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Annals of R.S.C.B., ISSN:1583-6258, Vol. 25, Issue 6, 2021, Pages.

7317 - 7331
Received 25 April 2021; Accepted 08 May 2021.

Biomaterial: A Sustainable Alternative to Animal Leather and Synthetic

Richa Gupta1, Dr. Dushyant Dave2
(Research Scholar)Amity University, Dubai, U.A.E.Departmentof Humanities,Arts and Applied
[email protected]
Department of Design,BanasthaliVidyapith,304 022, (Rajasthan)
[email protected]

As Fashion industry is considered to be heading the sustainability call and ethical
or animal and artificial leather in order to achieve environmental sustainability. Leatherconsumers
all around the world are looking forward to part-take in the international
be made to landfill contributions as the glamour genre is today a significant sector. Itinvolves the
process of creating various echo friendly leathers and fabrics using the naturalwaste derived from
our day today use.It is theoretical presentation of model, which bringstogether the essentials of
sustainability and Innovative production methods from waste todesign. The purpose of this
research is to provide the customers and designers the
oductionmethod ofleather/ Textileand its treatment.
Key words: Fashion, Vegan, Sustainable, coconut, Leather, biomaterial,
Pineapple,Mushroom,Soybean, Textile

The leather industry around the globe slaughters around more than billion animals every year.The
animals suffer the terrors of rearing live stocks which includes confinement,
eferredtoasVeganleatherorfauxleather.Therearevarietyofmaterialswhichcanbeusedto create vegan
leather which may also include synthetic materials like plastic waste,
on industry is actively working towards reducing fibre waste. The common
materials and the leather made from them are also called as “Pleather” (Leather made
ofPlastic).UsingPlasticleathermayagainleadtofewquestionslike,whatabouttheconsequences on our
environment? They may take more than 1000 years to biodegrade
leather made from natural waste which are biodegradable and safe for environment.

Annals of R.S.C.B., ISSN:1583-6258, Vol. 25, Issue 6, 2021, Pages. 7317 - 7331
Received 25 April 2021; Accepted 08 May 2021.

is made from sustainable biomaterial further processed with natural fibres and glues to
createleather. Luxury brands are now moving towards up-cycled and sustainable trend (their
majoraim is to use discarded waste). Designers in the industry look forward to viable alternatives
inthe global fashion industry and are converting food waste, plant based and textile waste
intofuture fashion impacting the earth and industry in a big way (Anna-Sophie Stübler,
VolkerHeinz,Kemal Aganovic,2020).


WemaydefineSustainabilityasrevolutionthatmayaffecteveryoneonthisplanetandismuchmore than
only environment issues. It is a global shift, transformation &investment for thebetterment of the
global economy and business. The world corporate is pressurised to
movetowardstheevolutionofmoresustainablemodel.Socialawarenessisprogressivelychallenging and
conversant by the escalating granularity and availability of data, growingsocial mindfulness is
articulated through customer preferences. The sustainable revolution
y for the modern history. Misconception regarding the faux or vegan leather beingplastic and
offensive always prevails in the minds of the consumers, where as they have moreenvironmental
responsible options available.Green fashion is a state-of-the-art that

Sustainability is an extensive discipline, giving the insights to most facets of the social
decrease carbon releases and determine the development of the technologies
Annals of R.S.C.B., ISSN:1583-6258, Vol. 25, Issue 6, 2021, Pages. 7317 - 7331
Received 25 April 2021; Accepted 08 May 2021.

follow to new way of life. Therefore, Sustainability is the upcoming future tend for renewableof
garments and textiles sources, decreasing carbon secretions, guarding surroundings and ameans of
keeping the environment in balance. “Sustainability” can be defined as the study
toavoidthereductionofnaturalresources inorderto preservean environmentalbalance.



