Excerise 7 Tugas

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Name: Muhammad Zikri Ilham

Class: Manajemen E



1. Read the text. Write the adjectives comparing the africa elephant and the Asian
2. Complete the table with comparative adjectives from the text

Answer :
1, African elephants: larger, heavier and they’ve got bigger ears
Asian elephants: more intelligent and better at following instructions. 2,
Short Adjective Comparative Rule
Long Longer + -er
Large Larger + -r
Heavy Heavier -y -ier
Hot Hotter Double consonant + -er
Long Adjective Comparative Rule
Intelligent More intelligent More + Adjective
Irregular adjective Comparative
Good Better
Bad Worse
Far Further
We use than to make
Comparisons. Sue is taller
Than me.

1. Complete the sentences with the comparative form of the adjectives in brackets
2. Tidak dikerjakan
3. Look at the chart below and write the sentences about the places use the comparatives
forms of these adjectives and than
4. Tidak dikerjakan

Answer :
1) -1 which ocean is wider, the Atlantic or the pacific? (wide)
-2 wich planet is further from the sun, jupiter or saturn? (far)
-3 wich animals are more dangerous hippos or dolphins? (dangerous)
-4 wich country is bigger, Russia or Canada? (big)
-5 wich animals are faster cats or horses? (fast)
-6 wich metal is more expensive gold or silver? (expensive)
-7 wich is heavier water or ice? (heavy)
3) -1 the atacama desert is colder than the arabian dessert
-2 my shoes is drier than your shoes
-3 Her House is bigger than mine
-4 the tower is higher than the tree
-5 august is hotter than any other months
-6 malang is wetter than nganjuk


1. Read the article and find the superlative form of these adjectives
2. Complete the table with superlative adjectives from the text

Answer :
1) -1 the coldest
-2 the worst
-3 the lowest
-4 the wettest
-5 the driest
-6 the most difficult
Short adjective Superlative Rule
Long The longest + -est
Large The Largest + -st
Heavy The heaviest y -iest
Hot The Hottest Double consonant + -est
Long adjective Superlative Rule
Difficult Most difficult Most + adjective
Irregular adjective Superlative
Good The best
Far The farther
Bad The worst

1. Complete the sentences with the superlative form of the adjectives in brackets
2. Tidak dikerjakan
3. Write questions and answers. Use who or what in the questions, and use the
superlative formsof the adjectives
Answer :
1,) -1 i’m the funniest person in the class. (Funny)
-2 june is usually hottest month of the year. (Hot)
-3 money is the most important thing in the world. (Importan)
-4 brazil has got best football team in the world. (Good)
-5 alexandria is most exciting city in egypt. (Exciting)
-6 English is the most difficult subject at school. (Difficult)
3) – who is the tallest in your family?
my father is the tallest in our family.
-what is the best movie of the year?
spiderman coming home is the best movie of the year.

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