FullReport AES2022
FullReport AES2022
FullReport AES2022
February 2023
website: www.mti.gov.sg
email: [email protected]
56 6.1 Manufacturing
58 6.2 Construction
62 6.3 Wholesale Trade
Economic Performance
6.4 Retail Trade
6.5 Transportation & Storage
66 6.6 Accommodation
68 6.7 Food & Beverage Services
69 6.8 Information & Communications
Costs, Investments and Prices
Business Cost Conditions in Singapore’s
Manufacturing and Services Sectors 84 CHAPTER 7
Economic Outlook
I nternational Trade 86 FEATURE
Balance of Payments
02 Economic Survey of Singapore 2022
Share of Total Merchandise Exports in 2022 Share of Total Services Exports in 2022
Chapter 1
(Year-On-Year Growth)
5 4.5%
10 4.0% 4.0%
8.9% 4
3 2.1%
5 1
3.6% 0
1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q
Wholesale Trade Manufacturing Other
Services Industries
2020 2021 2022
External Domestic
Demand Demand
Gross Operating
57.7% Consumption
Expenditure Gross Fixed
2 Capital
+1.0% Formation
Compensation Taxes Less +0.1%
of Employees Subsidies point
36.6% on Production 0
5.8% -0.1%
-1 point
-1.0% Changes in
-2 point Inventories
Chapter 1: Economic Performance 07
In the fourth quarter of 2022, the Singapore economy grew by 2.1 per cent on a year-on-year basis, moderating
from the 4.0 per cent expansion in the previous quarter. All sectors expanded during the quarter, with the exception
of the manufacturing and finance & insurance sectors. The sectors that contributed the most to growth during
the quarter were the other services, wholesale trade and real estate sectors.
For the full year, the Singapore economy grew by 3.6 per cent, slower than the 8.9 per cent expansion in 2021.
All sectors recorded full-year expansions, with the wholesale trade, manufacturing and other services sectors
contributing the most to GDP growth for the year.
Professional Services 6.1 For the whole of 2022, the Singapore economy expanded
by 3.6 per cent, moderating from the 8.9 per cent growth
Other Services Industries 6.0
in 2021 (Exhibit 1.2).
Information & Comms 5.6
Retail Trade 5.1 By sectors, the manufacturing sector grew by 2.5 per
Transportation & Storage 2.5 cent in 2022, a marked slowdown from the 13.3 per cent
Wholesale Trade 2.4 growth achieved in the preceding year. Growth in the sector
Overall GDP Growth 2.1
for the year was supported by output expansions across
all clusters, except for the chemicals and biomedical
Finance & Insurance -0.3
manufacturing clusters.
Manufacturing -2.6
-10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 Services producing industries posted growth of 4.8 per
Per Cent
cent in 2022, easing from the 7.6 per cent expansion in
2021. All services sectors registered full-year expansions,
The manufacturing sector contracted by 2.6 per cent year- with the food & beverage services (18.2 per cent) and
on-year in the fourth quarter, a pullback from the 1.1 per real estate (14.1 per cent) sectors recording the fastest
cent growth in the preceding quarter. All clusters within growth in 2022.
the sector recorded contractions during the quarter, except
for the transport engineering and precision engineering Meanwhile, the construction sector grew by 6.7 per cent in
clusters. 2022, extending the 20.5 per cent expansion in the preceding
year. Output growth in the sector was supported by an
increase in both public and private sector construction
08 Economic Survey of Singapore 2022
Exhibit 1.2: GDP and Sectoral Growth Rates in 2022 Exhibit 1.3: Percentage-Point Contribution to Growth in Real
GDP in 4Q 2022 (By Sectors)
Food & Beverage Services 18.2
Real Estate 14.1 Overall GDP Growth 2.1
Information & Comms 8.6 Other Services Industries 0.6
insurance sectors (Exhibit 1.3). Among the sectors that Wholesale Trade 0.6
expanded, the other services, wholesale trade and real Manufacturing 0.5
estate sectors were the top contributors to GDP growth Other Services Industries 0.5
during the quarter.
Information & Comms 0.4
For the whole of 2022, all sectors contributed positively Professional Services 0.4
to GDP growth, with the wholesale trade, manufacturing Real Estate 0.4
and other services sectors contributing the most to GDP Transportation & Storage 0.3
growth for the year (Exhibit 1.4). Administrative & Support 0.2
Finance & Insurance 0.2
Construction 0.2
Food & Beverage Services 0.1
Retail Trade 0.1
Accommodation 0.0
0 1 2 3 4
Per Cent
Chapter 1: Economic Performance 09
External Demand 8.6 -1.3 0.5 2.4 -5.2 -1.0 For the full year, total consumption expenditure picked
up by 6.5 per cent, faster than the 5.8 per cent growth
Total Domestic
2.5 0.6 1.9 0.7 1.2 1.1 in 2021. The increase in consumption expenditure was
driven by an expansion in private consumption which
Consumption outweighed a decline in public consumption. Specifically,
1.0 0.2 1.6 1.3 1.1 1.0
Expenditure private consumption rose by 9.7 per cent, attributable in
part to an increase in expenditure on miscellaneous goods
Public 0.2 -0.2 0.0 -0.2 0.0 -0.1
& services and recreation & culture. At the same time,
public consumption fell by 2.3 per cent, a reversal from
Private 0.9 0.5 1.6 1.4 1.1 1.2
the 3.7 per cent expansion in 2021.
Gross Fixed
1.5 0.2 0.2 0.3 -0.1 0.1 Exhibit 1.6: Changes in Total Demand in Chained (2015) Dollars
Capital Formation
Changes in Per Cent
0.0 0.2 0.1 -0.9 0.2 -0.1
Inventories 15
External Demand 10
0.4 0.1 0.3
Property Products
Chapter 1: Economic Performance 11
GNI AND THE EXTERNAL Exhibit 1.10: Singapore’s Earnings from External Economy
as a Proportion of Total Income
Factor income from abroad reached $217 billion in 2022, 30
up from the $196 billion in 2021. The contribution of
overseas operations to the total economy was 25.2 per
cent in 2022, slightly lower than the contribution of 25.7 25
per cent recorded in 2021 (Exhibit 1.10).
2002 2007 2012 2017 2022
14 Economic Survey of Singapore 2022
Chapter 2
Employment VA per
(as at year end) Actual Hour Worked 15
+254,000 -0.8%
+91,400 +44,900 -5
employed employed 2020 2021 2022
20th Percentile Median
Chapter 2: Labour and Market Productivity 15
Total employment surged by 254,000 in 2022, driven by gains in both resident and non-resident employment.
The increase in employment was experienced across all broad sectors. Excluding Migrant Domestic Workers
(MDWs), total employment grew by 231,700.
At the same time, unemployment rates and the number of retrenchments declined in 2022.
Between 2017 and 2022, the real gross monthly income of full-time employed residents at the median and 20th
percentile increased by 1.8 per cent per annum and 2.9 per cent per annum respectively.
Manufacturing 2.3
Accommodation 1.2
1 Figures for the fourth quarter of 2022 and full year of 2022 are based on preliminary estimates.
16 Economic Survey of Singapore 2022
For the whole of 2022, total employment increased by Exhibit 2.3: Unemployment Rates (Seasonally-Adjusted)
254,000, picking up from the increase of 40,200 recorded Per Cent
in 2021. Total employment expanded across the broad 4
sectors, with the services sector (+128,000) registering the
largest gains, followed by the construction (+91,400) and
manufacturing (+34,000) sectors.
The expansion in total employment in 2022 occurred
on the back of gains in both resident and non-resident
employment.2 Non-resident employment accounted for most
of the employment gains during the year, due to employers 2
backfilling positions as border restrictions were lifted in
April 2022. Meanwhile, resident employment continued to
grow, particularly in the finance & insurance, information
& communications and other services sectors.
Dec Mar Jun Sep Dec
2021 2022
Between September and December 2022, the seasonally-
adjusted unemployment rate eased at the overall level Overall Resident Citizen
(from 2.1 per cent to 2.0 per cent), and for residents (from
2.9 per cent to 2.8 per cent) and citizens (from 3.1 per cent
to 3.0 per cent) (Exhibit 2.3). RETRENCHMENTS
In December 2022, there were 67,400 unemployed residents, The number of retrenchments increased in the fourth
of whom 59,800 were Singapore citizens. These were lower quarter (3,000), compared to the third quarter (1,300).
than the number of unemployed residents (70,800) and Notwithstanding the rise, the number of retrenchments in
citizens (62,400) in September 2022. the fourth quarter remained within the range of quarterly
retrenchments observed in 2019.3 Over the quarter,
For the full year of 2022, the annual average unemployment retrenchments rose in the services (from 1,050 to 2,000),
rate declined at the overall level (from 2.7 per cent in 2021 manufacturing (from 250 to 900) and construction (from
to 2.1 per cent), as well as for residents (from 3.5 per cent to 10 to 100) sectors.
2.9 per cent) and citizens (from 3.7 per cent to 3.0 per cent).
Despite the increase in retrenchments in the last quarter
In 2022, 69,600 residents, of whom 62,000 were Singapore of 2022, the total number of retrenchments for 2022 as a
citizens, were unemployed on average. These were lower whole (6,450) was lower than the level recorded in 2021
than their respective figures in 2021 (84,300 and 75,700). (8,020). The trends were mixed across the broad sectors.
Specifically, retrenchments fell in the services (from 6,020
to 4,360) and construction (from 240 to 180) sectors, but
rose in the manufacturing sector (from 1,710 to 1,910).
2 Figures for resident and non-resident employment changes for the full year of 2022 will be released in MOM’s Labour Market Report 2022 in mid-March 2023.
3 In 2019, quarterly retrenchments ranged from 2,320 to 3,230.
Chapter 2: Labour and Market Productivity 17
& storage and other services sectors declined. Finance & Insurance -2.7
Construction -7.2
Collectively, the productivity of outward-oriented sectors Accommodation -8.7
fell by 4.3 per cent in the fourth quarter, while that of -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20
domestically-oriented sectors rose by 0.5 per cent over Per Cent
the same period.4 For the full year of 2022, real value-added per actual hour
worked declined by 0.8 per cent, a reversal from the 6.7
per cent increase in 2021 (Exhibit 2.4). While growth in the
Exhibit 2.4: Changes in Value-Added per Actual Hour real value-added per actual hour worked for the overall
Worked for the Overall Economy economy in 2022 was supported by double-digit productivity
gains in the real estate and food & beverage services
Per Cent
sectors, it was weighed down by productivity declines in
the accommodation, construction, finance & insurance,
manufacturing and information & communications sectors
6 (Exhibit 2.5).
Real Value-Added per Worker
Real value-added per worker fell by 4.9 per cent in the
fourth quarter, extending the 2.3 per cent contraction in
0 the preceding quarter.
4 Outward-oriented sectors refer to manufacturing, wholesale trade, transportation & storage, accommodation, information & communications, finance & insurance
and professional services. Domestically-oriented sectors refer to construction, retail trade, food & beverage services, real estate, administrative & support services
and other services industries.
18 Economic Survey of Singapore 2022
Over the last five years (i.e., June 2017 to June 2022), real
median income rose by 9.4 per cent cumulatively, or 1.8
per cent per annum (Exhibit 2.6). During this period, real
income growth at the 20th percentile exhibited stronger
growth (15.4 per cent cumulatively, or 2.9 pe r cent per
annum), thus narrowing the income gap with the median
income earner.
3 2.9
2 1.8
20th Percentile Median
5 The Consumer Price Index (CPI) for all items rose by 6.1 per cent in 2022.
Chapter 2: Labour and Market Productivity 19
22 Economic Survey of Singapore 2022
Chapter 3
10 Overall ULC
9.6% 9.6%
in 2022 in 2022
2020 2021 2022 Unit Labour Cost Unit Business Cost
6 Food
Transport Housing & Utilities
Overall ULC for the economy rose by 9.3 per cent year-on-year in the fourth quarter, extending the increase of
7.7 per cent in the preceding quarter. For the whole of 2022, overall ULC rose by 8.5 per cent.
Total investment commitments attracted by EDB remained healthy in 2022. The manufacturing sector garnered
a larger amount of commitments in terms of fixed asset investments (FAI), while the services sector attracted
a larger amount of total business expenditure (TBE) commitments. By clusters, the electronics and chemicals
clusters within the manufacturing sector were the biggest contributors to FAI commitments, while the headquarters
& professional services cluster within the services sector contributed the most to TBE commitments.
The Consumer Price Index-All Items (CPI-All Items) rose by 6.6 per cent year-on-year in the fourth quarter,
moderating from the 7.3 per cent increase in the previous quarter. For 2022 as a whole, CPI-All Items inflation
came in at 6.1 per cent, higher than the 2.3 per cent recorded in 2021.
