Fr-Dcmg-Mmpy Um en v4.2

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User Manual

Version 4.2

DC System Monitor:FR-DCMG-MMPY

Fonrich (Shanghai) New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.

Add: 1st Floor, Building 5, No.999 Jiangyue Road, Minhang District,Shanghai

Tel: +86 21 61679671
Email: [email protected]

Table of Contents
Product description.......................................................................................................................................... 3
The main function..................................................................................................................................... 3
Documentation statement...................................................................................................................... 3
Terminal definition.................................................................................................................................... 4
Controller connection diagram............................................................................................................. 5
Ground connection and communication shield............................................................................... 6
Operation interface display............................................................................................................................ 7
Key operation............................................................................................................................................. 7
Initial interface display............................................................................................................................. 7
Histogram interface.......................................................................................................................... 7
Channel current and power generation display interface..................................................... 9
Parameter setting interface.................................................................................................................. 10
Current calibration setting interface.......................................................................................... 10
Software version number display interface............................................................................. 10
Alarm status display interface............................................................................................................. 11
Channel arc fault alarm interface................................................................................................11
Fault alarm clear interface............................................................................................................ 11
Items that can generate alarms can be set.............................................................................. 12
Alarm conditions..................................................................................................................................... 12
Alarm message................................................................................................................................ 13
MODBUS Protocol definition....................................................................................................................... 14
Communication format configuration...................................................................................... 14
Data frame format description (refer to Modbus RTU standard)......................................14
Function code description............................................................................................................ 14
Register description........................................................................................................................15
Register description in bit units (function code 02)......................................................... 15
Register description in word unit (function code 03 04 06).......................................... 28
Appendix........................................................................................................................................................... 34
Document revision record.................................................................................................................... 35
Contact us................................................................................................................................................. 37

Product description
FR-DCMG DC monitor products are mainly used in DC power transmission and distribution,
such as photovoltaic combiner boxes, DC cabinets, telecommunications equipment rooms
and communication base stations. It communicates with the host computer through RS485
or industrial wireless. Its main function is to monitor the current of each branch in the DC
system, the bus voltage, the temperature of the cabinet, the status of the lightning arrester
and the status of the DC breaker. It can realize automatic alarm for abnormal conditions and
real-time detection of the presence of harmful arcs in the DC circuit.

The main function

• Monitoring function: Real-time monitoring of the generation current, voltage,
temperature of the combiner box, lightning arrester status, DC circuit breaker status,
and DC arc fault status of each photovoltaic string in the combiner box, and
communicate with the host computer through RS485.
• Display content: For the detected voltage, current, temperature, switching state,
power generation and other data, the FR-DCMG-MMPY can display a histogram
interface through the LCD to read the current and other data more intuitively.
• Alarm function: It can be configured to open or close the alarm according to the
actual needs of the scene. When the alarm occurs, the interface will pop up an alarm
• Current calibration: identify zero drift and improve the accuracy of current
identification. (Default off)
• Compatibility:Program compatible model FR-DCMG-MMPD products

Documentation statement
This manual is applicable to the monitoring host whose model is FR-DCMG-MMPY.
The software version is A0F2.
See page 11 for software version viewing method

Terminal definition

Symbol Meaning
PV+ . PV- PV DC bus power supply terminal

NC Not connecion

S Not connecion

A.B RS485 Communication terminal

FG Fixed Ground terminal

TS1.TS2 Externally connected temperature sensor terminals

SG Temperature sensor and digital input ground terminal

DI1.DI2.DI3.DI4 4 digital input terminals

FUC Can connect modules with FUC interface
FMB Modules with an FMB interface can be connected, such as the FR-DCMG-AS4A
DC Arc Detector.

Controller connection diagram

Ground connection and communication shield

The FG terminal of the FR-DCMG must be grounded, otherwise communication will

interfere and the reliability of the device will decrease. The grounding wire should be
grounded nearby. The grounding wire should be no more than 15cm from the “FG”
terminal to the bottom of the combiner box. It is recommended to be within 10cm. The
shorter the better, the thicker the better. The bottom of the combiner box should be
connected to the ground. The main control unit module is fixed on a standard guide rail
with a width of 3.5 cm.

The wiring specifications of the communication shielded wire are shown in the figure above:
The wiring of on-site communication lines requires that the communication shield can only
be grounded at a single point, otherwise there will be a risk of lightning surge damage to
all equipment on the entire communication line during a lightning strike;

If you encounter a situation where communication line interference is too large to

communicate, you can refer to the figure above, and insert a high voltage capacitor C
<100nF between the shielded wire of each combiner box and the ground wire, and use
this capacitor to filter the shielding layer interference.

Operation interface display
Key operation

FR-DCMG-MMPY has four keys “ESC”, “-”, “+”, and “SET”.

"ESC" key is used to return to the default interface and cancel parameter setting;
“SET”key is used to enter the parameter setting mode, select the parameter to be set and
complete the setting of the parameter;
The "+" and "-" keys are used to scroll the screen and adjust parameters;
Press the "+" and "-" keys at the same time to display the software version interface;
Press the "ESC" and "-" keys simultaneously to display the current calibration interface;
If there is no key operation for 10 seconds, the interface will automatically jump to the
default interface of the current mode, and the brightness will decrease after 5 seconds.

Initial interface display

The factory default is Modbus mode. When the host computer is connected to the
device via RS485 and communicates, the LED lights “R” and “P / T” will flash
alternately to indicate normal communication. When the device is not connected to
communication, it restarts by default every 5 minutes, or you can turn off the default
restart function, which can be turned off through the 0xF003 register.

Histogram interface

The histogram interface is the default display interface of Modbus mode, as shown

The histogram in the figure shows the current value detected by each channel. The
initial interface display range is: -2A ~ 10A. You can also set register 0x0B16, which
displays -2A ~ 20A and -2A ~ 30A. Because a six-channel Hall sensor is connected, every

six channels are distinguished during display, and the current channels are from 1 to 24 in
order from left to right. The order of the current channels can also be set in reverse order.
The lightning icon in the upper left corner indicates that the FR-DCMG-MMPY horn-
connected Hall sensor with arc monitoring function; "24" indicates the current online arc
and current channel number; "1111" indicates the real-time status of the digital input DI1
~ DI4; "1250V" Represents the real-time voltage value of the bus. If there is no key
operation within 5 seconds, the screen brightness will decrease.

