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Day 28 Strength of Materials

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BME Review Guide Day 28 MDSP Strength of Materials


BME Review Guide Day 28 MDSP Strength of Materials
a. 41.202 x 106 psi
b. 41.905 x 106 psi
Instruction: Choose the best answer. c. 43.101 x 106 psi
1. The maximum torque that can be d. 42.300 x 106 psi
applied to a hollow circular steel 7. A steel tie rod on bridge must be
shaft of 120 mm outside diameter made to withstand a pull of 5,000
and 80 mm inside diameter without lbs. Find the diameter of the rod
exceeding a shearing stress of 80 assuming a factor of safety of 5
MPa is: and ultimate stress of 64,000
a. 18.46 kN-m b. 36.24 kN-m lb/in2.
c. 21.78 kN-m d. 42.83 kN-m a. 0.79 in b. 0.84 in
2. A steel shaft is subjected to a c. 0.75 in d. 0.71 in
constant torque of 2,260 N-m. The 8. It is a problem of expansion and
ultimate strength and yield shrinkage of steel material so that
strength of the shafting material the slightly bigger shafting of 2”
are 668 MPa and 400 MPa diameter can be inserted / fitted to
respectively. Assume a factor of the slightly smaller hole of a steel
safety 2 based on the yield point bushing of 1.999” diameter with
and endurance strength in shear, the following process / material /
determine the diameter of the shaft data to apply:
in inches. Coefficient of expansion of Carbon
a. 1.520 in b. 1.915 in steel = 0.0000068 in/in-oF
c. 2.321 in d. 2.417 in Temperature raised by a gas
3. Determine the torque that can be heating = 24.5oF
applied to a 1.5-in diameter Cooling media to use dry ice with
circular shaft if the shearing stress boiling point of -109.3oF
is not to exceed 6,000 psi. (-78.5oC)
a. 1,750 in-lb b. 2,750 in-lb Shrinkage rate below boiling point
c. 1,570 in-lb d. 3,976 in-lb is 0.00073 in/in
4. The shaft is subjected to a steady Determine the final clearance
load 40,000 lb at a shear stress of between the expanded steel
12,000 psi. Compute the diameter bushing hole against the shrinkage
of the said shaft in inches. of the steel shaft.
a. 2 in b. 2.5 in a. 0.000793 in b. 0.000800 in
c. 3 in d. 1.5 in c. 0.000693 in d. 0.000921 in
5. What factor of safety is needed for 9. A 20 kg cast iron piece rest on a
a 2.5 in diameter shaft with an plain horizontal aluminum surface.
ultimate strength of 68,000 psi To move the object, it needs a
transmit 45,000 in lb-ft torque? force of 7 lbs. The density of Al is
a. 4.36 b. 3.36 0.098 lb/in3 and iron is 0.260 lb/in3.
c. 4.63 d. 4.36 a. 0.172 b. 1.601
6. What is the modulus of elasticity in c. 0.160 d. 0.186
tension is required to obtain a unit 10.A mass weighing 56 lbs rests on a
deformation of 0.00105 m/m from horizontal surface. The force
a load producing a unit tensile needed to move along the surface
stress of 44,000 psi?

BME Review Guide Day 28 MDSP Strength of Materials
is 20 lbs. Determine the coefficient 17. A 50 mm diameter steel shaft is
of friction. subjected to a 1 kN-m torque. Find
a. 0.36 b. 0.112 the torsional deflection in degrees
c. 0.28 d. 0.0 per meter.
11. A solid steel shaft whose Sy = 300 a. 1.13o b. 2.12o
MPa and Su = 400 MPa, is used to c. 4.52o d. 3.23o
transmit 300 kW at 800 rpm. 18. A 2 in diameter line shaft is
Determine its diameter. (Hint: Use mounted with 5 in diameter pulley
FS = 5 if not given) and transmit 6 hp. Find the
a. 70 mm b. 65 mm tangential speed of the pulley in
c. 80 mm d. 90 mm m/s.
