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General Directions: Read the directions carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer.
Listen from the article to be read by the teacher. Identify whether the ff. statements
stated as fact or opinion. Choose and encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Smoke and exhaust fumes fill the air and endanger the health and well-being of the people.
a. fact b. opinion
2. I think air pollution or smog is a serious problem in some cities worldwide.
a. fact b. opinion
3. Smoke-belching Vehicles are checked and factories are required to reduce fumes emanating
from them under city ordinance..
a. fact b. opinion
Listen to the set of expressions to be read by the teacher and decide what mood or
feeling is reflected or described. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

4. The bell ringer in the temple in the hill saw the flames and set the big bell booming. The people
down the beach turned and began to climb the hill. If Hamaguchi’s rice fields were on fire,
nothing would keep them from helping them.
a. anger b. curiosity c. helplessness
5. When the sea went back, not a house was left below the hillside or along the shore. The whole
village had been swept away. The village people stood silent and their tears fell.
a. cheerfulness b. despair c. grief
6. Then the people woke, as if from a dream, and understood. Hamaguchi had made himself
poor to save the village people, and they bowed their foreheads to the ground before him.
a. boastful b. gratitude c. sympathy
Listen to the passage to be read by the teacher to note the author’s point of view.
Write the best phrase to complete each sentence.

7. The author world most likely agree with the point of view that; _________________________.
a. Extinction is a problem with which we should be concerned.
b. People have the right to kill eagles because they need food.
c. People think it is an honor to have stuffed eagles on their home walls.
d. Predators eat their prey especially when hungry.
8. The author wants to persuade everyone that actions to protect eagles are necessary because
he or she is ________________________________________________________________.
a) Does not like hunters
b) Does not want eagles to become extinct
c) Is find of eagles living
d) Is paid to write articles on eagles
Listen to the paragraph to be read by the teacher. Answer the questions that follow.
Choose the letter of the correct answer.

9. Why did Julio and his father not takes much food with them on the trip?
a. They didn't have any food at their house. b. They didn't want to eat too much.
c. They don't like to eat fish. d. They were planning on eating the fish that they caught.
10. Which of the following is a conclusion that can be drawn about the story?
a. Julio's father is a better fisherman than Julio.
b. Julio's mother doesn't like fish
c. Julio was disappointed at dinner because he was hoping to have fish for dinner.
d. It takes a long time to catch fish
A. Identify the words that have similar meaning or opposite meaning of each underlined words.
11. The grand mountains are beautiful.
a. attractive b. elegant c. marvelous d. radiant
12. How graceful are her stately plains!
a. delicate b. elegant c. refined d. willowy
13. How sweet and modest are her daughters who harvest the golden grain!
a. darling b. fragrant c. harmonious d. pure
14. How graceful are her towering emerald trees!
a. brief b. litre c. low d. twin
15. How I love this dear Philippines, home on this troubled earth!
a. dignified b. gracious c. peaceful d. restful
B. Choose the antonym of the underlined word. Write the letter of the correct answer.
16. The poor child who has not eaten nor drunk water for days looks sick and wan.
a. pale b. sickly c. strong d. weak
17. The boys laugh out loud as they splash each other with the chilly water.
a. cold b. frozen c. icy d. warm
18. Blood oozed from the wound on his forehead.
a. bleed b. sweat c. weep d. zip
Complete each sentence by fill in the blank with the correct compound word. Choose
the letter of the correct answer.
19. The __________ did their best to save the burning building.
a. firemen b. extinguisher c. headache d. policeman
20. Please go to the _________ for some medicine.
a. bookstore b. drugstore c. pet store d. pharmacy
21. Grandfather went to the barbershop for a ________.
a. footpad b. haircut c. manicure d. pedicure
22. We will go to the ________ to harvest corn and other vegetables.
a. backyard b. cornfield c. Garfield d. rice field
23. I have ________ maybe because I ate too much.
a. back pain b. body pain c. headache d. stomachache
Reading Comprehension
Read and analyze the given paragraphs or sentences. Then distinguish the type of text that is
being expressed by the following paragraphs. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
24. It was the time of harvest. Hundreds of rice stalks lined Hamaguchi’s fields. It had been a fine
harvest, and tonight down in the village everyone was having a good time.
a. Cause & Effect b. Comparison & Contrast c. Problem & Solution d. To persuade
25. Hamaguchi rose to his feet and looked out at the sea. The sea was very dark and strange to
see, it seemed to be running away from the land.
a. Cause & Effect b. Comparison & Contrast c. Problem & Solution d. To persuade
26. In several ways, noise can be harmful. Loud noises may damage a person’s hearings. Noise
has also caused people to become tired and nervous. It makes work unpleasant and burden
some. Today, concerned people are doing something about noise pollution.
a. Cause & Effect b. Comparison & Contrast c. Problem & Solution d. To persuade
27. John didn’t know what to take to take to school for Show and tell. He asked his mother for an
idea. She suggested taking the ribbon his dog won at the pet parade.
a. Cause & Effect b. Comparison & Contrast c. Problem & Solution d. To persuade
28. Insects are found anywhere. They are either harmful or beneficial. The butterfly and the bee
are beneficial. They help pollinate the flowers. The dragonfly is also a helpful insect. It eats
other insects that destroy plants. Ants, flies, cockroaches, aphids, termites and mosquitoes
are insect pests. They destroy our crops and homes, cause illnesses, and kill our plants.
They are harmful to men, animals, and plants.
a. Cause & Effect b. Comparison & Contrast c. Problem & Solution d. To persuade
29. Mrs. Ramos is my teacher in Mathematics and she is funny teacher while Mrs. Padua is my teacher in
EPP and she is a serious type of person. Although they differ from one another, I love them both.
a. Cause & Effect b. Comparison & Contrast c. Problem & Solution d. To persuade
30. Even though it is great to have friends, it is much better to have family. You might not be able
to choose who they are, but you certainly can rely on them to be there and help you out
whenever you need it.
a. Cause & Effect b. Comparison & Contrast c. Problem & Solution d. To persuade
Choose the appropriate preposition or prepositional phrase to complete each
sentence. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
31. The boy runs _______ the street
a. across b. around c. behind d. on
32. After the movie, we’re going ____ Vincent’s house.
a. between b. behind c. in d. to
33. The people are concerned ___________________.
a. about the pollution b. around the pollution c. to pollute d. with pollution
34. There is a new shopping center _____________.
a. about our house b. across the house c. in the house d. near our house
35. The children hid ______________________.
a. across the bushes b. around the bushes c. behind the bushes d. to bushes
Complete the sentences with the correct word that is used in asking permission or
making a request. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

