Moshell Helpful

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# This file contains helpful hints for frequently used Moshell commands and

# Please feel free to add your tips if you don't find it here already.
# Please add comments to help clarify a procedure if you feel it is needed.
# Please add at the end of the file.

# Moshell cursor position commands

� Ctrl-d or <del> - delete one character forward
� Ctrl-a or <home> - go to beginning of line
� Ctrl-e or <end> - go to end of line
� Ctrl-u - erase all characters backward
� Ctrl-k - erase all characters forward
� up arrow - previous command in history buffer
� down arrow - next command in history buffer
� Alt-f - move forward one word
� Alt-b - move backward one word
� select or select + ctrl-<insert> - copy to clipboard
� <insert> or shift-<insert> - paste from clipboard
� right arrow or Ctrl-f - move forward one character
� left arrow or Ctrl-b - move backward one character
� backspace - delete one character backward

# Using Filters !
lst =ms,slot=16,.*ttp=pp(1|2|3),.*ttp enabled

#The meaning being LDN state any string including =ms,slot=16,<.* = any
character>,<.* = any character>ttp=1 or 2 or 3,
<.* = any character>ttp #where the state is = enabled

# If you have IMA / iworx problems - negative ACK fault while integrating a new
# It is not necessary to restart the ETM4 board, simply lock the working board and
force it over to the standby board:

CRTNTXLYRXI004> lt all

# First you should check the state of all ImaGroups on the affected board.

CRTNTXLYRXI004> st ImaGroup=MS-12 0

# Then switch the boards (which will cause traffic to drop AFAIK) and check

CRTNTXLYRXI004> get mspg work

060208-14:59:06 6.1zb MOM-CELLO_4.3.2-3_5_1

MO Attribute Value
Mspg=MS-12-1-MS-14-1 os155SpiWorkingId
Mspg=MS-20-1-MS-22-1 os155SpiWorkingId
Mspg=MS-16-1-MS-18-1 os155SpiWorkingId
Mspg=MS-8-1-MS-10-1 os155SpiWorkingId
Total: 4 MOs

bl 001200 # block MS,Slot=12 - ETMC41 board
deb 001200 # unlock MS,SLOT=12 - ETMC41 board

# You can do:,

CRTNTXLYRXI004> lst ImaGroup=MS-12 0

# For all the ones which you see ImaGroup disabled but ImaLinks enabled you should
do a u+ followed
# by rdel of the ImaGroup then u- and recreate the stack. See Ima release below:

# ima release !
# new moshell !
u+ dxu1060ima
rdel ImaGroup=MS-8-1-ima7

# antenna issues !
from moshell rbs
lhsh 001200 ps | grep Fu
or cabx to get port
port_0_dev_5/FuCbcSe ph CXC1323891%1_R22 0 - (lmbpp)
port_8_dev_7/FuCbcSe ph CXC1323891%1_R22 0 - (lmbpp)
port_4_dev_6/FuCbcSe ph CXC1323891%1_R22 0 - (lmbpp)

# Get TMA info

lhsh 001200/port_8_dev_10 fui get ee pid

lhsh 001200/port_0_dev_5 fui get devstat # get ru measurements !

lhsh 001200/port_0_dev_5 au3vii # get fu lights !

# Scripts for checking voltage and current !

lhsh 001200/port_0_dev_4 fui get devstat

lhsh 001200/port_4_dev_5 fui get devstat
lhsh 001200/port_8_dev_6 fui get devstat

lhsh 001200/port_0_dev_5 fui get devstat

lhsh 001200/port_4_dev_6 fui get devstat
lhsh 001200/port_8_dev_7 fui get devstat

lhsh 001200/port_0_dev_7 fui get devstat

lhsh 001200/port_4_dev_8 fui get devstat
lhsh 001200/port_8_dev_9 fui get devstat
lhsh 001200/port_0_dev_8 fui get devstat
lhsh 001200/port_4_dev_9 fui get devstat
lhsh 001200/port_8_dev_10 fui get devstat

lhsh 001200/port_0_dev_11 fui get devstat

lhsh 001200/port_4_dev_12 fui get devstat
lhsh 001200/port_8_dev_13 fui get devstat

# Typically it's ~16-19dB I think, e.g. sector Z:

DXU0183> lhsh 001200/port_8_dev_7 fui get vswr

051201-18:41:22 6.1q RBS_NODE_MODEL_H_6_2

$ lhsh 001200/port_8_dev_7 fui get vswr
vswr: 16.7[dB]

# Symptom is very low vswr:

DXU0183> lhsh 001200/port_4_dev_6 fui get vswr

051201-18:37:01 6.1q RBS_NODE_MODEL_H_6_2

$ lhsh 001200/port_4_dev_6 fui get vswr
vswr: 4.6[dB]

# Change the accessClassNBarred after call testing the site:

CRTNTXLYRNC005> get l=dxu3404 accessClassNBarred

060213-16:58:48 6.1zb RNC_NODE_MODEL_F_4_3

MO Attribute Value
UtranCell=DXU3404X accessClassNBarred 0
UtranCell=DXU3404Y accessClassNBarred 0
UtranCell=DXU3404Z accessClassNBarred 0
Total: 3 MOs

CRTNTXLYRNC005> set l=dxu3404 accessClassNBarred 65535

060213-16:59:38 6.1zb RNC_NODE_MODEL_F_4_3

Set accessclassnbarred on following MOs ?
14725 RncFunction=1,UtranCell=DXU3404X
14742 RncFunction=1,UtranCell=DXU3404Y
14756 RncFunction=1,UtranCell=DXU3404Z
Are you Sure [y/n] ? y

accessclassnbarred Result
14725 UtranCell=DXU3404X 65535
>>> Set.
14742 UtranCell=DXU3404Y 65535
>>> Set.
14756 UtranCell=DXU3404Z 65535
>>> Set.
Total: 3 MOs attempted, 3 MOs set

CRTNTXLYRNC005> get l=dxu3404 accessclass

060213-17:00:27 6.1zb RNC_NODE_MODEL_F_4_3

MO Attribute Value
UtranCell=DXU3404X accessClassNBarred 65535
UtranCell=DXU3404Y accessClassNBarred 65535
UtranCell=DXU3404Z accessClassNBarred 65535
Total: 3 MOs

# "could not retreive resourse bundle" when opening emas !

Open a terminal in oss, type ls (you can see a folder called Ericsson).
Close all Netscape windows then type rm -rf Ericsson.
Now you can open the OSS and try again.

# check if aal2 path is up for rnc to core !

st =ca
fro aal2ap=c
listAal2CpsRc -apFroId 1 -pathId 1-6
localBlock = LOCAL_UNBLOCKED # good !
localBlock = local_BLOCKED # down !

# moto having issues locking onto sector 3G !

set l=dxuXXXX maxTxPowerUl 28 # orange !
or 1033 # blue !

# General traces !

str # find mod # or wh

or lh mod7 readclock

mon # turn on monitor in the RNC !

monr # restart monitor !
ps -ef | grep monitor
acc 021500 restart
lh mod11 te e bus_send bus_receive NBAP_ASN
lh mod11 te e bus_send bus_receive RANAP_ASN
lh mod11 te e bus_send bus_receive RRC_ASN
lh mod11 te s aal2
lh mod11 te s aal2*
lh mod6 te e bus_send bus_receive Ans_aal2ap_proc
lh mod6 te e trace1 UEH_EXCEPTION
lh mod6 te filter set ([1]<>8) NBAP_ASN
lh mod6 te e trace9 Ans_aal2ncc2_proc

lhsh 021400/sp4.lnh te log read | |

monitor -nolocal 000800 001700 021200 | ./ | tee ~/rnc3.lo

# rnc3 !
monitor -nolocal 021500 | | -colour # crtr4 /
mode 7 !

get rncmodule rncmoduler # gives you translater from "uregprint all" !

targetmonitor/target_monitor 172.0.1 -nolocal 000800 001700 011200 | ./ |

tee rnc1.log
/* tail -f ~/tmp.log | flow.awk -v IE="TRUE" */

cntl c # kill !
cntl s # pause !
cntl q # start !

# restart mod !
str # find mod # or wh
or lh mod7 readclock
acc 021500 restart

# ip not routed right, check ip in rbs !

moshell ip/atm address ....
1 sql+
2 sqlc select * from tables | grep -i ip
3 sqlc select * from iproutetable_03
4 d2ip 179049521
5 d2ip 179044401
6 sql-


In Moshell, print the current Ethernet IP address using

pr ethernet
get xx (where xx is the proxy number of EthernetLink=1)
acl xx
acc xx assignIpAddress
enter the new Ethernet IP address, found in the new CIQ DallasMTCIQ_RevPC1, tab IP
Ethernet & Node RNCx, column F (IP Address)
enter subnetmask (corresponds to /28)


ma chris =b144i vcltp # make group RNC & RXI !

acc chris eteloopback # if fail look at fibers !
st =pp # check fiber !
lpget MS-16-3-ima4.*vcltp # trans and receive same / probably looped at rbs !
# 0 errors maybe looped !