Producer prices, as measured by the domestic supply price index (DSPI), the Singapore manufactured products
price index (SMPPI) as well as the import and export price indices, all rose on a year-on-year basis in the fourth
quarter. For the whole of 2022, the DSPI, SMPPI as well as the import and export price indices increased by 18.6
per cent, 14.9 per cent, 14.4 per cent and 15.9 per cent respectively.
Manufacturing unit business cost (UBC) rose by 11.1 per INVESTMENT COMMITMENTS
cent year-on-year in the fourth quarter, extending the
10.3 per cent increase in the previous quarter (Exhibit EDB attracted healthy levels of investment commitments
3.2). The increase in manufacturing UBC came on the in 2022. For the full year, FAI and TBE commitments came
back of a pickup in unit services costs (11.6 per cent), in at $22.5 billion and $6.2 billion respectively.
manufacturing ULC (10.3 per cent) and unit non-labour
production taxes (11.5 per cent). For 2022 as a whole, the In terms of FAI, the largest contribution came from the
manufacturing UBC climbed by 9.6 per cent, faster than manufacturing sector, which garnered $17.4 billion in
the 0.1 per cent increase in 2021. commitments. Within manufacturing, the electronics
cluster attracted the largest amount of FAI commitments,
Exhibit 3.2: Changes in Unit Business Cost for Manufacturing at $15.0 billion, followed by the chemicals cluster, at $862
million. Within the services sector, the infocommunications
Per Cent
& media and research & development clusters contributed
15 the most to total FAI commitments, with $2.2 billion and
$1.4 billion respectively (Exhibit 3.4).
5 Electronics
-5 6.7%
2021 2022 Chemicals
Services Clusters
Singapore’s relative unit labour cost (RULC) for 22.8%
manufacturing – a measure of Singapore’s competitiveness
against 16 economies1 – rose in 2022 (i.e., less competitive)
as compared to 2021 (Exhibit 3.3). The deterioration in Investors from the United States were the largest source of
Singapore’s RULC was mainly on account of an increase in FAI commitments, with $11.4 billion (50.6 per cent). They
Singapore’s manufacturing ULC and a stronger Singapore were followed by investors from Europe who contributed
dollar. about $4.8 billion of FAI commitments (21.2 per cent).
Exhibit 3.3: Singapore’s Relative Unit Labour Cost in For TBE, the services sector attracted the highest amount
Manufacturing Against Selected 16 Economies1 of commitments, at $5.0 billion. This was driven by the
headquarters & professional services cluster, which
110 garnered $2.9 billion in TBE commitments, followed by
the infocommunications & media cluster, with $1.4 billion.
Among the manufacturing clusters, the electronics cluster
contributed the highest amount of TBE commitments, at
$533 million (Exhibit 3.5).
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
1 The 16 economies are Australia, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Netherlands, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, the United
Kingdom, the United States and Vietnam.
Chapter 3: Costs, Investments and Prices 25
Exhibit 3.5: Total Business Expenditure by Industry Clusters For 2022 as a whole, CPI-All Items rose by 6.1 per cent,
in 2022 faster than the 2.3 per cent increase in 2021.
7.3 per cent increase in the previous quarter (Exhibit 3.6). Housing & Utilities 5.2
On a quarter-on-quarter seasonally-adjusted basis, CPI-
Recreation & Culture 4.3
All Items inflation came in at 0.9 per cent, down from the
1.8 per cent in the previous quarter. Clothing & Footwear 2.8
By contrast, communication costs fell by 1.2 per cent
on account of a drop in the prices of telecommunication
QOQ Growth (SA)
2021 2022
2 Others refers to countries except for Singapore, Europe, Japan and the United States.
3 As overseas travel was limited in April 2020 – December 2022, a portion of the CPI for airfares was imputed using the overall change in CPI-All Items. With more
flights resuming and prices becoming available, actual airfares are being progressively incorporated into the CPI.
4 Similarly, as overseas travel was limited, the CPI for holiday expenses was imputed using the overall change in CPI-All Items. However, with the easing of travel
restrictions, actual holiday expenses are increasingly being incorporated into the CPI.
26 Economic Survey of Singapore 2022
PRODUCER PRICE INFLATION Exhibit 3.9: Changes in Import and Export Price Indices
Per Cent
Producer prices – as measured by the DSPI, SMPPI, and 30
import and export price indices – all rose on a year-on-
year basis in the fourth quarter (Exhibits 3.8 and 3.9). The
increases seen during the quarter came on the back of Export Price Index
Singapore Manufactured
Products Price Index
2021 2022
Chapter 3: Costs, Investments and Prices 27
Unit business cost in both the
manufacturing and overall
services sector rose in 2022.
The increase in manufacturing UBC in 2022 was The increase in services UBC in 2022 came on the
mainly on account of increases in manufacturing back of an increase in non-labour cost and unit
unit labour cost as well as the higher costs of labour cost.
work given out and utilities.
IN 2022 IN 2022
+2.4% +2.2%
point point
+7.0% +1.8%
Labour Cost Work Given Out point point
Looking ahead, the overall ULC for the economy is likely to continue to rise in 2023, albeit at a more moderate
pace as the growth in renumeration per worker is likely to soften amidst global economic headwinds and the
slowdown in the domestic economy. At the same time, the costs of utilities, fuel and transportation are
expected to ease but remain elevated, reflecting the outlook for global oil prices in 2023.
Unit business cost in both the manufacturing and overall services sector rose in 2022
In 2022, the unit business cost index for the manufacturing sector (UBCI) rose by 9.6 per cent (Exhibit 1). The main
contributors to the increase in UBCI were manufacturing unit labour cost (ULC), as well as the costs of work given
out and utilities, with their contributions collectively accounting for 6.6 percentage-points (pp) of the increase in the
UBCI. Meanwhile, other cost components such as non-labour production taxes2 (e.g., property, road and other indirect
taxes) and rental costs3 had a relatively small impact on the UBCI, in part due to their small shares in overall business
cost. (Please refer to the Annex for the business cost structure of firms in the manufacturing and services sectors.)
1Q22 2Q22 3Q22 4Q22 2022
As for the overall services sector, its unit business cost index (UBC-Services Index)4 rose by 8.8 per cent in the first
three quarters of 2022 compared to the same period a year ago (Exhibit 2).5 This was due to an increase in non-labour
costs (+7.0pp contribution) and the services ULC (+1.8pp). In turn, the increase in non-labour costs could be attributed
to higher freight & transport charges and fuel costs caused by a sharp rise in oil prices following the onset of the
Russia-Ukraine war. Meanwhile, other cost components such as rental costs had a relatively small impact on the
UBC-Services Index. In particular, while the rental for office space rose in 2022, there was a fall in rental for retail
space over the same period.6
1 Unit business cost measures the costs incurred to produce one unit of output. Only operating expenses (excluding materials costs and depreciation) are included
in business costs. This is the definition adopted by the Department of Statistics (DOS) in its computation of the Unit Business Cost for Manufacturing. See DOS’s
Information Paper, “Methodological Review on the Unit Business Cost Index for Manufacturing Industry (Base Year 2010=100)”, at https://www.singstat.gov.sg/-/
2 Labour-related taxes on production (e.g., foreign worker levy) are classified under labour cost. Taxes on income (e.g., corporate income tax) are not included in
business cost.
3 Industrial rentals rose by 6.9 per cent in 2022 amidst inflationary pressures, larger than the 2.0 per cent increase in 2021.
4 The UBC-Services Index is estimated by MAS to assess cost conditions in the services sector. It is a composite index of proxy cost indicators for each component
of business costs where available, combined using weights estimated from expenditure data in DOS’s Services Survey Series 2019: The Services Sector, as well as
the 2019 Input-Output tables.
5 Latest available UBC-Services Index is up to the third quarter of 2022.
6 Rentals of office space rose by 11.7 per cent in 2022, supported by an increase in the demand for office space as the economy continued to recover and workplace
safe management measures were lifted. Meanwhile, rentals of retail space fell by 2.4 per cent in 2022, moderating from the 6.8 per cent decline in 2021 as the
relaxation of domestic and travel restrictions led to an increase in retail spending and demand for retail space.
Chapter 3: Costs, Investments and Prices 29
1Q22 2Q22 3Q22 2022
The ULC for the overall economy increased in 2022 at a faster pace than in 2021
The ULC for the overall economy rose by 8.5 per cent in 2022, faster than the 4.9 per cent increase in 2021.7 With this
increase, the ULC for the overall economy in 2022 was 4.3 per cent higher than its pre-COVID (2019) level.
The increase in the overall ULC in 2022 was due to a rise in total labour cost8 (TLC) per worker (7.8 per cent) and a
slight decline in labour productivity9 (-0.6 per cent) (Exhibit 3). In turn, the increase in TLC per worker was driven by a
pickup in remuneration per worker, and a tapering of the wage subsidies that were provided by the Government during
the pandemic (e.g., Jobs Support Scheme).10 Specifically, the increase in remuneration per worker and fall in wage
subsidies per worker contributed 4.5pp and 3.2pp to the rise in TLC per worker in 2022 respectively.
At the sectoral level, all sectors except for the real estate sector experienced an increase in their ULCs in 2022 (Exhibit
4). The ULCs for the construction (11.5 per cent) and manufacturing (9.6 per cent) sectors increased on the back of a
rise in TLC per worker alongside a decline in labour productivity.
Meanwhile, among the services sectors, the accommodation (26.5 per cent) and food & beverage services (15.1 per
cent) sectors registered the largest increases in their ULCs. For the accommodation sector, the increase in its ULC
was due to the combined effect of an increase in TLC per worker and a fall in labour productivity. On the other hand,
the increase in ULC for the food & beverage services sector was due to a sharp increase in TLC per worker which
outpaced gains in labour productivity.
For 2023, the ULC for the overall economy is likely to continue to rise, albeit at a more moderate pace as compared to
2022, as the growth in renumeration per worker is likely to soften amidst global economic headwinds and a slowdown
in the domestic economy.
7 A change in the ULC can be approximately decomposed as the change in total labour cost per worker minus the change in labour productivity (proxied by gross real
value-added per worker). The approximation holds better when the changes are small.
8 TLC comprises remuneration, wage subsidies and other labour-related costs, which include the skills development levy, foreign worker levy, and recruitment and
net training costs. An example of a wage subsidy provided to firms is the Jobs Support Scheme (JSS), which was extended in 2021 to help firms affected by the
COVID-19 pandemic retain their local employees. Specifically, the JSS provided wage support of up to 10 to 50 per cent (between 16 May 2021 and 19 December
2021) of the first $4,600 of gross monthly wages paid to local employees by eligible firms. The final payout for JSS based on wages from 1 November to 19 December
was disbursed on 31 March 2022.
9 Labour productivity in this decomposition exercise is proxied by real gross value-added per worker.
10 In a given year, wage subsidies provided by the Government would reduce the TLC per worker. However, the tapering of wage subsidies from one year to the next
would contribute positively to the changes in TLC per worker.
30 Economic Survey of Singapore 2022
Exhibit 3: Decomposition of ULC Growth for Overall Exhibit 4: ULC Change by Sectors, 2022
Economy, 2022
Accommodation 26.5
ULC 8.5%
Food & Beverage Services 15.1
Transportation & Storage 11.7
TLC per worker 7.8%
Construction 11.5
Information & Communications 10.6
Remuneration per worker +4.5pp
Finance & Insurance Services 9.9
Manufacturing 9.6
FWL per worker +0.1pp
Professional Services 7.6
Services Producing Industries 7.5
Wage subsidies per worker +3.2pp
Administrative & Support Services 5.5
Retail Trade 5.4
Other labour costs -
Wholesale Trade 4.8
Other Services Industries 3.3
Gross real labour productivity -0.6%
Real Estate -3.2
-10 0 10 20 30
* Measured as real gross value-added per worker. Per Cent
Source: MTI Staff estimates using data from the Department of Statistics and Ministry of Manpower
Costs of utilities, fuel and transportation are likely to ease but remain elevated in 2023
The cost of utilities borne by firms is closely linked to electricity prices,11 which are in turn strongly influenced by
movements in global oil prices.12 Oil prices also contribute to business costs through fuel and transportation costs.
In 2022, the average wholesale electricity price rose by 49 per cent on the back of a spike in global oil prices and a
corresponding pickup in natural gas prices.13 The price hikes for oil and natural gas could be attributed in large part
to tight global supply conditions that were exacerbated by the Russia-Ukraine war. In 4Q22, however, the average
wholesale electricity prices fell on a year-on-year basis due to the high base a year ago arising from disruptions to
the supply of Piped Natural Gas (PNG) to Singapore (Exhibit 5).