36. I_________ a letter to my friend. a.. can write b. may write

37. You _____ help you teacher. a. may b. would

38. We ____ have won if we had practiced harder. a. could b. would

Distinguish fact from opinion. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
39. The following sentences express opinion except one.
a. Boats never sink. c. Rich people are happy.
b. Ice is cold. d. There is no numbers between two and four.
40. The following sentences express fact except one.
a. Christmas is the happiest season of the year.
b. Christmas is celebrated on the 25th of December in the Philippines.
c. It’s only during Christmas that Filipinos should love and joy.
d. Jesus was born in a manger.
Organize the sentences to form a three-paragraph article. Then, give it a title. 5 pts.
Insects are found anywhere. There some insects live on land or water. They are either
harmful or beneficial. The butterfly and the bee are beneficial. They help pollinate the flowers.
The dragonfly is also a helpful insect. It eats other insects that destroy plants.
Ants, flies, cockroaches, aphids, termites and mosquitoes are insect pests. They destroy our
crops and homes, cause illnesses, and kill our plants. They are harmful to men, animals, and plants.

Develop a three-paragraph feature article on this topic. Be guided by the given outline. 5 pts.
Climate Change Environment
Causes of climate change Possible ways to reduce the effects of climate
Human Cause change
Natural Cause Proper use of appliances
Effects of Climate Change Segregation
Human health Reforestation
Animal lives
Paragraphs/Article for Listening

Paragraph A
Today, in most cities smoke and exhaust fumes fill the air and endanger the health and well-being
of the people. Smoke and exhaust fumes contain harmful by-products from gasoline burned in
cars and from factories. Air pollution or smog is a serious problem in some cities. Smog consists of
smoke and exhaust fumes mixed with fog. To control air pollution, smoke ordinances have been
passed. Smoke-belching Vehicles are checked and factories are required to reduce fumes
emanating from them.

Paragraph C
Do you believe that extinction is forever? Let us do something to avoid similar findings. The
Philippine eagle’s population is being drastically reduced. Every year, these birds are being
haunted for what? For decoration and for food. The eggs are also edible. The laws that protect
eagles can either be inadequate or without proper enforcement.

Paragraph D
Julio and his father had been looking forward to their fishing trip for weeks. They didn't take much
food with them on the trip. When they started fishing they were quickly approached by a forest
ranger. He asked Julio's father if he had a fishing license. Julio's father reached into his wallet and
suddenly got a terrified look on his face. Julio was disappointed that night as he ate dinner.
English V
A.Insects ( 5 pts. )
I. Listening IV. Grammar
Insects are found anywhere. There
A. A. some insects live on land or water. They are
1. a 31. a either harmful or beneficial.
2. b 32. d The butterfly and the bee are
3. a 33. a beneficial. They help pollinate the flowers.
B. 34. d The dragonfly is also a helpful insect. It eats
4. c 35. c other insects that destroy plants.
5. c B. Ants, flies, cockroaches, aphids,
6. b 36. a termites and mosquitoes are insect pests.
C. 37. a They destroy our crops and homes, cause
7. a 38. a illnesses, and kill our plants. They are
8. d C. harmful to men, animals, and plants.
D. 39. b
9. d 40. a
B. Climate Change ( 5 pts. )
10. c (Answer may vary)
II. Vocabulary
11. a
12. b
13. b (File submitted to depedclub.com)
14. c
15. c
16. c
17. d
18. d
19. a
20. b
21. b
22. b
23. d
24. a
25. a
26. c
27. c
28. b
29. b
30. d

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