 0300
Local 0528 Local 1739 Local 0325 Local 2102

BR 45(5)(Supplement)
B5. What are:

a. The “Ports of the World Index Number” and /or the position for WUHU, Yangtse
River from Nories Nautical Tables? (No. 1574, 31° 20' N 118° 21' E)

b. The legal times of SR, SS, MS and MR at WUHU, Yangtse River, on 22 Oct 97?
(Nories Nautical Tables, ALRS Vol 2, and either the Nautical Almanac (97) or
NAVPAC) (NA: SR 0615(-8), SS 1728(-8), MS 1159(-8), MR 2255(-8)
NAVPAC: SR 0614(-8), SS 1728(-8), MS 1159(-8), MR 2254(-8))
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 4B-23, 4B-28.
Wuhu 31° 20' N 118° 21' E

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 4A-29, 4A-31, 4A-126, 6A-36.

SR 0608 MR 2305 MS 1208 SS 1721

Long Cor. - 0017 Long Cor. - 0016
LMT 2248 LMT 1152
Long E- 0753 Long E- 0753 Long E- 0753 Long E- 0753
UT 2215 UT 1455 UT 0359 UT 0928
Zone(-8) + 0800 Zone(-8) + 0800 Zone(-8) + 0800 Zone(-8) + 0800
Local 0615 Local 2255 Local 1159 Local 1728

B6. What are the standard times of darkness in DR position 48° 45'N, 035° 10'W, on the night
20/21 Mar 97? (ALRS Vol 2, and either the Nautical Almanac (97) or NAVPAC)
(NA: MS 0510(+2) until MNT 0514(+2)
NAVPAC: MS 0509(+2) until MNT 0513(+2))

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 4A-15, 4A-17, 4A-126, 6A-31 to 32.

MNT 0453 MR MS 0446 ENT 1921

Long Cor. + Long Cor. + 0003
LMT LMT 0049
Long W+ 0221 Long W+ Long W+ 0221 Long W+ 0221
UT 0714 UT UT 0710 UT 2142
Zone(+2) - 0200 Zone(+2) - Zone(+2) - 0200 Zone(+2) - 0200
Local 0514 Local Local 0510 Local 1942

BR 45(5)(Supplement)

B7. What are:

a. The “Ports of the World Index Number” and /or the position for ADEN, Southern
Yemen from Nories Nautical Tables? (No. 1304, 12° 47' N 044°59'E)

b. The legal times of darkness in ADEN, Southern Yemen, on the night of 13/14 Jul 97?
(Nories Nautical Tables, ALRS Vol 2, and either the Nautical Almanac (97) or
NAVPAC) (NA: MS 0031(-3) until MNT 0450(-3)
NAVPAC: MS 0030(-3) until MNT 0451(-3))

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 4B-19, 4B-27.

Aden 12° 47' N 044°59'E

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 4A-25, 4A-126, 6A-42.

MNT 0450 MR MS 0036 ENT 1920

Long Cor. - Long Cor. - 0005
LMT LMT 0031
Long E- 0300 Long E- Long E- 0300 Long E- 0300
UT 0150 UT UT 2131 UT 1620
Zone(-3) + 0300 Zone(-3) + Zone(-3) + 0300 Zone(-3) + 0300
Local 0450 Local Local 0031 Local 1920

B8. What are the times of MR and MS, in DR position 71° 12'N, 120° 00'E, on 16 Jun 97?
Give your answer in UT and Standard Time. (ALRS Vol 2 and either the Nautical Almanac
(97), or NAVPAC) (NA: MR 0809Z, 1609(-8); MS 1630Z, 0030(-8)
NAVPAC: MR 0807Z, 1607(-8); MS 1628Z, 0028(-8))

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 4A-19, 4A-126, 6A-31 to 32.

MCT MR 1640 MS 0029 ECT

Long Cor. - 0031 Long Cor. + 0001
LMT 1609 LMT 0030
Long W+E- Long E- 0800 Long E- 0800 Long W+E-
UT UT 0809 UT 1630 UT
Zone() Zone(-8) + 0800 Zone(-8) + 0800 Zone()
Local Local 1609 Local 0030 Local

BR 45(5)(Supplement)
B9. It is intended to land before sunrise in BELFAST the day after St. Patrick's Day.
What are:

a. The “Ports of the World Index Number” and /or the position for BELFAST from
Nories Nautical Tables? (No. 161, 54° 36'N 005°55'W)

b. The legal times of MNT , SR, and the age and phase of the Moon? (Nories Nautical
Tables, ALRS Vol 2 and either the Nautical Almanac (97) or NAVPAC)
(NA: 0514(Z), 0632(Z), 9 days, 74%)
(NAVPAC: 0513(Z), 0631(Z), 9 days, 74%)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 4B-20. 4B-25.

Belfast 54° 36'N 005°55'W (18 Mar 97)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 4A-5, 4A-15, 4A-126.

MNT 0450 SR 0608 SS ECT

Long W+ 0024 Long W+ 0024 Long W+E- Long W+E-
UT 0514 UT 0632 UT UT
Zone(0) 0000 Zone(0) 0000 Zone() Zone()
Local 0514 Local 0632 Local Local

B10-B19. Spare

BR 45(5)(Supplement)

(Nautical Almanac 1997 (NP314-97) at Annex 4A or NAVPAC (some questions only),
Nories Nautical Tables at Annex 4B and ALRS Vol 2 1998 (NP 282) at Annex 6A).

Important Note. Attention is drawn to Chapter 1, Paras 0120-0127.

B20. At about 0510(+9) on 29 Jul 97, in DR position 42° 28'N, 140° 18'W, the sun bore 066°
when the lower limb was one semi-diameter above the visible horizon. What was the gyro
error? (Nories Nautical Tables and Nautical Almanac (97))(NA / Nories: Gyro 1.7° High)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 4A-27, 4B-16 to 18.

Zone Time 290510(+9) (Note: NAVPAC 1415:59Z, Alt 2xSD=31.6',Tab

Brg = 064.4° - Almost agrees Nories, 1.6° High)
UT 291410Z
Dec N18° 39'
Amp Azimuth E25.7°N
Tab Brg 064.3°
Obs Gyro Brg 066°
Gyro Error 1.7° High

B21. At about 1845(+11) on 21 Oct 97, in DR position 51° 32'S, 164° 30'W, the sun bore 251°
when the lower limb was one semi-diameter above the visible horizon. What was the gyro
error? (Nories Nautical Tables and Nautical Almanac (97))
(NA / Nories: Gyro 1.1° Low, Formula: Gyro 1.0° Low)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 4A-29, 4B-16 to 18

Zone Time 211845(+11) (Note: NAVPAC 220539:04Z, Alt 2xSD=32.2', Tab

Brg = 252.1° - Agrees Nories)
UT 220545Z
Dec S11° 04.3'
Amp Azimuth W17.9°S
Tab Brg 252.1°
Obs Gyro Brg 251°
Gyro Error 1.1° Low

Note: Formula (Sin Amp = Sin Dec / Cos Lat) produces Amp W18.0°S and thus Gyro error of
1.0° Low.

BR 45(5)(Supplement)
B22. At about 0700(-9) on 20 Jan 97, in DR position 33° 00'N, 136° 00'E, the sun bore 116°
when the lower limb was one semi-diameter above the visible horizon. What was the gyro
error? (Nories Nautical Tables and Nautical Almanac (97))(NA / Nories: Gyro 1.7° High)

Zone Time 200700(-9) (Note: NAVPAC 192202:32Z, Alt 2xSD=32.6', Tab

Brg = 114.3° - Agrees Nories)
UT 192200Z
Dec S20° 10.4'
Amp Azimuth E24.3°S Data from BR45(5) Pages: 4A-7, 4B-16 to 18

Tab Brg 114.3°

Obs Gyro Brg 116°
Gyro Error 1.7° High

B23. At about 2000(-11) on 15 Jun 97, in DR position 48° 50'N, 164° 30'E, the sun bore 309°
when the lower limb was one semi-diameter above the visible horizon. What was the gyro
error? (Nories Nautical Tables and Nautical Almanac (97))(NA / Nories: Gyro 2.0° High)

Zone Time 152000(-11) (Note: NAVPAC 0900:08Z, Alt 2xSD=31.6', Tab

Brg = 306.9° - Almost agrees Nories, 2.1° High)
UT 150900Z
Dec N23° 18.9'
Amp Azimuth W37.0°N
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 4A-19, 4B-16 to 18.
Tab Brg 307.0°
Obs Gyro Brg 309.0°
Gyro Error 2.0° High

B24. At about 0645(+2) on 21 Jan 97 in DR position 24° 30'N, 028° 30'W, the gyro bearing of
the sun was 112° when its centre was on the visible horizon. What was the gyro error?
(Nories Nautical Tables and Nautical Almanac (97))
(NA / Nories: Gyro 0.4° High)

Zone Time 210645(+2) (Note: NAVPAC 0840:32Z, Alt = 00.0', Tab Brg =
111.6° - Agrees Nories)
UT 210845Z
Dec S19° 51.2'
Amp Azimuth E21.9°S
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 4A-7, 4B-16 to 18.
Tab Brg 111.9°
Tab Brg Correction - 000.3°
Corrected Tab Brg 111.6°
Obs Gyro Brg 112.0°
Gyro Error 0.4° High

BR 45(5)(Supplement)

B25. At about 2100(+1) on 28 Jul 97 in DR position 59° 00'N, 019° 00'W, the gyro bearing of
the sun was 310° when its centre was on the visible horizon. What was the gyro error? (Nories
Nautical Tables and Nautical Almanac (97)) (NA / Nories: Gyro 0.2° Low)

Zone Time 282100(+1) (Note: NAVPAC 2146:00Z, Alt =0.00', Tab Brg =
310.0° - Slightly lower than Nories, Gyro Correct
UT 282200Z
by Navpac)
Dec N18° 48.6'
Amp Azimuth W38.8°N
Tab Brg 308.8° Data from BR45(5) Pages: 4A-27, 4B-16 to 18
Tab Brg Correction + 001.4°
Corrected Tab Brg 310.2°
Obs Gyro Brg 310.0°
Gyro Error 0.2° Low

B26. At 0915(+3) precisely on 24 Oct 97 in DR position 58° 15'N, 038° 30'W, the gyro bearing
of the sun was 150°. What was the gyro error? (Either Nories Nautical Tables and Nautical
Almanac (97), or NAVPAC)
(NA / Nories Gyro 1.4° High; NAVPAC Gyro 1.3° High)

Zone Time 240915(+3)

UT 241215Z
Dec S11° 51.8
GHA 367° 42.3'
Long (W-E+) 038° 30.0'
LHA 329° 12.3'
Data from BR45(5) Pages:
ABC Table A 2.71 S 4A-31, 4B-2 to 3, 4B-15.
ABC Table B 0.41 S
ABC Table A+B=(C input) 3.12 S
Azimuth (Table C) S31.4°E
Tab Brg 148.6°
Obs Gyro Brg 150.0°
Gyro Error 1.4° High

BR 45(5)(Supplement)
B27. At 1430(-7) precisely on 17 Jun 97 in DR position 50° 12'S, 105° 37'E, the gyro bearing
of the sun was 324°. What was the gyro error? (Either Nories Nautical Tables and Nautical
Almanac (97), or NAVPAC) (NA / Nories Gyro 1.1° Low; NAVPAC Gyro 1.2° Low)

Zone Time 171430(-7)

UT 170730Z
Dec N23°22.9'
GHA 292° 17.3'
Long (E+) 105° 37.0'
LHA 037° 54.3'
ABC Table A 1.545 N Data from BR45(5) Pages:
ABC Table B 0.70 N 4A-19, 4B-2 to 3, 4B-14.
ABC Table A+B=(C input) 2.245 N
Azimuth (Table C) N34.9°W
Tab Brg 325.1°
Obs Gyro Brg 324.0°
Gyro Error 1.1° Low

B28. At 0300(-7) precisely on 22 Oct 97 in DR position 58° 15'S, 105° 37'E, the gyro bearing
of JUPITER was 237°. What was the gyro error? (Either Nories Nautical Tables and Nautical
Almanac (97), or NAVPAC) (NA / Nories Gyro 2.2° High; NAVPAC Gyro 2.2° High)

Zone Time 220300(-7)

UT 212000Z
Dec S17° 59.7'
GHA 015° 09.3'
Long (E+) 105° 37.0'
LHA 120° 46.3'
Data from BR45(5) Pages:
ABC Table A 0.96 S 4A-31, 4B-4 to 5, 4B-13.
ABC Table B 0.38 S
ABC Table A+B=(C input) 1.34 S
Azimuth (Table C) S54.8°W
Tab Brg 234.8°
Obs Gyro Brg 237.0°
Gyro Error 2.2° High

BR 45(5)(Supplement)

B29. At 0100(-1) precisely on 15 Jun 97 in DR position 63° 00'N, 006° 00'W, the gyro bearing
of the Moon was 247°. What was the gyro error? (Either Nories Nautical Tables and Nautical
Almanac (97), or NAVPAC) (NA / Nories Gyro 2.3° High; NAVPAC Gyro 2.1° High)

Zone Time 150100(-1)

UT 150000Z
Dec S03° 51.8'
GHA 070° 03.5'
Long (W-) 006° 00.0'
LHA 64°03.5'
Data from BR45(5) Pages:
ABC Table A 0.96 S 4A-19, 4B-8 to 9, 4B-12.
ABC Table B 0.08 S
ABC Table A+B=(C input) 1.04 S
Azimuth (Table C) S64.7°W
Tab Brg 244.7°
Obs Gyro Brg 247.0°
Gyro Error 2.3° High

B30-B39. Spare

BR 45(5)(Supplement)
(Nautical Almanac 1997 (NP314-97) at Annex 4A and Sight Reduction Tables (NP401 Vols
1 & 3), or NAVPAC. Plotting Sheets D6322 and D6335)

Important Note. Attention is drawn to Chapter 1, Paras 0120-0127.

B40. At about 0820(+3) on 15 Jun 97 in DR position 3° 20'N, 043° 15'W, and later at about
1145(+3), the following observations were made: (NP314-97 and NP401(1), or NAVPAC.
Sheet D6322)
Body DWT Sextant Alt
Sun LL 11 19 07 34° 21.7'
Sun LL 14 48 45 69° 26.1'
Height of eye 10.5 metres, IE +1.2', no DWE, course 250° speed 12 knots. What was the
observed position for 1145(+3)? (NAVPAC: At 1145(+3) 03° 01.4'N, 043° 53.6'W)
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 4A-2 to 3, 4A-18 to 19, 4A-95 to 125.
DR Positions, Celestial Bodies and Calculated Intercepts
First sight: Intercept -2.1' 063.8°
Second sight: DR: 03° 05.7'N, 043° 54.3'W,
Intercept -4.5' 004.9°

B41. At about 0800(+8) on 17 Jun 97 in DR position 5° 05'S, 120° 02'W, and later at about
1110(+8), the following observations were made: (NP314-97 and NP401(3), or NAVPAC.
Sheet D6335)
Body DWT Sextant Alt
Sun LL 16 01 35 24° 59.5'
Sun LL 19 07 16 58° 35.7'
Height of eye 10.2 metres, IE 2.2' off the arc, no DWE, course 300° speed 16 knots. What was
the observed position for 1110(+8)? (NAVPAC: At 1110(+8) 04° 36.9'S, 120° 40.9'W)
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 4A-2 to 3, 4A-17 to 18, 4A-95 to 125.
DR Positions, Celestial Bodies and Calculated Intercepts
First sight: Intercept +5.8' 061.2°
Second sight: DR: 04° 40.0'N, 120° 45.4'W,
Intercept +4.7' 025.6°

B42. At about 0715(-8) on 23 Oct 97 in DR position 43° 25'S, 112° 30'E, and later at about
1030(-8), the following observations were made: (NP314-97 and NP401(3), or NAVPAC.
Sheet D6335)
Body DWT Sextant Alt
Sun LL 23 15 10 18° 42.5'
Sun LL 02 30 25 51° 32.2'
Height of eye 11.6 metres, IE 0.9' on the arc, no DWE, course 065° speed 15 knots. What was
the observed position for 1030(-8)? (NAVPAC: At 1030(-8) 43° 02.1'S, 113° 34.7'E)
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 4A-2 to 3, 4A-30 to 31, 4A-95 to 125.
DR Positions, Celestial Bodies and Calculated Intercepts
First sight: Intercept +3.2' 087.9°
Second sight: DR: 43° 04.4'S, 113° 31.0'E,
Intercept +3.8' 041.8°

BR 45(5)(Supplement)

B43. At about 0930(+4) on 22 Jan 97 in DR position 43° 20'N, 059° 35'W, and later at about
1115(+4), the following observations were made: (NP314-97 and NP401(3), or NAVPAC.
Sheet D6335)
Body DWT Sextant Alt
Sun LL 13 32 05 17° 12.0'
Sun LL 15 16 30 26° 04.0'
Height of eye 10.2 metres, IE 1.6' off the arc, no DWE, course 120° speed 20 knots. What was
the observed position for 1115(+4)? (NAVPAC: At 1115(+4) 43° 07.8'N, 058° 51.2'W)
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 4A-2 to 3, 4A-8 to 9, 4A-95 to 125.
DR Positions, Celestial Bodies and Calculated Intercepts
First sight: Intercept -3.1' 141.1°
Second sight: DR: 43° 02.2'N, 058° 52.7'E,
Intercept -4.7' 166.7°

B44. At about 0830(+1) on 28 Jul 97 in DR position 4° 15'N, 021° 40'W, and later at about
1145(+1), the following observations were made: (NP314-97 and NP401(1), or NAVPAC.
Sheet D6322)
Body DWT Sextant Alt
Sun LL 09 30 40 28° 59.1'
Sun LL 12 45 40 70° 25.4'
Height of eye 10.2 metres, IE 1.6' off the arc, no DWE, course 250° speed 15 knots. What was
the observed position for 1145(+1)? (NAVPAC: At 1115(+1) 03° 55.2'N, 022° 23.7'W)
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 4A-2 to 3, 4A-26 to 27, 4A-95 to 125.
DR Positions, Celestial Bodies and Calculated Intercepts
First sight: Intercept +1.0' 070.7°
Second sight: DR: 03° 58.3'N, 022° 26.1'W,
Intercept -1.1' 038.6°

B45-B49. Spare

BR 45(5)(Supplement)
(Nautical Almanac 1997 (NP314-97) at Annex 4A and Sight Reduction Tables (NP401 Vols
1 & 3), or NAVPAC. Plotting Sheets D6322 and D6335)

Important Note. Attention is drawn to Chapter 1, Paras 0120-0127.

