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Treating Impulsive Addictive and Self

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ERICA viscaria.


Erica, antheris muticis, inclusis; corollis campanulatis, viscosis; floribus

axillaribus, spicatis; calycibus foliaceis, duplicatis; foliis quaternis,
linearibus, glabris.


Caulis fruticosus, bipedalis, erectus; rami et ramuli simplices, longi,

laxi, superne viscosi.
Folia quaterna, linearia, acuta, glabra, juniora in apicibus ramulis
viscosa; petiolis adpressis.
Flores spicati in medio ramulorum, patentes, axillares; pedunculi
Calyx. Perianthium duplex; foliolis rudibus, viscosis, adpressis,
marginibus glandulosis.
Corolla campanulata, valde mucosa, purpurascens, semiquadrifida;
laciniis reflexis.
Stamina. Filamenta octo linearia. Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ.
Pistillum. Germen globosum. Stylus inclusus, filiformis. Stigma
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret a mensi Aprili, in Julium.


1. Calyx, et Corolla.
2. Calyx, auctus.
3. Corolla.
4. Stamina, et Pistillum.
5. Stamina a Pistillo diducta.
6. Stamen unum, auctum.
7. Stylus, et Stigma, lente aucta.


Heath, with beardless tips, within the blossoms, which are bell-shaped, and
clammy; the flowers grow from the foot-stalks of the leaves close to the
branches forming close spikes; the cups are like the leaves of the plant, and
are double; the leaves grow by fours, are linear and smooth.


Stem shrubby, grows two feet high, and upright; the larger and smaller
branches are simple, long, loose and clammy at the ends.
Leaves grow by fours, are linear, pointed, and smooth, the younger ones
are clammy at the ends of the branches; foot-stalks pressed to the stem.
Flowers grow in spikes about the middle of the branches, spreading out,
and growing from the foot-stalks of the leaves; the foot-stalks very short.
Empalement. Cup double; the leaves unequal, clammy and pressed to the
blossom, with small glands on their margins.
Blossom bell shaped, very clammy, purple, half way cleft into four, the
segments bent back.
Chives. Eight linear threads. Tips beardless and within the blossom.
Pointal. Seed-bud globular. Shaft within the blossom and thread-shaped.
Summit four-cornered.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from April, till July.


1. The Empalement and Blossom.

2. The Empalement, magnified.
3. The Blossom.
4. The Chives, and Pointal.
5. The Chives detached from the Pointal.
6. A Chive, magnified.
7. The Shaft and Summit, magnified.
ERICA Walkeria.


Erica, antheris muticis, sub-inclusis, foliis quaternis, linearibus, glabris;

floribus sessilibus, erectis, quaternis, terminalibus; calycis foliola margine
membranacea, serrato-lacera.


Caulis fruticosus, spithamæus, erectus, ramosus; ramuli frequentissimi,

Folia quaterna, linearia, glabra, crassiuscula, nitida, patentia; petiolis
Flores sessiles, erecti, fastigiati, quaterni, terminales; fere pedunculati.
Calyx. Perianthium duplex, exterius triphyllum, foliolis subulatis,
marginibus membranaceis, serrato-laceris; interius tetraphyllum, foliolis
longioribus, apicibus carneis, adpressis.
Corolla ventricosa, pellucida, ore arctata, extus pallide sanguinea, intus
alba; laciniis sub-cordatis, expansis, maximis.
Stamina. Filamenta octo capillaria; antheræ muticæ, inclusæ.
Pistillum. Germen turbinatum, læviter sulcatum. Stylus subexsertus,
filiformis. Stigma tetragonum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret a mensi Februarii in Junium.


1. Calyx lente auctus.

2. Corolla.
3. Stamina et Pistillum.
4. Stamen unum lente auctum.
5. Pistillum lente auctum.


Heath, with beardless tips, just within the blossom; leaves grow by fours,
linear, and smooth; flowers sit close upon the ends of the branches, upright,
and by fours; the leaves of the cup are skinny at the edge, and sawed as if


Stem shrubby, a span high, upright, and branching; smaller branches

numerous, and nearly upright.
Leaves grow by fours, linear, smooth, thickish, shining, and spreading
out; with very short footstalks.
Flowers sit close in upright bunches, by fours, on the ends of the
branches; scarce any footstalks.
Empalement. Cup double, the outer three-leaved, which are awl-shaped,
having the edges skinny, and sawed as if torn; the inner has four leaves,
which are longer than the others; the points flesh-coloured, and pressed to
the blossom.
Blossom bellied out, and pellucid, the mouth narrowed, without a pale
red, white within; the segments nearly heart-shaped, spreading, and very
Chives. Eight hair-like threads; tips beardless, within the blossom.
Pointal. Seed-bud turban-shaped, slightly furrowed. Shaft just without
the blossom, and thread-shaped. Summit four-cornered.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from February till June.