Looking ahead, while global oil prices have eased from the peaks in 2022 amidst concerns over the slowdown in the
global economy, they are projected to remain elevated given continued tight supply conditions. For 2023 as a whole, the
US Energy Information Administration has projected that global oil prices will average US$84 per barrel (/bbl)14, lower
than the 2022 average of US$101/bbl but higher than the 5-year annual average of US$60/bbl between 2017 and 2021.
In turn, elevated oil prices will keep the domestic costs of utilities, fuel and transportation at elevated levels in 2023.
11 Electricity cost is a component of utilities cost, which forms a relatively small share of total business costs. For example, utilities cost accounts for 2.5 per cent to
3.1 per cent of business costs for SMEs and non-SMEs in the manufacturing sector respectively (refer to the Annex for details). Similarly, utilities cost is a relatively
small cost component for firms in the services sectors, accounting for less than 2 per cent of the business costs of firms in most sectors.
12 Around 95 per cent of our electricity is generated from natural gas, the price of which is indexed to oil prices. This is a common market practice in Asia.
13 This is based on the average half-hourly Uniform Singapore Energy Price (USEP), which is a proxy for average wholesale energy prices in the National Electricity
Market of Singapore.
14 EIA Short-Term Energy Outlook Report, February 2023.
Chapter 3: Costs, Investments and Prices 31
Exhibit 5: Global Oil Prices and Uniform Singapore Energy Prices, 1Q22 – 4Q22
1Q22 2Q22 3Q22 4Q22
In 2022, the UBC for the manufacturing sector rose, in large part due to the increase in manufacturing ULC as well
as the higher costs of work given out and utilities. Similarly, the UBC for the overall services sector rose in the first
three quarters of 2022 on account of an increase in non-labour costs and the services ULC.
Looking ahead, the overall ULC for the economy is likely to continue to rise in 2023, albeit at a more moderate pace as
the growth in renumeration per worker is likely to soften amidst global economic headwinds and the slowdown in the
domestic economy. At the same time, the costs of utilities, fuel and transportation are expected to ease but remain
elevated, reflecting the outlook for global oil prices in 2023.
Contributed by:
Singapore Department of Statistics (2014), “Methodological Review on the Unit Business Cost Index for Manufacturing
Industry (Base Year 2010=100)” November. https://www.singstat.gov.sg/-/media/files/publications/economy/ip-e38.pdf.
U.S. Energy Information Administration (2023), “Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO)” February. https://www.eia.gov/
32 Economic Survey of Singapore 2022
Manufacturing Sector
In the manufacturing sector, labour cost, work given out and “others” constitute the largest components of business
costs. These three components collectively account for around 84 per cent of the business costs of small- and medium-
sized enterprises (SMEs) and around 73 per cent of the business costs of non-SMEs in the sector.
The remaining services cost components, including utilities, fuel, rental of building/premises and charges paid to other
firms for inland transportation and ocean/air/other freight, make up a smaller share of business costs, at around 26
per cent for non-SMEs and 15 per cent for SMEs. Non-labour production taxes, which include property, road and other
indirect taxes, account for around 0.6 per cent and 0.5 per cent of the business costs of SMEs and non-SMEs respectively.
Details of the business cost structure of SMEs and non-SMEs in the various manufacturing clusters are in Exhibit A1.
Services Sector
Labour cost is a major cost component for firms in the services sectors, with its share of business costs ranging from
around 6 per cent for firms in the transportation & storage sector, to around 38 per cent or more for firms in labour-
intensive sectors such as the food & beverage services, accommodation and retail trade sectors. Across all services
sectors, except for the retail trade and transportation & storage sectors, the labour cost share of business costs is
larger for SMEs than for non-SMEs.
On the other hand, utilities cost is a relatively small cost component for services firms, accounting for less than 2 per
cent of the business costs of firms in most services sectors. Key exceptions are firms in the accommodation and food
& beverage services sectors, where utilities cost constitutes around 6 per cent or less of their business costs. Similarly,
rental cost accounts for a small share of the business costs of firms in most services sectors. Key exceptions include
the retail trade and food & beverage services sectors, where the rental cost share of business costs for SMEs is 31
per cent and 26 per cent respectively.
Like in the manufacturing sector, non-labour production taxes account for less than 1 per cent of the business costs
of firms in most services sectors. Even for the retail trade, accommodation and real estate, professional services &
administrative & support services sectors, where the share of non-labour production taxes is the highest, it is relatively
small, at around 3 per cent or less.
Details of the business cost structure of SMEs and non-SMEs in the various services sectors are in Exhibit A2.
Exhibit A1: Business Cost Structure of the Manufacturing Sector by Firm Size, 2021
Biomedical Precision Transport General
Total Electronics Chemicals
Manufacturing Engineering Engineering Manufacturing
Labour Cost 18.2 32.1 11.5 8.6 15.4 28.1 25.4 13.7 29.8 49.2 34.9 50.3 37.1 47.5
Services Cost 81.3 67.3 88.3 90.9 83.6 71.0 74.2 85.9 69.8 50.1 63.2 49.0 62.3 51.8
Work given out 20.1 20.8 25.8 44.2 6.6 3.1 10.5 16.0 11.0 15.8 36.9 17.8 7.4 12.5
Royalty payments 13.5 5.2 13.8 5.4 5.6 4.5 32.0 20.7 22.2 1.5 1.7 2.8 3.9 1.1
Utilities 3.1 2.5 2.3 0.4 7.1 9.4 1.4 0.7 1.5 2.1 1.8 1.4 6.8 2.8
Fuel 6.0 1.1 0.9 0.1 32.0 5.4 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.4 0.3 0.4 3.5 1.5
Rental of building/
0.3 1.8 0.1 0.2 0.3 1.1 0.8 0.4 0.6 1.8 0.5 2.7 1.4 4.6
Charges paid to other
firms for inland
3.1 4.9 1.7 1.4 6.2 14.8 4.0 8.0 4.8 3.0 1.6 1.4 5.6 4.9
transportation and
ocean/ air/ other freight
Others 35.2 31.1 43.6 39.4 25.9 32.7 25.2 39.9 29.5 25.6 20.4 22.5 33.8 24.3
Non-Labour Production
0.5 0.6 0.2 0.4 1.0 0.9 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.7 1.9 0.7 0.6 0.7
Source: Economic Development Board
Note: SMEs refer to enterprises with operating receipts of not more than $100 million or employment of not more than 200 workers. Non-SMEs refer to enterprises with operating receipts of more than $100 million and employment
of more than 200 workers. “Others” consists of sub-components such as professional fees, advertising, commission and agency fees, sundry expenses, etc.
Chapter 3: Costs, Investments and Prices
Exhibit A2: Business Cost Structure of the Services Sectors by Firm Size, 2021
Real Estate,
Food &
Wholesale Transportation Information & Finance & Services and
Retail Trade Beverage
Trade & Storage Communications Insurance Administrative
Accommodation^ Services
& Support
Non- Non- Non- Non- Non- Non- Non-
Labour Cost 16.1 17.0 42.1 36.8 46.4 45.0 46.5 12.9 3.9 13.3 21.3 12.2 15.5 32.1 34.8
Services Cost 83.7 82.3 56.6 62.4 50.6 54.7 53.2 86.7 96.0 86.4 78.2 87.6 84.2 66.1 63.0
Economic Survey of Singapore 2022
Utilities 0.3 0.2 2.8 1.4 6.4 3.9 4.8 0.5 0.1 0.5 0.6 - 0.1 0.4 0.9
Freight & Transport 16.7 39.7 4.7 2.6 - 2.6 1.0 55.3 71.8 0.2 0.7 - - 1.1 1.5
Financial Services 3.0 1.9 1.9 2.5 1.8 0.8 1.4 0.4 0.3 0.5 1.9 5.0 5.8 0.1 1.0
Communications 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.8 0.7 0.2 0.5 0.4 0.3 2.8 8.1 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.4
Renting of Premises 2.2 4.9 24.4 30.5 13.3 20.8 26.1 0.8 1.2 1.1 3.2 0.8 1.3 1.7 4.3
Professional Services 7.9 4.2 1.9 2.4 2.5 1.1 1.5 1.0 0.7 12.7 12.1 3.2 4.7 10.1 6.8
Other Services 53.1 31.2 20.6 22.2 25.9 25.3 17.9 28.2 21.5 68.6 51.5 78.4 72.2 52.5 48.0
Advertising &
3.9 4.3 4.3 6.3 2.6 3.8 2.2 0.2 0.3 14.6 14.0 1.8 0.8 0.5 4.1
Admin & Management
12.5 7.1 1.9 3.0 6.2 3.2 3.3 3.2 1.5 3.4 11.2 4.6 11.9 4.7 11.4
Contract labour & work
15.2 2.4 0.8 1.3 1.8 1.4 2.1 1.6 0.7 4.2 7.2 0.3 0.3 25.9 9.6
given out
Commission 2.6 5.7 1.2 3.5 1.8 1.1 2.0 1.5 2.0 2.0 1.9 3.9 8.3 1.1 5.5
Royalties 13.3 3.2 1.2 0.7 0.7 6.8 1.8 - - 40.6 4.9 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.8
Maintenance & repairs 0.9 0.6 3.7 1.8 5.5 5.3 2.4 3.2 1.1 0.5 1.0 0.6 0.3 1.8 3.4
Fuel - 0.8 0.1 0.1 - 0.1 - 13.1 12.4 - - - - - 0.3
Others 4.7 7.1 7.4 5.4 7.3 3.6 4.0 5.4 3.5 3.4 11.4 67.1 50.3 18.0 12.9
Non-Labour Production
0.3 0.7 1.2 0.8 3.0 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.4 1.8 2.2
Source: Department of Statistics and Monetary Authority of Singapore
1. SMEs refer to enterprises with operating receipts of not more than $100 million or employment of not more than 200 workers. Non-SMEs refer to enterprises with operating receipts of more than $100 million and employment
of more than 200 workers.
2. “-“ refers to nil or negligible.
3. ^The breakdown of SMEs and non-SMEs for the accommodation sector is not available due to data suppression as most firms in the accommodation sector in 2021 would be considered SMEs by definition as a result of the effects
of the COVID-19 pandemic on the activity of the sector.
Chapter 3: Costs, Investments and Prices 35
Image courtesy of PSA Singapore
38 Economic Survey of Singapore 2022
Chapter 4
$655 billion $357 billion
Merchandise Services Imports
$1,365 $758
billion $199 billion
in 2022 Non-Oil in 2022
Domestic Exports
-10 -10
2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022
Singapore’s total merchandise trade declined by 1.0 per cent year-on-year in the fourth quarter of 2022, a
reversal from the 25.7 per cent growth in the previous quarter. At the same time, total services trade increased
by 7.0 per cent year-on-year, extending the 12.5 per cent growth in the third quarter.
For the whole of 2022, Singapore’s total merchandise trade surged by 17.7 per cent to $1.4 trillion, from $1.2
trillion in 2021. Oil trade expanded by 47.5 per cent amidst higher oil prices compared to a year ago, while non-
oil trade grew by 11.9 per cent. Merchandise exports and imports increased by 15.6 per cent and 20.1 per cent
Total services trade rose robustly by 10.8 per cent to $758 billion in 2022, from $684 billion in 2021. Services
exports and imports increased by 12.1 per cent and 9.3 per cent respectively in 2022.
MERCHANDISE TRADE For the whole of 2022, total merchandise exports rose
by 15.6 per cent, extending the 19.1 per cent increase
Merchandise Exports recorded in 2021.
Exhibit 4.1: Growth Rates of Total Merchandise Trade, Exhibit 4.2: Changes in Domestic Exports
Merchandise Exports and Merchandise Imports
(In Nominal Terms) Per Cent
2021 2022
I II III IV Domestic Exports
Merchandise 19.7 20.8 28.0 25.7 -1.0 17.7 20
Merchandise 10
19.1 18.8 24.9 23.4 -2.3 15.6 Non-Oil Domestic Exports
19.0 20.8 28.5 27.9 -2.1 18.2
Oil 38.0 45.4 72.9 75.2 21.6 52.4
Non-Oil 12.1 11.4 8.9 7.1 -14.0 3.0 2021 2022
20.4 23.1 31.6 28.1 0.5 20.1
Electronics NODX declined by 15.9 per cent in the fourth NODX to the US expanded mainly because of a rise in the
quarter, extending the 1.8 per cent contraction in the exports of structures of ships & boats, non-monetary gold
previous quarter. The slump in electronics NODX was and specialised machinery. NODX to EU 27 rose on the
primarily due to a fall in the domestic exports of ICs, disk back of an increase in the exports of pharmaceuticals,
media products and parts of PCs. Non-electronics NODX specialised machinery and ICs. Meanwhile, ICs, specialised
declined by 13.4 per cent, reversing the 10.0 per cent machinery and electrical machinery contributed the most
growth in the previous quarter. The fall in non-electronics to the rise in NODX to Malaysia. On the other hand, NODX
NODX was due to lower domestic exports of non-monetary to China fell due to lower exports of non-monetary gold,
gold, pharmaceuticals and petrochemicals. specialised machinery and primary chemicals.