12. A solid steel shaft rotates at 100 a. 14 m/s b. 15 m/s
rpm and transmits a torque of 110 c. 16 m/s d. 17 m/s
N-m. The allowable shear stress is 19. A main shaft has a diameter of 3
40 MPa. Calculate the minimum in and speed of 600 rpm. Find the
diameter. possible power that shaft deliver.
a. 24 cm b. 28 cm a. 202.50 hp b. 302.50 hp
c. 26 cm d. 30 cm c. 202.50 kW d. 302.50 kW
13. A ¼ in steel shaft transmits 30 20. A short shaft has a diameter of 54
in-lb torque. The effective length of mm and delivers 100 kW power.
shaft is 12 in, the modulus of Find the shaft speed.
elasticity in shear is 12,000,000 a. 234.45 rpm b. 345.67 rpm
psi. Find the angular deflection in c. 530.11 rpm d. 653.45 rpm
a. 4.48o b. 3.39o
c. 5.84o d. 2.98o …END…
14. A hollow shaft has an outside
diameter of 4 in and an inside
diameter of 3 in. Find the diameter Instruction: Choose the best answer.
of a solid shaft with equal strength 1. If the ultimate shear strength of a
in torsion. steel plates is 45,000 psi, what
a. 2.53 in b. 4.35 in force is necessary to punch a 0.75-
c. 3.52 in d. 5.32 in inch diameter hole in a 0.625-inch
15. Compute for the twisting moment thick plate?
in in-lb developed when the shaft a. 61,850 lb b. 66,268 lb
delivers 20 hp at 1,200 rpm. c. 61,580 lb d. 66,185 lb
a. 1,166 b. 1,050 2. Find the pressure required to
c. 915 d. 945 punch a 1-inch square hole in ¼ -
16. A 12 ft steel line shaft has no inch thick steel.
bending action except its own a. 20.67 tons b. 26.76 tons
weight. What speed the shaft can c. 26.67 tons d. 27.67 tons
deliver if power transmitted is 92 3. What is the polar section modulus
hp. of a solid shaft with a diameter of
a. 2,979 rpm b. 1,578 rpm 102.2 mm?
c. 1,315 rpm d. 1,287 rpm a. 209.6 cm3 b. 209.2 cm4
c. 205.9 cm3 d. 205.2 cm4

BME Review Guide Day 28 MDSP Strength of Materials
4. What modulus of elasticity in a. 20,617 lbs b. 41,234 lbs
tension is required to obtain a unit c. 30,295 lbs d. 60,185 lb
deformation of 0.00105 from a 10. A copper column of annular cross
load producing a unit tensile stress section has an outer diameter of
of 3,163.27 kg/cm2? 15 ft and is subjected to a force of
a. 40 x 106 psi b. 43 x 106 psi 42,000 lbs. The allowable
c. 45 x 106 psi d. 46 x 106 psi compressive stress is 300 lb/ft2.
5. The cutting speed of a tool passing What would be the wall thickness?
thru 2.1 in diameter material at 200 a. 3 ft b. 3.52 ft
rpm. c. 4.58 ft d. 4.08 ft
a. 110 fpm b. 140 fpm 11. A step shaft made of SAE 1117
c. 115 fpm d. 131 fpm steel with an ultimate strength of
6. A horizontal beam 20 ft long is 69.7 ksi. The notch sensitivity
subjected to a load 1,000 lb factor is 0.983 and 0.00435 is the
located at its center. The constant dependent upon the
dimension of the beam is 2 x 4 ultimate strength check the radius
inches respectively and its unit of the stress raiser.
weight is 50 lb/ft. Determine the a. 0.192 b. 0.386
radius of gyration of the beam. c. 0.25 d. 0.775
a. 1.732 in b. 1.155 in 12. What force P is required to punch
c. 1.536 in d. 1.471 in a ½ inch hole on a 3/8-inch thick
7. A 2.0 MTon hoist is to be installed plate if the ultimate shear strength
in an I-beam mounted on a truck of the plate is 42,000 psi?