B50. At about 1200(+9) on 27 Jul 97 in DR position 44° 50'N, 129° 50'W, the following
observation was made: (NP314-97 and NP401(3), or NAVPAC. Sheet D6335)
Body DWT Sextant Alt
Sun LL at Mer Pass 63° 49.9'
Height of eye 11.3 metres, IE 1.6' off the arc, course 110°, speed 18 knots. What were the time
and latitude for Meridian Passage? (NA: Mer Pass 1145(+9), 45° 02.1'N)
NAVPAC: Mer Pass 1146(+9), 45° 02.3'N)
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 4A-2 to 3, 4A-26 to 27, 4A-95 to 125.
DR Positions, Celestial Bodies and Calculated Intercepts
Mer Pass: DR 44° 51.4'N, 129° 55.5'W,
Intercept -10.9'180°

Mer Pass 1206 Sext Alt 63° 49.9' Lat > Dec (Same): Lat= 90° -Alt +-Dec
Long W+ 0839 IE + 00° 01.6' Lat & Dec (Opp): Lat= 90° -Alt -Dec
UT 2045 Sub total 63° 51.5' Dec > Lat (Same): Lat= Dec + Alt -90°
Zone(+9) - 0900 Dip - 00° 05.9' 90° 90° 00.0'
Local 1145 App Alt 63° 45.6' True Alt - 64° 01.1'
Sun LL + 00° 15.5' Sub total 25° 58.9'
True Alt 64° 01.1' Dec - 19° 03.2'
Lat 45° 02.1'

BR 45(5)(Supplement)

B51. At about 1145(-3) on 23 Oct 97 in DR position 3° 00'S, 044° 02'E, and later at about
1530(-3), the following observations were made: (NP314-97 and NP401(1), or NAVPAC.
Sheet D6322)
Body DWT Sextant Alt
Sun LL Mer Pass 81° 29.4'
Sun LL 12 30 33 34° 08.8'
Height of eye 10.1 metres, IE 1.2' off the arc, no DWE, course 165° speed 12 knots. What was
the time and observed latitude of Mer Pass and the observed position for 1530(-3)?
(NA & NAVPAC Mer Pass 1148(-3), 1530(-3) 03° 51.8'S, 0344° 08.910.8'ES)
NAVPAC 1530(-3), 03° 51.7'S 044° 10.8E)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 4A-2 to 3, 4A-30 to 31, 4A-95 to 125.

Mer Pass 1144 Sext Alt 81° 29.4' Lat > Dec (Same): Lat= 90° -Alt +-Dec
Long E- 0256 IE + 00° 01.2 Lat & Dec (Opp): Lat= 90° -Alt -Dec
UT 0848 Sub total 81° 30.6' Dec > Lat (Same): Lat= Dec + Alt -90°
Zone( -3 )+ 0300 Dip - 00° 05.6' 90° 90° 00.0' Dec + 11° 27.933.1'
Local 1148 App Alt 81° 25.0' T. Alt- T. Alt + 81° 41.0
Sun LL + 00° 16.0' Sub total S-total 93° 08.914.1'
True Alt 81° 41.0 Dec + - 90° - 90° 00.0'
Lat Lat 03° 08.914.1'

DR Positions, Celestial Bodies and Calculated Intercepts

Mer Pass: DR 1148(-3) 03° 00.6'S, 044° 02.2'E,
Intercept +8.3 180°
Sun LL: DR 1530(-3) 03° 43.6'S, 044° 13.7'E,
Intercept +4.45 258.6°

BR 45(5)(Supplement)
B52. At about 0830(-4) on 22 Jan 97 in DR position 45° 12'S, 058° 20'E, and later at Mer Pass,
the following observations were made: (NP314-97 and NP401(3), or NAVPAC. Sheet
Body DWT Sextant Alt
Sun LL 04 30 22 36° 45.5'
Sun LL Mer Pass 64° 57.3'
Height of eye 8.6 metres, IE 1.7' off the arc, no DWE, course 320° speed 15 knots. What was
the time and observed position for Mer Pass? (NA: MP 1222(-4), 44° 28.3'S
NAVPAC: MP 1222(-4), 44° 28.2'S, 057° 31.8'E)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 4A-2 to 3, 4A-8 to 9, 4A-95 to 125.

Mer Pass 1212 Sext Alt 64° 57.3' Lat > Dec (Same): Lat= 90° -Alt +Dec
Long E- 0353 IE + 00° 01.7' Lat & Dec (Opp): Lat= 90° -Alt -Dec
UT 0819 Sub total 64° 59.0' Dec > Lat (Same): Lat= Dec + Alt -90°
Zone(-4) + 0400 Dip - 00° 05.2' 90° 90° 00.0' Dec +
Local 1219 App Alt 64° 53.8' T. Alt- 65° 09.6' T. Alt +
Sun LL + 00° 15.8' Sub total 24° 50.4' S-total
True Alt 65° 09.6' Dec + - 19° 37.9' 90° - 90° 00.0'
Lat 44° 28.3' Lat

DR Positions, Celestial Bodies and Calculated Intercepts

Sun LL: 0830(-4) DR 45° 11.9'S, 058° 19.9E

Intercept +2.7 080.9°
Mer Pass:1222(-4)DR 44° 27.6'S, 057° 27.1'E,
Intercept -0.6 000°

Note: NA and NAVPAC difference in Mer Pass latitude comes from a difference in calculating
True Altitude (parallax / refraction / semi-diameter corrections).

BR 45(5)(Supplement)

B53. At about 0945(+9) on 17 Jun 97 in DR position 45° 05'N, 130° 30'W, and later at Mer
Pass, the following observations were made: (NP314-97 and NP401(3), or NAVPAC. Sheet
Body DWT Sextant Alt
Sun LL 18 47 26 57° 59.8'
Sun LL Mer Pass 68° 49.8'
Height of eye 10.5 metres, IE +1.2', no DWE, course 160° speed 16 knots. What was the time
and observed position for Mer Pass? (NA:1142(+9), 44° 22.8'N
NAVPAC:1142(+9), 44° 23.0'N, 130° 16.0'W)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 4A-2 to 3, 4A-18 to 19, 4A-95 to 125.

Mer Pass 1201 Sext Alt 68° 49.8' Lat > Dec (Same): Lat= 90° -Alt +Dec
Long W+ 0841 IE + - 00° 01.2 Lat & Dec (Opp): Lat= 90° -Alt -Dec
UT 2042 Sub total 68° 51.0' Dec > Lat (Same): Lat= Dec + Alt -90°
Zone(+9) - 0900 Dip - 00° 05.7' 90° 90° 00.0' Dec +
Local 1142 App Alt 68° 45.3' T. Alt 69° 00.9' T. Alt +
Sun LL + 00° 15.6 Sub total 20° 59.1' S-total
True Alt 69° 00.9' Dec + - 23° 23.7' 90° - 90° 00.0'
Lat 44° 22.8 Lat

DR Positions, Celestial Bodies and Calculated Intercepts

Sun LL: 0947(+9)DR 45° 04.4'N, 130° 29.7'W,
Intercept +6.3 123.1°
Mer Pass:1142(+9)DR 44° 35.7'N, 130° 14.9'W,
Intercept +12.7 180°

Note: NA and NAVPAC difference in Mer Pass latitude comes from a difference in calculating
True Altitude (parallax / refraction / semi-diameter corrections).

BR 45(5)(Supplement)
B54. At about 0800(+8) on 17 Mar 97 in DR position 5° 50'S, 115° 00'W, and later at Mer Pass
, the following observations were made: (NP314-97 and NP401(1), or NAVPAC. Sheet
Body DWT Sextant Alt
Sun LL 16 00 49 32° 53.5'
Sun LL Mer Pass 84° 50.5'
Height of eye 10.5 metres, IE -0.5', no DWE, course 260° speed 16 knots. What was the time
and observed position for Mer Pass? (NA: MP 1152(+8), 06° 04.8'S
(NAVPAC: MP 1152(+8), 06° 04.9'S, 116° 02.8'W)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 4A-2 to 3, 4A-14 to 15, 4A-95 to 125.

Mer Pass 1208 Sext Alt 84° 50.5' Lat > Dec (Same): Lat= 90° -Alt +Dec
Long W+ 0744 IE - 00° 00.5' Lat & Dec (Opp): Lat= 90° -Alt -Dec
UT 1952 Sub total 84° 50.0' Dec > Lat (Same): Lat= Dec + Alt -90°
Zone(+8) - 0800 Dip - 00° 05.7' 90° 90° 00.0' Dec +
Local 1152 App Alt 84° 44.3 T. Alt- 85° 00.4 T. Alt +
Sun LL + 00° 16.1 Sub total 04° 59.6 S-total
True Alt 85° 00.4 Dec + 01° 05.2' 90° - 90° 00.0'
Lat 06° 04.8' Lat

DR Positions, Celestial Bodies and Calculated Intercepts

Sun LL: 0801(+8)DR 05° 50.0'S, 115° 00.2'W
Intercept -1.6 087.6°
Mer Pass:1152(+8)DR 06° 00.8'S, 116° 01.3'W,
Intercept -4.2 000°

Note: NA and NAVPAC difference in Mer Pass latitude comes from a difference in calculating
True Altitude (parallax / refraction / semi-diameter corrections).

B55-B59. Spare

BR 45(5)(Supplement)

(Nautical Almanac 1997 (NP314-97) at Annex 4A , Sight Reduction Tables (NP401 Vols
1 & 3) and Star Finder (NP323), or NAVPAC. Plotting Sheets D6322 and D6335)

Important Note. Attention is drawn to Chapter 1, Paras 0120-0127.

B60. At about 0530(+1) on 23 Oct 97 in DR position 3° 28'S 017° 40'W, the following
observations were made: (NP314-97, NP401(1) and NP323, or NAVPAC. Sheet D6322)
Body DWT Sextant Alt Bearing
Star 06 27 36 46° 35.7' 070°
Star 06 32 28 39° 03.2' 195°
Star 06 36 14 42° 01.4' 295°
Star 06 39 37 31° 47.6' 330°
Height of eye 12 metres, IE -0.8', no DWE, course 160° speed 15 knots. What was the observed
position for 0530(+1)? (NAVPAC: At 0530(+1) 03° 25.4'S, 017° 31.2'W)
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 4A-2 to 3, 4A-30 to 31, 4A-95 to 125.
DR Positions, Celestial Bodies and Calculated Intercepts
Regulus(26) Intercept +9.1 068.6°
Canopus(17) Intercept -4.5 192.6°
Aldebaran(10) Intercept -6.8 296.0°
Capella(12) Intercept -1.8 332.2°

B61. At about 2040(+2) on 19 Jun 97, in DR position 43° 05'N 035° 35'W, the following
observations were made: (NP314-97, NP401(3) and NP323, or NAVPAC. Sheet D6335)
Body DWT Sextant Alt Bearing
Star 22 32 16 39° 36.4' 070°
Star 22 34 26 35° 46.8' 110°
Star 22 37 18 35° 05.4' 195°
Star 22 40 07 29° 40.8' 260°
Height of eye 11.2 metres, IE -1.6', no DWE, course 085° speed 10 knots. What was the
observed position for 2040(+2)? (NAVPAC: At 2040(+2) 43° 02.5'N, 035° 34.8'W)
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 4A-2 to 3, 4A-20 to 21, 4A-95 to 125.
DR Positions, Celestial Bodies and Calculated Intercepts
Vega(49) Intercept -0.7 070.1°
Rasalhague(46) Intercept +1.0 107.7°
Spica(33) Intercept +2.4 192.8°
Regulus(26) Intercept +0.4 258.3°

B62. At about 1700(-1) on 14 Jul 97, in DR position 43° 10'S 017° 45'E, the following
observations were made:(NP314-97, NP401(3) and NP323, or NAVPAC. Sheet D6335)
Body DWT Sextant Alt Bearing
Star 15 52 13 23° 32.5' 025°
Star 15 57 04 41° 01.9' 090°
Star 15 59 41 30° 50.0' 225°
Star 16 03 47 30° 55.2' 345°
Height of eye 10.2 metres, IE 1.9' on the arc, no DWE, course 083° speed 15 knots. What was
the observed position for 1700(-1)?( NAVPAC: At 1700(-1) 43° 11.6'S 017° 55.7'E)
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 4A-2 to 3, 4A-24 to 25, 4A-95 to 125.

Change 1
BR 45(5)(Supplement)
B62 (cont). DR Positions, Celestial Bodies and Calculated Intercepts
Arcturus(37) Intercept +2.0 026.4°
Antares(42) Intercept +7.8 089.8°
Canopus(17) Intercept -4.3 224.7°
Denebola(28) Intercept -3.6 344.1°

B63-B69. Spare

(Nautical Almanac 1997 (NP314-97) at Annex 4A, or NAVPAC)

Important Note. Attention is drawn to Chapter 1, Paras 0120-0127.

B70. At about 0315(+3) on 15 Jun 97, in DR position 43°N, 041° 10'W, the sextant altitude of
Polaris was 43° 25.9' at DWT 06 15 47. Height of eye 9.0 metres, IE 2.2' on the arc, no DWE.
What is the latitude of the observer? (NP314-97 or NAVPAC)
(NA (NP314-97): At Mer Pass 43° 10.4'N ; NAVPAC: At Mer Pass 43° 10.4'N
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 4A-2 to 3, 4A-18 to 19, 4A-49, 4A-95 to 125.
DR Positions, Celestial Bodies and Calculated Intercepts
Polaris Intercept+10.4 001.0°
a0= 52.2' a1 = 0.5' a2 = 0.3' Sum = 53.0' 1°- Sum = 0.7'
B71-B74. Spare


(Nautical Almanac 1997 (NP314-97) at Annex 4A, Sight Reduction Tables (NP401
Vol 3) and Star Finder (NP323), or NAVPAC. Plotting Sheet D6335)

Important Note. Attention is drawn to Chapter 1, Paras 0120-0127.

B75. At about 2030(+1) on 28 Jul 97 in DR position 44° 20'N 021° 15'W, the following
observations were made: (NP314-97, NP401(3) and NP323, or NAVPAC. Sheet D6335)
Body DWT Sextant Alt Bearing
Star 21 26 06 46° 14.7' 065°
Star 21 30 05 41° 31.1' 320°
Star 21 32 21 51° 54.5' 240°
Star 21 36 26 43° 43.7' 000°
Height of eye 11 metres, IE 1.2' off the arc, no DWE, course 040° speed 18 knots. What was
the observed position for 2030(+1)? (NAVPAC: At 2030(+1) 44° 15.0'N 021° 09.9'W)
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 4A-2 to 3, 4A-26 to 27, 4A-49, 4A-95 to 125.
DR Positions, Celestial Bodies and Calculated Intercepts
Deneb(53) Intercept +1.2 065.3°
Dubhe(27) Intercept -6.2 321.3°
Arcturus(37) Intercept -0.6 240.1°
Polaris Intercept -5.0 000.6°

B76-B79. Spare

Change 1
BR 45(5)(Supplement)


(Nautical Almanac 1997 (NP314-97) at Annex 4A , Sight Reduction Tables (NP401
Vols 1 & 3) and Star Finder (NP323), or NAVPAC. Plotting Sheets D6322 and D6335)

Important Note. Attention is drawn to Chapter 1, Paras 0120-0127.

B80. At about 0715(+3) on 22 Jan 97 in DR position 42° 00'N, 051° 05'W, the following
observations were made: (NP314-97, NP401(3) and NP323, or NAVPAC. Sheet D6335)
Body DWT Sextant Alt Bearing
Star 10 01 01 41° 27.3' 000°
Star 10 03 28 23° 16.8' 265°
Star 10 07 15 47° 44.2' 075°
Planet 10 12 25 36° 32.5' 230°
Height of eye 12 metres, IE 2.2' on the arc, no DWE, course 040° speed 20 knots. What was
the observed position for 0715(+3)? (NAVPAC: 42° 06.1'N 050° 57.9'W)
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 4A-2 to 3, 4A-8 to 9, 4A-49, 4A-95 to 125.
DR Positions, Celestial Bodies and Calculated Intercepts
Polaris Intercept +6.1 000.0°
Regulus(26) Intercept -5.8 265.3°
Vega(49) Intercept +6.7 074.6°
Mars Intercept -7.9 230.4°

B81. At about 1845(-10) on 24 Oct 97 in DR position 04° 05'S 142° 30'E, the following
observations were made:(NP314-97, NP401(1) and NP323, or NAVPAC. Sheet D6322)
Body DWT Sextant Alt Bearing
Star/Planet 08 42 14 25° 14.9' 110°
Star/Planet 08 45 02 46° 16.7' 130°
Star/Planet 08 47 11 36° 32.4' 240°
Star/Planet 08 49 49 40° 40.4' 000°
Height of eye 11 metres, IE +0.7', no DWE, course 040°, speed 15 knots. What was the
observed position for 1845(-10)? (NAVPAC: 04° 07.2'S, 142° 37.9'E)
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 4A-2 to 3, 4A-30 to 31, 4A-95 to 125.
DR Positions, Celestial Bodies and Calculated Intercepts
Diphda(04) Intercept +8.1 108.0°
Formalhaut(56) Intercept +7.5 129.8°
Venus Intercept -5.8 240.3°
Deneb(53) Intercept -1.8 002.4°

B82. At about 0530(+1) on 22 Oct 97 in DR position 03° 28'S 017° 32'W, the following
observations were taken: (NP314-97, NP401(1) and NP323, or NAVPAC. Sheet D6322)
Body DWT Sextant Alt Bearing
Moon LL 06 27 36 68° 24.3' 000°
Star/Planet 06 32 28 39° 15.2' 190°
Star/Planet 06 36 14 42° 58.4' 295°
Star/Planet 06 39 37 32° 18.0' 330°
Height of eye 12.4 metres, IE - 0.8', no DWE, course 160°, speed 15 knots. What was the
observed position for 0530(+1)? (NAVPAC: 03° 23.9'S, 017° 34.9'W)
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 4A-2 to 3, 4A-30 to 31, 4A-95 to 129.

BR 45(5)(Supplement)
B82 (cont). DR Positions, Celestial Bodies and Calculated Intercepts
Moon LL Intercept +4.2 357.3°
Canopus(17) Intercept -3.4 191.9°
Aldebaran(10) Intercept +4.4 296.4°
Capella(12) Intercept +4.9 332.7°

B83. At about 0400(+3) on 27th July, 1997, in DR position 43° 20'N 042° 40'W, the following
observations were made: (NP314-97, NP401(3) and NP323, or NAVPAC. Sheet D6335)
Body DWT Sextant Alt Bearing
Star/Planet 07 00 05 40° 48.3' 060°
Star/Planet 07 02 09 44° 08.1' 000°
Moon LL 07 03 50 47° 07.5' 130°
Star/Planet 07 06 04 51° 06.5' 160°
Height of eye 10 metres, IE 1.2' off the arc, no DWE, course 215°, speed 18 knots. What was
the observed position for 0400(+3)? (NAVPAC: 43° 23.9'N, 042° 38.8'W)
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 4A-2 to 3, 4A-26 to 27, 4A-95 to 129.
DR Positions, Celestial Bodies and Calculated Intercepts
Capella(12) Intercept +2.7 060.5°
Polaris Intercept +4.0 000.5°
Moon LL Intercept -1.9 130.0°
Saturn Intercept -3.5 162.6°

B84-B89. Spare

BR 45(5)(Supplement)

FOUR STARS USING NP 303 VOL 1 (Epoch 1995)(P and N applied)

(Nautical Almanac 1997 (NP314-97) at Annex 4A , Sight Reduction Tables (NP303(1) and
Star Finder (NP323) or NAVPAC. Plotting Sheets D6322 and D6335)

Important Note. Attention is drawn to Chapter 1, Paras 0120-0127.