Channel current and power generation display interface

In the histogram mode, press the "+" or "-" key to enter the channel current and
power generation display interface. The current value and cumulative power generation of
each channel are displayed on the screen. When the "+" key is pressed first, the digital
value of the current is displayed first, and when the "-" is pressed first, the digital value of
the current is displayed first

The value of cumulative power generation. When viewing the values of current and
cumulative power generation, you can scroll through the screen by continuing to press the
"+" or "-" key. After the current display is completed, continue to press the "+" key to start
displaying the cumulative power generation. The figure above shows the current display
interface. “CH1:” in the figure indicates that the current value monitored by channel 1 in
real time is “6.929A”, and so on.

The figure below shows the cumulative power generation display interface. "CH1:" in
the figure indicates that the cumulative power generation of channel 1 is "6.929kwh", and
so on.

Parameter setting interface

In the histogram interface, press the "SET" key to enter the Modbus parameter
setting interface. The Modbus parameter setting is as follows:

• ADDR: The communication address of the Modbus slave node, the range is 1 ~ 247 (default is

• PAR: The data verification method of Modbus communication. The optional parity (None), odd
parity (Odd), even parity (Even), and no parity by default.

• BPS: Baud rate for Modbus communication. The selectable baud rates are 2400, 4800, 9600
(default), 19200, 38400.

Current calibration setting interface

Press the "ESC" and "-" keys at the same time to enter the current calibration setting
interface, as shown below:

To use this feature, please contact the company's technical support staff.

Software version number display interface

In the histogram interface, press the "+" and "-" keys at the same time to enter the
software version number display interface, as shown below:

• HV:Keep

• SV:Software version number

• ST:Keep

Alarm status display interface

Alarm messages can be cleared remotely and manually. Manual clearing requires
long-pressing the host's "ESC" key for 2 seconds, remote clearing requires writing "1" to
register 0x0079 to clear. If an arc alarm occurs, it must be cleared manually or remotely.
Restarting the host will still display the alarm message.

Channel arc fault alarm interface

After the DC arc sensor detects the occurrence of a fault arc, the alarm information
interface of the host is as shown below.

In the figure above: "02" means channel arc fault alarm, and "4" means that the fault
arc alarm channel is 4.

Fault alarm clear interface

The host sends an alarm when it detects a fault, and the user can choose to handle it
locally or remotely. By long-pressing the "ESC" key for about 2 seconds locally, the

system jumps out of the interface as shown below, indicating that the alarm status has
been cleared; remote processing needs to write "1" to 0x0079 to clear, and the interface
shown below will be displayed after clearing successfully.

Items that can generate alarms can be set

Voltage is too high

Voltage is too low

Temperature is too high

Channel reverse current

Total reverse current is too high

Total current is too high

Total current is too low

Channel without current

Low channel current

High channel current

Channel current value undercurrent

Channel current value overcurrent

Lightning Arrester Status (DI1)

circuit breaker status (DI2)

Switch DI3 status

Switch DI4 status

Alarm conditions

1. Current reverse, no current, under current, over current, low current, high current, etc.

a. Only when the average value of the channel current is greater than the
set alarm threshold of the current channel, the alarm function of the above
current-related items is activated; otherwise, the alarm status is forcibly
cleared to 0.

b. As for whether the alarm needs to be separately met the respective alarm
conditions (above or below the respective alarm threshold).Alarm message

c. Check if the corresponding alarm register is open, closed by default

Alarm message

• Undercurrent alarm. After the channel average current value is subtracted from the
overcurrent / undercurrent alarm threshold, the current value is still less than or
equal to the current channel start alarm start threshold. The overcurrent /
undercurrent alarm threshold will change as the average current changes.Alarm

• Over current alarm. After the channel average current value plus the over current /
under current alarm threshold, the current value is still greater than or equal to the
current channel start alarm start threshold. The over current / under current alarm
threshold will change as the average current changes.Alarm message

• Low current alarm, when the current is less than or equal to the channel current low
alarm threshold, an alarm occurs.Alarm message

• High current alarm. When the current is greater than or equal to the channel current
high alarm threshold, an alarm occurs.Alarm message

• No current alarm, when the absolute value of the current is less than 250mA, an alarm
occurs.Alarm message

MODBUS Protocol definition
Communication format configuration

• Modbus communication mode: RTU mode

• Address of the slave device: range form 1 to 247 (default 247)

• Baud rate (bps): 2400, 4800, 9600 (default), 19200, 38400

• Byte check mode: odd check, even check, no check (default)

Data frame format description (refer to Modbus RTU standard)

The byte in the communication frame composed by 1 start bit, 8 bits data bit, 1 parity
bit, 1 stop bit like the below table(Refer to standard modbus RTU protocol):

Table 1: Data frame format table

Address Code Function Code Data Area Check Zone

1byte 1byte N*1byte 2bytes

The address code is used to identify the slave that receives the data frame and the
response frame sent by that slave. The function code indicates how the master requires
the slave to respond and the slave responds to that function code. Data area The content
can be the address value, the number of registers, the data from the slave response and
the data sent by the master to the slave, etc., which can hold up to 252 bytes of data. The
check area uses CRC cyclic redundancy to check whether a frame of data is wrong. The
high byte of the data frame comes first, and the low byte comes after.

Function code description

Register reads and writes in bits

• Function code 01 used to read the contents of the bit register

• Function code 02 used to reads the contents of the bit register

• Function code 05 used to write single bit-type registers

The contents represented by the register in bits are: switch value, alarm information,

Register read and write in word units

• Function codes 03、04 are used to read multiple word-type registers

• Function code 06 is used to write single word-type registers

• Function code 16 is used to multiple word-type registers

The content of the word-type registers can be voltage, current, generated energy, etc

Register description

Register description in bit units (function code 02)

Bit address Functional description remark

Hex Decimal

0x021E 542 - -

0x0230 560 - -

0x0231 561 Channel arc alarm status This bit is set when the channel arc strength is above the alarm
threshold. Clear the alarm and set it to 0.