For the full year, NODX expanded by 3.0 per cent, extending
the 12.1 per cent growth in 2021. The growth in NODX was Oil Domestic Exports
supported by increased shipments of both electronics
(0.5 per cent) and non-electronics (3.8 per cent) products. Oil domestic exports increased by 21.6 per cent year-on-
year in the fourth quarter, extending the 75.2 per cent
The top 10 NODX markets accounted for 78.6 per cent of growth in the previous quarter. The growth in oil domestic
Singapore’s total NODX in 2022. Singapore’s NODX to all exports was led by higher exports to countries such as
the top 10 markets grew in 2022, except for China, Hong New Zealand and EU 27. This increase also partly reflected
Kong and Thailand (Exhibit 4.3). The biggest contributors higher oil prices compared to the same quarter a year
to the growth in NODX in 2022 were the US (18.6 per cent), ago. In volume terms, oil domestic exports expanded by
EU 27 (10.7 per cent) and Malaysia (11.7 per cent). 6.6 per cent, extending the 18.6 per cent increase in the
third quarter.
Exhibit 4.3: Growth Rates of Non-Oil Domestic Exports to
Top 10 Markets in 2022 For the full year, oil domestic exports posted robust growth
of 52.4 per cent, faster than the 38.0 per cent increase in
United States 18.6 2021. The increase in oil domestic exports was largely
Malaysia 11.7
on account of higher oil prices compared to a year ago.
By countries, it was driven mainly by higher exports to
EU 10.7
Malaysia, Indonesia and Australia. In volume terms, oil
Japan 10.7 domestic exports rose by 1.7 per cent in 2022, reversing
Indonesia 9.0 the 10.1 per cent decline in 2021.
Taiwan 6.3
China -13.1
Non-oil re-exports (NORX) contracted by 2.4 per cent
year-on-year in the fourth quarter, deteriorating from the
Hong Kong -18.7
19.7 per cent increase in the preceding quarter (Exhibit
-25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 4.4). The decline in NORX could be attributed to a fall
Per Cent in electronics NORX, as non-electronics NORX rose.
Electronics NORX decreased by 9.1 per cent, a reversal
from the 10.5 per cent growth in the third quarter, as the re-
exports of ICs, parts of PCs and PCs declined. Meanwhile,
non-electronics NORX grew by 6.0 per cent, slowing from
the 32.1 per cent increase in the preceding quarter. The
expansion in non-electronics NORX was mainly due to the
higher re-exports of specialised machinery, non-electric
engines & motor and electrical machinery.
Chapter 4: International Trade 41
Oil Imports
For the whole of 2022, NORX expanded by 13.4 per cent,
slower than the 19.2 per cent growth in 2021. The growth
in NORX was due to an increase in both electronics NORX Non-Oil Imports
(9.9 per cent) and non-electronics NORX (17.7 per cent).
NORX to all the top 10 NORX markets rose in 2022, except
for Hong Kong (Exhibit 4.5). NORX to Indonesia increased on
the back of a pickup in the re-exports of ICs, non-monetary
gold and civil engineering equipment parts. Meanwhile, -50
higher shipments of ICs, diodes & transistors and parts IV I II III IV
2021 2022
of PCs led to an increase in NORX to Malaysia.
Re-exports to the US grew on account of a rise in shipments Oil imports grew by 8.2 per cent year-on-year in the fourth
of electrical machinery, ICs and non-electric engines & quarter, slower than the 58.8 per cent increase in the
motors. preceding quarter. The increase in oil imports was due
partly to higher oil prices. In volume terms, oil imports
Exhibit 4.5: Growth Rates of Non-Oil Re-Exports to Top 10 expanded by 6.0 per cent, following the 21.9 per cent
Markets in 2022 increase in the third quarter.
Indonesia 28.6 For the full year of 2022, non-oil imports rose by 14.6 per
South Korea 20.9
cent, comparable to the 15.3 per cent growth in 2021.
Meanwhile, oil imports picked up by 43.9 per cent, extending
United States 20.1
the 49.4 per cent growth in 2021.
Malaysia 18.1
Taiwan 14.1
Japan 14.1
EU 13.0
China 6.9
Vietnam 5.0
Chapter 5
Singapore’s balance of BALANCE OF PAYMENTS
payments came in at a deficit of COMPONENTS IN 2022
$157.4 billion at the end of 2022
150 300
$279.4 billion
$103.3 billion
100 $88.9 billion 250
50 200
0 150
$124.4 billion
-50 100
-$157.4 billion
-200 Current Capital and
2020 2021 2022 Account Financial Account
Singapore’s overall balance of payments recorded a smaller deficit of $10.7 billion in the fourth quarter of 2022,
compared to the deficit of $26.4 billion in the third quarter. For the whole of 2022, the overall balance of payments
registered a deficit of $157 billion, a reversal from the surplus of $88.9 billion in 2021. The reversal was mainly
due to a significant increase in net outflows from the capital and financial account. Singapore’s official foreign
reserves fell to $388 billion at the end of 2022.
$ Billion
The current account surplus declined to $23.5 billion in 60 Goods Balance
the fourth quarter, from $32.7 billion in the third quarter
(Exhibit 5.1). For 2022 as a whole, the current account 40
surplus rose by $21.8 billion to $124 billion (19.3 per cent
of GDP). The increase in surplus was driven by larger
surpluses in the goods and services balances, which more Services Balance
$ Billion -40
40 2021 2022
The surplus in the services balance came in at $12.1 billion
in the fourth quarter, higher than the $11.5 billion in the
preceding quarter. For the whole of 2022, the surplus in the
services balance rose to $45.0 billion, from $31.8 billion
in 2021. This was mainly driven by larger net receipts
for transport services and financial services, lower net
20 payments arising from charges for the use of intellectual
property, and a shift from net payments to net receipts
IV I II III IV for other business services. These more than offset
2021 2022 the increases in net payments for travel services and
manufacturing services on physical inputs owned by others.
In terms of the sub-components of the current account,
the goods surplus fell to $41.7 billion in the fourth quarter, The primary income deficit increased by $1.6 billion from
from $49.8 billion in the third quarter, as the decline in the previous quarter to $28.9 billion in the fourth quarter.
exports was more than that of imports (Exhibit 5.2). For For the year as a whole, the deficit widened by $10.4 billion
2022 as a whole, the goods balance registered a larger to $104 billion, as payments rose by more than receipts.
surplus of $188 billion, compared to the $169 billion
recorded in 2021, as the exports of goods increased by The secondary income deficit widened to $1.4 billion
more than imports. in the fourth quarter, from $1.2 billion in the preceding
quarter. For the year as a whole, the deficit increased by
$0.3 billion to $5.2 billion as secondary income payments
rose by more than receipts.
48 Economic Survey of Singapore 2022
ACCOUNT $ Billion
100 Investment
The capital and financial account1 registered a smaller net
outflow of $33.5 billion in the fourth quarter, compared
to the $60.7 billion in the preceding quarter (Exhibit 5.3). 60
For 2022 as a whole, net outflows amounted to $279 40 Investment
billion (43.4 per cent of GDP), an increase from the $11.4 20
billion in 2021. The step-up in net outflows was due to a Financial Derivatives
sharp increase in net outflows for “other investment” and
Direct Investment
portfolio investment, as well as a shift from net inflows to -20
net outflows for financial derivatives. -40
2021 2022
Exhibit 5.3: Capital and Financial Account Balance
$ Billion
120 Net outflows of portfolio investment rose to $18.6 billion in
the fourth quarter, from $16.5 billion in the previous quarter.
100 For the full year, net outflows of portfolio investment
increased by $14.4 billion to $95.4 billion in 2022.
Financial derivatives switched to net inflows of $2.4 billion
in the fourth quarter, from net outflows of $3.1 billion
40 in the preceding quarter. However, for 2022 as a whole,
financial derivatives reversed to a net outflow position of
20 $3.1 billion, from a net inflow position of $1.6 billion in 2021.
IV I II III IV Net inflows of direct investment reached $34.2 billion in
2021 2022
the fourth quarter, higher than the $32.5 billion in the
previous quarter. For 2022 as a whole, net inflows of direct
In terms of the sub-components of the capital and financial investment rose by $6.3 billion to $124 billion, as the
account, net outflows of “other investment” came in at increase in foreign direct investment flows into Singapore
$51.5 billion in the fourth quarter, down from $73.6 billion exceeded that of residents’ direct investment abroad.
in the preceding quarter (Exhibit 5.4). For the full year,
net outflows of “other investment” reached $305 billion,
a significant increase from the $49.9 billion registered in
2021. This was attributable in part to resident deposit-
taking corporations seeing an increase in net outflows.
1 Net inflows in net balances are indicated by a minus (-) sign. For more details regarding the change in sign convention to the financial account, please refer to DOS’s
information paper on “Singapore’s International Accounts: Methodological Updates and Recent Developments”.
Chapter 5: Balance of Payments 49
52 Economic Survey of Singapore 2022
Chapter 6
Nominal Nominal
Real Real
Value Value
Growth CLUSTERS Added
(%) (%)
Share (%) Share (%)
Construction 2.7 6.7 11.3 -5.0
Share (%)
Land Transport* 8.7 10.1 Value
Share (%)
Water Transport* 74.3 1.1
Business &
Others 8.8 7.8 9.5 2.3
Management Consultancy
Other Administrative
55.8 14.7
Share (%)
Chapter 6.1
The manufacturing sector contracted by 2.6 per cent year-on-year in the fourth quarter of 2022, reversing the
1.1 per cent expansion in the preceding quarter. All clusters saw a fall in output during the quarter, except for
the transport engineering and precision engineering clusters.
For the whole of 2022, the manufacturing sector grew by 2.5 per cent, slower than the 13.3 per cent growth in
2021. All clusters, except for the biomedical manufacturing and chemicals clusters, recorded output growth
for the year.
by 2.5 per cent, slower than the 13.3 per cent growth in 2021.
Growth of the sector was supported by output expansions Total Manufacturing
in all clusters except for the biomedical manufacturing and
chemicals clusters (Exhibit 6.2). Manufacturing
Output in the transport engineering cluster rose by 11.5
5.8 6.1 per cent year-on-year in the fourth quarter, supported
5 by expansions in the aerospace and marine & offshore
engineering (M&OE) segments. In particular, output in the
1.1 aerospace segment surged by 24.4 per cent due to higher
0 demand for maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) jobs
from commercial airlines as global air traffic continued
-2.6 to recover. Likewise, the M&OE segment expanded by 4.1
-5 per cent, supported by a step-up in activity in offshore
2021 2022 conversion projects, as well as an increase in production
of oilfield and gasfield equipment. By contrast, the land
segment contracted by 11.0 per cent. For the whole of
2022, the transport engineering cluster expanded by 18.8
per cent.
Chapter 6: Sectoral Performances 57
The precision engineering cluster grew by 6.1 per cent year- Output in the chemicals cluster fell by 10.1 per cent
on-year in the fourth quarter, bolstered by the machinery year-on-year in the fourth quarter, driven by output
& systems segment, which expanded by 11.2 per cent declines in the petrochemicals (-17.6 per cent), specialty
on the back of a rise in the production of semiconductor chemicals (-10.1 per cent) and other chemicals (-7.8 per
foundry equipment. On the other hand, output in the cent) segments. The petrochemicals segment recorded a
precision modules & components segment declined by 4.6 lower level of output amidst plant maintenance shutdowns
per cent, weighed down by a lower level of production of and weak market demand, while the specialties segment
electronic connectors and bonding wire. For the full year, saw a fall in output due to lower levels of production of
the precision engineering cluster expanded by 6.3 per cent. industrial gases and food additives. Meanwhile, the other
chemicals segment contracted due to a drop in the output
The general manufacturing cluster contracted by 1.4 per of fragrances. Conversely, the output of the petroleum
cent year-on-year in the fourth quarter, led by a 7.8 per segment grew by 9.5 per cent on account of higher demand
cent decline in the output of the miscellaneous industries for jet fuel, which was driven in turn by the continued
segment. The latter was in turn due to a lower level of recovery in global air travel. For the whole of 2022, the
output of batteries and structural metal products. By output of the chemicals cluster declined by 5.5 per cent.
contrast, the food, beverages & tobacco and printing
segments recorded output expansions of 3.8 per cent The biomedical manufacturing cluster shrank by 10.5
and 0.5 per cent respectively, with the former recording per cent year-on-year in the fourth quarter due to
an increase in output of dairy products. For the whole of output contractions across all segments. The output
2022, the general manufacturing cluster grew by 10.1 per of the pharmaceuticals segment declined by 15.3 per
cent, with output expansions across all segments. cent because of a different mix of active pharmaceutical
ingredients produced. Meanwhile, output in the medical
The electronics cluster contracted by 2.8 per cent year-on- technology segment fell by 3.4 per cent due to lower
year in the fourth quarter, driven by output contractions export demand for medical devices. For the whole of 2022,
across most segments. Output in the other electronic output in the biomedical manufacturing cluster declined
modules & components (-19.3 per cent), semiconductors by 5.0 per cent.