B90. At about 0550(+6) on 17 Mar 97 in DR position 44° 15'S 095° 25'W, the following
observations were made:(NP314-97, NP303(1) and NP323, or NAVPAC. Sheet D6335)
Body DWT Sextant Alt Bearing
Star 11 45 53 20° 26.4' 150°
Star 11 48 58 32° 10.7' 290°
Star 11 50 33 22° 16.7' 110°
Star 11 51 49 25° 52.5' 045°
Height of eye 10 metres, no DWE, IE +1.3', course 300°, speed 14 knots. What was the
observed position for 0550(+6)? (NAVPAC: 44° 14.6'S, 095° 23.3'W)
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 4A-2 to 3, 4A-14 to 15, 4A-95 to 125.
DR Positions, Celestial Bodies and Calculated Intercepts
Achernar(05) Intercept +0.3 153.1°
Spica(33) Intercept -1.0 287.0°
Formalhaut(56) Intercept +1.0 110.4°
Altair(51) Intercept +1.2 044.9°

B91. At about 1630(+4) on 17 Jun 97 in DR position 43° 10'S 054° 030'W, the following
observations were made: (NP314-97, NP303(1) and NP323, or NAVPAC. Sheet D6335)
Body DWT Sextant Alt Bearing
Star 20 20 10 34° 49.8' 355°
Star 20 23 17 40° 33.8' 065°
Star 20 28 38 17° 36.1' 205°
Star 20 31 17 27° 09.5' 310°
Height of eye 8 metres, no DWE, IE 1.4' on the arc, course 232°, speed 18 knots. What was the
observed position for 1630(+4)? (NAVPAC: 43° 11.4'S 054° 31.8'W)
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 4A-2 to 3, 4A-18 to 19, 4A-95 to 125.
DR Positions, Celestial Bodies and Calculated Intercepts
Regulus(26) Intercept -1.3 354.5°
Spica(33) Intercept -1.7 063.2°
Achernar(05) Intercept +2.0 203.9°
Procyon(20) Intercept +0.2 308.2°

B92. At about 0520(-5) on 23 Oct 97 in DR position 03° 17'N, 075° 20'E, the following
observations were taken: (NP314-97, NP303(1) and NP323, or NAVPAC. Sheet D6322)
Body DWT Sextant Alt Bearing
Star 00 18 17 55° 33.7' 250°
Star 00 20 41 38° 43.5' 330°
Star 00 23 16 32° 26.6' 190°
Star 00 25 24 50° 32.6' 075°
Height of eye 12.1 metres, IE 1.1' off the arc,no DWE, course 062°, speed 12 knots. What was
the observed position for 0520(-5)? (NAVPAC: 03° 15.0'N, 075° 15.0'E)
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 4A-2 to 3, 4A-30 to 31, 4A-95 to 125.

BR 45(5)(Supplement)
B92 (cont). DR Positions, Celestial Bodies and Calculated Intercepts
Rigel(11) Intercept +5.4 250.5°
Capella(12) Intercept +0.7 331.2°
Canopus(17) Intercept +3.0 191.9°
Regulus(26) Intercept -5.4 075.1°

B93. Whilst on passage from HOBART to WELLINGTON, using a deckwatch with an

“analogue” 12-hour face at about 0645(-11) on 28 Jul 97 in DR position 42° 12'S, 165° 07'E,
the following observations were taken: (NP314-97, NP303(1) and NP323, or NAVPAC.
Sheet D6335)
Body DWT Sextant Alt Bearing
Star 07 38 18 45° 21.4' 050°
Star 07 41 47 37° 00.5' 080°
Star 07 45 22 56° 09.3' 125°
Star 07 48 02 38° 36.5' 260°
Height of eye 29 metres, IE 2.3' on the arc, DWE nil, course 070°, speed 15 knots.
At 0645(-11) what was the observed position and the Zulu date and time?
(NAVPAC: 24 Jul 97 1945Z, 42° 05.2'S, 165° 09.2'E)
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 4A-2 to 3, 4A-26 to 27, 4A-95 to 125.
DR Positions, Celestial Bodies and Calculated Intercepts
Rigel(11) Intercept +5.6 050.5°
Sirius(18) Intercept +2.9 078.9°
Canopus(17) Intercept -2.6 125.2°
Formalhaut(56) Intercept -2.4 262.4°

B94. Spare

BR 45(5)(Supplement)

(Nautical Almanac 1997 (NP314-97) at Annex 4A, Nories Nautical Tables, Sight
Reduction Tables (NP401 Vols 1 & 3) and Star Finder (NP323), or NAVPAC. Plotting
Sheets D6322 and D6335)

Important Note. Attention is drawn to Chapter 1, Paras 0120-0127.

B95. You are on passage from DEVONPORT to PONTA DELGADA (Azores) in DR position
44° 15'N 018° 17'W, at 0300 (+1) on the 15 Jun 97. Your course is 230°, speed 18 knots.
(NP314-97, Nories, NP401(3) and NP323, or NAVPAC. Sheet D6335)

a. What is the DR position and time of MCT? (Assume that the Nautical Almanac
tabulated times for MCT on 13 Jun 97 at latitudes 40° N and 45° N are the same as 16 Jun
97.) (NA & NAVPAC: 0354(+1), 44 04.6N 018 34.2W)

MCT 0354(+1) DR 44 ° 04.6'N 018 ° 34.2'W;

SR 0432(+1) DR 43 ° 58.7'N 018 ° 58.1'W
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 4A-19, 4A-126.

MCT 0340 SR 0416 SS ECT

Long W+ 0114 Long W+E- 0116 Long W+E- Long W+E-
UT 0454 UT 0532 UT UT
Zone(+1) - 0100 Zone(+1) - 0100 Zone() Zone()
Local 0354 Local 0432 Local Local

b. At approximately 0400(+1), the following observations were taken:

Body DWT Sextant Alt Bearing
Star 04 42 52 29° 23.1' 050°
Star 04 47 39 54° 58.3' 165°
Star 04 51 17 27° 21.6' 085°
Planet 05 12 22 28° 13.6' 110°
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 4A-2 to 3, 4A-18 to 19, 4A-95 to 125.

c. Height of eye 17.0 metres, no DWE, IE 2.3' on the arc. What was the observed
position at 0400(+1)? (DR Positions, Celestial Bodies and Calculated Intercepts will be
found at the end of the question.)
(44° 04.9'N, 018° 47.9'W)

d. What was the DR position and time of SR? (Assume that the Nautical Almanac
tabulated times for SR on 13 Jun 97 at latitudes 40° N and 45° N are the same as 16 Jun
97.) (NA & NAVPAC: SR 0432(+1), 43° 58.7'N 018° 58.1'W)

(See calculation at table in B95a above)

BR 45(5)(Supplement)
B95 (cont).

e. When the sun's lower limb was one semi-diameter above the visual horizon, its centre
was bearing 058° by gyro. What was the gyro error? (NA & Nories 1.4° High)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 4A-19, 4B-17.

Zone Time 0432(+1)

UT 0532
Dec 23° 18.5 N
Amp E 33.4°N
Tab Brg 056.6°
Obs Gyro Brg 058°
Gyro Error 1.4°High

f. You steer 230° true.

g. At about 0900(+1), the sextant altitude of the sun's lower limb was 44° 05.5', the DWT
was 10 00 47, other data (HE, DWE, IE, Co, Sp) remains unchanged. What was the ship's
most probable position for 0900(+1)?
(NAVPAC and manual plotting: 43° 08.4'N, 020° 34.6'W)
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 4A-2 to 3, 4A-18 to 19, 4A-95 to 125.

h. At Mer Pass, the sextant altitude of the sun's lower limb was 70° 38.2'. What was the
time of Mer Pass and the ship's position?
(NA & NAVPAC and manual plotting: MP 1227(+1), 42° 35.2'N, 021° 36.3'W)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 4A-2 to 3, 4A-19, 4A-95 to 125.

Mer Pass 1200 Sext Alt 70° 38.2' Lat > Dec (Same): Lat= 90° -Alt +Dec
Long W+ 0127 IE - 00° 02.3' Lat & Dec (Opp): Lat= 90° -Alt -Dec
UT 1327 Sub total 70° 35.9' Dec > Lat (Same): Lat= Dec + Alt -90°
Zone(+1 ) - 0100 Dip - 00° 07.3' 90° 90° 00.0' Dec +
Local 1227 App Alt 70° 28.6' T. Alt- 70° 44.2' T. Alt +
Sun LL + 00° 15.6' Sub total 19° 15.8' S-total
True Alt 70° 44.2' Dec + - 23° 19.4 90° - 90° 00.0'
Lat 42° 35.2' Lat

j. At 1300(+1), you alter course to 260° (True), and reduce speed to 15 knots.

BR 45(5)(Supplement)

B95 (cont).

k. At 1630(+1) precisely, the sun bore 269° by gyro. Establish the gyro error.
(NA / Nories, NAVPAC: 0.6° High)
DR 1630(+1) 42° 20.0'N 022° 55.0'W
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 4A-19, 4B-4 to 5, 4B-10.

Zone Time 1630(+1)

UT 1730Z
Dec 23° 19.7' N
GHA 082° 22.4'
Long (W-) 022° 55.0'W
LHA 059° 27.4
ABC Table A 0.54 S
ABC Table B 0.502 N
ABC Table A+B=(C input) 0.038 S
Azimuth (Table C) S88.4°W
Tab Brg 268.4°
Obs Gyro Brg 269°
Gyro Error 0.6° High

l. At 1830(+1) you alter ship's time to Zone (+2). What should you do to the clocks?
(Retard by one hour)

m. Calculate the time of SS and ECT. (Assume that the Nautical Almanac tabulated times
for SS and ECT on 13 Jun 97 at latitude 45°N are 1948 and 2025 respectively, and at 40°N
are 1930 and 2002 respectively.)
(NA & NAVPAC:1915(+2), 1951(+2))

SS DR 42° 09.9'N 024° 11.6'W

ECT DR 42° 08.3N 024° 23.2'W

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 4A-19, 4A-126.

MCT SR SS 1938 ECT 2014

Long W+E- Long W+E- Long W+ 0137 Long W+ 0137
UT UT UT 2115 UT 2151
Zone() Zone() Zone(+2) - 0200 Zone(+2) - 0200
Local Local Local 1915 Local 1951

BR 45(5)(Supplement)
B95 (cont).

n. The gyro bearing of the sun was 304°, when its centre was on the visible horizon. What
was the gyro error?(NA & Nories, NAVPAC : 1.0° High)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 4A-19, 4B-17 to 18.

Zone Time 1915 Note: NAVPAC at 2112:58, Alt=0° 00.0', Brg

302° 55.2 = 302.9° Agrees with Nories
UT 2115
Dec N 23° 20.0'
Amp W 32.3°N
Tab Brg 302.3
Tab Brg Correction + 0.7°
Corrected Tab Brg 303°
Obs Gyro Brg 304°
Gyro Error 1° High

p. At about 2000(+2), the following observations were taken:

Body DWT Sextant Alt Bearing
Moon LL 21 56 09 39° 29.4' 185°
Star/Planet 22 01 02 34° 58.6' 105°
Star/Planet 22 05 13 39° 58.2' 220°
Star/Planet 22 09 32 30° 28.7' 260°

q. Other data (HE, DWE, IE, Co, Sp) is unchanged. What was the observed position for
2000(+2)? (NAVPAC: 42° 18.6'N, 024° 46.2'W)
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 4A-2 to 3, 4A-18 to 19, 4A-95 to 129.

DR Positions, Celestial Bodies and Calculated Intercepts

Morning Stars: DR 44° 03.4'N, 018° 36.1'W
Mirfak(09) Intercept -5.2 047.4°
Enif(54) Intercept -3.8 164.2°
Hamal(06) Intercept -8.2 082.9°
Saturn Intercept -8.4 112.2°

Morning Sun: DR 43° 07.0'N 020° 22.8'W

Intercept -8.8 099.0°

Mer Pass: DR 42° 28.6'N 021° 37.8'W,

Intercept -6.7 180°

Course change: DR 1300(+1) 42° 28.8'N 021° 46.6W

BR 45(5)(Supplement)

B95 (cont).
Gyro Check: DR 1630(+1)42° 20.0'N 022° 55.0'W
NA / Nories bearing of sun 268.4°
NAVPAC bearing of sun 268° 26.5'

Evening Stars: DR 2000(+2) 42° 08.7'N 024° 24.5'W

Moon LL Intercept -8.1 186.3°
Rasalhauge(46) Intercept -18.1 106.1°
Mars Intercept +3.8 223.9°
Regulus(26) Intercept +13.8 258.4°

BR 45(5)(Supplement)
B96. At 0400(-5) on 22 Jan 97 the DR position is 03° 29'S, 074° 56'E, course 105°, speed 15
knots. The height of eye is 11.2 metres, IE 0.8' off the arc. At about 0540(-5), the following
observations were taken:(NP314-97, NP401(1) and NP323, or NAVPAC. Sheet D6322)
Body DWT Sextant Alt Bearing
Star 00 35 02 34° 47.3' 290°
Star 00 36 59 65° 59.9' 020°
Star 00 39 48 45° 02.3' 125°
Star 00 44 34 24° 21.2' 260°

a.If there was no DWE, what was the observed position at 0540(-5)?
(NAVPAC: 03° 36.4'S 075° 19.0'E)
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 4A-2 to 3, 4A-8 to 9, 4A-95 to 125.

b. What was the DR position and time of sunrise?

(NAVPAC & Manual plotting/NA: SR DR 0601(-5) 03° 37.8'S 075° 24.1'E)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 4A-7, 4A-9, 4A-126.

SR DR 0601(-5)03° 37.8'S 075° 24.1'E


Long W+E- Long E- 0502 Long W+E- Long W+E-
UT UT 0101 UT UT
Zone() Zone(-5) + 0500 Zone() Zone()
Local Local 0601 Local Local

c. When the sun was one semi-diameter above the horizon, its centre bore 109°. What
was the gyro error? (Nories / NA: 0.7° Low)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 4A-9, 4B-17.

Zone Time 0601

UT 0101
Dec S19° 42.1
Amp E19.7S
Tab Brg 109.7°
Obs Gyro Brg 109°
Gyro Error 0.7° Low

d. Adjust course to steer 105° (True).

BR 45(5)(Supplement)

B96 (cont).

e. At about 0930(-5), the following observations were taken:

Body DWT Sextant Alt Bearing
Sun LL 04 26 07 47° 36.8' 115°
Planet 04 27 02 61° 51.0' 135°

f. All other data (HE, DWE, IE, Co, Sp) is unchanged. What was the observed position
for 0930(-5)? (NAVPAC: 03° 53.5'S 076° 12.1'E)
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 4A-2 to 3, 4A-8 to 9, 4A-95 to 125.

g. What has been the direction and rate of current since 0540(-5)?
(Plotting from Manual DR : 225°, 0.8 knots
Plotting from NAVPAC DR: 234°, 0.8 knots)

h. Use a current of 225°, 0.8 knots to produce estimated position for the remainder of the

j. At about 1200(-5) at Meridian Passage, the sextant altitude of the sun's lower limb was
74° 15.5'. What was the time of Mer Pass, the observed latitude and most probable
(NA: MP 1205(-5), NAVPAC: MP 1204,
NA/NAVPAC & Manual plotting : 04° 05.0'S 076° 48.5'E)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 4A-2 to 3, 4A-9, 4A-95 to 125.

MP EP 04° 05.0'S 076° 48.7'E

Mer Pass 1212 Sext Alt 74° 15.5' Lat > Dec (Same): Lat= 90° -Alt +Dec
Long E- 0507 IE + 00° 00.8' Lat & Dec (Opp): Lat= 90° -Alt -Dec
UT 0705 Sub total 74° 16.3' Dec > Lat (Same): Lat= Dec + Alt -90°
Zone( ) + - 0500 Dip - 00° 05.9' 90° 90° 00.0' Dec + 19° 38.7'
Local 1205 App Alt 74° 10.4' T. Alt- T. Alt + 74° 26.3'
Sun LL + 00° 15.9' Sub total S-total 94° 05.0'
True Alt 74° 26.3' Dec + - 90° - 90° 00.0'
Lat Lat 04° 05.0'

k. At about 1500(-5) the following observation was taken:

Body DWT Sextant Alt
Sun LL 10 01 14 43° 31.6'

l. All other data (HE, DWE, IE, Co, Sp) is unchanged. What was the most probable
position for 1500(-5)? (NAVPAC & Manual Plotting: 04° 17.8'S, 077° 27.9'E)
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 4A-2 to 3, 4A-8 to 9, 4A-95 to 125.

BR 45(5)(Supplement)
B96 (cont).

m. At 1730(-5) precisely, the sun bore 251° by gyro. Establish the gyro error.
(NA / Nories, NAVPAC: 0.2° High)
DR 1730(-5) 04° 20.0'S 077° 35.0'E
EP 1730(-5) 04° 20.1'S 077° 34.6'E
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 4A-9, 4B-6 to 7, 4B-11.

Zone Time 1730(-5)

UT 1230Z
Dec 19°35.5'S
GHA 004° 35.2'
Long (E+) 077° 34.6'E
LHA 082° 09.8'
ABC Table A 0.01 N
ABC Table B 0.36 S
ABC Table A+B=(C input) 0.35 S
Azimuth (Table C) S 70.8°W
Tab Brg 250.8°
Obs Gyro Brg 251°
Gyro Error 0.2° High

n. Calculate the time of SS and ECT. (NA / NAVPAC: 1809(-5), 1831(-5))

DR 1830(-5) 04° 31.1'S 078° 17.8'E

EP 1830(-5) 04° 33.0'S 078° 16.1'E
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 4A-7, 4A-9, 4A-95, 4A-126.

