Etap 20.0 Ansi-Ieee
Etap 20.0 Ansi-Ieee
Etap 20.0 Ansi-Ieee
Standard Compliance
ETAP short-circuit calculation per ANSI/IEEE Standards complies with the latest ANSI/IEEE and UL Standards, as listed below:
IEEE C37.010 1979, 1988,1999 IEEE Application Guide for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Basis and supplements
IEEE C37.010b 1985
IEEE C37.010e 1985
IEEE C37.010 1999
IEEE C37.13 1990 Standard for Low-Voltage AC Power Circuit Breakers Used in Enclosures
IEEE C37.013 1997 Standard for AC High-Voltage Generator Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis
IEEE C37.20.1 2002 Standard for Metal Enclosed Low-Voltage Power Circuit Breaker Switchgear
IEEE Std 399 1990 & 1997 Power System Analysis – the Brown Book
IEEE Std 141 1986 & 1993 Electric Power Distribution for Industrial Plants – the Red Book
IEEE Std 242 1986 & 2001 IEEE Recommended Practice for Protection and Coordination of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems – the Buff
UL 489_9 1996,2000,2002 Standard for Safety for Molded-Case Circuit Breakers, Molded-Case Switches, and Circuit-Breaker Enclosures
All machines are represented by their internal impedances. Line capacitances and static loads are neglected. Transformer taps can be set at either the nominal position or at the
tapped position, and different schemes are available to correct transformer impedance and system voltages if off-nominal tap setting exist. It is assumed that for 3-phase fault, the
fault is bolted. Therefore, arc resistances are not considered. You can specify fault impedance in the Short-Circuit Study Case for single-phase to ground fault. System impedances
are assumed to be balanced 3-phase, and the method of symmetrical components is used for unbalanced fault calculations.
Three different impedance networks are formed to calculate momentary, interrupting, and steady-state short-circuit currents, and corresponding duties for various protective devices.
These networks are: ½ cycle network (subtransient network), 1.5-4 cycle network (transient network), and 30 cycle network (steady-state network).
ANSI/IEEE Standards recommend the use of separate R and X networks to calculate X/R values. X/R ratios are obtained for each individual faulted bus and short-circuit current.
This X/R ratio is then used to determine the multiplying factor to account for the system DC offset.
Using the ½ cycle and 1.5-4 cycle networks, the symmetrical rms value of the momentary and interrupting short-circuit currents are solved first. These values are then multiplied by
appropriate multiplying factors to finally obtain the asymmetrical value of the momentary and interrupting short-circuit currents.
Definition of Terms
The following terms are helpful in understanding short-circuit calculations using ANSI/IEEE Standards.
½ Cycle Network
This is the network used to calculate momentary short-circuit current and protective device duties at the ½ cycle after the fault. The following table shows the type of device and its
associated duties using the ½ cycle network.
Type of Device Duty
High voltage circuit breaker Closing and latching capability
Low voltage circuit breaker Interrupting capability
Fuse Interrupting capability
Switchgear and MCC Bus bracing
Relay Instantaneous settings
½ Cycle Network Duty
The ½ cycle network is also referred to as the subtransient network, primarily because all rotating machines are represented by their subtransient reactance, as shown in the
following table:
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The 1.5-4 cycle network is also referred to as the transient network. The type of rotating machine and its representation is shown in the following table:
30 Cycle Network
This is the network used to calculate the steady-state short-circuit current and duties for some of the protective devices 30 cycles after the fault. The following table shows the type
of device and its associated duties using the 30 cycle network:
The type of rotating machine and its representation in the 30 cycle network is shown in the following table. Induction machines, synchronous motors, and condensers are not
considered in the 30 cycle fault calculation..
Calculation Methods
Momentary (1/2 Cycle) Short-Circuit Current Calc. (Buses and HVCB)
The Momentary Short-Circuit Current at the ½ cycle represents the highest or maximum value of the short-circuit current before its AC and DC components decay toward the
steady-state value. Although the highest or maximum short-circuit current actually occurs slightly before the ½ cycle in reality, the ½ cycle network is used for this calculation.