platform, to lift loads. The I-beam a. 24,940 lbs b. 23,200 lbs
is framed horizontally, c. 24,740 lbs d. 23,562 lbs
cantilevered, with overhang of 1.5 13. Determine the estimated weight of
m beyond the cantilever fulcrum. an A-36 steel plate size 3/16” x 6’
Determine the section modulus, in x 20’.
m3, of the beam if allowable stress a. 1,012 lbs b. 919 lbs
is 100 MPa. c. 827 lbs d. 735 lbs
a. 0.0007022 b. 0.002007 14. Determine the load in kN on a 25
c. 0.0002207 d. 0.0002943 mm diameter 1,200 mm long steel
8. What modulus of elasticity in shaft if its maximum elongation
tension is required to obtain a unit exceeds 1 mm.
deformation of 0.00110 m/m from a. 125 b. 83
a load producing a unit tensile c. 93 d. 103
stress of 44,500 psi? 15. A link has a load factor of 0.8 the
a. 40.45 x 104 psi surface factor of 0.8; the surface
b. 40.45 x 105 psi factor is 0.92 and the endurance
c. 40.45 x 106 psi factor strength is 28,000 psi.
d. 40.45 x 107 psi Compute the alternating stress link
9. If the ultimate shear stress of the if it is subjected to a reversing load.
steel plate is 35,000 psi, what Assume factor of safety of 3.
force is necessary to punch a 1.9 a. 9,333 b. 10,920
in diameter hole in a 1/8-inch thick c. 8,150 d. 7,260

BME Review Guide Day 28 MDSP Strength of Materials
16. The shaft is subjected to a steady deflection will not exceed 0.08
load of 36,000 in-lb at a shear deg/ft length.
stress of 10,000 psi. Compute the a. 13.2 b. 15.8
diameter of the said shaft in c. 24.4 d. 14.6
inches. 22. A round steel shaft runs at 200 rpm
a. 2 ¾ b. 3 and is subjected to a torque of 226
c. 2 ¼ d. 1 7/8 N-m, the allowable shearing stress
17. A hollow shaft has an inner 45.4 MPa. It is also subjected to a
diameter of 0.035 m and outer bending moment of 340 N-m. The
diameter of 0.06 m. Determine the allowable tensile stress is 60 MPa.
polar moment of inertia of the Find the diameter.
hollow shaft. a. 36 mm b. 38 mm
a. 1.512 x 10-6 m4 c. 40 mm d. 41 mm
b. 1.215 x 10-6 m4 23. A tubular shaft, having an inner
c. 1.125 x 10-6 m4 diameter of 30 mm and an outer
d. 1.52 x 10-6 m4 diameter of 42 mm, is to be used
18. Compute the nominal stress at the to transmit 90 kW of power.
surface in MPa for a 40 mm Determine the frequency of
diameter shaft that transmits 750 rotation of the shaft so that the
kW at 1,500 rpm. Axial and shear stress cannot exceed 50
bending loads assumed negligible. MPa.
The torsional shearing stress is 28 a. 26.6 Hz b. 20.6 Hz
N/mm2. c. 97.5 Hz d. 66.5 Hz
a. 218 b. 312 24. Determine the thickness of hollow
c. 232 d. 380 shaft having an outside diameter
19. Compute the diameter of a solid of 100 mm if it is subjected to a
shaft transmitting 75 hp at 1,800 maximum torque of 6,000 N-m
rpm. The nature of the load and without exceeding a shearing
the type of service is such that the stress of 60 MPa or a twist of 0.5
allowable Ss based on pure torsion degree per meter length of shaft
is 6,000 psi. with G = 83,000 MPa.
