Savage Worlds - Savage SLA Industries - Corebook

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Contents Grenades
Armour Customisation
SLA Equipment 40
Introduction 3 Ebb Equipment 42
SHIVER Equipment 42
New Rules 5 DarkNight Equipment 43
Carrying Capacity 5 Thresher Inc. Equipment 43
Stress 5 War World Weaponry 43
Way of the Brave 6
Weapons 7 Ebb 53
Armour 7 Learning Glyphs 53
Telegenics 8 Manifesting Glyphs 53
Science Friction 53
Character Generation 10 Kickback 53
1) Pick Race 10 Getting Close 53
2) Assign Traits 10 Necanthropes 54
3) Pick Training Package 11 Affinities 54
4) Pick Edges and Hindrances 11 Free Glyphs 55
5) Buy Possessions 11 Modified Glyphs 57
6) Fill In Character Details 12 New Glyphs 59
Races 13 Glyph Creation 65
Human 13 Glyph Pillars 67
Frother 14 Optional Rule: Distractions 67
Wraith Raider 14 Optional Rule: Faster Ebb User Advancement 68
Shaktar 15 Polymorph 69
Ebon 16 Powers 69
Brain Waster 16 Special Rules 69
Stormer 313 - Malice 17
Stormer 714 - Chagrin 18 Drugs 70
Stormer 711 - Xeno 19 The Hit 70
Vevaphon 20 Addiction 70
Withdrawal 70
Skills 21 Combat Drugs 71
Hindrances 22 Soft Drugs 72
General Hindrances 22 Medical Drugs 73
Stormer-Only Hindrances 24 Biogenetics 74
Ebb User Hindrances 24 Biogenetic Edges 74
Hindrances from Other Settings 24 Biogenetic Equipment 74
Edges 25 Life After Death 75
Training Packages 25 Gamesmastering Savage SLA Industries 77
Starting Edges 26 Experience 77
Possession Edges 27 Dealing With New Rules 77
Combat Edges 27 Keeping Things Moving 78
Combat Edges from Other Settings 29
Social Edges 29 Antagonists 79
Wild Card Edges 30 Faces of the Street 79
Professional Edges 30 Urban Monsters 80
Racial Edges 30 Executive Monsters 83
Biogenetic Edges 32 The Thin Green Line: SHIVERS 83
Ebb Edges 32 SLA Special Operatives 84
Necanthrope Edges 36 SLA Operatives 85
DarkNight 86
Equipment 38 Thresher Inc. 86
Close-Combat Weapon Customisation 38 Tex Trex 87
Firearm Add-Ons 38
Ammunition Magazines and Drums 39 Appendix 88
Special Ammunition 39
Index 92

Introduction SLA Industries). It is made by fans for fans, to be distributed

free for the good of everyone’s games. Any reference to intel-
lectual property, products or companies does not constitute a
challenge to the trademark or copyright concerned. Owners
About SLA Industries of all trademarks reserve all rights to those trademarks.
Released in 1993, SLA Industries’ gameworld is one of Please keep buying products by Great White Games and
dark horror, violence and paranoia, overlaid with a dystopian Nightfall Games.
satire on our own celebrity- and violence-obsessed culture.
In a universe owned by a single mega-corporation, players What Else Do I Need?
take on the roles of freelance troubleshooting employees of
SLA Industries, so-called SLA Operatives, performing mis- You will need a copy of both the Savage Worlds and SLA
sions while trying to rise up the corporate ladder and make Industries main rulebooks to use this document. Addition-
a name for themselves on the everpresent Vid, where opera- ally, some edges reference additional ‘Savage Settings’ pub-
tives can become stars in their own right, gaining cash when lished by Great White Games which you’ll need to own to
their exploits are sold to TV channels as entertainment for make use of. Owning the entire line of SLA Industries sup-
the masses, and even merchandising their image to fans. plements is definitely recommended for getting the most out
Working for ‘the man’ in a corrupt and uncaring ultra- of the SLA universe.
capitalist society, SLA operatives fight to maintain the sta-
Books Referenced
tus quo while, more often than not, discovering they are as
SLA Industries Main Rulebook
much part of the problem as they are a solution. The unique
Karma Sourcebook
setup of SLA Industries allows for great game play, providing
Mort Sourcebook
a cohesive and immersive experience built upon film noir,
The Contract Directory Sourcebook
political thrillers, splatterpunk, cyberpunk, horror, manga
Cannibal Sector: One Sourcebook
and black, black humour.
Savage Worlds Revised/Explorer’s Edition Rulebook

About Savage Worlds Credits

Savage Worlds sells itself on speed of play, lack of GM
This conversion was created by several contributors on the
preparation time and fun over detail. “Fast! Furious! Fun!”
Savage Worlds forums (
are the catchwords of the game’s developers.
These priorities have not only endeared it to fans but
Original Idea: Facedanser
prompted many to convert settings they love to this simple,
Writers: Facedanser, charliebananas, Mort, algorond,
intuitive and fun system. This is our attempt.
Superc0ntra, Evil Gaz, Banjo, voidstate
Cover Art: Darren Evans ([email protected])
Two Great Tastes Interior Art: Darren Evans ([email protected]),
This conversion aims to allow SLA Industries to be played Harri Tusa
with the Savage Worlds ruleset. Editing, Proof & Layout: voidstate
But why bother? I’m glad you asked. See, while the setting Playtesters: Dan Levi, Paul Appleby, Dave Campbell, Elena
for SLA Industries is fantastic, the system is just too complex Kostina, Anna Koledina, Timur Kostin, Alexey Agafonov,
for some of us. It can be slow and it is littered with fiddly Petr Makarov
mechanics that, for those of us hooked on F!F!F!, don’t nec-
essarily add to anything more than book-keeping and maths Thank you to everyone whose time and effort have made
to the game play. this project possible, and, of course, to the publishers of SLA
By using Savage Worlds we hope you’ll be able to keep the Industries and Savage Worlds, for inspiring us to put it all
tone and background of a SLA campaign intact without be- together.
ing distracted by its complexities, essentially allowing you to
get more SLA out of each session of a SLA Industries game.

Copyrights and Trademarks

This non-profit and non-revenue-generating document is
not an official product of either Great White Games (pub-
lisher of Savage Worlds) or Nightfall Games (publisher of


New Rules These Stress fatigue levels cannot be removed in the usual
way. Only by affirming their own power, spending time in
This chapter contains new rules to tweak Savage Worlds relaxation or indulging in the violence and drug-induced
into behaving more like SLA. Hopefully they’re simple and intoxication that passes for R&R in Mort can an operative
standardised enough to not add too much complexity to the remove the sense of oppression, powerlessness and ennui that
mix. hangs over them.
Characters generally never have more than a single fatigue
level from Stress except in extreme situations. At the GM’s
Carrying Capacity discretion, a second level may be gained in response to such
Several of the races available to players combine bigger- shocking situations as a meeting with Mr. Slayer, being as-
than-human size with possibly much-higher-than-human signed to fight Digger or serve a term on Dante, a night of
Strength. The following table should be used to calculate interrogation at Internal Affairs, or, if it exists in your game,
these characters’ carrying capacity. If the character is Brawny a glimpse of the Truth.
as well, multiply the total by a further 1.6.
Gaining Stress
Whenever presented with a stressful situation, players
should make a Spirit roll, modified by wounds and fatigue as
Carrying Capacity
usual. Failure gains them a Stress fatigue level.
Strength Size +0 Size +1 Size +2 Frustrating situations should be made with no modifier but
D4 20 lbs. 40 lbs. 80 lbs. those that are both frustrating and either dangerous or life-
D6 30 lbs. 60 lbs. 120 lbs. changing should probably incur a -2 penalty (GM’s call).
Fatigue levels from Stress can never incapacitate a char-
D8 40 lbs. 80 lbs. 160 lbs.
acter. If a Stress fatigue level would reduce a character to
D10 50 lbs. 100 lbs. 200 lbs. Incapacitated (probably because they were already suffering
D12 60 lbs. 120 lbs. 240 lbs. fatigue from another cause such as drug withdrawal), they
D12+1 65 lbs. 130 lbs. 260 lbs. instead become too depressed to work. Overwhelmed by the
pointlessness of their existence they’ll stop looking for BPNs,
D12+2 70 lbs. 140 lbs. 280 lbs.
visiting friends or places they used to hang out, or taking care
D12+3 75 lbs. 150 lbs. 300 lbs. of themselves and their equipment.
D12+4 80 lbs. 160 lbs. 320 lbs. At this point, the Department of Psychology and Psychosis
D12+5 85 lbs. 170 lbs. 340 lbs. will step in and enforce psychiatric treatment.
D12+6 90 lbs. 180 lbs. 360 lbs. Losing Stress
D12+7 95 lbs. 190 lbs. 380 lbs. The easiest way to remove stress is through the use of self-
D12+8 100 lbs. 200 lbs. 400 lbs. medication, or Soft Drugs, as SLA Industries labels them.
Most allow an instant Spirit roll to remove stress, with a bo-

The combination of SLA’s interminable bureaucracy and Why Do We Need New Rules?
life-hanging-by-a-thread violence, power over the masses and While one of the main reasons to convert SLA Indus-
powerlessness in the face of corporate manoeuvring, purpose tries to the Savage Worlds system was to streamline the
given by employment and SLA Industries withholding so mechanics, in this chapter you will find a few new rules.
much necessary knowledge, makes life as a SLA operative far We’ve tried to keep these to a minimum, only adding
from stress-free. Whether it’s the streets of Downtown or the them where we feel they’ll really add something to the
offices of Mort central, virtually every environment a SLA tone, and where we have added new rules, they gener-
operative visits is hostile in one way or another and even the ally use tweaked versions of existing Savage Worlds rules.
toughest psyche can crack under this constant pressure. For example, both the drug addiction and stress are basi-
This continual pressure is represented by Stress. Whenever cally types of fatigue. Almost every other rule is aimed at
an operative is placed in difficult or frustrating situations modelling either the type of gun-bunny behaviour SLA
there’s a chance that they will gain a level of fatigue to repre- delights in or undermining the security big guns and ar-
sent them being worn down by their job. mour can provide to allow GMs to play SLA as a horror


running problem, defeating a long-term enemy or surviving

Stressful Situations a seemingly deadly situation through wits and resolve.
While there’s no hard-and-fast rule about what counts Finally there’s the option of psychiatric treatment at the
as a stressful situation, GMs are encouraged to remember hands of the Department of Psychology and Psychosis. This
that Stress is about modelling helplessness, not horror. can either be voluntary or mandatory.
Seeing the work of a serial killer calls for a Guts check, For voluntary treatment, the character must take a course of
being forced to let the killer go after a call from Cloak 4 Honesty-fuelled psychotherapy sessions at 10 credits each,
Division means a Stress roll. after which a Stress level is automatically removed. Sessions
Hopefully a few examples will make things clearer (as- last half a day and all four must be taken within a month
terisked examples should probably incur a -2 penalty to to have any effect. They are recorded but operatives can re-
the roll): main assured that recordings are only available to members
*Meeting Mr. Slayer of Internal Affairs and the Department of Psychology and
Visiting a BPN Hall Psychosis with sufficient clearance.
A particularly frustrating encounter with any SLA de- Mandatory counselling is enforced should the character
partment become Incapacitated due to Stress fatigue. The character is
A visit from Internal Affairs or Cloak Division forcibly committed to the Bedlam insane asylum and given
*Taking a black BPN cutting-edge mental health care in the form of truth drugs,
*Being given a platinum BPN electroshock, aversion therapy and other effective, if brutal,
Finding out your BPN only gave you incomplete/inac- treatments. The character gets a Spirit roll with a +2 bonus
curate information (but minus any fatigue or wound penalties) each week. Suc-
*Losing a loved one cess removes a Stress level but rolling a 1 on the Spirit die
*Losing a squad member leaves the character permanently changed. They receive a mi-
*Being demoted nor hindrance such as Bad Dreams, Delusional, Drug addic-
Being moved to worse accommodation tion (Honesty), Phobia or Yellow. When all stress levels are
Having a Hunter Sheet opened on you gone, the character is remitted and allowed back to work.
Losing an important contract
Optional Rule: Cracking Up
Discovering a squad mate has a finance chip and has wit-
Rolling ‘snake eyes’ during a Stress roll is bad news. In ad-
nessed you breaking operational rules
dition to the fatigue level, the character is Shaken and im-
*Receiving orders that go against the character’s moral mediately gains a temporary minor hindrance – Bad Dreams,
code Delusional, Mean, Phobia or Yellow are good choices – which
*Choosing between two evils lasts until they have no more Stress fatigue levels.
Performing abhorrent acts in the line of duty Future rolls of 1 will probably trigger the same hindrance
*Assassination attempts by rival contract killers unless the GM decides otherwise.
*Entering a contract circuit game with little chance of
Getting lost in Lower Downtown SWEX/CLassic Damage
*Finding your exit from a dangerous location has been Sacage Worlds Explorer’s Edition introduced new rules for
blocked off melee combat aimed at giving close-up fighters a little extra
*Being vastly outnumbered/outgunned reward for the additional dangers they face in a world domi-
*Being posted to Dante nated by gunslingers. We have chosen to use this new system
*Being put in a barrel (vevaphons only) in Savage SLA Industries.
Being disfigured After all, worlds don’t come much more gun-dominated
Dying than the World of Progress.
For those who prefer the old way of doing things, check
nus or penalty depending on how well they block out the out the appendix, there’s alternative damage bonuses for all
operative’s real life. the melee weapons in there.
There are also natural ways to remove Stress. A full day
spent indulging in a hobby, with a loved one or otherwise Weapons
happily engaged in personally-fulfilling and not work-related
Big guns play an important part in the life of every SLA
activities, followed by a good night’s sleep, grants a Spirit roll
operative. As such, the rules for weapons are slightly more
to remove a Stress fatigue level. GMs may also allow a roll
complicated than in standard Savage Worlds.
at moments of personal achievement such as solving a long-


Stress and Fear – Rock and Hard Place ing made to wait in a queue at the BPN hall for 8 hours
Don’t forget – the Stress rules are not a replacement for straight or finding the ThirdEye navamaps you were issued
Savage Worlds’ existing fear rules. Characters should still have been intentionally doctored so you won’t realise your
purchase the Guts skill if they intend to have even the squad is just a decoy to draw Digger out, operatives are
slightest chance of dealing with most BPNs. regularly confronted by the fact they’re essentially power-
So why use both? Because they model different things. less in a cruel world. Stress comes from having to deal with
Fear is short-term. It represents fight-or-flight impulses. the fact that in SLA, the universe really is against you (or at
But once the source of a Guts check is gone, provided the least Mr. Slayer’s Big Picture is).
character didn’t get a long-term result on the fright table, Besides, with both, GMs have two different ways to rep-
it’s over. resent the unremitting harshness and horror of life in the
Stress is both more subtle and more long-term. Characters World of Progress. And there’s nothing like a little variety
in SLA deal regularly with catch-22 situations. Whether it’s when tormenting your players.
being trained as a killer and fed combat drugs then be-

You’ll notice that the listing for ranged weapons doesn’t Recoil
include damage. Instead they list a calibre, such as 10mm, Characters suffer -1 Shooting for each die-type of differ-
with different types of round available in each calibre. Gener- ence between their Strength and that needed to fire their
ally, larger calibres and more exotic type of ammo are more weapon. For example, a Strength D4 character firing a FEN
expensive (10mm standard cost just 1 credit while 17mm 204 (D8 minimum Strength) is at -2 Shooting.
HESH rounds cost 14!). Weapons that allow recoil baffling can reduce this penalty
Because of this, players will need to keep track of the vari- (by -1 per set of baffling – up to three sets can be fitted) as can
ous clips they have for each weapon and what bullets they bipods/tripods, stocks, waldo units and other attachments.
contain. While this means a little more paperwork, it also Holding pistols two-handed also reduces the penalty by 1.
adds another tactical element to combat, as players try to
balance the power of attacks with their cost. Optional Rule: Two-Weapon Fighting
Ammunition also has different damage values for pistols The fact that Savage SLA Industries introduces combat
and rifles. Check the table in the equipment chapter to see drugs such as Rush that remove penalties for multiple ac-
exactly how much damage any particular round causes. tions, meaning every SLA game of can easily turn into a John
Guns also come with different attachments. The most Woo movie. While that’s OK for some GMs, others might
commonly used is recoil baffling, which can be fitted up to prefer to limit this both-gun-blazing behaviour.
three times per weapon, each purchase reducing the mini- One solution would be to raise default off-hand penalties
mum Strength required by one die-type, but sights and laser by 2 (see box).
painters are also available, adding bonuses to Shooting rolls Another would be to impose a -2 penalty on damage for
at short or medium range and over ranges, and other add-ons off-hand Fighting attacks and increase the minimum strength
that keep the firer’s presence hidden, help steady the weapon for firearms by two die-types, or to d8 for firearms with no
or hold more ammo. minimum Strength requirement (although this may just en-
courage everyone to wear a jolt glove or use a light pistol in
their left hand).

Two-Weapon Fighting
Edges Primary Off Hand/Teeth/
Hand Biogenetic Quill
None -2 -6
Ambidexterity -2 -4
Two-Fisted 0 -4
Ambidexterity 0 -2
and Two-Fisted


Hit Locations
Armour in SLA Industries is far from indestructible. Every
good hit leaves an op’s armour weaker and the op more ex- 1D8 Location cont. Location
posed. Too many missions without getting it patched up can 1 Left Leg 4 Right Arm
leave even the most pricily-protected operative vulnerable to 2 Right Leg 5-7 Torso
the enemies of Progress. 3 Left Arm 8 Head
Every time a character is Shaken or takes one or more
wounds, even if the wounds are soaked by spending a Benny,
the protection of his armour is reduced by 1 (or more – for Make a Vigour check when hit but no damage penetrates
some particularly vicious weapons). When the armour’s pro- (at -2 if hit with a raise). On a failure, the character receives
tection reaches 0, it has been destroyed and no longer pro- a level of Fatigue.
vides any form of defence. This does not affect wearers of Heavy armour.
To keep combat flowing, GMs may wish to only apply ar-
mour damage after a fight. In the meantime, players should Optional Rule: Localised Armour Damage
keep a tally of how many times they’ve been Shaken or re- On the other hand, some GMs might find this too harsh.
ceived wounds (although unless the optional rules below are In that case, why not just have the protection of the armour
in effect, the number of wounds is immaterial). reduced only in the location where the character was hit?
This makes armour last longer and can add a new tactical ele-
Repairing Armour ment to combat as called shots become more viable but also
Repairing armour damage costs 100c for rebalancing, la- potential slows combat down, adding another dice roll after
bour, etc. plus 10c per point of protection (or 25c per point every hit (unless the location dice is rolled at the same time
for Heavy armour). Destroyed armour cannot be repaired. as the damage dice).
Power Projects’ Canned Plate is cheaper than this (10c
a can) and has the added benefit of being portable but it Optional Rule: Telegenics
reduces the maximum protection the armour provides wih
Contract Killers give up life as an op to compete against
each appliction, making it purely a temporary solution.
one another in ThirdEye’s many brutally-creative Vid shows.
Armour Coverings Life on the circuit is a cut-throat business, even out of the
Equipment that covers a character’s armour – such as ECM ring, and many never get near to achieving the fame and
cloaks – is rendered useless as soon as the armour it covers riches that drew them in to the lifestyle. Still, the promise of
takes damage and is destroyed itself if the armour it covers is. superstar lifestyles, adoring fans and the chance to indulge
However, as long as it has not been destroyed, such equip- their psychoses on the big screen keeps new applicants queue-
ment can be patched up with a successful Tech roll or for 25c ing up for a chance at stardom.
if returned to the manufacturer. GMs who wish to feature the Contract Circuit in their
games should introduce the Telegenics skill. As well as acting
Optional Armour Rules as a gauge of how well a character promotes their image on
GMs who want armoured characters to be even more screen or in front of crowds, Telegenics also acts as a cap on a
vulnerable may wish to implement one (or both) of the fol- character’s Wild Die when taking part in matches, meaning
lowing optional rules. Be warned, though, that this has the even hardcore ops who try their hand at being a killer can
potential to upset players of Ebons and Brain Wasters, who find themselves bested by less experienced characters who’ve
invest edges into their (now much more easily destroyed) learned to thrive on the cheers of the crowd and buzz of risk-
deathsuits. ing death on the big screen.
The following three edges should also be opened up to
Optional Rule: Fragile Armour players (and those they’ll be challenging) when the Contract
Every blow that causes a Shaken or Wounded result reduc- Circuit is featured in a campaign.
es the target’s armour’s protection by the number of wounds
caused – or just 1 for a Shaken result. This damage occurs Circuit Star
regardless of whether or not the wounds are soaked. Requirements: Veteran, Telegenics D8
Choose a combat skill (Fighting, Shooting or Throwing).
Optional Rule: Armour Fatigue During Contract Circuit matches, your Wild Die becomes a
Even when armour prevents damage, some of the force of D8 when using either that combat skill or Telegenics.
the blow is transmitted to the wearer, causing the wearer to
become fatigued from bruising, winding and exhaustion.


Circuit Superstar Circuit Legend

Requirements: Heroic, Circuit Star, Telegenics D10 Requirements: Legendary, Circuit Superstar, Telegenics D12
Your Wild Die now becomes a D10 during matches. Your Wild Die now becomes a D12 during matches.

New Rules at a Glance the withdrawal fatigue levels but the character remains ad-
Armour has its protection value reduced by one every time Ebb (in Ebb chapter)
the wearer is Shaken or wounded. Equipment covering ar- Powers are called ‘glyphs’; power points, ‘flux’.
mour is rendered useless as soon as armour takes damage. Glyphs are arranged into themed lists called ‘affinities’.
Characters must “open” an affinity before they can buy
Fragile Armour (Optional) the glyphs it contains. Characters start with 2 open affini-
Armour’s protection reduced by the number of wounds ties. The Affinity Training edge opens another affinity and
caused (or 1 if Shaken). grants one glyph from within it. The New Glyph edge buys
2 glyphs from ‘open’ affinities.
Armour Fatigue (Optional)
When hit but no damage penetrates, roll Vigour (at –2 Stress
for a raise). On a failure, the character receives a level of Roll Spirit in frustrating situations. Failure gives a “stress”
Fatigue. fatigue level.
Characters cannot have more than a single stress fatigue
Localised Armour Damage (Optional) level at any time, except in extreme circumstances.
Protection only reduced in a specific location. Roll a D8 Stress can be removed by taking soft drugs, spending a
for location. day and night relaxing, or self-affirming achievements. Roll
Spirit to remove Stress fatigue levels.
Carrying Capacity Psychiatric treatment can also remove stress fatigue. Vol-
Shaktars, Stormer 313s and Stormer 714s have increased untary counselling costs 10c a session and 4 sessions auto-
carrying capacity. See the table at the start of this chapter. matically remove a fatigue level. Mandatory treatment is
enforced if the character is incapacitated by stress fatigue.
Drugs (in Drugs chapter) It gives a Spirit roll at +2 each week of commitment to an
It is not possible to be under the influence of more than institution. Success removes a Stress fatigue level. Rolling a
one drug at a time (with the exception of KickStart). 1 on the Spirit die gives a permanent hindrance.
Injecting drugs takes a full round (or 2 actions on separate
rounds – one to prepare, one to inject. A Boopa Drug In- Cracking Up (Optional)
jection System makes taking injected drugs a free action. Rolling ‘snake eyes’ on a Stress roll gives the character a
Drugs take effect on the action after they were taken if hindrance that lasts until they remove all stress fatigue.
injected, 5 rounds later if smoked or 10 if ingested.
Telegenics (Optional)
Drug Addiction (in Drugs chapter) The Telegenics skill caps a character’s Wild Die in circuit
Whenever a character takes drugs, roll Vigour (with a +1 matches. Various edges can raise the Wild Die above D6.
bonus for soft drugs, +2 for medical drugs). Failure leaves
the character addicted. Two-Weapon Fighting (Optional)
Addicts must take a certain number of doses a day (see the The penalty for off-hand weapons is increased to -4.
drug’s description) or enter withdrawal.
Characters in withdrawal gain two “withdrawal” fatigue Weapons
levels for combat drugs, one for soft or medical drugs. A Firearms have different types of rounds each with their
week spent without taking the drug they’re addicted to al- own damage and cost. Some types are only available to cer-
lows the character a Vigour roll (also with a +1 bonus for tain calibres of firearm.
soft drugs, +2 for medical drugs) to remove one of these Recoil baffling reduces the penalty for firing guns with
fatigue levels. Removing all fatigue levels breaks the ad- high Strength requirement, as do pistol and SMG stocks or
diction. Taking the drug they’re addicted to also removes just firing pistols two-handed.


Character Generation Ebon: These mystical and emotional beings are capable of
manipulating reality through complex formulae and the pro-
Making characters in Savage SLA Industries is much jection of their own inner emotional state. Warlocks.
quicker than with the standard SLA rules, and much, much Brain Waster: Violent offspring of the Ebon race, Brain
less maths-intensive. So put down that calculator, print out a Wasters are as aggressive and sadistic as the Ebons are self-ef-
character sheet and simply follow the 6 steps below. facing. Bastards.

1) Pick Race 313 - Malice: Giant biogenetic killing machines with re-
SLA operatives can be divided into 2 broad racial groups: generation and claws.
natural races and the Stormers grown by Karma specifically 714 - Chagrin: Even bigger biogenetic killing machines
to serve SLA Industries. Choose your character’s race from with regeneration and even bigger claws. And tusks.
the following lists. 711 - Xeno: Fast, insectile biogenetic killing machines.
With chameleonic chitin.
Natural Races Vevaphon: Shapechanging biogenetic killing machines.
Human: The vast majority of Mort’s population are hu- With, um, whatever they choose to have.
man. You’ve done what they only dream of – risen above the
seething masses to become an elite SLA operative. Heroes. 2) Pick Training Package
Frother: Clan-based humans who’ve made an evolution-
ary leap to better cope with SLA’s powerful combat drugs, All operatives receive a single training package edge for
Frothers wear tartan, carry big swords and are rarely sober. free. This edge represents the skills they have learnt during
Berserkers. their three years at SLA Industries’ Meny Academy.
Wraith Raider: Feline ice-worlders, Wraith Raiders are All training packages except Strike Squad have one or more
fast, cruel natural predators who prefer their food with a Attribute or Skill requirements, representing the curriculum
pulse. Hunters. the op had to complete to graduate Meny. You’ll need to as-
Shaktar: Lizard-like and noble, the giant Shaktars serve sign some of the points used for Traits in the next step to
SLA Industries, their race and their code of honour. Samu- meet requirements. Do’t worry, though. It’s worth it – these
rai. edges are particularly powerful.

Starting Attributes

Not all races are created equal (although they are bal- Number in brackets indicate the Attribute can be raised
anced in other ways). Consult the following table to see above D12, with each +1 counting as a point at character
what die-types your character’s Attributes begin at. creation or an advance later on while “x2” means that the
Attribute costs 2 points to raise at character creation or
two advances later on.

Race Agility Smarts Spirit Strength Vigour

Human D4 D4 D4 D4 D4
Frother D4 D4 D4 D6 D6 (D12+1)
Wraith Raider D6 (D12+2) D4 D4 D4 D4
Shaktar D4 D4 D4 D8 (D12+2) D6
Ebon D4 D4 D6 (D12+1) D4 D4
Brain Waster D4 D4 D6 (D12+1) D4 D4
313 Malice D4 D4 (x2) D4 D8 (D12+2) D8 (D12+2)
714 Chagrin D4 D4 (x2) D4 (x2) D8 (D12+6) D8 (D12+4)
711 Xeno D8 (D12+2) D4 D4 D4 D4
Vevaphon D4 D4 D4 (x2) D4 D4


Training Packages
Business: Business and psychology training. Negotiators. Upgraded Housing
Requires Persuasion D8, Bureaucracy D6. Most starting operatives are provided with a one combi-
Death Squad: Heavy assault training. Storm troopers. Re- nation bedroom-living room apartment in Uptown but,
quires Fighting D6, Shooting D8, Guts D6. either through administrative mistakes in their favour or
Kick Murder Squad: Close combat and infiltration training. use of their contacts, some newly-graduated operatives
Ninjas. Requires Fighting D8, Tech D6, Stealth D6. end up with something far better.
Investigation & Interrogation: Undercover and police- Each point spent during character creation either up-
work training. Sleuths. Requires Smarts D8, Bureaucracy grades the property first to a semi-detached house then
D8, Streetwise D8. a detached one, or adds two rooms (bedrooms, living
Mechanics: Repair and sabotage training. Sappers. Requires rooms or dining rooms, plus, for semis and above, ga-
Smarts D6, Tech D8, Knowledge (Demolitions) D6. rages or gardens).
Media: Journalism and interpersonal training. Fixers. Re- Two points moves it from Uptown to Mort Central.
quires Persuasion D6, Bureaucracy D6, Streetwise D8, Cha-
risma +2.
Medical: Field medic training. Medics. Requires Healing Drug Addiction Modifier is +0
D6, Guts D6.
Pilot & Navigation: Air or ground vehicle and navigational 4) Pick Edges and Hindrances
training. Stick Jockeys. Requires Agility D8, Piloting D6, In return for adding Hindrances (weaknesses) to your char-
Driving D6, Tech D6. acter, you can receive points with which to improve them in
Scouting: Tracking and sniper training. Assassins. Requires other ways.
Shooting D6, Streetwise D6, Survival D6, Notice D6. Natural races may choose a single major Hindrance and up
Strike Squad: General military training. All-rounders. There to 2 minor Hindrances as usual. Stormers may only choose
are no prerequisites for Strike Squad membership. either one major Hindrance or up to 2 minor ones. The Fi-
nance Chip hindrance is a special case. It may be bought in
See the Chapter 7: Edges for full details of the Training addition to these restrictions by everyone except Ebons or
Package edges. Brain Wasters.
As usual minor Hindrances are worth 1 point, majors 2.
3) Assign Traits Points may be spent as follows:
A character’s race defines what die-type each Attribute be- 2 points
gins at. Players then have 5 points with which to increase An Attribute point
them further (except Shaktars, who have only 4). An Edge
No Attribute may be raised above D12 unless the charac-
ter’s race specifies otherwise (listed in brackets after the start- 1 Point
ing die-type for that race). A Skill point
Characters have 15 points to spend on Skills. Raising a 500 credits
Skill a die-type costs 1 point (1 point for D4, 2 for D6, and Upgraded housing
so on), or costs 2 points to raise above the Attribute which
governs it. Skills may not be raised above D12. See the Edges and Hindrances chapters for lists of which
The full list of Skills can be found here. See the Skills chap- edges and hindrances from the Savage Worlds book are avail-
ter for more details on Athletics, Bureaucracy, Driving, For- able and which have been changed.
mulae, Knowledge, Piloting, Polymorph, Tech, Streetwise
and Survival. Others are unchanged form the Savage Worlds
rulebook. Buying Equipment
Once you have your character’s traits and edges decided
Pace is 6
upon, use the lists in the back of Karma to buy equip-
Running die is D6
ment. Prices have not been changed in this conversion,
Charisma is +0
only the rules for how items work.
Parry is 2 + half Fighting
The only exceptions to this are biogenetics . 17mm
Toughness is 2 + half Vigour
HEAP rounds (now 11c) and the Upgraded Armour op-
Common Knowledge is +0
Stress Modifier is +0 tion. Everything else has unchanged costs.


Additionally, because SLA operatives have been intensively

combat-trained, they may choose Seasoned combat edges Experienced Characters
despite only being Novice rank. Even with the availability of LAD, death is never far
from an operative’s door and most GMs are going to find
5) Buy Possessions themselves introducing new characters to the pot to re-
place those who fell in the line of duty.
SLA Industries generously provides newly graduated op- Of course, there is always the option of new characters
eratives with 1500 credits with which to buy the equipment being rookies fresh from Meny. But if that doesn’t appeal,
they’ll need when they get shipped back to Mort (although the following benchmarks should help GMs provide a
they may keep any change if they don’t manage to spend realistic starting SCL and equipment level for the char-
every credit). If they opt to be fitted with a finance chip (i.e. acter.
they take the Finance Chip hindrance), the operative is given GMs will probably want to set the SCL level of the
a further 200 credits to spend as a reward for their obvious experienced characters at around that of the rest of the
loyalty to SLA. squad. For a more arbitrary value, however, increase their
On arrival in Mort, operatives receive a further 100 credits. SCL by .1 for every experience point the character begins
This is meant to tide them over while they find their feet
play with (or one full level per 10 XP).
(and their first BPN) and may not be spent before the game
As for credits, they should begin play with 1500 credits,
just as with starting characters, plus 200 credits if they
Starting operatives are also issued with the following:
have a finance chip and an additional 20 credits per ex-
perience point, or 25 credits per experience point if they
Headset communicator
have a finance chip fitted.
Klippo lighter
FEN 603 and 2 clips of standard rounds
Skill List BPN case
SCL card
Athletics Agility Finance card
Bureaucracy Smarts Package card
SLA Badge
Driving Agility
Departmental authorization card
Fighting Agility 2 sets of clothes
Formulae (Ebons/Brain Wasters only) Spirit 1 set of footwear
Gambling Smarts Operative organiser
Weapons maintenance kit
Guts Spirit
Pack of contraceptives
Healing Smarts
Intimidation Spirit SLA operatives receive no salary, although 30 credits will
Knowledge Smarts be automatically deducted from their account each month for
Notice Smarts rent. On top of this, the average cost of living is somewhere
between 150c and 500c a month, so characters will have to
Persuasion Spirit make sure they take enough BPNs and Hunter Sheets to
Piloting Agility cover the difference until they can get a regular income from
Polymorph (Vevaphons only) Vigour sponsorship.
Tech Smarts
Shooting Agility 6) Fill In Character Details
Stealth Agility The security clearance level (SCL) of a starting operative
Streetwise Smarts is 10.
Now fill in the details of your character to round out your
Survival Smarts
concept. Name, background, and so on. The SLA Industries
Taunt Smarts book will provide good inspiration, although something
Telegenics (Optional) Smarts more detailed than “a reclusive Kick Murder Ebon with no
Throwing Agility friends except a goldfish called Brian” (SLA Industries p130)


Races Age and Life Expectancy

While the majority of the inhabitants of Mort are human, Most starting operatives are in their late teens and many
other races make up a high proportion of SLA operatives. don’t make it much further. For older ops, however, the
Whether they’re aliens recruited by SLA because of their following table shows average racial life spans.
unique suitability to operative life or were created by SLA’s
biogenetic arm, Karma, as perfect operatives, humans have a Human 60-70 (40-50 in Downtown)
lot of competition when it comes to becoming an op. Frother 30-35 (45-50 if they detox before
Still, many do make it and, having succeeded over so much 30)
competition, are often the best they can be, as well as the
Ebon 60-70
most popular with ThirdEye’s mostly-human audience.
Whichever race you choose, only the edges or hindrances Brain Waster 50-60
marked with an asterisk should be noted on your character Wraith Raider 35-40/45-50 on Cold Worlds
sheet. Others only affect character creation and can be safely Shaktar 150-170
left off. Stormer [D-Notice]
If starting attributes are followed by ‘(x2)’ they cost two Variants
points to raise at character creation and two advances thereaf-
ter. Other die-types in brackets represent racial maximums.
Natural weapons have two damage values, SWEX and at -2. This hindrance may be bought off with an advance at
standard. Use whihever is appropriate to your game. any time.

The following advantages only apply if you are creating a SLA

operative, who are better trained and more resourceful than Joe
Agility Smarts Spirit Strength Vigour
D4 D4 D4 D4 D4
Best of the Best
Human operatives start with either 3 ex-
tra skill points or an attribute increase.
They are the most adaptive race in the uni- And Just A Little Luck*
verse and fit into most every aspect of the new Getting entry to (and sur-
age and occupy positions at every level of SLA viving) Meny takes more
Industries, their only main weakness is their ad- than mere talent. You’ve got
diction to Television. to be just a little lucky, too.
Human ops gain one extra
Adaptive Nature Benny at the start of
Humans gain an additional free edge of each session. This
their choice at character generation. Edge can be com-
bined freely with
Stable Mind* the Lucky edges.
Whether it is the result of SLA’s
mass media not hesitating to show
even the most violent and disturb-
ing images to the public or just
because they’re in the majority, psy-
chologically, humans are best suited to
the tough life of a SLA operative.
They gain a +2 bonus on Stress rolls.

Vid Head*
Humans suffer a -2 distraction penalty on
all rolls when within line of sight of a T.V.
unless they take an action to make a Spirit roll


First Generation Frothers
These altered humans have made subtle evolutionary leaps The Frother racial package represents those born to
to cope with their addiction to combat drugs. Over the cen- Frother parents, those who have evolved as a result of
turies they have developed above-average strength and a high generations of drug use and are part of a Frother clan.
tolerance to physical punishment. The Frothers have formed
Not all Frothers fit this stereotype, however. To play a
into clans and are one of the few races aggressively head-
first-generation Frother, choose the Human race and take
hunted by SLA.
Recruited Frother as your free edge.

Recruited Frother
Agility Smarts Spirit Strength Vigour Requirements: Human, Novice, Vigour D6+, Starting
D4 D4 D4 D6 D6 characters only
(D12+1) In a dingy, Downtown Monarch cell a representative
of SLA Industries arrived and gave you a simple choice:
punishment for the crimes you committed to feed your
habits, or sign on as an Op and get access to the best
Wired At Birth* drugs the World of Progress has to offer. As always, you
Frothers have a high tolerance to drugs. As a result they chose the drugs.
receive a +2 bonus to all rolls made to resist addiction and Your years of drug use provide a +2 bonus to all rolls
recover from Withdrawal. made to resist addiction and recover from Withdrawal.
Thug Life
Frothers start with D4 in Fighting, Guts, Intimidation and Wraith Raider
Streetwise. Known for their agility, the Wraith Raider is the embodi-
ment of the sleek fast predator. They are slender and fast,
Vow - The Clan*
and highly sought after by SLA, so much so that SLA leaves
A Frother’s clan is everything; without
the Wraiths home worlds be, despite these ice planets hav-
it he is nothing. When the clan call,
ing an abundance of water. They have short life spans, 45
blood and claymore are theirs to
to 50 years, but mature quickly and are full grown at 10,
when Meny takes them and teaches them that the city is just
Quirk - Clan Colours* another hunting ground.
Pride in the clan is always
present in a Frother’s mind and
they will always have clan col-
Agility Smarts Spirit Strength Vigour
ours on show, no matter
what the mission or D6 D4 D4 D4 D4
what else they are (D12+2)

The cat-like grace of the Wraith Raider is renowned, as is
your habit of toying with your prey. You receive +2 on Agility
rolls. Not only does this benefit situations involving balance,
jumping and raw reaction-time, it also affects Agility tricks.

Page 24 Savage Worlds rule book.

Low-Light Vision*
Polo, the Wraith’s home world, is in perpetual twilight. Be-
cause of this, Wraith Raiders have developed the ability to see


clearly untrue, they are warriors who value honour above all
else, an anachronism in the World of Progress. Ancient, these
beings hail from a time before the Conflict War, and have a
chivalric value akin to the Samurai or feudal knights. To
slander a Shaktar’s family name is to lose one’s life.

Shaktars have size +1. This gives them +1 Toughness
and increased carrying capacity.

Warrior Caste
The Shaktar are raise as warriors and start with D4 in Ath-
letics, Fighting, Guts and Intimidation.

Natural Weapons*
Shaktar have claws, they do Strength D4/+1 damage and
the Shaktar is never considered unarmed.

Language (Shaktari)*
Shaktars speak their homeworld’s language, Shaktari, as
well as Killian, the human language common to the World
of Progress.
in even the slightest ambient light. They ignore penalties for
Rigid Upbringing
Dim or Dark conditions. A Shaktar’s life is regimented to such an extent that few
Ice Worlder* manage to break the warrior mould they are cast into from
Wraith Raiders come from ice worlds and as such they have birth. Shaktars gain only 4 points with which to increase at-
an in-built love of the cold, they get +4 to resist the effects of tributes.
cold, but -2 against heat. Code of Honour*
Language (Wraith)* Page 18 Savage Worlds rulebook and page 105 of the SLA
Wraith Raiders speak their race’s language as well as Killian, Industries rulebook.
the human language common to the World of Progress. Loyal*
Page 20 Savage Worlds rule-
Wraith Raiders are cold-blooded killers and have a ten-
dency to toy with and torment their pray. They suf-
fer a -2 Charisma penalty when dealing with non-
Wraith Raiders who have witnessed or know of the
Wraiths’ cruel nature.

