Btech 2 Sem Engg Mathematics Nas203 2022

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Subject Code: NAS203

0Roll No: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 100

 Attempt all Sections and assume any missing data.
 Appropriate marks are allotted to each question, answer accordingly.

SECTION-A Attempt All of the following Questions in brief Marks(10X2=20)

Q1(a) Find the particular integral of (D2 – 4)y= x2, where D=d/dx
Q1(b) Find the order and degree of the following differential equation
d2y  dy 
 1    =0
dx  dx 
Q1(c) For a Legendre polynomial prove that Pn(1)=1 and Pn(-1)=(-1)n.

Q1(d) Write the Dirichlet’s conditions for Fourier series.

Q1(e) Prove that L [e at f (t )]  F ( s  a ).
Q1(f) Write the two dimensional wave equations.
Q1(g) s
Find the inverse Laplace transform of .
s2  9
Q1(h) Find the value of the Fourier coefficient a0 for the function
0,    x  0
f ( x)  
 x, 0  x  
Q1(i) Classify the following partial differential equation along the line y = x:
y u xx  ( x  y ) u xy  x u yy  0
Q1(j) Show that: J1/2(x) = J-1/2(x) cot x.

SECTION-B Attempt ANY THREE of the following Questions Marks(3X10=30)

Q2(a) Solve the following simultaneous differential equations
d 2x d2y
 y  sin t ,  x  cos t ,
dt 2 dt 2
Q2(b) 1
Obtain the Fourier series to represent f ( x)  (  x) 2 in the interval 0  x  2 . Hence
1 1 1 1 2
deduce that     ... 
12 2 2 32 4 2 6
Q2(c) Find the series solution for the differential equation (1  x 2 ) y  2 xy  20 y  0.
Q2(d) State Convolution theorem for the inverse Laplace transforms and hence evaluate
 1 
L1  2 2 2
 (s  a ) 
Q2(e) A tightly stretched string with fixed end x=0 and x=l is initially in a position given by
y  a sin . If it is released from rest this position, find the displacement y( x, t ) .
SECTION-C Attempt ANY ONE following Question Marks (1X10=10)
Q3(a) 2
d y
Solve by the method of variation of parameters:  4 y  sec 2 x
dx 2
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Subject Code: NAS203
0Roll No: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Q3(b) d3y d 2 y dy
Solve x 2 3
 x 2
  x 2 log x .
dx dx dx
SECTION-C Attempt ANY ONE following Question Marks (1X10=10)
Q4(a) Prove that (n  1) Pn 1 ( x)  (2n  1) xPn ( x)  nPn 1 ( x) , where Pn(x) is the Legendre’s function.
Q4(b) Find the series solution of the differential equation
d2y dy
2x 2
 x  ( x  1) y  0.
dx dx
SECTION-C Attempt ANY ONE following Question Marks (1X10=10)
Q5(a) Using Laplace transform, find the solution of the initial value problem
d 2x dx
 2  5 x  e t sin t , where x(0)=0 and x(0)  1 .
dt dt
Q5(b) 2t , 0  t  
Express f (t )   in terms of unit step function and hence obtain Laplace
8, t  5
SECTION-C Attempt ANY ONE following Question Marks (1X10=10)
Q6(a) Find the Fourier series expansion of the periodic function f ( x)  x cos x,    x   .
Q6(b) Solve the partial differential equation ( D 2  D2  3D  3D) z  xy  e x  2 y .

SECTION-C Attempt ANY ONE following Question Marks (1X10=10)

Q7(a) Solve the P.D.E. by separation of variables method,
u xx  u y  2u, u (0, y)  0, u(0, y )  1  e3 y .
Q7(b)  2u  2u
Solve the Laplace equation   0 in a rectangle in the xy-plane with
x 2 y 2
u( x,0)  0, u( x, b)  0, u(0, y)  0 and u( a, y)  f ( y) parallel to y-axis.

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