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English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023


This document serves to capacitate English First Additional Language learners with
techniques/skills on how to answer questions.
The Just in Time (JIT) document focuses on addressing the impact of learning losses as well as
development of a structured revision programme.


We acknowledge the KZN-Provincial Co–ordinator, Chairperson and the Provincial Subject

Committee, your diligence and hard work is much appreciated.
We acknowledge all the Subject Advisors from the Twelve Districts: UMzinyathi, ILembe,
Amajuba, UThukela, King Cetshwayo, Zululand, Pinetown, Umlazi, Ugu, UMgungundlovu, Harry
Gwala and UMkhanyakude for their contributions. Your co-operation, dedication and support is
much appreciated.
We further want to convey our sincere gratitude to the editors of this support material.


This support document serves to assist English FAL learners to prepare for the last stage of the
2023 examination. It also captures the key aspects that learners should focus on when studying for
Paper 3. The activities included in this resource pack should serve as a guide on how to approach
Paper 3. It covers the following:

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

1. Introduction
2. Challenges and Intervention in Writing
3. General Guidelines
4. Marking and Assessment
5. Commonly confused words
6. What Examiners are looking for.
7. Section A –Essays
7.1 Narrative Essay

7.2 Descriptive Essay

7.3 Reflective Essay

7.4 Argumentative Essay

7.5 interpretation of visual stimuli

8. Section B- Longer Transactional Texts

8.1 E-mails (Longer e-mail)
8.2 Letters & Curriculum Vitae

8.3 Obituary
8.4 Dialogue

8.5 Newspaper Article

8.6 Magazine Article

8.7 Report

9. Section C- Shorter Transactional Text

9.1 Short message
9.2 Diary entries

9.3 Directions
9.4 Instructions
10. Assessment Rubrics
11. References

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

1. Introduction
Writing is undeniably one of the most important skills that every learner must develop. Writing,
as a skill, offers learners the opportunity to simultaneously catch onto many other vital facilities
that can help them succeed in their academics, careers, as well as in other relevant aspects
of their lives. Sadly, however, many learners do not seem to understand the importance writing
has in their lives:

• It improves communication skills.

• It sharpens creativity and imagination levels.
• It widens one’s knowledge base.
• It is vital for academic success.
• Transactional writing enables the learner to communicate more effectively in the real world.

It is important for learners to note that with a grand total of 100 marks, Paper 3 has the
highest mark allocation of the three papers. Therefore, it is imperative that greater
focus is given to it.

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023



INTERPRETATION: Some topics in You must decode the topic by underlining or
the question paper are multi-layered highlighting key words. This will assist you to
and need interpretation. Learners tend understand the question better. Once
to focus on one layer and ignore the planning begins, make constant reference to
others. The topic in its entirety is not these key words.

CHOICE: Some learners choose If you do not understand even one word in
incorrect topics or topics that they do the topic, you should refrain from answering
not fully understand and are unable to that question. Write on a topic that is within
write creatively. your world of experience.

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023


• Visual texts do not have titles. • Provide a title which will help you to
create a link and stay focused
• Learners display superficial visual
• Interpret visual texts creatively.
literacy skills.

• Often there is a tenuous link • Refer to the topic in the introduction, at

between topic and text. least one paragraph and in the

b) Learners are unable to write

metaphorically. They interpret • Look for the deeper meaning in the
topics in a pedestrian, picture and develop it.
monotonous and superficial
• Learn the basic structure of an essay:
c) Poor structure of essays. Introduction, Body and Conclusion.


• Incorrect format Learn the formats for each transactional.

• Inappropriate tone, register and style. Use correct tone, register and style.

• Inadequate basic knowledge of writing Understand the purpose of the text.

for a specific audience and context. WHY is the text being written?
To WHOM is it being written?

• Inadequate planning, drafting and • It is important to plan draw a mind- map,
editing of responses. write your first draft, edit and write your
• Learners do not strike off the draft; or • Once the final essay has been written,
they edit their drafts and submit this strike off the draft.
as their final piece.
• Learn some descriptive words, idioms,
proverbs and interesting phrases that
• Limited vocabulary and
you may use in your essay.
language competency.
• Avoid using long sentences. Use short,
• All round poor writing skills.
grammatically correct sentences.
Use full stops at the end of a sentence.

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

• Learners have a poor understanding of • Start a new sentence with a capital letter.
language structures and conventions. Use commas appropriately. Proper
• Faulty sentence structure and nouns (e.g. names of places and people)
paragraphing. must be written correctly. Use a topic
• Poor general knowledge and little or no sentence and expand on each
knowledge of current affairs. • Remain focused on what you are
writing. Stick to the topic. Read
• Clichéd responses/lack of creativity. samples of all genres and styles of
writing. Adopt some of these styles.
• Remember to apply correct language
structures and conventions learnt.
• Consult newspapers, online articles,
social media and other aspects of the
media to improve your writing style.
• Learners tend to change the topic. • Write sincerely and simply.
• Improve your knowledge of current

• Be creative. Do not go with the idea that

most learners would go with. Let your
idea be different and original.

• Do not change the topic to suit

you. Write on the topic that you
have chosen.

• Only visual texts may be given

a topic by you.

• Avoid mixing tenses. If you are telling a story, it is preferable to use the Past Tense.
• Do not to use contractions / shortened forms of words (e.g. can’t, I’m, won’t) in an essay.
• Use Direct Speech sparingly and ensure that these sentences are correctly punctuated.
• Ensure that you write in complete sentences which are correctly punctuated.
• Every paragraph should have ONE main idea, with each sentence contributing to that
main idea.
• Linking devices should be used between paragraphs to create fluidity.
• Be wary of quotations – as they are often not to be interpreted literally.

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023


• All creative writing pieces are marked and assessed using the appropriate rubrics.
• An essay or transactional piece need not be perfect to be awarded full marks, however,
it still needs to follow the appropriate format.
• If the essay is too long, only the required length will be marked, the rest will be skimmed
and scanned, and then the conclusion will be read before awarding a mark.
• Read through the appropriate rubric so that you know what is expected of you.

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023


The table below provides a few examples of words that are commonly confused by

Incorrect Usage Correct Usage Note

I did not I did not lose my Loose = not tight

loose my patience. patience.

I spoke alot about I spoke a lot about him. There is no word such as
him. “alot”
He was very quite. He was very quiet. Quite = completely

He rushed cause He rushed because he Cause is NOT the shortened

he was late. was late. form of “because”. Cause =
make; to bring on
He stood their He stood there quietly. “There” contains the word
quietly. “here” and always refers to a
This is were he fell, This is where he fell. “Where” contains the word
“here” and always refers to a
It was they idea to It was their idea to run. Their = possessive pronoun
run. They = stands for many
This is the boy that This is the boy who “That” is an impersonal
cried. cried. pronoun and is used for
inanimate things.
“Who” is the correct relative
Here is the girl Here is the girl who won. “Which” is an impersonal
which won. pronoun and is used for
inanimate things.
“Who” is the correct relative
This people / These / Those people That/This is always
That people singular
He should of He should have “Should of” makes no
listened. listened. sense.
Note: The sample texts given in this document are not meant for assessment purpose but are
only meant to be used for revision purposes.

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

6. What are examiners looking for?

• Creativity and originality of the content in each piece of writing.
• Knowledge and use of an appropriate format for each text.
• Use of appropriate language, style, register and vocabulary for each text.
• Evidence of planning (e.g. mind maps, notes, keywords/key phrases etc.) before each
text is produced.
• Editing and proof-reading of each text produced.

• Adherence to the expected length for each text.

• Neat and legible pieces of writing.


• You have 2½ hours (150 minutes) to answer Paper 3. The total for the paper is 100 marks.
• The paper consists of three sections: Section A, Section B and Section C. (You must
answer ONE question from each section.
• Section A counts for 50 marks and consists of essay topics of which you must select one to
write an essay of 250-300 words. There are five written topics (1.1-1.5) of which you can
choose one, OR you can select one of three visuals (1.6-1.8) as stimulus on which to base
your essay.
• Section B consists of four questions (2.1-2.4) for 30 marks each. You have to answer one
question in Section B for 30 marks. The length of your response should be 120-150 words.
• Section C consists of three questions (3.1-3.3) for 20 marks each. You have to answer one
question in Section C for 20 marks. The length of your response should be 80-100 words.
• Section A consists of a choice of topics and visuals for an essay, Section B consists of a
choice from longer transactional texts and Section C consists of a choice from shorter
transactional texts.

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

• The transactional texts in Sections B and C include the following, which are divided into
three categories (A, B and C):

Category A Category B Category C

Informal/friendly letter Informal report Informal speech
Formal letter Formal report Formal speech
(requests, applications, Magazine article Obituary
complaints, thanks,
Newspaper article Dialogue
sympathy, business,
congratulations, etc.) Review Interview

Letter to the press

(formal and Agendas and minutes of
informal) meetings (as a
Curriculum vitae combination)
and covering
letter (as a

Category A Category B Category C

Advertisement Diary items Instructions
Invitation Short message (SMS, Directions
Pamphlet WhatsApp, Facebook,
Flyer Messenger, etc.)

• In Sections B and C, there will be a question from each category.

Write the number of the question and the type of text that you attempt above the response, for
example, 2.1 F

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

7. Section A: Essay (Length: 250-300 words)

NB: It is recommended that you spend at least 80min in this section

An essay is an extended piece of writing, in which a writer expresses his/her point of view on
the given topic.

An essay is assessed using a rubric. It is a useful guide for you to use when practising your
essay writing because it reminds you of the skills the examiner will be assessing when
marking your exam.

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

a) How to respond to essay questions using quotations as topics.