Sustainabilityemphasisonmeetingtherequirementsofthepresent-daywithoutnegotiatingthecapacity of
future cohorts to encounter their necessities. Sustainability as a concept is made ofthree pillars:
environmental, global economic, and social also known ceremoniously as 3 P’s-planet, profits, and
people. The various goals of sustainability may include: Reduction ofSource- with the change in
production and consumption patterns there can be major
omingdaysforever without exhausting or harming natural resources. Innovation- The emphasis is
design- This includes the conception of products that can be recycled or retrieved, thusending the
cradle-to-landfills cycle of artificial products. Feasibility- The objective is togenerateacost-
effective centrethatfocusesonproducesandtechnologieswhichareadvantageous to the environment,
thus growing the promptness at which such technology andproductideas can beapplied (Aganovic,

Fashion Industry records greenhouse gas emissions nearly 10% human activity, which can
difficult to identify the reason for emissions of production, also there is how the clothes
aretransported and discarded after the consumers do not want them anymore?The Fashionindustry
is now following micro seasons (Fast Fashion), fashion followers or “Gen Z” arecompelledto
buythelatesttrends dueto peer pressure(Odabaş, 2010).

As per the UN, a single pain of Jeans requires at least 1kg of cotton which requires 7,500-10,000
liters of water. https://unfccc.int/news/un-helps-fashion-industry-shift-to-low-carbon.The stretchy
jeans has become a factor of comfort and necessity these days as a trend
ansifweareabletoupcycletheexistingpairofjeansbeforedisposingit in the landfills and create a new
look as per the ongoing trend, we might save investing on1kg of cotton and the entire supply chain.
To create Polyester fibers approximately 70
the carbon emissions (recycled polyester releases ½ to ¼ of the emissions of virginpolyester).
Nevertheless, this is not a permanent resolution, as polyester takes many
ral and organic material is also not completely sustainable, as they require huge
amountsofwater,dyes andtransportimpactingthe overalleffects ofenvironment(Hanson, 1980).

Annals of R.S.C.B., ISSN:1583-6258, Vol. 25, Issue 6, 2021, Pages. 7317 - 7331
Received 25 April 2021; Accepted 08 May 2021.

alstocreatetheirtextilesmaterialswhichareeasilybiodegradableoncedisposed.But the carbon footprint
of apparels can be reduced in other ways, too. The buying patterns ofthe consumers has one of the
biggest impact. Sustainable material is directly related to thepreservation of environment and
ethical future fashion. “Fashion is chunk of the everydaychange, this can be very well associated
with fast fashion trends and demands.
es, which is going to become the textiles and material for the future in Fashion
o Fashion leather and Textiles (Gao,Chen,Wang,Liu, Wang, You Ke,Wang,Wang,2020).


Coconut tree is popularly also known as wishing tree as the coconut flesh is edible and thewater is
drinkable; the fibre on the shell is used to make brooms, foot mats, etc.; the wood isderived from
the trunk and the root are loaded with medicinal properties. The total globalcoconut production is
more than 60 metric tonnes, and it is seen there is a rise of around 3%eachyear



Coconutleatherismadefromaconventional coconutjellyformedbyfermentationofcoconutwater which

was developed in Philippines known as “Nata de coco”, derived from maturecoconut milk and
coconut water. Bacteria (Acetobacterxylinum) is commonly used in thefermentation process.
Fermentation leads to jelly like substance which is further sterilised andreadyto
consume(NehruNaik, 2017).

Annals of R.S.C.B., ISSN:1583-6258, Vol. 25, Issue 6, 2021, Pages. 7317 - 7331
Received 25 April 2021; Accepted 08 May 2021.

The leather production process alongside the farming from where the matured coconut
etrays. Thecellulosicjellyisformedwhen thebacteria feasts and ferments for around 12-14 days. This
sheet is then sterilised and processedalong with the natural fibres like, pineapple, hemp and banana
fibre (Banana fibre) suits bestin production of coconut leather. India is one of the largest producers
of banana
ibre is lustrous and strong like silk.The coconut sheet formed may vary in thicknesses, thethicker
sheets are stronger but difficult to craft and stitch, whereas the thinner ones are easy tohandle as
they are soft and lean. These sheets can be mouldedand given shapes with naturalblend of wax and
oils. Coconut leather is strong and durable but disintegrates over the periodof years naturally
without emitting any toxic gases or harm to the soil (Iana Rico, BeatrizGullón,JoséLuis Alonso,
Remedios Yáñez, 2020).