(-4.5 per cent) and computer peripherals & data storage
(-1.8 per cent) segments declined on the back of softening
external demand. By contrast, output in the infocomms &
consumer electronics segment grew by 5.5 per cent. For the
whole of 2022, the electronics cluster expanded by 2.6 per
cent, with output expansions across all segments, except
for the other electronic modules & components segment.
58 Economic Survey of Singapore 2022
Chapter 6.2
The construction sector grew by 10.0 per cent year-on-year in the fourth quarter of 2022, faster than the 8.1 per
cent expansion in the previous quarter.
For the whole of 2022, the sector expanded by 6.7 per cent, slower than the 20.5 per cent growth in 2021.1
CONSTRUCTION DEMAND For the full year, total construction demand fell by 0.5 per
cent to $29.8 billion (Exhibit 6.4), as a 3.2 per cent increase
Construction demand (contracts awarded) increased by 8.1 in private sector construction demand was outweighed by a
per cent year-on-year to $7.2 billion in the fourth quarter, 3.0 per cent decline in public sector construction demand.
supported by expansions in both public and private sector The latter was due to a lower volume of public sector
construction demand (Exhibit 6.3). industrial building projects and civil engineering works.
Exhibit 6.3: Contracts Awarded Exhibit 6.4: Contracts Awarded, 2022 ($ Billion)
$ Billion
Total Public Private
Total 29.8 17.3 12.5
Residential 9.2 5.3 3.9
Commercial 1.6 0.1 1.5
II III IV Public Sector
In the fourth quarter, public sector construction demand
grew by 9.5 per cent year-on-year to $4.2 billion. This
was supported by higher demand for public residential
(37.0 per cent) and institutional (202.5 per cent) building
projects. However, these increases were partially offset
by a reduction in contracts awarded for public commercial
building (-29.9 per cent), industrial building (-87.2 per cent)
and civil engineering (-11.2 per cent) works.
1 The strong growth of the construction sector in 2021 was mainly due to the low base in 2020 caused by the Circuit Breaker and the slow resumption of construction
activities following the Circuit Breaker.
Chapter 6: Sectoral Performances 59
For the full year, public sector construction demand fell Exhibit 6.5: Certified Payments
by 3.0 per cent to $17.3 billion. The decline was mainly
$ Billion
due to a drop in contracts awarded for public industrial 10
building (-62.4 per cent) and civil engineering (-6.2 per
cent) works. Some of the major projects awarded during
the year include (i) LTA’s MRT contracts for the Cross Island 8
Line (CRL) and Cross Island Line-Punggol Extension; (ii) Total
Private Sector Private
Per Cent
40 Steel Bars
2021 2022
2 Rebar consumption is estimated from net imports plus local production (without factoring in stock levels).
3 The market prices are based on contracts with non-fixed price, fixed price and market retail price.
4 The market prices refer to 16mm to 32mm High Tensile rebar and are based on fixed price supply contracts with a contract period of 12 months or below.
Chapter 6: Sectoral Performances 61
2023 $ Billion
According to BCA, total construction demand is projected Public Sector 16.0 – 19.0
to be between $27.0 billion and $32.0 billion in 2023
(Exhibit 6.8). In particular, demand from the public sector Building Construction Sub-total 8.6 – 10.9
is expected to stay firm at between $16.0 billion and
$19.0 billion, supported by a continued strong pipeline of Residential 4.7 – 6.3
public housing, institutional building and infrastructure
projects. Meanwhile, total private sector construction Commercial 0.1 – 0.1
demand is projected to be between $11.0 billion and $13.0
billion in 2023, comparable to the annual volume in the Industrial 0.8 – 1.0
previous two years. This is expected to be supported by
(i) a ramp-up in Build-To-Order HDB flats; (ii) the Central
Institutional & Others 2.9 – 3.5
Business District (CBD) Incentive Scheme on conversion to
residences; (iii) commercial building redevelopments; (iv)
high-specification industrial buildings; and (v) mechanical Civil Engineering Works Sub-total 7.5 – 8.1
& electrical contracts for North South Corridor, CRL and
Jurong Region MRT Line. Private Sector 11.0 – 13.0
Total construction output in 2023 is projected to increase Building Construction Sub-total 10.2 – 12.0
to between $30.0 billion and $33.0 billion, supported by a
steady level of construction demand and some remaining Residential 3.6 – 4.0
backlogs of construction works that were disrupted by the
COVID-19 pandemic. Commercial 2.5 – 3.0
Chapter 6.3
The wholesale trade sector expanded by 2.4 per cent year-on-year in the fourth quarter of 2022, moderating
from the 4.1 per cent growth in the previous quarter. Growth during the quarter came largely on the back of an
increase in the volume of foreign wholesale sales of petroleum & petroleum products and telecommunications
& computers.
For the whole of 2022, the sector grew by 3.2 per cent, slowing from the 9.6 per cent expansion in 2021.
5 The “other wholesale trade” segment consists of a diverse range of products that include agricultural raw materials and live animals, tropical produce, personal
effects and medicinal and pharmaceutical products, among others.
Chapter 6: Sectoral Performances 63
Chapter 6.4
The retail trade sector grew by 5.1 per cent year-on-year in the fourth quarter of 2022, moderating from the 8.8
per cent growth in the previous quarter.
For the whole of 2022, the sector expanded by 8.4 per cent, extending the 12.0 per cent growth in 2021.
RETAIL SALES For the full year, overall retail sales volume rose by 7.2 per
cent, extending the 11.2 per cent expansion in 2021. With
Overall retail sales volume increased by 4.6 per cent year- this increase, overall retail sales volumes have recovered
on-year in the fourth quarter, slower than the 8.8 per cent to 2019 (pre-pandemic) levels on a full-year basis.
growth in the third quarter (Exhibit 6.10). Overall retail
sales were supported by an increase in non-motor vehicle In 2022, non-motor vehicle sales volume rose (11.8 per
sales volume (8.1 per cent), which saw broad-based growth cent) while motor vehicle sales volume declined (-19.8 per
across segments. In particular, the sales volumes of food cent). The growth in non-motor vehicle sales volume was
& alcohol (41.2 per cent), wearing apparel & footwear (27.8 led by the sales of wearing apparel & footwear (40.8 per
per cent), watches & jewellery (20.2 per cent), department cent), food & alcohol (31.3 per cent), department stores
stores (18.5 per cent) and cosmetics, toiletries & medical (28.5 per cent) and watches & jewellery (27.7 per cent).
goods (15.5 per cent) registered the strongest growth. Meanwhile, the sales volumes of mini-marts & convenience
On the other hand, the sales volumes of supermarkets & stores (-7.2 per cent) and supermarkets & hypermarkets
hypermarkets (-9.0 per cent), mini-marts & convenience (-5.9 per cent) fell (Exhibit 6.11).
stores (-5.2 per cent) and petrol service stations (-2.8 per
cent) registered the largest declines. Meanwhile, motor Exhibit 6.11: Changes in Retail Sales Index in Chained
vehicle sales volume fell by 19.8 per cent due to a reduction Volume Terms for Major Segments in 2022
in COE quotas.
Wearing Apparel & Footwear 40.8
Exhibit 6.10: Changes in Retail Sales Index in Chained Food & Alcohol 31.3
Per Cent
2021 2022
64 Economic Survey of Singapore 2022
Chapter 6.5
TThe transportation & storage sector expanded by 2.5 per cent year-on-year in the fourth quarter of 2022,
moderating from the 6.1 per cent growth in the previous quarter.
For the whole of 2022, the sector grew at a slower pace of 4.0 per cent compared to the 9.9 per cent expansion
recorded in 2021. The expansion of the sector was supported largely by the air transport, land transport and
water transport segments.
Exhibit 6.12: Changes in Container Throughput and Sea For the full year, total air passenger traffic passing through
Cargo Handled Changi Airport surged by 953 per cent to come in at 31.9
million. This was a marked turnaround from the 74.0 per
Per Cent
cent plunge in 2021.
Exhibit 6.13: Changes in Air Transport
Per Cent
Air Passengers
-5 1000
Sea Cargo
IV I II III IV Aircraft Landings
2021 2022 0
Air Cargo
At the same time, air cargo volume fell by 16.1 per cent
year-on-year in the fourth quarter, extending the 6.0 per
cent contraction in the previous quarter. In absolute terms,
total air cargo volume was at 87.3 per cent of pre-pandemic
levels (i.e., in the fourth quarter of 2019). For 2022 as a
whole, air cargo shipments declined by 4.8 per cent, a
sharp pullback from the 26.1 per cent expansion in 2021.
Chapter 6.6
The accommodation sector grew by 7.8 per cent year-on-year in the fourth quarter of 2022, accelerating from
the 1.6 per cent expansion in the previous quarter.
For the whole of 2022, the sector expanded by 0.5 per cent, a turnaround from the 9.1 per cent contraction in 2021.
Thailand 6,372
2500 5000
Australia 5,527
Philippines 3,223
2000 4000
YOY Change
(RHS) Indonesia 3,200
India 1,162
0 0
IV I II III IV 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
2021 2022 Per Cent
Chapter 6: Sectoral Performances 67
In tandem with the strong recovery in visitor arrivals,
gross lettings of gazetted hotel rooms grew robustly by
147 per cent year-on-year in the fourth quarter, extending
the 167 per cent growth in the previous quarter (Exhibit
6.16). Similarly, room revenue surged by 274 per cent
year-on-year, extending the 363 per cent increase in the
preceding quarter. Higher room revenue was accompanied
by a rise in both the average occupancy rate of gazetted
hotels and the average daily room rate. Specifically, the
average occupancy rate rose by 11.2 percentage-points to
83.3 per cent, while the average daily room rate increased
by 51.4 per cent to $283 in the fourth quarter.
YOY Change
4000 150
3000 100
2000 50
1000 0
0 -50
2021 2022
6 The gross lettings and room rates data do not include hotel rooms contracted by the Government to serve as government quarantine facilities (GQFs) or stay-home-
notice dedicated facilities (SDFs).
68 Economic Survey of Singapore 2022
Chapter 6.7
For the whole of 2022, the sector expanded at a faster pace of 18.2 per cent compared to the 1.8 per cent growth
in 2021.
FOOD & BEVERAGE SALES For the whole of 2022, the food & beverage services volume
index grew by 18.0 per cent. This was an acceleration of
Overall food & beverage sales volume increased by 15.9 the 2.8 per cent increase recorded in 2021. Nonetheless,
per cent year-on-year in the fourth quarter, extending the overall food & beverage sales volume remained 10.8
the 28.4 per cent expansion in the preceding quarter per cent lower than that in 2019. At the segment level,
(Exhibit 6.17). The growth in sales volume came on the the sales volumes of restaurants (27.3 per cent), food
back of the relaxation of dine-in restrictions compared caterers (92.4 per cent), fast food outlets (6.7 per cent)
to the Stabilisation Phase in the fourth quarter of 20217. and cafes, food courts & other eating places (8.4 per cent)
Sales volumes saw broad-based growth, led by the food all increased in 2022.
caterers segment (118 per cent). At the same time, the
restaurants (16.8 per cent), fast food outlets (9.7 per cent)
and cafes, food courts & other eating places (6.6 per cent)
segments also saw strong growth. The robust growth
seen in the food caterers segment was due to the lifting
of restrictions on events, which led to a strong recovery
in leisure, business and MICE events. However, relative
to the same period in 2019, the sales volume in the food
caterers segment remained 23.4 per cent lower.
Per Cent
2021 2022
7 For instance, from 1 October to 9 November 2021, dine-in group sizes were restricted to no more than two vaccinated persons.
