Project Manage - Pradeep

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Course: Project Management

Answer of Internal Assignment December – 2023

Answer 1.
Airport planning and architecture exhibit distinct characteristics compared to other
transportation hubs. The intricate regulatory framework governing civil aviation and the
absence of coordination between the Civil Aviation Act and the Building Act provide
significant challenges. Consequently, the order in which tasks, discussions, and the
endorsement of documents occur is ambiguous. The investor and local construction authorities
encounter further obstacles as a result of the airport's unconventional architecture.
Efficient airport planning is crucial and intricate. These factors have the potential to determine
the success or failure of an airport construction project, hence they must be thoroughly
evaluated. Every aspect inside an airport building carries distinct dangers and consequences.

Concept and Application

Progressive expansion of an airport in many stages
1. The construction of the airport building will be divided into the following phases:
Prior to commencing a project, it is important to have a comprehensive understanding
of its objectives and feasibility. The market analysis will evaluate the airport's capacity
to attract both corporate and recreational travelers. The current time presents an
opportune chance to delineate and identify all significant stakeholders, including
investors, governmental entities, civil aviation authorities, and local residents.
Key components comprise:
• Specify the objectives, requirements, and constraints of the project.
• Assess your financial and tangible assets.
• Initially, ascertain the key individuals and their respective functions.
• Identify the requisite building permits and authorizations.
• Collect and transport the required documents for authorizations.
• Collaborate with relevant authorities, particularly regional governments, to guarantee
adherence to regulations.
2. Achieving success in any endeavor involves meticulous strategizing and groundwork.
This section delineates the extent of the project, breaks it down into feasible
assignments, and assigns enough resources.
Key components comprise:
• Assess the viability of potential sites by doing a feasibility assessment.
• Factors such as utility placement, zoning regulations, accessibility, location, and
environmental impact should be taken into account.
• Identifying the optimal location depending on the inquiry.
• Utilize the comprehensive design to compute the financial resources required for the
• Take into account the supplies, personnel, equipment, permits, and contingency plans.
• Develop an elaborate project budget and provide a comprehensive explanation of costs.

3. The design of airports must include sustainability, safety, utility, and beauty. It is
important to adhere to global standards while creating designs that are tailored to local
culture. The proposal enhances passenger mobility, mitigates congestion, and
enhances travel.
Key components comprise:
• Design the fundamental structure of the project.
• Observe the structure from a distance, take into account individuals' preferences, and
their requirements.
• Utilize graphical representations or a three-dimensional model to visually depict the
• Generate a comprehensive construction timeline based on the first concept.
• Design of the interior, construction, cabling, and mechanical components.
• Identify the necessary equipment, materials, and decorations.
• Complying with all building codes, regulations, and limitations.

4. The processes of planning and purchasing Procurement include the acquisition,

coordination of delivery, and sourcing of both materials and workforce for a project.
During the planning phase, procurement and supply chain managers have the ability to
anticipate and avoid expensive unforeseen events.
Key components comprise:
• An effective approach for obtaining materials, equipment, and services is required.
• Discover suppliers and service providers.
• Commence the building process by establishing a comprehensive calendar that
encompasses crucial dates and significant milestones.

5. Construction execution, the fifth and final phase, entails the actual implementation of
the construction process. The use of regular checks and balances ensures that the plan
remains on course. It is crucial to ensure that the allocation of staff and equipment is
suitable to provide sufficient resources for each phase of the project, while avoiding
any unnecessary wastage.
Key components comprise:
• Maintain efficient organization of personnel and resources.
• Adhere strictly to the predetermined schedule for construction.
• Monitor and document on-site safety, quality, and progress.
• Establish and cultivate connections with vendors and contractors.
• Rectify issues and implement alterations during the construction process.

6. Construction necessitates the occurrence of quality assurance and control inspections

at various stages. Ensuring that airports and other transportation infrastructure adhere
to international safety standards.
Key components comprise:
• Conduct a thorough examination to ensure compliance with all standards and
• Implement quality assurance protocols to systematically assess output on a regular
• Address any errors and violations promptly.

7. Completion and Finalization of the Project:

Key components comprise:
• The construction tasks must be completed.
• Conclude the examination to verify that all prerequisites have been fulfilled.
• Generate user guides and as-built drawings.
• Provide the completed product to the consumer.
8. Even after the commencement of operations, it is necessary to evaluate the airport's
performance in relation to its objectives.
Key components comprise:
• Evaluating the extent to which the project achieved its objectives and adhered to its
design criteria.
• Reflect on the process of building and the valuable insights gained from it.
• Record any problems and enhancements.

Project management involves the strategic planning and systematic organization of all project
stages, spanning from initiation to completion. This all-encompassing approach facilitates the
prompt and cost-effective completion of projects. Cost management, procurement, risk
assessment, and cost control are among the challenging aspects of construction project
management. Effective communication among the project manager, architect, owner,
contractor, and other team members is essential for the successful management of a building
Proactive readiness guarantees that tasks are accomplished as anticipated. Project planners
may effectively monitor progress, predict challenges, and handle construction-related problems
by establishing practical schedules and milestones.