# mom paremeters !
MO parameter
mom rbslocal ocnsCorrelationTime

# get rbstype !
get 0

# Warn Carrier_ULGainTruncated configuration_or_customizing_error

Sector=2,Carrier=1 !
from TND tab XXXX?
get antfeedercable # 7= 13 - (tma ulgain) + (ulattenuation) !

ulFeederAttenuationBranchB = ulAttenuation

# uplink and Downlink, retreive values from RND !

set antf dlAttenuation 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39

set antf ulAttenuation 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39

# Another way to do the same thing:

# Set a variable to the desired value

$var = 39
set antf dlAttenuation $var $var $var $var $var $var $var $var $var $var $var $var
set antf ulAttenuation $var $var $var $var $var $var $var $var $var $var $var $var

ulFeederDelayBranchA = electricalDlDelay

set antf electricalDlDelay 1685 1685 1685 1685 1685 1685 1685 1685 1685 1685 1685
set antf electricalUlDelay 1685 1685 1685 1685 1685 1685 1685 1685 1685 1685 1685

$var = 1685
set antf electricalDlDelay $var $var $var $var $var $var $var $var $var $var $var
set antf electricalUlDelay $var $var $var $var $var $var $var $var $var $var $var

Restart RU's
st aux
acc restart proxy's ....
acc 36 restartAuxUnit
# get iub for link #
lk l=dxu1234

# Cell in RNC is down / no alarms in cell !

check rbslocalcell localcellid in rbs and dxu4303 localcell in rnc # must
match !

lt RbsLocalCell
pr RbsLocalCell localCellId
set XX localCellId YYY7 # XX is the proxy for X sector from above print / YYYY
is the new ID !
set XX localCellId YYY8 # XX is the proxy for Y sector from above print / YYYY
is the new ID !
set XX localCellId YYY9 # XX is the proxy for Z sector from above print / YYYY
is the new ID !

RBS and RNC has to match exactly !

!!!! As example, with C1P4500, the bandwidth would be: 4500 atm-cell/sec * 47
kbyte/atm-cell * 8 (byte/bit) = 1692.0 kbit/s
!Spreadng factor
get UeRcPhyChUl spreadingFactor
!Same for DL running:
get UeRcPhyChDl spreadingFactor
!Or you can get UL and DL at the same time with:
get UeRcPhyCh spreadingFactor
!To know the correspondence of each value to the SF check the MoM or run:
mom UeRcPhyChUl spreadingfactor
mom UeRcPhyChDl spreadingfactor
!To know the correspondence of each "UeRc" to each RAB use:
get UeRc= userlabel
8 - 384kb/s
16 - 128kb/s
32 - 64kb/s
128 - 128kb/s
4 - HS

4UL - 384 (HS)
8UL - 144 (128kb/s)
16UL - 64kb/s
64UL - 12.2 (AMR)

lt all
get dxu0075 local
set dxu0075X localCellId YYY7
set dxu0075Y localCellId YYY8
set dxu0075Z localCellId YYY9
# to get T1 from rxi and you know RBS !
get vcltp=vc303 # rbs 303 !
or for orange
get =bXXX # XXX is rbs !
lkk "proxy for vcXX "
get AtmPort=MS-18-1-3-9
lst ......T1Ttp

# Cell is up, Channels are down, Rach / Fach / Pch ..... !

The A2EA address set up in the RBS was different compared to the Aal2RoutingCase in
the RXI

RBS : get aal2 a2

MO Attribute Value
Aal2Sp=1 a2ea 202120501010601


TpaDevice_AmplificationError # ? !
TpaDevice_AmplificationError equipment_malfunction

# Ai alarms on B branch only and sectors are up . !

print antennab
set antennathreshold 0.....

# ExternalTma_LnaFailureBranchA !
lt systemc
pr systemc
If single band(current=100 not 200(dual)), const should be default so you can
delete what is there
deleteconst X(proxy) # acc ? !
304 through 300 ...
DXU0002> get systemc

1180 NodeBFunction=1,SystemConstants=1
SystemConstantsId 1
sysConstants 300:00001,301:135,302:270,303:135,304:270
Total: 1 MOs

DXU0002> acl 1180

051201-13:43:34 6.1q RBS_NODE_MODEL_H_6_2

Proxy MO Action Nr of Params
1180 SystemConstants=1 deleteConst 1
1180 SystemConstants=1 writeConst 2

DXU0002> acc SystemConstants=1 deleteconst

Call Action deleteconst on following MOs ?

1180 NodeBFunction=1,SystemConstants=1
Are you Sure [y/n] ? y

Proxy MO Action Nr of Params
1180 SystemConstants=1 deleteConst 1

Parameter 1 of 1, name (string): 301

>>> Return value = null

# Maj Loss of Tracking replaceable_unit_problem

Synchronization=1 !
# Min Loss of Synch Reference Redundancy replaceable_unit_problem
Synchronization=1 !
lt sync
get 3
acl 3
acc 3 resetLossOfTracking

2. RF Drive team complaining about blocked calls

Admission reject was observed in the RNC on some RF drive runs and the RF
engineer was
seeing "Blocked Calls".

This was found to be due to :

1. OCNS is active in RBS. Use moshell and check RBSlocalCell MO, parameter
OCNS being active is not bad but in combination with point 2. causes the

2. The maxdlpowercapability (MO RBSlocalcell) is quite low. The

maxdlpowercapability give the
max. power the RBS can transmit on the DL. If this value is less than 390
then you will get
admission rejects.

Most RBS can support about 42-45 dbm (420-450) but due to feeder losses,
the maxcapability
goes down. So if you see a low maxdlpowercapability (< 390) do the

- get ul/dl attenuation in MO Antfeedercable

- Inform your RF team lead for your market
# missing DC injector on GSM 1900. Current is 0 on Branch A of all sectors !
!Moshell Performance Management Commands:

pmom[acd]/lmom[c] Print description of PM counters (pmom)

pget/lpget Read PM attribute(s) from MO(s)
spget/lspget Read PM attribute(s) from MO(s) one by one (slow pget/lspget)
hpget[c]/lhpget[c] Read PM attribute(s) from MO(s)
pdiff/lpdiff Print incrementation of PM attributes
pmx[hfdn] Display counter values
pmr[agf] Produce PM KPI reports
pme[fd][cgu] Fetch/decode event ROP files (RNC/RBS only)
pst List all PM scanners and their state
pgets[mn] Print scanner contents
emom Display list of events for event-based scanners

To check the RRC success rate from MoShell use the "pmr" command. e.g. for the last
5 hours run "pmr -m 5" then from the menu choose "6 | sort +1nr" to sort by number
of RRC connection requests, e.g.:

Your Choice: 6 | sort +1nr

gzip -dc /home/eric/moshell_logfiles/logs_moshell/tempfiles/tmp1821_20051029-
230047/pmrbuffer1821.gz | /home/eric/utran_tools/moshell/pmXtab -fdef
/home/eric/utran_tools/moshell/commonjars/pm/FORMULA_RNC_F_1_0.txt -x
"^(NoRrcConnReq|RrcSuc|NoRrcConnSuc|RrcFail|RrcFailContrib)$" -i "NoRrcConnReq|
RrcSuc|NoRrcConnSuc|RrcFail|RrcFailContrib" -m "UtranCell=([^\s,=\t]+)" -a -p 6.1 -
pipe ' sort +1nr '

6) RNC UtranCell RRC Performance

Report from 2005-10-30 06:00 UTC to 2005-10-30 11:14 UTC

Object NoRrcConnReq NoRrcConnSuc RrcFail RrcFailContrib RrcSuc

DXU0144X 480 38 92.1 47.1 7.9
DXU0105Y 201 4 98.0 21.0 2.0
DXU0744Z 98 5 94.9 9.9 5.1
DXU1513X 94 0 100 10.0 0
DXU0007X 72 6 91.7 7.0 8.3
DXU0825Z 43 0 100 4.6 0
DXU0035X 14 14 0 0 100
DXU0663Y 12 12 0 0 100
DXU1017X 12 8 33.3 0.4 66.7
DXU0105Z 11 11 0 0 100
DXU0154X 10 10 0 0 100
DXU1089X 5 5 0 0 100
DXU0007Y 4 4 0 0 100
DXU0258Y 4 4 0 0 100
DXU1059Z 4 4 0 0 100
DXU0417X 2 2 0 0 100
DXU1026Y 2 2 0 0 100
DXU1068Y 2 2 0 0 100
DXU0102Y 1 1 0 0 100
DXU0744Y 1 1 0 0 100
DXU1006Z 1 1 0 0 100
DXU1131Z 1 1 0 0 100
DXU1549X 1 1 0 0 100
Then it's easy to see which cells are causing problems.

