Holographic Data Storage System Seminar Report

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The document discusses holographic versatile disc (HVD) technology, which could greatly increase storage capacity over Blu-ray and HD DVD. HVD uses holography to store data in three dimensions.

The document is a project report on holographic mass storage system (HDSS) technology, specifically focusing on holographic versatile disc (HVD).

Potential applications discussed include data mining, petaflop computing, and high-definition video storage.


Submitted To
Mrs. Jyoti Kaushik ECE Dept. MMEC

Submitted By
Ankit Bansal 11082021 ECE (D2)


Firstly I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the Almighty for His solemn presence throughout the seminar study. I would also like to express my special thanks to the HOD Mr. Naveen Hemrajani for providing an opportunity to undertake this seminar. I am deeply indebted to our seminar coordinators for providing me with valuable advice and guidance during the course of the study. I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to the Faculty of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering for their constructive support and cooperation at each and every juncture of the seminar study. Finally I would like to express my gratitude to Gyan Vihar College of Engineering and Technology for providing me with all the required facilities without which the seminar study would not have been possible.

Table of Contents Table of contents

1. Abstract..............................................................................................................................3 2. Introduction........................................................................................................................4 3. Technical Aspect...............................................................................................................5 4. Holograms..........................................................................................................................8 5. Underlying Technology.....................................................................................................10 6. 7. 8. 9.

Working.............................................................................................................................16 Application......................................................................................................................17

Advantages & Disadvantages of HDSS..........................................................................21 Comparison.....................................................................................................................22

10. HVD at a glance..............................................................................................................23 11. .Bibliography.....................................................................................................................25

Holographic Versatile Disc (HVD) is an optical disc technology still in the research stage which would greatly increase storage over Blue-ray Disc and HD DVD optical disc systems. It employs a technique known as collinear holography, whereby two lasers, one red and one blue-green, are collimated in a single beam. The blue-green laser reads data encoded as laser interference fringes from a holographic layer near the top of the disc while the red laser is used as the reference beam and to read servo information from a regular CD-style aluminium layer near the bottom. Servo information is used to monitor the position of the read head over the disc, similar to the head, track, and sector information on a conventional hard disk drive. On a CD or DVD this servo information is interspersed amongst the data. A dichroic minor layer between the holographic data and the servo data reflects the blue-green laser while letting the red laser pass through. This prevents interference from refraction of the blue-green laser off the servo data pits and is an advance over past holographic storage media, which either experienced too much interference, or lacked the servo data entirely, making them incompatible with current CD and DVD drive technology. These discs have the capacity to hold up to 3.9 terabyte(TB) of information, which is approximately 6,000 times the capacity of a CDROM, 830 times the capacity of a DVD, 160 times the capacity of single-layer Blu-ray Discs, and about 8 times the capacity of standard computer hard drives as of 2006. The HVD also has a transfer rate of 1 gigabit/s. Optware has released a 200 GB disc in early June 2006 and Maxell in September 2006 with a capacity of 300 GB and transfer rate of 20 MB/s.