Answer 2.
It is common for project managers to experience initial misunderstandings, particularly during
the early stages of a project. The primary source of confusion arises from conflicts between
time and attention. Implementing a task hierarchy guarantees that all stakeholders have a clear
comprehension of the project's objective and its advancement.
Measuring the extent of task interdependencies is crucial for the primary project team to
optimize productivity and achieve project objectives. Establishing interdependencies demands
significant cognitive effort.
Project managers utilize vectors and compartments to illustrate the interconnections between
activities in a network diagram. Arrows depict the linkages between boxes or nodes, which
symbolize activities.

Concept and Application

An assessment of the critical path
The critical path method (CPM) categorizes project tasks into vital and non-vital ones in order
to mitigate scheduling problems and streamline the workflow. CPM excels in complex
projects that involve several tasks.
1. Creation of an Activity Network Diagram
• Exercise A has a duration of five weeks and does not need any prior knowledge or skills.
• Following Activity A, Activity B has a duration of 10 weeks.
• Activity C will follow Activity A after a duration of eight weeks.
• The completion of D necessitates the involvement of B and C, and typically takes a
duration of six weeks.
• E sequentially follows B and C and has a duration of seven weeks.
• Following E, there will come F, which is a four-week exercise regimen.
• Activity G has a duration of four weeks and starts following the completion of tasks D
and F.
• The last event, H, begins a fortnight following G.
• Calculate the total length of each activity to estimate the time required to complete each
path after identifying all potential paths in the schedule network diagram. The critical
path has the greatest duration.
The network diagram displays the routes.
• The following is a list of weeks labeled A to H, with the corresponding values: 27 = 5
+ 10 + 6 + 4 + 2.
• The total number of weeks from A to H is 25, which is the sum of 5, 8, 6, 4, and 2.
• The sum of the weeks from A to H is 32, which is calculated by adding 5, 10, 7, 4, 4,
and 2.
• The sum of five, eight, seven, four, four, and two equals thirty weeks.
• The maximum duration required to complete Routes A-B-E-F-G-H is 32 weeks.
Therefore, the project's critical path consists of the activities A, B, E, F, G, and H.

2. Allocation of Resources
Resource allocation involves the assignment of individuals, materials, and technology
to specific tasks within a project. Project resource management include the activities of
procurement, distribution, cost and time estimation, and resource allocation.
Three individuals can be allocated jobs using the following approaches:
• Given the absence of any previous instances of assigning many individuals to a task
intended for one person, begin with option A. We require the presence of two more
• Execute Activities C and B promptly following Activity A. One person can do B, while
C requires a team of two. This is highly efficient with a team of three individuals.
• A total of five weeks is allocated for this project.
Activity D is dependent on the completion of both B and C. Since D requires three
individuals, each person will be assigned to that location.
• The project will last for a length of 15 weeks.
Step B is a prerequisite for step D, independent of step C. Continue with D.
• The project will last for a duration of 23 weeks.
Following D, initiate E with a single individual, prioritizing the completion of B and C
beforehand. There are two individuals remaining.
• The project will go for a duration of 29 weeks.
Upon dividing into two cohorts that successfully completed Activity E, go to Activity
F. A single individual secured employment.
• The duration of this project is 36 weeks.
Begin with the two individuals from Exercise F, as Exercise D must be completed prior
to Exercise G. There is currently no male individual assigned to the position E.
• The project will last for a length of 40 weeks.
Activity H should commence with a solitary person following Activity G. There are
two individuals remaining.
• The duration of the project is 44 weeks.
By extending the duration of Activity H by two weeks, the overall project timeline will
be extended to a total of 46 weeks.

3. Activity scheduling without resource constraints

• Initiate Activity A without any prerequisites.
• Activity B and Activity C are independent of Activity A, allowing them to commence
simultaneously upon its completion.
• Stages D and E can proceed without interruption after stages B and C. Since the
presence of B and C is necessary for the occurrence of D and E prior to them.
• Activity F can commence promptly following Activity E as it is contingent upon it.
• Proceed to G following D and F.
• Upon finishing Activity G, you proceed to complete Activity H.

Efficient project management necessitates a comprehensive evaluation of the critical route and
activity network. To ensure project development and adherence to financial constraints, it is
essential to comprehend the interconnections between tasks, resources, and allocations.
Hence, a project manager must possess the ability to adjust to different circumstances, exercise
sound discernment, and employ a variety of planning techniques.
The project's duration is greatly impacted by labor restrictions under the given conditions. This
highlights the need of reconciling the optimal schedule determined by critical path analysis
with the practical limitations imposed by scarce resources.

