Cencon 2015 7409577
Cencon 2015 7409577
Cencon 2015 7409577
Abstract—To have an efficient Photovoltaic (PV) system, approximation methods. Therefore, the results of MPP are
Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) technique is not entirely accurate.
essential. Perturb and Observe (P&O) MPPT is not a new
algorithm in the field of solar energy; nevertheless, it is said to Some researchers use soft computing based method, for
be the simplest and low cost method for MPPT technique. example, Fuzzy Logic Control (FLC) and Artificial Neural
However, its major drawbacks – steady state oscillation Network (ANN) [7-10]. There is no doubt that these
problem and failure to track maximum power point (MPP) methods present good performance and are able to operate
under partial shading condition cause the PV system to become well under varying atmospheric condition. However, these
less efficient. Thus, this paper proposes a modified P&O methods mostly depend on the knowledge that the users
MPPT that can be used under partial shading condition have and they must be trained specifically beforehand
efficiently, by adding a simple checking algorithm to the P&O related to the PV array. There is also an advance technique
algorithm, in which the global maximum power point (MPP) is of Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) [11, 12], which gives
tracked first before the P&O algorithm takes place to produce a better performance compared to other methods, but it is a
optimum duty cycle for the boost converter. A Simulink model little bit complex.
and simulation results from MATLAB/Simulink are also
presented. The most common MPPT technique is the P&O MPPT,
frequently used due to its simplicity and low cost of
Keywords—P&O; MPPT; Partial Shading; Irradiance; PV implementation [7, 13-16]. It also has a simple control
system structure, where it needs only several measured parameters
in order to perform maximum power tracking.
Global electricity demand has been increasing
throughout the years, indirectly depleting the conventional
fossil fuel such as coal, petroleum and etc. As alternative,
photovoltaic (PV) energy has been proposed as a part of
renewable energy as it does not cause pollution, has no
greenhouse effect, and low operation and maintenance costs.
Maximum power point tracking (MPPT) technique is
normally used in photovoltaic (PV) system in order to
maximize the PV array output power by tracking
continuously the maximum power point (MPP), which
depends on solar irradiances and cell temperature [1, 2].
There are at least 19 MPPT algorithms reported in
literature review from previous researches [3]; and some are
discussed in this paper. The simplest and easiest offline
method is by using the fixed duty cycle [4], which does not
require any feedback to be implemented. However, its
efficiency is relatively low. Next, researchers have
improved the MPPT to be an approximation methods like
Fractional Short Circuit Current (SCC) and Fractional Open
Circuit Voltage (OCV) [5, 6]. The Maximum Power Point
(MPP) current, IMPP and Maximum Power Point (MPP)
voltage, VMPP are obtained by multiplying both short circuit Figure 1: Conventional P&O MPPT Algorithm
current and open circuit voltage with constant k1 and k2
respectively, such that k1 ranges from 0.78 until 0.9, while The calculation of P&O algorithm is based on the output
k2 ranges between 0.71 and 0.78. These methods are power and power change of PV array by sensing PV voltage
maximum number of local MPP is 4 [26]. Therefore, the cycle, D, as well as the output current, voltage, and power at
proposed method is simply adding a checking algorithm the load side.
onto the P&O MPPT, as shown in Figure 4.
B. Simulation Results
The maximum voltage for the solar module consisting of
36 series of solar cells, could reach up to 17.5V. The
photovoltaic system had been designed with a converter to
Figure 4: Proposed modified P&O MPPT algorithm boost the voltage until 40V. It was noticed that when the
The checking algorithm is used to identify the maximum irradiance changed, the voltage and current produced by the
power point. Once the global MPP is detected, the step size solar module varied. In the meantime, the value of duty
is reduced so that the P&O MPPT that takes place will cycle, D should be affected so that it could fulfill the
operate with higher accuracy, since this method focuses requirement for the boost converter to operate in optimum
more on the efficiency of the MPPT in the system. The condition.
algorithm had been tested using Simulink model in
MATLAB/ Simulink. As seen in Figure 6, the D value for the PV system using
P&O MPPT without the innovative checking algorithm
A. Simulink Model of Photovoltaic System would likely be at the constant value, 0.5. This might be
because the P&O MPPT used was unable to cooperate well
Figure 5 depicts the full system that had been used for
with the partial shading condition. It differed from the
the simulation. The photovoltaic system consisted of 36
solar cells that had been arranged in series configuration. system with modified P&O MPPT which included the
Boost converter was used in the system due to its simplicity, checking algorithm. The duty cycle seemed to have variable
higher accuracy and cost saving. A 1000 of resistor was value based on the condition per time interval.
used as the load for the system.
Meanwhile, the irradiance was varied with time (1000
W/m2, 800 W/m2 and 500 W/m2) in order to get the partial
shading condition, as shown in the Table 1. This would
indicate any abruptly changes of sun irradiation. This paper
concerns on the outputs of MPPT which include the duty
Figure 6: Duty Cycle during Partial Shading Condition
using two methods Figure 9: Output power during Partial Shading Condition
using two methods.
It also can be seen in Figure 8 and 9, that the output
current and power of the improved technique seem to have
steady output which were 0.04A and 1.6W, respectively.
The obtained simulation results have proved that the
innovative P&O checking algorithm MPPT is able to
provide steady output during varying irradiation levels.
This research paper has presented a detailed discussion
on the impacts of irradiance variations caused by partial
shading on PV. The tested system has been modeled and
Figure 7: Output voltage during Partial Shading Condition performed using MATLAB/Simulink under varying shading
using two methods level.
As mentioned earlier, the desired output voltage for the In short, P&O algorithm is the most frequently used
boost converter was 40V. Figure 7 depicts the PV system method of MPPT due to its simplicity and low cost
with improved P&O checking algorithm MPPT, showing a implementation. However, its drawback of algorithm unable
better result compared to the PV system without the to operate well under partial shading condition affects the
checking algorithm. The steady state voltage for the efficiency of PV system. Thus, in this paper, a simple
improved system started at 1.8s. There were some ripples at modification on the P&O MPPT is suggested, by integrating
the output waveform due to the abrupt changes of the a simple checking algorithm with it. In this improved
irradiation level. method, the global MPP will be tracked first before the
P&O algorithm takes place as it is important to produce
optimum duty cycle for the boost converter. The simulation
results have confirmed that the proposed modified P&O
MPPT is able to operate well under different level of
The authors would like to thank Ministry of Education of
Malaysia (MOE) and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)
for providing Research University Grant (RUG) under vote
number Q.J130000.2523.07H82 for this research work.
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