1. Calculate the symmetrical rms value of momentary short-circuit current using the following formula:
where Zeq is the equivalent impedance at the faulted bus from the ½ cycle network.
2. Calculate the asymmetrical rms value of momentary short-circuit current using the following formula:
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3. Calculate the peak value of momentary short-circuit current using the following formula:
This value is the calculated Asymmetrical kA Crest printed in the Momentary Duty column of the Momentary Duty page in the output report.
In both equations for MFm and MFp calculation, X/R is the ratio of X to R at the fault location obtained from separate X and R networks at ½ cycle. The value of the fault current
calculated by this method can be used for the following purposes:
If the C37.010-1979 and Older option is selected, then the default contact parting time given in the following table will be used. The default contact parting time is dependent on the
rated cycle of the circuit breaker. In this case, the contact parting time entered in the High Voltage Circuit Breaker Editor will be ignored in the calculation.
S Factor
The S Factor reflects the ability of a symmetrically rated high voltage circuit breaker to interrupt a fault current with a DC component. It is defined as the ratio of asymmetrical
interrupting rms rating over symmetrical interrupting rms rating of a circuit breaker.
If the C37.010-1999 option is selected on the Standard page of Short-Circuit Study Case, the S Factor for a symmetrically rated circuit breaker is calculated using the contact parting
time entered in the High Voltage Circuit Breaker Editor and the standard time constant for the DC component provided in IEEE Standards. According to IEEE Standard C37.10-
1999, the time constant is equal to 45 ms for an AC high voltage circuit breaker rated on a symmetrical current basis. According to IEEE Standard C37.013-1997, the time constant
is equal to 133 ms for an AC high voltage generator circuit breaker rated on a symmetrical current basis. The calculated S Factor is also displayed on the Rating page of the High
Voltage Circuit Breaker Editor.
If the C37.010-1979 and Older option is selected, the default S factor given in the following table will be used. The default S Factor is dependent on the rated cycle of the circuit
breaker. In this case, the S Factor displayed in the High Voltage Circuit Breaker Editor will not be used in the calculation.
Circuit Breaker
Contact Parting Time S Factor
4 1.0
3 1.1
2 1.2
1.5 1.3
S Factor for AC High Voltage Circuit Breaker
Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis
Calculation Procedure
The following procedure is used to calculate the interrupting short-circuit current for high voltage circuit breakers:
1. Calculate the symmetrical rms value of the interrupting short-circuit current using the following formula:
where Zeq is the equivalent impedance at the faulted bus from the 1.5-4 cycle network
2. Calculate the short-circuit current contributions to the fault location from the surrounding buses.
3. If the contribution is from a Remote bus, the symmetrical value is corrected by the factor of MFr, calculated from:
The following table shows the Multiplying Factors for Remote Contributions (MFr) for default contact parting time.
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If the contribution is from a Local generator, the symmetrical value is corrected by the factor of MFl, which is obtained from: ANSI/IEEE C37.010, Application Guide for AC High
Voltage. Since the standard only provides curves for several typical contact parting time values, if a curve exists for the contact parting time of a circuit breaker, the factor MFl will
be obtained from the curve. Otherwise, the two curves with closest contact parting time values, one on each side, will be used to interpolate MFl. In the High Voltage Circuit Breaker
Editor, you can only enter a contact parting time that is within the range limited by the curves available in the standard. This ensures that MFl will only be calculated by means of
interpolation on available curves, not extrapolation.
4. Calculate the total remote contributions and total local contribution, and thus the NACD ratio.
5. Determine the actual multiplying factor (AMFi) from the NACD ratio and calculate the adjusted rms value of interrupting short-circuit current using the following formula.
6. For symmetrically rated breakers, the adjusted rms value of interrupting short-circuit current is calculated using the following formula:
where the correction factor S reflects an inherent capability of AC high voltage circuit breakers, which are rated on a symmetrical current basis.
The value of this current is applied to check high voltage circuit breaker interrupting capabilities.
For AC high voltage circuit breakers rated on a total current basis, the interrupting current rating entered in the circuit breaker editor is the asymmetrical value. The short-
circuit current used to compare against the circuit breaker rating can be calculated by the same formula given above with the S value equal to 1.0.