MCT SR SS 1822 ECT 1844

Long W+E- Long W+E- Long E- 0513 Long W+E- 0513
UT UT UT 1309 UT 1331
Zone() Zone() Zone(-5) 0500 Zone(-5) 0500
Local Local Local 1809 Local 1831

BR 45(5)(Supplement)

B96 (cont).

p. At about 1830(-5), the following observations were taken:

Body DWT Sextant Alt Bearing
Star/Planet 13 27 06 30° 48.0' 105°
Star/Planet 13 29 18 25° 08.9' 150°
Star/Planet 13 31 13 50° 25.9' 275°
Moon LL 13 33 29 18° 19.2' 070°

q. All other data (HE, DWE, IE, Co, Sp) is unchanged. What was the observed position
for 1830(-5)? (NAVPAC: 04° 34.3'S, 078° 15.9'E)
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 4A-2 to 3, 4A-8 to 9, 4A-95 to 129.
DR Positions, Celestial Bodies and Calculated Intercepts
Morning Stars: DR 0540(-5) 03° 35.5'S 075° 19.9'E
Regulus(26) Intercept +0.8 287.2°
Arcturus(37) Intercept -1.1 018.6°
Antares(42) Intercept -0.4 124.6°
Alphard(25) Intercept +1.4 262.1°

Morning Sight:
DR 0930(-5) 03° 51.4'S 076° 14.6'E (Manual plotting)
Sun LL (NAVPAC)Intercept -1.3 115.3°
Venus (NAVPAC)Intercept -0.3 133.9°

Mer Pass:
DR 1205(-5) 04° 03.83'S 076° 49.6'E
EP 1205(-5) 04° 05.1'S 077° 48.7'E
Intercept -0.1 180°

Second Sun:
DR 1500(-5) 04° 16.4'S 077° 30.8'E
EP 1500(-5) 04° 18.0S 077° 29.0'E
Intercept +1.0' 246.8°

Gyro Check: DR 1730(-5) 04° 20.0'S 077° 35.0'E

EP 1730(-5) 04° 20.1'S 077° 34.6'E
NA / Nories bearing of sun 250.8°
NAVPAC bearing of sun 250° 49.2'

Evening Stars:
DR 1830(-5) 04° 31.1'S 078° 17.8'E
EP 1830(-5) 04° 33.0'S 078° 16.1'E
Sirius(18) Intercept +0.2' 106.8°
Canopus(17) Intercept +0.1' 147.5°
Saturn Intercept +0.1' 273.9°
Moon LL Intercept -0.1' 070.1°

BR 45(5)(Supplement)
B97. At 0400(+1) on 21 Oct 97 in DR position, 45° 15.5'N, 020° 36'W, course 110° speed 12
knots. (NP314-97, NP401(3) and NP323, or NAVPAC. Sheet D6335)

a. What is the time of MCT? (NA: 0613½(+1), NAVPAC: 0614(+1))

MCT DR 0620(+1) 45° 05.8'N 019° 59.0'W
SR DR 0645(+1) 45° 06.0'N 019° 48.0'W Data from BR45(5) Pages:
ECT DR 1938(+1) 44° 07.8'N015° 31.8'W 4A-29, 4A-31 4A-126.

MCT 0553½ SR 0623½ SS ECT 1736

Long W+ 0120 Long W+ 0119 Long W+E- Long W+ 0102
UT 0713½ UT 0742½ UT UT 1838
Zone(+1) - 0100 Zone(+1) - 0100 Zone() Zone(+1) - 0100
Local 0613½ Local 0642½ Local Local 1738

b.At about 0620(+1), the following observations were taken:

Body DWT Sextant Alt Bearing
Moon LL 07 13 24 56° 53.5' 220°
Star/Planet 07 15 50 26° 17.4' 200°
Star/Planet 07 18 34 45° 20.0' 000°
Star/Planet 07 20 45 47° 03.4' 130°
DWE 49s fast. IE 1.2 off the arc. Height of eye 11.3m.

c. What was the obs. pos. for 0620(+1)? (NAVPAC: 45° 07.8'N 019° 55.5'W)
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 4A-2 to 3, 4A-28 to 29, 4A-49, 4A-95 to 125.

d. What is the time of SR? (NA: 0642½(+1), NAVPAC: 0643(+1))

(See calculation at table in B97a above)

e. When the sun's lower limb was one semi-diameter above the visual horizon, its centre
bears 106° by gyro. What was the gyro error? (NA / NAVPAC: 0.7° High)

SR DR 0645(+1)45° 06.0'N 019° 48.0'W Data from BR45(5) Pages: 4A-29, 4B-16.

Zone Time 0643(+1)

UT 0743Z
Dec 10°44.6' S
Amp E 15.3°S
Tab Brg 105.3°
Obs Gyro Brg 106°
Gyro Error 0.7° High

f. At 0800(+1) increase speed to 18 knots.

BR 45(5)(Supplement)

g. At about 1005(+1), the following observation was made of the sun's lower limb.
DWT 11 04 07 Sextant Alt 28° 20.2'
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 4A-2 to 3, 4A-28 to 29, 4A-95 to 125.

h. All other data (HE, DWE, IE, Co, Sp) is unchanged. What was the most probable
position for 1005(+1)? (NAVPAC & Manual Plotting: 44° 49.9'N 018° 40.0'W)

j. At Meridian Passage, the altitude of the sun’s lower limb is observed to be 34° 17.0'.
What was the observed latitude and most probable longitude at Mer Pass?
(NA, NAVPAC & Manual Plotting: MP 1156(+1) 44° 43.7'N 017° 46.4'W)
MP DR 44° 38.5'N 017° 56.1'W Data from BR45(5): 4A-2 to 3, 4A-29, 4A-95 to 125.

Mer Pass 1145 Sext Alt 34° 17.0' Lat > Dec (Same): Lat= 90° -Alt +Dec
Long W+ 0111 IE + 00° 01.2' Lat & Dec (Opp): Lat= 90° -Alt -Dec
UT 1256 Sub total 34° 18.2' Dec > Lat (Same): Lat= Dec + Alt -90°
Zone(+1) - 0100 Dip - 00° 05.9' 90° 90° 00.0' Dec +
Local 1156 App Alt 34° 12.3' T. Alt- 34° 27.1' T. Alt +
Sun LL + 00° 14.8' Sub total 55° 32.9' S-total
True Alt 34° 27.1' Dec - 10° 49.2' 90° - 90° 00.0'
Lat 44° 43.7' Lat

k. At about 1515(+1), the bearing of the sun was 234° by gyro. What was the gyro error?
(NA / Nories: 0.6° High, NAVPAC: 0.5° High)

Zone Time 1515(+1) DR 1515(+1)44° 22.0'N 016° 28.5'W

UT 1615Z
Dec 10° 52.1' S
GHA 067° 36.3'
Long (W-) 016° 28.5'
LHA 051° 07.8' Data from BR45(5) Pages:
ABC Table A 0.79 S 4A-29, 4B-4 to 5, 4B-12.
ABC Table B 0.25 S
ABC Table A+B=(C input) 1.04
Azimuth (Table C) S 53.4° W
Tab Brg 233.4°
Obs Gyro Brg 234°
Gyro Error 0.6° High

BR 45(5)(Supplement)
B97 (cont).

l. At what time is ECT? (NA / NAVPAC: 1738(+1))

(See calculation at table in B95a above)

m. At about 1730(+1), the following observations were made:

Body DWT Sextant Alt Bearing
Planet 18 28 27 24° 14.5' 155°
Star 18 30 46 21° 34.3' 275°
Star 18 33 04 34° 15.1' 080°
Star 18 35 21 30° 42.8' 320°

DWE now 50s fast. All other data (HE, IE, Co, Sp) is unchanged. What was the observed
position for 1730 (+1)? (NAVPAC: 44° 17.0'N, 015° 27.2'W)
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 4A-2 to 3, 4A-28 to 29, 4A-95 to 125.

DR Positions, Celestial Bodies and Calculated Intercepts

Morning Stars: DR 45° 05.9'N 019° 58.8'W
Moon LL Intercept -3.0 221.4°
Sirius(18) Intercept -2.6 198.5°
Polaris Intercept +1.8 359.0°
Regulus(26) Intercept +0.5 130.1°

Morning Sun: DR 1005(+1) 44° 48.2'N 018° 39.4'W

Intercept -1.9 147.2°

Mer Pass: DR 1256(+1) 44° 38.5'N 017° 56.1'W

Intercept -5.2 180°

Gyro Check: DR 1515(+1) 44° 22.0'N 016° 28.5'W

NA / Nories bearing of sun 233.4°
NAVPAC bearing of sun 233° 30.0'

Evening Stars: DR 44° 08.0'N, 015° 36.0'W

Jupiter Intercept -5.6 155.4°
Arcturus(37) Intercept -5.2 276.3°
Alpheratz(01) Intercept +7.6 080.7°
Alioth(32) Intercept +2.8 320.2°

BR 45(5)(Supplement)


Long W+E- Long W+E- Long W+E- Long W+E-
Zone( ) + - Zone( ) + - Zone( ) + - Zone( ) + -
Local Local Local Local

Long Cor. Long Cor.
Long W+E- Long W+E- Long W+E- Long W+E-
Zone( ) + - Zone( ) + - Zone( ) + - Zone( ) + -
Local Local Local Local

Zone Time
Tab Brg
Obs Gyro Brg
Gyro Error

BR 45(5)(Supplement)

Zone Time
Tab Brg
Tab Brg Correction -
Corrected Tab Brg
Obs Gyro Brg
Gyro Error

Zone Time
Long (W-E+)
ABC Table A
ABC Table B
ABC Table A+B=(C input)
Azimuth (Table C)
Tab Brg
Obs Gyro Brg
Gyro Error

BR 45(5)(Supplement)

Mer Pass Sext Alt Lat > Dec (Same): Lat= 90° -Alt +Dec
Long W+E- IE + - Lat & Dec (Opp): Lat= 90° -Alt -Dec
UT Sub total Dec > Lat (Same): Lat= Dec + Alt -90°
Zone( ) + - Dip - 90° 90° 00.0' Dec +
Local App Alt T. Alt- T. Alt +
Sun LL + Sub total S-total
True Alt Dec + - 90° - 90° 00.0'
Lat Lat

BR 45(5)(Supplement)


BR 45(5)(Supplement)



Question Subject Reference

C1-C3 Parallel Sailing BR45(1) Chapter 2

C10-C15 Plane Sailing BR45(1) Chapter 2

C20-C22 Mercator Sailing BR45(1) Chapters 2, 4 & 5

C30-C35 Great Circle Sailing BR45(1) Chapters 2 & 5

C40-C41 Great Circle and Rhumb Line Comparisons BR45(1) Chapters 2, 4 & 5

C50-C52 Great Circle Waypoints BR45(1) Chapters 2, 4 & 5

C60-C62 Composite Tracks BR45(1) Chapters 2 & 5


Important Note. Attention is drawn to Chapter 1, Paras 0130-0131.

C1. Find the distance between 45°00'N 010°00’W and 45°00’N 015°00’W.
(NAVPAC: 212.9 n miles, Formula: 212.1 n miles)
15-10 = 5 x 60 x Cos 45 = 212.12 n miles

C2. Find the distance between 38°00’S 020°00’E and 38°00’S 112°00’E.
(NAVPAC: 4363.2 n miles, Formula: 4349.8 miles)
112-20 = 92 x 60 x Cos 38 = 4349.82 n miles

C3. Find the distance between 62°42’N 006°32’E and 62°42’N 017° 42’W.
(NAVPAC: 669.8 n miles, Formula: 666.8 n miles)
6 x 60 + 32 = 392
17 x 60 + 42 = 1062
392 + 1062 = 1454 x Cos62.7 = 666.88 n miles

C4-C9. Spare

Change 1
BR 45(5)(Supplement)

Important Note. Attention is drawn to Chapter 1, Paras 0130-0131.

C10. What is the rhumb line course and distance from 40°00’N 005°00’W to 32°00’N
012°00’W? (NAVPAC: 215.4°, 587.8 n miles, Formulae: 215.3°, 588.1 n miles)

d’long = 12-5 = 7 7 x 60 = 420

d’lat = 40-32 = 8 8 x 60 = 480
Mean Lat = (40+32) / 2 = 36
departure = d’long x cos mean lat = 420 x cos36 =339.79
339.79 / 480 = 0.7079 0.7079 = tan course = S35.3W = Course 215.3°
Distance = d’lat / cos course = 480 / cos 35.3 = 588.1 n miles

C11. What is the rhumb line course and distance from 49°10’N 005° 42’W to 43° 10’N
010°15’W? (NAVPAC: 207.7°, 406.9 n miles, Formulae: 207.7°, 406.6 n miles)

d’long = 615-342 = 273

d’lat = 360
Mean Lat = 46° 10 '
departure = d’long x cos mean lat = 273 x cos 46.2 =188.95
188.95 / 360 = 0.5252 0.5252 = tan course = S27.7W = Course 207.7°
Distance = d’lat / cos course = 360 / cos 27.7 = 406.6 n miles

C12. What is the rhumb line course and distance from 12° 52’N 055° 28’E to 17° 50’N 061°
25’E? (NAVPAC: 049.3°, 454.9 n miles, Formulae: 049.1°, 455.3 n miles)

d’long = 3685 - 3328 = 357

d’lat = 1070 - 772 = 298
Mean Lat = 15° 20 '
departure = d’long x cos mean lat = 357 x cos 15.3 = 344.3
344.3 / 298 = 1.1552 1.1552 = tan course = N49.1E = Course 049.1°
Distance = d’lat / cos course = 298 / cos 49.1 = 455.3 n miles

C13. Starting from 52° 27’N 018° 48’W, if you proceed on a course of 332° for a distance of
205 n miles, what will be your new position?
(NAVPAC: 55° 27.7’N 021° 31.0’W, Formulae: 55° 28.0’N 021° 31.7’W)

Co 332 = 28 d’lat = dist x cos course = 205 x cos 28 = 181.0

departure = dist x sin course = 205 x sin 28 = 96.24
d’long = depature / cos mean lat = 96.24 / cos 54 = 163.7
52° 27' + 3° 01' = 55° 28'N
18° 48' + 2° 43.7' = 21° 31.7'W

Change 1
BR 45(5)(Supplement)

C14. Starting from 23° 13’N 063° 32’E, if a ship proceeds on courses of 125° for 24 n miles,
065° for 52 n miles and 295° for 67 n miles, what will be its final position?
(NAVPAC: 23° 49.7’N 063° 38.3’W, Formulae: 23° 49.5’N 063° 38.6’E)

Leg d’lat (dist x cos course) departure(dist x sin course)

1 24 x cos 125 = -13.8 24 x sin 125 = +19.7
2 52 x cos 065 = +22.0 52 x sin 065 = +47.1
3 67 x cos 295 = +28.3 67 x sin 295 = -60.7
Totals +36.5 +06.1
Mean Lat = 23° 13' N+ 36.5' / 2= 23.52° = 23° 31.25'N
d’long = departure / cos mean lat = 6.1' / cos 23.52 = 6.6'
23° 13' + 36.5' = 23° 49.5'N
63° 32 + 06.6' = 63° 38.6'E

Waypoint 1: 22° 59.2'N 063° 53.3'E
Waypoint 2: 23° 21.3'N 064° 44.4'E
Waypoint 3: 23° 49.7'N 063° 38.3'E

C15. What will be the ship’s position after proceeding for 12 hours at 15 knots on a course of
232°, if starting from 59°12’N 005°47’W?
(NAVPAC: 57° 21.4’N 010° 15.7’W, Formulae: 57° 21.2’N 010° 14.7’W)

Co 232 = 52 d’lat = dist x course = 180 x cos 52 = 110.8

Depature = dist x sin course = 180 x sin 52 = 141.84
d’long = departure / cos mean lat = 141.84 / cos 58 = 267.7
59° 12' - 01° 50.8' = 57°21.2'N
05° 47' + 4° 27.7' = 10° 14.7'W

C16-C19. Spare

Change 1
BR 45(5)(Supplement)

Important Note. Attention is drawn to Chapter 1, Paras 0130-0131.

C20. What is the rhumb line course and distance from LIZARD POINT (49° 54’N 005°12’W)
to HALIFAX (44° 40’N 063° 34’W)?
(NAVPAC: 262.5°, 2402.1 n miles, Formulae: 262.5°, 2401.0 n miles)

NAVPAC assumes a spheroidal earth and uses WGS 84; NAVPAC thus provides the
most accurate answer of the following calculations.

The following calculation uses the formulae (5.3) and (5.4) at BR 45 Volume 1 pages 86 and
87, with a DMP from Nories Tables (based on Clarke’s Spheroid of 1884), and is represents
the best compromise for a quick manual approximation of this calculation. The spheroidal
Meridional Part constants in Nories vary with latitude and in this example are between 7874-
d’lat = 49° 54' - 44° 40' = 5° 14' = 314'
d’long = 63° 34' - 05° 12' = 58° 22' = 3502'
DMP (Nories) = 3447.23 - 2985.28 = 461.95
tan course = d’long / DMP = 3502 / 461.95 = S 82.485W = Course 262.5°
Dist = d’lat / cos course = 314/ cos 82.485 = 2401.0 n miles

An alternative calculation, based on a spherical earth using formula (4.1) at page 65 of BR 45

Volume 1 with a fixed Meridional Part constant of 7915.7045, is as follows.

d’lat = 49° 54' - 44° 40' = 5° 14' = 314'

d’long = 63° 34' - 05° 12' = 58° 22' = 3502'
MP (T) = 7915.7045 log10 tan (45° + Lat T/2) [BR 45 (1) Page 87]
MP (F) = 7915.7045 log10 tan (45° + Lat F/2) [BR 45 (1) Page 87]
∴ MP (T) = 7915.7045 log10 tan (45° + 44.667/2) = 7915.7045 log10 tan(67.33) = 3001.73
∴ MP (F) = 7915.7045 log10 tan (45° + 49.90/2) = 7915.7045 log10 tan(69.95) = 3465.15
DMP = 3465.15 - 3001.73 = 463.42
tan course = d’long / DMP = 3502 / 463.42 = S 82.461W = Course 262.5°
Dist = d’lat / cos course = 314 / cos 82.461 = 2393.3 n miles

Change 1
BR 45(5)(Supplement)

C21. What is the rhumb line course and distance from FREEMANTLE (32°03’S 115° 44’E)
to MOMBASSA (04°04’S 039°39’E)?
(NAVPAC: 291.3°, 4610.7 n miles, Formulae: 291.3°, 4628.4 n miles)

NAVPAC assumes a spheroidal earth and uses WGS 84; NAVPAC thus provides the
most accurate answer of the following calculations.

The following calculation uses the formulae (5.3) and (5.4) at BR 45 Volume 1 pages 86 and
87, with a DMP from Nories Tables (based on Clarke’s Spheroid of 1884), and is represents
the best compromise for a quick manual approximation of this calculation. The spheroidal
Meridional Part constants in Nories vary with latitude and in this example are between 7863-
d’lat = 32° 03' - 04° 04' = 27° 59' = 1679
d’long = 115° 44' - 39° 39' = 76° 05' = 4565'
DMP (Nories) = 2019.50 - 242.55 = 1776.95
tan course = d’long / DMP = 4565 / 1776.95 = N68.73W = Course 291.3°
Dist = d’lat / cos course = 1679 / cos 68.73 = 4628.4 n miles

An alternative calculation, based on a spherical earth using formula (4.1) at page 65 of BR 45

Volume 1 with a fixed Meridional Part constant of 7915.7045, is as follows.

d’lat = 32° 03' - 04° 04' = 27° 59' = 1679

d’long = 115° 44' - 39° 39' = 76° 05' = 4565'
MP (T) = 7915.7045 log10 tan (45° + Lat T/2) [BR 45 (1) Page 87]
MP (F) = 7915.7045 log10 tan (45° + Lat F/2) [BR 45 (1) Page 87]
∴ MP (T) = 7915.7045 log10 tan (45° + 04.067/2) = 7915.7045 log10 tan(47.033) = 244.21
∴ MP (F) = 7915.7045 log10 tan (45° + 32.05/2) = 7915.7045 log10 tan(61.025) = 2031.92
DMP = 2031.92 - 244.21 = 1787.71
tan course = d’long / DMP = 4565 / 1787.71 = N68.61W = Course 291.4°
Dist = d’lat / cos course = 1679 / cos 68.61 = 4603.6 n miles

Change 1
BR 45(5)(Supplement)
C22. What is the rhumb line course and distance from IJMUIDEN (52°28’N 004° 32’E) to
ABERDEEN (57°09’N 002°05’W)?
(NAVPAC: 320.8°, 363.1 n miles, Formulae: 320.8°, 362.5 n miles)
NAVPAC assumes a spheroidal earth and uses WGS 84; NAVPAC thus provides the
most accurate answer of the following calculations.