PINEAPPLE PRODUCTION & WASTE:Cultivation of Pineapple very time


Annals of R.S.C.B., ISSN:1583-6258, Vol. 25, Issue 6, 2021, Pages. 7317 - 7331
Received 25 April 2021; Accepted 08 May 2021.

massive bulk of pineapple comes from countries with tropical climate (Hongjie Dai,
YueHuang,HuanZhang,LiangMa,HuihuaHuang, JihongWu,YuhaoZhang,2019).


2.7 million tons. https://www.statista.com/statistics/681671/asia-pacific-pineapple-

Annals of R.S.C.B., ISSN:1583-6258, Vol. 25, Issue 6, 2021, Pages. 7317 - 7331
Received 25 April 2021; Accepted 08 May 2021.



ichceasedtheproductionofPineapplefabric and it almost disappeared. Also known as “Piñatex” as it
is plant textile which canbeused asalternativeto animal leather(NgaH.N.Do,Thao P.Luu, QuocB.
Thai, Duyen
K. Le, Ngoc Do Quyen Chau, Son T. Nguyen, Phung K. Le, Nhan Phan-Thien, Hai M.Duong,
2019).As pineapple is one of the most popular food worldwide, the raw materialrequired to
produce the leather can be achieved in abundance. In spite of this fruit beingexotic its leaves helps
to derive a wonderful textile (Débora A. Campos, Tânia B. Ribeiro,José A. Teixeira, Lorenzo
Pastrana, Maria Manuela Pintado, 2020).These leaves are
lustrous in nature like silk, further are felted into a mesh (non-woven) [14]. Thermal,mechanical
and chemical processes are used to form a net of fibres.This felted textile isfurther treated with a
protective coating. The chemicals involved in this process are leastsynthetic and the product
outcome is much more sustainable when compared to animalleather but not completely
biodegradable. It is made from a mixture of Pineapple leave,petroleum-based resins and PLA
(Polylactic acid) also known as bio-plastic which
ppletextilewhichismorecosteffective.Asthisiscreatedasfabric,therolescan be defined and produced
as per the requirement of the product manufacturer
leather can be produced in various colours and finishes, including variety of
Phan-Thien, Hai M. Duong, 2019).

Annals of R.S.C.B., ISSN:1583-6258, Vol. 25, Issue 6, 2021, Pages. 7317 - 7331
Received 25 April 2021; Accepted 08 May 2021.

Fig(2) pineappleleatherprocess


Graph (5) Global orange production 2012-2020https://www.statista.com/statistics/577398/world-



The citrus industry throw-outs 1 shedload of citrus fruit peels yearly. Though the skins areof course
decomposable, it still involves a lot of money to discard them appropriately
(K.GrohmannandE.A.Baldwin,1992).OrangepeelFibre,canbeusedtodevelopnewrange of silk fabrics
derived completely from waste citrus fruit peels. The peels are treated
sulphite and sodium metabi-sulphite (F. R. Marín, C. Soler-Rivas, O. Benavente-García, J. Castillo,
and J. A. Pérez-Alvarez, 2007).The main process parameters involve,sulphite agent amount and the
reaction period, on the yield of cellulose (W. Widmer,
crystallites,brightness,waterretentionandreasonablemolecular weights (T. Inoue, S. Tsubaki, K.
Ogawa, K. Onishi, and J.-I. Azuma,
Annals of R.S.C.B., ISSN:1583-6258, Vol. 25, Issue 6, 2021, Pages. 7317 - 7331
Received 25 April 2021; Accepted 08 May 2021.