1. The Empalement magnified.
2. The Blossom.
3. The Chives and Pointal.
4. The Chive magnified.
5. The Pointal magnified.

1. Erica Aitonia
2. .... albens
3. .... ampullacea.
4. .... baccans
5. .... Banksia
6. .... bruniades
7. .... caffra
8. .... calycina
9. .... campanulata.
10. .... capitata
11. .... cerinthoides.
12. .... cernua.
13. .... coccinea.
14. .... conspicua.
15. .... coronata.
16. .... costata.
17. .... cruenta.
18. .... cubica.
19. .... curviflora.
20. .... discolor.
21. .... droseroides.
22. .... exsurgens.
23. .... flexuosa.
24. .... glauca.
25. .... glutinosa.
26. .... grandiflora.
27. .... imbricata.
28. .... incarnata.
29. .... jasminiflora.
30. .... lateralis.
31. .... Leea.
32. .... lutea.
33. .... mammosa.
34. .... marifolia.
35. .... margaritacea.
36. .... Massonia.
37. Erica melastoma.
38. .... monadelphia.
39. .... mucosa.
40. .... Muscaria.
41. .... nigrita.
42. .... obliqua.
43. .... Patersonia.
44. .... Petiveriana.
45. .... physodes.
46. .... pinea.
47. .... β Plukenetia nana.
48. .... pubescens.
49. .... pulchella.
50. .... purpurea.
51. .... pyramidalis.
52. .... radiata.
53. .... ramentacea.
54. .... retorta.
55. .... Sebana aurantia.
56. .... β .... lutea.
57. .... γ .... viridis.
58. .... serratifolia.
59. .... setacea.
60. .... sordida.
61. .... spicata.
62. .... spuria.
63. .... taxifolia.
64. .... tubiflora.
65. .... ventricosa.
66. .... verticillata.
67. .... versicolor.
68. .... vestita alba.
69. ... β.... . purpurea.
70. ... γ .... . coccinea.
71. .... viscaria.
72. .... Walkeria.

Taken from the shape of the tips, and the number of leaves which
surround the stem in one whorle

Antheræ aristatæ. Tips bearded.

Foliis ternis. Leaves by threes.

E. marifolia Marum-leaved, H.
.. pulchella Whipcord-like.
.. discolor Two-coloured.

Foliis quaternis. Leaves by fours.

.. caffra Caffrean.
.. pubescens Downy.
.. mucosa Mucous-flowered.
.. verticillata Whorled-flowered.
.. mammosa Teat-like-flowered.
.. cruenta Bloody.
.. Patersonia Paterson.

Foliis senis. Leaves by sixes.

.. spicata Spike-flowered.

Foliis octonis. Leaves by eights.

.. coronata coronet-flowered.

Antheræ cristatæ. Tips crested.

Foliis sparsis. Leaves scattered.
.. droseroides Sun-dew-leaved.

Foliis ternis. Leaves by threes.

.. calycina Large-cupped.
.. glauca Sea-green.

Foliis quaternis. Leaves by fours.

.. ramentacea Slender-branched.
.. margaritacea Pearl-flowered.
.. lateralis Lateral-flowered.
.. incarnata Flesh-coloured.
.. cernua Nodding-flowered.
.. baccans Arbutus-flowered.
.. physodes Bead-flowered.

Antheræ bicornutæ. Tips two-horned.

Foliis sparsis. Leaves scattered.

.. obliqua Irregular-leaved.

Foliis ternis. Leaves by threes.

.. setacea Bristly-leaved.
.. Aitonia Aiton.
.. jasminiflora Jasmine-flowered.

Foliis quaternis. Leaves by fours.

.. cubica Square-flowered.
.. ventricosa Bellied.
.. ampullacea Flask.
.. conspicua Long-yellow-flowered.
Antheræ Muticæ. Tips beardless.

Foliis oppositis. Leaves opposite.