Kind regards,
David Smith

# Performance Management - print statistics counters

# pmx <Mo or proxy> -m 5 #last five hour, -m 5 -p 2 (three hour period from 5
hours ago.

16) . -m 5

# To define TMA

Lock cell in RNC

acc proxy uninitsector
cr Equipment=1,SectorAntenna=1,ExternalTma=1

### enter the 7 parameters requested using CIQ as input

### number of antenna branches will be 1

acc proxy initsector

### Parameter 1 of 1, numberOfTxBranches (long): 1

Make cv

Restart so internal power change takes place.

# Removing TMA's !

#create CV with TMA

lt tma
pr sector
bl RU's
acc 1191 unInitSector

pr tma
del XXX # mo from above print !
acc 1191 initSector
### Parameter 1 of 1, numberOfTxBranches (long): 1

deb RU's

# BFU / FCU alarm, Check switch on front of FCU !

# site down in RNC but up in RBS !

from te log read in RBS ... Measurement array for a cell full, not possible to
start measurement
restart site

# PCH is down on RNC but up on RBS !

1) tgc dxu0285
# note CcDev - 0224SP0 for sector down !

2) > tg dxu0285x system

# if you see in state "Wait4ReleaseAal2CepRsp"

0217: . rnhChPchRoIfC ::ReleaseCepResourcesSp_Drh:Wait4ReleaseAal2CepRsp>


3) > acc 022400/sp0.lnh restart

# list the active scanner:

BURGILAHRNC001> pst stat

060213-17:37:43 6.1zb RNC_NODE_MODEL_F_4_3

>>> Total: 6 Scanners

BURGILAHRNC001> pst all active

060213-17:38:06 6.1zb RNC_NODE_MODEL_F_4_3

>>> Total: 8 Scanners

# To See the counters being collected with a Scanner:

BURGILAHRNC001> pgets userdef

060213-17:40:47 6.1zb RNC_NODE_MODEL_F_4_3

nuous=Y.STATS ACTIVE 900 13
UeRc 6 pmNoRabEstablishAttempts
Rach 3 pmFaultyTransportBlocks
UtranCell 4 pmSumCs12Ps0RabEstablish

#From Chai and Ping

1) To set the imported CVs make sure board 10 is active, if not "acc 001100
restart" to switch it to active.

cd /d/configuration/cv
cv set <cv_name>
acc 0 restart

2) NbapDedicated/NbapCommon did not come up due to ETM4 did not stablize. Make
sure the CVs have "autoConfigurationAllowed" is set to true.

get 1
set 1 autoConfigurationAllowed true

3) The deleted script should included the blocking of Aal2PathVccTp. If not block
it before running the script.

lbl Aal2PathVccTp=ca (which ever Aal2PathVccTp to be delete)

4) Make sure you have RNC's RBS toy cell script that aligned with the RXI, SCXC or
not configuration. It you don't have the proper script, one can generate it from
the undo mo of the test RNC, thanks Ping.

u+ toycell_utrancell
rdel utrancell=toycell
u- toycell_utrancell

u+ toycell_iub
rdel Iublink=toycell
u- toycell_iub

Run the moshell script on the live CVs. In this case, don't delete VPI MO after
you remove the conflicting utrancell.
If it works in the toy rnc, it ought to work on the live CV.

5) Nortel issues:

Links did not come up: misconfiguration of ip in the MGW, database issue, bad
cable. We will see "MTP3b Link
Out of Service" alarm on the RNC also you will see lots of ERROR code 11095(link
of service) and 11096(link in
service) on board 000800.

All links are up, but RANAP=cs disabled: did not know how they resolved, but
their GTAC knows of the issue. We
will see "SCCP Remote Subsystem Unavailable" alarm on the RNC.

All the link issues we have seen so far have always been Nortel/Cingular issue.
And for your information two links
did not come up on RNC3 because Nortel did not configure the ATM crossconnect for
this link.

# Name: How to use CLI "pm_" commands in P7 #
# Software version: RNC P7GA #
# Author: Kingston ([email protected]) #
# Version: A, (5th,Jun 2009) #

//$ pm_lminfo
- list "Install Handle" for every LM on this board.

//$ pm_lminfo -a -i CXC1725465_R71BC08

- For a given LM's "Install Handle", list the LM running info, those infor are run-
time info.

//$ pm_lmconf CXC1725465_R71BC08

- For a given LM's "Install Handle", list LM's config info, those infor are
statistic infor, includes:
-> different kinds of memory size, and
-> "OSE_LM_MAIN_NAME" can identify the main process's name, from this, we also can
guess out the usage of LM.

//$ pm_pginfo
- list "prog_pid" for every Program on this board.

//$ pm_pginfo -a -i CXC1720483_R71BC07

- For a given LM's "Install Handle", list related Program's running info, those
infor are run-time info, includes:
-> "Program pid" = <prog_pig>
-> "Main process" = This program's main process "Pid" on this board

//$ pm_pginfo -a -p 0x000302f3

- For a given LM's "prog_pig", list related Program's running info, those infor are
run-time info, includes:
-> "Install handle"
-> "Main process" = This program's main process "Pid" on this board

//$ pm_pgconf 0x10091

- Have to perform this command with a given Program's "prog_pid", list the
Program's config infor, those infor are statistic infor, includes:
-> different kinds of memory size, and
-> "OSE_LM_MAIN_NAME" can identify the main process's name, from this, we also
can guess out the usage of LM.

//$ pm_kill <prog_pig>

PART-2: Example case -how to do same operation like "pgkill JVM" ?

Example case:

step-1: in moshell, find all LMs with product name contain "jvm"

RNC5> get LoadModule= productData jvm

090416-21:57:42 rnc5 7.0y RNC_NODE_MODEL_K_9_16 stopfile=/tmp/21043

MO Attribute

LoadModule=CXC1726723_R71T01 productData
>>> 1.productNumber = CXC1726723
>>> 2.productRevision = R71T01
>>> 3.productName = jdbc_jvm_lm
>>> 4.productInfo =
>>> 5.productionDate = 20080626
LoadModule=CXC1320784_R61GH01 productData
>>> 1.productNumber = CXC1320784
>>> 2.productRevision = R61GH01
>>> 3.productName = jvm
>>> 4.productInfo =
>>> 5.productionDate = 20081030
LoadModule=CXC1320784_R71BC08 productData
>>> 1.productNumber = CXC1320784
>>> 2.productRevision = R71BC08
>>> 3.productName = jvm
>>> 4.productInfo =
>>> 5.productionDate = 20090317
LoadModule=CXC1725791_R71T04 productData
>>> 1.productNumber = CXC1725791
>>> 2.productRevision = R71T04
>>> 3.productName = jvm_supp_lm
>>> 4.productInfo =
>>> 5.productionDate = 20081125
LoadModule=CXC1320784_R71BC07 productData
>>> 1.productNumber = CXC1320784
>>> 2.productRevision = R71BC07
>>> 3.productName = jvm
>>> 4.productInfo =
>>> 5.productionDate = 20081128

Total: 5 MOs

Step-2: From so many LM, select the correct LM who are running JVM. The corrent
LM must has related "program" MO.

RNC5> pr CXC1726723_R71T01

090416-21:58:07 rnc5 7.0y RNC_NODE_MODEL_K_9_16 stopfile=/tmp/21043

Proxy MO

2981 SwManagement=1,LoadModule=CXC1726723_R71T01

Total: 1 MOs

RNC5> pr CXC1320784_R61GH01

090416-21:58:10 rnc5 7.0y RNC_NODE_MODEL_K_9_16 stopfile=/tmp/21043

Proxy MO

3025 SwManagement=1,LoadModule=CXC1320784_R61GH01

Total: 1 MOs

RNC5> pr CXC1320784_R71BC0

090416-21:58:17 rnc5 7.0y RNC_NODE_MODEL_K_9_16 stopfile=/tmp/21043

Proxy MO

3588 SwManagement=1,LoadModule=CXC1320784_R71BC08
4213 SwManagement=1,LoadModule=CXC1320784_R71BC07

Total: 4 MOs

RNC5> pr CXC1725791_R71T04

090416-21:58:22 rnc5 7.0y RNC_NODE_MODEL_K_9_16 stopfile=/tmp/21043

Proxy MO

4093 SwManagement=1,LoadModule=CXC1725791_R71T04

Total: 1 MOs

RNC5> pr CXC1320784_R71BC07

090416-21:58:33 rnc5 7.0y RNC_NODE_MODEL_K_9_16 stopfile=/tmp/21043

Proxy MO

4213 SwManagement=1,LoadModule=CXC1320784_R71BC07

Total: 1 MOs

Step-3: Find out "<prog_pig>" of JVM on board 001200 via the correct LM's name.

