Property Holding report-6SP321471

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Brisbane City Council City Plan 2014: v29 Effective Date: 08/12/2023

Property Holding Report Status: Current

The property holding report shows the zone/s, neighbourhood

plan/s, overlays and related information that apply to all lots
associated with the property holding.

Property Address

Parcel Details
Full Property Holding:
Lot 6 on SP321471
Title Area *: 2,125 m2
PDF Maps GRID Reference: Map 34
* refer NOTES below

Name Description
EC Emerging community The purpose of the Emerging community zone code is to:
(a) Identify land that is suitable for urban purposes and conserve land that may be
suitable for urban development in the future.
(b) Manage the timely conversion of non-urban land to urban purposes.
(c) Prevent or discourage development that is likely to compromise appropriate
longer term land use.
Refer to Part 6 in the City Plan 2014 and the Factsheets.

Neighbourhood Plans
Name Description
Fig Tree Pocket neighbourhood plan Neighbourhood Plans provide detailed guidance for development on sites within a
Neighbourhood Plan boundary. Refer to the Fig Tree Pocket neighbourhood plan

Name Description
Airport environs overlay The Airport environs overlay deals with issues of State Interest. It may also include
locally identified issues that relate to airport environments. Refer to Part 8 in the City
Plan 2014.
Procedures for air navigation surfaces (PANS) Procedures for air navigation surfaces (PANS) sub-categories of the Airport
environs overlay.
NOTE: Where development intrudes into an airport’s OLS or PANS-OPS, advice
from the Civil Aviation Safety Authority should be sought.
BBS zone - Distance from airport 3-8km BBS zone - Distance from airport 3-8km sub-categories of the Airport environs

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Print Date: 11/05/2024
Brisbane City Council City Plan 2014: v29 Effective Date: 08/12/2023
Property Holding Report Status: Current

Name Description
Bicycle network overlay The Bicycle network overlay deals with the provision of bikeway infrastructure and
facilities to encourage the safe and efficient movement of pedestrians and cyclists
through the movement network. Development is governed by the Bicycle network
overlay code. Refer to Part 8 in the City Plan 2014.
The Bicycle network overlay includes:
Primary cycle route sub-category
Secondary cycle route sub-category
Local cycle route sub-category
Riverwalk - Typology 1 (City reaches north and south) sub-category
Riverwalk - Typology 2 (Urban reaches) sub-category
Riverwalk - Floating walkway sub-category

Biodiversity areas overlay The Biodiversity areas overlay deals with biodiversity Areas of Ecological
Significance (AES). This may include areas of High Ecological Significance (HES)
and also areas of General Ecological Significance (GES) among others. Refer to
Part 8 in the City Plan 2014.
High ecological significance sub-category High ecological significance sub-category of the Biodiversity areas overlay.
High ecological significance strategic sub-category High ecological significance strategic sub-category of the Biodiversity areas overlay.
Matters of state environmental significance (MSES) Matters of state environmental significance (MSES) sub-category of the Biodiversity
sub-category areas overlay.
Matters of state environmental significance (MSES) Matters of state environmental significance (MSES) sub-category of the Biodiversity
sub-category areas overlay.
Bushfire overlay The Bushfire overlay constrains areas of land identified as high and medium
bushfire hazard management areas and deals with issues of State Interest.
It applies, at a minimum, to development that:
increases the number of people living and working in the natural hazard
management area; or
involves institutional uses, essential community infrastructure, or where
evacuating people may be difficult; or
involves the manufacture or storage of hazardous materials in bulk.

Note – The Building Act 1975 adopts the requirements of the Building Code of
Australia and AS 3959-2009 and thus regulates construction standards of all
premises identified in bushfire prone areas subsequent to development approval.
Refer to Part 8 in the City Plan 2014.
High hazard area sub-category Area mapped within the Bushfire overlay as high hazard area considering
vegetation type, slope and aspect.
Medium hazard area sub-category Area mapped within the Bushfire overlay as medium hazard area considering
vegetation type, slope and aspect.
High hazard buffer area sub-category Land mapped within the Bushfire overlay as buffer areas extending 100 metres
from high hazard areas.
Community purposes network overlay The Community purposes network overlay implements the policy direction in the
Strategic framework with respect to Brisbane’s coordinated infrastructure planning
and delivery, identifying land within the Community purposes network. Refer to Part
8, Part 10 Other Plans, Part 10.3.1 long term infrastructure plans for the
Community Purpose Network in the City Plan 2014 and the Factsheets.