Chapter 6: Sectoral Performances 69
Chapter 6.8
The information & communications sector expanded by 5.6 per cent year-on-year in the fourth quarter of
2022, extending the 6.9 per cent growth in the previous quarter. This positive outturn was largely due to the IT
& information services segment, while the telecommunications segment saw more modest growth during the
quarter. On the other hand, the “others” segment8 contracted.
For the whole of 2022, the sector grew by 8.6 per cent, a slowdown from the 13.4 per cent expansion in 2021.
The telecommunications segment shrank by 0.4 per
cent in 2022, weighed down by weaker demand for fixed
line services. For instance, the total number of fixed line
subscribers declined by 2.6 per cent on a year-on-year -5
basis in the third quarter of 2022. This was partially offset Broadband
by an increase in mobile and broadband subscriptions
over the same period.
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
In September 20229, the number of mobile subscriptions
grew by 6.4 per cent compared to the same period in 2021
(Exhibit 6.18). While there was a 24.7 per cent decline in
the number of 3G subscriptions to 527,000, this was offset
by a 9.3 per cent increase in 4G subscriptions to around
8.7 million.
8 The “others” segment consists of (i) publishing activities (including computer games and software publishing), (ii) motion picture, video and other programme
production, sound recording, and music publishing activities, and (iii) radio and television broadcasting activities.
9 Full-year data are not available at the time of publication. October and November data are available but subject to further revisions.
70 Economic Survey of Singapore 2022
Chapter 6.9
The finance & insurance sector contracted by 0.3 per cent year-on-year in the fourth quarter of 2022, a reversal
from the 0.5 per cent expansion in the previous quarter.
For the whole of 2022, the sector expanded by 1.4 per cent, moderating from the 8.3 per cent growth in the
preceding year.
In 2022, total assets/liabilities of commercial banks Non-bank Financial & Insurance 12.2
increased by 7.7 per cent to $3.3 trillion (Exhibit 6.19).
Housing & Bridging Loans 3.6
Per Cent
0 2
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Exhibit 6.21: Growth of Commercial Bank Loans and
Advances to Non-Residents by Region in 2022
On the assets side, domestic interbank lending rose by $3.4
billion (2.0 per cent). However, domestic credit extended
Europe 3.5
to non-bank customers fell by $34.8 billion (-2.6 per cent),
with total loans and advances to residents contracting by
0.3 per cent. Others 0.7
Total -6.3
Americas -10.2
-15 -10 -5 0 5 10
Per Cent
Chapter 6: Sectoral Performances 71
Business lending shrank by 0.8 per cent, weighed down Exhibit 6.23: Growth of Loans and Advances of Finance
mainly by a decline in loans to the general commerce Companies in 2022
and transport & communications sectors, although
this was partially offset by resilient demand for loans
from the non-bank financial & insurance and business Housing Loans 41.5
Exhibit 6.24: Total Assets/Liabilities of Merchant Banks
Total assets/liabilities of finance companies grew by 8.8 $ Billion Per Cent
per cent in 2022 to $18.8 billion, a reversal from the 2.0
120 10
per cent contraction in 2021 (Exhibit 6.22). YOY Change
20 YOY Change 10 80 0
60 -5
15 0
40 -10
10 -10
20 -15
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
5 -20
0 -30
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
10 2200
2020 2021 2022
Life Industry Industry General Insurance Industry
2021 2022
Chapter 6: Sectoral Performances 73
In 2022, SGX’s derivatives market activity grew by 12.2
per cent to 260 million contracts. Compared to 2021, total
futures trading volume increased by 12.3 per cent to 250
million, while options on futures trading volume rose by
9.4 per cent to 10.2 million contracts. The most actively-
traded contracts in 2022 were the FTSE China A50 Index
Futures, the SGX Nifty 50 Index Futures and the FTSE
Taiwan Index Futures, which formed 57.9 per cent of the
total volume traded on SGX’s derivatives trading platform.
74 Economic Survey of Singapore 2022
Chapter 6.10
The professional services sector expanded by 6.1 per cent year-on-year in the fourth quarter of 2022, extending
the 7.9 per cent growth in the previous quarter. For 2022 as a whole, the sector grew by 7.6 per cent, faster than
the 4.0 per cent growth in 2021.
The private residential property market softened in the In the commercial space segment, the performance of the
fourth quarter, as total private residential property sales retail space market remained weak in 2022. Specifically,
fell by 54.7 per cent year-on-year, extending the 32.3 per private retail space rental fell by 2.4 per cent in 2022,
cent decline in the previous quarter. For the full year, total although this was an improvement from the 6.8 per cent
sales fell by 34.8 per cent to 21,890 units, from the 33,557 decline in the previous year (Exhibit 6.28). The weak rental
units sold in 2021. performance was due to lower rentals in the Central Area
(-2.1 per cent) and Fringe Area (-3.1 per cent). Similarly,
Reflecting the weaker demand, the increase in private the prices of private retail space declined by 7.8 per cent
residential property prices tapered off in the fourth quarter, in 2022, extending the 4.2 per cent fall recorded in 2021.
coming in at 0.4 per cent compared to the 3.8 per cent While prices in the Central Area dropped by 11.3 per cent,
increase in the preceding quarter. For the whole of 2022, prices in the Fringe Area rose by 1.0 per cent.
prices climbed by 8.6 per cent, following the increase of
10.6 per cent in 2021 (Exhibit 6.27). Exhibit 6.28: Changes in Rentals of Private Sector Office and
Retail Spaces
Exhibit 6.27: Total Sales of Private Residential Units and
Private Residential Property Price Index Per Cent
Thousand 2009 Q1 = 100
10 190
8 185 Office
6 180
4 175 Retail
2 170
0 165
2021 2022 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Total Sales Property Price Index (RHS)
Chapter 6: Sectoral Performances 75
On the other hand, the office space market improved in PROFESSIONAL SERVICES
2022. Office rental rose by 11.7 per cent, accelerating from
the 1.9 per cent increase in the previous year, on account In 2022, the professional services sector expanded, with
of higher rentals in the Central Area (11.9 per cent) and all segments registering growth except for the legal and
Fringe Area (11.6 per cent). Prices in the office space head offices & business representative offices segments.
market inched down by 0.1 per cent in 2022, moderating Growth in the sector was largely driven by the architectural
from the 5.8 per cent decline in 2021. & engineering, technical testing & analysis segment,
as well as the other professional scientific & technical
In the industrial space market, overall rental rose by 6.9 services segment, which expanded by 16.9 per cent and
per cent in 2022, faster than the 2.0 per cent increase 16.8 per cent respectively.
seen in the previous year (Exhibit 6.29). Rentals of all types
of industrial property space (i.e., single-use factories,
multiple-user factories, warehouses and business parks)
increased in 2022. Meanwhile, overall industrial property
prices grew by 7.5 per cent, accelerating from the 4.4 per
cent increase in 2021.
90 5
80 0
70 -5
60 -10
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Breakdown of spending by geographies: Spending dipped more severely in downtown areas
relative to heartland areas during periods of COVID-19 restrictions. Since then, the recovery
in spending in heartland areas has been stronger than that in downtown areas for F&B
spending, while the converse is true for retail spending.
Shift of spending to online channels: Proportion of online spending in both Retail and
F&B surged during periods of COVID-19 restrictions. Subsequently, with the progressive
easing of COVID-19 restrictions, these proportions of online spending fell to levels that
were lower than the peaks seen at the height of the pandemic during the Circuit Breaker
period, but still higher than the levels seen before the pandemic in January 2020.
Having emerged from the COVID-19 pandemic after more than two years, retail and F&B
spending have rebounded strongly. At the same time, there are also signs of a structural
shift towards online spending, and a redistribution of F&B spending share towards the
heartlands. While global macroeconomic uncertainties may dampen consumer sentiments
in the near term, the prospects for Singapore’s retail and F&B sectors remain positive
given the continued recovery in tourism demand, resilient labour market conditions and
the Government’s continued commitment to upgrading the capabilities of our firms and
workers in these sectors.
Chapter 6: Sectoral Performances 77
The analysis in this article draws on two data sources. The first data source is the Retail Sales Index (RSI) and Food
& Beverage Services Index (FBSI) compiled by the Department of Statistics (DOS). These indices are compiled on a
monthly basis, through surveys of firms, to measure changes in retail and F&B sales respectively1.
The second data source is spending indices for both sectors2 from a payment provider network with a substantial
market share in Singapore. These spending indices confer two benefits over the RSI and FBSI. First, they allow us to
assess distinct spending trends by geographies across Singapore. Second, they come at a daily frequency, and are
hence able to track the impact of changes in COVID-19 restrictions more responsively.
Topline Spending Trends in the Retail and Food & Beverage Sectors
Singapore confirmed its first local case of COVID-19 on 23 January 2020, and subsequently declared a state of
DORSCON Orange on 7 February 2020. This led to a fall in retail and F&B spending, as could be seen from both the
spending indices from the payment provider, as well as DOS’s RSI and FBSI (Exhibit 1). In particular, data from the
payment provider indicated that retail and F&B spending fell to 83.2 per cent3 and 82.4 per cent of January 2020 levels4
respectively by end-February 2020.
Subsequently, during the Circuit Breaker5, which stretched from 7 April to 2 June 2020, retail and F&B spending
plummeted to a low of 70.3 per cent and 17.9 per cent of January 2020 levels respectively. The relative resilience of
retail spending compared to F&B spending could be partly because consumers were substituting from dining-in at F&B
establishments to food purchases at supermarkets and hypermarkets. Purchases of electronic and home furnishing
also picked up during this period because of work-from-home and home-based learning requirements.
Since the end of the Circuit Breaker, both retail and F&B spending have generally been on an upward trend, with
spikes during the 2020 and 2021 year-end holiday seasons, and dips when COVID-19 restrictions were tightened,
such as when Singapore entered into Phase 2 Heightened Alert6 on 16 May 2021 and again on 22 July 2021. A notable
divergence in the trends between the two could be seen from May to June 2021, and from July to August 2021, when
F&B spending dropped significantly from around 130 per cent (in May and July 2021) to around 60 per cent (in June and
August 2021) of January 2020 levels, whereas retail spending remained relatively unaffected. The relative resilience
of retail spending could again be due to spending in supermarkets and hypermarkets during periods of tightened
restrictions. As of 30 November 2022, retail and F&B spending had recovered to 164 per cent and 125 per cent of
January 2020 levels respectively.
1 For more details on the RSI and FBSI methodology, see DOS’s information paper “Re-basing of the Retail Sales and Food & Beverage Services Indices (2017 = 100)”.
The two indices are presented by DOS in both current and constant prices, with the latter removing price effects to measure the changes in real economic activity.
2 For the data provided by the payment provider network, spending in the Retail sector comprises eight categories: Wearing Apparel & Footwear, Petrol Service
Stations, Department Stores, Medical Goods & Toiletries, Computer & Telecommunications Equipment, Supermarkets & Hypermarkets, Furniture & Household
Equipment, and Watches & Jewellery. There is only one category of spending in the F&B sector.
3 Index points for the data provided by the payment provider network are percentage-points of average day-of-week spending in January 2020, i.e., 100 index points
= average day-of-week spending in January 2020.
4 Data from the payment provider network goes back only to 1 January 2020. As such, we use January 2020 levels as our pre-COVID comparison; such comparisons
may include seasonal effects.
5 During the Circuit Breaker, most physical workplace premises were closed, except for those providing essential services and in selected economic sectors of
critical importance, while schools moved to full home-based learning, so as to significantly reduce movements and interactions in public and private places.
6 During Phase 2 (Heightened Alert), dining-in at F&B establishments was prohibited, the group size for social gatherings was tightened, and work-from-home was
reinstated as the default working arrangement.
78 Economic Survey of Singapore 2022
Exhibit 1: Spending in Retail and Food & Beverage Sectors (Per Cent of January 2020 levels)
Per Cent of Jan-20
Jan-20 Apr-20 Jul-20 Oct-20 Jan-21 Apr-21 Jul-21 Oct-21 Jan-22 Apr-22 Jul-22 Oct-22
Total Retail Spending Index DOS's RSI F&B Spending Index DOS's FBSI
Notes: Solid lines plot the 7-day moving averages of the indices of nominal spending at Singapore-based merchants, obtained from a payment provider network. Dashed
lines plot the monthly non-seasonally-adjusted RSI or FBSI series (current prices) obtained from DOS. Blue lines represent retail spending and red lines represent F&B
spending. The baseline of 100 represents average day-of-week spending in January 2020. CB stands for Circuit Breaker, P2&3 HA stands for Phase 2 and 3 Heightened
Alert, and SP stands for Stabilisation Phase.
Underlying these topline trends are variations by geographical regions and online versus in-person spending. The
next two sections describe these in greater detail.