RNC5> lhsh 001200 pm_pginfo -a -i CXC1320784_R71BC08

090416-22:04:56 rnc5 7.0y RNC_NODE_MODEL_K_9_16 stopfile=/tmp/21043

$ lhsh 001200 pm_pginfo -a -i CXC1320784_R71BC08
Install handle : CXC1320784_R71BC08
Program pid : 0x00010148
Domain : 0x0000000d
Segment pid : 0x00010149
Main block : 0x00010148
Main process : 0x0001014b
Stk poolid : 0x0001014a
Stk pool base : 0x862c7000
Stk pool size : 0x004c4b40
Sig poolid : 0x0001014a
Sig pool base : 0x862c7000
Sig pool size : 0x004c4b40
UID : 0x00000000
Heap ref : 0x0093b840
State : started

step-4: Kill "<prog_pig>" on board 001200.

RNC5> lhsh 001200 pm_kill 0x00010148

090416-22:05:54 rnc5 7.0y RNC_NODE_MODEL_K_9_16 stopfile=/tmp/21043

$ lhsh 001200 pm_kill 0x00010148

Notice: after kill the JVM, new JVM program will start automaticall with random
"<prog_pig>", this is quite different from P6.

RNC5> lhsh 001200 pm_pginfo -a -i CXC1320784_R71BC08

090416-22:06:19 rnc5 7.0y RNC_NODE_MODEL_K_9_16 stopfile=/tmp/21043

$ lhsh 001200 pm_pginfo -a -i CXC1320784_R71BC08
Install handle : CXC1320784_R71BC08
Program pid : 0x000403cf
Domain : 0x00000012
Segment pid : 0x000403ce
Main block : 0x000403cf
Main process : 0x0874046b
Stk poolid : 0x0002014a
Stk pool base : 0x862c7000
Stk pool size : 0x004c4b40
Sig poolid : 0x0002014a
Sig pool base : 0x862c7000
Sig pool size : 0x004c4b40
UID : 0x00000000
Heap ref : 0x0093b840
State : started

PART-3: detail usage and example output for each command.

// pm_lminfo Print information for a/all load module image(s).

$ help pm_lminfo
pm_lminfo - Print information for a/all load module image(s).

pm_lminfo [-a] [-i <install_handle>]

$ pm_lminfo

$ pm_lminfo -a
Install Handle : core_module
File name : core_module
File format : core_module
Persistent : No
Absolute : Yes
Kernel module : No
Entrypoint : 0x00000000
Text_Base : 0x00700000
Text_Size : 0x001d2000
Data_Base : 0x00400000
Data_Size : 0x0006c000
No_Of_Instances: 1
Install Handle : CXC1725465_R71BC08
File name : /mole/ffs/CXC1725465_R71BC08.CBL
File format : ELF
Persistent : Yes
Absolute : No
Kernel module : Yes
Entrypoint : 0x851f0000
Text_Base : 0x851f0000
Text_Size : 0x0000c000
Data_Base : 0x85200000
Data_Size : 0x00001000
No_Of_Instances: 1
Install Handle : CXC1725558_R71BC07
File name : /mole/ffs/CXC1725558_R71BC07.CBL
File format : ELF
Persistent : Yes
Absolute : No
Kernel module : Yes
Entrypoint : 0x85210000
Text_Base : 0x85210000
Text_Size : 0x00022000
Data_Base : 0x85240000
Data_Size : 0x00001000
No_Of_Instances: 1

$ pm_lminfo -a -i CXC1725465_R71BC08
Install Handle : CXC1725465_R71BC08
File name : /mole/ffs/CXC1725465_R71BC08.CBL
File format : ELF
Persistent : Yes
Absolute : No
Kernel module : Yes
Entrypoint : 0x851f0000
Text_Base : 0x851f0000
Text_Size : 0x0000c000
Data_Base : 0x85200000
Data_Size : 0x00001000
No_Of_Instances: 1

//pm_lmconf - Print configuration for a load module image.
$ help pm_lmconf
pm_lmconf - Print configuration for a load module image.

pm_lmconf <install_handle>

$ pm_lmconf CXC1725465_R71BC08
LM_PATH=@(#)/vobs/cello/babs/control_dm/i2c_pqii_mp_lm/.lmopt/lm i2cpqii.ppc750
ppc750 cppswdi_lmbuild_i2cpqiimp_cpp7_26.13seasx041
LM_VERS=@(#)CXC1725465 R71BC08 2009-03-16 10:29:48 GMT
LM_CMINFO=@(#) cppswdi_lmbuild_i2cpqiimp_cpp7_26.13seasx041 27877

//pm_pginfo - Print information for a/all program(s).

$ help pm_pginfo
pm_pginfo - Print information for a/all program(s).

pm_pginfo [-a] [-p <prog_pid>] [-i <install_handle>]

$ pm_pginfo

$ pm_pginfo -a
Install handle : CXC1720483_R71BC07
Program pid : 0x000302f3
Domain : 0x0000002f
Segment pid : 0x000102f5
Main block : 0x000302f3
Main process : 0x000102f7
Stk poolid : 0x000102f6
Stk pool base : 0x9c241000
Stk pool size : 0x000493e0
Sig poolid : 0x000102f6
Sig pool base : 0x9c241000
Sig pool size : 0x000493e0
UID : 0x00000000
Heap ref : 0x00a0e800
State : started
Install handle : CXC1322418%12_R71BC06
Program pid : 0x000102ee
Domain : 0x0000002e
Segment pid : 0x000102ef
Main block : 0x000102ee
Main process : 0x000102f1
Stk poolid : 0x000102f0
Stk pool base : 0x9d426000
Stk pool size : 0x0007a120
Sig poolid : 0x000102f0
Sig pool base : 0x9d426000
Sig pool size : 0x0007a120
UID : 0x00000000
Heap ref : 0x00a00820
State : started

$ pm_pginfo -a -i CXC1720483_R71BC07
Install handle : CXC1720483_R71BC07
Program pid : 0x000302f3
Domain : 0x0000002f
Segment pid : 0x000102f5
Main block : 0x000302f3
Main process : 0x000102f7
Stk poolid : 0x000102f6
Stk pool base : 0x9c241000
Stk pool size : 0x000493e0
Sig poolid : 0x000102f6
Sig pool base : 0x9c241000
Sig pool size : 0x000493e0
UID : 0x00000000
Heap ref : 0x00a0e800
State : started

$ pm_pginfo -a -p 0x000302f3
Install handle : CXC1720483_R71BC07
Program pid : 0x000302f3
Domain : 0x0000002f
Segment pid : 0x000102f5
Main block : 0x000302f3
Main process : 0x000102f7
Stk poolid : 0x000102f6
Stk pool base : 0x9c241000
Stk pool size : 0x000493e0
Sig poolid : 0x000102f6
Sig pool base : 0x9c241000
Sig pool size : 0x000493e0
UID : 0x00000000
Heap ref : 0x00a0e800
State : started

//pm_pgconf - Print configuration for a program.

$ help pm_pgconf
pm_pgconf - Print configuration for a program.

pm_pgconf <prog pid>

$ pm_pgconf 0x10091
heap_ref=9249184 (0x8d21a0)
LM_PATH=@(#)/vobs/cello/bcs/control_dm/bc_redundancy_mp_lm/.lmopt/lm redundancy.ppc
ppc cppswdi_lmbuild_bcredundancymp_cpp7_26.13seasx041
LM_VERS=@(#)CXC1725444 R71BC08 2009-03-16 10:15:40 GMT
LM_CMINFO=@(#) cppswdi_lmbuild_bcredundancymp_cpp7_26.13seasx041

//pm_kill - Kill program

$ help pm_kill
pm_kill - Kill program

pm_kill <prog_pid>

//pm_install - Install a load module

$ help pm_install
pm_install - Install a load module

pm_install [-a] [-p] [-k] [-c <conf>] [-f <file_format>] <install_handle>
-a : Install absolute, i.e. do not relocate.
-p : Install persistent.
-k : Install as a kernel module

//pm_uninstall - Uninstall a load module image

$ help pm_uninstall
pm_uninstall - Uninstall a load module image

pm_uninstall <install_handle>

$ help pm_create
pm_create - Create a program.

pm_create [-s] [-c <conf>] <install_handle>
//pm_start - Start a program.