The Community purposes network overlay includes the following sub-categories:

Existing trunk park sub-category
Existing non-trunk park sub-category
Existing community facilities and land for community facilities sub-category
LGIP planned land for community facilities specific location sub-category
LGIP planned park acquisition specific location sub-category
LGIP planned park upgrade specific location sub-category
LGIP planned park embellishment specific location sub-category
LGIP planned corridor park specific location sub-category
Long term land for community facilities specific location sub-category
Long term park specific location sub-category
Long term corridor park specific location sub-category

Refer to the Community purposes network map to see which sub-categories are
relevant to specific properties.

For property enquiries relating to long term infrastructure contact Council via the
Pre-lodgement advice service.

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Brisbane City Council City Plan 2014: v29 Effective Date: 08/12/2023
Property Holding Report Status: Current

Name Description
Critical infrastructure and movement network The Critical infrastructure and movement network overlay identifies critical assets
overlay and movement networks. Refer to Part 8 in the City Plan 2014.
The Critical infrastructure and movement network overlay includes:
Critical assets sub-category
Critical infrastructure and movement planning area sub-category

Refer to the overlay map to see which sub-categories are relevant to specific
Critical infrastructure and movement planning area Critical infrastructure and movement planning area sub-category of the Critical
sub-category infrastructure and movement network overlay.
Road hierarchy overlay The Road hierarchy overlay applies to the existing and future road networks,
including state controlled roads. Refer to Part 8 and Part 10 Other Plans, Part
10.3.3 long term infrastructure plans (corridor plan) for the road network in the City
Plan 2014 and the Factsheets.

The Road hierarchy overlay includes:

Motorways sub-category
Arterial roads sub-category
Suburban roads sub-category
District roads sub-category
Neighbourhood roads sub-category
Future motorway sub-category
Future arterial road sub-category
Future suburban road sub-category
Future district road sub-category
Primary freight routes sub-category
Primary freight access sub-category

Refer to the overlay map to see which sub-categories are relevant to specific
NOTE: Land that adjoins land where an overlay sub-category applies, is within the
overlay sub-category.
Significant landscape tree overlay The Significant landscape tree overlay identifies areas with trees that make
significant contribution to landscape character value and provides for the
assessment of the suitability of development in terms of the potential impacts on
vegetation identified in the overlay. Refer to Refer to Part 8 in the City Plan 2014.
Note: Significant landscape trees identified on the Overlay Map may be protected
vegetation under the Natural Assets Local Law (NALL). The Natural Assets Local
Law contains requirements for carrying out works on protected vegetation. Refer to

Landscape features sub-category Landscape features sub-category of the Significant landscape tree overlay.

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Brisbane City Council City Plan 2014: v29 Effective Date: 08/12/2023
Property Holding Report Status: Current

Name Description
Streetscape hierarchy overlay The Streetscape hierarchy overlay identifies the various functions of the
streetscape network and determines how development is assessed to ensure high
quality subtropical streetscape outcomes are achieved. Refer to Part 8 in the City
Plan 2014. The Streetscape hierarchy overlay includes:

Subtropical boulevard - in centre verge width 6m sub-category

Subtropical boulevard - in centre verge width 5m sub-category
Subtropical boulevard - in centre verge width 3.75m/4.25m sub-category
Subtropical boulevard - out of centre verge width 6m sub-category
Subtropical boulevard - out of centre verge width 5m sub-category
Subtropical boulevard - out of centre verge width 3.75m/4.25m sub-category
Centre street major sub-category
Centre street minor sub-category
Neighbourhood street major subcategory
Neighbourhood street minor sub-category
Industrial street sub-category
Pathway link sub-category
Corner land dedication sub-category
Locality street subcategory
Laneway sub-category
Wildlife movement solution sub-category

Refer to the overlay map to see which sub-categories are relevant to specific
NOTE: Land that adjoins land where an overlay sub-category applies, is within the
overlay sub-category.