The race that proudly bares the name Shaktar are
thought by the ignorant to be barbaric savages. This is

Agility Smarts Spirit Strength Vigour

D4 D4 D4 D8 D6


Ebon Brain Waster

The Ebon and their Deathsuits Born into an Ebon family,
broken kin are the only Ebons and Brain Wasters wear deathsuits for protection you were seen by your par-
ones that can control the and to store Flux (power points). Without a deathsuit, ents as broken and in need of
Ebb, and as such are tightly every glyph they manifest risks permanently damaging compassion. To you this was
controlled by SLA. From the Ebon’s mind. Buy one at character creation. the first sign of their inferi-
birth they are taught to ority. For all that Ebons are
use their innate ability to kind and gentle, the Brain
master Flux, watched over by the father of the Ebon race, Waster is cruel and violent; where the Ebon resists the change
Intruder and the Necanthrope, Preceptor Teeth. The Ebon into a Necanthrope, the Brain Waster embraces it. Cold and
are a gentle but emotionally-charged, inward-looking race. arrogant and broiling with anger, this is their life and path.

Ebb Control (Ab)* Ebb Control (Ab)*

Ebons start with the Arcane background Ebb Control. Brain Wasters start with the Arcane background Ebb
They must choose 2 affini- Control. They must choose
ties to ‘open’, 1 glyph from 2 affinities to ‘open’, 1 glyph
each affinity and start play Agility Smarts Spirit Strength Vigour from each affinity and start
with 10 Flux. For more on play with 10 Flux. For more
D4 D4 D6 D4 D4
this Arcane Background, on this Arcane Background,
see the Ebb chapter. (D12+2) see the Ebb chapter.

Self Aware* Violent

When rolling Formulae to manifest a glyph, each Brain Wasters start with D6 in Intimidation and Guts.
raise not used to otherwise boost a power’s effects may
instead be used to reduce the cost of the power by 1, to Language (Ebon)*
a minimum cost of 1 Flux. Brain Wasters speak their race’s lan-
guage, Ebon, as well as Killian, the
Language human language common to the
(Ebon)* World of Progress.
Ebons speak their
race’s language,
Ebon, as well
as Killian, the
human language
common to
the World of


Stormer 313 - Malice

Agility Smarts Spirit Strength Vigour
The 313, the work horse of the World of Progress, the
reason that SLA Industries are at the top. The Stormer was D4 D4 D4 D8 D8
created at the Karma biogenetics labs. Originally created (x2) (D12+2) (D12+2)
for combat, they were later adapted for more
‘civilised’ duties. Large, brutish figures, the
Stormers are seen as protectors rather than monsters, given enough intelligence to carry out BPNs but
still not full human intellect.

Prometheus Gene*
The scientists/madmen at Karma gifted the Storm-
er with genes that regenerate. Every fifth round the
Stormer gets a free Vigour roll to remove a single
wound they may have suffered. Once a day they may
make a Vigour roll to remove a permanent wound.

Natural Weapons*
Stormers have sharp teeth and claws, they do Strength
D6/+2 damage. The Stormer is never considered un-

Stormers are big. They get +1 size, giving them +1 Tough-
Stormer Edges & Hindrances ness and increasing their carrying capacity.
All Stormers share three hindrances in common.
Bred for War* A combination of looks, conditioning, and a mouth de-
By blocking out basic emotions and unnecessary signed as a weapon rather than a communication device,
thoughts from your brain, Karma made you almost fear- means that the Stormer suffers -2 Charisma.
less. You may increase your Guts and resist Intimidation On the upside, they may increase their Intimidation as if
tests of will as if you have D12 in your Spirit trait. they had a Spirit trait of D12.

Stormer Edges & Hindrances

Clueless* As with all your kind, your nature is both a blessing and
The stormer’s youth means they haven’t had a chance to a curse. You were created for a purpose, and while you are
learn much about the world. They gain -2 on Common rarely matched when pursuing the tasks you were designed
Knowledge rolls. for, outside that purpose, you lack the knowledge, adaptabil-
ity and freedom of the natural races.
Corporate Puppet* Gain the Bred For War edge and the Clueless, Vat Grown
Your Genes have given you many gifts but buried deep and Corporate Puppet hindrances
within them is a fail-safe; SLA built you, SLA owns you.
You feel compelled to obey any SLA operative whose
SCL is higher than yours. When given orders not of your
liking by ops at least one full numerical SCL level higher
than you, you must make a Spirit roll at -2 to resist

Vat Grown
Due to SLA correcting flaws in their biogenetic killing
machines, they’re not as imbalanced as humans and other
accidents of nature. At character creation Stormers may
only buy either one major or up to 2 minor hindrances
(rather than both).


Stormer 714 - Chagrin

Prometheus Gene and Knockout Blows
Stormer variant 714, created at Karma as an upgrade to the As long as a stormer lives, their regenerative powers will
313, is combat personified. Strong, mean, and controllable, continue to try to bring them back to full health.
they are massively built and have large claws and tusks. They Every 5 (Malice and Chagrin) or 10 (Xeno) rounds, a
are the ultimate killing machine.
wounded stormer may make a Vigour roll, modified by
wound, fatigue and other penalties. On a success they
regenerate a wound, on a raise they regenerate two.
Agility Smarts Spirit Strength Vigour Even after more than three wounds have been taken
D4 D4 D4 D8 D8 and the character has consulted the Knockout Blow ta-
(x2) (x2) (D12+6) (D12+4) ble, their genes continue patching them up. In this case,
a success on the Vigour roll moves them up the table one
entry (from Incapacitated to Battered and Bruised, for
Hardy* example) while a raise moves them up two entries.
When Shaken, further Shaken results have no further effect Once they move past Battered and Bruised, they are
– they do not cause a wound. back at -3 wounds and able to act again (although their
genes do not help them recover from being Shaken).
Prometheus Gene*
The madmen scientists over at Karma gifted the Chagrin
with genes that regenerate. Every fifth round the Chagrin Extremely Aggressive*
gets a free Vigour roll to remove a wound they may have A combination of looks, conditioning, and a mouth de-
suffered. Once a day they may make a Vigour roll to remove signed as a weapon rather than a communication device
a permanent wound. means that Chagrins suffer -4 Charisma.
On the upside, their charming personalities allow them
Natural Weapons* to increase their Intimidation as if they had a Spirit trait of
Chagrin have sharp claws and tusks. They do D6+1/+3 D12.
(AP1) damage and the Chagrin is never considered un-
armed. Stormer Edges & Hindrances
As with all your kind, your nature is both a blessing and
Huge* a curse. You were created for a purpose, and while you are
Chagrin are massive. They get +2 size, rarely matched when pursuing the tasks you were de-
providing +2 Toughness and increas- signed for, outside that purpose, you lack the knowl-
ing their carrying capacity to truly edge, adaptability and freedom of the natural
superhuman levels. Clothes and races.
armour cost 50% more. Gain the Bred For War edge
and the Clueless, Vat Grown
and Corporate Puppet hin-


Stormer 711 - Xeno only rudimentary social skills. This means that Xenos suffer
a -4 Charisma.
Stormer variant 711, created at Karma in the same way as
the 313. This model was designed for speed and agility. They Stormer Edges & Hindrances
make ideal assassins and scouts due to their chameleon-like As with all your kind, your nature is both a blessing and
skin, although this does prevent them wearing armour. Their a curse. You were created for a purpose, and while you are
creators thought of this, though, and kindly provided them rarely matched when pursuing the tasks you were designed
with ten pockets of skin in which to keep their equipment. for, outside that purpose, you lack the knowledge, adaptabil-
ity and freedom of the natural races.
Gain the Bred For War edge and the Clueless, Vat Grown
Agility Smarts Spirit Strength Vigour and Corporate Puppet hindrances
D8 D4 D4 D4 D4

Prometheus Gene (Minor)*

The madmen/scientists over at Karma gifted the Xeno with
genes that regenerate, although not quite at the rate of their
larger brothers. Every minute (ten rounds) the Xeno gets a
free Vigour roll to remove a wound they may have suffered.
Once a week they may make a Vigour roll to remove a per-
manent wound.

Xeno gets +2 to Stealth rolls if they remain stationary.
The Xeno must be naked to use this ability.

Having seven eyes, the Xeno has an extraordinary
field of view. They are always considered ‘active’
for the purposes of Stealth (i.e. Anyone failing a
Stealth roll is instantly spotted by Xenos, even
when they’re not actively searching the area).
Also, they never lose a round’s action due to
surprise when ambushed.

Page 24 Savage Worlds rule book.

Natural Armour*
The Xeno has a hard carapace covered by
skin, giving it +4 armour in all locations. No
chinks or weak spots. This bonus does not stack
with worn armour, and the armour is not dam-
aged by enemies’ attacks.

Page 23 of the Savage Worlds main rule book.

Alien Presence*
The Xeno has the definite look of an insect, and even
though it is more intelligent than its brothers, it still has


The vev is the first creation to crawl out of the Doppel- Agility Smarts Spirit Strength Vigour
ganger Institute’s vats. A biogenetic polymorph, the vevap- D4 D4 D4 D4 D4
hon can alter itself into different shapes and forms. Unlike (x2)
the Stormer, the vev is not based on the DNA code of In-
truder, but, rather, each cell cluster is a perfect, if unstable, ated for a purpose, and while you are rarely matched when
organism in its own right. The internal organs including the pursuing the tasks you were designed for, outside that pur-
brain can be moved around and reconfigured at will by the pose, you lack the knowledge, adaptability and freedom of
vevaphon. the natural races.
Doppelganger has developed a special food supplement Gain the Bred For War, Clueless, Vat Grown and Corpo-
that contains all the vev needs. If it must it can eat normal rate Puppet hindrances.
food but must eat double the amount to get the same nutri-
tional value.

Biogenetic Construct*
The vevaphon’s internal ambiguities give them a number
of advantages:
1) +2 to recover from Shaken.
2) No extra damage from called shots.
3) Piercing attacks do half damage (yes, that does in-
clude bullets – with the exception of HP, HESH,
and shotgun shells delivered at short range).
4) No wound modifiers.
5) Vevaphons do not receive permanent inju-
ries and do not bleed – treat ‘Bleeding Out’
on the Knockout Blow table as Incapacitated.
They’re either Incapacitated, in which case
their Healing power kicks in, or Dead.

Natural Weapons*
The vevaphon can create a sharp or blunt
weapon as a free action. It does Strength +D6
damage and they are never considered unarmed.
Also, see Polymorph.

Natural Armour*
The vev can produce a hard carapace-like skin,
giving it +2 armour in all locations. No chinks
or weak spots. See also Polymorph.

Polymorph (Ab)*
All vevaphons have this Arcane back-
ground, allowing them to change their
form at will. See the Polymorph chapter.

No Personality
The lack of identity inherent in the
vevaphon leaves them with a -2 penalty
to Charisma.

Stormer Edges & Hindrances

As with all your kind, your nature is
both a blessing and a curse. You were cre-


Skills Tech (Smarts)

Similar to the old Repair skill, Tech also includes lock pick-
Most of the skills used in Savage SLA remain unchanged ing and both electronic and mundane forms of infiltration.
from the Savage Worlds rulebook. Those that are different
Streetwise (Smarts)
are listed below.
As well as gathering information, Streetwise now allows
Athletics (Agility) characters to trail targets through urban environments.
This skill combines both Climbing
Survival (Smarts)
and Swimming. Jumping, dodging and Skill List This skill is also used for tracking
running still fall under Agility.
Athletics Agility (although not trailing targets through
Bureaucracy (Smarts) crowds or urban areas where there is no
Bureaucracy Smarts or little physical trail left by their passage
Basically Investigation, this skill allows
a character to retrieve information from Driving Agility – that is covered by Streetwise).
SLA’s Byzantine bureaucracy as well as Fighting Agility
Optional Skill: Telegenics
to search through libraries and written Formulae (Ebons/ Spirit
information generally. (Smarts)
Brain Wasters only)
Telegenics is the art of looking good in
Gambling Smarts front of the camera. Those skilled in it
Driving (Agility)
This skill also allows the character Guts Spirit know which camera to smile at when they
to control watercraft and gauss trains. Healing Smarts deliver a killing blow and which way to
There is no Boating skill. Intimidation Spirit turn to prevent the audience seeing their
failures. They know how to stand, how to
Formulae (Spirit) Knowledge Smarts walk, what to say and how to look good
This is the arcane skill used by Ebons Notice Smarts saying it.
and Brain Wasters when forcing reality Persuasion Spirit GMs may call for a roll when characters
to bend to their will. Piloting Agility are interviewed or at the end of combats
that were filmed. A success means the
Knowledge (Smarts) Polymorph Vigour
character looked good and came off as
As operatives have been through an (Vevaphons only)
professional, a raise means they looked
intensive three-year training regime, Tech Smarts great and should probably get them a few
Common Knowledge rolls can be used Shooting Agility extra credits.
to cover most of the information they’ll Telegenics works just as well in front of
need to know during their duties. How- Stealth Agility
large crowds as for cameras but it is the
ever, specific knowledge skills could well Streetwise Smarts
performer’s art – it may win fans but to
mean the difference between life and of- Survival Smarts sway minds, characters will need to roll
fending a UVed-up Frother so are defi- Taunt Smarts Persuasion or Intimidation as usual.
nitely worth taking. Telegenics also gauges how well a char-
Telegenics Smarts
Some possible choices are: the con- acter performs under the pressure of a
tract circuit, cults, demolitions, drugs, live match, acting as cap for their char-
biogenetics, fashion, Frother clans, Throwing Agility
acter’s Wild Die during Contract Circuit
gangs, glyphs/the ebb, the media, navi- matches. Characters without Telegenics
gation, soft companies, The Truth (for find they just can’t perform to the level
the suicidally-inclined) and war worlds. of those practiced at turning on the juice when the cameras
Piloting (Agility) start to roll and do not roll any Wild Die during matches.
As well as flying SCAFs and Kilcopters, combined with the Those with Telegenics D4 roll only a D4 and those with the
Jump Port glyph, this skill allows Ebons to transport Fold- skill at higher levels roll a D6 normally.
ships across the universe. GMs should consider including Telegenics in the skill list
when running Contract Killer campaigns or games where the
Polymorph (Vigour) media and sponsorship feature heavily.
This is the arcane skill used by vevaphons when they


Hindrances Unsuitable Hindrances

Unless specifically noted as unsuitable for SLA (see sidebar) SLA operatives are hand-picked for their fitness and
or superseded (see below), characters may take any hindrance skill. As such, these hindrances are probably not suitable
from the Savage Worlds rulebook. We’ve also created some except with GM approval:
hindrances specific to SLA and noted some from Savage Set- Blind, Elderly, Hard of Hearing, Lame, One Arm, One
tings that are particularly appropriate. Leg, Outsider*, Pacifist, Wanted, Young.
Stormers may only choose one major or two minor Hin- *With your GM’s permission, this might be an acceptable
drances, plus Finance Chip. hindrance, but you’ll have to justify how your character is
somehow more of an outsider than aliens or stormers.
General Hindrances
the World of Progress without your help and support. You
will go in great lengths to protect the one you love, and if
Addiction (Minor/Major)
something or someone takes them away from you, it will
This replaces the Habit (Major) hindrance from the Savage
break your heart.
Worlds rulebook.
If the person you care for is lost forever, you can, with the
Your character is addicted to either a soft drug as a minor
GM’s permission and if it’s appropriate, replace this hin-
hindrance or a combat drug as a major one, and must take
drance with Death Wish, Vow or another similar hindrances
the stated number of doses daily to avoid Withdrawal.
to represent your sorrow and desire for vengeance. Or simply
Additionally, even if the character survives cold turkey and
buy it off - some things are meant to go.
breaks his addiction, should he ever be foolish enough to
take that type of drug again (soft if minor, combat if major), Finance Chip (Minor)
his addictive personality manifests itself as a -2 penalty to the Gain 200 credits to spend at character creation and a fur-
addiction roll. ther 100 credits every month for life. Plus, you always know
the time of day and your exact credit balance, you have a
Addictive Personality (Minor)
direct line to Station Analysis should you run into trouble,
You suffer a -2 to addiction rolls and to rolls to recover
and, best of all, you can take this hindrance in addition to the
from Withdrawal once you’re addicted, making the taking of
number usually allowed for your race. Good, huh?
even medical drugs a dangerous gamble.
Well, there is one little complication. You have to have a
Most characters with this hindrance quickly learn to steer
biogenetic camera-worm injected into your brain, allowing
clear of any narcotics at all except in life or death situations.
Station Analysis to monitor your every action (80% of the
Which is to say every day if you’re a SLA op.
time, anyway). And if your squad mates find out, it’s just pos-
Albino (Minor) sible they may forget to provide covering fire next time you’re
Strength requires 2 points to increase in character creation descended on by a swarm of carriens/DarkNight troops/a
and 2 levelling opportunities thereafter. Thresher power suit, never mind what those downtowners
who’ve scavenged a chip scanner will do to you if they can
Bad Karma (Minor/Major) bring you down. But think of the credits. Can you afford to
Something is wrong with your gene code. Maybe it’s some refuse getting chipped?
form of illness, or an unfortunate accident with drugs. What- Not available for Ebons and Brain Wasters.
ever the cause, it doesn’t bother you much in normal life, but
the cutting edge of nanotechnology doesn’t work right on Homeless (Minor)
you either. Either there really was an administrative mistake or it
In the minor form of this hindrance, the duration of all wasn’t such a good idea to try intimidating the clerk in the
drugs is halved and the Vigour roll after a KickStart fix is Housing Department into giving you an upgraded apart-
made with a -2 penalty. In addition, any implants from Kar- ment. Whatever the reason, you start play homeless and, as
ma and LAD both cost you double the normal price. per SLA rules, no other operative or employee is allowed to
As a Major hindrance, drugs have no effect, Karma im- let you crash at their home. Fortunately, most other tramps
plants are impossible and the cost of LAD is tripled. You do are unlikely to try fighting off a Slop who asks to share their
get +4 to Vigour rolls to resist poisons and toxins, though. cardboard box.

Dependent (Minor) Mod Head (Minor)

You have someone you hold very dear. To make things You wouldn’t be seen dead with the standard-issue gear eve-
worse, this person is helpless or naive and won’t survive in ryone else thinks it’s acceptable to carry. Your personal style


demands every single thing you own be customized to your Sucker (Minor)
own precise specifications. You never fail to fall prey to a pretty face. You simply can-
Every piece of clothing and equipment (but not weapons not refuse a request from an attractive member of the oppo-
and armour) you purchase costs 25% extra and takes an ad- site sex (or the same one, if you are that way inclined).
ditional D6 days to arrive. Your character must make a Spirit roll with a penalty equal
Weapons and armour must have at least 25% of their base to that person’s Charisma modifier to say “no” to an attractive
value spent on add-ons and customisations (until every pos- girl or boy if nicely asked.
sible addition has been bought). For humans and frothers this hindrance only applies to hu-
mans and frothers. For aliens it applies to humans, frothers
Mean (Minor) and your own race. Stormers, being asexual, cannot take this
This edge has the same mechanical benefit as it does in hindrance.
the standard Savage Worlds rules, however SLA Industries Alternatively, any character may select a particular race that
provides a few interesting ways to explain the -2 Charisma they’re either terrified of or idolise, in which case the gender
penalty. doesn’t matter. You can’t refuse a request from any member
- Bad DNA Tattoo. Something went seriously wrong when of that species without making a Spirit roll with a penalty
they gave you your tattoo (or it was given to your parents, equal to their Charisma modifier. Negative modifiers do not
grandparents, etc.). In the best case scenario people can’t help give a bonus.
but stare or laugh. At worst, they may gag or abuse you. Even
worse, however many times it’s cut away, it just grows back.
Please note: Players should buy the hindrance off (at the cost Vid Head
of a skill point when advancing) rather than trying to stop it
”Me? Me likez Captin Contract. Iz much fun to
affecting play by continually cutting it off, covering it up or
watch all day, all night! Sometimes Zak like so
otherwise avoiding the penalty.
much forget go on BPNs. Sometimes squad get
- Cynic. Life in Mort has left you sour. Not that you get
hurt without Zak to take bullets. One time, ebon
any joy from being nasty. You’re just trying to open peoples’
called Maudlina, she die because Zak not there.
eyes to how oppressive the system is. Isn’t it better that you
Manchine eat her face. Not Zak fault though.
bring them down to earth before some serial killer with a
They should learn not take BPN when Captin
chain axe does it for you?
Contract marathon on TV.” – Zak, Stormer 313
- Afterlifer. You have been through the Life After Death
process and somewhere along the line you lost a little of what
made you human. Harsher, sterner, less compassionate, less
forgiving, your family and friends may not be as close as they Vid Head (Minor)
were but as far as SLA Industries is concerned, you just be- You suffer a -2 distraction penalty on all rolls when in the
came a more efficient employee. line of sight of a TV unless a successful Spirit roll is made.
- Haggard. Breaking a drug addiction has changed you. Humans who take this hindrance are effectively addicted
The shaking, nervousness, erratic behaviour, physical ticks or to TV. Not only do the distraction penalties stack but they
other traits you now display grant a -2 penalty to Charisma. must also make a Spirit roll to leave the vicinity of any TV
they start watching.
Sterile (Minor)
Vigour requires 2 points to increase in character creation
and 2 levelling opportunities thereafter.
Oh, and you can’t have kids. Zero Charisma
”Can somebody please get this moron away
Stressed Out (Major) from camera? Our ratings are going to fall
You’re just not cut out for the day-to-day stresses of life deeper than Salvation Tower!” – Ray Christo-
as a SLA operative yet somehow that’s exactly what you’ve pherson, 3rd Eye Program Director
become. Welcome to Hell.
You start play with a single Stress fatigue level. When mak-
ing Stress rolls, you need a raise to avoid receiving a fatigue
Zero Charisma (Minor)
level. On a success you still gain a single Stress fatigue level
You may be unphotogenic, have terrible habits, be camera
and you gain 2 fatigue levels on a failure.
shy, or just cruel to media crews. Either way, you look (or
are made to look) bad on TV, and if you look bad, ThirdEye
looks bad.


Program Directors mostly avoid showing you to the mass- Bullet Magnet (Major) (Tour of Darkness)
es, and when you do show up it’s almost certainly because of You make a habit of being in the wrong place at a wrong
some failure or embarrassment. time when firefights occur.
You suffer -2 Charisma while dealing with the media or in-
teracting with someone who knows you from TV programs Heavy Sleeper (Minor) (Deadlands: Reloaded)
(around 25% chance, or 75% for those with the Vid-Head Even a Halloween Jack knocking at your door won’t be
hindrance) and will have a hard time getting sponsorship. enough to wake you up.
If you are using the optional Telegenics skill, you suffer a
Thin Skinned (Major) (Deadlands: Reloaded)
-2 penalty.
You have a low pain threshold.

Stormer-Only Hindrances

Brotherhood (Minor)
You have been programmed to never leave one of your own
on the field to suffer at the hands of the enemy.
You will do anything but jeopardise the mission to rescue,
or if need be kill, a fallen stormer or vevaphon.

Damaged Genome (Minor/Major)

Prometheus gene rolls are at -2. If major, regeneration also
only happens every 10 rounds and permanent injuries are
regenerated only once a week.
Xenos may only take the minor version of this hindrance.
Vevaphons may take the major version of this hindrance
that gives them -2 to all Polymorph rolls instead.

Ebb User Hindrances

Dream Daemons (Minor)

Every night they come to you with promises and threats,
making nightmares of your dreams, twisting your Ebon cu-
riosity and emotional awareness into shapes you wish you
never knew existed.
Make a Smarts roll each night. On a failure, gain a fatigue
level that lasts until you get a full night’s sleep. Should this
fatigue level take you to Incapacitated, lose a Benny but re-
main Exhausted.
Taking a dose of White Noise before sleeping adds +2 to
the Smarts roll.
All Ebons and Brain Wasters gain this hindrance as Veteran
level. Those who have voluntarily taken it before that point
find the daemons become more vivid at that point, often ap-
pearing even during their waking hours. They gain -2 to their
Smarts rolls when trying to resist the Necanthropes’ night-
mares from Veteran level onwards.

Hindrances from Other Settings

Bad Dreams (Major) (Deadlands: Reloaded)

Your sleep is haunted by fiendish nightmares, perhaps of
your impending transformation into a horrific necanthrope
or just about what you have to do during the day.


Edges Unsuitable Edges

Most of the edges from the Savage Worlds rulebook are The following edges aren’t suitable for use in SLA: Ar-
suitable for SLA characters (check the sidebar for those which cane Resistance, Improved Arcane Resistance, Arcane
aren’t) but a setting as flavourful as SLA deserves some edges Background, Beast Bond, Beast Master, Champion,
of its own. You can find them here, along with a few of our Command, Fervour, Followers, Gadgeteer, Giant Killer,
favourites from other Savage Settings. Hold The Line!, Holy/Unholy Warrior, Inspire, Mental-
Unfortunately, we are unable to reproduce edges from ist, Natural Leader, Noble, Soul Drain, Thief, Wizard,
other Savage Settings here for copyright reasons, so just in Woodsman
case you don’t have the relevant book, we’ve moved them all
into a separate Combat Edges section so you can easily skim 2) You also receive a +2 bonus on Common Knowledge or
past them. Knowledge skill rolls concerning SLA Industries’ rival com-
Training Packages 3) Either: a) You do not suffer recoil penalties while firing
in full-auto mode provided you do not move (as the Rock
These Professional Edges are only available to SLA-trained & Roll! edge). If you also take Rock & Roll!, you may move
operatives. They represent training given to your character normally while using this ability. Or: b) You get +2 to recover
at the start of his career and can’t be combined or purchased from Shaken (this stacks with the Combat Reflexes edge).
later without the GM’s approval.
Bonuses from multiple training package edges or other Investigation & Interrogation Training
professional edges do not stack. Package
Requirements: Novice, Smarts D8+, Bureaucracy D8+,
Business Training Package Streetwise D8+
Requirements: Novice, Persuasion D8+, Bureaucracy This is the basic training package for SHIVERS. Operatives
D6+ trained in Investigation & Interrogation are ready to work
This package is essential for the operative who wishes to undercover. They learn how to root out traitors, analyze the
climb the corporate ladder or become the combat financier structures of the rival companies, extract information from
for their squad. Operatives are trained in the financial and captives, gain reliable sources and recover lost information
administrative skills needed by corporate sharks as they swim – all skills essential for the company’s survival.
the dangerous seas of the corporate sector. Similar to the Investigator professional edge found in the
Business-trained operatives gain the following benefits: Savage Worlds rulebook, Investigation and Interrogation-
1) You are trained to be a master of negotiation – with a trained operatives gain the following benefits:
successful Persuasion roll you can improve an NPC’s reaction 1) +2 to Bureaucracy and Streetwise rolls.
by two steps, three with the raise. 2) +2 to Notice rolls to search through evidence.
2) You’ve also receive a +2 bonus on Bureaucracy rolls, and 3) +2 on Notice rolls to determine if the person you are
Common Knowledge (or Knowledge skill rolls) concerning talking to is telling the truth or lies.
SLA Industries’ structure and bureaucratic nuances.
Kick Murder Squad Training Package
Death Squad Training Package Requirements: Novice, Fighting D8+, Tech D6+, Stealth
Requirements: Novice, Fighting D8+, Shooting D8+, D6+
Guts D6+ Kick Murder specialization trains the operative in the fine
Death Squad specialization trains the operative in heavy as- arts of espionage and close combat assassination. Any mis-
sault combat. You are trained to analyze your enemy and are sion or job that required stealth and silence is given to Kick
usually equipped heavily with arms and equipment to match Murder trained operatives.
the firepower of rival organizations and groups. Needless to Kick Murder-trained operatives gain the following ben-
say, the chance for promotions are good if you manage to efits:
survive long enough to receive them. 1) You are trained in various martial arts and are never con-
Death Squad-trained operatives gain the following ben- sidered unarmed. Your unarmed attacks do +2 damage.
efits: 2) Most opponents rarely realize that you are coming until
1) You are trained to face and recognize the toughest situ- it’s too late. You receive a +2 bonus on your Stealth roll dur-
ations and survive encounters with the strangest things. You ing ‘The Last Step’ phase (when you make a further Stealth
receive a +2 bonus to Guts rolls. roll to move within 5” and deliver an attack). If you win the
opposed roll, you get The Drop on the target.


3) You are trained to bypass electronic and mundane secu- drive and pilot varying vehicle types, ranging from bikes to
rity systems. Gain a +2 bonus on Tech rolls for lock picking small jeeps, from flying power armour to heavily armoured
or disabling security systems. Kilcopters. This package also includes the training in various
navigation systems, and devices.
Mechanics Training Package This is the Ace Professional Edge found in the Savage
Requirements: Novice, Smarts D6+, Tech D8+, Knowl- Worlds rulebook, with the following additions:
edge (Demolitions) D6+ 1) +2 on Common Knowledge or Knowledge (Navigation)
This is a highly specialized training package, for those op- skill rolls while using navigational systems.
eratives who love machinery and big explosions. Their skills 2) +2 on Tech rolls made to repair vehicles.
are necessary to upkeep and tweak squad vehicles, armour
and weapons, making them a valuable asset to the squad. Scouting Training Package
Mechanics-trained operatives gain the following benefits: Requirements: Novice, Shooting D6+, Streetwise D6+,
1) +2 bonus on Tech rolls to repair or break things, and on Survival D6+, Notice D6+
a raise, the time taken is halved. The streets of the cities in a World of Progress are as vast,
2) +2 bonus on Knowledge (Demolitions) rolls. and complex as the great jungles on a Natural Worlds. Scouts
are necessary for both. Operatives trained in this package are
Media Training Package present in almost any team that wants to travel beyond Mort
Requirements: Novice, Persuasion D6+, Bureaucracy Central. Their training involves the use of sniper skills as well
D6+, Streetwise D8+, Charisma +2 as tracking.
Media Training includes journalism, interviewing methods Scouting-trained operatives gain the following benefits:
and the use of camera and editing. Each media op is attached 1) +2 bonus on Streetwise and Survival rolls for the pur-
to a squad and linked to a Control who is aware of the op’s pose of tracking, or evading a trail.
movements through his camera’s lens and cut to them when 2) +2 bonus on Notice skill rolls to find hidden traps,
the action hots up, and even provide aid at times. mines, or ambushes.
Media-trained operatives gain the following benefits: 3) You are an accomplished sniper – you receive a +2 bonus
1) You gain a +2 bonus to Persuasion and Streetwise rolls. on your Shooting roll if you do not move in a round. This
2) Every Media Op is constantly connected to a ThirdEye ability works exactly like the Marksman edge from the Sav-
employee who can provide aid and information on request age Worlds rulebook – the benefits of these two edges do not
(threat this is as Connections Edge from Savage Worlds Re- stack but if a character has both, the bonus rises to +3 if a full
vised rulebook) round is spent aiming and +4 if two are spent.
Medical Training Package Strike Squad Training Package
Requirements: Novice, Healing D6+, Guts D6+ Requirements: Novice
This is another highly specialized training package. Created The Strike Squad Package is the basic Militia training for
to help people fighting on War Worlds, where split-seconds operatives.
decide whether a soldier will live or die, this package works The operative is not trained in a specialized field, but re-
just fine on the mean streets of Mort. Operatives trained in ceives broader training in all basic skills instead.
the medical package are welcomed in every squad, especially Any character who can’t or won’t train in more specialized
those lacking Ebons. packages must join the Strike Squad course to graduate from
This package is the Medic! Professional Edge found in the Meny Academy and become SLA operative.
“Tour of Darkness” book by Pinnacle with the following ad- You receive 3 extra skill points.
1) You are an expert in the day-to-day use of healing na-
notechnology. If you administer healing, or inject healing
Starting Edges
drugs, you reduce the Wound Penalties on the Soak or Heal-
ing roll by 2. Fast Healer
2) +2 on Healing, Knowledge (Forensics), and any other Requirements: Starting Character, Vigour D6+
medically-related Knowledge or Common Knowledge rolls. This edge works just as in the Savage Worlds rulebook with
the following changes:
Pilot & Navigation Training Package 1) The bonus does not apply to healing rolls caused by
Requirements: Novice, Agility D8+, Piloting D6+, Driv- drugs or the stormers’ Prometheus Gene.
ing D6+, Tech D6+ 2) Life After Death find it much easier to bring you back.
The Pilot and Navigation package trains the operative in all All costs, including biogenetics edges and equipment, are re-
aspects of company transport. This involves learning how to duced by 25%.


Natural Aptitude
Requirements: Starting Character Vevaphons, Ebb User & Power Edges
Pick a non-combat, non-arcane skill (that’s anything except Vevaphons may take all of the Power edges from the
Fighting, Formulae, Guts, Polymorph, Shooting or Throw- Savage Worlds rulebook except New Power (they already
ing). Any time you spend a Benny to reroll that skill, you have every power).
get the Benny back if the reroll makes you succeed where Ebons and Brain Waster should use the Ebb-User edges
previously you failed. from this chapter instead of the default Power edges.

Requirements: Starting Character You are assigned a Kilcopter to aid you in your duties. This
You gain an extra 250c a month income from personal sav- supersedes any previously allotted vehicle.
Combat Edges
Filthy Rich
Don’t forget – SLA operatives may choose combat edges with
Requirements: Starting Character, Rich
Seasoned as a requirement even when at Novice rank.
You now gain 500c a month income.
Crushing Blow
Possession Edges Requirements: Novice, Strength D10+, Fighting D6+
Your blows are so powerful that armour and inanimate ob-
Company Bike/Trike jects rarely lasts long under a concerted attack.
Requirements: Novice, Driving D6+ When breaking an item with a close combat attack, you
SLA Industries has deemed you worthy of being assigned gain the bonus damage for a raise and may Ace your damage
a Calaharvey Urbaniser Motorcycle or BLA ‘Pandora’ Multi- roll.
task Trike. SLA Industries will pay for repairs to damage When attacking foes, you remove an additional point of
caused in the line of duty and even replace destroyed vehi- protection from armour if you achieve a Shaken or Wounded
cles. However, the Motor Pool’s patience is limited. The GM result.
may require a Persuasion (or possibly Intimidation) rolls to
get repairs or replacements from characters who repeatedly Improved Crushing Blow
damage or lose their vehicles. Requirements: Seasoned, Crushing Blow, Strength D12+,
Fighting D8+
Company Car When attacking foes, their armour loses a point of Protec-
Requirements: Novice, Driving D8+, Company Bike/ tion with every successful Fighting attack (not just if you beat
Trike their Toughness on the damage roll). This stacks with weap-
You may now be issued with GA ‘J’ Personal Transport Jeep ons with the same effect, removing 2 points of Protection
or an Augustus limo (complete with SCL 11 chauffeur). This on a hit that fails to shake or cause damage to a target. On
replaces the bike or trike you were previously allotted. Shaken or Wounded results you remove 2 additional points
of protection (for 3 total under the default armour damage
Company APC rules).
Requirements: Seasoned, Driving D8+, Tech D6+, Com-
pany Car Duck and Cover
SLA Industries now allows you a Battle Taxi APC for your Requirements: Novice
personal use. This replaces the jeep or limo you had previ- Why risk being killed on a daily basis when you can rise up
ously. the SLA ladder from behind a desk (or steering wheel)?
When the tough get going, you retreat to the restroom.
Company SCAF Still, it’s not always possible to keep off the streets entirely,
Requirements: Seasoned, Pilot D8+, Tech D6+, Company so when you are forced out there, you’ve learnt to keep your
Car head down.
You are assigned a SCAF to aid you in your duties. This Provided you are in cover or lying prone, ranged attacks
supersedes any previously allotted vehicle. against you are at –2 (in addition to the penalties for existing
Company Kilcopter You also get +2 on Agility rolls to leap away from area effect
Requirements: Veteran, Pilot D10+, Tech D6+, Knowl- attacks.
edge (Navigation) D6+, Company SCAF


Evaluate Opponent Your unarmed attacks can knock out a horse if you’re lucky.
Requirements: Seasoned, Smarts D8+ Or just make that mutant carrien even angrier if you aren’t.
You are an expert at reading the weak points in an oppo- You deal Strength +2 damage with your bare hands, or, if
nent’s fighting style and exploiting them to your advantage. you have natural weapons, their damage increases by +2.
When engaged in melee combat with someone, you can Additionally, anyone of your size or smaller who is Shaken
spend a Benny to get +1 to your Fighting rolls, Parry and or Wounded by your bare-fisted (or natural weapon) attacks
close combat damage rolls against them. These bonuses last is knocked prone.
until the end of combat.

Hoard Ammo
Grudge Glowgood Man: “You know, that gun costs
“You turned your back on second chances when about five credits every time you fire it. That’s
you turned your back on SLA Industries, Ex-op- two creds a bullet.”
erative Godspeed. What’s that? You got money, Calaharvey: “Well how many’d I hit?”
huh? Well, sure, I’ll take your little bribe… from Glowgood Man: “You spent twenty five credits
your cold, dead hands, you filthy, low-down and didn’t hit a goddamn thing. I nailed one and
piece o’ *blamblamblam*” - Conversation be- it cost about four and a quarter.”
tween Jem Hardknot, Dark Finder, and Opera-
tive Godspeed, SCL 8C, DarkNight double agent
Hoard Ammo
Requirements: Seasoned, Smarts D6+, Shooting D8+
Grudge You have learned to reduce the damage that firing auto-
Requirements: Veteran, Spirit D8+ matic weapons does... to your credit balance.
You have a particular distaste for one of the threats you Your weapon’s rate of fire counts as 1 point lower when
face as an SLA operative. Pick one from the following list: working out how many bullets were used up after firing on
DarkNight, Thresher, Tex Trex, rogue SLA operatives, gangs, full auto or laying down suppressive fire. For example, firing
carriens, serial killers, manchines, cannibals, mutant animals a rate of fire 5 weapon on full auto uses 20 rounds, not 25.
(carnivorous pigs, sewergators, even the fabled vampiric pen-
guin), ex-war criminals or a specific non-human race; or de- Improved Hoard Ammo
cide on an enemy yourself, such as a particular rival operative Requirements: Veteran, Smarts D6+, Shooting D10+
or team of operatives, a minor soft company or a contract Your mastery of automatic fire means you can open up
killer. happily on the enemies of Progress and still have credits left
Your operative inflicts +2 damage in close combat when for a round of Slosh later at the Pit.
fighting your chosen enemy and gains +2 Toughness when Your weapon’s rate of fire counts as 2 points lower when
suffering damage from that enemy’s attacks in close combat. calculating ammo usage, to a minimum of 2. For example,
You also find it impossible to conceal your distaste, suffer- suppressive fire with a rate of fire 5 weapon would use only
ing a -2 Charisma penalty when dealing with the object of 15 rounds, not 25, but a ROF 3 weapon would still use 10
your hatred. rounds as its rate of fire can only be reduced to 2.
If you’re ever lucky enough for your chosen threat to be Improved Marksman
wiped out, choose another. Requirements: Veteran, Marksman or Scouting Training
Package, Shooting D10+
You may move at half your pace while still benefiting from
Heavy Punch the Marksman edge (or Scouting equivalent). While it may
”Wow! That one’s gotta hurt. Somebody get a not seem much, this edge allows characters to take the 2”
medic over here, and another Slosh.” - Over- move necessary to stand up from prone, fire with a +2 aim
heard in The Pit after a (not so uncommon) bar bonus and throw themselves prone, back behind cover.
Requirements: Second set of biogenetic or Ebb Enhance-
ment arms, Agility D8+
Heavy Punch
You have grown comfortable with your new appendages.
Requirements: Novice, Strength D6+, Fighting D6+


Your second set of biogenetic or Ebb Enhancement arms Really Dirty Fighter (50 Fathoms)
no longer suffers an off-hand penalty. Requirements: Seasoned, Fighting D8+, Dirty Fighter
Moreover, they allow you to close weak spots in your de- You know to hit them where it really hurts.
fence from any direction. Attackers reduce gang-up bonuses
by one. Groundhog (Tour of Darkness)
Requirements: Seasoned, Smarts D6+, Guts D6+
Rock & Roll! You can become one with the ground while under fire.
Requirements: Seasoned, Shooting D8+
This ability works exactly as in the Savage Worlds rulebook. Hose ‘Em Down (Tour of Darkness)
However, if you also have the Death Squad Training Package Requirements: Novice, Shooting D6+
edge, you may also move normally while using it. You are trained to suppress an area more effectively with
automatic fire.
Requirements: Seasoned, Shooting D8+ Improved Hose ‘Em Down (Tour of Darkness)
Attacking from concealment a long distance away from Requirements: Seasoned, Hose ‘Em Down
your enemies my not be the most telegenic way to do your Nothing can escape your deadly little friends now. But
job, but it’s one of the safest. A favourite of Wraith Raiders, watch out for bullet tax!
DarkNight interceptors, and anyone else who prefers win- This Edge can be found in the “Tour of Darkness” book
ning to fighting fair or glory-seeking. by Pinnacle.
Reduce range penalties by 2 when using the aim manoeu-
vre. Martial Arts (Deadlands: Reloaded)
Requirements: Novice, Fighting D6+
Signature Move Your body is a finely-honed weapon, capable of fighting off
Requirements: Seasoned, Fighting D10+ even multiple opponents.
Highly appreciated on Gorezone and other circuit shows,
Killers with a signature move get top ratings. Social Edges
Choose a name and description for your unique close-
combat finishing move. You do +1D6 damage when striking Bad Rep
a Shaken foe. Requirements: Veteran
If your strike Incapacitates your enemy, you have pulled off It is widely known that only a fool messes with a you. Usu-
your finisher successfully and will probably get extra air time ally a dead fool.
from ThirdEye if you’re on camera. This Edge can be found in the “Deadlands: Reloaded”
book by Pinnacle.
Combat Edges from Other Settings
Band of Brothers (Tour of Darkness) Requirements: Seasoned, Non-Ebon
Requirements: Wild Card, Seasoned, Frother or Shaktar, Your character has built up a barrier around their inner
Common Bond self in an attempt to protect their sanity against the horrors
Alone you are terrifying; among your own kind you are of life as a SLA operative. You receive +2 to Stress and Guts
unstoppable. rolls but have -2 Charisma in any situation where intimacy or
Modification: Any allied member of your own race counts affection are important. Furthermore, your character can no
as a “brother” (regardless of whether they have this edge). longer recover from Stress naturally. Only drugs or therapy
can you remove any Stress levels you gain.
Clipping the Grass (Tour of Darkness)
Requirements: Seasoned, Rock & Roll! edge or Death Style Consultant
Squad Training Package, Shooting D8+ Requirements: Novice, 250c fee
When the need arises to spray some lead and kill a lot of In the World of Progress it’s not just what you do that mat-
bastards, you are the one who can do it right. ters, but how you look while you’re doing it.
By paying for hair, clothing, make-up and armour advice,
Dirty Fighter (50 Fathoms) receiving intensive interview and telegenics coaching and
Requirements: Seasoned, Fighting D6+ learning how to carry yourself like a star, you gain +2 Cha-
Fight with your gloves off? Ha! You never put them on. risma.
You know how to hit your opponent where it hurts.