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The following procedure is used to calculate the interrupting short-circuit current for low voltage circuit breakers:
1. Calculate the symmetrical rms value of the interrupting short-circuit current from the following formula:
where Zeq is the equivalent impedance at the faulted bus from the ½ cycle network
2. Calculate the adjusted asymmetrical rms value of the interrupting short-circuit current duty using the following formula:
where MF is the multiplying factor, considering the system X/R ratio and the low voltage circuit breaker testing power factors.
The following equation is used to calculate the multiplication factor for an unfused power, a molded, or an insulated circuit breaker when the Based on Peak Current option is
selected in the Short-Circuit Study Case:
The following equation is used to calculate the multiplication factor for a fused power, a molded, or an insulated circuit breaker when the Based on Asymmetrical Current
option is selected in the Short-Circuit Study Case:
where (X/R)test is calculated based on the test power factor entered from the Low Voltage Circuit Breaker Editor. The manufacturer maximum testing power factors given in
the following table are used as the default values:
The calculated duty value Iint,rms,adj can be applied to low voltage breaker interrupting capabilities.
If the calculated multiplication factor is less than 1, it is set to 1 so that the symmetrical fault current is compared against the symmetrical rating of the device. If the symmetrical
fault current is less than the symmetrical rating of the device, the checking on asymmetrical current will certainly pass.
Note: The current limiting effect of certain devices like current limiting fuses or circuit breakers are not considered for short-circuit calculations or for device duty evaluations.
***The interrupting capability of a high voltage circuit breaker is calculated based on the nominal kV of the connected bus and the prefault voltage (Vf ) if the flag is set in the
Short-Circuit Study Case, as shown below:
Interrupting kA = (Rated Int. kA) * (Rated Max. kV) / (Bus Nominal kV)
Interrupting kA = (Rated Int. kA) * (Rated Max. kV) / (Bus Nominal kV * Vf )
The calculated interrupting kA (as shown above) is then limited to the maximum interrupting kA of the circuit breaker.
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generator and the unit step-up transformer (as shown in Figures A & B below).
Generator Circuit Breakers are rated only on a symmetrical current basis. In calculating the S factor, the standard time constant for the DC component specified in IEEE Std.
C37.013 1997 is 133 ms for a Generator Circuit Breaker.
If a circuit breaker is connected in a configuration similar to that shown in Figure C below (Gen CB1), even if the circuit breaker is flagged as a Generator Circuit Breaker in the
editor, the program evaluates the circuit breaker device duty as regular HVCBs. This method yields conservative results in most cases, but they are not as accurate as the current per
IEEE Std. C37.013 1997. Note that, for an HVCB assigned as a generator CB even if it is handled as a regular HVCB, the time constant will change to 133ms and it is the value
used in the calculation.
For each circuit breaker, it determines short-circuit current when the system side is faulted (generator-source) and when the generator side is faulted (system-source). For each fault
location it calculates short-circuit current for three generator pre-fault loading conditions: full load at lagging power factor, full load at leading power factor and no load. The
lagging power factor is the generator rated power factor and the leading power factor can be set from the ETAP ini file. A default value of 95% is used for the leading power factor.
The calculation of short-circuit current for different loading conditions is necessary to reveal the worst possible fault current values. For example, for the generator-source fault, the
worst asymmetrical duty occurs under lagging load power factor condition, while the worst degree of asymmetry occurs under leading power factor condition.
For a fault on the system side of the circuit breaker (generator-source), the short-circuit current through the circuit breaker is only from the generator. ETAP applies generator full
dynamic model in the short-circuit calculation, including transient and sub-transient impedance and time constant. This complete model captures the detailed behavior of a
generator under short-circuit, including both ac and dc current decay. Tests have shown that ETAP calculation at no load is within 1% of the value calculated by hand in Annex
C37.013-1997. ETAP is more accurate and more conservative than the hand calculations in the example based on the standard because ETAP does not ignore the impedances
removed from the equations given in the standard to simplify the hand calculations.
For a fault on the generator side (system-source), the system contribution is the only current flowing through the circuit breaker. The program uses the system side symmetrical fault
current and the X/R calculated based only on the system side to determine the asymmetrical current. The symmetrical closing and latching duty is calculated based on the
symmetrical and dc fault current at 1/2 cycle.
