Lyk platformREVIEW

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Operating System
Introduction to Platform Technologies
Storage Platforms

Web Platforms
platform is a group of technologies that are used as a
base upon which other applications, processes API Platforms
or technologies are developed. Robotics
- is the basic hardware (computer) and Game Platforms
software (operating system) on which software
applications can be run. Computing Platforms

Application Platforms

2 fundamentally different levels Context Management Systems

it must have a platform that provides basic Services Analytics

that can be combined with different configuration in the
Application layer to deliver various instances of the
technology to the end user Database Platforms

Mobile Platforms

Media Platforms

1. Infrastructure (Hardware)– foundation Layer that AI Platforms
interfaces within the Operating System

2. Operating System - manages the computer’s

resources and services that will be required by Operating System - lies in the category of system
applications software. It basically manages all the resources of the
computer. An operating system acts as an interface
3. Application layer – includes software that user use between the software and different parts of the
and performs computer or the computer hardware.
4. User Interface layer – provides or translates things
that user understand.

Data storage is the collective methods and technologies

that capture and retain digital information on
electromagnetic, optical or silicon-based storage media.
- An environment for building and running
Storage is frequently used to describe devices that
applications, systems, and processes.
connect to a computer -- either directly or over
- This can be viewed as toolsets for developing and a network -- and that support the transfer of data
operating customized and tailored services through input/output (I/O) operations
Web platform may refer to the server software, such as IoT platform is a set of components that allows
Microsoft's IIS or Apache, or to the website authoring developers to spread out the applications, remotely
software such as Dreamweaver or WordPress. collect data, secure connectivity, and execute sensor

API platform is a software system with integrated tools

and processes that allow teams to effectively build, Database platform provides access to a number of
manage, publish, and consume APIs. databases, via the same interface, where the databases
can be searched individually or together

Robotics is the engineering and operation of machines

that can autonomously or semi-autonomously perform MOBILE PLATFORMS
physical tasks on behalf of a human.
mobile computing system involves a mobile device,
such as a laptop computer, tablet or smartphone, and a
wireless network connection based on Wi-Fi or cellular
Game/gaming platform is a certain combination of
wireless technology, such as 5G. Mobile devices
electronic or computer hardware made specifically for a
typically can store data locally, and access to that data
said game. This provides a player experience, which is
doesn't require a network connection.
usually comprised of client input controls, graphics,
client software (known as the game client) and
hardware, and in some cases platform-exclusive
media platform is a service, site, or method that
features to support gameplay.
delivers media to an audience. Its functions are to
deliver, but also sometimes to allow for feedback,
discussion, or sharing.
computing platform or digital platform or software
platform is an environment in which a piece of software Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, your local newspaper,
is executed network TV etc., are media platform outlets.

application platform as a service refers to a cloud Platform security offers coherent and comprehensive
environment for designing, building, deploying and security that protects from attacks across the entire
managing custom business applications. In simpler threat landscape and in each layer of enterprise
terms, it's a single platform that enables speed, infrastructure and software.
collaboration and control across the entire application
AI platform is an integrated set of technologies that
enables organizations to design, develop, deploy, and
Context management is a dynamic computer process operate enterprise AI applications at scale.
that uses 'subjects' of data in one application, to point
to data resident in a separate application also
containing the same subject.

analytics platform is a unified solution that combines

technologies to meet enterprise needs across the end-
to-end analytics lifecycle from data storage, data
management, data preparation, and other data
analytics processes. This platform can be employed
either on-premises or in the cloud.
Classification of OS:
According to the task management mode:
Introduction to Operating System
Single task. You can only run one at a time. You cannot
interrupt the processes in action.

operating system - acts as an intermediary between Multitask. It is capable of running multiple processes at
the user of a computer and computer hardware the same time.

- software that manages computer hardware.