$ help pm_start
pm_start - Start a program.

pm_start <prog_pid>


Commands and Troubleshooting MGW using Moshell

********************health check************************************


************************Getting help in MoShell***********************

h (to get a list of all commands)

h cmd (to get help for a specific command)

**********************Configuration Settings************************

uv (list of all user variables like paths and so on)

pv (lists environment variables)

ifconfig - print IP address, netmask and broadcast address

ntpconfig info - print settings of the NTP client

*****************The main commands for accessing MO�s****************

lt <MO> - Load MO�s and assign Proxy numbers
lt root - Clear all MO�s from memory
pr <PROXY/MO> - Print a list of MO�s and their Proxy numbers
get <PROXY/MO> - Display the MO�s attributes
pget <PROXY/MO> - Display the MO�s counters
set - Change an attribute value
acl <PROXY/MO> - Display a list of actions
acc <PROXY/MO> - Perform an action
cr <PROXY/MO> - Create an MO
del <PROXY/MO> - Delete an MO
bl <PROXY/MO> - Block an MO
deb <PROXY/MO> - De-Block an MO
lk <PROXY/MO> - Display all linked MO�s
st <PROXY/MO> - Displays the status of an MO

cab - Prints various node info

inv - Print HW/SW inventory
mom - Internal MOM Browser
momt - MOM tree
pmom - Displays counters from the MOM
hc - Performs a Health Check
l+ / l- - Start/Stop a log file
pol - Pol�s the node to see when its ready
al - Print all the active alarms

*****************************PM scanners*********************************

pst - List all scanners

pgets <SCANNER/PROXY> - Print scanner details
pcr - Create a scanner
pdel <SCANNER/PROXY> - Delete a scanner
pbl <SCANNER/PROXY> - Stop a scanner
pdeb <SCANNER/PROXY> - Resume a scanner
pmom - Browse MOM
pmr - Print PM Report
pmx - Display counter values, extracted from the statistics ROP

*****************************RBS AAL2 reject

Aal2ncc rej


llog �l � Check for Boards restart --> Check the Error


te log read � reads the trace and error log, and dumps to
the shell --> Check it there is any ERROR event in the log

bs �g �c "llog"
bs �g �c "te log read" | grep ERROR - Read log ERROR/INFO in the active all
boards --> Check it there is any ERROR event in the log
bs -g -c "vii" - Check Led on Boards --> All the boards must
have only the Green �ON�
bs -g -c "spaspccinfo" - Check plane change control info in all boards
--> Check Plane A and Plane B status

readclock - Check System Time

vols - Check Disks Volume --> Check the free space in all volumes
if you see /c then you're in Basic
if you see /c2 then you're in Backup

sma -n (-all) - Check the state of the Loadmodule in the GPB boards
- Check if the state is active
- Check if the mode is A_w_S (active working standby passive)
- Check the PeerSmnApn (standby board)
- Connect to standby and check if the same loadmodule are passive

lgd - to fetch the restart data

lger - Fetching and/or processing of node logs (alarm, event,

availability, system, etc)

lgvr - Fetch availability log

lgsr - Fetch System Log

ss - Check the maximum stack usage since system start for all
processes on a board


cd /c/pm_data/ - Check Statistics files --> Check if the

latest file was created

cv cu
- Current Configuration Version --> Check that's its
the startable version

cv ls - Displays all the CVs available

cvms <name> - make and set startable the cv

cv mk <name> - Save the configuration of a node as <name>

cv set <name> - make the CV <name> the one to be started

during the next reload

altk - Prints the active and acknowledged alarms with


lgaevsrm 24h - Prints alarm, event, availability and system

logs for the last 24 hours

all err - Look for errors in the Trace & Error logs
from all boards.

cabxlradg - Prints all plug-in units status, disk space, CPU

load, restarts and errors.

bswhat or lmid - Check the CXC-number and revision of a


pglist - Check which loadmodules are running

capi tot - Check the CPU load

ps - Check which module a certain process belongs to

pdr 30 or listenv (SystemName) - Check which board I'm on

pboot show para - Check what type of board I'm on

mirror status - Check which is the active MP

lt all - Load all the MO trees

st vmgw - Prints the operationalState for the VMGw

get vmgw profile - Prints the VMGw GCP-profile info

Verify that the correct GCP-profile is in use.

The correct profiles to be used are:
M-MGw R3 & R4 Ericsson_FAY11232_2/1 (EP1)
M-MGw R4 Ericsson_FAY112145_1/1 (EP2)
M-MGw R4 & R5 Ericsson_FAY112163_1/1 (EP5)
M-MGw R5 Ericsson_FAY112165_1/1 (EP6)

st mtp3bs - Prints the operationalState for the MTP3b protocol

managed objects.

st tdmterm - Prints the operationalState for the TDM


std - Prints the status of the device pools.

stv - Display state, user, and bandwidth usage for ATM

ports and channels.

hget aal2pathv state - Prints the operational state for the AAL2

get aal5tpvcctp state - Prints the operational state of the AAL5 VCC.

The following PM's should be checked to get some basic node statistics.
> pget vmgw
> hpget tdmterm
> pget mtp3b

If Sigtran/IP is used:

> pget m3ua

> pget sctp
> pget ipacc

Printing the disturbance counters:

pget all forced|fail|unsucc|rej|rele|err|overflow|down|unavail|lost|missing !^0|-1

pget all fail|unsucc|rej !^0|-1

pget tdmtermgrp rej - check TDM rejections

pget ip Discards - check ip discards

M-MGw capacity vs. license:

get mgwapplication maxNrOfLicMediaStreamChannels - Print the licensed maximum

amount of channels
pget mgwapplication - Print the currently active
all fro_lici_data_list - Prints all the enabled features

Utilization rate of the licensed capacity:

Utilization_rate (%) = (mgwapplication.pmnrofmediastreamchannelsbusy) * 100%


lt/get synchronization - Check synchronization

nssmpinfo all

Load the Transport Network tree:

lt/st/get aal2pathvcctp - Check ATM status AAL2/AAL5 --> Check if

the links are all Enabled and Unlocked
lt/st/get aal5tpvcctp

Load the Mtp3bSpItu tree and check for signalling:

lt Mtp3bSpItu
lt/st/get m3uassociation enabled/disabled
lt/st/get mtp3bap
lt/st/get mtp3bsls
lt/st/get mtp3bsrs
lt/st/get mtp3bsr
getAttrObj subrack 1 - To read the serial number of the

all pglist | grep -i upcf - how to know which ones are mesc and /
or find out different types of boards in the MGw

ls -l /c/loadmodules - List the load modules in the C


ls -l /d/loadmodules - List the load modules in the d


cat - print the contents of a text file

cat /d/cv.ptr - useful in backup where you have no "cv


cat /d/configuration/cs_equipmentcmd2.cfg - Print the password of the MGW

cat /d/configuration/CM_CONFIG - Print the subrack ID

restartObj me - node restart ("me" = Managed Element =

the node)

restartObj piu <piu-id> - restart a single board.

Get the piu-id from the database
or just guess a couple of times with
getAttrObj piu <try-number>


sql select * from mtp3b_smm_frotable_r1 (ROID VALUE SHOULD NOT BE REPEATED)

***************************Main MO names and

MO Name Definition

Ds0Bundle Allows you to specify timeslots for an E1 to use for speech

or signalling.

TdmTermGrp Specifies a Ds0Bundle to use for Speech

Mtp2TpItu Specifies a Ds0Bundle to use for Narrowband signalling

Mtp3bSrs Specifies a signalling point code to a destination, one

Mtp3bSrs must be created for every node the M-MGw wants to signal to.

Mtp3bSls Specifies a signalling link set, which contains all the

signalling links towards a specific destination. One signalling link set must
be created for every node directly connected to the M-MGw,
which it wants to talk to.

Mtp3bSr Creates a signalling route for a destination, which

specifies what signalling link set can be used to reach the specified destination

Mtp3bSlItu Creates an ITU signalling link (broadband or narrowband) to

a destination

Vmgw Used to terminate the signalling from the MSC to the M-MGw,
allowing the MSC to request and release resources from the M-MGw

VplTp Specifies the VPI for an ATM connection

VpcTp Is used to terminate/originate the VPI definition from the


VclTp Specifies the VCI for an ATM connection and also terminates
the VCI

Aal5TpVccTp Specifies an AAL5 (signalling) termination for ATM

NniSaalTp Terminates a broadband signalling defined by an Aal5TpVccTp

Aal2Ap Specifies a termination for AAL2, this is used to

analyse any signalling for AAL2 coming in or out of the M-MGw

AtmTrafficDescriptor Used to specify the number of cells/second that can

be used for an ATM connection(used by VplTp& VclTp)

******************************************* Description of Boards


ET-M1 The unit is a line terminal board with eight E1/DS1/J1

interfaces for ATM and TDM transport.
ET-MC1 The unit is a line terminal board with eight
E1/DS1/J1 interfaces for ATM and TDM transport.

ET-M3 The unit is a line terminal board with two E3/DS3

interfaces for ATM transport.

ET-M4 The unit is a line terminal board with two STM-1/OC-3c

interfaces for ATM transport.

ET-MC41 The unit is a line terminal board with an E1/DS1

channelized STM-1/OC-3 interface for ATM and TDM transport.

ET-C41 The unit is a line terminal board with four STM-1/OC-

3 ports interfaces for TDM transport only.

ET-MFG The unit is a line terminal board with two Gigabit

Ethernet interfaces for IP transport.

ET-MF4/1 The unit is a line terminal board with four STM-1 or OC-3c
interfaces for ATM transport.

ET-MFX The unit is a multiport Ethernet switch blade with IP

termination and interworking functionality.