• A quotation can provide a stimulus for writing a creative essay.
• Quotations allow you to tackle the topic in any creative way you see fit.
• There must be a clear link between the quotation provided as an essay writing question
and the contents of the written essay.
• You must ensure that, when responding to a quotation, the content must cover ALL
aspects of the quotation. Failure to do so will affect the content mark when being
• When analysing a quotation, you must consider the following:
i. Pay attention to the main idea of the quotation.
ii. Reflect on what you think the quotation is about.
iii. Decide on the type of essay you will write based on the
iv. Your essay should be based on the quotation, NOT on the author

b) Process writing

Writing and designing texts is a process and learners need the opportunity to put this process
into practice. They should:

• decide on the purpose and audience of a text to be written and/or designed;

• brainstorm ideas using, for example mind maps, flow charts or lists;
• consult relevant sources, select relevant information and organise ideas;
• produce a first draft which takes into account purpose, audience, topic and genre;
• read drafts critically and get feedback from others (classmates);
• edit and proofread the draft;
• produce a well-designed final version.

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

c)The essay types

Language Grade 12
English FAL Narrative,
Argumentative &

7.1 Narrative essay

A narrative essay tells a story or tells of a past event. It does not have to be a true on your
life/experience. It can be written from any perspective.

7.1.1 How to write a good narrative essay

Although the narrative essay involves telling a story, the story is NOT the most important
element in the narrative essay. More important than the story is THE WAY you narrate it.

7.1.2 General guidelines for a narrative essay

• Write in the first-person narrative – it makes it more personal and more credible.
• Use direct speech very sparingly – it breaks the pace of the narrative.
• Try to have a surprising or powerful ending.
• Use an array of descriptions. This does not mean using many adjectives. Instead, you
should try to use interesting, varied and unusual verbs.
• Do not use contractions (words shortened with the apostrophe), slang or abbreviations.
• Make sure that you do not use clichés or clichéd ideas.
• Mature, unforced humour is always appreciated in a story.
• Avoid writers’ block by playing the Fortunately-Unfortunately game. Invent situations
starting with Fortunately and creating a problem or challenge by following this with
Unfortunately,… and a phrase – it’s a technique even experienced writers use.

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

7.1.3 Suggested process to follow when writing a narrative essay.

Who is your protagonist?
• Who is your main character? Is it you or an imaginary person you? Will create? How
old is this person? What does she look like? What kind of person, is she?

What does your protagonist want or need?

• This is an important part of planning. If your reader understands
• from the beginning what your protagonist wants, it is easier for him/her to identify
with the character.

What are the events that set your story into motion?
• Decide on the sequence of these events and how they will develop (plot).
• What is the UNEXPECTED challenge or obstacle that now prevents your protagonist
from getting what he / she wants? For this to be effective, it must be unexpected, and it
must be a credible (believable) obstacle or challenge.
• Have you included enough descriptive phrases to tell your reader what is happening and
how the characters feel or think?
• What is the unusual choice that your protagonist makes at the end? OR What is the
unexpected turn of events that change everything?

Read your work and see where you can improve your writing.
• Is there a sentence that is too long? Are there too many short sentences?
• Can you think of a better way to say something?

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

Example 1: Narrative Essay

The Rescue
Everything had been totally different that Sunday morning, when the two boys had set out on their
walk up the cool, pine-scented mountainside near the village where they lived. Near the top, Peter
and Michael had climbed onto a rock to admire the view of the valley far below them. That was when
disaster had struck. On clambering down, Peter had tumbled awkwardly to the ground, his leg bent
at a painful angle beneath him. Unable to move, he was forced to wait where he was, wrapped in
Michael’s jacket, while Michael had begun the long trek down the mountainside to fetch help. Michael
looked down on the mountainside from the window of the helicopter. He felt increasingly helpless,
as it looked totally different from the air and the network of tiny paths was mostly obscured from view
by the thick covering of pine trees. To make matters worse, the light was fading fast and a thick
blanket of mist was starting to form. Eventually the pilot and the three mountain rescue workers in
the helicopter agreed that they would have to go back and continue the search for Michael'’ friend,
Peter, on foot. By seven o’clock that evening, they had left the helicopter in the village and gathered
a mountain rescue team of fifteen men. Michael felt disheartened and scared for his friend’s safety.
Slowly they ascended the mountain, scouring the numerous paths for Peter. The only sounds were
crunching footsteps and the crackle of static on the walkietalkies that the rescue workers carried to
talk to each other. The mountainside was an eerie place after nightfall and gradually Michael started
to wonder whether they would ever find Peter at all. Suddenly Michael heard a voice come over one
of the walkie-talkies, “We’ve got him. We’re taking him down.” “I’m sorry,” said Michael to his friend
later in the warm safety of the hospital room, “I didn’t realise it would take so long.” The doctors
decided to keep Peter at the hospital for the night in case of complications with his leg. Before leaving,
Michael looked down at his friend and patted his shoulder as, silently, they both vowed never to go
walking in the mountains again.

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

Activity 1

Write an essay of 250 – 300 words on ONE of the following topics:

1.1 I wish I had known… (DBE Nov 2022) [50]

1.2 Family treasures (DBE May/June 2022). [50]
1.3 Every day is a gift. (DBE Nov 2021). [50]

7.2 Descriptive essay

In a descriptive essay, the student describes a person, memory, situation, place, experience
or any object. In contrast to other types of essays, the descriptive essay allows the writer to
use many figures of speech, and, descriptors like adjectives and adverbs, thus enabling him
to create a powerful image of what he is describing. The writer presents the text in a manner
that leads the reader into the writer’s perspective of the subject the writer is describing.

Consider the following when writing a descriptive essay:

i. The writer should create a picture in words using adjectives and adverbs.
ii. It is usually written in the present or past tense. iii. Words and expressions are chosen
carefully to achieve the desired effect.
iii. iv. Images of sight, sound, hearing, taste and touch can be used to make the description
v. Figures of speech are used in original ways.
vi. Learners should ideally have experience of the topic. It is very difficult to describe
something without having first-hand knowledge.

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

Sensory language will give the reader an opportunity to engage all five senses in reading
your descriptive essay.

Check this:

Source :https://www.slideshare.ne

Hereunder follows an example of an introductory paragraph for a descriptive essay.

The Karoo
A vast expanse of scorched sand, small bushes, trees covered by dust. A dome of rich blue,
governed by the fierce ball of fire, then dipping slowly downwards to meet the sand on the
horizon. Lifeless, you would think. Think again? The Karoo has a life of its own.

Activity 1
Write an essay of 250 – 300 words on ONE of the following topics:

1.1 Even a small star shines in the dark (DBE Nov 2022). [50]
1.2 An old shoe telling its story. [50]
1.3 Hidden treasure. [50]

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

7.3 Reflective essay

In a reflective essay the writer contemplates an idea and gives his or her emotional reactions
and feelings. The writer could, for example, reflect on dreams or aspirations. It presents a set
of thoughts and ideas about a topic, with no attempt to argue for or against anything.

The following is a graphic presentation of a definition and guide on how to write a reflective


Consider the following when writing a reflective essay:

• A reflective essay is subjective.

• Feelings and emotions play a major role.
• A substantial part of the essay may be descriptive. These descriptions should be vivid
and aim to recreate recollections or feelings of the writer in the reader.
• The ideas, thoughts or feelings expressed should reveal sincerity and personal

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

Below follows an example of an introductory paragraph for a reflective essay.

The moment of truth.

Everyone has that one moment which changes one’s life. A moment that wish had never
happened. A moment that you cannot avoid or escape. The moment of truth.

Activity 1
Write an essay of 250-300 words on ONE of the following topics.
1.1 If only we could laugh more. (DBE Nov 2021) [50]
1.2 Effects of natural disasters. [50]
1.3 A frightening discovery. (DBE Jun 2019). [50]

7.4 Argumentative Essay

In an argumentative essay, the writer has a specific opinion or viewpoint and argues to
defend or motivate his or her position. The opinion of the writer should be clear throughout.
This is a subjective essay in which the writer tries to convince the reader to share his or her
point of view.
Consider the following when writing an argumentative essay:
i. The essay should start with the writer’s view of the topic in an original and striking way.
ii. The writer should give a range of arguments to support and substantiate his or her view.
iii. The writer focuses on points for OR against a statement.
iv. An argumentative essay is subjective and strong opinions are expressed. A variety of
rhetorical devices and persuasive techniques should be used.
v. The language used is emotive and can be emotional but should not be rude.
vi. The conclusion should be a strong, clear and convincing statement of the writer’s opinion.

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

Source: https://www.educacion.audy.mx
Activity 1

Instruction: Write out an introduction of your own using the following question:

In order to thrive in this competitive world, it is necessary to appreciate the

value of constructive criticism. Do you agree?

Once you have completed your introduction, read through it and write out two other possible
introductions for this topic. Try using different techniques for your two other attempts.

(Body) After writing the other two introductory paragraphs, follow the given topic
sentences to complete paragraphs two and three. Ensure that you present a powerful
argument in support of your point of view.

(Conclusion) End with a powerful conclusion, which should make an impact on the reader.

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

(Introduction) People who cannot accept constructive criticism are unable to succeed.
They do not get along well with other people and usually become defensive blaming others
for their mistakes.

(Next two topic sentences for the subsequent paragraphs.)

Constructive criticism allows a person to reflect on his/her actions

Criticising people constructively ensures a healthy debate…

Argumentative Essay -Example

Skills vs. Knowledge in Education

Education systems all over the world are based on the idea that students get and
remember information from teachers and books. These systems test this
knowledge with standardized tests which compare students to each-other. They
only test the kind of information which is possible to measure in tests. The goal is
gaining information, not developing skills by which to use and make information.
Unlike the old style of education where people remembered things in order to pass
tests and get higher scores than other students, the modern world calls for a new
kind of education in which the focus is deep understanding, creativity, and
information management skills.

Most education systems in the world are designed to make students remember
things. One reason is that schools feel the need to compare students. They do
this by giving tests. They want to be able to give grades and decide which students
are smart and which are not. They function as a sorting mechanism for society.
From the earliest grades, students are put on tracks that will decide their futures.
Another reason schools like to make students remember things is that by doing
so they will be able to test their knowledge and determine if they remember or not.
They believe that if students remember things, it is the same as understanding
those things. Schools also like to impart knowledge because in this way, although
students can have different individual skills, they can all have the same

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

Einstein said “Imagination is more important than knowledge. knowledge is limited.