The following calculation uses the formulae (5.3) and (5.4) at BR 45 Volume 1 pages 86 and
87, with a DMP from Nories Tables (based on Clarke’s Spheroid of 1884), and is represents
the best compromise for a quick manual approximation of this calculation. The spheroidal
Meridional Part constants in Nories vary with latitude and in this example are between 7741-

d’lat = 57° 09' - 52° 28' = 4° 41' = 281'

d’long = 04° 32' - 02° 05' = 06° 37' = 397'
DMP (Nories) = 4179.50 - 3692.34 = 487.16
tan course = d’long / DMP = 397 / 487.16 = N 39.2W = Course 320.8°
Dist = d’lat / cos course = 281/ cos 39.2 = 362.5n miles

An alternative calculation, based on a spherical earth using formula (4.1) at page 65 of BR 45

Volume 1 with a fixed Meridional Part constant of 7915.7045, is as follows.

d’lat = 57° 09' - 52° 28' = 4° 41' = 281'

d’long = 04° 32' - 02° 05' = 06° 37' = 397'
MP (T) = 7915.7045 log10 tan (45° + Lat T/2) [BR 45 (1) Page 87]
MP (F) = 7915.7045 log10 tan (45° + Lat F/2) [BR 45 (1) Page 87]
∴ MP (T) = 7915.7045 log10 tan (45° + 57.15/2) = 7915.7045 log10 tan(73.575) = 4199.18
∴ MP (F) = 7915.7045 log10 tan (45° + 52.46/2) = 7915.7045 log10 tan(71.233) = 3710.91
DMP = 4199.18 - 3710.91 = 488.27
tan course = d’long / DMP = 397 / 488.27 = N 39.11W = Course 320.8°
Dist = d’lat / cos course = 281/ cos 39.11 = 362.1 n miles

C23-C29. Spare

Change 1
BR 45(5)(Supplement)


Important Note. Attention is drawn to Chapter 1, Paras 0130-0131.

C30. What is the great-circle distance and initial course from DAKAR(14°40’N 017° 25’W)
to GEORGETOWN (06°48’N 058°10’W)?
(NAVPAC: 2444.3 n miles, 263.3°, Formulae: 2444.3 n miles, 263.3°)

cos dist = (sin 14.7 x sin 6.8) +( cos 14.7 x cos 6.8 x cos 40.75) = 0.7577
dist = 40.73° = 2444.3 n miles
cos course = sin 6.8 - (sin 14.7 x cos 40.73) / cos 14.7 x sin 40.73 = N96.7W = Course 263.3°

C31. What is the great-circle distance and initial course from SAN FRANCISCO (37°48’N
122° 27’W) to YOKOHAMA (35°27’N 139°38’E)?
(NAVPAC: 4471.5 n miles, 303.2°, Formulae: 4470.8 n miles, 303.1°)

cos dist = (sin 37.8 x sin 35.45) +( cos 37.8 x cos 35.45 x cos 97.9) = 0.2670
dist = 74.51° = 4470.8 n miles
cos course = sin 35.45 - (sin 37.8 x cos 74.51) / cos 37.8 x sin 74.51 = N56.9W = Course

C32. What is the great-circle distance and initial course from KARACHI (24°48’N 066°
58’E) to MAURITIUS (19°52’S 057°34’E)?
(NAVPAC: 2735.6 n miles, 192.4°, Formulae: 2737.6 n miles, 192.4°)

cos dist = (sin 24.8 x sin 19.9) +( cos 24.8 x cos 19.9 x cos 9.4) = 0.6993
dist = 45.63° = 2737.6 n miles
cos course = sin -19.9 -(sin 24.8 x cos 45.63) / cos 24.8 x sin 45.63 = N167.6W = Course

C33. What is the great-circle distance and initial course from STANLEY HARBOUR
(51°42’S 057° 51’W) to ASCENSION IS (07°55’S 014°25’W)?
(NAVPAC: 3382.0 n miles, 054.9°, Formulae: 3382.8 n miles, 054.9°)

cos dist = (sin-51.7 x sin-7.9) +( cos-51.7 x cos-7.9 x cos 43.43) = 0.5537

dist = 56.38° = 3382.8 n miles
cos course = sin -7.9 -(sin-51.7 x cos 56.38) / cos-51.7 x sin 56.38 = N54.9W = Course 054.9°

C34. What is the great-circle distance and initial course from WHANGERIA (35°45’S 174°
20’E) to VALPARAISO (33°01’S 071°37’W)?
(NAVPAC: 5259.0 n miles, 130.0°, Formulae: 5259.6 n miles, 130.0°)

cos dist = (sin-35.75 x sin -33.0) +( cos -35.75 x cos-33.0 x cos 114.05) = 0.1885
dist = 87.66° = 5259.6 n miles
cos course = sin-33 -(sin-35.75 x cos87.66) / cos-35.75 x sin87.66 =N129.96W = Course

Change 1
BR 45(5)(Supplement)
C35. What is the great-circle distance and initial course from PORT OF SPAIN (10°39’N 061°
31’W) to LUANDA (08°47’S 013°14’E)?
(NAVPAC: 4611.9 n miles, 101.7°, Formulae: 4611.8 n miles, 101.7°)

cos dist = (sin 10.65 x sin -8.78) +( cos 10.65 x cos - 8.78 x cos 74.75) = 0.2273
dist = 76.86° = 4611.8 n miles
cos course = sin -8.78 -(sin 10.65 x cos 76.86) / cos 10.65 x sin 76.86=N101.7W=Course


Change 1
BR 45(5)(Supplement)


Important Note. Attention is drawn to Chapter 1, Paras 0130-0131.

C40. Compare the great-circle and rhumb line distances between the following:

a. VANCOUVER (49°12’N 122° 50’W) to GUAM (13°30’N 145°15’E).

(NAVPAC: GC 4863.4 n miles, RL 5060.2 n miles,
Formulae: GC 4862.7 n miles, RL 5070.3 n miles)

NAVPAC assumes a spheroidal earth and uses WGS 84; NAVPAC thus provides the
most accurate answer of the following calculations.

cos dist = (sin 49.2 x sin 13.5) +( cos 49.2 x cos 13.5 x cos 91.9 = 0.1557
dist = 81.05° = 4862.7 n miles

The following calculation uses the formulae (5.3) and (5.4) at BR 45 Volume 1 pages 86 and
87, with a DMP from Nories Tables (based on Clarke’s Spheroid of 1884), and is represents
the best compromise for a quick manual approximation of this calculation. The spheroidal
Meridional Part constants in Nories vary with latitude and in this example are between 7862-
d’lat = 49° 12' - 13° 30' = 35° 42' = 2142'
d’long = (180°-122°50') +(180°-145°15') = 91°55' = 5515'
DMP (Nories) = 3382.68 - 812.14 = 2570.54
tan course = d’long / DMP = 5515 / 2570.54 = S65.01W = Course 245°
Dist = d’lat / cos course = 2142 / Cos 65.01 = 5070.3 n miles

An alternative calculation, based on a spherical earth using formula (4.1) at page 65 of BR 45

Volume 1 with a fixed Meridional Part constant of 7915.7045, is as follows.

d’lat = 49° 12' - 13° 30' = 35° 42' = 2142'

d’long = (180°-122°50') +(180°-145°15') = 91°55' = 5515'
MP (T) = 7915.7045 log10 tan (45° + Lat T/2) [BR 45 (1) Page 87]
MP (F) = 7915.7045 log10 tan (45° + Lat F/2) [BR 45 (1) Page 87]
∴ MP (T) = 7915.7045 log10 tan (45° + 13.5/2) = 7915.7045 log10 tan(51.75) = 817.6
∴ MP (F) = 7915.7045 log10 tan (45° + 49.2/2) = 7915.7045 log10 tan(69.6) = 3400.41
DMP = 3400.41 - 817.6 = 2582.81
tan course = d’long / DMP = 5515 / 2582.81 = S64.91W = Course 245°
Dist = d’lat / cos course = 2142 / Cos 64.91 = 5050.47n miles

Change 1
BR 45(5)(Supplement)
b. ST JOHN’S (47°34’N 052° 41’W) to GIBRALTAR (36°07’N 005°21’W).
(NAVPAC: GC 2186.6 n miles, RL 2222.2 n miles,
Formulae: GC 2187.0 n miles, RL 2223.3 n miles)
NAVPAC assumes a spheroidal earth and uses WGS 84; NAVPAC thus provides the
most accurate answer of the following calculations.

cos dist = (sin 47.54x sin 36.1) +( cos 47.57x cos 36.1 x cos 47.33)= 0.8044
dist = 36.45° = 2187.0 n miles

The following calculation uses the formulae (5.3) and (5.4) at BR 45 Volume 1 pages 86 and
87, with a DMP from Nories Tables (based on Clarke’s Spheroid of 1884), and is represents
the best compromise for a quick manual approximation of this calculation. The spheroidal
Meridional Part constants in Nories vary with latitude and in this example are between 7868-
d’lat = 47° 34' - 36° 07' = 11° 27' = 687'
d’long = 52° 41' - 05° 21' = 47°20' = 2840'
DMP (Nories) = 3235.55 - 2312.85= 922.70
tan course = d’long / DMP = 2840 / 922.7 = S72.00E = Course 108°
Dist = d’lat / cos course = 687 / Cos 72.00 = 2223.3 n miles

An alternative calculation, based on a spherical earth using formula (4.1) at page 65 of BR 45

Volume 1 with a fixed Meridional Part constant of 7915.7045, is as follows.
d’lat = 47° 34' - 36° 07' = 11° 27' = 687'
d’long = 52° 41' - 05° 21' = 47°20' = 2840'
MP (T) = 7915.7045 log10 tan (45° + Lat T/2) [BR 45 (1) Page 87]
MP (F) = 7915.7045 log10 tan (45° + Lat F/2) [BR 45 (1) Page 87]
∴ MP (T) = 7915.7045 log10 tan (45° + 36.1167/2) = 7915.7045 log10 tan(63.05835)
∴ MP (F) = 7915.7045 log10 tan (45° + 47.5667/2) = 7915.7045 log10
DMP = 3252.84 - 2326.65 = 926.19
tan course = d’long / DMP = 2840 / 926.19 = S71.94E = Course 108°
Dist = d’lat / cos course = 687 / Cos 71.94 = 2215.8 n miles

Change 1
BR 45(5)(Supplement)

c. RIO DE JANEIRO (22°48’S 043° 25’W) to CAPETOWN (34°08’S 019°03’E).

(NAVPAC: GC 3314.2 n miles, RL 3363.8 n miles,
Formulae: GC 3314.4 n miles, RL 3372.9 n miles)
NAVPAC assumes a spheroidal earth and uses WGS 84; NAVPAC thus provides the
most accurate answer of the following calculations.

cos dist = (sin 22.8 x sin 34.13) +( cos 22.8 x cos 34.13 x cos 62.47)= 0.5701
dist = 55.24° = 3314.4 n miles

The following calculation uses the formulae (5.3) and (5.4) at BR 45 Volume 1 pages 86 and
87, with a DMP from Nories Tables (based on Clarke’s Spheroid of 1884), and is represents
the best compromise for a quick manual approximation of this calculation. The spheroidal
Meridional Part constants in Nories vary with latitude and in this example are between 7868-
d’lat = 34° 08' - 22° 48' = 11° 20' = 680'
d’long = 43° 25' + 19° 03' = 62°28' = 3748'
DMP (Nories) = 2168.00 - 1396.54 = 771.46
tan course = d’long / DMP = 3748 / 771.46 = S78.37E = Course 101.6°
Dist = d’lat / cos course = 680 / Cos 78.37 = 3372.9 n miles

An alternative calculation, based on a spherical earth using formula (4.1) at page 65 of BR 45

Volume 1 with a fixed Meridional Part constant of 7915.7045, is as follows.
d’lat = 34° 08' - 22° 48' = 11° 20' = 680'
d’long = 43° 25' + 19° 03' = 62°28' = 3748'
MP (T) = 7915.7045 log10 tan (45° + Lat T/2) [BR 45 (1) Page 87]
MP (F) = 7915.7045 log10 tan (45° + Lat F/2) [BR 45 (1) Page 87]
∴ MP (T) = 7915.7045 log10 tan (45° + 34.1333/2) = 7915.7045 log10 tan(62.06665)
∴ MP (F) = 7915.7045 log10 tan (45° + 22.80/2) = 7915.7045 log10 tan(56.4)=1405.6
DMP = 2181.14 - 1405.6 = 775.54
tan course = d’long / DMP = 3748 / 775.54 = S78.31E = Course 111.7°
Dist = d’lat / cos course = 680 / Cos 78.31 = 3356.1 n miles

Change 1
BR 45(5)(Supplement)
C41. What is the saving in distance by taking the great-circle track between BISHOP ROCK
(49°50’N 006° 40’W) and NEW YORK (41°10’N 072°00’W) instead of the rhumb line?
(NAVPAC: GC 2707.0 n miles, RL 2797.8 n miles,
Formulae: GC 2705.7 n miles, RL 2797.4 n miles
NAVPAC: Saving 90.8 n miles,
Formulae: Saving 91.7 n miles)
NAVPAC assumes a spheroidal earth and uses WGS 84; NAVPAC thus provides the
most accurate answer of the following calculations.

cos dist = (sin 49.83 x sin 41.17) + (cos 49.83 x cos 41.17 x cos 65.3)= 0.7059
dist = 45.1° = 2705.7 n miles

The following calculation uses the formulae (5.3) and (5.4) at BR 45 Volume 1 pages 86 and
87, with a DMP from Nories Tables (based on Clarke’s Spheroid of 1884), and is represents
the best compromise for a quick manual approximation of this calculation. The spheroidal
Meridional Part constants in Nories vary with latitude and in this example are between 7870-
d’lat = 49° 50' - 41° 10' = 08° 40' = 520'
d’long = 72° 00' - 06° 40' = 65°20' = 3920'
DMP (Nories) = 3441.05 - 2699.45 = 741.60
tan course = d’long / DMP = 3920 / 741.66 = S79.29W = Course 259.3°
Dist = d’lat / cos course = 520 / Cos 79.29 = 2797.4 n miles

An alternative calculation, based on a spherical earth using formula (4.1) at page 65 of BR 45

Volume 1 with a fixed Meridional Part constant of 7915.7045, is as follows.
d’lat = 49° 50' - 41° 10' = 08° 40' = 520'
d’long = 72° 00' - 06° 40' = 65°20' = 3920'
MP (T) = 7915.7045 log10 tan (45° + Lat T/2) [BR 45 (1) Page 87]
MP (F) = 7915.7045 log10 tan (45° + Lat F/2) [BR 45 (1) Page 87]
∴ MP (T) = 7915.7045 log10 tan (45° + 41.1666/2) = 7915.7045 log10 tan(65.58333)
∴ MP (F) = 7915.7045 log10 tan (45° + 49.8333/2) = 7915.7045 log10 tan(69.91667)
=3458.94 DMP = 3458.94 - 2714.87 = 744.07
tan course = d’long / DMP = 3920 / 744.07 = S79.25W = Course 259.3°
Dist = d’lat / cos course = 520 / Cos 79.25 = 2788.44 n miles

C42-C49. Spare

Change 1
BR 45(5)(Supplement)


Important Note. Attention is drawn to Chapter 1, Paras 0130-0131.

C50. A ship will take the great circle route from BISHOP ROCK (49°50’N 006° 40’W) to
NEW YORK (41°10’N 072°00’W). At what latitudes will this route cross the meridians of
20°W, 40°W and 60°W? (NAVPAC: 51° 19.4’N, 50° 39.0’N, 46° 12.1’N
Formulae: 51° 19.3’N, 50° 38.9’N, 46° 11.9’N)

cos dist = (sin 49.83 x sin 41.17) + (cos 49.83 x cos 41.17 x cos 65.3)= 0.7059
dist = 45.1°
cos course = (sin 41.17 - sin 49.83 x cos 45.1) / cos 49.83 x sin 45.1 = N74.91°W = 285.1°
cos vert = cos 49.83 x sin 74.91 = 51° 28.6'N = 51.48°N
tan d’long = cosec 49.83 x cot 74.91 = 19° 26.15 = 19.435°
Vertex Long = 19.435° + 6.67° = 26.105° = 26°06.15'W
tan (Int)lat = tan(Vertex) x cos d’long(Int-Vertex)
∴tan lat = tan 51.48 x cos 6.1 Lat= 51° 19.3'N
∴tan lat = tan 51.48 x cos 13.9 Lat= 50° 38.9'N
∴tan lat = tan 51.48 x cos 33.9 Lat= 46°11.9' N

Waypoint 1: Distance 515.2 n miles Latitude 51° 19.4'N
Waypoint 2: Distance 1269.2 n miles Latitude 50° 39.0'N
Waypoint 3: Distance 2106.0 n miles Latitude 46° 12.1'N

C51. A ship sailing the great circle route from GIBRALTAR (36°07’N 005°21’W) to ST
JOHN’S (47°34’N 052° 41’W) uses waypoints at the meridians of 20°W and 40°W.

a. What are the latitudes at these waypoints? (NAVPAC: 42° 22.0’N, 46° 46.0’N
Formulae: 42° 21.8’N, 46° 45.5’N)

cos dist = (sin 36.116 x sin 47.566) + (cos 36.116 x cos 47.566 x cos 47.33)= 0.8045
dist = 36.44° = 2186 n miles
cos course = (sin 47.56 -(sin 36.12 x cos 36.44)) / (cos 36.12 x sin 36.44) = N56.65°W =
cos vert = cos 36.116 x sin 56.65° = 47.56°N
tan d’long = cosec 36.116 x cot 56.65° = 48.15°W
Vertex Long = 48.15°+005.35° = 53.5°W
tan (Int)lat = tan(Vertex) x cos d’long(Int-Vertex)
_tan lat = tan 47.56 x cos 33.5 Lat= 42.36°N = 42° 21.8'N
_tan lat = tan 47.56 x cos 13.5 Lat= 46.75°N = 46° 45.5'N

Waypoint 1: Distance 775.7 n miles Latitude 42° 22.0'N
Waypoint 2: Distance 1667.6 n miles Latitude 46° 46.0'N