- is concerned with the allocation of resources According to the users’ administration mode:
and services, such as memory, processors, devices, and
Single user. It only allows one user’s programs to run at
the same time.
- correspondingly includes programs to
Multi-user. If you allow multiple users to run your
manage these resources, such as a traffic controller, a
programs simultaneously, accessing computer
scheduler, a memory management module, I/O
resources at the same time.
programs, and a file system.

purpose of an operating system is to provide an

environment in which a user can execute programs According to the form of resource management:
conveniently and efficiently.
Centralized. If it allows to use the resources of a single
Functions of an Operating System Distributed. If it allows to use the resources of more
than one computer at the same time.
- In a multitasking operating system, where multiple
programs can be running at the same time, the OS
determines which applications should run in what order
8-components of an Operating System:
and how much time should be allowed for each
application before giving another application a turn. Process Management
- It handles input/output (I/O) to and from attached I/O Device Management
hardware devices, such as hard disks, printers and dial-
up ports. File Management

- It sends messages to each application or interactive Network Management

user -- or to a system operator -- about the status of Main Memory Management
operation and any errors that may have occurred.
Secondary Storage Management
- It can offload the management of batch jobs -- for
example, printing -- so that the initiating application is Security Management
freed from this work.

- On computers that can provide parallel processing, an

operating system can manage how to divide the
program so that it runs on more than one processor at a
OS Components: File management is one of the most visible services of
an operating system. Computers can store information
in several different physical forms; magnetic tape, disk,
Process Management and drum are the most common forms.

A process is program or a fraction of a program that is A file is defined as a set of correlated information and it
loaded in main memory. A process needs certain is defined by the creator of the file.
resources including CPU time, Memory, Files, and I/O
devices to accomplish its task.
responsible for the following activities:

> File creation and deletion

responsible for the following activities:
> Directory creation and deletion
> Create, load, execute, suspend, resume, and
terminate processes. > The support of primitives for manipulating files and
> Switch system among multiple processes in main
memory. > Mapping files onto secondary storage

> Provides communication mechanisms so that > File backup on stable (nonvolatile) storage media
processes can communicate with each other.

> Provides synchronization mechanisms to control

Network management is the process of managing and
concurrent access to shared data to keep shared data
administering a computer network. A computer
network is a collection of various types of computers
> Allocate/de-allocate resources properly to prevent or connected with each other.
avoid deadlock situation.

Following are the features of network management:

I/O Device Management
> Network administration
One of the purposes of an operating system is to hide
> Network maintenance
the peculiarities of specific hardware devices from the
user. I/O Device Management provides an abstract level > Network operation
of H/W devices
> Network provisioning

> Network security

Tasks of I/O Device Management component:
> Main Memory Management
> Hide the details of H/W devices

> Manage main memory for the devices using cache,

buffer, and spooling Main Memory Management

> Maintain and provide custom drivers for each device. Memory is a large array of words or bytes, each with its
own address. It is a repository of quickly accessible data
shared by the CPU and I/O devices.

Main memory is a volatile storage device which means

it loses its contents in the case of system failure or as
soon as system power goes down.
responsible for the following activities:

> Keep track of which parts of memory are currently

being used and by whom.
Disk Operating System
> Decide which processes to load when memory space
becomes available.

> Allocate and deallocate memory space as needed. Features of OS:

Secondary Storage Management operating system is a program that acts as an interface

between the software and the computer hardware.
Since the main memory is too small to permanently
accommodate all data and program, the computer - It is an integrated set of specialized programs used to
system must provide secondary storage to backup main manage overall resources and operations of the
memory. computer.

- It is a specialized software that controls and monitors

the execution of all other programs that reside in the
responsible for the following activities:
computer, including application programs and other
> Free space management system software.

> Storage allocation

> Disk scheduling Windows Operating System from Microsoft is a

graphical operating system. Users can use it to read
and store files, run apps, play games, and watch videos,
Security Management as well as connect to the internet. It was made available
for both personal and professional use.
The operating system is primarily responsible for all task
and activities happen in the computer system. The
various processes in an operating system must be
Applications in Windows
protected from each other’s activities.

> Web Browsers

Command Interpreter System
> Adobe Photoshop
- One of the most important component of an
operating system > Adobe Reader

The command interpreter is the primary interface > Messenger

between the user and the rest of the system.
> Media Players
Command Interpreter System executes a user command
> Games
by calling one or more number of underlying system
programs or system calls. > Audio/ Video Chatting Apps

> Maps & Calendar

4. COPY CON command is used to basically create a file.
The only disadvantage of the command is that the
List of Important Commands for Windows
created by COPY CON command cannot be modified.