M.W. Woo, andJ. Hu, 2012).

Thisyarnisnotonlyprettytofeelandlookbutalsohasmanyadditionalbenefits;thefabrichas Vitamin C
and essential oils which exists in in the citrus fruit peel (W. C. Kim, D.
abricfeellikesoftcreamandnotmakingitfeelgreasyoruncomfortable(D. Mamma, E. Kourtoglou, and
P. Christakopoulos, 2008).As these oils are natural
I.S.Horváth,C.Niklasson, andM.J.Taherzadeh,2010).


Orange peels are grinded and applied to the fabrics to give an Anti-microbial finishingto the
textiles (M. M. Tripodo, F. Lanuzza, G. Micali, R. Coppolino, and F. Nucita,2004).A study
mentioned that the sources from citrus fruit peel discards when
mixedwithsodiumbicarbonate,andappliedasacoatonthecottonfabricresultsinpropertieslike anti-odour
and anti-microbial properties (E. Mizuki, T. Akao, and T. Saruwatari,1990).These textiles can be
used as Medical fabrics. Textiles made from peel
wastemaybesoft,aregooddyeabsorbentsandbreathablefabrics(M.Lohrasbi,M.Pourbafrani, C.
Niklasson, and M. J. Taherzadeh, , 2010). Apart from deriving textilesfrom the peels, various
treatments can also be offered on fabrics like; fragrance finishon fabricsandrepellent
formosquitoes(G. Forgács, M.Pourbafrani,C. Niklasson,M.

Annals of R.S.C.B., ISSN:1583-6258, Vol. 25, Issue 6, 2021, Pages. 7317 - 7331
Received 25 April 2021; Accepted 08 May 2021.


Mushroom is a fungi which has a stalk, top and gills. These funguses are High sourcefat and are
gluten free in nature.They have very short lifetime and its agriculture
isunlikeothervegetation’sastheyowelackofchlorophyll(T. L.Hansen,J.E.Schmidt,
I. Angelidakietal,2004).


The world-wide mushroom demand is detecting vigorous development on account ofincreasing

throwaway income and varying eating habits, thus pouring demand formushroom ( Progression in
food production in the past few years and
wedziak, EwaPolańczyk, 2018).


ide-spreadtechnologicaladvancement,researchdevelopments,biotechnological progressions is
predictable to increase the production of mushroomsinthefuture.Also themajorchangein
foodconscioushabitsareprojectingthegrowthof mushroom market. There are a few limitations
involved, such as, mushrooms havesmall life-span but easy to grow and inexpensive (depends on
the type of
Annals of R.S.C.B., ISSN:1583-6258, Vol. 25, Issue 6, 2021, Pages. 7317 - 7331
Received 25 April 2021; Accepted 08 May 2021.

Lions Mane and many more... Major Mushroom market is around 5 majorregions Asia Pacific,
Europe, North America, Latin America and Africa region. AsiaPacific is one of the maximum
rising mushroom market (María Elena Valverde, TalíaHernández-Pérez,and Octavio Paredes-
López, 2015).

D. MUSHROOM LEATHER PROCESS: This leather is made from the skin of Akamushroom
known as (Muskin). It is basically derived from the Phellinus
ellisoideusmushroomtopandthentannedtogiveaconventionalleatherlook.Noharmfulchemicals are
used to create the natural look. It is derived from the skin or
(vegetativepart)ofthefungusonwhichthesporesaregrownundervarioushumidityandtemperatures, then
tanned to create a similar look as cow, snake and various otherleathers. This process uses very less
energy to create eco-friendly and biodegradableleather. Mushrooms are fungus that spreads along
the logs in the forests. The roots ofmushrooms (Mycelium) grows and spreads by grasping the
nutrients available in theenvironment which makes it strong and lasting. A dense foam like
substance called(Mycelial mat) is removed from the log also having a pebble like texture, giving
aleather look.the convert this material into fabric, mycelium cells are 1st sourced andarranged on
the dish. These cells grow into fibres called (hyphae) by eating cellulose-
it’scutintosliceswhichisthenpassedthroughaprocessthatis similar to animal leather giving a tanned
look. Mushroom leather is biodegradableandeco-
friendlywhichdoesnotrotlikeanimalleatherandalsoneedsnoextrachemicalor salt treatments. This
leather can also be used to created accessories and jewellery.Biomaterial leather quiet a small share
in the overall leather market, but is increasing,andinvestorsareeager to supportit(ArunINGALE