Change 1
BR 45(5)(Supplement)
b. What is the rhumb line course, distance and time taken to reach the first waypoint at
15 knots? (NAVPAC: 298.8°, 778.3 n miles, 2 days 03 hours 53 mins
Formulae: 298.8°, 778.2 n miles, 2 days 03 hours 53 mins)

d’lat = 36.116 - 42.36 = 6.244° = 374.64'

d’long = 20.0° - 005.35° = 14.65 = 879'
DMP = 2312.85 - 2795.62 = 482.77
tan course = d’long / DMP = 879 / 482.77 = N 61.22W= Course 298.8°
Dist = d’lat / sec course = 374.64 / cos 61.22 = 778.2 n miles
Time 778.2 / 15 = 51.87 hours = 2 days, 3 hours, 53 minutes

C52. A ship following the great circle route from CAPETOWN (34°08’S 019°03’E).to RIO
DE JANEIRO (22°48’S 043° 25’W) calculates her noon position on 25th June as 32° 54.6’S
011° 00.6’W. The ship is keeping Time Zone Z at this point.

a. What is the latitude of the next waypoint on the great circle route where it crosses the
meridian of 20°W? (NAVPAC and Formulae: 31° 04.1’S)

cos dist = (sin 34.13 x sin 22.8) + (cos 34.13 x cos 22.8 x cos 62.47) = 55.24
dist = 55.24° = 3314.2n miles
cos course = (sin 22.8 -(sin 34.13 x cos 55.24)) / (cos 34.13 x sin 55.24) = S84.29°W = 264.3°
cos vert = cos 34.13 x sin 84.29 = 34.55°N
tan d’long = cosec 34.13 x cot 84.29° = 10.10°
Vertex Long = 19.05°- 10.10° = 08.95°E = 08° 56.8'E°
tan (Int)lat = tan(Vertex) x cos d’long(Int-Vertex)
_tan lat = tan 34.55 x cos (08.95° + 20.00°) Lat= 31.07°S = 31° 04.1'S
Waypoint 1: Distance 1970.5 n miles Latitude 31° 04.1'N

b. What is the rhumb line course and distance to the next waypoint at 31° 04.1’S
020°00.0'W? (NAVPAC: 283.5°, 471.8 n miles,
Formulae: 283.6°, 470.2 n miles)
32° 54.6’S 011° 00.6’W.
d’lat = 31.07 - 32.91 = 1.84° = 110.4'
d’long = 20.0° - 011.01° = 8.99° = 539.4
DMP = 1950.60 - 2080.85 = 130.25
tan course = d’long / DMP = 539.4 / 130.25 = N 76.42W= Course 283.6°
Dist = d’lat / cos course = 110.4 / cos 76.42 = 470.2 n miles

c. What is the ETA (Time Zone Z) at the next waypoint at 31° 04.1’S 020°00.0'W
using a passage speed of 14 knots? (NAVPAC: 262142Z Jun
Formulae: 262135Z Jun)
Time 470.2 / 14 = 33.59 hours = 1 days, 9 hours, 35 minutes
ETA 262135Z Jun

C53-C59. Spare

Change 1
BR 45(5)(Supplement)


Important Note. Attention is drawn to Chapter 1, Paras 0130-0131.

C60. From CAPE HORN (55° 55’S 068° 50’W) to BLUFF HARBOUR (46° 30’S 168°

a. Find the great circle distance, initial course and maximum latitude of the great circle.
(NAVPAC: 4009.6 n miles, 219.2°, 69° 16.5’S
Formulae: 4009.5 n miles, 219.2°, 69° 16.3’S)

cos dist = (sin -55.92 x sin -46.5) + (cos -55.92 x cos -46.5 x cos 122.5) = 0.3935
dist = 66.82' = 4009.5 n miles
cos course = sin-46.57 - (sin-55.92 x cos 66.82 / cos-55.92 x sin 66.82= N140.8°W = 219.2°
cos vert = cos 55.92 x sin 140.8 = 69.27°N = 69° 16.3'N

b. Find the composite track distance not going below 60° South.
(Formulae: GC 1019.5 n miles + PS 1159.9 n miles + GC 1986.8 n miles = 4163.2 n miles)

cos dist = sin lat 55.92 / sin 60 = 16.984= 1019.5 n miles

cos dist = sin lat 46.50 / sin 60 = 33.113 =1986.8 n miles
sin d’long = sin dist 16.984/ cos 55.92 = 31.418°= 31° 25.1' W
31° 25.1' W + 068° 50’W = 100° 15.1' W
sin d’long = sin dist 33.113/ cos 46.50 = = 52.526° = 52° 31.2' W
52° 31.2' E + 168° 40’E = 221° 11.2' E = 138°48.8W
Parallel Sailing 38° 33.7 x cos 60 = 19.28° = 1156.9 n miles
Total Distance = GC 1019.5 n miles + PS 1156.9 n miles + GC 1986.8 n miles
= 4163.2 n miles

C61. Between HAKODATE (41° 45’N 141° 30’E) and SAN FRANCISCO (37° 40’N 124°

a. Find the great circle distance and highest latitude reached on the great circle route.
(NAVPAC: 4125.6 n miles, 50° 49.1’N
Formulae: 4125.4 n miles, 50° 48.1’N)

cos dist = (sin 41.75 x sin 37.67) + (cos 41.75 x cos 37.67 x cos 94.33) = 0.3623
dist = 68.76' = 4125.4 n miles
cos course = sin 37.67- (sin 41.75 x cos 68.76) / cos 41.75 x sin 68.76= N57.9°W = 302.1°
cos vert = cos 41.75 x sin 57.9 = 50.80°N = 50° 48.1'N

Change 1
BR 45(5)(Supplement)
b. Find the distance by composite track with a limiting latitude 50° 10’N and the
meridians between which the ship will sail along the parallel of 50° 10’N.
(Formulae: GC 1792.4 n miles + PS 97.7 n miles+ GC 2236.3 n miles = 4126.4 n miles,
Formulae: Meridians 176° 37.3’W and 174° 04.7’W)

cos dist = sin lat 41.75 / sin 50.17= 29.87°= 1792.4 n miles
cos dist = sin lat 37.76 / sin 50.17= 37.27°= 2236.3 n miles
sin d’long = sin dist 29.87 / cos 41.75 = 41° 52.7' E
41° 52.7' E + 141° 30’E = 183° 22.7' E = 176° 37.3W
sin d’long = sin dist 37.27 / cos 37.67 = 49° 54.7' W
49° 54.7' W + 124° 10’W = 174°04.7W
Parallel Sailing 2° 32.6 x cos 50.17 = 97.74 n miles
Total Distance = GC 1792.4 n miles + PS 97.7 n miles+ GC 2236.3 n miles = 4126.4 n miles

C62. A ship sails from a position (52° 00’S 075° 00’W) off the MAGELLAN STRAIT to a
position (36° 00’S 175° 00’E) off AUCKLAND, New Zealand. If the limiting latitude is 55°

a. What is the distance along the composite track?

(Formulae: GC 951.0 n miles + PS 834.3 n miles + GC 2648.8 n miles = 4434.1 n miles)

b. Between what meridians will the ship sail along the parallel of 55° South?
(Formulae: Meridians 101° 20.1’W and 125° 34.5’W)

cos dist = sin lat 52.00 / sin 55.00= 15.85°= 951.0 n miles
cos dist = sin lat 36.00 / sin 55.00= 44.15°= 2648.8 n miles
sin d’long = sin dist 15.85 / cos 52.00 = 26° 20.1' W
26° 20.1' W + 75° 00’W = 101° 20.1W
sin d’long = sin dist 44.15 / cos 36.00 = 59° 25.5' E
59° 25.5' E + 175° 00’E = 234° 25.5' E = 125°34.5'W
Parallel Sailing 24° 14.5 x cos 55.00 = 834.3n miles
Total Distance = GC 951.0 n miles + PS 834.3 n miles + GC 2648.8 n miles
= 4434.1 n miles

Change 1
BR 45(5)(Supplement)



Important Note. Attention is drawn to Chapter 1, Para 0140.

D1. You are ordered to leave TASMANIA (Australia) at 1800 (Legal Time) on 1 Sep 98, and
proceed to DJAKARTA (Jawa, Indonesia), a distance of 3,800 nautical miles. Allowing a zero
PIM (Position and Intended Movement) for one hour per day or part of a day, what is your ETA
at 19 knots? (100800 local SEP)
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 6A-34, 6A-37.
ETD 011800(-10) Sep
Zone(-10) 001000
ETD 010800Z 3800 @ 19kn = 200 hrs = 8 days 8 hrs = 080800
Passage 080800
091600Z Zero PIM 9 hrs
Zero PIM 000900
ETA(Z) 100100Z
Zone(+7) 000700
ETA(+7) 100800(+7) Sep

D2. You are ordered to sail from PANAMA to GUAM to arrive at 0800 (Legal Time), on 25
Sep 98. Passage and exercises are expected to take 22 days and 5 hours (including time in
hand). When must you sail? (Give your answer in Legal Time for Panama)
(021200 local SEP)
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 6A-37, 6A-40.
ETA 250800(-10) Sep
Zone(-10) 001000
ETA(Z) 242200Z
Passage 220500
ETD(Z) 021700Z
Zone(+5) 000500
ETD(+5) 021200(+5) Sep

D3. You sail from DIEGO GARCIA (Chagos Archipelago) at 2300 (Legal Time) on 3 Sep 98
for the SEYCHELLES. The distance is 861 nautical miles and your speed is 10½ knots. What
is your ETA? (070700 local SEP)
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 6A-36, 6A-41.
ETD 032300(-6) sep
Zone(-6) 000600
ETD 031700Z 861 @ 10.5kn = 82 hrs = 3 days 10 hrs = 031000
Passage 031000
ETA(Z) 070300Z
Zone(-4) 000400
ETA(-4) 070700(-4) Sep

BR 45(5)(Supplement)
D4. A ship keeping the Standard Time Zone for 60° West is due to arrive at PARAMARIBO
(Suriname). How must the clocks be altered before entering harbour? (Advance by 1 hour)
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 6A-31 to 32, 6A-41.
Ship’ Time(+4) 1200(+4)
Zone(+4) 0400
Z Time 1600Z
Zone(+3) 0300
Ship’s Time(+3) 1300(+3)
Result Advance by 1 hour

D5. An aeroplane leaves SAN FRANCISCO (USA Pacific Zone) at 0800 local on 1 May 98,
and 26 hours later arrives at SYDNEY (Australia, New South Wales). What is the date and time
of arrival? (030300 local MAY)
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 6A-34, 6A-42.
ETD 010800(+7)
Zone(+7) 000700
ETD 011500Z
Passage 010200
ETA(Z) 021700Z
Zone(-10) 001000
ETA(-10) 030300(-10) May

D6. A ship at SAN FRANCISCO (USA Pacific Zone) is ordered to arrive at HAKODATE
(Japan) at 1200 local on 20 Jan 98. She expects to make good a speed of 15 knots and proposes
to allow a zero PIM for one hour per day or part of a day. When must she sail? The distance
is 4,245 nautical miles. (071200 local JAN)
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 6A-38, 6A-42.
ETA 201200(-9) Jan
Zone(-9) 000900
ETA(Z) 200300Z 4245 nm @15kn = 283 hrs = 11 days 19 hours
Passage 111900
080800 Zero PIM =12 hours
Zero PIM 001200
ETD(Z) 072000Z
Zone(+8) 000800
ETD(+8) 071200(+8) Jan

D7. What time should a ship leave NEW YORK (USA Eastern Zone) to arrive in
CAPETOWN (South Africa) at 0800 local on 11 Oct 98? Her speed of advance, including an
allowance for zero PIM, will be 13 knots; the distance is 6,799 miles. 190700 local SEP)
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 6A-41, 6A-42.
ETA 110800(-2) Oct
Zone(-2) 000200
ETA(Z) 110600Z 6799 nm @13kn = 523 hrs = 21 days 19 hours
Passage 211900
ETD(Z) 191100Z
Zone(+4) 000400
ETD(+4) 190700(+4) Sep

BR 45(5)(Supplement)

D8. A ship sails from TRINCOMALI (Sri Lanka) in local time. How must the clocks be
adjusted to achieve the Standard Time Zone for 75° East? (Retard clocks by 1 hour)
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 6A-31 to 32, 6A-41.
Ship’ Time(-6) 1200(-6)
Zone(-6) 0600
Z Time 0600Z
Zone(-5) 0500
Ship’s Time(-5) 1100(-5)
Result Retard clocks by 1 hour

D9. A ship sails from CAPETOWN (South Africa) at 0600 local time on 1st April for
TASMANIA (Australia), a distance of 4,900 nautical miles. If she proceeds at 20 knots, what
is her ETA allowing nothing in hand? (111900 local APR)
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 6A-34, 6A-41.
ETD 010600(-2) Apr
Zone(-2) 000200
ETD 010400Z 4900 @ 20 kn = 245 hrs = 10 days 5 hrs
Passage 100500
ETA(Z) 110900Z
Zone(-10) 001000
ETA(-10) 111900(-10) Apr

D10. What local time and date should a ship sail from RIO DE JANEIRO (Brazil, Eastern) to
arrive in GIBRALTAR at 1500 local on 3 May 98, allowing a passage speed of 14 knots and a
zero PIM for one hour per day or part of a day? The distance is 4,228 nautical miles.
(200700 local APR)
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 6A-35, 6A-37.
ETA 031500(-2) May
Zone(-2) 000200
ETA(Z) 031300Z May 4228 nm @14kn = 302 hrs = 12 days 14 hours
Passage 121400
212300Z Apr Zero PIM =13 hours
Zero PIM 001300
ETD(Z) 211000Z Apr
Zone(+3) 000300
ETD(+3) 210700(+3) Apr

BR 45(5)(Supplement)
D11. Having been jilted by his fiancee, a disheartened Englishman decides to sail single-
handed to the COCOS ISLANDS. After the bars have shut and he has staggered to his boat, he
slips from the harbour in CAPETOWN (South Africa) at 0230 local time on St Valentine’s Day
(14 Feb) in the year 2000, which he remembers is a Leap Year. If he avoids the storms that blow
in his path, a matter about which he is now completely indifferent, he expects to make good 4½
knots. Taking the direct route to his “Isle of Solitude”in the COCOS ISLANDS, the distance
is 4,428 nautical miles. Using legal time data from the 1998 ALRS Vol 2 which is the latest
edition he has on board, on what date and at what local time does he expect to first set foot on
the sandy beaches of the COCOS ISLANDS? (260700 local MAR)
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 6A-36, 6A-41.
ETD 140230(-2) Feb
Zone(-2) 000200
ETD 140030Z Feb 4428 @ 4½ kn = 984 hrs = 41 days 0 hrs
Passage 410000 41+14 = 55 Feb55-29 = 26 Mar
ETA(Z) 260030Z Mar
Zone(-6½) 000630
ETA(-6½) 260700(-6½) Mar

D12. A pleasure cruise is scheduled to leave NEW YORK (USA Eastern Zone) at 0800 local
time, on 24 Nov 98, calling at HAMILTON (Bermuda) for 36 hours, HONOLULU (Hawaiian
Islands) for 48 hours and MIDWAY ISLAND for 15 hours. The passage speed is 18 knots, and
the navigator allows 24 hours for delays due to weather and customs. What is the ETA (local
time) of the ship in YOKOHAMA (Japan) 10,062 nautical miles away?(230800 local DEC)
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 6A-38, 6A-42.
ETD 240800(+5) Nov
Zone(+5) 000500
ETD 241300ZNov 10062 @ 18 kn = 559 hrs = 23 days 7 hrs = 230700
Passage 230700
172000Z Dec Stops = 36 + 48 + 15 +Zero PIM 24= 123 hrs = 5 days 3 hrs
Stops 050300 = 050300
ETA(Z) 222300Z Dec
Zone(-9) 000900
ETA(-9) 230800(-9) Dec

D13. An allied submarine leaves MONTEVIDEO (Uruguay) at 2200 local time, on 23 Nov 98,
and sets course for a goodwill visit to VLADIVOSTOK (Russia, Zone 8), some 9,540 nautical
miles away. The navigator calculates that his mean speed of advance will be 7½ knots. He
allows 48 hours zero PIM for an exercise with US and RN ships off the LEEWARD ISLANDS
and 22 hours for delays due to weather and stopping for hands to bathe. What ETA (local time)
will he signal to his embassy? (190900 local JAN)
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 6A-40, 6A-42.
ETD 232200(+3) Nov
Zone(+3) 000300
ETD 240100ZNov 95402 @ 7½ kn = 1272 hrs = 53 days 0 hrs = 530000
Passage 530000 24+53 =77 Nov77-30 = 47 Dec 47-31 = 16 Jan
160100Z Jan
Zero PIM 022200 Zero PIM 48 +22 hrs = 2 days 22 hrs = 022200
ETA(Z) 182300Z Jan
Zone(-10) 001000
ETA(-10) 190900(-10) Jan

BR 45(5)(Supplement)

D14. Your ship is leaving WELLINGTON (New Zealand) at 1000 local time on 7 Feb 98,
bound for PANAMA, a distance of 6,480 nautical miles. Allowing a passage speed of 12 knots,
and allowing a zero PIM for one hour per day or part of a day, plus another 8 hours for refuelling
at sea, what is your ETA? (021100 local MAR)
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 6A-39, 6A-40.
ETD 071000(-13) Feb
Zone(-13) 001300
ETD 062100Z 6480 @ 12 kn = 540 hrs = 22 days 12 hrs = 221200
Passage 221200 6+22+1 =29 Feb29-28 = 1Mar
010900Z Mar
Zero PIM 010700 Zero PIM 23 + 8 hrs = 1 days 7 hrs = 010700
ETA(Z) 021600Z Mar
Zone(+5) 005000
ETA(+5) 021100(+5) Mar

D15. A ship sails from AUCKLAND (New Zealand) to make an ETA of 0900 local time at
APIA (Western Samoa) on 2 Apr 98. The distance is 1,575 nautical miles and the speed made
good will be 15 knots.

a. Allowing a zero PIM for one hour per day or part of a day, what is the ETD at
AUCKLAND in local time? (291800 local MAR)
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 6A-31 to 32, 6A-39, 6A-42.
ETA 020900(+11) Apr
Zone(+11) 001100
ETA(Z) 022000ZApr 1575 nm @15kn = 105 hrs = 4 days 9 hours = 040900
Passage 040900
291100Z Apr Zero PIM = 5 hours
Zero PIM 000500
ETD(Z) 290600Z Mar
Zone(-12) 001200
ETD(-12) 291800(-12) Mar

b. What date and clock changes should be made on passage?