0x0232 562 Bus voltage too low alarm This bit is set when the bus voltage is below the alarm
status threshold. Cleared below the alarm release threshold

0x0233 563 Bus voltage to high alarm This bit is set when the bus voltage exceeds the alarm
status threshold. Cleared below the alarm release threshold

0x0234 564 Temperature sensor 1 This bit is set when the temperature sensor 1 temperature
high temperature alarm exceeds the alarm threshold. Cleared below the alarm release
status threshold

0x0235 565 Temperature sensor 2 This bit is set when the temperature sensor 2 temperature
high temperature alarm exceeds the alarm threshold. Cleared below the alarm release
status threshold

0x0236 566 Channel reverse current When the reverse current is generated in the channel, the

alarm status position is 1, and the alarm is cleared.

0x0237 567 Total reverse current This bit is set when the total reverse current exceeds the alarm
alarm status threshold. Cleared below the alarm release threshold

0x0238 568 Total current too low This bit is set when the total current exceeds the alarm
alarm state threshold. Cleared below the alarm release threshold

0x0239 569 Total current too high This bit is set when the total current exceeds the alarm
alarm state threshold. Cleared below the alarm release threshold

0x023A 570 Channel current value The channel has no current alarm and this bit is set to 1.

0x023B 571 Channel current value Channel undercurrent alarm, this bit is set to 1

0x023C 572 Channel current value Channel overcurrent alarm, this bit is set to 1.

0x023D 573 Channel current value is Channel current low alarm, this bit is set to 1
too low

0x023E 574 Channel current value is Channel current high alarm, this bit is set to 1
too high

0x0240 576 Switch 1 alarm status The state of the device's input switch DI1, 0: open, 1: closed

0x0241 577 Switch 2 alarm status The state of the device's input switch DI2, 0: open, 1: closed

0x0242 578 Switch 3 alarm status The state of the device's input switch DI3, 0: open, 1: closed

0x0243 579 Switch 4 alarm status The state of the device's input switch DI4, 0: open, 1: closed

....... .......... .................... ..........................

0x0260 608 Channel 1 arc alarm status When the arc intensity of the channel is greater than the alarm
threshold, this bit is set to 1; after clearing the alarm, it is set to

0x0261 609 Channel 2 arc alarm status When the arc intensity of the channel is greater than the alarm
threshold, this bit is set to 1; after clearing the alarm, it is set to

0x0262 610 Channel 3 arc alarm status When the arc intensity of the channel is greater than the alarm
threshold, this bit is set to 1; after clearing the alarm, it is set to

0x0263 611 Channel 4 arc alarm status When the arc intensity of the channel is greater than the alarm
threshold, this bit is set to 1; after clearing the alarm, it is set to


0x0264 612 Channel 5 arc alarm status When the arc intensity of the channel is greater than the alarm
threshold, this bit is set to 1; after clearing the alarm, it is set to

0x0265 613 Channel 6 arc alarm status When the arc intensity of the channel is greater than the alarm
threshold, this bit is set to 1; after clearing the alarm, it is set to

0x0266 614 Channel 7 arc alarm status When the arc intensity of the channel is greater than the alarm
threshold, this bit is set to 1; after clearing the alarm, it is set to

0x0267 615 Channel 8 arc alarm status When the arc intensity of the channel is greater than the alarm
threshold, this bit is set to 1; after clearing the alarm, it is set to

0x0268 616 Channel 9 arc alarm status When the arc intensity of the channel is greater than the alarm
threshold, this bit is set to 1; after clearing the alarm, it is set to

0x0269 617 Channel 10 arc alarm When the arc intensity of the channel is greater than the alarm
status threshold, this bit is set to 1; after clearing the alarm, it is set to

0x026A 618 Channel 11 arc alarm When the arc intensity of the channel is greater than the alarm
status threshold, this bit is set to 1; after clearing the alarm, it is set to

0x026B 619 Channel 12 arc alarm When the arc intensity of the channel is greater than the alarm
status threshold, this bit is set to 1; after clearing the alarm, it is set to

0x026C 620 Channel 13 arc alarm When the arc intensity of the channel is greater than the alarm
status threshold, this bit is set to 1; after clearing the alarm, it is set to

0x026D 621 Channel 14 arc alarm When the arc intensity of the channel is greater than the alarm
status threshold, this bit is set to 1; after clearing the alarm, it is set to

0x026E 622 Channel 15 arc alarm When the arc intensity of the channel is greater than the alarm
status threshold, this bit is set to 1; after clearing the alarm, it is set to

0x026F 623 Channel 16 arc alarm When the arc intensity of the channel is greater than the alarm
status threshold, this bit is set to 1; after clearing the alarm, it is set to

0x0270 624 Channel 17 arc alarm When the arc intensity of the channel is greater than the alarm
status threshold, this bit is set to 1; after clearing the alarm, it is set to

0x0271 625 Channel 18 arc alarm When the arc intensity of the channel is greater than the alarm
status threshold, this bit is set to 1; after clearing the alarm, it is set to

0x0272 626 Channel 19 arc alarm When the arc intensity of the channel is greater than the alarm
status threshold, this bit is set to 1; after clearing the alarm, it is set to

0x0273 627 Channel 20 arc alarm When the arc intensity of the channel is greater than the alarm
status threshold, this bit is set to 1; after clearing the alarm, it is set to

0x0274 628 Channel 21 arc alarm When the arc intensity of the channel is greater than the alarm
status threshold, this bit is set to 1; after clearing the alarm, it is set to

0x0275 629 Channel 22 arc alarm When the arc intensity of the channel is greater than the alarm
status threshold, this bit is set to 1; after clearing the alarm, it is set to

0x0276 630 Channel 23 arc alarm When the arc intensity of the channel is greater than the alarm
status threshold, this bit is set to 1; after clearing the alarm, it is set to

0x0277 631 Channel 24 arc alarm When the arc intensity of the channel is greater than the alarm
status threshold, this bit is set to 1; after clearing the alarm, it is set to

....... ........ ................. .......................

0x027F 639 Channel 32 arc alarm When the arc intensity of the channel is greater than the alarm
status threshold, this bit is set to 1; after clearing the alarm, it is set to

0x0280 640 Channel 1 current reverse This bit is set when the channel current is reversed and greater
alarm status than the alarm threshold, otherwise cleared.

0x0281 641 Channel 2 current reverse This bit is set when the channel current is reversed and greater
alarm status than the alarm threshold, otherwise cleared.