Imagination encircles the world” (Needle, 2007). All the knowledge in the world is
useless unless you are able to use information in creative ways. Knowledge is what
other people have created. Understanding is all about what you think about
something. Everybody sees, hears, feels, and thinks differently. No two people in the
world have the same understanding of the same thing. It is impossible to give tests on
a point of view. Because of this, tests are illogical. The only reason tests exist is to
label students as “smart” or “stupid.” There are many kinds of intelligence, however.
One of the most famous researchers in the field of intelligence, Gardner, found at least
seven different kinds of intelligence (Gardner, 1999). Intelligence and understanding
are related. Unfortunately, tests only measure one type of intelligence.

In the modern world skills are more important than knowledge. If a person knows
many facts, it is impressive, but not very useful. It is of much greater importance to be
able to find information quickly, organize that information, analyse and understand the
main ideas, put different pieces of information together (synthesize), and create new
information. Together these skills make what we call information management and
innovation, the skills which are most desired in the business world. Most people in
the world believe that education is about remembering things to take tests which
measure one’s performance against other people who have studied the same
information. However, this idea no longer matches the reality of the modern world in
which knowledge is less important than creativity and deep understanding.

To be successful in the age of technology, education must focus on helping students

gain information management and innovation skills.

Activity 2

Write an essay of 250 – 300 words on ONE of the following topics:

1.1 Rules are important in society. Do you agree/ disagree?

(DBE May/June 2022). [50]
1.2 Do not raise your voice; increase your argument. (DBE Nov 2022) [50]
1.3 Saving for the future must start at a young age. (DBE Nov 2021). [50]

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

7.5 Interpretation of Visual Stimuli Texts (Pictures)

A visual stimulus is a picture or an illustration that asks you to write an essay based on
what you see and the emotions that may be evoked. The purpose of the visual stimulus
is to get your creative mind working.

7.5.1 Features
• Your essay can be written in any style (i.e. narrative, descriptive, argumentative,
discursive or reflective) or a variety thereof.
• When responding to an essay with a visual, ask yourself the following questions:
i. What can you see in the images provided?
ii. What stands out in the image?
iii. What is the focus/main idea of the image? iv. What thoughts come to
v. What feelings/emotions are evoked?

• Provide a suitable title for your essay.

• It is advisable not to merely describe the image/visual as a literal response to the
• You must always ensure that there is a link between your content and the
image/visual stimuli.
• Remember to use the Writing Process as a guideline when preparing and presenting
your response.


• The picture reproduced below may evoke a reaction or feeling in you or stir your
• Give your essay a title.
NOTE: There must be a clear link between your essay and the picture you have

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023


Below is an example of how a learner attempted to answer the visual stimuli

question above.
1.6.3 Mother’s love

Love is kind, patient and not proud. True love comes from deep within the heart, but a
mother’s love is the real one and which most of us can relate to.
A mother is someone who gives unconditional love to her children and some might not be
biological but being a mother does not necessarily start when you are pregnant. Being a man
requires so much of your time and attention. Moms can go to any extent to make sure that
they are safe and happy. Any child would love to experience a mother’s love because that
love is not cruel and you can feel it’s warmth from a distance.
Moms sacrifice so much of their money and happiness just to make sure that all their children
are happy and to show them that they are loved. They always know what is best for their
children and they know them very well, that also shows that they give them their attention.
Some people experience their mother’s love from their aunts and grandmothers because
people love differently. Some people do have mothers but they are not given enough love
and attention by them.
Some moms give out the best love. They always look after their young ones and give them
protection just to give them assurance that their mother still loves them. Showing them that
they are still loved, gives them hope in not giving up in life and they will always have their
mothers’ support. Even if they feel they are not good enough and ready to give up in life, they
always know that their moms are there, and they will find peace in them.
Every child deserves to experience love from his or her mother because no one in the world
would love you like your mother loves and protects you. A mother’s love is everything in a
child’s life.

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

The above essay was scored using the assessment rubric for essay [see the

Criteria Mark
Content & Planning, 26
Language, style and editing 12
Structure 4
Total 42

Activity 1 Choose one of the following pictures and write an essay on a topic
that comes to mind. Write the question number (1.6.1 OR 1.6.2)



English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023


English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023


NB: It is recommended that you spend at least 40min in this section.

Transactional writing is based on real life experiences and is thus factual. These texts
are communicative between the writer and his/her audience, hence the concept of a

The length of texts ranges from:

Level Grade 12
FAL 120 – 150 words

8.1 E-mail
The email, short for electronic mail, is the transmission of messages/ sharing information
via the internet to a recipient. It is a popular form of communication.

• The form and content of an e-mail is very similar to the writing of formal and informal
• An email can be Informal (Personal) or Formal (Business).
• An informal email usually goes to a person you know well, such as a friend or family
• A formal email is typically sent to someone you do not know well or to someone
who is in authority, e.g., your teacher/tutor, a public figure, or even a company you
are doing business with.

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

Some of the differences between a formal email and an informal email are
indicated in the table below:


A formal is used when conducting An informal email is written to any
business with a new associate or relatives, family or friends.
executive, sending a professional
enquiry, or responding about a job.

A formal email has a defined The informal email has a more casual
structure, with a definite salutation structure, however, write in a
(the opening part of the email), paragraph form.
signature section, opening sentence,
and body.

Greetings and closing lines are Greetings and closing lines are more
formal. Dear [Name]… Good informal (Hi ______, thanks, etc.)
afternoon Mr Ntombela…., Yours
Sincerely (closing)
Language used is formal. Avoid Language used is more informal
using abbreviations, contractions, since the person who is being
slang, emoticons, and other informal
terminology. addressed is someone that you
know well.
Contractions can be used. Here are
some example sentences:

I haven't seen him. (I have not seen

Who's calling? (Who is calling?)
They're coming. (They are coming.)
Tone and register must be formal. Tone and register can be
conversational and informal

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

Aspects of an e-mail
From Indicate your email address
To Email address of the recipient
CC (Carbon Copy) – indicates This is optional
that you want to keep them
informed but you are not
necessarily looking for a
response from them.

BCC (Bi Carbon Copy) – This is optional

while it is similar to ‘CC-ing’,
‘BCC-ing’ means that no other
recipient will be able to see
who has been ‘BCC-ed’.

Subject Topic (Summarises the content

of the email)

Opening The introduction/purpose/reason

for writing the email

Body Elaborate on the purpose of

writing the email

Closing The conclusion

Signature Block An email signature is a block of
texts appended to the end of an
email message e.g sender’s
name, address, phone number
or other contact information.
This is optional
Attachments An attachment is a file sent
within an email, however, this is

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

Writing a Formal E-mail

• The opening of a formal email often requires you to introduce yourself.
• There are certain questions you must ask yourself every time you start a new e-mail:
i. To whom am I writing this e-mail?
ii. Why am I writing this e-mail?
iii. What do I want to tell my recipient?
iv. What do I want them to do as a result of my e-mail?
• Introduce yourself briefly (long texts often discourage people from reading them), then
follow on with:
i. I am writing with regard to… (email subject) OR I am writing in connection
with… (e-mail subject) OR I am writing with reference to…
• If you are writing an email to send information, you can start with one of the following
i. I am writing to let you know…
ii. I am delighted to tell you… (if you are communicating good news)
iii. I regret to inform you that… (if you are communicating bad news)

• If you are replying to an email you received, you can say:

i. I am writing in response to…

ii. I am writing in reply to…

iii. I am writing to thank you for… (if you need to thank the recipient)

• The body of a formal email typically elaborates on the purpose of the email.
• Although the body contains detailed information, it is important to write clearly and
concisely in a formal email.
• Remember your reader/recipient is not familiar with you and may not be familiar with
your topic. You do not want your email recipient to misunderstand an important point.

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

• Based on the type of message you are sending, there are various ways to write a
closing statement/conclusion before ending the email, such as: o I look forward to
hearing from you soon.
• Thank you in advance… For further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
• The most common ways to end an email are:
• Best regards o Kind regards
• Yours faithfully (if you began the email with ‘Dear Sir/Madam’ because you do not
know the name of the recipient)
• Yours sincerely (if you began the email with ‘Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms + surname)

• Make sure you break up the text into approximately three or four paragraphs. This will
enable the reader to quickly see the key points.
• Keep your tone professional. Think carefully about your word choice in an email and
how someone else could read them.
• Avoid negativity, sarcasm and adjectives that can cause you to sound overly emotional.
• Slang should be avoided.
• Avoid using sms language: E.g. "u" for "you," or "wanna" instead of "want to."

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023
A Sample of Formal Email Writing Format

To: [email protected]

CC: [email protected]

BCC: [email protected]

Subject: Resignation Letter

Dear Sir
(Hotel Manager)

Please accept this mail as a notice that I am resigning from my position as hotel
manager. As per company policy, I have to give a month’s notice before resigning. I
hope you will get a good replacement for me within this period.

I really appreciate the opportunities that were given to me. It has been an enriching
experience to be associated with professionals of such high calibre. During my five year
stay at Sun City Cabanas, I have progressed from the position of a filing clerk to that of
a hotel manager. I have now been offered a higher position in London which was
difficult to turn down

………………………… …………………………………………………………………..


Kindly advise on the administrative processes that need to be taken care of during
the course of my final month with the company.

I would like to wish you and the company all the best in the future.

Yours faithfully

E. Modise

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

Activity 1: E-mail

a) You are planning to visit a local museum with your friends. You have decided to send an
e-mail to the manager, enquiring about what the museum has to offer.

Write an e-mail to the manager. (DBE, May/June 2022) [30]

Note: When you respond to the above question, your response should be structured
according to this format:

An email to the manager enquiring about what the museum has to offer.

• The email should be addressed to the manager.