Language Sewer Rats gain +2 to Stealth and Survival rolls made in

Requirements: Novice, Smarts D6+ any of these areas, and get +2 to Guts rolls caused by non-
You have learnt one of the World of Progress’s lesser-known human creatures found there (carnivorous pigs, carriens,
languages. Choose one from: Shaktari, Wraith, Ebon, New manchines, etc).
Parisian. GMs with access to the Cannibal Sector: One sourcebook
may use this edge as the Sector Ranger Training Package with
Wild Card Edges the following addition:
Sector Rangers are trained to recognise the dangers they
face in the Cannibal Sectors. They gain +2 on Common
Burst of Speed
Knowledge rolls concerning soft companies and other resi-
Requirements: Seasoned, Xeno or Wraith Raider
dents of the sectors and +2 on Tech rolls to repair their ar-
When you are dealt a joker for initiative you may add your
mour and weapons.
running die to your movement as a free action. If you choose
to take the run action, roll your running dice twice and add
both to your Pace. Racial Edges
Dead Shot Another Man’s Poison
Requirements: Wild Card, Seasoned, Shooting/Throwing Requirements: Novice, Frother
D10+ Your metabolism is so practised at dealing with intoxicants
Instead of doubling damage, this edge adds 2D6 damage that it handle almost anything. Gain +2 to resist poison, dis-
on rounds where a joker is drawn. ease and radiation.
Mighty Blow Blinding Speed
Requirements: Wild Card, Seasoned, Fighting D10+ Requirements: Novice, Xeno or Wraith Raider, Agility
Instead of doubling damage, this edge adds 2D6 damage D10+
on rounds where a joker is drawn. While your species is known for its speed, even among
your own kind you’re fast.
Professional Edges Your pace increases to 10. Also, your running dice becomes
a D12 and can Ace once (i.e. on a 12, roll and add the result
Man Hunter to 12 – although a further 12 does not let you roll a second
Requirements: Novice, Smarts D8+, Survival D8+ time).
You have studied a specific species in order to hunt them
Body Arsenal
like animals. Choose one race (humans, shaktar, wraith raid-
Requirements: Veteran, Vevaphon, Vigour D6+
ers, stormers, vevaphons, carrien, cannibals, manchines) and
The blades you create from your body become sharper, the
name this edge appropriately (man-hunter, shaktar-hunter,
bludgeoning weapons, denser. With experience, you have
wraith-hunter, etc.).
learnt to become a living weapon.
You gain +2 when using Streetwise to trail your chosen spe-
Your natural weapons, including those created by your
cies or +2 Survival to track them. Also, your knowledge of
Smite power, gain Armour Piercing 2. Additionally, when
that species’ anatomy means you to do more damage to them
using Smite, you may double the power point cost to make
when you get a clear shot. When attacking from ambush, if
your natural weapons Heavy.
they fail their Notice roll and can’t act, you do +1D6 damage
against them during that round in addition to bonus damage Bulletproof
from The Drop (if your GM rules it’s appropriate). Requirements: Veteran, Vevaphon
You also do +1D6 damage when they are Shaken. By instantly converting your skin into a thousand-layer
thick weave of dense fibres, you can spread and dissipate the
Sewer Rat/Sector Ranger
force of firearm attacks that would normally harm you.
Requirements: Novice, Spirit D6+, Streetwise D6+
You are no longer vulnerable to HP, HESH or shotgun
You have braved the depths where even the poorest deni-
shells fired at short range.
zens of Mort fear to tread - lower downtown, the sewers,
maybe even the cannibal sectors - and returned to tell the tale Doppelganger
(although not necessarily the same person you were when Requirements: Seasoned, Vevaphon, Polymorph D8+
you left). You’ve mastered your shape-shifting powers sufficiently to
mimic individual rather than generic members of a race.


You can now try to impersonate a specific person with the He still cannot imitate the target’s voice or manners, and
use of your Mimic power. the vevaphon will initially form as a naked version of the
The copy is not perfect by any means, however, and close target, so additional clothing (or at least knowledge of how
contact may break your cover. If someone takes his time the target dresses) is needed for a proper impersonation.
to study you for at least a minute, or interacts closely with Alternatively, the vevaphon can use this power after touch-
you for any length of time, he may roll Notice against your ing a hair or other sample that is no longer part of the target.
original Polymorph result to realize that something is deeply It is harder to use dead matter, however, and each hour the
wrong, adding a +2 bonus if he knows the person that the sample has been parted from the donor grants a cumulative
vevaphon is trying to copy and +4 if he knows them inti- -1 penalty to Polymorph roll.
mately. Note that DNA doesn’t hold any information about cos-
metic changes so features like hairstyle, scars and tattoos (ex-
Double Drop cept DNA ones) will not be copied using this method.
Requirements: Veteran, Frother, Vigour D8+, Knowledge
(Drugs) D6+ Harden Carapace
Sometimes one drug just isn’t enough. Your years of drug Requirements: Seasoned, Xeno, Vigour D6+
abuse have given you the ability to take a second drug with- With age, your carapace has hardened. Add +1 to your
out it cancelling the effects of your current intoxicant. Toughness and +1 to your natural armour’s protection as a
new layer of chitin forms.
Improved Double Drop This edge may be taken once per rank after Novice.
Requirements: Legendary, Frother, Vigour D10+, Knowl-
edge (Drugs) D10+ Lighting Reflexes
While two drugs generally is enough, a few Frother legends Requirements: Heroic, Wraith Raider or Xeno
have learnt to take it one step further. You are fast. Really fast. ThirdEye Program Directors have
You may now benefit from up to three different drugs at to show your exploits in slow motion. And opponents rarely
the same time. have a chance to blink, much less to draw on you.
This edge work like “Fast as a Lighting” from the Dead-
Drug-Fuelled lands: Reloaded sourcebook by Pinnacle.
Requirements: Veteran, Frother, Vigour D8+
Whenever you take a combat drug, roll Vigour at -2. On a Living Shadow
success, remove a fatigue level. On a raise, remove two. These Requirements: Veteran, Xeno or Wraith Raider
fatigue levels can be from any source, even those which can You may run when taking Stealth actions.
normally only be removed in specific ways (e.g. withdrawal
or stress fatigue; even drowning, hunger or lack of sleep). Mainliner
Requirements: Heroic, Frother, Vigour D12+, Knowledge
Drug Surge (Drugs) D8+
Requirements: Seasoned, Frother, Vigour D10+ Through practice and experience, you have become a mas-
When dealt a joker during combat, bonuses or other ben- ter of drug injection.
efits given by the drug you are on are doubled. Penalties are When you inject a drug manually, either add +1 to a roll
halved. For example, Rush provides +4 (not +2) to recover the drug allows or choose one numerical bonus or penalty
from Shaken and reduces multi-action penalties by -4 (not the drug bestows and increase or decrease it by 1.
-2). This only affects numerical bonuses or penalties (so it
wouldn’t change UV’s Hardy benefit, for example). No Retreat, No Surrender
Requirements: Novice, Shaktar, Spirit D8+
Genetic Mirror Once a Shaktar dons his ceremonial scarf he will remain on
Requirements: Heroic, Vevaphon, Doppelganger, Poly- the field until no enemies remain or he falls where he stands.
morph D12+ You live for such moments, when you can test your mettle
Within every cell is all the genetic information necessary against the enemies of SLA Industries.
to create an entire person. Knowledge of your own genetic When wearing your honour scarf, you do not need a raise
makeup allows you to reach into a tissue or skin sample, even to act when recovering from Shaken. A mere succeess on
a hair, and read the blueprint within. your Spirit roll allows you to have a full action.
By touching a living (or recently deceased) target’s exposed
hair or flesh, activating his Mimic power and achieving a Predator
raise on his Polymorph roll, the vevaphon can form himself Requirements: Veteran, Xeno, Stealth D8+
into a perfect mirror-image of the target.


Predator Requirements: Seasoned, Natural or Biogenetic Weapons,
“What happened? TX-1318, do you copy?” Strength D10+, Fighting D8+
“Billy-Joe ain’t come back, Sir. Said he heard a You know how to hit ‘em so it really, really hurts.
noise down in the gulch. Went to check it out. Enemies who you wound with your natural weapons have
Johnny’s gone to see where he’s got to... What their wound penalty increased by 1. Multiple wounds do not
the... The jungle! The goddamn jungle just came increase the penalty further.
to life... It’s, it’s eaten him... Johnny! Holy crap! Furthermore, your vicious attacks count as having inflicted
Johnny! *silence* Phew. Looks like it’s gone… one more wound when consulting the Knockout Blow ta-
Aargh! Aargh! Aaaaargh! *static*” ble.
Radio message intercepted from DarkNight
troops, Charlie’s Point, 903SD Ride the Wave
Requirements: Veteran, Frother, Vigour D10+, Knowl-
edge (Drugs) D4+
You have mastered your chameleonic ability, making you Once you pop, you just don’t stop.
the ultimate predator. You now gain a +2 Stealth bonus while
The duration of any drug you take is increased by 50%.
moving and +4 if you remain motionless.
SLA Dream Believer
Prometheus Unbound
Requirements: Novice, Stormer variant or Vevaphon
Requirements: Prometheus Gene racial edge, Seasoned
SLA created you. They gave you purpose. They gave you
Your regenerative abilities have matured, allowing you to
life. SLA is your mother and father, and, like a child, you
heal at an astonishing rate. Prometheus Gene soak rolls to
trust them even if you do not understand their motives or
recover wounds are now made at +2.
reasoning. They created you, they direct you, what possible
Quick Change option is there but loyalty and service?
You gain a +2 bonus to Stress rolls. Additionally, you may
Quick Change roll to remove any stress levels you accrue whenever you suc-
“Is it a blade? Is it a pin? No! It’s a scalpel, man! cessfully complete an official mission while sticking to the
Geddit? Awww, you DarkNight people have no letter of your assignment and without disregarding any order
sense of humour. Now where was I? Oh, yeah. from a superior.
A scalpel…” – Vivian, Vevaphon, SCL 9, pre-
paring to extract information from an enemy of Warcry
Progress. Requirements: Novice, Frother, Shaktar, Stormer 313 or
Stormer 714
Your blood-curdling warcry sets your enemies trembling.
This Edge is the same as the Rebel Yell edge found in the
Requirements: Seasoned, Vevaphon
“Deadlands: Reloaded” book by Pinnacle.
You have mastered your polymorphing abilities to such
an extent that you can change form at great speed. When
polymorphing as part of a multi-action, your polymorph roll Biogenetic Edges
ignores -2 of the multi-action penalty. Biogenetic edges are more powerful than standard edges
but come with a credit cost. See the Biogenetics chapter for
a full list.
Requirements: Veteran, Size +1 or greater, Strength D12+,
Fighting D10+
Your enemies rest in pieces. Ebb Edges
Make an unarmed called shot to an arm, leg or hand. The The Core Ebb Edges, below, are available to all Ebb Users,
target rolls Vigour and adds one to their toughness for each while those in the Affinity Ebb Edges section require at least
success and raise. If you manage to cause a wound, you tear the Affinity Training edge and possibly Affinity Focus or Af-
off the extremity in question. Anything held in a rent arm or finity Mastery before they can be bought.
hand is dropped. Losing a leg halves the victim’s pace. Losing
both leaves them immobile.
You may only rend limbs from creatures of smaller Size
than yourself. Enemies wearing Heavy armour are immune.


Core Ebb Edges Affinity Edges

Ebb Control (Ab) Blaster

Requirements: Ebon or Brain Waster Requirements: Novice, Affinity Training: Blast, Formulae
You can manipulate the power of Ebb through the use of D8+
complicated hyperbolic equations, your mental calculations You project your inner emotions with such force that any
reshaping reality as you solve the universe’s ever-shifting al- damage-causing glyph you use gains Armour Piercing 2 (or
gebraic balance. has its AP value increased by a further 2 points).
Ebb users need not speak or wave their hands for their cal-
culations to succeed. All they need is total concentration. Charm/Menace Aura
You start play with 10 Flux points, 2 ‘open’ affinities of Requirements: Seasoned, Affinity Training: Communica-
your choice, and one glyph from each affinity. tion
An aura created either from the most pleasing or unpleas-
Affinity Training ant fragments of others’ personalities surrounds you.
Requirements: Novice It grants either +2 Charisma or +2 to Intimidation and
‘Open’ a new affinity and add one glyph from within it to Taunt, but only against targets within your Spirit in yards.
your list. You may now use the New Glyph edge to buy more You can switch between these two options as a free action
glyphs from that affinity. each round.
Effects that cancel Ebb-use, such as glyph pillars, also can-
Affinity Focus cel the benefits of this edge.
Requirements: Seasoned, Formulae D8+, Affinity Train-
ing edge for the appropriate affinity Deathsuit Bond (Light)
Pick one of your ‘open’ affinities. When manifesting glyphs Requirements: Novice, Affinity Training: Protect, Death-
within it, they cost 1 less Flux and you get +1 to your For- suit
mulae roll. You establish a psychic connection, or “bond”, with your
In addition, you can manifest glyphs from that affinity as if deathsuit. This is just the beginning of a beautiful friend-
you possess the science friction focus at a -2 penalty. ship.
This edge may only be taken once per rank. You receive 5 additional flux. These are stored in the death-
suit Matrix, and are lost if the deathsuit is ever destroyed or
Affinity Mastery removed. They can be regained normally if the suit is put
Requirements: Veteran, Formulae D10+, Affinity Focus back on, but, if it’s destroyed, the benefits of this edge are
edge for the appropriate affinity lost permanently.
Your knowledge of your chosen affinity is near perfect. In addition, the armour bonus your deathsuit grants in-
The cost of glyphs within that affinity is reduced by a fur- creases by 1 point (for a total protection of +6).
ther 1 Flux (to a minimum of 1) and you gain another +1 to
Formulae rolls when manifesting them. Deathsuit Bond (Medium)
Also, you no longer take a -2 penalty when manifesting Requirements: Seasoned, Deathsuit Bond (Light), Death-
those glyphs without a science friction focus. suit
As an Ebon’s power grows, so his bond with his deathsuit
Flux Battery becomes stronger. The deathsuit can grow in bulk to reflect
Requirements: Seasoned these changes, or, if the Ebon prefers, remain as it is.
With experience an Ebon can hold more Flux within him- The deathsuit’s armour bonus increases by a further 1
self. Gain an additional 5 Flux. points (for a total protection of +7).
This edge may only be taken once. To gain further Flux, In addition, the suit starts to bleed insignificant amounts of
the Ebon must strengthen the bond with his deathsuit or Flux into its owner. This energy is not detectable to the Ebb
medikit, or acquire flux gems. User, but every hour, the wearer now regenerates 2 Flux.
Flux Surge Deathsuit Bond (Heavy)
Requirements: Seasoned, Formulae D8+ Requirements: Veteran, Deathsuit Bond (Medium),
Regain 2D6 Flux when dealt a joker. Deathsuit
At this level of mastery, the deathsuit grows even tougher,
New Glyphs
gaining resistance to dangerous environments and electric-
Requirements: Novice
Choose two new glyphs from within your affinities.


The wearer receives +2 Toughness against electrical dam- Vigour is increased by one die-type (or by +1 over D12).
age. This can raise his Vigour above the normal racial maximum,
Additionally, when the Ebon raises his deathsuit’s helmet, and legendary edges stack with this one.
it seals protectively around its owner. Treat this as the Fully
Enclosed armour option. Defensive Precognition
Finally, the armour bonus the deathsuit grants is increased Requirements: Veteran, Smarts D8+, Affinity Mastery:
by 1 more point (for a total protection of +8). Detect
The art of Defensive Precognition is the one that few Ebons
Deathsuit Bond (Super) manage to learn, but most would die to have (or rather, many
Requirements: Heroic, Deathsuit Bond (Heavy), Death- die because they don’t have it). An Ebon possessing this Edge
suit learns to see dangerous situations before they ever occur.
If an Ebon manages to progress to this level of power, his You are always considered to be in an ‘Active’ state when
deathsuit becomes armour to be reckoned with, rivalling rolling Notice against opponents’ Stealth and you receive a
light armoured personal carriers for protection. +2 bonus to resist Smarts or Agility tricks.
The deathsuit is now considered Heavy Armour and the
armour bonus it grants is increased by a further 2 points (for
a total protection of +10). Ebb Backlash
“For every action there is an opposite reaction,
Deathsuit Bond (Angel)
and Ebon reaction is quite a fuckin’ thing, I’m
Requirements: Legendary, Deathsuit Bond (Super),
tellin’ ya.” - Dmitry Kochetov, Monarch Officer,
describing an Ebon Duel
The angel deathsuit bond is the most powerful state that
a deathsuit can grow into. It’s almost a living, sentient be-
ing now, with its own emotions and thoughts, which can
sometimes even come into disagreement with the Ebb User’s Ebb Backlash
own. Requirements: Veteran, Affinity Focus: Senses, Formulae
The armour bonus it grants is increased by 2 more points D10+
(for a total protection of +12). Also called Ebb Duel, this last-hope ability instantly ana-
In addition, the deathsuit can save a significant part of its lyzes all the Ebb user’s sensory information, allowing them to
master’s Flux, allowing him to regenerate 3 Flux per hour. solve equations used against them by enemy Ebb Users then
reformulate them into a counterattack.
Deathsuit Graft (Agility) If the Ebb User possessing this Edge is attacked by a glyph
Requirements: Novice, Affinity Training: Protect, Death- that is directly targeted against him (not an area-effect one,
suit for example) he can attempt to turn it back.
Your deathsuit develops a bond with your nerve centres, To do this, he pays the same amount of Flux as originally
increasing your reaction times and manual dexterity. used to manifest the glyph then opposes the glyph’s creator’s
Agility is increased by one die-type (or by +1 over D12). Formulae roll with one of his own, modified as follows:
This can raise his Agility above the normal racial maximum,
and legendary edges stack with this one. -4 if the Ebb User wasn’t on Hold, the attacker was out of
sight or the attack was totally unexpected.
Deathsuit Graft (Strength) -2 if Ebb User was on Hold, waiting for the attack and
Requirements: Novice, Affinity Training: Protect, Death- could see the attacker.
suit +2/-2 for every rank difference between him and glyph’s
Your deathsuit mimics your major muscle tissue groups, creator.
increasing your physical strength.
Strength is increased by one die-type (or by +1 over D12). If the defending Ebon wins with a raise, and it is logically
This can raise his Strength above the normal racial maximum, possible, the attack is reflected back at the Ebon who origi-
and legendary edges stack with this one. nally manifested it. If he only succeeds the opposed roll (or
gets a raise but reflection is not possible), the glyph is dissi-
Deathsuit Graft (Vigour)
pated harmlessly, while if he loses, the glyph works normally
Requirements: Novice, Affinity Training: Protect, Death-
against him.
Your deathsuit grows thicker, forming a protective symbi-
otic relationship with your body.


However, using Backlash is always risky. Should the origi-

nal manifester win the opposed roll with a raise, the defender Of Ice & Fire
not only suffers the attack but is Shaken as well.
In all cases, both Ebons pay the full Flux cost and the Ice Trapping
original Formulae roll is kept when adjudicating the glyph’s Everything affected by Freezing Blast becomes fragile
effect. and can break more easily for a short period of time,
damage against solid objects can ace, and armour damage
Ebb Enhancement (Teeth and Claws) is doubled for targets that were affected by this ability.
Requirements: Seasoned, Affinity Focus: Enhancement, This condition lasts for 2D6 rounds.
Vigour D6+,
Over the course of a month, you grow sharp teeth and Fire Trapping
claws. These cause Strength+D4 (AP1) damage and you are Anything affected by the glyph may catch fire. See Sav-
never considered unarmed but characters suffer -1 Charisma age Worlds, p. 97.
unless they are retracted. Treat most targets as though they are flammable for the
As an action they may be retracted or extended. It costs 2 first time they roll for Catching Fire. Flaming targets take
Flux to retract them. Extending them is free. D10 damage from the flames (initially).
Ebb Enhancement (Grow Limbs)
Requirements: Heroic, Affinity Mastery: Enhancement,
Vigour D10+ Freezing Blast
Over the course of a month, you use your mastery of Ebb “Chill out, Bro.” - Neilingen, Ebon, SCL 6F
to grow an additional set of arms. In addition to the obvious
benefits of being able to carry a larger variety of weapons at
once, you may make an additional Fighting attack in close Interdermalise Deathsuit
combat, ignoring -2 of multi-action penalties. However, at- Requirements: Veteran, Affinity Focus: Protect, Death-
tacks by your new arms do incur an off-hand penalty. suit
For 5 Flux you may retract your additional arms into your You may bring your deathsuit under your own skin, con-
body. Extending them is free. The process is difficult, how- cealing it perfectly or raising it just enough to change your
ever, It takes D4 turns, during which time you are Shaken. skin to whatever hue or pattern you desire. It still protects
from damage normally.
Enlightenment In addition, your deathsuit’s matrix is becomes better at-
Requirements: Veteran, Affinity Focus: Illumination, tuned to its wearer. It can store an additional 5 Flux.
Knowledge (Glyphs) D6+, Formulae D8+ If the deathsuit is ever destroyed, this edge is lost.
This Edge is not understood entirely by Ebons but is be-
lieved to be a side-effect of the massive amounts of light that Jump Recovery
the Ebb User manipulates through the use of the Illumina- Requirements: Veteran, Affinity Focus: Reality Folding,
tion affinity. Vigour D8+, Teleport Glyph
The Ebon’s eyes give off a slight glow (increasingly bright as You have learnt to handle the mental strain you suffer while
they progress in power) and their skin takes on a lightened, trying to fold someone else along with you
‘burnt-out’ appearance, as if under powerful spotlighting. Instead of automatically suffering fatigue for folding mul-
The Necanthropes seem to be very interested in Ebb Users tiple persons when using Teleport, you can try to shake off
with this power, and if one wants to please one’s dark breth- the mental exhaustion by rolling Vigour with a -2 penalty.
ren, fomenting it is one’s chance to do so. Success negates one level of fatigue, a raise negates two.
In addition to these striking physical changes, the Ebb
User gains innate UV vision and can no longer be blinded by Improved Jump Recovery
extremely bright flashes (as the Anti-Dazzle armour option). Requirements: Heroic, Jump Recovery
His eyes, however, shineintensely for an hour afterwards. You no longer suffer a penalty when shaking off the fatigue
penalty caused by using Teleport to carry others.
Freezing Blast If you possess the Improved Mass Port edge, you may also
Requirements: Seasoned, Affinity Focus: Blue/Red Ther- shake off the fatigue caused by using Jump Port to transport
mal, Affinity Focus: Blast others as with Jump Recovery (although still with a -2 pen-
This Edge allows your Bolt and Blast glyphs to have the Ice alty).
Trapping if you spend double the Flux.


Living Suit Your medikit can now store up to 10 points of Flux. This
Requirements: Heroic, Deathsuit Interdermalisation, Af- Flux can only be used for manifesting glyphs from the Heal-
finity Mastery: Protect, Deathsuit, Spirit D10+ ing affinity.
Your deathsuit’s flux matrix can now store an additional 5
Flux. Precognitive Healing
In addition, it begins to form its own life matrix, becoming Requirements: Veteran, Affinity Mastery: Healing
semi-sentient. It can now use the your physical Traits and Precognitive healing is the ability to prepare your own body
glyphs - but only when you are unconscious. If you become for forthcoming injury. By doing this, damage is depleted
Incapacitated, the suit comes to life: first using Protect and first from a reserve of extra life force.
other defensive glyphs to safeguard your person before walk- You may spend a Benny to force an enemy to reroll their
ing or crawling or Reality Folding to safety, where it will use damage against you. The lower of the two results is used.
Healing glyphs to bring you back or Communication ones
Soothing Touch
to call for help.
Requirements: Novice, Affinity Training: Protect, Death-
Even if you die, the suit will store your life force for up to
24 hours in its heartfall matrix while it tries to make its way
The touch of your deathsuit calms all the world’s ills. It’s
back to SLA Industries or contact another Ebon for aid.
as if your closest friend is always there with you, a soothing
However, the suit requires Flux to operate in this way. If no
barrier between you and life’s problems.
Flux remains, this edge has no effect, although another Ebon
Gain +1 on Stress rolls, Guts rolls, and rolls to resists Taunt
who transfers 5 Flux per 24 hours into the deathsuit can keep
or Intimidate tests of wills.
the heartfall matrix functioning.
If the deathsuit is ever destroyed, this edge is lost.

Mass Port Thermal Ball

Requirements: Heroic, Affinity Mastery: Reality Folding, “Hey babe, want to see my great balls of fire?”
Teleport Glyph - Spook, Brain Waster, SCL 7A
You may now use your Teleport glyph to transport every-
one within a medium burst template with you when you go.
No matter how many people you transport, this counts as Thermal Ball
taking two passengers for fatigue purposes. Requirements: Seasoned, Affinity Focus: Blue/Red Ther-
Unwilling passengers must beat your Formulae roll with a mal, Affinity Focus: Blast
Spirit roll of their own in order to stay where they are. Your Bolt and Blast glyphs gain the fire trapping if you
spend double the Flux.
Improved Mass Port
Requirements: Legendary, Mass Port, Jump Port Glyph
You may now also use Jump Port to transport up to two Necanthrope Edges
passengers vast distances.
Each passenger must be willing, they each add an addi- Necanthrope
tional 10 Flux to the Glyph’s cost, passengers of size +2 count Requirements: GM Permission, Heroic
as two people and the Ebb User suffers Fatigue as with Tel- You have left childish Ebon things behind. You’ve changed,
eport. just as Preceptor Teeth, your ancestor did, and you will fol-
low his teachings. His way will be yours to travel: The way of
Master Blaster absolute power and absolute obedience.
Requirements: Heroic, Blaster, Formulae D10+ This Edge has a number of effects:
Your emotions alone are destructive force, but when fuelled 1) Your deathsuit and yourself are now one being. Its flux
by your Ebb Mastery, they are a force to be reckoned with. matrix became a part of your body, always ready to share it’s
Glyphs in the Blast affinity receive a one die-type increase power with you. You gain an 5 additional Flux.
when rolling damage (D6 becomes D8, etc.) 2) You gain the Celrydreahad affinity and may begin to use
the Necanthrope powers and special effects that lie within.
Medikit Bond 3) Your bond to your deathsuit strengthens as you physi-
Requirements: Seasoned, Affinity Focus: Healing, Formu- cally change to better suit the symbiosis. There is no joints or
lae D6+ weak spots in your armour now - it’s a part of your organism.
You’ve mastered the strange healing device that is the Ebb Your deathsuit cannot die while you still live.
Medikit, allowing you to channel additional Flux from its
bizarre surgeon’s tools.


4) Your deathsuit can protect you even in the harshest envi- retaliates independently. The Necanthrope always decides
ronments. It functions as Fully Enclosed armour with an air whether the weapon should do this but, if it does attack, it
supply lasting (your Spirit x Hours) that cannot be breached, will always target the greatest immediate threat to its master.
no matter how much damage it takes. It uses the Necanthrope’s Formulae skill when attacking, but
5) Choose (with your GM’s permission) an additional Ne- suffers -2 penalty.
canthrope-appropriate Major Hindrance (or two Minor if
you wish). You may immediately buy an Ebb User edge or Living Gore Cannon
boost an attribute on account of this new Hindrance. Requirements: Legendary, Necanthrope, Sentient Gore
6) Finally... Well that’s for the GM to know and you to find Cannon
out. Enjoy. The gore cannon becomes truly alive at this point, able to
move by its own volition and keen to be unleashed on op-
Ebb Backlash Mastery ponents like a well-trained attack dog.
Requirements: Necanthrope, Ebb Backlash, Affinity Mas- The gore cannon can store 5 additional Flux. As before,
tery: Senses, Formulae D12+ this Flux can only be used to power gore cannon abilities.
Necanthropes are masters of the art of Ebb Duelling. Not so In addition, it is able to detach from his master’s arm and
surprising, considering they have an eternity to practice their fly, using abilities resembling glyphs from the Telekinesis
skills. Smart folk keep as far away as possible from masters of affinity. The gore cannon acts on its master’s initiative card
Ebb when they decide it’s a time to sharpen their skills. and the player controlling the Necanthrope decides what the
The necanthrope’s penalty when initiating an Ebb Backlash weapon does at any time.
is reduced by 2. In addition, he can now reverse even area- A gore cannon in detached state has Pace 10, a running die
affecting glyphs. of D12, attributes equal to those of its Necanthrope master,
or D8, whichever is lower, Notice and Stealth skills at D6, it
Interdermalise Gore Cannon retains its master’s deathsuit’s Toughness bonus and can use
Requirements: Legendary, Necanthrope his Formulae skill for attacks without penalty as long as it
The Necanthrope’s pet weapon can now hide under its stays within his Smarts trait in yards. It cannot use his Flux
master’s skin for protection and comfort. pool, however, and must use its own capacity to power Ebb
Your gore cannon can now slip under your deathsuit and attacks.
enjoy the its total protection while in there. Only a slight A living gore cannon can operate at greater distances than
physical trace of the gore cannon can be seen on your forearm its master’s Smarts in yards but gains a Formulae penalty of
and hand. It needs to be fully exposed to be usable, however, -2 at up to twice its master’s Smarts in yards and -4 at up to
and getting it out or concealing it requires an action. quadruple his Smarts. At ranges further than this, the gore
The gore cannon can also now store 5 Flux. This Flux can cannon can do nothing but fly at top speed back towards its
only be used to power gore cannon abilities and stacks with master.
that granted by the Sentient Gore Cannon and Living Gore If the Necanthrope falls unconscious or dies while his gore
Cannon edges. cannon is in detached state it ceases to work, falling, inert, to
the ground wherever it happens to be.
Sentient Gore Cannon
Requirements: Legendary, Necanthrope Glyph Creation
The Necanthrope strengthens the bond with his gore can- Requirements: Necanthrope, Enlightenment, Affinity
non, infusing it with the part of his own intelligence. Unlike Mastery: Illumination, Knowledge (Glyphs) D10+, Formu-
the bonds with his deathsuit or ebb medikit, this one is as lae D12+
much alliance as bond. The art of Glyph Creation is the secret known to but a few.
The Necanthrope grants awakening to his weapon, creat- Not all Necanthropes can learn this ability and they actively
ing something that can think, feel and hate all by itself. This search for Ebons who have the potential to learn it under
creature is sentient, fully and totally loyal to his master, and their tutelage. To complete their learning, however, potential
tries to protect his life as hard as it can, for without a master recruits must first enter the White and be changed forever.
it will die. The Necanthrope can now create glyphs and imbue objects
The gore cannon can now store 5 Flux. This Flux can only with their power.
be used to power gore cannon abilities and stacks with that
granted by the Interdermalise Gore Cannon edge.
In addition, the gore cannon can lash back at attackers if
its master is distracted or stunned by an attack. If the Necan-
thrope is surprised by an ambush or Shaken, the gore cannon


Equipment Personal Adjustment* (+300c)

Reduces the Parry penalty of two-handed weapons by 1.
Anyone else who tries to use the weapon suffers -2 Fighting.
Close-Combat Weapon Customisation Screamer* (+1200c)
Some ‘limited customisations’ are marked with an asterisk. When drawn, the uniquely-jarring shriek emitted by this
Small one-handed weapons (knives, gloves, etc.) and shields weapon distracts opponents, effectively adding +1 to the
may have two of these limited customisations, larger one- wielder’s Parry
handed weapons (swords, vibrosabres) may have three, and
Shred-A-Lot Configuration* (+600c)
two-handed weapons may have four.
This replacement for a weapon’s striking head vastly in-
Advanced Construction (Varies) creases damage to soft targets at the cost of reduced penetra-
Your weapon is custom-made, its frame built from ergo- tion.
nomic, ultra high-tech materials and alloys. The weapon loses all armour piercing points and gains +3
It gives +1 Fighting and its weight is reduced by 1. damage, but any targets’ armour bonus is doubled against it.
Advanced Construction multiplies the final cost of the
Stunner* (+2000c)
weapon, including all other customisations, by 3.
By causing the weapon to oscillate at the same frequency as
Armoured Handgrips/Guards* (85c) the central nervous system, a single strike can be enough to
Replaces the standard grips of the weapon with the ar- disable opponents.
moured guards and reinforced grips, giving extra protection On a Shaken or Wounded result, targets must make a Vig-
to the hands. our roll at -2. On a failure, they’re Shaken (which probably
The arm or arms holding the weapon receive +4 armour, converts to an additional wound if they haven’t spent a Benny
and the wielder has a +2 on rolls to resist being disarmed. to soak all wounds or remove their Shaken condition).

Custom Detailing (40c) Upgraded Cutting Surface* (+125c)

Logos, patterns or other paint jobs. Replaces blades with ultra-sharp ceramic, chains with heav-
ier, sharper ceramic units or adds ceramic spikes and flanges
Custom Surface (60c) to blunt weapons. +1 AP.
Changes appearance of the weapon. Cloth, pure gold, ice,
basalt, wet blood, the choice is endless. Vibro/Mutilator Enhancement* (+500c)
By adding or enhancing a vibro unit (bladed or chain
GFX Gore-Effect Edges (100c) weapons) or mutilator unit (blunt ones), a weapon can be
Causes the weapon to glow, hiss steam, throw showers of made Heavy.
sparks or even pumps compressed air into wounds to create
sprays of blood. A fan favourite. Firearm Add-Ons
Gore Shield (45c) Please note: not all add-ons fit all weapons. Which option-
Non-stick surface. al extras can be fitted to a weapon are noted in the Add-Ons
column (LP: Laser Painter, Rcl-B: Recoil Baffling, Scp: Scope
Lamp Mount (30c/IR or UV 70c) , Si: Silencer, Su: Suppressor).
Why hold just a flashlight when you could be holding a Some weapons come with free add-ons. These are marked
power claymore with a flashlight on? with an asterisk (*) and may include: AB: Ammo Bin, Bi:
Bipod, IR: Infrared Scope Add-On, UV Scope Add-On, Wa:
Masher Sub-Spiking and Texture Remoulding*
Waldo mount.
(+200c) Finally, some add-ons fit any weapon. This is noted in the
Fragmentary sub-spikes, increased weight and armour- add-on’s description.
damaging texture features combine to give the weapon +1
AD, +1 weight. Bipod/Tripod (20c)
Reduces the firearm’s Strength requirement by 2 die-types
Mauler/Chopper Reengineering* (+200c) and, if automatic, the auto-fire penalty by -1. Takes an action
Increasing a weapon’s weight, reinforcing the frame and to position. Must be repositioned after moving. Can be fitted
mounting moving or oscillating blades complimentary to to any rifle or shotgun.
the weapon’s existing blade or head, all increase it’s shredding
power. +1 Damage, +1 weight.


FEN Pistol and SMG Stock (10c)

Reduces Strength needed to avoid recoil by 1 die-type. Can Reducing Recoil
be fitted to any pistol or SMG. Characters who don’t wish recoil to spoil their aim
have several options.
Laser Painter (25c) Bipod/Tripod: Any rifle or shotgun. -2.
Grants +1 to Shooting rolls at short range. FEN Pistol and SMG Stock: Any pistol or SMG. -1.
Pistol Grip: Any rifle or shotgun. +2.
Mounted Flashlight (3c, UV or IR +40c) Recoil Baffling: Can be fitted up to three times on weap-
Fits to any weapon. Available in any colour, UV or IR. ons that allow it. -1 per application.
Holding Two-Handed: Pistols only. -1.
Pistol Grip (50c)
Waldo Mount: Any rifle or shotgun. -2.
Allows rifles and shotguns to be fired one-handed by char-
acters of Size +1 or more. Of course, no clear aiming is pos-
sible while using rifle in such way, so scopes and laser paint- Ammunition Magazines and Drums
ers are useless and there’s an additional -2 Shooting penalty
due to unwieldiness. In addition, Strength requirements to Empty Box Magazine (1c)
use such a weapon increase by 2 die-types and, if fired on Holds ammo as per base gun.
auto, innocent bystanders are hit on a 1 or 2 on the Shooting
dice. Snail Drum Magazine (3c)
Holds 50 rounds. Only available for the GA50 AR, FEN
Recoil Baffling (30c/1) AR, FEN 706 and FEN 808.
Reduces Strength needed to avoid recoil by 1 die-type. Can
be fitted up to three times per weapon. Electromagnetic Belt Fed Drum (25c - 200c)
Available in 100 rounds (25c), 300 rounds (40c), 500
Scope (50c) rounds (90c) or 1000 rounds (200c). Available for the FEN
+2 Shooting at over short range if not moved this round. AR, FEN 706, FEN 808 and KPS AS (100 & 300 round
bins only).
Infrared Scope Add-On (10c)
Reduces vision due to darkness (to -1 in Dim or Dark con-
ditions, -2 in Pitch Darkness). Can be fitted to any weapon Special Ammunition
that allows Scopes.
Hotline (HOT)
UV Scope Add-On (10c) Only available in 10mm.
Negates darkness penalties from Dim or Dark conditions. Targets must roll Vigour at -2 (or -4 on a raise). Failure
No effect in Pitch Darkness. Can be fitted to any weapon stuns living creatures and shorts out electronic ones. Victims
that allows Scopes. are Shaken and cannot roll to recover for D6 rounds.
The hotline round must be the only bullet in the clip.
Silencer (15c)
Makes shots silent. Enemies must roll Notice roll to hear. If GAG60 Bolts
a flash suppressor is also fitted, the roll is at -2. These osmium-cored steel bolts are reusable.
Suppressor (20c)
Makes shots unseen by concealing muzzle flash. Enemies Grenades
must roll Notice roll to spot. If a silencer is also fitted, the All grenades have range 5/10/20.
roll is at -2.
DA 71 Blast/Concussion (10c)
Waldo Mount (240c) Medium burst template.
Reduces minimum strength needed to avoid recoil by 2 Targets must roll Spirit at -2 or be Shaken. Rolling a 1 on
die-types. Can fire rifles 1 handed. Reduces gun’s weight by the Spirit die causes a non-lethal wound (i.e. while it can
25%. Can be fitted to any rifle or shotgun. incapacitate, it does not cause the target to roll on the Injury
Fully-enclosed armour and anti-dazzle protection each
provide a +2 bonus. Targets whose armour includes both
anti-dazzle protection and is fully-enclosed are immune.