a. 1 7/8” b. 1 5/16” a. 15 mm b. 86 mm
c. 2 1/16” d. 3 1/8” c. 18.5 mm d. 14.2 mm
20. The shaft whose torque varies 25. A lineshaft runs at 360 rpm. An
from 2,000 to 6,000 in-lb has 1 ½” 18” pulley on the same shaft is belt
in diameter and 10,000 psi yield connected to a 12” pulley on the
strength. Compute for the shaft countershaft. From a 15” pulley on
mean average stress. the countershaft motion is
a. 6,810 psi b. 5,162 psi transmitted to the machine.
c. 6,036 psi d. 5,550 psi Compute/check the required of the
21. A 16 ft steel line shaft has no pulley on the machine to give a
bending action except its own spindle speed of 660 rpm.
weight. What power can the shaft a. 16” b. 12 ¼“
deliver at a speed of 200 rpm. c. 10 ½“ d. 8 ½“
Consider that the torsional 26. An 80 mm solid shaft is to be
replaced with a hollow shaft of

BME Review Guide Day 28 MDSP Strength of Materials
equal torsional strength. Find angle of 5o in 20 ft of length
percentage of weight saved, if the because of the action of a torque.
outside of the hollow shaft is 100 Determine the maximum shearing
mm. stress in the shaft.
a. 56.53% b. 67.31% a. 3550 psi b. 6550 psi
c. 48.49% d. 52.90% c. 4550 psi d. 8550 psi
27. A lineshaft is to transmit 200 hp at 33. Determine the angular deflection
900 rpm. If the lineshaft is in degrees of a SAE 1040 steel
connected with a speed of 1,600 shaft in a length of 1/2 meter. The
rpm, find the horsepower shear stress is 69 MPa, shaft
transmitted. diameter is 62 mm and steel
a. 493 hp b. 465 hp modulus of elasticity is 79.3 GPa.
c. 355 hp d. 200 hp a. 0.08 b. 0.1
28.A hollow shaft 12.7 cm outside c. 0.01 d. 0.8
diameter is used instead of a solid 34. The maximum torque that can be
shaft of 9.652 cm diameter which applied to a hollow circular steel
has equal torsional strength. shaft of 120 mm outside diameter
Calculate the percentage by and 80 mm inside diameter without
weight of the material saved. exceeding a shearing stress of 80
a. 56.6% b. 50.6% MPa is:
c. 60.6% d. 65.6% a. 18.46 kN-m b. 42.83 kN-m
29. Determine the torque that can be c. 36.24 kN-m d. 21.78 kN-m
applied to a 1-in diameter circular 35. The shaft of a 50 hp 850 rpm
shaft if the shearing stress is not to electric motor is 31 in from center
exceed 8000 psi. to center of bearings and 2.5 in. in
a. 1750 in-lb b. 2750 in-lb diameter. If the magnetic pull on
c. 1570 in-lb d. 3560 in-lb the armature is 1500 lb
30. A steel shaft is subjected to a concentrated midway between the
constant torque of 2,260 N-m. The bearings, determine the maximum
ultimate strength and yield strength tensile stress in the shaft.
of the shafting material are 668 a. 7,766.35 psi
MPa and 400 MPa respectively. b. 7,354.12 psi
Assume a factor of safety 2 based c. 5,657.14 psi
on the yield point and endurance d. 3,977.19 psi
strength in shear, determine the 36. The shaft of a 50 hp 850 rpm
diameter of the shaft in inches. electric motor is 31 in from center
a. 1.521 in b. 2.321 in to center of bearings and 2.5 in. in
c. 1.915 in d. 2.417 in diameter. If the magnetic pull on
31. What would be the diameter in the armature is 1500 lb
millimeters of a main power concentrated midway between the
transmitting steel shaft SAE 1040 bearings, determine the maximum
to transmit 150 kW at 900 rpm? shearing stress in the shaft.
a. 2.3 b. 66.4 a. 7,766.35 psi
c. 2.6 d. 76.5 b. 7,354.12 psi
32. A solid steel shaft having a c. 5,657.14 psi
diameter of 3 in twists through an d. 3,977.19 psi

BME Review Guide Day 28 MDSP Strength of Materials
37. If the ultimate shear strength of a 43. A hydraulic turbine is a water-
steel plates is 42 000 psi, what power plant is rated at 12000 hp.