******************************************* Description of Features in MGW R4.0


New and Enhanced Basic Features

Element Management
Gateway Control Protocol (GCP)
Media Stream Function
ATM Transport
Virtual Media Gateway
O&M Access Control
TTC Interfaces
ETSI Interfaces
ANSI interfaces
SS7 Signaling Gateway and Signaling Transfer Point
Multi-Function Device
Audit Trail

Unchanged Basic Features

ATM switch
Datacom Base
SS7 Signaling over TDM
SS7 Signaling over ATM
TDM Transport
New and Enhanced Optional Features

Compressed Speech on Nb Interface

Tandem Free Operation (TFO)
Measurement Based Admission Control
Lawful Interception
IP Transport
SS7 Signaling over IP
UMTS Iu Interface
Voice Quality Enhancement (VQE)
Fax Service
Node Command Line Interface
Capacity Extension for GMP V2.0/2.1 Base Configurations
Associated Signaling Mode in Signaling Gateway
TDM Cross-Connection
A-law/�-law Conversion
Nb- and Mc-Interface over Satellite Links
Global Text Telephony (GTT)
Fax Service Adaptation for Delays
Primary Rate Access

Unchanged Optional Features

GSM A-interface
GSM High Speed Datacom Service
SCCP Accounting
SCCP Policing
SCCP Relay

********************************Customized Displays for Quick


get ds0Bundle=... - List the time slots for TDM

termination <-- (DISPPORT)

hget tdmtermgrp=... adm|pcm|oper - Displays the speech E1s,

administrative and operational states and the PCM number which is the EXTP value in
the MSS.

hget reliable reliableprogramlabel - Displays relation between

program label and RPU

hget mtp2tpitu=... oper|res|ds0bundle - Display the signalling

termination points, their state and to which ds0bundle they are connected <--


hget aal5tpvcctp proc|reserv|vcl|oper - Displays the AAL5

signaling termination points (RANAP,Q.AAl2), processor, NNISaal, Virtual Path and
Channel and status

hget aal2ap= oper|res|sig - Displays GCP Q.2630

signaling links to RNC and MGW with the routing cases

hget nnisaaltp aal5|res - Displays the MTP3 signaling

links to AAL5 relation for Ranap, Q.2630

get NniSaalProfile reservedby - Displays which NNI-SAAL

profile is used to which entity


hget atmport user|value - Displays the ATM port phys

position with VC/VP values

hget vcltp res|oper|atm - Displays relation between

ATM traffic descriptor with ATM port,Vpltp,Vpctp,Vcltp and AAL5 Tp and AAL2 Path

hget e1physpath user|oper - Displays all the E1 phys

path to ATM port relation

hget Aal2RoutingCase number|route - Displays the number and

route of the AAL2 routing case

hget Aal2PathVccTp res|vcl|oper - Displays the AAL2 path


hget ipinterface reserved|oper - Displays the IP

interface details

hget udphostmainmsb ipaddress|oper - Displays the IP addresses

for each interface

get IpAccessHostGpb - Displays the IP access host


hget ipaccessudphostmsb plug|oper - Displays the phys position

of the IP access

hget etmfg oper - Displays the status of the

ET-MFG boards

hget giga oper|link1s|link2s - Displays the gigabit

ethernet links status

hget sctp= oper|rese - Displays SCTP info

hget m3ua localp|mtp3|remoteip|oper - Displays the M3UA

association details

**** MTP3, MTP3B and M3UA DISPLAYS IN MGW ****

hget Mtp3bSpItu oper|rpu - Displays own SPC info <--


hget mtp3bsrs destpointcode|operationalstate - Displays all the DPCs

in the MGW with name and their states <-- (DISPSIGDP)

get Mtp3bSls - Displays signaling linksets

info <-- (DISPSIGLSET)

hget mtp3bsr=... linksetm3uid|operationalstate|priority - Displays the

routes to a destination, their state and their priority <-- (DISPSIGROUTE)
st mtp3bslitu=... - Displays the state of the
signaling links <-- (DISPSIGLINK)

**** AAL2 Signaling DISPLAYS IN MGW ****

get aal2sp - Displays the AAL2 signaling point


hget aal2ap= oper|user - Displays the AAL2 access

point signalling details

hget aal2routingcase number|route - Displays the AAL2 routing

case details

get aal2pathdistributionunit - Displays the AAL2 path

distribution details

hget mtp3ap oper|res|route|ser - Displays MTP3B access

point details

*************************************Board Access**********************************

lhsh 730200

00 = Main Subrack or Central Processor Module

97 = ATM Subrack
01 = 1st MGw-M module or subrack
65 = 2nd MGw-M module or subrack
73 = 3rd MGw-M module or subrack
89 = 4th MGw-M module or subrack

02 = Board Number

lhsh 001000 sma �all - Prints active processes on GPB boards

Log in to the GPB boards for MSB:

lt pool - Load tree for MS device pool

get pool - Print pool data
lt amrservice - Load tree for Adaptive Multi Rate service
pget (proxy number) - Retrieve the performance measurement for the
AMR service

UPCF CH GCP interface towards MSC

lhsh 001000 ch_info_vmgw Prints VMGw related configuration data

lhsh 001000 ch_info_tc Prints Transaction Coordinator related
data (state information, number
of ongoing transactions, number of buffered
SECs and Notifys).
lhsh 001000 ch_info_th Prints the total number of THs reserved
by VMGws.
lhsh 001000 ch_info_loadcontrol Prints out load control related
dynamic data: how many notifyReqs has been sent
per VMGw and with which values.
lhsh 001000 ch_counters_command GCP command statsitics
lhsh 001000 ch_set_lc_echo Set Load Control Echo on/off
lhsh 001000 ch_info_link Prints the status of links and whether
STC is available or not.
lhsh 001000 ch_info_tdm TDM termination group config. info.
lhsh 001000 ch_info_mesc Prints the operational status of mescs.

UPCF STC Gateway between CH and MSC Servers

lhsh 001300 stc_info Info about MTP3b service - Displays

information about STC loadmodule
lhsh 001300 stc_gcp_buffer


lhsh 001300 db_info_vmgw

lhsh 001300 db_info_license - Check the swlRejectionCounter

UPCF MESC (MeSC = Media Stream Controller)

lhsh 730200 mesc_counters 0 - Displays MeSC counters and Vmgw states

lhsh 730200 mesc_counters_aal - Displays AAL1/2 related counters.
lhsh 730200 mesc_counters_device -all - Check Device Pools --> Check
counters reject in all device pools
lhsh 730200 mesc_counters_gcp 0 - Check GCP counters --> Check if
there is any GCP error with code NOK
lhsh 730200 mesc_counters_device 0 - Displays device related counters
lhsh 730200 mesc_counters_ip - Displays information of IPBCP and BCTP

lhsh 730200 mesc_info_tdm -group_total 0 - Displays TDM state, group and internal
lhsh 730200 mesc_info_vmgw 0 - Displays status of Vmgws
lhsh 730200 mesc_info_ctx <options> - Displays debug & CtxState information
lhsh 730200 mesc_info_ctx -alive 15000
Block MESC : mesc_command_block
Restart Program : pgkill 12

all mescounters 0 ! grep �mesc specific data�


lt/get/pget mgwa
lt/get/pget mesc
lt/get/pget gcp
lt/get/pget/st tdmterm
pget tdmterm pmNrofTdmTermsRej
lt vmgw
get vmgw profile


lt mtp3b
pr/st/get mtp3bsls


lt m3ua


lt aal2
pr/get/st aal2pathvcctp

Gigabit Interface

lt/pr/st/get/pget gig


lt ip
pr/get ipint

lhsh xxxxx te status - Displays the current settings of the
traces in a board.

lhsh xxxxx te status c* - Use wildcard to filter the trace groups

lhsh xxxxx te enable/disable chdTransaction - To enable/disable a trace in a


lhsh xxxxx te log read/clear - To read/clear the log

all te log read/clear - To read/clear the logs from all the


M-MGw R4

TRACE1: Reserved for Unit/Subsystem/LM testing (Depending on LM)

TRACE2: Reserved for Unit/Subsystem/LM testing (Depending on LM)
TRACE3: Reserved for Unit/Subsystem/LM testing (Depending on LM)
TRACE4: Detailed debug information (Mesc, Ch)
TRACE5: Sent and received signals for counter polling
TRACE6: Sent and received signals (RoseRT and OSE)
TRACE7: Not used
TRACE8: High Level Traces
TRACE9: general debug group

lhsh MSB rev - Displays the DSP modules

ls -l /c/dsp_dump/ - Check for DSP software

crash dumps

lhsh 000600 te e trace3 Scc_server_proc - To collect MTP3b/M3UA

and higher level protocols for R4 (in case for dual stack trace on 000800 also)

lhsh 001300 te e trace5 stcMbaMtp3biClientC[X] (X = VMGw ID) - To collect GCP


TerminationID is decoded as following: 48005FC8 --> TDM termination (0X4),

PCM=766 (005FC/2), Timeslot=8 (8), E1(2Mbit) from 8

lhsh 000600 te e bus_send bus_receive Ans_aal2ap_proc - To collect Q.AAL2


lhsh 000600 te e trace3 Scc_SctpHost_proc - To collect SCTP trace then

run using wireshark
*******************************SQL Tables look

sql select name from tables; - List of all the tables in SQLC

sql select * from cssrresource; - Get list of all subracks

sql select * from csslotresource_01; - Get list of all the slots

sql select * from cspiuresource_02; - Get a list of boards

sql select * from cspgmresource_02; - Get a list of all loadmodules

sql select * from jvmfro_r1; - Get a list of all Java loadmodules

sql select * from oammesctable_r401; - Get a list of all the MSB boards

sql select * from csrpuresource; - Get a list of the RPU relations

to all boards

sql select * from oamvmgwtable_r402; - Get a list of the virtual mgw

with the DPC (MSC-Servers connected)

sql select * from mtp3b_ap_frotable_r3; - Get a list of the access points

(MSC-Server and RNCs)

sql select * from mtp3b_rs_frotable_r4; - Get a list of all the DPCs


Find board where a loadmodule is located (step by step):