DA 90 Fragmentation (15c) Armour Customisation

Medium burst template.
3D6 Damage (AP4). +1 AD. Custom Detailing (75c)
Recolouring, decorative designs or logos. Sponsors pay cost
DA 101 BLIND Smoke (4c)
of having their logo added to armour.
First round, small burst template. Second round, medium.
Third round, large. Roll 1D6 at the end of each round after Custom Surface (100c)
it reaches large. On a 6 the smoke disperses. Armour is made to look like scales, aged bronze, glows or
Blocks vision in/out of the area, except IR which can see otherwise appears as the owner wants. Can even show mov-
through at a -2 penalty (as Pitch Darkness). IR lamps do not ing video (+250c).
reduce this penalty further.
Available in various shades and colours. Gore Shield (65c)
Wipe clean surface.
DA 240 Riot Gas (10c)
Medium burst template. Roll 1D6 at the end of each Improved Durability (350c)
round. On a 6 the smoke disperses. Armour can take 2 points of armour damage before protec-
Targets must roll Vigour at -2 or gain a fatigue level. Roll- tion begins to be lowered. These ‘phantom’ protection points
ing a 1 on the Vigour die causes the target to be Shaken as do not help protect the wearer in any way and must be re-
well. Each turn a target remains in the gas’s area, they must paired at the usual cost.
make another Vigour roll.
Air filters provide a +4 bonus to the Vigour roll (for a total Improved Exo-Skeleton (700c)
of +2). Fully enclosed armour with its own air systems makes Increases wearer’s Strength by 1 die-type (or by +1 for
the wearer immune. Strength D12 or more).

Lamp Mount (30c/IR or UV +40c)

Leaves hands free for more weapons. Available in standard,
Armour Systems
UV or IR.
Ad: Anti-dazzle. +2 vs. blast/concussion grenades (im-
mune if also Fully Enclosed). Personal Fit (50c)
AF: Air Filter. Immune to gaseous or airborne toxins Makes wearing the armour more comfortable, providing
(nerve gas, spores, etc.) +1 to fatigue rolls against heat and exhaustion.
AS (Xhr): Full Air System. Includes Fully enclosed, Air Anyone who tries to wear armour upgraded to another’s
filter and Air supply lasting X hrs. personal fit suffers -2 to Agility and Agility-based skills.
FE: Fully Enclosed. Immune to liquid toxins, acid, etc.
Even without an air supply, the wearer can last 2D6 min- Repair Armour (Varies)
utes underwater without drowning. +2 vs. blast/concus- Fixes damaged armour. Costs 100c + 10c/protection point
sion grenades (immune if also has Anti-dazzle). (or 25c/protection point for Heavy armour).
Heavy: Heavy armour. Can only be bypassed by heavy
Upgraded Armour (500c/Varies)
500c increases the armour’s protection by +1 in all loca-
Hs: Headset Communicator. tions. Also available by separate location (Head 100c, Torso
HuD: Heads-Up Display. +1 Shooting. 275c, Arms 55c each, Legs 65c each).
JJ: Jump Jets. Use an action to jump 2D6+6 yards hori-
zontally or D6+3 yards vertically. Weapon Mount (50c)
OC: Overburn Chassis. +2 Pace and Running die in- Cannot be disarmed of weapon.
creases two die-types (or by +2 if D12 or over).
PC: Power Chassis. Increases wearer’s Strength by one SLA Equipment
HPC: Heavy Power Chassis. Increases wearer’s Strength
BLA Maintenance Kit/Carry Case (250c)
by two die-types.
With this kit, characters have no -2 penalty on Tech rolls
LM: Lamp Mount. Attracts predators for miles around.
to maintain and repair BLA guns.
But at least you’ll have a hand free when they come.


Boopa Medical Kit (50c) Maghold (Varies)

Contains 4 doses of KickStart and 2 doses of Pain Away as Magholds come in many sizes, from tiny plates to hold
well as various medical supplies. spare ammo to large ones for holding Power Claymores.
Required to use Healing without a -2 penalty. There is no multi-action penalty for drawing weapons
from, or retrieving equipment held on, a Maghold.
Boopa Drug Injection System (10c) Maghold Plate (Ammunition Clip/Grenade): 2c
Allows wearer to inject intravenous drugs as a free action. Maghold Plate (Pistol): 3c
Has 4 phials ready for load. Users can wear up to two units Maghold Plate (Rifle): 5c
(one on each arm). Maghold Plate (Power Claymore): 10c
CMS Maintenance Kit (50c) Power Projects Canned Plate (10c)
This case contains almost all the instruments needed to This substance can temporally seal dents and cracks to the
perform mundane mechanical or electronic repairs. plates of the powered armour, restoring a measure of protec-
No -2 penalty to Tech rolls made for repair. tion until such a time as the wearer manages to get to a work-
At the GM’s discretion, it may also reduce the penalty for shop for proper repairs. Each can provides one application.
lockpicking or repairing weapons by 1. One dose of the Canned Plate repairs 1 point of protec-
tion with the successful Tech skill, 2 points with the raise.
GA Weapon Maintenance Kit (30c)
The maximum protection provided by the armour is reduced
Removes the -2 penalty to Tech rolls for maintaining and
by one after each treatment, however (to a minimum of 2
repairing most firearms (note: BLA owners will need a BLA
For example, Billy Boy takes 2 points of armour damage to
FEN IR/UV Goggles (30c for IR or UV/75c for his Body Blocker armour and decides to patch up his suit be-
both) fore a carrien gets lucky and manages to chew on something
IR Grants the user Infravision. Can see in Dim or Dark more than protective plating. He applies some Canned Plate
conditions at -1 or Pitch Darkness at -2. and rolls a raise. Only one point of armour damage is re-
UV Grants Low Light vision (ignore darkness penalties for paired, however, as the maximum protection of his armour is
Dim or Dark conditions). now 4. If he’d failed his roll, the maximum protection would
Combination gives the best of both: no penalty in Dim or still have dropped by one but no armour damage would have
Dark conditions, -2 in Pitch Darkness. been repaired at all.

Flashlights (Handheld 2c/Shoulder-Mounted Rangefinder Monocular (10c)

1000 yard range. When used with a bipod/tripod-mounted
3c/IR or UV +40c)
or emplacement weapon, adds +1 Shooting if an additional
Available in standard, UV or IR.
round is spent aiming.

ThirdEye Finance Chip Scanner (50c)

IR/UV Vision & Lamps Range 30. Tech Skill roll to use. Success indicates the pres-
Vision ence and number of finance chips within range. Each raise,
Ultraviolet (UV) vision negates penalties in Dim and or success and raise on subsequent rounds if the user contin-
Dark conditions. ues scanning, provides a location (starting with nearest).
Infrared (IR) allows the character to see in Dim and
Dark conditions at a -1 penalty, or Pitch Darkness at -2 Track OpticS Enviro Scanner (8c)
(essentially it halves darkness penalties). Range 30. Success is automatic unless the danger is some-
Combined IR/UV gives the best of both: no penalty in how concealed, in which case it requires Tech roll to use.
Dim and Dark conditions, -2 in Pitch Darkness. Track OpticS Motion Scanner (35c)
Detects movement. Range 12/24/48. Tech roll to use. Suc-
Lamps cess gives reading for short range, one raise gives medium
UV and IR lamps are invisible to the naked eye. range, two raises gives up to long range.
UV lamps allow vision in Pitch Darkness at a -2 pen- Crowded areas cause penalties to the Tech roll (-1 for a
alty to when wearing UV nightvision, but only up to the residential street, -2 for a busy street, -4 for a jam-packed
range of the beam (15 yards). nightclub).
IR lamps reduce the penalty for absolute darkness to -1
in their beam for IR nightvision wearers (also 15 yards).


ThirdEye Navigation Map Disc (Navamap) (15c) There are serious disadvantages, however. The absence of
+2 to Knowledge (Navigation) rolls. Used in various skills. a Deathsuit’s Flux Matrix makes an Ebb User’s mind very
2c per disc (1 sector) vulnerable (see Kickback) and if the Ebb User wishes to use a
different glyph from that he manifested the previous round,
SLA Climbing Kit (10c) he suffers multi-action penalty as he searches the deck.
+2 to Athletics rolls when climbing. Prevents falls of over
10 meters. Jade Probe (400c)
A y-shaped stalk that fits over the head, the Senses science
SLA Electronic and Manual Lock picks friction item sends out an almost-invisible beam of light
(75c/25c) when used (Notice -2 to spot).
Removes -2 Tech penalty from having no equipment.
Illumination Gem (350c)
The Illumination science friction item is a round gem fit-
Ebb Equipment
ting into the palm of the Ebon’s deathsuit.
These products all fit onto an Ebb User’s deathsuit. To tar-
get a sci-fri item, an attack roll with -4 is needed. Pathfinder (400c)
This monitor straps to the Ebon’s forearm, allowing them
Flux Gem Matrices to detect Ebb users within 48 yards as Motion Scanner (but
These items allow an Ebon access to additional Flux with using Formulae not Tech).
which to power their glyphs and come in two types: Burn
and Eternal. Pineal Stim (20c/dose)
Burn gems cost 50c per Flux and do not recharge. Eternal The Enhancement science friction item, Pineal Stim is
gems cost 500c per Flux but recharge every 24 hours. highly addictive. See the drugs chapter for full details.

Deathsuit (750c) Thermal Gauge (500c)

The Protect science friction item is vital to all Ebons, what- This grooved bracer is the science friction item for Blue/
ever affinities they are trained in. It acts as armour, stores Red Thermal and glows when in use.
Flux, holds all the glyphs the Ebon has learnt and prevents
permanent mental damage should a glyph go awry. Vector Box (600c)
Deathsuits provide armour +6. The Deathsuit Bond edges A kidney-shaped item fitting around the Ebb-user’s neck
can increase this as high as +14. and shoulders, this is the science friction item for Reality
Distracter (400c)
A membranous monocle that fits around the left of a Gore Cannon (Not For Sale)
deathsuit’s helmet, the distracter is the science friction item This science-friction item cannon be bought, but is granted
for Communication. to a new member of Necanthrope race by its founder – the
first Necanthrope, Preceptor Teeth.
Ebb Medikit (1000c) Because the weapon has the symbiotic link with its owner,
Appearing as black muscle on the outside and a living heart it enjoys his armour and Toughness bonuses.
on the inside, this tool case is the Healing sci-fri item. Can
store Flux if the owner possesses the Medikit Bond edge. SHIVER Equipment
Flintlock (500c)
This ancient-looking duelling pistol is the science friction Browbeater Ammo
item for the Blast affinity. These 5mm, memory-plastic coated balls expand to 25mm
when fired, making them all but useless against armoured
Focus Gem (600c) targets.
The Telekinesis sci-fri item is a slender crystal that sits on They cause D6+2 damage but the protection of a target’s
the deathsuit’s chest plate. It glows when used. armour is doubled. And even when it does bring targets
down, they’re unlikely to die. Wild Cards do not bleed out
Glyph Cards (Negotiable, usually at least or roll on the permanent injury table while extras brought
50000u) down only have 1 in 6 chance of actually having been killed
The ultimate focus item. Acts as the science-friction focus by BB rounds.
for the any affinity. Defence SHIVERs use alternative 3mm SDD rounds which
still do D6+2 but against which armour is not doubled.


Boopa Medical Helmet (150c) When sprung it leaps to waist height and fires all its rounds
This special helmet integrates medical analysis tools and in a doughnut of death. Everyone in a large burst template is
several medical encyclopedias for its wearer immediate refer- hit by D10 CAF rounds, each doing D6 damage.
Wearers add +2 to all Healing skill rolls and the helmet DN-SP001 SP-I (350u)
provides protection +6. This portable sensor the size of a tennis ball and becomes
active when movement is detected. Usually it only sends
Riot Foam Grenade a scrambled radio signal, but it has been known for some
On explosion, this grenade releases large amounts of a light DarkNight operatives to load it with explosives as a special
polymer that hardens on contact with oxygen, forming a su- greeting.
perbly tough foam-like substance that effectively immobilizes Installing the sensor properly requires a Tech roll, and each
any targets within the affected area. raise scored adds the cumulative -2 penalty to Notice skill
Those caught in the medium-burst template must make rolls to detect it.
Agility rolls with a -2 penalty. On a success they leap free and
are placed at the edge of the foam’s area of effect. On a failure, DarkNight Close Combat Weapons
they’re caught in the foam and be unable to move, remain-
ing so until the foam is removed with dissolution liquid or
DN-A Slipknife Dagger (100u)
The Slipknife cause Strength +1 damage (AP3).
The foam has the Toughness of 15 and is vulnerable to cut-
If an attack causes more than a single wound, the dagger is
ting and blunt damage (although, for those trapped inside,
embedded in the target, and causes a further 2D6+1 damage
only weapons already drawn when they became trapped can
on removal (plus the attacker’s Strength bonus if forceably
be used to attempt escape).
pulled out), ignoring all armour. Removing the dagger surgi-
Riot Foam Dissolution Spray cally allows a Healing roll to ‘Soak’ this damage (each success
The liquid in this spray can dissolves riot foam. and raise reduces the wounds caused by one).
As well as a spray nozzle, each can has an ‘explode’ but-
DN-B Carthage Shortsword (1500u)
ton in case incompetent SHIVERs don’t throw grenades as
The powered version does Strength +3 damage (AP2) and
far as they had intended to and end up caught in their own
weighs 2 pounds. The unpowered one does damage as a nor-
polymer honeycomb.
mal sword.
Smother Grenade
Used to temporarily suppress the spread of fire, this grenade Thresher Inc. Equipment
exhausts any active fire sources in a medium-burst template
for D6+1 rounds, or permanently if the fire was a small one. Depleted Uranium Rounds
The foam also creates a high concentration of carbon diox- Any weapon firing DU rounds counts as a Heavy weapon.
ide. Living beings caught in the area of the grenade’s effect Moreover, Ebb healing or medical drugs cannot heal inflicted
without breathing gear must succeed at a Vigour roll or gain wounds. They must heal naturally.
one level of Fatigue which lasts until they leave the affected
area. Stealth Systems
This cloaking device obscures the wearer, giving passive
SHIVER Sleep Blocker observers -4 to Notice rolls if motionless. When moving, ob-
This reinforced version of the SHIVERs Body Blocker servers have only a -2 penalty.
armour can withstand much more damage before falling
War World Weaponry
In game terms, Sleep Blocker armour is standard-issue Shiv-
er armour with the ‘Improved Durability’ option added.
High-Impact Fragmentation Grenade
4D6 damage, AP5, in a medium burst template. AD+1.
DarkNight Equipment Heavy.

DN010 Springfire CAF Mine (200u) High-Explosive Grenade

This spring-legged mine can be loaded with 5mm CAF 3D8 damage in a large burst template. AD+2. +4 damage
rounds. vs. objects. Heavy.

”Do you sell vibro hair straighteners?“- Rose Garden, Frother, SCL 10A.

Civilian Weapons
Weapon Damage AP AD Wt. Notes
Knife (5u) +D4 – 1 1 –
Club/Baton/Bat (20u) +D6 – 1 2 –
Sword/Machete (10u) +D6 – 1 5 –
Sledgehammer (35u) +D8 – 2 12 Parry -1
Fire Axe (30u) +D6 1 1 8 Parry -1

Industrial Weapons
Weapon Damage AP AD Wt. Notes
Power Pick (10c) +D6 5 1 10 2H, Parry -1
Carsonmade Industrial +D8 3 1 25 2H, Parry -1
Nailer (50c)
Grissom Power Sander (115c) +D6+2 – 2 25 2H, Parry -1
Hardtek Arc Welder (175c) 2D8 – 2 (1) 20 2H, Parry -2, Requires Strength D6
Hardtek Concrete Saw +D10+1 – 1 (1) 25 2H, Heavy, Unwieldy (1 on Fighting die causes
(215c) wielder to strike themselves)
Hi-Velocity Boom +D8 – 1 12 2H, Parry -2, Two 10g shotgun shells fire on first
Hammer (175c) (+3D4) successful hit

Operative Weapons
Weapon Damage AP AD Wt. Notes
GASH Chain Axe (85c) +D8+2 2 2 (1) 6 2H, Parry -1, Heavy
GASH Pacifier Baton (80c) +D4+1 3 2 (1) 2 –
DPB Vibrosabre (100c) +D6+2 2 1 3 Heavy
DPB Gash Fist (80c) +D4+3 2 1 2 Always Ready (Mounted on Wrist)
DPB Flick Scythe (120c) +D6+2 5 1 5 2H, Parry -1, Reach 1, Heavy
MAC Knife (80c) +D4+3 1 1 1 Throwable, Silent, Unbreakable
ITB Mutilator (85c) +D4+4 – 1 2 –
MJL Power Disc (100c) +D4+3 2 1 1 Throwable
MJL Power Claymore +D10+3 3 2 6 2H, Parry -2, Heavy
MJL Power Lochaber Axe +D12+3 3 2 (1) 15 2H, Parry -3, Heavy
BOSH SLA Blade (2c) +D4+1 1 Throwable
ITB Jolt Glove (105c) – – 0 1 Stun (Roll Vigour, at -2 on raise, or Shaken). Ef-
fective vs. both electronic and biological targets.
Oscillating Warhammer (40c) +D8+1 – 3 (1) 8 2H, Parry -1, Heavy
Frag Grenade Bolas (100c) Grenade – 0 2 Thrown (6/12/24). Target cannot “dive for cover”.
Seraphim Defender (350c) +D4+1 – 1 12 Shield with ceramic-bladed edge; also see Armour.
Seraphim Defender II (900c) +D4+2 2 1 15 Shield with chainsaw edge; also see Armour.
Key: 2H: 2-handed, AD (X): does X damage to armour even if damage fails to shake or wound a target


“Never take a Gun to a knife fight… well, unless it’s a Very Big Gun.” - Jaster, Wraith
Raider, SCL 6A, star of the FEN 091 “Bigger REALLY IS Better” vid campaign, 901.

Weapon Clip Calibre Min. ROF Range Wt. Add-Ons Notes
CAF P50 Pistol (150u) 8 CAF – 1 10/20/40 1 – Available for Civilian
5mm use
GA47 Semi-Automatic 12 10mm D6 1 10/20/40 1 Si, Su, Scp Semi-Auto
Pistol (75c)
FEN 603 Automatic 20 10mm D6 1 12/24/48 1 Si, Su, Scp Semi-Auto
Pistol (150c)
BLA 710M ‘Snubber’ 14 9mm – 1 15/30/60 1 – Semi-Auto
(150c) BLA
KK20 ‘Panther’ (430c) 20 12mm D8 1 15/30/60 4 Si, Su, Mounted on Wrist
Scp, LP (Always ready), Semi-
BLA 446M Derringer 2 12.7mm D10/ 1-2 3/6/9 1 – Double Barrelled, D12
(450c) D12 recoil for both barrels
SP Vibro (760c) 4 Vibro- – 1 25/50/100 4 – Silent & Flashless (-2 to
disc Notice), Mounted on
Wrist (Always Ready)
BLA 046M ‘Blitzer’ 6 12.7mm D10 1 20/40/80 3 Si, Su, Revolver, Free mainte-
(790c) Scp, LP, nance kit/carry case
FEN 091 ‘Farjacket’ 5 17mm D12+2 1 24/48/96 4 Si, Su, LP, Heavy
Pump Pistol (800c) Rcl-B
Key: LP: Laser Painter, Rcl-B: Recoil Baffling, Scp: Scope , Si: Silencer, Su: Suppressor

“A hundred and fifty credits on one spray! That clip o’ HP cost more than I earned for the whole
miserable BPN… but goddamn was it worth it. Ain’t no DarkNight scum gonna mess with Buzzsaw
Johnny again.” –Buzzsaw Johnny, SCL 9A (Deceased).

Sub-Machine Guns
Weapon Clip Calibre Min. ROF Range Wt. Add- Notes
Str. Ons
CAF ‘Cold Shadow’ 30 CAF D6 3 10/20/40 3 – Available for Civilian
SMG (250u) 5mm use, Auto
FEN 204 ‘Gunhead’ 40 10mm D10 3 15/30/60 4 Si, Scp, Auto, 3RB
SMG (350c) LP
KK30 ‘Ripper’ (570c) 20 12mm D12 3 15/30/60 8 LP Auto, 3RB, Mounted on
Arm (Always Ready)
BLA 646M ‘Buzzsaw’ 180 9mm D12 5 10/20/40 3 – Auto
(850c) BLA
Key: LP: Laser Painter, Scp: Scope , Si: Silencer

“Badda-boom-badda-BANG! Haha! BANG! Hahaha! B. A. Fuckin’ Ang! Awww, man, I think I’m in
fuckin’ love.” - Mad Dog McClusky, Frother, SCL 7C, describing his new MAL Assault Cannon.

Assault Rifles
Weapon Clip Calibre Min. ROF Range Wt. Add-Ons Notes
CAF ‘Screaming Eagle’ 20 CAF – 1 15/30/ 6 – Available for Civilian
Assault Rifle (300u) 5mm 60 use. Semi- Auto
GA50 ‘Finisher’ Assault 18 10mm D8 1 15/30/ 6 Si, Su, Scp Semi-Auto
Rifle (300c) 60
FEN AR Assault Rifle 25 10mm D10 3 20/40/ 7 Su*, LP*, Si, Auto, 3RB
(750c) 80 Scp
FEN 706 ‘Power 25 10mm D12 5 25/50/ 32 Wa*, LP*, AB Auto, 3RB, Snapfire
Reaper’ (1575c) 100 (100)*
FEN 808 ‘Power 25 12mm D12 5 30/60/ 34 Wa*, LP*, AB Auto, 3RB, Snapfire
Reaper’ LONG (1850c) 120 (100)*
GAK 19 Assault System 5 12.7mm D12 1 150/300/ 25 Su*, Scp*, Rcl-B Heavy, Snapfire
(1850c) 600 x2*, LP*, UV*,
GAG60 ‘Driller’ 20 12.7mm D12+1 3 100/200/ 25 – Auto only (no single
(2000c) 400 shot), High velocity
(+2 AP), Heavy
GAG60 ‘Driller’ Bolt 12 GAG D6 1 20/40/ – – Silent and flashless
Bolt 80 (-2 to Notice)
MAL Assault Cannon 20 12.7mm D12 1 180/360/ 28 LP*, Rcl-B Semi-Auto, Heavy
(2150c) 720

Key: AP: LP: Laser Painter, Rcl-B: Recoil Baffling, Scp: Scope , Si: Silencer, Su: Suppressor, *: Free with weapon

“Easy as shooting vevs in a barrel.” – Johnny Automatic, SCL 3B, interviewed

about his 10th consecutive win on Gorezone’s Beat the Sniper Special.

Sniper Rifles
Weapon Clip Calibre Min. ROF Range Wt. Add-Ons Notes
CAF R7 ‘Wild Boar’ 6 CAF – 1 45/90/180 9 – Snapfire
Hunting Rifle (400u) 5mm
FEN93 GAG (800c) 10 12mm D10 1 75/150/300 6 Si, Su, Scp, Rcl-B Semi-Auto
FEN 30-30 ‘Trueshot’ 1 8mm D10 1 900/1800/ 10 Su*, Scp*, LP*, Snapfire
Sniper Rifle (1100c) Long 3600 Bi*
FEN ‘TRI’ Sniper 1 12.7mm – 1 1200/2400/ 18 Si*, Su*, Scp*, Heavy, Emplace-
Platform (1450c) 4800 LP*, IR*, UV*, ment Weapon
5m Remote* (No move)
FEN 400 ‘Surekill’ 5 17mm D12+2 1 550/1100/ 48 Scp*, Rcl-B*, Heavy, Snapfire
Sniper Cannon 2200 LP*, Bi*

Key: AP: LP: Laser Painter, Rcl-B: Recoil Baffling, Scp: Scope , Si: Silencer, Su: Suppressor, *: Free with weapon


Weapon Clip Calibre Min. ROF Range Wt. Add-Ons Notes
KPS ‘Mangler’ AS (900c) 10 10g D12 3 10/20/40 9 Scp, Rcl-B, Auto
10-10 Bullyboy (200c) 8 10g D10 1 10/20/40 7 Scp, Rcl-B, –
AGB ‘Chopper’ (1700c) 24 Chopper Pack D10 1 20/40/80 9 LP Heavy

Key: AP: LP: Laser Painter, Rcl-B: Recoil Baffling, Scp: Scope

Pistol and SMG Ammunition

Calibre Standard AP HEAP HP HESH HOT
(Armour (Armour (Stuns target)
doubled) doubled)
CAF 5mm 1D6 – – – – –
8mm Long 2D6 (AP1) 2D6 (AP5) 2D6+2 (AP5) – – –
9mm BLA 2D6-1 (AP2) 2D6-1 (AP6) 2D6+1 (AP6) 2D6+5 – –
10mm Auto 2D6 2D6 (AP4) 2D6+2 (AP4) 2D6+6 – 2D6-1
12mm 2D8 2D8 (AP4) 2D8+2 (AP4) 2D8+6 3D8+6 –
12.7mm 2D8+1 2D8+1 (AP4) 2D8+3 (AP4) 2D8+7 3D8+7 –
17mm 2D10+2 (AP2) 2D10+2 (AP6) 2D10+4 (AP6) 2D10+9 3D10+9 –

Rifle Ammunition
Calibre Standard AP HEAP HP HESH HOT
(Armour (Armour (Stuns target)
doubled) doubled)
CAF 5mm 1D8 – – – – –
8mm Long 2D8 (AP2) 2D8 (AP6) 2D8+2 (AP6) – – –
9mm BLA – – – – – –
10mm Auto 2D8 (AP1) 2D8 (AP5) 2D8+2 (AP5) 2D8+7 – 2D6
12mm 2D10 (AP1) 2D10 (AP5) 2D10+2 (AP5) 2D10+7 3D10+7 –
12.7mm 2D10+1 (AP1) 2D10+1 (AP5) 2D10+3 (AP5) 2D10+8 3D10+8 –
17mm 2D12+2 (AP3) 2D12+2 (AP8) 2D12+4 (AP8) 2D12+10 3D12+10 –

Shotgun and Exotic Ammunition

Ammo Damage
10g Shot 4D4+2/3D4/2D4
10g Slug 2D8 (AP2)
Vibrodisc 2D8+2 (AP4)
Chopper Pack 4D4+2/3D4/2D4 (AP4)
GAG Bolt 2D10+3 (AP6)

”’Ere this stoff is funni, like tinfoil. Mmm... tastes gud!” - Ground Zero,
Chagrin Stormer SCL9-CK, on Body Blocker armour

Armour Protection Covers Notes
Striker Motorcycle Protection 1 All except Concealable
(100u) Head
CAF Padquil Flak Vest (20c) 2 Torso Concealable
Velkra Techwear (275c) 1 All except Appears as Clothing (Concealable).
Velkra Sigerson Street (425c) 2 All except Appears as Clothing (Concealable).
KAV Clothing (600c) 3 All except Appears as Clothing (Concealable).
Arducci Hypnowear (900c) 3 All except Appears as Clothing (Concealable). Generates pretty
Head hypnotic patterns which may grant +2 to Smarts tricks
at GM’s discretion.
Worksmart (1700c) 4 All except Appears as Clothing (Concealable). Personally tailored.
PP644 Body ‘Blocker’ (400c) 4 All Ad, AF, Hs
Deathsuit (750c) 5 All Retractable helmet. Deathsuit Bond edges increase
protection and add ‘armour systems’.
PP7 Exo-Armour (750c) 5 All Ad, AF, Hs, FE. Requires Strength D6 (has no Power
PP8 Exo-Heavy (1250c) 6 All Ad, AF, Hs, FE, PC
PP9 Exo-SUPER (1500c) 7 All Ad, AF, Hs, FE, PC
PP10 HARD Armour (1750c) 8 All Ad, AS (2hr), Hs, FE, PC
PP70 Powercell (2000c) 9 All Ad, AS (2hr), Hs, FE, PC
PP100 Crackshot (3000c) 10 All Ad, AF, LM, Hs, FE, PC
PP112 Silverback (4000c) 10 All Ad, AF, Hs, FE, HuD, JJ, OC
PP104 Dogeybone (5000c) 11 All HuD, Ad, AS (10hr), Hs, FE, HPC, Heavy
MAL Shock Armour (10000c) 14 All Has own physical Traits (Strength D12+4, Agility
D10), Heavy, Ad, AS (10hr), HuD, Hs, FE, LM
ECM Cloak/Suit (75c/100c) 0 All Prevents detection by electronic sensors and IR sensors
(-2 to Notice when using such devices)
Cold Suit (50c) 0 All Prevents detection by IR sensors and keeps wearer
cool. (-2 Notice with IR sensors. +2 vs. heat fatigue.)
Camisneak Cloak/Suit (150c/200c) 0 All -2 to (visual) Notice rolls
FEN 270671 Scout Helm (1000c) 8 Head AF, HuD, IR/UV, Ad, Hs, LM, + 20 slots for other
sensors and widgets
Seraphim Defender (350c) – – Shield. +1 Parry. +2 Protection vs. ranged shots
provided user didn’t attack with it last action.
Seraphim Defender II (900c) – – Shield. +1 Parry. +2 Protection vs. ranged shots
provided user didn’t attack with it last action.
Key: Ad: Anti-dazzle, AF: Air Filter, AS (Xhr): Air Supply (hours), FE: Fully Enclosed, Heavy: Heavy Armour, Hs:
Headset Communicator, HuD: Heads-up Display, JJ: Jump Jets, OC: Overurn Chassis, PC: Power Chassis, HPC: Heavy
Power Chassis, LM: Lamp Mount


Bullet Tax
Calibre Standard AP HEAP HP HESH HOT
CAF 5mm 1u – – – – –
8mm Long 2c 5c 6c – – –
9mm BLA 2c 5c 6c 7c – –
10mm Auto 1c 4c 5c 6c – 15c
12mm 3c 6c 7c 8c 10c –
12.7mm 3c 6c 7c 8c 10c –
17mm 8c 10c 11c 12c 14c –
10g Shell 3c – – – – –
10g Slug 4c – – – – –
Chopper Pack 3c – – – – –
Vibrodisc 5c – – – – –
GAG Bolt 25c – – – – –

Vehicle Skill Acc/Top Speed Toughness Crew Notes
Civilian Commuter Motorcycle Drive 12/24 8 (2) 1+1 –
Civilian Car Drive 10/24 10 (3) 1+4 Airbags
Civilian Taxi (Blue Cab) Drive 12/26 14 (6) 1+6 –
Keshang Athletics 22/42 5 (2) 1 Provides armour +2
Augustus Luxury Car (10000c) Drive 18/38 17 (3) 1+4 Airbags, Luxury
Calaharvey Urbaniser Motorcycle Drive 20/40 10 (2) 1+1 Off Road Wheels,
(1000c) Reinforced Frame
GA ‘J’ Personal Transport Jeep Drive 18/40 15 (3) 1+5 Four Wheel Drive,
(14000c) Reinforced Frame
BLA ‘Pandora’ Multi-Task Trike Drive 18/36 15 (2) 1+1 Off Road Wheels
FEN 0227 ‘Battle Taxi’ APC Drive 5/18 25 (10) 1 Heavy Armour, Four
(125000c) +1 gunner Wheel Drive, ‘Power
+10 Reaper’ Machine Gun
FEN 4461 Mk VI ‘Hammer’ Drive 5/22 27 (12) 1 Heavy Armour, Four
APC (150000c) +1 gunner Wheel Drive, ‘Prometh-
+10 eus’ Grenade Cannon
SCAF Helibike (125000c) Pilot 20/80 15 (2) 1+1 Climb 40
FEN 3497 ‘Kilcopter’ Helicopter Pilot 20/50 19 (4) 1 Climb 20
(450000c) +1 gunner
FEN 5009 ‘Stingray’ Dropship Pilot 10/180 30 (10) 1+ Cargo: 1 APC + 4
(4000000c) 3 gunners SCAFs, Climb 15 (Dive
+100 30)


SHIVER Firearms
Weapon Clip Calibre Min. ROF Range Wt. Add-Ons Notes
GA 9442 Browbeater 300 BB – 5 15/30/60 4 – Auto
GA 9443 Mini-Browbeater 100 BB – 5 10/20/40 2 – Auto
Dispersal Smoke Grenade 6 40mm – 1 15/30/60 8 – –
Dispenser grenade

DarkNight Firearms
Weapon Clip Calibre Min. ROF Range Wt. Add-Ons Notes
DN74 Auto-Pistol (2000u) 20 10mm – 1 12/24/48 1 Si, Su, Scp Semi-Auto
DN80 SMG (6000u) 40 10mm D6 3 15/30/60 3 Si, Su, Scp Auto
DN90 Shotgun (3500u) 8 10g D8 1 5/10/20 5 – Sling (+2 Stealth to
conceal under long
DN100 Assault Rifle 25 10mm D8 3 20/40/80 6 Si, Su, Scp Auto

Thresher Firearms
Weapon Clip Calibre Min. ROF Range Wt. Add-Ons Notes
FLAY AUTO Pistol 14 11mm D8 1 15/30/120 2 LP, Rcl-B, Scp Semi-Auto, Usually
HEAP ammo
SHEER Assault Rifle 40 11mm D12 3 30/60/120 6 LP, Rcl-B, Scp Auto, 3RB, Usually
HEAP ammo
VAPH III Assault 100 14mm D12+6 5 80/160/320 10 LP, Rcl-B, Scp Auto, Usually DU
Cannon (snail) ammo
Thresher Cannon 500 17mm D12+10 5 10/180/360 25 LP, Rcl-B, Scp Auto, Usually DU

War World Firearms

Weapon Clip Calibre Min. ROF Range Wt. Add-Ons Notes
FEN 24 Warmonger 40 11mm D10 3 28/56/112 7 Si, Su, Scp, Auto, 3RB
LP, Rcl-B
FEN 25(04) 40 40mm – 1 10/20/40 3 – Underslung gauss
Grenade grenade launcher


Armour Protection Covers Notes
Dispersal Riot Shield – – +2 Parry. +2 armour vs. ranged shots if didn’t attack last action

DarkNight Armour
Armour Protection Covers Notes
DN Ablative Flak Vest (250u) 4 Torso Concealable
DN Ablative Flak Jacket (500u) 4 Torso, arms, legs –
DN ‘Resigel’ Bodysuit (5000u) 6 All except head Concealable
DN Body Armour (4250u) 5 All –
DN Power Armour (25000u) 11 All AS (2hr), Hs, PC

Thresher Armour
Armour Protection Covers Notes
Endeavour Powered Infantry Armour 8 All JJ, Ad, AS (2hr), PC
One-Way True Powered Armour 10 All JJ, Ad, AS (2hr) , PC
Close Nitt Personal Power Armour 12 All JJ, Ad, AS (2hr), HuD, SS, Ns, HPC
First Step Heavy Powered Armour 18 All JJ, Ad, AS (10hr), HuD, Ns, HPC Heavy
SARGE Battle Armour 24 All JJ, Ad, AS (10hr), HuD, Ns, HPC, Heavy
Key: Ns: Night Sight (UV - ignores penalties or Dim or Dark conditions), SS: Stealth Systems (-2/-4 to Notice rolls)

Thresher/War World Ammunition

Calibre Standard HEAP Depleted Uranium
11mm Pistol 2D6+1 2D6+3 (AP4) 3D6+3 (AP3)
11mm Rifle 2D8+1 (AP1) 2D8+3 (AP5) 3D8+3 (AP4)
14mm Pistol 2D10 (AP1) 2D10+2 (AP5) 3D10+2 (AP4)
14mm Rifle 2D12 (AP2) 2D12+2 (AP6) 3D12+2 (AP5)
17mm Pistol – – 3D10+3 (AP5)
17mm Rifle – – 3D12+3 (AP7)


Ebb Quick Reference

Ebons believe there is a single formula underlying all of Affinities: Lists of Glyphs with similar theme
reality which constantly re-balances itself in search of stabil- Deathsuit: Second skin that stores glyphs and flux, pre-
ity. By concentrating on formulas of their own, Ebons and vents backlash, provides armour and changes colour at
their dark relatives, the Brain Wasters, are able to affect the will.
fabric of reality by force of will alone. In game terms, this is Ebb Control: Arcane Background
represented by both these races starting with the Ebb Con- Formulae: Arcane skill
trol arcane background which allows them, just like a Savage Flux: Power points
Worlds’ wizard, to use powers (renamed ‘glyphs’) by spend- Flux Gem Matrix: Device for storing flux
ing power points (renamed ‘Flux’) and rolling their arcane Glyph: Power (as in Spell, Miracle, Super Power, etc.)
skill (called ‘Formulae’). from the Savage Worlds rulebook
Glyph Card: Item allowing a Glyphs to be manifested
(unnecessary with a Deathsuit)
Learning Glyphs
Kickback: Miscalculating the formula on a Glyph. An
For Ebons, learning glyphs is slightly more complicated Ebb User is Shaken if his Formulae die comes up 1.
than just picking those they want with the New Power edge. Manifest: Cast
Nearly all the powers from the Savage Worlds’ rulebook are Science Friction: Items allowing additional effects of
available as glyphs, but in this conversion they have been di- Glyphs to be used.
vided up into lists called affinities, with each affinity contain-
ing four or more glyphs.
To gain both affinities and glyphs, Ebons must buy edges. Science Friction
As well as opening up glyphs, each affinity also provides a An Ebon may not use any “additional effects” from a glyph
minor Ebb effect – such as dimming lights or lighting small without possessing the Science Friction item related to that
flames – which the Ebon can use at will, without spending glyph’s affinity. Additional effects are anything that requires a
Flux (although a Formulae roll is still necessary). These mi- raise or costs additional flux (power points).
nor effects work at a range of up to the character’s Spirit in For example, the Bolt glyph is within the Blast affinity.
yards unless otherwise specified. Without a flintlock, a character cannot create additional or
Additionally, unless the character is a SLA Operative and more damaging bolts.
owns a deathsuit, they must obtain an illegal Glyph Card
in order to learn a new glyph. At minimum, this requires a
Streetwise roll but should probably be an adventure in itself. Kickback
At character creation, Ebons have the Affinity Training If the Formulae dice comes up 1 when manifesting a glyph
edge for two affinities and so possess one glyph from each. (regardless of the wild die’s result), the Ebon suffers kickback.
If they used a Deathsuit for the manifestation, they are in-
Manifesting Glyphs stantly Shaken and must recover normally.
If they used a Glyph Card, the effect is much more serious.
Glyphs come in two forms. They can either be on Glyph Make a Vigour roll. On a success one die-type is permanently
Cards or integral to an Ebon’s Deathsuit. However, as the lost from the character’s Formulae skill. On a failure, one die-
SLA Industries Ebon-supplying sub-company Dark Lament type is also lost from the character’s Spirit. For this reason, it
no longer produces Glyph cards, most characters will use the is incredibly rare to find an Ebon without a deathsuit and it
Deathsuit option. Besides, searching through a pack of cards is strongly suggested that all characters buy one with their
before you can blast the surge of carriens bearing down on starting credits.
you is hardly the practical option (although one Rogue and
Rival Company Operatives are still forced to use).
Just as in standard Savage Worlds rules, to manifest a glyph, Getting Close
the player spends the requisite Flux and rolls their Formulae When an Ebon or Brain Waster reaches Veteran level, they
skill. Success means the effect takes place and raises increased start ‘Getting Close’. The opportunity to evolve into a Ne-
the power’s potency or reduce the cost as usual. Also just as in canthrope will soon be on them.
the standard rules, on a failure Flux is still lost. Unless they take the drug White Noise, they become af-
fected by a new Hindrance: Dream Daemons. See the Hin-
drances chapter for details.