force is necessary to punch a 0.75 The steel vertical shaft connecting
inch diameter hole in a 0.625 inch the turbine and generator is 24-in
thick plate? diameter and rotates at 60 rpm.
a. 61,850 lb b. 65,810 lb Calculate the maximum shearing
c. 61,580 lb d. 60,185 lb stress developed in the shaft at full
38. A line shaft is to transmit 200 Hp load.
at 900 rpm. Find the diameter of the a. 4150 psi b. 3240 psi
shaft. c. 1450 psi d. 4640 psi
a. 2.18 inches b. 2.28 inches 44. What factor of safety is needed for
c. 3.18 inches d. 3.28 inches a 2.5 in diameter shaft with an
39. A round steel shaft rotates at 200 ultimate strength of 65000 psi
rpm and is subjected to a torque of transmit 45000 in lb-in torque?
275 N-m and a bending moment of a. 4.34 b. 3.34
415 N-m. Determine the equivalent c. 4.43 d. 3.43
twisting moment. 45. If the ultimate shear strength of a
a. 597.84 N-m b. 456.42 N-m steel plates is 42 000 psi, what force
c. 546.43 N-m d. 497.85 N-m is necessary to punch a 0.75-inch
40. A steel shaft 1.75 inches in diameter hole in a 0.625-inch thick
diameter transmits 40 Hp at 1800 plate?
rpm. Assuming a modulus of a. 61,850 lb b. 65,810 lb
rigidity of 12 x 106 psi, find the c. 61,580 lb d. 60,185 lb
torsional deflection of the shaft in 46. Determine the radius of gyration of
degrees per foot length. a wheel that has an outside and
a. 0.0073 b. 0.0037 inside diameters of 1 meter and
c. 0.0063 d. 0.00013 0.75 meter, respectively? Neglect
41. A stepped torsion shaft has its hub and arms.
diameters of 16 mm and 12 mm a. 0.5125 m b. 0.6125 m
and a fillet radius of 2 mm. The c. 0.3125 m d. 0.4125 m
shaft is subjected to a torque of 47. What is the polar section modulus
12.5 N-m. Find the maximum of a solid shaft with a diameter of
induced stress caused by the fillet. 101.6 mm?
Consider a stress concentration a. 209.5 cm3 b. 209.5 cm4
factor of 1.25. c. 205.9 cm3 d. 205.9 cm4
48. If the angular deformation of a
solid shaft should not to exceed 1o
in a length of 1.8 m and the
allowable shearing stress is 83
a. 36.84 MPa b. 46.05 MPa MPa, what is the diameter of the
c. 38.64 MPa d. 45.06 MPa shaft? Assume that the shaft
42. The shaft is subjected to a steady material has G = 77 x 106 kPa.
load 40000 lb at a shear stress of a. 222.34 mm b. 234.22 mm
12000 psi. Compute the diameter of c. 23.42 cm d. 24.22 cm
the said shaft in inches. 49. What modulus of elasticity in
a. 2 in b. 2.5 in tension is required to obtain a unit
c. 3 in d. 1.5 in

BME Review Guide Day 28 MDSP Strength of Materials
deformation of 0.00105 from a load a. 9.76 in b. 10 in
producing a unit tensile stress of c. 7.76 in d. 8.76 in
3163.27 kg/cm2? 56. What load in Newton must be
a. 40 x 106 psi b. 43 x 106 psi applied to a 25 mm round steel bar
c. 45 x 106 psi d. 46 x 106 psi 2.5 m long (E = 207 GPa) to stretch
50. A line shaft is to transmit 200 Hp the bar 1.3 mm?
at 900 rpm. Find the diameter of the a. 52,840 N b. 60,000 N
shaft. c. 53,048 N d. 42,562 N
a. 2.18 inches b. 2.28 inches 57. If the ultimate shear stress of a
c. 3.18 inches d. 3.28 inches steel plate is 35,000 psi, what force
51. A round steel shaft rotates at 200 is necessary to punch a 1.5 in
rpm and is subjected to a torque of diameter hole in a 1/8 in thick plate?