0x0282 642 Channel 3 current reverse This bit is set when the channel current is reversed and greater
alarm status than the alarm threshold, otherwise cleared.

0x0283 643 Channel 4 current reverse This bit is set when the channel current is reversed and greater
alarm status than the alarm threshold, otherwise cleared.

0x0284 644 Channel 5 current reverse This bit is set when the channel current is reversed and greater
alarm status than the alarm threshold, otherwise cleared.

0x0285 645 Channel 6 current reverse This bit is set when the channel current is reversed and greater
alarm status than the alarm threshold, otherwise cleared.

0x0286 646 Channel 7 current reverse This bit is set when the channel current is reversed and greater
alarm status than the alarm threshold, otherwise cleared.

0x0287 647 Channel 8 current reverse This bit is set when the channel current is reversed and greater
alarm status than the alarm threshold, otherwise cleared.

0x0288 648 Channel 9 current reverse This bit is set when the channel current is reversed and greater
alarm status than the alarm threshold, otherwise cleared.

0x0289 649 Channel 10 current This bit is set when the channel current is reversed and greater
reverse alarm status than the alarm threshold, otherwise cleared.

0x028A 650 Channel 11 current This bit is set when the channel current is reversed and greater
reverse alarm status than the alarm threshold, otherwise cleared.

0x028B 651 Channel 12 current This bit is set when the channel current is reversed and greater
reverse alarm status than the alarm threshold, otherwise cleared.

0x028C 652 Channel 13 current This bit is set when the channel current is reversed and greater
reverse alarm status than the alarm threshold, otherwise cleared.

0x028D 653 Channel 14 current This bit is set when the channel current is reversed and greater
reverse alarm status than the alarm threshold, otherwise cleared.

0x028E 654 Channel 15 current This bit is set when the channel current is reversed and greater
reverse alarm status than the alarm threshold, otherwise cleared.

0x028F 655 Channel 16 current This bit is set when the channel current is reversed and greater
reverse alarm status than the alarm threshold, otherwise cleared.

0x0290 656 Channel 17 current This bit is set when the channel current is reversed and greater
reverse alarm status than the alarm threshold, otherwise cleared.

0x0291 657 Channel 18 current This bit is set when the channel current is reversed and greater
reverse alarm status than the alarm threshold, otherwise cleared.

0x0292 658 Channel 19 current This bit is set when the channel current is reversed and greater
reverse alarm status than the alarm threshold, otherwise cleared.

0x0293 659 Channel 20 current This bit is set when the channel current is reversed and greater
reverse alarm status than the alarm threshold, otherwise cleared.

0x0294 660 Channel 21 current This bit is set when the channel current is reversed and greater
reverse alarm status than the alarm threshold, otherwise cleared.

0x0295 661 Channel 22 current This bit is set when the channel current is reversed and greater
reverse alarm status than the alarm threshold, otherwise cleared.

0x0296 662 Channel 23 current This bit is set when the channel current is reversed and greater
reverse alarm status than the alarm threshold, otherwise cleared.

0x0297 663 Channel 24 current This bit is set when the channel current is reversed and greater
reverse alarm status than the alarm threshold, otherwise cleared.

..... ....... ................. ....................

0x029F 671 Channel 32 current This bit is set when the channel current is reversed and greater
reverse alarm status than the alarm threshold, otherwise cleared.

0x02A0 672 Channel 1 no current This bit is set to 1 when there is no current in this channel,
alarm status otherwise cleared.

0x02A1 673 Channel 2 no current This bit is set to 1 when there is no current in this channel,
alarm status otherwise cleared.

0x02A2 674 Channel 3 no current This bit is set to 1 when there is no current in this channel,
alarm status otherwise cleared.

0x02A3 675 Channel 4 no current This bit is set to 1 when there is no current in this channel,
alarm status otherwise cleared.

0x02A4 676 Channel 5 no current This bit is set to 1 when there is no current in this channel,
alarm status otherwise cleared.

0x02A5 677 Channel 6 no current This bit is set to 1 when there is no current in this channel,
alarm status otherwise cleared.

0x02A6 678 Channel 7 no current This bit is set to 1 when there is no current in this channel,
alarm status otherwise cleared.

0x02A7 679 Channel 8 no current This bit is set to 1 when there is no current in this channel,
alarm status otherwise cleared.

0x02A8 680 Channel 9 no current This bit is set to 1 when there is no current in this channel,
alarm status otherwise cleared.

0x02A9 681 Channel 10 no current This bit is set to 1 when there is no current in this channel,
alarm status otherwise cleared.

0x02AA 682 Channel 11 no current This bit is set to 1 when there is no current in this channel,
alarm status otherwise cleared.

0x02AB 683 Channel 12 no current This bit is set to 1 when there is no current in this channel,
alarm status otherwise cleared.

0x02AC 684 Channel 13 no current This bit is set to 1 when there is no current in this channel,
alarm status otherwise cleared.

0x02AD 685 Channel 14 no current This bit is set to 1 when there is no current in this channel,
alarm status otherwise cleared.

0x02AE 686 Channel 15 no current This bit is set to 1 when there is no current in this channel,
alarm status otherwise cleared.

0x02AF 687 Channel 16 no current This bit is set to 1 when there is no current in this channel,
alarm status otherwise cleared.

0x02B0 688 Channel 17 no current This bit is set to 1 when there is no current in this channel,
alarm status otherwise cleared.

0x02B1 689 Channel 18 no current This bit is set to 1 when there is no current in this channel,
alarm status otherwise cleared.

0x02B2 690 Channel 19 no current This bit is set to 1 when there is no current in this channel,
alarm status otherwise cleared.

0x02B3 691 Channel 20 no current This bit is set to 1 when there is no current in this channel,
alarm status otherwise cleared.

0x02B4 692 Channel 21 no current This bit is set to 1 when there is no current in this channel,
alarm status otherwise cleared.

0x02B5 693 Channel 22 no current This bit is set to 1 when there is no current in this channel,
alarm status otherwise cleared.

0x02B6 694 Channel 23 no current This bit is set to 1 when there is no current in this channel,
alarm status otherwise cleared.

0x02B7 695 Channel 24 no current This bit is set to 1 when there is no current in this channel,
alarm status otherwise cleared.