(Moving from Zone -12 to Zone +12 :- Date is retarded one day (new Time Zone +12)
Moving from Time Zone +12 to Zone +11 :- Clocks are advanced 1 hour)
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 6A-31 to 32.
Ship’ Date &Time(-12) d1 1600(-12)
Zone(-12) 00 1200
Z Date & Time d1 0400Z
Zone(+12) 00 1200
Ship’s Date & Time(+12) d0 1600 (+12)
Result Retard date by 1 day (“d1" to “d0")

Ship’ Time(+12) 1200(+12)

Zone(+12) 2400
Z Time 2400Z
Zone(+11) 1100
Ship’s Time(+11) 1300(+11)
Result Advance clocks by 1 hour

BR 45(5)(Supplement)
D16. A ship sails from APIA (Western Samoa) at 0900 local time on 29 Apr 98, and reaches
GUAM at 2100 local time on 4 May 98. The distance is 2,775 nautical miles

a. What speed did she make good? (25 knots)

Data from BR45(5) Pages: 6A-37, 6A-42.
ETD 290900(+11) Apr ETA 042100(-10) May
Zone(+11) 001100 Zone (-10) 001000
ETD(Z) 292000ZApr ETA(Z) 041100Z May
ETA(Z) 041100Z May
Passage 041500

041500 = 4 days 15 hrs = 111 hrs

2775 nm in 111 hrs = 25 kn

b. What date and zone changes should be made during the passage?
(Moving from Time Zone +11 to Zone +12 :- Clocks are retarded 1 hour)
Moving from Zone +12 to Zone -12 :- Date is advanced one day (new Time Zone -12)
Moving from Time Zone -12 to Zone -11:- Clocks are retarded 1 hour
Moving from Time Zone -11 to Zone -10 :- Clocks are retarded 1 hour)
Data from BR45(5) Pages: 6A-31 to 32.
Ship’ Time(+11) 1200(+11)
Zone(+11) 1100
Z Time 2300Z
Zone(+12) 1200
Ship’s Time(+12) 1100(+12)
Result Retard clocks by 1 hour

Ship’ Date &Time(+12) d1 1600(+12)

Zone(+12) 00 1200
Z Date & Time d2 0400Z
Zone(-12) 00 1200
Ship’s Date & Time(-12) d2 1600 (-12)
Result Advance date by 1 day (“d1" to “d2")

Ship’ Time(-12) 1200(-12)

Zone(-12) 1200
Z Time 0000Z
Zone(-11) 1100
Ship’s Time(-11) 1100(-11)
Result Retard clocks by 1 hour

Ship’ Time(-11) 1200(-11)

Zone(-11) 1100
Z Time 0100Z
Zone(-10) 1000
Ship’s Time(-10) 1100(-10)
Result Retard clocks by 1 hour

BR 45(5)(Supplement)



Question Subject References

E1-E2 True course and speed from relative track BR45(1) Ch 17

E10-E11 Closest Point of Approach BR45(1) Ch 17
E20-E21 Relative Wind BR45(1) Ch 17
E30-E34 Opening and closing on a steady course BR45(1) Ch 17
E40-E44 Changing station BR45(1) Ch 17
E50-E51 Passing at a given distance BR45(1) Ch 17
E60-E61 Closing a faster ship BR45(1) Ch 17
E70-E71 Taking station on ship that alters course during manoeuvre BR45(5) Art 0152
E80-E85 Joining from Ahead BR45(6) Ch 6 & BR45(5) Art 0153


Important Note. Attention is drawn to Chapter 1, Paras 0150 - 0153.

E1. Your course is 345°, speed 12 kn. At 1100 a ship bears 105°, 11.0 n miles. At 1130 the
bearing is 105°, range 9.0 n miles. What is the course and speed of the ship?(331½°, 14.2 kn)

Plot following points:

Own Ship “W” At centre of plotting sheet
Own Co/Sp “O” At 345°, 12 kn
Other Ship “G1" At 105°, 11.0 n miles (1100)
Other Ship “G2" At 105°, 9.0 n miles. (1130)
Join G1G2 (Relative Movement)
Measure Relative Distance G1G2, (2.0 n miles). Calculate Relative Speed (4.0 kn)
Transfer line G1G2 through “O”
Apply Relative Speed (4.0 kn) from “O” along transferred line G1'G2' to establish point “A”
Measure WA (Other Ship’s Course and Speed ) = 331½°, 14.2 kn

BR 45(5)(Supplement)
E2. You are in a patrol craft steering 340° at 12 kn. The following ranges and bearings of
another ship are obtained by radar:
Time Bearing Range
2300 330° 5.70 n miles
2312 350° 4.25 n miles
2324 022° 3.65 n miles

a. What is the true course and speed of the other ship? (040½°, 9.8 kn)

b. If it maintains this course and speed, at what range will it be at 2248? (5.9n miles)

a. Plot the following points:

Own Ship “W” At centre of plotting sheet
Own Co/Sp “O” At 340°, 12 kn
Other Ship “G1" At 330°, 5.70 n miles (2300)
Other Ship “G2" At 350°, 4.25 n miles (2312)
Other Ship “G3" At 022°, 3.65 n miles (2324). Join G1G2G3 (Relative Movement)
Measure Relative Distance G1G2G3, (4.55 n miles). Calculate Relative Speed (11.3 kn)
Transfer line G1G2G3, through “O”
Apply Rel Sp (11.25 kn) from “O” along transferred line G1'G2'G3', to establish point “A”
Measure WA (Other Ship’s Course and Speed ) = 040½°, 9.8 kn

b. Plot the following points:

Extend line G1G2G3
Apply Relative Movement for 24 minutes (G1G2G3 4.5 n miles) to G3 to establish point G4
Measure WG4 (Other ship’s position at 2348) = 072° 5.9 n miles

E3-E9. Spare

BR 45(5)(Supplement)


Important Note. Attention is drawn to Chapter 1, Paras 0150 - 0153.

E10. Your course is 340°, speed 16 kn. At 1000 a contact bears 010° at a range of 12 n miles
on a course of 260°, speed 15 kn. Assuming both ships stand on, what is the range and bearing
of the contact’s CPA and at what time will this occur? (CPA 298° 3.7 n miles at 1035)

Plot the following points:

Own Ship “W” At centre of plotting sheet
Own Ship Co/Sp “O” At 340°, speed 16 kn
Other Ship “G1" At 010°, 12.0 n miles (1000)
Other Ship Co/Sp “A” At 260°, speed 15 kn
Join OA (Intended Relative Movement)
Transfer line OA through “G1"
Where transferred line A’O’ reaches CPA to W, establish point “G2"
Measure WG2 (Other Ship’s CPA ) = 298° 3.7 n miles
Measure G1G2 (Relative Distance ) = 11.4 n miles
Measure AO, (Relative Speed) =19.8 kn
At 19.8 kn (Relative Speed), and G1G2 [11.4 n miles] (Relative Distance), calculate Time =

E11. Your course is 090°, speed 24 kn. At 1800 a contact bears 140° at a range of 15 n miles
on a course of 010°, speed 15 kn. Assuming both ships stand on, what is the range and bearing
of the contact’s CPA and at what time will this occur? (CPA 215° 4.0 n miles at 1834)

Plot the following points:

Own Ship “W” At centre of plotting sheet
Own Ship Co/Sp “O” At 090°, speed 24 kn
Other Ship “G1" At 140°, 15.0 n miles (1800)
Other Ship Co/Sp “A” At 010°, speed 15 kn
Join OA (Intended Relative Movement)
Transfer line OA through “G1"
Where transferred line A’O’ reaches CPA to W, establish point “G2"
Measure WG2 (Other Ship’s CPA ) = 215° 4.0 n miles
Measure G1G2 (Relative Distance ) = 14.5 n miles
Measure AO, (Relative Speed) =25.9 kn
At 25.9 kn (Relative Speed), and G1G2 [14.5 n miles] (Relative Distance), calculate Time =

E12-E19. Spare

BR 45(5)(Supplement)

Important Note. Attention is drawn to Chapter 1, Paras 0150 - 0153.

E20. Your course and speed is 180°, speed 15 kn. The relative wind is Green 40° at 10 kn.
What is the true wind speed and direction? (From 320° 10.0 kn)

Plot the following points:

Own Ship “W” At centre of plotting sheet
Own Ship Co/Sp “O” At 180°, speed 15 kn
Relative Wind “A1" At 220°, speed 10 kn
Note: “From Green 40" equates to 220° by convention and produces an answer also “From”.
Join OA1 (True wind vector)
Transfer vector OA1 (exact distance and bearing) through “W ", (with “O” at “W”)
At “A1' end” of transferred line O’A1’, establish point “A2"
Measure WA2 (True wind vector ) = Wind from 320° 10.0 kn

E21. Your course and speed is 300°, speed 20 kn. The relative wind is Red 90° at 15 kn. What
is the true wind speed and direction? (From 157° 25.0 kn)

Plot the following points:

Own Ship “W” At centre of plotting sheet
Own Ship Co/Sp “O” At 300°, speed 20 kn
Relative Wind “A1" At 210°, speed 15 kn
Note: “From Red 90" equates to 210° by convention and produces an answer also “From” .
Join OA1 (True wind vector)
Transfer vector OA1 (exact distance and bearing) through “W ", (with “O” at “W”)
At “A1' end” of transferred line O’A1’, establish point “A2"
Measure WA2 (True wind vector ) = Wind from 157° 25.0 kn

E22-E29. Spare

BR 45(5)(Supplement)


Important Note. Attention is drawn to Chapter 1, Paras 0150 - 0153.

E30. The guide bears 310°, 12.0 n miles on course 040°, speed 15 kn. You are to close at 18
kn. What is the course to steer and how long will you take. (007°, 1 hr 12 mins)

Plot the following points:

Own Ship “W” At centre of plotting sheet
Guide “G" At 310°, 12.0 n miles
Guide Co/Sp “A” At 040°, speed 15 kn
Join GW (Intended Relative Movement)
Transfer line GW through “A”
Where transferred line G’W’ cuts 18 kn circle, establish point “O”
Establish which of two positions for “O” is correct (Rules at BR45(1) Pages 503/504)
Measure WO (Other Ship’s Course) = 007°
Measure AO (Relative Speed) = 9.6 kn. Measure WG (Relative Distance) = 12.0 n miles.
At 9.6 kn (Rel Speed), and WG [12.0 n miles] (Rel Distance), calculate Time = 1 hr 12 mins

E31. The guide bears 232°, 7.0 n miles on course 115°, speed 12 kn. You are to close at 15 kn.
What is the course to steer and how long will you take. (187°, 26½ mins)

Plot the following points:

Own Ship “W” At centre of plotting sheet
Guide “G" At 232°, 7.0 n miles
Guide Co/Sp “A” At 115°, speed 12 kn
Join GW (Intended Relative Movement)
Transfer line GW through “A”
Where transferred line G’W’ cuts 15 kn circle, establish point “O”
Establish which of two positions for “O” is correct (Rules at BR45(1) Pages 503/504)
Measure WO (Other Ship’s Course) = 187°
Measure AO (Relative Speed) = 15.8 kn.
Measure WG (Relative Distance) = 7.0 n miles.
At 15.8 kn (Rel Speed), and WG [7.0 n miles] (Rel Distance), calculate Time = 26½ mins

BR 45(5)(Supplement)
E32. The guide is steering 280° at 15 kn. You are stationed 8.5 n miles, Green 100 from the
guide. Speed available 25 kn.

a. What is the course to close on a steady bearing? (236½°)

b. What will be the time taken to close to 1.0 n miles? (25½ mins)

c. What course and speed will be required to close in one hour? (253°, 18½ kn)

a. Plot the following points:

Own Ship “W” At centre of plotting sheet
Guide “G" At 200°, 8.5 n miles
Guide Co/Sp “A” At 280°, speed 15 kn
Join GW (Intended Relative Movement)
Transfer line GW through “A”
Where line transferred line G’W’ cuts 25 kn circle, establish point “O1"
Establish which of two positions for “O” is correct (Rules at BR45(1) Pages 503/504)
Measure WO1 (Course to close) = 236½°

b. Measure and calculate the following:

Measure AO1 (Relative Speed) = 17.4 kn
Measure WG and subtract 1.0 n miles (Relative Distance) = 7.5 n miles.
At 17.5 kn (Rel Sp) and [WG -1.0 n miles] = 7.5 n miles (Rel Dist), calculate Time = 25½

c. Plot the following points:

To close in exactly 1 hour the Relative Speed must be 8.5 kn (Relative Distance WG)
Measure 8.5 kn along line AO1, establish point O2
Measure WO2 (Course and speed required ) = 253°, 18½ kn

BR 45(5)(Supplement)

E33. The guide is steering 160° at 15 kn. Own maximum speed 25 kn. You are in station 5.0
n miles, 270° from the guide. What is required course to open to 10.0 n miles on this bearing
and how long will it take? (236°, 11½ mins)

Plot the following points:

Own Ship “W” At centre of plotting sheet
Guide “G1" At 090° , 5.0 n miles
Guide “G2" At 090° , 10.0 n miles
Guide Co/Sp “A” At 160° , speed 15 kn
Join G1W (Intended Relative Movement)
Transfer line G1W through “A”
Where transferred line G1'W’ cuts 25 kn circle, establish point “O”
Establish which of two positions for “O” is correct (Rules at BR45(1) Pages 503/504)
Measure WO (Other Ship’s Course) = 236°
Measure AO (Relative Speed) = 26.0 kn. Measure G1 G2 (Relative Distance) = 5.0 n miles.
At 26.0 kn (Rel Speed), and G1 G2 [5.0 n miles] (Rel Distance), calculate Time = 11½ mins

E34. You are in frigate steering 070° at 16 kn. A second frigate is rejoining. She bears Green
80° from you at 12.0 n miles. If her speed is 25 kn, what is her probable course? (009°)

Plot the following points:

Own Ship “W” At centre of plotting sheet
Own Co/Sp “O” At 070°, speed 16 kn
Frigate “G" At 150°, 12.0 n miles
Join GW (Intended Relative Movement)
Transfer line GW through “O”
Where line transferred line G’W’ cuts 25 kn circle, establish point “O "
Establish which of two positions for “O” is correct (Rules at BR45(1) Pages 503/504)
Measure WA (Course to close) = 009°

E35-E39. Spare

BR 45(5)(Supplement)

Important Note. Attention is drawn to Chapter 1, Paras 0150 - 0153.

E40. At 1030 a CVS bears 010°, 24.0 n miles, course 275° at 10 kn. You are to take station
5.0 n miles ahead. What is the course to steer at 22 kn and when will you be in station?
(331½°, 1148)

Plot the following points:

Own Ship “W” At centre of plotting sheet
CVS “G1" At 010° , 24.0 n miles
CVS “G2" At 095° , 5.0 n miles
CVS Co/Sp “A” At 275° , speed 10 kn
Join G1 G2 (Intended Relative Movement)
Transfer line G1 G2 through “A”
Where transferred line G1'G2’ cuts 22 kn circle, establish point “O”
Establish which of two positions for “O” is correct (Rules at BR45(1) Pages 503/504)
Measure WO (Course required) = 331½°
Measure AO (Relative Speed) = 18.6 kn. Measure G1 G2 (Relative Distance) = 24.2 n miles.
At 18.6 kn (Rel Speed), and G1 G2 [24.2 n miles] (Rel Distance), calculate Time = 1148

E41. The guide is on course 280°, speed 15 kn. You are stationed at Green 100°, 10.0 n miles
from the guide. Speed available is 25 kn. What is the course to steer to take station at Green
40, 10.0 n miles from the guide and how long will it take? (272°, 57½ mins)

Plot the following points:

Own Ship “W” At centre of plotting sheet
Guide “G1" At 200° , 10.0 n miles
Guide “G2" At 140° , 10.0 n miles
Guide Co/Sp “A” At 280° , speed 15 kn
Join G1 G2 (Intended Relative Movement)
Transfer line G1 G2 through “A”
Where transferred line G1'G2’ cuts 25 kn circle, establish point “O”
Establish which of two positions for “O” is correct (Rules at BR45(1) Pages 503/504)
Measure WO (Course required) = 272°
Measure AO (Relative Speed) = 10.4 kn. Measure G1 G2 (Relative Distance) = 10.0 n miles
At 10.4 kn (Rel Sp), and G1 G2 [10.0 n miles] (Rel Distance), calculate Time = 57½ minutes

BR 45(5)(Supplement)

E42. The guide is steering 120° at 10 kn. You are in station at Green 90°, 2.0 n miles from her.
She alters course 90° to port and orders you to regain your relative bearing and distance. You
have 30 kn available. What is the course to steer and how long will it take?
(062°, 7½ mins)

Plot the following points:

Own Ship “W” At centre of plotting sheet
Note Guide Co/Sp “A1" 120° , speed 10 kn
Guide “G1" At 030° , 2.0 n miles
Guide Co/Sp “A2" At 030° , speed 10 kn
Guide “G2" At 300° , 2.0 n miles
Join G1 G2 (Intended Relative Movement)
Transfer line G1 G2 through “A2”
Where transferred line G1'G2’ cuts 30 kn circle, establish point “O”
Establish which of two positions for “O” is correct (Rules at BR45(1) Pages 503/504)
Measure WO (Course required) = 062°
Measure A2 O (Relative Speed) = 22.7 kn. Measure G1 G2 (Relative Distance) = 2.8 n miles.
At 22.7 kn (Rel Sp), and G1 G2 [2.8 n miles] (Relative Distance), calculate Time = 7½

E43. Visibility is 8.0 n miles. At 1100, a vessel is reported bearing 300°, 25.0 n miles from
you, course 190°, speed 15 kn. What course must you steer, at 24 kn to sight her on a bearing
of 270° and at what time will that be? (280½°, 1139)

Plot the following points:

Own Ship “W” At centre of plotting sheet
Other Ship “G1" At 300° , 25.0 n miles (1100)
Other Ship Co/Sp“A" At 190° , speed 15 kn
Other Ship “G2" At 270° , 8.0 n miles
Join G1 G2 (Intended Relative Movement)
Transfer line G1 G2 through “A ”
Where transferred line G1'G2’ cuts 24 kn circle, establish point “O”
Establish which of two positions for “O” is correct (Rules at BR45(1) Pages 503/504)
Measure WO (Course required) = 280½°
Measure AO (Relative Speed) = 28.2 kn. Measure G1 G2 (Relative Distance) = 18.5 n miles.
At 28.2 kn (Rel Sp), and G1 G2 [18.5 n miles] (Relative Distance), calculate Time = 1139

BR 45(5)(Supplement)
E44. The guide is on course 000° at 12 kn. At 1115 you are stationed at 059°, 2.5 n miles from
her. Your maximum speed is 20 kn and you are ordered to change station to 303°, 2.0 miles
from the guide, passing through a position 1.0 n miles astern of her.

a. What courses should you steer? (247°, 343°)

b. When will you be astern? (1122)

c. When will you be in your new station? (1139)

a. Plot the following points:

Own Ship “W” At centre of plotting sheet
Guide Co/Sp “A" At 000° , speed 12 kn
Guide “G1" At 239° , 2.5 n miles (1115)
Guide “G3" At 123° , 2.0 n miles
Establish Intermediate Point “G2" 1 mile astern of Guide at 000°, 1.0 n miles
Join G1 G2 (Intended 1st Relative Movement)
Transfer line G1 G2 through “A ”
Where transferred line G1'G2’ cuts 20 kn circle, establish point “O1"
Establish which of two positions for “O1" is correct (Rules at BR45(1) Pages 503/504)
Measure WO1 (1st course required) = 247°
Join G2 G3 (Intended 2nd Relative Movement)
Transfer line G2 G3 through “A ”
Where transferred line G2'G3’ cuts 20 kn circle, establish point “O2"
Establish which of two positions for “O2" is correct (Rules at BR45(1) Pages 503/504)
Measure WO2 (1st course required) = 343°

b. Measure and Calculate the following:

Measure AO1 (Relative Speed) = 27.2 kn
Measure G1 G2 (Relative Distance) = 3.15 n miles
At 27.2 kn (Rel Sp), and G1 G2 [3.15 n miles] (Relative Distance), calculate Time = 1122

c. Measure and Calculate the following:

Measure AO2 (Relative Speed) = 9.2 kn.
Measure G2 G3 (Relative Distance) = 2.675 n miles
At 9.2 kn (Rel Sp), and G2 G3 [2.675 n miles] (Relative Distance), calculate Time = 1139

E45-E49. Spare

BR 45(5)(Supplement)


Important Note. Attention is drawn to Chapter 1, Paras 0150 - 0153.