Necanthropes tion that they sometimes receive. People are afraid their every
secret, dream and fear will be unearthed and used against
Becoming a Necanthrope is left to GM fiat. However, the
them. Often they are not far from the truth.
character should be of at least Legendary level before they can
Related Edges: Charm/Menace Aura (S)
make the choice to enter the White and other Necanthropes,
Science-Friction Item: Distracter
sensing their decision, appear to collect them.
Related Glyphs: Notice Me (Free), Speak Language (N),
Mind Probe (S, New), Conversation (S, New), Puppet (V),
Ebb Edges Thought Plant (H, New)
The standard power edges are unavailable to Ebons, Brain
Wasters and Necanthropes. Instead they should choose from
Also called Ebb Awareness, this affinity allows an Ebb User
the Ebb edges found in the Edges chapter.
to find other Ebons and gives them formidable investigation
Ebb edges are divided into two groups: core edges and af-
skills as well. Masters of this affinity are able to track even
finity edges. Any Ebon may take the core edges but the rest
the most cunning foe, and death itself can’t hide its secrets
require their associated Affinity to have been opened, and
from them.
most also have other prerequisites.
Related Edges: Defensive Precognition (V)
Science-Friction Item: Pathfinder
“What is an affinity, Child? What is love or hate Related Glyphs: Sense Ebon (Free), Formulation (N, New),
or jealousy? Just as we group our feelings to- True Track (S, New) Impression (V, New), Death Seek (H,
gether that they do not overwhelm us with pos- New)
sibility, our glyphs are constrained by affinities
that we may learn to appreciate the possibilities
Also called Augmentation of Ebon Energies, Enhance-
of each.” Vortex, Necanthrope, SCL 3B
ment deals with physical manipulation of the Ebb User’s
own body. With its help it is possible to become stronger and
faster, to grow in height and even transform your own body
into something more… progressive.
Related Edges: Ebb Enhancement (Teeth & Claws) (S), Ebb
Blast Enhancement (Extra Limb) (H)
Also called Force Ebb Kinetic, Blast is the most used and Science-Friction Item: Pineal Stim
definitely the most dangerous affinity. It allows Ebb Users to Related Glyphs: Perfect Health (Free), DNA Hallmark
create and shape physical forces to unleash upon opponents. (Free), Boost Trait (N, Modified), Speed (N), Physical Ma-
An Ebon’s most powerful emotions fuel these attacks, some- nipulation (V, New), Ebb Beast (V, New)
times leaving nothing standing.
Related Edges: Blaster (N), Master Blaster (H) Healing
Science-Friction Item: Flintlock Also called The Art of Healing and Purification, Healing
Related Glyphs: Crack Glass/Ice (Free), Static Shock (Free), is one of the most precious and important affinities. With its
Bolt (N, Modified), Blast (S, Modified), Charge (V, New) help, the Ebb User can stop bleeding, repair damaged tissue
and speed the natural healing process a thousand-fold. Mas-
Blue/Red Thermal ters of this affinity can heal souls as well bodies and even raise
Also called Glacier/Inferno, Blue/Red Thermal allows a recently deceased being from death.
an Ebb User to manipulate forces as old as the world itself Related Edges: Medikit Bond (S), Precognitive Healing (V)
– cold and fire. Masters of this affinity can survive in even the Science-Friction Item: Ebb Medikit
harshest environments and turn temperature into a deadly Related Glyphs: Heal Minor Bruises/Plants (Free), Healing
weapon. (N, Modified), Regeneration (S, New), Greater Healing (V,
Related Edges: Thermal Ball (S), Freezing Blast (S) Modified)
Science-Friction Item: Thermal Gauge
Related Glyphs: Cigarette Lighter (Free), Chill Drink (Free), Illumination
Resist Cold & Heat (N, Modified), Create Cold & Heat (N, Also called Ebb Illumination, this affinity deals with light
New), Ice Blade (N, New), Burst (N) and the ability to either project it or hide it away. Adepts
of this affinity can disappear from plain sight and can cause
Communication even the darkest depths to be illuminated as if by daylight.
Also called the Voice of the Ebb, or telepathy by the pub- Related Edges: Enlightenment (V), Glyph Creation (Ne-
lic. Ebon knowledge of this affinity explains the cold recep- canthrope)


Science-Friction Item: Illumination Gem ecules of air animated to do their bidding. More vicious ones
Related Glyphs: Dim/Flicker Lights (Free) Light (N, Modi- dominate their opponents by picking them up before smash-
fied), Ebon Eyes (N, New), Obscure (N), Invisibility (S, ing them against the walls and other hard surfaces.
Modified) Related Edges: None
Science-Friction Item: Focus Gem
Protect Related Glyphs: Lift Small Object (Free), Entangle (N),
Also called Ebon Guard. Before Dark Lament created the Barrier (S), Telekinesis (S, Modified), Fly (V)
Deathsuit, Ebon powers in that affinity were all but dormant.
That all changed when the Deathsuit became much more Gore Canon
then mere armour. Now it’s almost a living being. Sometimes Also called Celrydreahad (pronounced “SEELREE-DRI-
the only one that an Ebb User can call his friend – it is loyal, HAD”). This is not one of the ‘natural’ Ebon affinities that
caring and will never leave him, even after his death. was developed over thousands of years. It’s something much
Related Edges: Deathsuit Bond (Light) (N), Deathsuit newer, much more progressive; created by the first Ebon to
Bond (Medium) (S), Deathsuit Bond (Heavy) (V), Deathsuit return from the White - the first Necanthrope – Preceptor
Bond (Super) (H), Deathsuit Bond (Angel) (L), Deathsuit Teeth.
Graft (Vigour) (N), Deathsuit Graft (Strength) (N), Death- Its abilities and powers are focused on a hideous and dis-
suit Graft (Agility) (N), Interdermalise Deathsuit (V), Living turbing science-friction weapon called the gore cannon,
Suit (H), Soothing Touch (N) which Preceptor Teeth created and personally awards to
Science-Friction Item: Deathsuit all new members of the Necanthrope race. This biogenetic
Related Glyphs: Deathsuit Maintenance (Free), Armour (N, nightmare can be best described as a manipulation chamber
Modified), Deflection (N, Modified), Heal Deathsuit (N, which changes flux into a vile substance known as Psycho-
New), Suck Flux (S, New) Reactive Ebb Matter.
Related Edges: Sentient Gore Cannon (L), Interdermalised
Reality Folding Gore Cannon (L), Living Gore Cannon (L)
Also called Ebb Manipulation, Reality Folding is the least Science-Friction Item: Gore Cannon
understood but one of the most effective affinities. It allows Related Glyphs: Unnerving Presence (Free), Gore Cannon
Ebb Users to fold the fabric of reality, to instantly travel small Attack (L, New)
and great distances, and even guide gigantic Dark Lament
foldships to the remotest corners of the known universe.
Related Edges: Jump Recovery (V), Improved Jump Recov-
Free Glyphs
ery (H), Mass Port (H), Improved Mass Port (L)
Science-Friction Item: Vector Box Cigarette Lighter (Blue/Red Thermal)
Related Glyphs: Fold Object (Free), Wall Walk (N, New), Turns one finger into a cigarette lighter – the number one
Quickness (S), Teleport (S, Modified), Jump Port (V, New) reason for house fires in Ebon families with Brain Waster
Also called Sense Perception. The ability to remove and Chill Drink (Blue/Red Thermal)
restore senses is one of the most controversial affinities. With concentration and success on a Formulae roll, an
Initially, this affinity was used for curing lost senses and en- Ebon with this glyph can create a small ice cube to chill his
chanting natural ones but with Brain Waster influence grow- drink or stop his ice cream from melting.
ing all the time, its abilities and Glyphs have become more
Crack Glass/Ice (Blast)
cruel and aggressive in nature, aimed at helping an Ebb User
A favourite bar-room joke of most Brain Wasters, this free
survive in the hostile world they inhabit.
ability can make thin glass or ice crack if Ebb User succeeds
Related Edges: Ebb Backlash (V), Ebb Backlash Mastery
on his Formulae roll.
The range is the Ebb User’s Smarts trait.
Science-Friction Item: Jade Probe
Related Glyphs: Enchant Senses (Free), Lower Trait (N, Deathsuit Maintenance (Protect)
Modified), Stun (N, Modified), Fear (N), Audio/Video Pro- The Ebb User can keep his most precious science-friction
jection (S, New), Mind Block (S, New) item from becoming dirty and dented with the use of this
free ability. Success on his Formulae skill roll will clean the
deathsuit from dust and water marks, while a raise will re-
Also called Force Focus, this affinity deals with moving
move minor dents and scratches.
things around by force of will. Ebb Users trained in this field
have the ability to fly and to protect themselves using mol-


An Ebon’s internal emotional state provides much of the source of their power. As such each Ebon’s temperament col-
ours the appearance of the Glyphs he manifests. Players can choose to add a minor tweak for each Glyph when it is learnt
and use that trapping every time the Glyph is manifested. For example, an Ebon creating a light source can make it a
brightly coloured ball of light or even have the light come from his eyes, projector style. These effects can only change
when an Ebon or Brain Waster ‘evolves’ into a Necanthrope.
Gore Cannon effects are disturbing, and don’t look even remotely like Glyphs from the ‘natural’ affinities, and their
glyphs should follow a similar theme. For example, a Bolt created by a Necanthrope touched by insanity might look like
a spectral screaming skull while Entangle could look like hideous black roots emerging from the asphalt to grab their

Armour By channelling flux into his deathsuit, the Ebb User makes it tougher.
Barrier The Ebon manipulates air molecules to create an invisible wall.
Blast Kinetic force affects area in a grenade-like explosion.
Bolt Kinetic force created by Ebon is sent towards his enemies, like a giant, invisible sledgehammer.
Boost Trait The body’s cells to become tougher, stronger or faster.
Burst Fire erupts from the Ebon’s open palm.
Deflect The Ebon’s deathsuit hardens at the last split-second, protecting him from harm.
Entangle Invisible bonds form around the target.
Fear A frightening image is planted in the target’s mind.
Fly By hardening its molecules, the Ebon can walk on air.
Greater Healing Must touch the bare skin of a wounded person for the Glyph to succeed.
Healing Must touch the bare skin of a wounded person for the Glyph to succeed.
Invisibility The Ebb User manipulates the light and shadow to make himself completely invisible.
Light A source of light is created, emitting from somewhere on the Ebon’s body (often the palm).
Lower Trait The Ebb User disrupts a target’s nerve centres for a brief period of time.
Obscure The Ebb User manipulates the light sources in the area to create pitch darkness.
Puppet Must achieve eye contact with the Glyph’s target to initiate an opposed roll.
Quickness By folding in and out so fast that to the naked eye they seem to act in slow motion, the Ebon
can move with astonishing speed.
Resist Cold & Heat The Ebon can withstand, or allow others to survive in, extreme heat or cold
Speak Language The Ebb User can understand and speak in language unknown to him as long as he maintains
an eye contact.
Speed Oxygen and nutrients are shifted to the muscles allowing movement at incredible speeds.
Stun Overloads a target’s muscle-control mechanisms for a brief period of time.
Telekinesis Objects or living beings can be moved by force of will.
Teleport The Ebon folds instead of his normal movement.

This ability cannot repair major damage – use the Heal Once per session, before making a Notice skill roll, player
Deathsuit glyph for that. can announce that he wishes to boost one of his major senses
– hearing, sight, smell or taste (player decision) and receive
Enchant Senses (Senses) +2 bonus for that roll (if the sense he boosted would have
With this free ability, the Ebb User can give a brief boost to been helpful in his present situation).
his sensory receptors.


Dim/Flicker Lights (Illumination) Sense Ebon (Detect)

The Ebb User can dim lights slightly, or make light sources The Ebb User can sense the emotional aura created by Ebb
around him flicker for a brief moment, with a success on his powers.
Formulae skill roll. This affects light sources in a medium- Every Ebb User is a unique individual and so are their au-
burst template. With a raise, it affects light sources in the ras. Ebons refer to this as the ‘scent’.
large burst template. ‘Scent’ left after an Ebb power’s manifestation lasts for 6
hours before it fades away. For each raise on the Formulae
DNA Hallmark (Enhancement) roll, this time increases by 2 hours.
This is the only ability from Enhancement that works on The range of this ability is Ebb User’s Smarts trait.
others. DNA Hallmark, also called DNA Tattoo, is a fast and
pain-free process. With a success on his Formulae roll, the Static Shock (Blast)
Ebb User can alter the DNA in a subject’s skin cells to cre- The Ebb User can cause a slight static shock by touching
ate a picture of his liking. Complex drawings require him to a living being and rolling a simple success on his Formulae
have some artistic talent, but in any case you’ll get a tattoo skill.
that will stay with you for life (and even can be inherited by
your children, if you are lucky – or not). Unnerving Presence (Gore Cannon)
A DNA Hallmark is 3-9 cm squared in size. A Necanthrope can announce his arrival without words
if he wishes. Within a large-burst area template (centred on
Fold Object (Reality Folding) himself ), every living being will feel disturbed. It could be a
With this free ability the Ebb User can perform a favourite headache or toothache or bad taste in the mouth, even the
trick of stage magicians – palming a small object – but in- water in their glasses turning blood red and congealed.
stead of manual dexterity and smooth talk, the Ebb User uses The particular effect is decided then the Necanthrope first
his knowledge of Ebb to perform the trick. With a success uses this power and can’t be changed afterwards. This ability
on his Formulae roll, he can make small object (about ½ lb.) is free and can be turned on and off at will.
disappear into an extra-dimensional pocket for the duration
of his Smarts trait in minutes. Modified Glyphs
Heal Minor Bruises/Plants (Healing) Many of the glyphs used by Ebons and their dark cousins
This free ability allows the Ebb User to instantly heal minor differ from those in the Savage Worlds rulebook only in their
bruises, scratches or scars, as well as broken plants, with a trappings. Others are modified slightly to better represent
success on his Formulae roll. This provides no in-game me- Ebb powers as represented in the SLA Industries original
chanical benefits but can be useful if the Ebb User wants to rules. Be sure to check both this section and the table of trap-
show compassion. pings whenever a power from the Savage Worlds rulebook is
bought as a glyph.
Lift Small Object (Telekinesis)
The Ebb User can lift a small object (no more then 10 Armour (Protection)
grams in weight per success and raise on a Formulae roll) into This glyph requires a deathsuit.
the air and move it to the maximum distance of his Smarts
trait. Barrier (Telekinesis)
The barrier is barely visible, being no more than very thick
Notice Me (Communication) air. Slow moving objects and people can pass through it by
In fact, this is not even telepathy, just a simple projection of spending their entire movement for a round and an action
the Ebon’s emotional aura upon a (sometimes) unsuspecting (although they can perform other actions if they take a multi-
person. A disturbance in the target’s emotions causes them to action penalty, as usual), while fast objects and running peo-
look around for the source and notice the Ebon. This ability ple are in for the surprise.
needs a success on a Formulae roll to succeed. Ebb Users can make their barriers tougher by spending ad-
ditional Flux: 4 flux raises the Toughness to 15, 6 flux gives
Perfect Health (Enhancement) 20 Toughness, and, finally, 8 flux provides a formidable 25
Perfect Health works just like it sounds – the Ebb User has Toughness.
good hair, strong teeth and nails and is a generally healthy-
looking fella (or gal). This provides no in-game mechanical Blast (Blast)
bonus. It’s simply an awesome thing to have. Doubling the flux cost causes the Blast to do Heavy dam-


Bolt (Blast) a major hindrance. Regardless of what level of hindrance is

Doubling the flux cost causes the Bolt to do Heavy dam- cured, the patient must spend his next advance to buy it off
age. or the ‘doors’ are opened again, this time for life.
Resurrection: By spending 35 flux, the Ebb User can try
Boost Trait (Enhancement) to use the most powerful of the healing abilities to bring a
Renamed from Boost/Lower Trait. recently-deceased person back to life. Ebons point out that
Unlike the power from original Savage Worlds rulebook, even they are powerless against “true death” and can only save
this glyph can only affect the caster. those persons who are still “spiritually alive” (Dead less than a
It is, however, more efficient. The duration increases to 5 number of minutes equal to patient’s Spirit trait).
(1/rnd). Even if the person is not “truly dead” by Ebon standards, it
Lower Trait is separate glyph in the Senses affinity. requires a great force of will to bring them back, the Ebb User
putting his own sanity at risk by attempting it.
Burst (Blue/Red Thermal)
By touching the glyph’s target, the Ebon sees into his pa-
With a raise, targets are at -2 to jump out of the area of
tient’s rapidly dying mind, desperately trying to find a spark
of life strong enough to give the dead person a much-needed
For 2 additional flux, the temperature of the blaze can be
second chance. If he finds one, he can try to return them to
raised, causing targets to catch fire on a 5-6 on a D6; for 4
life, but it expends a considerable part of his own life force
flux, they catch fire on a 4-6.
to do so.
Deflection (Protection) If the Ebb User is willing to take this grave risk, he rolls his
Requires a deathsuit. Formulae skill. A simple success will bring the patient back,
but his and the Ebb User’s Spirit traits are lowered by one die,
Fly (Telekinesis) permanently. On a raise only the patient’s Spirit is lowered,
May fly Spirit yards a round and may roll Spirit as a ‘run- and with two raises, neither suffers Spirit loss.
ning die’ if he does nothing but fly in the round. Ebons and Brain Wasters as well as Vevaphons can be
brought back by the use of this glyph but each subsequent
Greater Healing (Healing) Resurrection requires an additional raise to succeed.
Must touch the bare skin of a wounded person for the
glyph to succeed. Healing (Healing)
Body System Purification: For 10 flux, an Ebb User can Must touch the bare skin of a wounded person for the
purify a target’s body of toxins and drugs. glyph to succeed.
This is a long and painful process which requires total
concentration for 4 hours straight. No other actions can be Invisibility (Illumination)
taken by Ebon or his patient while Body System Purification Only the Ebb User and his deathsuit, as well as items he is
is performed. holding can be made invisible.
Success on a Formulae roll negates mild toxins, removes Choose either normal vision or UV/IR. For double Flux,
addictions to soft or medical drugs and removes any With- the Ebb User is invisible to both options.
drawal fatigue levels. A raise is required to treat deadly toxins
Light (Illumination)
or remove addiction to combat drugs.
Light is emitted from the Ebon’s body (usually his palm).
Each subsequent attempt to purify the same character
Star Orb: For 2 flux, the Ebb User can create a small orb
within one year (or half a year for Wraith Raiders, with their
made from light that shoots very fast vertically until it reaches
boosted metabolism) must score an additional raise to suc-
500 meters. It then explodes into myriad shards, each giving
a bright glow. This glow is enough to light up the area in a 48
Retardation of Psychosis: For 20 flux, the Ebb User can
yard radius centred on a caster, for the Ebb User’s Smarts in
cure a target of psychoses or phobias.
minutes. The light is as bright as a flashlight.
This is a long and exhausting process, as the Ebon tries to
Nova Orb: For 5 flux, a more potent version of Star Orb
clean his patient’s memories and create mind blocks so the
can be created which explodes in a powerful surge, creating
psychosis can be isolated. Some Ebb Users refers to this proc-
artificial daylight in a 1km radius centered on the caster.
ess as ‘opening and closing emotional doors’.
The process itself takes no less then 8 hours and requires to- Lower Trait (Senses)
tal concentration. No other actions can be taken by Ebb User Renamed from Boost/Lower Trait.
or his patient while Retardation of Psychosis is performed. Unlike the power from the Savage Worlds rulebook, this
Success on a Formulae roll halts the effects of a phobia or glyph can only lower an opponent’s traits.
psychosis-based minor hindrance. A raise is required to cure


It is, however, more efficient. The duration increases to 5

(1/rnd). Audio/Video Projection
Boost Trait is a separate glyph from the Enchantment af- “It’s not just any combat footage. You’re really
finity. there: touching, feeling, suffering through the
whole freaking mess, plus the terrorist’s lead girl
Quickness (Reality Folding) is one sexy bitch, I tell ya. Raw and uncut, com-
This glyph can affect the Ebb User only. ing straight from my own cerebral cortex. So,
we got a deal?” - Flatline, Brain Waster, SCL
Resist Cold & Heat (Blue/Red Thermal) 8B, Mean Guns squad, seeking an exclusive deal
Renamed from Elemental Protection. with a 3rd Eye Program Director.
Only works against heat and cold.
Protection can be extended to other, willing subjects by
spending the initial flux cost again for each subject protected A success allows audio information to be recorded, a raise
(double flux for one additional subject, triple for two, etc.) allows video, too. The maximum time of a recording is your
Doubling the initial flux cost also gives half damage from Smarts x 10 minutes.
direct heat or cold damage, tripling it gives complete im- If the Ebb User botches his Formulae roll, the information
munity. he records is corrupted and unreadable.
Obviously this can get very expensive – providing com-
plete immunity to just one additional person would multiply
the cost by six. Charge
After the initial cost is inflated, it is no more expensive to
“That’s not a jolt glove... THIS *ZzzzzCrackHiss*
maintain than if just the Ebon were protected.
is a jolt glove. And it doesn’t even need batter-
Stun (Senses) ies.” - Flense, Brain Waster, SCL 6, unimpressed
The Ebb User may strike at nerve centres rather then trying by a squad mate’s new weapon.
to paralyse the muscles. By doubling the flux cost, targets
must use their Spirit trait instead of Vigour to resist being
stunned. Charge
Affinity: Blast
Telekinesis (Telekinesis) Rank: Veteran
Double flux may be spent to double the maximum weight Flux: 5
allowance of this glyph or triple flux to triple it. Range: Touch
Duration: Special
Teleport (Reality Folding)
This was one of the first offensive glyphs brought about by
If the Ebb User wants to fold a companion of Size +2 or
the conjunction of Ebon and Brain Waster schools of learn-
more, they count as two companions for the determination
of any fatigue cost.
This ebb power sends an strong electric charge through
the victim’s body. Static electricity plays over the Ebon while
New Glyphs manifesting, there’s a crack of lightning as he strikes and the
smell of ozone lingers in the air around the victim for min-
Audio/Video Projection utes afterwards. Singed clothes and hair standing on end are
Affinity: Senses not uncommon.
Rank: Seasoned The Ebb User needs to make a touch close combat attack
Flux: 3 (usually with a +2 bonus) and, if successful, targets not im-
Range: Personal mune to electricity take D6 damage and must make a Vigour
Duration: Smarts x 10 Minutes roll with a -2 penalty (-4 with a Raise) or be knocked Prone
With the use of this glyph, you can record your live experi- and become Shaken. They cannot roll to recover from being
ence into digital format. To make this happen you needs two Shaken for D6 rounds.
things: a data disk, or slug, which you must be touching, and
concentration. Conversation
Using Audio/Video Projection requires focus on the ob- Affinity: Communication
jects and sounds to be recorded, so any other actions taken Rank: Seasoned
while this glyph is in effect suffer multi-action penalty. Flux: 3+
Range: Smarts multiplied by 10 miles


Duration: 5 (1/round) Raises on attack rolls against solid objects inflict more dam-
The Conversation glyph allows the Ebb User to communi- age (1D6 per flux spent) and damage dice can Ace. Be care-
cate with other living beings across great distances. Commu- ful, though: Anyone who tries to attack these objects with
nication is two-way and no words need to be spoken aloud, their bare hands will also take 1D6 damage per flux spent.
as the conversation takes place mentally. It does, however, re- This effect cannot target objects in another’s possession or
quire concentration, and any other action taken by the Ebon more distant than the Ebb User’s Smarts trait in yards. Also,
while conversing suffers a multi-action penalty. the Ebb User must be able to clearly see the object he is try-
Attempting to contact an Ebb User grants a +2 bonus to ing to affect.
the Formulae roll, +4 if the Ebb user also possesses the Con- Duration is 3 (1/rnd).
versation glyph. Ignite: By spending 2 flux, the Ebb User can spontane-
To converse with someone in your line of sight a simple ously ignite a flammable object.
Formulae roll is all you need. The initial burst of flame is impressive - anyone in a me-
To reach someone outside your line of sight but who is well dium burst template catches fire on a roll of 6 on a D6 and
known to you requires a raise. To reach someone unfamiliar takes D10 damage.
requires two raises. Used on highly-flammable objects such as oil, the results
If your contact is not within range, the power fails auto- are spectacular. Anyone under a large burst template catches
matically and the flux is still spent. fire on a roll of 5-6 and also takes 2D10 damage.
A botched Formulae roll means that you are unable to Also, while only one cubic foot is ignited initially, fires not
reach your contact and can’t try again until the next day. exposed to Mort’s ever-present downpour are likely to spread
The range of this power can be increased by spending ad- unless tackled (see page 97 of Savage Worlds).
ditional power points (double the cost will double the maxi- This effect cannot target objects in another’s possession or
mum range, triple the cost will triple it, etc). more distant than the Ebb User’s Smarts trait in yards. Also,
the Ebb User must be able to clearly see the object he is try-
Create Cold & Heat ing to affect.
Affinity: Blue/Red Thermal
Rank: Novice Death Seek
Flux: 1-5 Affinity: Detect
Range: Varies Rank: Heroic
Duration: Varies Flux: 10
This glyph allows Ebb User to dramatically change tem- Range: Touch
peratures. Duration: Smarts x Minutes
Note that the Ebb User is not immune to the effects of his This glyph is most powerful of all Awareness abilities. With
own glyph and must use Resist Cold & Heat if he wants to a successful Formulae roll the Ebon can probe a dead per-
be sure that no harm will come to him or his allies. son’s mind, searching his fading memories in an attempt to
This glyph can be used in 3 different ways: find information. The person in question should be recently
Area: By spending 3 flux, the Ebb User heats or cools the deceased (1 hour or less) and his brain must not be damaged
immediate vicinity dramatically. This affects a medium burst or the glyph fails automatically. The Ebon can view images
template, large on a raise, centred on the Ebb User. Everyone of events from the glyph’s target recent past, no farther back
within the area (including the Ebb User - unless he has acti- then 24 hours ago. These images are events as the dead per-
vated Resist Cold & Heat) must roll Vigour at -2 or gain a son remembers them, and, like any other memory, they can
fatigue level. Rolling a 1 on the Vigour die causes the target be false or misleading.
to be Shaken as well. Each turn a target remains in the area, The GM will determine how accurate and appropriate the
they must make another Vigour roll. information is, but, as rule of thumb, for each raise, the Ebon
While the effects of the heat and cold version of this usage can view one event he wants to see in as much details as pos-
are essentially the same, the Ebb User should state whether sible.
he’s freezing or frying those around him as some targets (no- If the Ebb User botches his Formulae roll he fails to learn
tably Wraith Raiders) may have resistances or susceptibilities anything and nightmares that creep out of a dead man’s skull
to a particular element. haunt him for 1D6 nights.
Duration is 3 (1/rnd).
Object: By spending 1-5 flux, liquids can be made to freeze Ebb Beast
or boil (one pint per flux spent) and solid materials can be Affinity: Enhancement
softened or frozen to such degree that they become fragile Rank: Veteran
and break easily (1 cubic foot per flux). Flux: 5 (or 7)


Range: Self
Duration: 3 (1/round) Ebb Beast
This glyph works as the Shapechange power in the Savage Attributes: Agility D8, Strength D12, Vigour D8
Worlds rulebook with the following changes: Skills: Athletics D8, Fighting D10, Intimidation D10
1) The Ebon may only take on the Ebb Beast form. This Pace: 8 (D10), Parry: 7 Toughness: 7
costs 5 flux. At Legendary rank, he may instead take on the - Bite/Claw: Strength+3 (AP1)
Ebb Demon form for 7 flux. - Size +1
2) The Ebon’s deathsuit grows to cover his new form. - Go For The Throat
3) The Ebon may not use glyphs while in Ebb Beast (or - Berserk
Demon) form, although glyphs already in effect may be
maintained. Ebb Demon
4) Ranged combat is impossible. Attributes: Agility D10, Strength D12+2, Vigour D12
5) On a raise, the Ebb user completely loses themself in Skills: Athletics D8, Fighting D12, Intimidation D12
their new form. They become fearless, automatically passing Pace: 8 (D6), Parry: 8, Toughness: 10
all Guts checks and becoming immune to Intimidation tests - Bite/Claw: Strength+4 (AP2)
- Size +2
Ebon Eyes - Improved Frenzy
“Crap! Where are we? My flashlight’s broken. I - Hardy
can’t see a freaking thing!” - Fear
“Trust me. You don’t want to.” - Berserk
Operatives Mickey O’Malley and Flatline, Mean
Guns squad, after an unfortunate fall into car-
1) Approximate total flux used (under 5, under 10, under
rien’s nest in Lower Downtown.
15, etc.).
2) Number of different affinities used.
of will. 3) Number of different Ebb users active recently.
4) Race of each Ebb User, one per success/raise.
Ebon Eyes 5) General description of each Ebb user, one per success/
Affinity: Illumination raise, highest Rank first (sex, eye colour, hair colour, height,
Rank: Novice build, whether they wore a deathsuit).
Flux: 3 6) Affinities used by each Ebb user, one Ebb user per suc-
Range: Personal cess/raise.
Duration: Smarts x minutes (1/10 minutes) If this glyph is immediately re-manifested, the Ebon may
With the use of this glyph it is possible for an Ebb User to continue gathering information where she left off.
see even in darkest places without attracting unwanted atten-
tion to himself. Heal Deathsuit
With a success on a Formulae roll, the Ebb User can see Affinity: Protect
clearly in Dim and Dark conditions, while a raise allows him Rank: Novice
to see even in Pitch Darkness without penalty. Flux: 3
If the Ebb User botches his Formulae roll, extra sensory Range: Touch
information overloads his sight centres and he is temporarily Duration: Instant
blinded for D6 rounds. This glyph allows the Ebon to restore one point of damage
to a deathsuit. On a raise, it heals 2 points. This glyph can
Formulation heal deathsuits other than the Ebon’s own.
Affinity: Senses
Rank: Novice
Flux: 2 Ice Blade
Range: Smarts x yards “Har! Only a flesh wound...” *CRACK*
Duration: 1 round Last words of John Travis, notorious Ex-War
The ebon can analyse recent Ebb use in his immediate area. Criminal.
He gains one piece of information each round to a maximum
of one per success and raise on the Formulae roll. Informa-
tion is gained in the following order:


Ice Blade 2) How many people were in the area.

Affinity: Blue Thermal 3) What size they were and what clothes they wore.
Flux: 3 4) Any loud or unusual noises that took place.
Rank: Novice 5) Brief extracts of conversations that took place in the area.
Range: Personal 6) Flickering images of people’s faces and their basic emo-
Duration: 3 (1/round) tions
This glyph creates a wickedly-sharp blade of ice, doing 7) Nearly complete conversations or recognizable faces of the
Strength +4 damage (Strength +4, AP2, on a raise). The blade people that were in the area.
is frozen to the character’s hand and cannot be dropped with-
out ending the glyph’s duration. Disarming the character of If this glyph is immediately re-manifested, the Ebb User
an ice blade requires the blade to be destroyed. may continue gathering information where he left off.
In addition, after Ice Blade hits, but before rolling for dam- If the Ebb User botches his Formulae roll, he reconstructs
age, the Ebon can shatter the blade inside the target, (hope- one or more pieces of the information wrong, your GM will
fully) causing serious internal injuries. This manoeuvre adds decide which.
additional 4 points to damage total, and ends the glyph.
If the Ebb User spends double amount of flux, his Ice Blade
does Heavy damage. Jump Port
A botch on the Formulae roll creates an Ice Blade that does “Am I afraid to leave our world in the search for
no damage and shatters on the slightest impact. something that is both unknown and very likely
dangerous? They say every atom in our bodies
was once part of a star. So maybe we are not
Impression leaving... maybe we are going home.” – Jerome
“We are close to him now. I can see the person K. Jerome, Ebon Navigator, SCL 5F.
he was talking to, I can smell his fear. He cannot
escape us. Soon we shall return him. Come.”
- Dark Finder Siren, SCL [D-NOTICE], pursuing
escaped feral ebon Fritz Dupree
Jump Port
Affinity: Reality Folding
Rank: Veteran
Flux: 10/20
Impression Range: Ebb User’s Smarts x 10 miles, or the foldship the
Affinity: Detect Ebon is aboard.
Rank: Veteran Duration: Instant
Flux: 5 This is the ultimate folding ability, and can be used in two
Range: Smarts x Yards ways, both allowing the Ebb User to fold across the great
Duration: 2/round distances.
This glyph works much like Formulation but the Ebb Us- For 10 flux, he can fold himself (and only himself ) to a
er’s awareness is raised to such level that he can reconstruct maximum distance of his Smarts x 10 miles. If the Ebb User
incidents that have happened in the immediate area around is very familiar with his destination, he requires only a simple
him in the last 12 hours. Range is his Smarts in yards. success on his Formulae roll. If he is not, he needs a raise to
The Impression glyph requires concentration and any other pull this off. Folding to an unknown place fails automati-
action taken by Ebb User while it is in effect suffer a multi- cally.
action penalty. If the Ebb User fails his roll he is Shaken, while if he rolls
One piece of information is revealed per success and raise. 1 on his casting die, regardless of the wild die, he suffers D8
The information received this way can be as vague or clear as damage which bypasses armour in addition to being Shak-
your GM may see fit, but the more flux the Ebb User spends en.
reconstructing the past, the better result he will get… usu- At Heroic rank, the Ebb User can apply to Dark Lament
ally. for training in the art of Foldship piloting. Not all applicants
Here is the basic list that you and your GM can use as a are approved, but those who are have a chance to fulfil a life-
guideline for a trip down a memory lane: long dream of the Ebon race - to reach the stars.
By spending 20 Flux, this glyph allows the Ebb User to
1) Any distinguishing features about the area that have transport an entire ship across the universe. Foldship pilots
changed. are highly valued by SLA. Any Ebon capable of manifesting


this glyph should expect to receive both additional respect Flux: 2

and additional scrutiny from their employer. Range: Smarts
Duration: 3 (1/round)
Mind Probe allows the Ebb User to read another’s thoughts.
Mind Block It requires concentration and any other action taken by the
“‘Your mind is like an open book, Fritz’… Well, Ebon while using Mind Probe glyph suffers a multi-action
it’s a closed book now, you old bitch. See you penalty.
in hell!” – Fritz Dupree, Feral Ebon, on the run Make an opposed Formulae vs. Smarts roll with the victim.
from Dark Lament’s Correction Facility for Gift- Failure means that target realizes that you have tried to do
ed Ebon Youngsters. something unnatural with his brain and reacts accordingly.
Success let you read their surface thoughts and understand
their immediate intentions but target still realizes that some-
thing is wrong. A raise allows you to search their brain for
Mind Block old memories (even ones forgotten or considered trivial by
Affinity: Senses the victim) and long term plans, but the victim still feels your
Rank: Seasoned presence in his brain. With two raises, they don’t even notice
Flux: 3 anything.
Range: Personal With the GM’s Permission you can read the victim’s surface
Duration: 1 Hour (1/Hour) thoughts unnoticed with just a raise on the opposed roll.
This glyph effectively shuts off the Ebb User’s mind to any Botching the opposed roll means that the victim’s mind
form of Ebb-based detection. was too complicated for you to understand. You are ejected
While Mind Block is in effect, “active” searching – such as from his conscience and suffer a severe headache. Gain a fa-
using the Pathfinder sci-fri item or glyphs like Conversation tigue level that only passes away after one hour of rest.
and True Track – requires an opposed Formulae roll to suc-
“Passive” detection – like Formulation or Impression Physical Manipulation
– works, but the results are even more blurry than usual.
“Stand up, Shorty! I a’int done with you yet!”
In addition, Mind Block can help somewhat against Ebb-
– Jingo, Brain Waster, SCL 6B, downing a 7½
based interrogation, mind reading or control powers – you
foot tall mutant carrien with a single blow.
receive +2 bonus on opposed checks with someone who tries
to get the information out of you, or tries to make you do
some things you don’t want to do.
If the Ebb User botches his Formulae roll, he sets his block Physical Manipulation
all wrong and instead of making himself unnoticeable, at- Affinity: Enhancement
tracts his pursuers like a sharks to wounded prey. Rank: Veteran
Flux: 5
Range: Personal
Mind Probe Duration: 3 (1/round)
This glyph is gives the Ebb User the ability to grow or shrink
“You gotta watch out for these white-eyed
dramatically in size for a short period of time. His deathsuit
freaks, Jason! They’ll fuck your brains inside
(if he wears one) grows with him while other equipment does
out, man, and read all those dirty thoughts of
Success on a Formulae roll grants the Ebb User +1 Size,
“Why some Slop freak wanna know about me
which in turn gives him +1 Toughness, +1 die-type of
fantasising about yo’ momma, huh?”
Strength and increases carrying capacity for the duration of
“Why you…”
the glyph. A raise boosts the size increase to +2.
Overhead in “Ugly Bob’s Place” bar, Down-
Alternatively, he can reduce himself in size, suffering -1
town, Krosstown Traffic territory.
Toughness and -1 die-type of Strength for each size decrease
but gaining +2 to Stealth rolls for each size decrease and
being able to fit into small spaces.
Mind Probe If the Ebb User botches his Formulae roll, he fails to change
Affinity: Communication and feels intense pain in muscles and joints, giving him 1 fa-
Rank: Seasoned tigue level that fades away after at least 2 hours of rest.