With its omnipresent computers, all connected via the Internet, the Information Age has led to an explosion of information available to users. The decreasing cost of storing data, and the increasing storage capacities of the same small device footprint, has been key enablers of this revolution. While current storage needs are being met, storage technologies must continue to improve in order to keep pace with the rapidly increasing demand. Devices that use light to store and read data have been the backbone of data storage for nearly two decades. Compact discs revolutionized data storage in the early 1980s, allowing multi-megabytes of data to be stored on a disc that has a diameter of a mere 12 centimeters and a thickness of about 1.2 millimeters. In 1997, an improved version of the CD, called a digital versatile disc (DVD), was released, which enabled the storage of full-length movies on a single disc. CDs and DVDs are the primary data storage methods for music, software, personal computing and video. A CD can hold 783 megabytes of data. A double-sided, double-layer DVD can hold 15.9 GB of data, which is about eight hours of movies. These conventional storage mediums meet today's storage needs, but storage technologies have to evolve to keep pace with increasing consumer demand. CDs, DVDs and magnetic storage all store bits of information on the surface of a recording medium. In order to increase storage capabilities, scientists are now working on a new optical storage method called holographic memory that will go beneath the surface and use the volume of the recording medium for storage, instead of only the surface area. Three-dimensional data storage will be able to store more information in a smaller space and offer faster data transfer times. Holographic memory is developing technology that has promised to revolutionalise the storage systems. It can store data upto 1 Tb in a sugar cube sized crystal. Data from more than 1000 CDs can fit into a holographic memory System. Most of the computer hard drives available today can hold only 10 to 40 GB of data, a small fraction of what holographic memory system can hold. Conventional memories use only the surface to store the data. But holographic data storage systems use the volume to store data. It has more advantages than conventional storage systems. It is based on the principle of holography. However, both magnetic and conventional optical data storage technologies, where individual bits are stored as distinct magnetic or optical changes on the surface of a recording medium, are approaching physical limits beyond which individual bits may be too small or too difficult to store. Storing information throughout the volume of a mediumnot just on its surface offers an intriguing high-capacity alternative. Holographic data storage is a volumetric approach which, although conceived decades ago, has made recent progress toward practicality with the appearance of lower-cost enabling technologies, significant results from longstanding research efforts, and progress in holographic recording materials. In holographic data storage, an entire page of information is stored at once as an optical interference pattern within a thick, photosensitive optical material (Figure 1). This is done by intersecting two coherent laser beams within the storage material. The first, called the object beam, contains the information to be stored; the second, called the reference beam, is designed to be simple to reproducefor example, a simple collimated beam with a planar wavefront. The resulting optical interference pattern causes chemical and/or physical changes in the photosensitive medium: A replica of the interference pattern is stored as a change in the absorption, refractive index, or thickness of the photosensitive medium. When the stored interference grating is illuminated with one of the two waves that were used during recording [Figure 2(a)], some of this incident light is diffracted by the stored grating in such a fashion that

the other wave is reconstructed. Illuminating the stored grating with the reference wave reconstructs the object wave, and vice versa [Figure 2(b)]. Interestingly, a backward-propagating or phase-conjugate reference wave, illuminating the stored grating from the back side, reconstructs an object wave that also propagates backward toward its original source [Figure 2(c)]. A large number of these interference gratings or patterns can be superimposed in the same thick piece of media and can be accessed independently, as long as they are distinguishable by the direction or the spacing of the gratings. Such separation can be accomplished by changing the angle between the object and reference wave or by changing the laser wavelength. Any particular data page can then be read out independently by illuminating the stored gratings with the reference wave that was used to store that page. Because of the thickness of the hologram, this reference wave is diffracted by the interference patterns in such a fashion that only the desired object beam is significantly reconstructed and imaged on an electronic camera. The theoretical limits for the storage density of this technique are around tens of terabits per cubic centimeter.

3.Technical Aspects Like other media, holographic media is divided into write once (where the storage medium undergoes some irreversible change), and rewritable media (where the change is reversible). Rewritable holographic storage can be achieved via the photorefractive effect in crystals:

Mutually coherent light from two sources creates an interference pattern in the media. These two sources are called the reference beam and the signal beam. Where there is constructive interference the light is bright and electrons can be promoted from the valence band to the conduction band of the material (since the light has given the electrons energy to jump the energy gap). The positively charged vacancies they leave are called holes and they must be immobile in rewritable holographic materials. Where there is destructive interference, there is less light and few electrons are promoted. Electrons in the conduction band are free to move in the material. They will experience two opposing forces that determine how they move. The first force is the Coulomb force between the electrons and the positive holes that they have been promoted from. This force encourages the electrons to stay put or move back to where they came from. The second is the pseudoforce of diffusion that encourages them to move to areas where electrons are less dense. If the coulomb forces are not too strong, the electrons will move into the dark areas.

Beginning immediately after being promoted, there is a chance that a given electron will recombine with a hole and move back into the valence band. The faster the rate of recombination, the fewer the number of electrons that will have the chance to move into the dark areas. This rate will affect the strength of the hologram. After some electrons have moved into the dark areas and recombined with holes there, there is a permanent space charge field between the electrons that moved to the dark spots and the holes in the bright spots. This leads to a change in the index of refraction due to the electrooptic effect.