The pandemic has led to a redistribution of spending share across geographical regions in Singapore, likely driven by
work-from-home arrangements that dominated work practices at the height of the pandemic, and remain prevalent
even after the transition to the Stabilisation Phase on 21 November 2021.
As can be seen from Exhibits 2a and 2b, for the most part of the pandemic, and especially during the Circuit Breaker
and Heightened Alert periods, retail and F&B spending fell by more (relative to their respective January 2020 levels)
in downtown areas than in heartland areas. This could be attributed in large part to COVID-19 restrictions such as
work-from-home requirements. Although retail and F&B spending in both downtown and heartland areas have
generally been on a path of recovery since the transition to Stabilisation Phase, the recovery in spending in heartland
areas has been stronger than that in downtown areas for F&B spending, while the converse is true for retail spending.
These trends suggest that there has been a redistribution of F&B spending share towards the heartlands, likely due
to the prevalence of hybrid work arrangements even after the easing of work-from-home measures. This is, however,
not seen for retail spending, possibly because of the quality and diversity of retail experience in the downtown areas
compared to the heartland areas.
These observations are similar to findings from studies by Barrero et al. (2021) and De Fraja et al. (2021) in the United
States and United Kingdom respectively, both of which concluded that work-from-home policies arising from the
pandemic drew F&B spending out of major city centres towards residential neighbourhoods.
7 The focus of this section is on in-person spending trends, as online spending cannot by disaggregated by geographical regions.
Chapter 6: Sectoral Performances 79
Exhibit 2a and 2b: Spending in Retail and Food & Beverage Sectors by Regions (Per Cent of January 2020 levels)
Per Cent of Jan-20 Retail Per Cent of Jan-20 Food & Beverage
150 4Q22 average: 122 150
120 120
60 60
30 30
0 0
Jan-20 Jul-20 Jan-21 Jul-21 Jan-22 Jul-22 Jan-20 Jul-20 Jan-21 Jul-21 Jan-22 Jul-22
Notes: Graphs plot the 7-day moving averages of indices of nominal spending at Singapore-based merchants, obtained from a payment provider network. The baseline of
100 represents the average day-of-week spending in January 2020. CB stands for Circuit Breaker, P2&3 HA stands for Phase 2 and 3 Heightened Alert, and SP stands for
Stabilisation Phase.
The pandemic has also led to a substantial shift in spending from physical to online channels, when compared to pre-
pandemic trends (January 2020).
Notably, the proportion of online spending surged from pre-pandemic levels (January 2020) of 30 per cent for online
retail spending and 10 per cent for online F&B spending8, to a high of 60-70 per cent during the Circuit Breaker period
(Exhibit 3). A similar surge occurred for online F&B spending in particular during the Heightened Alert periods. With the
progressive easing of COVID-19 restrictions, the share of online spending had fallen to 40 per cent for retail spending
and 20 per cent for F&B spending by May 2022. While these levels were lower than the peaks seen at the height of
the pandemic during the Circuit Breaker period, they were still higher than the proportions of online spending seen
in the respective sectors before the pandemic in January 2020.
This observation is not unique to Singapore, as other countries such as New Zealand, United Kingdom and Australia
also recorded marked increases in their online spending proportions9 both during and after the pandemic. In Singapore,
the higher online spending proportion is also likely to have been supported by the Government’s effort to encourage
more Retail and F&B businesses to go online through programmes such as the Digital Resilience Bonus.
8 Online F&B spending refers to the purchase of F&B through a food delivery platform (e.g., Grab, Foodpanda, Deliveroo) or the F&B businesses’ websites or apps.
9 Survey of global consumer spending by Alcedo et al. 2022
80 Economic Survey of Singapore 2022
Exhibit 3: Online Proportions of Spending in Retail and Food & Beverage Sectors (Per Cent)
Per Cent
Jan-20 Apr-20 Jul-20 Oct-20 Jan-21 Apr-21 Jul-21 Oct-21 Jan-22 Apr-22 Jul-22 Oct-22
Retail Spending Index DOS's RSI F&B Spending Index DOS's FBSI
Notes: Solid lines plot the 7-day moving averages of the daily proportions of online spending at Singapore-based merchants, obtained from a payment provider network.
Dashed lines plot the monthly online proportion of spending, obtained from DOS. Blue lines represent retail spending and red lines represent F&B spending. CB stands for
Circuit Breaker, P2&3 HA stands for Phase 2 and 3 Heightened Alert, and SP stands for Stabilisation Phase.
Having emerged from the COVID-19 pandemic after more than two years, retail and F&B spending have rebounded
strongly, as can be seen from DOS’s RSI and FBSI, as well as newer spending indices derived from data from a
payment provider network. At the same time, there are also signs of a structural shift towards online spending, and
a redistribution of F&B spending share towards the heartlands.
The continued recovery of retail and F&B spending in the months ahead will be further supported by various initiatives
by the Government to improve the capabilities of Retail and F&B firms and expand their customer base. For example,
Enterprise Singapore is working with local merchants, through the Food Services and Retail Business Revitalisation
Package and Our Heartlands 2025 initiative, to attract more consumers into the heartlands. It is also deepening its
efforts to build digitalisation capabilities and enhance productivity among firms in the sectors.
While global macroeconomic uncertainties may dampen consumer sentiments in the near term, the prospects for
Singapore’s retail and F&B sectors remain positive given the continued recovery in tourism demand, resilient labour
market conditions and the Government’s continued commitment to upgrading the capabilities of our firms and workers
in these sectors.
Contributed by:
Mr Ong Chong An
Economics Division
Ministry of Trade and Industry
Chapter 6: Sectoral Performances 81
De Fraja, G., Matheson, J., Mizen, P., Rockey, J., Taneja, S., & Thwaites, G. (2021). Covid reallocation of spending: The
effect of remote working on the retail and hospitality sector. Available at SSRN 3982122.
Barrero, J. M., Bloom, N., & Davis, S. J. (2021). Why working from home will stick (No. w28731). National Bureau of
Economic Research.
Alcedo, J., Cavallo, A., Dwyer, B., Mishra, P., & Spilimbergo, A. (2022). E-commerce during COVID: Stylized facts from
47 economies (No. w29729). National Bureau of Economic Research.
84 Economic Survey of Singapore 2022
Chapter 7
The composite leading index (CLI) for Singapore declined Since the Economic Survey of Singapore in November
by 3.9 per cent on a quarter-on-quarter basis in the fourth 2022, Singapore’s external demand outlook has improved
quarter of 2022, pointing to a weaker outlook for the slightly. Growth in China is projected to pick up in tandem
Singapore economy in the near term (Exhibit 7.1). with the faster-than-expected easing of its COVID-19
restrictions. This has led to improvements in the growth
Of the nine components of the CLI, seven of them decreased outlook of regional economies. At the same time, the global
on a quarter-on-quarter basis in the fourth quarter, namely supply situation continues to stabilise amidst softening
non-oil sea cargo handled, stock price, non-oil retained global demand conditions. Accordingly, global commodity
imports, money supply, US Purchasing Managers’ Index, prices have eased from 2022 levels, although they remain
stock of finished goods and domestic liquidity. By contrast, elevated with the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war.
the other two components – wholesale trade and new
companies formed – rose compared to a quarter ago. In the US, growth is projected to decelerate as tight financial
conditions on the back of monetary policy tightening
are expected to weigh on personal consumption and
Exhibit 7.1: Composite Leading Index Levels and Growth Rate investment. Similarly, notwithstanding improvements in its
energy situation, GDP growth in the Eurozone is forecast
2015 = 100 Per Cent
to slow as tighter monetary policy on account of elevated
114 10
core inflation is likely to dampen domestic demand.
112 5
QOQ Change In Asia, China’s growth is expected to pick up following
110 0 the lifting of its COVID-19 restrictions, although continued
108 -5
stresses in its property market and weakening global
demand are likely to weigh on its recovery. Meanwhile,
106 -10 despite weaker external demand for their merchandise
104 -15
goods and commodities, GDP growth in key Southeast Asian
economies such as Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand is
102 -20 likely to be supported by a continued recovery in domestic
and tourism demand.
Feature Article
Finding 1: Finding 2:
The JGI scheme was associated with an increase in local The JGI scheme was also associated with an increase in
gross hires, although the impact waned over the three the average wages of local gross hires. Compared to the
phases. Compared to their respective control groups, JGI- respective control groups, the average wages of local hires
supported firms hired 47,000, 28,000 and 15,200 more local in JGI-supported firms were 12.1% to 13.6% higher during
workers in Phases 1, 2 and 3 respectively. These estimates the first three phases of the JGI scheme.
translate into a cumulative increase of about 90,200 local
hires for the period of September 2020 to February 2022.
local hires
local hires TOTAL PHASES 1 TO 3
IMPACT +12.1% TO +13.6%
+90,200 average wages of
local hires local hires
local hires
Given that the JGI is an exceptional scheme designed to
support labour market recovery during crisis, its positive
effects on supporting local hires were the strongest as
the economy was emerging from the recession and when
labour market slack was the most severe. The JGI is
assessed to have achieved its objectives with the labour
market having largely recovered to pre-pandemic levels.
Feature Article 89
In 2020, the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic caused the Singapore economy to plunge into its worst recession
since independence. To cushion firms and workers from the impact of the recession, the Government provided
broad-based cost relief to firms. However, as the economy began to recover from the recession, government
support measures started to tilt from providing cost relief to supporting the labour market recovery. Against
this backdrop, the Jobs Growth Incentive (JGI) scheme was introduced to support job creation through the
use of wage support to encourage firms to bring forward the hiring of local workers. This study evaluates
the effectiveness of JGI Phases 1 to 3 in supporting local employment outcomes.
Our findings suggest that JGI Phases 1 to 3 were successful in encouraging firms to expand their local
workforce, which in turn supported the labour market recovery. Between September 2020 and February
2022, the JGI scheme was associated with an increase of about 90,200 local hires cumulatively. At the same
time, local hires also benefitted from wages that were 12.1 per cent to 13.6 per cent higher on average.
Furthermore, there was evidence that in Phase 1, the scheme supported a modest increase in the hiring of
mature workers.
Given that the JGI is an exceptional scheme designed to support labour market recovery during a crisis,
its positive effects on supporting local hires were the strongest as the economy was emerging from the
pandemic-induced recession and when labour market slack was the most severe. As the economic recovery
gained momentum and labour market slack dissipated, the positive effect on local gross hires expectedly
waned. The JGI is assessed to have achieved its objectives with the labour market having largely recovered
to pre-pandemic (2019) levels1 by 4Q2022.
The views expressed in this paper are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the Ministry of
Manpower (MOM), Ministry of Finance (MOF), Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) or the Government of Singapore.2
In 2020, the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic caused the Singapore economy to plunge into its worst recession since
independence. To help firms and workers cope with the economic shock, the Government provided broad-based cost
relief to firms. In particular, to safeguard the livelihoods of local workers, the Government implemented the Jobs
Support Scheme (JSS) which provided wage subsidies to employers to help them retain their local employees. This
helped to stabilise the labour market and mitigate the adverse impact on local employment and wages [Pang, Zhou &
Lee, 2022]. Nevertheless, given the severity of the economic downturn, the labour market still experienced negative
spillover effects as the resident unemployment rate rose above pre-pandemic levels and hiring sentiments weakened.
In the second half of 2020, as COVID-19 infections were brought under control following the Circuit Breaker, economic
activities slowly resumed with a careful and calibrated easing of domestic and travel restrictions. In tandem with the
recovery in economic activity, government support measures for firms began to pivot from providing cost relief to
supporting a labour market recovery. Against this backdrop, as the JSS support was gradually tapered, a new hiring
scheme – the Jobs Growth Incentive (JGI) – was introduced in September 2020 to encourage firms to bring forward
their hiring plans and expand their local workforce. The first phase of the JGI scheme provided support to eligible firms
who hired locals between September 2020 and February 2021. Since then, the scheme has been extended successively,
with a total of five phases to-date (the latest Phase 5 is from October 2022 to March 2023). This study focuses on the
impact of the first three phases of the JGI scheme based on data availability at the time of the analyses.
1 As at December 2022, total employment surpassed pre-pandemic levels by 3 per cent whereas the resident unemployment rate, at 2.8 per cent, was below the
pre-pandemic average resident unemployment rate of 3.0 per cent.
2 We would like to thank Ms Yong Yik Wei, Mr Kenny Tan, Dr Yip Chun Seng, Mr Tan Kok Kong, Ms Jamie Poh, Mr Alphonsus Gomez and Mr Lee Zen Wea for their
useful suggestions and comments. All errors belong to the authors.
