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The Rosenbloom Religious School of

Chizuk Amuno Congregation
Birkat HaMazon
Grace After Meals
Family Edition
Alex Weinberg 2006
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On Shabbat Birkat
HaMazon is introduced
with Psalm 126. Psalm 126
sings praises to God for the
wonderful things we have
in our lives. We thank God
for the land of Israel and
the food that we have.
Shir Hama-a-lot, bshuv
Adonai et shivat Tzion
hayinu kcholmim. Az ymalei
schok pinu ul-shoneinu rina,
az yomru vagoyim: Higdil
Adonai la-a-sot im eileh.
Higdil Adonai la-a-sot imanu,
hayinu smeichim. Shuva
Adonai et shviteinu ka-
afkim banegev. Hazorim
bdima brina yik-tzoru.
Haloch yeileich uvacho,
nosei meshech hazara. Bo
yavo vrina nosei alumotav.
Everyone is invited to sing the Grace After Meals
with the mezuman, the invitation to prayer:
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Chaverai nivareich
a_::; i_;: ~_n_;c _~:c _ a: ~
Yhi sheim Adonai mvorach mei-atah vad olam.
a_::; i_;: ~_n_;c _~:c _ a: ~
Yhi sheim Adonai mvorach mei-atah vad olam.
::_wc :::_:_s_: ::~:_s ~_:: _~:_i n::~:
Bershut haverai nevarech eloheinu sheacalnu meshelo
::_i :::c:: ::_wc :::_:_s_: ::~:_s :~_:
Baruch Eloheinu she-achalnu mishelo uv-tuvo chayinu.
::_i :::c:: ::_wc :::_:_s_: ::~:_s :~_:
Baruch Eloheinu she-achalnu mishelo uv-tuvo chayinu.
Everyone together:
:c: :~_:: s:~ :~_:
Baruch hu u-varuch shmo.
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1The frst of four
main blessings in Birkat
HaMazon thanks God for
the food we have in our
We thank God for giving
food to everyone, yet we
know that there are hungry
people in the world. How
can we act as Gods partner
and help complete this
blessing and end hunger in
our community?
Baruch atah Adonai,
Eloheinu melech ha-olam,
hazan et ha-olam kulo
btuvo bchein bchesed
uv-rachamim, hu notein
lechem lchol-basar, ki
lolam chasdo, uv-tuvo
hagadol tamid lo chasar
lanu val yechsar lanu mazon
lolam va-ed. Ba-avur shmo
hagadol, ki hu el zan um-
farneis lakol, u-meitiv lakol
u-meichin mazon lchol-
briyotav asher bara. Baruch
atah Adonai, hazan et hakol.
:_; ::~:_s _ : ~_i::
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2In the second of the four
main blessings in the Birkat
HaMazon we thank God
for the land of Israel. We
are reminded that the brit-
-partnership that we have
with God includes spiritual
and physical protection that
the land of Israel represents.
Why do you think that
while we thank God for the
food we have eaten we also
say thank you for the land?
Nodeh lecha adonai
elohenu al she-hinchal-tanu
le-avotenu eretz chemdah
tovah orchava briet ve-tora
chayim umazon yitbarach
shimcha be-f kol chai tamid
le-olam va-ed. ka-katuv
ve-a-chalta ve-shevata
uverachta et Adonai
elochecha al hararetz
hatovah asher natan lach.
Baruch atah adonai al ha-
aretz ve-al hamazon.

::~:_s _ ::s:_i_~: ~s~

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This paragraph is only said
on Shabbat. We thank God
for the Shabbat as a time
we are able to set aside as
How can you make Shabbat
a unique time in your
Rtzei vhachlitzeinu Adonai
eloheinu bmitzvotecha,
uv-mitzvat yom hash-vi-
i haShabbat hagadol
vhakadosh hazeh. Ki
yom zeh gadol vkadosh
hu lfanecha, lishbat-bo
vlanuach bo bahavah
kmitzvat rtzonecha. U-
virtzoncha haneach lanu
Adonai Eloheinu shelo thei
tzara vyagon va-anacha
beyom menuchateinu.
Vhar-einu Adonai Eloheinu
bnechamat tzion irecha,
uvenyan Yrushalayim ir
kodshecha,ki atah hu
ba-al ha-yshuot u-va-al