When the information is to be retrieved or read out from the hologram, only the reference beam is necessary. The beam is sent into the material in exactly the same way as when the hologram was written. As a result of the index changes in the material that were created during writing, the beam splits into two parts. One of these parts recreates the signal beam where the information is stored. Something like a CCD camera can be used to convert this information into a more usable form. Holograms can theoretically store one bit per cubic block the size of the wavelength of light in writing. For example, light from a helium-neon laser is red, 632.8 nm wavelength light. Using light of this wavelength, perfect holographic storage could store 4 gigabits per cubic millimeter. In practice, the data density would be much lower, for at least four reasons:

The need to add error-correction The need to accommodate imperfections or limitations in the optical system Economic payoff (higher densities may cost disproportionately more to achieve) Design technique limitationsa problem currently faced in magnetic Hard Drives wherein magnetic domain configuration prevents manufacture of disks that fully utilize the theoretical limits of the technology.

Unlike current storage technologies that record and read one data bit at a time, holographic memory writes and reads data in parallel in a single flash of light.


A hologram is a recording of the optical interference pattern that forms at the intersection of two coherent optical beams. Typically, light from a single laser is split into two paths, the signal path and the reference path. The beam that propagates along the signal path carries information, whereas the reference is designed to be simple to reproduce. A common reference beam is a plane wave: a light beam that propagates without converging or diverging. The two paths are overlapped on the holographic medium and the interference pattern between the two beams is recorded. A key property of this interferometric recording is that when it is illuminated by a readout beam, the signal beam is reproduced. In effect, some of the light is diffracted from the readout beam to reconstruct a weak copy of the signal beam. If the signal beam was created by reflecting light off a 3D object, then the reconstructed hologram makes the 3D object appear behind the holographic medium. When the hologram is recorded in a thin material, the readout beam can differ from the reference beam used for recording and the scene will still appear.

4.1 Volume Holograms To make the hologram, the reference and object beams are overlapped in a photosensitive medium, such as a photopolymer or inorganic crystal. The resulting optical interference pattern creates chemical and/or physical changes in the absorption, refractive index or thickness of the storage media, preserving a replica of the illuminating interference pattern. Since this pattern contains information about both the amplitude and the phase of the two light beams, when the recording is illuminated by the readout beam, some of the light is diffracted to reconstruct a weak copy of the object beam .If the object beam originally came from a 3D object, then the reconstructed hologram makes the 3D object reappear. Since the diffracted wave front accumulates energy from throughout the thickness of the storage material, a small change in either the wavelength or angle of the readout beam generates enough destructive interference to make the hologram effectively disappear through Bragg selectivity.


Figure 4 Reconstruction of an image from a hologram

As the material becomes thicker, accessing a stored volume hologram requires tight tolerances on the stability and repeatability of the wavelength and incidence angle provided by the laser and readout optics. However, destructive interference also opens up a tremendous opportunity: a small storage volume can now store multiple superimposed holograms, each one distributed throughout the entire volume. The destructive interference allows each of these stored holograms to be independently accessed with its original reference beam. To record a second, angularly multiplexed hologram, for instance, the angle of the reference beam is changed sufficiently so that the reconstruction of the first hologram effectively disappears. The new incidence angle is used to record a second hologram with a new object beam. The two holograms can be independently accessed by changing the readout laser beam angle back and forth. For a 2-cm hologram thickness, the angular sensitivity is only 0.0015 degrees. Therefore, it becomes possible to store thousands of holograms within the allowable range of reference arm angles (typically 2030 degrees). The maximum number of holograms stored at a single location to date is 10,000.


5.Underlying Technology
5.1 HOLOGRAPHY Holographic data storage refers specifically to the use of holography to store and retrieve digital data. To do this, digital data must be imposed onto an optical wave front, stored holographically with high volumetric density, and then extracted from the retrieved optical wav front with excellent data fidelity. A hologram preserves both the phase and amplitude of an optical wave front of interest called the object beam by recording the optical interference pattern between it and a second coherent optical beam the reference beam. Figure shows this process. The reference beam is designed to be simple to reproduce at a later stage (A common reference beam is a plane wave a light beam that propagates without converging or diverging). These

interference fringes are recorded if the two beams have been overlapped within a suitable photosensitive media, such as a photopolymer or inorganic crystal or photographic film. The bright and dark variations of the interference pattern create chemical and/or physical changes in the media, preserving a replica of the interference pattern as a change in absorption, refractive index or thickness.