90 Economic Survey of Singapore 2022
In terms of scheme design, the JGI scheme provided wage support to firms for new local workers hired within a
qualifying window. To qualify for the support, firms must have increased both their overall local workforce, and the
number of local workers earning gross monthly wages of $1,400 and above, relative to the size of their local workforce
in the baseline months [Exhibit 1]. In this way, the JGI only supported firms that expanded their local workforce, which
was a more targeted approach as compared to the JSS. In addition, the JGI provided a higher level of wage support
for vulnerable workers, who were defined as mature workers (i.e., aged 40 years and above), persons with disabilities
(PwDs) and ex-offenders.
New local hires in September New local hires in March New local hires in October
2020 – February 2021 2021 – September 2021 2021 – March 2022
Qualifying window
Baseline month: Baseline month: Baseline month:
August 2020 February 2021 September 2021
For wages paid in September Up to 50% of first $6,000 of Up to 50% of first $6,000 for
2020 – February 2021, up to wages for 18 months 12 months
Support for mature 50% of first $5,000 of wages;
workers (aged ≥40), PwDs, for wages paid from March
ex-offenders 2021 onwards, up to 50% of
first $6,000 of wages. Support
was provided for 18 months.
As the resident unemployment rate began to fall in tandem with the economic recovery (i.e., from the pandemic peak of
4.7 per cent in September 2020 to 3.0 per cent in March 2022), the JGI support levels were reduced across the phases
to scale down the support in general, even while continuing to maintain higher support levels for vulnerable workers.
This study empirically examines the causal impact of the first three phases of the JGI scheme on the following
outcome variables: (a) the number of local gross hires3, which provides a measure of the effectiveness of the scheme
in incentivising the hiring of local workers, (b) the average wages of local gross hires, which is a proxy for the quality of
the jobs created for local workers, and (c) the share of local gross hires aged 40 and above, which examines whether
the higher level of wage support provided for mature workers was effective in incentivising employers to hire them.4
3 Local gross hires refer to the number of newly-employed locals who were not employed with the firm in the preceding month.
4 The findings for JGI Phase 1 were first released in MOF’s Paper on “Assessment of the Impact of Key COVID-19 Budget Measures” published in February 2022.
Feature Article 91
Hiring subsidies are commonly used to provide broad-based support for hiring during a recession as they lower the cost
of workers. The literature generally finds that hiring subsidies can improve employment outcomes during economic
downturns. For instance, evidence from France and the United States showed that hiring subsidies implemented during
and shortly after the 2007-2008 Global Financial Crisis had a strong impact on employment rates [Cahuc et al., 2017;
Farooq & Kugler, 2015]. Sjögren and Vikström (2015) also found that an increase in the wage subsidy rate in Sweden
in 2009, following the Global Financial Crisis, had a substantial impact on job finding rates, although an increase in
the subsidy duration had no effect.
Hiring subsidies are sometimes targeted at specific subgroups of workers, especially those who are more vulnerable,
to improve their employment prospects. However, empirical findings on the effectiveness of such subsidies are mixed.
Grijalva and Neumark (2013) found that state-level hiring subsidies targeted at unemployed jobseekers in the United
States had a large impact on employment, while Desiere and Cockx (2022) concluded that a hiring subsidy targeted
at mature workers in Belgium successfully increased the job-finding rates of these workers. On the other hand,
Boockmann et al. (2012) found that overall, there was little evidence5 that hiring subsidies targeted at mature workers
in Germany incentivised firms to hire more mature workers.
^ These are not unique firm counts as the same firm can be supported in different JGI phases.
* The statistics on JGI-supported firms and hires are for the full six months of Phase 1, the first six months of Phase 2 (out of seven months), and the first five months of
Phase 3 (out of six months). These correspond to the time periods for the three phases analysed in this study, which were in turn based on data availability at the point
when the analyses were carried out.
Source: MOM.
5 The study found positive effects for only one sub-group of mature workers with no effect for the rest.
6 JGI Phase 1 was implemented in September 2020, but data from June 2020 was used in identifying an appropriate control group for the analysis. While JGI Phase
3 provided support for new local hires made from October 2021 to March 2022, data for March 2022 was unavailable when the analysis was conducted.
92 Economic Survey of Singapore 2022
The JGI scheme supported the recovery of sectors adversely affected by the pandemic, such as Food & Beverage
Services and Retail Trade, as well as the expansion of growth sectors, such as Professional Services and Information &
Communications. These were the sectors with the largest number of JGI-supported hires for Phases 1 to 3 [Exhibit 3].
Exhibit 3: Top 5 Sectors with the Most Number of JGI-Supported Hires for Phases 1 to 3
120,000 114,500
65,100 62,300
60,000 47,000
Food & Beverage Wholesale Trade Professional Services Information & Retail Trade
Services Communications
Source: MOM.
The JGI scheme also supported the hiring of vulnerable jobseekers. Among all JGI-supported hires across Phases
1 to 3, about 45 per cent were previously non-employed7, with close to 28 per cent having been non-employed for at
least six months [Exhibit 4]. Close to half of all JGI-supported hires were mature workers.
Exhibit 4: Distribution of Non-Employment Duration among JGI-Supported Hires for JGI Phases 1 to 3
To estimate the causal impact of the JGI scheme on key firm-level local worker outcomes, we compared the outcomes
of two groups of firms: a first group that received the JGI subsidy in any given month of the qualifying window (i.e.,
the “treated” group); and a second group that did not receive the JGI subsidy during the qualifying window (i.e., the
“control” group)8. The local worker outcomes in the control group would serve as a counterfactual for the treated
group, thereby allowing us to estimate the causal impact of the scheme. The analysis was conducted separately for
each JGI phase as the scheme parameters differed across the phases.9
7 Individuals were defined as non-employed based on CPF administrative records, i.e., if they do not have any CPF contributions paid for him/her by an employer.
8 For example, a firm that hired a local worker during the qualifying window but did not register an increase in its overall local workforce relative to the baseline
month would not have received the JGI subsidy.
9 For the analysis of JGI Phases 2 and 3, firms that had received support under the earlier JGI phases were excluded from both the treated and control groups as their
employment outcomes could be confounded by continued impact from the earlier JGI phases.
Feature Article 93
However, across the three phases, the treated firms were observably different from firms in the control group in
the three months prior to the qualifying window of the respective JGI phases [Exhibit 5]. A simple comparison of the
outcomes of the two groups of firms could therefore be confounded by the underlying differences in these observable
characteristics. To improve the comparability of the two groups, we (a) restricted the control group to firms that made
at least one local gross hire during the qualifying window but did not meet the other JGI criteria, and (b) ran a matching
algorithm known as Coarsened Exact Matching (CEM) based on firms’ characteristics in the three months prior to
the qualifying window of the respective JGI phases. This allowed us to construct control groups that were observably
more similar to the treated firms in terms of their workforce profiles and sectors (henceforth “the matched treated
and control groups”) for the respective phases.
Thereafter, we quantified the impact of the JGI scheme using a difference-in-differences regression model, which
estimates the difference between the change in the trends of the matched treated and control groups. Specifically,
the following equation was estimated:
• Y𝑖t denotes the outcome of interest (i.e., number of local gross hires, log of average wages among
local gross hires, share of local gross hires aged 40 and above) for each firm 𝑖 in time t
• T𝑖 is the treatment dummy (equals to 1 if the firm had received JGI for any given month during the
respective qualifying period, 0 otherwise)
• Dt is a monthly time dummy (excluding the baseline month: August 2020 for Phase 1, February 2021
for Phase 2, and September 2021 for Phase 3)
• δst refers to sector x time fixed effects to control for sector-specific time trends
• α𝑖 refers to firm fixed effects
• ε𝑖t refers to the error term
The coefficient of interest is β2, which measures the average impact of the JGI scheme on firm-level local worker
The regression model controls for the influence of broader (non-JGI) macroeconomic and sector-specific trends that
are common to both the treated and control groups (e.g., the uneven impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on different
sectors). However, the identification strategy may still overestimate the impact of the JGI scheme on local hiring, as
this outcome variable is positively correlated with assignment to the treated group. Specifically, as firms would need
to register a net increase in their local workforce relative to the baseline month to qualify for JGI, the treated firms
are by construct likely to have hired more local workers relative to the control group. Furthermore, as eligible firms
are those that hired locals more extensively than firms in the control group, the two groups of firms are likely to be
different in unobservable ways, which could bias the estimated impact. Nevertheless, our approach mitigates these
biases by (a) examining the impact of JGI on local gross hires instead of local net hires, as the former is not perfectly
correlated with the qualifying criteria, and (b) improving the comparability of the two groups by constructing a control
group that comprises firms that are more similar to those in the treated group in the ways described earlier.
To ensure the robustness of our findings, we conducted additional checks. For example, we used a different matching
method (propensity score matching) and lifted the restriction that control firms needed to have hired at least one local
worker. The results from these robustness checks were similar to our main results.
We find that the JGI scheme improved local employment outcomes modestly across all three phases [Exhibit 6].
First, we find that the JGI scheme was associated with an increase in local gross hires, although the impact waned
over the three phases. Specifically, compared to their respective control groups, JGI-supported firms hired 0.30, 0.18
and 0.14 more locals per firm per month in Phases 1, 2 and 3 respectively. These estimates translate into a cumulative
increase of 47,000 and 28,000 local hires across Phase 1 (six months) and the first six months of Phase 2 respectively,
as well as a cumulative increase of 15,200 local hires over the first five months of Phase 3.
Second, we find that the scheme was associated with an increase in the average wages of local gross hires. Compared
to the respective control groups, the average wages of local gross hires in JGI-supported firms were 13.3 per cent
(which translates to approximately $260), 13.6 per cent (or $330) and 12.1 per cent (or $300) higher in Phases 1, 2 and
3 respectively. The positive impact on average wages could be due in part to firms having to meet the JGI eligibility
criterion of expanding their local workforce paid a monthly wage of at least $1,400.
Feature Article 95
Exhibit 6: Impact of the JGI on Firm-level Local Employment Outcomes, by JGI Phase
Third, we find a modest positive impact on the share of mature workers among local gross hires. In Phase 1, JGI-
supported firms registered a 1.9 percentage-point increase in the share of mature workers hired compared to their
control group. This increase was largely driven by strong hiring effects in the first month following the implementation
of JGI Phase 1. The effects were positive but statistically insignificant in Phases 2 and 3.
The findings of our study suggest that JGI Phases 1 to 3 were successful in encouraging firms to expand their local
workforce, which in turn supported the recovery of the labour market from the effects of the pandemic. Between
September 2020 and February 2022, the JGI scheme was associated with an increase of about 90,200 local hires
cumulatively. At the same time, local hires also benefitted from wages that were 12.1 per cent to 13.6 per cent higher
on average. Furthermore, there was evidence that the scheme supported a modest increase in the hiring of mature
workers in Phase 1.
Given that the JGI is an exceptional scheme designed to support labour market recovery during a crisis, its positive
effects on supporting local hires were the strongest as the economy was emerging from the pandemic-induced recession
and when labour market slack was the most severe. As the economic recovery gained momentum and labour market
slack dissipated, the positive effect on local gross hires expectedly waned. The JGI is assessed to have achieved its
objectives with the labour market having largely recovered to pre-pandemic (2019) levels by 4Q2022.
Contributed by:
Boockmann, B., Zwick, T., Ammermüller, A., & Maier, M. (2012). “Do Hiring Subsidies Reduce Unemployment Among
Older Workers? Evidence from Natural Experiments.” Journal of the European Economic Association 10: 735-764.
Cahuc, P., Carcillo, S. & Le Barbanchon, T. (2014). “Do Hiring Credits Work in Recession? Evidence from France.” IZA
Discussion Paper No. 8330.
Desiere, S. & Cockx, B. (2022). “How Effective are Hiring Subsidies to Reduce Long-Term Unemployment Among
Prime-Aged Jobseekers? Evidence from Belgium.” IZA Discussion Paper No. 14767.
Farooq, A. & Kugler, A. D. (2015). “What factors contributed to changes in employment during and after the Great
Recession?” IZA Journal Labor Policy 4, 3.
Grivalja, D. & Neumark, D. (2013). “The Employment Effects of State Hiring Credits” IZA Discussion Paper No. 9146.
Pang, J., Zhou, E., & Lee, T. M. (2022). “Feature Article: Impact of the Jobs Support Scheme on Labour Market Outcomes.”
Economic Survey of Singapore 2021: 86-93. Singapore: Ministry of Trade and Industry.
Sjögren, A. & Vikström, J. (2015). “How long and how much? Learning about the design of wage subsidies from policy
discontinuities” Labour Economics, 34, 127-137.
Singapore Ministry of Finance (2022). “Assessment of the Impact of Key COVID-19 Budget Measures.”
Feature Article 97
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