...... ....... ........................ ...................

0x02BF 703 Channel 32 no current This bit is set to 1 when there is no current in this channel,
alarm status otherwise cleared.

0x02C0 704 Channel 1 undercurrent This bit is set to 1 when the channel is undercurrent, otherwise
alarm status cleared.

0x02C1 705 Channel 2 undercurrent This bit is set to 1 when the channel is undercurrent, otherwise
alarm status cleared.

0x02C2 706 Channel 3 undercurrent This bit is set to 1 when the channel is undercurrent, otherwise
alarm status cleared.

0x02C3 707 Channel 4 undercurrent This bit is set to 1 when the channel is undercurrent, otherwise
alarm status cleared.

0x02C4 708 Channel 5 undercurrent This bit is set to 1 when the channel is undercurrent, otherwise
alarm status cleared.

0x02C5 709 Channel 6 undercurrent This bit is set to 1 when the channel is undercurrent, otherwise
alarm status cleared.

0x02C6 710 Channel 7 undercurrent This bit is set to 1 when the channel is undercurrent, otherwise
alarm status cleared.

0x02C7 711 Channel 8 undercurrent This bit is set to 1 when the channel is undercurrent, otherwise
alarm status cleared.

0x02C8 712 Channel 9 undercurrent This bit is set to 1 when the channel is undercurrent, otherwise
alarm status cleared.

0x02C9 713 Channel 10 undercurrent This bit is set to 1 when the channel is undercurrent, otherwise
alarm status cleared.

0x02CC 714 Channel 11 undercurrent This bit is set to 1 when the channel is undercurrent, otherwise
alarm status cleared.

0x02CB 715 Channel 12 undercurrent This bit is set to 1 when the channel is undercurrent, otherwise
alarm status cleared.

0x02CC 716 Channel 13 undercurrent This bit is set to 1 when the channel is undercurrent, otherwise
alarm status cleared.

0x02CD 717 Channel 14 undercurrent This bit is set to 1 when the channel is undercurrent, otherwise
alarm status cleared.

0x02CE 718 Channel 15 undercurrent This bit is set to 1 when the channel is undercurrent, otherwise
alarm status cleared.

0x02CF 719 Channel 16 undercurrent This bit is set to 1 when the channel is undercurrent, otherwise
alarm status cleared.

0x02D0 720 Channel 17 undercurrent This bit is set to 1 when the channel is undercurrent, otherwise
alarm status cleared.

0x02D1 721 Channel 18 undercurrent This bit is set to 1 when the channel is undercurrent, otherwise
alarm status cleared.

0x02D2 722 Channel 19 undercurrent This bit is set to 1 when the channel is undercurrent, otherwise
alarm status cleared.

0x02D3 723 Channel 20 undercurrent This bit is set to 1 when the channel is undercurrent, otherwise
alarm status cleared.

0x02D4 724 Channel 21 undercurrent This bit is set to 1 when the channel is undercurrent, otherwise
alarm status cleared.

0x02D5 725 Channel 22 undercurrent This bit is set to 1 when the channel is undercurrent, otherwise
alarm status cleared.

0x02D6 726 Channel 23 undercurrent This bit is set to 1 when the channel is undercurrent, otherwise

alarm status cleared.

0x02D7 727 Channel 24 undercurrent This bit is set to 1 when the channel is undercurrent, otherwise
alarm status cleared.

....... ......... ................... .................

0x02DF 735 Channel 32 undercurrent This bit is set to 1 when the channel is undercurrent, otherwise
alarm status cleared.

0x02E0 736 Channel 1 overcurrent This bit is set to 1 when the channel is overcurrent, otherwise
alarm status cleared.

0x02E1 737 Channel 2 overcurrent This bit is set to 1 when the channel is overcurrent, otherwise
alarm status cleared.

0x02E2 738 Channel 3 overcurrent This bit is set to 1 when the channel is overcurrent, otherwise
alarm status cleared.

0x02E3 739 Channel 4 overcurrent This bit is set to 1 when the channel is overcurrent, otherwise
alarm status cleared.

0x02E4 740 Channel 5 overcurrent This bit is set to 1 when the channel is overcurrent, otherwise
alarm status cleared.

0x02E5 741 Channel 6 overcurrent This bit is set to 1 when the channel is overcurrent, otherwise
alarm status cleared.

0x02E6 742 Channel 7 overcurrent This bit is set to 1 when the channel is overcurrent, otherwise
alarm status cleared.

0x02E7 743 Channel 8 overcurrent This bit is set to 1 when the channel is overcurrent, otherwise
alarm status cleared.

0x02E8 744 Channel 9 overcurrent This bit is set to 1 when the channel is overcurrent, otherwise
alarm status cleared.

0x02E9 745 Channel 10 overcurrent This bit is set to 1 when the channel is overcurrent, otherwise
alarm status cleared.

0x02EA 746 Channel 11 overcurrent This bit is set to 1 when the channel is overcurrent, otherwise
alarm status cleared.

0x02EB 747 Channel 12 overcurrent This bit is set to 1 when the channel is overcurrent, otherwise
alarm status cleared.

0x02EC 748 Channel 13 overcurrent This bit is set to 1 when the channel is overcurrent, otherwise
alarm status cleared.

0x02ED 749 Channel 14 overcurrent This bit is set to 1 when the channel is overcurrent, otherwise
alarm status cleared.

0x02EE 750 Channel 15 overcurrent This bit is set to 1 when the channel is overcurrent, otherwise
alarm status cleared.

0x02EF 751 Channel 16 overcurrent This bit is set to 1 when the channel is overcurrent, otherwise
alarm status cleared.

0x02F0 752 Channel 17 overcurrent This bit is set to 1 when the channel is overcurrent, otherwise
alarm status cleared.

0x02F1 753 Channel 18 overcurrent This bit is set to 1 when the channel is overcurrent, otherwise
alarm status cleared.

0x02F2 754 Channel 19 overcurrent This bit is set to 1 when the channel is overcurrent, otherwise
alarm status cleared.

0x02F3 755 Channel 20 overcurrent This bit is set to 1 when the channel is overcurrent, otherwise
alarm status cleared.

0x02F4 756 Channel 21 overcurrent This bit is set to 1 when the channel is overcurrent, otherwise
alarm status cleared.