Regeneration Thought Plant

“OK, I’m out of ideas. Anyone got anything? “Go fuck yourselves, you bastards! I won’t tell
Hyde? Levi? Campbell? Appleby?” you a fucking thing, you… Hey! Who’s this guy?
“Got it, Sarge! Why don’t we aim for some- Woah! What are you do….. AAAAARGH!!! “
thing they can’t grow back.” (One hour later)
Thresher Platoon #453-P, Hadley’s Wolves, be- “Now, Mr. Sirniketch, this terrorist cell you were
fore their assault on a SLA base on Cyrix about to tell us about, and the money you, um,
owe me…”
Regeneration Shiver Station TF-901, Interrogation Room #3,
Rank: Seasoned security camera footage, later confiscated by
Affinity: Healing Cloak Division.
Cost: 5/10
Range: Personal just a few seconds of time, while deeper changes need at least
Duration: Instant/24 hours one raise and an amount of time defined by the GM, who
Ebb Users with this glyph are highly valued in the war also decides how much memory can be altered. Usually, very
against Thresher. Even depleted uranium rounds are not personal memories, like parents, a wife, or loved ones can’t be
enough to stop them - they just retreat and continue harass touched, but even this can’t be guaranteed.
ing the enemy again within hours of the first encounter. Changes are permanent, and with this glyph, friends can
This glyph causes the body’s natural healing process to be be made into enemies; lovers can be made into killers and the
dramatically accelerated. It work like the Healing power but loyal – turned traitors.
the Ebon can restore wounds more than one hour old, can Targets of this glyph usually can’t remember the brain
heal DU wounds after an hour has expired and the Ebb User washing process (unless a particularly cruel Ebon – or, more
can only heal himself. This costs 5 flux. likely, Brain Waster – wants them to) but they do suffer a
For 10 flux, the Ebon can try to remove permanent wounds Stress fatigue level that, until removed, allows other Ebons to
– this process takes 24 hours but each raise halves the time feel a slight “scent” of flux surrounding the glyph’s victim.
required. If the Ebb User botches his Formulae roll he replaces parts
Suck Flux of his target’s memory with ones of his own, pasting his
Affinity: Protect memories into his target’s mind and replacing them with his
Rank: Seasoned own.
Flux: 1 True Track
Range: Touch Affinity: Detect
Duration: Instant Rank: Seasoned
By touching another Ebb User, the Ebon can draw some Flux: 5
of their flux into himself (or his deathsuit). On a success, Range: Personal
3 flux are taken, 6 on a raise. Unwilling targets oppose the Duration: 1 Hour (2/Hour)
Formulae roll with a Formulae roll of their own. This glyph creates the link between the Ebb User and an-
Thought Plant other person, allowing Ebb User to follow the ‘scent’ left by
Affinity: Communication his target. To use the glyph an item which belongs to the
Rank: Heroic person is required, the more personal – the better. It’s the
Flux: 10 emotional attachments that count, so possessing a beloved
Range: Touch blade of a serial killer would get +4 bonus to a Formulae skill
Duration: Permanent roll, while more mundane personal items would give little or
This has a potential to be the most dangerous glyph from no bonus and hated ones will impose penalties.
the Communication affinity. The Ebb User can wipe the The use of this glyph requires concentration and any other
parts of the glyph’s target memories and replace them with actions taken while True Track is in effect suffer multi-action
the ones of his own creation. penalty.
He just needs to touch bare skin and win an opposed roll Ebon can follow ‘scent’ as long as he still has flux to spend
between the target’s Spirit and his Formulae. or his concentration breaks, and can resume his pursuit later,
Minor alterations – like wiping the memories of mani- but each additional attempt to use the same item to create a
fester’s presence – can be achieved with a simple success and


link require an extra raise on his Formulae roll. (Two attempts List One: Bolt, Blast, Burst, Ice Blade
require one raise, three attempts require two raises, etc) List Two: Obscure, Stun, Fear, Entangle
If the Ebb user botches his Formulae roll, he confuses the
‘scent’ and follows a totally different person. Gore cannon attacks appear as horrific nightmares-made-
real. Even the weakest attack should leave witnesses sleepless,
Wall Walk while the most powerful can permanently fracture the psyche
Affinity: Reality Folding of those who behold them.
Rank: Novice Remember - every Necanthrope is unique. Be creative with
Flux: 3 your descriptions.
Range: Personal
Duration: 3 (1/round)
A series of very small manipulation equations in rapid suc-
Glyph Creation
cession makes the Ebb User appear to flicker, as they fold the Those Necanthropes who have mastered the Ebb Illumina-
fabric of space millions of times per second. tion affinity can be trained in the rare art of creating glyphs.
The Ebb User can walk through solid, non-living objects. Creation of a totally new glyph is beyond the limits of any
This has no effect on fast-moving objects such as weapons single being and requires a years of study and experimenta-
but walls, floors and furniture are no problem and it is easy tion, taking the dedication of thousands of Ebb Users during
to get 90% cover by remaining inside a solid object. The Ebb that time, but it takes only a single Ebb User to manifest an
User moves at half their Pace on any round they pass through existing glyph and inscribe it on an appropriate object, to be
an object. If they are still inside one when this glyph expires later reused.
they are ejected in a random direction and become Shaken. Yet, while any individual Necanthrope can only create
Also, the Ebb User gains no ability to see through the ob- a pale copy of his own powers, their collective efforts can
jects they’re passing through. Spending more than a single achieve much more – a fantastic fusion of art and technol-
turn moving while entirely immerged can be disorientating ogy, approved by the first Necanthrope, Preceptor Teeth, and
and GMs may require a Smarts roll for the Ebb User to re- produced exclusively by his child, Dark Lament.
trace their steps or emerge exactly where they intended.
With a raise, the Ebb User may move at their full Pace Creating Science Friction Items
while inside objects and gets a +2 bonus to Smarts rolls to Ebb Users can inscribe glyphs by infusing their own flux
resist disorientation. onto an object, much like the ancient Ebons who protected
their tribe’s caves and imbued killing powers into their crude
weapons by shamanistic rituals and rock carvings.
Necanthrope Glyphs To do so, he must first find, or make himself an object that
can hold the spirit of the glyph. This object must be simple in
Gore Cannon Attack design, like a (non-powered) hand-to-hand or ancient black
Affinity: Gore Cannon (Celrydreahad) powder weapon and symbolically appropriate for the glyph.
Flux: Varies If neither of these requirements are met the inscription au-
Range: Varies tomatically fails.
Duration: Varies Also, only glyphs from ‘natural’ affinities can be inscribed.
The Necanthrope’s gore cannon is feared by all who face It’s impossible to imbue an object with the freakish powers
it, and rightly so. To attack with their gore cannon, the Ne- of Celrydreahad.
canthrope simultaneously uses two offensive powers against With the object before him, he attempts to inscribe a glyph
a single target. he knows into it by spending the flux needed to manifest the
Choose a glyph from list one and one from list two. The glyph, as well as any additional effects costing more flux.
Necanthrope does not need to have the glyphs in question, He then starts work on his glyph. This takes him a day for
although if the Necanthrope does have the glyph for both every flux point he wishes to invest in his creation.
powers, add +2 to the Formulae roll. At the end of that time, he makes a Formulae roll and
Both flux costs must be paid but only a single Formulae needs at least a raise to successfully complete his inscription,
roll is necessary. Both effects must share a target and centre or just a simple success if he inscribed his glyph on material
of effect. bought from Dark Lament for that purpose (at the cost of
The Necanthrope must also have a gore cannon science 100 credits per flux point needed). If he fails this roll, his
friction item, although no other science friction focus is nec- inscription has failed and all the time and materials he used
essary to use additional effects from the two chosen powers. are wasted.


Optional Rule: Psycho-Reactive Ebb Matter Ghost Fire (Burst)

Facing a necanthrope is not pleasant, and certainly not This ability allows the Necanthrope to manipulate the
the safest thing in the World of Progress to attempt. Not psycho-reactive generator of his gore cannon to fire a blast
only do their gore cannons allow them to fire two simulta- of “ooze” in a liquid form. For an additional 5 flux, every
neous Ebb attacks against opponents, but these Ebb powers affected target under the flame template is also covered in
are fuelled by another type of flux entirely: Psycho-Reactive a strange liquid substance that deals additional damage on
Ebb Matter. the roll of 1 on 6 sided die, much like in catching fire rules.
The powers below replace the default “natural” Glyphs Unlike these rules, this ooze can’t exhaust and has to be
that are combined into a Gore Cannon Attack. scraped off to cease functioning.

Flesh Friction (Bolt) Stinger (Ice Blade)

Considered to be one of the most devastating Ebb abili- This works like the Glyph from Blue/Red Thermal affin-
ties ever created, this power modifies psycho-reactive Ebb ity, but the blade is extended from the gore cannon rather
matter into a vile substance known as “ooze”, vicious gloop than the Ebb User’s arm. In some cases it’s not even a blade
that seeps through armour and clothes alike and affects its any more but a giant jaws or a drill covered in viscous slime.
victim both physically and mentally. The game effects of this Glyph, remain the same as original,
Necanthrope can launch up 3 Flesh Friction bolts at a but with different trappings, damage is no longer caused by
time, each costing 10 flux. This attack ignores any armour, extreme cold.
and can only affect living beings, not structures. The damage Additionally, by spending 10 additional flux when the
is quasi-real, being the vicious mix of a person’s nightmares, blade is first created, the tip of the blade can carry a para-
physical pain and Necanthrope’s own dark thoughts. lysing liquid. If he Shakes a target, they must make a Spirit
After damage is rolled, the Glyph’s target can try to shake roll with a -2 penalty or fall prone and become helpless for
it off by rolling his Guts skill and removing one Wound for D6 rounds.
each success and raise (wound penalties do apply to this The there’s the Drain. This ability looks as bad as it
roll). If the target was under influence of drugs that negate sounds. If Necanthrope causes a wound with an attack, the
Guts rolls (such as Ultraviolence or KickStart), he still rolls gore cannon literally bites into the target’s flesh, sucking
his Guts but receives a +4 bonus. their blood to feed itself and its master. By spending an
Being “mortally wounded” by a Flesh Friction attack al- additional 10 flux, the Necanthrope heals a wound of his
most always means that the target develops some sort of own, or, if he is in full health, can temporally gain an extra
phobia or psychosis instead of a crippling injury, while “phantom” wound level, that stays with him for one hour
those who “die” succumb to the call of madness and are before fading away. The Necanthrope can have only one
rendered completely insane. phantom wound level at any time and it counts towards his
Optional Rule: To speed up play, GMs may decide to use number of wounds when rolling on the Knockout Blow
the Glyph’s target’s Guts skill for determining their Tough- table.
ness trait, rather than their Vigour. Those under the effects
of drugs that negate Guts rolls altogether receive +4 to their Pitch Black (Obscure)
“Mental Toughness” trait. This ability targets victims’ minds rather than sight. For
an additional 3 flux, the Necanthrope can make all targets
Red Rain (Blast) under the large burst template roll their Spirit trait with a -
The Necanthrope’s Gore Cannon fires small pieces of 2 penalty. Those who fail have their nerve centres disrupted
“ooze” into the area, making it hell on Mort for a short and are blinded until they leave the affected area. Those
period of time. Those lucky enough to not get caught in who roll 1 on their Spirit die are blinded for an additional
the shower of syrupy red liquid called it “Red Rain”, while D6 rounds.
whose who survived it and remain sane prefer to say noth-
ing about the experience. Intrusion (Stun)
The damage from this attack follows the same mechanics This is one of the less-devastating, mind-affecting attacks
as in Flesh Friction. The Necanthrope can cover the area of that a gore cannon can perform, usually called upon by
Medium-Burst template for 10 flux, raise the damage of his Necanthropes who want their targets alive rather than alive
Glyph by one die for another 10 flux, and finally, affect the and mad. By manipulating psycho-reactive Ebb matter, the
area of large burst template for another 10 flux. gore cannon can project negative charged particles of his


own consciousness towards his victims. Bone Crush (Entangle)

By spending 3 additional flux he can affect a large burst This ability allows to the Necanthrope to deal damage to
template, and affected targets must roll their Spirit trait, his entangled foe. If the Necanthrope wins the opposed
rather than Vigour, to resist. roll with the raise he can apply extra pressure against his
target(s) for an additional 5 flux. This damage is applied
Psychovirus (Fear) just as in the usual grappling rules, but the Necanthrope’s
This ability targets the Necanthrope’s opponent’s mind Formulae skill is used in place of his Strength trait. The
with a negative emotional charge, causing them to lose Necanthrope can continue to apply damage as long as he
their calm and composure. This may have no immediate continues to win the opposed rolls with at least a raise but
effect, but leaves his targets open for more deadly psychic it costs him 5 flux each time.
attacks later.
By spending 5 additional flux, the Necanthrope rolls For-
mulae and grants a penalty of -2 for each success and raise
to every target’s Guts skill. This lasts 24 hours.

If everything goes well, the Ebb User gets himself an item Glyph can be as simple as “anyone who enters the room” or
capable of manifesting the power of Ebb. more complex: “a lame, human albino male with a strange
looking sword”. In any case, if the conditions are met, the
Using Science Friction Items Guardian Glyph will activate, using the Formulae skill of its
To use an item he has created, the Ebb User needs to make creator at the time of its creation (if a roll is necessary) and is
a Formulae roll while holding the item. If successful, the in- exhausted immediately afterwards.
scribed glyph is manifested into reality with the effect paid
for at creation.
There are few drawbacks, however:
Glyph Pillars
1) The Ebb User doesn’t regenerate the flux he spent to These huge monolithic structures covered in intricate
create the glyph while the item still exists, and even after he glyphs first appeared in every slop’s favourite hangout – The
disassembles his creation (or it’s destroyed), he only regener- Pit – to minimize the collateral damage inflicted by large
ates one point of this “borrowed” flux a day. numbers of Ebons and (especially) Brain Wasters “relaxing”
2) If the Ebb User ever rolls 1 on his Formulae die (regard- after a hard day at work. Designed and created in Dark La-
less of wild die) when using the item, the glyph exhausts im- ment laboratories, these pillars absorb flux energy at the same
mediately. Rolling snake eyes causes the glyph to explode in a moment it’s summoned by an Ebb User, causing manifesta-
bright flash of pure Ebb energy causing 3D6 damage within tion to fail.
a small burst template. Regaining flux is impossible while within a glyph pillar’s
Any being capable of manifesting glyphs can use such an affected area, and any formulation made by Ebb Users fail
object but since they are not familiar with its design secrets, automatically, although the flux is still spent in the attempt.
the glyph will exhaust and stop working on the roll of 1-2 on In addition, glyph pillars negate any “active” Ebon edges
their casting die. such as Charm Aura or Defensive Precognition. “Passive”
If the glyph creator dies while his glyph objects are still edges, like Deathsuit Bond or Deathsuit Graft, however,
functioning, their power fades in time, ultimately making work as normal.
them useless. The chance of the glyph exhausting increases by
1 point per year after their creator’s death, or 1 point in 10 Optional Rule: Distractions
years if they are inscribed on Dark Lament material.
Guardian Glyphs (see below) gain a -1 penalty to their In the original SLA rules, Ebons and Brain Wasters found
Formulae roll for every 10 years, or 1 point per 100 years if it more difficult to manifest their powers in situations where
they are inscribed on material acquired from Dark Lament. concentration was difficult. After all, Ebb use is basically ad-
vanced theoretical mathematics, and even the cleverest math-
Guardian Glyphs ematicians would have trouble working out algebra while a
Glyphs can also be inscribed on a solid surface, such as Thresher powersuit charged down on them.
wall or archway, and work on a specific trigger that is decided GMs who wish to keep this aspect of Ebb use should apply
at the time of their creation. These are known as Guardian distraction penalties to Formulae rolls (see box).
Glyphs. The description of the event that triggers a Guardian


Inner Calm
Requirements: Seasoned, Ebb Control (Ab), Formulae Distraction Penalties
D8+, Guts D6+
Penalty Situation
Manifesting Ebb glyphs requires constant concentration
from the Ebon. In non-stressful situation it’s not much of a 0 Non-stressful situations. No immediate
problem but when the need arises to calculate in the middle threats to safety or loud noises.
of the fire fight, most ebb users find themselves in trouble. -1 Stressful situations. Loud noises. Machin-
Your mastery of Ebb should get you out of these troubles ery or fighting in the immediate vicinity.
alive and kicking. Ignore penalties to your Formulae rolls -2 Dangerous situations. The Ebb User was
caused by distractions. attacked since their last action.
Requirements: Veteran, Ebb Control (Ab), Formulae
D10+, Guts D8+
Even the harshest environments can’t make you lose your
concentration long enough for Ebb equations to fail. You
may ignore penalties to Formulae rolls caused by distrac-
tions, wounds or fatigue.

Optional Rule: Faster Ebb User

Ebb Users have the potential to be incredibly powerful.
Their glyphs cost nothing to use and allow them to do things
other characters cannot achieve even with the most advanced
technology, they have access to a vast array of useful edges
and still get access to all the goodies mundane characters do.
However, while they have many unique options available
to them, Ebb Users have to buy with edges many things other
characters can stump up cold hard credits for, and many of
those edges have several tiers of prerequisites. This can lead
to high rank characters not having as many glyphs or advan-
tages as their experience might suggest.
To ensure that Ebb Users are able to take advantage of the
options allowed to them, generous-feeling GMs may wish
to grant the Affinity Training edge free at each Rank after
Less generous GMs can just grant it once, upon reaching
Veteran, as recompense for gaining the Dream Daemons hin-


Polymorph The vev can reduce its size but not its volume and could
easily squeeze through a vent but not to the point it could
This is the arcane ability used by vevaphons to shapechange. slip under a door or through a keyhole.
All vevaphons have this arcane background. They begin play Each raise on the Polymorph roll gives an indication of
with 15 power points, all the powers listed below and can the quality of the form and reduces the cost by 1 (raises can
purchase any of the standard power edges from the Savage reduce the cost to 0).
Worlds rulebook to increase their shapechanging powers (ex-
cept New Power as they already have every power).
Cost: 4/3/2/1
The arcane skill for vevaphons is Polymorph. It is governed
Range: Self
by Vigour
Duration: Instant
Effect: The vev can boost the effect of its natural healing
Powers abilities. At the cost of an action, the required power points
and a successful Polymorph roll, they can heal one wound.
Armour On a raise they reduce the cost by 1 (this can reduce the cost
Cost: 3/2/1 to 0 for Heroic and Legendary vevaphons).
Range: Self If incapacitated through physical damage, provided the
Duration: 3 (1/round) vevaphon has sufficient power points, this power will auto-
Effect: Make a Polymorph roll. A success gives the vevaphon matically activate each round until they regain conscious-
another +2 armour, a raise gives +4. ness.

Boost Trait
Cost: 4/3/2/1
Special Rules
Range: Self A 1 on the Polymorph dice indicates that the vev has lost
Duration: 3 (1/round) control of its morphing ability and becomes Shaken while it
Effect: By moving muscle, cartilage, bone and nerve clusters tries to regain control of its shape. It may spend a Benny or
from one location to another where they will be more ef- make a Spirit roll to recover each round, as usual.
fective, the vev can increase any one of the following traits, The cost of Polymorphic powers decreases by 1 for each
Strength, Agility or Vigour. A success on the Polymorph roll rank the vevaphon reaches to a minimum of 1.
increases the chosen trait by 1 die-type, or by 2 die-types on
a raise.

Cost: 3/2/1
Range: Self
Duration: 3 (1/round)
Effect: The vev makes a Polymorph roll: a success raises their
damage to Strength +D10 with their natural weapon or
grants another weapon at Strength +D6 (two weapons, each
doing Strength +D6 damage). A raise increases the damage
of a single natural weapon to Strength +12+1 or provides
the vev with two weapons, each of which to Strength +D8

Cost: 4/3/2/1
Range: Self
Duration: Until they change back.
Effect: The vev can alter its shape to form rudimentary clothes
and shapes. It can make itself look like a humanoid but not a
specific person; up close these forms will always show them-
selves as fake - clothes will meld with flesh and hair will be
blocky and have a plastic look to it. Even in darkly lit areas
the viewer is allowed a Smarts roll at -2.


Drugs Drugs Quick Reference

Many operatives make use of the drugs SLA manufactures, 1) Take the drug. With an auto-injector this is a free ac-
gambling on avoiding addiction for the rewards of increased tion, otherwise, for injected drugs, it’s one action to get
combat effectiveness or just being able to blot out the things the drug out and one to shoot up. You can probably do
they see and do during the course of their employment. both in a round if you don’t attempt anything else.
SLA drugs come in three types: combat, soft and medi- 2) Check for addiction. Roll Vigour with a +2 for medi-
cal. Combat drugs provide the most dramatic results but are cal drugs, +1 for soft and no bonus for combat drugs. Fail
highly addictive. Soft drugs are designed largely for relaxa- and you’re addicted.
tion or, at least, not to be used in the field, and it’s rare to 3) Wait. Injected drugs don’t take effect this round. You
become addicted to them unless use is very heavy. Finally, gotta wait until your next action. Hope it wasn’t urgent.
medical drugs are barely addictive at all and are the only type 4) Still alive? Then party like it’s 899.
of drug allowed to civilians.
They must be taken for at least 12 hours out of every day
The Hit once addiction sets in.
Frothers, with their innate +2 bonus to avoid addiction,
Drugs do not take effect immediately, even injected drugs can never become addicted to soft or medical drugs unless
taking a few seconds to circulate in the operative’s blood- they have some other penalty to Vigour rolls in effect and
stream. The time a drug takes to become effective depends have a good chance of avoiding addiction to even combat
on the delivery method, as follows: drugs most of the time. Keeping up with a Frother on a drug
Ingested: 10 rounds binge is a VERY BAD IDEA.
Smoked: 5 rounds
Injected: 1 round
These are full round delays. After injecting UV, for ex- Withdrawal
ample, a character must wait until their next action before Upon entering into Withdrawal, a character immediately
feeling the effects (and so doesn’t get to ignore their wound becomes Fatigued, receiving a single level of ‘Withdrawal
penalties when making the addiction roll). Needless to say, fatigue’ for soft or medical drugs, or two levels for combat
waiting for your KickStart to kick in while taking punish- drugs. Fatigue caused by Withdrawal may only be removed
ment from a Thresher powersuit or mob of carriens can be a in one of two ways. Either the character takes the drug again,
terrifying experience. in which case all Withdrawal fatigue from that drug is im-
It is not possible to take cocktails of drugs or to increase the mediately removed, or they manage to ride out their cold
effects by taking multiple doses. turkey by removing their Withdrawal fatigue levels with Vig-
Any time a character takes a new drug while still under our checks.
the effects of another, the previous drug is immediately neu- At the end of each week of Withdrawal, the character makes
tralised. The only exception to this rule is KickStart, which a Vigour check (modified by the drugs addictiveness modi-
works in addition to existing drugs and where multiple doses fier and any fatigue or wound penalties) to remove a level of
allow multiple Vigour rolls to heal wounds when it kicks in. Withdrawal fatigue, only breaking their addiction when the
last fatigue level has been successfully removed.
Addiction Spending a long time in Withdrawal can affect a character
permanently. A natural 1 on the Vigour dice when rolling to
Every time a dose of a drug is taken, the player should remove Withdrawal fatigue gives the recovering addict the
make a Vigour roll for their character with a bonus that de- Habit hindrance, lowering their Charisma by 1. ‘Snake eyes’
pends on the type of drug being taken. instead gives them the Mean (Haggard) hindrance, lowering
Combat: 0 their Charisma by 2.
Soft: +1
Medical: +2 Optional Rule: Building Up Resistance
If the Vigour roll is failed, the user has become addicted. Once a character is addicted, GMs may wish there to be a
Once addicted, one or more doses of the drug must be chance they grow resistant to the drug they’re taking. At the
taken every day or the character is plunged into Withdrawal end of each session, the character should make a Vigour roll
(see below). How many doses depends on the drug and is for each drug they’re addicted to. On a failure, the number of
listed on the addiction line of the drug’s description. Some, doses they need to take for it to have an effect (and to count
such as Rush and Ultra Violence, are marked as Continuous. as satisfying their addiction) increases by one, rising to 2 on
the first failure, then 3, and so on.


Combat Drugs
That’s Not What UV Does!
These drugs are the most powerful, but also the most ad- You’re right. According to the SLA book, it should also
dictive. Rolls to avoid addiction (and to recover if you do give you extra actions and make you faster. But in order
become an addict) receive no bonus. Withdrawal causes 2 to make UV and Rush distinct, and because the addiction
fatigue levels. rules are simpler than in SLA Industries (and of course,
because we want to keep to Savage Worlds’ Fast! Fun!
Barezark (20c)
Ever wondered what happens when an adrenal gland is ac- Furious! philosophy), we’ve split the effects between Rush
celerated by a factor of 50? and UV. Now Rush makes you faster while UV makes
Duration: 1 hour you into a psycho.
Addiction: 4 If you want to keep things more faithful to the origi-
Effects: nal SLA rules, just give UV the combined effects of both
1) +2 damage, +2 armour piercing in close combat Rush and UV in this conversion and an additional -1
2) Fearless: Automatically pass all Guts checks and immune penalty to UV’s addiction rolls, then make Rush cheaper
to Intimidation tests of wills. - around 10c.

Metaboost (25c) Blaze UV (10c)

All the benefits of Stormer regeneration in a handy pill- All the power of UV but without spending half the day as
form. Humans/frothers only. a ravening psychopath. Psychosis when and where you need
Duration: 10 minutes it.
Addiction: 10 (!) Duration: 10 minutes
Effects: Gain a free soak roll to remove a wound every 30 Addiction: 1
seconds (5 rounds). Also, should the user need to roll on Effects: As Ultra Violence, but with only 10 minutes’ dura-
the Permanent Injury Table, he gains +2 to his Vigour check tion.
when seeing if the injury is permanent or not.
Bass (5c)
Rush (15c) The bigger your pecs, the harder they fall.
Be harder, faster, better, stronger (as the drug’s tagline goes) Duration: 1 hour
with SLA’s first, and some would say best, combat drug. Rush Addiction: 2
is still widely used by operatives and SLA troops (especially Effects:
those put off by the two year life expectancy of UV users 1) Strength increases two die-types (above D12 add +1 per
– not that 7 years is much better). die-type) but cannot exceed the racial maximum.
Duration: 6 hours 2) +2 to Athletics rolls.
Addiction: Continuous
Effects: Pineal Stim (20c)
1) +2 bonus to recovering from Shaken A glowing green liquid that is injected into the bloodstream.
2) Ignore up to -2 of multi-action penalties. It aids the user in the use of Enhancement Ebb abilities.
Duration: 6 hours
Ultra Violence (15c) Addiction: 2
The breakfast of champions. Ultra Violence is the ultimate Effect: This is the Science Friction item for the Enhancement
combat drug. Its post effects are deadly serious, and few UV Ebb affinity.
addicts survive for more than two years, but many consider
that a small price to pay for fame. Shatter
Duration: 12 hours [D-Notice]
Addiction: Continuous
1) Tireless: Ignore all Wound and Fatigue penalties.
2) Fearless: Automatically succeed all Guts checks and im-
mune to Intimidation tests of wills.
3) Rabid: +2 to Intimidate tests of wills, -2 to Charisma.
4) Hardy: If you are Shaken and take another Shaken result,
you don’t take a Wound (although you do remain Shaken).


Soft Drugs
Beating Stress
Alice (10c) Most soft drugs provide an in-game benefit in allowing
Live your fantasies. Or, for some, your nightmares. Have an instant roll to remove the stress fatigue level so easily
a nice trip. caused by life as an op. Here’s a quick guide to what you
Duration: 6 hours get for your money:
Addiction: 1 Alice (10c): Automatic
Effect: Automatically remove a Stress fatigue level. Any char- Beat (5c): +1 (just don’t roll a 1)
acter with a hindrance relating to mental instability instead Drum (3c): No bonus
automatically gains another fatigue level as they sink help- Flip (4c): No bonus
lessly into the darkest pits of their own subconscious imagi- Personal Interest (5c): +2
nation. Slosh (2c): No bonus

Beat (5c)
Effect: Changes skin colour.
The ultimate relaxant. Well, unless it turns you into a hy-
peractive, hyper-aggressive psychopath. Still, after a hard day NiteLite (10c)
at ‘the office’, many are willing to take the risk. UV night-vision without the need for expensive electron-
Duration: 6 hours ics.
Addiction: 1 Duration: 1 hour
Effects: Addiction: 1
1) Roll at +1 to remove a Stress fatigue level. A 1 on your Effects: Ignore penalties for Dim or Dark conditions. Nor-
Spirit dice instead gain a major hindrance for the 6 hours du- mal daylight, however, causes a -1 penalty to all trait rolls,
ration. Roll randomly between Bloodthirsty, Overconfident, while bright lights such as strobes or fluorescent bulbs in-
Phobia (Major) or Vengeful. Alternately, GMs may wish to crease this penalty to -2.
use the Cracking Up optional rule. The user also receives a -2 penalty against blast/concussion
2) +2 to Guts checks. grenades.
Drum (3c) Personal Interest (5c)
This light blue capsule than induces feelings of complete Sex in a pill. An hour of orgasm for the price of a pizza
calm in the user followed by a long and extremely restful without the stains left by either.
sleep. For Ebons it causes an increased recovery of flux. Duration: 1 hour
Duration: 1 hour Addiction: 1
Addiction: 1 Effect: Mm-hmmm. Roll at +2 to remove a Stress fatigue
Effect: level.
1) Roll to remove a Stress fatigue level.
2) +2 to Guts rolls for 2 hours after waking. Ebons instead Slosh (2c) - Ingested
double their Flux regeneration rate for the hour the Drum is You’re my besht friend, you are.
in effect as well as their first 6 hours of sleep if they drop off Duration: Hard to tell.
to sleep during that hour. Addiction: 2
Flip (4c) 1) Roll to remove a Stress fatigue level.
The smoke to end all smokes. A must have for all rebels with- 2) Ignore one level of wound penalties
out a cause. 3) -2 to Smarts, Agility and both Smarts- and Agility-based
Duration: 2 hours skills till you sober up. You didn’t have anything planned,
Addiction: 1 did you?
1) Roll to remove a Stress fatigue level. Vox-Plus (10c)
2) +2 to Guts rolls. Duration: 1 hour
Addiction: 2
Lumo (4c) Effects: The users natural volume becomes equivalent to a
Why choose flesh tones when you can select one of Lumo’s megaphone. As well as allowing communication over long
1774 skin colour options? distances or in noisy environments, this grants +2 to Intimi-
Duration: 12 hours dation tests of wills.
Addiction: 1

Medical Drugs Effect: Make a Soak roll (with NO wound penalties). On a

success, recover a wound. On a raise, recover two wounds.
Flush (5c) Only recently acquired wounds can be lifted this way, the
The recovering drug addict’s drug of choice. Golden Hour rule still applies. In addition, for 30 minutes
Duration: Special after injection:
Addiction: 1 1) Automatically pass all Guts checks.
Effect: Provided at least one dose of Flush was taken each day 2) Ignore all Fatigue penalties.
of the previous week, gain +2 on Vigour rolls when trying to 3) +2 to Vigour rolls to resist harmful physical effects (such
remove Withdrawal fatigue levels. as Stun or Poison).
In addition, Flush can help stop infection or poisoning, These benefits continue for 30 minutes even if the charac-
granting an additional Vigour roll (with the original modi- ter takes another drug.
fier) for each dose of the drug taken. A success on this roll
Karma KS (5c)
halts the effects for D6 hours, while a raise effectively ‘flushes’
It’s always nice to have the newest nanotechnology installed
the body of the harmful substances. The ‘Golden Hour’ rule
(or be created with it from birth). Karma labs present a heal-
still applies.
ing drug aimed specifically at Stormers and Nuke Tendon
Honesty (10c) users.
A powerful truth serum. Generally not taken voluntarily. Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: 30 minutes Addiction: 2
Addiction: 2 Effect: This drug works like normal KickStart if you don’t
Effect: It is impossible to lie while under the effect of Hones- have Nuke Tendon implants installed, or like KickStart+ if
ty. Users are also highly suggestible and must make a Smarts you do. All Stormers (except for vevaphons) are considered
roll to resist answering questions or refuse a request made of to be Nuke Tendon users.
Pain Away (10c)
KickStart (5c) The ultimate pain-killer.
An analgesic amalgamated with coagulants, this wonder Duration: 6 hours
drug rapidly heals the user’s wounds. Addiction: Continuous
Duration: Instantaneous Effect: No wound penalties, or fatigue penalties from physi-
Addiction: 2 cal sources (dehydration, heat-stroke, hunger, etc.)
Effect: Make a Soak roll (including wound penalties). On a
Streak (20c)
success, recover a wound. On a raise, recover two wounds.
A powerful brain stimulant, Streak was designed to help
Only recently acquired wounds can be lifted this way, the
treat psychosis but since its general release actually causes
Golden Hour rule still applies.
more admittances than remittances across Mort’s various
KickStart+ (7c) asylums.
A more potent version of KickStart. Duration: 1 hour
Duration: Instantaneous Addiction: 1
Addiction: 2 Effect: +2 to Smarts and all Smarts-based skills. + 2 to re-
Effect: Make a Soak roll (with NO wound penalties). On a cover from Shaken.
success, recover a wound. On a raise, recover two wounds.
White Noise (10c)
Only recently acquired wounds can be lifted this way, the
A non-descript blank white tablet taken orally. Prevents the
Golden Hour rule still applies.
‘Dream Daemons’ that occur when an Ebon gets ‘Close’.
KickStart Solo (10c) Duration: Instantaneous
If you are going ‘Solo’, you need the World of Progress’s Addiction: 1
number one medical drug to succeed! KickStart Solo is per- Effect: Adds +2 to an Ebon or Brain Waster’s Smarts roll to
fect for the job - blast your opponents like there is no tomor- fight off their ‘Dream Daemons’.
row while the most powerful nanites in Karma’s stock work
hard to keep up with your awesome kill score.
Duration: Instantaneous/30 minutes
Addiction: 2


Biogenetics Oyanas-brand Eyes (800c)

Requirements: Novice, Vigour D6+
These Premium biogenetic eyes provide +2 to Notice rolls
based on sight and allow the owner to see by UV and IR.
Biogenetic Edges Their colour and appearance is completely customizable.
In Savage SLA Industries, major biogenetic procedures are
represented by edges. However, as they also have a credit cost, Advanced Skeletal Enhancement: Shell
they are more powerful than standard edges, even allowing Augmentation (Special)
the rule of one Attribute increase per Rank to be broken. Requirements: Novice, Vigour D6+, Shell Augmentation
Although it’s a drastic step to take to get a discount, bio- (Partial) over entire body (1570c) plus 100c upgrade fee
genetic edges are available at a reduced cost when fitted to de- Any armour bonuses from Shell Augmentation (Partial) are
ceased bodies. Putting funds into a LAD account and having lost. Instead, Vigour increases by one die-type. This does not
the biogenetic implant they want fitted while dead reduces count towards the limit of one attribute increase per level and
the cost of all edges by 20%. raises the character’s maximum Vigour to D12+1 (or adds an
Ebb users cannot take biogenetic edges. additional +1 if already above D12).

Sinewshock (900c) Quad Limb Dominion (1800c)

Requirements: Novice, Agility D6+, Vigour D6+ Requirements: Novice, Stormer, Agility D6+, Vigour
Agility increases by one die-type. This does not count to- D8+
wards the limit of one attribute increase per Rank and raises You are fitted with an additional set of arms. In addition to
the character’s maximum Agility to D12+1 (or adds an ad- the obvious benefits of being able to carry a larger variety of
ditional +1 if already above D12). weapons at once, you may use a hand from your second set of
arms to make an additional Fighting attack in close combat,
Shock Tendons (2000c) ignoring -2 of multi-action penalties for that attack.
Requirements: Novice, Agility D8+, Sinewshock All your Fighting attacks do +1 damage.
Agility increases by a further die-type. This does not count The additional set of arms always receive a -2 off-hand pen-
towards the limit of one attribute increase per Rank and raises alty.
the character’s maximum Agility by an additional +1.
Assertion Tendons (2400c)
Sinewbrace (800c) Requirements: Novice, Stormer, Shock Tendons, Vigour
Requirements: Novice, Strength D6+, Vigour D6+ D10+
Strength increases by one die-type. This does not count to- Strength increases by one die-type. This does not count
wards the limit of one attribute increase per Rank and raises towards the limit of one attribute increase per Rank. Also,
the character’s maximum Strength to D12+1 (or adds an ad- lifting capacity doubles and the character gains +1 to all Ath-
ditional +1 if already above D12). letics rolls.
Brace Tendons (1750c)
Requirements: Novice, Sinewbrace Biogenetic Equipment
Strength increases by a further die-type. This does not count Some minor biogenetic alterations do not require the char-
towards the limit of one attribute increase per Rank and raises acter to spend an edge. Mostly these are either integrated
the character’s maximum Strength by an additional +1. weapons or enhancements to existing natural weapons.
Extra Limbs (1500c) Skeletal Enhancement: Claws (100c)
Requirements: Novice, Natural Race (Human, Frother, Strength +D6 damage, AP 1. Never considered unarmed.
Wraith Raider or Shaktar), Agility D6+, Vigour D6+ Only usable if hand is empty. Cost is per hand.
You are fitted with an additional set of arms. In addition to
the obvious benefits of being able to carry a larger variety of Skeletal Enhancement: Quills (200c)
weapons at once, you may use a hand from your new set of Strength +D8 damage, AP 2. Never considered unarmed.
arms to make an additional Fighting attack in close combat, Cost is per arm.
ignoring -2 of multi-action penalties for that attack.
The additional set of arms always receives a -2 off-hand Skeletal Enhancement: Teeth (125c)
penalty. Strength +D6 damage, AP 1. -1 Cha unless retracted.

Skeletal Enhancement: Elbow/Knee (150c)

Strength +D6 damage, AP 2. Cost is per implant.


Skeletal Enhancement Retraction (70c/each) creasing the character’s running die by two die-types (or by +1
A biogenetic or natural weapon becomes retractable, and over D12).
may now be concealed by spending an action to retract it. Additionally, installing biogenetic implants is easier on
Notice roll at -2, opposed by the character’s Stealth, to dead bodies. Provided the required funds are present in the
spot. character’s LAD account after fitting premium organs, ONE
of the following implants can be inserted at a reduced cost:
Maul, Claw and Teeth Enhancement (175c) Sinewshock (720c), Shock Tendons (2000c), Sinewbrace
Natural weapons increase damage by 1 die type or gain (640c), Brace Tendons (1400c), Extra Limbs (1200c), Oy-
AP2 (player’s may buy both as separate enhancements). anas Eyes (640c), Shell Augmentation (1056c), Quad Limb
Dominion (1440c) or Assertion Tendons (1920c). All nor-
Surveyor Transition Optics (260c)
mal restrictions apply and the character must use their next
360 degree vision. Can look around corners. Provided the
advance to retroactively pay the edge cost of their implant.
eyes are extended, the character is always considered ‘active’
The final option, for those who really have saved for a rainy
when being sneaked past (see Savage Worlds p. 15). Xenos
death, is facial and body sculpting, colouring and reconstruc-
with Surveyor Transition Optics gain +2 to this roll.
tion. This costs 1000c and provides the Attractive edge, but
Shell Augmentation (Partial) (Varies) is only available to those who have already selected to receive
Cost: Head 270c, Torso 600c, Arm 150c, Leg 200c every other available LAD option and still have credits to
+1 armour to the specified location. This armour bonus spare.
stacks with any armour worn. Unfortunately the genetic makeup of vevaphons is too
complicated for LAD to reconstruct them. Also, while Ebons
and Brain Wasters can be brought
Life After Death You gave me results and I awarded you. back to life by LAD, the process
For just one credit, a character may For hopes, I gave you dreams. destroys their ability to use Ebb, so
open an account with LAD Labs and For war, I gave you battle. few bother to open an account.
have a transponder fitted to their For dreams, I gave you hope.
heart. Should they ever have the mis- For honour, I gave you justice. Optional Rule: LAD
fortune to die, the transponder will For money, I gave you purpose. Drawbacks
send out a beacon and a specially- For blood, I gave you life. LAD is the ultimate second
equipped Kilcopter will arrive within For knowledge, I took it from you. chance. Introduced to the public in
minutes and bring their body back I will give you everything you want... 899 SD with the amazing come-
to Mort Central where, provided ei- ...for blind loyalty. back of a favourite Contract Killer,
ther their account contains sufficient Mr. Slayer, Expo 900 it was not just jaw-dropping bionic
funds, their squad or family can pro- technology but also sound proof of
vide the balance, or the character agrees to a high-interest the Company’s care for its loyal servants.
loan, LAD Labs will replace all damaged limbs and organs The technology itself is not perfect, however. Something
and return the character to life. happens to a person after their visit beyond the grave.
The cost of resurrection is based on the damage the charac- Those who knew LAD patients before their unfortunate
ter received before death. LAD charge a flat fee of 1000c plus demise and wondrous resurrection notice that they have be-
500c per permanent injury the character sustained. come more detached from everyday life, or worse – some
For an additional 1000c, LAD will rebuild the character become unable to feel even the most basic emotions while
using premium organs. This grants a one die-type increase to others become cruel sadists whose only joy comes from send-
Vigour but, should the character die again, they have to pay ing others to the place they returned from.
1000 credits again or the benefit is lost. Premium organs The impact of LAD on its patients was hinted at in the
also remove the Hideous Scar hindrance caused by head original SLA rulebook but never explained mechanically.
wounds. Here are some options GMs might wish to consider:
After installing premium organs, characters with additional
funds in their account may choose to have special organs fit- 1) The LAD patient loses one die of Spirit.
ted. 800c pays for Spore Tech Bio-Filters to be fitted to the 2) The LAD patient must roll on Fright table with +2 modi-
character’s kidney, spleen and liver, granting +2 to Vigour rolls fier. The Heart Attack result means that patient dies during
to resist poison, +2 to rolls to remove withdrawal fatigue when the operation if the Vigour roll is failed.
recovering from drug addiction, and guaranteeing freedom from 3) The LAD patient gains Mean (Afterlifer), Phobia (Minor)
hangovers for life while 2000c buys a cutting-edge Live-Wire or Stressed Out hindrance.
‘Debaser’ heart, granting a +2 bonus to Athletics rolls and in- 4) The LAD patient gains a -2 penalty to all Stress rolls.


Gamesmastering Savage SLA’s SCL vs. Savage Worlds’ Rank

SLA Industries Assuming an experienced character starts with .1 SCL
for every experience point (or vice versa), the following
table will help GMs gauge the power level of higher SCL
Experience operatives – and the challenges they should face.