• The tone and register of the email should be formal.
• The following aspects of format must be included:
➢ The recipient’s email address
➢ Subject
➢ Message
➢ Sender’s name
• The following information may be included:
➢ CC: the friend’s e-mail addresses
➢ The sender may choose to provide other alternative contact details at the end.
➢ The email must include enquiries about what the museum has to offer.

b) Your community is plagued by constant load shedding. As a grade 12 learner you

have been impacted negatively. Write an email to a community leader expressing
your concerns and suggest ways of improving the service. [30]
c) You would like to raise funds for a charity that is close to your heart. Write an email
to your friend to request him/her to support your venture. [30]
d) A restaurant chain is planning to build a new restaurant on land currently used by
local youngsters to play sport. Write an email to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of
the company stating your views on this plan. [30]

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

Writing an Informal email

• An informal email is usually between people who know each other fairly well.
• In addition to giving news, they are often used to request information, congratulate
people, give advice and ask questions.

• When writing an informal email, you would normally start with a greeting
• If you are replying to an email that you have received, start with a greeting and then
knowledge it.

Useful phrases for the opening

• I hope you are well

• Thank you/Many thanks for your (recent/last) email.
• It was great to hear from you again.
• I was so surprised to hear that...

• The end of your email is as important as the beginning. There are some standard ways
of finishing an informal letter or email.

• Give my love/regards to...

• Closing statement such as ‘Lots of love’, ‘All the best’, ‘Take care’, ‘Best wishes’, should
be written on a new line.

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

8.2 Letter writing:

In English First Additional Language there are two main types of letters, formal and informal
The table below illustrates a comparison between features of Informal and Formal letters:

Informal Formal

You write to a friend You write to a person you

Audience may not know personally
or a member of your
or who you know in a
more formal way.

Tone and Your language and tone Your language and tone
Register should be informal. must be formal and polite.
You may use a
conversational tone but
not slang.
To keep in touch with To apply for a job.
someone you know or are To give your views on an
Purpose related to. issue of concern to you.
To give information and To complain.
enquire about things that To request information.
are of mutual interest e.g.
family matters, gossip or
sharing news, congratulate
or sympathise.

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

You must include only You must include both

Format your address and the your address and the
date. address of the recipient,
The salutation can
be formal or informal as well as the date.

depending on your Your salutation must be

relationship with the formal. E.g.

‘Dear Mrs Ndlovu’ or
E.g., ‘Granma’,
‘Dear Sir/Madam’.
‘Dear Andy’, ‘Hi
You must include an
Eddie’, etc. Your
letter must have an underlined or capitalized topic
introduction, body line/subject line. Your letter must
and conclusion as have an introduction, body and
paragraphs. Your conclusion as different
ending/closing paragraphs. Your ending/closing
should be informal. will be formal: ‘Yours faithfully.’/
E.g., ‘Your
grandson’/ ‘Yours ‘Yours truly’. If your salutation
sincerely’/ ‘Your included the name of the person
favourite niece’/
(‘Dear Mrs Ndlovu’) then your
‘Love Ted’.
letter may end with
‘Yours sincerely’.
You must include your signature as
well as your initial(s) and

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023
The topic/question The topic/question will tell
Content will determine what the you what the content
content should be. should be.
Your content must You must argue or put

be well structured. your points across in a

logical manner as it
strengthens your case.
You must be concise (to
the point).

Formal letters
Formal letters are written for different purposes such as:
• to order or request something
• to make enquiries
• to complain about a service provided or goods
• to congratulate/thank someone or an institution
• to apply or enquire about a job/apply for admission.

There are 8 types of formal letters, namely:

i. Letter of request.
ii. Letter of application
iii. Letter of complaint
iv. Letter of sympathy
v. Letter of congratulations
vi. Letter of gratitude / thanks
vii. Letter to the press/ editor
viii. Covering letter.
Features of formal letters:
a) The salutation:

If you know the name of the person you are writing to, you may begin by saying:
➢ Dear Mr Smith
➢ Dear Ms Khumalo

If you do not know the name of the person you are writing to, you may begin with
➢ Dear Sir/Madam

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

b) The opening paragraph:

This paragraph contains a clear statement/reason for writing the letter. Typical
openings are…
➢ I am writing with reference to …
➢ I am writing in response to…
➢ I am writing to complain about …

c) The body of the letter

The body must contain all the relevant information organised in paragraphs.

Closing paragraph (conclusion)

The final sentence or paragraph often indicates that the letter is going to finish.
Typical sentences would be…

➢ I look forward to hearing from you…

➢ I hope you will respond at your earliest convenience…
➢ Thank you in advance for your consideration…
➢ Please find enclosed …

e) The ending
• If your salutation included the name of the person (‘Dear Mrs Ndlovu’) then your
letter must end with ‘Yours sincerely’, otherwise end your letter with ‘Yours

• You must sign below the words ‘Yours sincerely’/‘Yours faithfully’ and write your
initials and surname below your signature.

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

8.2.1 Letter of request:

You write this letter requesting a service, or information, assistance, advice, etc in a formal
P.O Box 21
East Beach
Cape Town
15 January 2022
The Manager
Shoprite Checkers
P.O Box 4
East Beach
Cape Town



Our school’s Outreach Club plans to visit the Soweto Children’s Home on 1st
February 2022 to help them with their garden project. We would like to
provide the children with lunch while we help them with their garden. We
would greatly appreciate it if you could provide bread and other food items to
us with which to make sandwiches for about 25 people.

Our club visits a needy institution once a month. Members give of their time
and labour freely to help those who are not as fortunate as we are. We have
already received the promise of a donation of vegetable seedlings from a
vegetable farm. We intend to spend the day helping the children in the home
to plant their own vegetables, so that they can feed themselves to some

Should you agree to assist us, would you kindly contact Mr Robert Shange
on 083 36182975, a teacher who is willing to provide us with transport. He
will be able to collect your donation.

We hope that you will support our efforts at making life easier for those in

Yours faithfully
Ndlangisa B.L
Secretary (Enterpreneur’s Club)

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

Activity 1

Your school will be hosting a launch of an RCL inauguration. Write a letter of

request to The Manager of Shoprite and request a donation.

NOTE: Specify the kind of donation you are asking for and how it is going to
benefit the school. [30]

Activity 2

You wish to go on holiday to the Kruger National Park in September but need more
information before making a booking. Write a letter requesting all the necessary
information you need regarding the planning of your trip.

Use this guide:

• Opening paragraph: State why you are writing the letter.

• Body:
You can enquire about the following:
• Availability of accommodation on selected dates
• The costs involved
• The number of people to be accommodated
• The type of adventure packages which are available
• Other facilities being offered
• Closing paragraph: Conclude using (an) appropriate


English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

8.2.2 Letter of application

An application letter is a formal letter written to apply for a job/admission/loan/etc.

Features The following aspects of format should be included:
➢ Address of the sender

➢ Date: The date is written below the sender’s address o Recipient

➢ Address of the recipient ➢ Salutation
➢ Subject line: The subject line outlines the main purpose of the letter; it must be written
in one line.
➢ Introduction: Introduce yourself and state the purpose of writing the letter.

➢ Body: Present all relevant information that would provide a strong motivation for your
➢ Conclusion: Conclude your letter appropriately.
NOTE: Tone and register should for be formal.
➢ Suitable ending: – Yours faithfully
➢ Signature
➢ Name of the sender (Name and surname)

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

Below is a template of a job application letter:

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

Activity 1

You are a commerce graduate from the North West University (NWU). You are seeking
a suitable job. You came across an advertisement in The Mail newspaper dated 11
March 2022, inviting young and dynamic fresh graduates as sales assistants at Azure
Write a letter in which you apply for the advertised job. [30]

Activity 2
Your local municipality has advertised a Community Development Learnership Program
for young matriculants in your community. They will be appointed for a period of twelve
months and will be getting a stipend of R 3 500.00 per month. Write a letter to your
municipal manager to apply for admission onto the program.

8.2.3 Curriculum Vitae (CV) and covering letter

A Curriculum Vitae (CV) is a document through which you professionally present yourself to the
prospective employer. The document should present a strong first impression of you. It should
present information clearly, objectively and concisely.
Remember, a CV must address the post for which you seek employment. For example, when you
apply for a sports-related post, you will present a CV which speaks more about your prowess in
sports than in the academic field.
Features of a Curriculum Vitae (CV)
The following aspects must be outlined:
• Caption stating the owner of the CV’s full surname and names (E.g. CURRICULUM VITAE
• The rest of the details must be listed in a consistent and orderly manner (giving each section
a sub-heading as suggested below:
o Personal details of Formal Qualifications
o Work experience (if applicable)
o Referees: Significant people who will be able to verify details on your CV and
recommend you for the job. (They should not be your relatives or friends).

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

NOTE: The CV and covering letter are assessed as a combination.

Covering Letter
A covering letter highlights the applicant’s interests/strengths and key areas in
applying for a particular position.
NOTE: The covering letter is shorter than an application letter but has a similar format. Information
appearing on the CV should not be included in the covering letter.
Below is a sample of how a curriculum vitae (CV) may be mapped out:

Surname and full names : ………………………………….
Date of birth : ………………………………….
Identity number : …………………………………….
Address : ………………………………….
Contact numbers : …………………………………….
Gender : …………………………………….
Marital status: …………………………………….
Dependants (If applicable): …………………………………….
Nationality : ………………………………….

Tertiary education
Name of institution : …………………………………….
Highest qualification obtained: ………………………………….
Year of completion : …………………………………….
Secondary School education
Name of institution : …………………………………….
Highest qualification obtained: ………………………….
Year of completion : ………………………………….

Name of employer : …………………………………….
Address of employer: ………………………………….
Period of employment : …………………………………….
Position : …………………………………….

HOBBIES : …………………………………….
INTERESTS : …………………………………….
Name Relationship Contact number
1. ……………………. …………………. …………………
2. …. ………………… ………………… ………………..
3. ……………………. ………………… ………………..

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

(a) You have just matriculated and need an income to take care of your expenses. A part- time
vacancy at a nearby restaurant has been advertised on the internet. Write a covering letter and CV
that you will submit to be considered for the job.

8.2.4 Letter of complaint

When you write a letter of complaint, you must express your

dissatisfaction/disappointment to the recipient. You must never be rude or offensive,
but you must clearly state your purpose.