Though holography is often referred to as 3D photography, this is a misconception. A better analogy is sound recording where the sound field is encoded in such a way that it can later be reproduced. In holography, some of the light scattered from an object or a set of objects falls on the recording medium. A second light beam, known as the reference beam, also illuminates the recording medium, so that interference occurs between the two beams. The resulting light field is an apparently random pattern of varying intensity which is the hologram. It can be shown that if the hologram is illuminated by the original reference beam, a light field is diffracted by the reference beam which is identical to the light field which was scattered by the object or objects. Thus, someone looking into the hologram "sees" the objects even though they are no longer present. There are a variety of recording materials which can be used, including photographic film.

5.2 Interference and diffraction Interference occurs when one or more wavefronts are superimposed. Diffraction occurs whenever a wavefront encounters an object. The process of producing a holographic reconstruction is explained below purely in terms of interference and diffraction. It is somewhat simplistic, but is accurate enough to provide an understanding of how the holographic process works.

5.3 Plane wavefronts A diffraction grating is a structure with a repeating pattern. A simple example is a metal plate with slits cut at regular intervals. Light rays travelling through it are bent at an angle determined by , the wavelength of the light and d, the distance between the slits and is given by sin = /d. A very simple hologram can be made by superimposing two plane waves from the same light source. One (the reference beam) hits the photographic plate normally and the other one (the object beam) hits the plate at an angle . The relative phase between the two beams varies across the photographic plate as 2 y sin/ where y is the distance along the photographic plate. The two beams interfere with one another to form an interference pattern. The relative phase changes by 2 at intervals of d = /sin so the spacing of the interference fringes is given by d. Thus, the relative phase of object and reference beam is encoded as the maxima and minima of the fringe pattern.

When the photographic plate is developed, the fringe pattern acts as a diffraction grating and when the reference beam is incident upon the photographic plate, it is partly diffracted into the same angle at which the original object beam was incident. Thus, the object beam has been reconstructed. The diffraction grating created by the two waves interfering has reconstructed the "object beam" and it is therefore a hologram as defined above.


5.4 Point sources A slightly more complicated hologram can be made using a point source of light as object beam and a plane wave as reference beam to illuminate the photographic plate. An interference pattern is formed which in this case is in the form of curves of decreasing separation with increasing distance from the centre.

The photographic plate is developed giving a complicated pattern which can be considered to be made up of a diffraction pattern of varying spacing. When the plate is illuminated by the reference beam alone, it is diffracted by the grating into different angles which depend on the local spacing of the pattern on the plate. It can be shown that the net effect of this is to reconstruct the object beam, so that it appears that light is coming from a point source behind the plate, even when the source has been removed. The light emerging from the photographic plate is identical to the light that emerged from the point source that used to be there. An observer looking into the plate from the other side will "see" a point source of light whether the original source of light is there or not.

This sort of hologram is effectively a concave lens, since it "converts" a plane wavefront into a divergent wavefront. It will also increase the divergence of any wave which is incident on it in exactly the same way as a normal lens does. Its focal length is the distance between the point source and the plate.


5.5 Complex objects To record a hologram of a complex object, a laser beam is first split into two separate beams of light using a beam splitter of half-silvered glass or a birefringent material. One beam illuminates the object, reflecting its image onto the recording medium as it scatters the beam. The second (reference) beam illuminates the recording medium directly.

According to diffraction theory, each point in the object acts as a point source of light. Each of these point sources interferes with the reference beam, giving rise to an interference pattern. The resulting pattern is the sum of a large number (strictly speaking, an infinite number) of point source + reference beam interference patterns.

When the object is no longer present, the holographic plate is illuminated by the reference beam. Each point source diffraction grating will diffract part of the reference beam to reconstruct the wavefront from its point source. These individual wavefronts add together to reconstruct the whole of the object beam.

The viewer perceives a wavefront that is identical to the scattered wavefront of the object illuminated by the reference beam, so that it appears to him or her that the object is still in place. This image is known as a "virtual" image as it is generated even though the object is no longer there. The direction of the light source seen illuminating the virtual image is that of the original illuminating beam.