External DOS Command Syntax:
The COPY command is used to copy the file and move
the file to another location or folder or drive.
1. MD COMMAND (Make Directory)

MD command is used to create a new directory or

subdirectory in the Disk


The Date command is used to view the system’s current

2. CLS COMMAND (Clear) date. if you want to modify the date then you can easily
CLS is one of the internal DOS commands that is used to do it from the date command.
clear the DOS screen. If you can clear whatever
command you ran on the screen through the CLS

3. CD COMMAND (Change Directory)

CD is internal dos command used to change the 7. TIME COMMAND

directory (to insider or come out). If you want to go
The time command is used to view the system’s current
from one directory to another, then you can go with the
date. if you want to modify the date then you can easily
CD command.
do it from the time command.

A DEL command is used to remove a file from the disk. Type command is an internal command used to view
To delete any files or directory from any drive you the content of any file. If you want to see what is saved
would define the path and folder. in that file then you can see by typing the command

9. RD or RMDIR

RD or RMDIR command is used to remove a particular

directory or subdirectory from the disk. Only an empty 13. VER COMMAND
directory or subdirectory can remove.
If you want to see your Windows Operating system then
you can see the version information by the VER


A Prompt command is used to change the MS-DOS
command the user can on/off the prompt by using this The move is an internal command used to change the
command. name of any directory.


11. REN COMMAND The COLOR command is used to change the default
color of the background. IF you want to change the
A REN command is basically used to change the name
default background color of the DOS or Windows
of an existing file or folder. If you want to change any
command line, from the use of color command you can
folder name by the REN command you can easily
easily change.
change the folder name
The color attributes are as follows: 18. ECHO COMMAND

If you want to repeat typed text back to the screen and

can send a text to a peripheral on the computer, via
the ECHO command you can do it.


A START command is used to enable a user to open a

separate window from the Windows command line


A REM command is used to insert remarks into a batch

file. REM command is mainly used inside the
autoexce.bat, config. sys, etc.


If you want to change any directory name, via the

MOVE command you can change the name of a
compiled source is offset within the object module.

MEMORY MANAGEMENT Compiler If it’s known where the program will reside,
then absolute code is generated. Otherwise compiler
produces relocatable code.

- Central Component of any operating system Load Binds relocatable to physical. Can find best
physical location.
- The concept of a logical address space that is bound to
a separate
- physical address space is central to proper memory Execution The code can be moved around during
management. execution. Means flexible virtual mapping.

Hierarchical layering:
- registers
- cache Compiler
- primary (main) memory
- secondary (backing store, local disk) memory
- file servers (networked storage) Object
Other Objects

Logical address – generated by the CPU; also referred
to as virtual address. Executable
Physical address – address seen by the memory unit
Logical and physical addresses are the same in compile-
time and load-time address-binding schemes; logical In-memory Image
(virtual) and physical addresses differ in execution-time
address-binding scheme

Binding Logical To Physical

Relocatable Means that the program image can reside

anywhere in physical memory. This binding can be done at compile/link time.
Converts symbolic to relocatable. Data used within
compiled source is offset within object module.
Binding Programs need real memory in which to reside.

When is the location of that real memory determined? - Can be done at load time.

Binds relocatable to physical.

- This is called mapping logical to physical addresses.
- This binding can be done at compile/link time.
- Can be done at run time.
Converts symbolic to relocatable. Data used within a
Implies that the code can be moved around A program in execution
during execution. > We should know about processes by now.

A process is an instance of a program running.

How does the OS correctly run multiple processes

Roadmap concurrently?
- What kind of information to be kept?
- What does the OS have to do in order to run processes
- Basic requirements of Memory Management
- Memory Partitioning

- Basic blocks of memory management


The need for memory management

- Memory is cheap today, and getting cheaper

> But applications are demanding more and more
memory, there is never enough!
- Memory Management, involves swapping blocks of
data from secondary storage.
- Subdividing memory to accommodate multiple

Memory Management

- Memory needs to allocated efficiently to pack Process State

as many processes into memory as possible As a process executes, it changes state

new: The process is being created

“Memory needs to be allocated to ensure a reasonable
running: Instructions are being executed
supply of ready processes to consume available
waiting: The process is waiting for some event to occur
processor time”
ready: The process is waiting to be assigned to a
terminated: The process has finished execution


“Unless you change the process, why would you expect

the results to change”


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