Answer 3a.
The consolidation of industrial facilities intensifies during periods of increased competition
and logistical constraints. The closure and relocation of production lines is a complex challenge
that requires both technical expertise and effective leadership.
Manufacturing plays a vital role in the economic development of any country. They facilitate
job creation and manufacture products. Nevertheless, financial difficulties sometimes lead to
the closure of several businesses due to substantial losses.
Workers, who rely on the company for their means of living, also experience financial setbacks.

Concept and Application

In recent years, manufacturers have closed down industrial plants, corporate offices,
warehouses, and facilities for various reasons. Manufacturers often neglect their legal or
planning obligations regarding human resources.
1. Potential concerns regarding the closure of a facility
• Employee resistance might arise due to feelings of career fear or strong business
devotion. It is imperative that employees receive enough notification and remuneration
for any hours lost during the termination process.
• Financial limitations hinder a smooth transition. The buildup of debt following a
tragedy might potentially result in the permanent collapse of an institution.

• Legal restrictions may be subject to dispute by relevant individuals or authorities.

Ensure that you thoroughly review the leases of the building. The rental period may
persist until the lease reaches its expiration date.

2. Plan for the Closure of the Facility

• Given that they are the fundamental support of the firm, the shutdown of the plant will
have a detrimental impact on the personnel.

• Employees may be eligible for unemployment insurance. Employees would be granted

this exceptional gratuity to assist them in their job search.

• Employees may pursue other employment opportunities through them. This

encompasses assisting with networking, curriculum vitae development, and training for
acquiring new skills.

3. Furthermore, the management of gears

• Equipment functionality is highly valued by owners. The majority of the facility's
equipment is highly efficient.

• Alternative companies may have a desire for the equipment.

• Enterprises have the option to borrow the equipment. This option serves as an excellent
substitute for nearby companies that require more machinery.

• The proprietors are deeply concerned about the utilization of the facility. The site
retains many structures, including a substantial warehouse.

• The structures can potentially be transferred to alternative organizations.

• Furthermore, they have the option to sublease the area to other organizations. This
might be an excellent choice for neighboring businesses in need of more space.
4. Law Administration
• Adhere to all closing limitations.

• Examine your contracts to ascertain the potential expenses and responsibilities

associated with terminating them prematurely.

An intricately devised transition strategy is crucial for a seamless termination process that
reduces disruptions and fulfills the requirements of all parties involved. This plan must
consider the intricacy of the project, the requirements of the workers, and the demands of the
The process of shutting down manufacturing plants necessitates meticulous planning and
precise implementation. The company's proprietors must ensure a lawful termination and
quickly inform all stakeholders.

Answer 3b.
Closing a facility is a challenging but important task for every company. Employees may
experience emotional discomfort, and organizations may incur financial losses or become non-
operational. An analytical and managerial team is required to assess and oversee employee
benefits, mitigate environmental risks, safeguard confidential information, and handle public
The official closing report encompasses crucial process decisions, activities, and results. The
reasoning, deeds, and outcomes of the closure are thoroughly explained.

Concept and Application

The post-closure measures that address remaining concerns and take advantage of future
opportunities guarantee a seamless transition for the property and all parties involved,
extending beyond the report.
The closure reports need the inclusion of the following particulars:
• Introduction: A concise review of the report's primary findings and reasons for ending.
• Rationale for Termination: a comprehensive elucidation of VISP's operational,
financial, and strategic justifications for termination.

• A synopsis of the concluding remarks and concerns expressed by significant parties.

• Asset Liquidation Particulars: Comprehensive information on the assets that have been
sold, transferred, or retained, together with their corresponding financial implications.

• The Employee Transition Plan outlines the provisions for re-education, separation
incentives, employment transitions, and other components of the transition plan.

• Environmental impact assessment involves the determination of potential risks and the
identification of measures to minimize them.

• Financial Overview - Costs associated with closing operations, obligations, and selling
off assets. Comprehensive elucidation of the obligations pertaining to the conclusion
of legal and regulatory matters.

Impacts of Closure
• Post-closure, it is imperative to monitor ecological and engineering concerns.

• Effective communication facilitates the formulation of development strategies and the

resolution of challenges within the research community.

• Maintain optimal condition of your assets.

• Supervise and support people who have undergone retraining or relocation, assisting
them in overcoming obstacles.

• Regularly conduct audits to verify compliance with closing financial duties.

• Frequent consultation of stakeholders is necessary to address emerging challenges.

• Take into account enhancements to the site and infrastructure projects.

A methodology will be employed to assess different methods of project completion. In
addition to the typical choices, there could be other alternatives that vary significantly in terms
of cost, societal approval, effectiveness, danger, and other attributes. Conducting research,
designing evaluations, including stakeholders, and assessing risks are necessary in order to
determine the appropriate closing processes, which may require a significant amount of time.
To ensure a successful transition, SAIL may maintain comprehensive documentation of the
closure process and actively engage in post-close activities.

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