0x02F5 757 Channel 22 overcurrent This bit is set to 1 when the channel is overcurrent, otherwise
alarm status cleared.

0x02F6 758 Channel 23 overcurrent This bit is set to 1 when the channel is overcurrent, otherwise
alarm status cleared.

0x02F7 759 Channel 24 overcurrent This bit is set to 1 when the channel is overcurrent, otherwise
alarm status cleared.

....... ........ ................... ...............................

0x02FF 767 Channel 32 overcurrent This bit is set to 1 when the channel is overcurrent, otherwise
alarm status cleared.

0x0300 768 Channel 1 current low This bit is set to 1 when the channel current is too low,
alarm state otherwise cleared.

0x0301 769 Channel 2 current low This bit is set to 1 when the channel current is too low,
alarm state otherwise cleared.

0x0302 770 Channel 3 current low This bit is set to 1 when the channel current is too low,
alarm state otherwise cleared.

0x0303 771 Channel 4 current low This bit is set to 1 when the channel current is too low,
alarm state otherwise cleared.

0x0304 772 Channel 5 current low This bit is set to 1 when the channel current is too low,
alarm state otherwise cleared.

0x0305 773 Channel 6 current low This bit is set to 1 when the channel current is too low,
alarm state otherwise cleared.

0x0306 774 Channel 7 current low This bit is set to 1 when the channel current is too low,
alarm state otherwise cleared.

0x0307 775 Channel 8 current low This bit is set to 1 when the channel current is too low,
alarm state otherwise cleared.

0x0308 776 Channel 9 current low This bit is set to 1 when the channel current is too low,
alarm state otherwise cleared.

0x0309 777 Channel 10 current low This bit is set to 1 when the channel current is too low,
alarm state otherwise cleared.

0x030A 778 Channel 11 current low This bit is set to 1 when the channel current is too low,
alarm state otherwise cleared.

0x030B 779 Channel 12 current low This bit is set to 1 when the channel current is too low,
alarm state otherwise cleared.

0x030C 780 Channel 13 current low This bit is set to 1 when the channel current is too low,
alarm state otherwise cleared.

0x030D 781 Channel 14 current low This bit is set to 1 when the channel current is too low,
alarm state otherwise cleared.

0x030E 782 Channel 15 current low This bit is set to 1 when the channel current is too low,
alarm state otherwise cleared.

0x030F 783 Channel 16 current low This bit is set to 1 when the channel current is too low,
alarm state otherwise cleared.

0x0310 784 Channel 17 current low This bit is set to 1 when the channel current is too low,
alarm state otherwise cleared.

0x0311 785 Channel 18 current low This bit is set to 1 when the channel current is too low,
alarm state otherwise cleared.

0x0312 786 Channel 19 current low This bit is set to 1 when the channel current is too low,
alarm state otherwise cleared.

0x0313 787 Channel 20 current low This bit is set to 1 when the channel current is too low,
alarm state otherwise cleared.

0x0314 788 Channel 21 current low This bit is set to 1 when the channel current is too low,
alarm state otherwise cleared.

0x0315 789 Channel 22 current low This bit is set to 1 when the channel current is too low,
alarm state otherwise cleared.

0x0316 790 Channel 23 current low This bit is set to 1 when the channel current is too low,
alarm state otherwise cleared.

0x0317 791 Channel 24 current low This bit is set to 1 when the channel current is too low,
alarm state otherwise cleared.

.......... ....... ................... .........................

0x031F 799 Channel 32 current low This bit is set to 1 when the channel current is too low,
alarm state otherwise cleared.

0x0320 800 Channel 1 current too This bit is set to 1 when the channel current is too high,
high alarm state otherwise cleared.

0x0321 801 Channel 2 current too This bit is set to 1 when the channel current is too high,
high alarm state otherwise cleared.

0x0322 802 Channel 3 current too This bit is set to 1 when the channel current is too high,
high alarm state otherwise cleared.

0x0323 803 Channel 4 current too This bit is set to 1 when the channel current is too high,
high alarm state otherwise cleared.

0x0324 804 Channel 5 current too This bit is set to 1 when the channel current is too high,
high alarm state otherwise cleared.

0x0325 805 Channel 6 current too This bit is set to 1 when the channel current is too high,
high alarm state otherwise cleared.

0x0326 806 Channel 7 current too This bit is set to 1 when the channel current is too high,
high alarm state otherwise cleared.

0x0327 807 Channel 8 current too This bit is set to 1 when the channel current is too high,
high alarm state otherwise cleared.

0x0328 808 Channel 9 current too This bit is set to 1 when the channel current is too high,
high alarm state otherwise cleared.

0x0329 809 Channel 10 current too This bit is set to 1 when the channel current is too high,
high alarm state otherwise cleared.

0x032A 810 Channel 11 current too This bit is set to 1 when the channel current is too high,
high alarm state otherwise cleared.

0x032B 811 Channel 12 current too This bit is set to 1 when the channel current is too high,
high alarm state otherwise cleared.

0x032C 812 Channel 13 current too This bit is set to 1 when the channel current is too high,
high alarm state otherwise cleared.

0x032D 813 Channel 14 current too This bit is set to 1 when the channel current is too high,
high alarm state otherwise cleared.

0x032E 814 Channel 15 current too This bit is set to 1 when the channel current is too high,
high alarm state otherwise cleared.

0x032F 815 Channel 16 current too This bit is set to 1 when the channel current is too high,
high alarm state otherwise cleared.

0x0330 816 Channel 17 current too This bit is set to 1 when the channel current is too high,
high alarm state otherwise cleared.

0x0331 817 Channel 18 current too This bit is set to 1 when the channel current is too high,
high alarm state otherwise cleared.

0x0332 818 Channel 19 current too This bit is set to 1 when the channel current is too high,
high alarm state otherwise cleared.

0x0333 819 Channel 20 current too This bit is set to 1 when the channel current is too high,
high alarm state otherwise cleared.

0x0334 820 Channel 21 current too This bit is set to 1 when the channel current is too high,
high alarm state otherwise cleared.

0x0335 821 Channel 22 current too This bit is set to 1 when the channel current is too high,
high alarm state otherwise cleared.

0x0336 822 Channel 23 current too This bit is set to 1 when the channel current is too high,
high alarm state otherwise cleared.