275 N-m and a bending moment of a. 20,617 lb b. 41,234 lb
415 N-m. Determine the equivalent c. 30,925 lb d. 61,850 lb
twisting moment. 58. A steel shaft 1.4375 inches in
a. 597.84 N-m b. 456.42 N-m diameter transmits 40 hp at 1,400
c. 546.43 N-m d. 497.85 N-m rpm. Assuming a modulus of rigidity
52. The shaft is subjected to a steady of 12 x 106 psi, find the torsional
load 40,000 lb at a shear stress of deflection of the shaft in degrees
12,000 psi. Compute the diameter per foot length.
of the said shaft in inches. a. 0.624 b. 0.246
a. 3 in b. 2 in c. 0.426 d. 1.246
c. 2.5 in d. 1.5 in 59. It is desired to check the design of
53. A horizontal beam 20 ft long is a 2 in medium steel shaft subjected
subjected to a load 1000 lb located to a turning moment of 40,000 in.lb.
at its center. The dimension of the Determine the factor of safety used
beam is 3 x 6 inches, respectively in the design if ultimate stress is
and its unit weight is 50 lb/ft. 50,000 psi.
Determine the radius of gyration of a. 1.50 b. 2.50
the beam. c. 1.96 d. 4.95
a. 1 in b. 2 in 60. A hydraulic turbine is a water-
c. 1.732 in d. 3.512 in power plant is rated at 12,000 hp.
54. A 1.5 MTon hoist is to be installed The steel vertical shaft connecting
in an I-beam mounted on a truck the turbine and generator is 24-in
platform, to lift loads. The I-beam is diameter and rotates at 60 rpm.
framed horizontally, cantilevered, Calculate the maximum shearing
with overhang of 1.5 m beyond the stress developed in the shaft at full
cantilever fulcrum. Determine the load.
section modulus, in m3, of the beam a. 4,640 psi b. 3,240 psi
if allowable stress is 100 MPa. c. 4,150 psi d. 1,450 psi
a. 0.0002207 b. 0.0007022 61. What load P which causes a total
c. 0.002007 d. 12.24 deformation of 0.0354 inch of a
55. What should be the diameter of steel rack which has a cross-section
pulley in inches with a belt speed of area of 4.5 sq. inches and a length
4,500 fpm and the motor running at of 6 ft?
1,760 rpm? a. 66,375 lb b. 63,675 lb

BME Review Guide Day 28 MDSP Strength of Materials
c. 66,735 lb d. 66,357 lb
62. A round steel shaft transmits 3730 68. A solid shaft is subjected to a
watts at 1800 rpm. The torsional twisting moment of 10,000 in lb and
deflection is not to exceed 1 degree a maximum bending moment of
in a length equal to 20 diameters. 8,000 in lb. The permissible
Find the shaft diameter in mm. shearing stress is 8000 psi. Find a
a. 12.03 mm b. 13.28 mm suitable diameter for the shaft.
c. 12.28 mm d. 14.28 mm a. 1.970 in b. 2.013 in
63. A hydraulic turbine is a water- c. 2.612 in d. 1.678 in
power plant is rated at 12,000 hp. 69. Determine the torque that can be
The steel vertical shaft connecting applied to a 1-in diameter circular
the turbine and generator is 24-in shaft if the shearing stress is not to
diameter and rotates at 60 rpm. exceed 8000 psi.