This explains, albeit in somewhat simple terms, how transmission holograms work. Other holograms, such as rainbow and Denisyuk holograms, are more complex but have similar principles.

When the recording is illuminated by a readout beam similar to the original reference beam, some of the light is diffracted to reconstruct a copy of the object beam as shown in Fig if the object beam originally came from a 3-D object, then the reconstructed hologram makes the 3-D object reappear.


A holographic data storage system consists of a recording medium, an optical recording system, and a photodetector array. A beam of coherent light is split into a reference beam and a signal beam which are used to record a hologram into the recording medium. The recording medium is usually a photorefractive crystal such as LiNbO3 or BaTiO3 that has certain optical characteristics. These characteristics are high diffraction efficiency, high resolution, permanent storage until erasure, and fast erasure on the application of external stimulus such as UV light. A hologram is simply the three-dimensional interference pattern of the intersection of the reference and signal beams at 90degree to each other. This interference pattern is imprinted into the crystal as regions of positive and negative charge. To retrieve the stored hologram, a beam of light that has the same wavelength and angle of incidence as the reference beam is sent into the crystal and the resulting diffraction pattern is used to reconstruct the pattern of the signal beam.

Many different holograms may be stored in the same crystal volume by changing the angle of incidence of the reference beam. One characteristic of the recording medium that limits the usefulness of holographic storage is the property that every time the crystal is read with the reference beam, the stored hologram at that location is disturbed by the reference beam and some of the data integrity is lost. With current technology, recorded holograms in Fe- and Tbdoped LiNbO3 that use UV light to activate the Tb atoms can be preserved without significant decay for two years.

A series of spectral memory demonstration experiments have been conducted at the University of Oregon. These experiments employ a 780-nm commercial semiconductor diode laser as the light source, a crystal of Tm3+:YAG as the frequency selective recording material, and an avalanche photodiode as a signal detector. The diode laser was stabilized to an external cavity containing a grating and an electro optic crystal. The intracavity electro optic crystal provides for microsecond timescale sweeping of the laser frequency over roughly one gigahertz. Two storage (reference and data) beams and one reading beam, are created from the output of the single laser source using the beam splitter and the acousto-optic modulators shown in figure. The beams are focused to a 150 m2 spot in a Tm3+:YAG crystal. The reference and data beams are simultaneous as are the read and signal beams.


The most common holographic recording system uses laser light, a beam splitter to divide the laser light into a reference beam and a signal beam, various lenses and mirrors to redirect the light, a photorefractive crystal, and an array of photodetectors around the crystal to receive the holographic data. To record a hologram, a beam of laser light is split into two beams by a mirror. These two beams then become the reference and the signal beams. The signal beam interacts with an object and the light that is reflected by the object intersects the reference beam at right angles. The resulting interference pattern contains all the information necessary to recreate the image of the object after suitable processing. The interference pattern is recorded onto the photoreactive material and may be retrieved at a later time by using a beam that is identical to the reference beam (including the wavelength and the angle of incidence into the photoreactive material). This is possible because the hologram has the property that if it is illuminated by either of the beams used to record it, the hologram causes light to be diffracted in the direction of the second beam that was used to record it, thereby recreating the reflected image of the object if the reference beam was used to illuminate the hologram. So, the reflected image must be transformed into a real image with mirrors and lenses that can be sent to the laser detector array. There are many different volume holographic techniques that are being researched. The most promising techniques are angle-multiplexed, wavelength multiplexed, spectral, and phase conjugate holography. Angle- and wavelength- multiplexed holographic methods are very similar, with the only difference being the way data is stored and retrieved, either multiplexed with different angles of incidence of the reference beam, or with different wavelengths of the reference beam. Spectral holography combines the basic principles of volume holography using a photorefractive crystal with a time sequencing scheme to partition holograms into their own subvolume of the crystal using the collision of ultrashort laser pulses to differentiate between the image and the time-delayed reference beam. Phase-conjugate holography is a technique to reduce the total volume of the system (the system includes recording devices, storage medium, and detector array) by eliminating the need for the optical parts between the spatial light modulator (SLM) and the detector.