The plot below displays an asymmetrical generator source short-circuit current and the pattern is identical to the results shown in Figure A3 from C37.013-1997:
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The image below shows a 3-Phase panel subsystem with short-circuit results.
3-Ph Panel A and 3-Ph Panel B are similar buses. The image above shows both buses being faulted along with Panel1, Pnl A and Pnl B. Every location below (and including) Panel1
are faulted when the “Run Panel/1-Ph UPS/1-Ph System Device Duty” button is pressed on the short-circuit toolbar. The program also determines which device’ short-circuit ratings
(momentary, interrupting, close and latch, etc) are exceeded and it generates warnings in the alert view window or on the one-line diagram by changing the color of the overstressed
device. This mechanism is similar to the regular 3-phase system alert system.
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Low voltage Circuit Breaker Device Duty below Panel/1-P UPS/1Ph Subsystem
This calculation is similar to the one for LVCBs connected in a regular three-phase system. The ½ cycle network short-circuit currents are used to evaluate the breaker interrupting
and momentary capability.
Device Duty Evaluation for Protective Devices Connected to 3-Wire Center-Tap Systems
For Center-Tap 3-wire systems from center-tap transformer secondary, ETAP will use the highest short-circuit current to evaluate 2-pole connected protective devices (PDs). That is
where a 2-pole PD is connected, (either as a panel main CB or a PD along the feeder), ETAP will take the higher of the 1-pole or 2-pole short-circuit current to evaluate the device
duty. In center-tap transformers, the following short-circuit conditions may occur:
1. The LL (2-pole) short-circuit current can be higher than that of the L1/L2 (1-pole). This normally occurs for shell type (non-interlaced) 1-phase center-tap transformers.
2. The LL (2-pole) short-circuit current can be much lower than that of the L1/L2 (1-pole). This is expected for core type (interlaced) 1-phase center-tap transformers.
The 1-phase device evaluation considers both 1-pole and 2-pole fault conditions and automatically uses the highest one to evaluate main and feeder protective devices. The image
below shows and example of this process where the main and feeder protective devices are evaluated based on the higher current between LL and L1. In previous versions of ETAP,
the main and feeder breakers would be evaluated based only on the LL fault currents.
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The full-winding impedance of the transformer is defined in the impedance page of the 1-phase center-tap transformer.
As an example, the impedance for a 7.2 kV/240V-120V, 25 kVA transformer is shown below:
ETAP determines if the transformer is of “core” (interlaced) or “shell” (non-interlaced) type as defined in the “Info” page (see below):
The default type for 1-phase center type transformers is of shell type.
Once the transformer type (or construction) is determined; its impedance (p.u.) is determined according to the following formulas:
For core type [1], [3] & [4] (interlaced secondary winding construction)
For shell type [1] & [2] (non-interlaced secondary winding construction):
Note that per [1] & [2], the reactance multiplier for the secondary windings reactance should be 3.3 for (outer winding) Z1 and 3.1 for (inner winding) (Z2); however, ETAP uses 3.2
(average) for both secondary windings as shown in the equations above. The diagram below shows the equivalent transformer impedances in per-unit for each winding (where Z0 is
used to describe the primary winding).
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For the 7.2 kV/240V-120V, 25 kVA transformer shown in the example, the LL (240 Volts) and L1/L2 (120 Volts) fault currents using (1) and (2) for core type construction would
be (with full winding R = 1.2% and X = j1.4%):
As can be observed, the L1/L2 fault currents in a core type transformer can be significantly higher because of the smaller L1/L2 impedance values in an interlaced transformer.
For another system with the same rating 7.2 kV/240V-120V, 25 kVA transformer; the LL (240 Volts) and L1/L2 (120 Volts) fault currents assuming it is of shell type construction
using equations (3),(4) & (5) would be (with full winding R = 1.2% and X = j1.4%):
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As can be observed, the L1/L2 fault currents are slightly smaller than the LL current for shell type 1-phase center tap transformers.