Calculate the maximum shearing a. 1570 in-lb b. 2750 in-lb
stress developed in the shaft at full c. 1750 in-lb d. 3560 in-lb
load. 70. A steam engine that has a stroke
a. 4,640 psi b. 3,240 psi of 12 inches has an overhung
c. 4,150 psi d. 1,450 psi crank of 11 inches. The maximum
64. A round steel shaft transmits 3730 tangential force, P, on the crank
watts at 1800 rpm. The torsional may be assumed as 75000 lb.
deflection is not to exceed 1 degree Assuming an allowable stress in
in a length equal to 20 diameters. shear as 4400 psi, determine the
Find the shaft diameter in mm. crankshaft diameter.
a. 12.03 mm b. 13.28 mm
c. 12.28 mm d. 14.28 mm
A 6”
65. Determine the load in KN on a 25 Crankpin
mm diameter 1200 mm long steel
what if its maximum elongation 11”
exceeds 1mm.
a. 64.59 kN b. 74.89 kN a. 4.77 inches b. 3.77 inches
c. 84.89 kN d. 94.89 kN c. 2.77 inches d. 1.77 inches
66. A steam turbine with 90% stage 71. In CNC programming, which of
efficiency receives steam at 7 MPa the following G code commands is
and 550oC and exhausts as 20 kPa. for dwell or rest?
Determine the quality at exhaust. a. G01 b. G04
a. 87.45% b. 76.34% c. G03 d. G02
c. 82.34% d. 91.69% Ans. G04 is for dwell or rest; G01 is
67. A steel wire 10 m long hanging for linear interpolation; G02 is for
vertically supports a tensile load of circular interpolation CW; G03 is
2 KN. Neglecting the weight of the for circular interpolation CCW.
wire, determine the required 72. In CNC programming, which of
diameter if the total elongation is the following M code commands is
not to exceed 5 mm. Assume E = for a tool change?
200 GPa. a. M06 b. M04
a. 5.05 mm b. 4.65 mm c. M03 d. M10
c. 6.64 mm d. 8.02 mm

BME Review Guide Day 28 MDSP Strength of Materials
Ans. M06 is for a tool change; M03 surfaces that are in intimate
is for spindle start CW; M04 is for contact. How do you call this?
spindle start CCW; M10 is for a. Interfacing
chuck open. b. Interference
73. Which of the following is a material c. Wear
description referring to unique d. Fretting corrosion
properties in three mutually 78. This is a type of fit that requires
perpendicular planes? heating the hub to expand its inside
a. Isotropy b. Anisotropy diameter. What do you call this
c. Orthotropy d. Isometry type of fit?
Ans. Orthotropy. Example is wood a. Expansion fit
which shows unique properties in b. Force fit
the three mutually perpendicular c. Shrink fit
planes. d. Any of these
74. The true stress-strain curve in a 79. AFBMA is an acronym for an
stress-stress diagram appears to association involved in what
be: machine elements?
a. Lower than the engineering a. Ball and roller bearings
stress-strain curve b. Journal bearings
b. Higher than the engineering c. Flat belts and other belt types
stress-strain curve d) Any type of gears
c. The same as the engineering Ans. AFBMA means Anti-Friction
stress strain curve Bearing Manufacturers’ Association
d. Symmetrical with the and is concerned with rolling
engineering stress-strain curve element bearings such as ball,
Ans. The true stress-strain curve roller, and needle bearings.
uses the actual area of the 80. What is the general description for
specimen and is therefore higher mild steel?
than the engineering curve which is a. Medium carbon steel
based on a constant (original) area b. Low carbon steel
of the specimen. c. High carbon steel
75. This is a hardening treatment for d. Cold rolled steel
steels having low carbon content. Ans. Mild carbon steels are low
a. Tempering carbon steels.
b. Case hardening 81. A material of construction (only
c. Normalizing developed commercially in the late
d. Anodizing 1940’s concurrently with zirconium)
76. What is a manufacturing process offers the unique combination of
used for the production of wide ranging corrosion resistance,
aluminum? low density, and high strength.
a. Forging a. Tungsten b. Titanium
b. Extrusion c. Vanadium d. Molybdenum
c. Blow molding 82. Which of the following is the
d. Injection molding lightest of all structural metals?
