Engineered Timber For Apartment Buildings in Melbourne

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Engineered timber for apartment buildings in Melbourne, Australia: A

construction cost comparison with traditional concrete systems

Conference Paper · December 2018


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2 authors, including:

André Stephan
University of Melbourne


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P. Rajagopalan and M.M Andamon (eds.), Engaging Architectural Science: Meeting the Challenges of Higher Density: 52nd 161
International Conference of the Architectural Science Association 2018, pp.161–168. ©2018, The Architectural Science
Association and RMIT University, Australia.

Engineered timber for apartment buildings in

Melbourne, Australia: A construction cost comparison
with traditional concrete systems
Laurence Ritchie
University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia
[email protected]

André Stephan
University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia
[email protected]

Abstract: Engineered timber is rapidly growing in popularity in both the Australian construction industry and abroad. While
projects utilising the material as their main structural element are often lauded as being faster, safer, and ultimately cheaper
than more traditional systems, there is limited scientific literature to support this. This research attempts to bridge this gap
by reviewing and comparing construction costs associated with a five-storey case study building in Melbourne, Australia.
The paper considers the construction of this building in three distinct scenarios: an engineered timber superstructure, a
reinforced concrete superstructure, and a hybrid of both. While featuring different structural materials, each scenario is
designed to be comparable in the areas of fire and acoustic rating, structural sizing (e.g. wall thickness), and compliance
with the building code. A complete bill of quantities is prepared for each scenario, with the rates of the concrete project
benchmarked against rates available in published references to confirm accuracy. Findings show the scenario featuring
an engineered timber superstructure to be the fastest and cheapest to build, with potential time-savings of almost 50%,
and cost savings of up to 10% compared to a complete reinforced concrete structure. This demonstrates that the use of
engineered timber in this context is cost and time competitive against traditional concrete systems. Further research is
needed to establish if this holds true in other contexts.

Keywords: Engineered timber; mid-rise construction; pre-fabrication; cost benefits

For millennia timber has been widely considered a practical and flexible building material, with historical uses ranging from
the construction of boats and ships, to the construction of residential dwellings and large scale commercial structures
(Guðnadóttir, 2011; Latham, 1957, p. 1; Shroff, 2016). However, this reputation has not always been favourable, with a
number of significant historical events directly impacting the use of timber around the world. These events, including (but
not limited to) the Great Fire of London in 1666, the subsequent Rebuilding of London Act 1667, and the later development
and commercialisation of cement and steel production during the industrial revolution (Vallencourt, 2016) resulted in the
almost complete abandonment of timber as a structural material in mid-rise construction (4-8 storeys) around the Western
world. Basic structural requirements were quickly met with other, seemingly safer substitute materials such as concrete and
steel. These products became known for their ability to work in composite action, and industry proceeded to mass produce
robust reinforced concrete structures with operational lives in excess of 50 years (Norman et al., 2006).

Since this time, population growth around the world has seen reinforced concrete systems utilised as a main structural
material for vertical development. The adaptability of the material, and its strength in both tension and compression has
resulted in widespread use throughout the construction industry regardless of the final form of a project. With a large
proportion of this sustained growth focused in urban areas, a need has arisen for residential densification (Coffee et al.,
2016). This process continues to be facilitated through the development of mid-rise residential projects throughout the
suburbs of major cities. With suburban planning schemes and councils generally opposed to high-rise construction, mid-
rise development is often seen as providing the best possible return on investment for those who fund these projects
(Boroondara City Council, 2017; Cervero, 2003).

Until recently, the large majority of suburban mid-rise residential projects in Melbourne, Australia have employed traditional
concrete systems as the main form of structure (Hughes and Crisp, 2008). This material is seen as familiar, safe, and low-
risk by developers, and as such has enjoyed prolific use in the sector. However, there are grounds to suggest that concrete
is not as well suited to residential buildings than it is to commercial projects. Commercial projects benefit from the flexibility
that concrete can provide, with its large spans, minimal columns, and high load tolerances. Residential projects – on the
other hand – place more importance on the acoustic and fire separation of units than on large open floor spaces and ease
of large-scale customisation (Winters, 2016). In fact, it could be argued that concrete structures must be retrofitted with
non-load bearing stud walls to meet the demanding criteria of a residential development.
162 L. Ritchie and A. Stephan