Unlike characters in many other roleplaying games, the SCL Experience Rank
worth of a SLA Operative is measured in more than mere
personal ability. In fact, in a society obsessed by image, 11 (Employers and most Varies Varies
wealth, and power, actual ability is often the least important Contract Killers)
attribute of a character. 10 10A 0-19 Novice
Sponsorship contracts, bounties and BPN payments al- 9 9A 9B 20-49 Seasoned
low operatives to gain credits, and in SLA, hard cash can -Veteran
replicate many of the rewards of experience. Biogenetics in- 8 8A 8B 8C 50-89 Veteran
crease physical ability, firepower increases as more expensive - Heroic
weapons become affordable and the high-end armours make - Legendary
an operative almost invincible to lesser threats. Completing
BPNs grants higher SCLs, which in turn grant access to more 7 7A 7B 7C 7D 90-139 Legendary
lucrative BPNs, and so to better equipment, tougher BPNs, 6 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 140-199 Legendary
and so on. 5 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 200-269 Legendary
Yet, in the employ of SLA Industries it’s not easy to rise to 4 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 270-339 Legendary
the top. For this reason, and because money can buy many of
3 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 340-409 Legendary
the same benefits as experience, GMs are encouraged to not
only reward players with experience points as their campaigns 2 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 410-479 Legendary
progress. Keep experience rewards at a lower rate of 2 per 1 480+ Mr. Slayer
session, don’t allow Bennies to be traded for more experience
points and instead use the other rewards available – cash,
Which is fine as far as staying faithful to SLA goes but it
contacts, sponsors, promotion – to ensure your players feel
does have a tendency to slow down combat. Here’s a few op-
they’re progressing.
tions for GMs who want to streamline things:
Besides, once given, experience can’t be taken away. All
those other things can. In SLA Industries, even the mighty Post-Combat Cleanup
can fall. Working out new toughness + armour values after every hit
can cause confusion for some players, and even more so for
Optional Rule: To Legendary... and Beyond!
GMs who have multiple NPCs under their control. If this is
The World of Progress contains some very powerful figures,
becoming a pain, just get players to keep a tally of how many
and, working in its capital, Mort, player-characters are likely
times they were Shaken or Wounded in a fight and apply the
to meet them on occasion.
effects of armour damage when there’s a lull in the action.
Yet, while they should be scared of such encounters, not
You can do the same for drug addiction rolls. After combat,
all such characters should be masters of every skill, as they
get everyone to say what drugs they took and make a Vigour
would probably be with the number of advances higher SCL
roll for each (not forgetting the +1 for soft drugs and +2 for
experience gives. Even the powerful should have weaknesses.
medical ones).
To prevent this, GMs may wish to only grant one advance
This does mean characters will last longer in combat but
for every 20 experience points after 200 XP.
also has the effect of meaning they are more likely to become
addicted to drugs, as they may be suffering wound penalties
Dealing With New Rules and will likely have used up their Bennies during the fight.
Let’s face it, SLA wouldn’t be SLA without the all the guns,
different calibres and types of bullet, combat drugs and fan- Simplify
tastic close combat weapons. We’ve tried to accept that fact If in doubt, simplify. All the extra rules we’ve added are
when we put this conversion together, adding different bullet modular. You can generally scrap them without the game as
types, rules for armour damage, recoil and drug addiction. a whole suffering.
Just be sure to check no player has bought an edge that
modifies the scrapped rule, or that no race doesn’t suddenly


become weaker because a racial advantage no longer applies

(for example, if you scrap Stress you should give humans a
free edge while if you scrap drug addiction, give Frothers

Listen To Your Players

…and then punish them! Well, maybe that’s a little strong,
but your players’ responses can be a good gauge as to when
you should use the Stress rules. If they whine at the helpless-
ness of a situation: stress roll. If they comment that some-
thing’s “unfair”: stress roll. SLA’s bureaucracy gets labelled
“tedious” or “pointless”: stress roll. No need to keep remind-
ing yourself to use the stress rules when you can let the play-
ers do it for you.
The same can apply to Guts rolls. When players get squicky,
so should their characters.

Keeping Things Moving

There’s more to Savage Worlds than streamlined rules.
While we’ve tried to trim down the pulp a little, Savage
World’s catchphrase – “Fast! Fun! Furious!” – works just
great with SLA Industries. With all the toys available to SLA
operatives, fights can provide fantastic, tactical enjoyment.
Take bennies. Not only do they give players extra options,
they’re a built-in failsafe for GMs. As long as players have a
few left, you don’t have to worry too much about the exact
numbers of adversaries you throw at them. If it’s a tough
fight, they’ll just have to spend a few bennies.
This can cause difficulties, of course. The World of Progress
is not an empowering place and there are some times you’ll
want to slow the pace. In these cases, the mechanics are also
your friend. Use Guts checks, Stress rolls, armour damage
and cash flow to make players think twice about what they’re
And if that’s not enough, don’t forget the SLA GMs two
secret weapons: Cloak Division and D-Notices.


Antagonists Monarch Law Enforcement Officer

Attributes: Agility D6, Smarts D6, Spirit D6 , Strength D6,
Note: Where two damage values are givem, the first is Vigour D6
SWEX damage, the second is classic damage. Skills: Fighting D6, Guts D6, Shooting D4, Streetwise D6,
Notice D4.
Pace: 6 Parry: 5 Toughness: 5 (6) Charisma: 0
Faces of the Street Gear: CAF firearms, Striker Armour (+1), Baton (as club).

Mort Civilian Prop

Attributes: Agility D6, Smarts D6, Spirit D6, Strength D4, Attributes: Agility D6, Smarts D6, Spirit D8 , Strength D8,
Vigour D4 Vigour D6
Skills: Fighting D4, Guts D4, Streetwise D6, Knowledge Skills: Fighting D6, Guts D8, Intimidation D6, Shooting
(Hobby) D6 D6, Notice D4, Stealth D4, Streetwise D8
Pace: 6 Parry: 4 Toughness: 4 Charisma: 0 Pace: 6 Parry: 5 Toughness: 5 Charisma: 0
Gear: Civilian weapons, Personal affects. Gear: DarkNight and Black Market SLA weapons and ar-
Ganger Notes: Increase Shooting or Fighting to D8
Attributes: Agility D6, Smarts D6, Spirit D6, Strength D6,
Vigour D6 Experienced Prop
Skills: Fighting D6, Guts D6, Shooting D6, Streetwise D6, Attributes: Agility D8, Smarts D6, Spirit D8, Strength D8,
Intimidation D4. Vigour D6
Pace: 6 Parry: 5 Toughness: 5 Charisma: 0 Skills: Fighting D8, Guts D8, Shooting D8, Intimidation
Gear: Civilian, DarkNight and Black Market weapons. Gang D8, Notice D6, Stealth D4, Streetwise D8
Colours. Edges: Trademark Weapon, Marksman or Signature Move
Notes: Customize according to gang: Add 1 die-type to a Pace: 6 Parry: 5 Toughness: 5 Charisma: 0
skill or gain a new skill at D6. Add another new skill D4. Gear: DarkNight and Black Market SLA weapons and ar-
Cybertramp Notes: Increase Shooting or Fighting to D10
Attributes: Agility D4, Smarts D6, Spirit D4, Strength D6,
Vigour D6 SLA Maintenance Worker
Skills: Fighting D4, Stealth D4, Streetwise D6, Tech D6 SCL:11
Pace: 6 Toughness: 5 Parry: 4 Attributes: Agility D6, Smarts D6, Spirit D6 , Strength D6,
Gear: Rags, batteries and malfunctioning cyberwear Vigour D6
Skills: Fighting D4, Guts D6, Notice D4, Tech D6, Street-
Copycat Killer wise D6, Survival D6. Shooting D4
Attributes: Agility D6, Smarts D6, Spirit D4, Strength D6, Pace: 6 Parry: 4 Toughness: 5 (8) Charisma: 0
Vigour D6 Gear: CAF weapons, SLA Blade, Worker Gear (+3), Breath-
Skills: Fighting D4, Guts D6 ing Gear, Lamp, Tools.
Pace: 6 Parry: 4 Toughness: 5 Charisma: 0
Gear: Makeshift weapon and costume. ThirdEye Journalist/Camera Operator
Serial Killer SCL:11
Attributes: Agility D8, Smarts D6, Spirit D8, Strength D6, Attributes: Agility D6, Smarts D8, Spirit D6, Strength D6,
Vigour D8 Vigour D6
Skills: Fighting D6, Guts D8, Athletics D4, Shooting D4, Skills: Fighting D4, Guts D6, Knowledge (Media) D6, No-
Intimidation D6, Stealth D4, Streetwise D6, Survival D4. tice D8, Persuasion D6, Tech D6, Streetwise D6, Shooting
Edges: Lucky, Trademark Weapon D4
Hindrances: Delusion (Major), Wanted (Major) Pace: 6 Parry: 4 Toughness: 5 Charisma: 0
Pace: 6 Parry: 5 Toughness: 6 Charisma: -2 Gear: Recording gear, CAF pistol, attitude
Gear: Various weapons.
Notes: Wild card. Feral Ebon - Survivor
Attributes: Agility D6, Smarts D8, Spirit D8, Strength D6,
Vigour D6


Skills: Formulae D8, Fighting D8, Shooting D6, Athletics Cannibal Matriarch
D6, Guts D6, Knowledge Glyphs (D6), Intimidation D6, Attributes: Agility D6, Smarts D8, Spirit D8, Strength D6,
Notice D6, Persuasion D6, Streetwise D8, Taunt D6, Vigour D6
Pace: 6 Parry: 6 Toughness: 5 (8) Skills: Fighting D6, Healing D6, Notice D6, Persuasion D6,
Flux: 15 Stealth D4, Survival D8, Taunt D6
Edges: Flux Battery, Level-Headed, Affinity Training (Blast, Pace: 6 Parry: 5 Toughness: 5
Enchantment, Senses) Special Abilities:
Hindrances: Wanted (Minor), Delusion (Minor) - Command
Glyphs: Bolt, Blast, Boost Trait, Mind Block, Speed, Stun Gear: Wildcard
or Fear.
Equipment: Deck of illegal glyph cards, Concealed Dar- Carnivorous Pig
kNight Flak Vest (+3), DN-74 Auto-Pistol, 2 x clips 10mm Attributes: Agility D6, Smarts D4 (Animal), Spirit D8,
ammunition, knife, Boopa auto-injector with 4 x KickStart Strength D10, Vigour D8
(or DarkNight equivalent) Skills: Fighting D6, Guts D10, Notice D6, Survival D6,
Notes: Wild Card (Seasoned) Athletics D4
Pace: 8 Parry: 5 Toughness: 6 (9)
Feral Ebon - Urban Warlock Special Abilities:
Attributes: Agility D8, Smarts D10, Spirit D6, Strength D8, - Low-Light Vision
Vigour D8 - Natural Weapons: Jaws (+D6/+2), Trotters (+D4/+1)
Skills: Formulae D10, Fighting D10, Shooting D8, Street- - Frenzy
wise D10, Persuasion D6, Athletics D6, Guts D10, Intimida- - Sunlight Sensitive
tion D8, Taunt D6, Notice D10, Knowledge (Glyphs) D8 - Armour: Tough Hide (+3)
Pace: 6 Parry: 7 Toughness: 6 (15) - Sharp Senses (+2 Notice and Survival when smelling or
Flux: 20 (Add Flux Gems to taste) hearing are involved)
Edges: Flux Battery, Level-Headed, Connections, Hard to Notes: Pigs often run in herds of 10-20
Kill, Blaster, Master Blaster, Ebb-Backlash, Deathsuit Bond
(Light), Deathsuit Bond (Medium), Affinity Training (Blast, Lesser Carrien
Enchantment, Senses, Red/Blue Thermal, Protect, One Attributes: Agility D8, Smarts D4, Spirit D6, Strength D8,
more), Affinity Focus (Senses, Blast, One more) Vigour D8
Hindrances: Wanted (Major), Delusion (Major) Skills: Fighting D6, Athletics D4, Stealth D4, Notice D4,
Glyphs: Armour or Deflection, Bolt, Boost Trait, Blast, Guts D6, Survival D6
Burst, Charge, Fear, Heal Deathsuit, Ice Blade, Lower Trait, Pace: 9 Parry: 5 Toughness: 6 (10)
Mind Block, Physical Manipulation, Speed, Stun, plus two Special Abilities:
more - Low-Light Vision
Equipment: A captured Deathsuit from KIA Ebon Opera- - Claws (+D4/+1)
tive with all necessary science friction items installed (+10), - Sunlight Sensitive
DN80 SMG, 2 x clips 10mm HEAP, 1 x clip 10mm HP, Gear: Club, Exoskeleton (+4)
powered hand weapon, two x Boopa auto-injectors with 4
Greater Carrien
x KickStart, 2 x Rush, 2 x Blaze UV, 7 x stabs White Noise,
Attributes: Agility D10, Smarts D4, Spirit D8, Strength
influential patron
D12, Vigour D10
Notes: Wild Card (Heroic)
Skills: Fighting D8, Athletics D4, Stealth D4, Notice D6,
Guts D8, Intimidate D6, Survival D6
Urban Monsters Pace: 9 Parry: 6 Toughness: 7 (11)
Special Abilities:
Cannibal - Low-Light Vision
Attributes: Agility D6, Smarts D4, Spirit D6 , Strength D6, - Claws (+D4/+1)
Vigour D8 - Large (Size +1)
Skills: Fighting D6, Athletics D6, Intimidation D6, Notice - Command edge
D4, Stealth D6, Survival D8, Throwing D6 - Sunlight Sensitive
Pace: 6 Parry: 5 Toughness: 6 - Hardy
Gear: Rags, Improvised Weapons - Crushing Blow (all Fighting attacks have AD+1)


Gear: Club, Exoskeleton (+4) and more advanced weapons Advanced Carrien
on occasion. Attributes: Agility D8, Smarts D8, Spirit D6, Strength D8,
Notes: Sometimes a Wild Card. Vigour D8
Skills: Fighting D8, Shooting D6, Athletics D4, Stealth D6,
Greater Carrien Alpha Notice D8, Guts D6, Streetwise D4, Survival D6
Attributes: Agility D10, Smarts D6, Spirit D10, Strength Pace: 9 Parry: 6 Toughness: 6 (10)
D12+4, Vigour D12+2 Special Abilities:
Skills: Fighting D12, Athletics D8, Stealth D4, Notice D8, - Low-Light Vision
Guts D10, Intimidate D12, Survival D6 - Claws (+D4/+1)
Pace: 9 Parry: 10 Toughness: 9 (13) - Sunlight Sensitive
Special Abilities: - Evaluate Opponent
- Low-Light Vision - Dirty Fighter (+2 to tricks)
- Claws (+D4/+1) Gear: Knife, Scavenged Firearm, Exoskeleton (+4)
- Large (Size +1)
- Command edge Deepdweller
- Sunlight Sensitive Attributes: Agility D8, Smarts D4, Spirit D6 , Strength D6,
- Hardy Vigour D8
- Improved Crushing Blow (All Fighting attacks have AD+1 Skills: Athletics D6, Fighting D6, Survival D8, Notice D10,
and armour is damaged on every hit not just when enemies Streetwise D6
are Shaken/Wounded) Pace: 8 (Run D10) Parry: 5 Toughness: 5
Gear: Club, Exoskeleton (+4). The best weapons owned by Special Abilities:
his nest. - Natural Weapons: Claws & Jaws (+D4/+1)
Notes: Wild Card - Fleet-Footed
- Frenzy
Mutant Carrien - Infravision
Attributes: Agility D8, Smarts D4, Spirit D6, Strength - Sunlight Sensitive
D12+2, Vigour D10 - Wall-Walking
Skills: Fighting D8, Athletics D4, Guts D10
Pace: 8 Parry: 6 Toughness: 7
Special Abilities:
- Low-Light Vision
- Claws (+D4/+1)
- Large (Size +1)
- Berserk
- Sunlight Sensitive
- Hardy
Notes: Customize to simulate mutations

Sunlight Sensitive
Some creatures have evolved so long in the depths of
Lower Downtown, the sewers and other dark places that
they can no longer function under even Mort’s weak sun-
They are automatically fatigued while exposed to sun-
light or artificial lighting (-1 to all rolls). Especially bright
artificial lighting increases this penalty to -2.
Additionally, the Sunlight Sensitive denizens of Mort
are at -2 when resisting the effects of blast/concussion


Ex-War Criminal - Construct

Attributes: Agility D12+2, Smarts D6, Spirit D10, Strength - Fearless
D12 (D12+2 with Armour), Vigour D10 - Multiple Arms (Second Fighting attack at no multi-action
Skills: Fighting D12, Shooting D12, Athletics D10, Drive penalty)
D8, Guts D10, Intimidation D10, Healing D6, Notice D6, - Natural weapons: Claws (+D6/+2, AP1)
Stealth D10, Streetwise D4, Survival D6, Tech D6, Throw- - Night sight (UV)
ing D10 - Fear: “Hi! I’m a robot and I’m wearing your skin.” (-2)
Edges: Ambidextrous, Alertness, Rock & Roll!, Marksman, - Large (Size +1)
Trademark Weapon (FEN24) Gear: Integral Armour (+9), Integral Vibrosabres x2
Hindrances: Drug Addiction (KickStart), Drug Addiction (+D6+3/+5, AP3, Heavy)
(Ultraviolence), Delusion (Major), Overconfident Notes: Probably a Wild Card, too. Urk.
Pace: 6 Parry: 8 Toughness: 7 (23) Charisma: -2
Gear: Custom Warworld Crackshot Armour (+16, Personal Alpha Manchine
Fit, Improved Durability, Improved Exo-Skeleton), FEN24 Attributes: Agility D10, Smarts D12, Spirit D12, Strength
Warmonger and FEN 25(04) with IR/UV sights, laser paint- D12+10, Vigour D12+10
er and recoil baffling, Custom War-World Issue Vibrosabre Skills: Fighting D12, Athletics D12, Healing D10, Intimi-
(+5 Damage, 3 AP, +1 AD, Heavy), SLA Blade, Combina- dation D12, Knowledge (Torture) D12, Notice D10, Tech
tion IR/UV goggles, Lots of ammo and drugs. D10, Throwing D8, Shooting D6, Stealth D8
Biogenetics: Oyanas Brand Eyes, Sinewbrace, Brace Ten- Pace: 10 (Run D12) Parry: 10 Toughness: 15 (32, Heavy)
dons, Sinewshock, Shock Tendons, Advanced Shell Augmen- Special Abilities:
tation - Construct
Notes: Wildcard - Fearless
- Multiple Arms + Improved Frenzy (two extra Fighting at-
Feral DAC tacks at no multi-action penalty)
Attributes: Agility D8, Smarts D6 (Animal), Spirit D6 , - Natural weapons: Claws (+D6/+2, AP1)
Strength D6, Vigour D6 - Night sight (UV)
Skills: Fighting D6, Guts D6, Notice D10 - Fear: “Hi! I’m a VERY BIG robot and I’m wearing your
Pace: 8 Parry: 5 Toughness: 4 skin.” (-4)
Special Abilities: - Rend (can tear off limbs, see edge)
- Bite (+D4/+1) - Size +2
- Fleet Footed Gear: Integral Armour (+15, Heavy), Integral Vibrosabres x2
- Go for the Throat (+D6+3/+5, AP3, Heavy)
- Size -1 Notes: Wild Card. The most powerful robotic bodies fitted
with the brains of Digger’s most loyal lieutenants. And just
Giant Rat think – terrifying though they are, they’re still nothing com-
Attributes: Agility D6, Smarts D4 (Animal), Spirit D8, pared to Digger. Still want to take that BPN in Salvation
Strength D6, Vigour D6 Tower?
Skills: Fighting D6, Guts D4, Notice D8
Pace: 6 Parry: 5 Toughness: 5 Mort Rat Swarm
Special Abilities: Attributes: Agility D10, Smarts D4 (Animal), Spirit D12,
- Claws and Teeth (+D4/+1) Strength D8, Vigour D10
- Infectious (If damage is taken, roll Vigour. On a failure, Skills: Notice D6,
victim becomes Exhausted after D10 minutes, lasting until Pace: 8 Parry: 4 Toughness: 7
medical treatment received) Special Abilities:
- Bite (2D4 damage to everyone on medium burst template)
Manchine - Split (divides into 2 small burst templates if “killed”, each
Attributes: Agility D12, Smarts D6, Spirit D10, Strength doing D6 damage)
D12+2, Vigour D12 - Swarm (immune to cutting and piercing weapons)
Skills: Fighting D12, Shooting D6, Athletics D8, Intimi- - Infectious (If damage taken, roll Vigour. On a failure, victim
dation D8, Knowledge (Torture) D10, Notice D10, Stealth becomes Exhausted after D10 minutes, lasting until medical
D8, Throwing D8 treatment received)
Pace: 8 Parry: 8 Toughness: 9 (18)
Special Abilities:


Mort Roach Swarm - Large (Size +1)

Attributes: Agility D10, Smarts -, Spirit D10. , Strength D6, Gear: Respirator, Modified DN100 Power Armour (+11),
Vigour D8 Scavenged power weapon and firearm
Skills: Notice D6. Notes: Speaks in ‘military’ sign language
Pace: 10 Parry: 4 Toughness: 6
Special Abilities: Scav Leader
- Bite (D6 to everyone on large burst template) Attributes: Agility D10, Smarts D8, Spirit D10, Strength
- Swarm (immune to cutting and piercing weapons) D12+4, Vigour D12+4
- Infectious (If damage taken, roll Vigour. On a failure, victim Skills: Fighting D12, Athletics D8, Drive D6, Intimida-
becomes Exhausted after D10 minutes, lasting until medical tion D10, Notice D10, Pilot D6, Tech D10, Throwing D8,
treatment received) Shooting D12, Stealth D10, Survival D12
Pace: 6 Parry: 8 Toughness: 10 (21)
Sector Mutants Edges: Evaluate Opponent, Dodge, Improved Frenzy,
Attributes: Agility D4, Smarts D4, Spirit D8, Strength D10, Grudge (SLA Operatives), Level Headed, Marksman, Mr.
Vigour D8 Fixit, Rock & Roll, Strong Willed
Skills: Fighting D8, Survival D8, Notice D4, Streetwise D4 Special Abilities:
Pace: 5 Parry: 6 Toughness: 6 (8) - Prometheus Gene
Special Abilities: - Natural weapons: Claws (+D6/+2, AP1)
- Armour: Cancerous Hide (+2) - Large (Size +1)
- Claws and Teeth (D4/+1) Gear: Respirator, Modified DN100 Power Armour (+11),
- Fear Scavenged power weapon and firearm
- Hardy Notes: Wild Card. Speaks in ‘military’ sign language.
- Infectious (If damage is taken, roll Vigour. On a failure,
victim becomes Exhausted after D10 minutes, lasting until Executive Monsters
medical treatment received)
Gear: Improvised Weapons All have Stormer Package hindrances.

Sewergator Domino Dog 23

Attributes: Agility D6, Smarts D4 (Animal), Spirit D6 , Attributes: Agility D12, Smarts D4 (Animal), Spirit D10,
Strength D12+4, Vigour D12 Strength D10, Vigour D10
Skills: Fighting D10, Guts D6, Notice D6, Athletics D6. Skills: Athletics D10, Notice D10, Stealth D6, Fighting D8,
Pace: 4 Parry: 6 Toughness: 12 (16) Guts D10
Special Abilities: Pace: 10 Toughness: 7 (11) Parry: 6
- Bite (+D8/+3) Special Abilities:
- Armour (+4) - Fleet-footed
- Aquatic - Bite and Claws (+D6/+2)
- Fear - Frenzy
- Hardy - Armour (+4)
- Huge (Size +4) - Go for the Throat
- Rollover
Low Wave 114
Scav Attributes: Agility D4, Smarts D4, Spirit D4, Strength
Attributes: Agility D10, Smarts D6, Spirit D10, Strength D12+8, Vigour D10
D12+2, Vigour D12+2 Skills: Notice D4, Guts D6
Skills: Fighting D12, Athletics D8, Drive D6, Intimidation Pace: 2 Toughness: 10 Parry: 2
D8, Notice D10, Pilot D6, Tech D10, Throwing D6, Shoot- Special Abilities:
ing D10, Stealth D8, Survival D8 - Brawny
Pace: 6 Parry: 8 Toughness: 9 (20) - Enormous (Size +3)
Edges: Evaluate Opponent, Frenzy, Grudge (SLA Opera- - Night sight
tives), Marksman, Mr. Fixit, Rock & Roll, Strong Willed
Gator 330 Security Stormer
Special Abilities:
Attributes: Agility D8, Smarts D4, Spirit D8, Strength D10,
- Prometheus Gene
Vigour D8
- Natural weapons: Claws (+D6/+2, AP1)
Skills: Guts D8, Fighting D8, Stealth D8, Notice D8


Pace: 5 Toughness: 5 (7) Parry: 6 Paramedic SHIVER

Special Abilities: SCL:11
- Small (Size-1) Attributes: Agility D6, Smarts D8, Spirit D8 , Strength D6,
- Go for the Throat Vigour D6
- Lock and Hold (Bear Hug) Skills: Fighting D6, Shooting D4, Guts D6, Healing D6,
- Infravision Notice D6, Streetwise D4
- Armour +2 Pace: 6 Parry: 5 Toughness: 5 (9, 10 on head) Charisma:
- Bite (+D6/+2) 0
Gear: Boopa Medical Helm, Medikit, Body ‘Blocker’ armour
The Thin Green Line: SHIVERS (+5), SLA Blade

Enforcer SHIVER
Standard SHIVER SCL: [D-Notice]
SCL:11 Attributes: Agility D10, Smarts D6, Spirit D8, Strength
Attributes: Agility D6, Smarts D6, Spirit D6 , Strength D6, D10 (D12+1 with Armour), Vigour D10
Vigour D8 Skills: Fighting D10, Shooting D10, Guts D8, Intimidate
Skills: Fighting D6, Shooting D6, Guts D6, Drive D6, No- D8+2, Notice D6, Streetwise D6
tice D4, Streetwise D6 Edges: Iron Willed
Pace: 6 Parry: 5 Toughness: 6 (10) Charisma: 0 Pace: 6 Parry: 6 Toughness: 7 (13) Charisma: -2
Gear: Browbeater Rifle, Body ‘Blocker’ Armour (+4), SLA Biogenetics: Sinewbrace, Brace Tendons, Sinewshock, Shock
Blade. Tendons, Advanced Shell Augmentation
Gear: Custom PP8 Exo Armour (Improved Exo-Skeleton)
(+6), Pacifier Baton, Browbeater Rifle, BLA 046 ‘Blitzer’, 3 x
Dispersal SHIVER
clips 12.7mm HEAP
SCL: 11
Notes: Probably Wildcard (Seasoned – 30XP)
Attributes: Agility D6, Smarts D6, Spirit D8, Strength D8,
Vigour D8
Skills: Fighting D8, Shooting D6, Guts D8, Intimidate D4, SLA Special Operatives
Notice D4, Streetwise D4
Pace: 6 Parry: 6 Toughness: 6 (12) Charisma: 0 DarkFinder
Gear: Dispersal Browbeater, PP8 Exo Armour (+6), Retract- SCL: [D-Notice]
able shield, Pacifier Baton, Back mounted Smoke Grenade Attributes: Agility D12+2, Smarts D6, Spirit D8, Strength
dispenser D12 (D12+2 with Armour), Vigour D10
Skills: Fighting D12, Shooting D12, Notice D10, Stealth
SCAF Pilot D10, Guts D12, Healing D6, Intimidation D12, Tech D8,
SCL:11 Streetwise D8, Survival D6, Athletics D10
Attributes: Agility D8, Smarts D6, Spirit D8, Strength D6, Edges: Operative Training Package, Alertness, Fleet of Foot,
Vigour D6 Nerves of Steel, Quick Draw, Iron Willed
Skills: Fighting D4, Shooting D6, Guts D6, Drive D6, Pilot Hindrances: Finance Chip, Vow (Serve Mr. Slayer), Arro-
D6, Notice D6, Streetwise D6 gant
Pace: 6 Parry: 4 Toughness: 5 (8) Charisma: 0 Pace: 8 Parry: 8 Toughness: 10 (18) Charisma: 0
Gear: Mini-Browbeater, custom Body ‘Blocker’ (+3), SLA Gear: Custom PP10 HARD Armour (+8, Improved Dura-
Blade, SCAF Bike bility, Improved Exo-Skeleton), BLA 046M ‘Blitzer’, Vibro-
sabre, SLA Blade, Lots of 12mm HEAP and HESH, ECM
Biogenetics: Oyanas Brand Eyes, Sinewbrace, Brace Ten-
Attributes: Agility D6, Smarts D6, Spirit D8 , Strength D8,
dons, Sinewshock, Shock Tendons, Advanced Shell Augmen-
Vigour D8
Skills: Fighting D6, Shooting D4, Guts D8, Drive D6, No-
Notes: Wildcard (Veteran – 40XP)
tice D4, Streetwise D6
Pace: 6 Parry: 5 Toughness: 6 (10) Charisma: 0 Internal Affairs Investigator
Gear: Fire axe, Fire/heat-proof Body ‘Blocker’ armour (+4), SCL: [D-Notice]
Breathing Gear, SLA Blade Attributes: Agility D6, Smarts D10, Spirit D10, Strength
D6, Vigour D6


Skills: Fighting D6, Shooting D6, Bureaucracy D10+2, Edges: : Hittin Stuf (Strike Squad) Training Package, Hardy,
Notice D10+2, Guts D8, Intimidation D10+2, Knowledge Prometheus Gene, Natural Weapons (Now D6+2/+4, AP2),
(SLA) D10, Knowledge (Soft Companies) D10, Stealth D6, Berserk
Streetwise D4+2, Survival D4, Tech D4 Hindrances: Dumb, Shallow, Corporate Puppet, Drug Ad-
Edges: Stable Mind, Lucky, Investigation & Interrogation dict (Rush), Finance Chip
Training Package, Strong Willed, Alertness, Level Headed, Pace: 6 Parry: 8 Toughness: 8 (12, 13 head) Charisma: +4
Charismatic Gear: FEN 603, 2 clips standard ammo, 1 clip HEAP, Body
Hindrances: Finance Chip, Cautious Blocker Armour, Rush x 10, Karma KickStart x 3, KickStart
Pace: 6 Parry: 5 Toughness: 5 (10, except head) Charisma: Solo x 2, Boopa Auto-Injector
+2 Biogenetics: Maul, Claw and Teeth Enhancement x2, Shell
Gear: Worksmart Tailored Armour (+4), BLA 046M ‘Blitzer’, Augmentation - Head
SLA Blade, 1 x clip 12.7mm HEAP, 1 x clip 12.7mm HESH, Notes: Wildcard (Starting Character), Instructions: Add
Oyster laptop Rush, point in direction of enemy, back slowly away
Notes: Wildcard (Heroic – 60 XP)
Chip McCain, Frother
Cloak Division Enforcer SCL: 10
SCL: [D-Notice] Attributes: Agility D8, Smarts D4, Spirit D6, Strength D8,
Attributes: Agility D12+1, Smarts D6, Spirit D8, Strength Vigour D8
D12 (D12+2 with Armour), Vigour D10 Skills: Fighting D10, Shooting D6, Athletics D6, Guts D8,
Skills: Fighting D10, Shooting D12, Bureaucracy D6, Driv- Intimidate D6, Notice D4, Streetwise D6, Survival D4
ing D6, Guts D8+2, Intimidation D8, Knowledge (SLA) Edges: Wired At Birth, Kick Murder Training Package, Ber-
D6, Knowledge (Soft Companies) D6, Notice D6, Stealth serk
D4, Tech D4, Throwing D8 Hindrances: Vow - The Clan, Quirk - Clan Colours, Addict
Edges: Stable Mind, Lucky, Death Squad Training Package, (UV), Overconfident
Quick, Grudge (SLA Traitors), Rock & Roll!, Evaluate Op- Pace: 6 Parry: 7 (8) Toughness: 6 (11/13 with shield) Cha-
ponent, Dodge, Improved Dodge risma: 0
Hindrances: Finance Chip, Bloodthirsty Gear: Vibrosabre (inc. ancient brass custom surface), Sera-
Pace: 6 Parry: 7 Toughness: 7 (17) Charisma: 0 phim Defender (inc. brass and leather ‘Highlander’ targe
Biogenetics: Sinewbrace, Brace Tendons, Sinewshock, Shock shield custom surface), FEN 603 inc. scope, 2 x clips 10mm
Tendons, Advanced Shell Augmentation standard, 1 x clip 10mm HESH, PP7 Exo armour, Magholds,
Gear: Custom PP100 Crackshot Armour (+10, Improved IR Goggles, 2 x Boopa auto-injector loaded with 2 x Bare-
Durability, Improved Exo-Skeleton), MAL Assault Cannon zark, 2 x Rush, 3 x UV, 1 x KickStart Solo, 2 x KickStart+
inc. Laser Painter, IR Lamp & Waldo, 3 x clips 12.7mm Notes: Wildcard (Starting Character)
HEAP, 3 x clips 12.7mm HESH, BLA 046M ‘Blitzer’, 1 x
clip 12.7mm HEAP, 1 x clip 12.7mm HESH, Custom ITB Unveiler, Newly ‘Awakened’ Necanthrope
Mutilator (Damage D4+6, AP 2, AD 2, Heavy), SLA Blade, SCL: 8A
Boopa Auto-Injector with 4 x Karma KS, 2 x Stabs Blaze Attributes: Agility D6, Smarts D8, Spirit D12, Strength D6,
UV, ECM Suit, Motion Scanner, IR/UV Goggles, 3 x DA Vigour D6
101 BLIND Smoke Grenades, 3 x DA 71 Blast/Concussion Skills: Fighting D6, Shooting D6, Bureaucracy D6, For-
Grenades mulae D12, Guts D6, Knowledge (Glyphs) D6, Notice D8,
Notes: Wildcard (Legendary – 100 XP) Persuasion D4, Stealth D6, Streetwise D4, Taunt D8
Edges: Ebb Control (Ab), Self-Aware, Kick Murder Training
Package, Affinity Training x2, Affinity Focus (Illumination,
SLA Operatives Senses), Deathsuit Bond (Light), Deathsuit Bond (Moder-
ate), Ebb Backlash, Enlightenment, Interdermalise Death-
Ak, Chagrin suit, New Glyphs x2, Necanthrope
SCL: 10 Hindrances: Code of Honour (Major), Quirk - Gloats (Mi-
Attributes: Agility D8, Smarts D4, Spirit D4, Strength nor), Cautious (Minor, Necanthrope), Anaemic (Minor, Ne-
D12+1, Vigour D12 canthrope)
Skills: Athletics D8, Driving D4, Fighting D12, Guts D12, Affinities: llumination, Protect, Reality Folding, Senses,
Intimidation D6, Notice D4, Shooting D4, Streetwise D4, Gore Cannon
Taunt D4 Glyphs: Armour, Deflection, Fear, Mind Block, Obscure,
Quickness, Teleport, Wall Walk, Gore Cannon Attack


Flux: 30 (+3 in Flux Gem)

Pace: 6 Parry: 5 Toughness: 6 (14) Charisma: 0
Gear: Deathsuit (+8), Gore Cannon, Illumination Gem,
Jade Probe, Vector Box, Eternal Flux Gem Matrix (3 Flux),
FEN 603 with Silencer, Flash Suppressor and Scope, 2 x clips
HEAP, 4 x Hotline, 2 x Boopa Drug Injectors loaded with 4
x KickStart+, 2 x KickStart Solo, 2 x Blaze UV, IR/UV Gog-
gles, 4 x stabs of Drum
Notes: Wildcard (Heroic: 75 XP). Regains 2 Flux/hour. Un-
veiler is still adjusting to her new position in life. She prowls
Mort’s shadows seeking knowledge, power and maybe even
allies with which to safeguard her position among her new

Cabal, Necanthrope
Attributes: Agility D8, Smarts D8, Spirit D12, Strength D6,
Vigour D8
Skills: Fighting D8, Shooting D6, Bureaucracy D4, Formu-
lae D12, Guts D10, Intimidation D8, Notice D8, Persuasion
D4, Stealth D10, Streetwise D4, Survival D8, Throwing D6
Edges: Ebb Control (Ab), Kick Murder Training Package,
Affinity Training x2, Affinity Focus (Blast, Protect), Affin- DarkNight
ity Mastery (Blast, Protect), Blaster, Master Blaster, Death-
suit Bond (Light, Moderate, Heavy, Super), Interdermalise DarkNight Civilian Convert
Deathsuit, Living Suit, New Glyphs x2, Necanthrope, Sen- Attributes: Agility D6, Smarts D6, Spirit D6 , Strength D6,
tient Gore Cannon Vigour D6
Hindrances: Bloodthirsty (Major), Habit - Drools (Minor, Skills: Fighting D6, Shooting D6, Guts D4, Stealth D4, No-
Necanthrope), Delusional - Sees Ebons and Brain Wasters as tice D4, Streetwise D6
children (Minor, Necanthrope) Pace: 6 Toughness: 5 Parry: 5.
Affinities: Blast, Protect, Reality Folding, Telekenesis, Gore Gear: DarkNight and black market equipment
Glyphs: Armour, Bolt, Charge, Deflection, Entangle, Quick- DarkNight Espionage Agent (Interceptor)
ness, Teleport, Wall Walk, Gore Cannon Attack Attributes: Agility D8, Smarts D6, Spirit D6 , Strength D6,
Flux: 35 (+5 in Gore Cannon) Vigour D8
Pace: 6 Parry: 5 Toughness: 6 (18, Heavy) Charisma: -1 Skills: Fighting D8, Shooting D8, Guts D6, Drive D4, No-
Gear: Deathsuit (+12, Fully Sealed, Heavy), Gore Cannon, tice D6, Survival D4, Stealth D6, Streetwise D6, Knowledge
Custom Vibrosabre with Stunner, Screamer (+1 Parry), Vibro (Demolitions) D8
Enhancement (Heavy) & GFX Gore-Effect Edge (‘Blood- Pace: 6 Toughness: 6 Parry: 6
plume MegaGouterTM’), Flintlock, Focus Gem, Vector Box, Edges: Hard to Kill, Lucky, Sewer Rat
BLA 064 ‘Blitzer’ with Silencer, Flash Suppressor, IR Scope, Hindrances: Wanted (Major)
Laser Painter and 1 x Recoil Baffling, 2 x clips HEAP, 2 x Gear: Custom DarkNight and black market equipment
clips HESH, 2 x Boopa Drug Injectors loaded with 6 x Kick- Notes: Wild Card (Novice); customize to taste.
Start+, 1 x Rush, 1 x Blaze UV, IR/UV Goggles, 4 x stabs of
Drum, 4 x DA 101 BLIND Smoke Grenades, 4 x DA 240 DarkNight Interceptor Veteran
Riot Gas Grenades Attributes: Agility D10, Smarts D6, Spirit D8 , Strength
Notes: Wildcard (Legendary: 100 XP). Regains 2 Flux/hour. D6, Vigour D8
Blast & Protect glyphs cost 2 less Flux and rolls are at +2. Bolt Skills: Fighting D10, Shooting D12, Guts D8, Drive D4,
& Gore Cannon Attack are AP2 and use D8s. Gore cannon Notice D6, Survival D4, Stealth D10, Streetwise D6, Knowl-
retaliates if Cabal is Shaken or surprised. Deathsuit acts to edge (Demolitions) D8
protect Cabal if Incapacitated (probably Teleporting or Wall- Pace: 6 Toughness: 6 Parry: 7
Walking to safety before using healing drugs). Be afraid. Edges: Hard to Kill, Harder to Kill, Lucky, Marksman, No
Mercy or Dodge, Sewer Rat


Hindrances: Wanted (Major) Skills: Shooting D4, Stealth D4, Notice D4

Gear: Custom DarkNight and black market equipment Pace: 3 Parry: 2 Toughness: 4
Notes: Wild Card (Veteran), never fights fair Abilities:
- Construct
DarkNight Representative (Black Marketeer) - Fearless
Attributes: Agility D6, Smarts D8, Spirit D8, Strength D6, - Small (-2)
Vigour D6 Gear: TT Machinegun (Calibre 5mm, ROF 5, RNG
Skills: Fighting D6, Shooting D6, Bureaucracy D6, Gam- 12/24/48, Auto), Vid-camera, Ammo bin (200)
bling D6, Guts D6, Drive D6, Notice D6, Persuasion D8,
Stealth D6, Streetwise D8, two Knowledges D4 Buzzard Security Drone (25000u)
Pace: 6 Toughness: 5 Parry: 5 Attributes: Agility D6, Strength D4, Vigour D4, Smarts -,
Edges: Connections, Rich Spirit D4.
Hindrances: Wanted (Major) Skills: Guns D4, Stealth D4, Fighting D4, Notice D4.
Gear: Concealable DarkNight armour, firearms, illegal goods Pace: 6 Parry: 4 Toughness: 4
and lots of unis. Special Abilities:
- Construct
Thresher Inc. - Fearless
- Small (-2)
Gear: Integral Chainaxe, TT Machinegun (Calibre 5mm,
Thresher Power Suit Pilot
ROF 5, RNG 12/24/48, Auto), Vid-camera, Ammo bin
Attributes: Agility D8, Smarts D6, Spirit D8 , Strength D6,
Vigour D8
Skills: Fighting D8, Shooting D8, Guts D8, Pilot D8, Re- Scarab Espionage Drone (30000u)
pair D6, Notice D6, Survival D4, Healing D4 Attributes: Agility D6, Strength D4, Vigour D4, Smarts -,
Edges: Rock and Roll!, Hard to Kill, Hose ‘Em Down or Spirit D4.
Dodge Skills: Guns D6, Stealth D8, Athletics D4, Notice D6
Hindrances: Military Service Pace: 8 Parry: 2 Toughness: 4 (5)
Pace: 6 Parry: 6 Toughness: 6 Charisma: 0 Special Abilities:
Gear: Thresher Firearms, Armour and spare suit of armour - Construct
(+1) - Fearless
Notes: Wildcard (Seasoned) - Wall Walking
- Small (-2)
Thresher Power Suit Veteran
Gear: Integral TT Machinegun (Calibre 5mm, Clip 300,
Attributes: Agility D12, Smarts D6, Spirit D10 , Strength
ROF 5, RNG 12/24/48, Auto), TT Shotgun (as Bullyboy
D8, Vigour D10
10-10), Stealth Systems (-4 to Notice), Self destruct system,
Skills: Fighting D8, Shooting D12, Guts D10, Pilot D10,
Armour (+1), Nightsight, Vid-camera, Ammo bin x2 (100
Repair D6, Notice D8, Survival D4, Healing D4
10g/200 5mm)
Edges: Dead Shot, Luck, Improved Hose ‘Em Down or
Improved Dodge, Hard to Kill, Level Headed, Marksman, Fritz Battle Drone (150000u)
Rock & Roll! Attributes: Agility D4, Strength D10, Vigour D10, Smarts-,
Hindrances: Military Service Spirit D4.
Pace: 6 Parry: 5 Toughness: 6 Charisma: 0 Skills: Fighting D8, Shooting D8, Notice D4 .
Gear: Thresher cannon, First Step or SARGE battle armour, Pace: 3 Parry: 6 Toughness: 9 (13)
spare suit of light armour (+1), DU ammo, grenades, the Special Abilities:
works. - Construct
Notes: Wild Card (Veteran) - Fearless
- Large +2.
Gear: Integral Armour (+4), TT Machinegun (Calibre
Tex Trex 5mm, ROF 5, RNG 12/24/48, Auto), TT Auto Shotgun (as
KPS Mangler), Power Drill (as Concrete Saw), Vid-camera,
Vito Recon Drone (20000u) Ammo bins x2 (300 x 10g/200 x 5mm)
Attributes: Agility D4, Strength D4, Vigour D4, Smarts -,
Spirit D4.


