8th English Study Guide

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8th Grade Study Guide

1. What is a character?

2. What is a conflict?

3. Which are the types of conflict?

4. What is an internal conflict?

5. Mention the types of internal conflict.

6. What is an external conflict?

7. Mention the types of external conflict.

8. What is prediction?

9. What is suspense?

10. Write three techniques Edgar Allan Poe uses to develop suspense.

11. What are character traits?

12. Mention some examples of character traits.

13. What is characterization?

14. What are the three points of view? Define each.

15. List the pronouns used in each point of view.

16. Which are the perspectives of the third person point of view? Define each.

17. Which are the most and least points of view used?

18. What is a biography?

19. What is an autobiography?

20. What are the characteristics of biography?

21. What is the difference between a poem and a short story?

22. What is mood?

23. What is irony?

24. What are modals?

25. Write the structures of the following tenses and write a sentence as an example of each:
a. Present progressive

b. Perfect present tense

c. Present perfect progressive

d. Past progressive

e. Past perfect tense

f. Past Perfect Progressive

g. Simple Future with will (positive)

h. Simple Future with will (negative)

i. Simple Future with will (question)

j. Simple Future with going to

26. What is rhyme scheme?

27. How can you identify rhyme scheme?

28. What are tall tales?

29. What are the characteristics of a tall tale?

30. What is cultural context?

31. What are rhetorical questions?

32. What are persuasive techniques?

33. List the persuasive techniques and define each.

34. Write an example of each persuasive technique.

35. What is a symbol?

36. What is symbolism?

37. What is imagery?

38. What is sensory language?

39. What is mood?

40. List the sound devices?

41. What is rhythm?

42. What is rhyme?

43. What is repetition?

44. What is alliteration?

45. What is assonance?

46. What are text features?

47. What does common text features include?

48. What are graphic aids?

49. What are reading techniques?

50. What is skimming?

51. What is scanning?

52. What is an argument?

53. What is a counterargument?

54. What is a claim of an argument?

55. What is the support in an argument?

56. Mention two types of rhetorical devices.

57. How are poems broken?

58. How are groups of lines in a poem called?

59. What are the types of poems?

60. What is figurative language?

61. Which are the common types of figurative language?

62. What is simile?

63. Write 5 examples of simile.

64. What is metaphor?

65. Write 5 examples of metaphor.

66. What is an extended metaphor?

67. What is personification?

68. Write 5 examples of personification.

69. What is hyperbole?

70. Write 5 examples of hyperbole.

71. What is allusion?

72. Write 5 examples of allusion.

73. Copy the poem “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” by Robert Frost from pg. 607, and
stress the poem’s rhythm.

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