The SLM is an optical device that is used to convert the real image into a single beam of light that will intersect with the reference beam during recording. Phase-conjugate holography eliminates these optical parts by replacing the reference beam that is used to read the hologram with a conjugate reference beam that propagates in the opposite direction as the bam used for recording. The signal diffracted by the hologram being accessed is sent back along the path from which it came, and is refocused onto the SLM, which now serves as both the SLM and the detector.

There are two main classes of materials used for the holographic storage medium. These are photorefractive crystals and photopolymers (organic films). The most commonly used photorefractive crystals used are LiNbO3 and BaTiO3. During hologram recording, the refractive index of the crystal is changed by migration of electron charge in response to the imprinted three dimensional interference patterns of reference and signal beams. As more and more holograms are superimposed into the crystal, the more decay of the holograms occurs due to interference from the superimposed holograms. Also, holograms are degraded every time they are read out because the reference beam used to read out the hologram alters the refractive nature of the crystal in that region.


7.1 Holographic Versatile Disc An HVD (holographic Versatile Disc), a holographic storage media, is an advanced optical disc thats presently in the development stage. Polaroid scientist J. van Heerden was the first to come up with the idea for holographic three-dimensional storage media in 1960. An HVD would be a successor to todays Blu-ray and HDDVD technologies. It can transfer data at the rate of 1 Gigabit per second. The technology permits over 10 kilobits of data to be written and read in parallel with a single flash. The disc will store upto 3.9 terabyte (TB) of data on a single optical disk. Holographic data storage, a potential next generation storage technology, offers both high storage density and fast readout rate. In this article, I discuss the physical origin of these attractive technology features and the components and engineering required to realize them. I conclude by describing the current state of holographic storage research and development efforts in the context of ongoing improvement to established storage technologies.


Data transfer rate: 1 gbps. The technology permits over 10 kilobits of data to be written and read in parallel with a
single flash. Most optical storage devices, such as a standard CD saves one bit per pulse. HVDs manage to store 60,000 bits per pulse in the same place. 1 HVD 5800 CDs 830 DVD 160 BLU-RAY Discs. 7.3 STRUCTURE

HVD STRUCTURE HVD structure is shown in fig 3.1 the following components are used in HVD. 1. Green writing/reading laser (650 nm). 2. Red positioning/addressing laser (650 nm). 3. Hologram (data). 4. Polycarbon layer. 5. Photopolymeric layer (data-containing layer). 6. Distance layers. 7. Dichroic layer (reflecting green light). 8. Aluminum reflective layer (reflecting red light). 9. Transparent base. 10. PIT.



7.4 HVD READER PROTOTYPE To read data from an HVD reader. The following components are used to make a reader. A blue-green laser, beam splitters to split the laser beams, mirrors to direct the laser beams, LCD panels (spatial light modulator), lenses to focus the beams, lithiumniobate crystals or photopolymers, and charge-coupled device (CCD) cameras.




A simplified HVD system consists of the following main components: Blue or green laser (532-nm wavelength in the test system) Beam splitter/merger Mirrors Spatial light modulator (SLM) CMOS sensor Polymer recording medium

The process of writing information onto an HVD begins with encoding the information into binary data to be stored in the SLM. These data are turned into ones and zeroes represented as opaque or translucent areas on a "page" -- this page is the image that the information beam is going to pass through. When the blue-green argon laser is fired, a beam splitter creates two beams. One beam, called the object or signal beam, will go straight, bounce off one mirror and travel through a spatial-light modulator (SLM). An SLM is a liquid crystal display (LCD) that shows pages of raw binary data as clear and dark boxes. The information from the page of binary code is carried by the signal beam around to the lightsensitive lithium-niobate crystal. Some systems use a photopolymer in place of the crystal. A second beam, called the reference beam, shoots out the side of the beam splitter and takes a separate path to the crystal. When the two beams meet, the interference pattern that is created stores the data carried by the signal beam in a specific area in the crystal -- the data is stored as a hologram.