The calculation results of ETAP 16.0 and prior versions were similar to those of shell type transformers but with slightly higher L1/L2 fault current values as shown below. The
method used in ETAP 16.0 was superseded with the equations provided in this section. The image below shows ETAP 16.0 results for a similar 7.2 kV/240V-120V, 25 kVA
transformer with R = 1.2% and X = j1.4%.
[1] Electric Power Generation. Transmission, and Distribution, 3rd ed. Edited by Leonard L. Grigsby
[2] W. H. Kersting, Distribution System Modeling and Analysis, 2nd ed. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2007
[3] IEEE Std. 242-1986, IEEE recommended Practice for Protection and Coordination of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems table 14, pp 64.
[4] Electric Power Distribution System Engineering, Turan Gonen, 1st ed. Copyright© 1986 - pp. 115~122
One important item to consider is that the determination of the current magnitude and final power factor of the inverter current output is an iterative process which may have
multiple solutions. The resulting output current depends on the impedance between the wind turbine terminal and the fault location. For faults near the inverter terminals, it can be
expected that the output current will be very close to Isc,max. For remote faults, where the terminal voltage is not zero, but still below Vop,min, there is control on the active and reactive
power components of the output current. The iterative process is complex and it is beyond the scope of this discussion. The following example illustrates the concepts described up
to this point using a simple inverter model for a type 4 wind turbine system.
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The sample system contains three 2-MW type 4 wind turbines with full inverters. Their inverter settings and ratings are provided in the images below. WTG1 inverter is operating in
the User-Defined PF, WTG2 inverter operates in Real Power Priority and WTG3 inverter operates in Reactive Power Priority. All three units have equal SC current-limiting ratings,
and their only difference is their SC PF settings.
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The first simulation consists of a three-phase fault at a remote location in the grid. The wind turbine inverters are operating at near 100% of their generation category (using
Normal generation category). The positive sequence inverter terminal voltage, obtained using an iterative short-circuit process, is approximately 35.21%. With this voltage, it is
expected that all three wind turbines operate in their current-limiting region. Also, according to their current limiting curve, for a 35.21% terminal voltage the wind turbines should
output approximately 130% of FLA (or 2.95 kA) short-circuit current. The simulation results are shown below.
The second simulation is similar with the exception that this time all wind turbines are operating at only 20% of their generation capacity under their winter generation category.
Under this generation condition, the active power is limited and thus some of the units cannot provide the same amount of short-circuit current output (based on design this is WTG2
and WTG3). The second short-circuit iterative solution results in a WTG terminal voltage of approximately 37%. Note that not all three wind turbines output the same current
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The output current of WTG1 inverter appears to be only limited by its current magnitude since its output value is identical to that of the previous step (~2.93 kA). This is true since
by design for User-Defined PF mode the output current is only limited by the current-limiting curve. On the other hand, WTG1 and WTG2 inverters have reduced short-circuit
current output. This is caused by the fact that only 20% of their rated active power is available for generation.
The effect of the PF control modes can also be judged by the active and reactive power injection for each wind turbine. The active and reactive power (P, Q) output reveals different
power factors at the output of each wind turbine inverter.
The difference in PF is caused by the active power priority and the different reactive component current limits being enforced by their SC PF modes. The modes with active and
reactive power priority result in a higher overall power factor.
The third simulation consists of a more remote fault. The fault is so far into the grid that the wind turbine inverters only experience approximately a 5% voltage drop at their
terminals. The wind turbine inverters are still operating under their winter generation category where only 20% of the rated MW is available. As can be seen in the results below, the
iterative SC solution shows the wind turbines only generate about 20% of their FLA (453 out of 2226 Amps).
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The fourth simulation may seem a bit impractical, but under some circumstances the fault location may cause the inverter terminal voltage magnitude to be above Vop,max. Under
this condition, the wind turbine inverters shut-off. This condition is detected by the iterative short-circuit engine by first placing the fault without the wind turbine inverters in the
system. Next, the fault is repeated with the inverters in place, and if the inverter current contribution (based on the given generation condition), causes the terminal voltage to rise
above Vop,max, the inverters shut-off to prevent the over-voltage condition. The output current of the wind turbine inverters becomes zero in this case.