E. lutea Small yellow, H.

Foliis ternis. Leaves by threes.

.. nigrita Black-tipped.
.. flexuosa Zig-Zag-branched.
.. imbricata Tiled-cup.
.. taxifolia Yew-leaved.
.. albens Whitish-flowered.
.. bruniades Brunia-like-flowered.
.. capitata Woolly-headed.
.. versicolor Various-coloured.
.. costata Ribbed-flowered.

Foliis quaternis. Leaves by fours.

.. Muscaria Musk-Hyacinth-smelling.
.. Walkeria Walker.
.. viscaria Viscous.
.. campanulata Bell-flowered.
.. pyramidalis Pyramidal.
.. radiata Raied-flowered.
.. retorta Filligrane-leaved.
.. serratifolia Sawed-leaved.
.. coccinea Deep-red-flowered.
.. cerinthoides Honey-wort-flowered.
.. Massonia Masson.
.. tubiflora Tube-flowered.
.. curviflora Curve-flowered.
.. spuria Rolling-pin-flowered.
.. sordida Dirty-flowered.
.. grandiflora Large-flowered.
.. exsurgens Ever-flowering.

Foliis scenis. Leaves by sixes.

.. purpurea Purple-flowered.
.. Leea Lee.
.. glutinosa Clammy.
.. pinea Pine-leaved.
.. vestita alba White tremulous.
β ..... purpurea Purple tremulous.
γ ..... coccinea Scarlet tremulous.

Antheræ penicillatæ. Tips pencilled.

Foliis ternis. Leaves by threes.

.. Monadelphia Columnar-threaded.
.. Banksia Banks.
β Plukenetia, nana β Plunkenet, dwarf.
.. melastoma Black-mouthed.
.. Petiveriana Petiver-like.
.. Sebana, aurantia α Seba, orange.
β ....., lutea β ..., yellow.
γ ....., viridis γ ..., green.

Messrs. Lee and Kennedy, Hammersmith, in 1802.

Erica. 1 2 3
1. absynthoides g r p
2. Aitonia d l,b s
3. albens g s,b p
4. ampullacea d l,b s
5. arborea m r l
6. β ... squarrosa m r l
7. γ ... ramosa m r l
8. Archeria d l s
9. arctata g r l
10. articularis g r l
11. assurgens g r p
12. aulacea g r p
13. australis m r l
14. axillaris g r p
15. baccans g r p
16. Banksia g l p,l
17. β ... purpurea g l p,l
18. Blæria g r p
19. β ... rubra g r p
20. bracteata g r p
21. bruniades g r p
22. caffra g r l
23. calycina g r s
24. campanulata g r p
25. canescens d r l
26. capitata g r p
27. β ... minor g r p
28. carinata d b s
29. carnea h r p
30. cerinthoides g l p
31. β ... elatiora g l p
32. cernua d r l,p
33. ciliaris m r p
34. cinerea h r p
35. β ... alba h r p
36. coccinea g l l
37. comosa g s,b p
38. β ... alba g s,b p
39. concolor g l l
40. concinna g l l
41. conspicua g l l
42. coronata d l s
43. corifolia g r p
44. costata g l l,p
45. corymbosa g r p
46. cruenta g l p
47. β ... nana g l p
48. cubica d r s
49. cupressoides d l s
50. curviflora g l p
51. Dabœcii h r p
52. daphneflora g s,b l
53. β ... alba g s,b l
54. declinata g r p
55. denticulata g s,b l
56. densifolia g l p
57. depressa g l p
58. discolor g l l
59. divaricata g r p
60. droseroides d s,b l,p
61. elata g l p
62. elongata g l p
63. empetrifolia g r l,p
64. empetroides g r l,p
65. β ... alba g r l,p
66. enneaphylla d l s
67. erecta g l p
68. exsurgens d l l
69. β ... lutea d l l
70. expansa g r l,p
71. fastigiata g s,b p
72. flammea d l p
73. flexuosa g r p
74. florida g r p
75. florabunda g r l
76. foliosa g l l
77. formosa d l l
78. fucata m r p
79. fulva g l l
80. gelida g l l
81. glauca d s,b s
82. glomerata g r p
83. glutinosa d l s
84. grandiflora g l p
85. halicacaba g l,b l,p
86. hirta g r p
87. hispida g r p
88. hybrida g l p
89. ignescens g l p

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