With this in mind, it is clear that while being a safe and familiar option, reinforced concrete is not necessarily the most
suitable structural system for mid-rise residential projects. The ideal structural system for these buildings sees all inter-
occupancy unit party walls as load bearing. This configuration can be considered to be an optimised system, with fire,
acoustic, and structural requirements addressed with fewer materials and simpler construction. For example, the same
linings used to provide fire separation between units can play an effective role in acoustic insulation. This simplification in
construction allows for higher levels of prefabrication, resulting in fewer trades on site and significantly shorter construction
times (Smith, 2010).

This gap in the market presents an opportunity for the resurgence of timber. Recent decades have seen the development
and commercialisation of new, engineered timber products capable of performing more efficiently in load bearing functions,
and more predictably in fire resistance when compared to reinforced concrete. These products can be produced in either
flat plates or linear sections and feature a production and assembly processes that is highly sustainable, with timber
components often storing more greenhouse gases (GHGs) than the emissions associated with their production (Darby et
al., 2013; Skullestad et al., 2016). Beyond this, characteristics inherent in every piece of timber differentiate the material from
all others; not only does it boast significant thermal and acoustic insulating properties, but also its calming, warm aesthetic
has been shown to provide a less stressful and healthier working and living environment (Knox and Parry-Husbands, 2018;
Tsunetsugu et al., 2007).

With engineered timber products quickly gaining popularity around the world there is increased discussion about its
use in Australian construction projects. However, with little history of local use, there are very few precedents to provide
insights into the construction cost and program benefits. This paper aims to bridge this gap. This paper calculates and
compares the time and cost implications of building with a number of structural methods, including traditional systems (i.e.
reinforced concrete), engineered timber systems, and a hybrid of both. This comparison aims to provide a clear and concise
geographically-relevant example for use in assessing the financial viability of employing these materials in future Australian
mid-rise residential construction projects.


2.1 Approach

This paper compares costs associated with the use of engineered timber or reinforced concrete in multi-residential projects in
Melbourne. The vast majority of research into timber construction completed to date has typically focused on environmental
benefits of using the material, in several cases using quantitative methods to suggest that structures incorporating timber
may be able to reach a carbon neutral status (Ola Eriksson et al., 2009; Petersen and Solberg, 2005; Sathre and Gustavsson,
2009; Zuo et al., 2012). A smaller number of studies have explored the costing implications of timber. While most of these
studies either draw on already-published data or adopt a case study approach, following and gathering information (both
qualitative and quantitative) about a completed project, a notable Australian study takes a different approach (Blomgren
and Willford, 2014; Forsythe, 2018; Mahapatra and Gustavsson, 2009; Pan and Sidwell, 2011; Sardén, 2005; Smith and
Buchanan, 2008). In a recently updated study, Forsythe (2018) compares cost estimates for the construction of a an un-
built concept project in Sydney in three distinct structural systems; reinforced concrete, stud frame, and mass timber.

This paper takes the parametric approach applied by Forsythe (2018) and adapts it to the local context of this research.
To achieve this, we sourced a low-rise multi residential project in the inner suburbs of Melbourne, Australia. Once selected,
we contacted the developer of the project to request a full set of drawings for the building. With these drawings, we
prepared a bill of quantities of all structural materials used, along with a program for construction and an estimation of any
other costs associated with the build based on the construction of the building with the currently specified materials and
construction methods. We then prepared the same documents and estimates for the total construction costs of the building
assuming the structure is built using the three alternative structural systems and materials discussed below. We consulted
timber and structural engineers during the preparation of these costings to ensure their accuracy.

In total, the construction systems and materials investigated include:

• Option 1: Concrete footings (incl. any substructure) with complete engineered timber superstructure (RC-T1)

• Option 2: Concrete footings (incl. any substructure) and first floor with engineered timber for all floors above (RC-T2)

• Option 3: Complete concrete structure (pre-cast, reinforced, and post tensioned) (RC-S)
Engineered timber for apartment buildings in Melbourne, Australia: A construction cost comparison with traditional concrete 163
2.2 Case Study Project

2.2.1 Site

The case study site is located in a rapidly growing suburb in the inner north of Melbourne. The site measures 13.6 metres
by 34.6 metres with very little fall, and is subject to no unusual conditions such as soil contamination, existing vegetation,
or demanding planning requirements. These attributes are typical, allowing the results from this theoretical project to be
applied across many similar sites around Melbourne’s suburbs.

