Checklist For EMI Course Development and Implementation

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Additional Resource: Checklist for EMI Course Development and Implementation

English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI)

Additional Resource: Checklist for EMI Course Development and Implementation

There are many things to consider when creating or revising an EMI course. The main stages of course
revision or development are the Planning Stage, Course Implementation Stage, and Course Revision
Stage. Use the checklist below to guide you as you develop or revise your course. You might not be able
to follow all of these considerations at this time, but you can consider some of these areas for future
course development. Blank rows are included so that you can write in any other steps or considerations

Complete? Task Notes

Planning Stage
Create English language and content requirements for students
o to enroll in the course (e.g., CEFR B2 minimum for English; XYZ
course prerequisites)
o Create English language and content requirements for
instructors to teach the course
o Establish written guidelines of expectations for students &
o Build a group of colleagues who can support each other as you
teach EMI courses
o Create a timeline for implementation, including course planning
and any necessary training, any collaborations with colleagues,
materials design, and student recruitment
o Develop a plan on connecting your content area and course to
your students’ lives and their future careers; include this plan in
your course development
o Do a needs analysis of what your students will need as they
study your content in English; use this information to plan your
o Choose course materials, assignments, and assessments that are
appropriate for the course content and also will be appropriate
for your students’ English level and needs
Create your course syllabus; share it with a colleague for
feedback and revise as needed
[add your notes here]

© 2022 by Ohio University. English as a Medium of Instruction MOOC Resource Checklist for EMI
Course Development and Implementation for the Online Professional English Network (OPEN),
sponsored by the U.S. Department of State with funding provided by the U.S. government and 1
administered by FHI 360. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
License, except where noted. To view a copy of this license, visit
Course Implementation Stage
o Use interactive and student-centered teaching techniques to
help students overcome language barriers as they learn content
in English
o Share your passion for EMI and your course goals with your
students; explain to them how you will help them learn the
content in English
o Give student-friendly lectures and use student-friendly visuals
and handouts
o Provide options and opportunities for students to speak or read
in English outside of class (e.g., a tutoring center or English
language study club)
o Use your native language occasionally, if appropriate, in your
EMI Course
o Create office hours and encourage your students to visit you to
ask questions or receive feedback on their coursework
o Create and use a rubric for each graded assignment; give
students their rubric when you grade their assignments
o Make notes about which lessons confused students and why
o Consider asking a colleague to visit your class and give you any
feedback about what they notice
o Get together with colleagues regularly to discuss challenges and
[add your notes here]

Course Revision Stage

o After the course is over, ask for student feedback on what
strategies helped them learn content in English, or any other
strategies they recommend; consider making this feedback
o Read your notes about confusing lessons or content; make
revisions before teaching the course again
o Share any experiences with your EMI course with your
colleagues or at a workshop or conference

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