1- sql select pno, prev, piuinstanceid from cspgmresource_02 where pno='CXC 132
2250'; <-- Get the PIU instance ID for this loadmodule
2- sql select * from cspiuresource_01 where id=15; <-- Lets take PIU
Instance ID 15 and retrieve the slot id
3- sql select * from csslotresource_01 where id=28; <-- Retrieve with the
slot instance Id, which subrack (srid) and slot (apn)
4- sql select * from cssrresource where id = 1; <-- Real subrack address

****************************GCP Trace between the MSS and the

GCP tracing with the GCP Buffer method.
1. Log on the M-MGw with telnet or SSH.
2. Go to board where the STC is located
$ lhsh 001300 <-- lhsh 001300 stc_info
3. On the STC board you can see the status of the GCP Buffer with command:
001300> stc_gcp_buffer
4. Activate the GCP Buffer with following command:
001300> stc_gcp_buffer �on 100000
Now the GCP tracing is active and all GCP messages will be copied to memory of the
STC. If 40 MB memory limit is reached or 100000 GCP messages
are resident in the memory, the oldest GCP message is overwritten automatically.
5. The GCP Buffer can be stopped with following command:
001300> stc_gcp_buffer �off
Now the GCP Buffer is not active any more, but the buffered GCP messages remain in
the memory of the STC.

6. Before logging the GCP messages to file verify with vols-command that there is
enough disk space:
001300> vols
volume total used free
/p001300 781M 4M 0% 776M 99%
7. If you had enough disk space, you can write the GCP messages from memory to file
with following command:
001300> stc_gcp_buffer -log /p001300/gcp.log
8. Then fetch this file with FTP from node for decoding.
9. Delete the log file from the node:
001300> rm /p001300/gcp.log
10. The GCP Buffer can be cleared with following command:
001300> stc_gcp_buffer �clear

Caution: Make sure always before logging the GCP Buffer to a file, that you have
enough space on the file system (see step 6). Also remove the file
log file always afterwards from the M-MGw file system (see step 9.).

Fetched output can be decoded by MGW decoder to readable format.


Check the GCP context ID by call path trace command in MSC-S then search all GCP
messages with the GCP context ID in decoded file.
Example: CTRAI:MSISDN=8613826341042;


The following is a Primus(R) eServer solution:

ID: SCS705060
Domain: primus_owner
Solution Class: 4.X

Goal Health check of Media gateway

Fact Network: GSM

Fact Node: AXE MSC Server

Fact Node: MGw R4

Fact Node: MGw R5

Symptom Health check of Mgw

Symptom Health check of Media gateway

Symptom Perform Health check of Media gateway

Symptom Perform health check of MGw



1. Health check of Media gateway.


1. Status Check

1.1 Check for any alarms and events

1.1.1 Connect to Mgw using EMAS.

Click on TAB Alarm => Alarm List. Look for any relevant alarms.
1.1.2 FTP to Mgw and download the alarm log to local PC
$ ftp < i.p. address >
$ bin
$ hash
$ cd /c/log files/cello
$ bye
This file can be decoded using standard xml decoders.

1.2 Check the status of all plug-in units

Connect to Mgw through EMAS

Select Equipment folder
Check that every plug-in unit state should be �Enabled�.

1.3 Check Status of Signaling Links

1. In the Element Manager SS7 view, expand the folder MTP3b Signaling Points.
The current Signalling Points are displayed.
2. Expand the relevant folder MTP3b Signalling Point.
3. Click on the folder MTP3b Signalling Link Sets.
The Status of all Link sets can be seen here.
4. Select the Attribute folder and click on Refresh to verify the present states of
MTP3b Signalling Links.

1.4 Check the status of M3UA Associations

1. In the Element Manager SS7 view, expand the folder MTP3b Signaling Points.
The current Signalling Points are displayed.
2. Expand the relevant folder MTP3b Signalling Point.
3. Expand the folder M3U Association.
The Signalling associations are displayed.
4. Select the Attribute folder and click on Refresh to verify the present states of
MTP3b Signalling Links.

1.5 Check tdmTermGrp status

In Element Manager, select TDM Termination Groups view from drop-down list and
verify that no TDM Termination is in disabled state.

1.6 Check Board LED status

$ vii

1.7 Check FAN Board status

$ fan_vii

1.8 Check clock status

$ readclock

1.9 Check which O&M GPB is active

$ mirror stat
This command goes to GPB 000200, so if status here shows Passive, it means that GPB
000200 is passive. So Other GPB 000300 should be active. Alternatively that can be
checked using:
$ lhsh 000300
000300>mirror stat

1.10 Check loadmodules RPU state

$ sma �all

1.11 Look for any errors on the board

$ llog
$ llog -l
Look for any recent board restarts or corresponding errors.
1.12 Keep a printout of trace and error log

$ te log read
Look for errors in trace and error logs from all boards:
all te log read | grep �i error

1.13 Check Processor Load

$ capi tot

1.14 Verify Disk Space on main GPB board

Check all GPB board /c/ and /d/ free space with command:
$ vols
Free space for d/ partition should be at least 30%.

1.15 Check for any GCP errors

Access MESC controlling GPB board. For example, in GMPV3 GPB board position 010200
and 010300 are controlling GPBs.
$ lhsh 010200
On the following prompt, give command
010200>mesc_counters_gcp �all
These counters a accumulative, so taking this command twice and looking at the
difference in values of the latest printout from previous one, exact cause of
problem in GVP can be found.

1.16 Look for any hanging contexts

Access MESC controlling GPB board. For example, in GMPV3 GPB board position 010200
and 010300 are controlling GPBs.
$ lhsh 010200
On the following prompt, give command
010200> mesc_info_ctx -alive 7200 �defer
010200> mesc_info_ctx �errors
This will list all contexts active for more than 2 hours. Check the same in board
010300 / 650200 /650300 as well.

1.17 Check status of Vmgw

$ st Vmgw
$ get Vmgw profile ! Check if correct profile is loaded !
$ lhsh 001000 ch_info_vmgw
$ lhsh 001100 ch_info_vmgw
VMGw associated with CH0 will be visible in 001000 & VMGw associated with CH1 will
be visible in 001100 .

1.18 Check Vmgw counters for any ambiguities

Access MESC controlling GPB board. For example, in GMPV3 GPB board position 010200
and 010300 are controlling GPBs.
$ lhsh 010200
On the following prompt, give command
010200> mesc_info_vmgw �all
Also look for any Hanging Moves in a Vmgw. Use following command:
010200> mesc_info_vmgw �all �moveHangPrint
There should be no hanging move terminations present.
Check the same in board 010300 / 650200 /650300 as well.

1.19 Check MESC device counters for a Vmgw

Access MESC controlling GPB board. For example, in GMPV3 GPB board position 010200
and 010300 are controlling GPBs.
$ lhsh 010200
On the following prompt, give command
010200> mesc_counters_device 0
010200> mesc_counters_device �all
Look for rejections for any particular device ( if any ). Reasons of rejections can
be found in GCP counters as described in section 2.12 of this document.
Check the same in board 010300 / 650200 /650300 as well.

1.20 Check the status and utilization of TDM terminations

Access MESC controlling GPB board. For example, in GMPV3 GPB board position 010200
and 010300 are controlling GPBs.
$ lhsh 010200
On the following prompt, give command
010200> mesc_info_tdm -group_total �all

Individual TDM termination group status can be found using command

010200> mesc_info_tdm -group_stat -pcm <PCM system number>

1.21 Check status of SCTP Associations

$ lhsh 000600 rof_assoc_info

$ lhsh 000800 rof_assoc_info
Check that all associations are active

1.22 Check status of Signaling Routes

$ lhsh 000600
000600> rof_congestion_info
$ lhsh 000800
000800> rof_congestion_info
Output may be available on one board only. It depends on no. of SS7 stacks loaded
in the system and on which board the stack is running.