Appendix Natural Weapons*

The rasping talons of a Carrien do Strength +1 damage and
The Contract Directory introduced a new playable race the Carrien is never considered unarmed.
into SLA Industries: the Advanced Carrien. However, as
Sunlight Sensitive*
they were a late addition to SLA Industries, not all GMs may
Even the pathetically weak rays of sunlight that manage to
wish their players to choose characters from the very race
penetrate Mort’s everpresent rainclouds make Carrien wince
they’re likely to spend a lot of their early careers slaughtering
with their horrible brightness.
so we’ve kept them apart from the other races.
Advanced Carrien suffer a -1 penalty to all Trait rolls while
exposed to sunlight or artificial lighting brighter than a desk
Advanced Carrien lamp. Especially bright artificial lighting increases this to a -2
Rising up from the scavenging packs of Lower Downtown penalty. However, wearing a helmet with Anti-dazzle protec-
and the Cannibal Sectors, the Advanced Carrien pose a rid- tion protects the Carrien from this penalty completely.
dle to Mort’s other inhabitants. Their intelligence sets them Additionally, they are at -2 when resisting the effects of
apart from the kin that most see as nothing more than hu- blast/concussion grenades. If wearing an anti-dazzle helmet,
manoid vermin, making them feared and hated by Mort’s this cancels out anti-dazzle’s +2 bonus. The Carrien is still
human population, for intelligence certainly doesn’t equal immune if his armour is Fully Enclosed as well.
civilisation. Equally, their intelligence makes them mistrust-
ed by the Greater Carrien, who fear for their leadership, so
Carriens are no longer like their own kind yet others still see
the Advanced Carrien can no longer return to their packs.
them as vermin even when the Advanced Carrien works to
It is SLA Industries that has welcomed them with open
protect them. And, of course, the cannibalism doesn’t help.
arms, allowing the Advanced Carriens to work as ops and
They suffer a -4 Charisma penalty.
Contract Killers - protecting and providing entertainment
for the very people their relatives feast upon.

Agility Smarts Spirit Strength Vigour

D4 D6 D4 D4 D4

Long Limbed
Just like their less civilised kin, Advanced Carrien’s long
limbs allow them to cover ground fast.
They have a Pace of 9 but their running dice is still a D6.

Advanced Carrien start with D6 in Stealth and Survival.

Play Dirty*
Fighting fair is for the weaklings and losers. The victo-
rious know there are only three rules to combat: cheat,
cheat and cheat again.
Advanced Carrien get a +1 bonus when using Smarts
or Agility tricks. This stacks with the bonus from the
Dirty Fighter edge from 50 Fathoms.
They also get +2 to any Tech or Survival roll made
to set a trap.

Low-Light Vision*
Having evolved to thrive in Mort’s dark lower lev-
els, the Advanced Carrien ignores penalties for Dim and
Dark conditions.


Stormer 720 - Grit or of what origin, the Grit will not be poisoned or contract
diseases from its meals.
What better way to fight the monsters of the Cannibal Sec-
tors than with a monster of SLA’s own devising. The result Memory Digestion*
of combining the best of Karma’s biogenetic knowledge with The Grit’s most interesting innovation is its ability to ab-
the worst of SLA Industries’ pragmatism, the Grit is a crea- sorb the memories of those it has slain by the simple process
tion even those in power fear to acknowledge. of slurping up their still-warm brains.
On consumption of a brain, make a Smarts roll with a -1
penalty for every full minute the owner has been deceased.
The GM should provide one pertinent memory for every
Agility Smarts Spirit Strength Vigour
success and raise.
D4 D4 D4 D8 D8
(x2) (D12+2) (D12+2) Brain-Eating Monster*
What SLA’s advertising departments label as ‘off-message’,
most people simply call horrific. The usual claws, teeth and
aggressive demeanor are joined in the Grit by low brows,
Prometheus Gene* rock-like skin and, worst of all, a tongue that reaches to its
Just like its brothers, the Malice and Chagrin, Karma gift- forehead and is designed for chasing out remnants from brain
ed the Grit Stormer with genes that regenerate. Every fifth pans.
round the Stormer gets a free Vigour roll to remove a single Unsurprisingly, the Grit Stormer suffers -4 Charisma.
wound they may have suffered. Once a day they may make a On the upside, they may increase their Intimidation as if
Vigour roll to remove a permanent wound. they had a Spirit trait of D12.
Natural Weapons* Penal Chip*
Grit Stormers have sharp teeth and retractable claws, they Every Grit is observed 24 hours a day for signs of deviancy
do Strength +2 damage. The Stormer is never considered un- or degeneration. At the slightest signs of unpredictability or
armed. untrustworthiness, a shaped charge inside their skull is re-
motely detonated, killing them instantly.
In addition, being fitted with a penal chip prevents a Grit
Stormers are big. They get +1 size, giving them +1 Tough-
Stormer from choosing the Finance Chip minor hindrance.
ness and increasing their carrying capacity.
Secret Project
Low-Light Vision*
Because they have been sequestered away from other op-
Designed to hunt and travel alone in the ruined, desolate
eratives, Grits have not been able to attend Meny. They do
Cannibal Sectors, the Grit has been gifted with the ability to
not get a free Training Package edge at character creation.
see perfectly if even a slight light source is avaiable.
They ignore penalties for dim and dark conditions. Stormer Edges & Hindrances
As with all your kind, your nature is both a blessing and
Craggy Hide*
a curse. You were created for a purpose, and while you are
Mottled grey to provide camouflage in the Cannibal Sec-
rarely matched when pursuing the tasks you were designed
tors, the Grit’s hide is also proof against blows that would
for, outside that purpose, you lack the knowledge, adaptabil-
slice straight through other Stormer variants.
ity and freedom of the natural races.
The Grits hide provides +1 to Stealth rolls against suitable
Gain the Bred For War edge and the Clueless, Vat Grown
backdrops (most of the Cannibal Sectors, much of the sewers
and Corporate Puppet hindrances
and lower levels of Downtown, too), provided the Grit re-
mains motionless. This Stealth bonus is lost of the Grit wears
clothing or coverings of any kind.
The hide also provides a +2 armour bonus. This bonus isn’t
degraded by armour damage nor does it stack with worn ar-
mour (take the better of the two bonuses).

Super Carnivore*
The Grit eats only meat. Vegetable matter provides no nu-
trition. However, any meat will do; no matter how rancid

Alternative Weapon Damage
An alternative close combat weapons table for those using Savage Worlds Revised damage rules.

Civilian Weapons
Weapon Damage Min. Str. Weight Notes
Knife (5u) +1 – 1 –
Club/Baton/Baseball Bat (20u) +2 – 2 –
Sword/Machete (10u) +2 – 5 –
Sledgehammer (35u) +3 D8 12 2H, Parry -1, AD+1
Fire Axe (30u) +2 D6 8 Parry -1, AP1

Industrial Weapons
Weapon Damage Min. Str. Weight Notes
Power Pick (10c) +2 D6 10 AP5, 2H, Parry -1
Carsonmade Industrial Nailer (50c) +3 D8 25 AP3, 2H, Parry -1
Grissom Inc. Power Sander (115c) +4 D6 25 2H, AD+1, Parry -1
Hardtek Arc Welder (175c) 2D8 D8 20 2H, AD+1, Parry -1
Hardtek Concrete Saw (215c) +5 D10 25 2H, Heavy, Unwieldy (1 on Fighting die
causes wielder to strike themselves)
Hi-Velocity Boom Hammer (175c) +3 D10 12 2H, Parry -2, two 10g shotgun shells fire at
(+3D4) point-blank range on the first successful hit.

Operative Weapons
Weapon Damage Min. Str. Weight Notes
GASH 021070 Chain Axe (85c) +5 D6 6 AP2, 2H, -1 Parry, AD+1, Heavy
GASH Pacifier Baton (80c) +5 – 2 AD+1
DPB Vibrosabre (100c) +4 – 3 AP2, Heavy
DPB Gash Fist (80c) +4 – 2 AP2, Always Ready (Mounted on Wrist)
DPB Flick Scythe (120c) +5 D6 5 AP3, 2H, -1 Parry, Reach 1, Heavy
MAC Knife (80c) +4 – 1 AP1, Thrown, Silent, Unbreakable (Tough-
ness 20 and only damaged by blunt attacks)
ITB Mutilator (85c) +5 – 2 AD+1
MJL Power Disc (100c) +4 – 1 AP2, Thrown
MJL Power Claymore (100c) +6 D8 6 AP3, 2H, -1 Parry, Heavy
MJL Power Lochaber Axe (950c) +7 D10 15 AP4, 2H, -2 Parry, Heavy
BOSH SLA Blade (2c) +2 – 1 Thrown
ITB Jolt Glove (105c) – – 1 Stun (Roll Vigour, at -2 on raise, or Shaken).
Effective vs. both electronic and biological
Oscillating-Head Warhammer (40c) +3 D8 8 2H, Parry -1, AD+2, Heavy
Frag Grenade Bolas (100c) As – 2 Thrown (Range 6/12/24). Target cannot “dive
grenade for cover”.
Seraphim Defender (350c) +2 – 12 Shield with ceramic-bladed edge
Seraphim Defender II (900c) +3 – 15 Shield with chainsaw edge, AP2, AD+1
Key: AP: Armour Piercing, AD+X: does +X additional damage to armour

Operative SCL Card ����

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Attributes Derived
4 6 8 10 12 Agility Parry Toughness
4 6 8 10 12 Smarts Pace ( 4 6 8 10 12
) Edges






Armour Damage
4 6 8 10 12 Vigour
Total inc.

4 6 8 10 12 Athletics
4 6 8 10 12 Bureaucracy
4 6 8 10 12 Driving
4 6 8 10 12 Fighting
4 6 8 10 12 Formulae
4 6 8 10 12 Gambling
4 6 8 10 12 Guts
4 6 8 10 12 Healing
SPI Ad AF AS ( hrs) FE Hs
4 6 8 10 12 Intimidation HuD JJ OC PC HPC LM
4 6 8 10 12 Knowledge 1
4 6 8 10 12 Knowledge 2
4 6 8 10 12
Notice Min Range Shooting Bonus
SPI Clip Calibre Str ROF (S/M/L) (S/M/L)
4 6 8 10 12
#1 ������������� -2 -4
4 6 8 10 12
Piloting Hvy Semi 3RB Auto Snap Add-Ons: Si Su Scp LP 1 2 3 Rcl-B Waldo
4 6 8 10 12
Polymorph #2 ������������� -2 -4
4 6 8 10 12
Tech Hvy Semi 3RB Auto Snap Add-Ons: Si Su Scp LP 1 2 3 Rcl-B Waldo
4 6 8 10 12
Shooting #3 ������������� -2 -4
AGI Hvy Semi 3RB Auto Snap Add-Ons: Si Su Scp LP 1 2 3 Rcl-B Waldo
4 6 8 10 12
4 6 8 10 12
Wpn #
SMA Type
4 6 8 10 12
Ammo Clips

4 6 8 10 12
Taunt AP
4 6 8 10 12
# Bullets

4 6 8 10 12 Throwing

K1 K2

Wounds Melee Credits

Wounds Knockout
Blow Fatigue Dmg AP AD Parry

Battered &
-1 Bruised -1
-2 Incapacitated -2
-3 Bleeding Out X

Savage Sla Industries character sheet by voidstate - get the full conversion PDF and more RPG stuff at
Location Weight Location Weight

Load Limit (Strength x 5):
Total: Encumbrance Penalty:

Drugs Type Doses Doses Other

(C/S/M) Duration Effects Boopa #1 Boopa #2 Doses

Notes: Soft drugs grant +1 to addiction and withdrawal rolls, medical drugs +2; combat drugs cause 2 fatigue levels in withdrawal, soft and medical drugs cause one level.

Contacts/Sponsors/Notes Experience
5 65
Rank & Advance

10 70
15 75
20 80

25 85
30 90
35 95
40 100

45 105
50 110
55 115
60 120

Savage Sla Industries character sheet by voidstate - get the full conversion PDF and more RPG stuff at
Deathsuit Affinities
Bond Armour
Light +7 Interdermalisation Blast Illumination
Medium +8 Living Suit Blue/Red Thermal Protect
Heavy +10 Graft (Agility) Communication Reality Folding
Super +12 Graft (Strength) Enhancement Senses
Angel +14 Graft (Vigour) Detect Telekenesis
Flux + Flux Regen /hr Healing Celrydreahad

Free Glyphs Flux



Affinity Flux Range Duration Trappings/Effect

Savage Sla Industries character sheet by voidstate - get the full conversion PDF and more RPG stuff at

Index B Business Training Package (Overview) 11

Buying Equipment 11
Bad DNA Tattoo 23 Buzzard Security Drone 87
Bad Dreams 24 Buzzsaw 45
Symbols Bad Karma 22
10-10 Bullyboy 47 Bad Rep 29 C
10mm Auto 47, 49 Band of Brothers 29
Barezark 71 Cabal 86
12.7mm 45, 46, 47, 49 CAF ‘Cold Shadow’ SMG 45
12mm 45, 46, 47, 49, 84, 85 Barrier (Glyph) 56, 57
Baseball Bat 44 CAF ‘Screaming Eagle’ Assault Rifle 46
17mm 11, 45, 46, 47, 49, 50, 51 CAF P50 Pistol 45
8mm Long 46, 47, 49 Bass 71
Baton 44 CAF Padquil Flak Vest 48
9mm BLA 45, 47, 49 CAF R7 ‘Wild Boar’ Hunting Rifle 46
Battle Taxi 49
Calaharvey Urbaniser Motorcycle 49
A Beat 72
Calloused 29
Best of the Best 13
Adaptive Nature 13 Biogenetics 74–75 Camisneak Cloak/Suit 48
Addiction 70 Biogenetic Construct (Vevaphon) 20 Canned Plate 41
Addiction (Hindrance) 22 Biogenetic Edges 32, 74 Cannibal 80
Advanced Carrien 81, 88 Bipod 38 Carnivorous Pig 80
Advanced Contruction 38 Blaster 33 Carrying Capacity 5
Advanced Skeletal Enhancement: Shell Blast (Affinity) 54 Carsonmade Industrial Nailer 44
Augmentation 74 Blast (Glyph) 56, 57, 66 Carthage 43
Affinities 54 Blaze UV 71 Celrydreahad 55
Affinity Edges 33 BLA ‘Pandora’ Multi-Task Trike 49 Chagrin 18
Affinity Focus 33 BLA 046M ‘Blitzer’ 45 Chain Axe 44
Affinity Mastery 33 BLA 446M Derringer 45 Character Details (Character Creation) 12
Affinity Training 33 BLA 646M ‘Buzzsaw’ 45 Character Generation 10–12
Afterlifer 23 BLA Maintenance Kit/Carry Case 40 Charge (Glyph) 59
AGB ‘Chopper’ 47 Blending (Stormer 711) 19 Charm Aura 33
Age and Life Expectancy 13 Blinding Speed 30 Chill Drink (Blue/Red Thermal) 55
Aggressive (Stormer 313) 17 Blitzer 45 Chip McCain 85
Air Filter 40 Bloodthirsty (Wraith Raider) 15 Chopper 47
Ak 85 Blue/Red Thermal (Affinity) 54 Chopper Pack 39, 47
Albino 22 Body ‘Blocker’ 48 Cigarette Lighter (Blue/Red Thermal) 55
Alice 72 Body Arsenal 30 Circuit Legend 9
Alien Presence (Stormer 711) 19 Body System Purification 58 Circuit Star 8
Alpha Manchine 82 Bolas 44 Circuit Superstar 9
Ammunition 39 Bolt (Glyph) 56, 58, 66 Civilian Car 49
Exotic 47 Bone Crush 67 Civilian Taxi 49
Pistol 47 Boom Hammer 44 Civilian Weapons 44
Rifle 47 Boopa Drug Injection System 41 Civilian Commuter Motorcycle 49
Boopa Medical Helmet 43 Climbing Kit 42
Shotgun 47
Boopa Medical Kit 41 Clipping the Grass 29
Ammunition Magazines and Drums 39
Boost Trait (Glyph) 56, 58 Cloak Division Enforcer 85
And Just A Little Luck 13
Boost Trait (Polymorph) 69 Close-Combat Weapon Customisation 38
Another Mans Poison 30
BOSH SLA Blade 44 Close Nitt Personal Power Armour 51
Antagonists 79–87
Box Magazine 39 Club 44
Arc Welder 44
Brace Tendons 74 Clueless (Stormer Hindrances) 17
Arducci Hypnowear 48
Brain Waster 16 CMS Maintenance Kit 41
Armored Handgrips/Guards 38
Brotherhood 24 Code of Honour (Shaktar) 15
Armour (Glyph) 56, 57
Browbeater 50 Cold Shadow 45
Armour (New Rules) 8
Browbeater Ammo 42 Cold Suit 48
Armour (Polymorph) 69
Bug-Eyed (Stormer 711) 19 Combat Drugs 71
Armour Coverings (Damage to) 8
Building Up Resistance (Optional Rule) Combat Edges 27
Armour Fatigue (Optional Rule) 8
70 Combat Edges from Other Settings 29
Armour Systems 40
Bulletproof (Edge) 30 Communication (Affinity) 54
Armour Upgrades 40
Bullet Magnet 24 Company APC 27
Assault Rifles 46
Bullyboy 47 Company Bike/Trike 27
Assertion Tendons 74
Bureaucracy 21 Company Car 27
Athletics 21
Burst (Glyph) 56, 58, 66 Company Kilcopter 27
Audio/Video Projection 59
Burst of Speed (Edge) 30 Company SCAF 27
Augustus Luxury Car 49
Business Training Package 25 Concrete Saw 44
Contraceptives, Pack of 12

Conversation (Glyph) 59 Distraction Penalties 68 Evaluate Opponent 27
Copycat Killer 79 DN-A Slipknife Dagger 43 Ex-War Criminal 81
Core Ebb Edges 33 DN-B Carthage Shortsword 43 Executive Monsters 83
Corporate Puppet (Stormer Hindrances) DN100 Assault Rifle 50 Exotic Ammunition 47
17 DN74 Auto-Pistol 50 Experience 77
Cracking Up 6 DN80 SMG 50 Experienced Characters 12
Crackshot 48 DNA Hallmark (Glyph) 57 Extra Limbs 74
Crack Glass/Ice (Blast) 55 DN ‘Resigel’ Bodysuit 51 Extremely Aggressive (Stormer 714) 18
Create Cold & Heat 60 DN Ablative Flak Vest 51
Credits 3 DN Body Armour 51 F
Crushing Blow 27 DN Power Armour 51
Custom Detailing (Armour) 40 Dogeybone 48 Faces of the Street 79
Custom Detailing (Close Combat Weap- Domino Dog 23 83 Famous (Edge) 29
ons) 38 Doppelganger 30 Farjacket 45
Custom Surface (Armour) 40 Doppelganger institutes 20 Faster Ebb User Advancement (Optional
Custom Surface (Close Combat Weapons) Double Drop 31 Rule) 68
38 Doughnut of Death 43 Fast Healer 26
Cybertramp 79 DPB Flick Scythe 44 Fear (Glyph) 56, 67
Cynic 23 DPB Gash Fist 44 FEN93 GAG 46
DPB Vibrosabre 44 FEN ‘TRI’ Sniper Platform 46
D Dream Daemons 24 FEN 0227 ‘Battle Taxi’ APC 49
Dream Daemons (Hindrance) 53, 73 FEN 091 ‘Farjacket’ Pump Pistol 45
Damaged Genome 24 Driving 21 FEN 204 ‘Gunhead’ SMG 45
DarkFinder 84 Drug-Fuelled 31 FEN 24 Warmonger 50
DarkNight Civilian Convert 86 Drugs 70–73 FEN 25(04) 50
DarkNight Equipment 43 Drug Surge 31 FEN 270671 Scout Helm 48
DarkNight Espionage Agent (Interceptor) Drum 72 FEN 30-30 ‘Trueshot’ Sniper Rifle 46
86 Duck and Cover 27 FEN 3497 ‘Kilcopter’ Helicopter 49
DarkNight Interceptor 86 FEN 400 ‘Surekill’ Sniper Cannon 46
DarkNight Interceptor Veteran 86 E FEN 4461 Mk VI ‘Hammer’ APC 49
DA 101 BLIND Smoke 40 FEN 5009 ‘Stingray’ Dropship 49
DA 240 Riot Gas 40 Ebb 53–68 FEN 603 Automatic Pistol 45
DA 71 Blast/Concussion 39 Ebb Backlash 34 FEN 706 ‘Power Reaper’ 46
DA 90 Fragmentation 40 Ebb Backlash Mastery 37 FEN 808 ‘Power Reaper’ LONG 46
Dead Shot 30 Ebb Beast 60 FEN AR Assault Rifle 46
Dealing With New Rules 77 Ebb Control (Ab) FEN IR/UV Goggles 41
Deathsuit 42 Brain Waster 16 FEN Pistol and SMG Stock 39
Deathsuits 16 Ebon 16 Feral DAC 82
Deathsuit Bond (Angel) 34 Edge 33 Feral Ebon 79, 80
Deathsuit Bond (Heavy) 33 Ebb Edges 32 Filthy Rich 27
Deathsuit Bond (Light) 33 Ebb Enhancement (Grow Limbs) 35 Finance Chip 22
Deathsuit Bond (Medium) 33 Ebb Enhancement (Teeth and Claws) 35 Finance Chip (Experienced Characters)
Deathsuit Bond (Super) 34 Ebb Equipment 42 12
Deathsuit Graft (Agility) 34 Ebb Medikit 42 Finance Chip (Hindrance) 12
Deathsuit Graft (Strength) 34 Ebb User Edges 54 Finance Chip Scanner 41
Deathsuit Graft (Vigour) 34 Ebb User Hindrances 24 Finisher 46
Deathsuit Maintenance (Glyph) 55 Ebon 16 Firearm Add-Ons 38
Death Seek 60 Ebon Eyes 61 Fire Axe 44
Death Squad Training Package 11, 25 ECM Cloak/Suit 48 Fire SHIVER 84
Deepdweller 81 Edges 25–37 Fire Trapping 35
Defensive Precognition 34 Edges and Hindrances (Character Crea- First Generation Frothers 14
Deflection (Glyph) 58 tion) 11 First Step Heavy Powered Armour 51
Deflect (Glyph) 56 Electromagnetic Belt Fed Drum 39 Flashlights 41
Dependent 22 Electronic and Manual Lock picks 42 FLAY AUTO Pistol 50
Depleted Uranium Rounds 43 Empty Box Magazine 39 Fleet-Footed
Detect (Affinity) 54 Enchant Senses (Senses) 56 Stormer 711 19
Dim/Flicker Lights (Illumination) 57 Endeavour Powered Infantry Armour 51 Wraith Raiders 14
Dirty Fighter 29 Enforcer SHIVER 84 Flesh Friction 66
Dispersal Riot Shield 51 Enhancement (Affinity) 54 Flick Scythe 44
Dispersal SHIVER 84 Enlightenment 35 Flintlock 42
Dispersal Smoke Grenade Dispenser 50 Entangle (Glyph) 56, 67 Flip 72
Distracter 42 Enviro Scanner 41 Flush 73
Distractions (Optional Rule) 67 Flux Battery 33
Flux Gem Matrices 42 Hardtek Concrete Saw 44 Jump Recovery 35
Flux Surge 33 Hardy
Fly (Glyph) 56, 58 Stormer 714 18 K
Focus Gem 42 Heads-Up Display 40
Fold Object (Glyph) 57 Karma KS 73
Healing (Affinity) 54
Formulae 21 KAV Clothing 48
Healing (Glyph) 56, 58
Formulation 61 Keeping Things Moving 78
Healing (Polymorph) 69
Fragile Armour (Optional Rule) 8 Keshang 49
Heal Deathsuit 61
Frag Grenade Bolas 44 Kickback 53
Heal Minor Bruises/Plants (Glyph) 57
Freezing Blast 35 KickStart 73
HEAP 11, 47, 49, 50, 51, 84, 85
Fritz Battle Drone 87 KickStart+ 73
Heavy Power Chassis 40
Frother 14 KickStart Solo 73
Heavy Punch 28
Fully Enclosed 40 Kick Murder Squad Training Package 11,
Heavy Sleeper 24
Full Air System 40 25
HESH 11, 47, 49, 50, 51, 84, 85
Kilcopter 49
Hi-Velocity Boom Hammer 44
G KK20 ‘Panther’ 45
Hindrances 22–24
KK30 ‘Ripper’ 45
Hindrances from Other Settings 24
GA47 Semi-Automatic Pistol 45 Knife 44
Hit Locations 8
GA50 ‘Finisher’ Assault Rifle 46 Knowledge 21
Hoard Ammo 28
GAG60 Bolts 39 KPS ‘Mangler’ AS 47
Homeless 22
Gaining Stress 5
Honesty 73 L
GAK 19 Assault System 46
Hose Em Down 29
Gamesmastering Savage SLA Industries
Huge (Stormer 714) 18 LAD Drawbacks (Optional Rule) 75
Human 13 Lamp Mount 38
Ganger 79
Hypnowear 48 Lamp Mount (Armour) 40
GASH 021070 Chain Axe 44
Gash Fist 44 Language (Ebon) 16
GASH Pacifier Baton 44
I Language (Edge) 30
Gator 330 Security Stormer 83 Language (Wraith) 15
Ice Blade 62, 66
GA ‘J’ Personal Transport Jeep 49 Large
Ice Trapping 35
GA 9442 Browbeater 50 Ice Worlder (Wraith Raider) 15 Shaktar 15
GA 9443 Mini-Browbeater 50 Illumination (Affinity) 54 Stormer 313 17, 89
GA Weapon Maintenance Kit 41 Illumination Gem 42 Laser Painter 39
General Hindrances 22 Impression 62 Learning Glyphs 53
Genetic Mirror 31 Improved Crushing Blow 27 Lesser Carrien 80
Getting Close 53 Improved Durability 40 Life After Death 75
GFX Gore-Effect Edges (Close Combat Improved Exo-skeleton (Armour) 40 Lift Small Object (Glyph) 57
Weapons) 38 Improved Hoard Ammo 28 Lighting Reflexes 31
Ghost Fire 66 Improved Hose Em Down 29 Light (Glyph) 56, 58
Giant Rat 82 Improved Jump Recovery 35 Listen To Your Players 78
Glyph Cards 42 Improved Marksman 28 Live-Wire ‘Debaser’ 75
Glyph Creation 65 Industrial Weapons 44 Living Gore Cannon 37
Glyph Creation (Edge) 37 Infrared Scope Add-On 39 Living Suit 36
Glyph Pillars 67 Inner Calm (Edge) 68 Localised Armour Damage (Optional
Gore Cannon Attack 65 Interdermalise Deathsuit 35 Rule) 8
Gore Canon 42 Interdermalise Gore Cannon 37 Long Limbed 88
Gore Canon (Affinity) 55 interminable bureaucracy 5 Losing Stress 5
Gore Shield (Armour) 40 Internal Affairs Investigator 84 Low-Light Vision 88
Gore shield (Close Combat Weapons) 38 Intrusion 66 Low-Light Vision (Wraith Raider) 14
Graceful (Wraith Raider) 14 Investigation & Interrogation Training Lower Trait (Glyph) 56, 58
Greater Carrien 80 Package 11, 25 Low Wave 114 83
Greater Carrien Alpha 81 Invisibility (Glyph) 56, 58 Loyal (Shaktar) 15
Greater Healing (Glyph) 56, 58 IR/UV Goggles 41 Lumo 72
Groundhog 29 IR/UV Vision & Lamps 41
Grudge 28 ITB Jolt Glove 44 M
Guardian Glyphs 67 ITB Mutilator 44 Machete 44
Gunhead 45 MAC Knife 44
J Maghold 41
H Mainliner 31
Jade Probe 42
Haggard 23 Jolt Glove 44 Malice 17
Harden Carapace 31 Jump Jets 40 MAL Assault Cannon 46
Hardtek Arc Welder 44 Jump Port 62 MAL Shock Armour 48

Manchine 82 No Personality (Vevaphon) 20 Stormer 714 18
Mangler 47 No Retreat, No Surrender 31 Prometheus Gene (Minor) 19
Manifesting Glyphs 53 Prometheus Gene and Knockout Blows
Man Hunter 30 O 18
Marksman 26 Prometheus Unbound 32
Martial Arts 29 Obscure (Glyph) 56, 66
Props 79
Masher Sub-Spiking and Texture Re- One-Way True Powered Armour 51
Protect (Affinity) 55
moulding 38 Operative Weapons 44
Psycho-Reactive Ebb Matter 66
Master Blaster 36 Optional Armour Rules 8
Psychovirus 67
Maul, Claw and Teeth Enhancement 75 Oscillating-Head Warhammer 44
Puppet (Glyph) 56
Mauler/Chopper Reengineering 38 Outsider 88
Mean 23 Overburn Chassis 40 Q
Mean (Hindrance) 75 ower Sander 44
Mechanics Training Package 11, 26 Oyanas-brand Eyes 74 Quad Limb Dominion 74
Media Training Package 11, 26 Quickness (Glyph) 56, 59
Medical Training Package 11, 26
P Quick (Stormer 711) 19
Medikit Bond 36 Quick Change 32
Pacifier Baton 44
Metaboost 71 Quirk - Clan Colours 14
Padquil Flak Vest 48
Mighty Blow 30 Pain Away 73
Mimic (Polymorph) 69 R
Panther 45
Mind Block 63 Pathfinder 42 Race 10
Mind Probe 63 Perfect Health (Glyph) 57 Races 13–20
Mini-Browbeater 50 Personal Fit (Armour) 40 Racial Edges 30
MJL Power Claymore 44 Personal Interest 72 Rangefinder 41
MJL Power Disc 44 Physical Manipulation 63 Reality Folding (Affinity) 55
MJL Power Lochaber Axe 44 Piloting 21 Really Dirty Fighter 29
Modified Glyphs 57 Pilot & Navigation Training Package 11, Recoil 7
Mod Head 22 26 Recoil Baffling 39
Monarch Law Enforcement Officer 79 Pineal Stim 42, 71 Recruited Frother 14
Mort Civilian 79 Pistols 45 Reducing Recoil 39
Mort Rat Swarm 82 Pistol Ammunition 47 Red Rain 66
Mort Roach Swarm 82 Pistol Grip 39 Regeneration (Glyph) 64
Motion Scanner 41 Pitch Black (Glyph) 66 Rend 32
Mounted Flashlight (Firearms) 39 Play Dirty 88 Repairing Armour 8
Multidexterity 28 Polymorph 21, 69 Repair Armour 40
Mutant Carrien 81 Polymorph (Ab) 20 Resist Cold & Heat (Glyph) 56, 59
Mutilator 44 Possessions (Character Creation) 12 Resurrection 58
Possession Edges 27 Retardation of Psychosis 58
N Post-Combat Cleanup 77 Rich 27
Natural Aptitude 27 Powercell 48 Ride the Wave 32
Natural Armour Power Chassis 40 Rifle Ammunition 47
Power Claymore 44 Rigid Upbringing (Shaktar) 15
Stormer 711 19
Power Disc 44 Riot Foam Dissolution Spray 43
Vevaphon 20 Power Lochaber Axe 44 Riot Foam Grenade 43
Natural Races 10 Power Pick 44 Riot Shield 51
Natural Weapons 88 Power Projects Canned Plate 41 Rip 32
Shaktar 15 Power Reaper 46 Ripper 45
Stormer 313 17, 89 PP10 48 Rock & Roll! 25, 29
Stormer 714 18 PP100 48 Rose Garden 44
Vevaphon 20 PP104 48 Rush 71
Navamap 42 PP112 48
Necanthrope 86 PP644 Body ‘Blocker’ 48 S
Necanthropes 54, 85 PP7 48
Necanthrope (Edge) 36 PP70 48 SARGE Battle Armour 51
Necanthrope Edges 36 PP8 48 SCAF Helibike 49
Necanthrope Glyphs 65 PP9 48 SCAF Pilot 84
New Glyphs 33, 59 Precognitive Healing 36 Scarab Espionage Drone 87
New Rules 5–9 Predator 32 Scav 83
New Rules at a Glance 9 Professional Edges 30 Scav Alpha 83
NiteLite 72 Prometheus Gene Science Friction 53
Notice Me (Glyph) 57 Stormer 313 17, 89 Science Friction Items, Creating 65
No Mercy 29 Science Friction Items, Using 67
Stormer 711 19

Scope 39 Stable Mind 13 Traits 11
Scouting Training Package 11, 26 Standard SHIVER 84 Tranquillity (Edge) 68
Scout Helm 48 Static Shock (Glyph) 57 TRI 46
Screamer 38 Stealth Systems 43 Tripod 38
Screaming Eagle 46 Sterile 23 Trueshot 46
Sector Mutants 83 Stinger 66 True Track 64
Sector Ranger 30 Stingray 49 Two-Weapon Fighting 7
Self Aware (Ebon) 16 Stormer-Only Hindrances 24
Senses (Affinity) 55 Stormers 10 U
Sense Ebon (Glyph) 57 Stormer 313 17, 89
Sentient Gore Cannon 37 Stormer 711 19 Ultra Violence 71
Seraphim Defender 44, 48 Stormer 711 - Xeno 19 Unnerving Presence (Glyph) 57
Seraphim Defender II 44, 48 Stormer 714 18 Unsuitable Hindrances 22
Serial Killer 79 Stormer 714 - Chagrin 18 Upgraded Armour 40
Sewergator 83 Stormer 720 - Grit 89 Upgraded Cutting Surface 38
Sewer Rat 30 Stormer Hindrances 17 Upgraded Housing 11
Shaktar 15 Streak 73 Urban Monsters 80
Sharpshooter 29 Streetwise 21 Urban Warlock 80
Shatter 71 Stress 5, 75 UV Scope Add-On 39
SHEER Assault Rifle 50 Stressed Out 23
Shell Augmentation 74, 75 Stressful Situations 6
SHIVER Equipment 42 Striker 48 VAPH III Assault Cannon 50
Shock Tendons 74 Strike Squad Training Package 11, 26 Vat Grown (Stormer Hindrances) 17
Shotguns 47 Stunner 38 Vector Box 42
Shotgun Ammunition 47 Stun (Glyph) 56, 59, 66 Velkra Sigerson Street 48
Shred-A-Lot Configuration 38 Style Consultant 29 Velkra Techwear 48
Sigerson Street 48 Sub-Machine Guns 45 Vevaphon 20
Signature Move 29 Sucker 23 vevs in a barrel 46
Silencer 39 Suck Flux 64 Vibro/Mutilator Enhancement 38
Silverback 48 Sunlight Sensitive 88 Vibrodisc 45, 47, 49
Simplify 77 Suppressor 39 Vibrosabre 44
Sinewbrace 74 Surekill 46 Vid Head 13, 23
Sinewshock 74 Surveyor Transition Optics 75 Violent (Brain Waster) 16
Skeletal Enhancement: Claws 74 Survival 21 Vito Recon Drone 87
Skeletal Enhancement: Elbow/Knee 74 Survivor 79, 88 Vow - The Clan 14
Skeletal Enhancement: Quills 74 Sword 44 Vox-Plus 72
Skeletal Enhancement: Teeth 74
Skeletal Enhancement Retraction 75 T W
Skills 21
Skill List 12, 21 Targetting a sci-fri item 42 Waldo Mount 39
SLA Blade 44 Tech 21 Wall Walk 65
SLA Climbing Kit 42 Techwear 48 Warcry 32
SLA Dream Believer 32 Telegenics 8, 21 Warhammer 44
SLA Electronic and Manual Lock picks 42 Telekinesis (Affinity) 55 Warrior Caste (Shaktar) 15
SLA Maintenance Worker 79 Telekinesis (Glyph) 56, 59 War World Weaponry 43
SLA Operatives 84 Teleport (Glyph) 56, 59 Way of the Brave 6
Sledgehammer 44 Thermal Ball 36 Weapons (New Rules) 7
Slipknife 43 Thermal Gauge 42 Weapon Maintenance Kit 41
Slosh 72 The Hit 70 Weapon Mount 40
Smite (Polymorph) 69 Thin Skinned 24 White Noise 73
Smoke Grenade Dispenser 50 ThirdEye Finance Chip Scanner 41 Wild Boar 46
Smother Grenade 43 ThirdEye Journalist/Camera Operator 79 Wired At Birth 14
Snail Drum Magazine 39 ThirdEye Navigation Maps and Discs 42 Withdrawal 70
Sniper Rifles 46 Thought Plant 64 Worksmart 48
Snubber 45 Thresher/War World Ammunition 51 Wraith Raider 14
Social Edges 29 Thresher Cannon 50
Soft Drugs 72 Thresher Inc. Equipment 43 X
Soothing Touch 36 Thresher Power Suit Pilot 87
Thresher Power Suit Veteran 87 Xeno 19
Speak Language (Glyph) 56
Speed (Glyph) 56 Thug Life 14
Track OpticS Enviro Scanner 41 Z
Spore Tech Bio-Filters 75
SP Vibro 45 Track OpticS Motion Scanner 41 Zero Charisma (Hindrance) 23
Training Packages 10, 25


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