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On holidays we add a
special paragraph that thanks
God for Israel, the leadership
in our Jewish communities
and our partnership with
God. We also ask God to
help us live a long meaingful
Eloheinu ve-elohei avoteinu
ya-aleh ve-yavo ve-ya-giyah
ve-y-ra-eh ve-ye-ra-eh ve-
yishma ve-yifaked ve-yizacher
zich-ronenu u-fkdo-ne-nu ve-
zhichron avotenu ve-zichron
ma-shiach ben david av-de-
cha ve-zhichron ye-ru-shalayim
eir kad-shecha ve-zichron kol
amcha bet yisrael le-fanecha
lif-leytah le-tovah le-chen ol-
chesed ol-ra-cha-mim le-chay-
im ul-shalom be-yom:
Rosh Hodesh / Chag HaMatzot
/ Chag Ha-Sha-vu-ote / Chag
Sukkot / Ha-Shmini Chag Ha-
Atzeret / HaZicharon / hazeh.
Zochrenu Adonai elo-heinu bo
le-tovah u-fouk-denu vo liv-ra-
cha ve-hoshie-enu vo le-chay-
im u-vidvar ye-shua ve-racha-
mim hus ve-hanenu ve-rahem
a-le-nu ve-hoshi-eynu ki elecha
eiy-nenu ki el melech chanun
ve-rachum atah.
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3The third blessing
in Birkat HaMazon asks
God to help us protect
4 The fourth blessing
expresses our thanks for
the partnership that we
have with God throughout
all time.
Uv-nei Yerushalayim
ir hakodesh bimheira
vyameinu. Baruch
atah Adonai, boneh
Yrushalayim. Amen.
Baruch atah Adonai,
Eloheinu melech ha-
olam, ha-melech ha-tov
vhameitiv lakol, hu heitiv,
hu metiv hu vyeitiv lanu.
Hu gmalanu hu gomleinu
hu yig-mleinu la-ad lchein
ul-chesed ul-rachamim
vyizakenu limot ha-

a: :::i:_ s:~ ,_c_i_~_~

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...Let us have Shabbat as a
day to rest throughout our
(...Let us always be able to
celebrate holidays.)
(...Help us create Sukkot.)
...Help us discover the
Moshiach in our lives.
Harachaman, hu yan-
chileinu yom shekulo
Shabbat umnucha
lchayei ha-holamim.
Harachaman, hu yan-
chileinu yom shekulo tov.
Harachaman, hu ya-keem
la-nu et sukkat Da-vid ha-
Harachaman, hu yzakeinu
hamashiach, ul-chayei ha-
olam haba.
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As we conclude Birkat
HaMazon, we thank God
once again for what we
have in our lives and ask
for peace for our entire
Vnisah veracha me-et
oo-tzedakah me-elohei
yishenu venimtza chen
vesechel tov be-eney
elohim ve-adam.
Oseh shalom bimromav,
hu ya-aseh shalom alenu
ve-al kol yisrael vi-yemeru
Songs for Shabbat
1 AhoI $ho-o|I|
.u_p_5_ n , __c :_u _n_
,__n _c-:: 55 5u
Achat sha-alti me-et adonai, otah
avakesh. Shivti be-veit adonai kol yemei
2 Dov|d Me|ech
:_u (_:_c
.o_p _n
David melech yisrael chai vi-ka-yam
3 Ho-sh|-oh eI-Amecho
,(_c_v-_ nvun
ov ,(_:_n_: _ (_5
.o:v _v o_u:
Ho-shia et amecha, uvarech et na-chal-
techa u-rem ve-nisem ad olam
4 He-ne Moh Iov
ov: n_c 5u n_c n_:n
._n o_: on_ _5_u
Hene mah tov umah na-yim
she-vet achim gam ya-chad.
5 Y|s-me-chu Ho-$homoy|m
,{_n :_: o_cu_n ncu
.:c o_n o_v
Yis-me-chu ha-sha-ma-yim ve-ta-gel ha-
aretz yir-am ha-yam um-lo-o
K| Hem Choyenu
:_c (_ :__n o_n :
.n:: oc n:n: o_n5
Ki hem cha-yenu ve-orech ya-me-nu
u-va-hem he-he-geh yo-mam va-lai-lah
7 Ko| Ho-O|om Ku|o
,c _s _u: :: o:vn ::
::: _n_o: : pvn
Kol Ha-olam ku-lo
ge-sher tzar me-od ve-ha-e-kar lo le-fa-
ched klal
8 Io A-|echo Ho-me|echo
,c:: n::c_n (_:v :
...n:_cc :_u5n: )n )_5 n_ :
Lo alecha ha-me-lacha lig-mor ve-lo a-
tah ven cho-rin le-hivatel mi-me-nah.
M|n Mo-MeIzor
,n p _s_c_n )c
.n 5n_c_5 ::v
Min ha-metzar ka-rati yah,
a-na-ni va-mer-chav yah.

10 Am Y|s-ro-e| Cho|
,_n :_u o_v
._n :5 v
Am Yisrael Chai, Od avinu chai
11 P|I-chu I|
p__s __v_u : ne
.n n_ o5 5
.5 5 op_s _: _v_u_n ns
Pit-chu li sha-arei tze-dek ah-vo vam
o-deh yah.
Zeh ha-shar la-adonai tzadikim ya-vo-u

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