2.2.2 Project

The Project consists of a five-storey structure comprising thirteen two and three bedroom apartments, with a ‘car-stacker’
car park and two commercial tenancies at Ground level. Each apartment boasts large open areas with spans of up to 4.4m,
generous recessed balcony spaces, and multiple windows of up to 2.8m in length (23% of the façade area is made up of
windows and doors). While the ceiling height of the ground floor measures 3.5m to allow for commercial requirements, the
residential spaces largely feature ceiling heights of 2.5m, with clearances of 2.94m in the living rooms (where structural LVL
is exposed as a ceiling). The project achieves lateral stiffness from a single lift shaft that runs to the full building height of
21.45 metres (including rooftop garden and common area), and features a floor plan that varies slightly on each floor, adding
complexity to the vertical load-path of the project. An example plan has been provided in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Example floor layout for case study project

This project complies with the density and height constraints of the local council, and is classified as a mid-rise residential
project. These attributes (in addition to those above) confirm the ‘typical’ nature of this project, deeming it suitable for this

2.2.3 Structural typologies

The case study project has been considered in three distinct scenarios described in Table 1.

Table 1: Structural Typologies

Scenario Substructure Level 1 Transfer Slab Remaining Superstructure Notes

RC-T1 In-situ Reinforced Prefabricated Laminated Prefabricated Laminated Fire-rated plasterboard applied to all
Concrete Veneer Lumber panels Veneer Lumber panels timber structure and fire sprinklers installed
throughout to meet deemed-to-satisfy
RC-T2 In-situ Reinforced In-situ Reinforced Prefabricated Laminated Fire-rated plasterboard applied to all
Concrete Concrete (post tensioned) Veneer Lumber panels timber structure and fire sprinklers installed
throughout to meet deemed-to-satisfy
RC-S In-situ Reinforced In-situ Reinforced Reinforced Concrete Party walls (discontinuous steel stud) built on
Concrete Concrete (post tensioned) (post tensioned slabs and site. Fire sprinkler system installed to ground
precast columns) floor commercial tenancies only.
164 L. Ritchie and A. Stephan

2.3 Comparability

It must be noted that for this comparison to be successful, all systems must deliver a similar environment and performance to
the end user (Bowick et al., 2014). This means that acoustic and fire ratings, vibration and deflection properties, and quality
of finish must remain consistent across the compared options, regardless of their structural composition. The comparison of
systems RC-T1 and RC-S is a good illustration of the importance of functional equivalence: while RC-T1 and RC-T2 provide
full enclosure and fire rating to every Sole Occupancy Unit (SOU) as a result of the form of the structural system, where all
bounding walls are loadbearing and therefore fire protected, this is not the same for the concrete structural system (RC-S).
This more traditional system is commonly designed to take advantage of its structural properties, delivering large open floor
plates with minimal columns instead of walls. For the pricing of these systems to be comparable, the take off for RC-S must
therefore include the cost of party walls capable of delivering similar acoustic and fire ratings to those in RC-T1.

It is important to note that all party walls or floors in the project are of a similar depth. This means that regardless of which
system is chosen, the internal ceiling heights will remain as roughly 3.5m (Ground Floor) and 2.5m or 2.94m in the residential
spaces. The net saleable area does not change.

2.4 Data Accuracy and Availability

All costs used in the preparation of this comparison have been sourced either directly through suppliers, or from widely known
and published cost guides such as Rawlinson’s Australian Construction Handbook (Rawlinson’s Australian Construction
Handbook, 2016). Construction program lengths have been estimated based on the experience of the Authors in the
industry. Bills of Quantities and programs developed while conducting this research are available in open access from
Figshare (, Ritchie, 2018).

A breakdown and comparison of the take off for each scenario is provided in Table 2.