0x0337 823 Channel 24 current too This bit is set to 1 when the channel current is too high,
high alarm state otherwise cleared.

.......... ....... ................... .........................

0x033F 831 Channel 32 current too This bit is set to 1 when the channel current is too high,
high alarm state otherwise cleared.

Register description in word unit (function code 03 04 06)

Modbus address Function description Data Type instruction R/W

Hex Decimal
Address 0x0100 ~ 0x0158, a total of 89 consecutive addresses
Address 0x0100 ~ 0x0123, a total of 36 consecutive addresses (data in this address supports data freeze)
0x0100 256 Broadcast time-year, Unsigned Keep to the next broadcast, high 8 digits: R
month short year (2000+), low 8 digits: month
0x0101 257 Broadcast time-day, hour Unsigned Keep to the next broadcast, high 8 digits: R
short day, low 8 digits: hour
0x0102 258 Broadcast time-minutes, Unsigned Keep to the next broadcast, high 8 digits: R
seconds short minute, low 8 digits: second
0x0103 259 Retain
0x0104 260 bus voltage Unsigned Unit V, default 0 R
0x0105 261 Temperature sensor 1 short Unit: 0.1 ° C, default -500 R
0x0106 262 Temperature sensor 2 short Unit: 0.1 ° C, default -500 R
0x0107 263 Switch input Unsigned bit0: DI1, bit1: DI2, R
short bit2: DI3, bit3: DI4
0: open, 1: closed, default 0
0x0108 264 Quantity of online Hall Unsigned Shows the quantity of Hall channels R
channels short currently connected. default 0
0x0109 265 Total reverse current short Unit is 10mA, default is 0 R
0x010A 266 Total current Short Unit is 10mA, default is 0, R
0x010B 267 Average current Short Unit mA, default 0
0x010C 268 Channel 1 to 32 current Short Unit mA, default 0 R
~ ~
0x012B 299
0x012D 301 Alarm status 1 Unsigned Bit0 bus arc, R
short bit1 channel arc,
bit2 low voltage,
bit3 high voltage,
bit4 high temperature 1,
bit5 high temperature 2,
bit6 channel current value is reversed
bit7 reverse total current is high,
bit8 total current is low,
bit9 total current is high,
bit10 channel current value is zero,
bit11 channel current value undercurrent
bit12 channel current value overcurrent
bit13 channel current value is low

bit14 channel current value is high
0: No alarm, 1: Alarm, default 0
0x014B 331 Channel 1 ~ 16 reverse Unsigned Default 0 R
current alarm short 0: No alarm, 1: Alarm
0x014C 332 Channel 17 ~ 32 reverse Unsigned Default 0 R
current alarm short 0: No alarm, 1: Alarm
0x014D 333 Channel 1 ~ 16 no current Unsigned Default 0 R
alarm short 0: No alarm, 1: Alarm
0x014E 334 Channel 17 ~ 32 no Unsigned Default 0 R
current alarm short 0: No alarm, 1: Alarm
0x014F 335 Channel 1 ~ 16 Unsigned Default 0 R
undercurrent alarm short 0: No alarm, 1: Alarm
0x0150 336 Channel 17 ~ 32 Unsigned Default 0 R
undercurrent alarm short 0: No alarm, 1: Alarm
0x0151 337 Channel 1 ~ 16 Unsigned Default 0 R
overcurrent alarm short 0: No alarm, 1: Alarm
0x0152 338 Channel 17 ~ 32 Unsigned Default 0 R
overcurrent alarm short 0: No alarm, 1: Alarm
0x0153 339 Channel 1 ~ 16 current low Unsigned Default 0 R
alarm short 0: No alarm, 1: Alarm
0x0154 340 Channel 17 ~ 32 current Unsigned Default 0 R
low alarm short 0: No alarm, 1: Alarm
0x0155 341 Channel 1 ~ 16 current Unsigned Default 0 R
high alarm short 0: No alarm, 1: Alarm
0x0156 342 Channel 17 ~ 32 current Unsigned Default 0 R
high alarm short 0: No alarm, 1: Alarm
The address 0x0200 ~ 0x02FF, which has a total of 128 consecutive addresses. It is recommended to read in sections.

Power information(0x0200-0x024b)
0x0200 512 Total power Unsigned Unit is 100W, default is 0 R
0x0201 513 Average power Unsigned Unit W, default 0 R
0x0202 514 Channel 1 ~ 32 power Unsigned Unit W, default 0 R
~ ~ short
0x0221 545
0x0222 546 The higher 16bit of the Unsigned Unit Wh, default 0 R
total generated energy short
0x0223 547 The lower 16bit of the total Unsigned Unit Wh, default 0 R
generated energy short
0x0224 548 The higher 16bit of the Unsigned Unit Wh, default 0 R
generated energy of short
0x0225 549 The lower 16bit of the Unsigned Unit Wh, default 0 R
generated energy of short

…… …… ………… …… ………… ……
0x0262 610 The higher 16bit of the Unsigned Unit Wh, default 0 R
generated energy of short
Channel 32
0x0263 611 The lower 16bit of the Unsigned Unit Wh, default 0 R
generated energy of short
Channel 32

System information configuration (0x0B00-0x0B24)

0x0B00 2816 Alarm release Unsigned The percentage of the alarm threshold is W/R
Short used as the alarm release threshold.
Unit %, default 2, setting range 0 to 100
0x0B01 2817 Bus voltage alarm low Unsigned Unit V, default 300 W/R
threshold short
0x0B02 2818 Bus voltage alarm high Unsigned Unit V, default 1000 W/R
threshold short
0x0B03 2819 Temperature sensor 1 short Unit 0.1 ° C, default 800, setting range is W/R
alarm high threshold greater than -400
0x0B04 2820 Temperature sensor 2 short Unit 0.1 ° C, default 800, setting range is W/R
alarm high threshold greater than -400
0x0B05 2821 Total current low alarm Unsigned Unit 10mA, default 1600, (take 16 W/R
threshold Short channels to calculate)
0x0B06 2822 Total current too high Unsigned Unit 10mA, default 1600, (take 16 W/R
alarm threshold Short channels to calculate)
0x0B07 2823 Current channel related Unsigned Unit mA, default 2000. The average W/R
alarm activation threshold Short current value is greater than this value;
the total current is too high, too low, the
channel is undercurrent, overcurrent, no
current, high current, low current,
otherwise these alarms will be forcibly
turned off.
0x0B08 2824 Undercurrent, overcurrent Unsigned Unit mA, default 2000. The average W/R
alarm threshold short current is subtracted from this value as
the undercurrent alarm threshold; the
average current is added to this value as
the overcurrent alarm threshold.
0x0B09 2825 Channel current low alarm Unsigned Unit mA, default 1000. W/R
threshold short
0x0B0A 2826 Channel current high alarm Unsigned Unit mA, default 10000. W/R
threshold short
0x0B0B 2827 Reverse total current too short Unit 10mA, default -600. W/R
high threshold
0x0B0C 2828 Channel reverse current short Unit mA, default -2000. W/R
too high threshold