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The fifth simulation shows the effect of a fault at the inverter terminal bus. Under this condition, the terminal current is always limited by Isc,max even when reduced generation
conditions are considered since the terminal voltage is zero. The results for this simulation are provided below where it can be seen that all three inverter units output maximum
current of 3.396 kA.
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The sixth simulation illustrates the effect of the FRT on the reactive power injected by the inverter during the fault. The same system used for simulation number two can be used,
but this time the inverter connected to WTG3 is configured with a very low-leading reactive power injection setting as shown in the image below. (Note that WTG1 and WTG2
inverter FRT settings are the same and are shown in the image above).
The results for the simulation (see image below) show that the WTG3 inverter has a considerable reduction in short-circuit current contribution towards the faulted bus. This
reduction is caused by the low reactive current injection setting, which is only about 40% of its rated value. This drop in reactive power injection causes the terminal voltage of the
WTG inverters to drop to approximately 24%. The current output from WTG1 and 2 increases, because their inverters sense a lower voltage than that obtained in the second
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WTG3 inverter 1.842 kA of output current is composed of 20% active power generation plus approximately 40% of its rated reactive power output. This output power is not enough
to cause the inverter current output to hit the magnitude current-limiting value specified under the SC model page (which at 24% voltage would be approximately 3.094 kA).
The elements which share this behavior are shown in the image below:
Single-phase inverters and UPS units do not share this behavior and still maintain their existing voltage behind impedance model for short-circuit calculations.
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The behavior of negative and zero sequence currents are also affected by the type of technology being modeled in the short-circuit simulation. For example, full-converter (or
inverters) of wind-turbine units are modeled as positive sequence injection only. There is no negative or zero sequence current flows. Unlike WTG type 4 inverters, WTG Type 3
with partial or full-size converters may experience negative or zero sequence current flows. The diagram above shows a positive current injection with negative current flow and no
zero sequence current (WTG Type 3).
The positive sequence voltage magnitude and angle change depending on the type of fault. LG, LL and LLG faults will induce different positive sequence voltage magnitudes at the
terminal of the constant-current injection elements. The following diagram represents a LL (line-to-line) sequence impedance diagram involving a constant-current injection
These different voltages may require the use different positive sequence voltage criteria for determining the current-injection. There are some advanced settings available through
the ETAP Options (Preferences) editor for the configuration of the magnitude of positive sequence voltage used to determine the current injection angle for each source. The entries
are highlighted in the image below.
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The LLG positive sequence voltage is generally the highest one and thus the current-injection control angle is determined using a higher voltage threshold (0.5 p.u.). The main effect
of these entries is that if the positive sequence voltage at the terminal is less than the threshold then the constant-current injection is referred to voltage using a fixed angle (typically
0 degree). Angle shifts are also possible depending on the settings specified in the SC Standards page “WTG/Inverter Control Adjustment Angle” group of settings. The terminal
voltage positive sequence voltage angle used to determine the current injection can be shifted from zero using either a global angle or an individually-specified angle at each
This is the voltage limit, in pu (based on source rated kV), for determining terminal bus positive sequence voltage angle reference for the constant-current sources. For each fault
location, ETAP first calculates the system voltage without current sources. If the terminal voltage is higher than or equal to the threshold, the current injection from the source is
with respect to the bus voltage angle under the fault; otherwise, the current injection is with respect to the bus prefault voltage angle.
When enabled, this feature helps the arc-flash program (which is the only module that considers this option) to determine which constant current sources may automatically shut off
during an arc fault.
Trip Time
This field is used to specify how long it would take the internal protection of the constant current source to operate when a fault occurs in the power system. By default this field is
set to 0.166 sec and has a range of 0.004 sec to 99999 sec.
V shut-off
This field specifies the machine terminal voltage threshold (in percent) used to determine if the inverter should shut off. In other words, if the terminal voltage is below the specified
value, then the inverter may shut-off.
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Short-Circuit Analysis
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IEC Calculation Methods
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Required Data
Output Reports
Alert View
Short-Circuit Result Analyzer
mk:@MSITStore:C:\ETAP%202000\Etaps.chm::/IDH_ANSI_IEE_Short_Circuit_Ana... 6/05/2024