77. This refers to a loss of material a. Aluminum b. Copper
from the interface of two metal c. Magnesium d. Manganese

BME Review Guide Day 28 MDSP Strength of Materials
83. This process reduces internal a. Jib crane
stresses, caused by machining, b. Gantry crane
cold working, or welding, by c. Overhead crane
heating the steel to a temperature d. Tower crane
below the critical range and holding Ans. a) Jib crane (source: PME
it there long enough to equalize the Code)
temperature throughout the piece. 89. This iron is also known as a ductile
a. Annealing cast iron. How do you call this iron?
b. Normalizing a. Malleable iron
c. Tempering b. Nodular cast iron
d. Stress Relieving c. White cast iron
84. A free-cutting steel has a higher d. Gray cast iron
______ content than comparable Ans. b) Nodular cast iron is a
carbon steels. ductile cast iron.
a. Sulfur b. Cobalt 90. It is the ability to deform plastically
c. Nickel d. Chromium to compensate for irregularities in
85. This property designates the bearing assembly. How do you call
steels resistance to the softening this?
effect of elevated temperature. a. Plasticity
a. Hot hardness b. Conformability
b. Machinability c. Embeddability
c. Toughness d. Elasticity
d. Elasticity 91. A material of construction (only
86. Use of hard solders, silver solders developed commercially in the late
and smelter solders which have 1940’s concurrently with zirconium)
silver, copper, or nickel bases and offers the unique combination of
have melting points above 800 wide ranging corrosion resistance,
degrees F is known as_______. low density, and high strength.
a. Soldering a. Titanium
b. Welding b. Tungsten
c. Brazing c. Vanadium
d. Any of these d. Molybdenum
87. In braking, the term backstop 92. Newton’s law of motion that
refers to a brake that is: describes that if a force acts to
a. Self-locking in one direction change the state of motion of the
b. Self-energizing body, the body offers a resistance
c. Self-locking in both directions equal and directly opposite to the
d. Any of these force.
Ans. Self-locking in one direction a. Second law
only b. Third law
88. How do you call a fixed crane c. First law
consisting of a supported vertical d. Universal gravitation
member from which extends a Ans. b) Newton’s third law of
horizontal swinging arm carrying a motion: Action = Reaction
trolley hoist or other hoisting 93. These are steels most widely used
mechanism? of engineering materials. No other

BME Review Guide Day 28 MDSP Strength of Materials
material offers comparable 800F. How do you call this
versatility for product design. process?
a. Wrought steels a. Brazing b. Arc welding
b. Low carbon steels c. Soldering d. Riveting
c. Medium carbon steels 99. Rivet holes are made usually ____
d. Tool steels inch larger in diameter than the
94. Which of the following steels does nominal diameter of the rivet.
not readily respond to heat a. 1/8 b. 1/16
treatment? c. ¼ d. 1/32
a. SAE 1045 b. AISI 6150 Ans. Generally 1/16” from MD
c. SAE 1020 d. SAE 1095 books (e.g. Black) and from the
Ans. Low carbon steels (0.3% C Machinery’s Handbook.
and lower) do not readily respond 100. Which of the following
to heat treatment. equations/formulas does not
95. What is an element added to steel belong to the group?
to improve its machinability? a. Lame’s equation
a. Carbon b. Sulfur b. Euler’s formula
c. Cobalt d. Chromium c. J. B. Johnson’s equation
Ans. Free machining or free cutting d. Secant formula
carbon contains more sulfur than Ans. Lame’s equation is an
other steels. equation for a thick-walled
96. Which of the following information pressure cylinder. The other 3 are
is FALSE regarding steel that has for columns.
increased carbon content?
a. Its strength is increased …END…
b. Its BHN becomes greater
c. Its ductility is improved
d. Its % reduction or elongation is
Ans. The ductility of steel is
reduced if its carbon content is
97. In manufacturing, what is the
operation of cutting out flat area to
some desired shape and is usually
the first step in a series of
a. Turning b. Blanking
c. Facing d. Finishing
Ans. b) Blanking (Source: PME
98. This is a metal joining process
which uses a non-ferrous filler
metal with a melting point below
that of the base metals but above


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