Some common opening sentences would be:

➢ I am particularly unhappy about…
➢ I am sorry to have to inform you about…
➢ Sadly, the product that I purchased recently from you…
➢ I am writing to complain about…

You recently purchased an appliance from a store in another city. Upon reaching home, you
discovered that the appliance is faulty. Write a letter of complaint to the manager of the

• Start by using an appropriate greeting.
• Give a clear statement of your reason for writing.
• Explain your complaint about the item in detail. Arrange your information logically.
• End by saying what action must be taken (refund/compensate/replace/etc.)

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

Steve Biko Drive

8 February 2022

The Manager
Boxer Store
P.O Box 10

Dear Sir/Madam


I am disappointed ………..

To my sheer displeasure I found that ………………………………….


I had to undergo a lot of


I sincerely hope that this


Yours faithfully
Ndlovu P.
Ms P Ndlovu

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

Activity 1
Your cell phone was sent back to the company for repairs. The work undertaken on it
was done unsatisfactorily. Write a letter of complaint to the cell phone company
expressing your displeasure.

Activity 2

A recent visit to a restaurant to celebrate ‘Mother’s Day’ was spoiled by the poor service
and food. Write a letter to the restaurant owner to express your disappointment.

8.2.5 Letter of gratitude

This type of letter is written to express feelings of gratitude or thanks.
• At the beginning of your letter address the person appropriately e.g. Dear Mr Xaba.
• Get to the point of your letter quickly, by saying the words ‘thank you” in the first
sentence or two so that the person knows why you are writing.
• Be specific. Make sure you specify what you are thanking the person/company for e.g.
donation, support, advice, a bursary/ scholarship.
• Sign off by using an appropriate ending.

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

Example: Letter of Gratitude:

P.O Box 60
21 August 2022

The Manager
Shoprite Stores
P.O Box 4000

Dear Dr Nkosi


My name is Pinky Khowa and I’m a student at University of Zululand. I want to personally
express my appreciation for the bursary I received from your company. It has enabled me to
pursue my goal of achieving a degree in Agricultural Sciences.

Currently, I am majoring in Agricultural Science and Computer Technology. I live on campus

and have a job as an assistant in the Science lab. I am also involved in several extra-mural
activities including sports and being a member of the SRC. After graduating, I hope to return
to Kwa-Dlangezwa and open my own veterinary practise.

Thank you so much for your generosity. The bursary is helping me reach my goals and I am
very grateful. I encourage you to continue supporting other needy students, it does make a

Yours Sincerely
Khowa Pinky

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

Activity 1
Your local municipality has shown improvement regarding service delivery.

Write a letter to the municipal manager, expressing your gratitude for these improvements.
Refer to specific improvements. [30]

8.2.6 Letter to the press (editor):

This letter is written to the editor of a newspaper or a magazine. The purpose of the
letter is to reflect on or highlight current issues or problems. The letter could praise,
criticize or inform.

The following aspects of format should be included:
➢ Address of the sender.
➢ Date: The date is written below the sender’s address
➢ Recipient: The Editor
➢ Address of the recipient: The address of the recipient of the letter i.e., the editor
➢ Salutation: Sir/Madam
➢ Subject line: The subject line outlines the main purpose of the letter; it must be written
in one line.

➢ Introduction: Introduce yourself and state the purpose of writing the letter
➢ Body: Provide details of the topic
➢ Conclusion: Suggest possible solutions. However, remember not to request the editor
to solve the problem.
NOTE: Tone and register should for be formal.
➢ Suitable ending: – Yours faithfully
➢ Signature
➢ Name of the sender (Name and surname)

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

Points to remember:
• Use EITHER your street OR postal address. (Never use an address that has both.)
Avoid using slang and colloquial language.
• Use a concise subject line. Do not merely lift the subject line from the question.
• Do not threaten the editor or expect him or her to fix the problem. Please note that
the editor is doing you a favour, allowing you to share your views on his/her
newspaper. It’s not the editor’s job to fix the problem.

Please note that either of the two formats below can be used to write a letter to the


You have had many electricity and water disruptions

in your area. Write a letter to the editor of your local
newspaper expressing your views and feelings
about it.

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

(Format 1)

55 Spence Road
29 March 2022

The Editor
The Daily Sun
Private Bag X 321

Dear Sir/Madam

Electricity and water disruptions

During the past month we have experienced ………………………………………


The consequences of these disruptions …………………………………………………


Several requests were made to the municipality to investigate the cause of these
disruptions but to date they have not responded. Going public with our plight is our
last resort.

Yours faithfully
F Hahif
F. Hanif

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

Activity 1
The department of education has decided to impose a ban on matric dance at all
schools, until after final examinations. Write a letter to the local newspaper, expressing
your views on the matter. [30]

Activity 2

Many schools have replaced face-to-face teaching and learning with online lessons.
There have been mixed reactions to this. Write a letter to the press, in which you
present your views on this issue.

Activity 3
The public library in your community does not make provision for people living with
disabilities. Write a letter to the local newspaper in which you voice your views and
suggest measures that the library should employ to make the library more accessible
for people living with disabilities.

8.2.7 Letter of sympathy

A letter of sympathy is written to express your sympathy and provide comfort to someone
grieving the loss of a loved one or going through a rough time. While a note or message
will suffice, sometimes it is appropriate to send a letter.

Format of a letter of sympathy

The format of a letter of sympathy will vary depending on the context, for example to
express sympathy for the loss of a Superior’s loved one will require the letter to be
formal in nature whereas a letter of sympathy addressed to a friend will take a more
informal tone and format. While writing a sympathy letter, you must pay attention to the
sympathy letter introduction and sympathy letter closing. The following format will give
you an idea of the structure. You can adjust the layout depending on the type of letter
you are writing, i.e., formal, or informal.

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

How to write a letter of sympathy?

• Keep the letter short and brief
• Acknowledge the loss
• Express your sympathy
• Mention the unique qualities of the person
• End with a wish or sympathy expression
Letter of Sympathy - Example

Honeydew Paper Mill

PO Box 179
05 August 2022

Dear Zenzele

I am saddened to hear about the passing of your mother. I remember all

the times that I've met her, and I know how wonderful and supportive she
was to you.

I remember how much she used to love us, take care of us, and be there
for all of us. Your mom was a beautiful person inside and out, and everyone
admired her. I will always remember her in my heart. I know that losing a
parent is heart-breaking but allow yourself to grieve. You must remember
that she is happy for you and proud of you.

Please know that I am always here for you and if you ever need something,
just let me know.

God bless you!

Praying for you,


English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

Activity 1

Your neighbour has lost his dearest dog from childhood in a tragic car

accident. Write him a letter of sympathy to offer your condolences.


Activity 2:

Your mother’s boss has lost his mother. She has asked you to assist her with writing a
letter of sympathy to her boss.

Write the letter of sympathy addressed to Mr Zungu. [30]

Activity 3:

Your friend has been hospitalised for the past week due to a serious illness.

Write him/her a letter to express your sympathy. [30]

8.2.8 Letter of congratulations

A congratulation letter is sent by people who want to send their regards and
congratulatory messages to an individual or any entity who have achieved a milestone
either in their personal lives, careers, and /or businesses. It can be with regard to an
event that has been celebrated or a competition that has been won by the entity to
whom the letter is written for.
Moreover, there are still a lot of reasons on why a congratulation letter is sent.

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

What to include in a letter of congratulation?

• A congratulation letter can never be complete without passing your congrats to the
individual for their achievement or handwork.
• Mention the achievement. In your letter, ensure you’ve highlighted why you’re
congratulating the individual.
• Express your delight for the individual. When writing your letter, it’s essential to let the
recipient know that you’re proud of them for their accomplishment.
• Wish them well. As you congratulate the individual for the achievement, it’s also
important to wish them well in their future. Please specify that you wish them a great
• Close the letter warmly. As you terminate the congratulatory letter, sign off warmly.
• Adopt a celebratory tone. The letter should adopt a tone that conforms to the
occasion as well as your relationship with the recipient. For example, a professional
congratulatory letter should differ from a personal letter in both format and tone.

Format of a congratulatory letter

The format of a letter of congratulation is dependent on the type of letter i.e. formal or
informal. The following is a guide on the format to use:

• Address of the sender

• Date
• Position of receiver
• Company name
• Address of the receiver
• Salutation
• Subject
• Introduction
• Body
• Ending
• Name
• Signature

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

An example of a letter of Congratulations

Mellville Koppies Café
PO Box 45
05 August 2022

The Captain of the Wemblies

Wembly College
Private Bag x90

Excellence in sports

I was greatly excited to hear from your parents that your school has awarded you with the
best sportsman of the year award and has gifted you a gold medal. I am writing this letter to
convey my heartfelt congratulations to you on such an achievement and I would like to tell
you that you have really made all of us proud. Congratulations!

The news of your award winning did not surprise me because I already knew that you are an
ace athlete. As per your school records, your splendid performance in various sports such as
badminton, table tennis and basketball has made you a distinguished sportsperson and
hence this award is much deserved by you. Since you have earned a highest recognition
from your school, both nationally and internationally, you have a long way to pursue your
career in the field of sports and athletics. It was delightful to know that in addition to winning
this glorious award, you have performed excellent in your academics and co-curricular
activities as well. Students like you are surely an asset to the schools and institutes.

Once again, I would like to convey my heartiest congratulations to you on such a wonderful
achievement and I wish you all the best for your continued success. I am sure that this is just
the beginning for you and many such awards are yet to be added in your kitty.

Best wishes!
Yours faithfully,
Bob Walt

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

Activity 1

Your sister has just graduated from university after a long and difficult 4 years.

Write a congratulatory letter to her on her newfound success. [30]

Activity 2

A former teacher of yours has just been awarded for her impeccable teaching skills and
longevity in her career.

Write a letter to congratulate her on this significant award. [30]

Activity 3

Your uncle has been recently promoted to the CEO of an affluent company.

You are requested to write a letter on behalf of your family to congratulate him. [30]

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

8.3 Friendly/ Informal letter:

• An informal letter is written in a friendly, informal, and casual manner.

• It is normally written to people you know such as family members, friends/pals,
penfriends, etc.