Local Government Infrastructure Plan

Name Description
INCLUDED in Priority Infrastructure Area Note. - The priority infrastructure area identifies the areas that the local government
some properties may be only partly included in the prioritises in order to provide trunk infrastructure for urban development. The
Priority Infrastructure Area. purpose of the priority infrastructure area is to align the footprint for development
with the plans for trunk infrastructure. LGIP maps are referenced in Part 4 of City
Plan 2014. Local Government Infrastructure Plan mapping and support material are
in Schedule 3 of City Plan 2014. Refer to Factsheets.
Plans for Trunk Infrastructure (PFTI) PFTI Map Grid All Networks. The Plans for Trunk Infrastructure maps (Schedule 3) have been
Reference Map Grid 230 All networks applicable grouped by map tile. Please also refer to the map indexes relevant to each of the
networks: Transport network (pathway network and ferry terminals network) maps;
Public parks and land for community facilities network maps; Transport network
(road network) maps; Stormwater network maps; NOTE: The water supply network
and sewerage network related information is now included in Queensland Urban
Utilities (QUU) water netserv plan. Further details can be obtained from QUU.

Other Plans

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Brisbane City Council City Plan 2014: v29 Effective Date: 08/12/2023
Property Holding Report Status: Current

Name Description
Stormwater network The Stormwater Code and the Long term infrastructure plans Other plan map for
the Stormwater network implements the policy direction in the Strategic framework
with respect to a coordinated infrastructure planning and delivery, identifying land
within the Stormwater network. Refer to Part 9, Part 10 Other Plans, Part 10.3.2
long term infrastructure plans for the Stormwater network in the City Plan 2014 and
the Factsheets.

The Long term infrastructure plans Other plan map for the Stormwater network
includes the following types of items:

Bioretention swale
Natural channel
Pipe (new)
Pipe (relief drainage)
Stormwater quality improvement device
Backflow prevention device

Refer to the Other plan map for Stormwater network to see which items are
relevant to specific properties.

For property enquiries relating to long term infrastructure contact Council via the
Pre-lodgement advice service.

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Brisbane City Council City Plan 2014: v29 Effective Date: 08/12/2023
Property Holding Report Status: Current

Regard must be had to the Brisbane City Plan 2014 when interpreting this property report (this Report). Some information relating to
overlays and neighbourhood plans may not be shown in the Report.

a) Areas shown in this Report are approximate only.
b) Contour information shown is from Council's 2002 Contour records.
c) Further information on mining tenements issued under the Mineral Resources Act 1989 can be obtained from the Queensland State
d) A Temporary Local Planning Instrument (TLPI) may affect a particular property. TLPIs are not identified in this report. Visit the
Temporary Local Planning Instrument page at to confirm whether this property is included in a TLPI.
e) Users of the information recorded in this document (the Information) accept all responsibility and risk associated with the use of the
Information and acknowledge that regard must be had to the planning scheme provisions in interpreting the Information. Council gives
no warranty in relation to the Information (including accuracy, reliability, completeness, currency or suitability) and accepts no liability
(including without limitation, liability in negligence) for any loss, damage or costs (including consequential damage), relating to any use
of this Information.

Ⓒ Copyright Brisbane City Council 2023

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Print Date: 11/05/2024
Brisbane City Council City Plan 2014: v29 Effective Date: 08/12/2023
Property Holding Report Status: Current

Matters of state environmental significance (MSES) — Areas

Matters of state environmental significance areas (MSES)
Matters of state environmental significance (MSES) — Lines
Matters of state environmental significance lines (MSES)
Biodiversity areas
High ecological significance
Biodiversity areas
High ecological significance strategic
Local Government Authorities
LGA boundary
Property boundaries holding
Property Holding

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Print Date: 11/05/2024

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