1.23 Check status of Switch Planes A and B

$ spaspccinfo



1. Health check of Media gateway using Moshell.


1 Advanced Status check using Moshell

1.1 Check Alarms in the system



C = Critical Alarms

M = Major Alarms

m = Minor Alarms

w = Warnings

To check details about an alarm


1.2 Print Hardware, LED status and restart info


1.3 Check device status in MGw pools


1.3.1 Check for any congestion in Pool Devices

lhsh 010200 mesc_counters_device �all

1.3.2 Advanced info on pool devices

lhsh 010200 gradsl mfd

lhsh 010200 gradsl ipb

lhsh 010200 grapmd ma

1.4 Check the status of Signaling Links

1.4.1 Check status of Link set
st Mtp3bSls

To get further detailed data use :

get <proxy id>

To print user Label in above st command:


1.4.2 Check status of Individual Signaling Links

st Mtp3bSlItu

To get further detailed data use

get <proxy id>

1.5 Verify if external synchronization is working fine

pr Synchronisation

get <proxy id>

1.6 Check TDM termination Groups state

$ st TdmTermGrp DISABLED

# make sure no terminations are in disabled state.

1.7 To check Hardware and Software inventory


( Can be useful to find software allocated to the boards )

1.8 Print User variable


1.9 To print Moshell settings variables


1.10 History of all commands during current session


1.11 Check if last and active backup is correct one

Check if Auto backup is happening or not

1.12 Look for any abnormality in Alarm and Event Logs

lgaer yyyy-mm-dd


yyyy-mm-dd can be date when event log was last checked

More detailed info can be found in

lgaevsur yyyy-mm-dd

1.13 Moshell complete Health Check


This command can be used to save the complete healthcheck of the MGw in one file.

1.14 Check the state of DSP

all pingdsp

1.15 Check licensed SCC capacity

lhsh 000300 fro_lici_data_list

Where, licensed SCC capacity = capacityLimit / 2

Compare with actual SCC capacity being used:

Pget MgwApplication

Actual SCC used capacity = pmNrOfMediaStreamChannelsBusy / 2

1.16 Interactive messaging Maintenance counters

lhsh 010200 crhimrapmd

1.17 Check for Interactive Messaging (Im) errors with frequency

lh mesc mesc_info_im �all

1.18 Check each MSB for any errors

lhsh xxxxxx rev

Where, xxxxxx is MSB position

If any of the MSBs show "not loaded", then there is a problem with the MSB.

1.19 Check abnormal performance counters

1.19.1 All Disturbance counters

pget all forced|fail|unsucc|rej|rele|err|overflow|down|unavail|lost|missing !^0|-1

1.19.2 Imp. Disturbance counters (failed, unsuccessful & rejections)

pget all fail|unsucc|rej !^0|-1

Take above 2 prints again after a gap of 1-2 minutes to find out error counters
that are increasing.

1.20 Check Mgw capacity w.r.t. licensed capacity

Get licensed max. no. of channels:

> Get MgwApplication maxNrOfLicMediaStreamChannels

Alternatively, this can be found using:

> lhsh 000300 fro_lici_data_list


> lhsh 001300 / 002700 db_info_license

> cd /c/license

cat licensekeys.xml

Print current active channels

> Pget MgwApplication

# Parameter "pmNrOfMediaStreamChannelsBusy" for active channels

# Parameter "pmNrOfMediaStreamChannelsRejectedDueToCapacity" for capacity overload


1.21 Check if any ET board is hanging

$ all ps -w Aet_locDs0Bundle_proc

Status column should contain �rcv(any)�. If status is other than this, there is a
fault in the board.

1.22 Check for Overload of Vmgw

$ lh mesc mesc_command_aal1Delay �count

Look for counter �Number of OverloadInd sent to CH:�

1.23 Check processor load for all boards ( 5-min average)

pget plugin

1.24 Transactions per VMgw

$ lhsh 001000 ch_info_tc

$ lhsh 001100 ch_info_tc

1.25 GCP command counters

$ lhsh 001000 ch_counters_command

$ lhsh 001100 ch_counters_command

$ lhsh 001000 ch_counters_gcp <VMGwid>

$ lhsh 001100 ch_counters_gcp <VMGwid>

1.26 Traffic overview per mesc

$ lhsh 010200 mesc_counters �all

$ lhsh 010200 mesc_counters <VMgw>

Command needs to be given again and output compared with previous output to get
actual present status.

Check the same in board 010300 / 650200 /650300 as well.

P7FP Troubleshooting Improvements

Abstract/Description Contents:
- Selective Ue Tracing in RBS
- UeCtxt Event History Buffer
- PLM Diagnostic Improvements

- Selective Ue Tracing in RBS :

Selective UE Trace in RBS allows propagation of tracing information from RNC to
RBS. RNC will determine if a particular UE is selected for trace (ueidtrace or
uerandtrace). If UE is selected for trace RNC will append an optional protocol
extension �Ue-Selective-Tracing-Information� to the relevant NBAP RL Setup /
Addition / Reconfiguration Messages that will indicate ueTracingStatus

New RBS commands :

$ uetrace
Usage: uetrace on [-t(ype) nbap | rand] [-r(lstype) first | nofirst] [-c(ell)
<cellId>] [-m(ax) <nrCcIds> | all]
max <nrCcIds> | all

$ uetrace status
Uetrace is not enabled.

$ uetrace on -type nbap

$ uetrace status
Type of trace selection = NBAP, max = 1
CRNC ccid |NodeB ccid |RLS-type |RLS |RL id |Cell |ubch |
dbch |hsdbch |urnti |crnc |RM |uec |uesl

$ uetrace max 5

$ uetrace status
Type of trace selection = NBAP, max = 5
CRNC ccid |NodeB ccid |RLS-type |RLS |RL id |Cell |ubch |
dbch |hsdbch |urnti |crnc |RM |uec |uesl

- UeCtxt Event History Buffer :

Record simple history information, such as RAB transitions and handover events,
that will provide trouble-shooters with sufficient information to reproduce the
conditions that led to a UEH_EXCEPTION. History will be printed in the Trace and
Error log when a call is released or an UEH_EXCEPTION.

Enable bus_send UEH_EXCEPTION and use Decoder (3.0s or later) to see the UE_History
in ASCII format.

Enable bus_send UEH_EXCEPTION and use Decoder (3.0s or later) to see the UE_History
in ascii format.

- PLM Diagnostic Improvements :

-> Iu Signalling Overload Indication (that would catch situations like the
Birmigham outage) :

$ lhsh 001700 ranap cong -froid 0

$ lhsh 001700 ranap cong -froid 1

-> Add UeRef to PM_OBS_IND traces during stepping of counters

-> ueidtrace now possible on rnhRanap* process.

-> map UeCtxt's between DRNC and SRNC : ueregprint <sRnc sRnti>

#############Commands Babysitting RNC RXI#########################


#verify Upgrade Package executing is the correct one


#check HW status and look for spontaneous restarts


#look for new alarms


#Peer Disk is Connected and Status Valid

mirror sta
lhsh 001100 hdstat

#processor load is normal

pget pluginunit pmProcessorLoad

#no aal2 rejections

pget aal2ap pmunsucc

#no new events or alarms related to the update/upgrade



#number of ranap connections pending
lhsh 001700 ranap status

#cell availability is normal


#no new devices are disabled


#check al least options 4 and 45

#for optin 4 pay special attention to:
# HSMinperDrop
# HsAccess
# PSAccess
# PSDrop
# PSRabSucc
# PSRrcSucc
# RrcSuc
# SpchAccess
# SpchDrop
# SpchRabSuc
# SpchRrcSuc

#all types of traffic are running


#look for new disable MO�s

st . disable

So if you have an Omnisite then you are correct and the node ID will change thus
making the license key invalid.

Interestingly there is a coli command that can change the node ID. We have tried it
and it works....

lhsh 000100/port_0_dev_7 nodeid read
lhsh 000100/port_1_dev_8 nodeid read
lhsh 000100/port_2_dev_9 nodeid read
lhsh 000100/port_0_dev_7 nodeid write 32 38 35 37 30 39 5f 35 32 37 37 34 37
lhsh 000100/port_1_dev_8 nodeid write 32 38 35 37 30 39 5f 35 32 37 37 34 37
lhsh 000100/port_2_dev_9 nodeid write 32 38 35 37 30 39 5f 35 32 37 37 34 37


1. IP-based Iub
2. Node B has no subrack serial number
3. Node B has been recommissioned from scratch with a Basic Package
4. Fingerprint of Node B changed after recommissioning

1. The safest way forward to generate new fingerprints is to remove following files
(when present):




1. Node B has no subrack serial number

2. Node B has been recommissioned from scratch with a Basic Package
3. Fingerprint of Node B changed after recommissioning
bpNodeId.txt is the file containing the fingerprint from the backplane.
Node_identity.txt is containing a generated fingerprint for the nodes with no back
Some times there are also a file called genNodeId.txt that is containing a
generated fingerprint from the node's IP address.

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