• Write the sender’s address on the top right ending with the date in full.
NOTE: There are THREE different types of addresses, namely:

(i) postal: (ii) residential: (iii) private bag

P.O.Box 360 1875 Van Niekerk Street Private Bag X 59143
Madadeni Huttenpark Newcastle
2951 Newcastle 2940
(Date in full) 2940 (Date in full)
(Date in full)

• Leave a line then the greeting or salutation on the left e.g. Dear Nosiphiwe (no full
stop at the end).
• Leave another line and begin with your introduction stating the reason for the letter.
It must be short e.g. I wish to congratulate you on your success.
• Leave another line and write the development where you expand on the reason of
writing the letter…should be in line with the introduction. The body is normally
two paragraphs.
• Then leave a line and write the conclusion which must be simple and short normally
one or two lines e.g. Please send my kind regards to everyone.
• Lastly, write the ending (no full stops) on your left e.g. Your best friend

➢ Informal letter can end with Yours sincerely then the sender’s name.
➢ Do not sign and write your surname, your friend or family member should you know it!!

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

• Always remember to KISS (Keep It Short and Simple)
• Use simple English and be fairly conversational as if you are really talking to the
• You may ask questions and use exclamation marks.
• No punctuations such as full stops at the end of the addresses, greeting and ending.
• Always begin on the new page.
• Your tone, register, and diction should be informal but vulgar, offensive language and
slang should be avoided.

P.O Box 3682

7 August 2022

Dear Zingisa

I just heard that you have received a new job. I couldn’t be happier for you.

I know it is not easy to get a good job in this troubled job market. It is
particularly difficult for a fresh graduate with no experience. I really
appreciate your determination and hard work you pulled through while
searching for a new job. You are inspirational.

I am quite sure that your knowledge of computers and artistic skills will
make you a great Graphic Designer.

Best wishes for success.

Your friend Limakatso

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

Activity 1:
Your friend who is in your grade 12 class has measles and is in isolation. Write a letter to
your friend and wish him/her a speedy recovery and update him /her on what is happening
at school while s/he is in quarantine. [30]

8.4 Obituary

An obituary is a notice of the passing on of someone known by the audience. Over and
above ‘formally’ announcing the death, it also sketches the cause of death as well as the
funeral arrangements.
The aspects below must be included:

● full name of the deceased

● date of birth, date of death
● a tribute to the deceased
● Where the deceased was living at time of death
● birthplace
● key survivors and their names
● NOTE: be guided by the brief in the question
● Time, date and place of funeral paper as to a tribute that
● a tribute /Eulogy must be paid.

Some of the following may be included:

● cause of death
● biographical information

Style and tone

● formal tone
● concise
● euphemisms may be used, e.g. passed away instead of died

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

Basic Obituary Template

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

Activity 1:
Your brother-in-law recently passed away. As a member of the family, you have been asked
to write an obituary. You must also pay tribute to him in the obituary.
Write the obituary. [30]

Activity 2:
A learner in your class passed away. The principal of your school has asked you to write an
obituary, paying tribute to him/her. [30]

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

8.4 Dialogue

A dialogue is a conversation between two or more people. It is a record of the exchanges

as they occur, directly from the speaker’s point of view. When writing a dialogue, you must
ensure the following:

➢ Write the names of the characters on the left side of the page.
➢ Use a colon after the name of the character who is speaking.
➢ Use a new line to indicate each new speaker.
➢ Advice to characters (or readers) on how to speak or present the action must be given in
brackets before the words are spoken.
➢ Provide a scenario before you start writing.
➢ The length of your dialogue must not exceed 120-150 words.
➢ Do not waste time by including unnecessary information such as long greetings.

See example below:

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

Activity 1

Your sister has expressed her intention to join a girls’ soccer team, but your father/mother is
not happy with her decision. Your sister has asked you to speak to your father/mother.

Write the conversation that took place between you and your father/mother.

NOTE: Use the dialogue format. [30]

Activity 2

Your parent does not approve of one of your friends. You have decided to convince him/her
that this friend is not a bad influence on you. Write out the dialogue that takes place
between you and your parent. [30]

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023
8.5 Newspaper article

A Newspaper article is a text that discusses current or recent news of either general interest
(i.e., daily newspapers) or of a specific topic A newspaper article can include accounts of
eyewitnesses to the happening event.

When called to write a newspaper article, the reporter should state facts briefly but
accurately. The article must not be long-winded, including unnecessary details. The
reporter must strive to communicate the essence without losing the reader.

The following approach is recommended:

➢ Summarise accurately, without slanting the truth.

➢ Give a brief title and add a clear sub-title.
➢ Start with the most important facts: who, what, how, when, where, why and to what
➢ The least important details will be cut out (cropped) first from the bottom up if the article
needs to be shortened (for space). If there is extra space, then details can be added. In
other words, the longer the article, the more trivial details can be added. ➢ The length
of your article must be between 120-150 words

See the scenarios suggested below:

A wedding: Discuss the church, flowers, music, dress of the bride and
groom, mention who they are, their entourage, the service, minister,
reception, food, speeches, and names of some of the guests.

A sports function: The event; teams; coaches, supporters, play, result.

Your impressions and some ideas for improvement?

An accident: Give the facts: The nature of the accident; who was
involved; what happened; how it happened; injuries; role of the ambulance
and police service, etc. Add labelled drawing of accident scene if
necessary. Add some comment about the number of accidents and why (in
your view)?

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

An example of a newspaper article

Stranded fishermen rescued

A dramatic air and sea rescue operation had a happy ending yesterday when two
fishermen were found washed up on a beach in a remote diamond area of the
Northern Cape. Pascale van Rooyen, 49, and Andries Klaase, 23, said they spent
the night praying in the thick fog after their outboard engine broke down during a
mission to find crayfish and they drifted out of cell phone reception with only one
oar. They had set off from the Hondeklip Baai earlier in the day, in tandem with
another boat that also suffered engine failure, but whose crew managed to row
ashore. An earlier search for them was called off due to thick fog. They were found
on a remote stretch of beach in a restricted diamond area.

Bobby Jordan
Source: The Times, 21 May 2010

Activity 1

There was a service delivery protest in your city. Public property such as government
offices, vehicles were damaged. Write a newspaper article in which you express your
dissatisfaction with the behaviour of the protesters. Also show why it is not necessary to
engage in unacceptable behaviour when protesting. [30]

Activity 2

A newly discovered diamond has been found in a mine that is in your city. This had led to a
lot of public interest. Write a newspaper article in which you detail the story of how the
diamond was discovered as well as the interest that the discovery has drawn. [30]

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

8.6 Magazine article

A regularly published collection of articles that might focus on any topic in general or on
topics of interest to a specific group, such as sports fans or music fans or home decorator.
These usually appear in magazines.

When writing a magazine article, consider the following:

➢ The heading must be attractive and interesting

➢ The article should be beautifully illustrated, or excellent (colour) photographs should
accompany the article.
➢ The style should be personal, speaking directly to the reader.
➢ The style can be descriptive and figurative, appealing to the imagination of the readers.
➢ Names, places, times, positions and any other necessary details should be included in
the article.
➢ The article should stimulate interest and, like an advertisement, encourage the reader to
use the product or service.
➢ So, in some ways, this article is a kind of review, promoting a product or service.
➢ Paragraphs should not be too long, encouraging the reading of the article.
➢ The font should be light and attractive.
➢ The length of your article must be between 120-150 words

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

Example of a magazine article

Dutch maestro plays his first shows in South Africa. ANDRE RIEU is almost solely
responsible for the renewed popularity of classical music in South Africa. It should come
as no surprise then that tickets to the popular Dutch violinist, conductor and composer’s
first-ever South African performances with his 50-piece Johann Strauss Orchestra at
Sun City, Durban and Cape Town are selling faster than Rieu can fly through his octaves
on his Stradivarius.

The 59-year-old from Maastricht plans to get audiences out of their seats and
jigging in the aisles. Last year, Rieu was the world’s most successful male
touring artist. Taking into account that the only person who ever openly criticised
his music was an Aussie, he should be an enormous it with the locals, including
South African rugby fans.
Andre’s work and schedule can be viewed at www.andrerieu.com. Source:
Indwe, April 2010

Activity 1

Life in the 21st century is challenging for teenagers.

Write an article for a teenage magazine, Teen Mag, in which you give advice on how
teenagers can cope with life in this century.

Write out the article. [30]

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

Activity 2

Strained relationships are often caused by misunderstandings between parents and

teenagers. As the chairperson of the youth support group at your school, you have decided
to write an article on what can be done to improve relationships between parents and
teenagers. This article will appear in a teenage magazine.

Write out your article. [30]

8.7 Report (formal and informal)


• are factual accounts or summaries written in a

concise manner.

• can be formal or informal.

• are requested for a specific purpose and may be either investigative or

an eye-witness account

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

Features of a Report

Formal (e.g. Investigative report) Informal (e.g. Eye-witness report)

You must include the following: You must include the following:

• A recipient (‘To’) • A recipient (‘To’)

WHO IS IT FOR? A report is usually WHO IS IT FOR? A report is usually

presented to a specific audience. Who presented to a specific audience. Who
is/are the person/ people who should is/are the person/ people who should
read this report? read this report?

• A sender (‘From’) • A sender (‘From’)

The full name of the person who The full name of the person who
prepared the report prepared the report

• A topic/title/subject • A topic/title/subject

This should be a short title and should This should be a short title and should
point succinctly (clearly) to what the point succinctly (clearly) to what the
report deals with. report deals with.

Introduction Introduction

Briefly explain the background and Briefly explain the background and
purpose of the report. purpose of the report.

Body Body

• Investigation o Procedure followed • Should be a factual account of

to gather information incident/accident/ situation

• Findings • Who? Why? Where? When? What?


o Based on investigation

Conclusions Conclusions

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023
This needs to correlate with the Summarise your findings
purpose of the report.

Recommendations Recommendations

Based on findings If applicable

Sign and date report Sign and date report


• Formal language to be used. • Informal format but formal language

to be used.
• The report must be objective. It
must state the correct facts about the • No slang or colloquial language.
situation that was investigated
without giving personal opinions. • The report must be objective. It
must state the correct facts about the
• Avoid using the first person. situation that was witnessed without
giving personal opinions.