E. CACTUSLEATHER:Mexicoisoneofthehighestproducerof“NopalCactus”,whichisbest suited to
create leathermaterial.

Graph (8) Production of “Nopal Cactus” in


Annals of R.S.C.B., ISSN:1583-6258, Vol. 25, Issue 6, 2021, Pages. 7317 - 7331
Received 25 April 2021; Accepted 08 May 2021.

A complete new and innovative vegan leather created by using cactus leaves intoorganic,all-
natural,cruelty-freeleather.Thisleatherisbiodegradable,soft,longlasting,and sustainablein nature.


The quality of leather is good for creating and using for Fashion items like-
interiors. The leather is derived from “Nopal Cactus” which is generally grown indesserts and
require very little or no water to grow (Karym El-Mostafa 1,2,†,YoussefElKharrassi,”Nopal
Cactus, 2014).

F. SOYBEANTEX&LEATHER:WasteProducedbySoybeangenerallydumpsdirectlytothewaterse
orsinwaterpollution,theleftover liquid is boiled for 10 days with sugar, fertilizer, and vinegar and bacteria
till itbecomes microbial cellulose (widely used in the traditional Philippine dessert nata decoco). This
solution is dried to get a sustainable fabric which can be used for makingvegan leather.Wastewater from
soya (tofu) industries are taken and put it in culturemedium. It takes around 10-12 days to convert glucose
into cellulosic fibres with thehelp of the Acetobacterxylinum bacteria, forming microbial cellulose sheets
can befurther processed (compressed, parched, enriched with tinting or coating) to
makeleatherandleatherproducts.Further,thewastewaterderivedfromthisprocessgeneratesverylessamount of
microbial fuel.

Soya is a by-product of Tofu and is reflected as a man-made cellulosic substance, whichmeans it is

required to experience few chemical "experiments" to be converted into yarnsfrom plant.The best
thing about this is, the chemicals used in the production process isoften re-used to close the loop of
production. For producing the soy-fabric, the protienspresent in the beans fragmented down by
heating them and exposing them to Alkalis andenzymes. They are then filtered and spun into long
fine strands of yarns. In some of thecases“Formaldehyde”isusedasthe“cross-
linkingagent”inordertobindandincreasethelength of the fibres and create wrinkle resistant fabric.
Use of “Formaldehyde” is notrecommended as it is non environmental in nature. Therefore, Soy
fabrics are not totallysustainable but can definitely be reflected as more sustainable option than
artificial fibres(SamuelN. Nahashon and Agnes K. Kilonzo-Nthenge, 2011).


The current threat by the fabric manufacturing industry is the invasion of micro-plastics intothe
maritime due to use of polyester fabrics in our day to day life style.Mostly fabrics likepolyester,
acrylic and nylon are made of 60% plastic content and shed out plastics at everymove of theirs.
This microfibers are harmful for the marine life as well as the human.
human food chainleading toseriousdiseaseslike cancer.The fashionindustry hascontinuously been
an important area for vegan activists with an aim to help extend
Annals of R.S.C.B., ISSN:1583-6258, Vol. 25, Issue 6, 2021, Pages. 7317 - 7331
Received 25 April 2021; Accepted 08 May 2021.

production of vegan alternatives. The vegan world is taking over the artificial textiles
Manyhighfashionbrandsareshiftingwaywithregardstothefabricsthatarebeingused in their products
(Akpinar,Bostanci, 2009).


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