E50. A merchant ship bears 260° at 7.0 n miles, course 030°, speed 12 kn. You are proceeding
at 16 kn and decide to pass ahead of her, remaining outside 4.0 n miles until well past and clear.
What course will you steer? (343°)

Plot the following points:

Own Ship “W” At centre of plotting sheet
Guide “G1" At 260°, 7.0 n miles
Guide Co/Sp “A” At 030°, speed 12 kn
Construct tangent from “G1" to 4.0 n miles circle
Establish which of two positions for tangent is correct (Rules at BR45(1) Pages 503/504)
Plot Guide position “G2" at the tangent point (205°, 4.0 n miles)
Join G1G2 (Intended Relative Movement)
Transfer line G1G2 through “A”
Where transferred line G1'G2' cuts 16 kn circle, establish point “O”
Establish which of two positions for “O” is correct (Rules at BR45(1) Pages 503/504)
Measure WO (Other Ship’s Course) = 343°

E51. A potentially hostile ship bears 125°, 15.0 n miles on a of course 030°, speed 20 kn. At
24 kn what is the course to steer to pass astern, remaining outside his gun range of 8.0 n miles?
Plot the following points:
Own Ship “W” At centre of plotting sheet
Guide “G1" At 125°, 15.0 n miles
Guide Co/Sp “A” At 030°, speed 20 kn
Construct tangent from “G1" to 8.0 n miles circle
Establish which of two positions for tangent is correct (Rules at BR45(1) Pages 503/504)
Plot Guide position “G2" at the tangent point (070°, 8.0 n miles)
Join G1G2 (Intended Relative Movement)
Transfer line G1G2 through “A”
Where transferred line G1'G2' cuts 24 kn circle, establish point “O”
Establish which of two positions for “O” is correct (Rules at BR45(1) Pages 503/504)
Measure WO (Other Ship’s Course) = 116½

E52-E59. Spare

BR 45(5)(Supplement)

Important Note. Attention is drawn to Chapter 1, Paras 0150 - 0153.

E60. A destroyer at 21 kn sights a suspicious vessel at 300°, 8.0 n miles on a course of 187° at
25 kn. What course must the destroyer steer to close and how close can she approach?
(220°, 1.3 n miles)
Plot the following points:
Own Ship “W” At centre of plotting sheet
Other Ship “G1" At 300°, 8.0 n miles
Other Ship Co/Sp “A” At 187°, speed 25 kn
Construct tangent from “A" to 21.0 kn circle
Establish which of two positions for tangent is correct (Rules at BR45(1) Pages 503/504)
Plot Guide position “O" at the tangent point (220°, 21.0 kn)
Join AO (Intended Relative Movement)
Transfer line A’O’ through “G1"
Where transferred line A’O’ reaches CPA to W, establish point “G2"
Measure W G2 (Other Ship’s CPA ) = 220°, 1.3 n miles

E61. A submarine sights an enemy ship at 220°, 5.0 n miles. The enemy course and speed are
estimated to be 325°, 15 kn. At 10 kn, what is the submarines course to steer to close, and how
close can she approach? (276½°, 2.75 n miles)

Plot the following points:

Own Ship “W” At centre of plotting sheet
Enemy “G1" At 220°, 5.0 n miles
Enemy Co/Sp “A” At 325°, speed 15 kn
Construct tangent from “A" to 10.0 kn circle
Establish which of two positions for tangent is correct (Rules at BR45(1) Pages 503/504)
Plot Guide position “O" at the tangent point (276½°, 10.0 kn)
Join AO (Intended Relative Movement)
Transfer line A’O’ through “G1"
Where transferred line A’O’ reaches CPA to W, establish point “G2"
Measure W G2 (Other Ship’s CPA ) = 276½°, 2.75 n miles

E62-E69. Spare

BR 45(5)(Supplement)


Important Note.Attention is drawn to Chapter 1, Paras 0150 - 0153.

E70.At 1115 the OTC bears 282°, 14.0 n miles, course 090°, speed 12 kn. The OTC signals
“Take station 10.0 n miles ahead. I intend altering course 050° at 1145”. At 15 kn, what course
should you steer at 1115 and when would you be in station? (012°, 1201)
Plot the following points:
Own Ship “W” At centre of plotting sheet
OTC “G1" At 282° , 14.0 n miles
Note OTC Co/Sp “A1" 090° , speed 12 kn (1115)
OTC Co/Sp “A2" At 050° , speed 12 kn (at 1145)
Plot Co/Sp “A1" for 30 mins, from position “G1" to establish position “G2"
Plot reciprocal of Co/Sp “A2" for 30 mins, from position “G2" to establish position “G3"
Use position “G3" as the “virtual” start position of OTC for remainder of calculation
OTC “G4" At 230° , 10.0 n miles (final position of OTC when Own Ship in station)
Join G3 G4 (Intended Relative Movement)
Transfer line G3 G4 through “A2"
Where transferred line G3'G4’ cuts 15 kn circle, establish point “O”
Establish which of two positions for “O” is correct (Rules at BR45(1) Pages 503/504)
Measure WO (Course required) = 012°
Measure A2O (Relative Speed) = 9.3 kn.
Measure G3 G4 (Relative Distance) = 7.1 n miles
At 9.3 kn (Relative Speed), and G3 G4 [7.1 n miles] (Relative Distance), calculate Time =

E71.At 1540 the guide bears 130°, 14.0 n miles, on a course of 030°, speed 21 kn. At 1600 he
is to alter to 230° at 18 kn. What is the course to steer at 20 kn at 1540 to take station 4.0 n
miles ahead on the new course, and when will you be in station? (136½°, 1615)
Plot the following points:
Own Ship “W” At centre of plotting sheet
Guide “G1" At 130° , 14.0 n miles
Note Guide Co/Sp “A1" 030° , speed 21 kn (1540)
Guide Co/Sp “A2" At 230° , speed 18 kn (at 1600)
Plot Co/Sp “A1" for 20 mins, from position “G1" to establish position “G2"
Plot reciprocal of Co/Sp “A2" for 20 mins, from position “G2" to establish position “G3"
Use position “G3" as the “virtual” start position of Guide for remainder of calculation
Guide “G4" At 050° , 4.0 n miles (final position of Guide when Own Ship in station)
Join G3 G4 (Intended Relative Movement)
Transfer line G3 G4 through “A2"
Where transferred line G3'G4’ cuts 20 kn circle, establish point “O”
Establish which of two positions for “O” is correct (Rules at BR45(1) Pages 503/504)
Measure WO (Course required) = 136½°
Measure A2O (Relative Speed) = 27.9 kn.
Measure G3 G4 (Relative Distance) = 16.0 n miles
At 27.9 kn (Rel Speed), and G3 G4 [16.0 n miles] (Rel Distance), calculate Time = 1615
E72-E79. Spare

Change 1
BR 45(5)(Supplement)

Important Note. Attention is drawn to Chapter 1, Paras 0150 - 0153.

E80. Reciprocal Approach at Stationing Speed.

You are to take station 500 yds astern of Captain D, joining from ahead. Captain D’s course is
120° at a speed of 17.5 kn. Assuming the following, what lateral separation should you establish
between the ships and on what relative bearing and range of Captain D should you initiate the
manoeuvre? (Lateral separation 630 yds, Initiate at Red/Green 47°, 850 yds)
(Simulated turning data for AMETHYST T42B3 - See CAUTION at Para 0153)

a. You have warned the ship’s company of the impending high speed hard turn.

b. Include a lateral safety margin of 100 yds.

c. Approach on a reciprocal course at a speed of 22 kn.

d. Use 30°of wheel giving an advance of 200 yds and a transfer of 530 yds, in a time of
1 min 30 secs with a speed loss of 4.5 kn in the turn

e. Reduce power at the end of the turn.

Calculation: Approaching on starboard bow of Guide and planning starboard turn at 30° of
wheel (although could equally well be done to port).

Plot following points to establish wheel over position:

Own ship Course 300° Speed 22 kn
Point A Guide: Centre of plotting sheet, Course 120° Speed 17.5 kn
Point B Station:500 yds astern of Guide
Point C Aim Point:Safety Margin (100 yds) plotted from Point B on brg 210°
Point D Transfer (530 yds) plotted from Point C on brg 210°
Point E Advance (200 yds) plotted from Point D on brg 120°
Point F(∴ = Point E) Loss of Speed in Turn 22 kn-17.5 kn = 4.5 kn. _ NIL Corrn
Point G Guide’s movement at 17.5 kn for 1 min 30 secs = 875 yds on 120°
(1.50 x 17.5 x 2000 / 60 = 875 yds)

Rel Brg of Point A from Point G calculated as Green 47°, 850 yds
True Brg of Point A from Point G calculated as 347°, 850 yds

Change 1
BR 45(5)(Supplement)

E81. Oblique Approach at Stationing Speed.

You are to take station 500 yds astern of Captain D in a oblique joining manoeuvre. Captain D’s
course is 200° at a speed of 17.5 kn. Assuming the following, on what relative bearing and
range of Captain D should you initiate the manoeuvre? (Initiate at Red 27°, 700 yds)
(Simulated turning data for AMETHYST T42B3 - See CAUTION at Para 0153)

a. You have warned the ship’s company of the impending high speed hard turn.

b. Include a lateral safety margin of 100 yds.

c. Approach on a course of 320° at a speed of 22 kn.

d. Use 30°of wheel giving an advance of 480 yds and a transfer of 400 yds, in a time of
1 min 06 secs with a speed loss of 4.5 kn in the turn

e. Reduce power at the end of the turn.

Calculation: Approaching broad on port bow of Guide and planning port turn at 30° of

Plot following points to establish wheel over position:

Own ship Course 320° Speed 22 kn
Point A Guide: Centre of plotting sheet, Course 200° Speed 17.5 kn
Point B Station: 500 yds astern of Guide
Point C Aim Point: Safety Margin (100 yds) plotted from Point B on brg 110°
Point D Transfer (400 yds) plotted from Point C on brg 050°
Point E Advance (480 yards) plotted from Point D on brg 140°
Point F Loss of Speed in Turn 22 kn-17.5 kn = 4.5 kn. _ NIL Corrn
Point G=Point F Guide’s movement at 17.5 kn for 1 min 06 secs = 640 yds on 200°
(1.10 x 17.5 x 2000 / 60 = 640 yds)

Rel Brg of Point A from Point G calculated as Red 27°, 700 yds
True Brg of Point A from Point G calculated as 293°, 700 yds

Change 1
BR 45(5)(Supplement)
E82. Reciprocal Approach at Equal Speed.
You are to take station 500 yds astern of Captain D, joining from ahead as an equal speed
manoeuvre. Captain D’s course is 120° at a speed of 15 kn. Assuming the following, what lat-
eral separation should you establish between the ships and on what relative bearing and range
of Captain D should you initiate the manoeuvre?
(Lateral separation 650 yds, Initiate at Red/Green 34°,1170 yds)
(Simulated turning data for AMETHYST T42B3 - See CAUTION at Para 0153)

a. You have warned the ship’s company of the impending hard turn.

b. Include a lateral safety margin of 100 yds.

c. Approach on a reciprocal course at a speed of 15 kn.

d. Use 30°of wheel giving an advance of 200 yds and a transfer of 550 yds, in a time of
2 mins 20 secs with a speed loss of 4 kn in the turn.

e. Acceleration is 23 yds/kn.

Calculation: Approaching on starboard bow of Guide and planning starboard turn at 30° of
wheel (although could equally well be done to port).

Plot following points to establish wheel over position:

Own ship Course 300° Speed 15 kn
Point A Guide: Centre of plotting sheet, Course 120° Speed 15 kn
Point B Station: 500 yds astern of Guide
Point C Aim Point: Safety Margin (100 yds) plotted from Point B on brg 210°
Point D Transfer (550 yds) plotted from Point C on brg 210°
Point E Advance (200 yards) plotted from Point D on brg 120°
Point F Loss of Speed: 15-4-15 = -4 kn @ 23 yds = 92 yds on brg 120°
Point G Guide’s movement at 15 kn for 2 min 20 secs = 1165 yds on 120°
(2.33 x 15.0 x 2000 / 60 = 1165 yds)

Rel Brg of Point A from Point G calculated as Green 34°, 1170 yds
True Brg of Point A from Point G calculated as 334°, 1170 yds

Change 1
BR 45(5)(Supplement)

E83. Oblique Approach at Equal Speed.

You are to take station 500 yds astern of Captain D in an equal speed oblique joining
manoeuvre. Captain D’s course is 200° at a speed of 15 kn. Assuming the following, on what
relative bearing and range of Captain D should you initiate the manoeuvre?
(Initiate at Red 05°, 700 yds)
(Simulated turning data for AMETHYST T42B3 - See CAUTION at Para 0153)

a. You have warned the ship’s company of the impending hard turn.

b. Include a lateral safety margin of 100 yards.

c. Approach on a course of 320° at a speed of 15 kn.

d. Use 30°of wheel giving an advance of 400 yds and a transfer of 380 yds, in a time of
1 mine 40 secs with a speed loss of 4 kn in the turn.

e. Acceleration is 23 yds/kn

Calculation: Approaching broad on port bow of Guide and planning port turn at 30° of

Plot following points to establish wheel over position:

Own ship Course 320° Speed 15 kn
Point A Guide: Centre of plotting sheet, Course 200° Speed 15 kn
Point B Station: 500 yds astern of Guide
Point C Aim Point: Safety Margin (100 yds) plotted from Point B on brg 110°
Point D Transfer (380 yds) plotted from Point C on brg 050°
Point E Advance (400 yards) plotted from Point D on brg 140°
Point F Loss of Speed: 15-4-15 = -4 kn @ 23 yds = 92 yds on brg 200°
Point G Guide’s movement at 15 kn for 1 min 40 secs = 830 yds on brg 200°
(1.66 x 15.0 x 2000 / 60 = 830 yds)

Rel Brg of Point A from Point G calculated as Red 05°, 700 yds
True Brg of Point A from Point G calculated as 315°, 700 yds

Change 1
BR 45(5)(Supplement)
E84. Reciprocal Approach at Very High Speed.
You are to take station 500 yds astern of Captain D, joining from ahead. Captain D’s course is
120° at a speed of 15 kn. Assuming the following, what lateral separation should you establish
between the ships and on what relative bearing and range of Captain D should you initiate the
manoeuvre? (Lateral separation 730 yds, Initiate at Red/Green 84°,760 yds)
(Simulated turning data for AMETHYST T42B3 - See CAUTION at Para 0153)

a. You have warned the ship’s company of the impending high speed hard turn.

b. Include a lateral safety margin of 100 yards.

c. Approach on a reciprocal course at a speed of 30 kn.

d. Use 30°of wheel giving an advance of 280 yds and a transfer of 630 yds, in a time of
1 min 12 secs with a speed loss of 3 knots in the turn.

e. Reduce power at the end of the turn.

f. Deceleration is 23 yds/kn.

Calculation: Approaching on starboard bow of Guide and planning starboard turn at 30° of
wheel (although could equally well be done to port).

Plot following points to establish wheel over position:

Own ship Course 300° Speed 30 kn
Point A Guide: Centre of plotting sheet, Course 120° Speed 15 kn
Point B Station: 500 yds astern of Guide
Point C Aim Point: Safety Margin (100 yds) plotted from Point B on brg 210°
Point D Transfer (630 yds) plotted from Point C on brg 210°
Point E Advance (280 yards) plotted from Point D on brg 120°
Point F Excess Speed: 30-3-15 =12 kn @ 23 yds = 276 yds on brg 300°
Point G Guide’s movement at 15 kn for 1 min 12 secs = 600 yds on 120°
(1.20 x 15.0 x 2000 / 60 = 600 yds)

Rel Brg of Point A from Point G calculated as Green 84°, 760 yds
True Brg of Point A from Point G calculated as 024°, 760 yds

Change 1
BR 45(5)(Supplement)

E85. Oblique Approach at Very High Speed.

You are to take station 500 yds astern of Captain D, in a oblique joining manoeuvre. Captain
D’s course is 200° at a speed of 15 kn. Assuming the following, on what relative bearing and
range of Captain D should you initiate the manoeuvre? (Initiate at Red 62°, 900 yds)
(Simulated turning data for AMETHYST T42B3 - See CAUTION at Para 0153)

a. You have warned the ship’s company of the impending high speed hard turn.

b. Include a lateral safety margin of 100 yds.

c. Approach on a course of 320° at a speed of 30 kn.

d. Use 30°of wheel giving an advance of 500 yds and a transfer of 420 yds, in a time of
0 mins 48 secs, with a speed loss of 3 kn in the turn.

e. Reduce power at the end of the turn

f. Deceleration is 23 yds/kn

Calculation: Approaching broad on port bow of Guide and planning port turn at 30° of wheel.

Plot following points to establish wheel over position:

Own ship Course 320° Speed 30 kn
Point A Guide: Centre of plotting sheet, Course 200° Speed 15 kn
Point B Station: 500 yds astern of Guide
Point C Aim Point: Safety Margin (100 yds) plotted from Point B on brg 110°
Point D Transfer (420 yds) plotted from Point C on brg 050°
Point E Advance (500 yards) plotted from Point D on brg 140°
Point F Excess Speed: 30-3-15 =12 kn @ 23 yds = 276 yds on brg 020°
Point G Guide’s movement in turn 15 kn for 48 secs = 400 yds on brg 200°
(0.80 x 15.0 x 2000 / 60 = 400 yds)

Rel Brg of Point A from Point G calculated as Red 62°, 900 yds
True Brg of Point A from Point G calculated as 258°, 900 yds

E86-E89. Spare

BR 45(5)(Supplement)


BR 45(5)(Supplement)


Pages Change

i to viii Change 1

1-1 to 1-8 Change 1

1A-1 to 1A-6 Original

1A-7 to 1A-38 Change 1

1B-1 to 1B-18 Original

1B-19 to 1B-20 Change 1
1B-21 to 1B-36 Original

1B-1-1 to 1B-1-4 Original

1C-1 to 1C -16 Change 1

1D-1 to 1D-6 Original

1E-1 to 1E-12 Original

1E-13 to 1E-18 Change 1
1E-19 to 1E-20 Original

LEP-1 to LEP-2 Change 1

Change 1
BR 45(5)(Supplement)


Change 1

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