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

Below is an example of a Formal report:

TO : Ms P. Ndlovu, Head of the Mothers’ Committee.
FROM : Mr S. Mkhize
TOPIC : Investigation into the running of a soup kitchen at Nobuhle High
As requested by the Head of the Mothers’ Committee, this report investigates the
running of a soup kitchen from the school for the underprivileged in our
• A survey was drawn up and carried out in the local community by the members
of the Mothers’ Committee, to determine how many families had no breadwinner.
• The school tuckshop kitchen was inspected to see if it was suitable for
preparing and serving the soup.
• A local supermarket was approached for donations of ingredients.
• The Community Service Group was asked if they could prepare and serve the
• There is no permanent breadwinner in 40% of the families in the local

• The tuckshop is the ideal venue to prepare and serve the soup.

• Choice ’n Change supermarket has agreed to donate the ingredients,

plastic bowls and spoons.

• The Community Service Group said they would assist on Tuesday and
Friday afternoons.

The school will be able to run a soup kitchen every Tuesday and Friday.

The soup kitchen should start on 1 October 2023.

S. Mkhize

03 September 2023

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

Activity 1

You attended a leadership workshop at a neighbouring school. As you were the representative
from your school, the principal has asked you to write a report providing a factual account of the
leadership workshop.

Write the report (DBE Nov 2022) [30]

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

SECTION C: Shorter Transactional Text

NB: It is recommended that you spend at least 30min in this section.

Transactional writing is based on real life experiences and is thus factual. These texts
are communicative between the writer and his/her audience, hence the concept of a

The length of texts ranges from:

Level Grade 12
FAL 80– 100 words

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

9.1 A Short Message

SMS (Short Message Service) commonly referred to as text messaging. A service for
sending short messages or sharing information through a network using electronic gadgets
such as computers and smartphones.

A short message (WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, SMS) has the following features:
➢ Language can be formal or informal depending on context, however, do not use slang.
➢ The tone can be formal or informal depending on the context or to whom the text is
directed to.
➢ Tense depends on context.
➢ Formal language must be used for examination purposes.
➢ The message has to be clear and concise.

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

Below are examples of formal and informal text messages:

You have just come from a bridal party fitting and it was your first experience. Send a text
message to your friend reflecting on this experience.

Normal text (accepted for SMS language (not accepted for

examination purposes) examination purposes)

You will not believe what Zet
happened today! We finally U won’t blv wat went down 2day!
met the groomsmen for Tom We finally met the groomsmen 4
and Zama’s wedding. I got Tom and Zams wedding. LOL gt
paired up with one who paired with 1 who has two left feet.
could not dance. That is not nt 1ly dat! When we tryd
all, when we fitted our
bridesmaids’ dresses on our Cindy’s 1 didn’t
Cindy’s dress did not fit! I fit I was ROTFL she sed dat shz
laughed hysterically. She bn on a di8 bt I didn’t blv her. Also
said that she has been on a wnt cake tasting, hd red velvet
diet but I did not believe her. cake that was the bomb
We also went cake tasting dude.Totes wish that u hd been
and I had Red Velvet cake there!
that was very delicious!
I wish you had been there.

You are preparing for your final exam and you would like to plan for study sessions. Write
the text message you would send to your cousin inviting him to your planning meeting and
requesting him to bring some of his classmates along. [20]

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

Normal text (accepted for SMS language (not

examination purposes) accepted for examination

Dear cousin Cuz

I would like to meet with you tomorrow
between 5pm and 6pm to discuss our I would like 2 meet wit u
study time. Please come with more 2mrw b2n 5 & 6 2 discuss
our study time. U mst cm wit
learners from your class because it will 2 more learners bcoz it will b
be more helpful if there are more people mor useful wit a lot of ppl
in attendance. We will have guidance
from our teachers and some of the
former learners who did well last year
and currently studying at
tertiary institutions. This should motivate
us to do well in our studies.
I look forward to seeing you and your

Imagine that you are the principal of your school. Inform all learners who have ordered
tracksuits to collect them from the clerk’s office.

Write the text message you would send to the learners’ group.
To +2788005066
Dear Learners

Be advised that your new school tracksuits have arrived. Collect

your full set from Ms Zuma’s office during your lunch hour
tomorrow. Bring proof of payment when collecting. Collection
times are staggered. Grade 12s will collect up to 12h15 and
Grades 10 and 11 from 12h15 to 12h30. Grades 8 and 9 will
collect on Thursday from 12h00. Be patient and considerate. Do
not crowd Ms Zuma. We have enough stock and correct sizes.
Be punctual for our efficiency. From Principal Gumbi.

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023


When you receive your matric results, your parents are at work. You discover that you have
passed with flying colours.

Write a text message sharing the exciting news with your parents. [20]


As the study group administrator for the Grade 12 learners at your school, you have been
asked by one of the teachers to inform the members about a session that he/she would like
to have with them.

Send a text message to the study group chat informing them about the session. [20]

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

9.2 Diary Entries

A diary entry is a record and reflection on personal experiences/feelings/events captured on

a daily or weekly basis.

1. Must reflect a date for each entry

2. Must be written in the first person
3. Must express feeling and emotions
4. Can be formal or informal in style

Features of a diary entry:

• Day, date, time

• Salutation (Dear Diary/ Dear Tinkie etc.)
• Feelings (before and after) in the case of a double. Briefly give reasons why you feel that
• Words that describe feelings are happy, sad, excited, angry, confused etc. Use the
appropriate tense

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

See examples below:

You recently participated in a talent contest. Write TWO diary entries. The first entry must
indicate how you felt before the talent contest and the second entry must express how you
felt after the contest.
Friday, 27 February 2022

Dear Diary
It is 5pm and I am a bundle of nerves. I have butterflies in my stomach and my hands are
sweaty and shaky. I am so nervous about tonight’s talent show! What on earth made me
decide to compete in the first place and why did I choose singing as my talent?

Friday, 27 February 2022

Dear Diary
It is now 8pm. I must admit, the show was not so bad after all. I went on stage and performed
well. I obtained second place and could not be happier. I guess the nervousness was
unnecessary; after all, everybody applauded me! I am so proud of myself!


Having a driver’s licence is often a requirement for employment these days. You recently
went for your driving test.
Write TWO diary entries expressing your feelings BEFORE and AFTER your driving test.


Your cousin has spread rumours about you. You have decided to discuss the matter with
Write TWO diary entries, expressing your feelings BEFORE and AFTER your discussion
with him/her.

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023


Your parents have been invited to school to discuss your performance in the Mid-year
Examination. Write TWO diary entries in which you express your feelings BEFORE and
AFTER their visit. Your entries must be 80-100 words.

How to attempt a diary entry?

➢ Plan the text.
➢ Write and edit the draft text.
➢ Write a draft of the text using ideas from the plan. Edit the draft by correcting any
grammar, punctuation, spelling and format errors.
➢ Write the final draft.
➢ Strike off your planning.

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023


Directions are instructions given to a person on how to reach a


Directions must:
• be based on a given scenario.
• directions should always have a point of departure (starting point) and the destination.
• be concise and clear
• be in chronological order (listing them will be easier)
• refer to a specific direction
• indicate the approximate distance using kilometres (km). Distance must be realistic.
• provide information about landmarks along the way.
• be written using the imperative form, for example: Walk for ten minutes.

Take note of the following:

Words indicating position: Words indicating direction:

next to…in front of…directly opposite drive/walk down…

above…beyond…on the right-hand drive up walk
side of across…behind… in past…
the pass the blue building and … follow
shopping mall under…through… the signs to…
walk in an easterly direction towards
at the bottom of the hill cross over at the third set of traffic
below … lights turn
on the corner of turn left into…
opposite … go halfway round the circle …
turn around and … the road
curves to the right where the
diagonally opposite
road forks … the road curves to
the left … drive in the direction
of … at the second intersection
… inquire at …

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

Below are examples of directions:

You have decided to start a study group at your house, but not all learners know where you
live. Give them directions from the school to your house.

Directions from school to house:

1. Exit the school and turn right onto Walter Street.
2. Walk down Walter Street for approximately100m.
3. At the four way crossing, turn left onto Church Street.

4. Pass Thokozani’s General Dealer on your left-hand side.

5. Keep straight on that road until you have crossed the second set of traffic lights with
the community library on your left-hand side.
6. Turn right onto Boom Street.

7. On your right-hand side you will see Thobela’s Spaza Shop.

8. Walk a further 500m until you reach a T-junction.
9.Turn left onto Solomon Street. The third house on the left-hand side is my house.

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

Activity 1

Use the attached map and give directions to a lost friend who is walking from Tsobo’s
kitchen to Mustek LIMITED. Include landmarks and street names.

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

An example of a response.


(The distance from Tsobo’s Kitchen to Mustek LIMITED is about 1, 7 km. It can
be covered in 10-15 minutes while walking. )

• From Tsobo’s Kitchen walk down Nelson Mandela Drive.

• Walk past Wiseman Midas on your left and Volksblad on your right.
• At the corner near Auto Zone, walk up through W. Burger Street.
• Pass by Suspension Guru Fitment Centre on your left.
• Cross Zastron Street.

• Pass by Caramello’s building.

• At the corner, next to Total Central, turn right and then walk down Cricket
Street for 50 metres to reach your destination.

Activity 1

A friend of yours from another province is coming to visit you for the holidays. He/ she will
make use of one of the national bus services to travel to your hometown. Write out the
directions from the bus station or taxi rank to your home.

NOTE: Do not include illustrations or drawings [20]

Activity 2

Your school is closing for the holidays. Your parents have asked your aunt to fetch you.
Give her clear directions from the main road to your school.

NOTE: Do not include illustrations or drawings [20]

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

Activity 3

Your new neighbour has asked you for directions to the local library.

Write the directions from your street to the library. You must include landmarks, distances,
and specific directions in your response.

NOTE: Do not include illustrations or drawings [20]

How to attempt directions:

➢ Plan the text

➢ Write and edit the draft text
➢ Write a draft of the text using ideas from the plan. Edit the draft by correcting any
grammar, punctuation, spelling and format errors.
➢ Write the final draft.
➢ Strike off your planning.