Table 2: Elemental cost comparison of structural systems in Australian Dollars (AUD) (Note: Figure may not sum due to rounding)

Elemental Cost Comparison (AUD)

System RC-T1 RC-T2 RC-S
Preliminaries 482,600 560,400 870,000
Hire Costs (208,040) (225,710) (403,090)
Permits & Approvals (25,160) (25,160) (25,160)
Admin & Attendance (205,900) (256,900) (372,400)
Others (43,465) (52,665) (70,265)
Footings & Earthworks 220,131 225,219 256,600
Concrete Structure N/A 295,200 1,040,000
Timber Structure 1,565,100 1,247,900 N/A
Partitions N/A 1,704 426,600
Fire Sprinklers 93,500 93,500 22,500
Contingency and Profit 349,700 359,000 392,500
Total Construction Cost 2,715,543 2,787,522 3,009,300
Total Cost Per m 2
1,645 1,690 1,847
Cost Variance Against RC-S -10% -7% -

Several notable comparisons emerge from these findings. The structural systems utilising engineered timber offer
significant cost benefits to a project, with RC-T1 proving the cheapest system, followed by RC-T2, and finally RC-S.
The same ranking is found for construction durations of 15 weeks, 19 weeks, and 29 weeks, respectively (for structural
completion alone).

3.1 Comparison of Results

Note that at a cost of $1,565,100 the timber structure of RC-T1 is approximately 7% more expensive that the combined
concrete structure and partition costs of $1,466,773. This variance suggests that the savings afforded are not the product
of the material cost, but instead the many benefits associated with its use. In this case study, significant differences can be
identified between the three scenarios in the areas of preliminaries, footings, and fire sprinklers. These areas are discussed
further below.
Engineered timber for apartment buildings in Melbourne, Australia: A construction cost comparison with traditional concrete 165
3.1.1 Preliminaries

The preliminary costs on any project are highly sensitive to the amount of time required to reach Practical Completion. These
costs include site office rental, crane installation and rental, council permits, insurances, supervision fees, and others. They
can vary depending on project conditions but generally account for roughly 11-15% of the whole project construction costs
(which includes the costs of all trades required to deliver the building) in a traditional project. Noting the high sensitivity of
preliminaries to project duration (and the impact the preliminaries on whole building cost), it is important to consider the
project program that has been developed.

Figure 2 depicts a comparison of the programmed construction time frames. It shows that RC-T1 and RC-T2 are faster
than RC-S by 81 days and 60 days respectively. In fact, while it takes approximately 5.6 days to complete a floor under RC-
T1, RC-S lags behind, with a cycle time of 13.5 days. Where the panelised engineered timber system can simply be slotted
together by a small team of labourers like parts of a jigsaw puzzle, the concrete system requires a variety of trades to form,
pour, tension, and prop each slab. Other factors directly impacting the preliminary costs include: crane type and location,
extent and hire duration of edge protection, and others.

Figure 2: Comparison of on-site construction durations (Note: Totals may not equal the sum of components shown here due to the
overlapping of construction tasks in the schedule.)

3.1.2 Footings and earthworks

There is a notable difference in footing and earthworks costs between timber and concrete structures. In this case, this
difference is wholly the result of the variation in the material weights of structural systems. The heavier a building is, the larger
and stronger the footings must be to provide sufficient load distribution to the earth below the building. Applying this concept
to the case study project, an approximate dead load of the building can be estimated by multiplying the approximate volume
of each material required by its density. This calculation is presented in Table 3 for each of the compared systems.

Table 3: Estimated loads from each structural system

Approximate Building Dead Loads

System RC-T1 RC-T2 RC-S
A: Volume of LVL (m3) 590.6 454.5 0
B: Density of LVL (t/m )3
.65 .65 .65
C: Volume f Concrete (m ) 3
147.9 285.7 728.9
D: Density of Concrete (t/m3) 2.4 2.4 2.4
E: Tonnage of Reinforcement 19.1 33.8 127.9
Total [AxB+CxD+E] 758 1,105 1,877
166 L. Ritchie and A. Stephan

3.1.3 Fire Sprinklers

Sprinkler based fire protection has been provided as required under the deemed-to-satisfy provisions within the National
Construction Code for all three scenarios. This requirement sees the complete fire sprinkler coverage throughout both
RC-T1 and RC-T2, and limited to the ground floor in RC-S. Note that while compliant under the 2016 edition of the NCC,
amendments coming into effect in early 2019 may extend the requirement for sprinklers to all structural materials resulting
in less variance in this area.