0x0B0D 2839 - - -
0x0B0E 2830 Channel arc intensity super Short The default is 70.Need to set according to W/R
high alarm threshold the site conditions or customer
requirements, you can call the company's
technical staff
0x0B0F 2831 Retain
0x0B10 2832 Retain
0x0B11 2833 Automatic current Bool Write 1 to enable automatic current W/R
calibration setting calibration, write 0 to disable, default is 0
0x0B12 2834 Manual current calibration Bool Write 1 to start current calibration, write W/R
setting 0 to turn off, default is 0
Note: Make sure the channel has no
current when starting calibration.
0x0B13 2835 Channel 1~16 current Unsigned bit0:Represents the switch setting for W/R
channel switch setting short channel 1
bit15:Represents the switch setting for
channel 16
0 means disabled, 1 means enabled
Default 0xFFFF
0x0B14 2836 Channel 17~32 current Unsigned bit0:Represents the switch setting for W/R
channel switch setting short channel 7
bit7:Represents the switch setting for
channel 24
0 means disabled, 1 means enabled
Default 0xFFFF
0x0B15 2837 External power Unsigned Unit M (min), default 120 minutes. When W/R
management time setting short the photovoltaic power supply stops, the
host can be powered by external 24
power sources, and the power supply
time can be set.
0x0B16 2838 Current UI display, Unsigned Bit0 ~ bit1: Y-axis scale setting of UI W/R
direction, reverse order short interface
control 0 means the UI interface displays the
current up to 10A
1 means the UI interface displays the
current up to 20A
2 means the UI interface displays a
maximum current of 30A
bit2: current channel forward / reverse
sequence setting
(Positive sequence: 1 ~ 24 channels
arranged near the host Hall;
Reverse order: Calculate from 24 to 1
channel near the host Hall)

0 means positive order; 1 means reverse
bit3: Channel current direction setting
0 means the direction is positive, 1 means
the current is reversed.
0x0000 by default;
0x0B17 2839 Retain
0x0B20 2848 Alarm function Unsigned Bit0 Bus arc, W/R
management 1 short bit1 Channel arc,
bit2 Low pressure,
bit3 Over pressure,
bit4 High temperature 1,
bit5 High temperature 2,
bit6 Channel current value is reversed,
bit7 Reverse total current is high,
bit9 The total current is high,
bit10 Channel current value is zero,
bit11 Channel current value is
bit12 Channel current value is
bit13 The channel current value is low,
bit14 The channel current value is high,
1: enable (open) alarm, 0: disable(close)
0x0B21 2849 Alarm function Unsigned Bit0 DI1 W/R
management 2 short bit1 DI2
bit2 DI3
bit3 DI4
bit14: -
bit15: General alarm switch, (function is
forcibly turned on)
1: enable alarm, 0: disable alarm
Default value: 0x800F
0x0B23 2851 Retain

0x0B24 2852 Retain

System information configuration 2 (0x0C00-0x0C06) W/R

0x0C00 3072 Clear power generation Unsigned Write 1 reset energy history record, read W/R
history value record short always 0

System settings (0xFE00-0xFE54)

0xFE00 65024 Modbus address Unsigned Set range 1 ~ 247, default 247. W/R
short Set other values to restore the default

0xFE01 65025 Modbus Baud rate Unsigned 1:2400,2:4800,3:9600,4: W/R
short 19200,5:38400
Default is 3
0xFE02 65026 Modbus Parity Unsigned 0: NONE, 1: ODD, 2: EVEN W/R
short Default is 0

Troubleshooting for screen flicker(Please refer to page 3 of the manual to deal with the
problem of excessive interference from shielded wires)

Document revision record
Revision Time Description

1. Add the alarm recording function of trip failure; 2. Receive

3.1 2016-4-16 background authorization; 3. Support to read the log through

1. Realize automatic allocation of address; 2. Add data freezing

3.2 2016-5-03
function; 3. Add broadcasting function.

1. The peak current range of the interface can be set to 10A,

20A and 30A by modifying the bar graph.
3.3 2016-6-19 2. Increase the frequency of statistical arc alarm.
3. Add the function of log clearance, which can be removed
manually or by Modbus.

1. Add component status detection

3.4 2017-7-14
2. Update the software version number

3.8 2018-4-12 Update the internal register list

3.9 2019-12-26 Update register description, switch alarm description

Update the switch value description, new program interface and

alarm interface;
New-Current calibration function, interface and register
——Arc intensity 10 minutes value register
4.0 2020-01-13
——High/low level switching function, interface and register
in trip mode
——Arc Alarm Strategy
Deletion-broadcast, battery board and other registers

For A025 and above products

Update switch description, terminal definition, new setting
interface and alarm interface;
4.1 2020-04-14
——Arc Intensity 10 Minute Value Register
——Arc Alarm Strategy
——Communication shielded wire wiring specification
——Current calibration function, interface and register

——FAQ (screen flicker troubleshooting method)
——Controller connection diagram
Deletion-Broadcast, battery board and other registers

For A028 and above products

2020-07-06 Add

4.2 ——HS4Q large range registers 0x0400, 0x0500

2020-07-20 Register update suitable for FR-DCMG-MMPY products

Contact us
If you have any questions about this product, please contact us. Please remember the following contact

Fonrich (Shanghai) New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.

Add: 1st Floor, Building 5, No.999 Jiangyue Road, Minhang District,Shanghai

Zip code: 201114 Tel :+86 21 61679672

Fax:+86 21 60717306 Email:[email protected]



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