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023


Instructions are detailed information about how something should be done or operated. We
give instructions when we are describing how something is done through a series of
sequenced steps.

Instructions must:

• be based on a given scenario

• be concise and clear
• be in chronological order (listing them will be easier)
• be written using the imperative form
• be within the 80–100-word limit

Below are examples of instructions:

Your cousin, who is in Grade 8, must prepare and present a speech. He/she has asked you
for assistance. Write a set of instructions that he/she must follow when preparing a speech
for presentation.

Some tips on preparing an outstanding speech for presentation:

1. Research your topic comprehensively and gather facts and statistics to use.

2. Write a powerful and attention-grabbing introductory sentence.

3. Use note cards; this will help you deliver a more fluent speech.

4. Practise your speech by saying it aloud.

5. Ask for help with words you cannot pronounce.

6 Prepare illustrations or graphs, this will help your audience to understand your statistics.

7. Do not stress! Stress will cause you to stutter and stumble over your words.

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

Activity 1:

Your parents have bought a new cell phone. They need to set up a family WhatsApp group.

As a young person who is used to technology, write a set of instructions for them to set it

Activity 2

There is a severe shortage of water in your area. You have decided to instruct members of
your family about how they should save water.

Write a set of instructions for your family members on how they should save water.

NOTE: Do NOT include illustrations or drawings. [20]

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023


Criteria Exceptional Skilful Moderate Elementary Inadequate
CONTENT & 28–30 22–24 16–18 10-12 4-6
PLANNING -Outstanding/Striking response -Very well-crafted response -Satisfactory response -Inconsistently coherent -Totally irrelevant response
beyond normal expectations -Fully relevant and interesting -Ideas are reasonably coherent response -Confused and unfocused ideas

Upper level
(Response and ideas) -Intelligent, thought-provoking ideas with evidence of and convincing -Unclear ideas and unoriginal -Vague and repetitive
Organisation of ideas for and mature ideas maturity -Reasonably organised and -Little evidence of organisation -Unorganised and incoherent
planning; -Exceptionally well organised -Very well organised and coherent, including introduction, and coherence
Awareness of purpose, and coherent (connected), coherent (connected), body and conclusion/ending
audience and context including introduction, body and including
conclusion/ending introduction, body and
30 MARKS conclusion/ending
25–27 19–21 13–15 7–9 0–3
-Excellent response but lacks -Well-crafted response -Satisfactory response but some -Largely irrelevant response -No attempt to respond to the
the exceptionally striking -Relevant and interesting lapses in clarity -Ideas tend to be topic
Lower level

qualities of the outstanding ideas -Ideas are fairly coherent and disconnected and confusing -Completely irrelevant and
essay -Well organised and coherent convincing -Hardly any evidence of inappropriate
-Mature and intelligent ideas (connected), including -Some degree of organisation organisation and coherence -Unfocused and muddled
-Skilfully organised and coherent introduction, body and and coherence, including
(connected), including conclusion introduction, body and
introduction, body and conclusion
LANGUAGE, STYLE & 14–15 11-12 8- 9 5- 6 0–3
EDITING -Tone, register, style and -Tone, register, style and -Tone, register, style and -Tone, register, style and -Language incomprehensible
vocabulary highly appropriate to vocabulary very appropriate to vocabulary appropriate to vocabulary less appropriate to -Tone, register, style and
Tone, register, style,
Upper level

purpose, audience and context purpose, audience and purpose, audience and context purpose, audience and context vocabulary not appropriate to
vocabulary appropriate -Language confident, context -Appropriate use of language to -Very basic use of language purpose, audience and context
to purpose/effect and exceptionally impressive -Language is effective and a convey meaning -Tone and diction are -Vocabulary limitations so
context; -Compelling and rhetorically consistently appropriate tone -Tone is appropriate inappropriate extreme as to make
Word choice; effective in tone is used -Rhetorical devices used to -Very limited vocabulary comprehension impossible
Language use and -Virtually error-free in grammar -Largely error-free in grammar enhance content
conventions, and spelling and spelling
punctuation, grammar, -Very skilfully crafted -Very well crafted
spelling 13 10 7 4
-Language excellent and -Language engaging and -Adequate use of language with -Inadequate use of language
Lower level

15 MARKS rhetorically effective in tone generally effective some inconsistencies -Little or no variety in sentence
-Virtually error-free in grammar -Appropriate and effective -Tone generally appropriate and -Exceptionally limited
and spelling tone limited use of rhetorical devices vocabulary
-Skilfully crafted -Few errors in grammar and
-Well crafted
STRUCTURE 5 4 3 2 0–1
-Excellent development of topic -Logical development of -Relevant details developed -Some valid points -Necessary points lacking
Features of text; -Exceptional detail details -Sentences, paragraphs well- -Sentences and paragraphs -Sentences and paragraphs
Paragraph development -Sentences, paragraphs -Coherent constructed faulty faulty
and sentence exceptionally well-constructed -Sentences, paragraphs -Essay still makes sense -Essay still makes some sense -Essay lacks sense
construction logical, varied

English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

Criteria Exceptional Skilful Moderate Elementary Inadequate
CONTENT, PLANNING 15–18 11-14 8-10 5-7 0–4
& FORMAT -Outstanding response -Very good response -Adequate response -Basic response -Response reveals no
beyond normal demonstrating good demonstrating demonstrating some knowledge of features
Response and ideas; expectations knowledge of features knowledge of features knowledge of features of the type of text
Organisation of ideas -Intelligent and mature of the type of text of the type of text of the type of text -Meaning obscure with
for planning; ideas -Maintains focus – no -Not completely focused -Some focus but writing major digressions
Purpose, audience, -Extensive knowledge digressions – some digressions digresses -Not coherent in content
features/conventions of features of the type of -Coherent in content -Reasonably coherent -Not always coherent in and ideas
and context text and ideas, very well in content and ideas content and ideas -Very few details
-Writing maintains focus elaborated and details -Some details support -Few details support the support the topic
18 MARKS -Coherence in content support topic the topic topic -Necessary rules of
and ideas -Appropriate format with -Generally appropriate -Necessary rules of format not applied
-Highly elaborated and minor inaccuracies format but with some format vaguely applied
all details support the inaccuracies -Some critical
topic oversights
-Appropriate and
accurate format
LANGUAGE, STYLE & 10–12 8–9 6–7 4-5 0–3
EDITING -Tone, register, style -Tone, register, style -Tone, register, style -Tone, register, style -Tone, register, style
and vocabulary highly and vocabulary very and vocabulary and vocabulary less and vocabulary do not
Tone, register, style, appropriate to purpose, appropriate to purpose, appropriate to purpose, appropriate to purpose, correspond to purpose,
purpose/effect, audience and context audience and context audience and context audience and context audience and context
audience and context; -Grammatically -Generally -Some grammatical -Inaccurate grammar -Error-ridden and
Language use and accurate and well- grammatically accurate errors with numerous errors confused
conventions; constructed and well-constructed -Adequate vocabulary -Limited vocabulary -Vocabulary not suitable
Word choice; -Virtually error-free -Very good vocabulary -Errors do not impede -Meaning obscured for purpose
Punctuation and -Mostly free of errors meaning -Meaning seriously
spelling impaired


English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023

Criteria Exceptional Skilful Moderate Elementary Inadequate
CONTENT, PLANNING 10–12 8-9 6-7 4-5 0-3
& FORMAT -Outstanding response -Very good response -Adequate response, -Basic response, -Response reveals no
beyond normal demonstrating good demonstrating demonstrating some knowledge of features
Response and ideas; expectations knowledge of features knowledge of features knowledge of features of the type of text
Organisation of ideas; -Intelligent and mature of the type of text of the type of text of the type of text -Meaning obscure with
Features/conventions ideas -Maintains focus – no -Not completely focused -Some focus but writing major digressions
and context -Extensive knowledge digressions –some digressions digresses -Not coherent in content
of features of the type of -Coherent in content -Reasonably coherent -Not always coherent in and ideas
12 MARKS text and ideas, very well in content and ideas content and ideas -Very few details
-Writing maintains focus elaborated and details -Some details support -Few details support the support the topic
-Coherence in content support topic the topic topic -Necessary rules of
and ideas -Appropriate format with -Generally appropriate -Necessary rules of format not applied
-Highly elaborated and minor inaccuracies format but with some format vaguely applied
all details support the inaccuracies -Some critical
topic oversights
-Appropriate and
accurate format
LANGUAGE, STYLE & 7–8 5-6 4 3 0–2
EDITING -Tone, register, style -Tone, register, style -Tone, register, style -Tone, register, style -Tone, register, style
and vocabulary highly and vocabulary very and vocabulary and vocabulary less and vocabulary do not
Tone, register, style, appropriate to purpose, appropriate to purpose, appropriate to purpose, appropriate to purpose, correspond to purpose,
vocabulary appropriate audience and context audience and context audience and context audience and context audience and context
to purpose and context; -Grammatically -Generally -Some grammatical -Inaccurate grammar -Error-ridden and
Language use and accurate and well- grammatically accurate errors with numerous errors confused
conventions; constructed and well-constructed -Adequate vocabulary -Limited vocabulary -Vocabulary not suitable
Word choice; -Virtually error-free -Very good vocabulary -Errors do not impede -Meaning obscured for purpose
Punctuation and -Mostly free of errors meaning -Meaning seriously
spelling impaired


English First Additional language/P3 KZN/2023


1. Gardner, H. (1999). Intelligence reframed: Multiple intelligences for the 21st century. New
York, NY: Basic Books.
2. Needle, Andrew, et al. (2007). Combining art and science in 'arts and sciences' education.
College Teaching 55.3
3. The Department of Basic Education (May/June & Nov 2021, May/June 2022)
4. www.bestlettertemplate.com
5. www.thebalancecareers.com/congratulations
6. wcedonline.westerncape.gov.za/dbe-support package

7. DBE Creative Writing Self-Study Guide 2021

8. Avbob Examination Preparation Guide 2023


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