This paper has provided a comparison of the cost and time variance achieved through the use of three distinct structural
systems. The system utilizing the most structural timber (RC-T1) was found to be the fastest to construct, with time-savings
of almost 50% when compared to the traditional concrete scenario (RC-S). While less pronounced, this trend was also seen
in the cost comparison, with construction costs for the first scenario found to be 10% less than the traditional concrete

The only comparable Australian paper is a study by Forsythe (2018). His 2018 comparison compared the construction
costs of a theoretical design in three different systems: reinforced concrete, Cross Laminated Timber (CLT), and stud frame.
Note that as with RC-T2 in this paper, both timber options were assumed to start with the walls of the first suspended
floor (supported by a reinforced concrete substructure and first floor slab). The findings of Forsythe’s comparison align well
with this paper, recording a timber cost benefit of 6% compared to reinforced concrete. Note that Forsythe’s comparison
suggests a larger saving (13%) for the stud frame option, indicating that further research may be valuable in this area.

4.1 Supply chain maturity

It is clear that the utilisation of optimized timber structural systems can have significant benefits for the developer and builder
of a project, but is the supply chain mature enough to supply structural timber sections at the necessary volume? While
this could be considered as another paper in itself, the experience of the Authors in the industry suggest that the Australian
timber supply chain is able to supply engineered timber panels to meet current demand, and is quickly growing to meet the
expected rise in future demand.

4.2 Sustainability and environmental impacts

It is widely known that the production process of cement and steel are highly energy intensive, with extraction, processing,
and transport requiring large industrial equipment and vehicles. While the production of engineered timber products also
requires a significant amount of energy, the amount necessary is significantly less than for other materials. An example of
this variance can be seen in a life cycle analysis prepared by Durlinger et al. (2013) for Melbourne’s ‘Forte’ – a nine storey
CLT building. This study reported that even with all CLT imported from Europe, the building’s Global Warming Potential was
30% lower than that of a comparable concrete building. When the carbon sequestration of the timber used was taken into
account these savings increased to 52%.

A unique feature of timber, the term “carbon sequestration” refers to the absorption and storage of carbon during the
growth of a tree. Once harvested (for use as a construction material), this stored carbon is effectively locked out of the
atmosphere for the life of the product. This feature is particularly beneficial in plantations, where trees are re-planted once
they are cut down, essentially re-starting the sequestration process. As identified by Skullestad, et al. (2016), this removal
of CO2 from the atmosphere directly impacts the rate of human-generated climate change. The possible benefits of this
fundamental material property become clear when considering the capacity of the material to hold carbon. As outlined in
a 2006 report, Pinus Radiata – a popular softwood – sequesters roughly 504kg of carbon (or 1t of CO2) per ton of timber
(Ngel Balboa-Murias et al., 2006, p. 34). With this figure in mind, we can calculate that the quantity of sequestered carbon in
RC-T1 is equal to 193.48t, which is equivalent to the amount of CO2 generated by running 41 standard passenger vehicles
for one year (US EPA, 2017).

4.3 Limitations and Future Research

There are a number of limitations involved with this research including sample size, the consideration of off-cuts and general
material wastage, and the necessity for a number of project-specific assumptions in the preparation of the bill of quantities
for each system (e.g. the type of crane used). With this in mind, there is scope for considerable further research in this
area. Future research may seek to confirm the findings of this paper, consider other construction systems (e.g. pre-cast
concrete or steel frame), or conduct a comparison for other building typologies or scales such as commercial uses or high-
rise residential.
Engineered timber for apartment buildings in Melbourne, Australia: A construction cost comparison with traditional concrete 167
4.4 Conclusion

This paper has provided a comparison of construction costs across three distinct structural systems used in mid-rise multi-
residential buildings around the world. Our intention in completing this research was to confirm whether the construction
cost savings associated with mass timber construction interstate and overseas were also true in a Melbourne context.
These results can be used to aid feasibility studies, and inform the choices of developers and builders when seeking the
best possible structural system with which to deliver their project.


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