8.ADVANTAGES and Disadvantages Of HDSS

8.1 Advantages Of HDSS With three-dimensional recording and parallel data readout, holographic memories can outperform existing optical storage techniques. In contrast to the currently available storage strategies, holographic mass memory simultaneously offers high data capacity and short data access time (Storage capacity of about 1TB/cc and data transfer rate of 1 billion bits/second). Holographic data storage has the unique ability to locate similar features stored within a crystal instantly. A data pattern projected into a crystal from the top searches thousands of stored holograms in parallel. The holograms diffract the incoming light out of the side of the crystal, with the brightest outgoing beams identifying the address of the data that most closely resemble the input pattern. This parallel search capability is an inherent property of holographic data storage and allows a database to be searched by content. Because the interference patter ns are spread uniformly throughout the material, it endows holographic storage with another useful capability: high reliability. While a defect in the medium for disk or tape storage might garble critical data, a defect in a holographic medium doesn't wipe out information. Instead, it only makes the hologram dimmer. No rotation of medium is required as in the case of other storage devices. It can reduce threat of piracy since holograms cant be easily replicated. 8.2 DISADVANTAGES OF HDSS Manufacturing cost HDSS is very high and there is a lack of availability of resources which are needed to produce HDSS. However, all the holograms appear dimmer because their patterns must share the material's finite dynamic range. In other words, the additional holograms alter a material that can support only a fixed amount of change. Ultimately, the images become so dim that noise creeps into the read-out operation, thus limiting the material's storage capacity. A difficulty with the HDSS technology had been the destructive readout. The re- illuminated reference beam used to retrieve the recorded information also excites the donor electrons and disturbs the equilibrium of the space charge field in a manner that produces a gradual erasure of the recording. In the past, this has limited the number of reads that can be made before the signal-to noise ratio becomes too low. Moreover, writes in the same fashion can degrade previous writes in the same region of the medium. This restricts the ability to use the three-dimensional capacity of a photorefractive for recording angle-multiplexed holograms. You would be unable to locate the data if theres an error of even a thousandth of an inch.



9.1 Comparison between DVD, Blue-Ray and HVD






4.7 GB

25 GB

3.9 TB

Laser wave length

650 nm (red)

405 nm (blue)

532 nm (green)

Disc diameter

120 mm

120 mm

120 mm

Hard coating




Data transfer rate (rawdata)

11.08 mbps

36 mbps

1 gbps



Media type : Ultra-high density optical disc. Encoding Capacity Usage : MPEG-2, MPEG-4 AVC (H.264), and VC-1. : Theoretically up to 3.9 TB. : Data storage, High-definition video, & he possibility of ultra High-definition video.

STANDARDS On December 9, 2004 at its 88th General Assembly the standards body Ecma International created Technical committee 44, dedicated to standardizing HVD formats based on Optwares technology. On June 11, 2007, TC44 published the first two HVD standards ECMA-377, defining a 200 GB HVD recordable cartridge and ECMA-378,defining a 100 GB HVD-ROM disc. Its next stated goals are 30 GB HVD cards and submission of these standards to the International Organization for Standardization for ISO approval. POSSIBLE APPLICATION FIELDS There are many possible applications of holographic memory. Holographic memory systems can potentially provide the high speed transfers and large volumes of future computer system. One possible application is data mining.


Data mining is the processes of finding patterns in large amounts of data. Data mining is used greatly in large databases which hold possible patterns which cant be distinguished by human eyes due to the vast amount of data. Some current computer system implement data mining, but the mass amount of storage required is pushing the limits of current data storage systems. The many advances in access times and data storage capacity that holographic memory provides could exceed conventional storage and speedup data mining considerably. This would result in more located patterns in a shorter amount of time. Another possible application of holographic memory is in petaflop computing. A petaflop is a thousand trillion floating point operations per second. The fast access extremely large amounts of data provided by holographic memory could be utilized in petaflop architecture. Clearly advances are needed to in more than memory systems, but the theoretical schematics do exist for such a machine. Optical storage such as holographic memory provides a viable solution to the extreme amount of data which is required for a petaflop computing.


11. Bibliography

www.holopc.com www.wikeipedia.com www.engeeniringseminars.com www.computer.howstuffworks.com www.tech-faq.com/hvd.shtml www.ibm.com - IBM Research Press Resources Holographic Storage


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